#go dreamer
daydreamerwonderkid · 3 months
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The amount of anime screenshots I stared at for this one a;dslkfsa;lk
Obligatory click for better quality.
Many thanks to @ashoss for helping me keep my sanity while I was working on this one. Couldn't have done it without them!
Meme reference and clean versions under cut
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If you haven't seen The Good Place yet, you definitely should.
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I just wanna show this panel off. I put WAY too much effort in it, but I don't regret it :3c
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redbelles · 2 months
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"I could have you killed." "It wouldn't change anything."
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 2.08 The Queen Who Ever Was
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savesp-aces · 3 months
"age regression is a trauma coping mechanism, why don't people post about their trauma regression, why is regression seen as cute and fun always, there's not enough posts about trauma regressors! regression is becoming a hobby now >:(!"
LET PEOPLE REGRESS FOR FUN AND ENJOY THEIR CUTESY REGRESSION, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. if your regression is purely negative and trauma based, then fine! you post about it! but everyone knows regression isn't always cutesy and aesthetic - you don't need to bash people who regress for fun or enjoy said aesthetics, paci edits, etc, just to get a point across that the agere community as a whole already knows. because we all know that agere isn't all sunshine and rainbows already.
some people want regression to be their hobby, or for fun, or because they enjoy cutesy things. heck, my regression is also heavily linked with trauma and coping - but forgive me for not wanting to post about my literal trauma and the negative parts of my regression for people online to see, and instead focusing on the positives of my regression and cutesy aesthetics i enjoy whilst small.
there's nothing wrong with regressing just because you want to, as a hobby, or because it's fun. just because someone doesn't regress due to trauma, or they do but they'd rather not focus on that aspect of it, doesn't make their regression or their content any less valid. we don't have to be sharing our traumas or the bad parts of our regression in order to be taken seriously or seen as valid regressors if we don't want to. thanks.
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where-dreamers-go · 8 months
Romance/Flirty/Fluffy/Cute Dialogue Writing Prompts:
(A/N: Some fluff prompts to use, reblog, and have fun with.)
“You know I love you.”
“Do you need anything? Or I can just keep playing with your hair, if that’s okay?”
“I only wanted to matter to someone.” “You matter to me.”
“You’re like a dream.” “Oh. Um. Thank you?”
“Some people call it ‘love’.”
“You, me, your favorite hoodie of mine, and the couch. It’s a date?”
“We can’t leave the bed now. The pillows have accepted us.”
“Laundry day doesn’t mean walking around in your underwear, but for you, I’ll make an exception.”
“Hey, cutie! I’m home.”
“When I had called you ‘a snack’, I didn’t know you actually smelled like one.”
“My ears miss your heartbeat.”
“Are you reading that romance/spicy book or did you have that dream again?”
“You know, the usual. We eat snacks/dessert, we sit on the couch, ignore the TV, make-out. The usual.”
“How do we always end up cuddling.”
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hi-im-just-a-fan-here · 2 months
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More Jordan and Hennessy, Jordan Hennessy fanart I made. Feeling v artblocky lately but we persist
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uhfaithy · 5 months
there is NOTHING as heartbreakingly lovely as the line: “tell me to go to school closer to you and I will.”
This scene has always stuck with me, purely because of how that line is such an out-of-character thing for Adam to say, but he says it anyway. These words are coming out of the mouth of ADAM PARRISH. This is the same person who had to pretty much kill himself over getting good grades, getting out of Henrietta, and making something of himself. Adam refused to give up on that dream for literally everyone, and we can kind of watch his friendship with Gansey deteriorate because of his pride/how insistent he is that he gets into Harvard.
And he does. But in this scene, Adam witnesses Ronan crying after trashing his dorm room. barely even hesitates before telling Ronan he would leave Harvard just to be CLOSER TO HIM??? like Maggie is actually the sickest person out there for doing that. The fact that he was offering to literally THROW AWAY a life’s dedication of hard work and sacrifice just so Ronan would be COMFORTABLE??? oh I’m going to be SICK. (Of course Ronan declines the offer, and Adam is somewhat relieved he does, it’s still so heartbreaking to see him even propose that idea in the first place)
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theghooligan · 2 months
bloodraven being a tree and giving his great great grandfather sleep paralysis demons all season courtesy of harrenhall and alys:
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divorcedes · 19 days
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monza is for dreamers
meditations in an emergency by cameron awkward-rich // charles leclerc after winning the italian grand prix, monza 2019 // bryan bozzi to charles leclerc, monza 2024
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kazbiter · 7 months
"you're always the car crash ronan" of course he is!! what else could he possibly be? he's an ancient being shrunken down and shoved into the body of a gay 18 year old boy yet still left with the capacity to feel the full intensity of every human emotion imaginable in it's entirety and create things beyond comprehension without the knowledge of why or how or most importantly what for. one day he wakes up to find the family he depends on to give him a place in this world shattered and broken at his feet and has nowhere to go and he can't go home. he's a fast car on a closed track... what else is left for him to do but spin out???
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brokendoor16 · 1 month
Hey so I’m rereading the raven cycle and the parallels in the ways Adam and Ronan look out for each other?? Fucking INSANE. Like the ACUTE similarities between how Ronan responds to Adam’s grief over Persephone (sitting down next to him on the porch; ‘I don’t want to talk’ ‘the fuck would I talk about?’) and how Adam responds to Ronan’s grief over Aurora’s death (getting into the car with him; ‘are you coming in?’ ‘no’ ‘wake me if you need to’)?? The way they comfort each other just through their presence and comfortable silence?? I am UNWELL about these books.
(I’m sure there’s more examples but this is what we’re getting today)
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daydreamerwonderkid · 3 months
I feel like some of y'all would really benefit from watching Hannibal if only so you can witness what true gaslighting looks like.
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 month
“Army Dreamers” by Kate Bush
Tumblr sometimes hides videos from the main tags so reblogs are really appreciated thank you!! :]
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icanlife · 1 month
If you told me 4 years ago that Bill Cipher CANONICALLY is a deeply traumatized man unable to cope with the loss of everyone he ever loved and knew, who believes he’s a monster, acting as one to justify his world-ending mistake and retcon his own guilt, eventually ending up as a desperate inmate in a prison/psyche ward that he’ll never escape because he can never allow himself to acknowledge the guilt and loneliness that come with realizing he needs human connection and remembering the times he’s lost it, feelings he’s been trying to stomp into the ground his entire life,
don’t even get me started on reciprocal Billford, being discriminated against for being neurodivergent in his homeland, being an idealistic dreamer who wanted to show everyone what he saw, I’m going to pass out
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daeneryseastar · 4 months
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rhaena the black bride and daenys the dreamer GET BEHIND ME
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ronanlynchbf · 5 months
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piinktearxs · 3 months
It’s okay if you don’t own or want agere gear
it’s okay if you don’t own or want an agere room
agere inspo boards are fine but don’t feel pressured to conform to the aesthetic just because that’s what you see online - nobody is going to see that space without them being worthy of it (ergo non judgmental of how it looks or how it is) - you do what feels best for you in that moment, no pressure, this is YOUR safe space so whatever makes sense to YOU
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