#go in with high expectations and still feel your life shattered and put back together
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incendiobrock · 11 months ago
Clout Chaser {Chris Sturniolo}
Request: Could I request a Chris x reader.she has a huge crush on him but he waste his time getting heartbroken by a girl just using him.when he finds out she is just using him for clout it sends him in a spiral.The reader is there to help mend his heart. (Action 7)very much angst some fluff at the end please.
Prompt(s): A telling B they deserve better
Warnings: language, heartbreak, fluffy ending!
A/N: idk how i feel about this one 😔
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Chris was never really a relationship person. Sure, he had some brief talking stages throughout high school, and had his share of a couple situationships but never anything serious. He made it pretty clear to everybody that he wasn’t interested in dating and didn’t think he would be interested for a while.
Chris had fully meant that too, that is until he met a girl while he was out shopping one day. Her name was Jax and she quickly became a constant in Chris’ life. After Jax was introduced you started being put on the back burner. You had been friends with the triplets for years and there was no denying that you had a huge crush on Chris.
The crush started out small, a little school girl type crush is how you would describe it but it grew tremendously over the years as you became a young adult. You never had any intention of telling Chris about it, wanting to respect his boundaries and understanding his want to stay single, which is exactly why your heart had shattered when he announced that him and Jax were together.
His new relationship with Jax drove a wedge between your friendship. She didn’t like him being so close to another girl, friend or not. Chris quickly became distant and it was hard to ignore when you would still spend a lot of time at their place, continuing to hang out with Matt and Nick.
As you sat in the living room of the triplets house one morning you scrolled through Netflix trying to find something to watch. The sun gently gleamed through the big windows, early morning setting in. None of the boys were awake yet and you didn’t want to disturb them so you stayed on your bed (the couch). As you clicked through some more shows a prominent knock was heard on the front door. You weren’t expecting anyone this early but maybe the boys got a package delivered. Your feet echoed through the hall as you ran down the stairs to open the door.
“Oh, hey.” You half smiled, looking at Jax as she stood in front of you. Jax looked up from her phone and rolled her eyes at you, “Didn’t realize you were going to be here.”
“Yeah, I slept over last night-“
“I didn’t ask.” She snarked, shoulder checking you as she welcomed herself into the boys home, going straight down the hall into Chris’ room.
You stood frozen in the doorway for a minute before shutting the door. Did that really just happen? Jax always seemed to be bothered by your presence in the boys lives but you had been friends with them way before she ever came around so you weren’t planning on leaving. You stomped back up the stairs and locked eyes with Nick, who was now awake and standing in the kitchen.
“Woah. Why do you look so pissed off?” Nick chuckled, noticing the scowl playing on your face as he pulled a box of cereal out of the pantry. A huff fell past your lips as you made your way over to the table and pulled out a chair, taking a seat and abruptly dropping your head onto the hard surface. “Miss sunshine and rainbows is here unannounced! Completely ruined my morning.”
Nick’s eyes widen as he poured milk into his bowl, “Why is she here this early?” Luckily Nick seemed to hate Jax just as much as you did, something was off about her and you both were trying to get to the bottom of it. You lifted your head up and watched as Nick shoveled some apple jacks into his mouth. Shrugging your shoulders in response you felt your stomach churn. Chris was too amazing to be dating someone like her…
“We were planning on filming a vlog today if you want to join. You know you’re always welcome, maybe it will help you keep your mind off of everything.” Nick offered, shooting you a genuine smile, knowing about your hidden feelings for his younger brother.
“Keep your mind off what?” Matt’s voice said as he came out of his bedroom, his hair shooting in different direction from his nightly slumber.
“Jax.” You deadpanned, stealing Nick’s spoon and copying his movements as you yourself shoveled some cereal into your mouth. As you chewed the bite you had taken the room in the air turned cold, causing your brows to furrow as you looked between Matt and Nick. With cereal still in your mouth you spoke up again, “Why are you guys being so quiet?”
“What about me?” A voice behind you sassed, the hairs on your arm standing up as you realized why Matt and Nick had stopped talking. Quickly, you gulped down the cereal and turned in your chair to see Jax and Chris standing side by side, his arm swung over her shoulders. “Yeah, are you guys having fun without us?” Chris asked, oblivious to the tension shared between you and his girlfriend.
“I’m going to go brush my teeth and get dressed.” Matt said, excusing himself from the conversation and b-lining down the hall. The tension was finally cut as Chris began talking to Nick about the vlog they would be filming today. Jax never let up on the glares she would send you as she moved around the kitchen with Chris, helping him make some eggs, sausage links, and toast for breakfast. It was in moments like these you were thankful for Nick as he stayed by your side and did his best to hold a conversation with Chris.
After everybody was dressed and ready for the day you followed Nick out of his room as he started messing with the camera, turning it on and going to find Matt.
Matt checked his hair in the bathroom mirror, giving the audience a quick spiel about his target thermal, causing you and Nick to laugh from behind the camera. The fans were used to seeing you appear in their videos at this point, always leaving comments when they would hear you in the background.
Jax pushed past you for the second time today, making her way in front of the camera. Fans had started noticing her in the videos too, soft launching her and Chris’ relationship through small moments they had shared in other recent videos.
“Did you already tell them where we are going today Matt?” She asked, fake niceness dripping off her venomous fangs. “Awww, Matt’s got a boo boo.” Chris teased, now appearing in the frame next to Jax as she took hold of his hand.
Nick turned the camera around to the two of you as he explained that Matt had been experiencing some ankle pain for months, and they were finally all taking a group trip to urgent care so he could get it checked out. You felt all of your energy drain out of your body as you observed Jax and Chris from behind the camera, watching silently as she seemed to always have something to say. Even her laugh pissed you off, you couldn’t seem to figure out what it was about her that rubbed you the wrong way.
A couple days had passed and you were back at the triplets place for dinner. Nick had uploaded the vlog for their Wednesday video a little earlier and you decided to scroll through the comments as you both sat side by side on the couch.
I hope y/n is doing okay, she didn’t seem like herself in this vid 🥺
omg did you guys see jax and chris in the background at 12:53???? i’m glad chris is happy !!!
ugh jax is gorgeous i love seeing her in the videos
more jax content plzzz!!!! (and y/n) love them both 🫶
Bad choice. You were agitated that everybody seemed to love the girl that you were beginning to despise. It was almost like it was all an act. She was a complete stuck up bitch off camera, but as soon as the camera was rolling she was the nicest person anyone has ever met.
As you felt yourself spiraling down a hole of despair Nick gently nudged your arm, causing you to look at him as he sat beside you on the couch. He gave you a questioning look, silently asking what was up. Without words, you handed the phone over to him, showing him the comments all praising Jax. Glancing over the back of the couch you saw Jax at the kitchen table, her phone propped up against a candle as she continued her tiktok live.
“Baby, come say hi to my live?” Jax probed, positioning her phone so that Chris was in view. Chris smiled and waved to the camera, watching as the live flooded with thousands of viewers.
Jax began gushing over the attention she was getting, just by bringing Chris into the frame. That’s when it hit you, she was just using him for fame and views. “God, I’m gonna be sick.” You mumbled, pushing yourself off the couch and storming up the stairs into Nick’s room, slamming the door behind you and hoping that everybody heard it.
One of your hands aggressively rubbed over your face as you paced around the bedroom. You couldn’t believe that it had taken you so long to piece it together, the mood switches on and off camera seemed so obvious now. A voice from the staircase caused you to jump slightly,
“Y/n? Are you okay?”
“Chris what are you doing? I’m sure she’s fine, you don’t have to check up on her.” Jax’ voice followed, snapping at him like he was some sort of dog. Normally, Chris would bend to her every command so you were even more shocked to hear a knock on the door. It cracked up slightly, Chris peering in around the frame and making eye contact with you as you stayed glued to the middle of the floor.
Chris fully walked in, leaving the door wide open behind him which allowed Jax to stand in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest.
“What? No more tiktok live? You’ll probably get millions of viewers! People love drama.” You spat, finally not caring about trying to remain civil towards her. Jax stared back at you, swallowing her nerves as she realized you had read through her little act.
“What’s going on?” Chris asked, looking between the both of you as he stood in the middle of your staring contest.
“Tell him, Jax,” You edged. “Tell him that you’ve just been using him for views.”
Chris turned back towards his girlfriend, his confusion being replaced with sadness, “Is that true?” He searched her face in hopes that she would instantly deny the accusation being thrown at her, but she remained silent. A look of guilt played on her face as her lip began to quiver.
“Chris, look… I-I can explain.” She stuttered, her voice coming out shaky and weak. Chris shook his head, knowing there was nothing she could say that would make things better.
“No, get the fuck out of my house Jax. We’re done.” He pointed his finger down to the floor, telling her to leave.
“But Chris I-“
“I said leave!” He yelled, tears filling his eyes, he could barely look at the girl. Timidly, Jax descended down the stairs, tail between her legs as she faced defeat. Chris felt his body trembling with nerves and anxiety, ultimately falling apart when he heard her go out of the front door. A sob escaped his lips as he slowly turned around to see you still standing there.
“Oh Chris…” You cooed, walking over to the broken, brown haired, boy and pulling him down into a hug. You gently ran your hand over the boys head, smoothing his hair. Chris felt like his world was tumbling apart. This was why he wasn’t a relationship person. This was why he was closed off, because why would anybody want to experience pain like this?
“I’m so so sorry. You deserve so much better Chris.” You whispered into his shoulder, pressing a firm kiss there without a second thought. Chris’ sobs began to die out as he allowed you to keep holding him, whispering sweet nothings into his ears. Finally, he broke away from your embrace, his eyes red and puffy from the tears he’d shed.
“We’re not all like that you know. There’s going to be a girl out there who loves you for you and who treats you the way you deserve. None of that superficial bullshit is going to matter because all that will matter is her love for you.” You reassured him, your hands still resting on either side of his neck on his shoulders.
“How can you be so sure?” He whispered.
“Because I love you Chris. And I have for a long time now, I just didn’t want to overstep your boundaries since I knew you weren’t super keen on relationship…”
His face prepped up at confession, a small smile forming across his lips. “I love you too.”
Now, it was your turn to be confused, a quizzical expression playing on your face. Did you really hear what you thought you heard, or were you dreaming?
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, his hand coming up to rest below your chin, his thumb running over your bottom lip. Your lips parted as he traced over it with his thumb, heat spreading through out your body.
You nodded your head, granting him permission to kiss you. His hand gently pushed your chin up as he brought his lips down to connect with yours in a deep kiss. A hum escaped you as you kissed him back, his tongue snaking his way in, tasting all of you. The kiss was better than you could’ve ever imagined and now that you’ve felt it you weren’t sure how you had gone so long without it.
After a few more seconds Chris pulled away, pressing a firm and final kiss on your lips almost as if he was sealing the deal.
Thank god Jax was finally gone.
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xoxo-mei · 9 months ago
What About Me? - An Eddie Munson x Reader Oneshot
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For years, I've been asking myself the question: What about me?
Why can't he look at me in the way he looks at her? Why can't he feel his heart racing around me like it does around her?
You can guess, I never really got the answers to those questions. Mostly because I never said them out loud. I know that when I ask those questions and I hear the answers I expect to hear from him, my world would crumble.
My heart would shatter into a thousand pieces, too small to put back together again.
And I'm certain I'm not ready for that. I just need to pretend like he doesn't matter to me. But, it's harder than I expected.
Because no matter what, my mind returns to memories we made, my thoughts circle back to his smile and the only thing I see when I'm asleep is the twinkle in his eyes when he's playing his favorite Iron Maiden record.
''Earth to Y/N?'' I blinked and adjusted to the sight of Eddie waving his hand in front of my face. I felt my cheeks heat up, and I smiled apologetically.
He shook his head, a grin on his face, ''It doesn't matter. For a second I thought you were brain dead.''
My eyes squinted, a smile on my face that seemed more genuine than the one I previously showed him, ''That was your first assumption?''
''Well, yeah.''
A chuckle escaped from my lips. These are the moments I cherish. Just the two of us, together, making fun of the small things, him making me smile.
Eddie turned his head around to the sound of footsteps and when I saw the sheepish smile appear on his face I didn't need to look to know who it was.
''Chrissy, I was wondering when you were getting here?''
''I'm sorry,'' she apologized, still dressed in our high school's cheer uniform, ''my boyfriend didn't let me go, and then I couldn't find the way here-''
''I'm heading off.'' I interrupted her, the joy gone from my eyes. With one hand I swung my backpack over my shoulder and with the other I grabbed my music.
I wasn't going to sit around and watch this go down.
Eddie frowned at me, confused to why I was suddenly leaving. ''But we were going to hang out.''
''Maybe later,'' I smiled, but it didn't quite reach my eyes, ''I'll talk to you later.''
He nodded, but I didn't see it because I was already walking away, tears brimming in my eyes as I remembered the way his eyes twinkled when he saw her approaching.
He never had that with me.
The hour of witching - which is 3 AM, if nobody knew - was coming around the corner and I was still perched on my bed with assignment papers scattered all around me.
I had some debate things to settle, and then I had this paper on Napoleon and the battles he led. Followed by a boring lecture which I had to make notes on and mark everything I thought was important around 30 pages.
You thought you would get a break eventually, but our high school didn't know that we had a personal life. Alice Cooper was heard on my phono, his voice the only thing that was heard in my room.
So, when some knocking on my window arrived, I noticed. I frowned, placed the papers away and walked to the window, not noticing my current attire. Something within me was so certain no one was going to visit, that I was wearing only an AC/DC tour shirt with shorts, but you couldn't see them under the oversized shirt.
Imagine my surprise when I saw Eddie standing there with a plastic bag in his hand. From what I could see they were filled to the brim with my favorite snacks.
I reached out, unlocked the window and widened it enough for him to step through. I helped him out and quickly closed the window silently.
''What are you doing here,'' I asked, ''my parents are going to come home any second.''
''They aren't home?''
I sighed, ''It's date night. And when it's date night, they tend to stay up till the early hours. 'We can party like we used to even though we are old', they usually say.''
He chuckled and sat down on my bed, reaching out paper by paper to inspect what I was doing.
''Damn, I forgot how much we had to do.''
''It wouldn't be that much if you made it for a change.'' I retorted.
A grin came onto his face, ''Good to see you have your sense of humor, still.''
''Why wouldn't I?'' I crossed my arm and sat down on the windowsill, curious to why he was here.
He shrugged, grabbing a beer and opening it, ''I don't know. You left quite abruptly this afternoon.''
''You were with someone else.''
''I was also there with you, Y/N,'' he took a sip and looked at me intently, ''when are you going to tell me what is wrong?''
''You never said you wanted to know-''
''I made that obvious,'' he threw me a beer, ''sit down, take a sip and spill your guts. I'm asking now.''
I sighed.
This was bound to happen sooner or later.
I got the top of the beer off and took a long sip, feeling the bitter taste slide down my throat. Guess it's time for the truth.
My bed gave way when I sat down beside him. Here goes nothing.
''What do you think about Chrissy?''
Eddie stared at the ceiling of my bedroom as he racked his head about the question, ''I like her. Though, I do think she has an awful taste is men.''
''And, what about me?''
His head turned to me in confusion, clearly not realizing what I was getting at, ''What about you?''
He repeated the question as if it was going to make sense the second time. I just stayed quiet, letting him think.
Eddie took a deep breath and thought for a second, ''I-I don't know. Obviously I like you. Otherwise we wouldn't be friends.''
''But do you look at me the way you look at her?''
The confusion was still evident on his face, but as the minutes passed by, the realization dawned on him.
His lips parted, searching for the right words. Probably to reject me, if you ask me. But no matter what I thought, he didn't say them with his own words.
I was afraid I broke him, or something, like a faulty error on an out-dated server.
''Are you..,'' he cleared his throat, as if it was going to sound him less surprised, ''are you saying what I think you are saying?''
I turned my eyes away from him to the bag. My hands rummaged through the contents, and a smile appeared on my face when I saw my favorite movie in there.
I pulled it out and stared at it, before showing it at him with amusement in my eyes, ''Did you bring Top Gun?''
''Uhm,'' he was caught off-guard, I think by the subject change more than anything else, ''yeah. I remember you saying you liked it and couldn't watch it in the cinema with me, so I thought we could watch it... together.''
I couldn't help it. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, my heart skipping a beat. Eddie didn't have to do anything and he would trigger the butterflies in my stomach, but when he did something kind or thoughtful, like this, it was twice as bad.
I stood up and placed it into the DVD player, my small little TV lighting up alive.
''Y/N,'' Eddie sighed, ''you're doing it again.''
I was busy trying to make the movie work, ''Busy doing what?''
''Changing the subject. Pretending as if nothing is going on and avoiding the matter that so clearly needs to be discussed.''
I froze.
I was doing that again.
A sigh escaped my lips as I lowered my hands, taking my time before I turned around, forcing myself to face it.
''You're right.''
''So, can we talk about it?''
''Yeah, sure,'' I crossed my arms and sat down at the end of the bed, waiting for him to talk, ''just say it, please.''
It seemed like an eternity before he dared to speak again.
''First of all, I need you to tell me what you haven't been saying for quite some while, because my head is reeling with possibilities. It needs to be less vague-''
He didn't need to say more as I interrupted him with the inevitable truth, ''I love you.''
He froze. His eyes searched for mine, but I didn't dare to look him in the eyes. Not now. Not when I don't know whether he accepts it or not. Not when I don't know how he feels.
''You love me?''
He questioned, repeating what I said once more. I sighed and nodded, still not looking him in the eyes. This was painfully awkward.
''That's what you weren't saying?''
Didn't he understand the matter that was being discussed right now?! Why does he have to make it so difficult?!
I was panicking on the inside, my mind running back and forth between assumptions of what he was thinking or wanting to say.
A smile appeared on his face, ''I was waiting for you to admit it.''
I was about to jump in the defense as to why he has to forget this ever had taken place, but then the realization hit me. He didn't reject me. The opposite, actually.
My eyes finally met his and I saw the cheerful face that I fell in love with. It's like the day he got tickets to see Alice Cooper live.
''You aren't... You aren't rejecting me?''
''No, not really. Did you think I was?''
I shrugged, feeling my heart fill with warmth, ''I was assuming you were, yeah.''
''God,'' he laughed, his head falling back before he looked me in the face again, ''this is what was wrong?''
''Uh,'' I didn't understand why he was being so, so... normal, ''yeah...''
He grabbed my hands and scooted closer to me, neither of us caring about the papers, ''You don't know how long I was waiting for you to finally say that. I was about to give up on it, matter of fact.''
''So, you feel the same?''
''God, didn't you ever notice,'' I shook my head in reply, ''I give you notes every day, I'm right outside your classroom whenever I am closeby, I always sit next to you during our annual Dungeons and Dragons meetings. Should I go on?''
''I can't believe it.'' My mind was reeling.
But the joy I was feeling could never be replaced.
We sat there, staring at each other when I heard a car on the driveway. ''Shit, my parents are home.'' We started panicking as we cleaned up the groceries and such. I leant down to gather the fallen papers and he removed the DVD, before stuffing it back in the paperbag.
The front door opened.
''You need to go out of the window.''
''How romantic of you, Y/N.'' I rolled my eyes at him and just ushered him to the window. I opened it back open and watched my parents enter before I let Eddie step outside. I was expecting him to go and I was about to close the window when his hand on mine stopped me dead in my tracks.
My face turned to him and I was surprised to feel his soft lips on mine. He was kissing me.
I have my first kiss with Eddie Munson.
I returned the kiss, but he pulled away already. With a grin on his face, he spoke up in whispers, ''We'll continue this soon, and, Y/N?''
I hummed in response, wanting him to hurry up before my dad catches him.
''The next time it'll be a date.''
My heart fluttered as I stared at his leaving figure.
I only looked away when he was out of sight, out of my neighborhood. I closed the window and jumped when the door to my room opened.
''Are you still awake, honey?''
''Yeah, just finishing some homework. I'll go to bed in a minute.''
''Okay, good,'' my mother smiled at me, my father behind her with a caring hand on her shoulder smiling at me, ''then we'll leave you to it. Don't stay up too late.''
I smiled at her, ''I won't.''
The door closed again and I let out a sigh of relief. That was a close one. But then his final words came back to me.
''The next time it'll be a date.''
I went to bed just five minutes after, reliving the kiss we had every night and excitement for our official first date.
Words: 2,1K
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loopy4lu · 4 months ago
people always expect those around them to be quiet, not affect them. thats the standard we face today. everyone has separate lives and you have to work to share yours with someone else otherwise you "talk to much" and are "too self centered". gone are the days where you could run up to someone, ask their name, ask how many siblings they have, ask if they want to go on the swings. gone are the days where you could be yourself and spread joy into the world. as we grow, we are expected to quiet down. maturing is synonymous with losing your sense of self.
young children get focus and care from their parents and family, but once they reach preschool theyre just one child in a room of many. you cant expect to much. reaching primary school means you are now apart of a class where everyone learns at a similar pace. what if you get left behind? what will happen to you? what if you achieve to highly? we are taught to blend into the masses. fin into the middle ground unless you want to be called out, and being called out is bad. youre just one kid afterall. when you get to highschool you realise how new and scary the world is while youre heading into adulthood. the teachers are so busy. they have so many classes. you are just one student of hundreds. you are no longer the priority unless you can prove your worth. no matter how hard you try there will always be teachers who dont care. theyll treat you like the rest. you dont want to be like the rest anymore. the rest were mean. they hurt you.
you cover up youre pain. there isnt focus on you anymore. youre "mature" now. you can handle this yourself. spending days and days trying your hardest to keep friends, consistently achieve high enough results to get attention while being dismissive of it to avoid the negative connotations of succeeding. you keep it all in. bottle it all up. disguise yourself in a more easy to handle form. that form will break though. the cracks already show around the scars lacing your limbs. you try to cover up. youre mature. you can handle this. asking for help is wrong.
be quiet. sit down.
the cracks spread. you cant handle this. why arent you mature? this is what you were built for. its to much. you finally ask for help.
" im sorry, but i have to report this. its for youre safety. have you tried talking to someone? "
that conversation is one of the hardest of your life. you sit down at the table, trembling hand gripping the paper the school counsellor helped you write. you try to speak. nothing works. you pass over to your mum. she slips her hand into yours.
she begins to read and you can feel the tears streaming down your face.
" aw, baby. im so sorry."
she reaches over, pulling you into her arms. her strong, stable arms. her focus on you. a few weeks later she takes you to visit the doctor. she helps you explain what youve been going through. she gets some of the details wrong but thats okay. her focus is on you. youre not alone. for the next three years you visit a counsellor every month.
maybe you were wrong about maturing. love will still come to you even when you hurt. sometimes letting yourself hurt is the only way you can heal. when you shatter. break into millions of pieces, you know there will be someone to help you back together. and when they crack, when they break, you will do the exact same for them. slowly you come back. the pain is still there, but you let yourself shine. you deserve to be great, be average, and even be bad. thats the most impirtant thing in life. try everything. failure isnt as bad as it seems.
your childhood joins you. youre able to grow into an adult while still carrying the curiosity and naivety of being young. you find joy in the little things, putting work into drowning out the negatives building up hatred and anger around you. you continue to stand up for your beliefs, never unwilling to discuss your opinion. you love you friends and family endlessly, providing support even when you may not be right for the job.
slowly colour comes back and you can feel the fragile, broken soul you once were blossoming into a prepared young woman, ready for whatever the future throws at her. you make plans upon plans upon plans, making sure you have backups. you dont want to hit rock bottom again. as you watch yourself grow and learn, you also see your parents growing old. you can see your sister becoming mature. you can see her struggle. but you are there. you build her up. this is what little you dreamed of, and this is what you are for that beautiful girl you were young with. she pushes through. shes better now. shes happy. she finds joy in the little things. she both seeks and provides love. she may not be exactly like you, but she is still unique and strong.
i hope that we all remember that sometimes to heal, you must first hurt. i know that more than most.
