#go read nuestros. it good
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look, they JUST got this new dad, they’re not gonna give him up so easily, even for a quick supply run.
the charrerías are @bmoshh’s.
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toracainz · 1 year
Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts Their Cakehole
Summary: You and Jake decide to go on a road trip.
Warnings: Inaccurate depictions of DID (only knowledge from the show and some light research). Swearing. Established relationships. Spoilers for Case 63. References to the boys past trauma with water. Mild miscommunication. Verbal conflict due to frustration.
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: I am not fluent by any means in Spanish so if there is anything incorrect please let me know.
A/N: beta read by the wonderful @luvpedropascal and another friend that doesn’t have a tumblr lol.
A/N: this was for a fic exchange for the anniversary of Moon Knight, but as you can see I'm kind of late lol oh well! hope you enjoy!
Mira, amor. = Look, love. Corazón = heart Mi tesoro, ¿qué pasa? = My treasure, what’s up? Cariño = Dear Dios, ¿eso es todo? = God, is that all? Lo lamento…realmente. = I’m sorry…really. Amor = love mierda = fuck Se lo juro. = I swear it. Nuestro amor. Nuestro sol. Nuestro corazón. = Our love. Our sun, our heart. luz de mi vida = light of my life
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The eerie music of the podcast played in the background as the characters spoke. A man, who was apparently a doctor, talking (though he sounded just like the patient from the earlier part of the podcast) with the confused woman, a doctor herself…from the future?
“Let’s see, ‘Case 63’. It says your name is Eliza Beatrix Knight. You were admitted at 7:22 p.m. on November 24th. You were found naked at JFK airport in one of the bathrooms in Terminal 8 with paranoid ideations and confusion. You told a curious story about the end of the world in the future—“
“But the—the future??” She definitely sounded confused and a bit distressed.
“Yes, the future.” The doctor answered.
“Oh…wait. Wait. Okay. Wh—what year is it now?”
“You don’t know what year it is?”
“What year is it?” The woman repeated, a little agitated.
“It’s 2012, Ms. Knight.”
The only sound, other than the credits of the podcast, was the droning of wheels on pavement as you and Jake headed down the road. You had nearly begged Jake to listen to the podcast after you got back on the road from the last stop. You looked over to Jake, smirking as you studied his stoic, contemplative look. He suddenly let out a huff of a laugh, shifting in the driver's seat a bit.
“What?” you asked him, a little unsure of what to make of his reaction.
“That’s like…2 hours of my life I’ll never get back.”
“What?! Oh come on, you can’t be serious. That was a good show!” You insisted, mock offense on your face (though not entirely mocked).
“Mira, amor. It was…interesting, but just not my kinda thing. I mean, the guy was just bullshitting the whole time.” He shrugged, keeping hold of the steering wheel, his other elbow propped on the ledge of the window.
“Bullshitting??? Ugh, whatever. Putting it back on your old man music. Keep listening to this and I’ll have to put you in a home soon.” You teased as you reopened the music app and started his playlist. Frank Sinatra came to life in the speakers.
“‘Old man music’? These songs are classics and timeless. So are the dance moves.” He smirked glancing over at you, seeing your pout fighting off a grin. “I know you like it when I dance with you, corazón. Don’t hear you complaining then.”
“Because I have you to distract me from it.” Looking at the map on your phone, you tried to see how much further until the next stop.
You and Jake had been planning this trip for a while, just you, him, and the open road. The only thing that wasn’t accounted for, though, was Jake’s determination to pick the music, the snacks, and the places to stop. It wasn’t too obvious at first, especially when he was pointing out some pretty fun locations to go to, but it seemed like any time you made a suggestion, he would try and convince you to do something else. It was cute, with a bit of poking and some laughs about Jake being hard-headed, but the further into this trip you got, the more it started to bother you. Looking at the map, the both of you would be arriving pretty soon at the last motel before making the last trek to the final destination on the trip “itinerary”, Antelope Canyon.
Weeks Earlier
After you had mentioned going on a road trip, Jake took it upon himself to check out potential places and possible things to do there. Nothing had been discussed in earnest yet, but Jake's (and his headmates’) curiosity got the better of them. Vegas was discussed, San Francisco, and the Rocky Mountains, among other potential options. It wasn’t until Marc suggested the Grand Canyon that things really started rolling. Jake had in his mind that the Grand Canyon, while grand was honestly boring. He hadn’t expected Steven to agree with him, so the three began to look at other locations.
That’s when they found it. Antelope Canyon. Now that was a destination.
Steven offered to do the research since he actually enjoyed reading endless pages of websites or books, but Jake insisted that he would take care of everything. Looking through hiking reservations and things to do in the area around the canyon, Jake had started to really enjoy planning it all. He just knew you’d be excited for it all.
That is…until he read an article about some of the facts about the canyon and its geography. According to the article, the canyon was prone to flooding. Seeing that word made his blood run cold and his heart begin to pound. When he noticed his hand clenched tightly into a fist he had to consciously relax it. It was fairly understandable that if it rained in the area of the canyon then of course water collected, but the part that worried him and his headmates was that it could be dry in the canyon but rain elsewhere, and the canyon could still have a flash flood. There had even been ladders installed in the canyon for people to grab onto and climb to higher ground. At first, they were wooden, but those broke all too easily. They've since been replaced with metal ladders. Plenty of people had lost their lives to this all too familiar force of nature.
Once Jake learned about this, he began looking heavily into the weather of the area and the best time to go. Planning for the driest possible month that he could and making sure the projected weather was clear as it could be. Jake’s not delusional by any means, he knows that weather can be unpredictable so far in advance, but he had to try. Jake started to check the weather religiously to make sure things would work in his favor. He wasn’t taking any chances, wasn’t going to put the system in danger, and definitely wasn’t going to pull you along with them. He wouldn’t let that happen…not again.
So it was settled. Route. Destination. Activities. And the window of time they had to arrive.
You both had been talking about taking a road trip for a while now and it wasn’t until a week or so ago that the two of you started talking and planning in earnest. Jake was the one that picked the route since he insisted on driving the whole way, but to your surprise, he also picked the destination -  even going as far as to look at weather reports for the times that you two would be there. That left you to pick the snacks and the fun touristy stops along the way, giant rubber band ball-type attractions, that’s what road trips are all about right? Hearing you get excited by each new place you found along Jake’s route gave him the softest and warmest smile. This was how every night was spent leading up to the trip, you and him sitting on the couch, your legs over his, or laying in bed, his arm around you and getting giggly from all the excitement, an extended trip with your partner, your Jake.
What you didn’t know, and what you’ve rarely seen, was how Jake was stealing glances at you. He wasn’t exactly the talkative one in the relationship, but he didn’t mind, not when he could just observe and admire your energy. The smile on his face was content like waking up at your own pace in a comfy, warm bed. These simple moments were what Jake enjoyed most, these mundane, everyday moments. He never asked for much and he never needed much, so when he found you and you decided that you would give him your love, well that was all he could have ever asked for.
Pulling into the motel parking lot, the silence that Jake thought was comfortable was not so for you. Stewing away at how nitpicky Jake was being, how he was nearly dictating what you both did on the trip with almost no regard to what you wanted. You knew it wasn’t because he was trying to be mean.  Jake liked to have control of situations. Having control meant a certain level of safety, and that’s just how his mind worked, protecting himself, protecting the system…protecting you. What you couldn’t understand was why. What sort of danger could come from the wrong kind of chip or soda being bought at the gas station?
You both grabbed your bags from the trunk and went into the room, starting each of your nightly routines…still, in silence, save for the small T.V.  that had been turned on to some local news station. Then Jake chimed in on what side of the bed he would be sleeping on. You didn’t need him to tell you. You knew he would take the side closest to the window and door, that’s the side he always took.
“I know what side you sleep on. You don’t have to tell me!” you snapped not too unkindly. Funny how the bed would be the final straw. Jake stepped out of the bathroom. He was only half undressed as he was getting ready to shower (he thought showering with you, but the tone in your voice had him second-guessing).
“Mi tesoro, ¿qué pasa? If you want to skip the shower that’s fine, babe, just say so.” He fixed you with a confused look.
“Oh? So that I can decide?”
“Cariño, what are you saying? I don’t play head games, get it out. Start making sense or I’m go–”
“This whole trip…the whole trip, you have been so picky about everything. Where we stop, where we don’t stop, what snacks to get, where to stay and almost every time I suggest something you shoot it down. If it’s not your way it’s the highway is that it?” That was one thing that you were happy for in your relationship with Jake, and it certainly took some time to get to this point. Jake was right, he didn’t like playing head games. He didn’t like the whole “you should know what’s wrong” bit. He was never fully open about his own feelings, but clear communication? He was a staunch advocate. He wanted to know what was wrong, what was right, how he could meet you in the middle, all of it.
Hearing this outburst, his muscles tensed ever so slightly, his jaw tensing more. Jake tossed his shirt on the bed as he came over to his duffel bag, grabbing his toiletries bag, and starting back into the bathroom. “I’ve been picky. Picky. Dios, ¿eso es todo? And that’s what’s got you all worked up, just because I’m picky.”
“Just because. Worked up. This was supposed to be a fun trip and it is, it was! But damn it, Jake, it’s not fun for me when you can’t let go for two seconds. Nothing’s going to happen if we stop at some honey farm or a fruit stand or a fucking huge ball of twine!” The floodgates open, as you let out the building frustration from the past couple of days. It felt good to get it out, so it wasn’t buzzing around in your head any longer. Jake had been leaning against the bathroom counter, shoulders tense and hunched as he looked at himself in the mirror. You don’t know if Marc or Steven has anything to say about your outburst, if he’s listening to them, and right now that’s the least of your concerns.
