#genmitsu writing
lalaurelia · 2 months
Continuing the somewhat inconsistent tradition of posting fic on my bday. Hope you enjoy this.
Jim, Oswald, and a conversation.
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foxlady3 · 5 years
Fanfiction Ask Game
I was tagged by @lalaurelia. Thanks, this was fun!
At what age did you start writing fanfiction? 40.
Who is your favorite author? I wish this was a Top Twenty list, that would definitely be easier. I shall name two:
Terry Pratchett, whose Discworld novels and Bromeliad Trilogy (Truckers, Diggers, Wings) are excellent. His stories are full of humor in the face of adversity, satirical, great storytelling, compellingly quirky and memorable characters. The pinnacle of fantasy to which I can only aspire.
P.G. Wodehouse, writer of the stories featuring the cheerful hair-brained Bertie Wooster and his brilliant, unflappable manservant Jeeves. Loved them since I was a child, and incidentally a great education in 1920s slang. So incredibly funny. Bertie or one of his pals gets into a fix, Jeeves figures out how to bail them out again, a tried and true formula with endless silly variations that never fail to entertain.
What is your favorite fanfic? I need a Top Fifty list for this one! I've read so many wonderful fanfics that they've almost ruined regular books for me. Here's four:
Filigree by Hunger4Righteousness ( https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6878198/1/Filigree  ) A retelling of the Megamind movie, mostly behind the scenes action involving Roxanne, so it's a lot of absolutely awesome stuff. Riveting. Rated M.
The Overlord's Lady by @joanhello2 ( https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10224583/1/The-Overlord-s-Lady) A divergence from the movie in which Megamind, instead of creating Tighten, begins meeting with Roxanne as he struggles to deal with his remorse, and consequently becomes a true leader of the city. Superb worldbuilding, great action. Rated M.
Dreams of Lace and Satin series by @pamdizzle (  https://archiveofourown.org/series/1024157 ) Collection of Gotham fanfics. Oswald begins a journey of self-love and acceptance, with a little help from his collection of male lingerie, and builds a loving relationship with Jim Gordon. It is glorious. Sweet and sexy. Mostly rated E, some works in the series rated M.
Imagination Infection series by @lalaurelia (genmitsu on AO3) (  https://archiveofourown.org/series/1060598 ) Another fabulous collection. It starts out with some anonymous sexting between Oswald (unaware of who is really on the other end of the line) and Jim (who is completely aware), and quickly expands from there. True confessions, hurt/comfort, guilt and angst, heady passion, the works. Ratings vary from T to E.
What tags do you avoid like the plague? I tend to avoid tags with Nygmobblepot, and Death of a Major Character.
What AU do you wish to write but feel like you won't manage?  I haven't done many AUs, but sometimes I get the urge to combine Gotham with the Hunger Games. A herculean effort beyond my energy levels.
What has been your favorite story to write so far? Stepping Out, my teen Megamind tale. There's a lot of fun stuff in there, and it was my first major multi-chapter story. And for the Gotham fandom Cease-Fire was a lot of fun, though it gets a little angsty.  Has a happy ending!
Do you prefer to write one-shots or multi-chapters? Why? I feel I've gotten a little better at one-shots, but they constantly keep trying to grow into much longer tales. I prefer multi-chapters, mainly because it gives me more time to tell the story.
What is your favorite kind of comment? All comments, but I especially love it when someone mentions one specific thing that they thought was funny, or something that struck a chord, or just liked.
Why did you start writing fanfiction? Why are you still writing it? It all started with the Megamind movie. While searching online for news of a sequel (sadly not forthcoming) I stumbled across LiveJournal and discovered the wider world of fandom. Growing up, I was a lonely girl geek, and I never even heard of 'fandom' or 'fanfiction' or 'shipping' in my entire life, until Megamind and LiveJournal came along. I was forty years old. Perhaps it was a midlife crisis, but if so, it hasn't stopped yet.
I adored Megamind and Roxanne, was blown away by the stories and art, produced by regular people just like me, which were heartfelt and brilliant. Ideas came to me. I wrote them down. I started writing stories to go with those ideas. And it has continued from there. I am still writing fanfiction because I love it, even when it's hard, and I love the characters about whom I write. When Gotham came along I was seized with similarly powerful feelings for Oswald Cobblepot as for Megamind (in some ways they’re very different, and yes I realize Oswald is an unrepentant murderous little shit, but I love him anyway) and when I saw the Gobblepot tag on AO3 my immediate response was YAS THIS IS MY SHIP, and I began getting story ideas for the Oswald/Jim pairing as well.