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c8-h11-no2 · 2 years ago
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you met her, your one and only princess. she was stunning, and tempting—she looked like a monster, ready to devour you. since you missed her so much, you immediately ran to hug and kissed her…
she didn’t kiss you back, but you could feel a little smirk forming on her lips…
you felt something was wrong so you kissed her more aggressively, pinning her body to the couch, closing your eyes as you held back your anger…
but you felt like she was moving weirdly, so you opened your eyes…
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now you remembered the letter cathy gave to you; “stay safe, my knight. there’s a monster wandering around the castle”
you pushed him away just for him to pin you to the couch (karma is a bitch, right kakak?). he was so strong with all the fat and muscles in his body…
you were fighting for your life, so you used your brain. “how can I handle this chonky monster?”
you remembered that you had the locket, could it save you like the royal canin and the sandwich?…
so you grabbed the locket and shoved it in front of his face. he grabbed the locket and opened it…
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it’s fiona, his lovely wife. shrek cried and you had to listen to his rants about how much he missed his wife. you also told him that you were on a mission to find your beloved princess…
his heart melted hearing your story, so he told you to go to the castle’s 10th floor…
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and there’s your princess. with a smile, she invited you into a hug before you ran into her arms with a smile…
“Hello, my coo coo train! Coo coo coo coo, I think you’ve arrived at the last destination; this trifling letter of mine. This letter is filled with things that my heart felt when we spent our days together. All are sincere, tender, and pure—just for you. At first, I was planning to write a poem for you but I think my love for you is too silly and weird to be written as a beautiful poem. Therefore, I’m keeping my feelings guileless with writing this letter.
At first, I didn’t expect much from you. because you said you always acted like you were messed up, shattered up, and totally high. However, it’s hard for me to understand which part is shattered and messed up. Kakak, we’re still young and I think our parameter of shattered is still far from the limit. We can use John as an example (kidding). Regardless of your parameter of shattered, I didn’t see anything of it in you, weird enough right? You’re reliable and kakak is utterly cool, I admire you :3
So is it the love is a great beautifier, as the Little Woman book said? I have to put half of my agreement on this one, since I didn’t make any particular attempt to.
Is it my Bob The Builder issue? Clearly not, I didn’t have to fix anything other than your sleeping, eating, and smoking habit in our relationship.
I think, the main cause is because you looked happy while we were together (either it’s fake or not). I don’t want to sugarcoat this but you look very handsomely perfect when you’re happy. “But I’m not happy all the ti-“ ssssh. Even when you sulk or when you’re just refraining from not getting angry, you’re still lovely in my eyes. You’re playful, and silly, and I keep getting my energy charged just by talking to you.
To add a cherry on top, I’ve seen many personalities of yours that you don’t publish. You actually have a weak and soft heart, no? You need an explanation why I’m not getting my 𝕹𝖌𝖆𝖇 boyfriend and the only thing I’m getting is this warm-hearted, enthusiastic, funny, soft, lovely, understanding, sweet, lowkey a dad figure (#DaddyIssues), and a perfect guy? I asked for a stone, but you gave me a diamond. You have a long explanation to do, Mr. Perfect Pair!
Talking about sides of self, I have never opened up myself to people so carefreely. I don’t know what spell you put me into, but I turned so vulnerable around you whereas normally—I’m a woman with a big ego. You put on a spell that had me down to my knees, begging you to ripe me more and more, giving up my entire to you. I have always put on walls around me, but the wall changed into an army of kittens with pleading eyes since you came.
You feel like an old sofa, objectively you’re not perfect but you have my ass print engraved on your pillow. I don’t know how to word it, I’m sorry, I hope you could understand it. I just feel rather than spending my time on a perfect sofa, I prefer sitting on you more. Because you feel like home; familiar and warm (and you have my ass printed). I would easily fall asleep just by having you around, I feel comfortable with you.
Whenever I have you, life is 50% more bearable than the usual. Instead of having a normal face, my face is lighted up with a smile. Love is beautiful… I love being loved by you and I love loving you. You are the absolute best, kakak sayang.
I guess this is the end of our relationship, no? I’m happy that you left a trace on my message, I’m happy that you decided to act like an unhinged teen in public, making me feel curious about how does it feel to date such a silly man like you. I wanted to worship you longer but, thank you for being who you really are, kakak sayang. I love you and I will always do. Until the spring blooms, until the winter turns cold, until the summer shines, until the autumn falls—see you, my coo coo train.”
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With every breath I take, I offer praise
To you, my heart's desire, all my days
(I’m sorry if the gift is kinda cheesy and weird but Idon’tknowhowtomakeyousmilebutI’mtryingmybest)
(I’m also sorry if I turned cold the night before because YOU FUCKING CALLED ME BRO and I was in a bad badmood. I legit wanted to cry from how sensitive I was)
(not entering this to the testimonial because I want only the best for you)
(I’ll miss you so badly, daddy. pai-pai <3)
0 notes
avelera · 2 years ago
I've been thinking about "Giving Sanctuary" and by extension how I view Dream and Hob as fathers to adult children who have died, and kind of wanted to articulate how I view them in that light, because there's a very specific kind of fatherhood I envision for both of them and it's not the same.
Think of this as sort of a "Behind the Scenes" DVD commentary for "Giving Sanctuary" :)
Dream as a father - so with Dream, I see his marriage to Calliope and his fathering of Orpheus as something he did while he was young.
Now, canonically speaking, Dream is billions of years old and 3,000 years ago is hardly younger within that span if we take that at face value. But if we don't, and we take it more that maybe Dream's maturity is more closely tied to humanity's sophistication, as the lord of their dreams, then bear with me for a second and imagine that in terms of maturity, Dream is roughly in his early 20s when he marries Calliope. (This is also slightly inspired by Tom Sturridge having become a father in his early 20s and my sense he brought some of that to his performance of Dream.)
There's a very specific energy that comes with Dream and Calliope getting married out of a certain "young love" that's technically adult but maybe not fully grown or wise yet. The kind of young love that could absolutely be destroyed by losing a child together. Years later, when Dream rescues Calliope, they feel like a couple now in their 30s who still feel fondness for one another but have understandably remained apart ever since. They're different people now, people who were fundamentally changed by the loss, and the people they are now don't necessarily have an interest in getting back together, even if they can *remember* their old happiness together.
Likewise, to me, Dream feels like someone who lost a child when he was young, perhaps so young that most people of his age (speaking in human terms) have never even had a child much less lost one. He has no peers to share the grief with. Certainly none of the other Endless have families and those that have children, like Desire, don't seem to view them parentally or affectionately, they're just pawns.
So even within his own family, Dream is unique in having had and lost a child that he cared about. He doesn't have anyone to really relate to about it and I personally headcanon that the Dream we know, the dour figure that is weary of life, whom Death is trying desperately to rekindle before he self-destructs from his own depression, came into being with the loss of Orpheus. As an adult, Dream has been shaped by a loss that happened in his early adulthood. It has given him maturity but not necessarily wisdom, rather it has left him bitter, distant, and brittle because he never properly healed from that loss or came to terms with it.
Hob as a father - in contrast, Hob feels like someone who became a father relatively late in life, and after a great deal of planning. He waited until he was well-established, rich, with a knighthood, and able to shower all his life's accumulated achievements on a child that was very carefully planned.
Then, despite doing everything right, he lost that child anyway. His son was an early adult, Hob was at the time of Robyn's death, mentally, I'd argue, a middle-aged man, and it shattered him. He "didn't go out much after that" and it sounds like, if you do the math, he didn't go out much for roughly 20 years. There is a very specific grief one hears about with parents who lose adult children, especially at an age where they don't expect to have any other children, a lifetime spent together, putting your hopes in them. Hob clearly loved Robyn, who was his only son with his by then deceased wife, leaving Hob utterly alone after having such high hopes. Parents you hear about who went through this are destroyed and never really recover emotionally. I could go into some specific examples but first of all, they're all just gut-wrenching, and second I don't want to make light of those losses, but suffice to say those accounts are informing how I write Hob.
Hob and Dream relating to one another as fathers of deceased, adult sons - Now going back into the fic a bit, there is that energy of two men of roughly the same mental (if not literal) age, one of who lost a child as a young man, one almost too young to have a family at that point (again, according to my perception, not the literal numbers) and how he relates to Hob who more recently lost an adult son while more mature himself, having waited a long time to have one.
I think on some level, Hob pities Dream all the more for perceiving that this loss hit Dream while he was almost too young to have fully enjoyed a life himself. Certainly this loss has poisoned Dream for a much longer period than Hob has been poisoned by his own. The bitterness is so entrenched in Dream by now that he almost wishes he *could* erase the memory of his family, because he's lost so much of himself to mourning them, whereas Hob still would not trade their memory because being more mature when he lost them gave him a certain relative resilience and wisdom about the world, he can cherish the memory and mourn them without wishing the pain would just go away.
Hob is also, by extension, in a slightly better place to advise Dream through his grief, even though he's technically younger, because unlike Dream, Hob always knew he'd lose them but Dream very reasonably approached Calliope and having a child with Calliope from the belief that he would never lose them both (it's arguable if he thought Orpheus would be a god or demi-god and thus immortal too but let's say for the sake of argument that he did expect Orpheus to be immortal too). He was even more blindsided by the loss that never should have happened, whereas Hob was blindsided by a loss that happened sooner than he expected.
Dream feels his mistake towards Hob was not warning Hob in advance that to have a wife and child would mean losing them, given the gift of immortality was limited. He has no advice for Hob because the entire exercise around giving Hob immortality was Dream proving the point that no one could suffer through what he has gone through, or survive eternity, without wanting to die. He is, especially within the fic, looking for confirmation of his own worldview that life is unbearable through putting Hob through the same experience. He can try to help Hob by assisting him materially and being there for him as a friend, but Dream is also learning how to do that, how to be an adult, mature partner, as he does so.
Whereas for Hob, looking out for someone else is something he has done as a mature man. He misses being a husband and father. Having Dream to look out for isn't something he has to learn how to do, it's something he has always felt more natural doing and he's restored to a stronger sense of self by having the chance to do so again.
Anyway, that's it, just a little behind the scenes DVD extra for Giving Sanctuary :)
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blzzrdstryr · 4 years ago
Yanderes caring for a sick darling hcs - Mondstadt boys edition
Starring: Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Venti
[Mondstadt girls edition]
[Liyue boys edition]
As a renowned alchemist, Albedo is very proficient in all alchemical fields, including bio alchemy.
Subsequently, he is also very knowledgeable in the inner workings of the human body, and understands the biological mechanism behind most illnesses and how to prevent them.
Alchemist takes a lot of preventive measures, keeping you on a healthy diet and having you exercise daily. He also begrudgingly lets you out on the walks, with his supervision and far away from any civilisation of course.
He also has a keen eye for changes in your body and he will realize you caught something before you even sense it.
In that case he'll just slip some medicine into your food and you'll get better even before sickness progresses further.
All in all, Albedo is great at keeping you healthy, as your physical well-being is a very high priority to him.
However, the alchemist can become so consumed by his studies that even you temporarily fade into the background.
It’s a very short window of time, but if you manage to get significantly ill, he will blame himself to Hell and back.
You won’t know of his self-loathing though, as Albedo isn't expressive enough, wearing a facade of calmness even if everything beneath it boils and burns
He will quickly find a cure, and do everything to help you feel better as his mind starts to wander into darker places.
Albedo possesses a wide array of knowledge and he knows various cases when simple colds lead to some awful complications that sometimes have cost lives.
Logically he knows it's highly unlikely that you will get that bad, especially under his care, yet the anxious thought remains, nagging at him.
Your illness will be as stressful to him as it is to you. Alchemist's brain will conjure thousands of unfortunate possibilities that could harm you and cut your life short.
Once you recover, Albedo will sigh in relief and rethink his measures regarding your health - he can't let something like this happen again.
Maybe he should start slipping some prophylactic drugs into your food.
Ragnvindr heir is fiercely protective of you, eager to shield your being from any harm possible, including sickness and injury.
Just like Albedo he also takes preventive measures - diet, exercise, monthly check ups, even very short and very supervised walks on the winery territory.
Diluc is a big worrier, he almost always feels low level anxiety especially if it's something regarding your well-being.
He even thought of buying a manor - Dawn Winery, despite its impressive size, is still too small for an inner garden or a courtyard and with a new estate you could walk among greens and get your dose of fresh air without actually going outside, and the possibility of your escape will be lower too.
Diluc also derives some sort of pleasure from caring to you - it’s an act of both love and ownership to him. He will never admit of the latter though, as his feelings regarding your kidnapping are very confused and conflicted - Ragnvindr lies to himself, saying that it was for your protection only. Admitting that he feels possessive of you is admitting that he yearned not only for your safety.
Despite that, Diluc still has to part with you from time to time - he is a busy man having to juggle winery business, patrol Mondstadt streets as Darknight hero and fight against Fatui and Abyss at the same time. He will entrust you in the hands of Adelinde and a couple of other maids who went through a harsh vetting process, ordering them to keep an eye on your health at all times.
He will be more concerned about your sickness than you are, spending ridiculous amounts of mora on physicians and medicine.
The doctor can diagnose with a simple cold, yet Diluc will ask another for a check up just to be sure - who knows maybe the first one has made a mistake, maybe even the second one also misinterpreted your symptoms. Same goes for the treatments, as he has no faith in them either.
He will fret over you like a worried mother hen, but because of Diluc’s usual awkwardness he will fail at displaying his concern, so you will be stuck with even gloomier Diluc looming over you.
He will spend so much time near you he might catch the illness himself.
Diluc will start thinking about buying a manor more often.
Kaeya isn’t the best at caretaking.
He won’t even believe you at first, thinking that it may be some kind of ploy to fool him and escape. He would absolutely do that if he was in your situation.
Cavalry captain will give you a knowing look every time you cough, sneeze or complain about soreness and fatigue. Who could’ve known that he would rub off onto you?
He will believe you once you develop more severe symptoms, like fever or unstoppable cough, that leaves you shaking and in tears.
Kaeya will jokingly apologize for his lack of trust, but he will be panicking beneath the mocking smile.
A lot of people have abandoned him in the past, and he will view your ailment as you trying to leave him too by dying.
A rational part of him knows that it’s not true, it’s not your fault that you got sick and death is definitely not a way out for you.
He will also reassess the way he views you - despite being talented at interpersonal communication playing on your heartstring and manipulating you into what he wants Kaeya isn’t the best at understanding himself.
Before he thought little of you - you’re a toy, a scapegoat, a stress relief, nothing that holds any significance and cannot be replaced, yet the prospect of losing you puts the whole situation into new light. In less than a day you are mentally elevated from the mere plaything, to someone important, someone irreplaceable.
He won't change the general way he acts around you though, as he thinks of emotional vulnerability and openness as a major weakness to exploit, still being that teasing and infuriating bastard you came to know him as.
Yet sometimes Kaeya will allow himself small moments - things that usually wouldn’t matter so much - a chaste kiss placed on the top of your head, his hand tracing yours, fingers intertwined together. He will also be a tiny bit more lenient when you misbehave.
Unlike Diluc or Albedo, Kaeya lacks funds or knowledge to treat you right away - he can’t bribe multiple doctors into keeping their mouth shut and his knowledge of biology is surface level at best.
He will still try regardless, giving you the same medicine he buys in the rare times he gets sick.It’s a win or lose situation, as his treatment may both worsen and better your health.
Venti is acutely aware of your mortality and fragility, memories of thousands of thousands deaths resurfacing everytime he sees you approaching even the hint of danger.
As a result, he is very protective of you, no matter how carefree and childish he may act, as his teal eyes carefully oversee everything you do.
Nevertheless, the sickness, the ailment - this particular aspect of human vulnerability slips his mind - Barbatos, despite his peaceful demeanor, is someone who lived through a lifetime of turmoil - the overthrow of Decarabian’s despotic rule, earth shattering Archon war, Vennessa’s rebellion against corrupt Lawrences.
He always feared that your life would be ended by the stray arrow or a swift sword, not an illness.
Venti will cure you right away using his powers - with gnosis or not, he is still a mighty deity, even if years of absence left him weakened.
Although you’re perfectly fine and healthy now, the bard will still fret over you, scared of your passing.
Expect to have him hovering and being extra clingy for the next few weeks - archon’s life is long and lonely, full of losses and passing, no wonder that he wants to protect you from the whole world.
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messers-moony · 4 years ago
Hope | R.L
Paring: Remus Lupin X Wife!Potter!Reader
Summary: Life is unfair in numerous ways but it seems like it’s out to get the Potters in every way shape and form.
A part of growing up means maturing. Maturing means realizing that the world is cruel and unfair. People die every day without a reason or a why. Children are born into this world every day with love or hatred. Growing up, parents tell their kids, “Life isn’t fair”. No one had experience unfairness like Y/n Potter and Remus Lupin.
He was right there. So close, only a few feet from her arms yet so far apart in that wretched woman’s arms who held him like he was the grossest thing she’s ever touched. Those enchanting green eyes that glistened with trauma and pain. The brown hair that started to sprout from his scalp, already messy and untidy.
“No! This isn’t fair!” Y/n wailed as Remus held her tight to his chest, “I’m his biological aunt! Please!”
The Minister of Magic was merciless, “And so is Mrs.Dursley.”
“She’s a muggle! Harry is bound to be a wizard!” Y/n cried in contradiction; the feeling to vomit became relentless, “They’ll torture him. Please, you have to let me have him.”
“With your current living situation, it isn’t safe, Mrs.Lupin.”
Remus grimaced at those words, “My current living situation? Are you daft!?”
“With Mr.Lupins…” The Minister pondered, “condition, it isn’t safe for him.”
“Remus wouldn’t hurt him.” Y/n sobbed quietly, “He’s never hurt me!”
“I’m sorry, Mrs.Lupin, but Harry Potter is the safest with Mrs. and Mr. Dursley.”
The gavel was hit upon another circle of wood, adjourning the meeting as a finality. This was it. The fight was over. Harry Potter would grow up in an unloving household that wouldn’t be capable of understanding his magic. This was the epitome of unfairness. Remus’ hands were on her waist, her back to his chest while she sobbed, trying to get him to release her.
Eventually, she collapsed to a heap on the floor. Petunia and Vernon, each holding a baby watching the couple. Harry was wailing loudly, and Petunia couldn’t get him to settle down, making Y/n only cry harder. The young boy had just begun babbling nonsense due to Sirius’ hard effort to get him to say “Padfoot”. But it was that day he said his first word.
“Moo-me!” Harry yelped, and Remus could’ve sworn his heart shattered into a thousand pieces, “Moo-me!”
The brunet boy was trying to reach for Remus, and he squirmed for the adult male, but Petunia had a tight grip. Y/n could barely hear the little boy's words over her own sobs. Her body ached and shook with every tear that fell. The silver streams stained her cheeks, and her face was a brilliant rose red.
“Please make it stop….” Y/n muttered as Remus covered her from the other four people in the room, “If he says that one more time, I might not be able to handle it. Remus, help me, please.”
Hearing her so desperate broke his heart more. Remus’ body covered hers entirely in their crouched position. Harry was practically attacking Petunia to let him go, to be in the arms that are familiar to him. He didn’t like this. He didn’t know these people. These people weren’t his parents. Where was daddy? Where was mummy? Where was uncle Sirius and Peter?
What he did know was his aunt and uncle were right in front of him. Uncle Moony and Aunt Y/n. He could feel his aunt's sadness, her frustration, her anger. He could sense his uncle's remorse, desperation, and hopelessness. Why were they feeling this way? Why weren’t they protecting him? Harry so desperately wished he could speak and say, “Help! Save me from these strangers!” But all he could get out was “Moo-mee and Tee” for Moony and Auntie.
Petunia couldn’t handle his squirming any longer and allowed him on the floor. Harry was ecstatic with this new change. The boy crawled to the two adults on the floor. Harry could feel the warmth of their bodies before he tugged at his aunt's sleeve. Harry stared into her e/c irises and his uncle's green eyes. Those eyes he’d remember forever, engraved in his memory to never forget. His aunt collected him into her arms. His head pressed to her chest. Harry’s sobs calmed, now in the arms of familiarity.
The scent of chocolate, ink, and books surrounded him. His nose was barely catching the smell due to it being runny from crying. Petunia and Vernon approached them. Remus was hugging his wife and his best friend's son, protecting them from the outside world. Gently Y/n pulled Harry from her chest, leaving him to stare at his aunt and uncle.
Y/n sniffled and wiped his tears from his cheeks like mum used to do, “Harry, I promise you, I really don’t want to do this.”
His head tilted in confusion as Y/n’s eyes filled with tears again, “I’ll come back for you. Don’t doubt that for a second.”
“If he’s anything like Prongs, he’ll always have hope.” Remus commented, making Y/n smile.
“That’s what daddy used to do to mummy when she was sad,” Harry thought, “he used to say something to make her smile.”
Despite the soft smile on her face, she had wet trails on her cheeks, “I love you, Harry.”
Y/n kissed his forehead where the lightning scar was placed—hugging him one more time and Remus doing the same as his wife. Harry didn’t understand. Where was he going? Why was auntie Y/n letting him go? Why weren’t they taking him home? Where was mummy and daddy?! So he began to wail again. Petunia picked him up, and the family of four now started to walk out of the room.
She couldn’t even cry anymore. The water that once flowed down her cheeks had stopped. The dam had broken but no longer had water to give. Y/n turned to put her face harshly in Remus’ chest. His arms raked through her hair and rubbed her back. Silent tears rolled down his flushed cheeks, reaching his jawline and falling into Y/n’s hair.
“That was-“ Y/n hiccuped, “the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
“I know, darling.” Remus whispered, “He’s got James’ spirit, and that means he won’t lose hope. He’s got Lily’s kindness. Harry will be fine.”
Y/n shook her head, “That’s not the point. He should be with me. Not that horrid woman.”
“I know. But you and I will get through this.” Remus assured, tilting her head to face him, “We’ve gotten through everything else. We can get through this too.”
Solemnly, Y/n nodded. Remus placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. The room was precise and silent, aside from Y/n’s hiccups. The clicking of a clock could be heard echoing throughout the room. Usually, the sound would bring a sense of solace to Remus but right now, it was a constant reminder that time had gone by. James and Lily were no longer with him. Sirius had betrayed them all, and Peter was dead. Godric, how could this all happen?
Remus flicked his wand from his pocket, apparating them back to their residence. Inside it was cozy and warm. Remus took off Y/n’s coat along with his own as she took a seat on the leather couch. She grabbed her wand, muttering an “Incendio” to start a fire in the fireplace. Her body was curled up, and Remus placed a blanket over her while he went to the kitchen.
The kitchen was a pale blue with dark oak flooring. The marble countertops and dark cabinets. A brilliant contrast. He could almost hear James’ laugh from when they were painting it together while also hearing Lily and Y/n’s scolding them for making a big mess. It brought an emptiness to his heart, but he filled the kettle with water, allowing it to boil on the water.
