#go food semarang
Dear Happy,
Do you know that I always feel safe and loved whenever I put my arms around you.
Do you know I always feel loved every time you agree to go out with me, as simple as to go jogging, eat, or you allow me going with Oru
Do you know I feel loved when you agree for my impulsive idea, jogging in Semarang, shopping at groceries, make a breakfast for me, make a cup of coffee, eat durian when everyone knows that you don't like it
Actually, there are many moments that I want to hug you, but somehow I hold it because I'm afraid you'll be bothered about it. But I admit there are moments when I suddenly hug you and a few seconds after I actually feel stupid and a bit scared that you'll feel bothered even if you never tell. I can feel it that you always feel bothered when I put my arms around you if there's another person we know surrounding us.
If I can being honest, I never put my arms so tight with a feeling to anyone before. So, you are really the first one. I would say that so many the first time happened in my life with you.
I wish I knew how do you feel about me, so I don't live in uncertainty. I won't force you to do anything, or to be anything.
Good night Baezita! Wish you had a good day! Wish you will have a good week ahead. Hope you will get a lot of food order, I wish your warung project brings a lot of berkah, I wish you still have a lot of energy to enjoy life. Aamiin
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Strategies For Klotok Travel In Tanjung Puting
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You can meet orangutans in the zoo at any time. If you'd like to observe orangutans in their natural environment in Kalimantan then Klotok, Tanjung Puting National Park is the perfect spot.
Orangutans in their natural environments are different from zoos. Kalimantan's dense forest is home to orangutans. Tourists also love Tanjung Puting because they can feel the atmosphere when the orangutans gather to laugh, and enjoy fun. If you've decided to go to Central Kalimantan, Here are some tips.
How-to Are Able To Pagkalan Bun (Kalimantan)
Two airlines fly to Jakarta: Trigana Air and Nam Air. Flight time is about 1 hour. They also provide Semarang-Pangkalan Bun or Surabaya–Pangkalan Bun flights. You can fly directly from Bali (Denpasar) to any of the cities listed above and continue to Pangkalan Bun.
Liveaboad on the Klotok
To go to tanjung puting tour, a place to observe the lives of orangutans in their natural habitat There are two transport alternatives, namely a speedboat and klotok boat. In 1.5 hours, you could use a speedboat to travel starting from Kumai Harbor up to Camp Leakey. Maximum capacity is about 4 people. For the best experience possible in Borneo jungle, a klotokboat is best for an overnight cruise lasting around 2 to three days. You will hear the sound of the wind and the sounds of the natural world while the boat is moving slowly along the river. One klotok cloud accommodate from two to 12 passengers. The price of orangutan tour varies according to the capacity and size of the vessel.
Tour Guides
Visiting Tanjung Puting National Park must use a local guide. Legal tour guides within Pangkalan Bun are in the Indonesian Tour Guide Association (HPI). They will explain you all you need to be aware of the tour and the animal, and ensure you are on the right track while trekking in the jungle.
You can eat in the klotokboat and stay the night on the boat. To sleep , you can use mattress as well as mosquito nets. There's nothing wrong with to bring mosquito repellent, especially to use when trekking to see the Orangutan.
Follow the Rules
If you are planning to visit Tanjung Puting National Park, you have to adhere to a variety of current restrictions. Stay at least 5m away from male and female orangutans. Do not consume food or drink in front of them. Keep your eyes on the tree while orangutans are feeding. Since orangutans typically move from tree to. If you're suffering from "bad luck" orangutan could need to pee on you, even the shit may fall onto your head.
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tempodjakarta · 2 months
Update 22: Merapi Berapi (February 20th, 1944)
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On the eve of today, the 16th Army confirmed the eruption of Mount Merapi. Lava flows have reached Jambu Bangkong, part of Yogyakarta, and extremely heavy ashfall have reached up to Semarang and Yogyakarta, as well as surrounding areas in a circular pattern around Merapi, with a diameter of 80 kilometers. Panic has set in the areas affected by the ashfall, with transportation and movement extremely impeded - thus, the previously barely functioning food distribution system of the Japanese have broken down, with private markets of goods - including food - also shutting down, heightening both the chances and fears of famine.
Despite this, relief efforts are already under way. Both local PETA and Pembela Rakyat members are aiding evacuation outside of the ashfall zone, and are distributing food to villages - but are lacking medical skills to aid more effectively. The newly created KOPERASI system of the Chuo Sang-In has also been received well, with villages able to at least temporarily supply their own food - though for how long is questionable, and certainly not as long as the duration of the ashfall. The price controls set by the Chuo Sang-In has not gone well however, with Yogyakarta’s private sector instead turning to discrete barters to gain the full price they wish for, further risking a famine - not just in the ashfall zone, but also throughout Java.
