#go wish rachel a happy bday!
bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Good morning all and Happy Saturday we are onto episode 4 of S2.
2x04 Warriors and Guardians
If you need further proof these two are married long before they were dating it's this is ep. S2 is chock full of growth and goodies galore. I love it sfm. Also this episode is the intro of Nyla Harper. Who I absolutely adore. Tim and and Lucy are my top favs obviously. But she is right behind them in terms of characters I love to death. So excited for her to finally have joined this series rewatch. Off we go.
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We start off with them talking to Rachel. Lucy hugs her and says happy birthday. Tim clearly has no idea it’s her bday and is feeling slightly out place in the convo. Rachel commends Lucy on her choice of gift. It’s a book 'Aeronautics Through The Ages.' Tim is a little shit and says it sounds like a real page turner. The sassy look Lucy gives him. I wish there was a gif of it haha Tim realizes quickly after Rachel's grandfather did the illustrations for it. That the gift Lucy gave was actually quite meaningful and sweet. Eating his words quickly after….
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Tim is clearly feeling slightly awkward he didn't know it was her b-day. That coupled with watching the exchange between Lucy and Rachel. I think Rachel can sense this and asks if they’re still on for Friday. Tim does that lovely smile of his and says yes. Tim spots right away Lucy wants to say something after Rachel has left. He cuts her off at the pass LOL She has the pre-excited going to tell you something face haha Tim doesn't let it get far and squashes said excitement before roll call.
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We rejoin our amazing duo in their shop. Lucy doesn't waste a second before starting in on the topic Tim cut off earlier. Rachel’s bday gift from him. Completely disregarding his grumpy behavior from before. Lucy tells him not to worry he’s riding with the world's best gift giver. She asks him what he’s thinking about getting her? Tim tells her nothing. Lucy is in instant judging mode. Tim goes on to say it’s only been two weeks. That it would be weird to get her something. Lucy then re-frames her question to him. ‘So, you just wish her happy birthday, and now you’re done?’ He’s so confident at first with his yep. It's quickly demolished by Lucy's loaded 'Okay....'
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Tim looks over at her and see’s her facial expression. It's so damn telling. He knows he’s in trouble with his answer. Lucy's face says it all. I'm dying haha What I love so very much about this scene is that silent communication on Lucy’s end. Tim knows her so well all he has to do is look over and know he'll be in the dog house if he does nothing. Her face is saying 'It's your funeral...'
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Literally all Lucy has to do is say ‘Okay’ and her body language and expression does the rest of the work. He questions his choice because of this. Tim then breaks and says he could get her something small…Lucy’s face in the final gif is perfection. She has won the first part of this battle and knows it. She is happy he has seen the light. Her face is basically saying 'There we go...' haha Look at him listening to his wifey's advice. Didn’t even fight her that much on it. So proud of him. Look at this glow up haha
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They respond to their first call at a hospital. Tim is pitching Lucy gift ideas. Ironically he strikes out with his first idea. A baseball game. Having Chenford being canon now all his ideas would sit just fine with Lucy. He has no idea he is trying to give Rachel, Lucy gifts LOL Their convo gets interrupted by their call. Two social media wannabes stormed into this poor sick kids room and started posing with him.
They get arrested for trespassing and photographing a minor without a parents consent. Then the cutest thing ever happens. The kid comes out and asks for a pic with Tim and Lucy. They happily pose with him. I’m diabetic at how sweet this is. Look how happy they are to do it. Also you know their arms are touching behind that pillow. It’s the little things hehe.
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Back at the station they’re booking their insta wanna be’s. Tim is trying once again to seek Lucy's approval on his next gift idea. I adore the fact that he is not only reaching out her opinion but relying on it heavily. He knows she’s going to be honest with him about them. Another foundation is being put in place here. He values her opinion and is letting her know that whether he realizes it or not. Also shall we talk about the fact there is little to no personal space between them in these shots? A theme I constantly love . One I have to remark on cause it's so obvious how they are always so drawn to each other. They don't even know they're doing it.
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The fact they’re having a convo about a shooting range kills me. He literally went to paintball with Lucy haha Their banter in this scene is fantastic. Tim poorly defends his idea saying he sees couples all the time at the shooting range. No love you don't, you and Lucy are the couple that would do that and you would see. Not Rachel….
