#go follow her 4 great art :)
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amazing comm i got from @coochiekrab of my sona!
you will look at him.
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The target audience for this was for people who don't know too much about the game as well, so I'm going to explain things that a normal player might already know.
Rain World is known for how it simply throws you into the world with almost no tutorial, and is often praised for it.
But this lack of explanation if you do not go out of your way to find it has also lead to a lot of misinterpretations from those who did not read all the game’s available information, or misunderstood what they were being told. I used to watch some RW lore videos that would explain and summarize these things, and in the past I believed them.
I’ve since stopped doing that after having some time to actually process what I’ve been reading, and I’m here to say...
Ok, hyperbole. Not everyone believes these, and art can always be interpreted in different ways by different people, and I won’t stop you from having these beliefs. But also, there’s plenty of ingame content which completely disproves most of these unsubstantiated points from those who do not fully research the game before making videos about it.
Looking at you Tale Foundry…
The purpose of this is to pick apart some of the sadly far too common points I’ve heard many times before from Youtube videos, to Tumblr posts, to people I’ve spoken to on Discord.
Starting with my least favorite…
“The 5 karma were seen as sinful”
Obvious westernization of a game based off fucking Buddhism aside, there’s no ingame text directly supporting this claim. There isn’t any that says otherwise, but we have good reason to believe this isn’t the case.
The 5 natural urges, as they’re sometimes called, were NATURAL. They were what bound you to the cycle. They never worsened your life or made you a terrible person should you keep following them, but an aspect of life on the same level as suffering or ecstasy.
Hey, I’ll break down the 5 karma and their meanings to show you that they're not just "sins"
I believe the natural urges have 2 different meanings: an animalistic one, and a more “human” one.
KARMA 1 This obviously represents violence, as you see one guy stabbing the other. I believe it also represents competition and intense emotions, For example: Artificer experiencing intense grief and lashing out in violence as a result. It was not the violence that started it, but her emotions. (Yes, its Downpour. But it’s a good point.)
They’re having sex. They’re fucking. They’re- ok you get it. Karma 2 represents reproduction. But, I also believe it’s desire. Joyful bodily experiences, and such. The 2 figures seen here are in a much more playful pose than if they were simply doing this only to reproduce. No, they’re having fun.
KAMRA 3 Connection. Bonding with others. Yet also trade and personal belongings. Attachment to things that are not yourself.
KARMA 4 It’s mentioned ingame that this represents gluttony It’s overindulgence, you know. Similarly to karma 2, it can also be searching for fulfillment. I'm not particularly good at telling what the meaning of this could be.
KARMA 5 Self preservation. Self preservation can come in many forms, from an animal running away from a predator or somebody getting defensive after being accused of something or being threatened, this one is rather vague about its meaning.
I do this to show that the 5 urges have very NEUTRAL meanings. It being positive or negative is entire dependant on context. They’re not sinful, get out of here with that Catholic shit!
The 5 karmas have both positive, negative, and neutral contexts which they can fit into.
“The ancients hated being alive”
The ancients simply hated the cycle itself and its unknowable properties, as well as being much more aware of things like karma and the urges. Rather, they valued being effortless to disconnect themselves from this cycle.
“This was an eternal dilemma to them - they were burdened by great ambition, yet deeply convinced that striving in itself was an unforgivable vice. They tried very hard to be effortless.” – Bright Green Pearl (DS)
Some practices did of course include things like starving yourself, but as mentioned by Moon, these methods proved to be mostly obsolete. Void Fluid fundamentally changed their culture from what we see. Rather, we do see the ancients enjoying life and valuing it in their own way, which is INCREDIBLY important to some of the games themes, but I’ll get into that later.
"[...]'In this vessel is the living memories of Seventeen Axes, Fifteen Spoked Wheel, of the House of Braids[…] Seventeen Axes, Fifteen Spoked Wheel nobly decided to ascend in the beginning of 1514.008, after graciously donating all (ALL!) earthly possessions to the local Iterator project (Unparalleled Innocence), and left these memories to be cherished by the carnal plane.The assorted memories and qualia include:Watching dust suspended in a ray of sun (Old age). Eating a very tasty meal (Young child). Defeating an opponent in a debate contest, and being applauded by fellow team members (Late childhood/Early adulthood).’...and the list goes on. I'm sorry, little creature, I won't read all of this - the list is six hundred and twenty items long.” – Deep Magenta (SH)
There’s quite a lot to pick apart here, I had to cut down some parts short, but even the cut parts have important details. Just not important enough for me to bring up here.
The Memory Crypts we see ingame are… well where memories are kept. The qualia (personalized experiences) is stored within these mutated fleshy neural organisms referred to as “cabinet beasts”. These of course, contain the “living memories” or qualia of those who have ascended. There are people smarter than me who have already covered these ideas of course, so I won't go TOO indepth.
The ancients greatly valued titles and achievements just as us. They still lived normal lives. As well as this, they valued personal experiences and memories of the carnal realm so much they built an entire citadel to store memories.
As we can see as well, Seventeen Axes has quite a lot of enjoyable memories from throughout their life. Eating nice food and winning a debate contest and getting validation from their peers? That sounds rather… complacent with the 3rd and 4th natural urges, doesn’t it?
I do not believe this screams “I hate being alive!” as much as people have made it out to be, and is honestly ruins part of the game’s messages of compassion and personalized experiences, especially in the game’s ending where Survivor dreams of home.
“You have no name. I once had! I was embalmed, adorned, readied for the journey. So proud. There was jubilation! My name was sung, loud and clear. Did they know? That I didn't quite leave, didn't quite stay? Should I be ashamed? That I linger here, where my memories are kept? Should I be ashamed that I now envy your flesh prison?” - Four Needles under Plentiful Leaves
This is leaning into personal theory territory, but...
I personally believe that the ancients were somewhat terrified of the unpredictability of the cycle and the fact that life would always have more suffering in it.
RW’s religion is heavily based off Buddhism. This is well known of course. The Cycle is a variation of Samsara. Now, I’m not Buddhist, and I’ve tried to do my research about some of these topics. Feel free to correct me, I’m simply going off what I know. (Also I'd love to hear what you have to say regarding your thoughts on the game!)
In Buddhism, each new life you could be taken into the body of an animal, or even end up being tortured in hell for a very, very, VERY long time if you made the wrong decisions, which made escaping it as soon as you could seem like a rather reasonable thing to do.
The ancients never fully grasped the scope of the cycle, and the prospects of having your soul wake up in the body of some miserable worm with no memory of your past or any ideas of your future might’ve seemed bleak.
Suffering is inevitable. But that doesn’t mean they hated being alive, like I said before.
“Rain World is post-apocalyptic.”
It really isn’t. There was never any apocalypse. The ancients simply left on their own accord, leaving behind their mark on the world that will slowly be buried once again in the ever so present cycle.
“The bones of forgotten civilizations, heaped like so many sticks.” - Two Sprouts, Twelve Brackets
The world is thriving, even. The purposed organisms left behind have evolved and taken over and become it’s own ecosystem.
The iterators are dying though. Dying very slowly, but soon they’ll all decay and everything will move on.
It’s all just another manifestation of the cycle.
“The creatures in Rain World cannot die”
This is definitely something I hear from people who haven’t played much of the game and only hear about it from outside sources and watch the gameplay.
Yes, it is easy to believe this. As slugcat, when you die, you wake back up again. This is entirely a gameplay thing and not actually related to the lore. Saying this might seem like I'm avoiding the question at hand here, but the rules that apply to you do not seem to apply to other creatures.
Every creature in the game has a 4 integer ID (it can go higher, but not in a standard playthrough).
This makes every creature you see an individual of sorts with its own randomized values or appearance.
As well as this, creatures spawn from specific marked dens. When you kill a creature that spawns from a certain den, the next cycle, that creature’s ID will never appear again. Instead, the den spawn is replaced by a creature of the same species with a different ID, or a new species entirely.
Through gameplay, you see that the respawn rules that apply to you do not apply to other creatures. I’ve heard many points about how these dead creatures are transported to another alternate universe where they are alive, but I really do not want to delve into that theory. You do that yourself.
Excuse my unprofessional language, but this is kind of stupid. Billions and billions of little timeline splits accounting for every single insect and microbe that dies seems far too complex of a solution. Occam's Razor and all that.
With this gameplay element you see, I also want to give LORE explanations as to why this is incredibly stupid.
1) If death had no impact, the 5 natural urges would not matter
If no creatures died, there would be no point in eating (karma 4), competing with other species (karma 1), or any form of self preservation (karma 5). Reproduction (karma 2) has no role and there would be absolutely no reason to do anything any longer. All natural processes would be useless.
2) Light Blue Pearl
The information received from the cycle is most likely from the Light Blue Pearl, found in Outskirts.
“[...]The repeating mantra is important because it symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and death, and the termination verse is a symbol for ascension above and beyond it. I don't know how familiar you are with the nature of life and death, but I imagine like all living creatures you have some intuitive knowledge? Then you know that death isn't the end - birth and death are connected to each other like a ring, or some say a spiral. Some say a spiral that in turn forms a ring. Some ramble in agonizing longevity. But the basis is agreed upon: like sleep like death, you wake up again - whether you want to or not. This is true for all living things, but some actually break the cycle. That doesn't apply to you or me though, you are too entangled in your animal struggles, and for me not breaking that cycle is an integral part of the design. Our mantras keep repeating.”
“Then you know that death isn't the end - birth and death are connected to each other like a ring, or some say a spiral. Some say a spiral that in turn forms a ring.“
This line is very misunderstood. Moon specifically mentions birth and death. She mentions death. She never brings up the notion that nothing truly dies either.
As well as this, Moon says that “some say”, implying that even the ancients weren’t sure what the cycle was either. This is more important to my point regarding how the unfathomable nature of the cycle was why the Ancients were so averse to it from above, though.
“Sliver of Straw found the solution.”/"There is/isn't solution"
No she didn’t.
Ok fine I’ll explain.
If you’ve played Rain World you know that the purpose of the iterators is to find the solution to the “Great Problem”, the problem of how to ascend ALL living creatures.
You’ll also know Sliver sent out the Triple Affirmative…
“[...]affirmative that a solution has been found, affirmative that the solution is portable, and affirmative that a technical implementation is possible and generally applicable. She's also one of few that has ever been confirmed as exhaustively incapacitated, or dead. We do not die easily.[…]” - Pale Yellow (SL)
After sending out this affirmative, the iterators became conflicted. They never could figure out if she really ascended and had found the solution, or if it was some sort of catastrophic error.
The answer to the Great Problem is clearly intended to be as obscured as possible. There cannot be an answer one way or the other. The themes of it and the endless tolling of the iterators would not be as impactful if we knew there was or wasn’t a solution.
“[...]Either way, after that these different factions developed, as well as a huge forensic effort to recreate and simulate Sliver of Straw's last moments. Some of the simulations were wrapped in a simulation wrapped in a simulation, in case something dangerous might happen. Nothing much has come from it.[…]“ - Pale Yellow (SL)
Here’s my favorite way of explaining what I mean…
Imagine Schrodinger's Cat, the famous thought experiment. There’s a 50/50 chance that when you open the box, you either find the Solution, or find out there is No Solution.
Except you cannot open the box. And the box is entirely theoretical and nobody’s seen it. It seems impossible, but maybe one day you’ll find that box. That’s what the Great Problem is.
Sliver apparently having found the solution would have completely broken everything. Five Pebbles wouldn’t have ended up hurting himself and Moon had Sliver finding the solution been known with certainty. He was taking a shot in the dark.
“Ascension is akin to suicide.”
I strongly believe this point harms the role that ascension and the void sea play in Rain World’s narrative. Ascension is meant to be a final destination, a goal you build up to and prepare for when you’ve lived every bit of life you possible could, and can now move on.
Bringing up the Memory Crypt pearl from earlier, Seventeen Axes lived an incredibly fulfilling life from what we see, and ascended happily.
As well as this, Buddhism strongly encourages those who wish to liberate themselves to discover their own path, which is also subtly shown through the gameplay, as there are many many routes you can take to Five Pebbles, Looks To The Moon, and The Depths.
I do also think this is why Five Pebbles failed. He tried to brute force his way to ascension.
Suicide implies that ascension is only meant to be a fruitless escape and that it’s wrong to ascend. I… do not want to go into why suicide is bad. It’s a strong topic and I’m just here to talk about video games. But ascension is a neutral thing that you can choose to do or not do and to wait until you’re ready.
I really only have the time to cover these 6 misconceptions, and I believe it should be enough. There have been many others I’ve seen, such as the ancients being malicious or that there weren’t any civilizations before them, but there’s not as much to say about them, and they aren’t as common.
Rain World is a very confusing game. I’m not upset at people who think these things to be true, and I do not believe they’re stupid or don’t have any media literacy. I just wish that the people who did actually cover this game did some more looking into it, and actually discussing it with Rain World fans.
Also I should say, that during this entire discussion I have avoided talking about Downpour- RW’s DLC- as it’s more of a official fanmade project. And so much of what it says may not be entirely in line with Vanilla. Because my life isn’t easy and of course there has to be an incredibly divisive and confusing thing like this that I need to avoid bringing up so that way the conversation isn’t muddled.
Thanks if you managed to make it through all this by the way
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Nate Jacobs + Fem!reader. Warnings : Dark. SFW, but discretion advised. Drugs.
I don't know if this is milder or darker than the previous parts, but I do know that it is LONG.
Part 1 : Whiplash
Part 2 : 9 Lives
Part 3 : Blessed
Part 4 : Shards
Part 6 : Sin
You do NOT have permission to repost and/or translate any of my fics.
Desc. : You're fun and you're wild, but you don't know the half of the shit that you put me through


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"We need to talk."
Suddenly, Carl Jung had never been more interesting, your eyes unable to rip away from the words on the paper in front of them, ignoring Nate as much as possible.
Your shoulder suddenly jerked, and a soft whisper followed. "Hey. We need to talk."
Frowning, your eyes darted between the two Jacobs brothers, the looks on their faces not strict, but the most infuriatingly stoic gazes mankind had ever known.
"You had quite a weekend, right? Anything crazy happen?"
The real question Aaron was asking was whether you were going to talk about it.
"Nope, just lots of psych homework."
"See, this is why I'm telling you to drop Psych. Unnecessary stress.", remarked Nate, his fingers rapping on the table in an almost musical pattern. Almost, because music is art, and there was nothing artistic about the false smile he was giving you.
"I'll keep that in mind."
"How are the rest of classes going?" Small talk?
"Great. Chem is pissing me off, though."
"Eh, well, only nerds are good at Chem, and I don't fuck with nerds. So you're lucky."
Oh, thanks, man. Such an honour.
"Are you good at Chem?"
"I pass."
"Where'd you get time to study? What with all the vapes and parties and quote-unquote 'dozens of bitches'?"
He let out a breathy laugh. "I got good work-life balance.", he replied, leaning on his arms closer to you. His head tilted and you knew something psychotic was about to happen. Well, it was Nate. You knew something psychotic was about to happen the second he walked in.
"I'll bet."
He smiled at that. "Are you my friend, Y/N? Are we friends?"
"I don't think so."
"Good. We're on the same page.", he hissed, moving in closer, glaring at you with the same eyes that had been acting as a dam to his true emotions two nights ago. "You can't tell anyone." His fingers deftly twirled your hair around before tucking it behind your ear.
"How you threw a lamp at me?"
"What you heard about my Dad. What he wanted to... what he said. What you learnt about our family."
"I won't."
"No, seriously, Y/N, don't fucking play with me right now. You'll regret it if you do."
"I'm not playing around, either. I'm not going to tell anyone."
"Good.", sniped Aaron. "'Cause we'll fucking ruin your life if you do."
"Aaron.", whispered Nate, shaking his head. "She already said she wouldn't."
"And you trust her?! She walked in with this polite girl attitude and then when shit got tough, she yelled at you with Mom just a room away. And you told me she wanted to fuck Da-"
"Aaron, shut the FUCK up, okay? She said she isn't going to, so she won't." The glares were back on you, an unwelcome blanket in the heat of tension.
"Yeah, we wouldn't want to have to say stuff about you , too."
"Aaron, I said fuckin' drop it."
"No, she gotta know what's at stake, or she's going to take this shit lightly."
You could almost see the vein pop in Nate's head.
"Nate, what... what stuff?"
"It's nothing. Just... we needed incentive.", he muttered, shrugging.
"What incentive?"
"You're buddy-buddy with a drug dealer, Y/N.", he continued, although, to his credit, it seemed with a little reluctance. "And he has access to a lot of shit, right? Who knows if he's ever slipped something into your drink and... y'know."
"What the FUCK? What the FUCK, NATE?"
His idea of incentive was making you a rape victim?!
Being shushed by the librarian solidified your thirst for homicide.
"I mean, you fucked Shane voluntarily, so you're already a fuckin' whore.", he declared, shrugging again as if he was just stating that the sky would be lit up by fireworks on the Fourth of July. "Maybe he just thought it would be easier, without all the playing-hard-to-get-shit. You're close enough that he trusts you to watch over his store."
"How sad, you're in denial.", tutted Aaron, pouting. "How would you know? He could have used shit stronger than Rohypnol, ya know? Shit that could knock you out cold for hours, and maybe he even called a couple of his trapper buddies-"
Aaron shut up quite quickly when your knuckles met his jaw, but started cussing you out when Nate pulled you off of him. "We're just saying, Y/N, you don't tell anyone the truth of that night, we won't tell them the lies about Fezco."
You pointed your finger at Nate's chest, hoping to god that that would distract him from the rage-induced tears pooling in your eyes.
"You're a fucking coward, Jacobs. With a pervert dad. A fucking coward who can't admit that he has no idea what the fuck he's doing."
"Big words coming from a girl that was raped by her dealer."
