#go back to my dorm where i sit by myself
bare1ythere · 1 year
I need to hang out with someone in person or I think i might go insane
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prettycottagequeer · 6 months
ok maybe I'm a little late to this BUT I'm gonna do a to-do list motivation thingy because I've had the worst two weeks since I started college :)
SO these I should start on asap:
50 I make the snack I really want but I haven't had the motivation to make
100 I clean my dorm. another thing I've been meaning to do for a week
150 I do the presentation about mid-victorian fashion I've been putting off (due Monday)
200 I start memorizing the monologue that was due a week ago (now due Tuesday)
these can wait longer:
300 I spend time outside. It's so nice but I'm getting stuck scrolling because I feel like shit. vicious cycle ect
500 I start setting a better weekend routine (aka getting up before noon)
1k I start working out again. I was doing a routine to get more masc and build muscle and I liked it but life hit me like Crowley driving the Bentley and I've missed like 3 weeks
2k I buy my first binder. I've been coping with sports bras for almost a year now and I haven't been able to justify spending $50+ on a binder even though I know I'd love it and use it everyday.
Do I tag people? I don't know but I'm going to. @the-globe-theatre-maggot @weirdly-specific-but-ok @howmanyholesinswisscheese
here's just some context if you want to read, feel free to skip. some of this I've talked about in the maggot server, some I haven't, but I really just need a place for this to go that's out of my head. tw homophobia, transphobia, car crash(??)
How I Have Been Run Over By The Bentley Going 90 In Central London What Feels Like 50 Times In The Last Two Weeks
I'm going to college about 4 hours away from my parents, and it's been really nice. They.. suck, to say the least. transphobic/homophobic ect, super traditional conservative catholic, racist, all of it. so i tried to move somewhere where I wouldn't have to think about them and I could be myself and do what I can to be happy. March 1st was the start of my spring break, which meant going home because the dorms close. I was already not excited, but I was prepared. the problem with being away from home is I forget just how bad they are. My optimism gets the better of me and I think maybe this time they'll be better. so I decided to not hide my septum piercing.
that was a mistake. it starts a whole fight where they say we know you're trans, you're actually a girl and you always will be, we have the bones argument, they think I'm being influenced by demons or something (if only they knew about crowley) because I want to change my name, and they tell me that going on t will completely ruin my body and give me cancer and other things. They're also mad about my dyed hair, septum, and general style, and say I'm setting a terrible example for my (5) younger siblings and make it a point to tell me just how much of a disappointment I am. I think I'm pretty cute and fun but y'know, whatever. very fun time. I lie so much, don't give them any more details about my identity, and say I'm not planning to go on t to save my ass. which is all on instinct which makes me feel worse because if I'm really trans I should be able to stand up for that, right? maybe I'm faking the dysphoria.
the next morning I wake up really sick, and spend the rest of the week sick and feeling like shit because I'm home and back in the same place and situation I was a year ago that I thought I escaped. at one point I pretty much lose my voice but also kind of get gender euphoria from it. it's weird.
On Friday it's time for me to drive back 4 hours to school, and I make it about 3/4 of the way when google maps takes me on a random gravel road and I crash my car, really crash my car, like sideways-in-a-ditch-windows-broken-crawling-up-out-the-door crash it in the middle of nowhere. (I was fully paying attention to the road, it was raining and super slick) I call my parents because I have no one else to call and I sit in a Subway for 3 hours while they drive to get my car. when they get there they're (understandably) really mad, and they tell me that I'm not mature enough to be going to school so far away and I need to get my shit together and stop depending on them. which. is probably true. but made me feel even more stupid about the fact that I crashed my car. I get back to school and I'm still Very Sick with no energy or motivation to do anything. So I've spent the last week trying to get better and honestly to do anything. it hasn't really worked. I'm a lot better health-wise (Not emotionally), still sick but I have a lot of work due, so I really need a push to get started
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Personal Heater - T.Nott
Summary - Theo acts as his sleepy girlfriend's personal heater on the night before Christmas, much to the dislike of their friends and roommates.
Word Count - 609
Warnings - foul language, drinking, female reader, use of Y/N, brief mention of troubling family, (Let me know if I missed any!)
Author's Note - Welcome to day three! I'm hoping to stay caught up with my writing, the end of my semester is approaching so everything is kinda piling up on me. I'm trying my best!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
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25 days of fics masterlist
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not my gif
Spending Christmas at Hogwarts wasn’t all that bad. It was quite nice to wake up and not have the responsibility of acting civil with family that were never around or family that liked to cause problems. Theodore and most of his friends decided that they’d stay during Christmas break, the night before Christmas, the boys were all awake in the common room. Some of them were playing wizards chess and the others were just fooling around with the other boys. 
As it neared midnight, Y/N and Pansy had made their way to the common room with the rest of their friends. Pansy sitting between Blaise and Draco and Y/N making herself comfortable next to Theo. Once he got a good look at her, he knew right away that she had just woken up, her eyes were red and sleepy, her body was warm against his and her eyes were watering with how much she had been yawning.
“Lay down bellissima, you look tired,” Theo whispered in her ear, she looked up at him with a loving gaze. She took his offer willingly, kissing his cheek in return as she laid her head down on his shoulder and her legs over his lap.
“Thank you, Theo,” She whispered back, a drowsy tone laced in her voice. 
Within minutes, she had fallen back asleep, this time sleeping soundly in her boyfriend’s arms where she wished she was when she had fallen asleep earlier in the night. Crabbe decided that now was a great time to become obnoxiously loud for no reason at all. “Shut up you buffoon! If you wake her up I will not hesitate to kill you,” Theo threatened the boy, who immediately shut his mouth in fear.
“How dare anyone wake his bellissima! Oh it's blasphemous!” Pansy teased earning a deadly glare from the boy.
“Shut up Pans,” Y/N mumbled sleepily, snuggling herself closer to her boyfriend’s warmth. 
“Let’s go to bed before you fall asleep again,” Theo suggested before urging her up from the couch and leading her to his dorm. 
“Why are the dungeons so cold?” She whined, her feet freezing on the concrete of the dungeons despite the thick socks on her feet. 
“We are surrounded by concrete, amore mio. Of course it’s going to be cold.”
She rolled her eyes in a playful manner as she climbed into his bed. She was shivering at this point, her teeth chattering against each other. He climbed into bed with her, holding her body close to his. She slid her hands under his shirt to try and warm them, Theo wiggling away from them. “Salazar bellissima, your hands are so cold!” He shrieked in surprise. 
“And you’re so warm, Teddy! I can’t help myself, you’re like my own heater,” She told him. The two of them shared a laugh before letting out yawns. Neither of them remember falling asleep, only remembering sleepy laughter and getting woken up by a drunk Blaise and Draco as the sun began to rise. “What time is it, you heathens?” She asked her boyfriend’s drunk roommates.
“Like 6,” Blaise slurred out before collapsing on his bed. She looked to her boyfriend who had messy hair and droopy eyes. 
“Happy Christmas, Teddy,” She whispered to him.
“Happy Christmas, amore mio,” He whispered back before planting a kiss to her lips. He let out a hum as he pulled away, “Your lips are cold.”
“Maybe you could warm them for me?” She winked at him causing a chuckle from him and a collective groan from his roommates. In turn, Theo closed the curtains and took his girlfriend up on her suggestion.
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saeist · 4 months
a/n: alternate universe where touya didn't go insane and goes to UA :] dedicated to the loml @saerins cus we're on our touya brainrot + went a little insane with this instead...
"jesus doll, excited now are we?" touya muses, a smirk on his lips as he lets you push him inside your small and cramped bathroom.
rolling your eyes, you motioned him to sit down on the toilet lid while you prepare the shower. making sure the water is just the right temperature or else you might burn touya's head off when you rinse the hairdye off his hair
"is this the part where you remove your shirt and i suck on a titty?" touya says more of a statement rather than a cheeky question. you stop yourself from hitting the boy that has his signature lopsided smirk with the shower head you were currently holding
with an exasperated sigh and a pinch to your nose bridge, you answer him
"just shut up for once, touya. besides, won't your dad kill you if he found out you're dying your hair black? or did you forget that he almost kicked you out of the house when he saw your piercings for the first time?" you raised an eyebrow at your boyfriend who decided at the last minute to dye his hair as a sign of "rebellion against his "uptight, stick far up his ass dad" his words, not yours
"he can manage" touya huffs, scoffing at the memory of his dad yelling at him for acting and starting to look like a good for nothing delinquent or in endeavour's words, a villain. "it's not like it's my duty to keep our image of a "perfect family". if only the rest of the world knew what its like to have endeavor as your deadbeat dad!"
touya and endeavour never really got a long per say.. at least that's what touya tells you whenever he had a shit day training with endeavor. days where he would train with his dad were usually days where he'd opt to spend the night at your dorm. away from all the chaos inside the todoroki estate that he unfortunately refers to as his home
but to touya, at the end of the day, you are his home. his peace, his serenity, his anchor in this world where hell could break loose at any given moment
"don't give me that look, doll" touya sighs, shoulders dropping when he noticed you were staring at him.
"i just don't want to see you hurt all over again. you almost gave me a heart attack that one time when you showed up here unannounced" you pout, letting touya slowly wrap his arms around your waist.
touya’s arms tighten around your waist, pulling you closer. “i can handle the old man. it’s his problem if he can’t accept me for who i am,” he mutters, resting his forehead against your stomach
"i mean, he already stopped giving a shit when he realized i can't withstand my flames, so who am i to give a shit back after everything he did to me?" touya continues, his grip tightening
you run your fingers through his hair gently, feeling the warmth of his presence. “shhh, we already talked about this" you shush him, "all i'm saying is that i just want you to be safe, touya. i can’t stand seeing you hurt,” you whisper, your voice tinged with worry.
he looks up at you, his usual smirk replaced with a rare, sincere expression. “i know, doll. i know." touya presses light kisses on your stomach, "but I have to be true to myself, even if it means pissing off endeavor” he chuckles, the pads of his thumb rubbing circles on your exposed skin
you both stay in that position in silence for a bit. just finding comfort with each other's presence. just the way touya likes it. nice and quiet. a contrast to his daily hellish life back at his own home
that is until touya starts to feel his scalp burn a little
"okay fun time's over, doll. my scalp's startin' to kill me here" touya shudders, slowly unwrapping his arms around you as he reaches for the shower head in your hand.
you stifle in your laughter watching him make a fuss inside your cramped bathroom.
that is until, you remembered that your bathroom tiles were pearly white and if he's rinsing off black hairdye then–
"TOUYA MY TILES!" you let out a screech
"too late, doll" touya pokes his tongue out at you, hair dye getting all over your walls and cold tiles.
you were gonna pay one hefty fine if you don't clean this shit up as soon as possible.
now, touya sits on your bed. drying his freshly dyed jet black hair with a towel and you're not even gonna lie to yourself. he looked a little too good for your liking. touya has always been a looker himself but with this new hairdo.. oh lord
"why are you looking at me like you want to eat me?" touya chuckles, hanging the now stained towel around his neck as he leans back on your bed with his elbows propped. he was giving you bedroom eyes, quite literally and figuratively.
what a tease!
"nothing. just making sure that i'm still talking to touya and not his emo alter ego dabi" you mused, plopping down on your bed next to him.
touya laughs at your comment. eyes turning into crescent moons
“thanks for everything, y/n,” touya says softly, voice full of genuine love and appreciation.
your heart swells at the sight of touya like this. you would move mountains if you could just to see touya– your touya happy.
"i love you, touya" you lean in for a kiss. to which touya happily returns the favor.
"i love you more than life, doll." touya smiles lazily against the kiss, cranking his neck to the side for more access as he deepens the kiss.
moments like these with you is when touya feels like he's on top of the world and he hopes it will forever stay like this cause to touya, he can face anything the world throws at him when he knows you'll be there right by his side
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ariaxmu · 29 days
my shy, shy girl
a mattheo riddle x shy!femreader fic
summary: mattheo keeps trying to confess how he feels, and you keep running away.
warnings: alcohol usage, maybe a lil swearing, just cutesy fluff.
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''y/n, can i talk to you for a second?'' i hear someone behind me speak up, as i quickly turn around to see him. i gulp, gripping onto my books as i step back a tiny bit, shaking my head no as i rush away.
''w- why?'' he calls after me as i internally cringe at myself, again.
this keeps happening. mattheo will somehow sneak up on me, ask to talk, i say no and run away like an idiot. i have always been a shy person, if you can even call it that. nervous, anxious person. i can speak to maybe two people without feeling like i cannot breathe.
and which makes it even worse, is that i know what mattheo wants to talk to me about. pansy has told me many, many times. and the fact i know makes me even more nervous. apparently he has been crushing on me for a while now, and wants to ask me our or tell me how he feels, i don't know.
but i like him too. i have admired him from afar for years now, too anxious to tell him. and i would love more than anything to be with him, but every time he approaches me, my fight or flight kicks in and i just run.
i go to my usual place, in the corner of the library, sitting down and cursing at myself again. i know how embarrassing it is, and i know he's going to get tired of it and give up. that is the last thing i want.
but i just don't know what to do. i take a deep breath, face palming as i notice pansy approaching me.
''it happened again didn't it.'' she says, crossing her arms.
i nod, shamefully.
''come on. i have an idea.'' she says sternly, grabbing my hand and pulling me away with her. i am dragged into the common room, and up to our dorm room.
''okay, now hear me out.'' she says softly, sitting me down beside her. ''my friend used to be the same as you. but do you know what helped?'' she says. ''alcohol''.
i raise an eyebrow. ''you think alcohol is going to help me?'' i giggle.
''there's a party at the black lake tonight. i have alcohol here. mattheo is going to be there. we are going to get you nice and drunk before we head down, and you're going to be so confident you won't know what to do with yourself'' she smiles proudly.
''i don't know...'' i say, already feeling nervous.
''let's at least give it a try, you could have the best night of your entire life, and if we don't do something soon then he's going to get tired of being shut down and you'll lose your chance to be with the guy i know you are in love with'' she says a little softer, putting her arm around me. i sigh, knowing she's right.
i nod, smiling softly. ''okay, but i can't go looking like this and i have no party clothes'' i say.
''don't worry, i do.'' she smirks, rushing over to her closet.
''oh boy...''
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i look into the mirror, as pansy stands behind me very proudly. i'm wearing just a simple little back dress, my long black hair curled ever so slightly, and a little makeup too. i do feel pretty.
''you look beautiful. mattheo is going to die'' she grins, grabbing my drink and handing it to me. ''drink up, angel''.
and i do.
and i drink a little more.
aaand a little more.
and my body starts to feel a little tingly, my face feeling warm as i look over at pansy. ''let's go now before it wares off!!''
''it wont ware off, you just drink more. but sure, it's dark now so lets go!'' she giggles, topping up my lip gloss as we rush down to the party.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧
around two hours into the party, i am extremely drunk, and no sign of mattheo. he was supposed to be here, and nobody knows where he is. i look around for him, too drunk to really be nervous, just wanting to see him now.
''have you seen mattheo?'' i ask a random person.
''i just saw him go around there with some girl'' the guy says, pointing towards the castle. i furrow my brows, feeling a pit in my stomach as i rush around the wall, slightly peeking to see if i can see anybody.
and there he is. sitting very closely to a girl on the bench, smiling and laughing with her. it hits me like a truck, am i too late? please, please tell me i'm not too late. i slightly stumble to the side, a little too drunk from my own good and his head snaps towards me.
''y/n?'' he says confused, quickly standing up. the girl ushers him towards me, and she rushes off herself.
i sigh, beginning to feel tears well up in my eyes as he walks over.
''i'm really drunk please don't look at me'' i whimper, covering my face as i throw my red plastic cup to the floor.
''i-i didn't even realize you came to this party... who let you drink this much?'' he says, confused and worried, holding my hands so i don't fall over.
''p-pansy said that if i have alcohol then i wouldn't be so nervous to talk to you, and t=then you never showed up so i kept drinking so i wouldn't get anxious again, b-but now i'm just really drunk and emotional and im so sorry-''
''shh, shh it's okay'' he whispers, wiping a tear from my face. ''don't worry angel, come sit down for a minute, i have a potion here that'll make you feel better faster okay?'' he says softly, helping my walk over to the bench.
''i-i'm so sorry, mattheo. i promise i'm not avoiding you because i don't like you, because i'm really really in love with you'' -hiccup- ''but i get so nervous, and now seeing you w-with another girl i think i missed my chance and-''
''shh, shhh'' he coos, ''you did not miss your chance i promise. that girl was my friend, i have been getting advice from her about you and how to make you less nervous around me but- i guess this is one way to doit'' he giggled.
''drink some of this, we're going to sit here quietly for like 2 minutes and you will feel much better okay?'' he says quietly, passing me the potion, and i drink it. i nod, passing it back as i lay my head on his shoulder as i sniffle.
''god'' he gulps, cheeks a little flushed as i cuddle into him, not really realizing what i am doing.
but soon i do, the potion kicks in and i sit up, wiping the tears from my face as i feel like myself again.
''i-i'm sorry about that'' i whisper, realizing how much i had revealed and that i'm also sat centimeters away from him.
''don't apologize, baby. i'm just glad you're here'' he says softly, head tilting to the side as he looks at me with gentle eyes and smile.
“i-” i gulp. “i mean.. everything i said, though” i whisper.
“i know… i think i’ve probably been in love with you for even longer, and i just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable so i hid it for a while but uh” he stops and scoots a little closer to me. “my feelings got too strong for me to just ignore them anymore.” he says. god he looks so pretty too.
the moonlight illuminates each of us. “so.. what happens now then? i’ve never really done this before… as you can imagine” i say, fiddling with the rings on my fingers.
“it’s okay… we don’t have to rush anything, id just… really like to call you my- well, i don’t want anybody to think either of us are single if that makes sense?” he seemingly cringes at himself.
“are you asking me to be your girlfriend?” i ask quietly, smiling softly at him.
“god yes, please” he grins. it’s weird, im completely sober now but i don’t feel nervous. it just feels, comfortable.
“then yes, i’d like that” i giggle.
he lets out a breath, scooting even closer to me now.
“i know you’re probably going to freak out, but i want to do something.” he says plainly.
i nod.
“just, close your eyes” he whispers.
i close my eyes.
“take a deep breath, my shy girl” he whispers.
i take a deep breath.
its quiet for a moment, but then i feel it. his soft, warm lips pressing onto mine ever so slightly. i kiss back slightly, but he pulls away, searching my face for any dislike or uncomfortableness.
my eyes stay closed for a moment, just in shock.
before he attatched our lips together again, i let out a little squeak. he smiles against my lips, kissing me a little harder as my hands grip onto his shirt.
and after a moment of bliss he pulls away, cheeks flushed and eyes glazed over. i look at him, “oh my god i love you” i blurt out.
he grins, “oh i love you too”, pressing another small peck against my lips.