You could see his jaw flexing and clenching as the gears were turning in his head, trying to come up with something to say.
“You want me to let go? Want me to just let things happen? Fine,” he threw his hands up. “Yeah, I’ll let go as soon as you learn some restraint. Think you can handle that for one more day? Hmm? You knew what you were getting into when you looped me into whatever you want to call this relationship.” He looked at you in the reflection as he grabbed what he needed and went to finally get in the shower.
“Fine. Sounds fantastic. Maybe tomorrow you can work on getting the stick out of your ass and actually enjoy the hike instead of worrying if a lizard’s going to be within thirty feet of us. Yeah, enjoy your shower.” You huff, going and sitting on the bed to watch T.V. while you wait for your turn with the shower. Flipping through the channels didn’t produce anything worth watching so you settled on the news again. Sometimes on the trip, you and Jake would shower together, make out, actually bathe, or both, and just enjoy those little moments. That was not in the plans tonight and you weren’t even sure how the bed situation would work tonight, there being only one, probably not a lot of cuddling.
Relationships have their rocky moments, that’s to be expected to some degree, but talking to each other and coming to an understanding…maybe once you both cool off you can have a more constructive conversation. Until then, you both needed some time to let the emotions come down from their boil, maybe on the drive tomorrow you two could talk, sort things out, otherwise it was going to be a long trip back to New York.
Jake eventually got out of the shower, curls wet and slicked back, and only in his underwear. You were upset with him, so stop looking at him like that…with all his muscles and tan skin and inky curls that started to spring back from their slicked state. You tried to shake it off as you got off the bed without a word to go for your own shower. Jake watched you go and once he heard the water start he sat on the edge of the bed, head in his hands as he and his headmates tried to help come up with a way to salvage the trip. Sounds like partly cloudy days in the future.
That morning, after a not-so-pleasant night of sleeping as far away from each other as possible, though you're certain at some point in the night you could feel a strong hand gently caressing your shoulder, the two of you packed your things and got back on the road. It wasn’t much further to Antelope Canyon so the drive wasn’t terrible. It was certainly quiet though.
As Jake pulled into a parking space, he was the first to break the silence, gently grabbing your arm, stopping you as you started to get out of the car. When you look back at him it all started to flare up again. He’s stopped you from getting out of the car, decided things for you. You don’t mean to be on edge, it all just feels so raw.
“Lo lamento…realmente.” He says withdrawing his hand, holding it up to show he’s not keeping you, he only meant to get your attention, “We can talk about it on the hike, I just…I wanted to say it now. Before we get out there. I’m not expecting you to forgive me just because I said “I’m sorry”, I know I’m not the easiest person to live with, just ask Marc and Steven…” he paused, not entirely sure what else he could say. He really felt he was difficult to live with and he knew that his hypervigilance could get overbearing, but that’s something he intended to work on.
You listened to him, still feeling that boiling frustration, knowing that he meant it, he always means it. Jake clenched his fist, resting it against the gearshift trying to put the words together. “Let’s get out there…” He nodded, more to himself, gently hitting the gearshift with the side of his fist before getting out of the car to get the backpacks. While you grabbed yours Jake headed over to the information kiosk for maps, a weather radio, and to check in for the hike
It’s kind of amazing how being in a place like this could distract from the stresses you both came with. The smooth, waving walls of the canyon in those bright red and orange hues. It looks so ancient, mystical, alien, and absolutely breathtaking. You both were able to relax as you worked your way through trails, well you more than Jake who seemed to be clenching his jaw or muttering to himself (or Marc and Steven) a lot. Whatever it is they’re talking about, you hoped it wouldn't crop up into another argument, not when the hike had been going so well.
And that’s when it happened.
You suggested that you stop for a break, just to drink a little water, maybe eat a snack, take some pictures, or something, but Jake trudges ahead.
“We can go a little further, come on.” He said, pulling ahead now. It was as if the argument and his apology meant absolutely nothing to him. What in the hell was happening?! You never took Jake to go back on his apology or his word. Yes, the man would fib on occasion but he wouldn’t flat out lie like that…not to you.
“What? You have got to be kidding. After all that? For God’s sake, Jake you just couldn’t handle i,t could you? The whole hike you’ve been acting so uptight. Are you even enjoying this? This whole thing was your idea and now you have a look like someone just smelled the most gag-inducing stench.” You weren’t going to let it slide like you had in the car ride, you were going to call him out on it. This was your trip too and you wanted to go out and have fun. Which you were, but having a muttering cloud of gloom accompanying you was not helping.
Jake stopped, tilting his head back and looking to the sky, muttering more things (you couldn’t quite make it out, but it vaguely sounded like Spanish swearing), definitely a bit cloudy now but nothing too bad for now. Slowly, he lowered his head as he turned to look at you, regret clear on his face. “Amor, I swear this is the last time today…I uh, had looked up the trails online—just to be safe—I only meant…mierda…there’s a cool place up ahead. You've probably seen it in pictures, a beam of sunlight coming in…we can break there and after that…” he makes the motion of zipping his lips, tossing away the key, and holding up his hands in surrender.
Well, that was…unexpected. The worst part was, it was a good idea. With a huff you crossed your arms, contemplating the options and the fact that he really did mean what he said…he was trying, but you were still frustrated, and maybe(?)  going to this special place meant that the whole rest of the time Jake would just lighten up and you could actually contribute to the trip.
“Fine. Yeah, fine, let’s go to this “cool place” and we’ll take a break there.” You shook your head, conceding. “But after that, you have to let me have some say, Jake—“
“I will. Se lo juro. Just thought you would like it and taking a break there you can take it all in like you do.”
He stood there waiting for you to rejoin the hike. Thankfully the place wasn’t much further, just as he said, and you looked around in awe at how nature could make such enchanting views. You were enjoying it and taking it all in, just as he said.
You both started to take off your backpacks, taking out a blanket and some snacks and drinks for the little makeshift rest stop this little place was about to become. The thing that was most mesmerizing was the beam of light in question, and yet again, he was right. You stood there drinking your water watching this marvel of nature, this beam of light so precise and almost like a sspotlight The sunlight almost looked tangible, so letting the inner kid in you come out for a little fun, you stuck your hand into the sunlight. That wonderful, imaginative part of you almost expected to feel it, well feel something other than the warmth it brought. Like it should have been hard like a stone column or fluid yet weighty like a stream or waterfall.
“Alright, I’ll give it to you. This is a really cool place to rest for a bit. Sorry for blowing up like that again. If you know any more places like this we should stop at, let’s make a plan okay? Together. We’re supposed to be enjoying the hike right? Just like you s—“
When you turned to look at him, you were met with a sight that that imaginative part of you was absolutely not expecting.
On one knee.
Holding a small, velvet-covered box.
You didn’t know what to do, so you just gaped at the sight. Nerves were clear on his face as he opened the little box.
“Nuestro amor. Nuestro sol. Nuestro corazón. I know now that I wasn't being fair to you on this trip and I truly am sorry. You’ve put up with me, with Marc, and Steven when we were absolutely not the easiest to put up with. You accepted us, all of us, and everything that comes with being with someone like us…and we couldn’t be more thankful to have such a patient, loving, and strong partner. Because God knows you have to be strong to have to deal with three grown man-children.” Jake chuckles breathily, hoping the joke would help his nerves (it didn’t), not until he heard you chuckle too. The corner of his mouth quirks slightly, letting that little moment of levity give him the breathing room for what was about to come next.
“Will you marry us?”
You stood there still stunned, but now tears were trickling down your cheeks. Yeah, there was a lot to deal with, mostly due to their collective tempers and vastly different ways of doing things among other quirks…but you weren’t perfect, not by a long shot. There were plenty of things you did or said that they had to put up with too. But that’s the beauty of it, right? People are flawed. They mess up. They find someone to love them and they grow together…to work at being together, because it’s not easy, nothing in life is ever easy…but loving them…even after every argument, disagreement, or misplaced frustration…that was easy. How could you not?
You stepped closer to Jake. The last of the system that you met and once you had, everything just felt complete. Now, here he was before you, on behalf of himself and his headmates, asking you to love them for the rest of their lives. And you said yes…how could you not? You said yes again, nodding your head as he came to his feet, a nervous smirk blooming into an ecstatic grin as he plucked the ring from its box and slipped it on your finger.
It was a simple silver band with three diamonds set into it…one for each of them. You held up your trembling hand to admire it, your heart thrumming with what it represented. Looking at Jake, you wrapped your arms around him, as he did the same to you, your lips meeting each other. So much love and passion shared between you. It felt too soon when you both pulled away to catch your breath. When you looked into his eyes you saw his own tears threatening to slip away and down his cheeks, and you also saw the tenderness and deep love that he and his headmates shared for you.
After another kiss (and another), you both stand there in the beauty of the moment.
“I love you,” you finally say.
“I love you too, luz de mi vida. Like you wouldn’t believe. So much, that I made sure to plan as much of the trip as I could to try and make it memorable…turns out I made it exhausting and should have just had you help plan it.” Jake couldn’t wipe the smile from his face if he tried, you said yes and now you had the rest of your lives to plan more trips.
“Definitely should have consulted me. I have a keen sense for adventure, you know?”
“Yeah, I know.”
“And we have plenty of time to plan trips, annoy each other, love each other…and on the ride back, we will be having the best adventure.” You smile wide before Jake leans in, giving you another kiss which you happily reciprocate.
“I can’t wait.”
