#gluten free flour is like four times more expensive and you get less of it
silverjirachi · 3 months
it’s so fucked up how expensive gluten free products are when i need them to not poison myself
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themiscyra1983 · 4 years
Cassandra’s Half-Assed Cuisine in Quarantine: Low and Slow Beef Stew Over Noodles
Good evening, cats and kittens, and welcome to the last of my recipes, at least for the time being. This one will perhaps be judged less harshly by the esteemed @docholligay, your friend and mine, as it does involve some actual proper cooking. I’m not saying no judgment. I am saying less.
As with my Hot and Horrific Chili Queso, I don’t have a specific provenance for this dish. It’s based on something my parents would make for me and my sister since our childhood, well before I can remember. The Lease family has roots all over the place, if by ‘the place’ you mean Europe. Most immediately, we are Swedish (via my grandmother, an immigrant), Scottish (via my great-grandmother, through whom I am linked to Clan MacGillivray, if only unofficially, as that was her maiden name), and Irish (via my grandfather; the less said about him the better, but I like Ireland even as I loathe that no-account bastard through the mists of time). Any part of our heritage could have inspired this simple, hearty meal, though more likely my parents found it on the back of a gravy packet or something and added it to our repertoire. Truth be told, a lot of our family recipes were things my parents initially found on a package, which then mutated over the years when they lost the original recipe; such is the case with our Chili Ole, an amalgam of ground beef, tomato paste, macaroni, beans and various spices. No idea what that dish was originally. No idea how to actually make it.
And, though I do know how to make this, I similarly have no idea where this actually came from.
But this was a special meal for us. Simple but time consuming, it was a bit infrequent in our family meal rotation, making it special for us. Today I make it strictly on special occasions, when I have a whole day to myself, as it involves the slow cooker and while I know the point is to just let the thing run, I don’t like leaving it completely unattended. So this is a Christmas and birthday kind of meal for me. And it was my dad’s specialty; since he now lives a thousand miles away, it’s not like he can make it for me.
Now, my dad doesn’t cook very much, and even less these days, it seems. His girlfriend was shocked to learn I thought highly of his gravy, but I do have fond memories of him making gravy for our Thanksgiving dinners and for this dish. He gave me the best instructions he could recall, but the truth is, I’ve never been able to make the stuff thicken the way I like - the way he could. So, because I can’t actually advise you on making gravy, and in the spirit of this being half-assed, I’m going to tell you to add premade gravy. But in the course of this recipe you’re going to end up with a by-product that could certainly be the basis of a gravy or a broth, so I’ll tell you how my dad said to make the gravy at the end, even though it doesn’t work for me.
But let’s start with the half-assed version. As I said: this is a time-consuming recipe, but also a simple one. It involves a few ingredients, a bunch of waiting, and then tasting and adjusting to taste as you finish it off. The most expensive part will be the steak. You can use stew beef if you prefer, but I actually found my experience using small, tender steaks much more satisfying. It was necessity inspiring invention when I couldn’t get stew beef but now I actually prefer it. You can also use onion powder instead of diced onion (in fact this is what my dad does), but I find the latter makes things more flavorful. If you want to use onion powder, I’d say add a couple tablespoons.
Here’s what you’ll need.
The Stew:
About 24 ounces worth of tender angus steaks
One small or about half a medium onion, freshly diced
Two tablespoons of garlic powder
About 24 ounces of premade gravy (Heinz Savory Beef Gravy works for me)
The Noodles:
One 12-ounce package of egg noodles
One stick of butter or margarine (or four ounces for those of you who don’t get the stuff in quarter-pound sticks)
Cut the steaks into bite-sized chunks and place into your slow cooker or Instant Pot. Add the diced onion and garlic powder, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover this mixture with water - about 4 cups, enough to cover everything. Stir until you feel the ingredients have been distributed evenly. Put your slow cooker on low and leave to cook for eight hours.
