#go on my darlings my pride and joy. KILL.
hydrachea · 1 year
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What it felt like entering the new abyss after a year of suffering through dendro.
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libraryofgage · 10 months
Addams Family B-Side (1)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually Debbie and Fester Addams One (you're here!) Rick and Evelyn O'Connell (on the way!)
This is part of a series of unrelated works entitled "Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually" and I think that title is fairly self-explanatory. If there are any other couples you think would be good parents for our Stevie boy, let me know and I'll take them into consideration!
Anyway, the B-Side thing is because this is like taking my Addams Family Steddie au and just flipping the cassette tape hfjsdk
This time, it's Steve that's the Addams and Eddie that's normal!
Anyway, blame @whatthemeepever for this one specifically cuz it's gonna spiral into a wild ride actually, so let's all pray for Eddie in advance
If you'd like a tag for any future parts, let me know!
And, as always, if you see any typos, no you didn't
The moment Steve is born, his father sticks a light bulb in his mouth. When it glows, he jumps with joy and throws Steve into the air. The moment Steve's mother realizes what's happening, she slaps his father upside the head, throws the light bulb at him, and threatens to blow him up again if he sticks anymore into Steve's mouth before he starts teething.
She follows through on the promise exactly two weeks later, and Steve's parents (one smug and the other notably singed but delighted) rebuild their house next door to his father's brother.
Steve's mother chooses his first and last name (Harrington, a reference to some long-lost family friend or other), and his father is reluctantly given the freedom to choose his middle name. In the end, he is dubbed Steve Faustus Harrington, a name his mother is so surprised to find acceptable that she kisses his father as a reward.
And so begins Steve's life.
"I can't believe you got expelled," Steve's mother seethes, gripping the steering wheel so tight her knuckles turn white. "Again!"
Steve crosses his arms, sinking lower in his seat as he glares out the window. "It's not my fault they were shitty friends. They got what they deserved."
He hears his mother laugh, the sound strained and indignant and very quickly followed by his father turning to look at Steve from the passenger seat. His sunken eyes are filled with suppressed delight as he asks, "What did they do this time?"
A few seconds pass before Steve sighs. "They said they couldn't go out later because they had to study for finals. I mean, what kind of bullshit is that? Finals are three weeks away, and they can't spare one weekend for the funeral museum?" he says, scoffing as he looks at his father, grins, and adds, "So, I brought the funeral museum to them, coffins and cremations and all."
His father's eyes light up, sheer joy and pride dancing in them. And for the very first time in Steve's life, his mother pulls over to the side of the road and parks the car.
"Pumpkin?" his father asks.
"Fester," she says, her voice low and somewhere in the range of upset, "do you remember when I tried to kill your entire family?"
"Of course. It was a splendid attempt."
She nods and looks at him with a tiny, somewhat pained smile. Then she turns and sets her gaze on Steve. "Darling, what kind of grades do your friends have?" she asks. "Because if you're anything like me, and I know you are, you tend to befriend people who are significantly dumber than you."
Steve blinks, thinking for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, most of them were about to fail," he admits.
"Then, isn't it possible they really were studying for finals? Especially if they were close to failing at a school where passing is a requirement of attendance? Perhaps you could have suggested going to the...funeral museum after finals?"
A few seconds pass as Steve considers her words, a crushing sense of realization and guilt dropping on his shoulders and traveling to the pit of his stomach. It makes him feel nauseous, and he stares down at his lap. "I fucked up," he finally says, voice quiet and apologetic.
"Of course not!" Fester says, reaching out and ruffling Steve's hair despite the affronted noise from Debbie, "Your plan was beautifully conceived and masterfully executed. Perhaps you should just talk a little more before pulling out the urns next time."
"Incredibly, your father is right," Debbie says, looking pleasantly surprised before turning her gaze to Steve. She sighs and holds out a hand, squeezing Steve's when he takes it. "Don't get so blinded by a beautiful pair of shoes that you completely miss the sale two aisles over, Steve. At the very least, do a little more research before resorting to torture and murder. Personally, I'm very tired of calling the family's lawyer."
Steve snorts at the utter lie. Debbie loves calling the family's lawyer. She does so regularly just to double-check the state of Fester's stocks and bonds and deeds and general worth. "Okay," he says, nodding once, "I'll remember for the next school."
"You know," Fester says, looking at Debbie hopefully, "Pubert is a senior this year. Maybe Steve could go to high school with him."
Debbie hesitates, frowning slightly before saying, "Yes, but it's...public school."
"The best Gomez and Morticia could find! It was highly recommended by Margaret, and Pubert can make sure Steve adjusts and makes friends."
Steve can see the moment his mother agrees. She sighs, lets go of his hand, and fixes her already perfect bob. "Well, I suppose," she says before looking at Steve once more. "And you, Steve? Would you like to try...public school for your junior year?"
"Sure, might be fun," Steve says, thinking about all the movies he's seen that display public high schools as a zoo and the worst place on Earth. It sounds great, and if the place is still standing while Pubert attends, it must be somewhat entertaining.
"You've got everything you'll need?"
Steve looks up from lacing his shoes and smiles at his mother, earning a nervous grin in return. Her blonde hair is uncharacteristically frazzled, and Steve feels warm and fuzzy (like a mold growing over his heart) at knowing she's so worried as to appear less-than-perfect in front of him.
"Yes, I've got everything," he says, gesturing to the backpack on the stairs next to him. In addition to notebooks and his pencil case, Steve has also packed a travel mace, a miniature bomb (alarm clock detonator stored separately, of course), a tiny bottle of tequila, and his lucky lightbulb (just in case).
His mother nods once, takes a deep breath, and then turns her head toward the kitchen to shout, "FESTER!"
Something crashes, a cat (they don't have a cat) yowls, and Steve's father slides into the doorway. "Yes, Pumpkin?" he asks, eyes bright and happy and utterly stuck on Debbie.
"Is Steve's lunch ready? You made something normal, right?" she asks, one eyebrow raised.
Fester glances at Steve, a brief look shared between them that's both sympathetic and endeared toward Debbie. "Of course," Fester says, disappearing for two seconds before striding over to the stairs with a pink lunch box decorated with black skulls (Steve chose the color, Fester chose the pattern, and Debbie gave them her stamp of approval). "A turkey sandwich, fruit, cookies, and juice."
"Fruit?" Debbie asks, her eyes narrowed slightly.
"Apple slices!"
After a few seconds, Debbie nods, and Fester gives the lunch box to Steve, shifting some so Debbie doesn't see the conspiratorial wink that tells him the juice is definitely poisoned. Steve grins and shoves the lunch box into his bag. He finishes lacing his shoes and stands, holding his arms out so his mother can inspect him.
"You've done a wonderful job pairing your shirt and shoes," Debbie says, walking around Steve with an air of pride and approval. She rubs the sleeve of his pastel yellow sweater between her thumb and forefinger, nodding once. "The plum pants are a bold choice, but it pays off. And, as always, your hair is flawless, dear."
Steve grins, letting his arms fall to his side. "I tried that new mousse you gave me," he says, fingers twitching as he fights the urge to run them through his hair. "It works great."
His mother smiles even wider and kisses his cheek, pulling out a handkerchief and carefully wiping away the lipstick residue she leaves behind. "I knew it would," she says, inspecting Steve's face once more before nodding with approval.
"Pumpkin, it's time for Steve to go. Pubert is waiting."
Debbie huffs softly and gives Steve one last once over before nodding and hurrying him toward the door. "Have a good day at school, try not to blow anything up, and call me if Pubert tries to cut off your head with a rusty knife again," she says.
"What if it's a clean knife?"
"Well, that's fine. Grandmama will just sew it back on."
Steve grins and waves to both of his parents before hurrying toward the sidewalk where Pubert is waiting. His hair is parted down the middle and gelled down, his pencil-thin mustache is immaculate as ever, and he's wearing a three-piece suit. When Steve is closer, he pulls out two cigars and offers one.
"This isn't an exploding cigar again, right? I'm wearing a new shirt," Steve says, taking it and looking it over.
"Nah, that joke only works once," Pubert says, dragging a match against his palm to light it. He holds it to his cigar first, puffs a few times, and then does the same for Steve. "How long till you get expelled again, you think?"
Steve shrugs as he takes a puff from the cigar, letting the smoke linger for a moment before skillfully blowing it out in perfect circles as they walk. "I haven't been to a public school before," he says, tapping the cigar over the sidewalk, "so, hopefully, at least a year."
"Public school is fun," Pubert says, getting a wicked grin as he looks at Steve. "You can get away with a lot."
"And the other kids?"
"Well, they've certainly got a lot to learn. I mean, most of them can't even handle a little cyanide."
Steve scrunches his nose and takes another puff of his cigar. After a few seconds he asks, "Will we have any classes together?"
"You're a year below me, so maybe an elective or two. What did you sign up for?"
"I signed up for, uh, shop class, forensic science, and Gothic literature."
"We'll have Gothic lit together," Pubert says, flashing a smile before asking, "And you know what shop class is, right?"
Steve blinks, suddenly a little hesitant. "Is it not, like, something about shopping?"
"No. It's building things. With wood, usually."
"Oh! So, I can build anything?"
"I guess. I haven't taken it."
"Well, I'll find out. Maybe I can build Dad a catapult or guillotine or something."
As they get closer to the school, more students fill the sidewalks, but Steve notices that most of them seem to give him and Pubert a wide berth. They also stare, looking at Steve like he's some kind of puzzle to be solved, with more than a few flashing sympathetic smiles like he's trapped and can't get away. "You're popular," Steve notes, taking one last puff of his cigar before dropping it into a trash can.
"I would fucking hope so," Pubert says, finishing off his cigar and tossing it into the next trash can they pass. "I didn't flood the place with roaches and vermin to not be known."
Steve grins, listening as Pubert regales him with the tale only to cut it short when they get inside the school and pass the front office. "I need to get my schedule, but Mom said she made sure we'd have lunch together," Steve says.
Pubert waves him off. "Yeah, I'll meet you in the cafeteria. Have fun, cousin," he replies, mockingly saluting him before heading off down the main hall.
Steve's first class of the day was AP Calculus, followed by AP Physics, Wood Shop, and AP U.S. History. When it's finally time for lunch, he surveys the cafeteria for a few seconds before finding a table in a dark corner that everyone seems to avoid. By the time he gets there, Pubert has sat down with a tray from the lunch line.
Steve sets his backpack on the table, sits down, and says, "For a place that's so lifeless, it's not even fun."
"Yeah, it's like that," Pubert agrees, poking some unidentifiable mush on his tray with a spork before spooning some into his mouth.
It's with a somewhat jealous expression that Steve pulls out his lunch box and removes a thermos of poisoned juice. "Is it bad?" he asks, nodding to the tray.
"Utterly repulsive."
Steve sighs and takes a sip from the thermos before pulling out everything else in his lunch box. "They made me wear safety goggles in shop. Safety goggles! It's like they don't know how fun splinters in the eyes are. And everyone is soooo scared of the saws, it's ridiculous," he complains, taking an angry bite of his sandwich.
"What about your other classes?"
"Physics would be better with more practical examples. I mean, who cares about apples when we could learn if a body falls faster than a cannonball?"
"From experience, no," Pubert says, "Anyway, you gonna join any clubs?"
"Maybe the swim team? If I'm lucky, I'll drown," Steve says, perking up a little at the thought.
"Best of luck with that," Pubert replies, stealing Steve's thermos to take a sip of his juice. When he places it back, he offers Steve a sporkful of the mush.
Steve lights up and happily tries it, wondering how something can be so perfectly undercooked and overcooked at the same time. "Impressive," he says, passing the spork back. "Is that freezer burn?"