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Lucy shoots down the shooting range idea instantly. No regrets on her part. Lucy isn't pulling any punches with him. She is right when she says once again he isn’t picking it for her. It truly is a terrible idea for Rachel. The sass she gives him. 'All the time?' He can't even fight her on it and knows it's a losing idea. He is so cute in his defeat though. Strike 2 for Tim.
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Lucy gets a call from Nolan and Tim's interest is piqued. He tells her to answer it. Lucy does but not before she calls him out for why he wants her to. Tim clearly isn’t a fan of Harper's and wants more intel on her. Lucy makes sure to note this before answering haha The best part of this stage of their development is the two way sass. It’s not just Lucy lobbing sass grenades. Tim has his own pile now and is chucking them right back at her. It’s glorious. Brought out his playful/sassy side and it's here to stay.
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Nolan asks them if it’s worse to disobey a direct order from your T.O. or to stand by and watch them get killed? Lucy looks Tim in the eyes and says depends on the TO....The Heart Eyes Lucy look at your heart eyes madam. Directed right at him this time. But she doesn't know why she's so invested in him and his love life....So very transparent and I’m not mad at it haha Clearly neither is Tim. He advises Nolan best he can about his situation before he hangs up.
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Tim and Lucy are on the perimeter of a stakeout and back to the topic of the day. Tim is irritated because Lucy has shot down every single idea he has had. Lucy reiterates he is picking gifts he would like. (Or the woman sitting to your right would…) Tim once again tries to defend his choices. Saying it's not just guy stuff that Isabel loved doing this kind of stuff for gifts with him.
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Let’s take a second to be proud of Tim. A moment of growth is happening here. I want to note and appreciate it. He brought Isabel up. It wasn’t even in a moment of sadness or anger. Lucy replies about her with her own opinion saying Rachel has different interests than she did. Biggest part of this is Tim concedes to her point. No rage or saltiness. Just agreement. He’s come so far. We may now dive back into the scene. This mini rant was sponsored by the ‘I’ll never stop being proud of Tim and his growth’ foundation heh.
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Tim FINALLY comes to the conclusion he had been fighting all damn day. Lucy is right and he is wrong LMAO That his ideas aren’t working and he should just listen to her. Lucy knows what she is talking about and should just take her ideas for a gift. Lucy is so cute with her smile and reply and tells him basically haha You know she's thinking what took you so long? This woman been schooling Tim in ‘Lucy Lessons’ long before she coined that in S5.
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Just listen to your wife Tim. She’s always right and you benefit from that. Her cute smile in that last gif is the best. She’s won another battle with Tim and knows it. He does too written all over his face. So annoyed she is in the right on this one and he can’t fight it not even a little. Happy wife happy life Timothy hehe. Lucy has his number and there is nothing he can do about it. He tries so hard to push back and not let her further into his life and she continues to creep in. To create more cracks in his armor and slowly destroy that wall of his.
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This action shop is epic. Love Chenford coming in like complete BAMF'S to bail out Harper and Nolan. They don't miss a beat before they join them in the fight. I always love watching them in the field together. So in sync. Makes me happy to watch them in action. Such a power couple.
Grey has Harper apologize to John in front of Tim and Lucy. Its for putting him in danger for her own gain. He naturally takes it too far. Makes a meal out of it cause Harper can't stop him. He thinks a lot of himself afterwards till he turns around and sees Tim’s face lmao. The face he’s making in the pic below. The amount of judgement I’m dying. Eric you are a treasure. He tells Nolan ‘You always have to push it….’ So damn funny. Lucy is smiling and trying not to laugh as she follows Tim out. He can’t even with Nolan most of the time and it always cracks me up.
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Tim follows Lucy’s advice with Rachel’s gift. He is pretty darn cute when he gives her his gift all poorly wrapped. It is nice to see him excited about someone. After all the drudgery of Isabel Tim deserves this. He deserves the world IMO. But I just love this man to pieces so. He got her a very specific plane for them to build on their date Friday. It’s adorable and Lucy crushed it. Tim knows now going forward how important Lucy's opinion is to him and for him. This is proof of that. I said last review his scenes with Rachel had purpose. This is just another facet of that. This situation proving him to how valuable that opinion is ❤️
Side notes -non chenford. Now that Nyla has arrived this will get a little beefier. Her intro is epic af. The way she tricks Nolan and finds out he’s a guardian and not a warrior. It’s so funny how badly Nolan bombs his first impression with her.
