#glynnis fawkes
graphicpolicy · 2 months
Small Press Expo 2024 Announces More Special Guests
Small Press Expo 2024 Announces More Special Guests #spx #spx2024
Small Press Expo has announced more Special Guests for SPX 2024. The show takes place on Saturday September 14 and Sunday September 15 with programming and workshops about the amazing world of independent comics and an exhibitor floor with over 500 creators. Additional Special Guests will be announced over the next few weeks. SPX 2024 is honored to have the following creators as Special Guests…
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sinusproblem · 1 year
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I contributed a comic strip to FUN RUN! A new funny comic newspaper edited by Max Clotfelter @slop_manual and Kelly Froh @kefroh.
Featuring a beautiful masthead by Tim Root @dink_rinkle plus comics by Sam Henderson, Brandon Lehman, Ben Horak, Lauren Armstrong, Natalie Dupille, Katie Langlois, Glynnis Fawkes, Nick Mandaag, Greg Stump, Patrick Keck, Nate McDonough, Robyn Jordan, November Garcia, Amy Beardemphl, Katie Fricas, & Jaime Crespo!
Copies available through Short Run's Etsy page!
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aliteraryprincess · 4 years
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Birthday Haul
My birthday was on Sunday and these were some of my gifts. I’ve already started reading Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre. The illustrations are lovely! And I can’t wait to read Dark and Deepest Red, which is a retelling of “The Red Shoes” by Anna-Marie McLemore, the author of Blanca & Roja. It’s sure to be fantastic. My mother and I will be watching Emma and Downton Abbey together before I leave for school at the end of the month. 
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glynnisfawkes · 4 years
How a Librarian Created Community in a Pandemic
I drove to Westport, VT (about half hour from Burlington) and met writer Margaret Grayson and librarian Bree Drapa, to hear about what she’s done to keep the the community together over the past 10 months—which was a lot! I had 2 days to draw, ink, copyedit and color the story. Read it here and in the Dec 16 issue of SevenDays.
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literarykids · 5 years
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Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre @DisneyBooks @glynnisfawkes @cartoonstudies #comics The reading public has long been fascinated with anything having to do with Charlotte Brontë, the author of…
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hollymbryan · 5 years
Blog Tour + #Review: CHARLOTTE BRONTE BEFORE JANE EYRE by Glynnis Fawkes (w/ #Giveaway)!
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Welcome to Book-Keeping and my stop on the blog tour for the new graphic novel Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre by Glynnis Fawkes! I’ve got all the details on the book for you today, along with my review and a giveaway, so let’s get started.
About the Book
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title: Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre author: Glynnis Fawkes publisher: Disney/Hyperion release date: 24 September 2019
Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart!
Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre is a beloved classic, celebrated today by readers of all ages and revered as a masterwork of literary prowess. But what of the famous writer herself?
Originally published under the pseudonym of Currer Bell, Jane Eyre was born out of a magnificent, vivid imagination, a deep cultivation of skill, and immense personal hardship and tragedy. Charlotte, like her sisters Emily and Anne, was passionate about her work. She sought to cast an empathetic lens on characters often ignored by popular literature of the time, questioning societal assumptions with a sharp intellect and changing forever the landscape of western literature.
With an introduction by Alison Bechdel, Charlotte Brontë before Jane Eyre presents a stunning examination of a woman who battled against the odds to make her voice heard.
Add to Goodreads: Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre Purchase the Book: Amazon | Kindle | Amazon Paperback | B&N | iBooks |  Kobo | TBD
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About the Author
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I'm a cartoonist and illustrator living in Burlington, VT.
My most recent book Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre, Center for Cartoon Studies Presents series, will be published in September 2019 by Disney/Hyperion. Also in September, Secret Acres will publish Persephone’s Garden, a collection of autobiographical comics that have appeared in the New Yorker and other places. 
I began working on excavations as illustrator in 1998 and have worked on sites in Greece, Crete, Turkey, Israel, Cyprus, Syria, and Lebanon. I continue to work in Greece every year. My illustrations have been published in several books and many articles.  
Many of my personal comics reflect a career in archaeology and family life. Greek Diary is about working on a dig and traveling with children. My drawings about my children were published regularly on Muthamagazine.com and were nominated for an Ignatz Award at the Small Press Expo in 2016.
