#terrifies me bc i have to leave for college in a week
seireitonin · 6 months
Dating: Eyeless Jack
Have to talk about someone besides LJ and Toby so here’s some EJ as requested! Sorry I lost your OG question whoever sent it :( Ik EJ has no “canon” backstory but the one I grew up with and the one that the fandom uses the most is the college/ cult one so that’s the one I’m using :3 also I hc EJ a bit different so yeah :3 I had to rewrite this 4 times bc the progress kept getting deleted 😭
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After multiple years of living off human organs in the forest, EJ has lost most of his social skills
So he doesn’t really try
He just sneaks into peoples homes, takes what he needs and leaves
He set his sights on you. You were perfect.
Your house is close to the forest, you live alone, you seem to sleep pretty heavy
He’ll be in and out no problem
So he sneaks into your home, quietly. Not waking you
And he stands over you, looking down at you
It’s ironic because he has no eyes, yet the demon inside him lets him see through the dark clearly
He watches you sleep peacefully
Your chest rising and falling rhythmically, your perfectly placed features, your soft breathing
He definitely would’ve had a crush on you in college
College….the fact that you made him think of college, his old life at all in any way at all, he knew you were more than just a quick meal
So he left
What was his next step? Stalking you of course!
He watched you go about your normal days. Talk to your friends, eat your food and watch tv. Normal.
He fantasized about living normally alongside you
He didn’t ask for the life he had now after all, it was thrust upon him
Part of him almost hated you for being so carefree but he knew that wasn’t fair to you
Since he can’t be part of your normal life, you’ll have to be part of his weird one
He took you from your home in your sleep, only using the smallest injection of drugs to keep you unconscious
And you woke up screaming in his cabin in the forest
He hated you screaming at the sight of him
Not only because it annoyed him, but you’re supposed to be making him feel normal. You’re just reminding him that he’s a monster
“I’m not going to hurt you”
You stay silent for days you stayed silent and frozen in fear
Jack understands at first but after multiple days of your silence he gets angry
Part of him loved that he was able to take someone else’s normal life away like his was
After an unsuccessful hunt for food, he talks to you, upset
“What’s the point of you being here if all you’re going to do is stare at me?!”
You look at him silently still
“Say something to me! Anything! Just….talk to me like I’m….”
“Like you’re what?”
The first words you’ve said to him…
You two start to talk. Not like you have much else to do
And after days of talking you start to weirdly get along with him. And you don’t even know what he looks like
He always covered head to toe, black clothes, black gloves, blue mask with his black hoodie covering his head. You were barely able to figure out he had brown hair because you saw one tuff
You don’t want to upset your literal captor so you don’t push it
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
“I…just don’t know what you look like”
“You don’t have to”
Jack is terrified of showing you what he looks like. How could he even explain his appearance. Talking with you has been the most normal he’s felt in years. If he shows you what he looks like…that feeling is over
He hears you ask softly
“No…you don’t need to see what I look like”
“You kidnapped me it’s literally the least you can do”
“I won’t judge”
“There’s so much about me I can’t explain. I… talking with you has made me forget about what I am. So please….let me savor this feeling”
You nod and respect his wishes
Then days turn into weeks and into months
And you ask again
“Jack, please let me see your face”
“It’s my birthday! This is all I want for a present!”
He legs out a sigh
“Is this really what you want?”
You nod
“Only if you take it off” he was fully ready for your look of disgust and screams of terror
And so you do and you smile at him as you take him in, his grey skin, soft brown hair that falls into his face a bit and sharp teeth oh and no eyes
“Why aren’t you screaming?”
“I don’t know”
Jacks been sleeping by your side since that night
You guys don’t call yourself a couple, but it’s basically what you are
But being with him isn’t all fun
When he had to hunt he comes back angry, not at you, but the fact that he has to do it at all
So he’s snappy, irritable and barely talks and he’s just not pleasant to be around when he’s like that
He hates hunting and feeding and won’t do it for days and only does it when absolutely necessary
When that happens the demon he’s hosting takes over and it’s terrifying
He gets much taller, he barely talks, becomes more animalistic and at night he just stares at you, like he’s trying to hold himself back from attacking you
He hates that you have to see him like that but he also hates hunting and feeding
When he feeds he will never do it around you
He’ll always go in another room but you can hear everything
You can hear the noises of him eating because he eats like a ravenous animal
You can hear his growling and panting and fleshy ripping noises as he tears into the meat of the organs with his teeth
He’ll come back to your bedroom blood, around his mouth, hands and the rest of him and you have to pretend everything is normal or he’ll get mad
“You think because I don’t have eyes I can see the way you look at me?! Stop looking at me like that!”
You can only look away
He can’t take you out like a normal boyfriend can because of the way he looks and it makes him upset
So when he sees you wanting to do normal couple things it hits a nerve
“You know damn well I can’t do that”
He’s upset that he can’t be normal alongside you and give you what you deserve
He tries to take you on walks around the forest but he knows you deserve more
He’s super possessive of you and keeps you by his side at all times. You’re the only thing that makes him feel normal
Even though he trusts you he always is watching you to make sure you don’t try to escape
Try to escape and there WILL be consequences
But hopefully it’ll never come to that
Jack sometimes gets really depressed about how his life turned out so sometimes if that happens he’ll just cry
Well, he’ll try to
The tar burned his tear ducts and he has no eyes so he’ll just make these heaving noises and they’re so sad to listen to
It’s so heartbreaking that he can’t do a human thing like cry
So you just hold him as he makes those noises, comforting him as best you can
“I wish I could look into your eyes, Jack”
“Me too”
He hasn’t had a romantic connection like this in years
His last romantic interest was Jenny the girl who made him this monster in the first place so sometimes he’s scared you’re going to somehow you’re gonna betray him
He knows he’s being paranoid though or so he hopes
On top of that he’s not good at communicating / being social at all since he’s spent so much time alone
So when he’s upset or angry or has a problem with you he won’t talk it out with you he just leaves or is quiet. Worst case scenario, just mean
“Did I do something wrong?”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll get over it so just drop it.”
“Drop it. Now.”
He gets better with communication as time goes on
Although he still really struggles with it
He’s also not very affectionate so it’ll feel like you’re alone even when he’s with you
He doesn’t do it on purpose, hes just so used to not receiving affection and he hasn’t given anyone affection in years
After some talks he’ll get better with it
He really does love you he just doesn’t exactly know how to show it
But he tries
He knows you can’t leave the house with him so when he’s out, he’ll get you your favorite food, a trinket or something else you like
“Here. I know you like this”
He sleeps much better now that you’re next to him
He’s grateful for you
He really is. You didn’t have to open up to him and accept him but you did and he’ll forever love you for that
Since your actual house is close to the forest you actually take him back to your house and live with him normally
You watch TV together, lounge around and get takeout that he can’t consume so he watches you eat it and just laugh and talk
When he’s with you, he’s normal. You’re his normal. His home. He finally found what he wanted in you
Although it’s not perfect, you’re together and that’s all he needs
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moaloves · 8 months
Danger Force Head canons
(If you recognize these it’s bc I posted them before I accidentally DELETED MY ENTIRE BLOG😭)
Bose calls Henry to talk about his parental problems a lot
Mika does her own hair and occasionally does Miles’ too
Sometimes Miles and Mika have to sleep in the same room to ensure they’re both still there and okay
Miles has multiple places only he knows about and that he occasionally teleports to just to get some time away
Bose occasionally has trouble setting boundaries leading to the others’ unintentionally hurting him
In the opposite direction Chapa occasionally preemptively sets too many boundaries causing the others to accidentally exclude her
Miles runs late to things a lot of the time because he constantly thinks, “It’ll only take me a second to get there!” even if he’s meant to already be there
Mika drinks tea almost every night to soothe her throat preemptively
Chapa makes most of her own clothes but Miles can sew better than she can
Mika struggles to meet the expectations she has set for herself, often leading to burnout and breakdowns
Miles often struggles with how his interpersonal values conflict with beating up criminals all the time
Due to going to school together and fighting crime together all four kids quickly become codependent
Chapa sometimes has to spend hours or days to herself just to get away from all the stress being a superhero causes
Bose was the first of them to get seriously hurt on a mission, forcing him on bed rest for a week, and off active field duty for at least a month
It was the first time the others really realized that one day this job may kill them
A few villains retired after Kid Danger “died” and more are extra careful with how they treat Danger Force, just in case
As the kids get older they spend a lot of time making up on the schoolwork they missed when they were younger
As the kids get older they get more and more disillusioned with the whole superhero gimmick
They all quit being sidekicks like Henry did although at different times
Miles quits first, deciding he’s ready for a more peaceful approach
Chapa quits next, feeling constrained by Ray and like she’s ready to be an adult
Bose leaves after her, more peacefully than the other two but not without at least one screaming match
Mika lasts the longest but eventually has to leave to go to college and live her life
Ray often wonders if taking in more sidekicks was truly a good idea
Schwoz loves the kids as though they’re his own
He often gives them money (that he may or may not have taken from Ray) to allow them to go out like normal teenagers
If Bose overuses his powers he can get migraines occasionally resulting in nose bleeds and on the worst days nausea
The first time it happened he threw up and fainted
It was terrifying for everyone to witness
If Mika overuses her powers she loses her voice for about a week and can’t super scream for even longer
The overuse will make her throat swell as well, causing her to have difficulty breathing
It’s extremely painful and the only thing the others can do is give her medicine and make her soothing drinks
When Miles overuses his powers he gets extreme vertigo.