Inside the cabinets laid an assortment of tea. Something James and Lily had bought him as a joke. Remus always made tea no matter the occasion. It was so him. James had seen it at a muggle store Lily had brought him for. He had been dying of laughter in the store just thinking about it. It got laughs around the Christmas tree when Remus unwrapped the decorative paper.
Remus grabbed a tea bag for himself while grabbing cocoa powder from the same cabinet and two mugs from their wedding night. The kettle began making a high pitch noise, and Remus poured the water into both mugs. Placing the tea bag in one cup and a couple of scoops of cocoa powder in the other, mixing them both, adding marshmallows to the hot chocolate and whipped cream. He added honey to his tea.
Mugs in hand, Remus walked to the living room. He placed the cups on the coffee table. Coaxing Y/n to sit up and he set the mug in her hand as she sipped it carefully, not to burn her mouth. Y/n leaned her head on Remus’ shoulder, still holding her mug with both hands. The blanket draped across their laps. Remus had the cup in his right hand, his left arm draped around her shoulders, the pad of his thumb rubbing her shoulder.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Rem.”
The holidays were hard. Almost too hard for Y/n and Remus to celebrate. But despite their pain, they decorated their house with garland, lights, and knickknacks. The Christmas tree sat in the right of their living room, covered in the beautiful colorful lights. Placed upon the tree were ornaments and tiny pieces of tinsel. Beneath the tree held presents for each other and a little boy.
Y/n stood in front of the tree, staring at it with a longing look. Remus walked behind her, putting his arms around her neck gently. Y/n’s hands instinctively reached for his bicep, rubbing it gently. Remus kissed her cheek and placed his head on top of hers.
“I wanna visit him.”
Y/n turned to face him, “Okay?”
“What am I gonna tell you?” Remus joked, “No?”
“No. I just- I didn’t expect you to agree so fast.” Y/n replied, and Remus cupped her cheek, “He’s your nephew too. You have a right to see him.”
She smiled, “Yeah, you’re right.”
He kissed her forehead, “First Christmas without them….”
“I know.” Y/n said sadly, “It feels strange not to have James jumping around like a child.”
“It feels not having Lily in the kitchen trying to make your mums mince pies.”
Y/n chuckled, “She never got to master them.”
“Don’t worry, dear, I’m sure she’s up there trying.” Remus replied, smiling, “You think Peter is trying to steal the batter?” Y/n asked.
“Oh, definitely!” Remus exclaimed, smiling more than he had in months, “That bugger always used to Nick my chocolate at Hogwarts.”
“I dunno how he found my stash every time.”
The couple placed their foreheads on each other’s, closing their eyes, “We miss you, James and Lily.”
“We miss you more than ever.”
Y/n sighed, “I love you guys.”
Christmas morning was dull compared to their regular routine. Y/n was used to having James jump on top of her every Christmas so they can wake up their parents and open presents. Instead, she was woken up with kisses being placed on her neck and shoulder. Y/n turned and was faced with the sleepy face of her husband.
His sandy hair ruffled and on top of the white pillow. Green eyes glazed with a film of sleep. His lips pulled up in an effortless gentle smile. The scars on his face were whiter instead of their usual pale pink. His stubble was growing into full facial hair due to his lack of shaving. Y/n let her hand cup his right cheek, her thumb rubbing his cheekbone.
“You need to shave.”
Remus chuckled, “It’s Christmas, and that’s the first thing you say to me?”
“Merry Christmas, you need to shave?” Y/n corrected with a smile, making him laugh, “Merry Christmas, darling.”
They shared a soft and gentle kiss. His lips taking her bottom one, hers taking his top one. Soft and slow. Gentle and sweet. Pulling apart, their eyes fluttered, focusing on one another. Her eyes were so beautiful. Looking into her eyes, Remus could read an endless amount of stories. The gorgeous e/c. His eyes were evergreen. Holding so much love and adoration. She could read him like a book through his eyes.
Christmas meant eating a good meal and sharing kisses beneath the mistletoe. The couple opened each other’s presents. Y/n earning new books and some of Remus’ old sweaters that she thought he threw away. The last item she received was a maroon and gold jersey. It was her brother's Quidditch Captain jersey from when he played. Remus must’ve found it in the wreckage at Godric’s Hallow.
Remus opened his presents, getting ink, quills, notebooks, and books of his own. Since Remus couldn’t work, he always dreamed of writing a book. At Hogwarts, Remus excelled in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and he wanted to write a nonbias textbook for it. Y/n always encouraged his dreams and goals. If anyone could do it, it was him.
Left under the tree were three wrapped boxes meant for the little boy. Remus grabbed a tote bag and placed them inside of it. Y/n gripped his hand tightly as they apparated to Privet Drive. They began walking down the street, sweaters on in the snow, while she grabbed his hand tighter.
“What if- What if he doesn’t recognize me?”
“Y/n, he couldn’t forget you.” Remus assured as they stood outside house four.
Gently Y/n knocked on the door. It was oak wood, and the house appeared to be at least two stories. Remus kept his hand intertwined with hers as his other held the bag with the boy's presents. Footsteps could be heard walking towards the door. Petunia had opened it to be faced with two young adults.
“Mrs. Dursley.” Remus greeted curtly, “May we see Harry?”
Petunia began to ponder and saw the bag of presents in the man's hand, “Sure.”
The woman walked into the hallway and unlocked the cupboard under the stairs. Harry was coaxed out of the storage space, and he turned to the left, where he saw his uncle and aunt. The boy's lips curved into a great big smile. Harry ran into the arms of his aunt, hugging her tightly.
Her heart melted, “Hey, mini Prongs.”
Harry turned the male beside her, “Moony!”
Remus wrapped his arms around the little boy and picked him up as they walked inside. The three of them sat in the foyer on the floor. Harry sat between Y/n’s legs, his back to her stomach as Remus sat in front of him. Gently Remus disposed of the bag and placed the presents in front of him.
“Go on, Harry. These are for you from Moony and Auntie.” Remus cooed, and Harry grabbed one, gently ripping the wrapping off.
Inside was a baby stag stuffed animal, which Harry hugged close to his chest, “Your dad's favorite animal was a stag. Thought you might want something to remember him by.” Remus stated, smiling sheepishly.
“Yeah, daddy.” Y/n replied as Harry smiled up at her.
“Go on. There’s two more for you, baby.” Y/n pointed at the other two boxes, and Harry began unwrapping another.
This was a tinier box, and inside were golden glasses, “You don’t need these just yet, but these were your fathers. I wanted them to be yours.” Y/n informed him as he placed them on top of his nose.
The final box was mini-figures that Harry could play with in his spare time, which he seemed more than grateful for. Harry was giggling and laughing, happy with all his presents. The boy turned in Y/n’s lap, hugging her as tight as he could. Y/n’s hand rested on his back, and she gently kissed his forehead.
“I love you, Harry. Don’t forget that.”
“‘Ove you too.” Harry replied, having a hard time pronouncing words.
Next, he hugged Remus, who did the same. He didn’t want to leave Remus’ arms. He always ran hotter than the everyday person. Remus was a personal furnace. It makes sense why a cold young boy didn’t want to let go of the man. Within minutes the young boy was asleep in Remus’ arms.
Petunia came into the hallway an hour later to see Harry soundly asleep in the man's arms, “Excuse me, but I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
“Yes, of course.” Y/n took Harry from Remus’ arms and gave him to Petunia, “Thank you for letting us see him.”
Petunia took the boy from Y/n’s arms, “Yes.”
She put the boy in his bed under the cupboard, making Y/n frown at his living situation, “Do you- Do you think that Harry could stay with us some weekends?”
“Oh, okay.” Y/n muttered, “Thank you again, but we must’ve overstayed our welcome.”
“Of course.”
Y/n took Remus’ hand as they walked out of the house. They walked to a safe spot to apparate back home. They both took off their coats and placed them on the coat rack. Y/n went to turn on a movie on their television set while Remus made hot chocolate and snacks. Both of them curled up onto the sofa and fell asleep.
Over the course of the next nine years, Harry has been visited by his aunt and uncle on many different occasions. Birthdays, Christmas’s, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and sometimes just randomly, but he always looked forward to seeing them. Every time without fail, Harry would always jump in Y/n’s arms no matter how old he got.
The warmth and feeling of being safe in her arms brought a sense of comfort no one seemed compared to. She felt like daddy. His radiate smile, his incredibly warm body, the smoothness of her voice, the glitter in her eyes, her untied hair. Auntie Y/n felt like James. But no matter how hard he tried, she never was dad exactly, but she was auntie. Y/n was his dad's sister, and for now, that’d have to do.
Of course, uncle Moony felt the same. But there were some days he didn’t show up, much to Harry’s displeasure. Harry loved sleeping in Remus’ arms when he was a young toddler. The chocolate, ink, and parchment smell always filled his sensitive nose with such a safe feeling. Harry’s favorite time of year was Christmas when Petunia would make hot cocoa, filling the room with its sweet sense. Although he never got a cup of it himself, the smell brought a sense of comfort. As if uncle Moony was embracing him tightly on all sides.
When Harry reached eleven, owls began delivering envelopes to Privet Drive number Four. But it seems that uncle Vernon refused to let him open any of them. He did whatever he had to, blocking the mail slot in the door, burning the letters, even going as extreme to leave the house. Where inevitably Hagrid - gamekeeper - at Hogwarts came to retrieve him and give him the letter.
He couldn’t believe it. He was a wizard! All this time being belittled by Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley, he finally felt special aside from those times with his other family. Harry had a chance to prove himself to be great. To prove himself that he wasn’t just a bug on the ground to be stepped on. Only one thought crossed his mind though.
“I can’t wait to tell aunt Y/n and uncle Moony.”
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anothanobody · 3 years ago
Osamu Miya X Reader
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Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Marriage, Mentions of Pregnancy, Referrenced Miscarriage.
Characters: Osamu Miya, Atsumu Miya, Suna Rintarou
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: I held up on the angst, it was supposed to be a lot worse, but you know, maybe I should've gone with full angst...anyway... hope you enjoy tho! English is not my first language, so I apologize for any grammatical error :))) THERE WILL BE A PART 3, you better believe we ain't forgiving like that!
[Masterpost] - [Masterlist]
[Part 1. 'Lost']
[Part 3. Relief]
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Osamu passed the entire night numb sitting in the middle of the bed you two just made love in, his head resting on his hands, his eyes empty, swollen and red from crying, he couldn’t feel anything, just his thoughts going over and over, his head filled with different memories trying to be pieced together under a new view.
A view where you looked at him with more than caring eyes, where he now could see the longing in yours when he was with his ex wife, the mood changing and you running away when he presented her as his girlfriend, often zoning out, trying to keep minimal interactions. He remembered how you bailed out on his wedding day.
He laughed bitterly at the way he must have made you feel to even ask you to be there for him, to see him get married to someone else, he was even mad at you for a second that day, wanting and needing you there sometimes more than his wife.
It was a laugh that soon turned into a cry, a sobbing mess, as his hands went to rub his burning eyes, his hands going then to grip the roots of his hair, hatred and sadness filled him towards himself.
How could he ignore that? You were there from the beginning, treating him always, putting him before anyone else and yet he couldn’t still see you or be enough of a good friend to see that you were suffering. It was so goddamned obvious how you looked down whenever he did anything for her.
The way you cried when he told you he proposed to her, wasn’t from happiness like you said it was, right? It was from pain and hurt, the biggest rejection you could ever face, the moment you must have evaluated to completely end your friendship.
He hated himself for doing what he did today, for being so caught up in his own sexual desire and need to involve you in it but there wasn’t someone else he wanted at that moment, not considering your feelings and expecting for nothing to change in between you two.
You were right, nothing could have not changed. He felt so good when you were making love, the way he kissed you and marked you were so natural, were a reflex for him, the way your body felt against his was heavenly, he wanted to lay more on the top of your back, his head resting in the crook of your neck and taking in your sweet scent that were his personal favorite fragrance.
He could not look at you though. He knew how selfish he was, how he had dangerously fucked up everything, and on top of all everything felt so different and scary, it was the habit of being with his ex wife that shifted everything, he had been with her for seven years, he felt wrong to go out of that routine.
He had puppy love, his ex wife confessed to him in high school and he accepted, after that everything was just to meet everyone’s else's expectations. Hoping their love to last forever, the two goody shoes girl and the volleyball player, one of the most beautiful girls in the school and one of the most popular. Everything was just cliche.
But he went along with it. After years together everything was just normal, he loved his wife but for him there was never the butterflies in his stomach, the throbbing of his heart, the sparks during the wedding kiss when he was sealing his own lifetime vows.
Everything shattered when the perfect life everyone was dreaming for them broke the perfect pattern, his wife did not want kids. She refused to get off pills and pressured him to use condoms even more after everyone began asking about future children. They were 25, they were young they said, but Osamu really craved a family, he wanted children but nothing ever came up with his ex wife. He expressed to her his wish to have a large family. But there was no truce, no peace, just her asking for a divorce. Osamu felt like he failed but not hurt.
Maybe he loved her but he was never in love with her.
You on the other hand, you were just you. There for him, being the most supportive friend ever, there was never one day where he would go without questioning something about you. After he had gotten married, you two distanced yourselves.
And even though he knew exactly why, he was bothered by it, so he involved you in everything he could, the preparations for his restaurant, designing the interior, the menus, to try the new recipes he came up with.
You were there every single second that he never thought of anything else, of being more, you were there and that just made him happy enough. He knew and believed that no matter what, you would never disappear, he feared for you to disappear, to leave him just like you did today.
You’ve always been the best part of him.
He could not lose you. Not you.
His entire thought process, his empty eyes were so much that he missed the way two men made their way into his room. Too caught up in his own faults.
“‘samu? ‘samu?!” Atsumu’s voice filled the room that still reeked of sex, slapping him in the back of his head to make him react. Osamu lifted his head up and the playfulness in Atsumu and the indifference in Rin completely washed off.
“Bro, what happened? Why did you call us?” The blonde asked, his tone full of worry for his twin.
Osamu’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. When did he call them? He didn’t know but he didn’t remember how he reached the bed either so it was fair to say he did call them.
“Atsumu, maybe we should call Y/N, she knows how to deal with emotions more than us, and he looks like he needs that.” Rin said, taking out his phone but was snatched away by Osamu as he got up, taking a few steps forward and giving his back to them.
“She won’t come. She does not want to see me anymore.” Osamu said, his voice empty of any feeling or emotions, cold and dead reflecting the way he looked.
“Huh?” Atsumu asked confused, as he started to look around the room as well as Rin, they took in the condition then they saw your pajama t-shirt at the feet of the bed, the sheets falling off, Osamu’s underwear on the ground, there was an obvious wet spot on the bed and when they finally looked back at him, as his shoulder kept shaking, they saw the scratches on his back.
“Osamu? What did you do?” Rin asked breathlessly, trying to stay calm and collected.
But Atsumu was on another page. He walked to him, turning him around harshly, walking till his back hit the wall and looked directly into his eyes.
“She… no, she would never make a move on you… you’re the one who did… why?” He kept trying to find an answer himself in his eyes but couldn’t see anything beyond the walls of water that were building on the surface.
“You knew?” Osamu whispered out with a broken voice, desperate and disappointed while Atsumu left his shoulders. “You two knew she loved me this entire time.” He was the one that started to walk forward, making them both stumble back.
His fists taking his brother’s jacket. “You knew and you never told me anything!?!” He yelled in his face.
But Atsumu was pissed as well, so he shoved him away. “Oh, fuck off ‘samu. It was so obvious, she looked at you like you were her damn world. We even tried to make you jealous to see if you were ever going to react some other way than just shrugging her away. It’s not our fault you are so dense and so fucking blind!” He yelled back.
He sighed, rubbing a hand on his face. “Atsumu, let's go.” Rin said, passing by Osamu getting his phone back, the blonde following behind as the last dark haired man followed confused. “Where are you going now?”
“To make sure our friend is okay, and there is still something left to pick up for her.” Rin said, walking out, without ever looking back.
Atsumu, instead, couldn't. That was his brother that was crying, he was suffering for the both of them. “Pick yourself up, ‘samu. You knew that sooner or later she would have moved on with her life, your illusion of keeping her beside you was just that, an illusion. You need to learn to live on your own. She loves you, she wouldn’t like to see you like this.” Atsumu said to his twin, giving him a weak smile before shutting the door behind him.
Osamu ended up back in his bed, he didn’t feel so distraught not even when he finalized his marriage and that fairytale he was living was done.
His brother was right, he didn’t know how to live on his own, there was always someone who he knew would always have his back.
He started to sort out his feelings, that’s the best place he could start off.
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Three months later.
Osamu was in Tokyo, going through a couple of new places where he planned on opening a second restaurant.
Life had not been weirder or harder for him. He wanted to call you and share with you all his new accomplishments, hear your voice that would support him and be happy for him, hug him with all your force and celebrate.
But you were still not there, in these three months, he had not once had a single news of you, even though he knew his brother and his best friend were still in contact with you, the most they would say is to not ask or that you were good but never going into details.
It took him weeks to fairly identify his own feelings, he had been living in a certain way for so long that any other option or change in the already made reality felt wrong and something he could not accept.
To find himself realize that he may have loved you all along but was never ready to admit it was extremely overwhelming, the fact that if he thought for himself and maybe followed his own expectations instead of others, the two of you could have gotten together before, maybe have your family already, maybe and most likely you were going to be the beautiful woman under the veil in his wedding.
He would have married his lover and best friend.
He had tried to call you but after the first week of non stop calls, his number was blocked, that did not stop him, leaving messages for you, communicating every big event that happened, apologizing every now and then.
He knew he always loved you, he just did not know which way he did, it was something that was never supposed to end no matter what. He would have never let go of you.
Now he was thinking about you once again as he was in line to order a coffee after another round of location scouting. His thoughts interrupted when he heard your name being called out loud. His heart dropped at the pit of his stomach when he looked up and saw you were there.
As you met eyes together, time seemed to have stopped. Both of your figures freezing, only moved by the customer behind you that wanted to pass by. Osamu ran to you in a second.
“Y/N, please, let’s just talk for a moment. Ten minutes, I beg you.” He asked cupping both of your cheeks with his hands, your entire being melting under his touch. Your eyes welling up with tears almost immediately, as you nodded.
“I’ll sit there while you take what you have to.” You whispered to him with a hoarse voice.
Osamu nodded, resuming his place in the line, he followed your figure to the table, his entire demeanor changing, he was impatient, he had not seen you in so long. But as happy as he was to see you, he also took in your appearance, the bags under your eyes, you had lost weight, there was also a change in your overall presence, it was still warm but something was off.
As soon as he got his coffee, he walked up to you, sitting in the seat in front of you, but your eyes were set on the table, your fingers playing with the little empty packets of sugar.
“How have you been?” He managed to say, clearing his throat, his fingers playing with the end of his sleeve.
“I- I…” You let out a deep breath. “I’ve been better.” You simply said, Osamu nodded. “Why are you in Tokyo, did you finally manage to open that second restaurant?” You asked, and your soft words let a smile appear on his face, you knew, obviously you knew. He spent nights talking to you about his dreams.
“I did. I’m scouting a few places today.” He said softly, he took a deep breath before speaking up again. “Y/N, I really want to apologize… for everything, and I miss you a lot, I miss you everyday, I can’t keep on going without having you in my life.”
Tears welled up in your eyes. “I love you, Y/N, I should have realized it sooner. I’m sorry for being so late, for giving you the wrong reaction that night, I love you Y/N.” He said and the tears started rolling down with no stopping.
“You d-don’t.” You sobbed out, shaking your head, you were settling into the reality of finally being over him, of trying to move on and nothing could happen if this was going to be his response. “I do, I can’t see my life without you, I never could and have always loved you, I just didn’t know it was more than what it was. Please. I’m just asking you for forgiveness, let’s start over-”
“I don’t think we can.” You said brushing away your tears with the tissues, standing up, not really ready to see his reaction for what had happened, for why things could never go back the way they were.
He stood up as well, towering over you, his eyes becoming glassy. “Why not? Please tell me, because I would do anything to fix us. Please.” He asked, your lips quivered.
“Osamu… I had a miscarriage.” You said looking up at him, the tears already out on his cheeks, he felt himself going numb, ‘your child together?’. “I was under some stress when I moved here a month ago and he couldn’t make it.” You said looking down on the ground.
Osamu gulped down his sobs, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, engulfing your figure, providing you with his warmth and support, kissing the top of your head as you cried against his chest. You started to mutter little apologies for the baby not making it.
“Calm down, love. I’m here, I’m here. I’ll always be here, I promise.” He whispered in your ear, trying to make you calm down as much as he could. That was the only thing you wanted, for him to be there with you.
His heart shattering, things really could have gone differently if he found out about his own feelings earlier, neither of you would be hurt, you wouldn’t be suffering.
A child together? That is what he had been dreaming of in the last month, for this to be a sign, maybe his baby was the one visiting in his dreams. He held you tightly at the pain he was feeling in his chest that could only be placated by you.
He would never let go of you after this, he would never let you go through it alone, he will be there and help you heal from this trauma, he wanted to be there for you just like you were there for him all these years.
He had reached the point where he knew you were the love of his life, his best friend and partner, how could he go on living without you another second?
“What do you want to do? I’ll be here for you if you want. We can start over together, I promise, I’ll make sure you’ll be happy for the rest of your life, we’ll get married, buy a house, have a family, everything. Just tell me you want the same thing.” His voice cracked as he said the last sentence.
“‘samu promise, not to hurt me anymore, please, I need you but I don’t want to hurt anymore.” You begged into his chest, your fingers wrinkling his t-shirt.
“I promise.”
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arvinsescape · 4 years ago
Too busy.
A/N: I am so sorry this took a while to get out, but here it is! I hope you all enjoy, it is based off a request that @tomhollandlol sent me and I hope you also enjoy and thanks again for your patience. I did change a couple of things but stuck to the basic concept, I hope you don’t mind 💕
Request: Angst one shot, they have 2 kids together, different scenarios, he never pays attention and does something else and is always too busy.
Warnings: Bit of swearing, mentions of sex.
W/C: 4.2K
This last six months had been the hardest she’d ever had to go through, in her entire six years of marriage to Tom, this had been the hardest. Having two kids on top of that didn’t make it any easier, she felt alone, more alone than she had in her life, she was bringing up two children, seemingly on her own. Their eldest was almost four and their youngest was nine months old and teething, which meant she cried a lot.
Tom had been there for most of their journey, he shared the work load and it made life easier but this last six months haven’t ben the case. He became busier, he had two projects going at once and whilst she would happily make allowances for his career it was becoming too much for her. She hated the assumption that things should be easy because she was a stay-at-home mum but that was far from the truth. The children were so young that they needed her constant and undivided attention.
She was struggling to give two children her undivided attention and recently she’s become run down, completely running of fumes. She lives her life in a constant state of tired, she barely does a thing for herself, hell even a shower seemed like a hard task half of the time and Tom? Well half of the time she wasn’t a hundred per cent sure exactly what it was he was doing. She wondered how he hadn’t noticed, how he hadn’t seen the tiredness she constantly displayed.
Half of the mums at school had noticed, she saw it in their looks of pity when she arrived with her son, looking run down and disheveled because she couldn’t make herself look presentable. She didn’t have the time because either her baby would need something or her four-year-old which left no time for herself in a morning.
