#gobblepot event
lalaurelia · 25 days
Jim has a new case with a connection to Oswald. He also wants to be connected to Oswald. Must be spring at work.
Or, a bit of a case fic with some flirting included. Hope you like it.
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gobblepotgazette · 2 months
Gobblepot Spring 2024
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Dear Gobblepotters, it has been much too long since we've had an event to celebrate the relationship between Oswald Cobblepot and Jim Gordon, our beloved Penguin and Detective.
The event will run from May 20 till May 31, after which we will make a recap to celebrate the submitted works.
As usual, you can create any kind of fanwork - fic, art, crafts, moodboards, playlists, whatever strikes your fancy! To help with the ideas we have a little bingo card with prompts:
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Please tag your works with #GobblepotSpring or mention us @gobblepotgazette so we'd be able to see and reblog your creations!
Also, if you'd like, we have a themed collection on AO3.
Contact us if you have any questions, and have fun creating! We can't wait to see it all!
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Gobblepot Spring feat. Harvey Bullock 🌸🥰 (Oswald Cobblepot à la American Beauty)
This is part of @gobblepotgazette 's event until May 31 (2024)
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Suggestive content under the cut (naked person but completely covered where it matters)
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A killer covering his victims in flowers because spring started? #OnlyInGotham
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mmdgobblepot · 1 year
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"Caught in the Rain"
My entry for the Gobblepot Valentine event :)
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trophywifejimgordon · 4 years
s2, oswald goes to arkham to protect jim gordon, which is WILDLY against his own self-interest and ultimately must come down to love
s4, oswald manipulates ed into bringing himself to arkham to protect someone HE loves (shit! fuck!) and then--while ed has spent the entire episode scared to death of this exact eventuality and is willing to go as far as killing himself to avoid it--enables the riddler persona to take over and trap ed back into something he doesn’t want to be in an act that is COMPLETELY self-serving on oswald’s part
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inkfowl · 4 years
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zara2148 · 5 years
The best revenge against Jim Gordon will be a life spent serving the city I love.
Oswald Cobblepot, making it clear that he will never kill Jim Gordon (c’mon Oz, he was going to do that anyway)
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gothambuddyexchange · 7 years
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Welcome to the official blog of the first Gotham Buddy Exchange. An October event for the whole Gotham Fandom. So you're wondering what we’re all about. I have a list of questions and answers under the cut that will explain anything you might like to know. If you do have a question that is not answered here, please send it to our Ask Box!
Please spread the word and reblog this post. Since we are a new blog it will not show up in the tags at the moment. 
We are looking forward to meeting all who want to participate. Sign ups start on August 13th and close on August 27th. We will keep everyone updated as those days draw nearer. 
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Who can participate in The Gotham Buddy Exchange?
Any fan of the television show Gotham. This is an open event for all. Multi-shippers, Nygmobblepot, Freezewald, Gordlock, Gobblepot, Nylock, Baby BatCat, Foxma, Babatha…. Whatever you ship, you are welcomed! If you can make something that can be posted on Tumblr, and if you want to take some time to make someone’s fandom experience a little brighter, you can participate!
Please don’t be intimidated. This is a perfect time to take a plunge, to meet someone you might not have gotten a chance to know, to create something to make them happy and receive something for yourself. This is all in good fandom fun and we can’t do this without you!
How does the Gotham Buddy Exchange work?
We take the form you’ve sent to us and assign you to someone. You’ll find out who it is when they post your present on October 31st. They’ll make you something, and on the 31st they’ll post it to their blog. It will be tagged with your URL, and Gotham Buddy Exchange so check both places if you have to!  We fully understand the glitches of this site. You’ll get to jump for joy and squee at the wonderful gift you have received and finally get to meet the person who created it. We all get to look at all the awesome presents being exchanged throughout the Gotham fandom. You’ll also get a chance to send your partner Anonymous Messages during the course of this event. This is a time to get to know each other, chat about what you would like or not like to see in your gift— or, just wish each other a good day. You should get Anonymous Messages from your Buddy in return. Please make sure you reply to the messages your Buddy sends to you on your blog – Anonymous Messages is the way they will get to know you, to make your gift more personal!