I tag @elf-kid2 @pamdizzle @sunlitroom @joanhello2 @thegreenfairy13 and anyone else who would like to join in. (I’m sure I’m overlooking someone...)
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Summary: Oswald wants to show Jim something. It's not what Jim expects - and it's going to bring some changes in their relationship. Yes. It's exactly as cheesy as it sounds.
@lalaurelia and I somehow ended up writing this crack fic, inspired by this. Yes, yes, it’s a real product, I can testify that. :)) 
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dailyjapanesephrase · 7 years
厳密に言うと、トマトは果物です。 - Technically, a tomato is a fruit.
厳密に言うと、トマトは果物です。 (Genmitsu ni iu to, tomato wa kudamono desu) - Technically, a tomato is a fruit.
厳密 (Genmitsu) - Strictness, closeness (na-adjective: strict/close)
に (Ni) - Particle to make a noun/na-adj into an adverb
言う (Iu) - To speak
と (To) - “If” particle
トマト (Tomato) - Tomato
は (Wa) - Topic marker
果物 (Kudamono) - Fruit
です (Desu) - Polite present copula
厳密に言うと could also be translated as “strictly speaking,” and in fact that aligns up rather closely with the Japanese translation as well.
There are a number of “set phrases” with 言う like this (簡潔に言うと, kanketsu ni iu to, to put it briefly; 簡単に言うと, kantan ni iu to, to put it simply). It’s not uncommon to write these without using the kanji for 言う either, just in hiragana (~にいうと).
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lalaurelia · 22 days
Jim has a new case with a connection to Oswald. He also wants to be connected to Oswald. Must be spring at work.
Or, a bit of a case fic with some flirting included. Hope you like it.
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lalaurelia · 9 months
This only took ages XD It's slightly Halloween-themed, so I think it's time to show it already.
Jim, Oswald, some crossdressing to evade chase, and surprising (or expected XD) results~
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lalaurelia · 2 years
Gobblepot Fangame
If you haven’t played The truth of favours yet, it’s now available to play in your browser on itch.io.
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Enjoy the beautiful art by @shugister​ and my writing in the plot we developed together :) 
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lalaurelia · 6 months
2023 Fic in Review
Another year gone, so let's see how it was for me writing-wise. I haven't written a lot in English this year because I was still hijacked by the game, and then by the Russian fandom-wide event that stretched on for months, and then the work was hectic - you know, the usual. On top of all the rest that's been going on.
Okay. So. I think it's the first time I'd be counting my Russian-language stories in this review, because without them it's gonna look very sad.
total number of completed stories: 19, but 7 of these are translations, and 4 were, I think, written earlier than 2023 but I don't know the exact date - but I brought them over to Ao3 in 2023, and so be it. +1 micro game for the fandom event.
total word count: 45046 words. And maybe around, like... 10K into the game and the fandom extras.
fandoms written in: It's still exclusively Gotham and Gobblepot.
looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? This was probably one of the years when I was being realistic and thinking I would write very little. But then somehow the event sparked some kind of competitiveness in me that urged me to finish some of my myriad of WIPs and edit the ones that have been lying around ready for years. Oh, and there was this time when I whipped up a story in like an hour or so and completed it five minutes before the fandom event deadline closing and published it mere seconds before the event closed. That was fun XD I wouldn't have done anything like that without that kind of fucked up motivation lol
what’s your own favorite story of the year? You know what, it's probably that quickie one I mentioned previously - К вопросу об устрицах. Yup, sorry, no English translation available yet. It was fun to write though.
did you take any writing risks this year? Well, getting involved in that fandom event was a risk XD But when it comes to writing per se, hm... I suppose The Coffee Place counts - as I've wanted to do an outsider perspective fic for a while, and somehow it mashed up with Coffeeshop AU in my mind, and I kinda liked the result.