He’s also often nauseous making it near impossible to move.
It’s disconcerting and no one's ever sure how long it will last.
When Chapa overuses her powers her hands and other extremities go numb
She can still summon lightning but she has no control over the output or direction it goes leading it to be dangerous for everyone around her
She usually just has to carry around insulation gloves and wait for her hands to regain feeling
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eviltext · 1 year
well fuck me. it’s happening.
when i came into this uni i was absolutely terrified my ex would follow me here bc 1. it’s recommended by our college and 2. she is even more into like. traditional crafts and decorative painting than i am currently. supposedly. one school year passed uneventfully, this school year i was scared but nothimg happened.
well guess! what!! next year she’s coming here. im glad my roomie abandoned the idea of leaving for another uni and leaving me alone with our fucking. non-present ephemeral third roomie who’s essentially just using the space as a couch 10 mins/week and to store stuff. im hoping she doesnt leave. but even if she does we have a girl who’s potentially willing to move in with us as to not allow any first years in our vicinity. we hate the freshmen can you tell.
anyway she contacted me today asking about the entrance exams and im sure she’s gonna pass but like. im a bit anxious. i dont want to see her regularly on campus and in the dorms especially. it’s been years but that person left such a sour taste in my mouth and i still feel like. ripples from the aftermath.
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 9 months
little vent i don’t think this is triggering in anyway (mention of being sick so maybe cw emeto ??) but don’t click if u don’t want to hear me whining insert pathetic sad face emoji here
feeling like i am genuinely going to throw up i cant handle this!?!?!? i leave for japan in less than a month yet im on So Many Freakign Medications that i have to fill out a form to request approval for them right. but the thing is i’ll be gone for four months so i need an advanced supply and the form needs details like manufacturer, quantity, bottle size etc. so i need to actually Have all these advanced supply prescriptions in my hand before i can fill out the form. Wellllll trying to get the prescriptions filled has been a FUCKING NIGHTMARE god it’s just phone call after phone call and this pharmacy doesn’t have this prescription and this doctor actually forgot to fill it so i have to call the Other doctor in (college town) because blah blah blah blah it’s been so fucking stressful and awful for the last like week i feel like im abt to pass out fr . doing everything i can to stop myself from being sick rn i can feel it brooooo this is so bad . and the form takes a week or so to process im terrified it won’t all work out and i won’t be able to have my medications while im there which basically cannot happen bc I Need Them. i don’t know what to do i am freaking out so bad
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forsakenmissives · 1 year
just need to work this all out
ok so im unemployed fresh college grad atm and ive got job apps sent in and even an interview lined up but that interview is in the town my dad is in so im staying with my dad but in the time ive spent waiting for that date ive been with an employment agency but the job that place sent me to was the absolute worst and my mental health has plummeted to the point that i’m getting physically sick both bc of the job and bc i feel like i have to keep looking over my shoulder with my dad right there.
i skipped work saturday and today which is insanely immature but i cant think im struggling to sleep and eat bc of this and today i emailed the agency saying i wish to end our agreement. they said they wished i gave a notice (tbf i thought i had when i was like “i’m moving away” on saturday.. but whatever. actually not whatever — that shouldntve been discounted and im not entirely at fault here) but that they wish me the best and i said thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
earlier last week when i told dad this job is really bad for me he told me to stay working there until i get another job secured. i did not do that and now im terrified of telling him that i quit bc i dont know what hes going to do plus i dont want to talk about it with him i just want to be left alone
also this interview ive got lined up is for a really great company however i dread working there bc that means i have to stay with dad. i want to go back to where i used to live. also i dont like that one of the high up workers there is friends with my dad. being a nepo baby is great unless the nepo comes from my dad. i dont trust him to not keep tabs on me and i dont want him knowing what ive been doing or where ive been. not that im doing anything illegal i just want him to fuck off, yknow?
all of this leads back to the problem ive always had in that hes a huge control freak who needs to know everything going on in my life and i cant escape. my mom got out through the divorce but im still stuck here and i cant leave either bc even if i cant breathe with him and his wife and their kids i love my paternal grandparents and aunt and uncle. im just so paranoid and anxious and i feel like i cant breathe
im so sick of disappointing people but also the stuff my dad is proud of me about is stuff im not that proud of. its like i just cant win with him.
oh and paranoia aside i dont want to owe him anything bc he used to ignore me for months despite me calling and messaging him constantly (to the point that my mom was like “do you even love me? do you even want to be here do you even care?”) when he took me out for dinner one of the times he decided to acknowledge me he said he’d pay for a field trip (past the time the fee was due so i had to get special permission from the teacher) then the next week he said i only talk to him when i need money so actually no hes not giving me anything. WHAT. and then a couple years later he was like “i never got to be your parent you never let me be your dad :(“ and when i was like “why” he was like “i had to always go have fun with you instead of discipline you bc i didnt want our time together to be all sad and me getting mad at you” like again. WHAT.
he said that bc i was like “i was rly hurt when you said i only come to u for money bc i reached out to u a lot and u never replied”. so. idk what to do with that but i still dont rly understand the argument from him here. but yeah i was like rly hurt and then he started crying talking about how he never got to be my dad even tho i was like 19 when this convo happened so he had 19 years to try and didnt and its rly unfair that im supposed to feel guilty for denying him this even tho i was the child and he had total control he could decide what to do with me and he chose wrong and now hes taking it out on me here in this restaurant. ok.
its so fucked cuz now im like so was i doing something wrong all those times we were tgt? like idk im just scared around him bc i dont ever know if im doing something wrong bc he wont tell me or maybe he will or maybe he . idk i just cant sit still yknow?
also his wife is racist and ive got to deal with microaggressions from her. and hes a pastor
anyway i just needed to get that all out there to feel a bit less crazy. thank you for coming to my ted talk ✌️😗
OH YEAH. and he makes me feel stupid all the fucking time like i dont need a job right now. i Should get one but i dont have a mortgage im not buying groceries i dont need to pay for insurance I DONT NEED A JOB. but he told me to stay in this shitass job bc i need it. dude it had me out in the sun all day (ALL DAY) paying $10/hr and had me coming home genuinely thinking about killing myself. not even bc of the physical labor but bc it was so under-stimulating like i was in my head all day no music no interesting surroundings no conversation nothing for me to solve. and he was all like “well sometimes we have to do work that we don’t like” YEAH I FUCKING KNOW DICKHEAD. my mom said he talked like that to her too and also apparently ok not to brag bc im fr not but im rly smart like im fucking brilliant and my dad always acted like it was bc of him but my mom’s other kids are also brill while my dad’s other kids are… theyre sweet kids and intelligence isnt everything im aware i know but its like “really dickhead?” i just hate how he belittles u and talks like ur dumb. im not dumb. dont piss me off
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girlhorse · 1 year
in college when i had my first major ocd breakdown and had to go on meds i thought i had really bad GAD lol. that was my only diagnosis. but um i now recognize that it was absolutely full blown ocd lol
tw below for some OCD stuff i feel like sharing for some reason. may delete later bc i am going to get very ~vulnerable~
i was really scared to explain my thoughts to anyone bc 1) i knew logically they were bizarre and that embarrassed me and 2) i was scared talking about my intrusive thoughts would make them come true
basically i was obsessed with thoughts that my now ex was going to be in harms way or die, especially when it had been like. idk. more than 20 minutes from texting me
my intrusive thoughts were so strange..i would come up with really whacky ways that they could be fatally injured. like slipping in the shower or choking to death.
I knew these were unreasonable and weird and I did my absolute best to not pester my ex or make it weird. I didnt want to pressure her to do anything because of my out of control anxiety but it was getting super out of hand
I was getting so sick that I was having panic attacks if i hadnt heard from them in a couple hours, i threw up a few meals because of it
eventually i just stopped sleeping. Every time I started to fall asleep, my body jolted me awake. I had very little appetite and was holding back gags while eating.