When do I sign up?
Sign-ups will start on August 13th and close on August 27th. That’s a two week sign up period. We will start handing out Buddies from the 28th to the 31st. You will have the entire months of September and October to create your gift.
What makes a good gift?
A good gift: Answers one of the prompts your Buddy has asked for. You don’t have to do them all. One is the minimum.
It must be completed work - Make and finish the gift to be posted on October 31st. This is the requirement for participation.  If your gift is a fic, please no “To Be Continued,” or “Part 2 Coming Soon!” You can always add to it later if you wish but the gift you give and receive must be able to stand as a story on its own.
Your work must be original - Please don’t copy old work and present it as new. I know this is the first year of this event, but I’ve seen this happen in other fandom events. It’s lazy and disrespectful to the person receiving it.
Examples of gifts:
Photo edits
Please show that you tried your best to create something new for your Buddy. You have two months to make something, so please produce something that will make you and your Buddy happy. Make something you are proud of giving, something that you would like to receive yourself.
Please tag appropriately! - #Gotham Buddy Exchange, and #Partner’s Username MUST be the FIRST TWO tags. Then you can follow with ship names or however else you wish to tag. Tumblr only puts the first 6 tags in the public domain, so please make sure these are first so that we can all find them.
What are the Fic requirements?
If your gift is a fic, the minimum is 1,000 words of completed, edited, and original text. That’s it. We are not asking too much. 
There is no maximum, but we’d ask that you post your story all at once on Tumblr. You may post on FFN or AO3 too and just blog your gift as a link. Whatever mode or method you decide on, is your decision.
What happens if my buddy and I are not compatible?
As users of Tumblr, we understand that strife can occur between certain parties and within particular fandom circles. This event is to bring people together, to not only have fun and celebrate the show we love but the people who love it too. The most important rule is to respect your partner, despite their pairings or views on the show.
In saying that, you are not required to create something for someone who has bullied you. If you are partnered with someone you’ve had problems with in the past, message us privately and we will do our best to accommodate you.
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atcnm · 2 years
I wrote this after 5x09 aired. Found in the drafts today and well, why not.
Rambling about that scene after Jim was shot, when Harvey storms into city hall to question Oswald and Barbara about the shooter.
It’s about gobblepot in there, really.
This episode has a lot of what i do not love about s5. Pregnancy storyline, that wedding, Ivy’s plan repeated, the fact that 5x08-09 were shoehorned basically... But I liked Jim’s bad trip (another one), it goes well with how I see him. And I managed to get contextual gobblepot even despite the fact that there was only one line between them in the beginning.
I ship them hard, I can bend and dissect scenes that concern them endlessly.
Oswald sounds so flippant in the beginning - more than Barbara. There’s a lot of blood lost by Jim. But I think he feigns nonchalance here - at least plays it up.
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Oswald is first to suspect Barbara, and here he seems to test her reaction. He says ‘good for us’, but talks only about her.
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Barbara does seem troubled - this motive would be simple and logical. But she has no chance to answer - Harvey storms in with nothing but anger.
Yet the first thing Oswald does is asking about Jim.
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(’Our dear’, sweet coincidence of not finished phrase.)
This is actually not fair - but Harvey can be strangely harsh to Oswald when Jim is concerned. That scene in s2, when he arrested Oswald in s4 after Jim promised to let him go... 
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So Harvey greeted him with a fist while not even having real suspicion. It’s almost as if he blames Oswald for something more concrete. For not making Jim’s event safe.
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Oswald starts shouting, one could expect this after punch in the chin and those grave accusations. But he seems offended and almost hurt by the implication that he could be behind the shooting. Also - and it’s a stretch, but here I am - he starts rapidly losing his composure after Harvey did not answer how is Jim. And by his reaction Oswald could conclude that Jim is very bad indeed.
Oswald has a point. Wear damn bulletproof vest when you do this, Jim. You have a partner, a criminal and ex-fiancee who worry very much about you, have mercy on them.
Also - it’s ironic that in this very moment Jim is having another guilt-trip dream and hears how much blame is on him. But Oswald is the only one who reproaches Jim for his neglect of himself - not for something bad Jim did to him. 