Before Pubert can answer, a bang from the other side of the cafeteria cuts off all other sounds. Steve glances over to see a boy in heavy combat boots climbing onto his table with a mischievous grin. He's wearing a shirt with a devil head on it and "Hellfire Club" emblazoned above and a vest with spikes, pins, and patches. His hair is just below his shoulders and a little curly, and Steve can see from here the wild glint in his eyes as he stomps down the table while talking.
"I'm tired of the double standards of this lame school. If you're into science or band or some other 'uncool' interest, the administration couldn't give two shits! Oh, the choir room needs new risers so the current ones don't break any necks? Well, that's too bad, we've got to give the football team new monogrammed towels for the locker room!" the guy says, grinning when a group of kids to the side shouts their agreement. "And never mind that our Robotics team has won the school three trophies when the basketball team so valiantly scraped into third place last year for being kinda good at throwing balls into laundry baskets."
Steve glances at the guy who shouted, taking in his letterman jacket before quickly dismissing him. He looks back in time to see the boy on the table sticking out his tongue and holding his hands to his temples to make horns. There's an even wilder look in his eyes now, a sheer glee at causing a scene and getting under someone's skin.
Steve doesn't realize he's smiling until the boy scoffs, shouts one more line about the school's unfair preference for "mediocre jocks," and hops off the table. He looks over at Pubert and asks, "Who was that?"
Pubert glances at Steve, studying him for a moment before swallowing another mouthful of mush and saying, "Eddie Munson. He does that once a week, usually."
"Eddie Munson," Steve murmurs, glancing over at Eddie's table again and smiling a little wider.
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kit-williams · 6 months
I wanna be your slave
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White Scar: Nogai Sengik Darling: Хонгор which means honey in Mongolian
tw: yandere, corruption kink?
TAG LIST: @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog @thevoidscreams-a-back
You were going to get married soon... to be the 5th wife of the first son of a neighboring tribe. Your parents were getting a number of goats for this agreement. Your friend, Yesui, sat next to you as the two of you were weaving in the field just looking out at the distance... you would lose this view... you would loose Yesui... you would lose seeing Lord Nogai maneuver as fast as he could around the rocks on the path from the impossibly distant fortress of the White Scars.
But this is your fate as the 7th daughter of your father but from his 3rd wife... to not marry for love but for duty. You were going to miss it all... as you lean against Yesui letting your hands stall as the words told you so many times... 'you shall do this for the good of the family'... 'you can easily learn to love your husband'... 'it hardly matters as long as he keeps you alive...'
You could feel Yesui hug you tightly... she was lucky... she got to be the first wife to one of the boys that she truly fancied... you? Well you were assured he wasn't going to beat you but it seemed that after his 2nd wife... his 3rd and 4th wife he had trouble to remember their names and that made your heart ache. "You'll be okay." She says petting your head as you just numbly nodded... "Oh look! It's Lord Nogai oh his speeder bike." She says trying her best to get you to perk up as you watch him race faster than the wind down the dangerous winding path in the distance.
You remember when he learned that you and Yesui tended to sit here and were able to watch him you could tell it always made him swell with pride. Your tribe was less nomadic and in a central spot that allowed the white scars to visit a few times a month when they knew a new tribe would be passing by and be able to recruit. It meant that Lord Nogai could show off his skills and then drive up to you and Yesui and talk perhaps occasionally share a quick meal before you tell him which families are here.
"You can be brave..." Yesui whispers knowing you were tempted to not even tell Lord Nogai of what was going to happen... but Yesui swore that there was a fondness he held for you in his eyes and besides... everyone else knew what was going on why not someone who would eventually come and possibly collect your sons?
The bike came to a stop just at the top of the hill they were on and the two of them went to go greet Lord Nogai as he took off his helmet and his dark brown nearly black eyes looked at the two of them as his black hair was tied back and now only being tussled by the wind. "And my two favorite girls!" He says with mirth and laugh as this was something you'd miss... no matter the occasion... he would be happy... he could make you laugh and make you savor life as easily as he rushes into battles with a smile on his lips and joy in his heart.
"So who is visiting the clan today." He says as you two tell him who is there and you can see the quirk in his eyebrow when you mention on how the Yeke are here.
"They normally don't visit around this time of year what's the occasion?" He says cocking his as Yesui elbows you and this causes Nogai to focus on you with a smile still on his face.
"I'm getting married to Sukh." You finally say feeling the pressure leave your chest like a hawk with a kill in its talons.
Nogai makes a half sucking in air half click of his tongue against his teeth sort of noise as his brown nearly black eyes look away as if processing that information. "So when will you be in your new husband's home?" He asks in an oddly worded way but you dismiss it as just him being above such things.
"Next year once the lambs are fat and weaned from their mothers." You say unenthused... you can't help but think how you'll miss Nogai as he comes around so often but you've been spoiled for attention... spoiled for his friendship.
He nods before putting his helmet back on, "Well we have many more times we can still converse and share some curds to eat." He says with his chipper voice. The two of them back away from the massive bike as he drives off with a simple goodbye and you sigh as you lean against Yesui.
"See that wasn't so hard." Yesui says as you .
"Yeah... you're right." But oh how wrong you were. Homecoming was a nightmare as you placed the baskets down and look at the family as one of your sisters comes by and slaps you screaming at you. Suddenly so many people were screaming at you as you were being talked to, talked down too... praised by your one grandmother as she kissed your cheeks holding your face just crooning happily. Your heart was hammering as you were brought home as you looked at your father and his wives.
"Sit." Was all he said and banished everyone else however grandmother took her spot in the yurt with a smile on her face as she looks around before gesturing to your father to start. He inhales looking at you sternly, "What did you do."
You look at your father confused, "I have been out in the fields-"
"Did you spread your legs for him too? Was Sukh not good enough?" One of the wives said.
"Be quiet." Your father snaps to her before looking at you again. "Nogai. He came to the village as it sounds like you know. What did he say to you?"
You wonder what Nogai said... normally everyone was thrilled by his visits; though you saw him pass by and did not see a boy with him so no one was suitable enough to be taken for the space marines which would be cause for celebration. "He asked the normal affairs... I mentioned that I was getting married to Sukh of the Yeke..."
Your grandmother lets out her whistling laugh. As you watch your father sigh and everyone seems to shift in rolling emotions, "While I was talking with the Yeke... Nogai came and made his usual pleasantries..."
"He asked for your hand in marriage in front of the Yeke." Your grandmother interrupts laughing and you look at her shocked.
"He did what?" You manage to say.
"Don't play dumb! What did you do?! Why have you brought this upon us? You were suppose to get married and-" the second wife begins.
"Be quiet!" Your father snaps again and you just grip your dress looking confused. "Have you been seducing him behind our backs?" He says sternly.
"No!" You say quickly as you hardly have flirted with the warrior. Perhaps in passing... failed attempts from you before you were told whom you were to marry. The most scandalous thing you can think of is sitting in his lap as he let you ride on his bike with him and perhaps sharing some food with him letting him feed you some rich food as you shared your simple curds and other hand made meals for him. "Nothing I have done... I.. no I have been a good daughter." You say desperate to defend yourself. Your eyes glance to your mother but she refuses to make eye contact with you most likely cowing to the wrath of the second wife... you cannot read the indifference that exudes from the head wife... you can feel the mirth from your paternal grandmother. No one is happy with you... "Father-"
"Out. I need to think." He demands and like a good daughter... you obey. You stay away from your sisters who hold their wrathful mother's opinion... a whore. Is what you hear whispered... how dare you seduce an Astartis? When you knew your place. You feel the desire to cry but you decide to hold it all in until the next day during chores to cry... everyone else is called for meal... it is a brother that tells you that father still is upset and deciding your fate.
The wind is cold... as you sit outside just waiting as you soon hear that whistling laugh as a small portable pot is placed next to you. "Yesui would appreciate the extra food... given her moon blood is about to end..." She says with a small knowing smile.
"What did I do? What happened?"
She starts to laugh again petting your head, "Your father and the patriarch of the Yeke were finalizing your marriage to Sukh when Nogai entered. Jovial as always but like a trickster he hid his intentions close to his chest. He sat with them... ate and drank with them... showed your father one of his trophies from a great distant conflict... its a wonderful knife. Refused to take it back and when your father asked why. Nogai said it was his offering for your marriage. Everyone was stunned... and it only all fell apart after Nogai left. Personally dear I am happy for you my great aunt got married to a white scar. His second wife is angry at you..." She waves her hand, "Upset that not one of her daughters could catch his eyes but it was you."
"But I didn't do anything?" You say feeling the tears threaten the corners of your eyes.
"Why do you feel like you have to have done something? That's why my great aunt was chosen as I was told... they simply pick a person they like. Go eat with Yesui." She said petting your head one last time before you go over to her yurt and lucky for her she and her husband are willing to house you for the night.
The next month is miserable as your family sways between praise and condemnation... how she feels like more of an outcast and she practically flees to the field when she hears the Yeke are coming back around. Father seeing if he can't marry off another daughter... its all but guaranteed that Nogai will marry you but you feel so mad.
You avoid him when he comes in to the village but there is no avoiding him when he leaves as he parks his bike and comes to you. "Will you share a meal with me, Хонгор?"
You slap his chest ignoring the pain in your hand as hot tears roll down your cheek a months worth of anger. "Why are you so foolish!" You shout at the space marine as he sits down unfolding the bundle. He lights the small portable fire and sets a pot down on it reheating the meal as he is clearly listening to you but setting up his meal. "Why! Why have you done this!" He pours himself some fermented milk as he motions for you to sit, "NO! I will not! You have caused my family to be in an uproar over your actions! My father's 2nd wife is seething at me... my own mother will not defend me... the Yeke are threatening my family for making them look foolish!" Your tears roll down your cheeks as you're so mad at Nogai. "WHY!"
He sets down his mug, "I did not think my request would upset you. Perhaps I should have..." He mused his words... his eyes looking to the sky before softening, "I should have told you my intentions. And for that I apologize." You squirmed under his apology as this wasn't what you were expecting.
You wipe your overflowing eyes as you sob at the concern on his face... everyone who did support you had to do so softly and then you feel him wrap you up in a hug as you hug him back. "Why did you ruin everything?"
"This is what I was told I would do... told I would be! I was a good daughter and now my siblings are calling me names... I was slapped the day I came home! I was a good daughter!"
"You never stopped being good, Хонгор..." You feel the ghost of his lips against the side of your head. "My dear Хонгор... it will be alright."
"What wife will I be?" You say sniffling.
"Out of all of the wives I have had or currently." He says with a cheeky smile in his voice.
"I care not."
"You will be my first and so far only wife... so I suppose you'd be a head wife." He says pulling you back into the long grass with him his arms wrapped around you as you can smell the stew cooking hearing the bubbling of the contents inside the pot.
"Why..." You say softly listening to his hearts beat and of course he would hear you speak.
"Why else would a man take a wife? Yes perhaps to secure alliances... to secure cooperation between families..." He sits up with you and you feel his hand under your chin tilt your face up to look into his gentle brown eyes, "But I want you because I love you."
Your throat tightens as your eyes meet his as your breath is held for far too long... his mouth kissing just the corner of yours. "White Scars rarely take wives. My grandmother told me... you all are free spirits laughing... lovers you will take and like trickster spirits fleeting lovers... so-"
You are cut off as he takes your hand and presses it to his throat. Your hand trembles at the feeling of just his throat against your hand... you feel unworthy to hold it but he keeps it there as he leans in pressing his forehead to yours. "I offer you myself... I offer to be a kind and fair husband... I offer you my freedom."
"Nogai no." You say recoiling but he keeps your hand on his throat, his hand on your hip, keeping you close.