“come on, i’ll walk you to your dorm. you probably need a good sleep after today” he giggled. “come on, sweet girl.” he pulls me up, holding onto my hand as we walk quietly but comfortably up to my dorm.
he stands at my door, leaning against the door frame as i open it up.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, baby” he whispers, kissing my forehead, before stepping back and heading towards the stairs again.
i furrow my eyebrows. “wait!” i speak out to him.
he turns back, a relieved look on his face.
“i-i know we should sleep but i don’t want you to go yet” i whisper, as he walks back up to my door.
“thank god because i really don’t want to leave either”.
i giggle. “why don’t you sleep here tonight? i-i mean, pansy will be staying with blaise anyway so, nobody will be here” i say, shyly.
“i’d love that, let me grab my clothes from my dorm quickly and i’ll be right back, okay?”
i nod, and he presses a soft kiss against my lips, before grinning as he rushes out of the room.
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i hope this was okay:3 i kind of yapped through most of this and im not even sure if its good. but i hope you enjoyed none the less. love u girls! xoxo
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annievrse · 3 months
origami flowers
sebastian x reader —ᡣ𐭩 blurb
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you hear a familiar voice call your name as you trudge down the hallway of weston college, your shoes clicking against the concrete floor. you're not sure where you're going; being the faux nurse of the school while ciel and sebastian figure out why children are going missing gives you more free time than you're used to. but with no need to go to the infirmary, you've been exploring the campus.
pausing mid-step and spinning, your eyes widen when you see ciel running towards you.
"young master?" your voice goes up an octave in surprise. "what happened?" you ask, your voice sharp with concern.
the younger boy pants with his hands on his knees as he catches his breath. "we have an... issue..."
you glance behind you to check nobody is coming and lean down—it's a good thing everybody is in class. "where's sebastian?"
ciel gives you a worried look and stands straight, his hand wiping the perspiration from his forehead. "that's precisely the problem... i don't know."
furrowing your brows, you sigh and stride past your master. ciel's calls of your name fall on deaf ears as you make a beeline for your infirmary. "i apologise, young master. follow me."
ciel shakes his head in disbelief at the random demand but follows you nonetheless, his steps quickening to catch up to you.
"shouldn't you be in class?" you tease, turning the corner.
ciel rolls his eyes and huffs in annoyance. "i was, but i broke the quill i was using, and i was sent to my dorm to retrieve another."
"i see," you smirk, trying to hold back your giggle. "and did this broken quill have anything to do with the fact that you haven't seen sebastian since last night?"
"perhaps..." he eyes you suspiciously. and then his face slackens and he glares at you. "you know where he is."
you wave your hand flippantly. "i have an idea."
fishing the key to your temporary office out of your blazer pocket, you slide it into the keyhole and twist.
and low and behold, ciel's butler sits hunched over your desk.
ciel lets out a strangled sound and steps into the clinic. "what the devil are you doing in here?"
"my lord," sebastian raises his head in surprise, something foreign to both you and your young master.
sighing, you approach him, watching his hands fold paper delicately.
ciel just shakes his head at the pile of origami flowers overflowing onto the floor next to sebastian. "playing with paper, are we?"
you notice what ciel does a moment later, your cheeks warming at the sheer amount of work he had done. "seb..."
sebastian stands, paper flowers falling from his lap onto the floor as his hand comes to rest on his chest. "i apologise, my lord, i did not realise the time."
he doesn't meet your gaze as you pick up a pink flower and twirl it between your fingers.
ciel narrows his eyes but says nothing at the sight.
"i was unaware i was occupied for this long, my lord. i will get to making the pastries for afternoon tea shortly."
ciel shakes his head, turning toward the door. "no need. they are no longer required. i will handle the situation myself."
sebastian nods despite knowing ciel cannot see. "indeed."
"just be in your office tonight so we can prepare for soma's arrival."
lowering his head, sebastian bows. "yes, my lord."
and when the door to your clinic closes, sebastian's hand returns to his side. "i saw one of the students making them," he gestures to the flowers. "do you like them?"
you smile and nod. "they're incredible, sebastian."
leaning over your desk, he gathers his creations, and before your eyes, they transform into a bouquet. your eyes widen at the sight, and you look up at him. sebastian's cheeks are dusted pink, though you deduce it to the lighting because he doesn't show such emotion.
"these are for you," sebastian mutters, handing you the bunch.
your breath gets caught in your throat before you whisper, "thank you."
a smirk pulls at the corner of sebastian's lips, and he nods once. "you're welcome, dearest."
you turn away from his piercing gaze, grasping the flowers in your arms. "next time you stay in my bed, don't become so distracted from your duties that ciel has to come to me to find you."
this time, sebastian's lips morph into a smug smile. "of course. it won't happen again."
and when you put the origami flowers into an empty vase, you know he's running through all the scenarios where he could do exactly that once more.
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Can you write modern Jace being a blind king? Those glasses looks THICK. Maybe reader come to his dorm and see him with his glasses?
Request: Roommates college au where there’s a mixup with the dorms and they end up in the same dorm. Imagine rooming with Jace? He’d be so cute and maybe a little nerdy idk. She moves out but they become friends…and then more than friends
The second request has been sitting in my ask for a long time (sorry). I watched Insidious: The Red Door the other day and it gave me inspiration for it (I had planned to add smut in this one but it didn't end up fitting and my laptop didn't save a few of the scenes I had written so I had to rewrite them...not as good or cute as the first time)
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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When you arrived at your assigned dorm, there were already people there. One was a boy with curly hair, and the other a woman with white-blond hair. Their backs were all turned, so they didn’t see you come in with your suitcase. 
‘’No, Mom, you don't have to do that. I can do it myself,’’ he said, trying to stop her from unpacking a box. ‘’Classes don’t start until Monday.’’ 
‘’But I want to help you settle in,’’ she insisted, taking a lamp out of the box and setting it on the nightstand. ‘’My first boy is leaving for college. This is difficult for me, Jace. Let me at least help you with your bed. No one makes a bed better than a mother.’’  
Jace sighed in defeat and moved out of her way so she could make his bed. ‘’Okay. Thanks, Mom.’’ 
She grabbed sheets from another box and began making the bed. ‘’Where are your brothers and father? Taking the last boxes out of the car shouldn’t take so long. I hope they didn’t get lost on campus.’’
You watched them with jealousy, wishing your parents had dropped you off at college too. It was a rite of passage for freshman students. But you understood that your parents had jobs they could not take days off from. 
You stood there for a moment before clearing your throat to announce your presence. ‘’This is room 309?’’
Jace’s mom looked up first, giving you a kind smile. ‘’Oh, hello there. Yes, this is 309. Are you looking for someone?’’ 
‘’No. Eh, this is my dorm,’’ you said with a frown, holding your paper in your hand. ‘’It says 309.’’ 
Jace turned around, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. ‘’That’s impossible, there must be a mistake. This is a boys hall, and boys and girls aren’t supposed to room together. It’s nothing against you, I personally don’t see a problem rooming with a girl. It’s just…not permitted.’’
‘’I know. But it says here that this is my dorm.’’ 
‘’Let me see that paper, sweetheart.’’ The blond woman looked at your paper, her eyes reading the information slowly. ‘’Oh, no. You’re right. There must be a mistake on the college’s part.’’
‘’You should go to the housing office,’’ Jace suggested with the same kind smile as his mother. ‘’They’ll switch you to another hall.’’
You nodded. ‘’I’m gonna go and see if they can solve this issue. Can I leave my suitcase here?’’ 
‘’Of course.’’ 
The line outside the housing office was crazy due to the hoard of students coming back, so you didn't get back to your dorm until well later in the evening. There were no voices coming from inside your dorm, meaning Jace's family must have left. 
You knocked before coming in, not wanting to walk in on something you should not be seeing. But Jace did not hear you, laying on his bed with a book and headphones on. You didn’t take him for a reader, nor a glasses wearer. 
‘’What did they say at housing?’’ he asked, taking down his headphones and shutting his book. 
You walked over to the empty bed and fell down on it, exhausted. ‘’They basically said sorry for the inconvenience and that I gotta sleep here tonight. But I’ll get a new room tomorrow, so it’s not a permanent thing.’’ 
Jace hummed. ‘’Do you need help settling for the night?’’ 
You shook your head, standing. ‘’No. I’m just gonna get my pillow and blanket, and change into pajamas. There’s no point unpacking when I move again tomorrow.’’ 
Your suitcase was heavy, so you lowered it on the floor and grabbed your pillow and blanket, then rummaged through your suitcase for your pajamas. As you held up your shorts and a tee shirt, you remembered that this was a boys' hall, meaning the bathrooms would be full of boys.
Jace seemed to read your mind. ‘’Eh, I can turn around so you can change,’’ he offered. ‘’I promise I’m not gonna look. I can even take off my glasses if you want, I’m blind as a mile without them.’’
You chuckled at his offer. What a gentleman, you noted. Making sure you feel comfortable during this inconvenience. ‘’That's okay. Just turning around is fine."
He nodded and turned his back to you, facing the wall. ‘’You’re in art school?’’ he asked, making conversation as you changed so it would be less awkward. ‘’I've seen your sketchbook and art supplies beside your suitcase. Not that I snooped through your things. I promise I didn’t.’’ 
‘’Yeah,’’ you replied, pulling your shirt over your head and unclasping your bra. It felt daunting to be topless in the same room as an almost-stranger, but you tried to not think too much about it. ‘’And you’re in...?'
''Political science,’’ he finished. ‘’My grandfather went to this university, so I’m following his footsteps. I’m also taking a side class in History for personal pleasure.’’
Political science was not what you expected him to say, but it made sense. With his glasses, he had the politician look — minus the sweats and tee shirt. 
What kind of weirdo takes a history class for fun? 
‘’I know what you’re thinking — history is boring. But I love learning about the past civilisations and how ancient monuments were built, it’s so fascinating. Like the Moai Statues, the Giza pyramids or the Colosseum of Rome.’’
‘’Have you ever visited one of them?’’ You slipped into your pajamas, and threw your dirty clothes on top of your suitcase. 
His lips curled into an excited grin. ‘’I have! Last year, my family and I went to Italy and my dad took me and my brother Luke to see the Colosseum. It was magnificent. I took pictures. Do you want to see?’’ 
You sat back on your bed and Jace turned back around, reaching to grab his ipad to show you the pictures he took. His passion for history could be heard as he talked about the Colosseum, telling you facts you had never heard of. Eventually, the pictures came to an end, and Jace accidentally swiped too far, showing you a picture of his brothers and him making faces in Italy. 
You didn’t think so many people would be up early on a Saturday. The queue at the campus café was insane. All for a coffee and a bagel. 
As you walked across the quad, trying to get to the bookstore to get everything you needed for Monday, flyers were being shoved into your face, advertising for clubs, frat parties and sorority houses who were scouting for new members. You were not interested in any, but they were not taking no for answer.
A neon party? What year were they stuck into? 
You threw all the invitations in the trash.  
On your way back from the bookstore, you received an email from the housing office with your new dorm information. You could move in immediately, but needed to stop by for your new key. 
So that's what you did. 
You couldn’t wait to get to your new dorm and finally shower. 
‘’You’re already going?’’ Jace asked, coming in with a paper bag containing lunch from the café you went to this morning. 
You nodded, finishing zipping up your suitcase. ‘’I’m not going too far, though. I’m just a floor up, right above you, so if you jerk off or have a girl over, remember that I can hear all.’’
Jace’s cheeks turned a shade of pink, getting flustered.
Although you had moved out, you found yourself standing outside your old dorm a few days later. 
‘’Howdy roomie,’’ you said when Jace opened. ‘’Let’s go out, I’m hungry.’’ 
Before he could say anything, you stepped in as if it was still your dorm and sat on the empty bed that used to be yours. They must not have found him a new roommate. On the desk, you noticed Jace’s laptop was opened along with his textbook. 
The brunet frowned, clearly confused by your presence. ‘’Eh, what are you doing here?’’ 
‘’Taking my roommate out for pizza?’’ you replied. You had not eaten since that granola bar at lunch and your stomach was screaming. 
‘’We’re not roommates anymore.’’ 
You rolled your eyes. It was a minor detail. ‘’I know, but you’re the person I’ve spent the most time with since getting here and I don’t feel like going out to eat alone. Please, Jace,’’ you said, pouting to put all chances on your side. 
He was taken back. This wasn’t a common occurrence for him. A girl knocking on his door and asking him out — platonically or not. 
His frown disappeared, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. ‘’Fine,’’ he sighed. ‘’I’ll put on my shoes.’’
Getting pizza after class on Wednesday became a weekly rendez-vous. You sat at the same table, ordered the same toppings — pepperoni with extra cheese and red bell peppers —, and talked about anything but school. You made it an official rule on your fourth date when Jace spent the whole time biting his fingers and worrying about a paper that was due at the end of the week. 
Pizza dates were your special time to unwind and stop thinking of schoolwork.
As you both settled into your usual spot, hair slightly damp from the drizzle outside. Early autumn rain was the worst. The weather was too warm to carry around a jacket, but when you didn’t have one, rain would randomly start pouring. 
You took a second slice of pizza and glanced at Jace. ‘’I’m gonna need your help for a project for my art class.’’ 
His eyes widened slightly, and he quickly swallowed his bite of pizza. ‘’Nope!’’ 
You frowned at his immediate refusal. ‘’You don’t want to help me?’’ 
‘’No! That’s not that,’’ he assured. ‘’Didn’t we make a rule that we would not be speaking of school while eating pizza? You’re breaking your own rule,’’ he pointed out. 
You sighed dramatically, leaning back in the booth. ‘’I know… But Mrs. Rosenberg told us this afternoon that we needed a model for our proportion piece and I didn’t want to forget about it. All you have to do is sit and look pretty while I draw you.’’ 
Jace raised an eyebrow. ‘’Oh, so you think I’m pretty?’’ he teased, stuffing a huge bite of pizza in his mouth before you could swat his arm.
You rolled your eyes and took a bite of your own slice. ‘’So, will you be my model?’’
He thought about it, a slight pout on his lips. ‘’What’s in it for me?’’
‘’Extra time with your favorite roommate?’’ 
‘’Is this okay? I have a red polo somewhere. Maybe it would look better?’’ Jace asked as you laid out your art material on the second, unused, desk. 
You shook your head, and started propping up your small easel. ‘’You’re perfect like this.’’ 
He nodded slowly, his cheeks flushing a bit as he settled into position by the desk lamp you had priorly angled. The silence between you was comfortable as you began tracing Jace's features on your canvas, and you took a moment to really look at him — his curly hair, the faint freckles across his aquiline nose, the highlight of his pouty lips, and the way his fingers fidgeted with the hem of his tee shirt.
He was nervous. You immediately picked on it when you came in with your canvas and art supplies. His demeanor was different than usual. 
‘’Can you move your head slightly to the left?’’
Jace complied, the dull yellow light of the lamp hitting exactly where you wanted it. Now, you could see all the angles and edges of his face. 
‘’Yes! That’s perfect!’’
You continued tracing the contrasts and outlines of your model's face, eyebrows knitted together in concentration. Jace found it cute, but he kept it to himself. 
The afternoon passed. You painted and mixed colors on your palette, lost in your creative bubble while Jace was trying his best to keep his posture...which was starting to ache. Sitting completely straight for hours was more difficult than he thought.
As you were working on his complexion, you stole glances at your ex-roommate, trying to get every detail on your canvas, and noticed him shifting slightly, uncomfortable. 
‘’You know,’’ you began, breaking the silence. ‘’You don’t have to stay completely still like a statue. Feel free to move a little or adjust. I'll tell you if it doesn't work for me.’’
Jace gave a small laugh, the sound light and nervous. ‘’I’m not really used to this… Playing the model.’’
‘’I think you're doing good. Just...a bit stiff.’’
You continued painting him until the sun began to set, then called for a much deserved snack break. Jace pulled out a pack of Oreos from the snack box in his closet and your eyes turned into hearts. They were your favorite. 
‘’You really know the way to a girl’s heart,’’ you said as you took a third cookie from the pack. 
Jace smiled at you, pleased to see you enjoying them. He took a fifth one and chewed slowly as crumbs fell on his shirt. Oreos were messy. ‘’My mom sent them to me in a care package last week. I need my sugar to stay focused when I stay up late doing schoolwork.’’ 
Your heart melted at the sweet attention from Jace’s mother.  
‘’How is the painting going?’’  
‘’It’s coming together nicely. But it won’t be finished tonight. Painting takes a while. Especially portraits,’’ you replied. ‘’I need to get every little detail right. From that one curl that’s almost poking you in the eye to the dust of freckles on your nose.’’ 
The brunet’s cheeks flushed a bit at your words. He was not sure what to do with the feeling bubbling up in his stomach. Was this a compliment? Gods, he sucked with girls. 
You stayed in Jace’s dorm until one of you began yawning and it was time to call it a night. He helped you put your painting supplies away and even offered to clean your brushes in the boys’ bathrooms. This guy was a true sweetheart. 
The following afternoon, you approached Jace's dorm, your painting supplies tucked under your arm. A lot of students used their Sunday to do their laundry, so you hoped he was there. You should have texted him before coming.
You were about to knock, fist raised, when you paused at the door, hearing the faint sound of a facetime conversation coming from inside. 
‘’She’s not my girlfriend. Shut up, Luke,’’ Jace's voice came through, tinged with frustration.
You could imagine his cheeks heating up. 
‘’You go on dates all the time…and you said she was cute, and talented, and funny,'' Luke's voice, younger and teasing, said, recalling everything. 
You should feel ashamed for eavesdropping on a conversation about you, but you couldn’t help but smile to yourself, butterflies filling your stomach. Jace had talked to his brother about you? If Luke assumed you were his girlfriend, he must have talked about you more than once. 
‘’We’re just friends. I don’t have time for a girlfriend anyway. I have a lot of schoolwork,’’ Jace interrupted, his tone firm but slightly defensive.
‘’Nerd,’’ Luke snickered. 
You didn’t meet him on moving day, but you assumed he was the kind of brother who loved to tease his siblings. From what Jace had told you, he was quite the little troublemaker. 
A few doors down, a guy walked out of his dorm with a bag of dirty clothes and sweatpants low on his hips, and stared you down as you stood in the corridor. He was walking your way, so you took this as your cue to knock on Jace’s door. The sound echoed throughout the quiet corridor, louder than you intended.