The things I didn't really consider to be compulsions are pretty obvious to me now. on top of like intense magical thinking (believing my unusual thoughts were either going to cause something bad or that I had some sort of clairvoyance) i had begun publicly checking my pulse any time i was anxious. I thought i was being discreet but honestly my friends noticed it and asked me wtf i was doing ☠️ i was putting my two fingers on my jugular vein to see if i was panicking or anxious.
i also had a problem with compulsively reading the news in their area if i thought they had been hurt. in the attempt to get ahead of it. I was checking traffic data and friends blogs. It was honest to God a bit stalkerish and i knew that but i was terrified
I did tell them about it eventually and they were very gracious about it.
but this went on for a long time, probably months. Somehow i still coped with college classes and didn't fail anything but i was in a pass/fail school so no pressure to do substantially well
eventually i finally got my as to the doctor bc the therapy i was doing did Not work (it ws self guided CBT. I do not think the campus therapsit was equipped to handle the Brains issue i had)
i got put on a low dose of prozac, but when that didnt work (literally threw up a pill due to anxiety lmao) my doc increased the dose significantly and that helped quite a bit.
Anyway i stopped having so bad of OCD that i couldnt function, but of course i still have my moments
it took me like a couple weeks to figure out my fear was largely surrounding uncertainty and the inability to control things.
i think to be honest it is still present. and it seems to be triggered by major life events. Enzo is my new Subject but I'm better able to cope. It was hard when he was little leaving home, i was always scared I'd come back to a d*** puppy bc of something I did wrong. But! hes fine, we're fine. Him getting sick has been hard to deal with Because of this but im dealing. Im doing my best to just accept my obsrssions instead of fighting them or letting them spiral out of control
IDK what the point od this post is i just feel like i have to get it off my chest and i dont have a therapy appointment this week ❤️❤️❤️ my public tumblr is my diary:)
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torque-witch · 2 years
Long post - personal/relationships
The shitty thing is that statistically men will leave their afab partners once they become chronically or terminally ill. Perhaps there’s a little nuance when it comes to non-straight/cis relationships, but I am glad (though it should be standard) that my partner seems to have become more attentive, forgiving and proactive.
I think some of that IS recognizing how much emotional and physical labor is often overlooked in patriarchal relationships when it stops, or perhaps a little bit of just time spent together and learning about the other person. When “normal” behaviors stop or slow down, there is usually a defined cause that just never gets addressed or is shoved to the side as “laziness.”
What a wonder communication does in relationships, and flexibility. When my ability to work, sleep, socialize and be intimate came into question - sure, some things were frustrating. But I was met with confidence, responsibility, space, intentional care, patience and softness. I got to go to therapy and share everything that I learned - and that helped both of us. He saw me be hospitalized, be terrified, angry, and completely broken. He changed behaviors that made me feel insecure or anxious.
It feels so strange to experience this compared to everything else pre-26 ish. My first bf would only talk to me every two weeks while I was at college and when I cut my hair shorter (not shaved) called me a lesbian and that I’d never find a man. We were together 2.5 years lol. My second main relationship ended with him having a kid with someone else (after talking about marriage and buying a house together) and him telling me he wanted to kill his baby mama (he at this point had a violent criminal background and kept sending me pictures of his kid) 🫡 (this is when I decided I didn’t want kids - he ruined that) Then I spent 4 years with someone who refused to learn how to make frozen chicken nuggets in the oven and claimed to be a murderer while begging me to hide his fire arm for his own safety 🌝 and then the next man lied about being married and used his terminal chronic illness to make me feel sorry for him for lying to me and then put me through psychological trauma because I got heavier on meds and started calling him out on his lying ass behavior
Listen I’m just saying. I’m just realizing how actually fucked up the majority of my relationships are, and the whole time I really thought I was picking “good” men. I’ve heard worse, so I thought these were promising. I only found my husband bc the non amab date I was seeing failed to disclose that they are poly and I got hurt.
This is way too much information, but the point is that I’m still not sure if my husband is a real person. I have so much unrecognized baggage about said relationships that I’ve scratched the surface of in therapy but Jesus Christ. I’m so used to terrible that this is unbelievable.
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cishetamine · 2 years
lily rose depp
they were calling her a nepo baby
ticketmaster investigation
i waited in that queue for 7 fucking hours
i waited 7 hours
and my dad waited 7 hours
the cheapest tickets were like $200
and taylor swift’s apology was so fucking bullshit
i do feel like it wasn’t totally in her control
harry stiles and ed sheeran
he’s the #1 most listened person on spotify!
i was so pissed off on tuesday
i saw how long the queue was when i tried to join
he paid like $500 for VIP
the fees are bad!
yeah they add up!
i’ve been scouting out tickets
it was row 2 of the 3rd tier
it should’ve been 80, it bumped up to 120 in fees
so i decided i was
there’s an app they were promoting on tiktok
you pay like a monthly membership and u get like a shitload of discounts
i hope ticketmaster gets like taken down
this is the community college i’m gonna go to!
i’d be terrified to—
did you sign up for classes next semester?
hopefully i can transfer to UIC
wait what
are you..a sophomore with your credits?
seems like their studies were interrupted
college algebra i should be okay with but biology is just not my thing
i’m gonna take speech next semester, which is required for PR
it’s so fun watching her interact with the snow
baby’s first snow
public speaking
it’s a requirement for my major
my brother took it for
business degree
i hate listening to my voice on camera
you have to talk abt stupid things
he did his on why videogames are like bad for kids
which they don’t talk abt in college as much these days. bc they’re like too talked about
the last 2 months of my philosophy class last year we just did political debates like every single day
ppl are afraid teachers won’t grade them fairly bc there’s lots of opinion and bias
canadian college
abortion and euthanasia were all not allowed
ooh there’s the dugout
is that a bar?
is that the rooftop right there?
it’s actually really cute.
ohh! he’s going on a cruise i think! with like regina’s family over thanksgiving.
he straight up told me that [pronoun indecipherable] doesn’t like having sex
like receiving it?
you’re so selfish
what’s wrong with you!
i saw her private story
all she does is post like carter and monty, that’s it.
when she got accepted she said she hasn’t even toured it yet
she skipped it to go to starbucks with us
i’ve never met anyone lazier in my fucking life
community college
you don’t wanna end up like her that’s for sure
my mom said
if you’re gonna drop out and never go back,
i was telling
holding me here against my will
your family needs a reality tv show
it would get so many views
my parents had to flush her pills down the toilet
bc you’re only supposed to be taking them for like 2 weeks
her like SCREAMING in the background. like SCREAMING
she was hooked on oxy
i’m excited for the new season
they canceled it!
They canceled it?!!??
there was rumors about a bunch of major actors leaving the show
sidney sweeney
trump supporter
i love when the internet comes in with opinions
i feel like you can’t really cancel an actor unless they do something
armie hammer! yeah he works at a hotel now
there was like leaked—
just got put on netflix which is like, shit timing
everyone likes the summer in italy
i’ve always liked
2 more stops
i don’t know…i don’t see the appeal
it doesn’t look that great to me but i want to see it
don’t worry darling
i didn’t neeed to see it
walk out of the theater like after watching interstellar
if you’re not gonna make a sequel don’t you dare leave a movie un..
i know the harry stans are going crazy right now.
i look at him more and more like he’s not all that. he looks like a lot of other people
great personality, but
he’s that one person who’s like too into tiktok trends like he’s right behind them
i’ve never been to a harry styles concert but
it also pissed me off how long it took him to reveal what the gender was
there was like a part 2 like what the fuck, just put it in 1 video!
i wish i’d got starbucks before i came here
we’re going to a cafe!
yeah but
very.. adult drinks
do you need your chocolate—
haha yeah, kinda!
i like the sugar cookie—
the gingerbread latte
my sister
you were there for this
my sister was like:
i can’t wait for christmas so i can get a peppermint mocha!
and i was like how many times do i have to tell you: you can get a peppermint mocha year round!
yeah, but it’s different when it’s christmas!
hits different
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1d1195 · 1 month
Oo oo oo!! Which calc?? Or like… ALL of the differential, integral, vector, etc? I hated vector unfortunately. I thought I’d love it bc, ya know…physics is my thing😂 but then we got into triple integrals and changing the variables of them, and I did not feel very hypnotic fully fresh anymore. I think derivatives were my favorite, but in integral, I figured out I could do IBP in my head 💀 so that was fun☺️
Also, I think I told you I decided to retake diff eq this summer(?) bc my instructor last year decided to hate me, but this term I got a 92 on my first exam and a 98.5 on my second one😭 We have two more exams before the term is out, so hopefully those go okay. like??? Fair grading goes so far! My instructor last year, if I lost a sign or fucked up a constant, they would take points off for every step after. I remember one problem I did that on like, step two, and it was graded a 1/15. Hello?? All my work is correct, I just made a tiny algebraic error, so what is this for😭 This instructor tho, they just write like “-.25” for that one part and call it good😂 BC I KNOW THE CONCEPTS!!!! I JUST CAN’T ADD FOUR AND SEVEN ANYMORE!! Got to far into math and now I have to check on my calculator three separate times that five and five is indeed ten 🤣 you think after four calcs, linear algebra, stats, diff eq, and a year of calc based physics that I can do simple arithmetic?? Absolutely not lmao
I’ve been looking for a new job because my current lab position doesn’t receive benefits, and where I live, you can only stay on your parents insurance until you’re 26. And I’ll be that old on the 26th😂 I have too many health issues to NOT have insurance.