Harvey is being harsh again. Seriously, why so aggressive when Oswald does not answer in kind? He killed people for much less. Maybe it’s inconsistence of characterization on both sides, or maybe Harvey is in despair and Oswald tries as he might to remember that Jim’s best friend should stay alive.
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Harvey recalls there’s Barbara in the room as well and focuses on her with almost the same theory as Oswald did.
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Barbara claims she would not kill the father of her child. Weird logic but okay, in-universe she seemed softened gradually after Tabitha’s death, it was just another part of that.
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I don’t know why Harvey is declaring it - as if he expects those two to either confess their blame or find out who did this.
And it was Oswald, getting over another punch, who really was trying to investigate the crime scene.
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If only they could just peacefully talk, without physical violence and shouting. But not in this situation and not those people.
Jim should have invite Oswald and Barbara on his (ugh, it’s bad but it’s there) wedding with Lee, if nothing else as a display of gratitude. On the other hand - I doubt they would show up, and maybe he knew.
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arrow-in-space · 4 years
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@gothamnetwork’s august event: d&d alignments
gobblepot as characters from the classification d&d alignments
♚ Oswald Cobblepot: lawful evil
♔ James Gordon: lawful good
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lalaurelia · 1 year
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So, um. I bring you Gobblepot Valentines, meme edition. Have fun XD
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gobblepotgazette · 25 days
Gobblepot Spring 2024 Recap
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The spring event has come to a close, and here’s the list of all the submitted works. Check them out and give them some love!
Cherry Blossoms in the Spring by @jasadhyana (fanfic)
Candy by @birdwatching-goesbothways (fanart)
Oswald Cobblepot à la American Beauty by @it-happened-once-in-a-meme (fanart)
Two Rain-Drenched Detectives in a Gangster's Cherry Blossom Filled Mansion by @fanfic-the-wish-your-heart-makes (fanfic)
Mine by Qajka (fanfic)
Of Lilies and Borrowed Clothes by @lalaurelia (fanfic)
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countessrivers · 4 years
Jim really is a terrible hunter. Never mind that he’s technically retired, and never mind that a month ago he took out a vampire that was at least a few hundred years old. A good hunter wouldn’t be letting any vampires roam free, much less run the city’s underworld, and they certainly wouldn’t be helping them be better vampires.
But here he is, trying to do just that. Trying to protect the people of Gotham by helping Oswald master his new abilities, helping him gain, and maintain, control of himself.
And honestly, if it saves people, if it means Jim doesn’t have to kill him, he’s willing to throw himself on that sword.
Or fangs, as it were.
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For the Gobblepot Halloween 2020 event
Jim Gordon/Oswald Cobblepot - Vampire AU
No archive warnings.
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Gobblepot au idea I'm putting out there in the hopes that someone will write it.
So Jim returns to Gotham after he's done with the army. He didn't keep up at all with what's been going on in the city, takes up the detective job blindly (he's not together with Barbara in this version).
A day or two after, he bumps into Oswald who used to be his childhood friend (and they had crushes on each other, but neither said anything, and then Jim left). Jim is extremely happy to see him, says Oswald did incredibly well for himself (look at that fancy suit!), and Oswald is nodding, afraid this is some kind of ruse, until he realises that Jim has absolutely no idea that he's now the mafia boss of the city.
Cue a series of funny events as Oswald and Jim start dating and Oswald desperately tries to hide his illegal activities (of course Jim would find out at some point, he's not that stupid), but he enjoys watching Oswald become flustered.
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trophywifejimgordon · 4 years
ok fuck the ten year time jump me and my homies HATE the ten year time jump and i swear after this post i’m never acknowledging it again. but. i have been sitting on this gobblepot sequence of events surrounding it,,,
:). so basically,
oz & ed commit some crime, or they’re framed for it. or ed does something on his own and tries to bring oswald down. or their pardon is just generally ignored/abused.
whatever happens, they get arrested.
jim sees this arrest and knows it’s not right, but gotham’s new management really wants them put away. he says it’s not right. they threaten him. he fights back. they threaten everything he stands for. well....
he gives in. just another thing to feel guilty about forever, right?
they’re both going to be put in arkham indefinitely.
jim campaigns against this. he doesn’t waste time on ed (can’t, if he wants to sustain credibility), but vouches for oswald’s sanity, citing the certificate of recovery from his first stint in arkham, his mayoral campaign, the illegality of his second arkham visit, and his custody of martin.
he does not get oswald a pardon. he does get him 12 years at blackgate.