A/N: Antelope Canyon has a tendency to flood. This can apparently happen even if the rain occurred miles away. The boys were not only nervous about the proposal but also flooding, hence the weather research, monitoring, and radio.
taglist: @spacecowboyhotch @marc-spectorr @juneknight @mccn-bcys
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lesvii · 1 year
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you could read this fic on AO3 too <3 ´´el sin nombre escape´´by lesvi
hello <3 here to do gods work cause there like few pics of Valeria x fem!reader out here, why is no one doing more of lovely el sin nombre, im such a lesbian for her lord. amor de mi vida fr fr. English is not my first language so please tell me if I used something incorrectly thanks!
*flashbacks to the capture of El sin nombre*
``How do you two know each other?´´.
Graves said while grabbing a chair for Valeria, demanding her to sit down, waiting for an answer from Alejandro. 
´´Know is a strong word´´.
Y/N could hear some of the conversation from outside the room, you knew some things here and there when she spent more time on places and conversations you shouldn't have heard, just for curiosity, about this big mission, the unit was going after Las Almas cartel. If you asked Y/N 10 years ago where she saw herself in the future, the army wasn't specially the best thing you had planned for your future, but oh well here you are, hearing some unpleasant conversation the boys really were angry about. You could hear Alejandro practically snapping back to Graves, at least you weren't the man they just captured, was it?. 
´´Las palabras fuertes son importantes, nuestra palabra es nuestro valor.´´
You heard a feminine voice, but from where? You did recognize it from somewhere…no way, valeria?. You accidentally open the door from the room and you could see the boys staring at you.
“Dios, Y/N this is not a place for you right now, it’s dangerous go back to your assigned work” Alejandro talked back with a seriously cold attitude.
All you could do is stare, no feelings, no movements, no nothing, plain stare right through your so called girlfriend. She was sitting down in a chair, you didn’t say anything of course you didn’t want to ruin her safety… or yours.
Valeria stared back at you in disbelief all these months of you two spending time with each other without mentioning each other's jobs has finally come to the answers why. You left in a hurry trying to process what the fuck just happen.
``No me jodas, valeria? Es el sin nombre…´´ (No fucking way, valeria is El Sin nombre?).
Y/N was rushing through the whole base, trying to stay away as far as she could from Valeria and the whole mess it caused, will this mean they could hurt her? I mean Alejandro could never, but as far as she knew 141 was going for this so called mission to take el sin nombre down, sure she knew soap, but ghost, especially graves, wasn't so sure after all you been a year in the base she couldn't possibly know that much about the boys.
overthinking again.
But was if they hurt her.
What if they hurt Valeria?.
You couldn't bear the thoughts of her girlfriend pleading for help, sure by now this meant if you were going to save Valeria. This action will have consequences, but you'll do anything for her, even if this means your safety and job are compromised. Y/N needed a plan, and a good one if she wanted to get Valeria out and safe, is better if you do what you does the best, watch from afar and seek an opening for, to act out. So that's what you did, you watched from a distance a close room near where they kept valeria, to be exact it was in front the building cell Valeria was, Y/N was called to clean some gunship it was perfect time since from a window you could see the building Valeria was captive, you needed to act now cause they will move Valeria to a more high security cell, waiting for the man to come out, her number one priority was going to be valeria.
Waited until the sun started coming down, the base was highly alert but at this point more calmed
Y/N placed some guns down that were finished cleaning, grabbed her bag with some clothes, a small pistol, and food, after all just in case someone saw her she needed to run too. Rushing to the building Valeria was, she analyzed some movements from afar so she wouldn't get caught, she charged through the stairs trying to make little to none noise at all. Walking reading the number of the cells, she overheard Valeria cell number actually, finally something she can work out.
``Cell 366… where are you Val?..´´Y/N hummed.
Lost in her thoughts, you still had no clue what you're gonna tell valeria, oh hey i know you're a drug dealer, war criminal, terrorist, but oh well still love you? Don't kill me?. That was stupid, but you still fought, maybe just maybe, Valeria was still there, the thought of her valeria, sweet and harsh woman, Y/N knew Valeria job wasn't a normal job after all, but never like this. This will either end in you being killed or seriously hurt physically or mentally. What if you were just a toy for valeria, a pretty doll she could use for some months then get rid of, after all she had money, Valeria could get anything she wanted, Y/N was probably easy to replace.
You were here, Y/N panted, didn't even know how many stairs you rushed through  to get here, is now or never, grabbed the key you stole from some asleep soldier to open the cell door. Quickly, big footsteps were from across the room, closer and closer each time, until you finally opened the cell.
Y/N was pinned down to a wall, the grip from a hand into your face, blocking you to speak, the door closed by now, so whatever guard just passed by didnt even notice you. Your chest going up and down, breathing hard, your heart pounding, is this probably the end?, Valeria could easily kill you by now and get through the door.
´´Y/N?...´´Valeria looked back at you. 
She loses her grip and takes steps back to give you space. Her gaze softened as soon as she saw it was actually you and not some nasty old man trying to get information from her by whipping her to the ground.
``Valeria, dios mio que te hicieron?´´ (Valeria, my god what they did to you?)
You placed a hand into her bleeding bicep, Valeria hissed in pain.
´´Im sorry, i should've come earlier and stop them´´ Y/N said.
You looked back worrying about Valerias wounds, they weren't that bad, or fatal, but that will for sure leave marks. Valeria cupped your face with her hands.
´´No. mi vida, i already told you i'd never involucrate you in my… job, i want you safe´´
´´Val i need to get you out of here, the things i've heard from disgusting man, i'm scared, i just wanna go back to your room… you and i having a safe and quiet place´´ 
You fought the tears back, it wasn't the moment to look weak, not in front from el sin nombre.
``I- i don't even know how i got here i practically zoned out the whole trip, i just– you're the whole reason why los vaqueros were after.. el sin nombre´´
You practically whispered the last name, a part of you was still in disbelief, but the other part was still in love of Valeria Garza, El sin nombre was just another person for you.
´´Dont.´´ Valeria looked right through you
´´Don't what?´´you reply back, confused.
´´Don't say the name like that– like if is another person Y/N, that also me, that also Valeria, didn't i told you? it was complicated when you asked where i go those days i'm not home, where i work, im El Sin Nombre.´´ 
Valeria pinned you down to the wall yet again, focusing her gaze on you, right through you. Shit. How you loved her gaze all over your body. Your breathing accelerated again, both faces so close, you evaded her gaze, facing down.
´´I- I know…’’ Y/N  mumbled.
Valeria lifts an eyebrow, she's testing you.
´´Oh really.?´´ Valeria reply back.
Grabbing a strand of your hair, by her hands, putting it close to her face.
´´Why are you nervous then, cariño?´´ Valeria said with a cocky grin.
One hand pinned into the wall blocking you to move, the other was starting to move through your body, slowed down to your waist, she started drawing patterns. Your whole body had a slight shiver, one thing you loved about her is the way she handles you, the way she make you lose everything.
´´You know… the moment i saw you staring back at me, i couldn't read you, not at all, for a moment i was genuinely scared, petrified, not for the place i was, but for you, i thought you hated me. You don't, do you?´´
Valeria said, placing her hand into Y/N inner thigh.
``Id never hate you, amor´´
´´Belive me how bad i want you to fuck me right now, but is getting late we need to get out of here´´. Y/N said.
Valeria hummed back, placing her hand into the seam of your pants.
´´I don't think so, after all you owe me you didn't come earlier, remember?´´ Valeria mumbled into your ear, sending shivers all over your body.
She came closer and kissed your lips, it started slow, but quickly escalated into a passionate kiss, she grabbed your ass and took you to the bed in her cell. She placed you down.
´´How much i missed you cielo, you're mine now´´ Valeria said.
Pinning you down to the hard mattress, she was on top of you, adrenaline hitting you up, you were about to get literally fucked in a cell, wasnt the best place but you needed her so bad, after all you havent seen her in weeks, since she was scaping from the military.
She kissed your chest, grabbing your shirt by the hem and folding it up to get it out of you, kissing you from the neck mumbling sweet nothings in spanish. You noticed her hand drawing patterns in your abdomen slowly going lower, she looked at you asking for permission, you hummed in response.
 Her hand lowed down to your underwear.
´´Me nesecitas tanto amor?, you're so wet just for me´´ (Do you need me that much?)
You whimper when you felt her hand press against your wetness , she usually teases you, but now you're both as needy.
`´Oh, please, I- val i need you..´´you moaned into her ear.
``I know cariño.. Just be patient and we will have more time alone back at my place, huh? How you like that´´.
She slides her finger inside your underwear, you moaned in response, started doing an up and down motion. 
``Hmm, you know i missed you so much…´´ Valeria gazes you up and down, pulling her hand from your underwear drawing circles in your breasts.
´´What if we continue this back home amor?´´. Valeria said.
You couldn't speak, just nodded, the way this woman had so much power over you, you know you loved her so much, you'll kill for her, and you knew she would do the same for  you too.
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Anon rebelde.
Si vas a delatar a alguien, o si vas a informar o discutir lo que escribe, lee tu mismo la publicación correspondiente
Tal vez alguien le tendría que decir a la señora de las iniciales en mayúsculas,SDLIM para abreviar, que se aplique el cuento porque su comprensión lectora deja mucho que desear y también que tenga cuidado con todos esos blogs fantasmas que tanto la aplauden, tal vez tenga entre ellos un caballo de Troya. El que avisa no es traidor, es avisador y por cierto, hacen muy buena pareja la caja roja de Nestlé y la negra de aviación 😉
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Su última comunicación ha molestado a mucha gente de enfrente, que aparentemente se quejaba de que nuestro diálogo era imposible de seguir. Sin embargo, estoy segura de que nuestras maravillosas hermanas shipper no tienen problemas para entender el tráfico de esta escena, lo cual, según me han dicho, también es muy apreciado. Para todos los demás usaré pictogramas:
(I am translating the above paragraph I wrote myself in Spanish as a courtesy to this valued guest, just so you know - across the street. This is also NOT something you ought to have a say in, on MY page) Your last submission has annoyed many people across the street, who apparently complained about our dialogue being impossible to follow. However, I am sure our wonderful shipper sisters have no trouble understanding the traffic of this stage, which I am also told is very much appreciated.