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What I love so much about Nyla is she takes zero crap from Tim. Not even for a second it’s hilarious. She schools him a little too. Her finishing line of their first scene 'Don't get your panties in a twist handsome, not say you're not tough. Just saying you're not me.' Look at Angela's face after she says that LMFAO She knows he just got put in his place. Tim is none too pleased. He doesn’t like how she rubs him the wrong way. Also with her character arc she’s basically the female version of Tim and I love it.
She’s so abrasive in the beginning (just like Tim was….) they gotta be or you wouldn’t see the astounding difference when they grow. Angela is enjoying her cause she gives Tim a hard time it’s so funny. Ever the best friend with him with him when she says 'She loves her' when Nyla walks away hahaha
I do love watching the bond develop between Nyla and John it’s fun to watch. And we get insight into why Harper with her Golden ticket took a position of TO. Her daughter. And so her SL begins and I love it sfm. As always thanks to all of you who like/comment and reblog these reviews. You make my whole day every time it happens. I shall see you all in 2x05 :)
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sungtaro · 3 years
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daily jae 😙😙
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bbyannabeth · 3 years
i can see the end as it begins
chapter 6: tangled up with you all night for @impossibleandinsufferable - happy bday heidi<3
being a demigod sucked for a lot of reasons, in percy’s opinion, but the dreams were some of the worst. earlier after talking with grover and thalia, he’d crashed on a bed and fallen into two different dreams. first, it had been something about nico and bianca di angelo. zeus had once destroyed an entire hotel to try to kill them, in an attempt to stop a prophecy. he hadn’t killed them, obviously, but he had killed their mother. in retaliation, hades had cursed the oracle. percy wasn’t sure how the whole thing was relevant to him, but he kept the information tucked away in case he needed it later.
and then it had shifted to rachel in what he assumed was her vacation home. this dream, the meaning was much clearer. rachel had a message she needed to tell him, and she was doing everything she could to convince her father she needed to get back to new york - including agreeing to go to that girls’ finishing school she didn’t want to attend. percy had tossed and turned in his sleep, wishing he could warn her that a mortal wouldn’t be able to set foot in the city right now, but he had no way of telling her that. he was awoken by thalia shaking him.
once he was awake, they met with a titan, prometheus, and a demigod who had been sent under a flag of truce by kronos. he recognized the boy as ethan nakamura, the son of nemesis they had met last year in the labyrinth. the very same demigod who had injured annabeth this morning. percy tried to control the flare of anger he felt in his chest, but he couldn’t help wishing he’d hit ethan just a little bit harder on the head.
read on ao3! / start from chapter 1!
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darecruit · 2 years
Canons you have about Shelby, Rachel, or the family that haven’t come up yet ( or may never) in Open Arms? Is there anything you would go back and rewrite if given the chance?
As far as rewrite, I’ve already done that once for Open Arms. I’m happy with where the story progressed from the original to rewrite and the later chapters especially. It’s been ongoing for almost 10 years now and does show my progress as a writer. I wish I wasn’t so slow in my writing process but that’s just how I am really. The Spanktember one shots have helped me improve. I’m a bit stuck in OA right now but I’m hoping I’ll push through that writer’s block soon.
Head canons about the family. Let’s see.
1. Shelby’s birthday is Halloween. Her parents have all of the movies Shelby’s ever been in, good or bad. She was in a horror movie (Something with either an affair or Shelby as a nanny. Either way her crazy gets worse as the movie progresses). The older cousins are all watching that movie at the grandparents’ house on Halloween while the younger kids are trick or treating. Always had the image of them all in the dark in the basement and S comes down to get them for cake. She’s maybe got a flashlight. Scares the shit out of all of them. And then they are scolded for watching that. S can also storm off to yell at her mother for even having that movie.