“Tom?” She shouted as she bounced Ava on her hip.
“Yeah?” He shouted back from where ever he was in the house.
“Can I get your help please?”
“Y/N, I’m busy.”
“You’re always busy.” She muttered to herself as she gave up and tried to soothe Ava on her own whilst making Noah’s lunch.
“Tom, I’ve just cleaned there.” She spoke, almost in disbelief as she watched her husband place his golf clubs in the middle of the hall.
“I’ll move them in a bit.” He shrugged. “I need to read over some stuff.” He said as he wandered down the hall and into his office. She couldn’t help herself as she flipped him off on his way, thankful he couldn’t see.
“Tom? Is there any chance you can take Noah to school tomorrow? I need to take Ava to an appointment and I don’t wanna be late again.”
“I can’t darling, I’m busy.” He answered, eyes on his laptop.
“Tom, please? I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.” She tried and Tom looked up at her.
“Y/N/N, I am really busy right now. Just take Noah into school earlier and then you won’t be late.” He said and she looked at him in disbelief.
“Right, yeah, okay.” She huffed and left his office, shutting the door with enough force to let him know she was upset with him.
“Daddy! Look what I did.” Noah screamed as he made his way through the door.
“I’ll have a look in a bit my love, I’m busy at the moment.” Tom answered and their son huffed in response.
“Daddy!” Noah shouted as he ran into his father’s open arms. “Can we go for ice-cream?” He asked excitedly.
“Ask mummy, I have some work to do.” Tom said and Noah visibly deflated.
“She already said no, she’s too tired.” Noah mocked his mother’s voice.
“Well I expect she is tired.” Tom said, they never bad mouthed each other in front of the children. It wasn’t something either of them did.
“Why? She doesn’t work.” Noah folded his arms over his chest and Tom looked at him in a scalding manner.
“That’s not nice. Your mummy works really hard to make sure everything and everyone is okay. Don’t talk about her like that.”
“But she doesn’t do anything. She looks after us, my friends mummy works and she’s fine. Everyone at school has said it, she has nothing to be tired about, that’s what my friend’s mummy’s say.” Noah huffed, he had a bit of a temper streak. Tom’s heart plummeted, where people really shit talking his wife? To the point his son had become subject to it.
“That’s enough now Noah.” Tom said as he set his son down.
“Whatever. You’re always too busy and mummy’s always too tired. You’re both boring.” He snapped before running into his bedroom and slamming the door. This made Tom’s heart shatter, they were both trying to do the right thing. Tom really contemplated his life choices and in hind sight he wished he’d done something sooner, especially with the conversation he was about to have that evening.
“Tom, you are never here.” She exclaimed, a small comment having sparked an argument that had her struggling to keep her voice down.
“I’m busy. Look in a couple of months I’ll be here.” He said and she huffed folding her arms over her chest.
“You’re always busy Tom. I can’t remember the last time you put us first.”
“I’m doing this so I can take some more time off, Y/N, I don’t wanna be that guy but I earn the money, I can’t just stop working.” He snapped and she felt her anger rise in response.
“That’s bullshit,” she hissed out and he was taken aback by her tone. “You were in some of the biggest movies going a few years back. We are not struggling for money, that is some bullshit excuse for the fact that you’re not around.” She hissed, voice laced in nothing but venom.
“Look, I have a week off starting tomorrow, I don’t need to be anywhere and I won’t have any responsibilities, I can help.” He offered and she sighed, anger leaving her with nothing but defeat.
“I hope so.” She shrugged and Tom looked at her carefully.
“What do you mean?” He asked, there was something in her tone that scared him.
“I mean,” she sighed. “I can’t keep doing this, I’m tired and I need more from you.” She didn’t sound angry just tired and Tom felt his heart drop.
“Meaning?” He asked tentatively.
“Meaning, I can’t carry on doing this and next time it’s going to be a very different conversation. A conversation about us that I really don’t want to have but it’s come to that.” She sighed out before turning on her heel and leaving Tom with his thoughts. His heart shattered, had he really been so neglectful?
Tom was free for a week, which helped slightly because their son was always itching to spend time with his father. She thought this would mean that she got a little respite after their conversation the previous night but that’s not how it panned out.
“Y/N?” Her husbands voice echoed through the halls and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his tone. She shouted back her location within the house and few seconds later he appeared. “I need you to look after Noah.” He said, their son hot on his heels, she furrowed her brows.
“Why?” She couldn’t help but asked and Tom gave her a sympathetic look.
“I need to get some of this work done and as much as I love him he’s distracting me.” Tom spoke and she couldn’t help but huff, it was always something.
“I thought you were off this week?” She couldn’t help but ask, tone clipped and she instantly regretted using it in front of Noah.
“I was but then my agent emailed this morning and I now have a load of work to do.” He said, there was a sadness laced in his tone but she didn’t care. She passed him feeling bad about it, she needed him to put them first and recently he hasn’t.
“Fine, whatever.” She grumbled out a response and Tom felt awful, he could see how tired she was, he wouldn’t deny that. But these two projects were taking over and he felt just as tired trying to keep up. To anyone else looking in they would have said the couple needed to sit down and have a chat but of course relationships are more complex than that and the couple were still waiting to have said chat.
“Baby, I’m sorry.” Tom spoke and she sighed.
“It’s whatever Tom. He has some schoolwork he should be doing anyway.” She said, tone defeated and Tom sighed before nodding and making his way back into his office. He wanted to say something but he was afraid to start an argument in front of the children, the two had agreed that their arguments would be kept private, the children didn’t need to know about them.
She spent the afternoon trying to split herself between helping Noah with his math’s work and Ava with her teething. Noah was a bright child when it came to English and Art but Math’s? He was no good at and required a lot of help. She found herself growing frustrated the more she went through the work, she felt guilty but she was so tired she couldn’t help it.
“No, Noah. I’ve shown you this now. Come on, you need to work with me.” She said and instantly regretted the words.
“Mummy, I am trying but I don’t get it.” Noah said back as Ava burst into another flood of tears. She jumped up from her seat, Noah making a noise of annoyance at her actions. She scooped Ava into her arms and rocked her, it was making no difference, the ache in the child’s gum causing ample discomfort.
“Ava come on, shh, it’s okay. Calm down.” She said as she hastily scanned the living room in search of her teething ring. Her eyes landing on the object and she hastily picked it up before handing it to her daughter. She placed the ring in her mouth and instantly her screams calmed to small cries. Once she was settled enough, Y/N placed her back in her high chair and proceeded to help Noah.
She was tired by the end of the evening, her only job being left was to put Noah to bed and he just wouldn’t settle either. He wasn’t great at bed times, he was an alert child who found it hard to switch off for the day.
“Mummy, can we please have another story?” He asked and she felt herself deflate, all she wanted was to have a bath and go to bed.
“But sweetheart, I’ve already read two.” She tried to reason and Noah threw his book onto the floor which made her sigh out as she retrieved it.
“Please mummy? I’m not even tired, can’t I just play with my toys?” He asked, arms folded across his chest and she wasn’t prepared for what was to come next, signs of his temper tantrum approaching and fast.
“No sweetheart, you have school tomorrow.” She sighed out and she watched as her sons face turned into a rather sour expression.
“So? I’m not tired. How can I sleep if I’m not tired? You’re supposed to read to me.” He said and she sighed.
“Baby, mummy’s tired herself okay.” She said, she really didn’t have it in her to stay awake much longer.
“Then get daddy to read to me.” He huffed and she nodded before standing up and making her way into her husbands office, a soft knock pulling him from his work.
“Come in.” Tom’s voice spoke, eyes still trained on his emails.
“Tom? Can you read to Noah please?” She asked, hopefulness lacing her voice, her husbands eyes finding her tired ones. There was something about the way she looked tonight, the way she looked like she was struggling to keep herself stood that reality hit the man hard.
“Of course baby.” Tom said as he stood and he didn’t miss the flash of shock grace his wife’s face. He felt immensely guilty, he hadn’t been there for past six months and he could see what that was doing to her. “Have you eaten?” Tom asked and she shrugged.
“Bits but I’m not hungry.” She said as she rubbed at her red and tired eyes. Tom felt like an utter dick, he’d taken on too much and left his wife to pick up the pieces.
“You should eat.” Tom said and she shrugged.
“I just want to go to bed Tom.” She whispered out and he nodded in response before making his way over to her and kissing her forehead before pulling her into a hug.
“Then go sleep love. I’ve got Noah.” He spoke and she felt relieved, completely and utterly relieved, she didn’t even want the bath anymore, that could wait until tomorrow. She didn’t miss the excitement in her sons voice as Tom made his way into his room and she smiled before practically face planting the bed and falling asleep.
It was eight o clock in the morning when she woke, she felt sluggish as she grabbed for her phone and looked at the time. Heart beat picking up far too quickly for her bodies tired state.
“Shit.” She exclaimed as she rushed out of bed and into Noah’s room, only to find the bed empty. “Noah?” She shouted as she ran down the stairs, her mind was racing, she was running late. How had she slept for so many hours? And how had it gone interrupted?
“In here mummy.” Noah shouted back as she raced into the living room.
“I’m sorry, I’m up, I just need to get changed and then we can set off for school.” She rambled as ran into the kitchen to sort out his breakfast.
“Darling, slow down.” She heard Tom’s voice and she spun around to look at her husband, he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a slight mess. How could he still look so good? She wished she could look as good as he did, even tired.
“What?” She looked around the kitchen, evidence that Noah had already had his breakfast. His school bag filled with the books for the day and his packed lunch.
“I’m gonna take him in. Go and chill out.” He spoke as he pulled her into his chest and kissed the top of her head.
“Thank you.” She sighed and Tom nodded.
“I’ll take Ava and then you can get some rest if you need it, I’ll be back soon. I’ll do the shopping, should be an hour or so.” Tom spoke and her heart soared at his words.
“Did Ava sleep through?” She asked, realizing she’d not been woken up by her crying last night.
“Yeah, a few times. I slept in there, wanted you to catch up on some sleep.” He admitted and she could have cried with the happiness the revelation brought her. “We need to talk when I get home.” He spoke and she nodded. “Okay, well I’ll see you in an hour.” He said and she nodded before kissing her son good bye and making him promise to behave.
An hour and a half later and she’d had a relaxing bath, one that she was more than thankful and ready for. She’d even managed to have a hot cup of tea, a stark difference to the cold ones she was used to. She’d even managed to read a chapter of her new book, she still felt like she could sleep for a while but overall relaxed and content.
“Hey.” Tom said as he leant against the doorway to their bedroom. She placed her book down and looked at him.
“Hey,” she said somewhat awkwardly, she wasn’t sure how this conversation was about to go.
“I’ve just put Ava down, will probably give us a good hour or so.” He spoke and she nodded. “So,” he sighed. “We should talk.” He continued and she nodded again, words not being able to find her, she needed to know how he feeling, what he was going to say first.
“I’m sorry, I want you to know that. I’ve been so wrapped up in what I’ve been doing that I haven’t noticed what I was doing to you. I’m so used to you being the one who has everything together, who know exactly what to do that I thought you didn’t need my help as much as you do.” He started and she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out before he beat her to it.
“I know that’s not an excuse, it’s poor on my behalf and I’m sorry. You and the children, you mean everything to me. All I want in life is for you guys to get everything you want and need and I’m sorry that I’ve been the way that I have, there are no excuses.” He said and she felt her heart lift, the two could fix this, fix what has been happened. “But I need something from you.” He spoke and she furrowed her brows as she waited for him to continue.
“I need you to be honest, I need you to tell me what it’s been like to be you. I don’t want you to spare my feelings, I want you to let it all out. I’m listening now, darling, I need to know what this has done to you, how I can make it right.” He said and she nodded slightly before sitting up in bed properly, her back against the head board as she carefully played with her wedding ring. Tom sat carefully on the edge of the bed, he needed to hear what she was about to say.
“Tom, you’ve just not been here.” She started with her biggest problem. “Even when you are in the house it’s like you just expect me to do everything. You expect your clothes to be washed, dried and ironed, you expect your dinner on the table and I never used to mind. You would always say thank you but recently you haven’t and it made me wonder whether or not you just expect it of me, that it’s my job.” She started and Tom kept quiet, he wanted her to continue.
“Tom, you used to be so attentive.” She said as she reached over and took his hand in her own. “You always used to be here, know when I needed help without having to ask. I don’t mind doing all of those things for you, I really don’t but when you don’t get a thanks it feels a little like you’re being used.” She continued and his heart shattered, he would never intentionally use her, he loved her, loved his family.
“That brings me onto the kids, Tom they need so much attention. They want me to split myself in two half of the time and I can’t, it’s impossible. They both need so much from me and given Ava teething I don’t even get a full night’s sleep. I am constantly trying to run off energy that I just don’t have. It wasn’t so bad when Noah was a baby, we took shifts, you helped. Recently though Tom, it’s been me that gets up and tends to her, me that sacrifices sleep.”
“I know that might sound selfish but when you have a partner, a husband who’s supposed to help with all that it gets tiresome. I found myself getting so angry with you, I wanted to be you, I wanted to bury my head in paperwork and think of nothing else. There were days when I honestly wanted nothing to do with you, I didn’t want to be around you because everything little thing you did angered me.”
“I’ve been so tired, my mind is never where it should be. I’m always doing stupid things because I’m so tired. I never feel like I get anything back from you. I’m too tired to have an evening to myself when they have gone to sleep, I just want to sleep myself. I’m always running around after them, something you barely do anymore, sure you play with them but when was the last time you had to deal with one of Noah’s meltdowns?”
“I get that you have a lot on, I get that two projects keep you busy and if we didn’t have kids it wouldn’t affect me as much but we do and it does. I need you to be there for me Tom, I can’t keep doing this alone, I can’t.” She ended her rant and Tom felt awful, he was so angry with himself, she didn’t even sound angry anymore. She sounded like she’d accepted it and she was just tired with the situation, somehow he wishes she was screaming at him right now.
“I’m sorry princess. There are no words, no excuses for what I’ve done. I’m sorry I made you feel like that, it was never my intention. You mean the world to me, you and the kids. Things are gonna change, I promise.” Tom said, he knew now that actions spoke louder than words, it wasn’t what she wanted him to say it was what she wanted him to do.
“On top of all of that Tom, I can’t remember the last time we did anything as a couple. Most of the time I’m asleep when you get to bed, I can’t remember the last time we touched each other, it’s just draining. It all adds up.”
“I know darling. I promise things are gonna change. Why don’t you pick a film and I’ll be back in a minute?” He said and she nodded as she flicked the TV on and got herself comfortable in bed. She couldn’t remember the last time she had a day in bed. Tom returned almost ten minutes later and she wondered where he had gotten to.
“Where did you end up?” She asked as he made his way into the bedroom, two bottles of water in hand.
“Well, I grabbed these, I made sure Ava was still okay and the baby monitor is working properly and I had to send a couple of emails.” He admitted and her heart dropped, after everything she’d just said? He took in her expression as he placed the water down and jumped into bed with her. “Not like that darling, I’ve passed one of my projects onto Harrison and Harry, they’re gonna finish it up.” He said and she relaxed. “I promised things will change and they will.”
“Daddy!” Noah shouted as he ran to his father, who was there at the school gate to pick him up, Y/N right there next to him. It had been a while since they both picked him up. Ava was a little more settled today which made things a little easier.
“How was school?” Tom asked enthusiastically and then almost cried when he realised how long it had been since he asked that question.
“Amazing!” Noah gushed as he looked at his mother. “Mummy, you look so pretty.” He spoke and she laughed.
“She always looks pretty.” Tom defended her and Noah nodded.
“Yeah, but she looks extra pretty today.” Noah said. It had been a while since she was able to put effort into her appearance and she felt better for doing it. Even if it was only a nicely picked out outfit and tamed hair. “Can we go for ice cream?”
“You my boy have an obsession.” Tom laughed as he poked his son playfully. “But yeah, I think that’ll be a good idea.” Tom said as he looked to his wife who nodded in response. She didn’t miss the looks of jealousy thrown her way when they saw her with Tom.
“So what did you do this afternoon?” Noah asked his parents as he was being strapped into the back of the car.
“We watched a film.” Tom stated, it was an absolute lie, they’d gotten half an hour into the film before Tom had his head between his wife’s legs. It had been a while since they’d done anything like that and when they both realised that fact. When they both realised how long it had truly been since they’d done anything, they spent most of the afternoon catching up with each other’s bodies. In between tending to their baby of course, they both felt energized after their endeavors between the sheets.
“Was it good?”
“Absolutely amazing.” Y/N answered as Tom slipped into the driver’s seat, she took his hand in hers as she held it in her lap.
“Can we watch another film when we get home?” Noah asked excitedly.
“Sure, how about we go and spend the afternoon doing something fun and then we can go out for tea, go home and watch a film?” Tom suggested and Noah fist bumped the air.
“Yes! Does this mean you two aren’t going to be boring now?” Noah asked and Y/N and Tom found themselves laughing.
“Yes, this means we aren’t going to be boring anymore.”
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sylverstorms · 4 years ago
Cassandra x Maiden ----Anonymity Ch.10
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9
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The day shift gives you ample time and opportunities to walk around the castle. Within a week, you come to know every chamber and pathway you hadn’t previously crossed, intimately.
At first, you pictured making your escape through a weak point in its fortification. The walls are ancient; You would have bet money on one of its parts having given out in the passing of centuries and gone unnoticed. Now, you know such a thing doesn’t exist. It doesn’t really surprise you that Alcina has made sure the exterior is in the same excellent condition as the interior.
But it is a problem.
The walls are too big for you to scale. If there are any stepping points, you can’t see them from within. You tried over and over to at least peak out into the back yard, but the shrieks and growls of monsters had you immediately changing course.
You don’t know what those things are and you’re not eager to find out. According to the older maids, there are more of them deep in the dungeons. It is only a rumor, of course, since nobody has ventured down there and returned to tell the tale.
Which, taking the window bars into account… leaves only one way out.
The front door.
You are aware that Lady Dimitrescu and the daughters all have a key on them. You know from Cassandra those are the only copies. Nothing enters or leaves unless one of them allows it.
There is not a snowflake’s chance in hell you’re getting Alcina’s key. She will murder you on sight. Bela won’t do anything to disappoint her mother, so that rules her out, as well. Daniela is the one most likely to misplace it or be persuaded to give it to you, but the girl is as unpredictable as she is sly and you won’t risk your wellbeing for a distant chance.
That means…
Cassandra is the only way out, isn’t she…
You lay low and await an afternoon where the cold is downright bone-piercing. As warm as the castle is, with fireplaces burning everywhere, you can still feel the stinging kiss of the outside frost every time you so much as go near a window.
And it all comes full circle right back to the start; You in front of Cassandra’s bedroom door, trembling with anxiety like the very first time. It is oddly fitting, in a way, that the story of the two of you ends where it began.
For a moment, you almost marvel at how long ago it feels, now. But there is no time nor space in your heart for sentimentality anymore. You stand at the point of no return.
And you cross it as soon as you turn the handle.
Cassandra’s bedroom is softly illuminated by the dying embers of the fireplace. You walk forward cautiously, slowly, almost as if you’re expecting a landmine to go off at a single misstep. Except –well. A mine would be far more merciful. Just an explosion and then nothing. If Cassandra wakes…
You try not to think about it, lest your muscles lock in place.
Underneath the heavy covers of the bed, you see her, cocooned, pale fingers clutching tight at the blankets. It is too early for her to wake. She is deeply asleep, you tell yourself, simultaneously praying she doesn’t open her eyes.
You make it to her vanity, soundless. Her amber-jeweled choker and the necklace she and her sisters wear are neatly arranged, yet the key you’re looking for isn’t with them.
Shit. You inwardly curse, your hand shaking from the nerves. It means she’s put it in the drawer of her bedside table. It means you have to go next to her, to literally put your fingers in the sleeping wolf’s parted jaws and hope they don’t clamp down.
Easy, right?
An unsteady exhale later, you move further in and carefully kneel by the small furniture. Keep your eyes on the prize. Keep—
But you make the mistake of looking to the side.
Cassandra’s expression is not relaxed in sleep like how you remember it from the time when you would wake her up. Instead, her brow is furrowed, the line of her mouth pressed thin. She’s shivering, you realize, either from the cold or a nightmare or both. Shadows dance across her beautiful face.
Your first instinct is still to reach over and soothe her. You hate it, but you’ve accepted you won’t be over whatever it is you feel for her in quite some time.
It is not your place anymore to touch her, you remind yourself. You cannot ease her through her fears now that she has become your own.
With a clenched jaw, you force your body through the motions of opening the drawer and taking the key within.
At last. Your freedom is in your grasp.
And yet.
Shouldn’t you be happier about it?
Cassandra’s voice nearly knocks the air out of your lungs when it reaches your ears, faint. “No… please…”
You forget how to breathe for a couple of seconds. When your wide eyes shift to her, though, you realize she’s merely talking in her sleep.
Leave. Leave while you can.
But your chest constricts when you hear her sob. “…don’t leave me here… please…”
And out of all the possible things she could say, she utters those words and smashes your glass heart with a sledgehammer into a trillion pieces. The shards cut into you and it hurts—
You pause at the door. The corners of your vision have started to blur.
And then the world snaps, sharply, back into focus when her tone changes;
Your eyes lock, hazel to amber-grey, for a split second.
You run.
You don’t think you have ever ran this fast in your entire life. But it’s different now that it is about your life.
Adrenaline rushes throughout your bloodstream. You’re not thinking, just acting. Just fleeing.
Death, in the form of a black swarm, closes in on you with every rapid heartbeat. Cassandra is faster –she can fly and you’re only human—and at this rate you won’t even escape the corridor, much less the castle.
Flies break ahead of the rest and attach themselves to you. The sting of their bite at your nape and arms nearly has you howling in agony. She meant it when she said she would kill you herself. Not that you doubted it. Not for a second.
Because if Cassandra can’t have you, she will make sure nobody will.
You didn’t want to hurt her back the first time, but the stakes are too high now. You grab the nearest solid antiquity in your panic and throw it with all your might against the nearest window.
Glass shatters and the temperature plummets with it. Over your shoulder, you hear her scream. More out of rage than pain.
The flies biting at you drop to the floor, grey and paralyzed. You hear her shout pierce through your eardrums like a gunshot as you dash towards the turn—
“You won’t ever get to that door, Alexia!”
From the corner of your eye, you notice a blur coming towards you and instinctively drop down. A heavy thump later, your frantic eyes fly to the wall to see her sickle embedded halfway through a painting. If you hadn’t reacted in time, that would have been you.
Still, she can’t cross the hallway now, so you scramble to your feet and run while she takes the long way around. Question is, will you make it to the front door before she does?
It becomes a race where the winner takes all.
You practically jump down entire sets of stairs in your struggle for survival and you have no clue how you do it. You just know you can’t slow down for even a second.
The castle feels ten times as large as it actually is. By the time you descend the last staircase and the sound of buzzing insects grows in volume, the entrance is within sight.
You reach for another decoration and smash another window. Cassandra slows down, forced to materialize out of the swarm before she can’t will her body back together at all.
You shove the key into the lock and turn it.
Cassandra fights through the rush of frozen air, taking step after weighted step towards you—
“I won’t…let you leave here…alive.” she hisses, her teeth bared at you, skin growing too pale yet eyes blazing.
