#god I need a laptop or smt
threadboundgold · 4 months
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datura-foxglove · 5 years
Anon, you have to know when I saw this ask I was tempted to sit here on my laptop and gushed out about this gorgeous boy. Unfortunately it’s already 12 am and I was running out of energy because I just pulled an all-nighter yesterday. Now that I still have about 55% of my energy left after a full day, let me throw a whole essay at you (just kidding, my friends already stuffed my mouth plenty of times with snacks just so I will stop rambling about this boy. I won’t put you to the same pain)
First impression : Eh... doesn’t look that impressive. From design only, Minato is still unbeatable as protagonist. (I managed to avoid all the goddamn spoiler on youtube, though I get spoiled that there will be a traitor on the team)
And then at the end of the game, I was just crying my eyes out and screams “OH MY GOD HE SHOT A GOD IN THE FACE WITH A GUN.” as an avid SMT fan, that was the last bullet needed for him to completely steals my heart. Damn that was awesome. As in general, I just love double-faced characters? (why am I not surprised that I usually like Gemini characters) But from all the Persona protagonists, the execution of Ren’s double faced characteristic is executed so well with his double life as Joker and Ren? As a bonus, his dialogue choices are so wild compared to Minato’s apathetic and Yu’s chad ones. So he is like the combination of everything I liked in a character : double-faced, a troll, great empathy, not hesitant to make his ideal a reality despite having to dirty his hands, repressed anger that blew up in cold fury, black and messy hair, quiet but his body movement speaks more of his moods, absolutely excellent with his hands, stupidly brave, and many more that I have to cut before this truly became a 10k words essay. And his smiles. HIS SMILES. That means his soft, shy smile, his proud grin, his arrogant and cold smirk, EVERYTHING. Oh my god he is truly a debonair with his smile I CAN’T--- I also love how people keep saying that he has a catlike attitudes : love jumping from high places, breaking things, probably will purr if cuddled, sheer grace and amazing flexibility plus balance... as a cat owner, those really attract me. He loves reading books, playing games, and a great cook too how could he be so perfect---
*cough* Uhh... yeah, I love him. I also love how he essentially adopt his friends and confidants? He is like ‘oh, society doesn’t want them anymore? They are mine now, no return.’. His whole groups and confidants are people who the society rejected but he accepted them all. He doesn’t give up on them like how most people are and his confidants returned that loyalty by... well, being his confidants. Though his loyalty to his confidants also means that he is stupidly self-sacrificing and I can’t--- everytime I played NG+ I have to see him being beat up by the police and I’m absolutely livid and sad that he has to go through that. He also knows flower language because he works in flower shop oh my god Ren if you any more perfect than this I will go down my life from now on disappointed that no man will ever be like you--- okay, I seriously has to stop. This is getting too long and you all will see me crying for this boy at this point.
HE WEARS HEELS---- (You guys thought my post about Hibiki is long? Well once I started talking about this boy I can’t stop save me aaaa----)
Favorite moments : THE WHOLE GAME? Ehem, well if I have to choose, his last fight with the last boss is my favorite. It’s just so satisfying to see him breaking the chains around his Persona (which can be a symbol of how he breaks down the chains that society has bound him with) and evolved it to his ultimate Persona which then proceed to shot a god in the face. Plus his last words of ‘steal it, Satanael’ and ‘begone’ are just like cupid arrows to my heart. Aaaaaa---- the ending where he discarded his glasses is also really melting my heart. It’s like he is telling us that he doesn’t need his mask anymore. Also that moment when he jumped down the window, and don’t forget---- (STOPPP--)
Idea for a story : Well, I’m working on a time travel fix it fic. I already got 3 chapters worth of at least 5k words, but I won’t post until I got at least 10 chapters because I have this terrible relationship with multiple chapters fics and commitment. So yeah, probably have to wait a bit with that one. I also have that crossover plot bunny with Devil Survivor, and the obligatory vampire!AU because I’m a sucker for that trope ever since I was in middle school damn it :’D
Unpopular opinion : I prefer his anime name, Amamiya Ren, than his manga one, Kurusu Akira. Both have nice meanings, but I like Ren better mostly because lotus is my favorite flower beside datura. Not to mention despite it’s flaws, I still like the anime better than the manga (my favorite is still Mementos Mission though) and Akira feels like such a common name in anime/manga that Ren feels more unique.
