derstyando · 4 years
The Places I Wanna Visit
“Travel as much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived in one place.”
I seldom to traveling since i was child. Today, as i am growing old and can making some travel to another destinations, with my own willing, money and travel mate, travelling is one activity that bring me relaxation and happiness. So you can pick me as your travel mate too. When travelling, I am enjoying the scenery outside, taking some pictures with beautiful occasion and sweet friends. I can feel togetherness and it recharge me to facing the reality again after it.
Here are the list of my favorite places I wanna go as long as I still alive. It divide on two flights, domestic and international destinations. 
Domestic Destinations
1. Belitung Island
I love being sit or stand on the sand with the beach breeze. This island is amaze me beautifully with the big coral rocks spread through the beach. Beside the pretty natural destination, there is Museum Kata Andrea Hirata, the author of mega best seller book, The Rainbow Troops. The design is bright-colored and I really want to know how he was rising in this island as his born place. And many more places i want to go on this island, include the shooting places of The Rainbow Troops here.
2. Semarang
I had promise with friend to making visit to this place. This town is famous with the old town buildings. Beside that, there are many museums and natural destination that beautifully created.
3. Malang
In this town, you feel see some of the mountains with beautiful phenomena. You can see it from sunrise until sunset. It famous with the cheap and yummy street food around and cool even cold breeze even on the afternoon.
So what about the international? here they are.
1. Mekah, the holy place of Muslim. I wish I could be there doing Hajj or Umrah prayer with my family here.
2. Australia, the nearest British country that I wished to taking my next studies there.
3. Japan, with the rich and strong human culture and the tidiness this country applied on every single details of basic human needs.
Jakarta, September 19, 2020 - 18.42
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