Another project, Alle Ego, is about my first trip to Greece and how it launched my work in the direction of archaeology.  A draft of this book won the MoCCA Arts Festival Award in NY in 2016.  I drew most of it during a residency at La Maison des Auteurs in Angouleme, and I plan to return to work on this book in the future. 
I’m currently working on a middle grade adventure set after the eruption of Thera in Late Bronze Age Greece.
Connect with Glynnis: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest |  Tumblr | Goodreads 
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My 5-Star Review
I must admit from the start that I am an absolute Brontë sisters nerd and fangirl, so when I saw the announcement for this tour, I immediately jumped at the chance to take part. I have read all of the Brontë sisters’ books, as well as a variety of fictional accounts of their lives (one of my absolute favorite being Worlds of Ink and Shadow by Lena Coakley, my detailed review of which you can read here), and I was thrilled to add this graphic novel to my collection. Like Worlds of Ink and Shadow, Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre focuses on Charlotte’s childhood and young adult years, before she published Jane Eyre. While Charlotte is the main character, we also get to learn about her siblings Anne, Emily, and Branwell, and the closeness the four of them enjoyed. This focus on Charlotte’s formative years helps us to understand where the story for Jane Eyre came from, in addition to her other books. 
I kept thinking, the whole time I was reading, that Ms. Fawkes has performed a heroic feat in condensing Charlotte’s story into a mere 92 pages, while including so many of Charlotte’s own words. I don’t know how she was able to do it, but she absolutely does get across the importance of Charlotte’s upbringing and her experiences as a teacher and private governess as it relates to her writing. It is amazing that she is able to tell this story in so few pages and in graphic novel format, but she does an amazing job. The illustrations are delightful, as well, and do such a great job evoking the desolate moors upon which the Brontë sisters grew up, the constrictions upon women at the time, the bleakness of the school the sisters went to (and where their two older sisters, Mary and Elizabeth, both died), and the difficulty Charlotte and her sisters had in getting their work published. 
All told, I love this graphic representation of the formative years of Charlotte Brontë and what led to the incredible stories she wrote and that remain such an integral part of the canon today. Whether you are already a Brontë fan or are just learning about Charlotte and her sisters, I encourage you to pick up this graphic novel that is short yet packed full of Charlotte’s own words. I highly recommend Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre to any literature or history fan!
Rating: 5 stars!
**Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for purposes of this blog tour. This review is voluntary on my part and reflects my honest rating and review.
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About the Giveaway
Three (3) lucky winners will each receive a finished copy of Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre by Glynnis Fawkes! This one is US only and ends 4 October 2019. Enter via the Rafflecopter below, and good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
About the Tour
Here is the full tour schedule so you can follow along!
Week One:
9/2/2019 - Odd and Bookish - Excerpt 9/3/2019 - Country Road Reviews - Excerpt 9/4/2019 - dwantstoread - Review 9/5/2019 - A Dream Within A Dream - Excerpt 9/6/2019 - Lifestyle Of Me - Review
Week Two:
9/9/2019 - Christen Krumm, Writer, Reader, Serious Coffee Drinker - Review 9/10/2019 - Careful of Books - Review 9/11/2019 - Character Madness and Musings - Excerpt 9/12/2019 - Fictitiouswonderland - Review 9/13/2019 - Fyrekatz Blog - Review
Week Three:
9/16/2019 - Little Red Reads - Excerpt 9/17/2019 - Book-Keeping - Review     **you are here! 9/18/2019 - Life of a Simple Reader - Excerpt 9/19/2019 - Kati's Bookaholic Rambling Reviews - Excerpt 9/20/2019 - Inspired by Savannah - Review
Week Four:
9/23/2019 - History from a Woman’s Perspective - Review 9/24/2019 - Wishful Endings - Excerpt 9/25/2019 - Just Another Reader - Review 9/26/2019 - Jade Writes Books - Review 9/27/2019 - Rants and Raves of a Bibliophile - Review
Week Five:
9/30/2019 - two points of interest - Review
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robkirbycomics · 7 years
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My review of Greek Diary by Glynnis Fawkes is up on The Comics Journal today. 