For all the others, I will use pictograms 🙄:
👮‍♀️Translation of Anon Rebelde's question follows. Fasten your seatbelts ❗
'If you are going to tattle on someone, or if you are going to report or discuss what they write, read the relevant post for yourself' Maybe someone should tell Block Letters Lady, BLL for short, to also practice what she preaches, because her reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired, and also to be careful with all those sock accounts that applaud her so much, maybe there's a Trojan horse among them. Not a traitor, speaking: just a warner. And by the way, the red Nestlé box and the black aviation box make a very good couple 😉
​👮‍♀️Translation of Anon Rebelde's submission has now ended. You may safely proceed to the next level ❗
I am aware of the Baby Jesus' Belly Button Feast in there, too. That is strictly their problem, Anon Rebelde, but it's still hilarious to watch them pretend to be friends with each other, etc. I think all of this is very childish, but again, querida - we do things a bit differently, in here, and that is something that is not going to change. The red box was probably not Nestlé, but if you find it more fun, so be it.
And you are right, Red Box and Black Box like each other a lot, since Day 1, when Black Box welcomed Red Box like long lost family and immediately trusted her. Something Red Box was not expecting, so she was very moved & happy about it. Black Box + Red Box = Friends♾️, who root hard for each other, help each other and share a lot of things in DMs, too 😱.
(Remember: if you are not Julius Caesar or Marilyn Monroe, illeism is such a chichi rhetorical trick. And even if you are Julius Caesar - De Bello Gallico is such an obnoxious thing to translate, you wouldn't believe it.)
People are both a blessing and a curse, in this Strange Wasteland. I have met some of the kindest souls and some of the strangest twisted minds ever, in here. It really is mindboggling, yet by far the best side of this experience.
As for the Trojan Horse, well.... I don't get what you mean, but I trust their spies will.
May I risk a Miss Cleo prediction and foresee another salvo of Anons who'd throw the door open, enter in a frenzy, step on Bebe's tail, put their feet on the table and show me how pressure is properly done?
Let them.
I'd rather have you, Anon Rebelde. Doors can be slammed, too.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Me encanta el hecho que SWK sea Trans o genfluid (Y posible canon en JTTW aparente) No es de extrañar que se haya sentido ofendido cuando le dieron el trabajo en los establos (En la antigua china se ponían monas que al menstruar bendecían los caballos) y como nuestro monito favorito con los años tubo que tomar un rol ''masculino'' todo el tiempo cuando se convirtió en una leyenda, esos 500 años de aislamiento posiblemente fueron un respiro. me imagino en el fic aun vuelva hacer esa mala practica mientras como Sr. Wu se tome un respiro (Aunque he leído que los macacos es difícil saber su dimorfismo sexual, a menos que sean madres, me imagino que SWK no necesito ninguna cirugía de pecho, por ser Extra o por que es ''plana como tabla'' Copa A)
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Translated via google:
"I love the fact that SWK is Trans or genfluid (And possible canon in JTTW apparent) No wonder he was offended when they gave him the job in the stables (In ancient China they used to say that they blessed the horses when they menstruated) and since our favorite little monkey over the years had to take on a ''male'' role all the time when he became a legend, those 500 years of isolation were possibly a respite. I imagine in the fic I'll still do that bad practice while Mr. Wu takes a break (Although I've read that macaques it's difficult to know their sexual dimorphism, unless they are mothers, I imagine that SWK doesn't need any breast surgery , because it is Extra or because it is ''flat as a board'' Cup A)"
I actually didn't know about the menstration = blessing horses lore! That makes a lot of sense why Wukong would get mad at Heaven for giving him such a role. I can imagine him learning of this superstition from another stablehand, and just quiting on the spot. Especially when he learns that "female" roles and jobs aren't valued as much as "male" roles in the Jade Court (based on imperial china).
Then after letting him back in; they gave him the same job as a"Peach Maiden" - just with the title scratched out like he wouldn't have noticed. -_-
Primates like monkeys go through menstration like humans; meaning that Wukong likely has a great deal of knowledge of how to treat the symptoms just by growing up around so many adoptive mothers and sisters. I feel in his time at the palace, he made many female friends just by being attentive to them when they were due.
And since many wild monkey species (especially macaques like Wukong is supposed to be) are matriarchal; it confuses Wukong even more that women in the Celestial Realm aren't given the same level of respect as men. He probably has insulted the Emperor by asking to speak with the Queen Mother before him; "Let me speak with your Woman King. What do you mean "women don't rule"? She's clearly the one in charge. What sort of troop is this?"
So when the pilgrims openly accept Wukong as male, he's so happy he could explode. It also gives him more confidence to explore how he expresses his gender indentity through transformation.
While macaques dont have as obvious dimorphic traits as humans, I feel like Wukong's chest is more obvious than Macaque's is. He's not ashamed of his chest at all, even if it has grown along with his "dad bod" + pregnancy. Monkey Yao simply do not have the same hang-ups about breasts or menstration than most humans/celestials. Macaque is more shy about his chest cus he raised closer to humans and celestials norms also it's for Wukong's eyes only.
An interesting piece of lore! One of The Monkey King's permanent injuries was a stab in his breastbone/collarbone during his capture by Erlang Shen:
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From this lore, I hc that Wukong is actually missing a breast, or one has been heavily scarred over. I feel like he jokes that Erlang "owes him a new boob" in good humor. Or jokes that he "bets his last titty" on something.
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aettuddae · 2 months
anons have officially lost all class. simping over serim, karina, and MY ARGENTINIAN EMPLOYEE? you know the intern who writes karina fanfiction. in some shack in argentina yes . My Employee.
watching anons go crazy over serim is kinda funny bc this isn’t even x reader this is like 200k toxic yuri like I AM NAWT SERIM. i read this as my book before bedtime ❤️ My enrichment if u will
also why r they thirsting over YOU😭😭naturalmente soy muy flirty y cosas así pero if I flirted w you… yuri tóxica y condenada porque soy colombiana y tu eres argentina.. tóxica 3000. todos los juegos y copas peleando llorando dramáticamente not to mention THE ARGUMENTS KMFAOOO😭😭”ay mira a messi🙄” “QUIERO UN DIVORCIO😭😡” LMFAOOO . i guess you could say our relationship is strictly a.. business matter (I get booed off stage)
ddae la única argentina con quien yo hablo (i don’t know any argentinians) tienes muchas mujeres que te aman pero yo soy la única que te hace sentir viva discutiendo😝muchas novias pero yo soy la esposa (JOOOKE.. with rizz)
anyway the new business matter chapter will be out in exactly 4 years so if u read like 5 chapters a year it’ll be out on time 🥰(take all the time in the world 🙏not like we’re paying LMAO😭)
anons were simping bad, they had a good few days where they just wanted to make out aggressively with anything that appeared on my blog. and not the argentinian employee who lives in a shack dude 😭 don't tell what my lifestyle is like
let them, if they want to thirst over me i'll understand it since i'm cute and funny and smart and
lol tengo amigos colombianos, pero una relación?? cómo se hubiera sentido nuestra casa el día de la final de la copa? y nuestros países tienen problemas políticos también, eso sería un desastre 😭 "con messi no te metés" "tú con james menos" *se agarran de los pelos y empiezan a forcejear*
hey.. pero las comidas ricas que comeríamos.. 🫠 (tauro piensa en comida)
a business matter 😭 you just made the most yu jimin type of joke ever
LOL tengo demasiadas esposas ya basta vivo rizzing people up acá en tumblr, pero por lo menos vos sos latina y el vínculo de un latino con otro siempre será más fuerte
thanks for being aware the next business matter update is coming out when riize members are all out their military services 😌 i didn't have the guts to say it myself
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darkacua · 2 years
It's a fanficker AU Bitches
A silly alternate universe in which Yuu, in their despair, stress and total boredom with everything, decide to go online in search of the only thing that consoled them in their original world.
And not just any kind of fanfics. Y/N fanfics with any famous or important figure of the new world who was forced to live.
They are bored and it will make it everyone's problem (they should have let them rest when they had the chance 🙂)
-Grimm is the first to find out, but since he has no idea it's a fanfic he thinks Yuu is just reading a book online (like the nerd he swears they are) -The adeuce duo are the ones that follow and are… confused to say the least. (“Your life must be very boring if that's what you read to kill time” “don't be rude ace, what they read is not our problem… no matter how weird it is”) -They just don't understand what good literature is! >:'( -Somehow Grimm ends up spreading the information and now the whole school knows that they are weirdos who read things of dubious origin -Don't listen to them, they're just haters -Yuu yells "Hypocrisy!" when he sees some ignihyde student making fun of them. -Vil refuses to look them in the eye and decides to pretend that Yuu doesn't exist to save himself headaches and have as calm a school year as possible. He has Rook in his bedroom and that's the only psycho he'll tolerate. -Too bad for you pretty boy! Guess who you'll be seeing every day for (I don't remember how long) the next few weeks?
Español bajo el corte.
Un universo alterno tonto en el que Yuu en su desesperacion, estres y aburrimiento total de todo decide entrar a internet en busca de lo unico que los consolaba en su mundo original.
Y no cualquier tipo de Fanfics. Los fanfics de Y/N con cualquier famoso o figura importante del nuevo mundo al que se le obligó a vivir.