The opposition, led by Sutan Sjahrir, has seemingly rallied around the disaster - with their leader announcing the creation of the Badan Persiapan Usaha-usaha Pencapaian Kemerdekaan (BPUPKI), made up of leftists and communists like DN Aidit, Tan Malaka, and Amir Sjarifuddin. With the Pembela Rakyat at their back, they have started organizing relief efforts in the ashfall zone - additionally also subsidizing food purchases in the zone, with prices going down to 1936 levels, at least in the short run.
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0877-1985-3659 (TERLARIS), Saus Kimchi Semarang
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0877-1985-3659 (TERLARIS), Saus Kimchi Semarang
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6287719853659 , Saus Kimchi Semarang, Saus Kimchi Semarang, Sushi Nori Rasa Balikpapan, Kimchi Go Halal Aceh, Kimchi Go Halal Medan, Kimchi Go Halal Palembang, Kimchi Go Halal Lampung, Kimchi Go Halal Jakarta, Kimchi Go Halal Semarang
Kami adalah Seller Frozen Food dan Makanan Korea yang Terpercaya dan Terlengkap di Indonesia, Sekarang ini kami sedang melakukan pemasaran Frozen Food dan Makanan Korea yang sangat dicari cari Banyak masyarakat karena memang Kualitas nya yang sangat baik sekali untuk di konsumsi. Kami Sedang Mempromosikan Frozen Food dan Makanan Korea ini Keseluruh plosok Indonesia. Kami terbiasa mengirim paket ke seluruh penjuru indonesia. Untuk Info Lanjut Tentang Frozen Food dan Makanan Korea ini silahkan di Order di Sini:
Nomor WA admin di : 0877-1985-3659
SausKimchiSemarang, #SausKimchiSemarang, #SushiNoriRasaBalikpapan, #KimchiGoHalalAceh, #KimchiGoHalalMedan, #KimchiGoHalalPalembang, #KimchiGoHalalLampung, #KimchiGoHalalJakarta, #KimchiGoHalalSemarang
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NYAMAN, (0812.8922.6529) Penginapan Keluarga Kota Semarang Radio Backpacker Guesthouse
Penginapan Keluarga Kota Semarang KLIK https://wa.me/6281289226529, Penginapan Untuk Keluarga Kota Cilegon, Penginapan Keluarga Wisata Kota Baubau, Penginapan Yang Cocok Untuk Keluarga Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Hotel Keluarga Terbaik Di Bandung Kabupaten Paser, Hotel Kamar Keluarga Di Bandung Kota Tangerang
Anda lagi mencari Penginapan di Bandung yang cocok untuk keluarga? Mari saya bantu. Tempat menginap menjadi hal penting jika Anda ingin bepergian keluar kota. Selain suasana, kenyamanan, kebersihan juga masalah anggaran. Hotel dengan fasilitas bintang 5 sih banyak tapi sesuai dengan anggaran di dompet perlu hunting serius.
Radio Backpacker Guesthouse bisa menjadi alternatif. Lokasi dekat pintu keluar atau masuk tol Pasteur. Jika Anda dari arah Jakarta lebih mudah, karena tidak perlu masuk ke dalam kota dulu. Tahu kan, bagaimana suasana Bandung akhir pekan. Apalagi masa liburan, pasti muacet. Lokasi penginapan dekat pintu masuk atau keluar tol menjadi menghemat waktu banyak. Selanjutnya lokasi dekat dengan beberapa destinasi wisata seperti Gedung Sate, Stasiun Kereta Api Bandung, Bandara Husein Sastranegara, Kampus ITB, Kampus Maranatha, Dekat dengan kota Cimahi.
Fasilitas yang disediakan cukup untuk penginapan budget. Ada wifi seluruh ruangan publik, air hangat di 2 kamar mandi private dan 2 kamar mandi private. Bandung terkenal dengan udara dingin, tapi tidak masalah dengan adanya ari hangat. Justru setelah mandi tambah segar. Parkir gratis cukup untuk 4 mobil dan puluhan kendaraan roda dua. Dan karena dekat perumahan, suasana aman karena ada satpam standby 24 jam.
Suasana menyatu dengan masyarakat sekitar, tidak sendiri seperti dihotel. Jajanan juga ada disekitar penginapan. Tentu dengan harga wajar dan sangat terjangkau. Beberapa produk UMKM tersaji di sini, ada nasi kuning, nasi uduk, gado-gado, kupat tahu dan pilihan beberapa makanan tradisional lainnya. Pilihan go-food juga sangat mudah karena radius 1 sampai 2 kilometer banyak produk makanan tersedia di provider pesan makan online.