OH, someone needs to euthanize this motherfucker.
Nate had no fucking clue why he was doing this.
He was just drunk, he supposed. Drunk and horny. Average teenage experience.
But it's like.. he could've done anything. ANYTHING else. He could've actually gone to the party, picked up some girl, screwed her into the bed.
But no.
He sat there, scrolling through the fucking SlutPages. For who?Shane's sister, maybe, because of the inexplicable hatred he'd been feeling for him for about a month that he couldn't really think of a reason for? You would think, wouldn't you?
He looked for you.
There was no way you were a virgin. But he should've known there was also no way you were a slut. Or at least, that you were smart enough not to end up there.
He almost fucking threw the phone onto the wall. Fuck.
And you'd blocked him. That was the problem. He couldn't even text you. And he didn't have your fucking phone number, Jesus fucking Christ, he should've gotten it! Relying on something as flimsy as social fucking media was stupid. Idiot.
Wait. Social media.
He quickly slid his chair over to his computer, his hands moving with a pace and mind of their own.
No fucking way would he admit this, but his brother... had some good ideas, once in a while.
When he was fourteen, he'd been wide-eyed, watching through the crack through a door as his older brother -17 at the time- created an account, some random username, some girly bullshit, and then gone Incognito, finding a picture to add.
And then he watched as his brother spent hours poring through pictures of girls - at the time, Nate's seniors- and then suddenly sigh.
"You know, you breathe like fucking Darth Vader?" "What's that?", he'd asked, ignoring that comment and padding over to sit next to him. "This account? I'll tell you, but it- it's like... private brother shit, ok?"
"Shit". What a novel word that was at the time.
"Okay." "Spit-swear it, runt."
He spit-swore. A thing he never fucking did again.
"You can use it. Whenever you're down bad for a chick but you're blocked." "Why would a chick I'm down bad for block me?" "You're so obviously fourteen."
And god fucking damnit, was he.
Not that he was down bad for you. But all he'd say is if this wasn't love, it was pretty fucking close. Why you enthralled him, no clue. You were so easy to rile up, but hard to push too far. You always seemed to be limitless.
He logged in.
Good, the loser, Crestin, posted a story.
Good, you were there in the background.
Great, you were hot.
Bad, you were drinking. Tequila. Wasn't that you and Nate's thing?
Of course, he wouldn't presume to have taken your tequila-V-Card, but he most definitely would have assumed that you'd associate tequila with him. With that night. He'd assumed you'd stay away from it, metaphorically forsaking him in the process.
But no.
Shane's tequila was non-traumatic, and apparently delicious. Ugh.
This simply would not do.
"No, NO, GET the FUCK away from me!", you warned, pointing a finger at him. You should've taken his advice and learnt to shoot. "I'm warning you, Jacobs!"
Shane's party was meant to be the one place you could be to avoid Nate, seeing as the host was some sort of Nate-repellent, but NO, you'd just apparently underestimated Nate Jacobs once again.
And here he was, his hand gripping your wrist - just like the rope you wanted to grip his neck - and glaring down at you as if you'd just killed his entire family but he was mildly turned on by it.
"Y/N, just fucking listen! Just- stop causing a scene! Fuckin' LISTEN!", he ordered, grabbing your shoulder with one palm and pointing at you with the other hand, to stop you from writhing away from him.
"You can't just do what you did last week and then expec-"
He kissed you. What did he think this was, fucking Disney Channel?
"NO! NO!", you shouted, shoving him away and secretly hoping for a car to hit him as he stumbled back.
No such luck.
It really was the world according to Nate, wasn't it?
"You know it's okay, right? It's alright."
"It's okay to want me.", he informed you, as if he was telling you it was okay to sing in the shower.
Everyone does it. It's like, a thing, relax.
"It's okay.", he continued, "People want what's bad for them all the time.", he murmured, his thumb tracing your lip like he was tracing out a line he wanted so desperately to cross. "It's human nature."
"You think I'm bad for you?"
He took a deep breath, as if he was about to tell you you were terminal. "I think you're good for my soul. Like a baptism without the water." His thumb moved further into your mouth, just barely grazing your teeth.
"Even you have no clue what that meant, admit it."
"It's called effect, Y/N. Drama. Intrigue. Doesn't have to make sense."
You stared up at him, waiting for elaboration, and that earned a huff from him as he looked around at the other people in the front yard - doing lines, making out, throwing up - before turning back to you. "No, honey, I don't think you're bad for me. In fact, I think you're unnecessarily good for me."
"As in, I don't need your energy."
"Then why are you so insistent on being around it? 'Cause you want to fuck me?"
"No! Jesus. It's in the name, Y/N. GOOD luck charm. You help me do GOOD in my games. You're good energy."
"What's next? You gonna tell me my birthstone?"
"Oh, shut up.", he chuckled, shaking his head as he moved your jaw from side-to-side in what seemed to be a playful gesture, but at this point, could very well have been him trying to ascertain which cheek to shoot into or something. "You got your licks in. We good?"
"Good? No. NO. We're not good! You threatened someone I love, so no fuckin' way are we good!"
"I know, I know. Aaron wanted me to-"
He sighed, as if you were his deranged relative who was climbing up some telephone pole.
"YOU just can't handle the fact that I saw you almost fucking cry! I caught you weak, and that's a power shift, and you don't FUCKING like it, do you?!"
His jaw ticked for a moment, but he managed to let out a mix between a scoff and a chuckle. And then, as if what you said wasn't quite literally exactly what he was feeling, he asked, "Are you done?"
"NO, I'm not fucking done! I still haven't got to the part where you threatened to accuse him of rape, which is a fucking terrible thing to joke about in the first pla-"
"Look, man, I don't have time for this shit, okay? I'm not hurting Fezco! I came here so I could tell you something."
"My GOD, Nate, you made your point! I won't tell anyone!", you groaned, snatching a drink from some already-tipsy guy's hand and downing it.
"That's totally hygienic.", he remarked, eyes finally tearing away from you as you both watched the drunkard stumble over a girl who was getting rid of her lunch and breakfast in the bushes.
"I got new incentive.", he murmured, his forehead against yours, and his thumb rubbing your cheek as if it owned land there.
"What, now you're going make Shane out to be a rapist, too?"
Not a bad idea, actually. The corners of his mouth curled down, and he scanned your face as if he were actually thinking about it, eliciting a tsk from you.
He hid a chortle as he continued. "I'm offering you a deal. You were right, back at the bleachers about the control thing."
He was about to ask you to sell your soul, you could fucking feel it.
"So... you get to control me. For however long you need. Like, a month, a week, whatever. Just don't tell anyone about my family."
Whoa. Plot twist. You did not expect him to sell his soul.
"Oh, yeah, I'm sure. So if I asked you to show up to school naked?"
"Yes, I'd show up to school naked for you. But it's funny seeing me naked is your first instinct."
His trust issues were suddenly working out in your favour- he was essentially offering himself up as collateral.
"If I ask you to announce a formal apology to me on a bullhorn before your game?"
"I just want you to leave my family alone, Y/N."
So that's where Nate Jacobs' humanity began. At his family. Noted.
"I promise. I'll do anything." The urge to say 'then die' was strong, but not invincible.
You wracked your brain looking for something you could make this psychopath do that would not cause him immense pleasure.
"Ah, see? Being the one in control isn't all it's cracked up to be. Too much power, and you don't even know what to do with it.", he taunted, pouting as he closed his eyes, pressing his forehead harder against yours. "Think. What is it you want from me?"
What the fuck did you want him to do?
"Do you want an apology? No, 'cause I've already given you plenty and you don't want meaningless things, do you?" His lips lightly touched yours and you could swear he smirked when you flinched on reflex.
But no. That wasn't what you wanted. He was spot-on.
"You want... do you want money? I'm a trust fund baby, essentially, right? My father basically owns the town. Sure, I could hook you up. Royal Enfield, BMW. Or, if you want, Chanel? But that won't cost me anything, at least not emotionally, yeah? So no. That's not it, either."
Why did you suddenly feel like your thoughts were transferring into his head?
"You want me? You want to cut me up, just like I forced you to watch me do to myself? You want to hold a gun to my throat like I did to you? No, because I'd low-key like it."
Yes, he would. So no, you didn't want it.
"C'mon, think. I'm at your mercy, I'm all yours. There's definitely one thing you want and you're just too much of a pussy to say it."
Why were you letting him do this? Why did you just accept that it was the world according to Nate?
"You wanna know what I think, huh? Huh? I'll tell you what I think.", he murmured. "I think you want me to care."
That got your attention. "Care?"
"I think you actually want me to give a shit about you, so you can justify to yourself why you keep lettin' this happen, don'tcha?", he asked, thumb rubbing your jawline. "You want me to stop acting like this whole thing between us is a game. You want me to acknowledge what I'm doing to you."
You hated this. You hated when men were right - it was ridiculous. And you absolutely despised when Nate was right, because it was dangerous.
"Look, I just want you out of my life, Nate.", you lied.
That had come out way too fast. That was the easiest thing he could do. That was the kindest thing you could have ordered him to do. That was mercy.
So why was he acting like you'd just asked him to jump into a fire?
"That's it?"
He didn't buy it. And neither did you. Because yes, you'd technically be very reasonable to want him out of your life. But no, the danger, the unnecessarily sexy amount of mortal peril you'd be in every second that you were around him- it was your fucked up version of heroin.
"I don't think you understand just what you're asking. You're going to miss me."
You scoffed and he shrugged, in a gesture that only seemed pitiful, as though he were allowing you to believe that for the time being.
'Denial isn't just a river in Egypt, baby', you could almost hear him snark.
"What if I miss you?"
You shrugged, downing another shot - one you'd stolen from a drunk girl this time. "I dunno. Just don't."
"You'll still come to games? Fist-bump me?"
"Still come to games? I guess, maybe? I'll high-five you, or something."
"I'll think it over." Wait, wasn't he the one who was making an offer?
═════════════════════ 🧿 ════════════════════
He found you almost fifteen minutes later, probably after mulling it over with a drink.
"I accept your terms. I'll go out of your life, starting Monday. However, I've got a little som'n som'n to show you.".
An AK-47? An atom-bomb? A grave he dug specially for you?
"It's a surprise. Only an hour. That's all I'm asking."
Only your sanity. That's all he was asking.
You'd promised yourself you'd never take anything from Nate Jacobs again, and you'd stuck to it.
I mean.
That was until he'd offered you molly.
Molly made you happy.
Molly made you forget stuff, like college apps, the loss of your internship and the fact that you'd basically been lying to your family the entirety of last week about the scar on your forehead.
But how he'd found that out was a question for the ages. And he seemed to know exactly what molly did to you.
And you best believe he was milking it.
"I want to get a tattoo."
"Correction : I want us to get a tattoo.", he whispered, before tsk-ing at your derisive snort. "C'mon, you get to draw whatever you want on me and I'll get it tattooed, I promise!"
"Tattoos are permanent, Nate."
"And you know what? So am I. In your life. In your head. On your lips.", he reminded, grinning mischievously, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth.
You barely fought against him - the ecstasy sprinting through your blood vessels - and you found yourself lying back on the grass, his hands bracketing your hair.
"Just fucking draw something on me, Y/N. Come on. And I'll draw something on you. Yeah? Sound good?", he asked, his hand creeping up your shirt with surprising reverence.
He chuckled breathily against your lips, shaking his head as he rolled off you, lying next to you.
"I'll draw something nice and meaningful. And you get to, as well. Nothing cheesy, though. Like a fucking arrow-heart or an anchor or some shit."
"How about a star?"
"What, a star is not cheesy? That's the cheesiest thing ever. That's the pussy tattoo.", he muttered, before looking up at your eyes, sighing magnanimously. "What kind of star?"
"The ones that are hard to draw. With all the lines."
"Really, Y/N? I give you the chance to mark my body up and you want the hardest thing to draw from second grade?"
"Where'd you want it?"
"Where will you be willing to touch me?"
That was a million dollar question. Willing is a very subjective term.
"Neck. Under my ear."
You nodded, taking the pen he'd brought and gently tracing out a couple stars under his neck. He played with some of your hair that had fallen in front of his face, with terrifying dedication, as you did so. "Yeah. Done. You actually getting this tattooed?"
"Now you.", he ordered, grabbing your wrist, not answering the question. Red flag number eleven thousand. The pen lid in his mouth and a focused furrow to his brow, he began drawing.
"Infinity symbol.", he informed you, before you could even ask.
"I dunno. It's meaningful. 'To infinity and beyond'. Favourite Disney Movie, right?"
"That is not my favourite-"
"Yeah, well, it's mine. Buzz Lightyear is like, my hero.", he muttered, rubbing his thumb over the drawing and then kissing it softly, all while looking at you.
"Really? You seem like a Big Hero 6 guy to me."
He laughed deeper. "You always take me so seriously."
"Fuuuck, I know I'm not supposed to say this..."
He lolled his head over to you. "You could tell me you're Ted Bundy reincarnate and I'd still smash."
You decided to ignore that comment. "I'm not supposed to say this, but... but I get why Rue did it. Like Jesus fucking Christ."
He nodded in understanding, looking at the tiny packet that still had a couple pills in it. "She was just too weak to limit herself. But we got no limits. You got infinity on your wrist."
"Look, Nate, I can't tattoo that shit. My family would kill themselves."
"Then why did you-"
"We're gonna do something that could go either way. It could either freak you out or turn you on. On the off chance that it's both, then we're more similar than you realize.", he slurred, lazily brushing hair behind your ear. "'Kay?"
"What are we gonna do?", you asked, trying your hardest to pull away, but the ecstasy made you genuinely defenceless against human touch. And it didn't help that Nate was holding your arms tightly down on the ground, as if he were trying to plant roots.
"We're going to carve the tattoos."
He said it so conspiratorially. As though this was your secret to surviving the zombie apocalypse. And his fucking eyes. Glowing like fireworks. Glowing like a child finally being told he could get what he wanted for Christmas.
He licked his lips with an almost roll of his eyes as he looked up at you, because you were so clearly overreacting, right? Slitting your own skin in the shape of an infinity on it was a perfectly normal teenage activity. Of course. Drinking, smoking, fucking, slicing.
"I'll do it. I'm experienced, as you know.", he scoffed, his lips at your shoulder now. "We only have about fifteen minutes left of your curfew, Y/N, please. Please? Play nice."
The molly was clouding your senses, clearly. You could tell because a) you were still having this conversation and b) you didn't even question how he knew what time your curfew was, and c) you hadn't punched him yet.
"Think about it, it's less permanent than a tattoo, baby, please."
And then he placed another one of those little pink pills on your tongue, pressing down and forcing you to swallow.
The scream came too late to your liking.
You'd tried to scream faster, but everything had come rushing back to you. The fever dream was not a dream. It's always relieving when terrible 'realities' end up only being dreams. It's a different kind of terror when you realize that the nightmare was real.
The number eighteen was etched on your wrist like a pathetic mark, like... like a brand.
You couldn't even begin to figure out just what the fuck that was supposed to be. Eighteen? How was that meaningful? The year it becomes legal to have sex? Freedom, maybe? Joy?
He wanted this aneurysm in your head. He'd placed it there.
"What? What is it you want?!"
He frowned, his face softening out of genuine confusion, making him look almost comically harmless in the harsh stadium lighting. "You said you'd still fist-bump me."
"What does 18 mean?"
He shrugged, holding out his fist. You rolled your eyes, bumping it with your own. And then, after telling yourself you were imagining the ghost of a smirk on his lips, you froze. Because he'd turned, running off to the middle of the field. You saw his back.
His jersey. 18. FUCK. He blew you a kiss about two seconds before the ball was passed to him. 18. FUCK.
"Did you just fist-bump Nate?"
"Why?", asked Maddy, scoffing softly.
"He was talking to me about the project and then he said he had to go, so I wished him luck and... I guess I fist-bumped him."
"Oh, yeah, ew, the project. How's that going?"
"I scrapped it."
"Why?", she questioned, after shaking her pom-poms and screaming out some over-enthusiastic cheer.
"I don't fucking like him. At all. He's a DICK."
"What? No way. I had no idea.", she muttered sardonically, slinging an arm around your shoulder. "But was it, like, really bad?"
You nodded.
"After the game, you wanna do molly?"
"No." The reply was almost immediate.
"You don't wanna do molly? Don't bullshit me. Shut up. You're doing it with me."
You'd have hugged Maddy for knowing you so well if you weren't so focused on the big, blue, number 18 running on the field, matching the big, red one staying still on your wrist.
Staying over at Maddy's was an offer you shouldn't have declined, because it was getting genuinely infuriating how Nate found out things.
You were still extremely lacking in sobriety when he'd crawled into your bed that night, covering your mouth to make sure you didn't scream. How? Million dollar question.
"You want me to tell you a secret?"
"A secret? Wait, not some bullshit about my lips that you came up with?"
"I listened to Queen."
You sat up. "WHAT?"
He chuckled, sitting up as well and tilting his head while resting it on his knees. "What? Elvis, too. I even watched Blue Hawaii. I low-key liked it. Why? Would it have changed your mind?"
You frowned for a moment, before shaking your head. "Still would've been nice to know."
"Okay, how about you just kiss me now, Rue 2.0?", he asked, tracing out the number eighteen on your wrist before looking up at you through slightly furrowed brows. That was a challenge, of sorts, that gaze.
"You have something to ask me." Didn't take a genius to figure it out. Insinuation was painted all over his face. He had an accusation and he needed you to defend it.
"When Shane fucked you, where'd he come?"
You frowned, staring at him for a moment. "Yo, I- what? Where is this coming from?"
"At practice he was saying he fucked you."
"He's a dickwad, of course he did."
"It doesn't bother you that he's spreading that shit?"