Favorite relationship : As a ship? Akechi. Well to be honest I love them as a ship or just as friends. I love them because they acted as foils to each other really well. Does it excuse Akechi for nearly killing Ren? Oh hell no (why did you think I write Akechi suffering in all of my fanfics?), but that also gives more complexity to their relationship. And I love angst. Which this pair gives really, really well. 75% of their fanfics are angst and I’m living to be torn asunder again and again. The sheer potential the two of them could have is absolutely interesting and my curious mind can’t stop thinking of what we could have had with two wildcards in the team. Atlus, why. (Here is hoping P5R will give me everything I want).
I also love Ren with Futaba. Futaba is just the best little sister material that I enjoyed their relationship so much, as siblings. Well Sojiro had basically adopted Ren at the end of the game so they are canonically sibling anyway. ALSO DID YOU SEE THEM DANCING IN P5D, THEY ARE SO ADORABLE.
Favorite headcanon : Ren is an absolute cat lover and when Morgana joined the team he was ecstatic inside. His phone is filled with Morgana’s cute photos and that is why he submitted to all Morgana’s orders to go to sleep. But he is also a cat and he absolutely purrs if someone plays with his hair.
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koshmat · 5 years
i have a laptop again hello!!
0 notes
letsgomaybe · 8 years
Nintendo Switch presentation liveblog
Countdown!! It’s starting!!!
So weird to not see Iwata... :(
Software too yiss
3/3!! 1.5 months away!!!
$300 as expected... I’ve got enough cash.  The problem will be finding the damn thing
PAID ONLINE????? Noo dammit Nintendo this is where you don’t need to follow Sony + Microsoft
No region lock! Good.
“I’d like to switch” fuck you
lmao I think the instruction manual says not to carry the gamecube around by the handle
Touchscreen confirmed?
Ooh! I spy MarioKart battle mode on an actual battle mode map!
Touchscreen confirmed!
Local wireless! It really is a hybrid.
Screenshot button!
Oh god it’s so tiny... not “just right...”
Is he doing magic
Yay colors! But I’m not buying any more lol
More motion control haha
IR camera? wut
Ooh fun playing around with vibration and weight? wtf is he trying to convey here? Okay yeah a better rumble pack
lmao all right more motion control stuff... Wii Sports is what made the Wii so I hope this goes over well. Yay for the normie game. Ohh they definitely know they’re the only console you can play at parties
Dafuq--fighting game. Not my style. Plus--motion-controlled fighting game lmaoooo. ARMS lolol that’s straight to the point. Gyro motion control is a lot better than what the Wii had (IR, right?) in my experience so who knows it might actually work
Splatoon! I might actually give it a shot--wait, paid online, nvm
what are thoooooose and was that a dab wait he’s trying to make a 2 I think
“What squid you think” fuck you
NEW MARIO!! Um are those regular-ass people? Mario don’t pull a Sonic pls
But seriously it looks fucking gorgeous
Hmm okay the hat is like a permanent boomerang powerup
Oh no the hat has eyes AAAUGH
Mario you gott bring back stars/shines tho pls
Those robots look like the doggie controller
Not a launch title
Xenoblade! Right? No wait it looks too anime. Okay it is Xenoblade? Wait Xenoblade 2?? What happened to X?? Whaaat? (Research after the fact indicates Xenoblade Chronicles was called Xenoblade in Japan, and that Xenoblade Chronicles X isn’t really a sequel. This is still confusing)
Fire emblem well I don’t really care... but is it weird that I recognized the Japanese and knew it was Fire Emblem before he said it?
Atlus!!! SMT?? Yes! It’s weird that SMT games are on Nintendo systems now and Persona games are on Playstation. I want Persona dammit
Okay Squeenix
Uhh is that all you had to say Sega guy
lol I’m not buying Skyrim again. I mean I could always play Skyrim anywhere on my shitty laptop because it’s six years old
Whoops this interpreter is not very good at his job
Hi Bill! and fuck EA. wtf does Luigi have to do with this you piece of shit
Mario can jump on the hat!
Minecraft... goodie
Oh cool I can get the color version if I want.
I’m not going to go to these events... not worth it.
zelda... zelda... ZELDAAAAAAA
Noooo they’re teasing us with the release date aaargh! Get to it!
*gasp* a seal! *gasp* a fox! *gasp* a Korok! Towns! Zelda? Zelda!! Gorons! Zoras! Gerudo!
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