Silakan untuk mendapatkan informasi detail tentang Penginapan Dekat Tol Pasteur ini klik di https://wa.me/6281289226529.
Alamat Lengkap :
RADIO BACKPACKER GUESTHOUSE Jalan Babakan Radio Komplek Mega Asri No 6 Sukaraja, Cicendo, Bandung (Belakang Apartemen Gateway Pasteur) HP : 081289226529
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nadhrr · 3 years
Dear Mom
Sorry I'm still crying over you every other day. I'm just missing you too much.
Mom, I hope you went with ease, with no pain, with relief, knowing that you've done your best that you could, knowing that we were there for you, pray with you.I hope you knew that so many people love you, all around the world. I hope you knew that you've contributed enough work for the children and people around the world.
I was somehow felt something lost in me when you first went to the hospital. I didnt know that would my last time seeing you awake, though you were in a great pain. I hope you're now in a good long sleep, the rest that you couldn't get especially these 2 years.
It is so devastating to think that you haven't see me achieving my dream, that you wouldn't see me in my big days ahead, how I'd get marry, how my first child would looked like, things that moms do to their daughters. It is sad that we haven't go to places you like together, like we always talk about, to Semarang and Midyat.
But rather than regret, I'd like to thank you. I want to believe that whatever I do, wherever I go, you'd always here, in my heart. I'd like to thank you that you've raised us well, with love and sincerity. I hope you have no regret because you are the best mom we could ever have. I hope you gone with knowing I am now learning how to cook, pursuing my dream, being kind to others, learning to be patience, to be just like you in my own version, so you dont have to worry about us. I promise we would fulfill our life with happiness because you wouldn't like seeing us drown in sorrow.
For the things we didnt do, for all the memories we made, for the words I did and didn't say, for the foods you cooked, for the travels we did, for the deep night talk we shared, for the picture we took, for the world I learnt from you, I hope you know that I, we, always love you with all my heart. I'd work really hard so I could see you again, in God's Heaven.
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derstyando · 4 years
The Places I Wanna Visit
“Travel as much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived in one place.”
I seldom to traveling since i was child. Today, as i am growing old and can making some travel to another destinations, with my own willing, money and travel mate, travelling is one activity that bring me relaxation and happiness. So you can pick me as your travel mate too. When travelling, I am enjoying the scenery outside, taking some pictures with beautiful occasion and sweet friends. I can feel togetherness and it recharge me to facing the reality again after it.
Here are the list of my favorite places I wanna go as long as I still alive. It divide on two flights, domestic and international destinations. 
Domestic Destinations
1. Belitung Island
I love being sit or stand on the sand with the beach breeze. This island is amaze me beautifully with the big coral rocks spread through the beach. Beside the pretty natural destination, there is Museum Kata Andrea Hirata, the author of mega best seller book, The Rainbow Troops. The design is bright-colored and I really want to know how he was rising in this island as his born place. And many more places i want to go on this island, include the shooting places of The Rainbow Troops here.
2. Semarang
I had promise with friend to making visit to this place. This town is famous with the old town buildings. Beside that, there are many museums and natural destination that beautifully created.
3. Malang
In this town, you feel see some of the mountains with beautiful phenomena. You can see it from sunrise until sunset. It famous with the cheap and yummy street food around and cool even cold breeze even on the afternoon.
So what about the international? here they are.
1. Mekah, the holy place of Muslim. I wish I could be there doing Hajj or Umrah prayer with my family here.
2. Australia, the nearest British country that I wished to taking my next studies there.
3. Japan, with the rich and strong human culture and the tidiness this country applied on every single details of basic human needs.
Jakarta, September 19, 2020 - 18.42
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astriodd · 4 years
you know that our parents could be annoying sometimes. papi did that too hehe. my closest friends already knew that papi would call me most of the times and I often replied “please don’t cry again” with higher tone, not angry tho.
he had a stroke since 2009, it weaken his muscles and somehow he cried easily - whether he’s happy or sad. so that’s why.
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people always say that I am my father’s child. the face, the attitude, have a lot of friends, casually cursing, also not good at savings lol. papi was so soooo kind to others and loved by them. by us. - it shown from the day he was still around us until we took him to his final resting place.
losing a parent is a weird feeling. one day I feel numb, the next day (or even secs) I could laugh and feeling happy about something else, but it’s not complete - something’s missing, mostly sad and still can’t really believe that papi is gone. then I will cry. quietly.