"Yes Хонгор. Listen to me... I give you my all. I give you myself." He says with devotion in his eyes, "I can take you away right now..." He whispers... "I gave your father payment for you... you can come away with me. It's all your choice..." His hands cup your face and you realize you're holding his throat all on your own. Your heart beating fast and hard as no mortal woman should have this much power... is this what your grandmother's great aunt felt when she was taken? Your heart and mind are racing as everything you've been taught... been told to sacrifice are all falling to the wayside as you pull yourself closer and kiss him.
A meal is shared between the two of you and you know he lingers longer than he normally does but you are unwilling to let him part... He tells you he will only leave when you dismiss him... and you let him linger... until it is so very late and he offers you to rest with him as he seems to have a small tarp to make a lean to with.
Perhaps you could be a little selfish?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
HEEELLLLOOO. Can i please request a scenario with Poseidon, Hades, Loki, Thor, and Beelzebub having kids with reader, but the kids started monopolizing their mother and wouldn’t let their parents have an alone time? Thank you so much (✯◡✯)
-Your twin boys with your darling husband were your pride and joy, looking exactly like your husband, much to your annoyance as you did all the hard work.
-They were now three, balls of energy, coming into their personalities, and were definitely mama’s boys. They adored you to pieces, constantly wanting to hug you, hold your hands, and keep your kisses all for them.
-This did not sit well with your husband; he loved his sons to pieces, and they adored him because he was teaching them so many things, but if you were around, they held you hostage and would whine and push their father away, keeping you all for themselves.
-Poseidon- Could only scowl as he pouted, laying in your shared bed, arms folded as you cuddled with your babies who had run into your room, wanting to sleep with you. Tonight was the first night in a long while you and Poseidon had finally got some alone time and you were going to spend it doing certain activities~ but when they ran in, Poseidon was instantly pouting. He glanced over, seeing your apologetic eyes and instantly grabbed the child closest to him, pulling him close and rolled over, “Mine!” his brother shouted out while the two were quickly laughing as his son was trying to get free, “Let go!” Poseidon just snuggled him harder, “Nope, if you want to sleep in my bed, I get cuddles too, not just mama.” You giggled as it quickly dissolved into a pillow fight, which wore your children out and you were able to sneak them back into their beds before running back to your shared bedroom.
-Hades- Loved his children to pieces, willing to kill for them, but he was ready to throw them out into the backyard just so he could get in some alone time with you, even if it was just a few minutes. Hades was your third child at times, his arms around your waist, clinging to you as your children tried to separate the two of you, while you were just trying to make lunch. After being treated like a toy, you threw all three out of the kitchen, scolding them all, “If you three can’t share, then none of you get any cuddles and kisses!” you ignored the three pouting men in your life for the next twenty minutes, teaching them a lesson and Hades had to talk to them, giving them an important lesson. All three hugged you tightly a bit, apologizing to you before your twins promised to share you, which made you smile. 
-Loki- Turned it into a game, almost like hide-and-seek meets tag, Loki would spirit you away and tell your sons to come and find you, and if they couldn’t, then Loki would win and would get to spend the next half hour with you, alone, but if they did find you, then Loki would have to play with them and you get them affection. Your boys were getting smarter, finding Loki’s hiding places more easily now, as they were starting to use their own magic, just a bit of floating here and there. Loki managed to hide you in the last place they would look, the bathroom, as they hated taking baths, they saw the bathroom as an evil place. Loki basked in your affections as you peppered his face with kisses, he froze when the door slammed open, “Found you!” he groaned softly, picking you up and tried to run, “Gotta catch us first!” you laughed, your arms around his neck while your boys chased after you.
-Thor- Was smart about this when his boys first started to do this, he knew he could have hours of alone time with you, he just had to wear them out. Exercise in the form of games were the way to go, as they both wanted to be big and strong like their father, so Thor thought of games that would train them, but were also fun and would burn energy. They would play for hours with both you and Thor, and would be out the whole night so you and Thor could spend alone time together. You found it amusing when he would cling to you, like he was a child himself, wanting your attention for his own.
-Beelzebub- He’s not jealous of his twin sons, no way, he’s not! He is. When he’s spending time with you, slow dancing, kissing, cuddling, and the boys run in, stealing you away, he can’t help but scowl, pouting that you were taken away. He couldn’t fight a child, let alone his own children, and you were always so happy when your boys would seek you out. He considered, for like half of a second, researching ways to keep them asleep at night, but immediately refused the idea, furious at himself. You were the one who came up with the good idea, taking all three of them outside and playing with them all, making your boys run around. When you returned home that night, the twins were both knocked out cold, having burned off all of their energy and Beelzebub was selfish, keeping you all to himself, which did make you laugh. He found it enjoyable but also relaxing, to play with his kids, especially if he could burn them out!
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magical-wishies · 7 months
To love or not to love, that is the questio-
Ok whoops wrong reference. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I made a MV of the song "Darling Dance" by Kairiki Bear featuring my favourite little tricksters for the occasion!
I'd rather you go straight to Youtube to watch it because Tumblr always finds a way to cut the quality, lol.
Eng subtitles are available too!
Here it is! Hope you enjoy my pride and joy. Basically like a hopeful child but in video format. Reblogs are specially appreciated because Youtube sucks at promoting new channels!
This also acts as a behind-the-scenes post, so let's get straight into that, shall we?
MV Project 1 "Darling Dance"
Illustration time: 37 hours
Editing time: Approx. 30-35 hours
Total: 70 hours
*Cough* Holy freakin' moly does making an MV take so long. Before you roll off your bed, I'll say that part of the reason making the art took so long was because I have trouble drawing Marx consistently.
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Here's some unused assets! Look at them, they're all salty over not making the cut.
In all seriousness though, a lot of times I don't really see a lot of editors/ MV makers getting appreciation for their efforts. And now that I've personally experienced making an MV for the first time, it's also increased my admiration to the people who dedicate their time to this! All the kudos to them.
Now, I'll go scene by scene then comment along the way! Spoilers ahead!
Verse 1
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Pretty good for what it is. In the first image, you see that heart behind Magolor? I discovered the motion of it on complete accident lol. Capcut is hard to figure out..
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I also really like the color palette of 2nd image. That art of Marx was the last one I did during production (aka I drew it this morning), and just look at him. He's such a bastard he's the best.
Pre Chorus 1
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Mmmm yeah it sure is the pre chorus! I put a bar behind the text in the middle because I didn't want people to stare into their soulless eyes for too long. That probably worked!
1st Chorus
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When I first added in the expression change, I fangirled over it a little on the first rewatch. Like, come on! They suddenly look mischievous, and the color change on the background! I know I drew it but still!
For the rest, I experimented a little with all the "Nah"s! I think it ended up well. Most of the lyric editing in this MV is completely original, so I had a couple of things to try out!
Verse 2
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This song is horrifically outdated because it says Twitter instead of X!! (/sarcasm)
This scene is my second favourite. I'm really proud of the details on the tabs and the editing at the beginning! Wish I could put more images but the app only allows ten. Bummer.
Pre Chorus 2
I think it's cute, and I used it as my pfp on YouTube! That's about it though.. image limit is killing me I can't put anything here :(
Chorus 2
...Not gonna spoil it! I like how I drew them, but there ain't anything notable. Unless you look at the last image I put right before the bridge. :)
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This is where my editing comes in freakin' clutch. Ooooooh it's so satisfying to look at. Chef's kiss. Also those Marxs (Marxes?) are really cute.
The second part of the bridge is nice as well! I tried to make the lyrics snap to the rhythm. Glad I added that tv effect in the bg too!
Chorus 3
This scene is my favourite! Wanna know why?
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This sequence right here. I think I will etch it into my brain forever... I love me some snappy editing. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot!
The second part of the chorus is like the original song's MV! I loved the hearts popping in and out whoever thought of that is a genius. Putting it into the MV was a good decision!
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And that's a wrap! Hope you enjoy the MV as much as I enjoyed making it. And, stay tuned for next time! I have a feeling a certain jester is getting his own solo MV...
Feel free to leave your thoughts either in the Youtube comments section or here. See you around!
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anymovieone-shots · 2 months
Warning - Pegging, Sex, Possessiveness, Protectiveness, Degrading, Praising, Biting, Spanking, Edging, Begging
Oc Na'vi x Recom Prager
Go see original post @manskslittlewhore
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Kato was the oldest daughter of Tonowari and Ronal.
She was their pride and joy; she was to be the next Olo'eyktan of the Metkayina clan. The First Female Olo'eyktan.
But Kato couldn't become Olo'eyktan until she had a mate, her parents had tried to push other males and females her way, but she didn't like them.
She felt as if she needed to wait for someone, so she waited, and her parents understood.
When Jake Sully and his family arrived, Kato had showed the childern their ways of the water, she had gotten very close to Lo'ak.
She had jokling told Lo'ak and her siblings that Lo'ak was her son and Lo'ak didn't mind since he had been attention starved and touch starved, something that Kato didn't miss.
When Kato found out that Lo'ak had bonded with Payakan, she had instantly standed up against her father and mother, saying how Lo'ak had every right to bond with any animal since Kato herself had given him permission to bond.
Tonowari and Ronal sighed, if their daughter had given Lo'ak permission it was something not to go against.
When they had gone to war against the sky people, the fake na'vis had surived and it was deemed by Kato they were to be given a chance.
Neytiri had hissed at Kato, Ronal had instantly stood infront of her daughter and crouched down slighting and hissed at Neytiri, "My daughter is the future Olo'eyktan, she had taken in your son, and has told me to give you a chance, she has fought in your war, a war you brought to my home! Have some respect!"
Neytiri didn't say anything else knowing Ronal was right, "Jake Sully had a second chance, and you do not give this boy Spider nor the sky na'vis a second chance?" Kato had slowly moved her mother behind her and stood in front of her as she looked at Neytiri and Jake, "Both of you should be ashamed, you both had a second chance and now you don't want to give them one? Your daughter," Kato pointed at Kiri, "Is from a sky person, you Jake Sully, are a sky person, and Spider is a sky person, and has not been given a chance?"
Jake and Neytiri didn't say anything, Kato was right, Jake had a second chance, Kiri was from Grace a human.
It wasn't fair but it was fight they would lose.
Kato and her parents came to an agreement to wait for the sky na'vis to wake up to see if they deserved a second chance.
When Prager, Z-Dog, Walker, Ja and Fike woke up there were in some grass home with seaweed wrapped around their wrists and to a pole.
They had pulled and bit on the seaweed trying to see if they would rip but it didn't.
A slight strong but chubby female came in with Jake Sully and another female that was pregnant and another male next to the chubby female, with two warriors.
"We can let you out of those," The chubby female began walking towards them, "But under one condition."
"What?" Prager was the one to answer because he knew if one of his teammates answered then they would say it rudely.
"You learn the way of the water, understand our culture, learn our language, and understand Eywa." The chubby female had looked at Prager up and down, something called out to her about him.
The recoms looked at one another, communicating, Prager looked back at the female, "What happens if we don't want to learn?"
The female chuckled and looked down before looking back at Prager, "It would be ashame to kill such a pretty face."
Prager, although was threatened, blushed, and once again looked back at his teammates who nodded their heads.
Prager looked back at the chubby female, "We'll learn."
The female smiled and nodded to the warriors and the warriors untied the recoms who stood and looked at the female.
The chubby female smiled, specifically at Prager, "I'm Kato."
Prager wasn't stupid, slow maybe, but not stupid, he knew Kato was courting him.
Ja and Fike had teased Prager over and over, Walker and Z-Dog would tease him once in a while but not as much as Ja and Fike.
Prager had sighed as he walked in the water, he had quickly adapted to the way of water, along with his teammates.
They had learned so much and grown so much that they didn't want to go back to their old ways.
Prager had gotten into the water and began to swim; he had come to enjoy the ocean.
"Enjoying the ocean?" Kato had sneaked up behind Prager.
Prager had slightly jumped when Kato announced herself.
"The water is always warm." Prager had swum back as Kato had joined him and swam to him, "And beautiful."