“I’m done being your prisoner.” you say back, voice hoarse and raw…
And you open the door. Steps taken backwards carry you away from her faster than she can make it to you. You can see her pain and her frustration, but they cannot compare to your own.
Your wounds ache from the frost.
Cassandra seems just about ready to leap at you even if it will certainly mean something very bad for her—
Until a black blur shoves her a dozen meters back. Bela’s back stands between you and Cassandra’s cracking form. Daniela soon lands off to the side, looking between the two of them.
“Get out of the way, Bela!” Cassandra snaps.
“It’s over.” Bela replies, a grave finality to her voice.
Your breaths are coming out in harsh puffs of smoke. You still have trouble believing that you did it. That they can’t follow anymore. You did it.
“Nothing’s over!” Cassandra snarls and lunges for her elder sister.
The blonde, deadly calm, grabs her by the neck in a choke-hold and drags her closer to the nearly-extinguished warmth of the fireplace. The way Cassandra thrashes in her arms is downright heartbreaking.
Daniela looks at you, almost saddened, then back at her sisters.
“Shh. Calm down, Cassandra. Let go. Mother will be here soon. Don’t let her see you like this.” Bela says. “If you’ve any parting words to say to Alexia, say them now.”
You’re shivering. The cold nips through every layer of clothes you’re wearing to bite straight at your flushed skin. But you don’t move further away. You wait. Why am I even waiting, though?
Realization slowly sinks in, you can tell from Cassandra’s expression. Beyond the wounded pride of the apex predator losing a fight to a rabbit… she understands that she will never see you again.
Bela releases her and steps away, adjacent to Daniela.
“You’ve earned your freedom, Alexia.” Bela speaks under her hood. “Nobody’s ever managed to escape, before. Respect.” In another life, maybe her and you could have been friends. Maybe.
“So you’re really… leaving?” Daniela’s lower lip is slightly jutted into a little pout. “I… who will I use to get on Cassandra’s nerves, now?”
“I’d say it’s been nice, but.” you speak up between pants, birthing forth puffs of smoke. “I was taken from my home and sent here as a slave, so.” You can’t help the bitter grimace.
Cassandra’s chest is heaving, yet she isn’t looking at you. It doesn’t look like she has anything to say to you, either. But you have words for her, because you need to get this out at last, you need to be free of this weight or you will never really have escaped this nightmare.
“Even as your captive, you know what I fucking thought? You three can be so beautiful when you toy with the idea of basic human empathy. I don’t know what you saw our time as, Cassandra, but I was genuinely attracted to you. I wanted to be together with you. At some point, I was even happy!”
You’ve inhaled so much icy air your lungs probably won’t be doing great for very much longer but God, this is so cathartic. And so enraging that she’s not meeting your eyes now, at the very end of it all.
“Look at me! I care for you, deeply, but I can’t do this anymore! I don’t want to live in a cage as a pretty sacrifice, with you as my jailer. I can’t. You don’t know how psychologically destructive it is. You don’t know what it feels like!” you end with a hitched shout.
You hear the ominous sound of heavy heels hurriedly descending the staircase. “By Miranda! What is going on— Cassandra?!”
All three daughters freeze up for a moment.
Then Daniela touches her head as though she’s having a migraine and Bela shuts her eyes tightly, shoulders tensed. And Cassandra… drops on her knees to the floor, gasping for oxygen, clutching at her temples.
Bela shakes her head to snap out of it. Daniela still looks dazed and afraid… but Cassandra is nearly crying—
And then, in her panic attack, she whispers; “Don’t abandon me like they did, Alexia.”
You don’t know who she means or what you’re doing, until you’ve dashed back inside and gathered her chilled form into your arms, tight. You keep her there like you wish someone had held you during your storms. It doesn’t matter that you’re so much weaker than Cassandra, when what haunts her is too powerful even for her to face.
Alcina extends her claws as she advances on you.
You could probably still get away if you make a run for it, but where will you even go, when your heart is right here with the woman in your arms? The world beyond the village died for you a long time ago. The village died in a literal sense.
You wanted to be free. But freedom and being with her aren’t mutually exclusive. Why did it take me this long to figure it out…?
Alcina is too close now. You turn to kiss Cassandra’s hair for what may be the last time. You do not let go.
Bela and Daniela step in front of you.
Alcina gives them a warning, narrowed look.
“Uh— you know what, I just stepped forward because I saw Bela move. Haha, nevermind.” The redhead retreats once more. Maybe you’d roll your eyes at her if you weren’t bracing for your execution.
“Bela… step aside.” Lady Dimitrescu’s tone leaves no room for disobedience.
The eldest daughter lowers her head and hesitantly opens the path, as well.
Alcina casts a deep shadow over you in her massive height and giant claws. You lock eyes with her briefly, with the last, flickering cinders of your courage. Then you shift your face down into Cassandra’s shoulder and prepare to be skewered through. Her fingers clutch you almost painfully close to her.
“As for you…” there’s a growl in Alcina’s voice that makes you cower in terror.
The horrible pain you expected takes a little too long to come.
“…you have backbone, little human, I will admit.” Is that… is that a smirk you hear in her tone? “And my daughters do seem to want you around…”
Cassandra slowly pulls away from you to look up at her in disbelief and you dare to open your eyes. The claws are still uncomfortably close to your face.
“I will take responsibility for the damage, mother. Just, please, let her stay with me.” Cassandra says.
“…Hm. Very well. I expect the windows repaired by dinner.” Alcina gracefully pivots and just like that, takes her leave.
You and the sisters are left there, unbreathing, unmoving, wondering what just happened.
“Too cold. See you at dinner.” Daniela is the first to speak up. She rapidly waves and disappears like she’s being hunted by an army.
Bela glances at you, then at her middle sister. “We need to talk. But later. For now, defrost.” She, too, disperses in a swarm of flies.
Cassandra, uncharacteristically vulnerable, looks into your eyes and brings a crystalline hand to your cheek. The soft way she does it, it may as well be the apology she is too proud to voice. You both lean towards each other, resting your foreheads together.
You have a lot to talk about. But there is time.
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watevermelon · 4 years ago
Same Old Love | Kaeya (Genshin) x Traveler!Reader
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✧ Summary: Kaeya was mysterious in every way that made you wary. From the gleam in his eye to how easy it was for him to flirt, it made you wonder how much he was presenting was truly real. Not wanting to get sucked in, you swore not to fall for the Cavalry Captain. At least, that was the plan, right? ➳ Notes: Angst with a happy ending ➳ A/N: Thank you so much for the ask!! This was fun to write ((I feel like I write so much angsty/jealousy fics haha)) I’m just getting into genshin and so please feel free to send in requests for these cuties <3 @breathings-of-the-heart​
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You had some worries about Kaeya, dubbed “The Handsome Mr. Kaeya” by Paimon.
There was no doubt that he was attractive, his ever present smirk and exposed chest was enough to signify to anyone that even Kaeya was well aware of his looks. But he tended to wield his words like a double edged sword - using his words for an express purpose.
It was admirable, in a way. He was the loyal Cavalry Captain who looked out for Mondstadt’s best interest. And while he had misled you on this pirate treasure adventure, there was no harm really done. In fact, from the way he prattled about haircuts and eyepatches inherited from his parents, you were already sure that it was simply a tale being spun for Paimon to latch onto.
At the end of the day, Kaeya still compensated you for your time and provided you with a higher-level weapon. The criminals were caught and the Knights were credited for another arrest of an infamous Treasure Hunter. It was a win-win situation that you very quickly put behind you as another job done.
The entire quest had not really bothered you - it was not like you had not withheld anything either. You ran from clue to clue without updating Kaeya on your progress, with the express intent of snagging some of this treasure yourself.
It was a really smart move on his part and, for whatever reason, it had the inverse effect on you - it made you want to get closer to Kaeya.
Paimon grumbled for all of a day before she prattled onto something new, complaining about the returning ruin guard by the temple or the way Venti sassed her. But you often found yourself hanging around Good Hunter or  Angel’s Share, wondering if you would be able to run into him again.
It was no surprise that Kaeya was always busy, Jean had mentioned before that Kaeya was the one who often wrapped up every physical incident that occurred in both the city and outer plains of Mondstadt.
And so it was easy to lose track of him, the image of Kaeya still present in your mind, just pushed back in the further recess as you continued in your struggle to find clues about your brother. When whispers on the street spoke of a Dark Knight hero, you were pleasantly surprised to see Diluc patrolling the streets from the shadows.
The last thing you had expected was to team-up with the very man who ran opposite to the Knights, but you learned how oddly sweet Diluc was in that short amount of time. His double life of fighting off the abyss army single-handedly to running the largest Winery on the continent - Diluc’s workload was no easy feat.
You were just out of the clear, Huffman gone to deal with the slimes when a resounding clap started from the dining area of the bar. Kaeya stood and approached you both, you turned to Diluc and he had the flattest, most unimpressed expression on.
You stood mostly silent in that conversation, Diluc with his arms and chin held high. Kaeya had reassured him that the secret was best kept that way, eyes glinting mischievously as they went from the winery owner to you.
You only stared right back, as if Kaeya’s face would give off exactly what he was looking for. Instead, he simply smiled at the both of you and left when Diluc said he was closing the bar. Diluc thanked you for your assistance, reassuring you that in case you need help, he was a willing hand.
When you walked out the bar then, Kaeya was still right outside, chatting casually with some of the late bar-goers that sat at the picnic table. Just as he made eye-contact with you, he bid himself goodbye from the group and fell into step with you.
“Paimon doesn’t trust blue-haired, eye-patched men anymore.” She started next to you.
“That’s good I’m a blue-haired, eye-patched handsome young man.” Kaeya shot back, to which she rolled her eyes. He then turned to you with the same open smirk as usual, “And here I was thinking I could make you my assistant.”
Was he flirting with you?
It took you a second to question this internally before Paimon scoffed, “Ugh, I’m going ahead to the inn. I don’t think I can stand watching you make kissy-faces at each other after the day we had.”
You waved a hand in her direction to smack her, but she was already flying away up and out of reach.
Turning back to the Captain, you were surprised to see that Kaeya was still looking at you, not even toward Paimon as she fled into the night.
Remembering his last statement, you shot back, “Think you could handle me?”
“Confidence, it looks very good on you.” Kaeya replied as his smile widened. He took a single step closer, lowering his voice next to your ear and continuing. “But the real question is if you have any idea what you’re getting yourself into?”
You stood your ground, ignoring the shiver that ran up your spine, “I always like to try new things.”
“I look forward to it.” Kaeya straightened, lightly grabbing your hand in one of his own and raising it to his lips. “Until then, traveler.”
To think that such a simple action, hardly anything scandalous, had lingered on your skin the entire night. You remembered the way his lips felt against your hand, how striking his blue eyes bore into your own. Kaeya was extremely dangerous, able to catch your attention and keep it for hours on end.
The next day you had a commission about dismantling a rising Hilichurl camp, a perfect distraction away from the eye-patched hunk that kept plaguing your thoughts. The last thing you expected was for Kaeya to see you.
“Looks like our honorary knight continues their do-good streak.”
“It’s the least I can do.” You replied back, a sassy hand on your waist.
“Why don’t I accompany you?”
You wanted to scream.
Paimon actually did groan before stating she was going to stay in the city.
And suddenly, your distraction was running exactly opposite to your intention. With Kaeya joining your party, the Cavalry Captain was making himself decidedly known you.
He led you around a cliff, showing you a higher area where you could survey the camp before bursting in guns blazing. There were six Hilichurls, some slimes scattered about and two towers already set-up in this enemy campsite.
You decided to stick together, coming in from the high ground and slamming your weapon into the ground at unsuspecting enemies. It felt nice to fight alongside someone again, oftentimes you were alone in your adventures. Paimon would yell words of encouragement, but never would she actually lift a finger to fight. But Kaeya was reliable, freezing enemies into place and shattering them where they stood.
Taking down some of the outer-rim electro Hilichurls equipped with bows, you were nearly finished with clearing the entire camp. You grabbed the pyro slimes and exploded them near the towers, taking down the camp with them. With the camp almost completely disassembled, you heard the tell-tale electronic power-up that only signified one enemy.
A ruin guard.
Hunched over, you watched as multiple missiles took aim on the nearby unsuspecting Cavalry Captain. Running the best you could, you threw decorum out the window as you all but tackled the poor man out of harm's way.
Rolling a few times, there was no surprised yelp from the man beneath you. He simply allowed you to take the wheel until you came to a stop, hovering over his body. Kaeya was undoubtedly taller than you, but you were face-to-face as he smirked beneath you.
“Wow, not that I’m against this.” Kaeya started, a quip ready. “But ask me out to dinner first.”
You flushed and stood up immediately, “I was saving you!”
“I’ll let you save me any day of the week.” Kaeya replied, earning a half-assed scowl on your behalf. He only laughed at you, calling your attempted look of intimidation only served to make a cute pout instead.
You huffed and considered leaving him with the ruin guard.
From then on there was no doubt about it - Kaeya was flirting with you.
And you were openly flirting back, if of course he decided a less obnoxious moment. In between commissions and nights at Angel’s Share, Kaeya flirtations were growing more and more brazen. It was one thing to kiss the top of your hand in greeting and another entirely for Kaeya to throw his hand across your hair, leaning in to openly bury his nose in your hair.
Diluc called you both disgusting.
Tonight, you entered Cat Tail’s semi-inconspicuously to get a drink. Paimon had long caught onto your game, saying that she surprisingly approved of Kaeya, since after all he was still a good guy in some ways.
But, she still was not exactly a fan of you too making “kissy-faces” at each other, her words. And so tonight you were flying solo, Paimon opting to annoy Amber instead tonight as they tracked down some abyss mage or other.
You tried your best to hang around the bar, looking around the tavern to see if the object of your desire was anywhere around. You meandered for a few minutes, saying greetings to other bargoers that had recognized you, before approaching the bartender if Kaeya has been around
The bartender recognized you immediately. It was hard not to place one of the few new people in Mondstadt, especially one that was crushing much of the country's enemies. Diona had mentioned before that you were a friend of Diluc’s, often more than just a customer at the rival tavern. No, you were seen running around the city with the red-head at random times.
She said the worst thing you could have ever suspected.
“I think Kaeya has a hot date tonight.”
You felt a lump in your throat form, but tried to keep your response guarded. “Oh?”
The bartender continued, “Yeah, I’m not sure if it was Paula? Or Maggie tonight? But you know the captain - always changing up his escapades.”
“Right, of course.” You replied back, words coming out before you could even register it. Instead, you kept on nursing your drink, spiteful words from the bartender marinating in your mind.
Kaeya was mysterious, yes. But was he leading you on?
… Was it right of you to trust him?
The first red flag should have been the fact that you knew nearly nothing about him personally. To think that you had spent all this time together talking and fighting alongside one another, but you could not even recall basic facts about him, let alone anything deep. You were unaware of his family history - Diluc was his brother, but it was the red-head who ended up confiding that fact to you.
Kaeya was so charming that you hadn’t even noticed he shut you out of his world.
And so there was no point in actively keeping a one-sided friendship like that. From then forth, you resolved to avoid the Cavalry Captain for the time being. You knew you had to free Dvalin together, but that did not mean you had to swoon for him in your free time.
It was almost expected of you to join him on Friday nights at Angel’s Share, but tonight you were missing. Neither Charles nor Diluc had seen you the entire day. There were probably a hundred different things you were doing - gathering resources, fighting slimes - and so Kaeya thought little of it.
But he was still disappointed not to see your face that night.
And so he thought nothing was wrong the next day when he saw you in the city square, talking to someone at the general store. He approached you and offered to join your party again, take down some enemies somewhere out in the country.
You didn’t even smile at him.
Not this time.
Just a curt no before you were leaving out the city gates.
The second time Kaeya already had enough and confronted you before you could even attempt to walk away.
He grabbed at your elbow, “Have you finally grown tired of me?”
You pulled it back, no real strength behind it as Kaeya still held you under his grip. “Kaeya, why is it that you keep reaching out to me? I have nothing of my own to offer - no money, no family - there is nothing left I can give you.”
He frowned in response but grabbed at your other hand, “I haven’t asked you for anything, have I?”
You looked away, “You don’t have to! It’s inherent, after all. Isn’t that why you asked me to team-up in the first place, to use me to find your criminals?”
Kaeya mentally recoiled, “Woah, back up. I may have guided you regarding the treasure but never have I maliciously led you on.”
You pulled at your hands to no avail, this time the captain actively trying to keep your attention on him. 
“I just! I thought I meant something more to you, Kaeya.”
He smiled and tried to pull you into his chest, but you shoved off his touch this time fully.
“No! You can’t just hug me and think everything is okay. You’re supposed to be one of the good guys, one of the handful of people I can trust in Mondstadt and I know nothing about you.”
Kaeya did not reach for your hands, instead moving to stand in front of you. “I’m sorry that I hold my secrets close to my chest, but that’s what I’m used to.”
Frustrated, you replied. “Don’t you get tired? Holding the people that love you at an arm's length?”
“I’m sorry.” He repeated, this time reaching for you. “I’m sorry that I made you feel like you weren’t special. Trust me, you’re the only one I’ve had eyes on ever since you landed here in Mondstadt.”
You shook your head, “But the bartender, she said -”
“Who cares what she said?” Kaeya interrupted, “They know village gossip, but they don’t know me or you.”
“I don’t really know you.” You replied.
Kaeya caressed the side of your cheek before lightly gently grabbing your hand again, “Then let’s start.”
With a hesitant smile, you closed your eyes and nodded.
You had your doubts then and it’s not like an issue of trust was fixed overnight. But, to his credit, Kaeya tried as best he could. Instead of meeting randomly at the bar, he would approach you sometime during the day and set-up a date. How he knew where you were was a mystery, but a man with that many connections surely had a way.
He had no qualms about holding your hand or openly kissing your cheek in the presence of others - proclaiming loudly to one and all in Mondstadt that you were his and he was yours.
Taking your first argument to heart, Kaeya was very keen on communication. Anything you were unsure of, he expressed that he was by no means rushing you. And when you finally shared your first kiss, for once not a single soul in front of the Lord Barbatos statue, you leaned into his touch to get many more.
Kaeya made good on his promise, slowly letting you into his world in kind. You remembered one night as the both of you sat on the edge of Mondstadt, nothing but ocean for miles in front of you. You had your head on his shoulder, describing your adventures with your brother and how you missed having family.  
Kaeya had a gentle hand in your hair, rubbing soothing circles as you recalled a time long ago. Once your story finished, you two continued to stare out, wondering what the future could hold as your minds swam in an endless sea of thoughts.
He broke the silence.
“I miss my brother also.”
Diluc was not always his estranged brother, but once a friend, supporter, and sounding board. Some even mistook them as truly twins in heart and mind, defending Mondstadt and having each other’s backs for years. The Diluc you had come to know was a shell of his old self, close friends and past hidden behind years of repressed feelings.
There was no doubt wistfulness in Kaeya’s eyes as he recalled the past to you, but you continued to listen quietly. 
Your relationship with the Cavalry Captain was hardly easy. Often responsibilities called you both - Kaeya was highly stationed in Mondstadt while you still had seven other countries to visit. But that did not mean the end for you both. Even when you were thousands of miles away or sat atop the highest mountain without a clue to where he was, you cherished the thought that you still shared the same sky with the love of your life.
No matter where you were in Teyvat, you had Kaeya to return to.
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seijorhi · 4 years ago
A commissioned continuation of this soulmate AU by the lovely @pokemonfreak666 - thanks for your patience, bby!!
Bakugou Katsuki x Female Reader, Kirishima Eijiro x Female Reader
TW non-con, nsfw, double penetration, rough fucking, minor mentions of blood, kidnapping
The water’s not hot enough. 
It should be; it should burn. The knob’s twisted all the way up, steam rising in billowing clouds, fogging up the bathroom mirror, but it’s not hot enough. You can still feel them on you. Everything else – the blood, saliva, their cum, you’d watched it swirl down the drain, sitting on the shower floor, arms curled tightly around yourself as if that was the only thing keeping you from falling apart and shattering entirely.
But the water’s scalding, and you can still feel your soulmates’ hands crawling over you…  their mouths… their cocks tearing you apart from the inside out. Why won’t it wash away? You’ve scrubbed and scrubbed, your skin’s red and raw but the filthy feeling won’t go.
And they’re just outside. Sitting in your bedroom, or maybe wandering around your living room, sprawled across your couch flipping through channels on the TV. Maybe they’re out there looking at the pictures that line your walls, you and your family, your friends. Fuck, maybe they’re in your kitchen, rifling through your fridge for a late night snack after fucking their soulmate six ways from Sunday.
You can’t go back out there. You don’t want to see them.
Is it awful to hope for some kind of horrifying villain attack or massive accident to force them to go and leave you in peace?
… Would they? 
You can’t imagine Pro Heroes not running off to do their duty, but before a few hours ago, you couldn’t imagine them holding somebody down and raping them either, and clearly they had no qualms about doing that, so maybe your Heroes aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. 
Then again, what difference would leaving make? They know where you live, probably where you work. There’s no anonymity anymore, it’s not like you can just slip away and hide from them. 
You’ve been in the bathroom too long already, you know that – you can almost feel their anxious energy seeping through the crack in the door. Too much longer and they’ll surely come bursting in. 
Patience clearly wasn’t their strong point, and it’s nothing short of a miracle they let you come in and shower alone. Kirishima at least had been more than eager to come join you, grinning widely and tugging you by the arm towards the bathroom– it’d been Bakugou, watching you pale and flinch through red, unreadable eyes who’d reined him back in. 
Maybe he saw how scared you were, how fragile the thread that was holding you together was. Maybe he thought that gifting you these precious minutes alone after what they did would in any way come close to starting to mend the damage they’d just wrought. 
Maybe he just hadn’t cared enough beyond getting his dick wet. 
You’d grown up thinking your soulmates would make you happy, love you in a way that nobody else ever could. The possibility of ever deliberately hurting them seemed like such a foreign and uncomfortable concept to you. But obviously they didn’t care enough about your feelings or your lack of consent to stop them from forcing themselves onto you, maybe you were nothing but an object to them. Something to take and fuck, because naturally you were made for them.
What did it matter if you didn’t want it? 
Your eyes drift down to the timers on your wrists, run down to zero. A quaking sob rips from your throat and you bite down harshly on your bottom lip to stifle it. 
“Why am I even here? In less than an hour you’re gonna meet them, and what am I supposed to do then, hmm?” your friend had asked with a laugh. “Be the world’s most awkward fourth wheel?”
You’d laughed with her, knocking your shoulders against hers with a fond little smile, “Well if they’re gonna be in my life for the long haul, don't you think it’s important that they meet the person who matters to me the most right off the bat?”
You’re terrified of going back out there and facing them, but what other option do you have? The only window in the bathroom is too high and too small to squeeze through, and even if you could, getting an apartment on the seventh floor had seemed like a great idea at the time, but it doesn’t exactly lend itself to an easy getaway. 
The flimsy lock on the bathroom door is all that’s keeping them out – with their strength it’s hardly much of a barrier at all, but it’s all you have.
Here in your bathroom, under the scalding water, you’re safe. They can’t hurt you.
You’d like to think that now they’ve gotten what they wanted, now that they know that you can’t run and their reputations can’t be tarnished, they’ll go. And there’s a little voice inside your head that tells you it’s a stupid, foolish hope. You know that the moment you set foot outside that door, things’ll never be the same again.