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year? This time I'm kind of intrigued by what is meant by 'profit goals' in this question. I guess I'm mildly curious if I'd be able to produce something people would want to pay for - but it is a pipe dream on so many levels right now. So, anyway. Fanfic goals for the new year? Finish at least some of the WIPs. We'll see how it goes from there.
best story of the year? I think it would be Выбор для живых - yeah, sorry, no translation for that one either yet. But it's an alternative take on that one ep where Jim ends up in Valeska's blown up maze. So he's lying buried underground and contemplates things, and Oswald as well, and then rescue comes unexpectedly.
most popular story of the year? Ao3 stats tell me it's Ice, and other things which is not surprising, since it was the first story I put out once the year began. It had some time to accumulate kudos xD
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I can't name a single one, to be honest. The ones I've written in Russian aren't very popular, which I expected to happen. The ones in English are being read, so. There's that.
most fun story to write: Hmmm, I guess it would be И кое-что еще, because I needed to write a short and I wanted it to be sexy without being explicit, so I had some little fun with words there.
story with the single sexiest moment: Now that would be Skirting Around, no doubt.
sweetest story: I don't think I had anything particularly sweet written this year. It just wasn't a year for that.
“holy crap, thats wrong, even for you!” story: You know what, I'll just skip this one, because I always give the same answer here. Write whatever you want, just tag it appropriately.
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters & most unintentionally telling story: Nothing for this one either, sorry.
hardest story to write: I'm afraid it's Skirting Around. I've been stuck at several spots in it for ages, and I'm still not completely satisfied by the ending. I'm not sure if I'm going to do anything about it. We'll see.
biggest disappointment: How little energy I seem to have for writing - doing anything, really. These past years haven't been kind and the emotional drain and constant fear are very exhausting. So every written word is a win. I can't be disappointed with what I manage to create.
biggest surprise: That there are still people I can make happy with my Gobblepot stories. It's really nice when I think about it. So thank you for that.
Not tagging anyone, but I'd be curious to see if you guys do year reviews of your stories.
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lalaurelia · 1 year
Part of my 'a fic a month' challenge. A winter story, where Jim comes to Oswald’s club. There’s also a curse involved.
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lalaurelia · 1 year
An experimental kind of story from the outsider’s POV. A coffeeshop AU too, where barista Oswald meets cop Jim.
Hope you enjoy!
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lalaurelia · 1 year
2022 Fic in Review
So I do this every year, and it’s kinda fun? So I’m doing this again for the stories I’ve written this year. I won’t be counting a collab though, since I never do, and my stats are a mess because I’ve transferred my Russian-language works to AO3 this year, but I will be counting them. I think. We’ll see if it takes xD
total number of completed stories: 9 total, +1 collab. It wasn’t a good year for writing, I’m afraid. Hopefully I’ll be able to make 2023 a better one.
total word count: 16266 words. I’ve added a lot of words to WIPs though, I think about 17K extra. The focus this year was what game designers call MVP, minimum viable product. I just wanted to get the stories finished - so they were mostly uncomplicated and short. Wow. I haven’t been writing short things for a very long time.
fandoms written in: Gotham and Gobblepot, baby, these things don’t change XD
looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? I always, always expect to write more. But considering all the shit that’s been happening this year, I think I wrote more than I expected to do. I feared I wouldn’t be able to write a single fic.
what’s your own favorite story of the year? This is unexpectedly hard? I like practically all of them this year? I guess I’ll choose the one I finished the year with, In the dark. It was a lot of experiments, and it was really exciting to try all those things.
did you take any writing risks this year? Yeah, I’ve been trying to get used to experimenting with my writing styles and options more, because I desperately wanted to see progress somewhere. And this was my progress. The first experiment was The Crown and the Shield, my first-ever second person story, and the other one was In the dark, mentioned above. I feel that trying to write in the way that’s unfamiliar to me helps me get rid of a number of my usual hangups I stumble over when writing.
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year? Finish at least one WIP. Write a fic for each month. I hope I’ll manage at least some of that XD
best story of the year? In the dark XD Okay, okay. I do think it’s Mango Daiquiri this time around. It’s both subtle and not, which I find enjoyable.
most popular story of the year? AO3 stats to the rescue! Apparently, it’s Drunk on You, which is cool, I loved writing it. It also helps that it was written in the beginning of the year.
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: The Crown and the Shield could use a little more love, but I know that readers will always read what they want to read. If it’s not a story I’ve written, or not the one I want them to love, well. It’s okay. I love my fics regardless XD
most fun story to write: You know, I’ll name Trick, or... because I didn’t really expect to whip up a Halloween-themed story on short notice, but then I hit a stride and it turned out pretty fun.
story with the single sexiest moment: In the dark, hands down. I haven’t been writing many explicit stories this year though. But I still think it’s the sexiest one for all the stuff that’s going on in Jim’s head and then out of it~
sweetest story: I have trouble writing fluff, so I just want to give Sweet Morning an honourable mention.