"I see something more beautiful than the ocean." Kato had swum up to Prager who blushed and swam closer to Kato.
"And whats that?" Prager asked as he looked at Kato.
Without missing a beat, "You." Kato had grabbed onto Prager and kissed him.
Prager had slightly gasped but kissed Kato back. He put his hands on her waist as Kato's hands were around Prager's head.
Kato detached herself from Prager who whined, she had chuckled, "Be mine."
Prager nodded, "Yes."
Kato had instantly kissed Prager, happy he was hers now.
"Fuck!" Prager was on his back as Kato bite his neck, leaving her teeth marks on him, his orgasm so close.
Kato had completely stopped moving her hips as Prager tried to make her move faster with his legs that were wrapped around her waist.
"No! Please D-don't s-stop!" Prager begged, "Plea-"
Prager moaned out as he felt a stinging sensation on his thigh.
"Look at my little whore," Kato whispered into Prager's ear as she kissed his cheek that had his tears, "Begging me for my cock."
Prager whined as he once again felt Kato move her hips slowly, "Please."
Kato clicked her toungue as Prager whined, "Your doing so good, you can hold on for me."
Prager whined as, "I need more!"
Kato had once again brought her hand down on Prager's thighs, spanking him.
"I'am giving you more, Ma tìyawn(My love)." Kato moved her strap-on in and out, making sure she hit Prager's spongy spot.
Prager moaned out as he felt Kato hit his spot.
"Imagine Ma tìyawn(My Love), someone walking in and seeing you on my cock, begging for more." Kato's hips moved at a normal pace instead of slow.
Prager moaned out more, imagining what Kato told him.
"As if I'll," Kato grunted when she felt Prager tighten his legs, "Let someone see you. Your mine, all mine, your soul, your body, your mind, your heart," Kato had moved faster, "All mine."
"YOURS! ALL YOURS!" Prager had screamed out as he had slightly reached his climax but as fast as it came it went away.
Prager began to cry, "Please! Please! Let me cum!"
Kato had kissed Pragers tears away, "Shhh," Kato had given Prager a sloppy kiss, "You've been so good, darling. Such a good slut."
Prager whined as he moved his hips.
"I'll let you cum." Kato had moved her hips in a fast pace as Prager had moaned out.
Kato had bit into Prager's neck once more and Prager moaned out for the village to hear, "Kato!"
Kato had slowed her pace before completely stopping, she had slowly pulled out of Prager as he whined, his eyes closed.
Kato lovelying kissed Prager's cheek as she stood up and grabbed a towel and a bowl of water.
She had cleaned Prager as she knew that from their activitys he wouldnt want to get up.
Kato finished cleaning Prager and changed him and did the saem to herself and layed next to Prager on their hammack.
Prager whined and moved closer to Kato as he put his head on her chest, kissing her boobs.
Kato had waited till Prager's breathing slowed down before she kissed Prager's head and closed her eyes as she whispered, "Oe tìyawn nga." (I love you)
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lastchancestardomm · 3 months
To All of You, I Say
Word Count - N/A
Warnings: Extremely Fucked-Up Shit. Child Abuse. Child Neglect. Rape/Non-Con. Abandonment. Heed the Warnings.
Status - Not Beta Read
A/N: I had to get her backstory out somehow. This has been privated for the last like two months, and I am very insecure and genuinely afraid of this, but I had to write out Ana's backstory somehow. I tried putting content labels on it, but it hid this post to the majority of my followers, so I'm just fucking giving up. I based this on, and recommend listening along to, the song KILLED BY ANGEL by Alice Schach and the Magic Orchestra. As I said, read the warnings and take them seriously. This is fucked up.
June ██ , 1941
Joseph stared at his precious baby boy, held tenderly by his dear wife, Aino, with stars in his eyes. Despite a thin layer of blood and his wife's fluids coating his features, the infant seemed to glow, dazzle even.
The little one will be christened with the name Aleksander-Erik. But he has always been known as Alex by those who regarded him dearly.
Aleksander-Erik Ivanova, the name rolled off Joseph's tongue like a holy prayer. It was a strong name, a name the boy would need if he were to take over his father's winery. Aino, on the other hand, thought the name was a mouthful.
The small baby reached out to his father, chubby hands grabbing his scruffy beard. He gave a soft tug, and a darling giggle at his papa's small grunt.
He is beloved.
August ██ , 1947
Aleksander is six years old. He sits in an uncomfy chair just outside the delivery room, and can hardly hear his dear mama's exclamations over his own sobbing. The bright lights and white walls overwhelm him, and he cries louder. The nurse next to him squeezes his hand in comfort.
He hiccups between tears if his mother will be okay. The nurse squeezes his hand again.
"She will be okay, Aleksanki, she's giving birth to your little sister,"
He's going to be a big brother. Other boys at his daycare talk about their baby siblings, and call them annoying and loud. They say they want their baby siblings to go away.
He hopes that she's not annoying and loud. He hopes his little sister will be great. But he's scared.
September ██ , 1947
She was named Maria. She was named after the Holy Mary, but also because her name means "star" and such. Aino chuckled tiredly as she watched her husband gush over his baby daughter. She leaned over to her son and jokingly mumbled to him that Maria can also mean "bitterness".
Joseph's pride and joy is his daughter, he'd give everything to see her blossom into a successful flower of pure beauty. She's still very little, and can't even roll onto her tummy, but he will praise the baby girl any chance he can get.
Although, he's often at his winery, individually quality-checking each bottle. The best of the batch were carried home by him to indulge in and share with his wife.
June ██ , 1949
Aleksander is eight years old. Maria is a rather stoic one-year-old. It was his birthday some days ago, and ever since, his father has put him to work.
He has gone out net-fishing with Aino, and to the town square to sell the fruits (well, fish) of their labor. He's been with his father to the winery, helping pull wagons of the finest and highest quality of the batch back home.
His father has signed him onto the school running team, soccer team, and hockey team. Aleksander doesn't enjoy all these activities, perhaps he would if it was one or the other, but all three at once is overwhelming. But he's too people-pleasing to tell his prideful father off.
Maria is a strange baby. She doesn't cry, rather, she gnaws on her chubby hands until someone takes notice. Aleksander frets constantly over his little sister, and comes with tear-filled eyes to his mother saying Maria is sick each time she goes a-gnawin'.
Aino worries for her daughter's sake, but Joseph only berates her for believing her son's concern over nothing. He thinks his daughter is perfect just the way she is.
January ██ , 1952
Aleksander is ten years old. Maria is four years old. The little girl has a whole bedroom to herself now, walls decorated with stickers and her pockets always stuffed with candies.
She has a big loft bed adorned with shiny jewelry she'll never wear, causing it to resemble a castle somewhat. Which is fitting, as the small girl is spoiled like a princess, well, at least by her father.
Aleksander can chop wood now. His father aided him in his first week with the labor, and then left him to it. His mother remarks he's much better than his father at the job, and quicker too, which drives him to continue no matter how much his hands hurt and bleed.
But he has to be honest with himself, if it weren't for his mother, he would've quit all the chores a long time ago.
January ██ , 1954
Aleksander is twelve years old. Maria is six years old. The night sky glimmered indifferently.
The delivery room is in hysterics. The doctors yell out to the nurses "Breech!", as they hurry about to begin a C-section. Controlled chaos or orderly madness could be a descriptor.
He can't help it, he feels like a little kid, but he's sent to tears once again. Aleksander is crying, sniffling loudly as a nurse tries to hush him. The screams of his mother pierce his ears and drives him to sob. His younger sister, Maria, snoozes peacefully in the crook of his neck.
Joseph is escorted by two nurses into the lobby, as he curses indecipherable chains of swears. Even he doesn't truly know what he's angry about.
Now it's a gamble, a game of chance, and a race against time.
January ██ , 1954 Hours Later
The doctor comes into the lobby solemnly. Joseph cradles his two children against his body as they sleep, when he's approached by the downtrodden doctor.
He says Aino is dead, declaring it so with a roundabout explanation.
At the cost of its mother's life, the baby emerged healthy, and with a victorious, hair-splitting wail of life. It was quite loud, and some nurses remark their ears ringing.
Joseph's leg stops bouncing. His highschool sweetheart, apple of his eye, his wife whom he moved halfway across Europe to marry, dead? He silently cherished that woman.
He stares down the doctor, eyes ablaze with anger and grief. It's quite ominous. Instead of a shouting match breaking out, Joseph just hunches over to cry silently.
████ ██ , 1959
Aleksander is sixteen years old. Maria is eleven years old. Their little sister is five years old.
His new little sister was named Ana. No frills or bells or whistles to the name, just simple and quaint. Which Aleksander adored.
Maria didn't share the sentiment. Her brother's undivided attention was now split up, and her dear old dad slowly is consumed by depression. This is all Ana's fault. She will suffer for something she cannot control.
Joseph has dropped the care of his youngest into the laps of his olders. One bottle of fine wine at a time, he'll drink himself to death.
Aleksander is trying to keep the family together. He doesn't know how, but through his kindness and caring nature, he can try to stitch the crooked quilt of his family back together.
June ██ , 1960
Aleksander is seventeen years old. Maria is twelve years old. Ana is six years old.
Nobody celebrated his birthday this year. No cake, no decor, it was as if he were never born at all. His little sister got the same treatment, but Aleksander gifted her his old baby blanket, hand-knitted by their mother.
Her smile stretched so wide it came off her face, eyes sparkling, "Tänan, Alex!"
He would kill to see her that happy every day.
Joseph has been lashing out. Aleksander takes the beatings for his siblings, even if it hurts, even if it takes some derring-do.
May ██ , 1965
Aleksander is twenty-one years old. Maria is seventeen years old. Ana is eleven years old.
Joseph can't stand to look at Ana. He wants to knock the teeth out of her mouth. She peeves him to no end. Her bravado does remind him of Aino, though. He hates her.
Aleksander refuses to leave the house now, for his siblings' safety, and Maria now does the grocery trips. His little sister frantically insists that Maria shouldn't be trusted with that duty.
Joseph stares at Ana.
June ██ , 1965
She wakes up. She feels bare, rather chilly. A heavy weight straddles her torso, with a bucking sensation lurching her smaller body.
Blood. Her own blood soaks her bedsheets. She can't even scream. It's as if she were paralyzed. Her vision goes spotty. Blood. Blood seeps out as a warm feeling fills her up. She fazes out of consciousness once again.
She wakes up, later. Her sheets are tough with dried blood. She's scared. She doesn't know what happened. She's scared. Terrified.
"Alex, why does my tummy hurt so much?"
December ██ , 1965
On her mother and father's bed, she births a very small infant, lacking any of his right arm below the elbow, huffing and puffing trying to get air into his malformed lungs.
Aleksander helped her birth the little one, as Maria watched from a distance, looming in the doorframe like an omen of death.
She was feeling ill for the past few months, and her tummy grew, but Joseph did nothing but make remarks about how fat she was getting.
The jeers and hormones were getting to her. It was like they crawled under her skin and rotted her from the inside out. She wants to get them out. She cuts and cuts and still they won't come out of her skin.
The little one managed to live. He was Ana's son. But it always felt better if he was called their baby brother.
February ██ , 1966
Aleksander is twenty-two years old. Maria is seventeen years old. Ana is twelve years old.
They named their new little brother Olev. He's bratty in a petty way only a baby can muster, but he often gets side-stepped in the day-to-day.
Maria doesn't lurk around as often anymore. She's often out and about on grocery runs or walks. Although, friendly neighborhood cats aren't showing up to doorsteps anymore. It seems the breadth of the stress is affecting her.
Aleksander knows exactly why Olev was born. He saw the blood in Ana's sheets. He heard her morning bouts of vomit. He's supposed to be her big brother. He's going to protect her.