2. Sasha has been adopted by the Corcoran clan and treated like family. I’m sure she’s seen Shelby at least swatted by Diane when they were early 20s. Maybe Diane’s even swatted her.
3. Frannie and Quinn are going to be adopted by the clan. Shelby will finally have a younger sister. She might even take that role very seriously and kick Frannie’s butt if and when she needs it.
4. Quinn has walkie-talkies that she and Rachel will use at night to talk to one another. It starts because on of them was grounded/had phone taken away or maybe they just want to be silly. But I love the idea of them both acting like kids. They’re both 14 in the story right now. Q’s bday is in September and R’s December.
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bubbled-clouds · 3 years
I know it's not quite your bday for you but it is in my time zone so HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE THIS NEXT YEAR IS DELIGHTFUL AND THAT THE THINGS YOU HOPE WILL HAPPEN COME TRUE!!!! you are a wonderful person and ily💙💙💙*all the hugsssss to my illegal adult*
A H!! you Should be asleep rn :) but!!! consider yourself special for being the first one to wish me (definitely going to tease rachel abt this AGSJS) BUT!!! TYTYTY LOVE YOU TOO *alllll the hugs to my favorite father* 💛💛💛🫂🫂🫂🫂
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aly126 · 5 years
Happy Bday, Rachel!!!
Hope you're having a great day and you're treating yourself bc you sure deserve all the happiness in the world! I've said it about a million times, I'm so lucky to have you as a friend (and as a rant buddy lmao) ❤ you know you're my twin on the other side of the world. Love you, girl! 😗
*Hey, y'all! Go wish Happy Birthday to the kindest, most wonderful and most inspiring gal @sparklesandchalk
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Long Days and Cupcakes (Asahi x Reader Birthday Fic for Rachel Lauren)
well anyway, hello! i come bursting from beneath the mountain of academics to bring to you a simple birthday fic for my best girl <3 
it’s super rushed because i only had time to do it right now, and it may suck because i have not written a single fic in months huhu, but anyway
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ADMIN RACHEL LAUREN!!!!!! have a domestic, knows-how-to-cook woobie jesus for ur bday today <3
- admin may
Heavy footsteps on the cement floors of the apartment complex reached Asahi’s ears made him almost jump out of his skin and hurriedly stopped his work to put it in the fridge. He turned around just in time to hear the locks click open and see the door swing open.
You looked horrible, in the least offensive sense of the word. Asahi knew you were way too stressed with work these past few weeks—coming home late most days, not really having much time to eat let alone relax. It was obviously taking a toll on your body, so Asahi decided it was high time you got to rest your shoulders a bit.
“Hey, babe,” he said, moving around the breakfast bar to come to you with outstretched arms, ready to catch you if you ended up collapsing. “Welcome home.”
You tiredly toed off your shoes and dropped your bags by the entryway, immediately sliding across the floor in your stockings to crash against him and wrap your arms tightly around his strong chest. The perpetual citrus scent coming off him made you sigh in contentment. You felt the faint scratch of a beard against your forehead as he leaned down to press a soft kiss.
A tired smile crossed your face. “I’m home, Asahi.” You two stayed wrapped around each other for a while, content to just bask in the other’s presence.
“God, I’m so tired,” you mumbled into his chest, heaving out another sigh.
Asahi ran a hand up and down your back. “Why don’t you go take a shower and a bath, then? I’ll get dinner ready.” He tightened his hold on you for a second before holding you at arm’s length. “Just relax tonight, okay?” Asahi cupped our cheek in his warm palm, and you instinctively leaned into it, holding a hand up to his to keep it there.
“Have I told you you’re the best boyfriend ever?” you said smiling, tired but grateful.
“Only all the time.” He leaned in and pecked your nose quickly before turning you to the direction of the bedroom.
You laughed as so headed to the bathroom. “I love you, Asahi!” you yelled, closing the door gently.
Asahi chuckled, retreating into the kitchenette to continue his surprise.
You were bent forward, furiously shaking off the excess water in your hair with the towel, tired eyes closed and wishing for sleep.
But nope, not now when you could smell something really good cooking, almost making you salivate from the richness of the different flavors mixed just right. You were simply too busy during work that you only had time to get a couple of granola bars from the vending machine at the lobby and eat them while working. And even then, it was the bland, gross kind that tasted like cardboard, so you couldn’t really enjoy it.