"If I paid attention to every rumour some butthurt, fragile-ego jock spread about me, I wouldn't have time to fucking study."
"Your reputation's gone, though. That's fine for you?"
You sucked on your teeth for a moment before exhaling. "You're here to find out if I'm easy?"
He looked at you for a moment, his expression unreadable.
"If I did this, Y/N, would you stop me?", he asked, shifting to his knees at the foot of the bed. "Hm? If I just...", he trailed off, kissing up your knee to your thigh.
"Nate. Stop."
"That's not stopping me.", he murmured, gripping your back and yanking you closer.
You kicked him away, grimacing. "Get out."
He gazed up at you, and for a moment there, it seemed like he was rooting for you, for the rumours to just be cruel rumours and not true.
"Get OUT!"
"You can't let me kiss you and then just... it doesn't work like that."
The world looked glittery and he looked godly kneeling down there.
His tongue licked slowly up your inner thigh. "C'mon. Take it off. It's just me."
"Get out."
He rolled his eyes, yanking your shorts down himself. "I fucking...", he murmured, voice muffled against your skin. "Love you."
"You don't fucking love me!" You were struggling but it was fruitless.
"I could."
"Get out, I'm not bullshitting."
"C'mon.", he murmured, reaching up to unhook your bra before pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. "C'mon."
"No! Get off!" His hand held you down.
"Just let me-", he muttered, his fingers finally removing your underwear as he pressed a chaste kiss higher up your thigh. Your breath hitched and his smirk widened, albeit, with a bit of disappointment. "There we go."
Kicking him away, you finally snapped. Maybe it was the molly. Maybe it was his tongue. Maybe it was the fact that he'd somehow found out that molly made you make extremely bad decisions. Maybe it was the fact that he knew you wanted nothing more than to fuck him that night.
"GET THE FUCK OUT, NATE! YOU SAID YOU'D LEAVE ME ALONE MONDAY, IT'S FRIDAY! GET THE FUCK OUT, PLEASE!" He took every kick and every punch like a total champ, you'd give him that.
The disappointment left, and he smiled, softly, caringly, like a mother hanging up her child's drawing on the fridge, as he wiped your tears away.
Standing up, he grabbed your hair, staring into your eyes so deeply you were half-wondering if they'd changed colour, before patting your shoulder. "I'm proud of you."
Proud for disproving a rumour?
You watched his shadow on your wall as it climbed down the window behind you.
Look, one thing could be said. Nate Jacobs was a man of his word. He did not speak to you. He did not text you. He did not acknowledge you.
You'd blocked him online and he'd blocked you in real life.
However, his other account still kept tabs on you.
Average social media interaction.
Shane Crestin ended up in the ER later that night.
Average Nate Jacobs interaction.
#Guys I literally have so many drafts for this character I couldn't fit all of the plots and subplots into this storyline UGH.#nate euphoria#euphoria x reader#euphoria#nate jacobs x y/n#nate jacobs x you#nate jacobs#nate jacobs x reader#nate jacobs fic#nate jacobs fanfic#euphoria fic#euphoria imagine#nate jacobs imagine#euphoria x you#nate jacobs fluff#euphoria fluff#euphoria dialogue#nate jacobs blurb#nate jacobs imagines#nate jacobs oneshot#nate jacobs hc#nate jacobs drabble#nate jacobs fanfiction#euphoria smut#nate jacobs smut#nate jacobs x female reader#nate jacobs x fem!reader#nate jacobs x f!reader
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The song “Beautiful Little Fool” for Fiercestripe? Because I am not getting over her death. Listened to it and she was the first character to pop into my head.
You’re so right!
YES! Please do, I would love to see it!
The boring answer is that I've been drawing cats for a VERY long time. I think since I was 8 they have been the majority of what I drew. The less boring answer is you know the movie Spirit? It changed my life. It had a bonus video where one of the artists taught you how to draw Spirit himself and it was the singular thing that inspired me to start drawing (more likely possessed me). I think I must have been about two the first time I saw it because I cannot remember a time before I had that video memorized. I would spend hours sitting in front of that video (which was only like 10-15 minutes long) with a stack of papers just fully focused on perfectly following his instructions. I still think about that video to this day. Every time I draw legs the voice of James Baxter echoes through my mind. I don't know if that translates to why my cats are so beefy, I own a cat who is quite chonky, so that might contruibute to it, but now you have a fun fact about me regardless!
All of the heirs are chosen based on birth order! Whoever is born first gets to be heir. I personally find that making strict rules about stuff makes playing the game a lot easier for me, I find it stressful to try to pick a "good heir" when I don't know what's going to happen later in the game so to limit that I just let it be completely out of my hands. 2. The game rolled for Songpaw to become a medicine cat! I would have changed it if he was an only kit or probably if I had known that Dashpaw was gonna die, cause I was really stressed about losing my run at that point, but I do my best to write a story that makes the game make sense rather than change what the game gives me when possible. I think it helps me to not have much of a story in mind while I play, just noting down events and thoughts and then going back and piecing it all together afterwards. That way nothing can "go wrong". 3. "Heir-hood" only applies to the leaders. There is no expectation that Cavepaw will become a healer. When Weed dies that position will be open until someone wishes to volunteer for it. 4. Honestly I don't really know. This might spoil a little bit, of tension, but I truly never had that happen. I was SUPER worried about it and did a lot to make sure it wouldn't, but after a couple of generations you get to a point where almost everyone is descended from a leader at somepoint. (And also everyone is second cousins with each other but you know what there are some problems that you just have to live with.) I image the clan would look for an omen and just pick a new leader based off of that and start the process all over again. In my experience worst comes to worst just make sure you have a very accurate family tree and trace it back a couple of generations.
Thank you so much! I don't play with any mods for Loudclan, I'm too scared to lose saves to less than stable code. My favorite mod currently is Kori's Awoogen though! I just like to look at the beautiful art mostly. I use mass extinction as population control, so I turn it on and off based on how many cats I have. Two full pages is the upper limit of what I'm willing to deal with, so once a third page opens I turn mass extinction on and after an extinction happens I turn it back off. (also if I dip below 1 full page I turn unknown parents on until I'm back to two pages again). I've found after a couple of generations you can mostly stop worrying about it because the bloodlines have spread so far there's always someone who's a 6th great great cousin or something.
The game generated him Dashpelt! I probably would have picked Dashfoot to stick with the generated them of a boring suffix but to make more sense overall.
#loudclan#loudclanasks#cw blood#minor blood waring#hey folks#the sketching process for moon 29 part three was an ABSOLUTE nightmare the details of which are staying between me and two weeks of ditched#panels but im happy to say that the sketch is finished 8 out of 30 panels are done and I'm very happy to introduce you guys to#the faint beginnings of my favorite ship!#also whatever Wildfirecry is doing#he's certainly doing... something!#clangen
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I DESPERATELY need more horror/slasher house content 😭🙏🙏🙏🙏
slasher house x reader
“that shouldn’t be an issue. i don’t mind going to get the groceries while you clean up.” you nodded your head as you talked to hannibal. he had asked you to get the groceries while he cleaned up around the house, which with your kind nature you obviously agreed. in your opinion hannibal and daniel was definitely one of the more ‘calm’ people in the house if that makes sense. they were definitely the people you would go talk to if you had any problems going on, so of course if there’s a way for you to repay them, you’d do it in a heartbeat.
“thank you y/n, i really appreciate it. to show my appreciation, i will make you your favorite dessert after dinner.” he slightly smiles at you, before handing you the grocery list. your eyes had lit up when he said dessert, so you knew today was gonna be a good day.
fast forward some time, and you’re back at the house with the groceries. you had to ask jason and michael to help you pack them inside but still, you got it done. after everything was settled, hannibal started cooking dinner, and which art had decided that it would be the perfect time for him to go fuck with hannibal in the kitchen. that’s not a good idea. as you go to retrieve him from the kitchen, you see hannibal smacking the back of arts head with his hand, yelling at him to get out. you tried not to laugh at the situation, but you failed miserably, busting out into laughter at the sight. you see art start pouting as he left the kitchen, with you following him. “art i keep trying to tell you, don’t go in the kitchen while he’s in there.” he rolls his eyes at your statement before wandering off back to the basement. he’s such a funny man.
it’s now 8pm and you are playing uno with the group in the living room. billy loomis was sitting on the left side of you, while jennifer was on the right. freddy placed down a draw 4 card and called red, causing billy to cuss out profanities and calling his move “unfair”. jennifer tells him to suck it up as he draws the card, making him snarl at her. “what the fuck am i supposed to even do?!?! this game is bullshit.” here goes patrick again, complaining about something no one asked him to even do in the first place. you shake your head, no even caring to respond to him. “well you ocd fuck, no one asked you to place in the first place.” freddy said, making some of the guys laugh at him. patrick then says that this game is for babies and throws down his cards then leaves the room. everyday you wonder about him.
after the game of uno with the group it was time for bed. well, bed for hannibal and will you should say, everyone else stays up till like fucking 3am or something. as you guys were watching a movie, you looked to the side of you and noticed valak staring at you…again. “what do you want?” you heard no response like usual. “anyways.” you turn your head back to the tv. “this movie is suck a classic.” said stu. you nodded your head in agreement. hopefully tonight you can convince art to take a bath, or maybe not who knows.
how could i forget to mention that its halloween!! that means people are out, killing. isn’t that great?? you dressed up as your favorite slasher and even gave them candy after bed time. (you probably shouldn’t have don’t that, considering that fact that brahms was up all fucking night.)
happy halloween from me!! 🎃
#slashers#slashers x reader#art the clown#slashers x y/n#ghostface x reader#horror house#slasher house#hannibal lecter x reader#hannigram#stu matcher x reader#billy loomis x reader
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Link 1, Link 2 :)
Digital Good Omens 2 Sountrack is coming out in 4 days! 🥳 CD version in October! :) ❤ Coming soon on vinyl…
Out to Stream/Download from 25th August. Out on CD 13th October. Coming soon on vinyl…
David Arnold’s ‘end of the world’ complex and multi-genre soundtrack.
From the Award-winning composer of Sherlock and Casino Royale comes a follow up to the hugely successful, Emmy nominated Good Omens soundtrack.
Good Omens series 2 premiered on Prime Video on 28th July. The series follows the odd couple, angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and demon Crowley (David Tennant) in their quest to sabotage the end of the World. The six-episode sequel to the popular adaptation of the novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, concerns the Archangel Gabriel (Jon Hamm) arriving without his memories to Aziraphale’s bookshop. Aziraphale and Crowley attempt to find out what happened to Gabriel, whilst hiding him from Heaven and Hell, both eager to find him.
The Soundtrack
David Arnold’s soundtrack to Good Omens was first released in 2019 to favourable reviews, with BBC Music Magazine calling it “a rollicking trip to hell and back”. Blueprint Magazine described it as “a great listen” and Sci Fi Bulletin commented on “plenty of memorable themes” to conclude that “This is another work of art from Arnold”. At times nostalgic and eerie but always varied, beautiful and full of excitement, the Good Omens 2 soundtrack showcases Arnold’s every skill from his composer arsenal. Featured here are orchestral arrangements with sprinkling of Sugar Plum Fairy pizzicato and percussion, jaunty strings and mighty choral sweeps from Crouch End Festival Chorus. Added to the mix are rock guitar riffs, and psychedelic 70s sounds and all together they create a haunting otherworldly feel, complementing the fantasy and the quirky humour of the show. The spirited Waltz of the opening theme is also present in the second series and it wonderfully sets the scene for fantastical mayhem. In series 2, this robust, evocative, and funny music entity, becomes yet again another character in the story. Award-winning composer David Arnold is well known for his blockbuster scores, including Stargate, The Chronicles of Narnia: the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Hot Fuzz, Paul, Independence Day, 2 Fast 2 Furious and Casino Royale as well as for his TV work such as Sherlock and��Dracula. Also available: The original soundtrack to the first series of Good Omens >
– Disc 1 – Chapter 1: The Arrival 1. Before the Beginning 2. Good Omens 2 Opening Title 3. Into Soho 4. Something Terrible 5. To The Bookshop 6. Maggie and Nina 7. He’s Smoking 8. Tiny Miracle 9. Heavenly Alarm Bells Chapter 2: The Clue 10. Avaunt! 11. The Song is the Clue 12. It’s What God Wants 13. A Mighty Wind 14. Whales 15. Gabriel Returns 16. His New Children 17. Am I Awful Now? 18. Fallen Angel Chapter 3: I Know Where I’m Going 19. Police Arrive 20. Scotland 21. We’re Going to Hell 22. People Get a Choice 23. My Car is Not Yellow 24. Beelzebub in Hell 25. The Book 26. The Fly 27. Mr. Dalrymple 28. We Need to Cut 29. I’m Going to Save Her 30. Crowley Goes Large 31. Not Kind 32. Beelzebub Isn’t Happy – Disc 2 – Chapter 4: The Hitchhiker 33. Hell-O 34. Nazi Zombies 35. March of the Nazi Zombies 36. Crowley Pep Talk 37. The Magic Shop 38. Catch The Bullet 39. Zombies in the Dressing Room Chapter 5: The Ball 40. I’ll Let You Have It 41. We’re Storming a Book Shop 42. Monsieur Azirophale 43. The Candelabra 44. Here Comes Hell 45. Gabriel Gives Himself Up 46. Shax 47. The Circle Chapter 6: Every Day 48. Bin Through the Window 49. Gabriel Leaving Heaven 50. The Halo 51. Gabriel Revealed 52. Gabriel’s Love Story 53. Leaving The Bookshop 54. Gabriel and Beelzebub 55. Crowley and Muriel 56. I Forgive You 57. Don’t Bother 58. The Biggest Decision 59. The End?
#good omens#gos2#season 2#GOS2Spoilers#good omens spoilers#music#s2 music#david g arnold#s2 soundtrack#wahoo!#shut up and take my money :D
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✧.* " Feels like we had matching wounds but mine's still black and bruised and yours is perfectly fine now. " *.✧
| Starring | Heartless-Husband!Arlecchino x Wife!Reader
| Setting | Genshin universe
| Scenario | [ SHORT FIC ] ANGST! Hurt no comfort. One sided love. Toxic relationship. Pronouns are not used, only the title “wife” is used.
► RADIO CHANNEL [Author note] | Art credit: 雨睡 / ojiusa on Twitter
× 1/4 drabble for Arle, will span in the course of the next 3 days for her birthday. × The fic accidentally became so similar to the song by the name of "The Exit" by Conan Gray. Good grief, I love it.
[ Word count: 915 ]
Imagine how frustrating it is to fall in love with someone as emotionally detached as Arlecchino—especially considering the circumstances surrounding her past wounds and the fractured void where her heart should lie.
Not only that, Arlecchino, in no way shape or form, is an ordinary mortal; no, the woman possesses feats that still remain unbeknownst to the common folks, the fourth of the Fatui Harbinger—a woman whose power is near god-like scaling and a mastermind in the art of psychological subterfuge. To even fantasize about her reciprocating your feelings, even on the platonic spectrum, is beyond preposterous. And for one's possession of such thoughts as a commoner too? It is practically shaming the esteemed legacy of her name and the reputation she holds. It is absurdly outside the unceasing versatility of the imaginative mind; to even achieve a feat like this is not even praisable; it's pathetic. Because why would the great and infamous Arlecchino, a Harbinger feared by many, show her presence to the likes of you?
Unfortunately, for the one cold star that is the destiny your heart has followed, your relationship does have a label. A husband and a wife, but in actuality, it is simply just that, a label. The dawning reality hidden under the layers of falsehood is but a one-sided beneficial connection.
To Arlecchino, you are a mere pawn, insignificant in value and easily replaceable, to be maneuvered around the vast field of her intricately thought-out chessboard, where every single move is foreseen by her convoluted calculations to achieve her ultimate goal. She is the king with the mastery to dictate the game's outcome to her desire, and you are just one of the many disposable pieces to be sacrificed for her victory.
So why must you stay longer with the very same being that shatters your heart like breathing? Why must your heart desire her so much? Had you fallen so far that your heart dare not let her go?
"Your grace and acquiescence enchant me, rare as they are lovely. Truly, you are an obedient angel, a treasure beyond measure, a diamond among the sea of glass."
Her heavenly lies ensnare you ever so effortlessly. Was it this rare showcase of affection of "true love" that blinded you so completely?
"A Harbinger's life leaves little to no room for love. Be a dear and use that pretty little head of yours solely on obeying my orders."
Ensnared by Arlecchino's siren song, her words detain you in a state of imprisonment, alluring you into a fictitious world where each promise adds another bar and each whispers another stone. In this fabricated reality, only Arlecchino exists as the true player, leaving you with a love that never was. Was it your infatuation and utter attachment to her that blinded you to the point of abandoning your freedom ever so easily in exchange for this nonexistent, one-sided relationship?
"There are desires that you lack in fulfillment; is it wrong to seek an external party for such a minuscule problem? Your fatigue is clouding your judgment; seek your chamber; you must be tired."
How can one love be so enticing and manipulative that its power warps the mind, blinding the blatant betrayal right before your very eyes? Was it the fragility of your heart that's effortlessly puppeteered that made you forgive her?
August 22nd. Your husband's birthday has arrived. Your heart aches as you clutch the divorce in your hands. You are torn between love and sacrifice; the paper—gift holds freedom for the both of you, but despite the toxicity of it all, you can't help but be reluctant to let it all go.
You can't help but admit that it felt amazing. A part of you prayed that she would decline your proposal, that she would devote your love to you, that she would assure you of all the troubles in your relationship, and that she would make you stay.
Despite all the deeds that she has done to you, your heart still desires a delusional fantasy that chases after the farthest side of the ever-expanding cosmic, never in range for your hand to grasp.
When you settled down in her office and handed the divorce paper with a shaking hand, the words that left her mouth were so cold, so cold that you felt the temperature in your body decrease in real time.