“how you feeling?”
my best friend asked this when she came first in the morning to Semarang. I was going to answer “genuinely relieve that he’s no longer in pain now, even though we have to lost him”. turned out it was so much harder than I already thought. I had it on my mind, but I couldn’t say a thing. not a word. all I could do was crying and hold her hand.
“semua orang akan bilang ‘sing ikhlas’ tapi tante tau itu nggak gampang, tante tau rasanya. berdoa terus buat papi, jaga mami.”
are’s mom said that to me. she tried not to blink, so her tears wouldn’t fall. I just nod. 
“if you want to cry, just cry. it’s okay. but please try not to do it in front of your mom..”
are was and still helping me through the hard times. not only take care of me, but also mami, mbak na, and mas randy. I’m beyond thankful for having him as mine.
It’s been 40 days since I lost my funny, handsome, warmhearted old man, who always spoiled me and asked me when will I be home.
I believe that papi had a beautiful life that he lived until he finally left us. 
I bet that he’s crazily happy now up there. walk easily, eat any food without worry, having a road trip, laughing with fam and his friends who already went up there before him, crying, laughing again, spending so much money (wow I so envy), and of course protecting my mom, my sister, my brother and I anytime he wants, anywhere we are. like he always did.
really hope that mas randy, mbak na, and I reflect the best parts of mami and papi, so people would know that they us raised in the most loving way.
I see you when I see you papi.
missing you now and always.
love you lots.
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ps: I can’t thank everyone enough, especially my big fambam and my closest homies (love you girls, you know who you are). for those who coming all the way from Jakarta to Semarang then Yogyakarta, also all of you who sending endless prayers from afar.
Thank you for holding me up with your beautiful words, with all the kindest and warmest gestures, thoughtful silences, and your presence. I am blessed to be surrounded by beautiful souls like you all.
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1, 9, 21 my antipodean friend
1. favourite place in your country? Ask me this ten years ago and I would've answered Bandung, my hometown. This city, however, has become near insufferable with its traffic, vapid tourism spots, and lame restaurants that look pretty but taste meh. Now I'm inclined to answer my future home and the hubby's hometown, Semarang. It's insanely hot there, but the city is clean and well-maintained, it's big enough to have some entertainment happening but no serious traffic jams, and just overall a cool place.
Also I may be persuaded to say Jakarta, but I will never admit it out loud because everyone knows Jakarta is the woooooooorst.
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best? I already answered this (Vietnam), but I also really really want to go to Thailand! I have never been there.
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be? What does it say about me when my first thought was "our government, then open the airlock"?
In all seriousness, though, hm.
A transmission containing all of our best recipes, because our food is delicious and the best in Asia (I take no questions and criticism), and an account of our native faiths and beliefs that aren't, you know, the six permitted religions. (Yep. We only allow six religions here in good ol Indonesia.) Gotta preserve "The Indonesian Culture" somehow, since its own people keep wanting to erase it.
hi, i'm not from the us
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Selamat Datang Disruption Era !!!
 Beberapa waktu yang lalu…kita sama sama menyaksikan bagaimana demo besar-besaran sopir taxi konvensional yang biasanya mengantar penumpang dengan tariff berbasis argo menolak munculnya taxi online berbasis android. Bahkan sampai saat ini terjadi diskriminasi, dimana taxi online tidak bisa masuk ke bandara – stasiun – terminal akibat demo tersebut. Tidak lama dari kejadian tersebut, dikejutkan Tutupnya Outlet DiscTara dan Toko Buku Gunung Agung. Beberapa minggi belakangan, muncul lagi berita SEJUMLAH TOKO DI GLODOK TUTUP dan postingan viral, sebuah usaha catering tanpa warung besar atau buka kios…CUKUP PAKAI GO FOOD. Entah apalagi yang akan terjadi selanjutnya..
 Hal ini menunjukkan telah terjadi PERGESERAN MARKET dari OFFLINE menjadi ONLINE. Dibuktikan dengan membesarnya volume bisnis JNE dan Logistic Forwarding lainnya seperti JNT ( pendatang baru ) – TIKI – dan POS. Semenjak gelombang mobile internet, cara main – belanja dan sebagainya sudah berubah. Apalagi kondisi jalan yang macet dimana mana. Sehingga pilihan jatuh kepada….BAGAIMANA BISA MENJUAL PRODUK ATAU JASA KITA TANPA HARUS LARI LARI KESANA KEMARI ? CUKUP DIRUMAH …
 Satu satunya cara yang bisa adalah ONLINE / INTERNET MARKETING.