You straightened up and fluffed your hair a little bit more before tossing the towel into the laundry basket. You stepped out of the bedroom, inhaling the savory smell of dinner.
A moan escaped you, eagerly going over to the breakfast bar to perch on one of the stools. “That smells so good, oh my god.”
Asahi chuckled and turned around from the stove, holding two generous servings of pot roast in each hand. “I’ve never actually tried making this before,” he said, rounding the counter and setting down a plate in front of you. “I really hope you like it, though.”
When he’d settled down onto the chair, you gave him a small peck. “I’m pretty sure I’m gonna like whatever you make, Asahi.”
“Well, let’s dig in.”
“That was amazing,” you moaned, hunched over the breakfast bar and completely ready to pass out from the delicious meal you just had. “My stomach’s so full I feel like I’m ready to hibernate for about ten years.”
You could hear your boyfriend laugh, the rough bass sending shivers down your spine. God, you loved how he laughed.
“Don’t be going to sleep on me now, Y/N. We still have dessert.” A gust of air from the fridge made you flinch, goosebumps rising on your skin. You heard the thump of it closing and Asahi’s slippers softly slapping the wooden floors.
You sat back up and stretched, the air bubbles in your joints popping like firecrackers. “You made dessert?” Your eyes were closed as you relaxed, but when you opened them it was completely dark.
Save for a single candle stuck in the tiny cupcake in Asahi’s hands.
“Happy birthday to you,” he sang, coming to stand on the other side of the breakfast bar. “Happy birthday to you.” He set the cupcake in front of you and took one of your shaky hands in his. “Happy birthday, happy birthday.” Asahi brought you hand up to his mouth and pressed a long kiss to it. “Happy birthday to you.”
You were speechless. It was one thing to offer to cook dinner when you were dead tired from the world. It was another thing completely to remember your birthday when you yourself had been too busy and stressed to even register the date. You had no idea how you got so lucky to have Asahi in your life, but at this point you were too grateful to care.
It took a few tried to suppress the sob building up in your throat, but you made no effort to stem the flow of tears from your eyes. “Thank you,” you choked out, gripping the hand that held yours tightly the knuckles turned white. “Thank you so much.”
Asahi’s thumb brushed your knuckles gently, soothing you, calming your nerves. “I love you so much,” he whispered in the dark, and you could just make out the loving smile on his face.
You let go of him, only to cup his face in both of your hand and pull him to you in a kiss, that said all the things you didn’t have the strength to say yet.
As your lips met again and again, the fire from the single candle burned bright, and kept you warm in each other’s arms.
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
.:::A:::.. What’s your current Age? 27. i’m old. What’s your favorite type of Animal? dogs. Would you ever join the Army? nope. Are you Available? no. What’s your favorite kind of Apple? red. Are you any good at Art? i’d like to think so but it’s been awhile.
..:::B:::.. Did you ever watch Barney as a kid? yes!! Do you know anyone named Bob? nope. Can you blow a Bubble? yes. Which fast food restaurant has the best Burgers? burger king. What’s your favorite Band? majid jordan.