‘’Ohh is that your girlfriend?’’ 
‘’No, it's...pizza delivery. Tell Mom I’ll call her tonight,’’ he added in a softer tone. 
You heard movement inside and soon Jace opened the door, greeting you with his usual bright smile. He had glasses and gray sweats on, meaning he had likely not left his dorm at all today. 
 ‘’Hey, you’re here! I was starting to think you made other plans…’’ Jace said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. 
‘’Never,’’ you replied, walking past him and setting your things down like yesterday. ‘’Besides, I need to bring in my final piece Wednesday morning and I still have a lot left to paint. It would have been a poor choice to not come.’’ 
Behind you, Jace nodded. ‘’Eh, should I change into the shirt I had yesterday? Because I slept in and didn’t do laundry.’’ 
You shook your head. ‘’The color of your shirt does not matter. I’m still painting your pretty face.’’ 
Jace smiled and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly; it was a nervous habit he had, you had discovered. ‘’I’ll go sit at my spot, then.’’ 
‘’Have you taken a peak while I was not there?’’ you asked as you placed the canvas and easel in front of your chair. 
You glanced over at him, half-expecting a guilty grin, but he shook his head, his dark curls bouncing slightly. ‘’No. I want to be surprised.’’ 
You finished setting your stuff up quietly. 
The sky was gray today, clouds hanging heavy as if threatening rain, so you were thankful for the artificial light you chose to use yesterday. Natural light is great, but frustrating as it changes with time and weather. 
When you began mixing colors and painting, you felt Jace’s shy gaze on you. His eyes would dart away when you almost caught him, pretending to be interested in something else, only to glance back at you a moment later. It was a silent game, one that made you smile every time you almost caught him.
About an hour into your painting, rain started to fall heavily and the sky began to shake with thunder. It echoed loudly around the room, causing the lights to flash. 
You were used to rain and thunderstorms, so you didn't think this one was strong enough to cause a power outage, but after an especially loud crack of thunder, the whole dorm went dark. 
‘’I guess that’s our cue to stop for today,’’ you said with a small laugh, barely able to see your canvas in front of you. You sighed, slightly frustrated by the interruption, and put your brush down on the easel.
Jace moved to his window, seeing the pouring rain and an impressive lightning flashing in the distance. ''Looks like it's not going to let up anytime soon.'' He glanced at your face, but was blinded by the brightness of your phone’s light. 
You quickly apologized, laughing. ‘’I didn't mean to do that,’’ you promised.
He glared at you and went back to his bed, rubbing his eyes. ‘’It’s worse with my glasses. I can’t see.’’ 
You laughed harder, directing the light to the ceiling so no one would be blinded by it. ‘’Do you think the university has a generator?’’
‘’For the academic buildings, not the residences. It would take a massive one to provide power to the whole campus,’’ Jace explained, finally starting to get his vision back. ‘’We’re stuck in the dark until it gets back.’’ 
You sighed and abandoned your side to move and sit on Jace’s bed. You could have gone back to your dorm, but you would be sitting alone in the dark. He turned his head to look at you, noticing you sitting on the edge of his bed, and moved back to make more room for you. You smiled, a silent ‘thank you’.
Thankfully, it was only mid-November, so it was not that cold. But it will get cold eventually if the power goes out for too long…
After a few hours, the power was not back. And the room had gotten a little cold, so Jace offered you one of his hoodies. It was gray and felt like a blanket on you. And it smelled like him — woodsy and comforting. 
Through this long darkness and silence, you found yourself thinking about the conversation you heard when you came to his dorm. You figured it was heavily influenced by the hoodie enveloping you. 
He hummed, sitting in his corner against his pillows. 
The words vomited out before you could stop them. ‘’Why did you tell your brother that you didn’t have time for a girlfriend when you spend all your free time with me?’’ 
The brunet was taken aback by your question. He looked like a kid caught with his hand in a cookie jar. ‘’W-what?’’ he stammered, his cheeks flaming. ‘’How do you know—’’ 
‘’I heard you on the phone earlier. I didn't mean to listen, I just…did.’’
Jace cleared his throat and spoke quietly, his voice strained and embarrassed. ‘’You weren’t supposed to hear that...’’ He looked away from you, avoiding your gaze. ''What else have you heard?'' 
A lump of guilt knotted inside your stomach for putting him on the spot like this. ''Not much. A guy walked out of his dorm and was staring me down, so I knocked on your door to get away,'' you explained in truth. 
There was a moment of silence as Jace picked at his fingers. He was still embarrassed, but he needed to push it to the side and make something useful out of it. ‘’I told Luke I didn’t have time for a girlfriend because I don’t know how to have a girlfriend. I mean, I do know the principle. I just…don’t know how to talk to girls.’’
You smiled, finding his honesty adorable. ‘’You’re talking to me now,’’ you said with a hint of amusement hiding behind your words.
‘’And it’s exactly the problem. We’re just talking,’’ he muttered more to himself than to you. 
‘’Would you like us to do more than talking?’’ you asked flirtatiously, extending an invisible hand for Jace to grasp. 
Slowly, his gaze shifted back to you. ‘’It depends what you mean by more than talking…’’ 
There was another loud crack of thunder, echoing and shaking the walls. The loud noise made Jace jump slightly, nervous from the proximity between you. He tried to brush it off, but you grinned and inched closer to cup his face. 
''Tell me if you want me to stop.'' 
His eyes found yours and he gripped the blanket, needing something to grab to take his nerves off. ''I don't want you to stop.''
You leaned closer, your hand still on his cheek, and pressed your lips onto his. The touch of your lips sent a jolt of electricity up Jace's spine.  He gasped, having never felt so much from a simple kiss, and kissed you back without hesitation, his lips plush but chapped against yours. 
More lightning pierced the horizon outside the window, but you were too lost in each other's lips to notice. Jace's hand that was not grabbing the blanket came to rest on your hip to pull you a little closer. He was gentle and inexperienced, you could feel it in the way he was touching you. 
You pulled away to catch your breath, but a needy whine left his lips, grabbing your hip with more force and pulling you back in. He was not done kissing you.
When night came and the power finally returned, you didn’t go to your dorm. You borrowed one of Jace’s tee shirts and slid under the covers with him. You both had classes at 8am, so you simply laid together, Jace’s head on your chest while you gently rubbed his back and slowly fell asleep.
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @domoron  @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios @lover-of-helios  @shine101 @tanyaherondale @mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden @memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron   @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes @thirsty4nonlivingmen @naty-1001 @katiepie67 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz @vane1999-blog @fairyfolkloresposts @todaywasafairytale07 @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @armstrongscommentsection @withfireandbl00d @randomstory56 @JudgmentDays-Girl @darylandbethfanforever9 @darylandbethfanforever9 @aegonswife @dakotapaigelove @jays-bullshit @blublock404 @Icefyre19 @paulilvsremus @mfedits @aemondwhoresworld @angrybirdxx @YarianyIrizarry @frutiloopslupin @minedofmoria @aleemendoza2425-blog @quinquinquincy @Rosey1981 @maria-reads-everything @eddieslut69 @barnes70stark @baybaybear @prettyduckling22 @Briefwinnerpersonaturtle @darlingcharling-blog @deliaseastar @Wolfgirl-205 @visenyareads @Nanaldy @Lovelywiseprincess @not-neverland06 @newtmyhusb @mikimimic
All and more taglist:  @kenqki @hawkegfs @gillybear17 @black-rose-29 @fudge13  @cece05 @laylasbunbunny  @gemofthenight  @beautyb1ade  @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff   @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity  @Anouk nani-2305 @books0fever @papichulo120627 @qardasngan @ghostlyvoidydragon @M0rgans1nterlud3 @dahlia-blossom21 @Spacexdrago @nhlfs
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 months
Stray Kids Reaction || They're Sick
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - July 2024
GN!Reader. I changed it a little just so they weren’t too similar to one another, I hope that’s alright. Please let me know and I can fix and rewrite it for you <3
Trigger warning: Mentions of throwing up as well as people being ill, please don’t read if it’s something that may upset you <3
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As soon as you felt the weight in the bed shift you realised Chan was waking up but it wasn't his usual slow wake-up, he shot out of bed before the bathroom door slammed. You frowned sitting up in the bed and glancing over at the bedroom door that was left wide open. 
"Channie?" You called out, quickly making your way toward the bathroom and peeling the door open to reveal Chan huddled over the toilet with his head lying against the seat. 
"That's not hygienic." You teased softly, walking behind him and kneeling on the ground, carefully running your fingers through his hair and hissing when you felt just how hot his skin was to touch. Before Chan could say anything to you, a gag sounded and he threw up into the toilet again. 
"I'll be right back." You whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder before making your way toward the kitchen and reaching for everything you were going to need for him.
You came book moments later holding a small kit that you'd prepared, Chan was slumped against the wall looking pale and slightly green, if that was even possible. 
"I'm sorry," He mumbled as you dropped in front of him, taking his temperature before handing him some tablets.
"Don't be, baby," You whispered, giving him a small bottle of water before cleaning the toilet as he took everything you gave to him.
"You don't have to do all of this," He grumbled, laying his head against the wall as he watched you clean up the mess he'd made, before sitting down in front of him once again.
"I know," You smiled warmly at him, "I want to. Did you take everything?" You noticed the tablets you'd given to him were all gone and he mumbled "yes" tiredly making you frown a little,
"Bed. Come on." You told him, gently helping him up from the floor and guiding him into the bedroom, even now he was unsteady on his feet and swaying a little. 
"I'll be fine, I just need to get some food and I can go to work."
"You're going to work over my dead body." You told him, laying him down on the bed before laying a cold cloth on his forehead, his eyes finding yours as a small pout played on his lips.
"No buts, I'll call JYPE myself and force them to put you on strict bed rest," You warned him as his cheeks began to turn pink.
"You too warm?" Concern dripped from your voice as you noticed the pink on his cheeks and he smiled, shaking his head slowly.
"Just happy to have you be so caring to me," He whined out as you gently covered him with a thin blanket, kissing his cheek.
"Try and get some sleep, there's a bucket beside the bed just in case you feel ill again." You promised him, hoping the anti-sickness tablets would help him even a little. He whimpered a little but nodded, his eyes fluttering shut as he was barely able to keep them open much longer.
Whenever Minho knew he was getting sick he was the type to sneak away and suffer in silence, he didn't want to be a burden to anyone else and he would hide as much as humanly possible. Only this time when he'd shown up to the dorms you were already standing in the kitchen and cooking something that smelled as though it unclogged his sinuses the second he took a bite.
"Good, you're back." You smiled warmly at him, running your hands over the apron you were wearing before making your way toward him. You took the overnight bag from his arms and placed it on the sofa,
"Go and jump in the bath I made for you," You ran your hands over his cheeks and felt how hot he was running despite it being below-freezing outside. 
"How did you know where I was?" He'd made sure to make the guy's promise not to tell you that he was coming to rest. They were under strict orders to tell you he was needed for practice a lot, he hated lying to you but he didn't want you to get sick and he didn't want to burden you.
"Minho, we've been together for a year, if you think I don't know where you slink off to whenever you're sick then we have a problem." You joked softly, placing a soft kiss on his jaw before making your way back to the kitchen.
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As soon as he was done he was dressed in some PJs you'd laid out on the bed for him and the soup was waiting for him on the kitchen table,
"What did you make?" His voice was hoarse from how hard he'd been coughing lately,
"It's a soup, my grandmother used to make it whenever I got a cold, it's soft on your throat but it'll unclog your nose," You promised him as he sat down beside you, a small smile tugging on the corners of his lips.
"Thank you," He whispered,
"I know you hate it when people help you but I want to do this, baby, I want to help." You told him as you ran your hand over his, gently rubbing his skin as he nodded shyly at you. 
"I feel like a burden when I'm sick," He admitted begrudgingly.
"Don't. I enjoy getting to pamper you, usually, it's always you that pampers me," You laughed softly, giving him a spoon and starting to eat the soup together.
A crash sounding from the living room made you jolt awake and reach for Changbin who wasn't beside you, your eyebrows knitted together as you stared down wondering where he was. It was almost two in the morning and it wasn't like him to get home so late from work, or even from parties whenever he and the boys were celebrating. 
"Shit," You heard a voice mumble before laughter sounded from the living room, followed by another crash making you head that way only to find Changbin bent down trying to clean something up from the floor. You flicked the light switch on only to find him trying to clean up glass.
"Binnie, what-"
"Shh! I can't wake Yn up," He laughed again, his body swaying slightly and you instantly knew what was wrong with him, he'd clearly been drinking too much that night.
"Lay down," You ordered, forcing him down onto the sofa and trying to get a good look at his hand, luckily he hadn't cut it on his gallant effort to clean up the broken vase that scattered the floors.
"Ynnnnn!" He yelled before he got that look on his face, his hands holding his stomach and you quickly darted to the kitchen, grabbing a bucket and running back to him, just in time before he barfed into the bucket you were holding. 
"Sorry," He grumbles, his head spinning as he held onto the bucket and kept his head inside, not daring to lift it in case he threw up again. You stared at him and shook your head, you knew that they were celebrating finishing their album tonight but you had no idea he'd come back to you like this. If you had, you would have prepared everything for him already.
"Don't move, okay?" You stared at him as he held up a thumb and you began to work your magic. Cleaning up the glass from the floor as good as you could before heading into the kitchen and grabbing some water, painkillers and orange juice. Adding everything onto a tray before making sure to grab him some plain bread to eat as soon as he was done throwing up. 
"You're the best," He told you as you placed the tray down on the coffee table and ran your fingers through his hair,
"I know," You teased, smirking down at him as he groaned, throwing up once again into the bucket in his hands, followed by a moan of disgust.
"I'm never drinking again," He told you, making you roll your eyes playfully,
"How many times have we been in this exact situation and you say that exact sentence?" You laughed, rubbing his back softly as he mumbled something about "meaning it this time."
You pushed open the door to your shared apartment you had with Hyunjin and frowned a little, the usual welcoming scent of lavender you had burning was missing. Instead, a faint, unfamiliar mustiness hung in the air.
"Hyunjin?" You called out, walking further into the apartment and dropping off your bags, something was clearly wrong if there was no response from him. Hyunjin had been complaining about a headache the night before, but he brushed it off as a side effect of practising all day.  
"hyunnie?" You called out again, louder this time, as you made your way through the apartment toward the bedroom where you found the door slightly ajar.
There you found Hyunjin lying sprawled on the bed, a thin sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead. A pillow over his head as he grumbled something about you being too loud. You hurried to his side, kneeling beside the bed and sighing a little, you slowly peeled back the pillow to find him screwing his eyes shut. The light hurt his eyes.
"Hey," You said softly, brushing a damp strand of hair from his forehead. "You're burning up. Why didn't you call me?" You breathed out,
"I didn't want to worry you," he mumbled, his eyes closing again as you shook your head at him, you hated when he refused to ask for help.
"I'm going to take care of you," You promised, taking in the sight of him and the bed, he did not look comfortable at all. 
"Let's get you comfortable first." You carefully untangled the sheets from around him, helping him sit up enough to drink some water. He sipped gratefully, his parched lips parting for more. Next, you rushed to the windows, opening them slightly but pulling the blinds down so the light from the afternoon sun wouldn't bother him.
You spent the next few hours by his side. You changed the washcloth on his head regularly, fetched medicine, and coaxed him into drinking more fluids. You'd told the boys he wouldn't be going to work for a few days and made sure he was going to be on bed rest for a while, or at least until he was better.
"You're the best partner anyone could ever wish for." He mumbled, his voice hoarse as you carefully handed him some tea, smiling warmly at him.
"Just drink the tea, no flirting." You winked at him before he sipped on the warm drink you'd made for him.
Jisung had been under a lot of stress lately at work which should have been your first hint at what sight was going to await you as you walked into the dorms one night after work. Jisung was sprawled out on the sofa, looking as though he'd been through a week of no sleep and hadn't eaten properly.
"What are you doing here?" He hadn't meant for it to come out the way it had but he hadn't expected to see you tonight, he'd been looking forward to rotting away on the sofa for the entire night. 
"It's date night," You reminded him, pointing down at your outside that you'd spent hours picking before laying your bag down and kneeling beside Jisung who looked heartbroken that he had forgotten the date. 
"Babe...I-I'm sorry." He stuttered out but you'd put your hand on his forehead and bit down on your lip, he was already spiking a fever and you hadn't been here to know how long or how bad he had been. 
"Shh, it's fine. We can have a cosy night in." You suggested, shrugging off your jacket and going to search their cabinets in look for anything other than food. They had to have some sort of medication for when they got sick, right?
"Sit up," You whispered as you sat in front of Jisung, holding a jar of vapour rub in your hand and waiting for your boyfriend to inch forward. As soon as he did you carefully began to rub the cream into his chest, making sure your hands were warm enough so you didn't shock him.
"Thank you," He groaned, his voice sounding as though he'd been swallowing sand paper all day.
"I'll make you some tea and we can watch Howl's moving castle." You suggested, gently running your fingers through his hair and smiling at him with a warm smile.
You'd woken up earlier than intended this morning, went and made breakfast and came back to the bedroom to find Felix sitting up in the bed, his head in his hands as he tried to calm himself down from the wave of dizziness that had met him when he woke up. 
"You look like shit," You offered as you saw the state of him, trying to tease him softly.
"Thanks, that's really nice to hear from the love of my life," He coughed out with a weak smile, his voice sounded like he'd been eating nails for days and you hated that he was getting sick. 
"You should have texted me," You mumbled, running your hand over his head and checking for a fever, he was already starting to burn up which only confirmed that he was getting sick. 
"I don't want to bother you," He mumbled, his body aching as he laid down in the sheets and snuggled against them. Felix hated this, he was normally the caring one in the relationship. He wanted to be the one to look after you and right now he felt as though he was failing that.
"You're never a bother, Lixie." You whined at him, his eyes struggling to stay open as he gave into the feeling of what his body was telling him.
When he woke up again, the smell of chamomile and honey filled the air and you were sitting at the edge of his bed with a tray on your lap.
"Drink." You ordered, holding up a small cup of steaming tea, Felix knew better than to fight you on it and he took a sip, the warm liquid soothing his throat,
"You didn't have to do this." He coughed out, sitting up slightly and leaning against the headboard,
"Of course I did," You smirked as you replied. "You're always taking care of me. Let me return the favour." Felix sighed at you, pouting a little as he looked down at himself, stuck in bed for god knows how long. 
"I just hate being useless." You hated that he was beating himself up so much so you ran your hand over his cheek,
 "You're not useless, Lix. You're just human. Everyone gets sick."