A few years back, you read an article on some tabloid website about an up and coming Hero who’d disappeared out of the blue after joining Hawks’ agency as an intern. Supposedly, they were soulmates, and once the Pro realised it, he’d swooped her up and taken her to some secret safe house to hide her away from the rest of the world, supposedly ‘for her own protection’. It was all rumours, of course. No way for them to actually prove the theory – and no one actually cared about some missing, low level Hero at the end of the day. It was news for a week and then everybody moved on.
Are they gonna do the same thing to you?
Spirit you away to some hideout where they can keep you all to themselves – so they can fuck you whenever they want without having to worry about you running off? You’ll never see your family again, or your friends… they’ll be your entire world, and just like that intern, everybody else will forget you ever existed.
Or maybe they’ll be satisfied enough just forcing themselves into your life, letting you go back to your job, your boring, mundane nine to five, never knowing when they’re going to pop up and take what they want. They’ll come over and play house, acting as if this is a normal relationship, waiting for you to come around and accept them. 
Love them. 
The thoughts makes bile rise in your throat. Your entire body aches from inside out. There’s bitemarks and bruises littering your skin, marks that won’t fade for days… you can’t let them do this to you again.
As if they can hear your panicked thoughts, a knock sounds on the bathroom door, and your heart clenches.
“Hey, babe?” Kirishima calls out, “You okay? You’ve kinda been in there a while…” 
That same voice, chanting breathlessly above you, “I love you, I love you– f-fuck– I love you!”
Panic, cloying and sharp tears at you. You try to answer, tell him to leave you alone, that you need more time, but the words catch in your throat and all that comes out is a pitiful squeak and he knocks again, louder, more insistent and it’s too much.
They're gonna break down the door and hurt you again. Hot tears well up and spill down your cheeks with an audible sob, and you clutch at yourself tighter, willing them away–
“Babe? Talk to us, sweetheart, you’re making us worried.”
The door handle jiggles insistently, and you bury your face between your knees breathing rapidly, they’re gonna break it down, they’re gonna break it down, they’re gonna–
“Move, Kiri,” Bakugou snaps.
You don’t register the snap of the lock breaking or the frantic footsteps that approach, the harsh sound of your heaving gasps drowning out all else. Then suddenly there’s strong, muscular arms pulling you out from the water with a muffled curse.
It’s Kirishima who’s holding you, you realise as a flash of blond darts back behind you to turn the shower off. And it’s suffocating, the way he clutches at you, big hands running along your back, pulling you closer, holding you tighter, words of comfort you can’t hear over the pounding of your own heart spilling from his lips. 
And then Bakugou’s face is filling your vision, the scowl on his face growing more pronounced as he studies you – shaking, teary, eyes wide and swimming with fear– 
Something inside of you just gives and you don’t fight it when the darkness swallows you whole.
When you come to, you’re lying on something soft – a bed, you realise, but not your own. There’s an arm slung over your waist; corded with muscles, tan, covered in fine, golden hair and faint white scars; Bakugou’s.
Which means that the warm breath gently tickling at your neck must belong to him as well. 
You’re not naked at least; a quick glance down at your body revealing they’d dressed you in one of your old tees and a pair of panties. You’re not sure whether that observation is supposed to calm or unnerve you; you’d rather be clothed than not, but the thought of your soulmates rifling through your things, dressing you while you were unconscious… is not a pleasant one. 
“You’re awake.” It’s an observation, not a question.  His voice is gruff, an edge of sleepiness clinging to the words, but it lacks the heat you’ve come to expect from the explosive Hero. He sounds comfortable almost – at least that’s the sense you get as his face presses up against the nape of your neck, his arm drawing you closer with a low groan.
Still, you haven’t uttered a sound. 
It feels surreal, lying there in your captor’s arms – and he is your captor, soulmate or no, there’s no denying that fact anymore. There’s a part of you that realises that you should be panicking, kicking scratching and clawing because you don’t know where you are, but it’s certainly not your apartment and you definitely don’t want him touching you after what he’s already put you through. 
But rather than the sheer, unrelenting panic that had gripped you before, it’s just… nothing. Dormant, lying simmering just below the surface, and you’re almost scared to draw breath, to shatter the sweet, tender facade between the two of you.
There’s no point in asking where you are, no point in demanding he let you go. They’ve shown you that what you want doesn’t matter here, so instead you ask the obvious question.
“Where’s Kirishima?”
Bakugou grunts, burrowing himself closer. It’s not cold in the room, but his bare skin burns like a furnace, just on the wrong side of comfortable. “Makin’ breakfast.”
You swallow tightly, but Bakugou isn’t done. 
“Scared the shit out of us, fainting like that,” he scoffs. “Should’a fuckin’ known you’d need us to come take care of you.”
His fingers, resting over your stomach, dip lower, sliding roughly beneath the hem of your panties as he grinds his hips along your ass. He’s hard already, you can feel every inch of it, long and thick pressing insistently up against you. 
Shame and indignation flare up like a match struck, but before you can even open your mouth to snap a retort, Bakugou yanks his hand out of your underwear to stuff his fingers inside your mouth.
Your first instinct is to bite down, but the blond at your back just growls, “Suck,” and you’re not stupid enough to think that hurting him (or trying to at least) is going to stop what’s about to happen.
Or maybe you’re just scared to test exactly how far you can push them before they really hurt you. 
Obediently, your tongue swirls around his thick digits, hollowing out your cheeks and earning a grunt of appreciation from your soulmate. 
“Always thought that my soulmate was gonna be someone strong,” he mutters, his hips still rocking up against yours. “Somebody who could keep up with Kiri ‘n me, hold their own in a fight. Never thought you’d be some weak as shit, quirkless little cry-baby.”
It stings more than it has any right to. 
Slowly, his fingers slide from your lips, a long, thin glistening strand of saliva connecting the two. It’s hard to fight the whine that escapes you as they return to your pussy, angrily shoving aside your panties before thinking better of it and ripping them off of you completely. The warm puff of breath that ghosts across your skin sends shivers down your spine, and though you can’t see his face when he speaks next you can tell that he’s grinning.
“But fuck, sweetheart, you’re goddamn perfect – everythin’ we didn’t know we needed.”
He kisses you as his index and middle fingers plunge eagerly into your cunt, not the rough, biting kisses he’d gifted you with the night before, no. These are almost tender, sweet – or at least as sweet as a monster like Bakugou is capable of – entirely at odds with way his calloused fingers curl inside of you, fucking you, stretching you out while he cruelly thumbs at your clit.
Katsuki wants you strung out and whining for him. For Kirishima.
He wants you helpless.
“We’re gonna keep you nice ‘n safe, baby. Won’t have to worry about a goddamn fucking thing ‘cept keepin’ your soulmates happy.”
It sounds more like the passing of a sentence than a reassurance, but you can’t tell him that you don’t want this. He knows – he has to by now. He just doesn't care.
You don’t hear it when Kiri comes back, not when Bakugou’s sucking at your neck, your pussy throbbing with need as his fingers drive relentlessly into you, hitting your g-spot with every flick of his wrist.
You might not have noticed the redhead lingering in the doorway, his cock tenting in his pants, eyes dark and glazed over as he watches the show unfolding before him, but Bakugou certainly does.
“Oi, shitty hair. You just gonna stand there and watch or are you actually gonna fucking do something?” His voice is rough and a little breathless, closer to a growl than speech – it makes your gut clench, a shiver run down along your spine.
When your eyes finally do meet Kirishima’s, your heart squeezes, your stomach flipping. Kirishima’s staring at you like a wolf readying itself to pounce, like he wants to devour every inch of you and savour the taste.
He grins widely, pink tongue darting out to lick his lips.
Bakugou’s the one with the bad reputation – as explosive as his quirk, brash at the best of times and overly aggressive even with his friends – you have every reason to be terrified of him, even before he broke into your home to take you. 
Kirishima might be kinder, gentler with his touches (at least, he tries to be), but you’re a fool if you think you’re any safer with the redhead. 
“Thought you said you were gonna wait,” he says, advancing towards the two of you as he kicks out of his shorts, but the grin on his face doesn’t waver for a second. He’s not nearly as put out as he pretends. “I could hear the pretty little thing moaning all the way in the kitchen.”
Shame would be enough to flood your cheeks with heat, but it’s the sight of Kiri’s cock, flushed an angry red, veiny and thick, hanging heavy between his muscular thighs that does the job. The spit in your mouth dries, your heart thumping unevenly even as pleasure pools in your gut courtesy of Bakugou’s attention. You let out a sharp shriek as he quickens his pace, one hand reaching to grab at his wrist, the other clutching desperately for purchase at the bedsheets, but it’s not enough. 
Heat burns at your core, and unwittingly, you find your hips bucking up against him, fervently searching for more.
At your back, the blond chuckles, you feel the deep vibrations echoing through your chest, “Yeah, well you were taking too long.” 
There might be more that he says, but at that moment he slides a third finger into your dripping cunt, calloused fingertips slamming against your tight, gummy walls and you’re robbed of the ability to think. 
Your first orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, the building pleasure snapping like an elastic band stretched too far. A strangled moan slips out of your lips, and you don’t even notice the teeth sinking into your shoulder, Bakugou once more staking his claim as you cum for him. You quiver and quake in his grip, your cunt tightening around his digits and sucking them in further with a lewd squelching sound that you might be more embarrassed about if you could focus on anything but the pleasurable aftershocks of your peak.
All the while, Kirishima drinks you in, salivating at the sight of your drooling, fucked out expression, the syrupy slick that’s all but dripping out around Bakugou’s thick fingers, still stuffed deep inside of your pussy.
And maybe if he were a better man, he might allow you a moment to breathe and hurtle back down to earth, but patience has never been a virtue of his. He lunges forward faster than a man of his size has any right to, jumping onto the bed and all but tearing you out of Bakugou’s hold. You’re still reeling, panting and sore and dizzy with pleasure as Kirishima’s lips crash against yours, stealing what little breath you have left in a burning kiss.
Your attention’s caught on the way his tongue’s sliding against yours, trying to coax you into kissing back, the sharp, minty taste of him – you miss the way he grasps at his flushed, leaking cock, dragging it along your puffy slit. You miss the sound of Bakugou shedding his own pants.
You’re still weakly trying to push at his chest when Kiri slides his cock into your warm, welcoming cunt, his low, guttural moan lost to your lips. And despite Bakugou’s attempts at preparing you, it still burns, the sheer girth of his fat cock filling you up and stretching you uncomfortably. Tears sting at your eyes, a whimper catching in your throat as he hums in pleasure, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer, impaling you further onto his length.
Yet you’re not given a moment to accommodate the massive cock inside of you – not as you feel another blunt, flushed cockhead pressing up against your already stuffed pussy. Realisation hits a moment too late, your face blanching, your heart skipping a beat as panic – sheer panic – chokes at you.
You try to push back from Kiri’s embrace, only to feel Bakugou once again pressing up against your back, trapping you between them. You squirm in vain, trying to kick and push, fighting even as the blond’s cock, not as girthy as Kirishima’s but still far too big for you to take with Kiri still inside of you, starts to force its way into your plush, velvety walls.
“F-fuck, she’s tight,” he grunts as you arch up against Kiri, your tits, still covered by your thin, cotton tee, squishing up against his bare chest in an attempt to writhe away from the overwhelming feeling of fullness, the burning, stinging, throbbing pain between your legs.
But your soulmates are far from considerate, not even as you start to wail, your nails raking down the redhead’s broad shoulders. 
“Your pussy’s a fuckin’ dream,” he continues, swearing with a hiss as he finally bottoms out.
It’s too much, you feel like you’re being split in two. Every twitch and throb of their dicks, every vein, every inch of them is pressed too tightly against you, your walls struggling to take them both. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, oh god it hurts so fucking bad, but neither one of them care as you start to sob–
No, Kiri just kisses away your tears, taking your face in his large hands and cooing sweetly when you beg them through gasping, heaving sobs to stop.
“You’re doing so good for us, baby. Look how well you’re taking our cocks – it’s like you were made for us,” he laughs at his own stupid joke, and all you can focus on is the pain as he starts to draw his hips back, your oversensitive walls screaming in protest. “We’re gonna make you feel so fucking amazing, just wait.”
And it’s not his wide, beaming grin that shatters you, or even the hunger blazing in those crimson depths. It’s not Bakugou panting at your back, his hands coming up to shove your top up so he can palm greedily at your tits, or even the lewd almost feral sounds the explosion Hero’s making as he and Kirishima settle into a maddening rhythm, not allowing you a moment to catch your breath and steady yourself as they fuck you.
No, it’s the sheer, feverish love you can see written across his face clear as day, the softness with which he holds you, even as he chases his own pleasure.
This is their version of love, and you – quirkless, weak as shit and entirely at their mercy – have no hope in hell of escaping it. 
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imagine-a-life-like-this · 3 years ago
Transferring Hearts (L.MH)
Warnings : gangs, fighting, swearing, drugs, suggestive content (if you squint)
Word Count : 3453
Synopsis : she didn’t only transfer schools, she also found herself transferring hearts.
“You’ll regret choosing them over us.” Her now ex-boyfriend, Choi Hyun Suk, threatened, his hand wrapped around her arm so tight she could feel the bruise forming before he let go. “I’ll make sure of it.”
           “You don’t scare me, Choi Hyun Suk.” She spat, hatred in her eyes that once held so much love for him. A sinister smirk took over the anger on his face as he pushed her up against the wall, holding both her arms above her head, watching as she struggled to get away.
           “I should, princess. I know all your weaknesses.” She stopped trying to get away, meeting Hyun Suk’s eyes. He wouldn’t go that far. He wasn’t that evil. But one look into his eyes and she knew. The boy she fell in love with in high school was gone; there was absolutely no sign of him left.
           “You leave him out of this.” He let out a sinister chuckle before leaning in really close to her face. She could smell the booze and cigarettes on his breath, a smell she definitely won’t miss.
           “I don’t think I will, princess. He’s always been apart of this, and you know that.” He let her go, taking a couple steps back, but she stayed put, knowing he wasn’t finished. “He created this family, he made us who we are today.”
           “You look really out of it today.” Hyunjin said, pulling her out of her thoughts. She broke up with Hyun Suk one month ago now, and he hasn’t made a move. Not on her, not on her friends, and not on her brother. He was planning something big, that’s something she knew for sure.
           “Just some personal things, Jinnie.” She replied, barely able to meet his eyes. When she transferred from YG to JYP, she didn’t expect things to get messy. She promised herself she would always return to her boys; she would always return to Hyun Suk. They were her family, her whole world.
           But Felix was persistent on being in her life. No matter how hard she pushed him away, he always came back. She found it difficult to say no to the freckled face boy, suddenly wanting to be in his life. It’s not betrayal to make new friends.
           “What happened?!” Her hands delicately grabbed Felix’s injured face, inspecting each injury thoroughly before sitting him down and grabbing her first aid kit. “Who did this to you, Lix?” She asked, tears in her eyes every time he winced from the pain.
           “Choi Hyun Suk and his goons.” Her working hands froze at his name, her heart shattering. “It’s okay.” He smiled, grabbing one her hands, pulling her from her thoughts. “It’s not the first time, don’t worry about it.”
           “I’ll take care of it.” She whispered, going back to working on his injuries. “No one will hurt you again, not on my watch.” He chuckled, not realizing how serious she was.
           She knew her boys were no longer her boys the day Felix came in with bruises and cuts littering his body. And she was going to take care of it.
           A couple days after Felix came to school with injuries, it was her turn. Hyunjin was the first to bombarde her with questions as the two of them, along with Seungmin, shared multiple classes together. “I had to take care of business. This is nothing.” She tried to be nonchalant, but she was in pain. She just wanted to talk to them, figure out where they were going wrong. But they labeled her a traitor, attempting to beat her to a pulp like they did others.
           “What do you mean you were taking care of business?” Hyunjin questioned, his brows furrowed.
           “I think you already know.”
           “You were one of them.” The slight nod of her head was all the confirmation Hyunjin needed. “Did they do this to you because you stood up for Felix?” She turned her head to look at Hyunjin. He could see the answer in her eyes, the way she looked so hurt, so betrayed.
           “I made my choice and suffered the consequences.” But Hyun Suk’s words echoed in her mind like a catchy song from the radio. “I just hope I won’t regret it.”
           The class ended and the three of them headed for the cafeteria, meeting their other friends at their normal table. “Hyunjin. Seungmin.” Chan said, his eyes glossing over her completely. “Minho needs us.”
           “Bring me with you.” She spoke up, knowing the familiar look in Chan’s eyes. The same look Hyun Suk would give the boys when business needed to be done.
           “No offence,” Chan tried to speak, but she interrupted him.
           “You’re going to need me. I know those boys better than anyone.” The groups eyes were trained on her, thinking about what her words could mean. But Hyunjin knew. Hyunjin figured it out a month ago but kept it a secret.
           “She’s right, Chan.” Hyunjin spoke up, taking everyone by surprise. “She’s their weakness.” The conversation Felix had with her after his beating started to make more sense. The bruises that littered her body a couple days later made sense. They didn’t want to believe that the girl they befriended, the girl they opened their group to, was apart of the rival gang.
           “Follow us.” Her eyes quickly met Felix’s, giving him an apologetic look, before following Chan with Hyunjin and Seungmin by her side.
           Changbin and Minho were already in the meeting room when they arrived. She held her head up high as she approached Minho. “Why are you here?” He questioned, glancing behind her, and scowling at Chan. “This is an important meeting, and you’re not welcome here.”  
           “She was one of them, hyung. Without her, we don’t know where to start.” Hyunjin spoke, earning a glare from Minho.
           “Listen, I know you don’t like me, and if I’m honest, I’m not fond of you either. But I need you, and frankly, you need me too. Those guys play dirty, but I know all their secrets.” Minho scoffed, crossing his arms across his chest, and sitting back in his chair.
           “How can I trust you?” She took no offence, knowing she would wonder the same thing had the roles been reversed.
           “Because Choi Hyun Suk threatened to kill my brother. And I would do anything to protect my brother.” No one else said anything for a couple of minutes; Minho pondered her statement, wondering if she was telling the truth.
           “She got beat up protecting Felix, hyung.” Hyunjin spoke up again. “She chose us, now we need to choose her.” The anger on Minho’s face softened at the new information. Felix, Jisung, and Jeongin have been friends with the five of them since high school, long before the five of them got into this life. But still, they vowed to protect the three of them. Minho always hated that there was nothing he could do to help Felix, knowing that boy couldn’t hurt a fly even if he tried.
           “You protected Felix?” He asked, his voice no longer had the bite it previously did, allowing her to let her guard down.
           “He’s been nothing but kind and giving since I got here. My loyalty runs deep for those I care about, and that no longer includes Choi Hyun Suk, Kim Junkyu, Yoshi, Yoon Jaehyuk, or Bang Ye-dam. Just as I would do anything to protect my brother, I’ll do anything to protect Felix.”
           “What’s the plan then?” When those words left Minho’s mouth, everyone took a seat and the meeting finally began.
         Everything happened so fast; she could barely comprehend everything that just happened. All that could be heard was the heavy breathing of everyone surrounding her, but she didn’t focus on that. She could only focus on the smug look on Hyun Suk’s face as her shoe dug into his chest. “What did you just say?” She tried to keep her voice level, trying not to let anyone know how close she was to breaking.
           “I said, shouldn’t you be protecting your brother instead of fighting with me?” She looked around at the others, all having varying injuries to their bodies, some collapsed on the ground. Slowly, she backed away from her ex, allowing him to come to his feet once again, staring at her like she was the only person that mattered. “This could all end, you know.” Her eyes met his, and she immediately knew what he wanted. He wanted her.
           Minho watched from the other side of the room. He watched as she looked around at everyone, her eyes barely meeting his own, but he could see the pain. This was a difficult decision for her, and he knew in that moment that her brother would come before anyone else, even herself. Minho watched as her tearful eyes met Hyunjin’s, who took her side as quick as he could, protectively standing in front of her, staring directly at Hyun Suk. “She’s not yours anymore.” Choi Hyun Suk scoffed as he crossed his arms across his chest, meeting Hyunjin’s angry eyes.
           “Oh look, her new boyfriend came to her rescue. Fun, isn’t it? Protecting her and having her repay you in her special way.” He stuck his tongue in his cheek and threw his head back while letting out a soft moan. “I miss that the most.” He chuckled while looking right passed Hyunjin, into her eyes. “I know you miss me too, princess.” Minho had heard enough, stalking over to Hyun Suk, and punching him in the face.
           “Get her out of here.” Minho growled to Hyunjin, who promptly grabbed her hand and ran out of the room, Y/N trailing closely behind him.
           “I have to go to the hospital.” She let out, her tears finally streaming down her cheeks. “I have to see my brother.”
           “I’ll drive you.” The drive was quiet; soft music came through the speakers while she tried not to let out her sobs. Hyunjin had barely parked when she was jumping out of the car and running through the doors of the hospital. She had the route to her brother’s room engrained in her mind. Third floor, turn right, sixth room on the left, room 312.
           “Oppa.” She whispered as she took the chair beside his bed, her hand wrapping around his. Her heart started to calm down seeing him calmly laying there, still alive.
           “Miss Kwon, what are you doing here at this hour?” The nurse that normally watched over her brother glanced down at her watch before meeting her eyes once again.
           “I missed him.” She lied, wiping away the tears that wouldn’t stop falling. “Please tell me some good news.”
           “Still no change.” She turned around, facing her brother once more, brushing the hair out of her brother’s closed eyes. The injuries that once adorned his skin had faded, leaving his face in perfect condition, but he still wouldn’t wake up. “You know the chances of him waking up are small.”
           “But there’s still a chance.”
           “Yes, but if he does, he won’t be the same.”
           “He’d still be my brother.” She sobbed, laying her head on the bed while looking up to her brother’s sleeping face. The nurse just patted her shoulder before leaving, taking one last glance at the heartbroken girl crying at her brother’s bedside, silently begging him to wake up. How she wished she could do more for the young girl, but nothing could be done. They could only wait.
           “Excuse me, I’m looking for my friend. She ran in here for her brother but I don’t know her brother’s name.” Hyunjin asked the nurse as she approached the nurses station on the third floor. “Kwon is her last name if that helps.”
           “Sixth door on the left. Room 312.” She said with a soft smile. “Remind her to take care of herself, please.” The nurse pleaded, remembering the first month Ji-yong was admitted, she refused to leave his side. She remembered watching this young girl wither away before slowly getting better with the help of her boyfriend.
           Hyunjin just nodded before walking towards the room he was told she’d be in. Quietly, he slid into the room, listening as she told her brother stories of her time at JYP. “I know that YG was your home, oppa, but I think JYP is mine. I tried following in your footsteps, but they’ve tarnished your name. They even threatened to kill you, oppa. How could I stay when my new friends are so much better? I betrayed them, but I don’t feel guilty about it.”
           “You shouldn’t feel guilty for choosing people who care about you.” Hyunjin spoke up, startling the girl. “So this is your brother?” He walked closer to her, glancing towards her brother that lay there motionless.
           “The one and only.” She smiled. “Kwon Ji-yong, better known as G-Dragon.” She giggled as Hyunjin’s jaw dropped.