I applied for a position at another lab, and they emailed me yesterday for the next step! It sucks that I have to leave my current lab since I’ve been there for over five and a half years, and I LOVE what I do, but there’s also been a lot of shit going down so it’s probably for the best lmao
Honestly, haven't even looked at the curriculum. I'm pretty sure it's Calc I for most college level courses. I actually took AP Calc ages ago and I remember we covered derivatives, limits, implicit differentiation (MY FAVORITE 😍😍), some integrals, optimization maybe? I forget. I'm pretty nervous about teaching it so I really SHOULD start looking at it, but I'm on fumes of remembering how much I LOVED it when I took it and I'm just so excited. IBP is actually terrifying to me. Idk if I could do that I really need to study 🤭
LOVE that for you! I knew you would do well! I'm happy to report that as a teacher I'm a very fair grader the way you described. If you mess up a sign anywhere on the problem I take at most 1 point away. (Algebra doesn't have like 15 steps for me to take away additional points). I want them to know the process more than the little arithmetic (but also they get a calculator that they REFUSE to use when I offer it so I like to take points off for that too). So 3/4 for an otherwise flawless problem is what I do.
I'M THE SAME WAY. All my friends ask me to split checks and do the tip when we go out to eat and I'm like "lol, give me a piece of paper be, I can't subtract anymore."
I hope you get the new job! Benefits are so important. Your golden birthday! How lovely! Do you have any fun plans? I'm going to do my best to remember but that's around when I go back to work!
Thanks for checking in! I hope you're having a great week! 💕
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randomfandomcat · 5 years
me listening to mitski, post breakdown, having changed so many physical aspects of myself for the thrill of change
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#plucked my eyebrows ! dyed my hair ! put on fake nails n painted em !#was gonna do my makeup w false lashes but more Shit happened so ill save that for tomorroe#w#. christ !#im. safe ? i guess but wow that wrecked me#dad never like. gets genuinely drunk so this was scary#usually its Chill But Grumpy#but this was like. he#couldnt remember a lot of things n wasnt making sense#n it just got worse from there n i get the feeling this is gonna be some Trauma for me#i keep thinking about having to go find his body in the river. christ fucking god shit#im not good folx !!!!#me: oh man once i move from college my mental health will get so much better ! i wont wanna die anymore !#home: so much fucking worse like oh my god bitch you are NOT ready lmao#woof ! hope i dont get nightmares tonight bc some BAD STUFF is gonna happen if i do#n i know i have two more months but now im so scared to leave the house ! ever !#god ! god !!!!!!#there are so many ways he could do it my mom is disabled she cant follow him to the river he takes the car half the week we have guns in the#house fuck !!!!!!!#i wanna get out of here so fucking bad to escape it but im also so terrified something will happen while im gone.#i think. my mom was gonna kill herself once when i was off at rehearsal#bc she was really weird abt saying she was proud of me out of nowhere#but thats all speculation on my part#but this ? this was to my face. this had a plan. this had DATES. the last two days !!! hes almost done it !!!#fuck fuck fuck why do they think i can handle this just because i go to therapy doesnt mean im a fucking therapist#i wanna talk to friends abt this n cope but this is a fucking LOOOOOOT to drop on someone#ok goodnight. the gb stream stopped n i started Thinking so im gna go to sleep n hope. nothing happens#god this is gonna make my sleep even worse huh !
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onsunnyside · 2 years
hey just wanna ask can you pretty pls post something bout like drabble sneak peak anything related to ata ari and starlet on 9th of july 🥹🥹 this day is my birthday and i cant do anything cause half of my friends in out of country or city and my family has their own issues that cluld be a really beautiful birthday present for me ofc u dont have to but anyways i think u get the topic love you and your stories have a nice day best friend
hi bestie dearest, i'm so sorry you couldn't do anything for your birthday 🥺 please know that I'm celebrating for you all the way over here and sending you so much love and sweetness for your special day. i hope all your wishes come true !!
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | dark!alpha!fraternity president!Ari Levinson x omega!activist!reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | dark, a/b/o dynamics, assault, power imbalance, violence, misogyny (within a/b/o designations), mean!ari, manipulation, size difference, possessive behaviour, blackmail. mentioned/implied (not on reader): assault (brutal mugging), beating, injuries.
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | a snippet of A Tough Act: starlet has the lead role in a performance, but at what cost?
𝗪/𝗖 | 1.37K
𝗔/𝗡 | the masterlist isn’t posted yet, but this is from my new series set in HCV (Howard college verse). here is a special drabble for you, birthday anon. consider it also a snippet/spoiler bc this will be in the fic. it's a part I knew I wanted to write as soon as I outlined their story
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You try to ignore him, strangled breaths leave your clenched teeth as you apply lipstick, gripping the tube so tightly your knuckles nearly cramp. You’re fuming, shaking with pure rage as the previous night replays in your mind. 
You didn’t witness the assault, but you watched the video of it, he made you. It kept you up for hours on end, her choked pleas, the awful snap of her leg, and the aftermath of her bloody and bruised face. A lone tear slips from your eye before you wipe it away, not wanting to give him the satisfaction or ruin the makeup that took an hour.
Your bones go rigid as he inhales. 
“How does it feel to be the star of the show?”
The lipstick drops with a clank as you spin around, jabbing a finger in his built chest. “She’s in the hospital because of you.”
“And, you have the lead part because of me.” Ari swiftly replies, blue eyes calmly meeting yours, “When are you going to realize there is no playing nice in your profession. People will step all over you to get what they want, tear you to shreds and spit on your grave. And, you’re worried about some girl?”
The thick false lashes flutter against your cheekbones as you turn away, glaring at the exact replica of your costume just in a different size that fit the other student, the phenomenal actress who rightfully deserved the lead role because of her hard work and dedication. 
Unlike you, who got it because of the terrifying news that shook the entire production. 
“You could’ve killed her.”
Ari rolls his eyes, easily pushing you back until you’re pressed against the vanity. The yellow lights illuminate your frame like the sun. He fixes your headpiece, pink lips draw into a slow smirk. “Don’t be dramatic, starlet, she’ll recover in a few weeks.”
“And probably never come back because she’s fucking scared to get mugged again!”
His reflexes are fast when he slams your raised fist into the mirror, and makeup clatters to the ground as the vanity trembles. The force could’ve cracked the glass, and that plants two seeds into your stomach, one of alarm and one of fury. 
He scowls, his eyebrows low as a dark shadow takes over his eyes. “Her fear is not my problem, and it isn’t yours either. She didn’t care about you when she stole your part—”
“She didn’t steal it.”
“Well, she didn’t deserve it any more than you did.” He slides his fingers between yours, entwining your hands. “You were so upset when you didn’t get it, did you think I’d just let her do that to you? Fuck up all your chances to make something of your life?”
Because fucking up your life was his pleasure, and no one else could take that from him. 
Perhaps you should be used to his behaviour by now, but this was far worse than the teasing, unconsented touching and borderline stalking because that was all inflicted onto you. This time he purposefully hurt someone else and traumatized them for the rest of their life. Heavy guilt sinks deep, reminding you that you brought yet another person into your stupid mess with the Arcadia president. 
“She almost lost sight in her right eye.” You spit, “If you think my career is going to be built on the suffering of an innocent girl—you’re sadly mistaken.”
“Fine then.” He breathes, he drops your hand, stepping back and crossing his arms, his biceps almost tearing the seams of his shirt. “Don’t go on stage, don’t perform the part you’ve thrived for.” His tone lowers to a growl, “See how far you’ll get by being nice.”
Your nails dent the surface of the vanity, red hot wrath burns bright within your chest. You despise him with every cell of your body. 