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comicsbeat · 7 years
A Year of Free Comics: My Body and My Daughter by Glynnis Fawkes
A Year of Free Comics: My Body and My Daughter by Glynnis Fawkes
Okay it’s been a while, but FREE COMICS ARE BACK. And we’re back with My Body and My Daughter: An In-Depth Analysis by Glynnis Fawkes in The New Yorker. Fawkes is a new name to the New Yorker family – maybe the influence of new cartoons editor Emma Allen? Fawkes is an award winning cartoonist who hasn’t really gotten that big PR breakout yet, Excellent pieces like this should change that. I think…
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Sunday, April 23, 2017 
10am - 4pm
Vermont Folklife Center, Middlebury, VT
The Vermont Folklife Center's Non-Fiction Comics Mini-Fest is a day-long event presenting a diverse assortment of Vermont and regional cartoonists engaged in non-fiction work. 
Swing by the Vermont Book Shop booth for book signings throughout the day with panelists Steve Bissette, Glynnis Fawkes, Rachel Lindsay, and James Kochalka. 
Stop in and meet some local cartoonists, check out their work, and learn about how comics can describe the world around us and tell stories of everyday life.
Best of all it's ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Info and schedule here
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comicweek · 6 years
SPX 2018 Panel - The Practice of Diary Comics
Moderator Derek Royal joins a panel of cartoonists in discussing the nature of diary comics, one of the most popular forms of graphic memoir. Summer Pierre (Paper Pencil Life), Glynnis Fawkes (Greek Diary), Kevin Budnik (It’s OK To Be Sad) and Dustin Harbin (Diary Comics) take a critical look at the definition of the subgenre, distinguish it from memoir and autobiography, talk about its history and discuss the problematic elements of the term.
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summerpierre · 7 years
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THIS WEEKEND I am going to be tabling with JENNIFER HAYDEN & GLYNNIS FAWKES at MoCCA Fest at Table C139. I just found this picture of me and Jennifer Hayden on Glynnis Fawkes blog from last year’s MoCCA. I love it so much--it’s how I feel with my ladies!
If you are in New York City this weekend come on over and see us!
Who: Summer Pierre, Glynnis Fawkes & Jennifer Hayden
When: Sat & Sunday, April 1 & 2, 11am-6pm
What: MoCCA Fest
Where: Metropolitan West, 639 W 46th St, New York, NY 10036
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graphicpolicy · 6 months
Floating World hosts a release part by Glynnis Fakes' 1177 B.C. on April 21
Floating World hosts a release part by Glynnis Fakes' 1177 B.C. on April 21 #comics #graphicnovel
This April, Floating World Comics is hosting a book signing with Glynnis Fawkes, co-author and illustrator of the new graphic book 1177 B.C.: A Graphic History of the Year Civilization Collapsed. This beautiful, full-color graphic version of Eric Cline’s bestselling 1177 B.C., adapted by award-winning author-illustrator Glynnis Fawkes tells the story of one of history’s greatest mysteries: what…
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moccafestnyc · 8 years
Glynnis Fawkes at MoCCA Fest
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Glynnis Fawkes was a winner of the MoCCA Arts festival Award in 2016 for AlleEgo, a memoir about a first trip to Greece, and her comics for Muthamagazine.com were nominated for an Ignatz Award also in 2016. Greek Diary (debuting at MoCCA this year) is about daily life on an excavation and how a family vacation elicits memories of life before children. Her book of comics about her children, Reign of Crumbs, will be published by Kilgore in April. Find more information about MoCCA Arts Fest at www.societyillustrators.org/mocca-arts-festival and view more work by Glynnis at her website, Glynnisfawkes.com
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aliteraryprincess · 4 years
A Bookish Birthday
My 27th birthday was last Sunday. And while I am lamenting how old I feel, I am cheered up by the bookish gifts I received! There weren’t quite as many as other years because my parents also bought me two memory foam pillows (which are amazing, by the way). But quality over quantity is my motto, and these presents are definitely quality.
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Charlotte Brontë Before Jane Eyre by Glynnis Fawkes
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glynnisfawkes · 4 years
2020 As a Newborn in the New Yorker
Read the whole comic on The New Yorker. The anxieties of 2020 in one wailing bundle!
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pupdesign · 7 years
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While designing the jacket of Eric Cline’s Three Stones Make a Wall—a comprehensive history of archaeology—I experimented with a few different concepts. The one we finally landed on features an abstract image of three stones on top of several layers of earth, a bright blended orange background, and a gritty textured stock for an earthy textural feel — all evoking an archaeological dig at sunrise. With illustrations by Glynnis Fawkes, the book is a well-crafted piece of handiwork.
— Leslie Flis, Senior Designer
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