Ellos están aburridos y lo convertirá en el problema de todos (debieron de dejarlos descansar cuando tuvieron la oportunidad 🙂)
-Grimm es el primer en enterarse, pero como no tiene ni idea de que es un fanfic cree que Yuu solo está leyendo un libro online (como el nerd que él jura que ellos son)
-El dúo adeuce son los que siguen y están… confundidos por decirlo así. (“Tu vida debe ser muy aburrida si eso es lo que lees para matar el tiempo” “no seas grosero ace, lo que ellos leen no es nuestro problema… por muy raro que sea”)
-¡Ellos solo no entienden lo que es buena literatura! >:’( 
-De alguna forma Grimm termina esparciendo la información y ahora toda la escuela sabe que son unos raros que leen cosas de dudosa procedencia
-No les hagan caso, solo son Haters
-Yuu grita “¡Hipocresía!” cuando ve a algún estudiante de ignihyde burlarse de ellos.
-Vil se niega a mirarlos a los ojos y decide fingir que Yuu no existe para ahorrarse dolores de cabeza y tener un año escolar lo más tranquilo que se pueda. Tiene a Rook en su dormitorio y ese el único psicópata que tolerara.
-¡Pues mal por ti chico bonito! ¿Adivina a quién verás todos los días por (no recuerdo cuanto tiempo) las próximas semanas?
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jlemonster · 2 years
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[Image Description: an ao3 light mode screenshot of a short paragraph and eight dialog lines, that reads "The way he says it, Crowley knows immediately that it’s a false name. Oh, the man is good, she can’t argue with that. He’s been at this for a while. But she has, too, longer than this human could ever dream of, and she knows how untruth sits in the mouth. Cozzetti balances it well on his tongue. It warms her to him.
“I am Miss Ashtoreth.”
Cozzetti tips his head to the side. “I have to say, I’m happy to hear you’re a miss.”
“And who says that means anything to you?” Crowley says it coolly, but she extends her hand. Cozzetti raises it to his lips with a flourish. It’s rather compelling.
Crowley flags down the bartender. “A beer for me, please, and another one for this gentleman.”
“Do you have a first name, Miss Ashtoreth?”
“Ashtoreth is the name that matters. Encantada de conocerte.”
“You sound cute in Spanish.”
Crowley grunts. “It has been a long time since any man called me cute, Señor Cozzetti.”
“Do you object?” ".
End ID.]
"every morning the same big and little words all spelling out desire" by marveling_under_an_open_sky (@two-hands-toward-the-sun)*
is a banger fic and you should give it a look even if you don't know shit about Los Simuladores and Emilio Ravenna.
*+ juli beta reader
Here are some of my favorite fragments:
"and she knows how untruth sits in the mouth." is alone such a tactile line; it itself gives such tangible weight, reminder to the audience of the silver-tongued nature of any words coming from these two.
""Ay, Dios. ¿Qué te hicieron a vos?”
“¿Cuánto tiempo tienes?” Crowley laughs. (...)
Cozzetti rests his elbow against the bar and gazes at her. “Todo el tiempo que quieras.” "
I'm just twirling my hair in spanish at this point. i have two hands and a passion for slutty little waists and you cannot hold me accountable for this.
"Crowley finishes telling an anecdote about a director that leaves Cozzetti in stitches, and she downs the last of her beer with a grin. Conversation lulls between them. Cozzetti considers her, chin balanced on the back of his hand, laughter still lurking in his eyes and the corners of his mouth. It’s this crooked, delighted little twist of the lips that makes Crowley ask abruptly, “Are you staying at this hotel?” " now, from somebody that's fixated on Peretti (Ravenna's actor)'s little flirty and dorky gestures every time fae's watched El Colaborador Foráneo -& other instances where he gets drunk and acts fruity as hell- a maybe not normal amount, these details here are SO evocative and bring such nice images back. For this paragraph my only comment is: fag approved. Peretti chapame.
"Balancing untruth, as it turns out, is far from the only thing Cozzetti’s tongue can do." no iba a comentar en la parte horny pero aguante Ravenna Good At Cunnilingus headcanon xoxo.
"Cozzetti obeys, slumping down onto his back; the grin plastered across his face is so outrageously smug that it should come with a warning sticker." it should
"“Plotting.” Cozzetti exhales a plume of smoke and stares down at the cigarette cocked between his fingers. “Scheming. Having a nightmare about it all going wrong.” " ,.,, marido,,, ☭NUESTRO marido☭. No but seriously this line makes my chest ache. Santos' nightmares..... i hope there's a "i woke up from a nightmare again, can i sleep with you" fic somewhere for these fags.
"Slowly, Cozzetti lowers himself back into the pillows, never taking his eyes off of her. She hadn’t expected that, either. Actual concern. She knows humans, she’s been with many humans; she has seen the better part of everything and very little about them can outright surprise her anymore but—apparently—she can still feel stung by their kindnesses." what was that one quote? how heavy this human-ness? idk. that.
im not gonna spoil the fic's last line, because i think its so well executed i refuse to take away any of the inertia it cultivated so well. but let it be said: it plunged a fist into my guts and i thanked it for it.
NOW a mini rant-review:
que placer leer una pieza tan claramente escrita por alguien bilingüe, el cambio del inglés al español en diálogo se siente tan nuestro, en vez de tener esa textura alien del latinismo pre-fabricado.
la caracterización personalmente me pareció hecha con cariño y cuidado, lo cual aprecio muchísimo porque no hay mejor cosa en un fic que leer las micro-expresiones que uno por su cuenta nota en pantalla. (sobbing) that's my little guy and their shit-eating grin etc etc
extrañaba a estos personajes y la verdad no esperaba reencontrarnos de esta forma, pero honestamente me encantó- un pairing que no se me había cruzado por la cabeza pero que funcionaría 100% en el canon.
also aguante she/her crowley. ahora falta she/her ravenna-
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david3096 · 2 years
The year is almost over, and I wanted to share with you a fragment of one of my Buddie’s fic, I Told You,  the story takes part in different moments of Eddie and Buck’s lives. It is most focused on Día de muertos, but I still think it was worth to share. 
If you want to read the whole fic, follow this link
And happy new year  🧡
“Home, sweet home" Buck says as he turns on the living room light.It's a cold night, Christmas decorations are all over the house, the tree is in the corner where they usually have two armchairs and a bookcase, in the entryway.
“We're getting old, it's about an hour to midnight and we're escaping Maddie and Chim's New Year's Eve party.”
“We don't have to lie to ourselves Edmundo, we hated most of the people there" says Buck, sitting down on the couch and taking off his boots.
“You're right" Eddie takes off his coat and sits down next to his husband, starting to take off his boots as well "So many people we didn't know and they kept asking us uncomfortable questions.”
Buck gives him a half-smile “I can't remember the last time they doubted our marriage so much.”
“That's never happened to us before, not even when we were just best friends" Eddie laughs.
“Maybe they were thinking that the mature latino man deserves more than this old white man" Buck comments, and Eddie knows him well enough to know that's not entirely a joke.
“You're not going to start with that, Evan." he says, in an annoyed tone, "You still look as handsome as you did..." Eddie pauses.
“You don't remember how long we've been together?" Buck teased him, "Unbelievable, way to make me feel better.”
“Do you remember?” Buck opens his eyes wide.
“Okay, I forgive you" they both start to laugh.
“The point is, when I first met you I thought you were the most handsome man in the world" Eddie says "And I still think exactly the same, plus now I have the advantage of saying you're my husband of who knows how many years" Buck laughs.
“You know I love you, don't you?”
“A kiss is a good reminder" Buck kisses him and they settle back on the couch, both of them silent.
“You know what annoyed me the most about leaving early?" Buck asks.
“That we couldn't steal more food?”
“No!" Buck pauses "Well, maybe a little." Eddie looks at him with a big smile, "But I couldn't dance with you.”
“Well, let's dance now" Eddie says, standing up and looking at his husband, who is still sitting on the couch.
“What? Are you serious?”
“Why not?" Eddie says. "Who's going to stop us?" Eddie stands up to turn on the old stereo, connects his cell phone and searches for a song. “Come on" he says, offering his hand.
“You're crazy, you know that?" his husband replies, but he stands up and takes his hand anyway.
“You love that" Eddie jokes "Besides, I've always had a fantasy of dancing with you when a new year starts" Eddie leaves his cell phone on the table to put his hands around Buck's neck, while his husband puts his hands on his waist.
“Why didn't you say anything?" he asks. But before Eddie can answer, the song begins.
"Sé que aún me queda una oportunidad. Sé que aún no es tarde para recapacitar. Sé que nuestro amor es verdadero. Y con los años que me quedan por vivir demostraré cuanto te quiero."
“Our wedding song?" Buck tells him, raising an eyebrow, the two begin to dance.
“It's part of my fantasy" Eddie jokes as they continue to dance, smiling to each other.
“You know, I don't think I ever told you but I know what the song says" Buck steals a small kiss from his lips.
“Oh yeah? Since when do you know how to speak better Spanish than me?”
“Since never" Buck laughs "Remember you said you wanted our song choice to be a surprise?”
“I remember you were trying to figure out the name of the song for months, you kept offering me my favorite dishes and kisses so I would tell you.”
“And it didn't work" Buck laughs, "You used to be stricter before.”
“Nah" Eddie says "It's just that now we know how things work and we get ahead of ourselves to be okay.”
“You're right.” Buck puts his hands around Eddie's neck, and he puts his hands around his husband's waist. “The point is that when we got back from our honeymoon, I asked Chris for the name of the song.”
“Con los años que me quedan" Eddie says.