..:::C:::.. What’s your favorite kind of Cookie? white choc and macadamia. Do you have a Cat? nope. Do you like Country music? no. Are you a Caffeine addict? not at all. Do you think Clowns are at all scary? no unless they’re purposely made up to look scary. ..:::D:::.. What’s your favorite breed of Dog? west highland terrier. What do you usually get at Dunkin Donuts? i never go there. What was your last Dream about? i forgot! i think it was a dream about work. Have you ever been on a Diet? not really, more like watching what i ate. What’s your favorite Dessert? waffles. fresh waffles. ..:::E:::.. Have you ever ridden an Elephant? nope. Eeyore, Piglet or Pooh? eeyore. Do you always give Exact change at a restaurant? nope. ..:::F:::.. Have you ever been on a Ferry? yes. Do you like Ferris wheels? eh, it’s okay. if the view is nice, sure. i just don’t like the idea of being up in the sky too long with no real escape. Who’s your best Friend? my boyfriend. ..:::G:::.. Do you care about your Grades? school is done, but yes i did. Do you prefer Green or red grapes? green. Do you wear Glasses? yes. ..:::H:::.. Who, in your opinion, is the Hottest celebrity? idk. i don’t have celeb crushes anymore. Are you Hungry right now? nope. Why were you last at the Hospital? i forgot. Are you a Health freak? nope. ..:::I:::.. What’s your favorite flavor of Ice cream? rum and raisin. Could you survive without the Internet? haha probably not. i’d have to prepare myself for it. What three things would you want to have while stranded on an Island? a working phone, bedding and a friend. ..:::J:::.. Did you ever own a Jack-in-the-box? nope. Do you like Jell-O? it’s okay. not a huge fan. Do you have a Job? yes. ..:::K:::.. Have you ever been Kayaking? yes haha. Would you ever Kill someone? only in self defence. Do you like Kentucky Fried Chicken? yes! ..:::L:::.. Do you prefer Lemons or Limes? lemons. Is your computer a Laptop or desktop? laptop. Do you do your own Laundry? yes. Do you think Losing someone’s the worst feeling in the world? definitely. ..:::M:::.. What’s your favorite store in the Mall? h&m. What Month were you born in? december. How much Money do you have in the bank? not enough haha. ..:::N:::.. Have you ever had Nilla Wafers? nope. Do you like Nectarines? no. Do you bite your Nails? no. ..:::O:::.. Do you like Onions? sure. What Occupations are you interested in? i don’t even know anymore. i know i need a change though. Do you know where Ontario is located? yes. ..:::P:::.. Do you like the Peanuts? they’re okay. Would you ever Parachute off of a plane? hell no. How old are your Parents? my mum is 53 and my did is 61. ..:::Q:::.. Do you know what a Quail is? yes. If you could ask any celebrity any Question, what would it be? depends on who it is. ..:::R:::.. Do you like the Rain? only if i’m going to sleep and don’t have to leave the house. Do you know anyone named Rachel? yes. Do you like to Read? yes. ..:::S:::.. What’s the best thing about Summertime? summer nights, beach days, traveling. What School do or did you go to? why would i say that lol. ..:::T:::.. Do you like Tennis? nope. Have you ever had surgery on your Teeth? no. ..:::U:::.. What color are your Underwear? white and red. When was the last time you were really Upset? i forgot. ..:::V:::.. Who was your Valentine this year? my boyfriend. Do you own a Vest? at work, yes. ..:::W:::.. If you could have one Wish, what would it be? for my loved ones to be happy, healthy and successful. Do you like the Water? yes. ..:::X:::.. Have you ever seen a Xylophone? yes. Have you ever had an X-ray? yes. ..:::Y:::.. Do you like the color Yellow? sometimes. What did you do Yesterday? took my boyfriend out for his bday. Can you Yo-yo? yes. i can’t do tricks though. ..:::Z:::.. Do a Zebra’s stripes go vertical or horizontal? vertical i think. unless it’s both. What’s your Zodiac sign? sagittarius.
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lianhuajing · 7 years
you know what abused and traumatized children hate most? birthdays. holidays.
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iamluanafonseca · 5 years
Happy Birthday, dear crush!
Today is your birthday. I wish I could be with you to give a tight hug and a kiss. One or two... Maybe more. Unfortunately we are not in the same city and a phone call is the closest way to be with you today. A quick but cheerful call, showing you my affection. This year you are not going to receive a special card and have an intimate celebration. I like birthdays! I mean... of others, not mine. LOL. It is a time to open our hearts and wish all the best this world can give to them. A time to send good vibes and positive energy. It is also a time to look once more into our life and realize how beautiful it is and can continue to be. It is a day for no complaint and no stress! If that's possible... At the end of the year I thought I had written the last letter to you. I wished you good luck and said that I was proud of you. I still am. Some time later I wrote another one because I was so disappointed that I didn't meet you on your last visit here. To be honest? I don't remember the content of either of them very well... But here I am writing a third letter and this one is public. How many more letters will I write to you? This week I read a very special text by the Author Ivonete Rosa about the importance of showing our good feelings. She says that other than anger, which is wiser to release by crying, writing or practicing physical activity, good feelings should always be expressed. Otherwise they serve no purpose, especially in a world so lacking in love. "Saved love. Holding love is a waste. In a world so hungry for affection how someone is holding back love? No, this shouldn't be allowed! It makes no sense to have the best intentions or great feelings for something or someone, if you do not demonstrate them, do not practice them." So I want to say today, on your birthday, that I may not be where you are to give you a hug the way you like but I keep you in my heart. May your new year be filled with many victories. Happy Bday, dear! "   - Rachel Motta / Translated by: Luana Fonseca 
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heckyeahsurveys · 7 years
What is the last medicine you consumed? ibuprofen i think, or it might’ve been an antihistamine 
What’s something you really want right now, be honest? Dylan.