After eight hours of cooking, remove the mixture from the slow cooker and drain, saving the water for other uses if desired. Put the drained mixture in a large saucepan and heat over low heat on your stovetop, adding the gravy and stirring often. Taste occasionally and add more garlic powder, onion powder, pepper and/or salt to taste.
In another pot, prepare the egg noodles as directed on the package, bringing enough water to cook them to a boil, adding the noodles, and stirring occasionally until tender. Once they’re ready, drain the noodles. Cut up the margarine or butter and add it to the pan, then return the noodles and stir thoroughly. Add a little olive oil as well if desired.
When the noodles are done and the beef stew is sufficiently hot, you’re ready to serve. I like to put the noodles in a bowl first, add some grated mozzarella on top, and then ladle the beef stew on top of that, adding salt and pepper if needed and to taste. You can also mix it all thoroughly and in fact this is sometimes what I do with leftovers (leaving out the cheese, which I add after reheating). The stew also goes well over potatoes as prepared in a variety of ways - mashed, boiled, those little red potatoes perfectly cooked, you name it.
This can easily make six servings or so, or four very hearty servings. I beg you to have a salad as well - I make a point of eating my greens. This is a lot of starch and protein and you should get some more veggies in there.
So What About the Gravy?
Again, I’ve never been able to make this work. Perhaps it’s the corn starch that’s giving me problems - my dad was diagnosed with celiac several years ago and stopped using flour. We could have noodles made from wheat (made in a separate pot, and tasted by the non-celiac folks in the house), but he had to taste the gravy to make it properly, so: gluten-free gravy. If you already know how to make gravy, you should use your process.
But this is what my dad told me.
You will need:
About two cups of water
About 3-4 heaping spoonfuls (my dad was not specific, I went with tablespoons) of corn starch (my family always used Argo brand)
Some Gravy Master, mainly for coloring - maybe about a teaspoon at most
When the stew mixture is done in the slow cooker, do NOT drain it off - add everything to the saucepan. In a separate vessel, mix the water, starch, and Gravy Master into a slurry, then add this to the pan as well. Stir everything together, heating over low heat, tasting occasionally. Add additional water if you find the gravy is getting too thick (spectacularly not a problem for me). As in the above process, add additional spices while cooking to taste.
Last Notes
To be honest, the “or margarine” up there is about my personal taste - it’s what I grew up with, as my family was often poor. We had butter, but used it sparingly, sticking with margarine for a lot of our cooking, including pasta. Butter tastes too...’buttery’ to me on pasta now. I use margarine (and I’m specific about the brands I like; I used to use Promise but after I started having trouble finding it I switched to Land O’ Lakes); you may very well prefer butter. I wouldn’t call either option exactly healthy.
In my dad’s version of the recipe - which uses stew beef and onion powder and involves his own gravy, as described above - he also browns the beef before adding it to the slow cooker, no more than about five or ten minutes in a frying pan over fairly low heat. I’ve never found this step necessary in my version of the recipe but you may like the effect.
...now I’m thinking about that Chili Ole my family used to make, whatever the hell that actually was before we got our grubby little hands on it. I’ll have to see if my dad remembers how we made that. But that’s all the ‘recipes’ I have for now; a LOT of what I eat otherwise boils down to ‘follow the directions on the package’ or ‘make a goddamned sandwich’ or ‘okay it’s a burger, cook a burger and slap it on a bun and top it with stuff’. If I think of anything else, well, my keyboard’s always ready to go.
For now, stay safe, stay healthy, and try to eat better than I do.
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The best bread producers attempted and tried
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Bread producers have collected somewhat of a blended notoriety since the first rose during the 1980s, planned by the organization presently known as Panasonic. While they offer the opportunity to create naturally heated bread with negligible exertion, idealists can look on them as somewhat of a cheat.
To which you may state: indeed, however isn't that the general purpose? In inquiring about this article, I addressed different cooks, and the general reaction was along the lines of: "The French could never purchase a bread creator", or "referencing a bread producer to a pastry specialist resembles saying 'Voldemort' at Hogwarts." To me, those perspectives convey a whiff of elitism – we don't constantly or self discipline to make crisp bread every day by hand.