"Not you," he mumbled.
"Especially me," You corrected, scoffing a little as you remembered the last time you'd gotten so sick you couldn't leave your bed. 
"Remember last winter when I had the flu? You stayed up all night making sure I was okay. It's my turn now." Felix frowned, his stubbornness warring a little since he knew you were right.
 "I just want to be the one taking care of you. It makes me feel… I don’t know, like I’m doing something right." Your expression softened as you reached out, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. 
"You do so much right, Lixie. You don't need to prove anything to me. Let me take care of you this time, okay?" He thought about it for a moment before nodding his head, relaxing against the pillows as you spent the night looking after him. Bringing him soup, fluffing his pillows, giving him everything he could ever need and more.
All week long Seungmin had been giving you the brush off whenever you tried to get him to go to yours or when you suggested going to spend time with him, you began to worry a little that something was really wrong and as you stepped into his apartment your fears were confirmed. 
"Kim Seungmin." You cried out seeing him lying on the sofa, sweat dripping down his forehead as he coughed into a tissue and whined at you for being too loud.
"Go home." He grumbled, a little harsher than he wanted but he couldn't risk you getting sick because of him, the last thing he wanted was for you to end up the way he was feeling right now. 
"No." You laughed, dropping your jacket onto the coat hook and making your way to the kitchen where you knew he had things he needed. 
"yn." He coughed up but you ignored him, preparing some tea before bringing it to him, laying it down on the coffee table and staring down at your boyfriend who appeared to be pouting at you.
"You're cute when you're pouting," You smirked, kissing his cheek softly before he moved away from you,
"You'll get sick," He moaned, shaking his head at you and covering his mouth with a tissue as if it was going to stop the germs from getting to you.
"I'll be fine, just let me take care of you." You stayed where you were standing and he sighed, knowing better than to argue with you about something since you were just as stubborn as him usually. 
"Go to bed, I'll clean up and make you some soup." He nodded, sluggishly making his way to his room and getting under the sheets, shutting his eyes for a few minutes.
A few days later Seungmin finally began to feel human again and you'd cleaned up the entire apartment, opening the windows for fresh air and bringing him hot soup for every meal so he would be nursed back to health. 
You always said you had a sixth sense about when those you cared about were going to get sick which was probably why you'd walked into your home after work one night already carrying everything you were going to need to help Jeongin feel better.
"How did you know?" He mumbled as he saw the pharmacy bag in your hand as well as a grocery bag that seemed to be filled to the brim with ingredients. 
"Because I'm secretly magic," You smirked, hating to see him laid up on the sofa surrounded by tissues, his nose already red from blowing it so much and you smiled weakly. 
"Magcially good looking." He said, trying to pass the comment off as flirty but because he was sick it just didn't work and he coughed into his hands, whining a little at the pain in his chest.
"Come on, take these baby." You offered, handing him the box of flu tablets before opening a fresh bottle of water and taking away the one he had been using.
"From now on, a fresh bottle every time or let me wash the one you're using." You instructed him, taking some of the rubs you'd gotten from the doctors and gently massaging it into his bare chest, watching as he stared at you with love in his eyes. As much as Jeongin hated being sick he adored this caring side of you, getting to be pampered by you was one of his favourite things in the world.
"Are you going to make your famous soup?" He shouldn't have sounded as excited as he did but you only ever made it when someone was sick and refused to do it any other time.
"Yes. But only if you go and get in a warm bath, let your body soak." You kissed his cheek and watched as he practically raced to the bathroom.
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@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @stayconnecteed @saymyspringrain @toplinehyunjin @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @just-aelia @choisoorin @straykids5star @midnightfrog625 @beccaskz @scarletemeterio @halesandy @junhannies @gothic4under4lord @lixie-phoria @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lensfilm @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @kpopsstuffs @chaeyoungs @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @niktwazny303 @moonlight-the-writer @armystay89 @hadassahchan @yxngbxkkie @myyouthdonut @extrhotjne @ca11me3mily @elissasimp @piercedddriver
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ageofstarkey · 1 year
Hi! Could you write a Mattheo one, where it’s that time of the month, and you’re just really not feeling like facing the world.
poor thing ✰ m. riddle
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summary: you’re on your period, and matthéo’s there to help you feel less awful.
pairing: bf!matthéo x reader
warnings: reader is implied to be afab, mentions of reader having their period, discussion of period-related symptoms, nothing else really???
note: hello!! thank you so much for the request!! i’m still trying to find my groove with writing, but i hope i did your prompt some justice :’) also pretend that boys can in fact enter the girls dorms in this universe lmfao
comments & reblogs are so appreciated!
✰ ✰ ✰
“aren’t you getting up for potions?”
when you roll over, you see pansy watching you from the doorway. she’s dressed and ready for the day - book bag slung carefully across her body. she studies you with something akin to concern; awaiting your response with perfect, furrowed brows.
with a quiet sigh, you push yourself into a half-sitting position. “i don’t think so. i got my period last night and i feel absolutely horrid.”
“want me to tell riddle? i’m sure he’s looking for an excuse to skip anyway”
you roll your eyes fondly. “he’s already missed too many lessons this year - let him figure it out on his own time, yeah?”
pansy shrugs. “fine. hope you feel better.”
you groan, flopping none-too-gracefully back on your pillow. “me too.”
when pansy leaves, you take a few moments to savour the silence. it does little to ease the uncomfortable ache in your abdomen, but it’s quiet enough that you can almost pretend your head hasn’t been throbbing since the second you opened your eyes.
eventually, you snuggle back under your thick quilt, resigned to sleeping away your misery. it doesn’t take long for your fatigue to take over, pushing you steadily towards the edge of unconsciousness.
you’re nearly asleep, when you hear a sharp knock at the dormitory door. your brows tug downwards in confusion. with a quiet groan, you drag yourself out of bed. the floors are shockingly cold against your bare feet, and you curse quietly under your breath as you approach the door.
when you tug it open, you’re pleasantly surprised to see your boyfriends handsome face. although he should be in class, you can hardly fight the grin that tugs at your lips. “you are not supposed to be here.”
matthéo quirks an eyebrow, sporting a smirk you know all too well. “shall i see myself out then?”
you roll your eyes fondly. “no.”
“didn’t think so.” he lets himself in, kicking the door shut behind him. “do you wanna lay down?”
“merlin - more than anything.”
he tugs you gently towards him, pressing his lips against your forehead in a chaste kiss. “i figured as much.” he murmurs the words against your skin, punctuating them with another kiss. when he pulls away, he nudges you gently towards the bed. “how are you feeling?”
“cramps?” he shrugs off a few layers of clothing, before tugging back your quilt and laying on the bed.
with a gentle little tug, you’re falling into the empty space beside him. “my entire body just… aches.” with a defeated sigh, you drop your head on his chest.
matthéo hums softly, stroking a gentle hand up and down the length of your spine. “poor thing.”
“tell me about it.”
with a quiet little laugh, he tilts your head up towards his own. “do you think you’ll survive?”
“i really might not, théo. this might be it for me.”
matthéo rolls his eyes, but he wears a fond little smile that gives him away. “you’re ridiculous.”
“i am not!” your lips turn downwards in an involuntary pout. “it hurts.”
“i know, sweetheart.” he closes the small gap between you, kissing away your feeble little frown. “why don’t you try and get some rest, hm?”
“you’ll stay?”
he kisses you again - longer this time, and you swear you’re feeling better already. “‘m not going anywhere.”
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totheblood · 1 year
all-american bitch!
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pairing: ellie williams x reader
warnings: mostly fluff, cursing, suggestive themes maybe.
a/n:i wrote this for my monthly challenge in our writing server, so if you see GUTS themed ellie and abby fics... that's why.... so i chose the song, all american bitch because i thought it would be a difficult write and wanted to challenge myself. so this one is a little shorter and i hope you enjoy! AI AUDIO in the fic also reblogs, asks, and replies are so appreciated and encouraged! thank u kisses
wc: 1k
"with perfect all-american lips."
ellie wanted to hate you.
with every fiber in her being, she wanted to hate you. but as she sat in the student center, laptop open and earbuds in, she couldn’t help but stare. from her place at the table she could see you wide-eyed and grinning, talking to a group of people she didn’t know. when you laughed you touched the shoulder of the guy to your right, but when you smiled you leaned into the girl to your left. she noticed how you looked at people when they spoke, hanging onto every word they were saying. every time the group would laugh at a joke or statement you made, she watched as you nervously fiddled with the necklace loosely hung around your neck with your initial on it. 
she wanted to hate you but she didn’t. instead, she hated everything she thought you represented. the mean girls in the movies or the girl next door. you were somehow all of it wrapped up in one. she didn’t know you at all but somehow you were the perfect all-american -
“bitch!” a girl sitting across from you screamed, throwing her full cup of coke onto your face, causing everyone to stand up and gasp. ellie stood up with them, removing her headphones and ignoring the pull of dina’s hand, asking her what she was doing. 
you wiped the sticky liquid from your eyes, and tried to get as much of it off your face so you could walk back to your dorm. when you began picking up your things and noticed no one was going to follow you, ask if you were okay, or defend you, a tear formed in your eye. you, however, was determined to not cry in front of most of the people that attended this school. instead, you scurried off as quickly as you could.
ellie didn’t even notice she was following you till the brisk fall air hit her face. your feet were moving faster than her mind was going, but she was determined to catch up. 
“hey,” she called out. you didn’t turn around though, you just kept walking. from where she was she could hear your sniffles, “hey! are you okay?”
that got your attention. you stopped, not turning around, and waited for ellie to circle around you and say something.
“are you okay?” she asked again, watching your stunned face. she ignored the bubbling in her stomach at being this close to you. she could see every detail of your face, every crease, every freckle, and every pore. you were prettier up close, “i saw what happened back there… it looked brutal.”
“i’m,” a tear slipped from your face and onto your already damp clothes, ellie was sooooo not looking at your tits right now, “i’m fine.”
“are you sure?” she asked again, eyes searching your face for an answer, “none of your friends came to check on you?”
“i guess they aren’t really friends, huh,” you laughed dryly, wiping at your eye again.
“just shitty ones,” she joked back, “look, do you want me to help you get cleaned up? maybe you can vent to me about whatever the fuck that just was.
your eyes scanned her face this time, “why would you do that? you don’t know me?”
“i think you may be in need of some new friends,” she smiled, making you crack a small one.
“very true.”
ellie helped wipe the coke off your face and neck. since it had been sitting on your skin for a while it had gone sticky, and you were getting choked up trying to wipe everything off. plus, ellie was so nice and tender, gently rubbing at your skin and making sure she wasn’t rubbing to hard. she held your face in her hand, turning it and using your roomates expensive facewash to get it clean. when it came to your chest she backed up, saying a, “i shouldn’t.”
“why?” you asked, “we’re both girls.”
“i think i’m supposed to ask you out on a date before doing that.” she chuckled, stepping back a little further, expecting rejection, a slap in the face, anything.
“oh,” you said, eyeing her up and down, head-turning and lips pursed when you saw her tattoos, “could have figured from the tattoo alone.”
“hey! are you saying my tattoo makes me look gay?” she laughed, a big bright smile on her face. this time when you smiled you showed your teeth. ellie’s face turned a bright red, as she looked down. she made you smile, she was proud of that.
“it’s a dead giveaway that you’re gay,” you giggled again. ellie looked up at you, squinting her eyes. 
“if you knew that i was gay then, why did you let me come in and?” ellie’s voice got quiet, she didn’t want you to think she was a creep. it’s not like she came in here to flirt with you, or did she. the way you were looking at her was making all her thoughts mesh together into slush.
“i don’t know,” your voice was teasing, you were fucking teasing her, “maybe i wanted a cute girl to come in here and clean me up.”
“cute?” ellie laughed.
“yeah, cute,” you repeated, pulling your bottom lip in between your teeth, “like how you’re blushing right now. that’s cute.”
ellie’s face got even redder somehow, causing her to hang her head and pinch the bridge of her nose, “fuck.”
“were you going for hot?” you asked, reaching for her from your place on the bathroom counter, pulling at the sleeves of her oversized t-shirt so she would move closer to you. 
“what about my t-shirt doesn’t scream hot?” she looked up now, and fuck was she close to you. 
“cute and funny,” you smiled, eyes bright, “who would’ve thought?”
ellie looked away again, flustered still, but still in your grasp, “you forgot respectable.”
you laughed and ellie was close enough to feel your breath on her neck. she shivered, but her eyes met yours again.
“when are you going to ask?” you whispered, voice low.
“the date?” you clarified, making her smile grow again.
“oh, yeah,” she rubbed the back of her neck nervously, “do you want to go on a date with me?”
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hyunsvngs · 1 year
lowkey college has been kicking my ass big time 😭
all i can do to stop myself from having 8 mental breakdowns an hour is thinking abt college bf minho <33
like imagine you'd come back to ur dorm stressed after exams and he would just fuck you senseless until all you could think about was him <3
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𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 - college au!lee minho x fem!reader
wc: 2k
synopsis: your cutie college student boyfriend agrees to help you into subspace to take your mind off of your stressful exams.
a/n: idk. i just dont know this happened and i’m not apologising. enjoy. smut warnings under da cut as per!! this is just a lil one but i hope u enjoy<3
sw: d/s dynamics, oral (f rec), mating press position, unprotected sex, creampie, subspace & mentions of domspace, petnames: kitty & jagi, HEAVY dirty talk, mentions of pubes (as per)
You could barely see the streets on your walk home, eyes bleary with tears and giving you absolutely zero navigation skills. The only saving grace was knowing that your boyfriend, Minho, was in your room and readily awaiting your return. He was lucky to not have any exams this term, only assignments, and you were unlucky to have controlled exams in every single class.
The exam you’d done that day had been the worst thus far. You knew nothing. The whole exam you’d been sat there, hand on your temples just trying desperately to remember something, but nothing had come to you. You’d ended up writing absolute nonsense before packing up your stuff and leaving, crying the whole way home.
Minho was perched on your bed when you entered. His glasses were round, perched securely on his sharp nose and he was casual, hoodie and joggers both grey and clean. There was an anime playing on his laptop, and he was staring at it while shoving crisps into his mouth. When you entered, a small sniffle giving away your return, Minho’s eyes snapped immediately to you.
“Oh,” He blurted, immediately rising to sit up. You dropped your bag on the floor and Minho’s hands went straight to your hips, still covered in some salt from the crisps he was eating. He pulled you into his lap, settled on his thick, dancer’s thighs. When he pushed the hair out of your eyes, it almost broke his heart. “Oh, jagi. Jagi, why are you sad? Did it not go well?”
“Hmph, no,” You sniffed, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. Minho sighed, rubbing your back over your t-shirt. “I knew nothing.”
“You may have done better than you think, y’know? Don’t stress too much,” Minho’s voice was low, soothing, intertwining with the anime still playing on his laptop. “What can I do to help? Do you wanna watch this with me?”
“Mm, don’t have the attention span right now,” What else could he do? Your thoughts immediately went to the sewers. You were settled on top of his thighs, and you could feel them, clenching and unclenching and… yeah. You knew what you wanted to do. “Min. Could you… take my mind off of it?”
“Take your mind off of it?” He repeated, eyes soft when you finally emerged from his neck. He gazed into your eyes, a loving, fond look in his own. Then, the penny dropped. He blinked, and then he was smirking, hands starting to stroke over your hips instead. “You want me to fuck you, jagi?”
“Please,” You nodded, hands gripping the fabric of his hoodie. “Do that thing, the thing where you… make me feel all fuzzy, ‘n stuff. The thing where I don’t think.”
Minho tilted his head to the side. “You want me to dom you, pretty girl? Send you into subspace?”
Well, when he says it like that… “Yes.”
“On your back.”
You were quick to oblige, stretching leisurely onto your back on your little twin bed. The downsides of having a dorm room, you supposed, but at least your flatmates were fine with you having Minho present constantly. Minho shut his laptop, and then he was looming over you, a strong figure of authority despite having such casual clothing on.
“You know what to say if you need me to stop,” He mumbled, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. “Say it.”
“Red,” You felt out of breath already when his lips trailed to your neck, sucking marks into the skin with eagerness. Minho was gorgeous, and he was even better in bed, especially when he got like this - his dom headspace was the sexiest thing you’d ever seen in your life, and you’d swear by that. He was experienced with it. He knew what he was doing.
You were convinced even more so of that when his lips met your earlobe, his tone low as he pulled your jeans down. “I’m going to eat this sloppy cunt, and then I’m going to fuck you until you don’t know your own name. Got it?”
“Oh my God, please-“
“Stop whining like a little bitch, or I’ll treat you like one,” He nipped your earlobe with his teeth, and then he was moving to position between your thighs. Your underwear wasn’t exciting, just a simple white cotton, but the way Minho looked at you made you feel like a supermodel. He was staring directly at the wet patch starting to soak the fabric, and you shifted, wanting his mouth on you, like, yesterday.
As if he could read your mind, his nose pressed into your core and he inhaled. It was such a strong scenting that you could hear it, his lips parting to let out a small sigh afterwards. Then, his tongue was pressing over the cotton, soaking it with his spit.
“Mm, it’s good. Maybe I need a better taste, yeah?” You nodded at Minho, making him chuckle. He reached up and hooked his thumbs into your underwear, pulling it down and exposing you to the room. You knew your folds were wet and could feel as much when the air hit them - your clit was engorged and poking out of your pussy, begging for attention.
Minho clearly felt pity on you, because his lips were instantly wrapping around your clit and sucking. You gasped, hips bucking up into your touch, and he was quick to pin them down into the mattress with one small hand. From this angle, you could see where half of his body laid off the end of the bed, knees planted on the floor to be closer to you. His tongue laved over the button between your legs, and when his dark feline eyes looked up at you, you knew you were done.
“Min- Min, please, can I have fingers, too? I- I need, need to cum, need-“
“Will you shut up?” Minho pulled away, licking his lips. You would’ve been shocked, but Minho knew him being mean was a sure way to send you into that headspace you so desperately needed to be in. “I know how to make this pussy cum, so don’t fucking tell me what to do.”
With that, he was lowering his head back into your core. Both hands splayed across your hips to keep you grounded, and his tongue swiped through your folds, collecting the slick that had accumulated there. You let your hand drop down to his hair, enveloping the dark strands and pulling slightly against them. It made Minho let out a deep, brief noise, and then he was eating you like a man starved.
The way he was licking between your folds and against your clit had your eyes rolling back, fingers gripping the sheets. It was so, so good, you felt so sensitive, and your head was feeling fuzzy already. He was just so good in bed. His tongue started to trace circles on your clit, and you whined, heavy breaths tumbling from your lungs.