Do you have any plans for the weekend? well it’s already halfway through n my plans for tomorrow are just doing work 
Will your next kiss be a mistake? fuck knows, probs knowing me 
What’s your mood? ok, bit stressed n just can’t turn my fucking mind off but yknow
What did you do yesterday? a bit of work,kt came round n we had drinks, cerys came for a lil bit then we went pub 
Want someone back in your life? idk 
What are you excited for? exams being over lol
Do you find it hard to trust others? kind of, but i feel like i over-trust ppl a lot of the time too 
Can you honestly say you’re okay right now? probs not
Are you a jealous person? yes ://
Would you go in public looking like you do right now? definitely not 
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? not always
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? no
Missing someone you shouldn’t be? yeh probably
Have you ever been heartbroken? i guess yeah
Would you ever become a vegetarian? i am 
Do you have nice eyes? they’re alright
When was the last time you smiled? idk
What’s your relationship with the person you last texted? she’s my sister
Are you hot or cold right now? neither, i’m a comfortable temperature 
What time did you wake up this morning? like 10am but then i went back to the sleep n ended up not getting up until like 2pm 
Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? probs not
Are you wasting your time on someone? yes lol
Do you have a bad temper? yeh ://
Do you think you’ll be married in 10 years? i don’t have a clue tbqf
Do you care if people hate you? yeh tbh, altho it depends who it is/why they hate me 
Has a song ever made you cry? yes many have 
Does anyone love you? not romantically 
Where will you be 12 hours from now? i’d like to say sat on my bed doing work but knowing me i’ll probs be asleep 
Is it easy for people to make you smile? i don’t think so but idk tbh
Is your current hair color your natural hair color? nope, i do have a good inch or 2 of roots tho lmao
Have you ever gotten in a car by yourself with people you just met? yeh a taxi driver x
Last person to kiss you on the head? charley i think :(
Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone? nah
Have you ever asked a boy for advice? yeh ofc 
What were you doing friday night? i was at the pub
If you could see one person right now, who would it be? no one 
Would you rather choose truth or dare while playing “truth or dare”? truth lol bc i’m a pussy
Do you like to hold or be held? be held 
Has anyone made you feel like crap lately for something they did? idk i don’t think so??
Where did you last sleep other than your own bed? kt’s bed i think
Who was the last person to send you a text message? liz
Ever kissed a Jessica, Rachel, Susan, or Zoe? no
Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions? yeh usually
Is there something you wish you could tell someone but can’t? kind of 
Are you a morning person or a night person? night 100000%
Is there just some people that you don’t get along with? well yeah, obviously 
Are you a mean person? i can be sometimes 
What was your last voice mail and who was it from? idk
When was the last time you cried? the day before last
Is something wrong with you right now? just not in a good mood but it’s whatever 
What are you listening to? love will tear us apart by joy division 
What’s your mood right now? kind of shit but not too bad 
You find out your ex is having a kid with someone you don’t like, you say? wtf are u doing lmao 
Could you last in a relationship for over a year? idk probably not rn but mayb
Do you remember the name of your first school you ever went to? yeah
Tomorrow is? sunday :((
What were you doing at 12:00am last night? saying happy bday to cerys lol
When was the last time you completely broke down? i’m not sure
Are you lying to yourself about something? probably
What’s your middle name? louise
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hydratedmulder · 9 years
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🌟 make a wish 🌟
this is a bday gift for my lovely friend rachel @gravelyhuman. look how they shine for u!
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