           “You mean to tell me you are the notorious G-Dragon’s sister?” She nodded. “Isn’t he-“
           “As you can see he’s not dead, but he’s not far off.” There were no external injuries, having all faded throughout the months he’s been laying here, but Hyunjin knew that must mean there are some extensive internal injuries. Everyone’s heard the story. It’s what started the rivalry between the big three: YG, JYP, and SM. G-Dragon was an underground rapper, the best of the best really. He was an older brother for a lot of younger guys, like Hyunjin. He also was apart of an underground boxing ring; fighting to make money and dealing on the side to make ends meet. Everyone knew G-Dragon had something to fight for, but Hyunjin couldn’t believe it was a little sister.
           “He helped me through a lot. He helped a lot of people.” She nodded, knowing very well the kind of person her brother was. The kind of guy that would do anything he could to protect those he loves. That’s what put him here. Taeyang had been his best friend since childhood. The kind of guy that wouldn’t back down from a fight, even when the odds were stacked against him. Ji-yong had to step in to stop Taeyang from getting beat to death. And now Taeyang is walking around just fine, while Ji-yong lay in this hospital bed, no one knowing if he’d ever wake up.
           “He’s all I have left.” Hyunjin placed his hand on her back, rubbing it lightly to let her know he’s here.
           “We’re your family now. You’re safe with us, I promise.”
         She didn’t go to school the next day, instead opting to stay by her brother’s side. Hyunjin tried to stay with her, but she all but pushed him out the door. “Is she okay?” Felix asked when he saw Hyunjin approach their table in the cafeteria. Hyunjin looked at all the concerned faces of his friends as he took his usual seat, shaking his head.
           “I’m not sure she ever was.” He admitted, images of her crying while washing her brother with a warm cloth flashing through his mind. How had he not seen the broken girl she hid behind her tough girl exterior? “Her brother has been in a coma for the last year with no signs of waking up.” Everyone exchanged saddened looks, wondering what they could do for their new friend.
           “Where is she?” Minho asked.
           “Still at the hospital.” Minho stood from the table and stormed out of the cafeteria. He ignored the calls from his friends. He only had one thought in his mind; she would not be alone, not during a time like this.
           He got the room number from Hyunjin who knew exactly where he was heading. Only a week ago he hated this girl with every fibre of his being, not trusting her the way the others did. But when she stood in front of him, ready to fight her ex because of Felix, he opened his heart to her. And now here he stood, watching this girl who seemed so strong, so tough, sobbing while holding her brother’s hand. “You should take care of yourself too.”
           She jumped slightly at the sound of his voice but smiled softly when she saw Minho standing at the door. “He comes first.” Minho walked closer to her, not liking that answer.
           “Then I guess I’ll have to take care of you.” He slid his hand into her free one, pulling her up from the chair she spent all night in. “At least grab food with me.” His grip tightened around her hand when she tried to pull away, tried to deny his request. One look in his eyes and she could tell he wouldn’t back down.
           “Okay.” She finally agreed, reluctantly letting go of her brother’s hand and following Minho to the hospital cafeteria, his hand not leaving hers until they were sitting down. “You didn’t have to come here, you know.” She said as she began to eat.
           “You shouldn’t be alone right now.” She didn’t know why, but her heart picked up at his words. Just a week ago, she couldn’t stand him, thinking he was just an arrogant prick. But now here she was enjoying a meal with him, wondering why things felt so normal with him.
         Minho stayed with her at the hospital, taking her to the cafeteria every day to make sure she eats. He even convinced her to allow him to take her home so she could shower and change.
           The more time she spent with him, the more she started to fall for him. Besides her brother, no one has ever taken care of her the way Minho has. He knew she needed to be by her brother’s side, so instead of forcing her away from him, he stayed by her side while she hoped for her brother’s recovery. “Oppa, I think I like him.” She spoke softly to her brother while Minho was gone on a call. “You wouldn’t believe that we hated each other only a month ago.” She giggled, shaking her head at all the memories.
           The way he would roll his eyes every time she joined their table. How he always had something to say when she spoke. Everyone else welcomed her with open arms, but he was hesitant to let her in. He hid his fears behind cocky arrogance, pretending that he was too good to be around her. But they had more in common than they expected.
           “I think you’d like him, oppa. He has the same morals you do, unlike Hyun Suk. I’m sure if you were awake, you’d approve of all my new friends. You’d be okay that I chose a different school. You’d be okay that my heart belongs to someone from a rival school.”
           Minho stood at the door, listening to the words she was telling her brother, unbeknownst to her. He could feel the familiar feeling of butterflies in his stomach, knowing that she was talking about him. He could feel it in his heart that his feelings were returned. He wasn’t quite sure when it happened, his hatred turning to love, but he wasn’t going to hold back. “He’d be happy as long as you’re happy.” He spoke up, startling her much like he did when he showed up a month ago.
           “How long have you been standing there?” She asked, her eyes wide as if she had just been caught doing something illegal. He chuckled to himself, wondering if this is how she looked when she got caught by the dean of YG, a story she told him only a week ago.
           “Long enough.” He smiled, walking towards her with determination in his eyes. Once in front of her, he cupped her face and pressed his lips to hers. It was a kiss so different than the ones she shared with Hyun Suk. And she knew then that though her brother belonged at YG, she belonged at JYP. She belonged with her new found friends. Felix, Hyunjin, Chan, Jeongin, Jisung, Seungmin, Changbin; she belonged with all of them. She belonged with Lee Minho.
           This was the family she was missing. She didn’t have to try to fit in with them, she didn’t have to try to make them like her. She wasn’t walking on eggshells trying not to make them angry. They accepted her just as she was. This was the family that her brother spoke so highly of. He found his at YG, and she found hers at JYP. Because she didn’t just transfer schools all those months ago, she transferred hearts. YG to JYP. Choi Hyun Suk to Lee Minho. It just all made sense.
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duskamethyst · 4 years ago
make it right.
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a/n: i was on a writing high. i initially hated this so much but ended up with 12 pages long.
word count: 5.1k
genre: mature, smut, nsfw, angst to fluff
warnings: mentions of abortion, pregnancy
pairing: hawks x f!reader
𝅘𝅥𝅮  music rec: the reason by hoobastank  𝅘𝅥𝅮
summary: you told keigo that you’re carrying his child but he didn’t take it well. five years later he shows up in front of your door after being invited by his son and says he wants to fix everything.
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you lean down towards the counter as you concentrate on creating pretty swirls of cream on the cake you baked with a piping bag. the dining table is full of food, a feast almost too huge for only two people, but you have a good excuse. it is a special day. your son’s fifth birthday to be exact. 
kids these days can be ruthless and your son doesn’t get along very well with the other kids from his kindergarten. they like picking on others that seem too fragile, too quiet – criteria that fits him well and it doesn’t help with the fact that they know he’s growing up without a father. your child never opened up to you about the constant mocking he faced until one day you overheard him sobbing through his pillow in his own room. it was dark, though the door was still open by an inch to allow a small amount of light to penetrate into the room whenever he slept. he said he wanted to sleep earlier because he was tired but the muffling sounds he tried to conceal betrayed his efforts when you passed by later that night.
it made you angry and disappointed in yourself. you really tried your best to juggle between being a mom and a dad at the same time, keeping an eye on your child and working your ass off to make a living for the two of you. you’d always put up a tough front, never broke down in front of him when you were dead tired from being overworked and the thought of him trying to not make you worry, shattered your heart into pieces. you know that all he deserves is a good life and you constantly blame yourself for not being good enough, mostly angry at your past self for not even knowing how to make good decisions and think things through. 
if only you could turn back time, you would tell yourself to never get involved with a pro hero – to never get involved with someone who feels so responsible for other strangers’ lives but not their own child’s. 
were you being selfish? for not understanding that his work always comes first? he can’t possibly have a family when he has villains out there that need to be put in their right place for their crimes. were you expecting too much from him?
“can’t you… get rid of it?” he muttered. his cold words felt like a sharp blade that just stabbed you in the heart. never once you thought that he would say that. how easy was it for him to ask you to throw out another life like it meant nothing? 
“keigo, you can’t be serious.” you shook your head, your legs were already wobbling and you felt sick to your stomach. this news should be happy for the both of you but unfortunately, you two weren’t on the same page. 
was it your fault? keigo never spoke about having a child together but he always said he’d love to build a family with you someday – he loved you, he would always protect you and be there for you. sure, it was a slip up this time. you always made sure to take proper measures to avoid pregnancy from happening but you were also more than glad to bear this child and you were convinced that keigo would be happy about it as much as you were. he loved you so much, after all. 
“i don’t think…” he stammered, trying to find the right words. “give me some time.”
your lips pursed into a thin line, hands clenching hard and knuckles turning white. think? the uncertainty in his voice was already giving you the obvious answer. he couldn’t even look you in the eyes. he never wanted this.
“save the trouble, keigo.” you spat. “how about i’ll just leave so you don’t even have to think at all?”
keigo finally lifted up his head to look at you with wavering eyes, but he still couldn’t find the words to say, to comfort you. “what are you saying?”
“i’m still going to have this child. even if it means i have to do it alone.” with a sharp breath, you turned around towards the door.
you heard a frustrating sigh coming from your back, “you know i can’t. you know damn well that i have my job as a hero and i can’t look after… after a child!”
“but it’s your child keigo!” you turned around to scream and look at him again, tears already welling in your eyes, threatening to pour out.
“and what difference does that make?!” he yelled back. “in fact, that’s even worse!”
the room was quiet as the both of you just stood there. keigo slowly realizing what just came out of his mouth in the heat of the moment while you just stared at him in disbelief. both were standing stunned and speechless from what he clearly said. that was it, you thought. 
“fuck you.” you cursed under your breath and immediately left his place, not even sparing a look back. 
if he was sorry, he would chase after you. if he didn’t mean it, he would look everywhere for you.
but none of that happened.
you ended up going back to your hometown after that. it was shameful, to finally see your parents again but just to cry on their feet as soon as you saw their faces and telling them that you were carrying an illegitimate child. it was devastating for them initially but thankfully they easily accepted it, welcoming you to stay over at their place with open arms so they could help you throughout your pregnancy until the baby was born and grown. above all, you were still their daughter. living far away, your parents had never met keigo and they were shocked to know that you were having the no.2 pro hero’s baby but also disappointed at how he reacted when you told him the news.
however, what was done is done and you can only manage to move forward by raising the child with your utmost capability. you promised yourself that you’ll protect and raise this child with as much love and care a mother can offer. whatever it takes, even if you’ll have to do it by yourself. 
you ended up living with your parents until your son turned four and decided to live independently, not wanting to burden them any longer. they didn’t want to let you go, the presence of the child brought so much joy in their daily lives. he was a bundle of sunshine and they loved him so much. 
and kyō is just beautiful. 
keigo’s genes manage to overpower your son compared to yours. fluffy but shorter blonde hair, dark and sharp on the inner corner of the eyes and not to forget the red wings on his back. it isn’t as big as keigo’s yet but it still stands out. although he takes on your personality more, every part of him reminds you of keigo and sometimes it feels like a jab to your chest. it hurts to be reminded of the man that hurt you and told you to get rid of the child you were bearing so ruthlessly.
throughout the years, you tried to make peace with the past. at first, it was hard to look at the news and see his face. he was almost everywhere, a lot of stores also sold his merchandise and his face even covered the magazines-- you realized you couldn’t escape him, your past. although he’s in the limelight, the media was still unaware about his private life and you were glad alas the similar features of kyō to the pro hero made some passersby and mothers at the park question you. fortunately, you already came up with a bullshit excuse like “he is such a big fan of hawks and he cosplays him every day… and oh, the wings are fake too.”
of course, strangers weren’t the only ones who inquired about it. even the little child himself could smartly notice his resemblance with the pro hero.
as soon as he first saw hawks on tv, he went on and on about how they looked so much alike. he was beyond fascinated, he could barely understand what the news was talking about at the time but being on the screen was more than enough to make him understand that hawks was an amazing guy. his eyes would twinkle in wonder when the news caught footage of him flying in the air with his red wings spreading graciously. if anything at all, kyō just couldn’t wait to flap his own smaller wings soon. 
then one thing led to another. a question that any curious child would ask their parents about. 
oftentimes kyō would ask you about his dad. why didn’t he have one like the other children he played with at the park and oftentimes you would try to avoid the topic and shrugged it off with a lame joke saying how you were also his dad and how you were powerful to have two bodies in one unlike other people. 
he ended up growing tired of it one day, crying to you and asked if the reason why he didn’t have one was because he didn’t love him – something he heard one of the kids said. it broke you and you were lost for words. you called your parents for support and after much discussion, your mother thought he deserved to at least know the truth and you did just that. 
luckily, he took it surprisingly well. even his little brain can comprehend the job of a top hero, he understood that it was a lot of work and keigo was often busy and far away. it was less to his liking when you made him promise you to not tell anyone about it and he should keep it as a secret because bad guys would chase after him if another single soul would know and his dad did it to protect him. it was a bad lie, but still, you had to do it.
later, kyō realized that his birthday was coming soon. he knew what he had always wanted. he didn’t know if he could have it but maybe… maybe if he tried and wished hard enough, it would come true. 
he sneakily took your phone to look up “hawks'' on your phone, though at first he was only shown results and pictures of the literal bird before smartly adding “pro hero” at the back. with limited comprehension, he eventually managed to find the agency’s website before scrolling further to find the address to the agency and scribbled it down on a piece of paper. 
“daddy?!” the bell has been ringing for a few times but you were too concentrated on decorating the birthday cake to even hear it but your son’s small wings flutter in excitement as he runs across the hallway to open the door.
your heart stops for a second. was that the reason why your son was pacing around the living room? you’re not expecting any guests for tonight’s dinner at all, especially the father of your child. 
“hey! i got your letter!” the familiar excited tone of his voice bursts from the door as he speaks. he kneels down eye-level as his son and gives him a big hug. “happy birthday.”
“what letter?” you break into the conversation, arms folded in front of your chest as you lean against the wall with an unamused expression written across your face. 
“i wrote daddy a letter!” your son says proudly, but you can already imagine the horrible squiggly lines on the handwritten letter. 
“and you gave me a picture too. you look exactly like me, am so happy!” keigo chuckles, ruffling the hair of his boy, eliciting little giggles from the other. it’s a beautiful sight and it makes your heart ache a little at the image of what it could’ve been. if only he was fully ready to accept the fact that he was gonna bear a child. if only he knew how to balance between his career and personal life. you could’ve had the most beautiful family you’ve ever dreamed of. 
“honey, can you go to your room for a bit? your daddy and i have to talk.” you say softly, hoping that he won’t take it any other way.
“am i.. in trouble?” kyō turns to you with a frown and puppy eyes – which he knows well that it would always work on you and it’s almost adorable how it’s exactly what keigo would do whenever he makes you annoyed with his antics. it’s just one of his ways to apologize to you. 
you sigh and shake your head, “no. we’re gonna talk about…” you glance elsewhere as you think of an excuse. “your surprise present!” 
“it’s not a surprise anymore if you say it like that, mommy!” the child laughs and scurries to his room as told and the both of you watch him with a smile tugged on your lips. 
you turn back to keigo with a dour expression as soon as your son closes the door to his room, causing him to fidget a bit from his spot. he hasn’t seen it for years, after all. he’s about to pull you into a hug but instead, you quickly turn your heels around towards the kitchen.
“i still have things to do. either you help me with it or leave.”
he quickly takes off his shoes and follows you, taking in the view around the house before he enters the kitchen. the atmosphere is stuffy and tense while you sit on the stool to continue decorating the cake. 
“you can help by setting up the plates. top cabinet.” you break the awkward silence and keigo obliges, he reaches the cabinet to take out the available plates and put them nicely around the table. 
“you made it yourself?” he tries to make a conversation as he glances at you working on the cake. 
“yeah.” you simply reply without taking your eyes off from your work. 
“it’s nice. chocolate?”
keigo sighs from the underwhelming response, “i know you don’t want me here but –”
“no shit.” you almost slam the table but quickly recompose yourself by taking a deep breath. for the sake of your son, you know you shouldn’t get into an argument right now, at least not today. 
“look, i’ll leave as soon as this is over if that’s what you want.”
you glare at him, “it’s more than what i want right now,” then it’s your turn to sigh. “but i doubt that’s what kyō would want.” 
keigo already knows his name from the letter but his lips etch into a warm smile at the sound of the name you’ve given to the-- his child and a small part of him wishes that he was there in the process of choosing a name for the boy together with you. 
“okay, just for tonight. we’ll pretend like we’re a happy family.” you stand up from the stool after putting the last candle and set the cake in the middle of the table. 
“...and what if we don’t have to?” he blurts out after a brief and quiet moment, immediately catching your attention. he notices the puzzled look on your face and continues, “what if we really start being a happy family from now and onwards?”
you blink once, twice. for a second, you feel a heavy pang in your chest as your brain processes the words that just came out from his mouth. it’s like déjà vu, only this time keigo has certainty in his voice.
the room falls dead silent again as you stare at each other. you’re finding words and about to open your mouth to say something but kyō suddenly interrupts from the corner of the kitchen and both of your attentions quickly turn to him.
“mommy..? i’m hungry.” 
“oh, sweetheart. you’re just in time!” you walk up to kyō to carry him in your arms before bringing him to the dining table. his eyes sparkle at the variety of food spread across the table and his wings flutter in excitement. 
“can you help light up the candles? the lighter is in the drawer.” you usher to keigo as you show your son his favorite food you made earlier while keigo quickly rummages through the drawer. he lights up each candle as you put down kyō on one of the chairs before he stands on his knees to reach close enough to blow the candles. the both of you excitedly sing happy birthday and clap your hands as he blows off the candles after a brief moment for a wish. 
“what did you wish for?” keigo asks, affectionately patting kyō on the head.
“i wish to be a hero like daddy!” he exclaims, arms and wings spread in enthusiasm. a bittersweet feeling engulfs him-- a part of him is disappointed and ashamed of himself while another part of him is elated and relieved that he’s still looked up upon by his own child. in the corner of his heart, keigo thinks he doesn’t deserve it. kyō is a splitting image of himself (minus the color of his eyes that he takes after you) and it easily brings back visions of him from the past. he wanted to be a hero too, but his father wasn’t someone he could look up to. hence, making endeavor the only man he idolized. 
he realizes he is lucky enough to be the person his son looks up to. he knows that this was what his own younger self would want. a father he can be proud of, a hero at that. keigo wants to make it right with whatever it’ll take.
the night proceeds smoothly, all three of you have fun together like any normal family would and bonding over lost times. keigo is thoughtful (though his choice seems a little bit conceited) enough to give kyō a present; an action figure of himself. unknowingly, the walls that you built around you by the time keigo arrived earlier slowly crumbles and you grow less wary around him as time ticks by. when it’s bedtime for the boy, keigo insists on putting him to bed so he can spend more time with him which you gladly consented to so you can also continue cleaning up the kitchen.
a set of footsteps coming down the stairs can be heard as you’re seated on one of the stools while sipping tea. 
“want some tea?” you offer without turning around to look at the male.
“sure.” he says as he walks up to you. 
you can feel his tall and lean build ghosting you from the back as you pour a cup for him but his hands suddenly reach your shoulders and give them light squeezes. 
“what are you doing?” you ask quizzically, glancing at the hand on your shoulder.
“giving you a massage.” he smiles innocently as he continues pressing on the knot in your stiff shoulders, making you sigh in reflex.
“trying to get on my good side?” you say in a mocking tone.
“hmm, just showing my appreciation to you.” his hands move lower to your spine, your back arches a little as he presses down your aching muscles. 
“you’re five years too late, keigo.” you sneer but welcome his service as you close your eyes and hum in content. it’s not that bad, you assure yourself in your head. 
keigo diligently continues to massage your back as the kitchen now fills with your quiet sighs and whimpers whenever he rubs on the sore spot. without you realizing, he slyly pulls the collar of your baggy shirt down and plants soft kisses on your bare shoulder.
“k-keigo?” you immediately open your eyes and flinch at the sudden touch.
he remains quiet while his hands work up and down your arms gently and his lips move further up to your earlobe, sending tingling sensations down to your core and you can already feel your nipples harden underneath your shirt. 
“relax.” his hot breath fans over your ear as he whispers. your cheeks are already burning red and you’re out of sarcastic remarks as you can only find yourself to indulge into his touches. 
you gasp in surprise when keigo’s hands sneakily move under your shirt and quickly unsnaps your bra. he massages your breasts and kneads them gently before teasing your erect nipple between his fingers. your hands firmly clenches the edge of the island to hold yourself as he nips on the crook of your neck, just gently to carefully not leave a mark. 
“you want more, babybird?” he coos as he realizes that your thighs are pressing against each other. as much as you hate to admit it, the nostalgic pet name tugs on your heartstrings and you find yourself melting after hearing it after years again. 
feeling embarrassed, you quietly nod your head. 
“i can’t hear you.” a teasing tone lingers in his voice. he knows what he’s doing and you hate him for it.
“more, keigo...” you whine. it sounds so innocent and adorable but it absolutely makes his cock twitch. noticing that you’ve been avoiding looking at him the whole time, he uses one of his hands to make you look at him and grins when he catches the red tint spread across your face before he presses his lips onto yours. 
the traces of your ego make you hesitate at first but you’re quick to lose it as he deepens it, as if to send you a silent message of how much he misses you while his tongue intertwines with yours. 
one of his hands remains to massage your mound while the other travels down south to easily part your legs and cups your heated sex. keigo rubs the clit against the fabric of your pants, eliciting breathy moans from your lips between kisses. you pull away and lean back to his body as he slides his hand under your pants, feeling the wet patch that is already staining your underwear. 
“already wet from all of that?” he says playfully, taking out his hand to look at the damp juices as he rubs it between his fingers. 
“says the man that was grinding his cock on my back.” you roll your eyes halfheartedly, missing the faint blush that becomes apparent on his cheeks.
keigo then reaches for the cups in front of you and pushes them aside before lifting you up on the kitchen island, making you turn towards him. he swiftly pulls down your pants along with your underwear, your cunt bare and glistening under the lights for him to see.
his golden irises lock with yours as he kicks the stool to the side and crouches down to spread your thighs apart. he starts to lap off your juices, tongue alternating between your throbbing clit and hole. your elbows help to prop you up as your head hangs back and your eyes close in pure bliss. 
keigo smacks and clenches your thighs to draw your attention to him, “baby, look at me.”
you submissively lift your head to look at him, eyes locking with each other again as he watches you squirm on the tongue flicking your clit and eats you out like a starved man having his first meal after a long day. 
you grab a lock of his blonde hair in one hand, pushing him closer as your legs tremble around his head, feeling the bubbling sensation of your orgasm building up. 
“mmh – gonna cum!” you cry out in ecstasy, instantly forgetting the people next door and your son that’s sound asleep on the upper floor as you chase after your high.
keigo smoothly slides two fingers inside your pussy and your hips begin to grind desperately onto them. he knows you’re close when he feels the walls clenching around him and with another suck on the clit, he quickly gets to tip you over the edge. 
“so good for me.” he coos as he pulls away, licking his fingers clean before carrying your panting body in his arms and walks over to sprawl your body on the couch. he hovers on top of you and kisses you again while his hands work on unzipping and taking off his lower garments to free his throbbing cock. 
he smears the precum by pumping his cock as he watches you down, adoring the look of absolute bliss on your face and half lidded eyes that he longed for over the years. 
“my songbird,” he purrs as he leans down to you and lines his cock with your wet cunt, “you’re so beautiful.”
if you’re already red, the endearing pet name makes you even redder. your gaze avoids his to hide your embarrassment but he only draws it back gently by your chin with his thumb and finger. 