"That noggin of yours finally concluded a proper notion, I see. Any longer, and I ought to have done the deed myself, it was about time we ended this little game of ours."
Those very words sink to the deepest part of your soul and will be anchored there for as long as you live. It was those words that dawned on you about the harsh reality that you had gotten yourself stuck in.
As if it couldn't have gone worse, shortly after you handed her the divorce papers, she announced to the world her "first" official relationship with another one who isn't you.
The truth has struck you, one with a speed faster than light. The truth of it all is that you are merely a background character, playing the role of fulfillment to make the true main character of the story shine.
The truth is that to Arlecchino, you are only one of the countless blurred encounters of passing scenes in her story.
The truth is, you are simply an invisible backdrop in the vast scenery, a pawn in a world full of kings.
#erise short#arlecchino x reader#angst#arle angst#genshin wlw#genshin impact#genshin x reader#arlecchino x you#arlecchino x y/n#erise Short#arlecchino#arlecchino angst#hurt/no comfort#arlecchino genshin impact#genshin
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I absolutely love every time other people find something out about Steve and are just like ???
I wonder if any of his student’s parents are fans of Eddie’s but have no idea their kid’s teacher is married to him (perhaps finding out at career day 👀)
I love the thought of some rock n roll dad (aka: the guy in the minivan blaring Rage Against the Machine during morning drop off (aka: aka: my dad)) meeting his kid’s teacher during open house and seeing a picture on his desk of him and guitar legend, Eddie Munson.
Steve’s in the middle of explaining the curriculum for the year when Rock N Roll Dad points to a picture of him and Eddie backstage at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame last year when Eddie presented like, “You like that guy?”
Steve looks from Rock N Roll Dad to the picture and then back, “Yeah, you could say that.”
Then he goes back to talking about what they should expect in terms of homework and that was that until parent/teacher conferences.
The first thing Rock N Roll Dad clocks in the new picture on Steve’s desk. It replaced the Eddie Munson one with a new one of the two of them in the parking lot after a local show. Steve’s got his arm thrown around Eddie’s neck, both of them smiling wide, and Gareth is in the background giving them bunny ears.
Rock N Roll Dad points to the framed picture like, “Pretty cool to have met ‘em.”
“Yeah,” Steve nods. “It’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”
Rock N Roll Dad is not gay himself but he is not one of those ultra straight Corroded Coffin fans that liked to pretend that half the band isn’t queer. He was actually watching the MTV Music Awards show that Eddie publicly came out at by declaring his love for some guy named Steve, and actually.
Rock N Roll Dad thought it made a lot of sense that Eddie Munson was gay because well. A lot of his songs were… phallic.
So, he knows.
He knows that Eddie Munson is gay and that he’s married to some guy whose name isn’t even listed on his Wikipedia page, and he knows that he lives in Chicago, but what he doesn’t know is why he never put two and two together and got Steve Harrington.
There’s a different picture of Eddie Munson on Mr. Harrington’s desk when Rock N Roll Dad goes to talk to him after his kid gets detention for being a little shithead. There is framed original concept art for CC’s first album on the wall behind Steve when Rock N Roll Dad checks in on his kid during a zoom study session.
Hell, Rock N Roll Dad follows Eddie on Tiktok.
He has seen the ass shots that Eddie has posted of his husband in his running shorts, and he did think, yeah, that’s a great ass. He didn’t know he was thinking that about his kid’s math teacher!!
It’s not even Career Day when he discovers it. It’s the day before when they can set up their booths in the gym because Rock N Roll Dad may be a heavy metal fan always, but he’s also an accountant from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday thru Friday.
He’s struggling to keep his poster board up when in walks guitar legend, Eddie Munson. He’s carrying a box, following behind a guy carrying an iguana.
Rock N Roll Dad abandons everything and walks over to the booth across the way. He can hear the two bickering with each other but before he can say anything, Steve Harrington is there and he is distressed, “Why do you have that?!”
“Her name is Leia, Steve,” Dustin says, “and she has separation anxiety.”
Steve opens his mouth like he wants to complain but doesn’t even know where to begin so he just accepts it, “Is she going to eat somebody?”
“That happened one time!”
Eddie Munson, infamous guitarist that lived on Rock N Roll Dad’s walls as a teenager, uses the opportunity to slide up next to Mr. Harrington and wrap an arm around him. He kisses his cheek, “Baby, we’re here to help.”
“You’re here to guilt me into letting you be a part of Career Day.”
“I can multitask, babe,” Eddie grinned, still so close to Steve that his smile touches his cheek. Steve just sags against him and Rock N Roll Dad thinks, oh. He thinks, oh, shit.
“You have a fan,” Steve mumbles, pulling away a little. It takes Rock N Roll Dad a second to realize that they’re talking about him and then he thinks, fuck.
“Hey – Hi. Uh.” He stops, thinks about lying and saying he needs tape or something, but settles on, “I didn’t know my kid’s teacher married you.”
“Technically, I married him.”
“Technically, I married both of you,” Dustin pointed out. “I officiated the wedding.”
“Ah,” Rock N Roll Dad says because what else is there to say. “Big fan.”
“Yeah, I can tell.”
#at this point in the timeline Steve has only been shot from waist down in Eddie’s Tiktok account#you may be thinking ‘is rock n roll dad Jeremy’s dad’ and he’s not#he’s the father of a kid that doesn’t give a shit about how their teacher is married to so when he goes home and says your math teacher is#married to a celebrity they’re like ‘I don’t know who that is so no he’s not’#so Steve’s students don’t find out until Eddie’s infamous ‘why is your math teacher my husband’ Tiktok#eddie munson tiktok saga#steve harrington#eddie munson
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Weird things I want Ankama to explain.
Why did Tot develop the adventures after season 2 into a manga? Was it because of budget related reasons? Because it couldn’t have been for its maturity. Tot follows the audience as it kept growing and at the time, the majority were still young. The only reason why the Great Wave, on the other hand, got turned into a manga was because it was apparently going to get graphic.
Why did Tot jump 6 years into the future instead of making more adventures when the gang still had no responsibilities or duties?
Why did tot not make up a new queen outfit for Amalia in the Great Wave instead of making her feel limited to her strict s4 budget? I thought the entire point of converting the story into a manga is to be finally be free from restrictive animation budgets.
Why was Arpagone added into the story??? Ruel specifically stated in two moments that he never got married. In season 1, he spoke to Kabrok and when the wife topic came up, insinuated that if he ever had a wife like Miranda, he'd stop his adventures. And in season 2, when Yugo asks Ruel if he has ever fallen in love, Ruel says that he did and had many lovers in the past but ALMOST married one of them. In season 3, we see that he officially married Arpagone, which completely contradicts what he has said in season 2.




Why are there good concept arts of the characters from seasons 3-4 from the yt videos Ankama uploads for us but these same concept arts are not included in their respective season artbooks??? I thought the whole point of an artbook was to show ALL character concepts and sheets.
Why did Nora have this entire redesign? Don't get me wrong, I think she looks cool as hell but it threw me off so much when I first watched the S4 trailer. I had to get used to it lol
It's funny how Wakfu's main role was to introduce the eliatrope class but then finally opted to introduce a sub branch of it being the 'eliotropes' instead. Like Tot please give us more info in Season 5, you literally did an entire reboot of the eliatropes' history FOR SOME REASON and it now feels like we're back where we started because of Season 4. We now have more questions than answers and it literally took us 16 years to get here and we BARELY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE.
Sooo are we just gonna forget about how Amalia dreamed of Sadida telling her to go out and help a hero? The hero being Yugo? She literally tells Eva in Season 1 that she had a dream of her GOD, but Eva doesn't believe her cuz she thinks she's making up things or whatever. But when Amalia says the same thing to Armand, again, NO ONE BATS AN EYE??? Tot you seriously need to give me an explanation for why Amalia was able to meet her god like this, AND why she seems to have a special connection with the Tree of Life SINCE IT SPECIFICALLY CHOSE HER TO POSSESS DURING NOX'S WAR. Also, why would Sadida willingly make Amalia meet Yugo?? I ain't complaining, I think it's such an interesting thing to know about, BUT EVEN AFTER FOUR SEASONS AND THREE SPECIAL EPISODES, we still don't know why she is so special! She was even able to find a solution for Pandiego's village CUZ HER FUCKING TEARS HAPPENED TO BE THE SOLUTION FOR THE MILK PROBLEM ‼️‼️‼️‼️
#when i say 'ankama' i mean tot lol#unfinished list (maybe)#if anyone has answers plz tell me#tot wth#😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔#wakfu#ankama#krosmoz#wakfu season 4#wakfu s4#wakfu season 3#wakfu s3#wakfu season 2#wakfu s2#wakfu season 1#wakfu s1#tot#wakfu tot#wakfu anthony roux#anthony roux
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Stranger Things- The To-Do list
Chapters 1 & 2
You are graduating from high school and planning to make your summer before college the best of your life. Along the way, you have sexual encounters with fellow friends and graduates. Lifeguard Billy is your biggest crush and Barb, Nancy are your best friends. You are adopted with one sister Heather who works as a lifeguard with Billy at the Hawkins community pool. Featuring appearances from Robin, Chrissy, Argyle, and Jeff, with mentions of Jonathan and Gareth from and in the ST series. Steve and Eddie are the main characters. Original character OC is Edwina who's Eddie's fraternal twin sister. The face claim for Edwina is Angelina Jolie in the movie Gia. No Upside Down this is a Stranger Things AU alternate universe.
(Based on Aubrey Plaza's movie The To-Do List.)
Chapters 1&2 6.3K words.
ao3 link
wattpad link
to do list masterlist

Chapter 1 plot info- You graduate from Hawkins High School in the summer of 86 with Robin, Nancy, Barb, Jonathan, Eddie, Chrissy. At a graduation party, you accept an offer from Argyle you can't possibly resist.
Chapter 1
I want you to move me.
The day you had been waiting four years for was finally here. Finally, you were walking the graduation stage as valedictorian at Hawkins High School. Class of ‘86 baby. You had just recently turned 18. Now you were delivering your speech and all 4 years of college you were an outcast, a straight-A student, and a girl who loved to read and research. While your friends and practically everyone else around you went out to parties and drank/got high you spent most of your nights at home.
You had never done more than kiss hell you had never even made out with anyone. Your first kiss with a guy was Jonathan who was now your best friend Nancy’s boyfriend. Your first kiss with a girl was with Nancy but you were better off as friends. The only other thing you had done was cuddle and hold hands with Gareth the drummer of Corroded Coffin.
Standing in front of your fellow graduates including Barb, Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, Vickie, and even Eddie the freak Munson. He was a total rockstar but so was his fraternal twin Edwina who had graduated a year prior. They were your good friends but you had fantasized about being more than that with them. Following your concession speech you would be going to a college party with hopefully your biggest crush Billy in attendance.
“Hello, class of 1986 I am happy and proud to be your college valedictorian. We have all come so far and I am so honored to be standing here in front of you all. There's a lot we have been through and with those struggles that we have overcome in the 4 years of high school together we are now able to move on to the next chapter in our lives. Whether it be to college, maybe even space, to working a job, college and a job simultaneously, or traveling around the world or just road tripping we are all united in the fact we are Hawkins High graduates. I wish everyone luck and before I end this speech I want to give some wisdom from two of my favorite women who are staunch feminists. Gloria Steinem once said”:
‘The art of life is not controlling what happens to us, but using what happens to us.’
“She is a wise woman and the other woman in question who is also one of my heroes said
‘You change the world by being yourself.’
“One of the greats and the widow of Beatles legend John Lennon said this before and I couldn't agree with her more. I hope everyone here will begin the next chapter in their lives with enthusiasm and even more enthusiasm. Thank you!”
Most people clapped and cheered and you bowed. Next Principal Higgins handed out everyone's diplomas with Eddie snatching up his and running away from the stage flipping Higgins the bird. You then noticed Steve in the audience he was there for his best friend Robin who he worked with at the local Family Video. Steve's gaze caught yours and you smiled as you waved. Robin and Steve began walking over to you as you held your diploma with big smiles on their faces.
Your sister and parents surely took lots of photos of you probably videos as well and they were also nearby. Nancy and Barb told you they would meet you at Nancy's Oldsmobile station wagon after the graduation ceremony commenced. Robin embraced you in a big hug.
“So glad we graduated! Stevie boy here just had to come today to bask in the glory with us didn't you dingus?” Robin teased him with a wink.
“Sure did. Nice tassels ladies. The graduation was great. So proud of you both! So Y/N what are your plans for the summer?” He asked as he flicked your tassel playfully.
Clearing your throat you responded “Not much getting a job hopefully at the pool but my sister has connections obviously. Going to some parties, road trips with the girls, and Robin you should come too,” you urged as you patted her shoulder.
Robin smiled brightly and nodded intrigued by this idea of yours.
“Of course, I would love to. Well, I’ll be working at the cafe a lot this summer, but sure, I think I could fit that into my plans.”
“Ahh, nice well I will be working part-time at the pool this summer. Hope to see you there,” Steve replied with a sly grin.
You embraced him and hugged him loving how well-defined his body was.
“Well, I need to catch up to Nance and Barb. See you both later?” You asked hoping for a raincheck.
They nodded in unison.
“Most definitely. See you later,” Robin answered.
“Later Y/N,” Steve added with a slight wave.
Soon you were at Nancy's car and driving back to your place so you could get ready for the college party that night. There would be a big keg of beer and beer pong, lots of party games, and loud music with dancing.
“So saw you talking to Steve what's up with that?” Nancy asked as she drove getting a few blocks from your house.
“Nothing he just wanted to say congratulations on graduating and so did Robin. I can't believe Eddie finally graduated. Third time the charm I guess,” you told her with a shrug.
Barb looked out the rolled-down window and smiled as the Smiths how soon is now quietly played in the background on Nancy's radio. Was Nancy jealous or something? She had only been on one date with Steve and had preferred women anyway. You also preferred women. Barb and you weren't experienced and Nancy was a little. Currently, her boyfriend was Jonathan.
“Oh nice well I guess I’ll pick you up at 8 or so tonight. Can't wait to get out of this itchy graduation gown.”
Nancy had already tossed her graduation cap and so did Barb. Pulling up to your driveway she idled her car and you unlocked the back door and got out.
“See you then.”
Waving goodbye to them Nancy soon pulled out of the driveway and was on her way again. Inside your room, you turned on some music picking a cassette of Corroded Coffins. Soon you were painting your nails black and were shortly after startled a bit by Heather coming into your room.
“Need to borrow your hair dryer mine broke.”
Going into your bathroom she got your dryer and left with it.
Hours later you were taking a bath and Heather came into your room and then your bathroom. Sitting down on the edge of the tub she smirked.
Looking up you gave her a ‘Can I help you?’ type of grin.
“So my little sis is going to a party tonight. Plan on getting drunk and finally getting laid?” She teased with a giggle.
Heather was dating Tommy but it was nothing serious and she was seeing some people on the side.
“No. For your information, I’ll be there with Nancy and Barb. Billy will probably be there too.”
“God girl you are such a prude. You have to do some exploration before college starts. No pressure or anything but you are my sister and even if you were adopted I care about you. You need to seriously consider it. Everyone goes into college with at least some experience,” she informs you with a flick of her hair.
Scoffing you rolled your eyes at her which she noticed of course and this had her flicking soap bubbles in your face.
“I'm serious though maybe make a to-do list. Of sexual firsts. Or don't. Whatever. Be a loser for all I care,” she scoffs right back at you before standing up and walking out your bathroom door.
“Okay, maybe I will.”
Taking what Heather said to heart you put on some Motley Crue in your cassette player and began your to-do list for that summer and what may even lead into early college. It was going to be a list you could hopefully accomplish at least realistically and if things needed to be added or removed later from the list then you would make the proper adjustments. It would need to be more than just experimentation and equally girls and guys. So you began making your list with a reasonable order and the definitions of sex acts you didn't know you would look up in the dictionary.
-Hickies -Making out -Handjob -Fingering -Renting and watching an adult film with someone else -Mutual masturbation -Use of toys -Phone sex -Motorboating & tit fucking -Blowjob -Eating pussy -Being eaten out -Dominating/being dominated -All-girl threesome -69 -Voyeurism -Rimming -Semi-public sex act -Losing virginity/vaginal sex (Hopefully with Billy). -Anal sex -Orgasm denial -Cream pie -Pegging -Foursome with another girl and 2 guys -Usage of strapon for lesbian sex -Filmed sex act -And most importantly an ORGASM! Hell, lots of orgasms.
Later you were dressed for the party and face full of makeup. Sneaking into Heather's room you borrowed her hot pink stiletto pumps to complete your outfit of red fishnets, a red leather skirt, a matching leather spiked jacket, and a black tube top. Getting your purse ready you dabbed on some white musk perfume and got your lotion, hot pink lipstick, compact mirror, and wallet before heading outside just as Nancy pulled into your driveway. As you got into her car you could hear the radio playing Culture Clubs do you really want to hurt me?
The ride to the party was mellow and mainly quiet. Barb was fairly silent in the backseat as Nancy drove and synth wave music played. The party was at Jason Carver's who you couldn't stand but you planned to make the most of it. The usual suspects would probably be there including Steve and of course the jocks. Nancy's boyfriend Jonathan would no doubt be there as well.
"So you excited for the grad party?" You asked Nancy.
She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess. Barb and I just want a chill night you know? Plus Barb will be the designated driver tonight."
"I understand. Jonathan is probably excited to see you again soon."
Nancy nodded and you looked out the window noticing Jason's house approaching in the near distance. After parking you got out first and walked with Nancy and Barb to the front door looking into the window from the distance and noticing lots of people gathered around a keg inside. Eddie was there selling his stash, his twin Edwina, and so were the typical jocks, Jason, Chrissy, Jonathan, and Keg King Billy who was playing Pour Some Sugar on Me on acoustic guitar you noticed as the door opened and you walked inside.