10, with parole, if he’s good.
jim prays he’ll be good
he keeps the news of his mostly failed campaign under wraps as much as he can, because he doesn’t want oswald to feel obliged to him for something that didn’t even save him from prison, and in fact probably made things a lot worse. as a result, all oswald ever hears about it is, “jim gordon had you sentenced to blackgate.”
he’s furious. he vows to Kill Jim Gordon
oswald goes to blackgate.
jim tries to visit him exactly once. oswald is so furious that the guards have to physically restrain him. he does not visit again.
oswald has enough of a reputation (and is smart enough to have earned it) that he is not touched in prison. in fact, he makes somewhat of a name for himself, and, while he doesn’t enjoy his time there by any means, it IS better than arkham. he’s at least comfortable; he eats well, he arranges poker games, he makes skillful connections that will last him years, and he keeps information flowing to him on the inside.
he starts writing passive aggressive letters to jim with thinly veiled threats on his life inside them. they keep getting returned to him unopened, and eventually he stops sending them. he keeps writing, though. eventually, these evolve and become not the threats and barbed comments that they were meant to be, but more love letters to a jim gordon of a bygone year, an idealized jim gordon that oswald knows never existed. he keeps them in a neat stack beneath his cot. 
oswald does not tell anyone about these letters.
jim looks into what happened to martin after oswald sent him away, and he gets the news that cobblepot lost custody entirely. apparently, he’s been jumping from foster home to foster home because he scares the people who want an undamaged kid and lashes out against the people who are just in it for a check from the state. all of them think they can get him to start talking. he draws disturbing pictures of them dying in creative ways. apparently, there’s talk of getting him sent to a correctional facility.
jim has him moved to a gotham-based orphanage, and visits him. initially, martin won’t acknowledge him at all. jim tries to explain that he didn’t want oz hurt, gets into their history a little, and after bribing him with books and things he hasn’t had since he was in oswald’s care, jim starts to win his trust.
he visits martin about once a week. what really wins him martin’s trust is that he gets it set up so the orphanage will allow him to visit oswald in prison regularly, on the condition that he doesn’t let oswald know who’s behind it. martin more or less behaves himself at the orphanage from then on.
those visits are the highlight of oswald’s week, and they keep him going more than anything else in those ten years. he starts learning sign language in his spare time.
on the other side of things, jim bumbles his way through learning it, too. they’re all accidentally a family without any actual interaction on oswald and jim’s side.
when barbara lee gets older, jim introduces her to martin. she asks why he doesn’t come live with them; jim tells martin it’s an option--he’s hesitant. jim understands, and doesn’t pressure him.
barbara lee is the highlight of jim’s life, and the only thing that really keeps him going. he’s worn out by the crime in gotham, by the way he’s been working for over 15 years and hasn’t made a single dent. he’s unfulfilled in his marriage, and watches barbara kean get better every day while he falls into familiar despair.
he starts taking risks. he starts going out into the field for the thrill of it, and leslie files for divorce.
in jail, oswald hears about jim getting hurt and worries, despite himself. he hates jim for making him care.
he writes more letters.
jim hears that bruce is returning, and feels that his time is finally done. he’s not actively suicidal, but he wants to die, and well... hm. everything is winding to a close. he turns in his resignation.
penguin is released from jail on parole. neither of them are surprised when oswald appears in the back seat of jim’s car. neither of them are surprised when they end up at the docks.
jim’s resigned to oswald shooting him. he decides that whatever happens, he’ll probably deserve it. 
but oswald can’t shoot him.
he doesn’t want jim dead. he wants jim to understand how much he’s been hurting for the past decade. jim sees this, and he jumps in the river--not to save himself, really, but to spare oswald the tumult. and because oswald’s very personal rage suddenly puts the arkham breakout in a new light.