“Gon’ cum,” You slurred, licking your lips to try and bring you back to reality. “Gonna- gonna fucking cum, Min, I can’t-“
“You’re gonna cum?” He pulled away, thumb now rubbing your clit to keep you on the edge. “You know you can’t though. Not until I say you can, yeah?”
You whimpered, thrashing around. “I needa. Need to cum, need to be good, good kitty, am I- hng, am I good kitty? I can’t hold it, I can’t! ‘S too good-“
“Be a good fucking kitty and hold it,” He had shifted now, you realised, face now close to you again. His thumb continued to circle your clit and you gripped his arm tightly, toes curling into the sheets. It was too much. You were going to cum. “Fucking hold it. Do as I say. Do you want my cock?”
Your eyes flickered down to the bulge in his joggers, huge and pulsating. You nodded eagerly, trying your best to focus on anything that wasnt the ache in your core and clenching of your thighs. Then, Minho moved, yanking down his joggers and boxers to position his cock at your entrance. You wanted to cry at the feeling of your orgasm dissipating.
“I’m going to fuck you,” Minho said, forearms supporting him above you. “I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to cum on my cock.”
“Yeah, I’ll cum,” You mumbled, eyes bleary - although now for a different reason. Minho smiled at you, and then he was pushing in, thick length stretching your hole in the most delicious way. You moaned, hands moving to grip his biceps again as he immediately set a blistering pace.
“Legs up. C’mon, be a good kitty,” Minho pushed your thighs up, and you obediently wrapped your hands around them. He was deeper like this, chest pressing your legs into your body and cockhead ramming against your g-spot. The smattering of hair at his base rubbed against your clit in an awkward, yet satisfying friction, and before you knew it, you were on the edge again.
“‘M close again, Min,” You whined, lips parting. You were drooling, you could feel it, but you had to wait until he said. “Kitty needs to cum.”
“Kitty needs to, does she?” He scoffed, but pressed a kiss to your forehead nonetheless. “Well, kitty better soak my cock then.”
Your jaw dropped in an incoherent moan as you clenched around Minho’s cock, walls pulsating as you let yourself go. The orgasm was white hot, building in your core and travelling down to where your toes curled and up to where your back arched. You could feel it gushing, soaking Minho and the hair that adorned the base of his shaft. Minho groaned, and then he reached down with one hand, squishing your cheeks together to look at him. His pace didn’t falter, still bullying into your g-spot.
“You alright, jagi?” He asked, thumb stroking your bottom lip. You hummed, letting your body be jostled by the forcefulness of his thrusts. It felt like you were floating on a fluffy cloud, even more so after your orgasm - you couldn’t even remember what you’d been so worried about. “There we go. That’s it, you just float like that for me. You don’t need to think about anything, kitty.”
“Need cum,” You murmured, huffing when Minho laughed at you.
“I’m gonna give you my cum, kitty, I’ve got you,” He pulled your hips up, and then he was fucking up into you like you were a fleshlight. You tried to force your eyes open, and you didn’t regret it when they did. Minho’s body was covered in a sheen of sweat, soft dew on his honey skin and his eyebrows furrowed as he ploughed into you. The feeling was almost enough to get you to cum again, if you really focused, but you couldn’t. All you could think was Minho, Minho, Minho. “Let me fuck you like this. J-just, nice and hard, and I’ll-“
“Cum,” You repeated, shifting to fuck back onto his cock. You whined as he gripped your hips tighter, and then he was gasping, eyes widening. He was curled over you, jaw dropped.
“I’m gonna cum, gonna fill this fucking cunt, oh- oh, jagi-“ He was nearly whining, making you clench in approval of the tone of his voice. Minho collapsed over you, hips jolting in a staccato rhythm as he filled you up with his cum. You could feel it in your hole, wet and dripping. He pulled out of you with a now-softening cock, eyes following the leaking of his cum out of your abused pussy. Instead of moving, he collapsed on top of your body, nuzzling at your throat.
“‘M so relaxed,” You giggled, letting Minho kiss your nose.
“I bet,” Minho hummed in response. “I’ll let you float like this for a bit, but then you gotta come back to me, ‘kay?”
“Mmkay,” You chirped. “Cuddles.”
Minho chuckled, moving to lay by your side to pull you close. “Of course, jagi.”
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head canons - slytherin boys confessing their feelings to you
check out my wattpad for more!! @st4rchxser
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✰ mattheo riddle
- it's late at night and you can't sleep so you head down to the common room to sit by the fireplace
- mattheo is already there and you don't notice it's him at first. you turn to go back to your dorm because you don't want to bother whoever is already sitting by the fire.
- mattheo hears you turning to leave and calls out to you, telling you to come sit with him.
- you spend hours talking, getting more and more comfortable with each other as each minute and topic passes on.
- it's nearly daybreak when you tell him you need to get some rest, he stops you as you get up to leave.
- "i've missed my chance all night, and i have to tell you now," he comes right out and tells you about his feelings, "i've always had something for you, and i just needed to tell you because after tonight i couldn't keep it to myself any longer. i understand if you don't feel the same way, but you just needed to know."
- you're shocked to say the least. you're surprised that he would have feelings for you because of his notorious playboy attitude he's flaunted for years.
- you tell him you also have feelings for him, but you're not sure about anything because of said persona.
- he pleads with you, "i promise i'm not playing with you, if you give me a chance, i promise i will be the best partner possible."
- and of course you give him a chance and of course he keeps his promise.
✰ theodore nott
- one night you and your friends were playing a game of 7 minutes in heaven when you were sent to a closet with theo
- he's been your crush since 3rd year and to say you were flustered is an understatement. he had also had a crush on you for years and wasn't in any better position.
- the closet was small and the two of you sat across from each other on the floor, your knees just barely brushing up against the others.
- theo had a watch on his left wrist he kept continuously checking, because why would he want to be stuck in a closet with you?
- you looked away from him into the darkness of the closet when you heard him speak softly, "we don't have to do anything, we can just talk."
- "about?"
- he didn't want his feelings to come out like this but when else would he get to be alone with you like this?
- "i have something to say,"
- you braced yourself for the worst. "i don't want to just sit here, y/n. because i really really like you, and have for a while now."
- oh wow. you did not expect that one.
- you lean in closer to him, pressing your lips against his. safe to say the both of you were satisfied.
✰ lorenzo berkshire
- he honestly would just come right out and tell you whenever he felt it was right
- he had been pining over you for two years and never found the right time to tell you. you were either all in a group or just never alone together in a place where he felt it was right.
- he'd rejected the advances of half of the school for two years waiting for you. no matter what he did, it just seemed like you weren't interested, which couldn't be farther from the truth.
- one night the two of you were smoking atop the astronomy tower, alone. the scene felt intimate and enzo knew it was the right time to tell you.
- he looked over to you blowing smoke out, the wind brushing through your hair, "you're so beautiful," he whispered towards you.
- you rolled your eyes at him, "enzo, stop, you don't mean that." Enzo is a flirty person, he's constantly saying things he doesn't mean to people all over campus
- "i do,"
- "enzo-"
- "baby. of course i mean it, why do you think i haven't been with anyone for the past two years? because i want you. every part of you,"
- he left you speechless
- "so if you would please give me a chance and let me kiss you, i could show you what you mean to me,"
- the kiss was electric and god, he really showed you what your meant to him.
✰ blaise zabini
- he would say something previously about liking you, but you thought he had been joking so you didn't respond with anything except a laugh
- for the next couple days he avoided you at all costs.
- he didn't say anything else until you cornered him forced it out of him.
- "why have you been avoiding me?"
- "right, like you'd want to see me,"
- "what are you talking about?"
- "i confessed my feelings to you and you laughed at me! like you actually laughed me!"
- what? when did he..? and then that's when it hit you.
-"you were serious? blaise i thought you were joking,"
- "why would i be joking, y/n? you're quite literally perfect and all consuming and any guy would be lucky to have you, i just thought i'd be that lucky guy, but then you laughed and i-"
- you cut him off with a kiss, there was nothing you hated more than miscommunication and making your friends feel less than they were. but the way blaise expressed his feelings to you, you could jump his bones right there in the common room.
✰ draco malfoy
- he would not be ready to tell you when it slipped out. you, him, and blaise were sitting together at the three broomsticks.
- it was a normal hang out that the three of you had. you started these a couple months ago when you needed a study break, and it because a monthly encounter - during these months draco had developed a small crush on you - blaise was the only one who knew.
- you were sitting beside draco, blaise across from you. the two of them held a joking banter, talking about who knows what, when you heard you name.
- "i'm not the one that's in love with y/n!"
- everyone froze. blaise's eyes widened and draco's face had turned a blushed pink. you were just confused.
- "i'm going to go refill my butter beer," blaise stood abruptly, leaving you with draco.
- draco turned to you, "listen, i'm not in love with you, i just like you, i guess, like really like you, and i didn't want to tell you because we've only been hanging out for a little while and-" he rambled on and on.
- "draco stop," he looked up at you partially afraid, "i like you too, and i'd love to go out with you, if you'd want to?"
- "yeah, yeah, i'd like that a lot,"
- "good," you scooted closer to him and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek and laying your head on his shoulder.
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amara-scott · 8 months
Imagine Mattheo and Theodore fighting over you constantly.
P.1 // HERE
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“It’s true, isn’t it?” My head snaps around, Theo’s sad eyes glossy. He looks down, stepping closer and stops a foot from me. His eyes wandering back up, like he’s taking one last good look at me. Taking me in.
“It’s always been him.” He continues.
“It’s always been him.” Theo's words are buzzing around in my head now and then. Every time I try to study, eat, sleep.
A few days have passed and my head still keeps me awake most nights. During classes, I tried to focus on what the professors were saying- but failed miserably.
Pansy tried to get through to me, sitting beside me during every meal and while I studied in the library. Just like right now. My eyes are fixed on the upper level, where it happened. I have to think back to Matt's eyes. The way his face dropped. The face I haven't seen in a while and catch myself missing deeply.
He has ignored me ever since. Theo at least tried to get over the fact that I discovered what they were fighting about all the time. He even sent me a small smile during lunch today. But one that didn't fully reach his eyes.
"-We could go to Hogsmeade, get some fresh air?" I blink back into reality and sigh, closing my book. I shrug, sitting back in the chair and chew on my bottom lip.
"I'll take that as a yes." She stuffs our books into her bag and stands up, pulling me after her by my hand. Back in our dorm room, we got dressed and cosy up, today was a chilly October day. I buttoned up the last few buttons on my coat. We walk up the stairs, down the hall and out of the castle. All in peace. No annoying Draco in sight. No Blaise pulling a prank. No Matt hexing a first year.
"Listen, Y/N –" I look up and try not to roll my eyes, knowing what will come next. "– hey! Don't do that. I don't get a kick out of this either, okay?" I glance over and nod. She hooks her arm with mine as we walk on the path to Hogsmeade.
"I know, sorry. It's just – I'm so tired." I wipe my eye, probably smudging my mascara, but I don't care enough to fix it.
"Trust me, I know. You lay awake and toss and turn a lot lately." She sends me a small smile and I huff a laugh, nudging my shoulder with hers.
"Do you think it would help if I talked to Matt?" She asks and I frown, shaking my head.
"I don't want him to think I don't care enough to go up to him." She nods.
"I get it."
The rest of the way we talk about everything but him. But my mind is clouded with every moment we ever shared. I try to find out if I missed the hints. Missed a note he might have sent me. Overheard a sentence he breathed out. Or maybe misinterpreted an invitation to a party.
"Butterbeer?" I glance over at Pansy and nod, smiling as we enter the warm and welcoming Three Broomsticks. It's not too crowded. We walk a bit further to get a good seat in a booth. I sit by the window and take off my wool coat, rubbing my bare hands together. Pansy sits down across from me after ordering a few butterbeers for us.
"So, what do –"
"– Pansy! Y/N! –" Our heads go over to the voice, Enzo stumbles over, Theo and Draco trailing behind him. They were coming down from the second floor. Enzo falls into place beside Pansy and hugs her, making her squeal and I have to laugh at the view, they definitely have had a few butterbeers. Punched ones. Or maybe a different kind of substance. Draco rolls his eyes and greets us too. My eyes meet Theo's as he stuffs his hands into his pockets, glancing at the spot next to me. I patt the cushion and he looks up, raising a brow.
"Either you sit down now or I will." Draco says and frowns at him. Theo quickly slides in next to me and Draco pulls up a chair, sitting at the head of the table.
I look at my hands in my lap, playing with the ring on my pointy finger. I listen to Enzo's conversation with Pansy. Draco throws in a comment here and there. When Theo's knee bumps against mine, I look up at him. "Sorry." He mumbles, running his fingers through his hair. "How – how are you doing? Haven't seen you around a lot lately." He asks and I sigh, shrugging.
"Well, not too good." I admit and he nods, looking down at his hands, also playing with his fingers. "I'm sorry." He adds, looking back at me.
"For pressuring you. I feel like an idiot." He shakes his head to himself and smiles, waiting for my reaction.
"No! No – you don't have to apologize." I say and glance over to the door as it opens, holding my breath. A few more Hogwarts students come inside with red cheeks and thick clothing.
"He's not coming tonight." I meet Enzo's eyes and gulp. "Matt's been ignoring us all." He mumbles.
"It's all my fault."
"No, love – don't say that! He's a bloody, stupid git for acting that way." I raise my brows at Enzo's outburst and see Pansy covering her lips, holding back a grin. Draco chuckles and Theo joins in.
"He should have manned up way long ago and none of this would have happened."
Draco nods, rolling his eyes. "His constant blabbering about you irritated me to no end. No offence, Y/N." He talked about me? What did he say?
"Oh no." I glance at Theo and follow his line of sight. Matt. With – a girl? Is he for real? Who even is that?
"He's such a dimwit." Enzo mumbles, turning on the couch to get a better look at him. Matt and his friend haven't seen us yet, but I had enough. I feel like walking up to him right now and shaking him by his shoulders until he could think straight again.
I didn't notice my balled up fist until Theo takes my hand in his and I look up, still fuming. Matt and her sit not far from us, sharing a couch. His eyes meet mine.
"He's a fool, you know that." I huff at Theo's statement but nod. "Oh, believe me, I know." I mutter. Matt leans over to the girl, talking into her neck and making her giggle. I clench my jaw and force my eyes away. He's dead to me. Who in their right mind would do that?
I try to focus on the outdoors. Or my mug. Nothing really distracting me.
"Hey everyone." The utter audacity. Matt and his date stand next to a sitting Draco, looking at everyone. My eyes stay fixed on my empty glass. Everyone greets back. From the corner of my eye I see Matt laying his arm around her.
"Well, we don't want to intrude any further –" The girl says but Pansy slams down her mug, looking up at her.
"– you don't! This is quite entertaining, really. Why don't you take a seat? We can all make some room." I glare at her but she still smirks at Matt. A deathly smile. And we actually make room for them. Matt next to Theo and the girl next to Enzo. Well, this isn't awkward.
"I'd love to take a picture right now." Pansy adds and I roll my eyes, looking out the window again and biting my inner cheek. Draco and Matt start talking about Quidditch training as Enzo and Pansy fall back into conversation about Merlin knows what.
"What's your name." I can't hold back any longer and look at her. Only now taking her in. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a button nose. A blue tie around her neck. So Matt's into Ravenclaws now?
"Julie. And you? You're Y/N, right? Matt hasn't mentioned you yet but I guess rumor has it you're into him." I am now gripping my wand below the table tightly, thinking about all the ways I could curse her, what kind of potion I could pour into her morning tea or if chasing her into the forbidden forest would be enough.
"Oh, me? Quite passionately, actually. He is the man any woman would want, you want to know why?" I ask her, ready to burst. Theo sighs, muttering my name warningly, which I ignore. Julie frowns at me, looking uneasy, shifting in her seat.
"He's egoistical, he would never put you first. He plays with you – and your feelings – not caring about any consequences because, well, quite frankly they don't typically affect him. And the best part is, once he is ready to admit his feelings, he simply ignores you, having you toss and turn at night until you go mad. Sounds pretty good to me." I shrug and lean back with a tight smile, focusing on my glass again.
"Anyone else need another drink? I certainly do." I mumble at the end and stand up, taking my glass and climbing over the back of the couch. As I pass behind Julie, I send Pansy a look of disgust. She shakes her beaming head at me, looking like a proud mom.
At the bar I take a deep breath, slowly feeling my heart sinking and reality kicking in. That he is all that what I described him as. But also the one who made me feel special and loved. Cared about. I press my teeth together as I feel a wave of utter despair hit me. I gesture to my empty mug as a bartender sees me. I tap my finger on the wooden bar top, debating if walking back to the table would be a good idea.
"Ouch." I glance over to him as he sits down next to me, sliding the mug forward. He sighs, leaning his crossed arms onto the counter top.
"Fuck off, Riddle." I turn my head, not wanting to take any of him in. Not his messy chocolate brown curls. Neither the dark circles under his eyes.
"I know, I deserved that." I nod at his statement.
"Would you look at me?" I glare at him, placing a hand on my hip.
"And now? What do you want, Riddle." He rolls his eyes, turning in his seat to face me.
"Yes, seriously, I couldn't think of a single thing you would want from me right now." I get out and sound as harsh as I wanted to.
"Hey, everything okay over here?" The bartender asks, placing two filled mugs in front of us. We both look at him.
"Yes!" "Yes!"
We say in union, the guy raises his hands in defense and walks off. I turn back to Matt once more.
"I want to know why you're such a bitch to me." He says, his eyes boring into me as I let his words sink in. My mouth opening in shock.
"What?" I ask in disbelieve, daring him to repeat himself.
He stands up, stepping closer. I get up too and have to tilt my head but don't blink once as he towers over me. His fists by his sides and my hand hovering above my wand. Breath shallow.
"You heard me. "
I pull my tingling hand back, still glaring up at him. His face is still turned to the side, one of his hands covering his cheek as he looks at me again.
"How dare you call me that, you ignorant –" I hit his chest.
"– thickheaded, –" Another hit.
"– senseless, –" Another one. He let me continue for a few more words until I was a crying mess and he held my hand that got weaker with every hit.
"You done yet, love?" He asks, a small smile on his lips. I frown, blinking a couple times to clear my vision.
"I don't think I will ever be." I mutter and he grins, looking down at the ground and slowly back up at me. The warm lights turning his eyes almost golden.
"I don't want you to." He mumbles and leans his head lower, my breath is quick but I can't even think of another word before his lips meet mine.