I'm more as per Chris Young of the Real Bread Campaign: "obviously, we're pleased when individuals focus in and dig into the flour to blend, massage and shape by hand," he clarifies. "Be that as it may, there are numerous reasons why the Real Bread Campaign likewise underpins the utilization of machines."
Youthful refers to those reasons as: openness (in case you're not ready to find a workable pace or a pastry shop, for instance); sparing vitality (it costs less in vitality than heating in a residential broiler); and control (comprehending what goes into your bread and, at last, your body). The professionals can turn their noses up in the event that they wish; for all of us, bread producers present an entirely feasible methods for eating delectable home-cooked batter.
The Best Gluten Free Bread Makers are genuinely basic (however some of the time massive) apparatuses that generally follow similar lines. You'll get estimating gadgets and a bread skillet into which the fixings go, before the dish is put inside the machine. There'll be a progression of catches on the machine, which permit you to flip through the settings to arrive at the bread you need (white, darker, French, and so forth.). What's more, you'll in all probability get the decision of light, medium or dull covering.
The better machines permit you to make distinctive estimated portions (little, medium, enormous). All have clocks, so you can ensure you wake up to crisp warm bread, on the off chance that you like. Manipulating is finished by an oar, which remains in during the heating (and frequently, on lesser machines, gets stopped into the final result, which means you need to snare it out – snare gave).
All the apparatuses I looked into for this article accompany guidance booklets that highlight a few plans – white, dark colored, and so on. I adhered to these, as I'm informed that denouncing any and all authority can prompt poor outcomes; these plans have been followed explicitly for the units. You do need to be exact with fixings and directions.
In general the machines were quite simple to utilize, and offered a decent scope of choices. Some do gluten free, sourdough (not certain how), pizza batter, cakes, even jam or yogurt. I tried every apparatus utilizing its gave plans to essential breads, from white to darker, fast settings to more slow; and I attempted some jazzier choices as well: pizza batter; sourdough; gluten free; French bread.
In general, I found the tans to perform obviously superior to whites – however maybe that reflects individual taste.
At last, it's what turns out toward the end that matters, so in testing a heavier weight was set on how scrumptious the bread was (it gone from terrible to not awful by any stretch of the imagination).
This is what I discovered, beginning with my top choice...
1. Panasonic Croustina hard outside layer bread producer SD-ZP2000KXC
The first and, to my psyche, still the best. It's somewhat cumbersome, there's no denying it, however in the event that you need a decent measured portion, you'll need a moderately stout machine – littler bread creators would in general make enough just for a solitary breakfast, for two individuals max. Its monochrome dark likewise loans it a demeanor of polish contrasted and some others; the sort of thing that wouldn't watch strange on most kitchen worktops.
Bread creators can be somewhat uproarious, especially during the underlying plying stage. This was on the peaceful side. The bread didn't turn out very as consistently as two or three different machines (nothing a little spatula couldn't help), yet the massaging paddle didn't once stay in the portion.
I thought that it was a little infuriating that you can't peep in to see improvement through a window at the top. In any case, that bread! I could eat it consistently. Alright, it's not exactly like getting a crisp sourdough from your nearby craftsman/trendy person pastry shop, yet that costs £4 – and the Panasonic Croustina comes abominably close.
Clearly the machine is a serious cost, however in the event that you use it consistently you'll make that back. The bread truly was reliably acceptable.
An ordinary white turned out delightfully brilliant, with an incredible crunch. It smelt decent, with a satisfying taste of French bread. The center was a crawl on the clingy side, yet once toasted the scrap relaxed, helped up, and its flavor truly complemented. A fast white, while not exactly on a par with the normal, was consummately satisfactory.
A standard darker took five hours (most are around three) however maybe that extra manipulating, demonstrating and heating is the thing that made it stick out. It looked ravishing. An extremely dull dark colored outside layer (no white flour was included, exactly how I like it), and a cushy piece that wasn't sweet or salty. At the point when toasted, I was unable to blame it.