“Yeah, but did you know there's an English version?”
“Yeah, actually...”
“Who's telling the story?" Buck tells him with an even bigger grin than before.
“I'm sorry, go on.”
“Well, I looked up the song and came across the English version and thought It'll be easier than listening to it in Spanish and looking for a translation but...”
“The song doesn't say the same thing" Eddie hurries to kiss him before his husband protests.
“I hate you" he says, but his eyes say the opposite "And when I listen to the English version...”
“If We Were Lovers" Eddie reminds him.
“I thought, this describes perfectly how I felt when I still wouldn't admit how I feel about Eddie. So I told Chris and he started laughing in my face” Eddie wants to laugh too, but he uses all his strength not to.  “And he told me that even though it's technically the same song, written by the same people, sung by the same person, they don't say the same thing, can you believe it?”
“Yeah, actually...”
“Shhhh, I'm telling the story" Buck tells him again and the two share a brief kiss "Then Chris translated what the Spanish version says and played me the song. I was crying at the end.” Eddie smiles and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
“Yeah, actually...”
“I already got to that part, let me finish Edmundo" Buck says, pretending to be angry, because even though his voice sounds like that, he keeps smiling. "Chris told me that you thought it was the perfect song for both of us, because the English version talked about our past and the Spanish version about our future.”
“And what do you think?”
“Well, now dancing with you to this song again, feeling like the happiest man in the world, I can tell you that I agree.”
“You're so corny.” Eddie kisses him again. They continue to dance as if it were the only important thing in the world, just as they first danced as husbands so many years ago. Eddie can feel how magical and peaceful this moment is, because now they are dancing barefoot in the living room of their home.
“Remember what you told me the day before we got married?” Buck asks him as another song starts.
“That Shannon's ghost was going to stop our wedding and that if she were still alive she would hate you?” Buck begins to laugh loudly and Eddie feels like he could listen to that sound for the rest of his life without getting tired of it.
“No, silly” he replies, still with a smile on his face, “About getting old and how you'd tell me in your old man voice that I was always the love of your life.”
“Hey! You have to do the old man voice!”he jokes.
“Can't you wait a few years for my voice to really sound like that?”
“Sometimes you're no fun” Eddie teases him "But I do remember, what about it?”
“Well, these have been the most wonderful years of my life.”
“Mine too.”
“And I don't know, I wanted to tell you that I wish I had known you before.”
“I don't know, we were both pretty stupid before.”
“Eddie, I'm trying to talk to you about my feelings" Buck complains, "But you're right" Buck makes Eddie turn around and hugs him on the back, they keep dancing like that for a while, Buck's face close to Eddie's ear, "But when I met you I'd been waiting half my life for someone who could really love me and not be scared of my love...”
“And now you've had half a life with me" Eddie jokes.
“I hope it's less than half a life, that we'll be together longer," Buck bites his husband's ear a little and can feel him trembling, "Because half a life with you won't be enough.”
“Evan...” Eddie turns around, puts one of his hands on Buck's chest and the other on the back of his neck. Before he can say anything, they begin to hear the fireworks announcing that a new year has begun.
“Happy New Year, Edmundo”
“Happy New Year Evan.” Eddie feels as if time has stopped and this is the only time he can consider being alive. And he thinks it's ridiculous because he always feels this way with Buck. He can't find the words that can encompass it all, so he says the ones he feels make it better. “I love you.”
“I love you more” And they keep dancing for the rest of the night.
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ishikawayukis · 8 months
literally same, specially when I have free time is like “well I’ll just watch a couple” y termino ya en la mitad del arco o por terminarlo 🤡JAJAAAJ it was good arc tho, it just made me cry LOL
SO THATS WHERE I HEARD IT!!!!! Okay gracias porque si sentía que me estaba volviendo loca y casi me pongo a escuchar cada ost en orden JAJAJA pero si binks no sake en violin si me pone en llanto😭🫶🏽
si tengo preguntas JAJAJA pero prefiero tenerlas y tratar de no ver tanto spoiler para disfrutar el plot:’) de Law ya no tanto misterio porque ya llegué and I get the hype but he also looks kindy silly imo, lo vi y dije “Law tuvo un tumblr emo en el 2012 and he stuck with the vibe” JAJAJAJA
quisiera decir que está bien y solo es un anime but god I’m not your strongest soldier 🥲 JAJAJAJAJA sigo revisando ocasionalmente la guía que encontré para ver en orden por las películas (ay me encantó Strong World<3) pero aunque no la haya revisado ya presiento que estos arcos son los decisivos
it’s doing pretty good for me!! There were some weeks I realized it still hurt when try to sleep on that side pero volví a aplicarme neomicina como por una semana y desde ahí ya ningún problema🫡✨ ALSO did you see the Mackenyu apparently has a whole clothing brand and released some merch?? Yo dije “yo sé que sin duda todo va a estar caro, pero quiero ver si sacó los aretes” y pues, efectivamente están increíblemente JAJAJAJAJA
lastimosamente, si soy JAJAJAJA yo sé que objetivamente no estoy vieja porque no es como que esté en mis 40s-70s BUT STILL sometimes it feels like I have the back and the knees of a grandma💀 but let’s hope working out more frequently helps with that lol
(acabo de recordar que no lo mencioné y solo lo pensé, pero también me encanta nuestro spanglish JAJAJAJAJ)
gonna put everything (the other ask too) on a read more because we're getting long LMFAO
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siii si no fuese pq obligué a mi hermano a ver el live action jamás me habría dado cuenta AJJAJAJ that's the good thing about watching everything more than once i guess you start noticing things you didn't before
emo law my beloved he gets even more emo gotta love that dude. pero sí es mejor tener preguntas q después se te responden solas q spoilearte ajajaj
ay yo aún no veo las películaaaaaaaaaas. i told myself i would watch them as soon as i was done with the anime and yet here i am for some reason putting them off LMFAO i'm like i have nothing to do should i watch the movies? and then i don't
i did saw his collection!!!! i saw people complaining about how expensive it was and i was like ............. my guys it literally says there luxury brand LMAO pq claro puedes encontrar los aritos más baratos en etsy o lo q querai, pero entre q estai pagando por la marca en sí y también la marca registrada de one piece obvio q te va a salir un ojo de la cara AJAJJAJ i saw the hoodies and they were soooo pretty and honestly worth that kind of money. also all the characters had their own spin on the logo of the brand and i thought it was so cute good for him for making this collab tbh
no pero estoy igual AJAJAJJA not even 30 yet and my hip and back are just Fucked, hopefully working out will turn out better for you than for me LSDHGL
i'm not gonna spoil anything but they have even more Moments together and i just could go a little insane about them (i could go a little insane about all of sanji's relationships but that's another thing al together)
oda knows how powerful sanji would be with a decent wanted poster so he needs to humble him in more than one way LMFAO. y siiii de verdad amo como logra hablar de tantos temas tan variados de la manera q lo hace, pq tampoco parecen fuera de lugar todo tiene demasiado sentido con la historia de verdad 10/10
dude the way i was Sobbing when that happened they made it so sad and just heart breaking because no one could do shit about it and it was literally the only time luffy was like dude we gotta run away or else and yet he still couldn't save them
some people genuinely ship them like to the point of actually wanting them to end up together and i'm like ??????? luffy cares about her but not like That just let her be delulu and honestly a huge help
no pero esq todas sus islas son literalmente tan buenas para cada uno de ellos AJAJAJ son todo lo q necesitan y no diré mucho más pq spoilers :) admitiré q no me gusta la manera q interpretan por así decirlo a las drag queens, pero pucha q me reí igual parte de mi estaba como es lo q se merece sanji por ser tan tonto a veces JAJAAJ
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Ayer salí con las chicas de nuestro grupo y nos ocurrió un nuevo título (no oficial) inteligente para este blog: anarquía con Mia pues, por está razón, voy a escribir una publicación sin los leyes para la primera semana.
Hemos hecho oficialmente nuestro primera semana de clases y hay algunas cosas de que quiero hablar. Primero, hablo de la comida. Nos dijeron que no podrían cocinar comida vegana pero, Paco (el mejor chef del mundo) me hace comida vegana cuando él se dio cuenta que no como carne y por esto estoy comiendo todos los días comida española fenomenal. Segunda cosa, porque aprendemos un nuevo idioma, estoy siempre cansada porque mi cerebro está trabajando las horas extras y normalmente soy una chica cansadísima así que he tenido mucho sueño. Como yo sé que sabéis, los españoles les gusta salir tarde y aunque sabía esto antes de venir aquí, estoy teniendo muchas dificultades para equilibrar la vida española y mantenerme despierto. Siento que estoy mejorando mis habilidades de salir tarde porque estoy tratando de aprovechar la hora de siesta! Ahora, sobre el programa, me gusta mucho. Encanto Jaén aunque hace un calor tan irrazonable. La ciudad tiene monumentos increíbles, gente muy amable y creo que va bien el curso y que estoy mejorando mi español. Por último (de mis pensamientos), siento muy afortunado de tener el grupo de personas que tenemos aquí. Conocía algunas del grupo antes de venir pero durante solo unos días pienso que hemos creado una familia pequeña (os amo). 
Now, in English for any of my friends who want to read this! 
Yesterday I went out with some of the girls from our group and we can up with a catchy new title for my blog, but its not as good in English (its called anarchy with Mia). Due to this, I’m going to write a lawless blog post for the first week. 