His arms grow around me like veins, pulling me closer to his chest and deepening the kiss. I tangle my hands into his hair, my stomach buzzing with an annoyingly sweet feeling. He smells so good.
As we part, I catch my breath, glancing at his slightly parted, puffy lips.
"You did that on purpose?" I ask, referring to the girl. He can't hold back a grin and nods.
"I'm sorry, I just had to know for sure if – you really wanted me the way I need you." I roll my eyes weakly, sighing.
"Your boy."
Tags for Mattheo's Endling:
@bbysebbystan @leona-hawthorne @vaseoftulips @readingthingsonhere @bluee-23 @elowynev @zoeonsaturn
— Theo's Ending is coming soon 🖤
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yourmidnightlover · 2 years
Xavier x Reader piece where reader saw Bianca leaving Xavier’s dorm and assumes they’re back together after Xavier & reader would flirt here and there. Reader begins to ignore him and he’s confused as to why… idk could be cute, could be smutty just a random thought
pairing: xavier thorpe x fem!reader
summary: reader noticed xavier pulling away and tried to talk to him about it when she sees bianca barclay leaving his room looking more than satisfied.
warning: !not proofread! read the request ig, i also did add smut, oral (fem receiving), unprotected piv, VERY soft sex bc i’m a softy myself :)
a/n: i tried to follow the request as much as possible, and i hope i did it justice! i’m also so so sorry for the tardiness of the post, even though there isn’t a specific deadline or anything. i’m working my way through my requests and my series! i want to make sure everything has at least a half decent plot <3
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you weren’t stupid. you had heard the rumors. those rumors being that xavier and bianca were back together.
now, you had also thought that wasn’t true. you and xavier had hung out on many, many occasions, going as far as you you ending up on his lap during a heated make out session. so, maybe you just assumed it wasn’t true.
but it was more than flirting and kissing with you. it was conversations about constellations and religion. it was cuddling until 1 am in his room because you didn’t want to be apart from each other. it was falling asleep on the phone for a few days when weems nearly caught you. it was more.
or was it all in your head?
it had been nearly 9 months since xavier and bianca had broken up. he seemed content with the breakup, mostly unaffected by it aside from his trust issues spiking like no other.
bianca, on the other hand, seemed furious. maybe about the breakup, maybe about seeing you with him. either way, she was mad and it seemed to involve xavier.
the past few weeks he had seemed distant. he wouldn’t call you as much. there were significantly less cuddle sessions. he wouldn’t kiss you as often. you know he doesn’t technically need to do those things. it’s not a requirement, you aren’t in a relationship or anything, but you missed it like no other.
so, when you were headed to his room to talk about everything and saw bianca leaving his room, you hid behind a pillar before she saw you. but you saw her. you saw her with that smirky smile on her face.
you basically knew what that meant. now, you knew why he was being so distant. bianca and xavier were probably going to get back together. he was going to leave you in the dust.
like any logical person, you decided that instead of letting him abruptly cut you out of his life, you would cut him out first.
this world is a kill or be killed, hurt or be hurt world. you were already hurt, but you definitely didn’t want to end up dead. yet.
“hey, y/n,” he called to you in the hallway as you were walking to your next class that you happened to have with him. “y/n,” he jogged to catch up with you. you didn’t even look his way. “hey, so i was wondering what you were doing later on today?” his shoulder nudged your own, and you could hear the smile in his voice. “y/n?”
you continued to walk to class, not even bothering to look up at the gorgeous smile that you were sure was beginning to fade. you sat in the back of the class, where there was no seat beside you, instead of sitting in your rightful seat beside xavier.
the one time you mustered up the courage to look at him during class, he had this puzzled look on his face as he was doodling something he would normally show you once he was done.
“hey,” enid sat beside you in your next class with a worried tone. “ajax and i were talking, and he said that xavier is confused about you. well, more confused about why you’ve been ignoring him? and i know it’s not really any of my business, but i was just wondering if you were okay? because you can always talk to me no matter what! off the record, too!”
“enid,” you smiled as she looked at you expectedly. “i’m okay… or, i’ll be okay. i just realized some things and now i’m dealing with the repercussions the best i know how. but if it ever becomes too much, i know who to come to,” she smiled as you did the same before running back to her desk beside ajax.
you knew she cared about you. but you also knew that she cannot keep her mouth shut. you love that about her, but it also means you have to be careful what you tell her. you know you made the right decision as you hear her loudly whisper:
“she said she’s okay and that she realized some things, but i dunno, jax! i guess she might need some space?”
you chuckled to yourself as the teacher began the lesson. she was a lovely girl, only doing what she thought was best for her friends.
the next day, it happened at dinner.
you had avoided his table at all costs, not even glancing at him as you saw him trying to wave you down out of the corner of your eye. you sat down at an empty table near the trash cans, one that nobody really wanted to even sit at and began eating quickly so you could leave.
your lunch was cut short when he plopped down beside you. you waited a few seconds, ignoring whatever came out of his mouth before standing. you muttered a small, ‘not that hungry,’ before tossing your food in the trash and making your way to your room.
“y/n,” he was rapidly knocking on your door. “y/n, let me in! i don’t know what’s going on but you have got to stop ignoring me,” there was a moment of silence where you contemplated opening the door, but all you could see was the look on bianca’s face showing you all you needed to know. “please open the door.”
it was when you heard footsteps walking away that you let the tears that you didn’t know were building fall freely. hunched over at your desk, sobbing into your hands, you let yourself truly feel what you had pushed down for days.
you truly fell for this guy over the past few months of knowing him. while you hated not talking to him, you knew it would hurt more if you let yourself stay attached only for him to break things off sooner rather than later.
it had been maybe fifteen minutes if you letting yourself sob into your hands when you heard a rapping at your window. you turned to see xavier, standing outside with his hands shoved in his pockets as he shivered in the cold.
“please, let me in, y/n,” his eyes were pleading with you. you never should’ve met them. “let me in.”
with a huff, you walked to the window and unlocked it, grabbing onto his arm to help guide him in. in all of the time you had been hanging out, he had never been so desperate as to climb up the fire escape to see you.
“what the hell, thorpe?” you scolded him, knowing he hated when you called him by his last name. “you’re an idiot.”
“yea, i might be an idiot,” he nodded as he sighed, adjusting to the warmer environment in spite of how cold you had been to him. “but i’m not the one that’s been ignoring my best friend for days.”
“you’re kidding, right?” you scoffed as you went to sit down on the edge of your bed. “i wasn’t sure you’d even notice, let alone care.”
“why the hell would i not care?” he threw his hands up in defeat as he began pacing back and forth in front of you. “god, do you not get that i care about you? you’re my best friend. of course i’ll notice and care when you ice me out!”
“you did it first!” you pointed your finger accusingly at him before taking a deep breath. “you stopped hanging out with me. you would barely come over. you barely even… god i sound like a moron.”
“i barely even what?” he froze at looked longingly at you as he awaited your answer.
“you barely even kiss me anymore,” you opted to avoid his gaze by finding interest in your own hands. “and i was going to talk to you about it a few nights ago when i saw bianca walking out of your dorm. and believe me, she looked more than satisfied so don’t worry about your own performance.”
“is that…” he was lost in thought before something clicked in his head. “you thought that her and i…” his brows rose insinuatingly.
“of course, i did!” you felt the tears well in your eyes again. “and i felt… i felt stupid. and i felt used. and then it made sense, why you stopped talking to me as much and why you were distancing yourself. it clicked. because you want to get back together with her.”
“y/n, i-“
“let me finish!” you snapped. “you owe me that much. you could’ve at least told me! you could’ve told me we weren’t going anywhere before i fucking fell for you! god, i don’t know if it was a game for you to see how many ‘bitches’ you could pull or what, but i don’t-“
his lips were on your own. his hands were cupping your face and his lips were kissing you passionately. your hands went to his wrists, almost to keep him there before you remembered why he had to kiss you to shut up.
“i love you,” he pressed his forehead against your own with a sorry look on his face. “she’s been trying to get back at me since the breakup. then, she noticed how i much i cared about you. she figured out how i felt and told me to stop doing… what we were doing or she would tell you. i didn’t think you’d feel the same way. i thought you would be freaked out by the fact that i was in love with you. i’m so, so sorry.”
you lightly pressed your lips to his, only for a short moment. “you could’ve told me, xay.”
“i’m realizing that now,” he smiled softly. “let me make it up to you?”
you nodded your head, “and how did you plan on doing that?”
“well,” he lifted you up by your ass, gently scooting you up on your bed. “before she blackmailed me, i was being distant because i was planning something very, very nice for you,” he began kissing down your neck, his hands now trailing up and down your body leaving goosebumps in their wake. “something romantic,” he sucked harshly on the spot that drove you crazy before one hand shot to his hair, the other going to his shoulder to draw him closer. “something a bit nicer for what i really, really want to do with you,” he emphasized with a gentle bite to your earlobe. “to you,” you moaned at that one, grinding up on his thigh that was between your legs.
“xavier,” you whimpered. “i want you… please?” he pressed his leg further into your core leading to you throwing your head back, giving him more of your neck to work with.
“let me take my time,” he worked his hands underneath your shirt, looking up at you for permission before you helped him throw it over your head. you tugged at his own shirt with a smirk.
“mmkay,” you nodded as he kissed up your stomach, sucking and nibbling on your skin to mark you more than he already had. “missed you so much, xay. missed you so much.”
“me too, love,” you lifted your chest as he unclasped your bra. “i missed you too,” once he disregarded the bra, he began to eagerly suckle on one of your breasts. he carefully teased the nipple with his tongue, letting his hand massage the neglected one, his fingers gently pinching your nipples just the same.
“please,” you continued to hump his thigh eagerly as he continued to switch his actions to the alternate breast. “please do more?”
“whatever you want,” he smiled before pulling at the waistband of your skirt. you lifted your hips to help him pull both the skirt and underwear down your legs. “so fucking perfect. and all mine,” his fingers danced around your pelvis before he got of the bed, putting your thighs over his shoulders to drag you to the edge, a laugh leaving your mouth.
“all yours, xay,” you smiled as he began to toy with the bundle of nerves at your center. “oh my god. that feels so… so good,” your hand was now playing with his hair, the other grasping his shoulder tightly. “i think you should know,” you huffed out a breath as his lips wrapped around your center. “oh fuck. shit, please keep going,” he let a finger slowly enter your center. “oh my god.”
“are you sure?” he momentarily stopped before you guided his head back to your center, nodding eagerly as your head swung back once more.
“i’m so fucking sure,” his tongue was gently massaging your clit excellently. with each tug and take your fingers did to his hair, another moan left his mouth. the vibrations worked their way through your entire body, making you feel everything.
“god, i can’t believe we’ve never done this. i think-oh fuck-i think i’m close. please don’t stop!” your thighs began to clamp over his head as your hips rutted against his mouth. “xavier! holy shit,” you had to pull him away by his shoulders.
“you like?” he chuckled as he pressed his lips to your own. he felt you continue to grind against his leg before you pressed your hand against his bulge to massage it. “y/n,” his forehead dropped to your own.
“i wanna do this with you,” your free hand went to cup his cheek. “only if you want to, of course. but you have my full, enthusiastic consent for all of it,” it was your smile that convinced him.
“i don’t-i don’t have any-“
“just don’t use one,” you pleaded. “i’ve been on the shot for a little over a year and i’m clean…”
“have i told you how much i love you?” he groaned before you worked your hand under his pants, pulling his hard dick out and stroking it a few times before he kicked his pants off. you lined it up with your center. “i’m gonna go slow, okay?”
“mmkay,” you nodded. “just… please?” he pushed his tip in, leaving your jaw dropped from the intrusion.
your arms went underneath his arms that were beside your head to hold him up, wrapping around his shoulders. you whimpered with each inch he pushed inside of you, your nails digging into his skin.
“jesus christ, you’re so tight,” he groaned as he bottomed out inside of you. “holy fuck.”
“uh huh,” you nodded. “feels like… your in my stomach,” your whines were filling his ears. “please move? please?”
his hips began to piston in and out of you. with each thrust, a symphony of moans we’re pulled from your throat. he pulled back to look at you lovingly, letting one of his hands cup your face before he pressed a kiss to your lips. he used this distraction to pick up the pace.
the sounds of his hips hitting your thighs began to resonate throughout your single, your moans only getting louder as you breathed in each others’ air.
he brought the hand that was cupping your face down to your clit, knowing he wouldn’t last much longer. with the way your pussy began to pulsate around his cock, he knew he was close to the edge.
“y/n,” he huffed out, his forehead resting against your own as you nodded.
“i know,” you held onto his arms. “me too. just-just do it inside, please? cum inside of me?”
“yea, yes,” he pressed his lips to yours once more before watching as you fell apart on his cock. your head was thrown back, but your eyes remained on his as he joined you in his own ecstasy.
“oh my god,” you held him closely as your bodies came down from the high. his hands cradled your body tenderly once you were both safely on the ground.
“oh my god is right,” he chuckled as he carefully pulled out, laughing a bit more as you winced from the sensitivity. he got up and went to your bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and dampening it so he could wiped up the mess between your thighs.
“i really do love you,” you smiled up at him as he pulled his shirt over your head. “like a lot,” you both smiled.
“i think you also really love how i made you cum, pretty girl,” a hot blush crawled up your cheeks. “you realize you were just naked underneath me, right?”
“yes!” you shrieked out. “i know that… it’s just-i don’t know. i get-i have the right to be vulnerable after having sex!”
“i know you do,” he smiled as he pulled on his pants, crawling into bed beside you before you opted to simply lay on top of him. “i’m just teasing,” he pressed a kiss to your hairline.
“meanie head,” you grumbled into his bare chest, his warm skin never feeling more comforted by anything.
“you weren’t saying that whe- ow!” you pinched his nipple and began to laugh at his whining. “what the hell?”
“stop teasing,” you said smugly. he could feel your smile against his skin.
“after that?” he scoffed. “i’ve learned my lesson,” he hugged you tighter as you littered light kisses to his chest.
“goodnight, xavier,” you let your chin rest on his chest so you could look at him with the cheesiest grin that’s ever existed.
“i love you,” he replied, pressing a kiss to your lips once more before you laid back down on him.
you fell asleep to the beat of his heart calming your own. he fell asleep to the lull of your soft breath. you both woke up with the warm embrace of your love for the other, which is how it would be from then on out.
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tojisbbg · 9 months
𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨
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❝secrets i have held in my heart, are harder to hide than i thought; maybe i just wanna be yours.❞  
♡ gojo satoru ♡
a/n: writing another gojo smut since the last one i wrote of him flopped. 😞💔
reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated <3
(also, a lot of you have been dming me and it's honestly so sweet, shoot me a message anytime :D)
content: gojo satoru x fem!reader, reader is extremely horny lol (hypersexual??), sassy gojo (he's a little dick sometimes), fluff, smut, best friends to lovers, not edited.
"well, you look like shit." gojo snorted, entering your dorm room as you woke up from your short-lived night's sleep. you let out a yawn, doing that weird whole body shaking thing before sitting up; rubbing your eyes to see your best friend more clearly.
he looked equally worse as you, dark eye bags, chapped lips, arms crossed over his chest along with a scowl painted on his lips.
"thanks, you don't look any less shitty yourself." you snickered, leaning against the headboard as you watched him roll his eyes before making his way towards your bed; sitting on the edge.
"i wonder why." the white haired male grumbled, a small glare thrown at your direction.
"hmm? i don't know what you're talking about." you innocently batted your eyes, making him narrow his eyes.
"i would've been done studying by two in the morning if you would've stopped blowing up my phone every two seconds about how roughly fucking me would help you memorize the formulas better." gojo complained, making you bite back a laugh.
"well, you could've just go on dnd or block me." you shrugged, indirectly calling him a dumbass.
"you threatened to kill yourself if i did that."
"anyways, what time did you stop studying and hit the lights?" gojo changed the topic, examining your tired face.
"i don't know, i think five-thirty?" you tried to think hard, but, recently all these nights where you pulled all-nighters have been a blur.
"not bad, i slept around that time too." he sighed, rubbing his temples while wincing in pain.
"hurts?" you asked, hearing him hum in response.
"yeah, i took painkillers before getting here but it's not really helping." gojo groaned before looking at you through half-lidded eyes, his words making you pout.
"well, i can't really help you with that. but, i can offer you some mind-blowing head instead." a smirk tugged on your lips as you threw a wink at him, making gojo look at you with an unamused look.
"this fucking early in the morning too? god, it's barely seven in the morning." he stared at you in disbelief, making you chuckle.
"jeez, i'm kidding. no need to act like you got a stick up your ass all the time." you stretched, while gojo scrolled on his phone through social media along with his emails.
"you gonna do final revisions on the way to campus?" he asked you with curious eyes, making you let out a hysteric laugh.
"fuck no, i stayed up till five something reading and writing notes until my fingers went numb. i couldn't even fuck myself to sleep because of the pain." you casually answered, making gojo's nose scrunch up in distaste.
"fucking hell, y/n, you're filthy." gojo commented, making you laugh before you crawled towards him, sitting on his lap as you pinched his cheeks.
"but you love me." you cooed, squishing his cheeks into a pout as he let you. gojo's arms instinctively were wrapped around your waist to make sure that you don't fall and crack your head open.
"unfortunately." he sighed.
this is how it has always been for you and gojo, his inevitable torture starting from when you both were in diapers. both of your families were extremely close, your mother being high school besties with his mom.
of course, both women decided to continue this legacy by making sure that their children grew up together. so, you've been stuck to gojo by the hip.
gojo's family was extremely wealthy, like filthy rich. his father owned one of the biggest company in all of japan. your parents, however, owned a humble sushi place in kyoto.
nonetheless, gojo never looked down on you or treated you like you were some ant that could be stepped on. he was like your protective shadow, scolding you when you acted out, being there to comfort you when you were down or struggling, and he dealt with all your stupid jokes.
as you both grew older, puberty hit like a truck.
no, not even a truck; like a fucking tsunami.
your body matured and your hormones went absolutely wild. you don't know what the hell happened, but you craved for sexual pleasure so often. after discovering the magic of masturbation, you did the act almost religiously.
your jokes were pure filth, full of suggestive language. it was like the only thing that circled your mind was dick, dick, dick, sex, sex, cum, cum.
no, quite literally.
you were horny almost 24/7 for some unknown reason.
oh, and you were still a virgin. yeah, shocking.
your situation wasn't helped after realizing how fucking hot your best friend became either. gojo began to hit the gym, basically turning into a gym rat in high school as you accompanied him after school every day before heading home together. he became beefy and so fucking tall, nearly 6'4ft.
no wonder why girls in high school chased him like he was the jackpot. well, they still do now that you both attended college.
though he was a pretty face, gojo was smart as hell. well, the both of you are; it was kinda like a mutual academic rivalry you both had. of course, it was all for shits and giggles.
he was a math nerd, meanwhile, you hated the subject with a burning passion. you liked english better, as your reading and writing skills were beyond talented. so, you and gojo made a fair deal, he'd help you with your math homework while you'd help him with english.
sometimes you both would do each others homework when it was time to cram study for other subjects. the subject you both have a common liking towards was science.
people sometimes mistakenly thought that you and the snow haired male were a couple. the truth is, you both were just super close best friends. gojo got used to your dirty jokes and remarks, no longer affected by them, as it was like common language for him now.