What might I be able to blame here? All things considered, the Panasonic is expensive – twice as much as the following dearest right now. In any case, truly, I'd pay that in a moment. On the off chance that you need top outcomes from the best bread cook out here, this is the one to get.
2. Tower T11002 computerized bread producer
Said to represent considerable authority in gluten free, and with sourdough and mature settings, this bread producer gets good grades for assortment. I like its utilitarian looks; it's worked by an exceptionally responsive touchscreen; and you can make distinctive measured portions.
The portions I made fluctuated in quality, yet by and large I was intrigued. A little, snappy white portion, only an hour and a short ways all the way, was deformed and topsy-turvy. It smelt somewhat acrid (it wasn't a sourdough). In any case, it tasted actually rather great; and was pleasantly delicate with a firm outside. A truly adequate white toasting bread, if a bit salty.
A darker portion (two sections darker to one section white flour), looked awesome: consistently dull brilliant, a medium stature with a pleasant domed top. It smelt extremely pleasant, similar to I'd entered an outdated bread kitchen. Flavor-wise, it was extraordinary, however a dab on the sweet side. The surface wasn't at all stodgy, as is wont with bread creators. The outside layer, not very crunchy, was perfect for sandwiches.
I endeavored a 'sourdough', as well. I'm not exactly sure how it qualifies as sourdough, yet it was light and breezy, and one of my preferred portions by and large.
The one issue was that I just couldn't ace gluten free. As somebody not used to that region, maybe I was utilizing an inappropriate flour (however it said gluten free); yet the bread simply didn't work. The equivalent, to be reasonable, can be said for sans gluten portions I took a stab at different machines. Obviously, it takes a touch of acing.
By and large, in any case, for straightforward, simple portions, I was more than satisfied with the Tower.
3. Morphy Richards Homebake breadmaker
I enjoyed this machine, however there were a couple of second thoughts keeping it from completing higher. Right off the bat, it was extremely uproarious while manipulating. The massaging procedure doesn't keep going such long – maybe 30 minutes – however in the event that others can be less forceful, at that point it's a point worth making. The touchscreen was additionally not the most responsive, regularly leaving me slightly disappointed.
Be that as it may, here's the acceptable stuff: guidelines were very much clarified. You can watch the advancement through a transparent territory. The plying paddle never stalled out inside the portion. Also, bar one bread, they were all scrumptious.
An essential white portion turned out tall, alluringly light brilliant in shading, and dry on top – perfect for sandwiches. It tasted a touch brioche-y, yet when toasted it took on brilliant roasted flavors. A French was uniform looking, with a great portion shape and an average surface and smell. The darker was appropriately hard, again a decent size for sarnies, and, gratitude to the formula educating 100pc entire wheat as opposed to a blend, it tasted sound and generous.
A sandwich portion was an extremely decent size for, you got it, sandwiches, and had a magnificent surface, however was on the sweet side.
4. ElectriQ Premium programmed bread producer
A littler gadget that winds up making exceptionally tall and slim portions – you'll get superbly scrumptious bread, just very little of it. The primary portion I attempted, a fundamental white, had a decent, high quality looking break on top. It was likely the nearest estimation to a normal, new white portion you'd get in a bread kitchen, if a touch on the sweet size.
The previously mentioned tallness was perfect for an appropriate cut of toast – if no one but you could receive more than four or five cuts in return. Toasted, with a touch of margarine, it was stunning.
A dark colored bread was comparable: acceptable bread yet insufficient of it. It was delicate, making it difficult to cut a perfect cut, and somewhat chewy and thick. Toasted, it was astounding. A gluten free was sad – rock hard.
Concerning the gadget itself: straightforward, simple to utilize controls (with real fastens!); a peep gap to watch progress; a pleasant plain white appearance. A slight let down was the forceful manipulating process: it shook pretty fiercely. Furthermore, the directions didn't disclose to me to what would be the Gluten Free Bread Makers we should take, which was somewhat frustrating.
