Space Aunt
775 posts
Joy | She/Her | Asexual | 24 | Taurus | INFP
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space-aunt13 · 2 months ago
that’s enough emotions for a whole year. ciao
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space-aunt13 · 3 months ago
Happy winter solstice! The light begins to return tomorrow!!
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space-aunt13 · 3 months ago
is donna properly aware that the doctor doesn't always regenerate into david tennant or
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space-aunt13 · 3 months ago
That actually happened to me a couple hundred years ago
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space-aunt13 · 5 months ago
🏛Hellenic cheat sheets🏛
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In construction
Here are some cheat sheets with general information about the Greek Gods which you might find useful in worship but not only!
There is plenty of information I did not include. These are just simple cheat sheets. I could not fit everything in there but this might come in handy if you’re just starting out or want to get to know the Hellenic Gods.
For more information about them, I highly recommend you check out the websites or books I listed in sources!
PSA: Some of the things listed in offerings and associations section are more modern, thus could be regarded as UPGs/SPGs
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⚡ The Olympians ⚡
Mount Olympus - Home of the Gods
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🦴The Underworld🦴
House of Hades & the Afterlife
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🌱 Minor deities & daimones 💫
Phobos & Deimos - bonus info
Mousai [Muses]
Moirai [Fates]
Charites [Graces]
Anemoi [The Winds]
🌾 Titan & Primordial Gods 🌌
👑 Heroes & deified mortals ⚔
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space-aunt13 · 6 months ago
"The Doctor's companion should be a history major!"
Yes. But have you also considered: ✨geologist✨
Imagine the Doctor befriends some random person, they get along pretty well, but through some events or another, they realize/get taken on a trip in the TARDIS, and they're just staring at the Doctor, eyes absolutely fucking huge. Their voice is desperate and disbelieving when they say, shaking a bit:
"You can travel in time?"
The Doctor is bemused and just goes, "yes?"
Their eyes get even wider if possible, and then they ask: "Can we go to the Permian?"
Once again, the Doctor's a bit baffled, but hey, who cares, might as well take a trip a few hundred million years into the past. The person gives them specific coordinates, which is also a bit weird, but makes it easier to navigate, so who are they to complain.
The Doctor flings open the doors, and the person just looks outside at the massive incised valley on the coastline and just starts sobbing. They're a PhD student. Their entire thesis is about the fluctuations in sea level during the Permian, and the mass extinction at the Permi-Triassic boundary.
They've just been proven right.
And hey, the Doctor likes the geologist well enough, and likes them even more after they start asking intensely theoretical questions about the deep past and future, so they take them as a companion. They visit the Grand Canyon to discover that, yes, the Western side is only 6 million years old. They jump to the future to watch plate tectonics.
When they go to other planets, the geologist is of course curious about the culture, but even more curious about the geochemistry of the planet, and how was that mountain formed over there, and do they have plate tectonics, is the geomorphology the same if the gravity differs on each planet? And the Doctor is thrilled because look, someone new to info dump on, and they seem to be understanding almost everything they're saying about the composition of the crust, and the different types of rocks on each planet.
Like, you can't tell me they each wouldn't love that. I would love that, so.
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space-aunt13 · 7 months ago
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For those who needed to hear it today
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space-aunt13 · 1 year ago
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space-aunt13 · 1 year ago
I love how all of the Batman villains are like “ah he’s not at the manor, it’s defenseless! and then alfred just racks an AK-47 and is like pull up bitch
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space-aunt13 · 1 year ago
you guys wanna see the most accurate and blasphemous representation of the words ‘catholic shaming’?