Some people were playing beer pong, others were watching and listening to Billy play guitar. In the back yard jocks were playing basketball. Hopefully, tonight will be one for the books to remember for a long time. Billy's eyes locked with yours as he got to the chorus of the Def Leppard song. He winked at you as he strummed the guitar and sang.
It felt like he was singing to you.
"Pour some sugar on me. Oohh. In the name of love."
His voice was beautiful. Pure and raw.
"C'mon, fire me up. Pour your sugar on me. I can't get enough I'm hot, sticky sweet. From my head to my feet, yeah!"
When the song was finished, the drunk and rowdy crowd applauded Billy. Just then Barb came up to you startling you out of your reverie with a wine cooler. Handing it to you, you removed the top and took a big gulp. Billy's eyes remained on you until some girl rubbed up on him, much to his and your dismay.
Walking away with Barb you found Nancy again and noticed them talking to Jonathan quickly taking notice he was with his friend from back west. Argyle you recalled. He seemed to be stoned a lot but nice.
"Hey Y/N. Are you having fun yet?" Jonathan asked before taking a big swig of his beer. Nancy was drinking red wine from a blue solo cup and Barb had opted for Hawaiian fruit punch.
"Yeah, sure. Just need to get into the party mood more."
Now that Billy was done singing and playing guitar at least for the moment the music was back on again, and Kiss's Made for Loving You was playing.
"Anyone want to get high?" Argyle offered as he pulled out a joint from behind his ear. He was wearing his Surfer Boy Pizza yellow hat and he already looked dazed judging from the glazed-out look in his eyes.
Barb shook her head no as well as Nancy. Jonathan already looked pretty stoned.
"No thanks, man gotta try to sober up so I can drive your van later dude."
"Right yeah, I almost forgot."
"I'll get high if you are offering. Let's go someplace a bit more quiet though," you suggested to him with an eager smile.
Argyle looked a bit surprised but just nodded. Following you, first, you decided to get yourself another drink and made your way to a guest room. It was quiet and peaceful with no one around. Now sitting on the bed with him, he lit up the joint as you finished your wine cooler and tossed it into the wastebasket. You soon opened your malt beer and accidentally spilled some on Argyle.
"So sorry Argyle. I'm so sorry."
"It's fine. Just wait for me before we light the joint I'll go wash my hands."
You finished what was left of your malted beer as he was away. Soon he came back, dried off, and sat down next to you. Lighting the joint he offered it to you first so you could get a nice buzz going. Eagerly obliging, you breathed in the smoke and exhaled slowly into the air. Passing the joint he took it and smoked a drag of it.
"Crazy night huh? Wild party man. Glad to be here for the summer though. Gonna get me a part-time pizza job here. Won't be like Surfer Boy Pizza but I will just have to manage I guess."
He sighed as he handed you the joint. You couldn't help but giggle as you took another drag and handed it back.
"Nah that's okay you finish it. I've already had two and a half joints tonight," he told you with a glazed-out look in his eyes.
His hair was just too damn beautiful. Bravely, you reached out and touched it before taking another drag of it and giggled.
"I love your hair, Argyle."
"Uh, thanks. You can touch it that's cool. So what's on your mind?"
"Just you. I want to get to know you better."
Argyle looked all mellowed out as he sat next to you with a look of contentment on his face as you ran your fingers through his silky black locks.
"Oh well, that's nice. I want to get to know you too."
Moving in closer to him, you went in for the kill and kissed him. Pulling away you took one final drag before putting the joint out. Argyle kissed back, deepening it as you got up slightly, straddled his lap, and kissed him again. As you began grinding on his lap he softly gasped. You just wanted to feel good and if he was getting turned on in the process, then even better, it was a win/win.
“I’m so wet finger me Argyle. Please. Just finger fuck me. That's all I want,” you pleaded against his lips before biting his lip.
“Fuck. I uh sure. These tights though you wanna take them off, maybe?”
“Just rip them. I'm not wearing any underwear so…” you bravely stated.
“Yeah uh fuck. Just didn't expect this to happen, dude. I um sure.”
Taking off your heels you threw them to the side and let Argyle eagerly rip your fishnets. You had already made his denim-clad thigh wet with your juices and hoped he didn't mind. Knowing it was Argyle he probably didn't. To just feel good and soak his fingers with your cum was all that was on your mind at the moment and your only desire.
“Mm fuck, you are so wet already Y/N,” he praised you as Argyle fingered your slick entrance now that your tights were out of the way.
Wasting no time, he went to work with two thick fingers moving them knuckle-deep inside your tight entrance, his fingers already getting drenched with your slickness. He worked with scissor-like movements inside you filling you to the hilt with his expertly skilled digits.
“Oh fuck ya fuck me harder, faster!” You demanded as your lips locked around his throat.
As he obeyed your commands, you rode his fingers fucking yourself silly on them, hoping he was enjoying this as much as you were. If his groans were any indicator of how he was feeling, then it was safe to say he was quite satisfied so far.
“That's so good for me. What a good girl,” he praised you as he added a third finger filling you up.
“Mm yes fuck me so good with your fingers. Fuck!” You cried out loudly and with extreme pleasure, not wanting him to stop or for this moment to end.
You just wanted to savor this and enjoy this moment. Argyle had the perfect touch and skilled fingers. It was the best feeling and the sensations he was making you feel were incredible.
“You close?” He whispered huskily into your ear as you cried against his shoulder and gyrated your hips even faster on his fingers as they worked in tandem on your special spot. “Yes. Fuck Argyle, you are so fucking good at that!” You practically screamed.
His lips met yours sealing them in a kiss as he fingered you deeper and faster than before, making squelching sounds as he pleasured you. Your tongue found him and tangled against his, as you had the sexiest kissing of your life.
“Oh fuck! Gonna shit! Fuck!” You loudly declared as you felt your orgasm nearing about to push you over the edge.
This was your first orgasm from contact with another human. There was no going back now, nor did you want to. It made you crave this connection and sense of companionship even more with someone else.
“Fuck, are you cumming? So fucking good for me,” Argyle commended you as he let you ride out your orgasm on his fingers.
“Mm oh fuck! So good!” You boasted before you kissed him again.
Sliding his fingers out of you he gave you a smirk. Before he could do or say anything else, you took his fingers sucking them clean. Moments later, he pulled you in for a kiss.
The day after, you just relaxed and spent time on the couch binge-watching the show Golden Girls and baking/eating snacks. It was a chill day, and you were still reeling from the prior night with Argyle. After your interaction with Argyle, you spoke to Jeff from Corroded Coffin and exchanged numbers. The next day you would be at the community pool, hopefully getting a job there. Heather, being your sister, would be a damn good guarantee you would land that lifeguard position.
Waking up bright and early the next day, you got up and stretched, then made breakfast of a latte, mixed berry waffles topped with whipped cream and chocolate chips. Heather was still sleeping but by the time you had showered and shaved, then dressed in a one-piece red bikini, she was up and grabbing some coffee and a quick waffle on the way out the door. You get your red heart-shaped sunglasses and towel and put an oversized white tee shirt over your bathing suit.
Soon you were on your way with Heather to the local pool and blasting some Def Leppard. It was a nice day out and sunny. Steve was sure to be there and he was pretty hot. Billy would be there too though and had the final say on who would get the summer lifeguard positions. With any luck, Billy would take to you like a fish to water.
“Look, don't get your hopes up. I am a total shoo-in for a lifeguard job this summer, but just be aware Billy isn't always in the best of moods. Just be careful around him,” she cautioned as her hair blew in the breeze as she drove.
“Yeah, sure. I can take care of myself but you know thanks for looking out and everything,” you cattily responded.
She scoffed at your reaction as she got on the street of Hawkins Pool. Arriving at the pool you walked in through the side gate with Heather in the lead making her way to the lifeguards and hopefuls standing by the pool. Billy awarded you with a big mega-watt smile as you made your way over to him in your red flip-flops. They squelched slightly on the wet ground. Even though he was drunk at the party, the night prior being Keg King and all you were certain he recognized you.
This was going to be a long summer indeed….
Chapter 2
I get off on you
A call with Jeff leads to some good times. Steve invites you to the movies and you give him the date of a lifetime.
Everyone exchanged numbers that day at the pool and your first day on the job was eventful and a bit exciting. Billy was the best at his job and your sister even got off your back, not embarrassing you for once. Most of the kids at the pool were easy going and no one almost drowned that day. Karen Wheeler and the rest of the older women ogled Billy but that was always typical of them and there was nothing new there.
Deciding to take a bath when you got home you called Jeff just to see how he was doing and what was up. After just two rings he answered happy to talk to you.
“Hey Y/N. How's your summer starting? I had practice today. Eddie runs a tight ship but it was fine. Hope you are relaxing,” he told you sounding earnest.
“I'm fine just taking a bath and enjoying a wine spritzer. I'm glad practice went well hope there's a new show soon at the Hideout right?”
“Yeah, we should have one soon will let you know if Eddie doesn't first. Well, that sounds good. I hope you are enjoying your bath.”
You played with the bubbles and relaxed trying to fully enjoy yourself as you leaned against your inflatable waterproof neck pillow.
“You must get tons of groupies. Although I'm sure you have a girlfriend, right?”
“I guess but not as much as the other guys, especially Eddie. Do you have someone special in your life? I've been single a while though actually.”
“No, I don’t have anyone at the moment. I've just been playing the field nothing serious. Going on vacation soon though.”
“Oh, that sounds good.”
Your fingers moved to your inner thighs rubbing and caressing them even making soft and lewd noises as you stayed on the phone with Jeff hoping he could hear you.
“Umm, everything okay over there?” He asked sounding a bit concerned.
“Yeah, I'm fine. I would like to unwind though I had a long day. Kinda stressful. You know what I mean.”
“Could I help you relax better?”
“Sure. Just talk dirty to me,” you responded boldly.
“Really? No girl has ever asked that of me before. I could oblige though…”
You moved your fingers to your slick entrance teasing yourself down there with your pointer and middle fingers tracing over your clit teasing it wanting to feel good. And if no one else at the moment could make you feel that way then this would have to do but would be even better with guided instruction. Your core tightened as you teased yourself.
“Yeah I want that,” you replied bluntly.
“Fuck. Are you touching yourself?” He huskily asked you.
“Yeah teasing my clit,” you mewled.
“Okay good. Mind if I take off an article of clothing?”
“I want you to.”
You could hear Jeff fiddling with what sounded like his belt buckle. Then you heard the unmistakable sound of his zipper being unzipped. Next, you heard a slight ruffling noise.
“Just relax for me too Jeff. Just make yourself feel good. Want to have you stroke your cock,” you requested knowing he probably wouldn't be able to deny your request. “Already on it.”
He freed his cock from his boxers and relaxed as he man spread. Meanwhile, you were fingering yourself with one slick finger rubbing circles on your clit in a clockwise motion. It felt incredible, especially knowing Jeff was pleasing himself and getting off as you touched yourself.
“Okay tell me what you are doing now. I’m using one finger on my clit and it feels perfect,” you told him in a whimpery tone.
“I’m stroking the base of my cock and getting hard for you. God feels amazing!” He boasted as he stroked.
You added another finger and made scissor-like motions as you teased your sensitive bud.
“Sounds good. I bet your cock is so big and hard,” you teased Jeff playfully as you moved your fingers inside in rapid thrusts arching your hips and even grabbing a pillow nearby to hump against.
“Oh yeah? What are you doing? Please tell me you are using your fingers.”
“Sure am. Feels so good. And I’m humping a pillow. I’ve got two fingers inside. Fuck!” You cried out.
“Fuck yeah. Keep working your fingers as I stroke my hard cock. Tell me what you want to do to me if you were here,” he begged. “Lubing up my cock now,” he softly told you as he got his bottle of lotion and rubbed some on his cock to use it to get better friction.
“I want to suck your big cock as I'm down on my knees and I’m rubbing one out or using a toy on myself with vibrations. Fuck I want to kiss and lick your pretty cock,” you whined as you thrust your fingers harder and humped the pillow even faster now.
Jeff’s groans were becoming more vocal now and you could hear them distinctly. His cock was probably so beautiful and so big. There was no way you could take all of him inside your mouth, but you would try your best to.
“Good. Sounds perfect. I want all that. Shove my cock down your throat and watch you blow me. We can even 69. I want to taste that delicious pussy. Eat you out and use my fingers to prove to you that guitarists have the best fingers,” he boasted.
“Mm yes, I want that. You as my rockstar. I need it so badly,” you whined now on your stomach and humping your pillow harshly as your fingers pressed against your clit in nice clockwise circles.
At the same time, Jeff was stroking himself even faster the sound of slick as he rubbed his cock and rubbed his shaft with pre cum coating it.
“Want to rock your world? Make you want my cock nonstop,” Jeff gruffly spoke as his pretty cries could be heard through the phone.
You moved your fingers so fast wanting to chase your high and wanting to fuck yourself through your orgasm. Jeff had the same idea as he got himself closer to his release by bucking faster into his palm.
“Getting so close. Feels amazing,” you whimpered very loudly not holding back now.
“I wanna hear the pretty noises you make as you come undone,” Jeff begged you.
Neither of you would last much longer as you fingered yourself with reckless abandon and Jeff fucked his cock with his hand senselessly.
“Mm yes want to have you cum all over my face and I want to squirt all over your fingers and mouth as you finger me and eat me out,” you moaned with extreme pleasure as you felt your high about to bring you over the edge.
“Mm yeah fuck yes need to taste your sweet pussy and all your juices as you take my cock as deep as you can and take all my cum,” he proclaimed grunting as he told you this his cum shooting out and his load spilling all over him.
“Yes gonna cum for you!” You whined as you moaned loudly through your orgasm letting it crash over you.
Days later you get a call from Steve out of the blue. You only had several work days at the pool training as a professionally licensed lifeguard. You had hung out before no big deal. He was calling for something though and you couldn’t wait to find out what it was.
“Hello Y/N?”
“Yes, Steve?”
“Wanted to know if you were free this weekend. How about Sunday we go to a movie together? I was thinking maybe that new movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?”
“Sure sounds fun. I would like that Steve.”
“Don’t worry I’ll buy all the snacks and your ticket. The showing I was looking into going to is at 330.”
“Thanks but I’ll pay my way. I’ll buy my ticket but you can buy the food and drinks.”
“Sounds great.”
You talked for a few more minutes about work, the summer, holiday plans, etc.
When Sunday came you dressed up nice and put on some makeup tans and browns mainly and white lipstick. For your outfit, you decided on a spiked choker, matching bracelet, white fishnets, platform wedge boots, a red micro skirt, a purple thong, a Dio cut tank top and no bra with black denim ripped battle jacket complete with heavy metal pins and patches including Dio, Motley Crue, Poison, Def Leppard, Joan Jett, The Plasmatics, Ramones, Metallica, Judas Priest, Black Flag, etc.
“Hi beautiful,” was the first thing you heard Steve say as you met up with him in your driveway and got into his maroon Volvo.
“Hi, Steve. Can't wait to see this movie.”
“Nice. Well, I can’t wait either. Happy to take you.”
It was only 3 in the afternoon and the movie theater was nearby. As you drove for a bit you turned on the radio to Poisons talk dirty to me playing.
“Well, here we are.”
“Yep here we are,” you said.
Getting out of the car he went to the passenger side and opened your door for you. Soon you were in the theater and got snacks from the concession stands. You got a large pink lemonade with two bendy straws to share and sour gummy bears, red vines, red licorice, popcorn with extra butter and salt, with caramel corn too. In your seats, you sat back enjoying the previews taking notice of the upcoming movies like Aliens and Stephen King’s Stand By Me.
The candy was good and so was the popcorn. The drink was also refreshing. There were only about ten other people at the cinema showing and not many were near you and less than half of those people rows behind you. Nudging Steve soon after the movie began you got his attention and he smiled at you.
“Yeah? Everything ok?” He asked solemnly as Steve leaned in closer to you.
“Fine. The drinks and snacks are great. Thanks.”
He nodded and then focused again on the movie laughing a bit at a funny scene with Ferris Bueller and his sister.
About ten minutes later you nudged him again.
“Yes?” He asked softly as he looked at you with his beautiful eyes.
“I want to make you feel good Steve.”
He smiled wanly at you and swallowed hard.
“Okay, sure. How do you wanna do that?”
“A hand job maybe. Just get hard for me big boy.”
“Fuck. Right now? You are seriously coming onto me in a movie with people around? I’ve never done anything like this with people around except at a party…” He trailed off as he looked around making sure no one was looking on or listening nearby. No one appeared to be paying any attention though everyone was focused on the movie it seemed like.
Putting your hand on his denim-clad thigh you smiled and squeezed his upper right leg.
“Yes, I want to give you a handjob.”
He nodded his approval and licked his lips wetting them.
“Yeah of course. Fuck that would be amazing.”
He was so pent up and getting hard as he undid his black leather belt and unzipped his jeans.
“Mm you are so big Stevie,” you whispered into his ear as he freed his cock from its confines.
Sealing Steve’s lips in a kiss you moved your fingers up his leg and to his waist and his happy trail feeling a patch of hair he had there. His cock was gorgeous. Big and thick. It made your mouth practically water just at the sight of it. Even though you had never done something like this ever before you felt safe with him. Even safer with him than you ever did any other guy.
“Oh fuck. You sure about this?” He loudly whispered back as a funny part in the movie happened and the small crowd was laughing hysterically.
“Yes. I want to do this.”