 Pilar Digital, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Pelatihan dan Jasa Marketing Online, memberikan kesempatan kepada Anda untuk belajar online marketing MULAI DARI NOL PUTHUL.
Yang akan dipelajari dalam kelas tersebut, Bagaimana melakukan riset yang benar. Produk apa saja yang laris di pasaran dan pencarian secara online. Memakai kata kunci yang tepat – tertarget kemudian melakukan kampanye melalui video marketing – presentasi online – social media – blog yang powerfull sesuai produk / jasa anda. Dan yang terpenting, bagaimana semuanya itu mengikuti KAIDAH GOOGLE.
 Sehingga Anda bisa Menjual / memasarkan produk / jasa Anda secara Online. Tertarik ?
Kami membuka Kelas Privat – Inhouse Training ( max. 10 ) – Mini Class ( max 5 orang ) baik bagi personal – atau perusahaan.
Informasi lebih lanjut :
CALL / WA : 0822 348 60 166
Blog : https://kelasmarketingonline.wordpress.com/
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lysella · 6 years
A-Z ask game
I was tagged by @madtimer & @football-licious (thank you! 😘)
A // age –> forever 23
B // birthplace –> semarang
C // current time –> 2:40 am
D // drink you last had –> iced chinese tea (i drink this everyday)
E // easiest person to talk to –> my mom
F // favorite songs (currently) –> david benoit’s “kei’s song” & “spectromagic medley”
G // grossest memory –> i don’t wanna think about it
H // horror yes or no –> no, i’ve seen enough horror in real life
I // in love –> i don’t easily fall in love
J // jealous of people –> not really, everyone has their own cross to bear
K // kids –> sure, but not a necessity. and only if i have a spouse, of course
L // love at first sight or walk by again –> walk by again
M // middle name –> secret 👀 but starts with the letter ‘a’
N // number of siblings –> a younger bro
O // one wish –> to find the one
P // person you last called –> my driver
Q // questions you always get asked –> 'how old are you’, ‘are you married’, etc along those lines 🙄
R // random fact about you –> i sleep waaaay after midnight, sometimes after sunrise
S // song you last sang –> whatever my head wants to sing (it changes every few minutes and it never stops singing). it just went from abba’s “mamma mia” to chicago’s “will you still love me?” 🤦🏼‍♀️ i don’t even know how my head chooses songs 🤣
T // time you woke up –> today? 5 pm
U // underwear color –> black, grey, creme, white, red, pink, purple, maroon, ... it depends really. 
V // vacation destination –> japan (i go here yearly) and europe. also new york
W // worst habit –> staying up all night and morning long. also eating spicy food even though i have gerd.
X // x-ray –> a few times (i don’t really count)
Y // your favorite food –> everything spicy cos i love chili a bit too much
Z // zodiac sign –> cancer ♋️
tagging: @apricotstone47 @rocknrolleigns @silvanhefti @meyymuh @mariogoetze @boreussia-durmmund @thebitchesterbrothers @sincerelyyoursscotty
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Day #4. Side quest activated.
My 'bus' (more like a spacious minivan - known locally as a travel, I think) to Jepara left at 10am. So if I woke my lazy arse early enough, I'd have time to fit in one last sightsee - Pasar Johar. According to online sources, it's a great place to buy trinkets.
Um.....yeah. Right. If you say so.
I took my first ojek ride. Omg, I love being pillion on a motorbike zipping through streets, face to face with oncoming trucks, within touching distance of buses. My old age is causing me to be a sedate old woman, because it was nice to see that Gojek drivers now all carry a passenger helmet. Thumbs up, guys.
So I was dropped at the pasar - which is STILL being rebuilt after some huge fire years ago. I went looking for the replacement, but unless Johar Baru was that motley arrangement of food sellers, I don't think I found it.
I did find Pecinan. I thought it was Chinatown, but upon reflection I think it was just another kampung of Semarang. Anyway, there was a properly crowded produce and butchery market. Full baskets of bright coloured chillies and onions and fruits, stinky smelly muddy alleys of butchered chickens and other meats - and quite fun for a walk through and look see.
I love this country, I really do. Sometimes I forget why, sometimes the reason why changes, but right now I love it for being so messy and complicated and contrary and chaotic and vibrant.
The bus to Jepara was a surprise. A goddamned delight. No loud music, no air fresheners, no smoking passengers, no attempts to engage me in conversation. It was just clean and comfortable and a joy to travel in, compared to some other forms of transport I have endured. Mad props to Kencana Travel.
Dropped off at the hotel, first order of business was to head to the harbour for a ferry ticket.