"can you eat the damn banana like a normal person for once?"
"why? you wish i was deepthroating the banana in your pants instead?"
"y/n, which outfit looks better? the first or second one?"
"neither, stay naked and let me smash, pleaseee."
"oh my god!! you look so handsome satoru, i'm literally gonna cum on your face."
"look at you wearing that tight black compression shirt, you slut!"
"put on a shirt and cover those tits before i suck them, toru!"
"y/n, i'm at that one plushie store downtown and there's like a bunch of sanrio shit. imma get that one hello kitty headband you were looking last night for you."
"oh my god?? hello, what the fuck, i'm literally gonna let you say hello to my kitty, toru. ugh, i love you so much."
"do you need help on doing your sit-ups? i could hold your legs down."
"yeah, but don't come too close or else my pussy is gonna start pulsating your name in morse code."
"i don't know what to get you for christmas, y/n."
"how about you lathered up in coconut oil and wrapped in a cute pink coqutte bow under my tree?"
"you horny fuck, oh my god."
"you idiot! i don't care if they taste bad, i told you to suck on those cough drops to help you soothe your throat."
"but i'd rather suck your balls, satoru."
"for the love of god, seek therapy."
"sex therapy with you?"
"you gonna stay on me forever or get ready for class before we're late for our last final exam?" gojo playfully pinched your side, making you yelp as you rubbed the site.
"jerk, i was thinking about how this is the perfect position for me to cockwarm you." you said, earning a flick to the forehead.
"you got ten minutes or i'm leaving you." gojo ignored your whines, standing up with you still clung onto him like a koala.
"satoruuu, i don't wanna go! they're gonna brutally torture me for the next hour based on organic chemistry." you dramatically cried into the crook of his neck.
"the school is gonna kick us out if we don't take this exam, y/n. it's worth like sixty-five percent of our final semester grade. besides, we both studied hard for this. you'll be okay." he rubbed your back comfortingly, making you pull away with a huff.
"you have enough money to buy the entire university, satoru."
"my dad is gonna burn me alive, y/n."
"okay, fine! i have a better solution. how about we start an onlyfans? you know, we both could occasionally do solos or you know... fuck each other too! like-"
"satoru!! hear me out." you tried to reason, but gojo knew it was all bluffing and you just wanted to stall. so, he forced you down from his hold, making you stand on your feet as you looked at him with a glare.
"ten minutes, you big baby." gojo said before leaving your room.
it felt like you just survived a war, coming back home with nothing but trauma written all over your face.
what the fuck was that exam?
all those hours of studying this entire week, sleepless nights, missing meals... all gone to waste?
you punched in your lock combination on the small keypad outside your dorm room, hearing the small beep as the door unlocked. with a twist of the knob, you opened the door and entered. you saw the familiar pair of shoes by your door, not paying much mind to it as you kicked your own shoes off to the side.
you saw gojo leisurely laying on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through his phone.
"when did you get here? the exam didn't start until eight." you asked, your voice barely audible from how exhausted you were, physically and mentally.
"like fifteen minutes ago. my proctor started the exam like twenty minutes early by accident, since the clock in that room was broken." he explained, making you nod your head as you walked to the couch.
you tapped his long legs, ushering him to bend them so that you had space to sit. a moment of silence graced the atmosphere, neither of you uttering a single word.
"it was shit." you both blurted out at the same time, looking at each other with equal shock.
"you too?!"
"fuck yeah. i mean like, what kind of formulas were those?!"
"i know right?? it was like another language, completely different from the review packets."
"man, i should've just given up and fucked myself to sleep. at least, i'd get some good sleep."
"bro, you and fucking yourself. one night without having your fingers inside your pussy won't kill you." gojo sat up, shaking his head in disbelief that your concern was something so ridiculous.
"uh, yeah it will since you're clearly depriving me of your dick." you retorted, making him roll his eyes.
"whatever. what are you gonna do now?" he asked, leaning towards the small table to grab his water bottle, opening it to take a sip.
"have rough kinky sex with you." the words casually flew out of your mouth, catching the snowy haired male off guard as he choked on his water.
"i'm being serious!" he said in between his coughs, watching your laugh at his reaction.
"i'm gonna sleep, what else, idiot? i need my brain to rest and recover from all that trauma. besides, we do this every time when it's finals season, satoru. you got amnesia or something?" you joked, patting his back to help him stop coughing.
"sorry, my brain is malfunctioning. my dorm or yours?" gojo asked after clearing his throat.
"since you're already here, let's sleep in mine. i'm gonna go change into something more comfortable. if you wanna change out of those, there's a spare pair of your sweats and t-shirt in my closet." you informed him, making him nod as you both got up and headed towards your bedroom. you grabbed your clothes and headed into the bathroom to freshen up and change into them, giving up your bedroom to have gojo change.
after finishing up, you walked back into your room, seeing gojo already inside your bed; looking like he was half dead. you snorted, walking over to the other side before placing yourself on the empty spot.
"don't hog the blanket, or else i'll kill you."
"no promises."
with that being said, you scooted closer to gojo, in need of feeling his body's warmth against you. it wasn't anything new, this was sort of a tradition you guys did after finals week was over. you both slept for hours together.
you threw your legs over his waist, tugging onto gojo's shirt as he laid down while facing the ceiling.
"hold me, 'toru." you mumbled, your movements slightly bringing him back to life. gojo groaned in annoyance, turning his body to now face you as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
"better?" he spoke into your hair, which was slightly tickling his nose. you nodded your head, your cheek pressed against his chest as you inhaled his scent.
gojo always smelled sweet with a mixture of expensive cologne.
a few minutes passed, and you could hear his heartbeat slowing down, indicating that he was falling asleep.
"hey, you awake?" you poked his cheek, making his eyebrows furrow.
"no." gojo murmured, eyes still closed.
"you know, satoru, if you jerk off before going to sleep then your sleep is gonna be like ten times better. science says it helps release stress and improves blood flow. if you want, i can jerk-"
"go to sleep, y/n." gojo sternly cut you off along with your wonderful visual of how you'd jerk him off, giving your thigh a light smack before resting his hand there. you let out a small whine, playfully biting his cheek.
you saw gojo's eyes scrunch, making you sigh.
"sorry." you mumbled to yourself, as gojo most likely didn't hear you since it seemed like he was already asleep. you pressed a small kiss on the spot you bit before snuggling into his neck. your arms and legs tightly wrapped around his body, fingers finding home between his snowy locks.
"it's okay." was the last thing you heard before you were no longer able to resist sleep.
gojo stirred in his sleep, mumbling incoherent words as he felt the constant buzzing noise vibrating on the bed. he painfully opened one eye, half-lidded, as he realized you were still tightly tucked way in his arms. you snored softly against his chest, lips pouted, making him tempted to kiss you.
the snow hair male tried to find the source of the buzzing sound, grabbing a hold of his phone only to see that his phone was dead. gojo's eyebrows furrowed in confusion 'cause then what the hell is it?
his eyes landed on your phone which was shoved under your back and gojo momentarily saw your screen flicker open. bingo! it was your phone that was annoyingly going off.
gojo grabbed your phone, deciding to silence it for you, even though you were passed out like you're dead; so you most likely didn't hear it anyways. but, he was a light sleeper and your stupid phone was keeping him awake.
as the screen flickered open again, gojo saw that you had well over a thousand notifications. his eyes widened, you were never the type to be social. of course, you weren't a loner or something of that sort; you had friends whom were also gojo's friends.
but, the both of you kept your friend groups small and restricted so avoid any unnecessary drama.
"tumblr?" gojo mumbled under his breath, knowing that it wasn't his place to snoop around. but, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous. the notifications were all indicating that people hearted a post you made along with commenting hearts and all that shit.
a weird feeling bubbled inside him, something in between the lines of possessiveness and anger.
so, he decided to investigate, knowing that it was wrong but he couldn't help himself. it was convenient that his face id was added onto your phone, just like how yours was added onto his. after unlocking your phone, he found the tumblr app.
at first, gojo thought it was a dating website as it sounded very familiar to tinder. but, he would soon be proven wrong as he saw a feed full of different blogs and writing.
gojo's curiosity ran wild, silently exploring the new waters he was introduced to. he clicked on your notifications list which was flooded with heart and comments.
not any comments, but horrendously down bad thirsty comments.
sanemiswh0re: ahhh author!! i'm literally running laps, this was so good!
localbbg: this was pure filth and i loved every word of it!
cherrytones: hello?? i need a toru in my life! a tear just ran down my thigh.
yourhotgf: bro wtf, white haired men 🔛🔝 of me!! toru with that big dick energy?? lord, i need him in me so bad.
gojo's eyes widened at the comments while he scrolled. toru? it's a silly little nickname you've been calling him ever since you were kids. since when did you write stories? and... they were about him too?
he clicked on one of the comments which led him to said story, making him smirk as the naughty photo used in the border was enough to give him an idea. gojo settled in bed comfortable, with you still wrapped around him, without a fucking clue of what that menace just found.
"jesus.." gojo breathed out in shock, reading the pure filth you wrote of him and the 'y/n' used in the story, but he assumed that she was based off of you. it was no use denying it, the male character toru resembled too much of his personality and the female character y/n resembled you a lot too.
he wasn't even halfway done yet, but it seemed like you wrote an entire hour long porn script. your writing was so descriptive, describing the sex scenes in such a pornographic yet sensual way. gojo would be lying if he said it didn't make his heart flutter and cock throb.
were your fantasies of him always this dirty?
did you always want to be manhandled by him? praised and teased? being slutted out? a mix of a gentle dom that was a little witty?
god, where did you hide all of this?
of course, you were never ashamed of your vulgar comments and jokes that you threw at him. but, gojo always brushed them off because he grew accustomed to it. however, this was completely new to him.
your smutty writing of him and you made him feel hot and bothered. he knew you were dirty, but not this dirty.
you began to wiggle in his arms, stirring awake as you made a few groaning sounds.
"hmm, time... toru." you groggily asked, eyes still shut as you waited for a response.
"it's 8:23." gojo replied, still not bothered to place your phone back to where he found it. instead, he continued to surf through your dashboard to which he found more of these smut of him.
"why are you awake so soon?" you yawned, cracking an eye open only to wince from the sudden light exposure.
"had a leg cramp." he lied, making you grimace.
"ouch, you should've waken me up then." you commented, your hand find his as you played with his really long and thick fingers. it was a habit to toy around with the rings that wrapped around them.
"you looked too peaceful to disturb. besides, i found something to read in order to kill time." gojo boldly said, making you hum in amusement.
"oh? and since when have you been a bookworm? please, do enlighten me." you teased, making him chuckle. a smirk etched onto his lips, trying to collect his words before attempting to send you into cardiac arrest.
"it's actually very interesting, i have to say. i never thought i'd be into erotic romance." he started out, and the very unexpected words leaving his mouth made your heart pound inside your chest.
he was reading that shit besides you and you had no clue?
"jeez, and you call me a horny dog?" you scoffed.
"well, maybe it's torusluvr who's the real horny dog." he dropped the bomb, making your heart stop it's usual cardiac rhythm as you heard your tumblr account's username. you shot awake from bed, eyes meeting his playful ones as the color drained from you face.
"what? how did you-" you were a stammering and confusing mess, searching for your phone until you looked at his hand.
"looking for this?" gojo waved your phone, the screen on full blast lighting and filled with words of nothing but sex.
"give me my phone back, satoru." you panicked, trying to grab your phone from his grasp. but, gojo's body structure was stronger, bulkier and taller than yours; so you struggled.
however, gojo took your struggle as a form of amusement. he noticed how your face was covered in a blush from being caught red-handed, movements so shaky and alarmed.
it was kind of cute.
"nuh uh." gojo suddenly tossed your phone to the side before grabbing both of your hands. a yelp escaped from your lips as you were pinned to the bed in mere seconds, gojo's body hovering above yours as he slotted himself between your legs.
you gulped nervously, your cheeks growing warmer as it suddenly felt too embarrassing to look at gojo in the eyes. you were a mere ant compared to his body, his stature standing at six feet four inches, and his body was beefy as hell yet so soft to the touch.
"does this turn you on, y/n? hm? being manhandled by someone who's twice your size." the white haired male teased, his husky voice due to his previous slumber sent heat waves to your cunt.
your words were cut short as gojo leaned closer to you, grinding his hard on against your throbbing cunt, making you gasp.
"satoru? what happened to toru?" he whispered, shoving his face into the crook of your neck, taking a minute to inhale the scent of your perfume which has been permanently engraved into his senses and brain.
"stop joking around, we're friends... best friends." you tried to reason, watching his eyes darken.
"oh? and do all best friends write porn worthy shit about each other?" gojo snickered, pressing soft kisses along your jaw. your throat went dry, words getting stuck.
"i guess we can't be best friends anymore 'cause i wanna recreate all that shit that i read— with you." a smirk tugged on his lips and before you could even process what the hell was about to go down, you let out a small whimper after feeling him bite down on your collarbone before peppering soft kisses on the abused skin afterwards.
"toru... please." you desperately begged, needing some kind of friction between you and him to relieve the ache between your thighs.
"i bet if i touch that cute little pussy of yours, my fingers are gonna come out glossy wet, yeah? should we test it out, y/n?" gojo continued to pester you with his teasing remarks, making you blush further at them as you were to embarrassed to have him find out about the wet patch that was created on your panties by now.
you shyly nodded but this wasn't enough for gojo to take for an answer. you felt a small pinch on the plush flesh of your thigh, making you wince.
"use your words, y/n. you didn't shy out when you were right all that stuff about me and you." he scoffed, making you whine in embarrassment.
"touch me, toru... i need to feel your fingers." your voice was meek, throat getting dry as you desperately bucked your hips upwards. gojo cocked an eyebrow, watching your body squirm underneath him in amusement.
"so needy." gojo laughed, rubbing your thighs before giving it a small squeeze. your body grew warm and your face flushed red from his touch. you've fantasized about this moment for so long and now it was finally happening.
gojo's fingers hooked on the waistband of your shorts about to pull them down until your hand came down to stop his movement. he was a little confused and felt a little guilty because he didn't know if he was moving too fast for you or made you uncomfortable.
"you okay?" gojo asked with genuine concern washed on his face. you bit down on your lips, averting your gaze from his.
"i'm not wearing any lace and my panties aren't even matching with my bra." you said in a little panicked voice. gojo was a handsome jerk and this most definitely wasn't his first time sleeping with someone.
you saw his hookups, they were always the prettiest of the prettiest girls. they looked like polished gems, wearing fancy feminine clothes in contrast with your hobo looking outfits, hair and nails were always done... they were like runway models.
you couldn't help but feel a little insecure. you knew that satoru was different, but that small part of you still felt like perhaps this was still some kind of cruel joke the universe was playing on you.
the books you read always gave the female lead a perfect body free of blemishes, wearing expensive and sexy matching undergarments and so much more.
while here you are with unmatched undergarments, a completely inexperienced virgin who only knew how to shamelessly masturbate to find relief while fantasizing about her best friend.
"hm? so what? they're coming off anyways, princess." gojo reasurred you with a soft smile, leaning in to press a soft kiss on your lips. without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around his neck, indulging in the sweet taste of his lips. he used the strawberry carmex lipbalm religiously.
the kiss was slightly messy, as you were still a little inexperienced in this area as well. you can't remember the last time you last made out with someone, so your teeth clashed with his here and there. but, gojo never complained, he drank in your mistakes and guided you with the fluid movement of his lips and tongue.
the white haired male gave your bottom lip a gentle bite, one of his hands grabbing your jaw to keep your head in place while his other hand pulled down your shorts. gojo threw the annoying article of clothing on the floor, pulling away as a string of saliva connected the both of you.
he looked down and if it was possible to get any harder than how hard he was right now, gojo thought he might've exploded already. you laid under him like a pretty gem, face flushed and your lips swollen as you panted a little from the breathless kiss. a small grin tugged on his lips, the hand grabbing onto your jaw now coming to stroke your cheek.
"just relax for me, princess. let me show you just how much better reality is than your little stories." gojo whispered, leaving open mouthed kisses on your jaw that were leading south until he was peppering kisses on your neck.
you decided to take a leap and pull your t-shirt off, catching gojo off-guard by your sudden eagerness. a genuine smile was forming on his lips at how adorable you looked. your cotton panties had a strawberry pattern on it with a tiny pink bow on the front and your bra was a solid blue color; both of which satoru is well familiar with as the two of you did your laundry together.
"stop staring." you embarrassingly pouted, making him let a raspy chuckle escape his lips.
"can't help it when my best friend is this cute." he teased, pinching your cheek which made you yelp.
"shut up and go back to what you were doing." you nagged, making him cock an eyebrow.
"oh? eager are we?" gojo hummed, skillful fingers whisking your bra off in a matter of seconds, your tits spilling out of the cups that held them. you averted your gaze from him after seeing how gojo's eyes widened, feeling your face grow hotter by the second.
"look at me, y/n."
"look at me."
"eat my ass."
"i will."
"satoru!" you gasped, finally looking at him as his response caught your attention. however, gojo didn't pay too much mind to it as brought a hand down to fondle your tits, watching how you bit your lips at the sudden squeeze.
"don't look away from me, baby. you're such a pretty girl, so let me admire you for a bit, yeah?" with that being said, gojo latched his lips onto on of your nipples, making you whimper.
"shit.." you moaned, feeling the tip of his tongue flicking the sensitive swollen bud. he peered up to meet your eyes, looking so fucking pretty even with a mouthful of your tits. his stupidly charming blue eyes staring into your half-lidded eyes. you brought to stroke his cheek as he continued to suckle on your nipple.
"pretty boy." you cooed, feeling his hand kneed the plush flesh of your thighs before giving it a little spank, making you squeal. being the tease he is, he gave your nipple a gentle bite before releasing the bud with a 'pop' sound.