Your response was bold and you were calculated in your movements as you moved your hand down lower. His boxer briefs were baby blue and he looked so sexy. Steve’s eyes locked with yours as you went right to work not wasting a second as you stroked him from the base to the tip and then repeated your actions. His couth was mouth-watering and you licked your lips as you stroked earning whimpers from Steve.
“Fuck yeah just like that. Fuck!” He seethed through clenched teeth as you stroked him at a steady pace.
Deciding to spice things up you took out a small bottle of unscented lotion from your purse and opened it. You squirted a generous amount onto your hand and stroked him again this time getting more friction with the lotion being used as a lubricant now. He seemed to love it and met your lips in a kiss with tongue and so much passion. His cock was one of the biggest and as you cupped his balls with your other hand his whimpers turned to groans for you.
Looking deeply into each other’s eyes you watched Steve as he bit and licked his lips. You pumped him faster and harder earning growls from him. Getting on your knees you looked up at him with wide eyes full of wonder as pre-cum began to form on the tip of his big cock. He was the most well-endowed man at least to you. Steve man spread even wider for you as you worked your magic with your fingers your eyes trained on his never leaving his gaze.
“Oh fuck!” He seethed through clenched teeth as he bucked his hips erratically needy and aching for more eager to chase his high.
You put your finger to your lips in a shushing motion as Steve scoffed at you teasing him before you mouthed
“Shh Steve. Cum for me,” you beckoned.
He ran his fingers through his locks of hair not even caring if anyone noticed or heard at this point. Steve just wanted to cum and empty his full balls now. Sure enough moments later his stomach muscles tightened as he began to cum for you. Panting as he came down from his high you got back into your seat and cleaned his cum using the Kleenex’s from your purse you had for emergencies. After you used hand sanitizer.
Steve leaned in close and whispered in your ear “Thank you so much.”
He then left a kiss on your cheek and you laid your head on his shoulder for the rest of the movie.
After the movies and being dropped off at home you called Nancy just to talk. She picked up on the second ring. You could hear her TV on in the background and Barb laughing.
“Hi Nance. So I went on an awesome date with Steve yesterday. It won’t be weird right that I went out with him? Not sure if it will happen again you know but he’s really nice and I like him a lot so far..” you trailed off. Even though Nancy had only been on one date with Steve before you didn’t want this to come in between your friendship with her.
“No, it’s fine. I’m just here with Barb we were doing manicures and pedicures. You should come over.”
“Oh yeah, maybe we can have a sleepover sometime soon.”
“Definitely. And Barb says hi. Right Barb?” She called out.
“Hi Y/N!”
“So what happened on the date anything I should know about?”
“Well I had phone sex with Jeff nights ago but what happened with Steve was much more interesting.”
“Oh wow. Yes, tell me about Steve. I need the details.”
“We went to see Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. We were near the back sitting in the middle of the row. I bought my ticket but he bought all the snacks and the drinks too. During the movie, I jerked him off.”
“You mean a hand job? To King Steve? And phone sex with Jeff from Corroded Coffin. Wow. How was it?”
“Magnificent. He came for me. I mean both of them did.”
“That is huge news.”
Barb grabbed the phone from Nancy.
“So you rocked Steve’s world and Jeff’s too?”
“Sure did. And soon I’m going to go out shopping for sex toys. At that adult store, Edwina works out. But then there’s a Corroded Coffin show soon after that I really wanna see. You and Barb maybe wanna come?”
“Yes!” They both said in unison as they held the phone to their ears.
“For moral support of course.”
“Right,” they agreed together.
After talking a few more minutes you hung up and began making plans for what you would wear to go to the sex shop. After you went over to Nancy’s place to hang out with her and Barb. Sex toy shopping and getting your first toy. It would hopefully be magical.
to list soundtrack
Talk dirty to me by poison.
whore by in this moment and turn you
Rock you like a hurricane the scorpions.
sweet tooth and special pets by step
fever by bfmv
Crave by fate destroyed.
Summer Breeze medley reprise and Cinnamon Girl by type of negative
endless summer by the midnight
I get off and special by Halestorm.
closer violet Orlandi
Submit William Control
Worship me living dead girl.
Deftones sex tape
Come undone bad omens cover
crazy bitch buckcherry
beautiful by HIM
bitches brew by crosses
master and servant & dangerous by Depeche mode
I want your video by Djo
Feel like making love bad company.
Tainted Love by Manson
Adidas by Korn all day long I dream about sex
Pour some sugar on me by def leppard
Come by prince
2 become 1 Spice Girls
Break my body and scream by New Year's Day.
hatefuck and rats by now
hot love and hot rockin by judas priest
cherry bomb by the Runaways
Do you wanna touch and I wanna be your dog, Joan Jett.
Let's put the X in sex by kiss.
like a virgin Crue cover and sex
deep throat by cupcake
just tonight by the pretty reckless
wasps animal fuck like a beast
me so horny by 2 live crew
self-indulgence and petite morte by Razakel
Amber sexual li da dee and this is your night.
UMC what is love cover?
bad medicine Bon Jovi
porn star dancing my darkest days
So happy I could die by Lady Gaga
cola Lana del Rey
lips like morphine kill Hannah
warrant cherry pie
Willa Ford, I wanna be bad.
french kissing Sarah Connor
body 2 body by Samantha Mumba
hot and just a little by play
Beggin and I wanna be your slave and own my mind by Maneskin.
going to hell and going down by Pretty Reckless
conflicted and buzz by Halestorm
climax by DJO
Rock Star Beau and Summer Nights by Cassie Steele
@userchai @eddiemunsonfuxks @koskeepsake @keeryatmosphere @corneliuswatkins
@xxladymjxx @sidereustales @hippiegoth97 @eddiemunson-reader-shame
@seatnights @ali-r3n @kelseyaparker19 @mrprettywhenhecries @shichey97
@keikoraven @veemoon @micheledawn1975 @hellv1ra @stolen-in-moonlight
@haceleyes @edsbug @lovelythoughtfulcupcake @loritate7311 @skatazz
@loserboysandlithium @probablyin-bed @steveslittlesunflower @decodedlvr @quinnyficsy
@jadeylovesmarvelxo @lovemesomeeddiemunson @hcwthewestwaswcn @emmykaleidoscopeheart @stranger-things-mania
@londonfog-chan @mediocredreams @scarlet-bitch @langdonss @mysticpeachobject
@peculiarwren @sweatyfuntrash @universallyneckhoagieshark @nightmare-time1824 @hippiegothrecs
@corrodedcorpses @eddiemunsonslibrary @dananahenderson @somethingvicked
@yourfavoritewitchbitch @leelei1980 @ryuzakemo128 @mysticpeachobject
#eddie munson x reader#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve harrington x reader#billy hargrove x reader#chrissy cunningham x reader#billy hargrove#chrissy cunningham#robin buckley#stobin#steddie#virgin reader#robin buckley x reader#corroded coffin#argyle x reader#jeff x reader#jeff stranger things#billy hargrove x you#steve harrington x you#edwina munson#oc#original character#robin buckley x you#stranger things au#stranger things alternate universe#heather holloway#hawkins#stranger things fic
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Social Grace 101: Small Gestures That Make a Big Difference
The best way to leave a lasting impression isn’t with grand gestures or over-the-top charm. It’s with small, thoughtful actions that show respect, kindness and awareness.
Here’s how to master the subtle art of social grace:
🕊️1. Say Hello First
It takes just a second, but being the one to greet someone first shows confidence and warmth. It makes people feel noticed and valued.
I remember walking into a business event where I didn’t know anyone. I spotted someone standing alone and said, “Hi, I’m Elise. It’s nice to meet you.” We ended up chatting for half an hour, and later they introduced me to others. That small act of saying hello first turned a potentially awkward evening into a productive one.
🕊️2. Remember and Use People’s Names
Nothing makes someone feel more seen than hearing their name. If you struggle with names, make it a point to repeat it when you’re introduced or find creative ways to remember it.
At networking events, I jot down people’s names in my phone with little notes like “Loves hiking” or “Dog named Milo”. When I follow up, I would say “How’s Milo doing?” instead of a generic, “It was nice meeting you.” The responses I get are always enthusiastic.
🕊️3. Master the Art of the Introduction
Introducing people is an underrated social superpower. It shows you’re paying attention to both parties and care about helping them connect.
At a dinner party, I introduced two acquaintances by saying, “You both love art. Lia just got back from Florence, and Ren works at the local gallery.” They hit it off instantly and later Ren told me “You’re great at bringing people together.”
🕊️4. Notice the Details
Whether it’s complimenting someone’s outfit or commenting on their choice of book, small observations show you’re paying attention.
I once told someone at a meeting “I love that pen, it’s so unique.” They smiled and said they were a collector, still writing everything by hand. That tiny compliment led to a heartfelt conversation that built a connection beyond the usual work talk.
🕊️5. Be Attuned to Group Dynamics
Social grace often means knowing when to talk and when to step back. If someone’s being interrupted or overlooked, help them find their moment to shine.
At a group dinner, I noticed a quieter guest hadn’t spoken much. When the conversation turned to books, I said “Noa, didn’t you just finish something you loved?” She lit up and started sharing, and the table leaned in to listen. Later, she thanked me for giving her the space to speak.
🕊️6. Apologize and Mean It When You Get It Wrong
Nobody’s perfect. If you step on someone’s toes (literally or figuratively), a genuine apology can go a long way.
During a work meeting, I accidentally interrupted someone. I immediately said, “I’m sorry, please go ahead.” They smiled and the meeting flowed better afterward.
🕊️7. End with Grace
How you leave a conversation matters just as much as how you enter it. A warm goodbye and a note of appreciation can make someone’s day.
At the end of a conference, I said to a speaker I liked, “I really appreciated your insights, it gave me a new perspective.” Weeks later, they remembered me and sent me resources related to their talk. That simple goodbye kept the connection alive.
Practice these small gestures and you’ll leave a trail of positive impressions wherever you go.
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Am over here biting each art you post, each info you post about One or onion as if it's 5★ dish BECAUSE IT IS THAT TASTY 🩷🩷🩷
Few questions (remember if you don't feel comfortable about or don't want because of spoilers feel free to ignore):
- What causes you to have the genius idea of putting an animation in few panels of the comic? Like did you thought of it? Did somebody/friend suggested it?
- name one friend/ROTTMNT AU you don't mind to have their character/OC in your comic even as a background character?
- What causes One to change his mind about the mad dogs and decided to join their family?
- If you have a plot about making a new episode of ROTTMNT that involves One (and maybe somebody else; could be one of the brothers or splinter or anybody you want) what the plot's gonna be about?
- if onion (i keep calling F!One that, the disrespect is unimaginable am sorry 🥲) followed the movie plot would he end up ashes like canon F!Leo or will he make it back alive with casey JR?
- how's One's bond with Cassandra?
- how does One feel about Draxum demoting from an alchemist to a lunch lady? (LBH this's funny job for him).
- do you plan on putting an episode about One & Draxum AFTER their redemption? Like will they forgive and (probably not) forget?
- Name or draw one outfit you would love for One or draxum to wear as their casual clothes.
- any cute, funny or wholesome HCs about One after his redemption arc?
That's all for now! Again thank you if you answered my questions but if not then it's all good👍
Have a great week and take care of yourself 🩷
1)Oh, I just answered something about this here, but the short version is: I've wanted to do a mix of animation and comics for a long time (a zelda comic was my first inspiration for this) When I started this au it was gonna be an animatic so when I changed that to comic form, I still had a few things that I really wanted to have animated
2 )I'm not gonna @ them to not bother them, but I think I'm gonna end up having the sep council on the bg at some point lmao, this ask is from october and the reason I have been holding it back from answering is cause I kind of already did with the wall of champions on the last update!
3) for spoilers reasons I wont get too deep into this one, but while there IS a defining moment of him taking a choice, is not that what matters, what matters the most is the journey, after all, is the time he has spend with his brothers up to that point is what makes him flip sides
4)I do have a few episodes planned like that! right now I'm following the episodes that already exist cause is fun to see them change with the au, but I also have some that are things I made up! One I'm excited about is with Raph and One having some solo time on the Hidden City
5) "the disrespect" LMAO my brain refused to call him Oneion too at first, but is just easier with all the leos of the crossovers. He's not gonna go back with Casey Jr, sorry, his fate is not set in stone yet but I do know he's not gonna end up in ashes. I'm not gonna explain more than that lol
6) this has been asked a lot so I'm just gonna throw these here too @damonagel04-blog
One and Cass end up having a weird little friendship, based on mutual respect. After teaming up with the Foot Clan for canon plot reasons, One fights all the foot recruits as a training/demostration kid of thing and the only one who can stand their ground against him is her, and of course he finds her fun to fight, cause he can actually have a fight with her. After that they go on missions together, cause they force One to be with a team and he doesn't do teams but agrees if she goes, because she is actually a good fighter and competent enough to carry out the mission
Also, I have the headcanon that they can't use their real names on the Foot Clan, that's why they call her Recruit. you just give out your name if you actually trust the other person, but given the fact that everyone serious on the foot clan is a shady ninja and the other part of the foot are random people, she had never actually given her name to anyone. After a few missions together, Cass decides she can actually trust One with her name
They do end up being friends, tho One would never call it that, at least not pre-redemption
7) One doesn't really think much of it, he knows Draxum likes to cook, he has cooked for him his whole life, so he ending up with a cooking job on the surface is not so weird, and he knows Draxum has to lay low so it makes sence for him to be on such a crappy place. Plus One's gonna have another things in mind to worry about, he wouldn't have brains to judge that.
8) Oh I have so many things planned for their journey post redemption, but those are spoilers, they will eventually end up in a better place
9) I do have some doodles of one on casual clothes (1) (2), Draxum I honeslty have no idea
10) I'm gonna give you one thing with each of the hamatos:
Mikey teaches One to cook, he learn the hard way that you have to give One very specific instructions on what to do or he'll fuck up
One likes spending time on Donnie's lab, just lounging while Donnie works (is familiar to him), Donnie has a beanbag where he goes to nap sometimes while pulling consecutive allnighters, One ends up claiming that spot for himself
Raph helps One work through his anger issues, having experience working on his own, he's also the one One opens up the most
Splinter overhears One saying he used to wear a robe when being at his home and gets him a few. One ends up getting suck into watching telenovelas with Splinter
One likes putting on face masks with April, they end up having full "spa days" at April's at least once a month
and that's it! thanks for the ask!
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Conception Part 1 Red Luna!Darling x Yandere! Damian
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Final
Summery: Damain was taking Luna out on a nice dinner date. She thought this date would be like their many other dates, but being drugged was a first.
WARNING: Being Drugged, Slight Minipulation, Unprotected Sex, Sexual Content, Intentionally Conceiving a Child
Author's Note: Things to know before reading. Luna and Damian are both young adults in this time period. Luna wasn't educated on sex or that sex is used for reproduction. Also, a reminder that Luna is a mute who communicates through sign language and morse code. I'll use °theses° when she's "speaking."
Standing in front of the mirror was a young woman with long (h/c) hair that reached past her tailbone, (e/c) eyes scanned over her outfit. She was wearing a black sparkling halter neck mini dress with an innerside boob window with chains. Long black gloves covered her arms while thigh-high pantyhose adorned her legs, and to pull it together, she wore a pair of black sparkling open toe heels. Luna didn't bother to put on makeup (mostly because she doesn't know how to), so with one last look in the mirror, she walked out of her living quarters and up the elevator.
Opening the doors to her 'home', she was greeted by Damian, who was wearing a black tuxedo leaning on a limousine. Walking into the raven-haired man's arms, she great him with a kiss, which he deepened as he placed a hand on her hip and the other behind her head. Patting on the man's broad chest in a pattern that's coded °Have you waited long?°. Breaking the kiss, Damian replied with a wolfish smile, "If waiting long means I get to see you dress like this, then I'll gladly wait for you as long as it takes." With one more peck, the Wayne opened the door for his girl, once inside the limousine they took off.
Arriving at their destination, their chauffeur opened the door for them. Damian was the first to step out and offer his hand, which Luna took. They were greeted by a young man with brown eyes and curly hair with freckles wearing a server uniform. "Greetings, we've been expecting you. I'll be your host for this evening, now if you'll kindly follow me I'll show you two to your table." He escorted them to a private room where he took their orders.
After finishing their food (and dessert), they just talked/signed to one another. The topic? Art supplies, specifically Luna's interest in trying out graphite sticks and pencils. °I'm just trying it out Damian, there's no need for you to buy me a whole graphite kit. You just got me that charcoal set.° all he did was give her that wolfish smile she loves with a hungry look in his eyes that always made her knees weak. Feeling herself slowly starting submitting to his command, she tried one last time to stand her ground.
°I'm really grateful for the gifts truly, but there's no need for you to buy me things that I can easily pay for myself.° she thought of all the times he would pay for her charcoal art supplies, buy her more sketch books when she used her's up, paying for all of their dates too and declineing her many offers of paying or even splitting the bill. But paying for all of her groceries and utilities is something he shouldn't be burdened with. °I have a stable income, and it's not your responsibility to take care of me.° "But you are my responsibility. It's my job to take care of you, on and off the battlefield." He reached over to take the (h/c)'s hand, giving it a light squeeze. "I love you, Luna. I want to take care of you. I want to spoil you every day, so please trust me to take care of you. Trust me to provide everything you need so you don't have to worry about anything."
Seeing his coy and heartwarming smile with that passion filled gaze made her heart flutter. She truly loves this man, this man who lets her sit on his lap to draw while he silently watches. The man who taught her how to use a sword in combat, the man who has her back when going on missions together, the man who bandages her wounds after fighting a criminal. He's the man she loves more than anything else, and she knows Damian loves her too.
The ravenette couldn't help the smile that crept on his face when he saw Luna's adorable lovestruck expression that she's unknowingly wearing. 'So fucking cute.'