Ari gestures to the wide-open door, cocking his head tauntingly. “Fucking go if you aren’t grateful for my help.”
You grit your teeth and shoulder past him. When you’re one step away from the doorway, he speaks again. 
“I’m sure the Dean and the police would be curious as to why you never came forward about her assault. After all, you know exactly who did it,” He tuts, “You saw what they did, and you know why.” 
Your feet freeze as a deep thumping fills your head, pounding against your skull and shaking the rest of your body. The dressing room exit is within reach, one more step and you’ll be away from him, and hopefully, never get his cruel help again—but that was wishful thinking. 
“They’d wonder why the great omega rights activist withheld information about the brutal mugging of another helpless, young omega.” Ari appears by your side, his heady scent filling your senses as a sickness takes over, “You’d probably lose your scholarship and all credibility. Think you’ll survive with that on your record?”
You meet his eyes, neck stiff as you read his expression. One quirked brow with squinted eyes, plump lips in a relaxed smile. 
“They’ll never believe you.”
“Won’t they? It’s my word against yours. And you may be a star performer, but you’ll never have what I have—superiority. Your reputation is standing on thin glass, and something like this could shatter everything you have. And those dreams of yours—are just going to be fantasies you’ll never reach. Are you ready for that to happen?”
When you don’t reply, he steps behind you, his firm chest pressing against your back. “The door is right there,” He whispers into the side of your face, lips ghosting your skin, “along with a false sense of independence, and a future you can kiss goodbye.”  
The next few seconds feel like hours when your feet refuse to move, trapping you and your dreadful realization that he’s right. No matter how hard you tried, fought and screamed, you’d never be like him or any alpha. 
He hums pridefully, drinking in your corset-style dress that enhanced your figure, “That’s my girl. I expect a thank you tonight, baby.” 
Your name is called before one of the crew members pokes in, looking startled at the sight of the big alpha crowding your space. He stutters for a moment, wide brown eyes meeting yours, “Uh, curtains in fifteen. Mrs. Aiko wants to speak to you beforehand though.”
And just like that, you can move again. As if the presence of someone else snapped you out of whatever rotten trance Ari put you under. “Thanks, I’ll be right there.” 
The young man leaves with a forced smile and the air feels lighter. You tilt up your chin and step forward, but Ari grabs your arm and digs his fingers into your flesh when you try to shove him off. “I could’ve lost my presidency because of that whore. Don’t disappoint me out there. I’m expecting a standing ovation.” He loosens his hold, settling for bringing your knuckles to his lips, he presses a chaste kiss, lingering for a few moments too long. “Break a leg—”
You scoff at his sick humour. 
“—or don’t, I have no clue what they’d do if both their best performers were in casts lying in the hospital.” He laughs and goes to the door, placing a single red rose on the table, “We’ll be in the back row.”
He perks up at your shock, “Oh, you thought I’d come alone?” He teases, running a hand through his shoulder-length brown hair, “No, the boys love theatre, plus, they want to know if their blood-stained clothes are worth it. Steve was really upset he dirtied that Kappa hoodie from legacy.” 
You can almost hear the vile sounds of fists and feet slamming into the poor omega’s body and her broken sobs. 
Ari disappears around the corner before returning with a canvas tote bag, he sets it on the floor and you can see the familiar red and gold crescent and a few of the stitched letters on the back ‘LEVI—’
“That’s for after the show, and if you do good, we’ll celebrate back at the house and you’ll get much more than just a sweater from me.” He winks, “Best of luck, starlet. Make me proud.”
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
can we have more sbf bucky 👉🏼👈🏼
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Okay bc this gif got me thinking about like, Bucky having a conversation with your son at college. Maybe you've been quieter than usual and he's not sure why but other than his good morning and good night text, he doesn't really press you. That boy simps hard, let's face it
So maybe your son starts to open up one night and explains that you and his dad aren't on great terms these days. You maybe washed a pair of your husband's trousers and found someone else's underwear in the pocket or something like that so things have been tense at home. And your son is really just looking some advice from his best friend because his dad is denying everything and it's weighing on his mind a bit.
But Bucky just looks over at him and gives the most reassuring smile he can muster even though his heart is slightly breaking knowing what he's about to say.
And he just says something like "Dude, if there's one thing I've noticed, it's that your parents won't leave each other for someone else."
So Bucky tries to put it out of his head for the rest of the week and when he gets to yours on Sunday for lunch, he almost crumbles because holy fucking shit, you're in the most breathtaking dress he's ever seen you wear. He literally has to take a deep breath when he sees you with that warm smile and a figure hugging dress that clearly gives away that you have no fucking underwear on.
You're so handsy with him at dinner, stroking his leg under the table, running your foot up his calf muscle and the poor boy knows you desperately need a release but God, it's torture for him.
As soon as dinner is finished, your husband and son make their way to the living room, leaving you and Bucky alone as always and you're all over him so fast, it makes his head spin. He doesn't know whether to grip your breasts or your ass or your thighs and it's terrifying how he doesn't even care that you both could be caught like this.
Your mouth is so firm and insistent and he moans so loud when he runs a hand under your dress, finding you wetter than ever. Your thighs are so slick and before he knows it, you've sank down on two of his fingers, riding them as much as the awkward position allows.
But it's not quite enough for you. It never is. So as you're mouthing at his neck, worrying his skin between your teeth, you lean over and groan "fuck baby, I want you in his chair. Please sweetheart, I wanna think of you every time I see him sitting there." He's not sure how he's supposed to deny you so he doesn't, letting you get up and you both shift over to the chair at the head of the table that your husband has always occupied.
He makes quick work of unzipping his jeans, letting you slide down on his length and he knows neither of you can last long today. You're almost there already as you grind back and forth, groaning your pleasure into his neck, gripping the back of the chair for support.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful like this, o-oh you feel so good, most perfect fuckin' body." He whines, his head thrown back, listening to the slick noises your body makes as you rub yourself on him.
"Baby, right there, oh my God." The pure need in your voice makes him groan quietly. Anyone could catch you like this. Anyone could walk in and find you taking what you need from Bucky, in your husband's chair and it doesn't faze either of you in the slightest.
"You're so perfect, you know that? Warm and tight and soft and all fucking mine." He's never been this possessive of you before but you're both far more attached than you want to admit. His short fingernails are digging in to your hips and it's absolute bliss that he's not holding back anymore.
"Shit, I'm yours Buck. All yours, 'm gonna cum holy shit." You gasp, rubbing your own clit as he bites and sucks at your neck.
"Gonna fill you up, want you to play with yourself later and fuck my mess back into your pussy, okay?" He's never been this shamelessly filthy with you and it sends you over the edge, cumming hard around his cock, promising to keep yourself as full of him as possible.
He follows quickly after, a quiet sob breathed against your neck, holding you as close as possible, making sure he's too deep for his mess to drip out yet
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labeeboheme · 3 years
my spencer reid headcanons
(when a happy one matches a sad one, they’ll be matching colours)
also tw - vague mention of suicide, drug addiction, disordered eating mention (never anything graphic)
- Garcia and the rest of the team would leave little sticky notes around his desk and normally they’d just make him smile but when he was having a rough day they’d literally make him tear up with happiness
- he’s obscenely good at present giving, because he simultaneously remembers everything that people say they like and also has his ridiculous knowledge of what exists out there
- one week (it coincided with him being clean for 5 years, he never made the connection) he walked into the briefing room and every member of the team was dressed exactly as him. he kept trying to bring it up and everybody pretended they had no idea what he was on about. it became their BAU group chat icon for years.