“holy crap, thats wrong, even for you!” story: I just don’t think this way when it comes to stories. In fiction, anything goes. The only thing I got hang up on this year is ‘maybe there are too many kinks per paragraph in this one’, but then again, why the hell not have as many kinks as you want XD
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters & most unintentionally telling story: Can’t go into details, it’s a WIP. Yes, there are still depths to find out about my fave boys. Sometimes they’re not quite what you expect them to be.
hardest story to write: Another WIP. I struggled with it a lot, some parts of it flowed, some were set on stalling. I’ve hit yet another snag in it recently. Ugh. I’ll get through it, but I have the urge to whine about it too lol
biggest disappointment: I don’t think I have disappointments this year when it comes to my stories. That’s a nice thought. Writing was a solace for me this year, so... yeah. The disappointments are all external.
biggest surprise: How deeply satisfying the writing experiments are. It’s like opening a window that’s been closed for months and getting some more light and air into your space. That’s why I want to try doing more experiments from time to time.
Tagging, if you want to do a fic review of your own: @birdwatching-goesbothways, @killerrabbitofcaerbannog, @whatwould-misha-do, @stardustloki and anyone else who wants to try this~
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lalaurelia · 1 year
Making out in the car makes Jim want and think a lot of things.
Hope you enjoy!
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lalaurelia · 2 years
A little something for upcoming Halloween, vaguely inspired by the candy prompt~
🎃 🎃 🎃
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lalaurelia · 2 years
Just a little experimental something. Is it for Oswald’s birthday today? Maybe XD
Hope you enjoy <3
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lalaurelia · 2 years
OC Superlatives tag game
I’ve just seen this and since I want to think about them today, my OCs from the Runes game (maybe will be released someday).
Rules: Which of your characters best fit the following descriptions?
Most arrogant: Flen. He’s literally a usurper and involved in regicide. He’s reaching for much more than he has powers to grasp.
Most humble: Thorne. He doesn’t believe that he’s capable of being more than Reno’s support, and what’s more important, he doesn’t want to be more.
Most charming: None of them are flirts, I don’t think. As for being likeable... probably Glenn and Rem. Glenn has this earnesty about him, while Rem is more playful.
Most aggressive: Edda. She takes no shit and is quick to cut to the point. I wanted her to be as abrasive as possible, so she’s not a nice person, not really. She’ll go above and beyond for her friends though.
Most talkative: Rem. He’s been stuck alone for a long time, he’s catching up. And if he’s talking, he doesn’t have time to listen, and there’s a reason why he needs that.
Least talkative: Guy. He rarely speaks unless necessary. He’s used to being a Shadow. Maybe too used to it.
Most relatable: I want that to be Reno, but who knows. She was to me when I wrote her. A little bit of an outcast, no idea how to fit in. Idealism and romantic notions from books and dreams, challenged by the outside world. She had a bit of growing up to do.
Least relatable: Gnosis, possibly. He’s a bad mess in a lot of ways. He’s done awful things for dubious reasons. He’d do them again in a heartbeat too, there’s no remorse in him. I wonder if there ever was.
Most ambitious: Flen. He intends to rule the world, after all. But perhaps Reno can match him with her desire to save the world.
Most easy-going: Thorne, I think. His goal is very clear-cut for him. No doubts. No need to dwell on things too much. It’s a choice too, and Reno was always mildly frustrated he didn’t believe he could do more when they were growing up.
Most high-strung: Edda, most likely. She masks it well, but she’s been burned before and she’s trying her best not to let it happen again.
Most pretentious: Has to be Flen. He wants to prove he’s better than the previous ruler, so he puffs himself up. That comes to bite him in the butt more than a few times.
Most cheerful: They all live in kind of a bleak world. But perhaps Glenn is the most capable of being cheerful. He’s the one who’d try to lift the others’ spirits up.
Most patient: Cyrus. He’s used to meditating, so he has this sense of inner balance the others lack. His whole outlook on life is also a little different, and he tends to be a soft touch by default.
Most diligent: Reno. She read all the books in her school library. She did all the homework. If she sets out to do something, she intends to see it through to the end and to do it well. Gnosis too, I think, but his diligence is different, it’s a scientist’s kind.
Tagging, if you want: @martybarok, @fandomfourever and anyone else who has OCs they want to talk about :)
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lalaurelia · 2 years
Oswald is helping Jim with a case. Jim is pining.
For Gobblepot Summer~
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