Lightly rubbing his hand with her thumb, she finally submitted to his charms °I'm no match for you.° the moment was ruined when their waiter came in carrying a tray that had a pink wine bottle and two wine glasses. This annoyed Damian, but he held his tongue. "I hope you two are enjoying your evening tonight, my i Interest you in pink moscato rose wine?" °I've never had wine before. From what I can tell, wine is usually bitter, no?° with a customer service smile, the waiter reassured her. "Yes it is, but Pink Moscato is a deep, luscious wine known for its signature sweetness and fruity flavor. It typically tastes sweet and can taste similar to apple or grape juice. it can be served with the dessert course of a meal."
(E/c) eyes lit up when the word 'sweet' was mentioned, and as the waiter continues talking about the wine, Luna listened intently hanging on every word he said "Would you like some?" Nodding her head enthusiastically, the waiter placed both glasses on the table, opening the bottle he tilt it towards her glass, and a translucent gold liquid began to fill her glass.
°I hope this isn't too much to ask, but my I know the brand of the wine?° the waiter's eyebrows knit together, his smile a little strain. With a nervous chuckle, he showed the label on the bottle to her which read 'Sweet Bitch Moscato Rose'. Confused she look towards Damian °What does bitch mean?°
Their poor waiter looked mortified while Damian brushed out in laughter. Once his laughter died down, he reassured the (h/c). "Nothing you need to worry about." He received the cutest confused puppy dog look ever. She did the head tilt and everything too! Deciding to drop it, Luna turned her focus to her glass of wine (their waiter made a break for it when attention wasn't on him) picking it up she took a tiny sip. A sweet and fruity flavor took over her taste buds just as the waiter said.
She continues to sip from her wine glass with a satisfied smile, really liking the taste of the wine. 'Sweet Bitch Moscato Rose huh? I should buy a bottle for myself sometime.' "Don't even think about it. I'm the one who's going to buy you a bottle." Luna's surprise was clear on her face, Damian told her with a cheeky smile."I know you too well to not know the expression you're wearing. It's the same expression you make when eating sweets."
She blushed at the thought of him watching her eat without her knowledge. In an attempt to cover her blush, she chugged the rest of her wine. Setting her glass back on the table, she noticed a strange throbbing in between her legs.
Her body instantly started heating up. She felt tingly all over, clenching her chest where her heart would be. She could feel it pounding like crazy. A clear wet fluid dripped from between her legs, soaking her panties and inner thighs, as well as getting all over her seat.
Leaning down, she rested her head on her arm. Her mind was staring to fog up, and her brain became scattered. Questions raced throughout the (h/c)'s head. 'What was happening to her body? Why is she getting wet? How is she getting wet? What was in that drink?'
It was a real treat seeing Luna's usual calm and composed demeanor turn into something erotic. Her pupils were dilated, her cheeks were flushed, and she was shaking and panting heavily, too. Damian's lips curled upward into a feral smile, ready to devour her. He felt his own arousal, causing his pant to tighten around him.
With a weak hand, Luna grabbed her spoon and started to tap it on the table. °Damian, what kind of drug did you give me?° 'Clever girl.' Damian, though, with a cocky smile. "You catch on quick, my dear Luna." Weakly, she sat up in an attempt to show no weakness in front of him. °what purpose is there for drugging me?°
Getting out of his chair, he made his way over to Luna, picking her up bridal style. Damain replied with a simple "You'll see." Then carried her out to the limo. Their chauffeur opened the door for them, getting in the ravenette place Luna on his lap.
The (h/c) heard the sound of the driver's door opening and closing, then the sound of the limousine starting up. Next then she knew they were taking off. Luna tried to look out of the driver's windshield window in the hopes of searching for familiar surroundings, but her view was cut off by a black tinted window rolling up, blocking her view.
Damain grabbed her by the chin, turning her attention towards him. "Keep your eyes on me, dollface." Feeling his hand snake in between her legs he began to rub her clit through her panties. She gasped, she couldn't believe he's touching her there! But the way his touching her feels so damn good. 'Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, please don't stop Damian!'
Luna has become a maoning mess with her tongue hanging out while making lewd sounds as best she can. Throughout all of this, she didn't take her eyes off of Damian. He loved it.
Damian shoved his tongue in her mouth and began to explore it. He slides his tongue over her teeth and then teases her tongue. Luna responded back by teasing his tongue, too. their tongues began to twirl around one another. Luna gasped when he pinched her clit and gave it a little twist. The (h/c) was drowning in her own lust to the point she forgot they were in a limousine and barely noticed it stopped.
Fighting through her foggy haze, Luna pulled away from Damian's lips. A string of saliva was the only thing connecting them. Catching her breath, she quickly composed herself as best she could and began to sign. °I should get out. Thank you for tonig-° she yelped when he pinched her clit again interrupting her "Who said I was dropping you off at home?" He moved her so she was straddling him Luna felt something hard pressing up against her cunt and for some reason feeling how large it is made her body produce more slick.
The door was open by their chauffeur, who stepped aside as Damian got out of the limousine, all while never letting go of Luna once. Turning her head to see they were at a nice luxury hotel, (e/c) eyes looked at the large glowing sign that read Red Royalty Love Hotel. Before she could even ask him what they were doing there, Damain carried her into the hotel, passing the front desk and straight into one of the rooms.
The room's walls were painted a crimson red with a black tile floor and a large white rug. In the middle of the room was a large round bed with red sliding chiffon curtains. The pillows and bed coverings are pure white, and the bed itself was covered in red rose pestle. The only source of light was the million of candles scattered around the room.
Using his foot, Damain kicked the door close and moved forward towards the bed. Gently sitting Luna on the bed, he gave her a deep passion kiss. "I'm going to make love to you." She gave him this pure look of innocent confusion as she signed °Make love? What do you mean?° If Damian didn't know any better, he would have assumed she was teasing, but he knew she genuinely didn't know what sex was, but not for long.
"Love making or sex is an activity two people who love each other do to express their love for one another." Giving her another passion kiss, he continued. "You do love me, right Luna?"
°Yes you mean everything to me, and if you want to have sex we can. Anywhere anytime. Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it to the best of my abilities.° giving a dark smile to the (h/c) Damain stood up straight and started to unbuckle his pants, once undone his cock sprang out to stand tall and proud.
Looking at him Damian was about 7 inches and is pretty girthy with a large cockhead, you can notice a few veins popping out as well as pre cum leaking from the tip.
"Luna, this is my cock. We're gonna need it to have sex." With a curious look, Luna began to inspect the part of Damian she's never seen. She placed her hand on his thigh for support while she used the palm of her free hand to slowly slide up from the base of his cock all the way up to his tip letting her fingernails glide across his shaft.
This action earned her a deep groan from Damian and the words "Fuuuck baby~, If you use your nails like that, I mean just cum on ya~." Looking up at him then down to his cock Luna realized touching him there brings him pleasure. 'Cum... if I pleasure him he'll cum. Whatever cumming is he wants it.' Seeing his face filled with pleasure Luna now know what she needs to do 'I'm going to make him cum. But how?'
Not knowing what to do or where to start, she looked up towards Damian with this lost and pitiful expression that screams help me. 'Poor thing' gently stroking her head, he gave her a soft smile. "Aww, my poor baby girl~. Here's a tip, use your hand to strock it." Looking back down, Luna wrapped her hand around his shaft and did what he said.
Damain started to moan and groan, loving how soft her hand felt around his dick. "Yesss~, just like that baby. Keep going, keep going, up and down up and down, that's it. God damn your hand is soft.~" This reaction encouraged Luna to keep going. Filled with confidence, she continued to stroke him.
While stroking, Luna paid close attention to Damian. Listening to his moans and looking at the expressions he would make to find out what pleased him the most. The (h/c) notice the veins on his cock are quite sensitive and everytime she touched them Damian would spew out curses while his cock twitch with arousal.
Focusing on those sensitive veins, she continues to strock him, making sure to glide her hand across every vein. Feeling the pulsing of his veins and the twitching of his cock underneath her touch make her pussy wet with arousal and it seems she wasn't the only one. Her fingers were drenched in precum, and when she pulled her hand away, there were many strings of sticky precum connecting her fingers to Damian's cock.
Without thinking, she placed her lips on his dick giving it a kiss, then started to leave a trail of kisses starting from the base and trailing her way up to his tip. Then she trailed her tongue up his shaft by once again, starting from the base. Damian's eyes were rolled in the back of his head in pure bliss, his body consumed by pleasure. Without warning, Luna put his dick in her mouth deep-throating him in one fluent motion, stopping right at the base, which caused Damian to let out a long, drawn-out moan.
Without stopping for a second Luna started to suck his cock. While sucking him off Luna felt him getting harder inside her mouth. Precum filled her mouth. "Fuck Luna-! I'm gonna fucking-! Cum!" 'He's cumming!' Determine to make him cum she picked up the pace sucking him faster. Suddenly, Damian roughly grabbed the (h/c)'s head, pushing her to take all of him in while her mouth filled with what she assumed was his cum.
Not knowing what to do with his cum Luna swallowed it all. Pulling away from his cock she took a minute to catch her breath but that didn't last long as Damian pushed her on her back and spread her legs. "Your turn Luna~"
He pulled her panties off, but before Damian could get a good look at her clit Luna quickly covered herself with one hand while she quietly signed with the other one in a panicked frenzy. °What are you doing!?° Giving her a reassuring smile, Damian explains,"You made me cum it's only right if you cum too." °I can cum too?° leaning forward he gave Luna a reassuring kiss "Yes you can and when you cum you'll feel really good. So don't you worry, just lay back and I'll take care of you."
Relaxing her muscles, Luna lay down on her back, resting her head on one of the pillows. She moved her hand away, exposing herself to Damain. Spreading her legs apart he started by giving her pussy a little kiss earning a small gasp for Luna, spreading her lips he used his tongue to make slow, broad licks, widening his tongue as much as possible.
Luna couldn't stop her whimpering from escaping her lips, but how could she be quiet when she's feeling this hot tickling sensation coming from her cunt, it just feels so good. 'Did Damian feel like this when I was pleasing him?'
Moving up, he began sucking and licking her clitoris. Letting out a loud mewl, Luna thought, 'That's sensitive!' He continued to play with her bud. Damian then pushed his middle finger inside of her cunt , causing Luna to gasp loudly. It was a foreign feeling to have something inside of her, a foreign and pleasurable feeling.
The ravenette added a second finger inside of Luna, causing her to whimper. In an effort to loosen her up, he moved his fingers in a scissoring motion. Feeling her insides being spread apart made Luna shake like crazy. At first, he pumped his finger in a slow and gentle pace, but he picked up the pace when he felt her walls clinching around his fingers. Thrusting his fingers at a hard and rough pace, he noticed Luna began to shake while panting heavily. "Come on baby, cum for me."
With a long, drawn-out whine, Luna came. A milky white liquid oozing from her pussy dirting the bedsheets. Damian began to lap up her cum, once satisfied he began to take off the rest of his and Luna's clothes throwing them to the side.
Lining his dick up with the (h/c)'s entrance, Luna signed, °Will it fit?° "Yes, but once I put it in, I'll give you a moment to settle. My cock isn't exactly the size of my fingers." Giving the ravenette a nod Luna mental prepared herself but when she felt Damian's cock going inside of her her mental preparation was thrown out the window. 'So deep.'
Like he promised, Damian gave her a moment to settle. Although all he wanted to do was to start fucking her 'She's so fucking tight!' Wrapping her arms around his neck, Luna gave him a kiss. When she pulled away, she nodded her head, giving him the ok. Damian tried to hold himself back from fucking her like an animal by forcing himself to thrust slowly. Luna was grateful for the slow pace, but soon, she wanted something faster, something rougher.
Placing her hand on Damian's back, she patted it in a coded pattern °Faster, harder.° Roughly grabbing her legs, he pushed them to her head, folding her into a mating press. Then he started to ram his cock inside of her furiously thrusting downwards into her pussy. Damian loves the way how her pussy keeps clinches around his cock and how it sucks him in deeper inside of her fighting to keep him in when he pulls out for another thrust.
It wasn't long until Damian came inside of Luna filling her up with his cum. He thrusted a few more times, shoving his semen inside her cervix. When Damian pulled out, he moved both of them under the covers. Pulling the (h/c) into his arms, he gave her forehead a kiss. "Get some rest. I'll take you home in the morning." Before she closed her eyes, Luna signed one last thing. °I love you, Damian.° "I love you too, Luna."
After Luna fell asleep, Damian began rubbing her stomach, thinking of when and where they'll have sex next. 'Just until I know she's pregnant.. maybe.'
#dc#yandere dc#dc x reader#yandere dc x reader#yandere damian#yandere damian wayne#yandere damian x reader#yandere damian wayne x reader#x reader#yandere x reader#reader insert#fem reader#red luna!darling
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I'm going to go against what seems to be a common sentiment in the tag and say that I think that Tyme and Great live in the end, and also that I think that the story is much more poignant and beautiful for this fact. Stories don't always have to end in tragedy to be meaningful.
It's actually kind of making me laugh a little because I think that the scene at the end was intended to state quite clearly to the audience that they lived, but instead people are taking it to mean otherwise - but that's where art subjectivity comes in. Just because an author intends one thing, doesn't mean that's how the audience is going to take it. (And this is twice now that Sammon has had people questioning her ending, and ironically enough I wonder if this ending was intended to be clearer than DFF and still failed...)
Contrasting to DFF's ending, I think the messaging that they survived is quite clear. The characters are not questioning at the end, there's no moment of ambiguity (like there was with Inception, for example). There was no lingering shot of a location like there was with DFF.
Plotwise, i also think that the two storylines were set up as a deliberate contrast to each other. Korn, Win and Tonkla were there not only to fill out the story and explain what had happened to Tyme and Great, but they were also there to show the reality of not getting that precious second chance, not being able to reconsider or change decisions.
It's also laid starkly clear in the moment where Korn is dying, where we get a glimpse of his 4 Minutes - an alternate timeline where he would have chosen to leave with Tonkla way back at the start, rather than following along the path that doomed them both.
But the watch - blood-spattered - moves on and then unlike with Great & Tyme where we see them still alive and happy, we instead see Tonkla and Korn lying together in death, making their fates painfully obvious.
It's a tragedy - and a deliberate one. The two stories augment each other, because their ending is all the more painful for the happy ending that Tyme & Great tentatively get, and Tyme and Great's ending is all the more beautiful when we realize what a miracle it is.
4 Minutes is a story about getting the chance to reconsider your behaviour and your decisions, getting the chance to reconsider your motivations and actions - and then getting the chance to follow through on everything you learned. I saw someone say that they would have preferred that Korn and Tonkla lived, but for me that would have missed the mark if Tyme and Great had died simply because of the fact that Korn & Tonkla hadn't gone through that process of reconsidering who they were and what they had done. (I would have been fine with all of them living but I also think the story is richer this way).
So those are my thoughts, based solely on canon interpretation.
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A non-exhaustive list of art, pieces of media, franchises, authors, and thinkers that I really need my fellow Cultsim/BoH/Secret Histories fans to get into and discuss with me and between themselves.
Film Recommendations:
1. Dario Argento's Three Mothers trilogy, especially Suspiria & and especially especially the 2019 remake of Suspiria. Very Dancer DLC-coded, very Sisterhood of the Triple Knot and Thunderskin.
2. The Magic Lantern films of Kenneth Anger, who was a practicing Thelmaite* for many years. Lantern Principal is obviously what comes to mind when you hear of the name of the series and the dreams that were mystical experiences that inspired and were expressed in art, in this case films is very much akin to stuff we see in Cultist Simulator.
(* As shown in later parts of this recommendation list I argue that the games of Weather Factory become even more interesting and artistically impactful if you learn more about late 19th and 20th century occultism and movements like Theosophy and Thelma.)
3. Hereditary and Midsommar are obvious recommendations but even more so I would recommend the original 1970s The Wicker Man. Folk Horror in general is a great source of what the arts of The Bosk would look like in real life. They were definitely worshiping The Low Red Sun on Summer Isle.
4. A Dark Song, a 2016 horror film that actually revolves around the performance of a very famous and important real life occult ritual. I think a lot of the visual imagery in that film can give some inspiration for the kind of Rites our player character in Cultist Simulator is performing.
5. The Lair of The White Worm is a movie loosely based on a Bram Stoker story and is also very much a Gods of Stone overthrown by forces associated with humans raised to Divinity and the powers of the Sun and Apollonian principles type of story. Plus the whole Worm/Wyrms thing going on. I also recommend it because it's one of the more light-hearted and comedic entries on this list and I want some variation in tone. Also its psychedelic visuals compliment a lot of the surrealist elements that are tied to things like the Moth Principal.
6. Black Swan isn't explicitly supernatural but it is very Dancer Coded.
7. The Hellraiser movies, but only the first second, fourth, and the reboot. Leviathan, being associated with pain and pleasure and having the name of a mythical sea monster is probably very similar to whatever the hell The Tide was before The Red Grail vored her. The Cenobites are Long with Grail, Knock, & Forge as their Principals.
8. Pan's Labyrinth, for the Woods and the Bounds appreciators. I also think there is something to be said about the fascist subtext that underlines much of the Edge Principle, especially in The Colonel that can be explored and appreciated in this film and its reckonings with the evils of Spanish fascism.
9. To compliment the recommendation for the Magic Lantern films, also check out the short film The Wormwood Star, you can find it easily on YouTube and it's another piece of art heavily influenced by Thelma and stars Marjorie Cameron who I will talk about more later in this list.
Game Recommendations:
1. Hollow Knight, it might as well be a story set in the era of the Carapace Cross. Sentient bugs, mighty Wyrms and dream gods with the powers of light but not necessarily moral goodness. Even the Void in Hollow Knight, and it's antagonism to The Radiance is very similar to The Nowhere and it's relationship with the established hierarchies in The Mansus.