in all the chaos, he doesn’t report the incident. 
martin is out of the orphanage now, going through college at gotham u, paid for by an anonymous source, perhaps tangentially connected to the wayne foundation. oswald comes to visit him, and during their reunion, martin lets something slip about jim.
troubled and frantic, oswald chases the thread. he ends up unraveling the whole thing, down to transcripts of jim fighting so hard for his acquittal. 
he confronts jim again, in tears. asks him why he’d let oswald hate him for so long--why he’d let oswald kill him--over something like this. jim just tells him he figures he’d deserved it. he treated oswald like shit for so long, everything now is too little, too late.
oswald hates him for this explanation.
he loves jim gordon.
they kiss. probably marry. oswald gives jim the support he needs to continue on as commissioner, jim doesn’t feel like he’s compromising his principles quite so much when he looks the other way while oswald reestablishes his empire. oswald eventually gives jim the love letters, and jim admits he’s been thinking about the ones he sent back unopened for years; he knew how much oswald hated him at the time, and the masochistic part of him wanted to read the abuse, but he thought it would be better for oswald if he could just get it out of his system and forget about jim. martin is best big brother to barbara lee. everyone pretends that they don’t know that batgirl is kind of totally threatening to beat up her beloved stepfather. 
the end :)
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thegreenfairy13 · 4 years
Another drabble for my ongoing collection which you can also find on Ao3. This one was specifically written for the Gobblepot Spring Event 2020 for the prompt ‘pastels’. I hope you like it :)
There are some colors you’d never associate with Gotham. It’s a city that doesn’t know sunshine, but it knows gold, it’s a city that doesn’t know warmth, but it knows crimson, it’s a city that doesn’t know nature, but it knows glass and stone. 
If you’d paint Gotham, you’d use charcoal, not pastels. Pastels...Pastels are colors you use for happier cities. Those blurry shades are suitable for luscious landscapes seen through the eyes of an awe-stricken beholder, not for depicting the deathly inhabitants of Gotham. 
But sometimes, the mind plays a trick on even the most steadfast person. Sometimes, we look past the grime and focus on the tiny glimpses of beauty instead. 
Jim Gordon lost his optimism years ago. Sometime between pulling the violated body of yet another disobedient thug’s corpse out of the Gotham-river and holding a dying kid’s hand in his, another casualty of the endless mob-war that followed Falcone’s death, he came to the conclusion that humanity was just another word for cruelty. 
The conclusion left the policeman vulnerable and approachable for seduction. Sometimes, even Jim Gordon wanted to believe in kindness again - even and especially if his inner alarm warned him not to fall for the tomfoolery. 
But then who could blame him? If you turn up the lights high enough, crimson turns rosy, and purple lavender. After going through cycles of depression, willing and unwilling drug-abuse, torture, and pain he had reached his breaking point. 
Suddenly, all his morals and ethics seemed foolish and inappropriate for a city like Gotham. And wasn’t he just like Sisyphos, the man who kept rolling boulders up a hill just to see them rolling down again every time he thought to have reached the top? Unlike Sisyphos, his boulder caused death and destruction every time it hit the bottom. 
So Jim gave in. 
It was so much easier than to keep fighting and struggling. If Gotham wanted to succumb to the darkness, who was he to deny her? Going with the flow was relaxing, liberating even. 
And he swam right into the big, purple shark’s wide-open mouth. 
Oswald had been waiting for this moment since he had first laid his eyes on Jim. Oh, the good man of the law had always been intriguing: so just, so strong, so selfless. Gotham’s self-proclaimed savior. The mobster had always had a talent for twisting and turning things and people his way, but with Jim, it had always been especially difficult. He had almost given up hope on this one, but as they say, good things come for those who wait, and despite his superficial impatience, the birdman knew how to wait. 
So when Jim broke down for good, Oswald was here to pick him up and piece him back together according to his likings. 
“Tell me, Jim,” he inquires, “do you still only see the world in black and white?” 
And Jim shakes his head mutely, because ‘no’, now his entire world is a thousand shades of gray. 
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