And kids - this is why I never book ahead or plan more than three days in advance while I'm here - the online fast ferry schedule was wrongity-wrong, and my plans for Karimunjawa had to be abandoned.
Maybe I could have squeezed it in and made it happen - but the stress that would have engendered is the antithesis to what a holiday should be. And really - I've been on constant move. I should chillax.
That's what I did. Tomorrow I'll go see the Kartini museum and spend a proper amount of time, rather than rush through. And I'll be able to wander seenak-enaknya (at my leisure) through Jepara.
Tonight however, I'm sprawled out on my hotel bed eating biscuits and watching terrible Indonesian sinetron where the women are constantly weeping and the men are stoically overacting.
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Selamat Datang Digital Era !!!
Beberapa waktu yang lalukita sama sama menyaksikan bagaimana demo besar-besaran sopir taxi konvensional yang biasanya mengantar penumpang dengan tariff berbasis argo menolak munculnya taxi online berbasis android. Bahkan sampai saat ini terjadi diskriminasi, dimana taxi online tidak bisa masuk ke bandara stasiun terminal akibat demo tersebut. Tidak lama dari kejadian tersebut, dikejutkan Tutupnya Outlet DiscTara dan Toko Buku Gunung Agung. Beberapa minggi belakangan, muncul lagi berita SEJUMLAH TOKO DI GLODOK TUTUP dan postingan viral, sebuah usaha catering tanpa warung besar atau buka kiosCUKUP PAKAI GO FOOD. Entah apalagi yang akan terjadi selanjutnya..
Hal ini menunjukkan telah terjadi PERGESERAN MARKET dari OFFLINE menjadi ONLINE. Dibuktikan dengan membesarnya volume bisnis JNE dan Logistic Forwarding lainnya seperti JNT ( pendatang baru ) TIKI dan POS. Semenjak gelombang mobile internet, cara main belanja dan sebagainya sudah berubah. Apalagi kondisi jalan yang macet dimana mana. Sehingga pilihan jatuh kepada.BAGAIMANA BISA MENJUAL PRODUK ATAU JASA KITA TANPA HARUS LARI LARI KESANA KEMARI ? CUKUP DIRUMAH
Satu satunya cara yang bisa adalah ONLINE / INTERNET MARKETING.
Pilar Digital, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Pelatihan dan Jasa Marketing Online, memberikan kesempatan kepada Anda untuk belajar online marketing MULAI DARI NOL PUTHUL.Yang akan dipelajari dalam kelas tersebut, Bagaimana melakukan riset yang benar. Produk apa saja yang laris di pasaran dan pencarian secara online. Memakai kata kunci yang tepat tertarget kemudian melakukan kampanye melalui video marketing presentasi online social media blog yang powerfull sesuai produk / jasa anda.
Sehingga Anda bisa Menjual / memasarkan produk / jasa Anda secara Online. Tertarik ? Kami membuka Kelas Privat Inhouse Training ( max. 10 ) Mini Class ( max 5 orang ) baik bagi personal atau perusahaan.
Informasi lebih lanjut :
CALL / WA : 0822 348 60 166
Blog :https://pilardigital.com/
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alciasdiary · 3 years
Friday, May 21 2021
Today I went out with my cousins to semarang. I’ve been craving udon for almost a month and today she is being kind to me by taking me to Semarang to buy udon. We bought the udon at Marugame Udon which located at Polux Mall Semarang. I ordered Beef Curry Udon, Ebi Tempura, and Beef Croquet. Isn’t it too much? Hahahaha because I think that is too much but I wanted to, so I bought it. For the drink, I have bought a milktea from Menantea that is located in
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Anyway today is my first time trying Marugame Udon hahaha. The stupidest thing that I did is I forgot to mix the udon with the sauce, so for the first bite I couldn’t really felt the curry. Then after that I tried to taste the curry sauce and it tasted so good. The curry is so creamy just like the other curry. For the beef, I like it because it doesn’t have a lot of fat in it also they cooked it really well so I can chew it easily. I really like ebi tempura, but for this time I don’t really like it because the crispy flour is too thick and I couldn’t really taste the shrimp. The thing that I like about the ebi tempura is, I like how crispy thing sounds. So when I took my first bite, the sound of it really satisfied me. After that I decided to put the ebi into my bowl and mix it with the curry sauce. It taste more delicious. After I finished eating, I have bought a milktea from Menantea called InTEAgral. The taste almost similar like milktea from Chatime. The thing that makes it different is the golden pearl. It is not like golden pearl from KOI Thé, it has their own taste and size.