March ██ , 1967
Aleksander is twenty-three years old. Maria is eighteen years old. Ana is thirteen years old. Olev is a year old.
Aleksander became a man today.
He took the axe, the axe he had been using for nearly the past decade to chop wood, to sever Joseph's head from his body.
The gore was ghastly and unsightly, but somehow so cathartic. He had to hide the body, and clean up the blood, so his siblings wouldn't be exposed to something so shocking.
Aleksander regrets not doing that sooner.
Maria threw a tantrum when Joseph didn't return. She trashed the house, overturning chairs and putting holes into the walls. She brutalized Ana, making the girl a bloodied mess. She frightened Aleksander.
What has he done?
November ██ , 1970
Aleksander is twenty-six years old. Maria is twenty-one years old. Ana is sixteen years old. Olev is four years old.
Maria has been raining true torment unto her family as of late. Probably due to the death of their father.
Aleksander has become more timid, and easier to make flinch. Ana has to step up and be the adult, because the troubled mind of her brother slips him in and out of a regressed state. Olev has grown up in the mayhem, so he's used to it, but he continues to cry when Maria and Ana fall into a yelling match.
In her scarce free time, Ana has been occupying herself with the televized footage of "The Gravel War". It's a rather useless battle over gravel, but the footage kindles the small, nearly-out flame of childishness in her.
Her gracious sister, Maria, embezzles their dead father's company to buy three connecting flights and a helicopter ride to get to Teufort, New Mexico; the site of The Gravel Wars.
Once they were hovering over the battle, Ana noticed the ground was approaching faster and faster. Until it went black with a cold splash.
November ██ , 1970 Hours Later
The sun descends behind the horizon. Her head throbs with pain. There's water that laps at her body. The scent of gunpowder and smoke occasionally brushes past her nose.
Where is she?
She thinks she knows why she's here. But she doesn't know where here is.
She's scared. She sobs.
The sun descends further down the horizon by the time she stops crying. The yellow splintering light has now faded into oranges and purples, and stars start to speckle the sky.
She realizes she's on the battlefield. The Gravel Wars battlefield. She doesn't know why, but she starts crawling. She starts crawling for anything. For a person, for death, for her own comfort, for a reason only god knows.
....to be continued in the 100-Follower special, "New Life. New You."
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annab99awritersdream · 2 months
Children of Eönwë and Elenna (OCs): The Lady of Ithilien
[Since I don't know how many years LOI will cover yet, I am posting the faceclaims of the children up until year FoA 43— the year both their parents die. The adult versions of the surviving children will be featured in the sequel Estel i Hína]
DOB: FoA 26
First child of Eönwë and Elenna. He's his father's heir and his mother's pride and joy. He adores his parents and would give his life for them.
Fancast: Louis Partridge (teenage years)
(Adult in the sequel:)
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Éowyn ("Wyn")
DOB: FoA 27
DOD: FoA 44/45 ish
Eönwë and Elenna's second child and first daughter. Named after her maternal grandmother, she's lively, spunky and fun. She's obsessed with jewelry and, according to her siblings, she talks way too much. She's her father's darling and has a very complicated relationship with her mother.
Fancast: Ayda Acar (toddler); Grace May O' Leary (childhood); (teenager:
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DOB: FoA 29
DOD: FoA 35/36
Named after his uncle (the son of deceased Captain of the White Tower; check my Half-Human/Half-Elven OC profiles for reference), he's an adorable ray of sunshine.
Unfortunately, due to *things that happen to his mom*, he's very sickly and often bedridden. He and his younger brother Elarion adore one another (they're basically twins even though they're actually not) and will die on the same day. Natural causes? Coincidence? Mairon trying to undermine Eönwë in any possible way to break him utterly? Who knows (spoiler, I don't either)
Fancast: Alihan Türkdemir
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DOB: FoA 31
DOD: FoA 35/36
Fourth child of Eönwë and Elenna, he's also very sickly. Boromir is his best friend and they always stick together. They will probably die together as well.
Fancast: I only found a gif and a pic of him but that's basically how he looks like (he's such a cute kid). I'll make a collage once I have found more pics.
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Eglantine ("Tilly")
Adopted in FoA 32. She's an elf. She's very close with Wyn and her younger sister Finduilas. Enna brings her home with the intent to keep her temporarily. Needless to say, they end up keeping her permanently and adopt her.
(Possibly dies in FoA 40-killed by Moyeldë)
Fancast: Amelie Child Villiers
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Finduilas ("Finnie")
DOB: FoA 32
Fifth child of Eönwë and Elenna. Tilly is her best friend. She's quiet, enjoys reading and studying and is a polyglot. She adores her dad, but she also has a closer relationship to Enna compared to her sisters.
Fancast: Alissa Skovbye (early childhood); Balim Gayebayrak (around 8-10)
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(Teenage/Adult version to be featured in the sequel: Nell Tiger Free)
Elanorellë ("Ellie")
DOB: FoA 34
Fancast: Amelia Crouch
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(possibly killed by Moyeldë in FoA 40)
Aearwen Elanel
DOB: FoA 36
DOD: FoA 40
Partly named after Enna's birth mother.
Fancast: [Esmanur from Magnificent Century]
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Vanya Elestellë & Faramir Elegil
DOB: FoA 43 (twins)
The last children. Depending on when LOI ends, they will either appear as newborn or as toddlers. In any case, I'm including their faceclaims.
Vanya Elestellë
Fancast: ?
(Teenage/adult version to be featured in the sequel: )
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Faramir Elegil ("Feathermir")
Fancast: Çağan Efe Ak
(Teenage/adultversion to be featured in the sequel: either Boran Bağci or Metin Akdülger)
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NOTE (& SPOILERS NO ONE WILL CARE ABOUT)=> I know I haven't included all the children's adult versions in this post, but that doesn't mean they're all going to die. I just haven't found the right faceclaims yet 😊 the only confirmed casualties here are Boromir and Elarion.
Also, Enna was supposed to have another child in FoA 40—a girl—but I decided to let her have a break before she dies. Shortly after Boromir and Elarion's funeral, Eönwë realizes there's seriously wrong with him and it doesn't take him long to figure that he will eventually die. He doesn't say anything to anyone, but he knows the end is coming for him. Which is why, he'll try not to produce any more children (creation is a Maiarin thing, after all). As a matter of fact, Vanya and Faramir are a mistake. They just...happen. They weren't planned (none of the children was actually, but...you know what I mean).
I'll update this post again once I find the name of all the missing actors 😊
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riririnnnn · 2 months
Most of all, hello again! And before you ask, no, I'm not a telepath or a psychic. I mean, I was a psychic for a mini time to steal— I mean, make money fairly. :D
Back here again… I'm glad you've found some new hobbies and are doing other things! Of course, I'm also very sad when I see that you're stopping writing because maybe you feel like it's becoming more of an obligation than something cool that you're doing to share. I'm really feeling like a balance, I'm happy and sad because you really are one of the few creators of quotev that I like and you were also the one who gave me the starting point to start writing my Blue lock povs. <3
So what I'm really going to say here now as a young Brazilian who accidentally took a six bloody month psychology course is; Don't try too hard or force yourself to do something you no longer want to do. If that second one is the case then I just wait for a post like "It's over, I'm done writing, Bye and Lol."
And one more thing, I'm like air. You may not see me or smell me, but sometimes you hear me and feel me— :D
Ily, bye-bye darling.
—TJ. 🇧🇷
PS; Don't worry, I probably won't actually kill someone and I'm sorry about the accidental double ask.
Ah, well, I consider myself as a lawful good, but I don't mind the idea of, y'know, stealing money from the rich. Like, I don't condone the idea of stealing—that's a bad manner, but stealing from the rich? I understand that.
And you are scaring me now..
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Like, be honest, do you have any special supernatural power? Do you have a camera in my room or something? 'cause how do you know that yes, writing indeed started to feel like an obligation to me—I lost the sparks—especially during those times when I, out of the blue, started to lose motivation to write.
You see, personally, I think the most important thing for a Fanfic writer is that you should have fun while writing! I mean, it's not a job, so you should enjoy it! And I've been living by this motto ever since I, myself, became a Fanfic writer.
But lately, I wasn't able to feel the same, y'know.
Whenever I do random things, I think of my books, the potential future plot and stuffs, and I always have this stupidly big smile on my face during the whole time—you might even think I'm mentally ill or something because I'm feeling that much of happiness!
However, you can say a couple of weeks to be completely honest, I wasn't able to feel the same joy, y'know, Instead of smiling and giggling like an idiot, I ended up frowning whenever I opened the books. My face used to be like: >:( It started to feel more like a chore of something, and I couldn't confess it truthfully until now because, well, haha, I thought it was very rude of me to say so.
I kinda don't have any idea why I started to feel this way, but I'm sure that the book Cliché had a pretty big hand behind this—I think I did vent about it to you some months ago (?).
I mean, it's very arrogant of me to say this, but I took (maybe take?) pride in the fact that I never suffer(ed) from writer's block and that my imagination power is very strong—ideas always keep flooding in my mind and story automatically formed on its own as I typed. However, I never realised that having so many ideas can also mean that they may not connect very well to eachother, y'know.
And that's exactly what happened while I was writing the book Cliché. I had abundance of ideas for the story to proceed, but they just didn't link up which frustrated me and, I guess, also damaged some of my ego.
I won't say I'm done with writing though :) I still like it a lot, and I'm, slowly, getting back into the track—it may take a while, I think.
Oops, I ranted a lot :p
Thank you so much! You are very, very sweet <3
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Also, "You may not see me or smell me, but sometimes you hear me and feel me," hm? That's scary, hehe :p
And LMFAOOOO! Glad to know you won't actually kill someone, lol.
Take care <3333333333
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Sending you lots of love!!
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focusfixated · 1 year
for the ask meme: 7! 11! 27!
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
oh god, it's just nice, innit? an absolute delight to just put words together. i don't think i'm very strong on plot or character, though i certainly try my best, but i love an image or a phrase. coming up with them really just feels like painting a picture. here's a nice stormcloud, a house at night, the mud on some boots.