“don’t you miss me?” his brows furrowed as he searches your face. you can only stare back into his eyes – bright irises filled with nothing but genuine curiosity and desolation. 
your lips pull into a thin line as you ponder for a moment, promptly unable to vocalize like earlier. it’s as if you let even one word escape your mouth, it would make you burst into tears instead. of course you missed him. your mind often wondered if he even thought of you at least once. even when you did make peace with the past, you still couldn’t bring yourself to be the one to make the first step. ego is an ugly thing and you were certain that keigo should be the one to look for you even if it was hard for him since you just disappeared out of his life.
noticing the reluctance to give him an answer, he shushes you. “it’s okay.” he kisses you sweetly on your nose. “but let me show how much i’ve missed you.”
he trails open mouthed kisses down your jaw, neck and collarbone as your hands run through his hair and down to his back. a soft whine manages to escape from your mouth when he nibbles on the soft flesh of your neck, instantly marking it red this time. 
his mouth then latches onto your nipple through your shirt, making you squirm beneath him. your hands clenches to the fabric of his shirt when you feel his fingers teasingly dancing between your wet folds and his thumb ghosting over your clit. 
keigo gives you a kiss on the lips again before pulling away, the cushion dips as he props himself on the knees, rubbing his hard cock against your wet slits and smearing it with your juices.
a low hiss slips from his lips as he slowly prods in the tip of his cock and your expression twists into discomfort as you feel him stretch you out more – a familiar mixture of pain and pleasure that you haven’t felt for a while.
keigo waits for you to adjust and as soon as you give him the greenlight, he continues to completely balls deep inside you. 
“babybird, you feel so good.” he grunts as he bucks his hips and slowly starts to move. 
you bite your lower lip hard, enough to draw blood as you try to stifle your moans. keigo leans down to kiss you while your arms find themselves wrapping around his neck. he thrusts harder and faster and your whimpers and whines finally find themselves shamelessly slipping past from your mouth.
“fucking– hah– perfect.” he pants as he pulls away to look at your flustered face, eyes half closed and mouth agape with pleasure. 
you quickly bury your face on the crook of his neck and hold onto him tighter while your legs wrap securely around his waist. keigo moves his thumb on your clit, pressing down and rubbing circles all to entice nothing but tightening the coil down in your core more. 
“keigo, keigo –” you cry as your nails dig the fabric on his back and your toes curl to the intense sensation.
“baby wants to cum?” he growls as he feels your walls clamping around his cock, making him buck his hips even wilder. 
“yesyesyes – oh god, keigo!” your mind turns putty and unable to form any more coherent words, making only his name being the only thing you remember as your eyes close shut while you’re nearing your high. 
“that’s it – baby. cum on my cock.” he encourages and you do just that. your pussy flutters as you finally reach your orgasm but his sporadic thrusts doesn’t stop until it starts to falter and his wings tremble.
“fuck. i’m gonna fill you up.” he grits through his teeth and his cock twitches before his wings spread wider as he releases his warm cum inside you. 
the both of your bodies stay against each other, chests heaving for air before he briefly pulls out his cock and lays on top of your chest. 
“yes.” your voice suddenly croaks, breaking the almost silent air in the room if not for the sound of yours and his breathing.
keigo lifts up his head to look at you confusingly before a lopsided smile curls on his lips when he hears you utter the next few words.
“yes. i missed you and i don’t want to pretend anymore.” you suddenly feel overwhelmed and tears start to well in your eyes. a flash of panic crosses his face and he pulls you closer into his embrace, hoping to calm you down as you sniffle on his chest. 
“shh, baby. i’m sorry. i know it’s too late and i was so fucking stupid but i’ll – ”
“i want to live as a happy family with you, keigo.” you cut him off, sobbing through his shirt. he pulls away at once to look at you, unable to believe what he just heard through the choking sob but it still makes even him want to cry. 
“babybird, i – ” he’s completely tongue-tied. at this point he can only manage to lean down to be close to you again. he peppers kisses all over your face, saying how thankful and happy he is.
“i love you, my little bird. i won’t fuck up this time, i promise.” he whispers, finally regaining his composure.
that night, keigo could barely sleep a wink. so many thoughts are running through his head. he glances at you sleeping peacefully next to him on the bed and he already pictures how it is to be waking up to see your face every morning. he also hopes that kyō doesn’t know how to fly yet so he could teach him how to use his wings. oh, he’ll also get to find an excuse to buy more buckets of chickens once you three will start living together. 
he can already imagine how the headlines will be bombarded about him having a family and he sighs at the thought, but he hopes that his publicist is ready for a hell lot of work.
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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justhockeythings-blog1 · 4 years ago
With You
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A/N: So Two in one week huh? I wrote this a lot faster than I thought I would! Also I decided to make my own collage to go with this one! I really really like this one, so I hope you guys do! Feedback is always appreciated!
Request: “I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” with Andrei Svechnikov
This was not the end to the season that anyone wanted. You felt your shoulders drop, along with your stomach. Your heart on the other hand had shattered into a million pieces, seeing Andrei’s heartbroken and frustrated face blasted across the television. You sat alone, in your shared apartment, wearing the same Svechnikov jersey that he had cheesily gifted you on your first birthday together. You made it a tradition to wear it every game you watched at home, making sure to send Andrei a picture. It had become as much a part of his pre-game ritual as having Martinook scream in his face. You hadn’t expected this game to be the last time you got to engage in your self made ritual,
You could feel the tears brimming your eyes, if not from the fact that you had so much hope for the boys to move on, for the sad faces of all your friends and your boyfriend as they shook hands with Tampa Bay. You waited until the very last second where the Canes players could no longer be seen before you shut off your TV, sitting in silence. You didn’t bother holding the tears in as you let a few slip, this was your time to be sad about it because the second that Andrei called you, you had to pull it together. You needed to be strong for him.
You knew your boyfriend well, you had seen him at the highs of the wins and the lows of the losses. He was going to take this personal, he had been battling himself all year. Saying how he hadn’t been having a good season, how he needed to improve, staying late after games to put in the extra time. You constantly had to remind him to take time for himself, to not be so hard on himself. There were countless times that you would have to force him to relax, letting his body rest, knowing that he would return to a hard training regime at the next practice. This wasn’t just any old loss though, this was a Stanley Cup elimination game loss. You were going to have to pull out all the stops to make this one feel better and you had a limited amount of time. You assumed that Andrei would be going back home at some point in the off season, neither of you had really talked about it recently. Then again, neither of you had planned on a playoff elimination.
You wiped the last few tears off your cheeks and stood up, collecting the snacks you had laid out, setting them in the kitchen before you went to change. After you came back out, you decided you needed to do something to pass the time until Andrei called, and you began busying yourself with cleaning. It was a habit that you had when you were nervous, you picked something to do and you fixated on it, usually until Andrei stepped in to stop you. It would be no different tonight, the shrill ring of your phone pulling you out of your trance. You glanced around you, seeing the kitchen of the apartment spotless before you rushed to the living room to snatch your phone off the coffee table where you left it.
“Hey.” You breathed out, hearing a slight chuckle from the other end.
“Were you running?” He asked, knowing that it was far too late for that. You, on the other hand, knew that he was avoiding the inevitable but you could hear the sadness in his voice.
“From the kitchen, didn’t want to miss your call.” You explained, brushing a strand of hair out of your face. This was the first sign that he wasn’t going to let on how upset he was in the moment, he had called you rather than facetime you. “How are you doing?”
You knew it was a stupid question but you had to ask. If you didn’t make the first move then odds were he wouldn’t bring it up and judging by the sigh that came from the other end, he was hoping that you wouldn’t.
“You gotta talk about it Andrei…” You encouraged gently, settling back on the couch and tugging a blanket over your legs. “Before you get on the plane.”
“It’s hard.” He began and you hummed, another gentle encouragement that you were listening. “We really thought we could do it. You know? We had them, we outplayed them every game and it wasn’t enough.”
The frustration was clear in his voice. You had seen the statistics and on paper, the Canes had come out on top, but unfortunately that didn’t translate to the ice.
“I wanted us to go all the way, these guys are my family and nobody deserves the cup more than them, and I couldn’t get them there.” You could hear the defeat in his voice and it was like someone took your heart and threw it on the ground.
“Andrei… You cannot put that pressure on yourself. Hockey is a team sport, you all left it all out there on the ice. You did you best and the weight of this loss does not fall entirely on your shoulders. Please.” You practically pleaded with him before you heard voices in the background.
“I have to go.. We are getting ready to board, I love you. I’ll be home late so don’t stay up okay?”
He hung up after you returned his goodbyes, leaving you once again sitting in the silence of your apartment. This time though, the exhaustion of everything set in and you pulled yourself to go to bed. You left a light on in the hallway so that Andrei didn’t have to stumble around in the darkness, slipping into your bed and quickly falling asleep.
When Andrei got home, well past three AM, he knew that the house would be quiet but it didn’t make it any less suffocating. It felt like silence was the only thing he had heard since the boys departed the locker room, each one caught up in their own heads. A few of the older guys, who had spent a good number of years in the league, did their best to offer some kind of comfort to the younger men on the team but it was clear that in the moment it was half hearted. Everyone had wanted to beat Tampa, everyone had wanted to make it to the end and hoist that cup. It was their year and they had done everything right only to lose to a team who had a goalie like a brick wall.
He set his bag down by the couch quietly, having mastered the technique of coming home quietly after waking you up one too many times. He carefully made his way down the hallway to the bedroom, smiling a little to himself as he saw you curled up in bed, tucked into one of his shirts. The season may not have ended the way he wanted but at least he still had you to come home to.
Slipping into the bed, he was careful not to wake you as he wrapped one arm around you and quickly fell asleep himself, his mind shutting off for the first time since this morning.
When you woke up the next morning it was to the weight of an arm carefully laying across your waist and the sound of gentle breathing beside you. A setting you were very familiar with, but today you couldn’t enjoy it. You had a plan that you needed to get started on before Andrei woke up, which is why you were secretly praying that the late return home would play in your favor.
You glanced back at him, smiling at the peaceful look on his face before you skillfully wiggled your way out of his grasp, pausing on the edge of your bed to make sure he remained asleep. After a few minutes you stood up and grabbed his bag, sneaking out of your room.
First things first was to get his laundry started so you made a beeline to the washer and dryer you guys had, setting the bag down and carefully emptying the clothes, checking all of his pockets to make sure they were empty. There had been a mishap one time of airpods in the washer and you both had quickly learned your lesson.
You felt a small box tucked into one of his pockets, pulling it out and setting it into a small basket with other things you found. You didn’t pay any mind to it as you started the washer, carrying the basket and setting it on the dining room table where he could collect it when he woke up.
Part two of your plan involved slight rearrangement of your living room, a number of blankets and pillows, and a fully charged laptop. After nearly twenty minutes, including a quick peak into the bedroom to make sure that he was indeed still sleeping, you had a blanket fort all made up and ready. Which was the easiest part of the plan, the real trick would be getting Andrei into it.
You moved back to the kitchen, pulling out all of the things you needed to make a real breakfast. Not the coffee and yogurt that you scarfed down on work days. You started the coffee pot, humming to yourself as you carefully dialed Evgeny’s number. It was times like these you were thankful that Andrei had introduced you to his brother and you two had a good standing relationship. You cut Evgeny’s greeting off gently, explaining that you didn’t have much time before Andrei woke up but you needed to know how to make his favorite breakfast.
At some point during your phone call with Evgeny, who thankfully walked you step by step through a homemade breakfast that he and Andrei had grown up on, Andrei made an appearance from the bedroom. He stood back and watched as you worked, hearing his brother’s voice over the speaker.
He smiled to himself, it was no secret to anyone that Evgeny was an important person in his life. When he had first introduced the two of you, he had been a little nervous that Evgeny and you wouldn’t get along. Which would have left him in a very awkward predicament. Seeing you in the kitchen though, clearly taking instructions from his brother over the phone, stirred something inside of him. Whatever he was feeling though quickly screeched to a halt, a small jolt of panic ran through him as he saw the small box on the table, quickly grabbing it and stuffing it into the pocket of his shorts just as you turned around.
“Oh hey! Evgeny, he’s up, I gotta go. Thank you so so so much for all your help! I owe you one!” You hung up with his brother and smiled sheepishly, holding up the plate with your finished work. “Surprise?”
You clearly hadn’t seen the glimpse of panic that crossed his face, quickly replaced by a smile and a look of awe when it registered in his mind what was on the plate. Sure you cooked often, but it now made sense to him why you had called his brother.
“If it’s bad you can blame your brother, but I just… I wanted to do something nice for you, especially since I didn’t stay up for you last night.” You explained, pulling him over to sit at the dining room table and setting the plate down in front of him.
Andrei was speechless, which you had learned was a hard feat to accomplish, as he watched you fill two mugs of coffee, making it the way both of you liked it before coming to sit down beside him. You hadn’t brought up the game yet and he wasn’t sure if you would but in the moment he didn’t care, he couldn’t stop staring at you.
“So is this really all it’s cracked up to be?” You asked, watching as he took the first bite. You had spent twenty minutes listening to his brother rave about it.
“Yes, I mean maybe not to other people but Evgeny and I ate it every weekend growing up. Is this why you called him?” He asked as he ate, reminiscing with every bite. His heart growing with love for you when you nodded behind your coffee mug sheepishly.
“I didn’t know how to make it but I remembered you mentioning it. I figured waking your brother up and dealing with his wrath would be worth it.” You teased, Evgeny had never been anything but nice to you and he probably appreciated this gesture as much as Andrei did.
“Also, I hope you didn’t have plans for the day or at least part of it. I wasn’t sure if you had to do something for the team or not.” You trailed off as he finished eating, grabbing the plate from him when he was done and carried it to the sink.
“I uh, I’m not sure. I think they’ll text me if I need to be there but I don’t think I need to today. Why?” He asked, though you didn’t answer him. You just grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room, smiling as you looked at him.
He froze, seeing the elaborate blanket fort laid out in the living room, snacks and water already inside of it with your laptop. Part of him wondered if you had done thing last night and he had missed it in his tired state or if you had managed to do all of this, on top of breakfast, this morning. Before he could ask though you were tugging him to crawl into it, forcing him to drop to his knees to follow after you.
“What is all of this?” He asked after you settled in the pillow fort, laying on your back as you smiled up at him.
“This is me forcing you to relax and take a minute to yourself. I know last night did not go how you wanted, how any of you wanted, and maybe there’s nothing I can say right now that will make the thoughts in your head go away. Which I hate by the way, you’re way too hard on yourself but I just wanted you to take a day and not think about the game or about hockey or about what you could have done differently. I just, I know it’s not a lot but-”
Your rambling was cut off, as it so often was, by a quick kiss to your lips. You felt your shoulders drop as his hands cupped your cheeks, melting a little into the kiss before he pulled away and rested his forehead on yours.
“Thank you.”
It was a simple two words, but it was enough. It meant that he was accepting this, your plan to relax and just spend time together. Maybe it worked and maybe it didn’t, but all that mattered was he was willing to give it a chance.
The two of you spent most of the day in the fort watching movies, leaving only if you needed to use the bathroom or you needed more snacks. At some point the sun was beginning to sit lower in the sky and you both knew you would need to leave to make dinner, especially considering lunch had been nothing but snacks yet neither of you wanted to make that move.
You rolled onto your side, tucking your body even closer to his when you felt a bump against your thigh.
“That better just be your phone.” You teased and he looked at you confused before he realized that the small box that he had gotten well before the roadtrip was now pressed up against you. He sat up quickly, reaching into his pocket to pull it out, though you still couldn’t see it.
“Hey, I was just teasing.” You pouted, reaching for him as he chuckled and shifted to look at you. It was then you caught a glimpse of a familiar sized box and you found yourself sitting quickly to look at him.
“Andrei…” You began softly, it wasn’t that you didn’t want to marry him but you two were both fairly young and had never discussed the prospect of marriage before.
“No! No, I mean. It’s not what you’re thinking, not yet.” He rushed to explain, his accent forcing the words to run together. It was something you had picked up, whenever he was angry or excited, his accent made it hard to differentiate what he was saying.
Instead of continuing his explanation, he opened the box to show you the very thin band, with three tiny diamonds in it. You could feel the breath leave your throat as you stared at it. It was beautiful, there was no doubt in your mind about that and it was your style. Simple, understated, something that you could wear with anything and it would never look out of place.
“So if not… that, then what is this?” You asked confused, looking up at him again with nervous eyes.
“It’s a promise and you don’t have to think of it as anything more than that. No other strings okay? I just. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we haven’t talked about it before, but I wanted to make you the promise that one day, it’ll be a different ring and I had hoped to do it after a winning game, but this… I think this is much better.” He explained quietly, keeping his eyes on the ring, watching as you carefully pulled it out of the box.
This was not at all how he had planned on doing this, in his mind it was much smoother. It was after a winning game, probably not in your living room, and he also wouldn’t be stumbling over his words and half tempted to switch back to Russian. Despite all that though, he didn’t want to wait any longer and there was no taking it back now that it was out there.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you too.” You smiled, carefully slipping it on your right ring finger for now and smiling up at him. “ Don’t want to give people too many ideas now do we?”
You heard him chuckle before leaning down to kiss you again. The game may not have gone how you two wanted, the season may have ended early, but one thing was certain for the both of you.
You had each other, now and for the rest of your lives.
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stiltonbasket · 4 years ago
au of an au for qin su!wwx where wwx is still in qin su's body but it's JYL who gets summoned back in MXY's body.
Jiang Yanli doesn’t know what she was expecting to happen after she died, but it certainly wasn’t waking up a few minutes later in a donkey shed with blood all over her robes.
She’d been stabbed, she remembers. Perhaps they put her in the first sheltered place they could find while the battle was still going on, and somehow missed the fact that she was still alive? Yanli reaches up to her chest and tries to feel her heartbeat; she is somehow very certain that she had died, since the look on A-Xian’s face when the sword went through her chest was--
But the memory remains unfinished, because Yanli’s hands are poking at her bosom, patting over her ribs one by one as she wonders when she became so thin. Her mother always complained about her narrow figure, even as she scolded her for eating so much when she was in her teens--and Madam Jin worried about how difficult childbirth might be before Jin Ling arrived, since her waist and hips were so skinny--but her breasts were never this flat, and her ribs never stuck out this much even when she was a child.
And then her fingers brush over the rounded lump at her throat, and reveal the truth in one devastating blow that brings Yanli to her knees.
This isn’t my body, she realizes, backing away from the bloody array on the ground and into the rickety cupboard standing against the wall. This is a man’s body.
Less than two hours after she wakes, Yanli escapes from the Mo estate in such turmoil that she almost forgets to take the donkey with her.
Keep your wits about you, she berates herself, dressing herself in the only set of spare robes she could find before squirming out of the shed’s high window and crumpling into the dust outside. Mo Xuanyu meant to bring back A-Xian, but that means that A-Xian is...
She blinks back tears, dragging the donkey down the road behind her as she reads over Mo Xuanyu’s letter again. The poor boy had been one of Jin Guangshan’s illegitimate sons, Jiang Yanli’s own xiaoshuzi, and Jin Guangyao had exiled him because he had learned the truth about Qin Su being his younger half-sister.
He was behind your death, too, the letter said. I believe he might even have organized Jin Zixuan’s assassination, since he most likely murdered our father, as well.
Jiang Yanli grits her teeth and pushes on. The single long cut in her arm throbs--a cut that will heal only when Jin Guangyao dies, according to Mo Xuanyu--but the sting is nothing to the twenty hours of sheer agony that was giving birth to Jin Ling, who turned out so big and chubby that she spent the first few hours of his life wondering how such an enormous baby could have possibly fit inside her.
How old would A-Ling be now? she wonders. Did Jin Guangyao and Qin Su bring him up, in mine and Zixuan’s place?
Oddly enough, she doesn’t find herself shying away at the thought of bringing Jin Guangyao to justice. She can probably count on Nie Mingjue to do the actual killing, if it comes to it; there was bad blood between the two even before she and her husband died, and quite frankly, she doesn’t blame Nie Mingjue for it.
A-Xian tore the men who killed the Jiang shidis and shimeis limb from limb, and she would expect no less from a man who watched Jin Guangyao kill his brothers-in-arms right before his eyes.
But then, why did they swear brotherhood after that?
It must have been for Zewu-jun’s sake, Yanli thinks wearily, when she finally stops at a river crossing and leads her donkey down onto the pebbly beach to take a drink. Though I doubt that Zewu-jun could have sworn brotherhood with anyone who had Lan blood on their hands, whether he owed them a life-debt or not.
Her stomach growls, and she searches in the donkey’s saddle-bag for something to eat just in case the owners of the Mo estate had left some bread or fruit there to coax the animal with. Her brief hunt yields a pair of shriveling apples, half-dried but not yet spoiled, so she washes down the fresher one with plenty of cold water and feeds the bigger, drier apple to the donkey.
“I think I’ll call you Apple,” she laughs, as it wolfs down the fruit before sticking its muzzle back into the bubbling stream. “Do you like your name, xiao-pingguo?”
Little Apple takes to the name well enough, and brays contentedly every time she calls it. They rest together by the river for an hour, with Yanli napping in the shade with Little Apple keeping guard; and she starts off again just after noon, hoping to find a main road that might direct her to a town and then towards the nearest cultivation sect.
Jiang Yanli has to admit that Yunmeng Jiang is out of the question: because as much as she loves her younger brother, she highly doubts that he won’t do something stupid if he thinks some nameless Jin exile is pretending to be her. And she certainly can’t go back to Lanling with Jin Guangyao still there, so her quarry will have to be the Gusu Lan clan. Hanguang-jun was friends with her A-Xian, and would surely hear her out for his sake if for nothing else; and Zewu-jun is not as hot-tempered as Chifeng-zun, meaning that Yanli will come to no harm even if Lan-zongzhu doesn’t believe her.
“Xiao-Pingguo,” Yanli begins, stepping over something silvery in the grass as the two of them head deeper into the woods, “how far do you think the--”
Suddenly, her legs go out from under her. Little Apple brays and backs away in alarm, tossing his head anxiously as Yanli struggles into a sitting position and tries to make sense of the fact that her donkey is now over ten feet below her.
“What on earth?” she mutters, biting back one of A-Xian’s favorite curse words as she takes stock of her current situation: trapped inside a net swaying far above the ground, and with no means of cutting her way free from it without breaking her own neck.
“It caught something!” Yanli hears a boyish voice shout, followed by the crackling of someone rushing through the forest and the twang of a drawn bowstring. “Duck, Yu-da-shixiong! I’m going to shoot!”
“You are going to do no such thing,” someone else drawls, with a hint of a sharp Northern accent that reminds her of her late mother. “At least see what you’ve caught, you onionhead. If your stupid nets managed to catch a Lan, you’ll have Chifeng-zun and Hanguang-jun dragging you to Jin-zongzhu for punishment. Chifeng-zun might even punish you himself, since he’s Jin-zongzhu’s sworn da-ge. Do you really want to take the risk?”
“No,” the first boy grumbles. “And anyway, it looks like it’s just--you!”
The sudden dislike in his voice makes Yanli look down, startled, and then the breath flies out of her body as the Jin disciple marches up to stand beneath her.
“Jin Ling?” she asks, her own voice cracking like shattered glass as the Jiang disciple mounts his sword and flies up towards her, presumably so that he can help her climb out of the net. “A-Ling--is it you?”
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