2. The Silent Hill games, particularly the entries that revolve around The Order; like 1,3, Origins, and Homecoming. Dream worlds, Sun worship, the Dark Feminine and female psychics/mediums with deep associations with blood, birth and menstruation. Valtiel is totally a Name. Even the fog and mist of Silent Hill is giving The Bounds and it's Forge smoke meets Woods darkness type energy.
3. Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines, it's basically playing a Grail Long.
4. The tabletop games Geist: The Sin Eaters and Wraith: The Oblivion line up really well with the Ghoul / Medium DLC. *
(basically most if not all of the World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness tabletop games contain some themes, elements, or bits of World building that should appeal to anyone interested in the games created by Weather Factory)
5. The video games created by Korean studio Project Moon. Lobotomy Corporation has a lot of timers and simulation elements that have many similarities to those found in Cultist Simulator, and as the title implies Liberty of Runia takes place literally in a paranatural library just like Book of Hours even though the game play between the two is very different.
6. Fallen London and it's related media. The reasons why should go without saying. The controversies around AK aside, Echo Bazaar and Secret Histories are blood siblings and I desire more intersection and interaction between the respective fandoms.
7. The Bayonetta games have a surprising amount of real mythological and occult influence in their world building. The Solar Lumens juxtaposed with the Lunar Umbrans definitely has some resonance with Church of The Unconquered Sun and their on again, off again antagonism and allyship with The Sisterhood of The Triple Knot. The Apollonian natured House of the Sun contrasted with the Dionysian Woods & House of the Moo, and the Nowhere being connected to all three but being distinct; is not all together that different from the division of the Bayonetta universe into Inferno, Paradiso, the human world and Purgatorio between all of them.
8. The Shadow Hearts series of JRPGs are a Gothic, urban fantasy, historical fantasy, lovecraftian adventures around late 19th / early 20th century Europe and Asia. It has a lot of comedic elements and its world building and cosmology are not all that similar to the ones in Weather Factory games (barring their shared history as being inspired by Lovecraft). But if you want Lovecraft in video game form without the racism associated with his writings and you found Cultsim/BoH to fill that niche, then I recommend you give these games a try as well.
9. Secret World Legends, a functionally dead MMO but still incredibly fun to play and I think one of the best examples of urban fantasy / soft Lovecraft or post lovecraftian media in existence. Absolutely fantastic & memorable fully voiced NPCs and characters, really intriguing and rich world building and takes on mythology and folklore. Also given that you play as a quasi immortal with a deep association with bees and an ancient techno-organic goddess you're basically a Long.
10. To compliment the Lobotomy Corporation recommendation and the later SCP mention I think it's only natural that I also recommend the urban fantasy games of remedy entertainment like Alan Wake 1 & 2 and Control. Artists channeling / being used by Eldritch Forces in other dimensions and government institutions related to keeping a control on the supernatural are the most obvious similarities to stuff in WF games.
Visual Artists:
1. Francisco Goya, especially his Black Paintings, his insights into the witchcraft and folkloric traditions of the Basque region and elsewhere in the Iberian peninsula should be very appealing to fans of The Twins and The Thunderskin. Plus all of the Catholic imagery brings to mind The Mother of Ants.
2. Austin Osman Spare, Rosaleen Norton, and Marjorie Cameron. All three of these people were heavily influential occultists and illustrators/painters so their work is definitely a great representative example of the kind of occult art that you are making when you Paint in Cultsim.
3. Salvador Dali is also a relatively obvious, but I think very appropriate all the same recommendation. Surrealism is by and large the big big tonal influence on Secret Histories in my opinion. He also did a tarot deck so that brings in the Lucid Tarot connection
4.Erté, absolutely the kind of art and fashion you would find in Cultist Simulator's 1920's. Art Deco for days but also his works in particular show a more flowy and organic influence that we would more stereotypically associate with the Art Nouveau of decades prior.
Comic Books:
1. Alan Moore's run on Swamp Thing and Grant Morrison's run on Animal Man. DC's Red and Green (plus all the other elemental forces) are a deeply underappreciated and underexplored element of the setting, and I think they have a lot of similarities with the Principles we find in Secret Histories.
2. Related to the above, Alan Moore's Promethea and Grant Morrison's The Invisibles for an exploration of 20th and 21st century occultism. Despite the two authors general distaste for each other, their works are often very complimentary.
3. The Hellboy franchise doesn't have a lot of one-to-one parallels with Cultsim & Co. but they draw from the same artistic influences of gothic fiction, weird fiction, mythology and folklore and the occult. So I feel very strongly that fans of one would and should find the other to be enjoyable. Both fandoms need to be more active on this hell site and though there are a handful of quality hidden gems of fanfiction for both franchises I desperately need more people to be writing & reading fan fiction for both. Plus I do strongly believe that Mike Mignola' s art style would really excel at illustrating characters and settings from Secret Histories. His non Hellboy work is also recommended especially the works that fall under his Outervers setting, like Baltimore and Joe Golem.
4. Although I will admit that I am not up to date on it, and that there has been a considerable amount of discourse around the quality of its storytelling (especially within the past few years) I would recommend the webcomic Gunnerkrigg Court to fellow Cultsim fans. Alchemic imagery, interesting reinterpretations of folklore and a setting and tone that is quintessential British urban fantasy / science fiction, Gunnerkrigg is in my opinion a work that has a lot of appeal for fans of WF's games and stories.
5. Lackadaisy Cats is an awesome Webcomic and animated web series. 1920s/ 30s gangsters and bootleggers in the form of anthropomorphic cats! And absolutely beautiful Art Deco illustrations! What's not to love.........
Anime & Manga:
1. Any of the anime directed by Ryūtarō Nakamura especially Serial Experiments Lain and Ghost Hound(this one is seriously underrated in my opinion.) Surrealism is the name of the game as I've said earlier.
2. Le Chevalier D'Eon, both it's manga and anime even though the two are very totally different and have divergent takes on a similar premise. Historical fiction that reinterprets 18th century historical events through an occult lens is so very very Secret Histories. Plus both works have interesting explorations of gender and the nature thereof. It helps that as far as we know the French monarchy's Secret Histories equivalent are associated with the Hours, my personal headcanon is that Louis XIV was Lantern Principal aligned, and Louie XVI had Knock as his Principal. Also the manga version of the story has a lot of its magic system based around the Tarot.
3. You can't recommend D'Eon without recommending it's biggest inspiration (apart from Rose of Versailles of course) and that would be Revolutionary Girl Utena. Edge Dyads for days with that one. Utena and Anthy are totally The Twins. And the whole show and it's movie are full of surrealist pseudo occult imagery practically to the bursting.
4. Baccano! , a light novel / anime series that's about a bunch of immortal Mobsters in the 1920s and 30s. I mean that's basically The Exile DLC right there.
5. xxxHolic and Legal Drug / Drug & Drop, by CLAMP. A shop that grants wishes and a pharmacy that handles the paranormal are both the kind of businesses that I could see existing alongside Morland's, Oriflamme's Auction House & The Ecdysis Club. Plus both manga are hella gay and I will push my Weather Factory games are inherently Queer pieces of media agenda till the day I die.
Theater, Operas, Music and Albums:
1. Jimmy Page's unused soundtrack for Kenneth Anger's Lucifer Raising. Definition of Occult rock and role.
2. Kiki Rockwell, especially her two most recent albums Rituals on the Bank of a Familiar River, and Eldest Daughter of an Eldest Daughter.
3. Stravinsky's Rite of Spring might just be the closest we will ever get in real life to an occult ritual in the form of an entire ballet like we see in Cultist Simulator and Book of Hours. Definitely a skill that could fall under the Wisdoms of Birdsong and The Bosk.
4. On that note, Mozart's Die Zauberflöte is also full of Hermetic Elements, Lunar / Solar antagonism, mystical initiation and ritual deity impersonation. Mozart was a Freemason so the fanfic of him as a Heart Adapt practically writes itself.
Literally Fiction:
1. The webnovels Pact and Pale by wildbow. A magic system that revolves around incredibly hierarchical relationships between humans and mystical beings, where magic fundamentally requires discarding one's humanity and transforming into some kind of mystical being yourself is very similar to the Adapt to Long pipeline we follow in Cultist Simulator.
2. The Rivers of London series is one that I'm still familiarizing myself with but it's another example of wonderful British urban fantasy (that isn't the wizard books that shall not be named) The fact that the main characters of the series are magic police officers gives it a certain Suppression Bureau appeal.
Nonfiction- Philosophy and Occult works and Authors:
1. Georges Bataille!!!!!!!! If you only pick one thing from this list to investigate further let it be the philosophical works of this man. His theory of religion as it relates to concepts such as economy, sacrifice, and eroticism you literally completely change how you understand The Hours and The House Without Wall.
2. Aleister Crowley, and any of his students, especially Kenneth Grant. He really is the quintessential modern English occultist, whether or not AK and Lottie intended it, the DNA of his beliefs or those of his Golden Dawn contemporaries, or his students is all over Cultsim and BoH. The Red Grail is like, so blatantly Babalon it's kind of ridiculous.
3. The Book of English Magic by Phillip Carr- Gomm & Richard Heygate, is a good introductory source of information on the history of magical practice and occultism on the British isles.
4. Occult Paris by Tobias Churton is a fascinating insight into some of the mystical practices that were en vogue in Europe just a few decades prior to when Cultist Simulator takes place.
5. Atlas of Cursed Places by Oliver Le Carrer. I could totally see some of the places documented in this book as being locations you could send your Followers to in Cultsim.
6. Please read everything you can that is academically critical about Greek magical Papyri. There are tons of resources for reading translations and analysis of these documents that are some of the most foundational examples of what real historical magical belief and practice actually looked like.
Web Original Content, Podcasts, YouTube Channels and Tiktok Recommendations:
1. Greedy Peasant over on Instagram and tik tok does fascinating content related to Catholicism, medieval history and art, and other related topics. If you like all of the interesting reinterpretations of Christian religious iconography into sun worship that happens in Book of Hours I highly recommend his content.
2. The last few years have really seen an incredible ecosystem of academic scholarship on religion, mythology, occultism and esoteric philosophy develop on YouTube. Channels like Esoterica, Angela's Symposium, Let's Talk Religion, Religion for Breakfast, Jackson Crawford, The Modern Hermeticist, The Archaeology of Ancient Magic, and others are just overflowing gold mines of accessible and easily digestible but still academically critical and pseudoscience and conspiracy theory free information about mysticism historical occultism and esoteric religion and mythology.
3. There are also a number of great YouTube channels that aren't academically critical but are run by actual practicing witches and occultists and they offer fascinating and interesting insights into these same topics but from a lived more personal perspective which is just as important I think to learn about as the academically critical sources. Great channels include Benbell Wen, Maevius Lynn, Marco Visconti, & Nordic Animism.
4. In terms of fictional internet media, SCP is so broad that there's a lot of stuff that is completely different in appeal from what is enjoyable about Secret Histories, but there's also so much overlap. I need crossover fanfics and fan art more than air!!!!!
5. Lastly this is a fiction podcast so it's a little incongruous with the other nearby recommendations but, I cannot stress enough......... The Mangus Archives and Magnus Protocol!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are a lot of key differences between those two podcasts and Weather Factory games, but there are so many similarities that I have to write an entire three other posts about how similar the settings are and how I want to write a crossover/ fusion fic. I've seen like, one or two pieces of fan art and fanfiction that was related to both series but in my humble opinion it's not nearly enough. I really really really really really need Cultsim fans to talk more about Magnus and I need Magnus listeners to play these games soooooooo badly!!!!!!!!!!
Well that mostly concludes this piece of propaganda for the time being, will probably make another post with further additions in the not so distant future. Feel free to reblog this with any other pieces of media that you think would also be appealing to fans of Cultist Simulator and Book of Hours.
#cultist simulator#weather factory#book of hours#secret histories#indie games#cosmic horror#media recommendations#fandom crossover#suspiria#wicker man 1970s#hellraiser#clive barker#hollow knight#bayonetta#silent hill#shadow hearts#secret world legends#pact wildbow#xxxholic#the magnus archives#the magnus protocol#the magic flute#gunnerkrigg court#hellboy#remedy entertainment#world of darkness#project moon#serial experiments lain#lackadaisycats#aleister crowley
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Saturday Morning Vid Recs - Women!
Back in January I told @poetikat that I wanted to share just a fraction of vids I’ve seen since I started vidding in 2007 that I love. Taken me forever to format the links into a post to share. I have several more posts half-finished and may show up on your dashboard in following weeks or months.
I'm reccing vids that are at least 1 year old, but most of these vids are 4 and 8 and 12 years old and sometimes older. These vids feature a variety of sources, characters, genres of music, genres of shows. Each of these vidders have their own style and the way they approach a song or a source. I love these vids, they're fun to watch, they're hot, mesmerizing, engaging, thoughtful, full of love and horniness and BAMFs and joy and struggle. I love. I love.
I give to you 23 vids for this weekend's theme:
Learning to Fly by rhoboat. Beautiful Boxer (2004). A movie vid based on trans Thai boxer Nong Toom’s life. This song is so good showing her journey to learning to find herself and fly! Ako Te Reo by bironic. Rūrangi (2020). Ana learning Te Reo Māori. This vid is so wonderful! It's never too late to learn. Come on Feet by JinkyO. Pumzi (2009). The song choice and pacing is incredible for this Kenyan sci-fi film. Something has to keep us moving forward. Black Nails by fightingarrival. A League of their Own (2022). A Max vid that is a great look at her journey on the show. This vid makes me want to rewatch all her scenes all over again. Here, take this L. Damned if She Do by chaila. Borgen. This source is the Danish political drama Borgen. Birgette is so kick-ass and this song is perfect for her. She come alive when she dying. "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Strict Machine by such_heights. Doctor Who. River Song. I’m in love with River Song so of course I have to rec this. I get high on a buzz then a rush when I'm plugged in you. Counting Stars by beccatoria. DC Animated Wonder Woman. Beccatoria has always done such a great job of vidding animated source and WOMEN!!!! Superstar by @heresluck. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A Faith vid. This (one of many) epic Faith vids to come out of vidding fandom over the years. This vid lives rent free in my head. But I would pay this vid to live in my head because I love it so much. Never gonna be the same again.
Down & Dirty by @sweeter-than. Killjoys. A Dutch fanvid! A++ song choice for a character study showing her relationship with the Jacobi brothers and her general awesomeness. Make way. Cut Like a Buffalo by kiki_miserychic. Empire. Cookie Lyon fanvid! Cookie has all the skin in the game and she is so good at music, but damn there’s so much bullshit she has to deal with along the way. Yeah, you know I look like a woman but I / Cut like a buffalo / Stand up like a tower, tall / Then I fall just like a domino. Control: A Monstress Fanvid by garrideb. Based on the comic Monstress. You know this Halsey song + any woman who has been Going Through It is going to be a fucking ride. Great editing, amazing art. Fortunate One by @moocowmoocow The Expanse. CAMINA!!! DRUMMER!!!! A Sleater-Kinney cover of Fortunate Son is 10 million kinds of brilliance here for Camina and this source. I ain't no fortunate one. Celebrity Skin by @some-stars. Black Sails. This is an Eleanor and Max character vid. I repeat: Elenor and Max vid to Courtney Love’s music. Heed the warnings. This vid is so goddamn good. It better be worth it. Double Woman by starlady. Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame. So much awesomeness packed into this vid. Through the camera lens re-editing history gives imagination to the people. Wu Zetian and Shangguang Jing'er are awesome. Hooray for awesome ladies of the Tang Dynasty! Titanium by giandujakiss. Wonder Woman (the original tv show). She is titanium! Suffering Sappho.
Mirrors by @kuwdora. Snow White and the Huntsman. Queen/Snow. Lots of fantasy imagery and bdsm like themes since the Queen wants to suck the youth from Snow. Sex. Love. Control. Vanity. Lightning Field by bradcpu, a Legend of the Seeker fanvid of Cara/Kahlan. The imagery in this vid is outstanding, the tone the atmosphere. I have rewatched this more times than I can count. Strike me down, Give it everything you've got. Hands Away by chaila and beccatoria. Sarah Connor Chronicles/Fringe. Sarah/Olivia constructed reality fanvid that is constructed really really fucking well that you might forget that these are two different shows. I can't reach you. (Or, two messiahs walk into an alternate reality) Hurricane by @laurashapiro. Farscape and Battlestar Galactica, Starbuck/Aeryn.This vid is so epic and hot and incredible...Hot and sexy and can’t take your eyes off them. Two pilots walk into a bar. I Wanna Go by millylicious, a multi-source action vid Angelia Jolie tribute. This is fun and delightful. Space Girl by charmax. Multi-source space women and girls! My momma told me I should never watch Sci-fi but I did, I did, I did. Celebration by sweetestrain. Pop divas. Madonna, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, etc. Another one of my favorites of favorites. The connected imagery between all of these music videos still blows my mind, but goes to show you how pop music continues to build and evolve from each other. Plus sexy dancing. If it makes you feel good. Your Song by anoel. Multi-fandom. One of the most epic sapphic/wlw vids out there. I don’t wanna hear sad songs anymore, I only wanna hear love songs.
Hope you like these recs! Follow the tags to keep up #saturday morning vid recs and/or #kuwdora recs
EDITING TO ADD: How to Leave Feedback on Fanvids
#kuwdora recs#saturday morning vid recs#kuwdora vid recs#vid recs for poetikat#i couldn't remember or find everyone's tumblr handles#if anyone spots a vidder with a tumblr feel free to tag them#at least it's morning in this half of the world. didn't really know what time to schedule these b/c i gotta schedule otherwise i'll forget#vid rec#vidding#fanvid#fanvideo#fanvids#fan video#fan videos#fan edit#video edit
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