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
stone cold. usually about ten percent or more of the final wordcount gets deleted.
i'm not a concise writer. my unedited writing is so florid, long paragraphs of and, and, and, and. all the shavings go into their own box as i trim back. i'm sad to see some of them go, but like the feeling of bringing bags of unworn clothes to the charity shop, it feels good too.
some of my favourite deletions:
Aziraphale enjoyed getting his hands dirty. Not in the way Gabriel might have meant it, riding the musty old coattails of utilitarian notions of the greater good, unmoved by collateral damage and its necessity for the benefit of a supposedly loftier goal. What Aziraphale truly enjoyed was a more harmless sort of mucking in with his human charges; eating their food, riding their transport (depending on who was driving), and participating in their rituals, from the quaint to the downright bizarre. - on the wings of a nightingale
“I’ll forgive you.” Richie’s chest hurt as he said it, like his ribs were pressing into something living and raw. He didn’t know how to do justice to the feelings he felt, couldn’t find the words to tell Eddie that the way he loved him was more than just butterflies and skipped heartbeats; it was something strange and slippery and massive, that pulsed and whispered, anything, anything, anything. - the other half is me
When he’d flown into Derry, Richie’s plane had sunk through turbulent clouds, ponderous with a sepia-toned still-in-Kansas unreality. He’d been sweating with fear, with apprehension, with the nauseating technicolor of memories coming up, too much, too fast. - i hope i find my home
Edward works as hard as any man on the crew, but a prideful little coil of hunger tells him this: no one else has brought back as many crates of loot as he has, rum and spices, tea and silks, gold coins and ivory-inlaid pistols. No one else captured a French vessel under unconditional surrender with only ten men at his disposal while his own captain and half the crew were in the hallucinogenic throes of terrible influenza. And no one else has borne so much of the brunt of the captain’s shifting moods, a broiling maelstrom eating away at the crumbling rocks, leaving them blasted and scarred in the currents. - we were the same
The ragged scraps of duty he’d stitched together to make this uneasy partnership with Bonnet work were now bellying angrily in the wind, frayed and full of holes. - when we fight about love
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Maxime sits heavily on the doorstep of his empty house. The scene in front of him is squared-off, a neat midshot flanked by parallel rows of townhouses, letterboxed by the sky above and the dirt-grey asphalt below. Within it, a triangle – a three-point imaginary line traced from himself in the doorway, to Frank’s position faux-insouciant against the engine-warm car, to Matthias’ turned-in shoes on the roadside. - avoir trente ans
oh boy. that'll be izzy hands, then. izzy was one of those "of course" characters to me as the perfect vessel for writing a story about desire repressed by shame, my signature move. but while other characters that i've written and lumped with those issues previously did have their own personality nuances (aziraphale, eddie from stephen king's it), none of them had quite the villain-coding that izzy gets in our flag.
trying to write a canon-truthful version of him in when we fight about love that was sustained over a multi-chapter plot, that was also sympathetic enough to make him a readable pov character, while not being overly excusatory about the things that made him dislikeable (power-hungry, dishonest, manipulative, jealous) was the hardest fucking thing i've ever had to balance in fic writing.
the sad thing, to me, is that an inexplicable spike of discourse somehow severed the fandom into two camps of haters and enjoyers, and from that moment on there was no way of engaging with this character without seeming to make a statement for one side or the other. i wanted to engage with izzy as neutrally as possible and with as close an eye on canon as possible to create an honest character study, but it still felt like stepping on landmines in every direction.
i did it, and i was happy with it - maybe the most satisfied i've been with anything i've written - but the atmosphere surrounding it made the whole process incredibly stressful.
more writer asks!
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
The Bride In Black 63-66
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Media IRL X Vampires
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Sweet
The Bride In black Series
I followed Thomas as we headed out the workshop hand in hand, going along the little paths and tracks of the house out towards the woods and nearby to our little temporary cottage we headed beyond the tree line for a little while following a small wooden path laid long ago. Till it opened up to perhaps the most beautiful thing I had seen since I was here. It was a garden, small but sweet with custom bred roses I had never seen before, the same wooden path that we had been walking on, all of it clearly built years ago but built that it would last forever, the trees around it hid this place from the rest of the world, it had stone statues long worn by time, the sweet canopy of leaves protected it from the sky, bees and butterflies flourished and at the bottom a beautiful old sunhouse in a octagonal shape with the four walls facing the garden had these beautiful lead line glass patio doors it was clearly insulated without damp or dust within it, even beautiful red curtains in case you didn't want tos ee the garden and a sweet sofa and chairs within as well as an old black log burner with a chimney that popped out the top of the sunhouse.
"What is this magical place?' I asked observing a beautiful idegio rose
"The secret garden" he says "it was my grandmother's before she died." He explained unlocking and opening up the sunhouse
"Its beautiful, she must have been very clever"
"She was. I didn't know her for long. She was killed a few years after I was born. But the little time we had together was very special" he explained "she was a very smart lady for her time. Very beautiful. You remind me of her in some ways"
"I do?"
"Sometimes. I don't remember much about her. But this place was her pride and joy."
"Well it's been well kept" I said "your mother and the staff must take good care of it"
"My mother. Doesn't know this place exists"
"Being married to a vampire. Can be challenging. I can't imagine what it must have been like back then for her. She was turned and married into the family like you will be. She found no matter how big the house was she always felt… trapped. Smothered by it all. I can't blame her. The house can smother you know and it was smaller, darker, colder then. So she made this place, her little secret garden somewhere to go to be alone for a while" he explained
"How did you find out about it?'
"Ons afternoon she said she was going for a walk. I wanted to go with her but she told me no and left. I snuck away from my mother and followed her and discovered this place. She found me of course and said I could come here too if I wanted so long as I kept it a secret. Our little secret. When she died… I couldn't let anyone else see it. I wanted to keep it just between us. Keep it out little secret forever" he explained "so I've took care of it ever since"
"How old were you when she died?"
"I was nine"
"Then… why am I here?'
"I… wanna give it to you"
'i have my little places. My study. My barn. My workshop. All little places I can tinker and take care of things be alone from the rest of the family… you don't. You like my grandmother will be married into a family of vampires, I can imagine you'll feel a little smothered too without a place of your own. Somewhere privet and special. So… you can have here. As your little place. To be alone get some space from us all. It will be good for everyone, I'm sure my grandmother would have adored you, and I'm sure she won't mind me giving you her little secret garden to use as she did"
"You don't have to do that thomas-"
"Well I want to. I know you'll take good care of it"
"I will do my best. Thank you' I smiled hugging him close "even though it's my secret garden your welcome anytime you like Thomas"
"Thank you my darling" he Cooes giving me a kiss before we went and sat in the nice warm sunhouse watching the garden moving in the gentle breeze
"Thomas?" I asked after a while
"Umm humm?" He asks clearly half asleep on the sofa with his arm around me
"Did your father have a private place?'
"Well your grandmother married into the family and she had here. Oliver married into the family and he has his greenhouse, I have here. Did your father have a place of his own?"
"No. Well sort of. He had an office. And that's it. He didn't go in his office much thought he found it dark and damp down there"
"Where's his office?'
"It's the room next to the music room"
"Ohh I see why he felt a little… smothered'
"I can too. He was going to build himself a little… what did he call it? Like mini theater sort of thing?"
"But he never got round to it. And then mum… well yeah"
"I see." I nodded "well thank you very much for my little secret garden"
"Your welcome. I trust you'll take good care of the place"
"I will do my best. What are all these roses anyway?'
"Her hobby. She loved breeding roses. You know really rare black roses?"
"Thank my grandmother."
"One of the first breeders in the world to get them to work."
"That's incredible"
"It wasn't her favorite thought"
"What was?"
"The blue" he says indicating to the still closed rose "blooms autumn to winter. With a sweet blue petals. Her juniper roses she called them"
"That's sweet. I can't wait for them to bloom"
"They should bloom. Right around our wedding"
"I hope so. Maybe I'll use them in my bouquet."
"You'll have to wait and see"
"Alright. You need to start working on your dress soon?"
"I have my ideas"
"I'm sure you do. Maybe next week we'll sit down in the cottage and get things ironed out"
"Agreed." I smiled giving him a kiss and nuzzling closer
"I have work to do" he reminds but I simply held him tighter
"Ummm being a pillow"
"Alright I'm your pillow, for as long as you want my love"
I laid in bed huddled in the warm covers watching the shadows of the fire dance across the ceiling. Every so often stirred from my sweet sleepy state by Thomas tossing, turning, wriggling and flipping his pillow over beside me. I couldn't stand it any longer and I turned over to face him "what's the matter my love?" I asked him "Ugh." He groaned collapsing on his back "I'm sorry" "It's alright. Are you okay?" "I just can't sleep is all darling." "Why?" "My head won't turn itself off" "Oh dear. I'm sorry Thomas" "It's fine. I'm still not use to your sleeping schedule." "I'm sorry for making you sleep so early" "No no it's okay, I like sleeping when you do. I do. It's just difficult to go from two hours of sleep a day to... Attempt to go to a human nine hours of sleep" he explained "and I don't like tinkering about or reading and such is that I don't want to disturb my human girly." "Your too sweet Thomas but it's okay you can go do other things you don't have to try and sleep with me every night" I smiled nuzzling into his chest "But I want to" he pouts "I know you want to. But you can't expect to change to my sleep schedule so quickly it takes time to change those things. Honestly the time you get use to it I'll change too" "I guess your right. I just like being all cosy cuddling up with my darling" he says giving me a tight squeeze "I know but you shouldn't wreck your sleep schedule for cuddles Thomas" "But cuddles" he whines "You can have cuddles any time you like" "But sleepy cuddles are the best cuddles." He whines nuzzling closer "Ummm my big strong sexy vampire" I giggled "I like cuddles. I've been all alone a long time. And I love my little human so much. I am allowed to be a snuggle bug" "Alright Thomas. Just don't oversleep just for more cuddles." "I'll try" "Why don't you play a game?" "But I don't wanna wake you?" "Put your headphones in and sit cuddling me while you play your game" "I can do that?" "Of course. Or maybe put your headphones in and listen to an audiobook" "I guess. I don't find much time to read anymore" "Or even get one of those nice drawing tablets?" "Where do you get all these things?" "Well Amazon I guess?" "The Amazon? Hu. Do they make slot of stuff now? Last I heard it was a bunch of trees?" "No no Amazon the company Thomas not Amazon the place. You buy things and they deliver them to you" "I see. Do they come from the Amazon?' "No" "Then why I'd it called that?" "I don't know." I shrug "Alright well have a look in the morning" he says 'maybe if my little lady snuggles with me I'll sleep better?' 'we can try" I smiled giving him a sweet kiss and nuzzling even closer pulling the covers tight so we could snuggle
I giggled uncontrollably hearing him overhead. I sat in the sunhouse book in hand keeping out the cold wind by keeping the doors closed. But that didn't stop the noise of Thomas far above me. He was playing around in his plane today and I could hear him above me doing loop the loops and god only knows what else. I rolled my eyes and put my book down heading out locking it up as I went following the path back to the open grounds and over to his barn he flew over me so I waved at him as I went leaning on the barn as he came in and landed climbing out with a wide smile
"Hello darling" he Cooes giving me a sweet intense kiss "did you hear me?"
"Yes I did. It's all I could hear" I laughed
"Ohh sorry darling"
"It's alright. It's not a problem I know you love your plane"
"Not as much as I love you" he smiled "I will slow down if you want me too"
"Never" I smiled nuzzling into his shirt
"Alright. At Least I know how to get you to come for cuddles"
"But now your back on earth shall we go make some dinner?'
"Of course. I am hungry actually come on we'll do some nice cooking together"
"That sounds nice." I smiled holding his hand as we headed back to our cottage "if you like I can make you a nice steak"
"Ummmm... a nice thick steak"
'nice thick steak with maybe a little special sauce"
"Oh? What makes it so special?'
'well I make it special for you" I smiled "with a secret ingredient"
"Ooohh I can guess the secret ingredient" he smirked
"I'm sure you can" I giggled "sound good?" I smiled t
"That does sounds excellent what did you want my help with?" He asks
"How about my lovely boy cuts and preps the meat as I'm sure you have experience with that" I smiled
"Ummmm or maybe I should work with the... ingredient? I'm not sure I could take you working with that secret ingredient all over you"
"Well you have your job and I have mine so control yourself Mr" I told him hitting him with my hip
"Fine. Mean little wifey"
"Not your wife Thomas"
"Soon to be wifey. Your mean to me like my wife would"
"I have to be. Someone has to keep you under control"
"I'm sure over our time together darling you'll learn all the little tricks on keeping me under control"
"I know I will" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss "I already have a few tricks up my petticoats"
"Do you?"