5. Kenwood BM450 breadmaker
An extremely stout gadget – a piece excessively thick believe it or not. Despite the fact that in any event that implies you get a sizeable portion. Not as noisy as a few – progressively a moderate and study snorting commotion. The working oar stalled out in unfailingly, which is a disgrace. The touchscreen controls worked fine.
A white turned out somewhat low, with imprints in a single side. It was pleasantly brilliant in shading, however, with a satisfying crunch. In any case, I thought that it was a piece excessively sweet and stodgy. Toasted, it went marginally.
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archerwindsor · 4 years
Holiday Gift Guide 2020
Holiday gift guide
Strap in. It’s the holidays—and that means it’s time to get our shopping on! If you’re like most of us, we always seem to run out of time to get it all done. Did you just say, “A little help here?” We think you did. And we heard you loud and clear! Girl, this year, we’ve done all the – ahem — leg work for you with our quintessential holiday gift guide that has something for everyone on your list. And guess what, they’re almost all under $50 (Hey, we know everyone is all about the ‘peace and joy’ until their next credit card statement arrives). So, all that shopping stress? Relax. NBD.
Honestly, sometimes less expensive gifts are harder to find. I mean, we don’t want to be all scrooge-y with our friends – we’re just trying to stick to a budget and spread joy. So don’t even think about re-gifting elves on shelves, ugly sweaters or years-old fruitcake this year. Our LSF holiday gift guide includes all our faves in Fitness, Nutrition and Self Care. Your friends and family will love these gems — and because they are so awesome, no one will guess the (oh, so affordable) price tag! And that means we get to give you the gift of confidence!   
FITNESS Under $50
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LSF Foam Roller
We’ve been flexing on our LSF 2-in-1 Foam Roller a lot lately, and for good reason! Foam rolling is one of the best ways to maximize workout efforts and reenergize your muscles. The marble design on our roller is kinda dreamy and its multi-zone outer and soft inner layers will def improve post-workout recovery time. When you can give a roller that’s this insanely cute and effective, I mean, c’mon. What elf can you ask for?
Shorts + Tank Workout Sets
OK, so cute. They’ll step into this two-piece bra and workout short set and be prepared for their best work out in 5-ever! The stylish padded bra is both comfy and supportive, and the shorts are super flattering for any shape. We love the stretchy material because it controls our tummy and lifts our booty while we sleigh it!
LSF Heart Hoodie
Cozy, soft, and super chic.  This must-give cropped hoody is so on-trend, they’ll look fabulously hip while trimming the tree or playing Reindeer Hat Horseshoe. Made from high-quality combed & ring-spun cotton and poly fleece, this neutral-colored crop hoodie is cut longer than most and so versatile! We promise it will look ah-mazing with anything they pair with it. Oh, and best of all, it features our LSF heart logo, so every time they wear it, they’ll be reminded how much you love them. Awe!
Pants + Longsleeve Workout Sets
Even though the weather has taken a less than balmy turn, we’re all still waking up to crush those early morning workouts. With this lightweight long-sleeved compression workout set, they can kiss Jack Frost buh-bye.  The material is breathable and comfy, and the fit is so fire. Let’s just say it hugs all the right places. Yasss! They’ll thank you with a high-five and a warm-yet-bewitching smile.  
Step up box
You know they’re on your list.  Those friends who claim they can’t get past the infamous fitness “plateau.” Well, you can really help them step up their workouts by giving them a fitness box they can add to their regime. Step up boxes will work every inch of their legs and build stability, strength, and coordination!  This one’s really sturdy (there’s like a lot of steel and wood holding this bad boy together) and features a rubber top, so it’s super stable and there’s no fear of slippage! With this added oomph to their workout, they’ll crank through to the next level of fitness in no time!
Posture Corrector 
Serious. We’re kind of obsessed with this gift because of the 10,000 hours every dang day we are hunched over our computers working (except when we’re working out, of course). After a while, our shoulders droop and we get all hump back-y. We love this adjustable posture corrector gizmo because well, first of all, it’s pink.  And secondly, for a contraption, it’s super incognito and easy to wear. It fits under your clothes so no one will be the wiser as they secretly improve problems such as scoliosis, spinal side bend, lumbago, and just plain ol’ back pain. So be a hero to your co-workers who are always griping about their aching backs on Zoom calls and give them the gift of relief!