We finished our first week of clases and there are a few noteworthy topics to discuss. First, food. The program told me that they would be unable to accommodate for my vegan diet however, Paco (the world’s greatest chef) found out I am vegan and has been making me amazing vegan Spanish food. Second, my brain is working overtime from being immersed in another language so I have been pretty exhausted all week, which is unfortunate because I am normally a very sleepy girl. Like everyone knows, Spanish people are notorious for being night owls so I am really struggling to balance exhaustion with Spanish life. I do feel however, that taking advantage of the siesta time will really help me with this. Now, about the program. The city is great, there are amazing monuments, really friendly locals and I think the course is already helping my Spanish. Last of my thoughts: I really feel fortunate to be here with such a great group of people. I did know a few from the group before coming here but within only a few days I feel like we have a great little family (love you guys). 
Gracias por leer. 
Thanks for reading. 
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ray-vnn · 2 years
Do we have Lupe’s letter yet?
Here’s what I got from trying to read cursive.
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Mi vida,
Estoy en Illinois ahora[…]
de pruebas y yo le gané a […]
Chicas ¡Voy a ser la pitcher! ¡Estaré en las Rockford Peaches! De hecho - Casey Porter va a ser nuestro entrenador! Te acuerdas de él no? De los Cubs. Él dice que tengo mucho talento, y también que soy su favorita - mira!
Le muestras esto a Alma?
Por favor, usa esto para todo de la casa. Estoy ganando muy buen dinero aquí y pronto mandaré más.
Con todo mi amor,
My love,
I’m in Illinois now […]
Tryouts and I won over […]
girls. I’m going to be the Pitcher! I’m going to be in the Rockford Peaches! Actually, Casey Porter is going to be our coach! You remember him, don’t you? From the Cubs. He says I’m really talented, and also that I’m his favorite - look!
Could you show this to Alma?
Please, use this for the household expenses. I’m making real good money here, and I’ll send more soon enough.
With all my love,
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esuemmanuel · 3 years
El verdadero éxito en esta vida es aprender a ser un excelente ser humano. Léelo bien: ¡Humano! No es ser una buena mujer o un buen hombre. ¡Es ser humano! Así que bajémonos de ese pedestal en el que solitos nos hemos puesto y aprendamos a desaprender, lo que nos inculcaron, para ser seres humanos completos, no sólo la mitad que la sociedad nos ha impuesto. Porque, qué cómodo es ponernos la etiqueta de una parte del conglomerado e ir por la vida señalando a la otra parte como si fuese distinto —un ente separado—, tratándolo de todas formas, excepto como a un igual. Si, bajémonos de nuestro pedestal y caminemos, con el alma abierta, junto a los demás —que, también, son nosotros—.
— Esu Emmanuel©️, True success in this life is learning to be an excellent human being. Read it well: Human! It's not being a good woman or a good man, it's being human! So let's get down from that pedestal we have put ourselves on and learn to unlearn what we were taught, to be complete human beings, not just the half that society has imposed on us. Because, how comfortable it is to label ourselves as one part of the conglomerate and go through life pointing at the other part as if it were different -a separate entity-, treating it in every way, except as an equal. Yes, let us come down from our pedestal and walk, with an open soul, together with others - who are also us.
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spanishskulduggery · 3 years
Hi! I started reading the Bible in Spanish bc why not? Anyway I don't understand "para con" as in "tenemos paz para con Dios por medio de nuestro señor Jesucristo." And is it fair to say that this "como para" is like the tanto/tan como but you're using para because you're going to follow up with a verb? Like tengo tanto hambre como para comer una zebra or something.
para con is a really outdated expression but it would mean something like "with" or "with respect to" or "referring to"
It's pretty archaic now but it usually implies some kind of greatness for the word that follows para con. You can think of it as "regarding" + an intensifying quality
It doesn't quite translate literally but para con is often used with people or things that demand awe or fear for good things or for bad things
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5 de febrero, 2022 - 25/100
Hola a todos! Ha sido un rato desde que os he actualizado a todos sobre lo que he estado haciendo
El fin de semana pasado, fui con una amiga al Oceanogràfico y también al Museu de Belles Arts y al Museo de Ciencias Naturales, y era muy divertido ver todo. Salimos con algunas amigas a cenar y después a tomar bebidas y helado también! Durante la semana, principalmente tenía clases y hacía tarea.
Oh! También tenemos una amiga que está estudiando extranjera en Escocia, entonces tuvimos una reunión de zoom con ella para ver algunas películas juntas :)
Ayer yo:
Hice tarea de lingüística, traducción y estudios de los medios
Practiqué el español y el francés
Empecé a aprender un poco alemán también
Imprimí unas fotos de nuestro tiempo aquí
Salí con algunas amigas a cenar
Hoy, está lloviendo entonces no hay mucho para hacer. Íbamos a ver el amanecer en la playa esta mañana, pero lo vamos a hacer mañana en su lugar. Voy a leer algo de mi clase de traducción y posiblemente empiece con el ensayo
Espero que todos tener un buen día y que todo vaya bien!
Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've updated you all on what I've been up to
Last weekend, I went with a friend to the Oceanographic and also to the Fine Arts Museum and the Natural Science Museum, and it was so much fun to see everything. We went out with some friends for dinner and then for drinks and ice cream too! During the week, I mainly had classes and did homework.
Oh! We also have a friend who is studying abroad in Scotland, so we had a zoom meeting with her to watch some movies together :)
Yesterday I:
-Did linguistics, translation and media studies homework
-Practiced Spanish and French
-Started to learn a little German too
-Printed out some photos of our time here
-Went out with some friends to dinner
Today, it is raining so there’s not as much to do. We were going to watch the sunrise on the beach this morning, but we're doing it tomorrow instead. I'm going to read something from my translation class and possibly start with the essay
I hope you all have a good day and that everything is going well!
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castiel-barnes · 4 years
Pairing: Javier Peña x fem! Y/N Peña. (Reader is married to Javier).
Summary: After the events of Escobar and the Cali cartel, the one thing Javier expected least was to settle down.
Warnings: Fluff. Slight angst. Pregnancy. Medical inaccuracies. Mentions of throwing up. Swearing. Soft Javi. Like extra soft.
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: Yet another early morning thought that I got.
Tags: @phoenixhalliwell @scribbledghost
Picture from Pedro pascals Instagram at pascalispunk.Taken in 2013.
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After years of running around Colombia and the amount of informants slept with. The last thing people expected who knew Javier Peña, was to settle down.
He had found you and fell hard in love. And the same thing happened to you. After being with you, Javier had no need to go have a one night stand with any of the girls from the brothels or any informants. Because he had you.
It was quite unheard of within the DEA, Javier Peña and the domesticity of having a family.
Javier had been out for most of the day, which you were kinda glad for. You had been feeling sick since you woke up and when Javi finally left the apartment, you finally rushed to the bathroom to throw up your breakfast.
Then it hit you. Your time of the month has been far more late than normal. After throwing up, you digged out the spare pregnancy test you had at the back of the cupboard for emergencies.
"Oh fuck." You said quietly to yourself. It was positive. Neither of you had discussed the topic of kids. It was something that you wanted, but not sure if Javi wanted it.
"Hi cariño, I'm home." Javier called out,
"H-hey, I'll be out in a moment." You replied from the bathroom, quickly wiping your tears away. Walking out the bathroom, you smiled like you usually did and kissed.
"What's up honey?" He asked frowning a little,
"Oh nothing much, why'd you ask?" You replied.
"Cause I can tell you've been crying." Javier said looking at you. Sighing you placed your head against his shoulder.
"I hate how easily you read me sometimes." You pouted, and pulled him to the couch and sat him down. Letting out a shaky breath you held his hands gently in yours.
"I really need to tell you something. B-but I don't know how to say it, and I- I know we haven't discussed anything about this." You continued starting to ramble from being anxious.
"Honey, honey calm down what do you need to tell me?" He said frowning even more, stroking your hair back.
"Javi... I'm pregnant." You stated. There was a stunned silence that blanketed the apartment.
"Really?" Javier asked. You nodded and looked away tears springing back to your eyes. Javi wiped your tears away and smiled pulling you into a hug.
"I'm so happy mi amor." Javier stated,
"You are?" You asked looking up at him.
"I am cariño, we can have a little Peña running around the place." Javier responded smiling. The two of you hugged for a while and had dinner, then decided to lay in bed and relax. At some point you must have fallen asleep on top of Javi, and stayed asleep until early morning.
Your not sure what woke you up, but you could feel Javier's hand on your stomach his hand stroking his hand back and forth.
"Cariño? You ok?" You asked quietly,
"What if the kid doesn't like me? What if I do something wrong?" Javier replied.
"What do you mean?" You said frowning,
"I mean, I'm not a good person cariño. I've done things and seen things that shouldn't be seen. I've never been the best with children, I don't know how to look after something so small and innocent." Javi stated.
"Javier Peña you listen to me. You are not a bad man, yes you've seen bad shit and maybe shot a couple of people but those people were the bad guys. Not you. You will be a good father Javi, I just know it. Plus you're not the only one who hasn't had much experience with children." You explained firmly. In truth you were the youngest sibling, and the only experience you had with children was when your cousin had her baby. But you lost contact with them a while ago.
"Thank you. For putting up with me Y/N." Javier responded, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. You stroked his hair back out of his face, but it was evident that he had been tossing around for a while.
You started drifting off again until you felt like throwing up again. Gently rolling Javi off of you, you rushed to the bathroom to throw your dinner up. You groaned as you hunched over the toilet, then felt a pair of large hands rubbing your back.
"You ok cariño?" Javier asked worriedly,
"Morning sickness." You responded throwing up again.
"You need me to get anything for you? Water?" He said still rubbing your back gently,
"Please." You said "thank you." You continued. Javier bought you a glass of water, and let you clean yourself up before carrying you back to bed.