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Anyway I couldn’t eat everything at once, so I decided to take home my beef croquettes and my cousins skewered tofu roll and gonna eat it at dinner.
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For dinner, we went to Kimukatsu. This is also my first time buying Kimukatsu hahaha. It’s 7 p.m and I’m still full. So I decided to bought crunchy mentai tofu because I thought I’m not hungry. Before the food comes, I had to go to the parking lot to put Menantea that I ordered from Gojek. Then I had to pick up the empal that I bought from Instagram at the front gate. So when I come back to the Kimukatsu, I felt hungry and I decided to order a bowl of rice. I like the crunchy mentai tofu, because the size is not too big and not too small. I can eat it one bite. The tofu is deep fried, that makes it so crispy. The thing is I forgot that I bought beef croquette hahaha. So I eat a lot of carbs for this dinner, but nevermind the croquette was good. The potato texture is so smooth even though I couldn’t taste the “beef” but it’s okay.
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Because of the beef croquette, I could not eat the whole rice because I’m so full hahaha. But i still eat all of the main dishes. As the proof, the picture bellow will proof you that I have eat all the main dishses.
I think that’s all for today’s food blog. I hope it could give you the appetites to eat right now. Have a great day 😊☀️
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bijikopipremium · 3 years
Ide Bisnis dari BIKO Drip Coffee
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Banyak orang ingin membuat usaha/bisnis tapi bingung menentukan jenis usahanya, apalagi kalau sudah menyangkut modalnya. Padahal modal dasar seseorang yang mau mulai bisnis sebenarnya sederhana yaitu jujur, ulet, tekad yang kuat dan keberanian untuk memulai. Anda mau membuktikannya? BIKO Drip Coffee adalah produk kopi yang diproduksi untuk memberi kemudahan dan kepraktisan pada penikmat kopi serta membantu penggemar kopi memulai bisnis dari hobi minum kopi. Berikut beberapa ide usaha/bisnis yang bisa dimulai dengan BIKO Drip Coffee: 1. Reseller BIKO memberi kesempatan kepada siapapun menjadi reseller produk drip coffee. Bisnis kopi yang bisa dilakukan bermodal mulai Rp 100 ribu saja dengan keuntungan 10-20%. Berbekal teman-teman komunitas, keluarga, tetangga, atau relasi sekantor sebagai target pasar, Anda bisa belajar berbisnis drip coffee. Untuk bergabung jadi reseller silakan hubungi CS BIKO Kopi Premium di Whatsapp 08111143999. 2. Kedai Kopi Jangan membayangkan membuka kedai kopi itu membutuhkan modal besar untuk membeli peralatan kopi yang mahal-mahal. Cukup bermodal BIKO Drip Coffee, Anda sudah bisa membuka kedai kopi dengan peralatan yang sederhana yaitu dispenser pemanas air, teko kopi dan gelas saji ala kafe. Hasil seduhan BIKO Drip Coffee dapat disajikan menjadi kopi hitam, es kopi, kopi susu, es kopi susu, americano, coffee latte, dll. Menu cemilan pendampingnya bisa singkong goreng, kentang goreng, tempe goreng, ubi goreng, dsb. 3. OB Coffee Prinsipnya seperti kedai kopi tetapi dilakukan oleh seorang OB (office boy) di sebuah kantor. Cukup bermodal dispenser pemanas air (biasanya sudah disediakan di kantor), teko kopi dan gelas saji Anda sudah bisa membuat kopi seperti di kafe dengan mudah, praktis dan harga yang relatif murah. Target pasarnya semua karyawan yang bekerja di kantor tersebut. Dengan tetap menjalankan profesi sebagai OB, Anda bisa menjual kopi ke karyawan yang lain. Dijamin tidak mengganggu pekerjaan utama karena proses penyeduhannya yang mudah dan praktis. 4. Kantin Kopi Dalam sebuah gedung perkantoran seringkali sudah disediakan tempat/ruangan kantin untuk tempat makan siang karyawan dan biasanya ada beberapa kedai atau warung makan. Pada umumnya kedai-kedai ini menjual minumnya hanya berupa teh atau air minum dalam kemasan. Dengan menyediakan BIKO Drip Coffee, kedai makanan bisa menjual kopi seperti di kafe dengan peralatan yang sederhana. Cukup dengan dispenser pemanas air, teko kopi dan gelas saji, kedai makanan sudah dapat membuat kopi seperti di kafe dengan mudah, praktis dan harga yang relatif murah. 5. Take Away Coffee Prinsipnya seperti kedai kopi, hanya cara penjualannya dengan metode take away. Tempat usahanya bisa dilakukan di rumah. Sistem penjualannya bekerja sama dengan Go Food, Grab Food, atau aplikasi yang lain. Dengan BIKO Drip Coffee, Anda cukup menyediakan dispenser pemanas air, teko kopi dan gelas saji sehingga bisa menyajikan kopi seperti di kafe. Mau order atau jadi RESELLER Biko Kopi Premium? Silakan klik salah satu toko kami: ✅ Website ✅ Facebook ✅ Instagram ✅ Whatsapp ✅ COD Bogor ✅ COD Tangerang ✅ COD Semarang ✅ COD Klaten ✅ COD Magelang ✅ Shopee ✅ Tokopedia ✅ Bukalapak Read the full article
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curutquit · 3 years
Nasi Bakmoy. Masakan khas ini berasal dari daerah yogyakarta. Konon dari cerita jaman dahulu ada seorang engkoh dari tiongkok ( fu jian ) dan menikah dengan wanita Bali. Today's special easy recipe: Nasi Bakmoy Ayam!