- one of the best days of his life was when garcia took him dog walking with her, he got to just wander around with 6 dogs all day
- jack grows to adore him just as much as henry does. spencer hangs around a lot because him and hotch are usually the ones without anyone to hang out with at the weekend, and he takes jack to the museum with henry and michael all the time. jack ends up being a lot more like spencer than he imagined (which both terrifies and delights hotch)
- Spencer has never actually attended a graduation, despite having graduated from various degrees like 10+ times. when the BAU (Alex probably) finds out, they all force him into a gown and rock up to cheer him
- they liked to play trivia games where it was spencer vs the rest of the team, but someone (i’m thinking emily) picks up that it makes him feel left out. they then take turns being on spencer’s team. one month, the non-spencer team beats them and the joy it gives them makes him smile for a week
- garcia learns how to make mocktails and without fail, will make a huge jug for him anytime the rest are drinking alcohol but make sure they’re fun flavours so he gets just as much excitement as everyone else
- after Diana is moved to Virginia, the team become really close to her. JJ takes the boys to hang out with her because she’s always loved children (and Diana sometimes thinks Henry is a young Spencer, which makes JJ worry about how Spencer will react but he’s just sitting here grinning with tears in his eyes because he’s finally getting to see his mom be the mom he knew she could be)
- the BAU love his glasses, and there’s a competition to get a photo of him with them on, but he’s very good at avoiding cameras. After one case in a hotel they even try to hide his contact solution to force him to wear them (amateurs - he definitely keeps a spare box in his coat). There eventually is a single photo of them wearing them, but all members of the BAU fail. Spencer is babysitting Henry, who is distraught about having to wear glasses to school. Spencer gives up trying to comfort him and just takes his contact lenses out and switches them for glasses. Henry is super shocked but so happy that he matches his favourite person, so Spencer takes a photo of the two of them so that Henry can put it next to his bed
- he gets a cat after prison, it’s a tabby cat that is the light of his life, and the cat is just heavy enough that when Spencer gets it to sit on his lap that cat can be used a grounding pressure
- developed disordered eating habits that started from him always being super underweight as a child bc he couldn’t afford food and then when he got to college he started to eat properly and put on actually healthy weight but he was so adverse to change that it freaked him out
- one of the roughest days at the BAU, after all the obvious terrible times, was when Morgan and Hotch was just having a casual conversation about how they’d helped Strauss with her addiction and it just broke him. he ended up hiding under Garcia’s desk and he’d only speak to her and Emily (as the only people I think ever actually helped him) and was non verbal, once they finally got him out into the office he refused to speak to either of them and was just stimming with garcia comforting him (once he started talking again he whispered why he was so upset to emily, and she joined him in his glaring at them every time he looked at them. morgan and hotch never really worked it out and eventually reid just gave up on being upset because he knew it couldn’t change what happened)
- spencer has never walked across the stage at graduation, but that doesn’t mean he never went to a graduation. his first degree his mom promised she’d come, but ended up not leaving the house. he stood to the side of the stage in his gown trying not to cry before just going back home and having the diploma mailed to him
- he relapsed in prison. he considered his sobriety over after the events in Mexico, and so just briefly gave up when one of the inmates offered him some. as soon as Garcia came to visit him, he broke down and never did it again. he never told Morgan and so he still got a text every year on the day he first got clean, which he thought he’d absolutely hate but ended up finding comfort in because even if the “happy 12 years sobriety, kid” should have been “happy 2 years sobriety, kid”, it reminded him that he’d done it before and could do it again
- after maeve died and they came round to help him clean his apartment, he was really proud of himself for being able to put her book on the shelf and feel like he’s moving on. and then the next day he was getting ready to go to work properly for the first time and he was just getting more and more terrified and anxious and then started to spiral because the longer he panicked the later he was. and it reminded him of how scared maeve had been to come outside to meet him at the restaurant but she’d done it anyway, and he put the book in his bag and found it a lot easier to leave the house after that
- Spencer is so goddamn bitter about them not helping him get clean, and he mentions it whenever he can. In a angry-but-never-let-himself-be-angry way, he takes some justification in seeing the team squirm with guilt. one day he’s listing symptoms of withdrawal for a case, and just starts to go like “another symptom is intense muscle pain, which for me was definitely the worst” or “yeah nausea is real bad, not that you’d know I guess” like he’s exhausted and pissed off and just gives up any pretence of subtlety
- when Diana dies, the whole team rally around Reid more than he could imagine. They all organise the funeral basically for him, and Garcia constantly cooks for him, and at least one person sleeps on his sofa each night in case he needs them. By week two he’s doing okay, and he quickly realises they’re doing it for themselves more than him, because they’re so desperate to let him know how loved he is. It’s still one of the worst weeks of his life, but it’s bearable and that’s purely down to him never having to feel lonely
- there’s a reason he knew exactly what to do when he walked in on Nathan Harris, and that’s because he’s done it with his mom, except that time he was 12 and his dad had just left and he just sat there covered in blood waiting for the ambulance, and whilst promising the paramedics that his dad was on his way home so that social services wouldn’t turn up, he read countless books on medical treatment so that next time he wouldn’t be so hopeless
- I respectfully disagree with the line where he’s like “this is my first meeting” at the Beltway clean cops, I’m convinced he would drive two hours to a meeting miles away so he could truly be anonymous and sit curled up in a chair and cry in meetings without even the slightest chance of seeing someone he knew
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
can you do a barry one where you’re rafe and sarah’s sister and you’ve been sneaking barry into your room every night while you’re home from college bc your friends with benefits but when ward goes to give barry the money that rafe owes him he says something like “why don’t you ask your daughter who’s she’s been sneaking into her room every night. so ward comes home pissed to wake you up and ask you about it so you go to barry’s house and confront him and it leads to smut
Author's Notes: I wrote her as the Littlest Cameron from Ward's first marriage - because I kinda love that idea. All characters are 18+
Warnings: OBX Spoilers - Only for Season 1 (I assume we've all been there done that..) Swearing, Mentions of drugs/ drug debt, Guns, Sexual references - Sexual innuendos, Smutty.
Requested? YES! Requests for OBX are OPEN!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
For almost six weeks he had been sneaking into her bedroom at night, completely unseen to anyone. Not even the boy who spent the majority of his days on his couch, passed out or begging for a fix.
This time it was his turn to beg.
He crawled through the window - left open like always for him - and tossed his legs through in to her bedroom. He grunted when her body collided with his in the dark, sending him backwards towards the wall.
"We said 11pm. It's 11:17pm." She mumbled as she pressed on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck.
"Sorry. Got wrapped up in some shit. Thought I forgot?" He smirked as he hitched at the waist to wrap his arms around her, reciprocating her affection.
"Yes." She whispered into his shoulder as her fingertips curled into the material of his coveralls.
Barry only lifted her up in response, always amazed that a girl with a brother the size of Rafe Cameron could be so tiny. He carried her over to her bed and laid her on her back, crawling on top of her to take up the space between her thighs. He placed feather-light kisses down her neck, a smile on his face as she pulled at his coveralls.
"Hey, Tiny. I need to borrow some fucking cash. You don't still have that stupid piggy bank or some shit - what the fuck is this?" Rafe came stomping into her bedroom without knocking and flicked the lights on, his hands pushing all the trinkets and books off her dresser as he searched.
"Rafe, what the fuck! Knock first, asshole!" She screamed as she tossed a decorative pillow off her bed and towards her older brother who stood dumbfounded on the other side of her bedroom.
"The fuck is this? Why is he here?" Rafe questioned as he pointed his index finger at the older man on top of his younger sister.
"What's up, Country Club?" Barry smirked as he turned his face to look at Rafe, as if he weren't on top of his little sister.
"T.C, he has to leave. Now. I'm fucking serious." Rafe grumbled with a stern look, a pinch of his nostrils and then exited her bedroom with a slam of the door.
"T.C?" Barry grinned as he propped himself up on his arms above her and looked down at her embarrassed face.
"Tiny Cameron." She sighed as she pressed one hand to his lower back and the other to her forehead.
"That's cute. Shit's real cute. He take money from you a lot?" Barry asked as he leaned his weight on one forearm to run his fingertips over his top lip.
"Not a lot. Sometimes. Mostly takes it from dad, but he asks for money a lot more often now. I'm assuming it's to pay you." She replied softly.
"Some of it. Your brother got a nice new bike out there and he still runnin' up a tab with me, so..." Barry trailed as he placed his hand back down beside her on the bed.
"Don't get me started on that stupid dirt bike." She sighed as she rolled her head back on the sheets.
"Listen, I'm gonna go. I can hear him pacing outside that fucking door. But don't let him take your money, T.C." Barry winked before he gave her a quick kiss on her lips and pulled himself off the bed, heading back towards the window.
"Fuck you, Barry." She whined with a pout, sitting up on the bed to watch him leave.
"Next time." He grinned, flashing her his gold tooth.
It had been close to one week since the night Rafe had caught Barry in his little sister's room, and since then his debt had grown exponentially. Rafe felt overwhelmed and reckless as he entered the combination to his father's wall safe. Perhaps that's why he got caught.
"Dad, I swear I learned my lesson. Okay? Let's not do this. Please." Rafe begged from the front seat of his father's S.U.V as they idled out front of Barry's house.
"Stay in the car." Ward ordered as he unbuckled his seat belt and opened his door.
Ward Cameron walked up the dirt path, lit by the lights of his vehicle and pulled his wallet from his back pocket. He saw the young man sitting at the fire pit, a bottle of liquor in his hand.
"Are you Barry?" He called as he opened his wallet and began to count the bills.
"Might be. You lost?" Barry asked as he took a swig of the whiskey in his hand and looked over the clean cut older man standing a few feet in front of him.