"Try get some sleep mi amor, neither of us have work tomorrow dont worry." Javier stated,
"M'kay love you Javi." You said drifting off to sleep.
"Te amo mucho cariño, y nuestro pequeño bebé." Javier whispered kissing the top of your head.
2 months pregnant:
You were at home today and Javier was at work. And today you noticed something slightly different about your appearance. Realising what it was, you smiled and you got excited about telling Javi.
Opening the door Javi was immediately greeted by your smile and hugging him.
"Well hi there cariño, what you so happy about?" Javier asked smiling and kissing you,
"Come look." You replied dragging him to the room. When you got to the bedroom you sat him down on the bed and took your top off. Turning to the side you smiled and run your hand over your small bump.
You looked at Javi and saw his jaw drop.
"That’s your little kid in there mi amor." You said looking at your bump. Javi smiled and pulled you gently in front of him.
"Oye chico, soy yo tu papá. Estoy muy emocionado de conocerte dentro de unos meses." Javier stated quietly then kissing your stomach. He looked up at you with slightly watering eyes and smiled,
"We're going to have a kid cariño." He continued.
"Yeah we are. I love you so much Javier Peña." You stated kissing the top of his head,
"I love you too baby. I'm so excited." Javier replied. Out of nowhere you just got really emotional and started crying, which confused the hell out of Javi.
"Woah, woah baby what's wrong?" He said quickly standing up hugging you,
"I-im just so fucking happy. I have you and now we have our little kid. Oh im a mess, fucking hormones." You replied crying into his arms. And that what made it clear for Javi, your hormones were heightend due to the pregnancy. Javi chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
"Don't laugh." You stated quietly sniffing,
"Ok, I'm sorry baby I won't laugh I promise. Im happy to cariño." Javi replied smiling.
"But I like when you laugh its cute." You said looking at him.
You were glad to have Javi, yes he could be a bit stubborn and hard headed sometimes. But around you, he was gentle, understanding and everything you could wish for in a man. Although he had doubts about being a good father, you knew that no matter if you had a little girl or a little boy they would have him wrapped around their little finger.
4 months pregnant:
"Baby? Wake up, we need to get ready to go to the doctors." Javi said gently, trying to wake you up,
"Mhm..." you groaned and closed your eyes again.
"Come on honey, don't wanna be late to the appointment. I promise when we get home I'll run out and grab anything you're craving and we can nap." Javier stated stroking your hair back out of your face.
"Promise?" You asked leaning into his touch,
"Yeah cariño I promise. We'll go to the appointment, come home and then anything you want I'll get ok?" He replied smiling as you leaned into him.
"Ok." You smiled getting up slowly. The two of you got changed and got in the car. Arriving at the doctors, Javier could feel some anxiety radiating off of you.
"You ready baby?" He asked holding your hand,
"Yeah, im ready." You smiled at him and gave the back of his hand a kiss.
"Come on then baby." Javi said getting out the car, walking round to your side to open the door for you. The two of you sat in the waiting room for a while before getting called in. Laying there on the bed, you gasped at how cold the gel was on your stomach. Looking at the screen the doctor told you that you were going to have a little girl.
"We're having a baby girl?" Javier asked is disbelief,
"Yeah cariño, we're gonna have a baby girl to look after and love." You smiled with tears rolling down your cheeks. Getting home you cried from happiness and this was one of the only times you saw Javier cry.
"Baby can you get me pickles and ice cream please? Maybe some chocolate too." You asked him,
"Of course I can cariño. Anything else you want?" Javier replied.
"Maybe get 2 of each just incase, you never know." You said,
"Okie dokie." He responded. Javier left the apartment and came back about 20 minutes later with pickles, ice cream and chocolate.
"Here you go mi amor, got what you wanted." Javier stated coming through the door with a shopping bag,
"Thank you love." You replied smiling and getting some ice cream and pickles. The two of you sat there, with you snacking on your pickles and ice cream and Javier with his arm around you.
"We need to think of some names for our little girl." Javier stated,
"We do." You responded eating another pickle.
"Maria?" Javier started out,
"Hmm that's a bit overused I think, Isabella?" You replied.
"True, true. Isabella is a nice name. Isabella Peña. That's nice. Rosa?" Javier responded. The two of you sat there writing down names and slowly but surely got it down to the name you both liked.
"I think Isabella." You stated,
"Yeah perfect. Isabella Peña, it's beautiful." Javier replied quietly smiling. Javi slid down the bed a little so his head was by your bump, and lifted up your shirt a little bit.
"Hola Isabella, soy papá de nuevo. Solo quiero que sepas que te amo mucho a ti y a tu mamá y que siempre los protegeré a los dos." Javier whispered to the bump and kissed it. About 4 months ago at the start of your pregnancy, Javier had his doubts about being a father and how what he did would affect your daughter. But now here you were 4 months pregnant eating ice cream and pickles, and he was being so gentle with you and looking after you and your baby girl so well.
"You're going to be such a great dad Javi." You smiled running your hand through his hair,
"You think so cariño?" He looked up at you with those doe eyes of his.
"Yeah... I do. You've been looking after me so well baby, and I just know that little Isabella will absolutely adore you." You responded,
"Thank you cariño." Javier said rubbing his hand over the bump.
9 months pregnant/ due date week:
It was the week that you were due to give birth to Isabella. Javier decided that he'd take the week off before his maternity leave was due to start.
It was about 2 in the morning, when you woke up. And that's when you felt it, your water had just broken.
"O-oh no oh shit why now? Javi wake up, baby please wake up." You said pushing his shoulder,
"Carino what's wrong?" He asked you groggily, his eyes barely open.
"The baby is coming." You stated. And that one statement there got him up and awake.
"You serious right now?" He asked looking at you finding your face quite serious,
"Ohhhhhh shit. Yes I'm fucking serious." You replied having your first contraction. You looked at Javier and one of the only things he saw in your eyes was fear.
"Ok, ok I've got your bag honey. It's going to be ok I promise." Javi stated chucking jeans and a shirt on with shoes, and then helping you with some shoes.
"Javi im scared." You stated,
"I know cariño, I know but im going be right next to you the entire time. I promise." Javi replied holding your hand. Squeezing his hand as you went through another contraction, he held you up as he walked you to the car.
In the car, javi was going as fast as he could to the hospital whilst letting you hold his hand.
"Just breathe baby, you've got it." Javier said reassuring you. Getting to the hospital you were immediately given a room and pain killers to help.
"We're gonna meet our baby girl soon javi." You stated looking at him,
"Yeah cariño, any minute now we'll be holding our girl." Javi responded. You two were somewhat relaxing when you weren't having any contractions. It had been about an hour and half since your water had broke. It all seemed to by in a blur, one minute you were sleeping, the next your water had broke and now you need to push.
"J-javi go get a nurse. I really need to push." You exclaimed squeezing your eyes shut and letting your head fall back,
"Ok cariño ok, I'll be right back." Javier replied kissing the top of your head. Javi rushes out the room and finds a nurse. He came back into the room with a nurse, who were both by your side. The nurse told you to start pushing and so you did.
"Ahh fuck! J-javi I don't know if I.... if I can do it." You stated squeezing his hand as hard as you could,
"Yes you can cariño, come on you can do it. Just breathe with me, you're so strong." Javier replied stroking your hair back.
A few minutes later, and hard pushing you heard the cries of your beautiful little girl. You let your head fall back on the pillow and caught your breath.
"I told you that you could do it cariño. She's so beautiful." Javier said smiling at you and kissing you gently. The nurse bought Isabella over to you, so that you could hold her. Pulling down your gown a little bit you laid Isabella on your chest so you could have some skin to skin contact.
"Hey baby girl, welcome to the world. Oh you're so beautiful, she has your eyes miel. Big brown eyes." You smiled gently stroking your hand over Isabella's back,
"Do you wanna hold her?" You continue looking at Javi.
"Really?" Javier looked at Isabella,
"Yeah baby, she is your daughter after all." You responded giggling a little. Javier looked between you and Isabella then back to you and saw you nod. Standing up from his chair he took the shirt off that he threw on before leaving, and gently took Isabella from you.
People had told you to look out for Javier Peña when you first joined the DEA. The stubborn, hard headed DEA agent who had one hell of a reputation. But now as you saw your husband hold your little girl barely an hour old. All of that stubbornness, hard headedness and reputation had dissipated.
"Hola, cariño, es un placer conocerte finalmente. Eres tan hermosa como tu mamá." Javier speaked to Isabella quietly as he say down in the chair. You smiled and laid your head back again, eyes drooping a little bit.
"You wanna sleep for a little while? You just pushed a fucking human out." Javier asked,
"Language we have tiny human now. Yes I wanna sleep." You replied somewhat out of it, already drifting off to sleep.
"Haha ok baby, you get some sleep now." Javier chuckled.
When you were finally discharged from the hospital, you and your husband with your baby finally went back home. You got home and Javi changed the sheets on your bed from where your water broke.
Picking Isabella up, you showed her round the apartment although you knew she was in a milk coma from her feeding.
"Do you wanna put her down for her nap cariño?" You asked Javi,
"Yeah ok." Javier replied with a wide grin as he took Isabella from you. Gently Javier bounced Isabella as he made his way to her cot. Standing next to him as the two of you looked over your daughter. You smiled and placed your head on his shoulder.
"Our baby is so beautiful cariño, we did good." Javier said quietly,
"That we did. See I told you, that you'd make a good father. I have a feeling we might have a hard time saying 'no' to that cutie." You replied kissing his cheek.
"Agreed." Javier said smiling giving you a proper kiss.
Safe to say that the only people who really get to see Agent Javier Peña soft side is you his wife Y/N Peña, and his daughter Isabella Peña.
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