"you wore my favorite panties." gojo complimented, making you scoff.
"stop saying that to make me feel better about my mix-matched undergarments." you rolled your eyes.
"you could think that my words are lies but it still won't change the fact that i jerked off with those same panties." he shamelessly shrugged after revealing such a dirty secret, making your mouth gape open.
"huh?!" you were at a loss for words, but, for some reason it made your pussy throb at the thought of your hot best friend masturbating to the thought of you.
even if he used your panties.
"mhm... now, let's put them to some use again." gojo pulled down his shorts along with his boxers, completely disposing them to the floor to meet with the rest of your clothes.
your eyes shamelessly came in contact with his cock and you couldn't help but harshly gulp. gojo was fucking hung, not lacking in any area. his dick had to be at least a good seven or eight inches long, a single vein running on the side of the shaft, with a pretty blush pink tip that was angrily leaking with precum.
"feel a little overwhelmed, princess?" gojo sensed your shock, and you truthfully nodded.
"y-yeah... i never-"
"wait, you're still a virgin, y/n?" he genuinely asked and you thinned your lips before nodding. gojo gasped, slapping a hand on his mouth.
"what the fuck? and you wrote all of that with no experience??" gojo was truly amazed as you shyed away from his eyes.
"it's okay if you don't wanna, you know." your throat went dry, a little disappointed that it would end this way.
"fuck you? of course i wanna fuck you, princess. but, are you sure you're okay with me taking your virginity? we could stop and forget about it if you want to, no pressure." he asked in a soft tone, rubbing your hips in a comforting way.
"yeah, i want you to take it, toru. i trust you." you gave him a girlish smile, making his heart jump.
"okay then. i'm gonna prep you real good to make sure it doesn't hurt as much." gojo pressed a tender kiss on your lips. he stroked his cock a few times as a husky groan left his lips, making him sound so sexy.
gojo hooked two fingers to the side of your panties and lifted them up before sliding his cock inside the fabric. you moaned at the feeling of his warm and hard cock sliding past your folds, his wet tip nudging and coating your clit with his precum.
"fuck. you're so wet, baby." gojo breathed out, leaning down to suck on your tits as he continued to thurst his hips back and forth between your folds. your juices lubricated his cock and the stimulation provided to your clit with every nudge of his tip made your eyes roll back.
"oh my god... just like that, toru. please!" you begged, your hand finding purchase to his snowy locks as you pushed his face further to your tits, as he licked and sucked your nipples. gojo's hips never faltered, continuing to glide his thick dick between your slit, feeling your clit throb.
you felt your orgasm building up, making your breath hitch as you whimpered. after a few more thrusts, you gushed on top of his cock as gojo cummed on your pussy, messily spreading both of your juices on your cunt.
gojo pulled his cock out of your panties, seeing how there's a wet patch on the front of your panties. he used his index finger to outline and rub your clit, making you shake from the overstimulation.
"w-wait." you tried to catch your breath but gojo wasn't gonna let you rest until you cummed on his tongue and fingers.
"nope, gotta stretch you out now, princess." he pinched your clit, making your thighs shut close from the sudden impact.
"you little shit." you threw him a playful glare, to which he only stuck his tongue out and use his strong hands to pry your legs open. this time, gojo wasn't going to be so patient. he pulled your panties down and threw them somewhere, his cerulean eyes fixated on your cunt.
"fucking hell." gojo swore under his breath and you couldn't help but think negatively.
"what's wrong?" you asked a little worried.
"i'm trying to hard to not cum again from just looking at this pretty pussy of yours." he groaned, using his thumbs to spread your lips apart, watching how it glistened with both your and his cum from the previous pantie fucking session.
you supported yourself on your elbow as your other free hand pulled his head forward, crashing your lips onto his. you kissed him with need, sucking on his bottom lip before giving it a bite. gojo began to slide his middle finger between your wet folds, making sure to rub your clit at a fast pace.
you moaned into his mouth, which gojo happily drank as he continued to give the neglected bud some attention. his finger stopped at your hole, experimentally shoving it in a little bit. you winced at the sudden intrusion as gojo's fingers were longer and thicker than yours.
"shh.. it's okay." gojo assured, pecking your lips as he entered his finger. your walls clamped down on his finger and gojo couldn't help but groan at how fucking tight you were.
"shit, gonna have to stretch you out quite a bit if this sweet pussy of yours is gonna take my cock. don't wanna rip you apart, baby." gojo chuckled, kissing your cheek before sliding his body down until his face was directly above your wet aching cunt.
gojo licked a fat stripe up your cunt, eyes rolling back at the taste of your pussy. you tasted so fucking good and he knew he'd get addicted. he slurped up all your juices, his tongue circling your clit before flicking it. you gripped onto his hair, pulling his mouth closer to your needy pussy as you basically humped his face.
gojo decided to add in another finger and a guttural moan escaped your throat, feeling him scissoring in the two thick digits in and out of your hole. your legs began to shake at the amount of pleasure you were getting from being tongue and finger fucked at the same time.
"fuck! augh~ i-i'm gonna c-cum!" you moaned as you felt the knot on your lower stomach tighten, your hole enclosing around his fingers as you creamed on gojo's fingers.
"that's it, there you go, princess." gojo praised, drinking up all your cum and licking you clean. your breathing was irregular as you were trying to calm down your erratic heartbeat.
gojo looked up at you with a slutty expression, his lips glossy with his own spit and your cum along with his chin dripping with your arousal.
"think you ready for me, baby?" he teased, placing a playful kiss on your clit before slotting himself between your legs. gojo's hard cock rest on your inner thigh, his eyes giving you a glimmer full of tease and play.
"i think that if you don't put your dick inside me within the next minute i'll kill myself." you dramatically responded, clearly not in the right state of mind due to pleasure fogging up your mind. gojo laughed at your words, leaning in to kiss you.
you could taste yourself on your tongue, but that did not bother you as much as having your throbbing hole empty.
"toruuu~ pleaseee." you whined, bucking your hip up to his in an attempt to get some friction to relieve the ache between your legs.
"my pretty girl needs something, hm?" he continued his banter, making you pout. you trailed your hand down and grabbed his cock, giving it a few pumps and watched your best friend crumble from your touch.
"need your cock inside me, toru." you said in a sultry voice, using the tip of dick to rub up and down your slit, parting your folds. gojo decided to stop being mean and help you, grabbing the base of his thick cock and rubbing it on your dripping wet cunt.
his tip now rested on top of your hole, his eyes looking up at you for further movement. you nodded your head, hands going to the side to grab the sheets.
"it's gonna really hurt bad for a minute but i promise it'll get better. i'll go slow and gentle, 'kay?" gojo offered you a soft smile as reassurance, to which you nodded, fully trusting him to take care of you.
"can you come closer." you asked in a meek voice, and gojo nodded as he leaned forwards so that you could wrap your arm around his neck.
gojo pushed in the fat bulbous tip of his cock, the stretch of something fatter and bigger than his and your fingers immediately burned.
you winced in pain, making him apologize and you told him that it was okay. gojo stayed like that for a little before thrusting the tip of his dick in and out of you to help you get a little used to the intrusion. it took every fiber of his body to have enough self-control to not shove the entire length of his cock inside your cunt and use it like his personal cocksleeve.
"look at me, y/n." he breathed out, making you open your eyes as your eyes were a little glossy. gojo never fucked a virgin before, and you were his best friend, so he wanted to be extra careful to not hurt you.
"i'm sorry." gojo quickly blurted out and you were confused for a quick minute, until you let out a pained cry as he shoved his entire cock inside your pussy inch by inch. he quickly latched his lips onto yours, swallowing your cries as his thumb came down to play with your clit.
your nails dug into his flesh, tears streaming down your face as the stretch of his cock was so painful.
"hurts so much, toru." you sniffled, mumbling your words on his lips.
"it would've hurt more if i went inch by inch slowly. you'll be okay, baby, trust me." with that being said, gojo slid his cock fully out, your pussy missing the feeling of being full. you mewled at the loss of contact, until he slammed his hips back into you, shoving his cock in one go.
within each slow thrust that he gave you, the pain faded away and you were soon drowning in pleasure. your cunt clamped down on his cock, the delicious feeling of the vein on his cock grazing against your wet walls made your eyes roll back.
"such a sweet pussy, fuck you're so tight." he grunted, grabbing your hips in place as his pace was unforgiving. his cock curved and kissed every inch inside your cunt, making you grip the sheets for dear life.
"satoru! i- fuck. wait, it's too much!" you cried out, your vision becoming blurry and you couldn't tell if it was from the tears that were forming due to overstimulation or from exhaustion.
maybe both.
"you could take it, princess. this pussy was fucking made for my cock." gojo moaned, grabbing the back of your knees before pushing them back to your head; placing you in a mating press.
this new angle gave him a better view of your tits bouncing with every thrust along with every ripple of your ass that came in contact with his heavy balls. your free hand came down to play with your clit as the other hand grabbed the back of his head to give him a sloppy kiss.
"feels so good, toru." you slurred, as his cock continued to kiss your cervix, bullying it's way in and out of your aching hole.
"gonna fuck you so dumb, till you become mine." he grinned against your skin, biting down as he placed a slap on your pussy, making you let out a cry.
"please, please, please! i-i'm gonna cum!" you stuttered out, feeling his balls hit against your ass while he continued to fuck your hole. your cunt began to convulse around his cock.
with another thrust, another rub on your clit and a gentle kiss on the side of your neck, you let out the most desperate and needy moan known to mankind as you began to cum around his cock.
gojo began to chase his own high, satisfied with the ring of white cream forming at the base of his cock, fucking you into over stimulation.
"f-fuck, gonna cum. god, i-i love you, y/n." he choked on his words, fingers clawing onto your hips as he gave you one final thrust before release thick wads of hot cum inside your hole.
gojo fell on top of your body with his arms supporting him a little to make sure he doesn't crush you with his weight, cock still lodged inside your wet cunt that was now filled with both his and your cum.
"i... fuck, i love you too, satoru." you whispered, swallowing thickly from how dry your throat was. you stroked his snowy white hair, the both of you breathing heavily as gojo continued to lazily fuck his cum into you.
"you know, i didn't expect you to be a virgin from how horny you are." gojo giggled, making you hum. he rested his head on your chest, playfully taking your nipple in his mouth as he sucked on it.
"well, i guess i got the real life experience now." you gave him a cheeky smile, leaning down to kiss his cheek.
"better than your little books?" his voice was a little muffled due to having a mouthful of your boobs in his mouth.
"mhm, i should write about it." you thought out loud, catching his attention.
"if you have writers block anytime else, just let me know and i'll help you. that's the least i could do for my dear girlfriend." gojo smirked, making you blush at the last word.
"oh? and since when have you declared that you're my boyfriend?" you joked, making him bite your nipple.
"since forever. you're mine now anyways." he pouted like a child, making you laugh.
"fine, so are you finally gonna let me stack donuts on top of it?" you said, making him look at you with a look of disbelief.
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nadvs · 2 months
can i request for the swte universe in their college days, reader seems like a perfectionist to me so what if she failed on an exam or she didn't get there in time and she failed her class and she got really upset, feeling terrible about herself, very disappointed and rafe tries to uplift her mood, trying to get her out of her dorm room?🤍🤍🤍
omg yessss i always love your prompts 🥹
based on this fic
» au masterlist
she had a bad feeling about the midterm. sometimes she could tell when she was being too hard on herself, when she was catastrophizing, but she knew she wasn’t exaggerating when she told rafe that her mind went blank during the test and that she’s sure she failed.
now, as she sits in her dorm checking her grade on her laptop the night after, she gets the confirmation.
she texts her boyfriend, just like she did when they were best friends and told each other everything. i was right.
her phone starts buzzing with a phone call.
“you okay?” he says when she picks up. he remembers that her grade was supposed to be posted tonight.
“no,” she says with a defeated laugh.
rafe is with the guys, watching a game at the house. he stands up off the couch, holding his phone to his ear. one of his housemates points to the screen, eyebrow raised, clearly confused why rafe would leave when there’s a minute left in an intense game.
but he ignores him, rounding the corner to pace into the hallway. he leans back against a wall, arm crossed over his chest.
“how bad is it?” he asks.
“so bad that i’m working on an email to my prof to ask if i can retake it or do anything for extra credit,” she says. “i didn’t even pass.”
he can hear the panic in her voice. rafe chews on his thumbnail as he stares down at the floor.
“it’s not over,” he says. he realizes he sounds just like he does when he’s trying to motivate his teammates between periods during a rough game. he rethinks his approach. this isn’t a game. this is his girl. and she’s freaked out about her future.
“baby, it happens,” he says. “everyone fails at some point.”
“this is so bad,” she mumbles. “i’m so stupid.”
he grimaces. they’re basically the same person. he knows how much pressure she puts on herself. sometimes, he’s almost certain that she thinks she has to be perfect to be worth something, just like he does.
“where are you?” he asks.
“home.” her inhale is shaky. “i shouldn’t have stayed up late studying so much. i thought it’d be better to learn what i could, but running on barely any sleep must’ve messed me up.”
“send the email,” he says. “and be ready in half an hour, okay?”
she’s quiet for a moment.
“because i know you’re gonna sit in your room all night, beating yourself up, thinking about what you should’ve done and there’s no point to any of it,” he says. “just be ready, alright?”
moments like these, she’s glad her boyfriend is so bossy and decisive. her head is such a mess right now, somehow feeling both chaotic and blank at the same time.
rafe texts when he arrives. when she settles in his passenger seat, he can see that she’s been crying. he shuts off his music and gently pulls her in, his palm at the back of her neck, so that she’ll nuzzle into his chest.
it’s his go-to move when she’s upset. it always works. after crying against him for a moment, her breaths start to even out.
he kisses her forehead, his hand running up and down her back. he hates this feeling, when she’s so stressed out and he’s utterly powerless.
“you’re not stupid,” he mumbles against her hair.
“i am. i’m so disappointed in myself,” she says, her voice brittle. “how could i fuck up this bad?”
he frowns. he knows her well enough by now. sometimes she needs tough love. sometimes it’s the only thing that’ll pull her out of her haze.
“it happened,” he says. he pulls back just enough so she can look up at him. “can you change that it happened?”
“is calling yourself stupid going to fix it?”
“that’s my girl you’re talking to,” he says, his blue eyes sweeping over her face in worry. “my girl isn’t stupid.”
her lips twist in sorrow, but she nods, eyelids fluttering. she spirals sometimes. she can tell she’s doing it right now.
rafe’s hand rests on her damp cheek, rubbing his thumb over her skin.
“you anxious?” he asks.
“very,” she replies.
so, he decides to see if his most effective way of cooling down when he’s wired will help her.
he pulls into a lot by an outdoor court he always sees on his drive to her campus and takes the basketball out of his trunk when he parks.
“this is kind of unfair,” she says lightheartedly when she gets out of his car into the cool night air. “no chance i’m winning a one-on-one against you.”
“we’re just shooting hoops,” he says, putting an arm around her as he holds the ball to his chest.
the court is empty and quiet and dimly lit. they stand below one of the nets, bouncing the ball back and forth between each other.
“what if i fail the course?” she says.
“you won’t.”
“but if i do?”
“if you do, you’ll survive,” rafe replies. “you think some class can take you down?”
she breathes a chuckle. when she gets the ball back, she holds it, standing across from him, staring. all they ever are with each other is honest. it’s how it’s always been.
“i’m scared,” she admits. “i’m scared this will throw off my timing and i won’t graduate when i want to.”
“baby, there’s no way that’s happening,” he says confidently. “one bad grade won’t do that.”
“you seem so sure,” she states. she bounces the ball back to him.
“here. if i make this, it means you’ll fail the course.”
he takes the ball in both hands, holds it over his head, and throws it so it hits the rim hard, making the whole backboard shake as the ball goes flying down the court.
“i think that was rigged,” she says, the ache in her chest loosening as she laughs.
“we’ll never know,” rafe half-shouts as he runs to pick up the ball. he bounces it back to her.
she dribbles it a few times, squaring up with the net, and launches the ball in the air. it falls in the net.
“nice,” he breathes. “don’t let my coach see you. he’ll replace me.”
she turns to look at him, mirroring his smile.
“you’re laying it on a little thick, cameron,” she teases. she’s touched that he’s being so sweet just to cheer her up.
“just telling it like it is,” he says. he passes the ball to her again. “let’s see how you do with some defense.”
he steps between her and the net, a hard wall against her. his hands find her hips as she tries to line up with the net, his big frame moving with her.
“i’m pretty sure that’s a technical foul,” she says. “you can’t touch me like that.”
“nah, that’s not a rule.”
“you can’t just decide that,” she laughs.
“such a tight-ass,” he scoffs with a smirk, taking his hands off her hips and cradling her face. “how about this? this allowed?”
she giggles, holding the ball in one hand and hooking the other around his neck to pull him closer. their lips touch tenderly, both of them expelling a quiet sigh of contentment under the kiss.
she pulls back. he’s too busy staring at her in awe to block her from making another shot.
“your defense sucks,” she teases. rafe puts his hand to his chest in mock outrage.
“now you’re trash-talking?” he says. she watches him pick up the ball. he makes it look so effortless, the net swishing as the ball whizzes through it.
she’s seen him on the court so many times before, but she never tires of the sight, always so struck by how skilled he is.
they play for another twenty minutes, talking and taking turns shooting hoops, until she finally feels too tired to keep going. and she realizes she hasn’t thought about her failed midterm the entire time.
“thank you,” she says as they settle in his car. “i feel better. sweaty, but better.”
“it always works. just gotta burn your energy on something else so you can’t use it stressing out.”
“smart,” she says. “i’ll keep that in mind when i take your spot on the team.”
“i’m not so sure about that anymore,” he says. “you take fucking forever to throw. you’d run out the shot clock every time.”
she laughs, thinking about how many times in the last twenty minutes she kept the ball in her hands while she got lost in conversation with him.
she playfully shoves him, but he takes her hand and pulls her in, meeting her in a slow kiss.
“listen, i don’t want to hear the word stupid come out of your mouth again,” he mumbles. “not when you’re talking about yourself. i’m serious.”
she looks down at her lap, exhaling slowly. she knows he’s right. there’s no reason for her to bully herself so mercilessly.
“and please, baby,” he says solemnly, his tone deep as if he’s about to say something serious, “throw the ball faster next time.”
“i hate you,” she laughs, shoving him again. he smirks at her, putting the car in drive.
rafe has felt proud of himself a few times in his life, mostly with his athletic achievements, but he thinks that hearing her laugh, knowing he’s the one who made her feel better, is the proudest he’s ever felt.
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