"secrets" I giggled
"fine," he chuckled as we headed inside out little cottage
Once we arrived at our little cottage we headed inside and I went to the kitchen wrapping my apron around me and tying up my hair out of my eyes. "Fetch the meat please Thomas"
"Ohh I'll get you a nice bit of meat darling" he smirked fetching me a nice bit of steak
"I was worried you were going to be smutty there"
"Darling!" He pouts "I did think about it"
"I'm sure you did" I giggled giving him a kiss "I'm going to let you cut and prep as your the experienced one"
"To be fair my experience probably isn't as good as you think it is. I'm happy just like ripping an arm out the socket and rawning like a drumstick"
"Well I'm sure you know how to handle it" I smiled handing over the knife
He came wrapping his arms around my waist giving my neck a little kiss pressing his body against my own
"We'll handle it together" he cooed keeping my hand playfully with his but making sure to keep me out of harm's way he was slow and careful, making sure to add a sprinkle of salt and trimming the meat carefully peppering kisses between his work "there now I leave it to my lovely lady"
"Well I was thinking we could take a nice black pepper spice and give it a grind up" I smiled taking some of the mix and adding it t a pestle and mortar giving it a grind till it became a thin powder rubbing the dust all over the meat letting it work nicely along
"And the secret?' he smirked in my ear
"Then we take a nice of this nice... wine"
"And let it marinade for a while"
"Ooohh my beautiful bride making me blood stakes. Ummm how did I get such a perfect girl as you" he muttered kissing all over my neck
"Thomas stop it" I giggled pushing him away "now we let it roast in the roasting pan
"what about all this excess?' he asks excitedly
"We keep it in the pan," I told him
"So it roasts... in the blood?'
"Umm humm"
"My stomach is already rumbling in anticipation" he Cooes
'ohhh we don't have a turkey baster or pipette." I sighed
"Guess you have to use your hands" he smirked
"Or a spoon?"
"Hands" he suggested again
"Alright," I giggled using my hands to make sure the meat had a good amount of blood on it all of which drove him crazy kissing me and pushing his hard-on against my back any time he could grabbing my hands and licking the blood off them sucking on my fingers to remove each drop "you really like this don't you?"
"What! My cute little human girl slavering me a nice juicy blood marinated steak blood dripping off her hands like a beautiful butcher... ummmm it nice"
"I'm sure it is" I giggled cutting up the potatoes onto nice roast shapes and then throwing the potatoes in the roasting tray too
"You're roasting them in there too?'
"Of course"
"Ummmm this is going to be so delicious!'
"And some veg"
"Oh" he sighed
"You might live forever Thomas but you have to eat your greens"
"I'm a vampire. Meat. Blood. I don't need damn rabbit food"
"They're going on the tray with the bloody meat'
"That will make them... tolerable"
"Good" I smiled setting the tray in the oven to cook.
We set up our little table by the fire with a nice tablecloth, placemats, coasters, tall wine glasses, sweet cutlery even if it couldn't be silver, nice beautiful plates and a nice bottle of wine
"That is... wine?" I asked setting the candle sticks in the centre of the table and striking my match to light them
"Yes darling yours is wine," he says filling my glass
"And yours?"
"Next question" he smiled filling his glass from his decanter
"Surely you'll have enough" I chuckled lighting the little candles
"I'll always want more" he winked "aww look at our nice little romantic dinner" he Cooes "we should do this more often"
"I'm sure we'll find the time"
"I know but I wanna make sure we do. Forever is a long time. And you'll be surprised how fast it blows by. I'll make sure we make time for little moments together like this. I promise" he smiled kissing my head
"That's very sweet Thomas, I love you" I smiled leaning my head on his shoulder
"Love you more darling' he Cooes
Just then the alarm went off so I scurried to the kitchen with him happier following behind "ummmm smells like a witch-burning." He smiled as I pulled the tray out
"That's... good?"
"I miss them"
"Weren't the last witch burnings like... a while before you were born?'
"Little towns in little places, before contact outside was much of a thing, they just record they died not how they died"
"Ohh. Goodness" I sighed "here you can cut the meat up Mr vampire"
"Ummm you know me so well darling" he smiled excitedly "Here you can help with this bit" he smiled holding my hands, he handed me the knife and he guided my hands "softly. Nice and gentle. Or you'll blunt your blade" he says guiding my hands to slowly cut the meat into inch thick cuts which we served up nicely with veg and potatoes even if he did try to run off without the veg and we each took a seat at the table "too my lovely lady and her wonderful dinner" he smiled offering his glass
"Aww thank you, Thomas. And thank you for your lovely help" I smiled connecting our glasses before I had a little sip and as did he but he quickly dug in having a taste "so? Is it okay?" I asked
"Unmmmmm... ummm" he moaned "it's perfect."
"It is?"
"It is the most perfect thing I have eaten in a hundred years. It's so juicy and the black pepper kick along with the sweetness of the blood. And the sweet love in every bite because my darling made it for me. That's it if there was any doubt about me marrying you. I'm not completely sold"
"I'm happy you like it."
"I'm having a food orgasum"
"Vampires can do that?" I asked and he glared at me "well I don't know"
"Honestly at this point... it's a possibility"
"am I a good cook?"
"If I wasn't marrying you. I would kidnap you and keep you in the kitchens"
"....I'm going to say that's a vampire compliment"
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foofsterwolf · 1 year
can i ask for all of them??? (especially the last one, bc the title got curious af 😂👀)
Hoooo boy, okay. This took a while to type up :D but here is the list of answers!
Dexter SK AU:
My current project! I am loving and hating writing. Stiles gets caught serial killing and Scott decides to use him to kill bad people. I’m trying to mostly write it in another style so it’s taking a lot more work than usual.
On the Road Again+Sequel (the sequels the WIP part):
So my fic OTRA is about Stiles running away, joining a band and unwittingly getting addicted to drugs. The sequel takes place a couple years later, shortly after a tour. Stiles goes back into his addiction, worse this time, and the story is about him learning to become clean for himself instead of for someone else(Scott). Scott and Stiles are broken up and Stiles is dealing with his PTSD from being back home with all of his unresolved issues.
My pride and joy, my absolute darling, the love of my life. Tacenda is a retelling of Scott and Stiles’ life using a contrast of Hypo VS. Hyper empathy. Scott has (as my friend group refers to it) Will Graham’s disease™, and Stiles has a lot of trouble figuring out how his emotions work or don’t work. It follows them growing up from when they first meet to them moving to another country in their early twenties.
Ga-Ga-Ga-Ghoul Stiles
Stiles gets murdered. The fic is in Noah’s POV. He doesn’t handle Stiles’ death well, so he finds a spell that brings Stiles back to life. Shortly they(Noah+Scott) find out that Stiles has been eating dead things and people. Story follows them learning how to move on.
Sciles FTD
Probably my least developed fic out of the whole list. But I have snippets of a story where Stiles has Frontotemporal Dementia. Stiles finds out he has it and keeps it to himself. When he gets lost on a route he’s taken for a while. Scott figures it out. He offers to bite Stiles but Stiles refuses. Eventually it leads to a scene of Scott and Stiles having fun on a good day and Scott gets emotional, begs for Stiles to let Scott bite him. Stiles wonders why he would do that, and Scott gets upset that it’s progressed to the point that Stiles can’t even remember that Scott is a werewolf. Stiles then remembers he has dementia and starts freaking out. It’s just a sad time. Lol
Legal Guardian Stiles
Takes place after the movie. Stiles is the legal guardian of Eli. Fic follows Stiles and Eli not getting along as Stiles desperately tries to figure out how to raise a rebellious teenager while trying to suppress his grieving. Eli hates living with Stiles and wants to go back to Scott.
Youth GA
Follows Scott and Stiles as Scott sends Stiles away for Stiles’ safety. Stiles doesn’t want to go. But it follows them growing apart and growing up in completely different circumstances. And Stiles living a normalish teenage life like Scott wanted.
The Education of Mieczyslaw Stilinski
Follows Stiles as he’s possessed by the nogitsune. He slowly figures out that the acid trip of memories he is flitting through rapidly and nauseatingly is a projection set up by the nogitsune to keep him placated in his mind so that he doesn’t cause trouble. And him figuring out how to break free from the prison in his mind.
Stilinski Twins!AU
A Scott/Mitch Rapp fic. How interesting hehehe. Their ship names Scotch, I coined it okay. Mitch comes back to his hometown for a case. He is forced to reconcile with his twin brother Stiles after a messy separation after their mother’s death. Scott helps him realize that how he’s behaving isn’t healthy and that he can save people without killing. It’s like therapy for an assassin basically.
Stiles Bite AU
Stiles gets bit instead of Scott. Follows how differently their lives would go if Stiles was the one that it happened to. Scott is still a leading man. Stiles is still a dorky sidekick type. But now Stiles accidentally dents things while flailing.
Deathbed Confession
This one’s a sad one. While possessed, the nogitsune confronts Scott with the reality that Stiles is in love with him. Scott -while emotional because Stiles is in the hospital after the Nogitsune- so Scott kisses Stiles while he’s in the hospital. He doesn’t hate it, so he decides to just go for dating Stiles “because Stiles needs someone there for him”. Scott slowly develops feelings for Stiles but the relationship doesn’t work out because Scott confesses why he started dating Stiles and Stiles is rightfully peeved about it.
Teenage Dirtbag AU
Abusive Noah AU, Noah doesn’t stop drinking and is verbally abusive to Stiles and neglectful. Stiles shuts himself away from everyone and starts controlling every aspect of his life to try and gain control. He breaks the law to try and get his dads attention. Because of how often he skips class, but his grades are otherwise good. The principal speaks to the coach about Stiles joining the lacrosse team to gain some discipline and to get his anger out. Scott and Stiles reunite and start dating. Scott finds out about Stiles’ home life and tells Stiles that it’s not okay. Sparking Stiles to start seeking change.
Good Ol’ Fashioned Torture Whump
Okay I STG this was done before I even knew there was a TLOU show coming out. Stiles gets infected with a cordyceps fungus that was mutated by a witchy person. It controls him without him realizing that everything he’s doing is in an effort to infect as many people as possible. He considers the thing inside of him a friend and slowly devolves into being fully controlled by it until Scott manages to catch up to him and burn it out. It’s name comes from the fact that the beginning has them doing medical stuff on him with him desperately trying to get away as they cut into him.
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destinygoldenstar · 10 months
Simone McCray’s Life Has Ended. (100 Baby Challenge, End Of 1st Gen)
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Simone McCray, our darling first matriarch of this challenge, has officially passed away. I allowed her a peaceful death to live in heaven with her kids. She started out as an orphan in a bar, severely neglected, to becoming the devoted mother of 43 children. She fulfilled all of her dreams to give kids the happy lives she didn’t get, until she got it herself. We took a photo with the new matriarch, and the protagonist of the 2nd Gen, Petra McCray.
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Petra, at random, is a collector, so we can get money from fishing and digging up treasures. She’s a dog lover, romantic, and a glutton. These are RNG traits btw. I like what I got. I like her character. Simone’s more of the mature confident perfectionist type who keeps everything in order and doesn’t care for love other than using people for having kids (She’s not married). Petra’s more sweet and rambunctious, she’s more outdoorsy, she’s more interested in the love aspect of her matriarch role, she has a glutton quirk, which makes her fun in my eyes
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AND she has life saving powers.
That’s her story and why she wants to take over the household as the next matriarch. She doesn’t want people to die stupid deaths when she has the power to raise life.
She saved her family from death TWICE.
She saved her mom from dying of laughter, AND she saved her little brother from drowning, just by seducing death. (Now I kinda want to have a kid with death)
(Dion is also in the pool and was supposed to watch over Fred. But he hates children, so he might have tried to kill Fred. Either way I’m kicking him out)
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It was the last day of Simone’s life. She spent it with her family and her ghost children (who all died of old age and I collected all their graves so they’re in the backyard). She and Petra made a fish dinner and cookies (Well, Petra just stood there and chatted), and shared it.
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And I had her and Petra relax.
WITH the ghost of her first child, Regina, so that was PERFECT.
"'You see this ghost, Petra?"
"This was my first ever daughter, Regina"
"She was my pride and joy, and the start of my dreams"
"I made it a devotion to my life to raise people to the best of themselves.”
“And I'm happy about everything."
"And I know, with no doubt in my mind, that you're the best heir I could have ever asked for."
"When I'm gone, I want you to be able to move on like the brave strong girl you are."
"You will face many many hurtles with your family, but the reward is satisfaction unlike any other"
"Thank you. Both of you. For everything."