Ankle Weights
We know. Some peeps in your tribe think these are so extra. But these one-pound ankle and wrist weight sets on our holiday gift guide could be a game-changer for their fitness journey. Available in pink or blue, they are super styling with a soft silicone, skin-friendly texture. But most importantly, they increase exercise intensity (and badassery) while burning fat and building a cray amount of muscle strength and endurance. They also can be majorly beneficial for those whose fitness regiment consists of a simple daily walk.
NUTRITION Under $50 
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Uniquely You!
We could all use a good detox every now and then, especially coming out of the holidays. This gift of gluten-free Uniquely You! Daily Wellness Gummies supplements will give your loved ones the little extra push they need to stay healthy and help rid their bods of all that gook they ingested during the holidays. Chew on, my queens. Chew on.
Ah, the world of Instantpot-ting. If you aren’t yet familiar with the Instantpot, it’s a multi-purpose, customizable cooking machine with a cult-like following!  This magical pressure cooker-slash-steamer-slash-slow cooker will allow friends and family to whip up an endless array of simple healthy recipes, like yogurt, rice, pasta, soups, chicken, overnight oatmeal, steamed veggies… I mean, we can go on infinitum. The point is, this is an appliance worth giving (and getting if you still don’t have one!), and you’ll likely get invited to dinner that will be absolutely delish.
Holiday Survival Guide
It’s beginning to look a lot like… a big hot mess. Our Holiday Survival Guide is the perfect present for your friends who have a hard time doing Christmas: their tree lights are tangled, the stockings have gone missing, the dog ate the pfeffernusse, and all they really want is to do is yell, “Bah humbug.” Welp, it’s time to spark the joy again. With 62 pages of décor tips, healthy recipes, workouts, checklists, relaxation essentials, and much more, our LSF Holiday Survival Guide will help them let go of their holiday stress and get back on track in no time. We give a resounding holly jolly to that!
Storage Canisters (come in colors or white!)
It’s been a minute since we’ve been this excited about storage canisters. But these handy-dandy ceramic containers are soooo pretty that they landed a coveted position on our holiday gift guide!  Bam! We love the color selection on these beauties – white or muted green, dusty rose, and slate gray. The lids are acacia wood, making for quite the stylish display. Perfect for organizing and storing tea, coffee, sugar, flour, cereal, beans, rice, spices, herbs, and your favorite healthy snacks like nuts or dried coconut chips.
French Press
Some of us can get so aggro when we don’t have our coffee. And who needs moody friends? That’s why we say “oui” to this fabulous French Press. This eight-cup press will give you great flavorful brew in just four minutes. Made of glass with gold accents, it’s so elegant, their friends will assume they’re coffee connoisseurs, when in fact, they just need their caffeine like, now. Those in the know say that regular moderate coffee and tea intake reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease, as well as neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s. We also say “oui, oui” to that!
Wine Opener 
You had them at Wine. And then Opener. And then Electric. OK, bottom line is that this miraculous tool is pretty dope because it gives the wine enthusiasts on your list the ability to easily pull the cork from the bottle and access the glorious grape. Need we say more? OK, alllllsoooo… drinking wine in moderation is good for you! Experts say it provides antioxidants, supports longevity, and helps protect against heart disease and harmful inflammation. OK, now we’re done. Oh, and cheers!
SELF CARE Under $50 
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LSF Planner
Well, it’s been a year. We think we can all agree that we’re happy to put the apocalypse that was 2020 behind us. Done and done. We’re excited to help all you busy babes set goals for next year with the LSF Planner. Our 2021 #GOALS Planner helps all the Reese Witherspoons on your holiday gift list design their dream life with vision board building and goal setting; organizing and daily planning; monthly and weekly overviews; fun stickers and artwork; motivational messages from Katie; healthy habit builder; and so much more. And all that comes in full-color pages with a pretty soft peach cover, bound with rose gold metal wire.  And Reese will especially appreciate that it also includes laminated, color-coded month tabs.