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Lihat juga resep Nasi Bakmoy Ayam Tahu enak lainnya. Nasi Bakmoy Nasi Bakmoy Paru Nasi Sambal Cobek Empon Empon Jahe Secang Halal bit.ly/warungnasibakmoy. Nasi bakmoy, dari namanya kita sudah bisa menebak makanan ini mendapatkan pengaruh kuliner Chinese.
Hello everybody, I hope you are having an amazing day today. Today, I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, nasi bakmoy. It is one of my favorites. This time, I will make it a little bit tasty. This will be really delicious.
Masakan khas ini berasal dari daerah yogyakarta. Konon dari cerita jaman dahulu ada seorang engkoh dari tiongkok ( fu jian ) dan menikah dengan wanita Bali. Today's special easy recipe: Nasi Bakmoy Ayam!
Nasi Bakmoy is one of the most well liked of current trending foods in the world. It is enjoyed by millions daily. It is simple, it's quick, it tastes delicious. Nasi Bakmoy is something that I have loved my entire life. They're fine and they look fantastic.
To begin with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few ingredients. You can cook nasi bakmoy using 14 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.
The ingredients needed to make Nasi Bakmoy:
{Get 1 of chicken breast fillet (cut).
{Get 200 g of pork loin (cut).
{Get 100 g of prawn (devein and finely minced).
{Get 5 of garlic (finely chopped).
{Make ready 1 of brown shallot (finely chopped).
{Get 2 tbsp of sweet soy sauce.
{Get 1 tbsp of soy sauce.
{Take of Chicken broth.
{Take of Starch.
{Get of Water.
{Get of Condiments.
{Take of Boiled egg.
{Make ready of Chinese celery.
{Make ready of Fried onion.
Menurut Wikipedia, asal makanan ini dari Jawa Tengah. I am having Nasi Bakmoy for my lunch at Resto Lumpia Semarang, Cempaka Putih. It is delicious and perfect lunch for me. #lunch #nasibakmoy #kulinersemarang @ Cempaka Putih. еда на вынос доставка. zeama суп. Рейтинги "Nasi Bakmoy pak Mar Bogeman". resep cara bikin Nasi Bakmoy yang enak ini cocok banget untuk menu sarapan keluarga besok Perut sudah pasti kenyang lebih lama kalau sarapan dengan resep cara bikin Nasi Bakmoy yang. Ikuti Video Masak Cara Membuat Nasi Bakmoy Ayam nya langkah demi Tiba-tiba kangen makan Nasi Bakmoy ayam di Bandung, berhubung sekarang udah stay di.
Instructions to make Nasi Bakmoy:
Boil water and chicken bones for the broth..
Mix minced prawn with starch, salt, and pepper, then fry. (I cut it in the same size as the chicken and pork)..
Heat the pan, put some oil, fry garlic, then bring the chicken and pork in. Sauteé and season with salt, pepper, sweet soy sauce, a d sugar. When it's cooked, put aside..
Mix altogether when about to eat, add a boiled egg ans sprinkle with celery and fried onion..
Yuk bikin nasi bakmoy, ide masak untuk yang sedang sakit. Salah satu sajian berkuah yang sederhana adalah nasi bakmoy. Hidangan ini terkanal sebagai sajian peranakan, khususnya di Pulau. Nasi bakmoy dikenal sebagai sajian sarapan di Jawa Tengah. Ada yang memakai daging babi dan banyak pula yang memakai daging ayam sebagai topping.
So that's going to wrap it up with this exceptional food nasi bakmoy recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I'm sure you can make this at home. There's gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don't forget to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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