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space-aunt13 · 1 year ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media're not like us? -Nyeah, no, we look similar, but we are angels. Er, my colleague is. I'm a demon. -What's the difference? -Hah, good question. I guess you could say I had to leave our Eden, in a sense. -...and he didn't go with you? -He...that's...It's not like with you and Adam. Uh, sorry for getting you kicked out, by the way. I didn't know She'd be so tetchy about the apple. -Don't be, it was getting kinda boring in there. -...knew I liked you for a reason.
i'm a crowley&eve friendship truther, and a big proponent of nanny! crowley to cain and abel (later events ....notwithstanding)
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space-aunt13 · 1 year ago
the thing about Dead White Guys History is like. It is in fact important to learn. The way people are venerated is a mistake, and the way that's the only focus of history is a mistake. But for better or for worse, if you want to understand the origins of the way society is, you do in fact need to read about a bunch of dead white guys and the ways they thought about things.
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space-aunt13 · 1 year ago
That line from the new Doctor Who trailer about "things turning more and more... Supernatural" would have set this website on fire a few years back.
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space-aunt13 · 1 year ago
The Doctor being disabled.
Every incarnation sitting somewhere on the autism spectrum. Their stims and behaviors vary between incarnations.
First doctor with alexithymia. On Gallifrey it was fine, ignored. A "superior race" that prided itself in observation without interference doesn't put too much stalk in compassion. But meeting humans up close with Barbara and Ian started him down a path of learning to put words to his own feelings as well as others.
As his body aged he also developed arthritis. The cane was for mobility as much as it was for style. He learned the hard way that aspirin is not Gallifreyan friendly (he survived the small dose, but it scared the hell out of Susan).
Two with lots of physical stims. All his gestures and wringing his hands, grabbing onto companions.
Dyspraxic Two. Chicken scratch handwriting, stumbling over his words and his feet. He really leans into tactile sensations whether it's the texture of his clothes or holding onto a companion, it was always grounding for him.
Third tended to shut down more than his first two since the constant stress and frustration of exile had him already wound pretty tight. He'll lock himself in the lab and just put himself on autopilot until he recharges enough to deal with whatever shenanigans are happening.
Three has tinnitus that of various sounds including almost like the tardis materialization sound. He often has to look up to check if the Master is showing up to bother him or not.
Four has ADHD alongside with autism. He struggles with constantly running from responsibility and wanting to have some sense of control of situations.
It's one of those snowballs of procrastination causing anxiety which causes him to procrastinate further. Unless it's urgently life threatening, his stress response is freeze.
Five masks and suppresses his emotions in an attempt to blend with neurotypicals more since he's self-conscious of his previous "eccentricity" as Four. It causes a lot of strain between him and Tegan after Earthshock.
Peripheral neuropathy causing muscle weakness in his legs cause of the difficult regeneration. Look how much he falls over and leans on the tardis console, he can't stand straight for long periods of time without aids. Usually has braces, but will use a cane around the tardis (would use the wheelchair but it's dead in the Castrovalva river).
Six gets overstimulated easier than some, especially by noises and textures. Usually that with things not going accordingly tends to set off meltdowns. Ever since he hurt Peri he turns his energy on himself instead.
Bipolar Six. He tends to handle mania better than depression, at least when he has too much energy he knows he can spend it and try to get it out. He'll usually park the tardis somewhere his companion can enjoy and shut himself away in the cloister room or zero room when at the worst of his lows.
Also type 1 diabetic six, regenerating from poison fucked with his metabolism. He is careful to take care of his blood sugar, but he's terrible at remembering to stay hydrated. That's why Mel is always shoving carrot juice at him.
Seven has ADD (yes I know it's technically "ADHD of the predominantly inattentive type" but ADD is easier). ADD as in he's always in his own head, always five points ahead of the conversation. His train of thought is incomprehensible to most, but there is a string of logic to it.
Dyspraxic Seven with an abnormal gait and stance. Bad posture makes him look shorter than he is. Only he can read his own handwriting, which he insists is not as bad as it is.
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space-aunt13 · 1 year ago
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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space-aunt13 · 1 year ago
my favourite thing about the bigeneration i think is that it's this really sweet and tender moment that would be absolutely fucking hilarious if it had happened in any other point in their life
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space-aunt13 · 1 year ago
When your best friends roasts you alive after a girl flirts with you...
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