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And we let them rest. (Petra was crying in her sleep and Simone was trying to calm her 😭)
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And when morning came, Simone McCray passed away.
(I wanted her to die in the bedroom at night while they were asleep, but is what it is)
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I can imagine her eldest children were there as her guide. They offered her a spot in Heaven.
Regina, her first daughter, was there to welcome her to heaven.
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And she accepted that, thanked her family, said goodbye, and rested.
She died happy.
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The kids, Petra, and her brothers Dion Yuri and Fred, and their cat Chloe, came in about an hour later to find their mother’s body.
I didn’t try to save her.
I let her go.
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Petra was happy when she saw this.
“Death is a part of life, and Petra feels the joy of living when she is around a sim she adores”
She knows her mom lived a fulfilling life, and that she died happy. So she’s happy for her to see her mom finally at peace.
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But that’s the end.
Our First Generation of the McCray family is over.
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“To a special woman, who created life and lived to see all their dreams come true, as well as her own. We will always remember you.”
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Goodbye Simone. We’ll miss you dearly.
Petra will pick up where you left off as the new matriarch of this family.
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noxtms · 1 year
dear cherry ; we are pleased to inform you that your application for BILL WEASLEY has been accepted to 𝐧𝐨𝐱 ! boyd holbrook is now taken. you have twenty four hours to submit your account, or else your role will be reopened !
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⧼   boyd holbrook, cis man, he/him   /   soldier, poet, king by jacob cook + and so it begins, self-admonishment heark, all bathed in strawberry lightning  !  center stage, something of a divine right.  “i am, myself, indifferent honest; i could accuse me of such things it were better my mother had not borne me. i am — -”   proud.   (  firstborn, forever limned in that gilded light  /  you are the first, my love: to be held in father’s shaking, unsteady arms, to take tentative steps and catch the edge of your forehead on the coffee table. to receive your letter, expected as it is. to glow something glorious.  oh, he’s a wonderful boy.  and you are, aren’t you  ?  pride and joy, as they put it, your parents who retire that very phrase the minute your mother’s belly swells for the second time, but there’s something about the ego trip that you hang onto, just for a while. set the curve, stay ahead of it, revel in that little pinprick that you confine to just below the candy-cane curve of your right rib. sylvia plath said it best: i took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. i am, i am, i am …   )   revengeful.   (   and you’ve done things you’re not proud of, in the name of the ire that feels like a smoldering bonfire at your very core. there’s punches thrown, and hexes spat, and hate that sits venomous and green at the tip of your tongue. someone threatens to push your brother off his broom, for the outrageous crime of catching the golden snitch a second beforehand  …  shining prefect badge be damned, you’ll go down swinging for the ones you love.   )   ambitious.   (   is this why you leave, darling  ?  it’s quite the distance, london to cairo. your mother says she doesn’t mind the time difference, nor the mileage, but there’s something like an open wound in her tearful gaze and you can’t quite meet it. dirtiest trophy on the shelf: first child to leave home  /  to break your mother’s heart in two, slick - shiny ligaments catching the light as she waves you goodbye. you think about her less than you should, she worries about you with every second breath, your ambition comes at a cost and it’s a few gray hairs at her temple.   )   with more offences at my beck than i have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give them shape, or time to act them in.   (   you’ve grown cold, darling.  what did not kill me never made me stronger.  it only left ragged scars, something a little jaded in the way your laughter breaks off  /  did you snap like this, before  ?  sunny boy turned charming man with a temperate like spun sugar, nobody would have ever expected this of you. early mornings sat atop the rocks, watching the tide crash in  ;  the spray is brutally fresh and you can practically taste it, the wind slices at exposed flesh. gaze cast out into whitecaps like you might find something you’ve lost amongst the waves, how many times have you been here before  ?  navalgazing cannot change a fate long decided, my dear. dust yourself off, and go home to the hearth that’s cooled now that there’s nobody else to stoke it.   )   “we are arrant knaves, all; believe none of us.”    ⧽   ━━   hey, isn’t that WILLIAM ‘BILL’ LEANDER WEASLEY? i read a daily prophet article on them, once ; the THIRTY SEVEN year old pureblood WIZARD is a GRYFFINDOR alumnus who has gone on to be a CURSEBREAKER AT GRINGOTT’S. i’ve heard they can be quite EQUABLE & SCRUPULOUS, but i don’t know… they came off very BREVILOQUENT & MERCURIAL in that interview. it really is hard to know what to believe these days though, isn’t it?   [   claire, twenty4, aest, she/they   ]
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diludae · 2 years
hi hi!! im coming from your requests post (ive never requested something before so i hope this is where i go lol). may i request quote number four // grey valley sunset ? i have no preference for a writing or drawing, whichever you'd prefer to do :)) i just need me some sadness bahaha
xx 🤍🤍
𝓠𝓾𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓼 𝓫𝔂 𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓵𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 (𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰)
this gave me some struggle but I'M SO PROUD OF IT
diluc x gn!reader // hurt/comfort // suggestion by @loreculus // Diludae's 200 Follower Cafe (now closed) // Bad ending // enjoy! <3
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“Why do every time I come back late, you can never keep your damn mouth shut?”
It was anything but normal for Diluc to speak so harshly to you. You were his pride and joy, never would he want to do anything that would hurt you. But now, he had a point to not just teach you, but drill into your skull.
You had been patiently waiting for him to arrive home all night. It was nearly 2 am, and the winery was pitch black except for a candle which you had lit earlier. You were usually fine with his late night antics, but tonight, something about the thought of him nearly murdering other people just urked you.
Diluc opened the winery’s doors, drenched in blood. Luckily it was not his own, instead belonging to several Fatui camps he had wiped out earlier. Whether or not that was a good thing was for you to decide. 
You hopped out of your chair and set down the book you had been reading, ready to welcome him in your arms. That was until you saw how bloody his coat was. Your arms instead slightly retracted, and the look on your face fell.
“Love, is something wrong? Did I do anything to upset you?” How doting Diluc always was. “I’m um, fine. Just why is there so much blood? Are you hurt?” “Not at all, I’m fine. Those Fatui however, aren’t doing all that well.”
Something about his tone simply scared you. It was threatening, maybe even a tad sadistic. Like he enjoyed killing, or as he liked to call it, “assisting in the departure” of a person. Diluc could tell you were at least a tad bit scared by the look on your face.
“My darling..” He took one step forward, while you took one step back. His face formed a large frown. “There is nothing to be scared about. In fact, I was out there protecting you. I expect some gratitude for my hard work.”
“Why do you have to kill them? Can’t you just give them minor injuries or something?” Your gaze was averted. Diluc was highly offended by this statement.
“Do you really think a minor injury is the key to protecting this nation? I take pride in my work, and all you are doing is diminishing it. I spend all night risking my life for you and everyone else's protection, and this is how you repay me? With fear and doubt?!”
You finally looked him in the eyes. They were filled with disdain and hurt. “Well, they were people too, and-”
“They were people on a mission to bring harm to others. I was doing the city a favor.”
“That doesn’t mean you have to stoop to their level! Why can’t you be the bigger person?”
His eyes widened as he slowly walked towards you. However, unlike last time, you stood your ground. He looked down on you and placed his hands on your shoulders.
“Why do every time I come back late, you can never keep your damn mouth shut?”
As soon as those words came out of his mouth, you bolted up the stairs to your shared room. With tears in your eyes you locked the door, shutting Diluc and his insane reasoning out of your thoughts.
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Click here for the "Bad ending" If you wish to see the good ending, keep on reading!
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It wasn’t until he could hear the door shut that he realized his mistake. How could he say such a thing? You were always so sweet and affectionate to him, you deserved to confront him about your concerns. Maybe he was wrong, maybe just maybe had he been so blinded by revenge that his morals were twisted. 
A knock was heard on your door. “Y/n? Love? Please open the door, I need to speak with you.”
You hesitated before opening the door, only barely cracking it to see his stoic expression. To others he looked bored or uninterested, but you could see the desperation in his eyes. You opened the door further to let him in.
Diluc ran inside the room and engulfed you in a hug. “Please don’t be angry at me, I didn’t mean it libeling I’ll be better. I swear” His words were spoken in a rush, he was always like this after a fight. It was cute in a sense, he was always desperate to ensure your happiness.
“It’s alright, Diluc. I don’t even know why I was so upset when I wasn’t every other night, it was stupid-” “Your concerns are anything but stupid, Y/n.”
He guided you to lay down on the bed, snuggling next to you. “I have taken your words to heart, and I realize your standing. Thank you for helping me gain a new perspective.”
“Of course, honey. Isn’t that what I’m here for?”
No matter what this man would do, your heart would always belong to him.
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Diluc heard the door suddenly open. Thankfully, it was just Adelinde with two cups of piping hot tea. “Master Diluc, I see you two have reconciled.” She whispered, glancing over to your sleeping figure, cuddled up on Diluc’s chest. “Where would you like me to set this tea?” “Just on the bedside table is fine.”
She smiled as she watched him comb through your hair. You looked so peaceful, resting without a care in the world.
“Please take good care of them Master Diluc. They deserve it.”
“Thank you, Adelinde.”
As the maid quietly closed your door, Diluc looked down at your sleeping figure. Just how did he fall in love so deeply?
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"How many scars did you justify, because you love the person holding the knife?" -Unknown
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bepp-ers · 2 years
AHHHH I read your Drabble on my father Izuku or Bakugou; I loved it! I’m instantly curious if you wanna do another request from me, but if you’re ever free can you do some head cannons of life before and after finding out?? like things the reader was allowed to do and then how life goes after that whole things?? i always wonder if yandere fathers would allow their little girls to date or something lol. Idk if im explaining it well; just some nice ole head canons. also did he like kill the mother?😭 I’m like “oh nah what did she do???”
hey! always happy to see you in my asks <3 thanks for the request!! and sorry this took so long, ive been sorting out college applications recently and it is SO hectic, but im here now!!!! love you anon! <3
more yandere! father! platonic! izuku midoriya/katsuki bakugou headcanons, bc why not?
Firstly, he did kill the mother in the first half.
Basically, his darling had had enough of him and tried to contact authorities, and also take him out herself.
She wanted her child to be safe, as well as him gone, and she was willing to do anything to rid the world of him.
In his eyes, there was no hope. Normally, he'd try to redeem her. Let her prove her love again. But it was too far.
She had to die. And so, he killed her.
After all, he's pretty fucking deranged. You didn't forget that, did you?
Before the incident, you could do a bit more. Sure, you couldn't go out alone. And dating was out of the question.
But you had whatever you wanted. All the money, the best phone, the nicest room.
He'd do anything for his only kid! After all, you were his pride and joy. More of a brag, but you didn't realise.
Don't try supporting another pro hero, though. He'll destroy your memorabilia, and ask you to please only support him, okay?
He's the best. He alone will protect you. He's your dad, for god's sake! He has to show you that he's the best hero.
Nevermind Red Riot, or Creati- pay attention to him.
Oh, and he has no actual intention of allowing you to become a hero. Too dangerous, the hero industry.
For Bakugou, if you inherited his quirk, you weren't to use it too much for fear of getting hurt.
If you were quirkless, great!! You're weak and need his protection more than ever. He'll look after you, don't you worry your sweet little head.
For Midoriya, I'm sorry but he was quirkless, you're probably gonna be quirkless too. He was considering passing One for All down to you, but he just couldn't.
All that training and damage, how could he put you through it?? So he had to let you stay safe and sound, under his protection.
After the incident, you can't do anything.
No going out. Always under his watch. He will know everything. No contact with the outside world.
He'll also refrain from finding a darling for a while. He's still a bit upset over his old one, so it'll just be the two of you for a while.
He thinks he's the perfect parent. And maybe he is.
Like it or not, you're stuck with him, so get used to it! You don't have anyone else.
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