"No. My son Rafe owes you money. I'm here to pay his tab." Ward replied with a shake of his head as he pulled out the wad of cash, and folded it in half.
"Big Daddy Cameron, huh?" Barry smirked as he stood up from his chair and took a few steps towards Ward.
"That should cover it. Don't sell my son drugs anymore." Ward growled as he tossed the cash on the ground at Barry's feet and turned to walk away.
"Got no problem not selling drugs to your delinquent son. But it's your daughter who might have a problem staying away from me." Barry replied his stance strong as he watched Ward Cameron stop dead in his tracks, his back rigid.
"Sarah?" Ward asked as he turned around, his eyes wide as he looked the dealer up then down.
"You forget you have more than one daughter, don't you? Talking about the little one. Think Rafe calls her...T.C?" Barry replied as he pushed his hands into his pockets.
Ward Cameron ran a shaky hand over his beard as he continued to stare at Barry. He turned to leave, but changed his mind and stalked back over to him, and stood directly in front of the shorter man.
"Stay away from my family. My son and especially my daughter." Ward growled a finger pressed into Barry's chest before he turned on his heel and stomped back towards the S.U.V.
"Big Daddy Cameron." Barry scoffed with a shake of his head as he crouched down to pick up the bills on the ground. He knew he had just lit a match under the Cameron patriarch, but he was fine with it.
Back at Tannyhill Rafe walked quickly into the house and up the stairs, his head hung low as he blinked back tears. He walked passed each of his sisters' rooms towards his own, stopping at the one of the left.
"T.C, better gear up. Dad knows about Barry. He's coming upstairs. Fire is lit." Rafe grumbled with a sniff and then made his way towards his bedroom with a slam of his door.
"What do you mean dad knows about - Hi, daddy." She mumbled as she scrambled off the bed after her brother, only to be met in the doorway by a livid Ward Cameron.
"How long?" Ward asked as he tried to keep his voice even, despite the way his body shook with pure anger. He had one daughter running around on The Cut, a son stealing from him to pay for his drug habit, and now his other daughter - his baby - was sleeping with that drug dealer.
What had he done wrong?
"Since I got home from school. Rafe introduced us at a party." She replied softly, avoiding her father's gaze.
"Are you snorting that shit like Rafe is?" Ward asked, his voice just a whisper and terrified.
"No, dad. I'm not. I swear. It's not like that with Barry. He likes me. He likes me a lot, and we're just hanging out together." She replied quickly as she reached for her father, her hands on his wrists that hung at his sides.
"But you're sleeping with him." Ward scoffed with a glare down at her. So tiny. Just like her mother. Everything about her reminded him of his first wife.
"I...I mean, yes. We're sleeping together. I go and visit him, and he comes over here sometimes." She nodded with a squeeze of his wrists.
"T.C, he comes here? To my house?" Ward glared down at his daughter.
"Dad, I -"
"I can't look at you right now." Ward grumbled as he pulled his wrists from her grip, rubbed his face and walked out of her bedroom, down the hall to his office.
"Shit." She whispered, pushing her hands through her hair. She walked back into her room, over to her desk and grabbed her bag. She walked over to her window, slid it open as quietly as she could and climbed out.
The knock at Barry's door was a surprise. He was expecting no visitors. He slowly raised his body up from the tattered couch, grabbed his gun from the waistband of his pants and walked cautiously to the front door.
"What you want?" He yelled, gun raised.
"It's me, you ass." Her sad voice sobbed back with a slam of her fist against the door once again.
"Fuck." Barry sighed as he reached for the several locking mechanisms on his door and let her in.
"What the fuck did you say to my dad!" She cried with a push of his strong chest.
Barry stood in the doorway and took each hit to the chest. He knew he may have overstepped a boundary or two that night, telling Ward Cameron he was sleeping with his daughter. But, he didn't like to have people come up to his home uninvited, telling him what to do and who to see. So he bit back.
"Stop. Listen to me. He came over here with your brother in the car, tossed money at me and told me to stop selling to Rafe." Barry muttered as he grabbed her wrists then held them against his chest to keep her close.
"And what did you say?" She struggled in his arms and looked up at him with those eyes that were all Cameron. He wished he didn't like them so much.
"I told him that was fine, but he might have an issue keeping his little girl out of my bed." Barry replied with a slight smirk, his gold tooth taking hold of his bottom lip.
"That isn't funny, Barry." She pouted up at him as she struggled to pull her wrists from his grip.
"It's a little funny."
"My dad is livid, Barry! Rafe is holed up in bedroom doing and thinking who knows what. And I - " She pulled her wrists from his grasp and stepped into his small home, beginning to pace.
"They ain't an issue for you anymore. Rafe's tab is paid, and now Big Daddy Cameron knows about us. So, I don't know what's got your panties in such a twist. But you should take them off if they're bothering you so much." Barry muttered as he ran his fingertips over his top lip, and leaned against the door frame as he watched her.
"No. I'm mad at you." She whispered as she crossed her arms over her chest, looking at him with a furrowed brow.
"Nipples say otherwise." Barry muttered with a point to her chest, pushed up under her forearms.
"Don't!" She whined as she covered her breasts from his view.
She was mad at him. It was the first time in the few weeks they had been dating she had felt angry with him. She scowled as she looked him up then down as he stayed leaned up against the door frame. The both of them challenging the other to make the first move.
"Well, are you staying the night or did you just come to yell at me and flash your nipples in my fucking face?" Barry grunted as he pushed himself off the door frame and slowly made his way towards the back of the house, slipping his gun back in the waistband of his pants.
"They aren't in your face." She mumbled but followed him towards his bedroom with a shuffle of her feet.
Barry sat on the edge of the bed, pulling the gun from the waistband of his pants and placing it delicately on his nightstand. He spread his knees and beckoned her over with a wave of his hand.
"I'm mad at you." She stated with her arms crossed over her chest still, looking him over. She did as instructed, though, walking over to his slowly and stood between his knees.
"Well. I don't wanna be mad at you." Barry replied as he placed his hands on her hips to pull her against his chest.
"You shouldn't have said those things to my dad, Barry." She whispered as she uncrossed her arms and placed her palms on his shoulders.
"I was right, wasn't I? You busted out the house and now you're here with me, ain't you?" Barry grinned up at her as his fingertips pushed up the hem of her shirt to touch her skin, still warm from her bike ride over.
"Well, yeah. But that doesn't mean you have to say it to my dad. Asshole." She pouted as she slapped his chest playfully before she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I could have said way worse shit to him than that. Like how you liked to be tied up." Barry chuckled as he placed his hands on her backside and raised his eyebrows at her. He grabbed at her elbows, lifting her arms from around his neck and held her arms behind her back.
"Barry." She whined as she dropped her forehead to his.
"Guess I'll save that one for next time." Barry muttered as he kept his grip on her arms behind her back strong, but leaned in to press his lips to hers.
"Be nice to me." She pouted against his lips as she struggled weakly in his grip.
"No. You gotta make up for your dad coming in and fucking up my night." Barry smirked as he held her wrists behind her back with one hand as the other reached to the front of her shirt, pushing it beneath her breasts.
"I knew you had a daddy kink, Barry. But if you wanna fuck my dad that's a deal breaker for me." She grinned as she squirmed in his grip.
"Get on your hands and knees. Tiny Cameron." Barry growled as he let her wrists go and slapped her backside firmly.
"Ow! Fuck you." She whined as she crawled over his lap and onto the bed.
"About time." Barry mumbled as he stood up, turning the face the bed to see her back arched the way liked. He ran his thumb over his top lip and smiled softly to himself.
He wasn't going to stop selling to Rafe Cameron, that was something Rafe had to decide for himself. And he certainly wasn't going to stop seeing or sleeping with the girl currently in his bed, wiggling her ass at him for his attention.
Ward Cameron would have to kill him first.
Hottie List: @starkey-babie @sodasback @fashion-fasting @barrysjumpsuit @beauvibaby @professional-busboy @soph0864 @vinniehcker
*tag list still open if you'd like to be added - just let me know! Please let me know what you think if you have a moment! Thank you so much! xoxo
Requests for OBX ARE OPEN!
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Zoom meetings with the kids w/ Kuroo, Akaashi and Sakusa
Request: I have been stuck inside the house with my three year old brother for the last three weeks and he keeps coming inside my room and entering the zoom call with me. So that had me thinking. How would our favorite Haikyuu dads Kuroo, Akaashi, maybe Kenma or Sakusa react to their toddlers coming into their room and joining their meeting. - anonymous. 
