#go touch some grass
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livefastdriveyoung · 6 months ago
This isn't 2016 (thankfully) and this is not Brocedes.
This is not Multi-21 and this is not Seb and Mark.
The constructors is one of two championships that are up for grabs this season. Mclaren have consistently fucked themselves over for the constructors. The drivers are allowed to race each other for the driver's championship. They admitted it over radio.
Do I think today was messy? Yeah, for sure. Do I think the hate on either Lando or Oscar is warranted?
Some of you see these drivers as children needed to be protected from the big bad monsters under the bed and in the closets.
These are not your cute little friends you see on tv on Sundays and then in person on Monday. You don't know them personally.
You can be annoyed at a decision made, I know I am baffled by Mclaren's inconsistency between words and actions.
What a person should not do is send death threats, say that one driver deserves something more than another, and believe that it is ok to wish harm to someone.
If you're championing mental health in one post and bashing in the next, then you need to pull back and look at what you're championing a little more in depth.
Go touch some fucking grass.
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darlingpeasant · 8 months ago
I’m not even gonna take a glance at the vile comments about Luke N and his gf that are, once again, being thrown around rn… I don’t need to look at it to know exactly what’s being said because I already know that it is truly disgusting and disrespectful.
Go and spend some time away from your phone. Go and think about how insane and shameful your behaviour is. Stop speculating, stop accusing and stop making shit up to support your silly little narratives and ships because you don’t like the fact that this guy is his own person and has his own private life. If you truly don’t like that, if you truly believe being nasty will make him change that… You fucking need help.
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maxedes · 5 months ago
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nico rosberg appeared to me in a dream last night, so now i watch him get divorced as revenge
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silvyysthings · 1 month ago
I truly hate some of your anons.
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teainthesnow · 1 year ago
friendly reminder that people like their favourite character(s) simply just because they like them
there's not some ulterior motive for focusing on certain characters and there's no need to go digging holes looking for excuses to not like other characters
just let people enjoy what they want and if you don't find what you're looking for go make that content yourself (or commission someone)
stop putting other people down
it's just plain rude honestly
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lefreck · 2 years ago
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Bald Al serving cunty little weirdo freak Pt.2
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euphorial-docx · 2 years ago
i cannot take marauders fandom “drama” seriously at this point. it’s truly ultimate loser behavior.
this is what we look like to the outside world and i need you guys to realize that the next time you make “x fic writer is problematic 🧵” posts on the rapidly sinking shithole that is twitter:
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simmerbeans · 4 months ago
I’m not one to usually make comments on drama within the sims community, but I just gotta say sending a Guru de@th threats over a weather choice in game is truly wild… Let’s do better next time..
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catinthedicebag · 1 year ago
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I would imagine "Go touch some grass!" has a different vibe when you are a Druid. What do you think? Maybe these "Druid" dice can help you calm down a bit and find a deeper connection to nature...? You never know!
These dice are still raw and need some sanding and inking!
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cevansbrat0007 · 8 months ago
Super Quick Note
If you don't like my blog, take issue with my content, or just happened to decide that today is a good day to dictate to me what and how I should write...
Kindly stay the f*ck OFF my blog.
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ineffablejaymee · 9 months ago
im sorry, people are actually shipping edwin with the cat king?????
???? what
the super old creeper who bound edwin to himself and constantly manipulates him??? who gave him an ultimatum "either have sex with me or lose time COUNTING CATS while Death is looking for you" which basically means fuck me or go to hell, ur choice?????
thats an actual ship????? the cat king is one move away from being a rapist yall read too many books where toxic is the new hot
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ppystkposts · 3 months ago
hey, just so you know, that person vqler that you reblogged from a lil bit ago groomed a bunch of kids. i don't think you know about this, no hate to you just thought u should know. really sucks they came back.
I didn't want to talk about this, nor get involved, as it's none of my business (I didn't have an account when this happened)
I will only say one thing for you guys, from the bottom of my heart.
Every individual has their own experiences, culture, education, etc.
So let's start to worry about actual concerning stuff? There's a bunch of real predators, and as someone who doesn't only have an online life, I've seen so many gross old men.
I don't like talking about this, but I was almost a victim myself.
As I said at the beginning, this is none of my business, and I hope not being involved in this bs.
If you are worried about the kids, then why don't you destroy the real predators' lives? They are literally everywhere, sending dms, commenting on tiktok videos, and buying images of little children. And they are hiding because they know what they're doing is gross and horrendous.
I'm so tired of this internet thing... where people only care about looking good and sounding smart when they don't actually give a shit. If you have nothing to gain, why are you making people destroy someone's else life?
I'm protecting the kids I care for, not exposing them, and teaching them how scary the world is. So tell me, what are you doing for them?
Speak for your fucking self!
I won't defend or accuse anyone, I don't know them, I'm not a victim, and I don't have proofs.
You want to be a hero, right? then why are you hiding when you have so much conviction?
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jetsteelyourheart · 10 months ago
Lol to the comments like "why are you acting like watcher will never make money again" after spending 3 days staging a protest like a business wanting to make money is somehow on par with the greatest systemic injustices of our time
Hate to break it to you, but content creators do not provide a necessary public service that you need to live. They can charge money for their work if they want to - your parasocial relationships be damned.
Also can we stop Uwufying grown white men and villifying their PoC friends please?
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rottenlightart · 8 days ago
I'm sick of reading crap about toxicity in fandom hashtag. I don't understand why there's so much whining around this fandom. Was there a collective session of cheap psychotherapy on netflix during the first seasons? Were people given bad psychology books during the premiere? I can't otherwise explain why everyone plays psychologists watching this show. I could think that maybe fandoms culture has gotten more annoying, but I don't see that in other fandoms. Can I get my dose of escapism without the moralizing, please? And what the fuck is this incest shit? Where did you all get that from? Do I really need to explain why a relationship between a human and a half-cat isn't incest?? They're two different biological species!1
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But on the plus side, when I saw it agan I was so pissed I could get up and get a drink of water. Thanks (no), but I would prefer to be treated for apathy by other methods.
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teainthesnow · 1 year ago
friendly reminder that if you don't like something block and move on
curate your own online experience
don't go crying to peoples asks and dms claiming people are bad and trying to start drama. Because no matter how you try and spin it as 'trying to make the fandom safe' you're doing the opposite (it's safe until people try to start unnecessary witch hunts) This is serious stuff with potentially long lasting consequences
and if people have gone to your dms please please do some of your own research and make your own decisions. try and find an unbiased source for yourself
rumours and false accusations can end up seriously harming people and ruining their lives
I'm sorry but at the end of the day these are fictional characters
real live people are more important
just block and move on and things will be so much better for everyone
and yes of course fiction can effect reality but how someone may chose to interact with fictional characters does not reflect their reality
and, to add, not wanting to get involved in drama and pointless topics does not mean you support anything either.
edit: I just want to add I don't mind if people let me know if I've accidentally reblogged something with tcest ect in it. I really don't want to interact with that sort of stuff. it's just unnecessary call-outs and drama that I dislike
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justsuchafekinmess · 2 years ago
Go Touch Grass
We tell each other
"Go Touch Grass"
What we really mean
Is get it off the phone
Get out of your head
See the real world
The natural world
The honest world
Very rarely do we take this comment
To heart
Today I did it
I lay in grass
Felt the blades bends to my weight
Felt the cushion of the earth
Breathed in
And felt at peace
At peace among the sticks
Among the ants
Among the shade
At peace with myself
So go Touch Grass
But actually cherish it
As you would a beloved friend
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