Awww I love haikyuu dads!!!! I have begun making the smau and I’m already like 3 chapters in but I won’t start posting until I’ve finished it or I’m about to finish it. I wanna be sure that I’ll have a trustworthy upload schedule lmao bc my midterms are coming up next week and I’m dying. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warning: fluff
Kuroo Tetsuro
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-He was in a meeting with the firm for the past three hours. 
-He was absolutely exhausted and the only thing he wanted was to take a nap with his two year old daughter. 
-You were still at the hospital, your shift finishing in about two hours so he was basically alone.
-Your daughter was playing with her toys in his office, being as quiet as she could but exhaustion started to win her over little by little. 
-Yawn after yawn left her lips but since the sound was so small and barely above a whisper, Kuroo hadn’t realized that his little princess was tired. 
-Standing up with wobbly legs she grabbed her cat blankie and rubbed her eyes as she slowly made her way to her father. 
-With one arm hugging her blankie and the other wrapping around Kuroo’s leg, she rested her head on his leg and slowly sank down to the floor, not tugging at his pyjama leg as he expected. 
-Looking down at her he didn’t think twice before bending over and bringing her into his lap. 
-She let out a small sigh before she clutched his shirt in her small fists and was off to dreamland in record time. 
- “Kuroo-san what do you think?” 
- “Sorry my daughter distracted me.”
-And with that he went back to his meeting. 
-Throughout the rest of the meeting Kuroo rested a hand on her back, cupping her little head lightly rubbing soothing circles on her skull, staring down at her every now and then a smile adorning his features every time he saw her nuzzling into his chest.
-She was a female version of him now that he thinks of it.
-She had his crazy raven hair and stunning amber eyes while her face structure reminded him of both you and him. 
-Her personality though was all you. 
-He knew she was very young but she reminded him of you when you two first met more and more each day.
-Right at that moment she let out a small yawn again, her eyes opening slightly as she repositioned herself on his lap and went back to sleep. 
-He couldn’t love her more, at least that’s what he believed. 
-Each day she proved him wrong. 
-Saying goodbye to his coworkers he shut off his computer and went to the living room couch, laying down with his little girl in his arms. 
-Giving her one last kiss he fell asleep, a smile still present on his features. 
Akaashi Keiji 
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- “The author said that those new chapters need to be edited by the end of the month. He will send you the rest when you are done with these.” 
-His eyes were bloodshot from the endless hours he had been staring at his screen. 
-Rubbing his eyes he answered every single question that was thrown at him, wishing that this one would be the last one. 
-But the universe wouldn’t have it that way for poor Akaashi making him stay up late again. 
-Thunder rumbled from outside and he wondered whether or not you had taken your son to bed with you. 
-The four year old boy was terrified of storms from a young age, always looking for comfort in either you or Akaashi. 
-But ever since his sister was born he pulled away from you two, he didn’t ask for help anymore even when he needed it and he didn’t wake you up during the night when he had a nightmare.
-Akaashi was amazed to say the least. 
-Neither of you had said anything to him about how your attention would mostly be on the baby and you guys had never dismissed his needs because of your little girl. 
-It worried him how fast his son closed in on himself. 
-He was already a shy and quiet kid but now you barely heard his voice and it broke both of your hearts. 
-Akaashi was determined to help him get out of this phase and be by his side but this assignment took up more of his time than he would’ve liked. 
-Light danced across the room as the door slightly opened but no one stepped in. 
-Keiji was about to stand up when he heard little sniffles and the light pitter patter of feet on the carpet of his office. 
-And soon enough his son rounded the corner of his desk, one arm wiping away tears as the other clutched the stuffed owl his uncle Bokuto had bought him. 
-Without losing a beat Keiji pushed his chair back and brought him in his lap, giving a small apology to his boss before momentarily turning off both camera and mic. 
- “I’m sowwy.” 
- “Shh I’m here, nothing’s gonna hurt you.” 
-Giving him a kiss on each cheek Akaashi let him snuggle in his chest, a strong arm supporting the toddler while simultaneously making him feel safe and protected. 
- “Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt but could we end it here? My son had a nightmare and I want to calm him down.” 
- “Of course Akaashi-san, give my regards to the little man. Goodnight.” 
-And with that the meeting was over and Akaashi was left with a crying child in his arms. 
- “Hey hey, I told you that nothing’s going to hurt you while I’m here. Why don’t we go sleep with mommy hm?” 
- “I’m sowwy…”
-Akaashi kissed his head again bringing him into a tight hug as he got up from his seat. 
- “There is nothing to be sorry for now come on, mommy would want cuddles.” 
 Sakusa Kiyoomi
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- “If we use the new quick that Atsumu and Hinata have been practicing then we would have the upper hand momentarily.”
-Kiyoomi let out a sigh as the meeting he had with the team would not seem to end. 
-They had been discussing tactics for the last hour and a half while the rest of the time they had been informed of the new managers they had been assigned. 
-Kiyoomi never expected to be in a zoom call while being an athlete.
-He thought that it would be useless. 
-What were they even gonna do while in the meeting? Practice? 
-But he was proven wrong once the coach called the first meeting and now Sakusa was ready to pull his hair out. 
-Thankfully he was just laying in bed so at least he was comfortable. 
-You had gone out for some much needed grocery shopping leaving Kiyoomi with his son, not wanting to take your child outside with the virus contaminating people left and right. 
-Sakusa loved spending time with his son. 
-He was a low maintenance child, just like he was when he was young, adopting the same hygiene patterns as his father even at the early age of two. 
-He had just started talking and you wouldn't stop having conversations with him, the baby only uttering a simply “dada” or “momma” or even maybe a “yes” or “no” if you were lucky. 
-It made you happy though, seeing your son slowly becoming more independent. 
-Sakusa was also happy but he was also reminded that he wouldn’t stay this young forever; before he knew it his son would be off to high school or college and he wouldn’t fit in his arms anymore. 
-Lost in thought Kiyoomi hadn’t seen the toddler make his way into the room until he felt the covers being pulled as he attempted to get on the bed *and failed bc he’s just too short*
-Letting out a chuckle Sakusa pushed his laptop to the side and leaned down to grab his son, who was now pouting an expression that was a little too similar to yours. 
- “Is that mini Sakusa I see?” 
-Kiyoomi ignored Atsumu as he settled his son on his lap letting the baby wave at the camera as his “uncles” waved back. 
- “Do you mind if he joins?” 
- “Of course not, every Sakusa is welcome.”
-Giving his son one last kiss on his head, Kiyoomi went back to listening to the boring tactics letting his son play with his fingers in the process. 
-Okay maybe it wasn’t that bad now 
@the-arcana-fan-fic @angelwritings @axerrri @reinyrei @dnarez @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses @threeamwriting @letscheereachotheron​ @ezoyscorner​ @storage11037​ @wolfkid22
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barbiegirldream · 3 years
No for real. Dream is only 22, that's college age, you'd still be a student at that age. And he's incredibly mature for his age? He literally owns a house, pays rent, regularly cooks for his roommate, is disciplined enough to work out, successfully holds a position "in the public eye", worked for a good relationship with his mother, even worked things out with his dad who he admitted to hating growing up, and gives great advice to the point of becoming an inspiration to even colleagues. And that's not even mentioning the level of self reflection and willingness to improve he has. I know people in their 30s who can't admit they were wrong, ever. The guys only 22 and already so far ahead. The fact that he pays his mum to do his shopping bc he's terrified of accidentally face revealing in a Walmart is. logical? Seriously nothing will be funnier than teenagers calling Dream a manchild, they just heard him say he doesn't buy his own shampoo once and went to town with it
Like I’m 19 everything I have I pay for from my phone to my college tuition. Not a dime from family.
I’m not exactly what you’d call close to my parents. more a phone call every other week for thirty minutes type of relationship. I really hope at some point I can get to a point in my life where I’m mature enough and they’re mature enough and treat me with respect to try and rebuild things with them. Because frankly at this point I’ve seen my dad this winter break more than I did for the whole of last year and I’m not quite sure I can put up with it and I’ve got a whole month to go. Ha ha
Me being financially independent is cause when I was 16 I started working 20 hours a week while in high school and still pulled off straight As. Like I worked really hard to be at school and comfortable like I am and I’m really proud of it.
My dad gives me rides just did today actually and that doesn’t make me childish or immature. Like that’s what a manchild is. Is a grown man who acts like a child. Dream’s mom helping him out is just well that. Lmao and we’ve heard him talk about how much money he spends on his family and pre YouTube he would help pick his younger siblings up from school even though he lived on his own. Like you don’t stop being apart of a family (in most cases) well ever. 18 isn’t a magical number where suddenly you need to never see your parents again time to leave the nest.
And I’m talking US based here like in other countries this all probably sounds insane anyways.
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