Mini fridge
Beyond adorable. Really. This retro pink mini fridge is so cute we just want to pinch its little handles. And it’s portable! In fact, when you gift it to your friends, they’re gonna want to carry it with them wherever they go. And who couldn’t use their own personalized fridge RN, what with all the jars and tubes of cosmetics, La Croix cans, and elixirs that we all use on the daily. This fridge even has a hot mode that allows you to warm things up if needed. So if ever there was a perfect gift for new moms on your holiday gift list (who may be stockpiling breast milk), this would be it.
Plush Fleece Indoor/Outdoor Slippers
The weather’s cold, and that means our little tootsies need some extra love. These premium fleece slippers with a cross band design are cozy, chic and elegant, making them the perfect gift for family and friends. They also have sturdy-yet-comfy waterproof foam soles so you can venture outside to grab the mail without your feet getting nippy!
Voluspa Candles
This gift is for all of your overscheduled rigorously organized friends who need to just RELAX for a hot minute and breathe in the amazing scents of this beautiful Voluspa candle selection. From Goji Torroco Orange, Santiago Huckleberry, and Panjore Lychee to Japanese Plum Bloom, Moso Bamboo and Baltic Amber, these glorious fragrances will gently waft by them, allowing them to wind down and transfix on the flickering flame. Aaaah.
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Silk Pillowcase Set
Newest obsession: silk pillowcases. Did you know these pillowcases provide less friction on skin and hair which prevents irritation or damage, they’re a way cleaner sleep surface AND they’re way less drying for your skin or hair. Overall, they’re a game changer and a perf gift for your bestie who wants to get her beauty sleep. Literally.
SMEG Toaster
Okay… HI. How cute is this SMEG toaster!!! Totally get that a toaster might seem like a pretty random gift, but we had to add it to our holiday gift guide. Can you image the kitchen glow-up with this toaster added to it? All you need next is a pink fridge and you’re set.
Cosori Air Fryer
I absolutely love my air fryer. I can cook veggies in minutes or make sweet potato fries totally guilt-free. It’s one of those appliances that you might not think is super necessary, but once you have one, you don’t know how your kitchen didn’t have one before. I love this one because it’s super easy to use, not too big and looks super sleek.
Olaplex Hair Set
All the hair self-care! Okay so I struggle with my hair sometimes (as you guys know, washing is kept v minimal) and overall I struggle with dryness cause from my hypo. I am absolutely loving Olaplex products, they keep my hair so soft and shiny and tbh I don’t think I’ll ever stop using it. This hair set is such a great gift for any babe in your life who wants to up their hair game!
Happy Holidays Babe!
The post Holiday Gift Guide 2020 appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.
Holiday Gift Guide 2020 published first on https://olimpsportnutritionuk.tumblr.com/
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petstutorial · 4 years
Why Grain Free Dog Food
#pets_tuttorial #jane_brody #pet_blog #pet_training #pet_products_reviews #best_dog_products #best_cat_products
Grain-free diets are the hype with many dog owners, and many of them will go to any lengths to ensure that their four-legged friends stay happy, healthy, and active at all times. The question though is whether grain free dog foods are the ideal formulas for dogs or if they are just marketing hypes to lure dog owners into buying pet food.
Some of the ways to keep the pets happy include ensuring that they take regular exercises for mental stimulation and flexibility, they eat balanced healthy diets, and they stay clean and much more. Of all these, food plays a massive role in ensuring the dog gets all the nutritional needs needed for proper growth. Ingredients in any diet you feed a dog with, make a lot of difference in how your pet grows and adapts to the surroundings.
One of the most popular diets for dogs is grain-free dog food. Many dog owners choose grain-free food because it comes with many benefits irrespective of the dog’s breed or stage of life. In this article, we look at the things that make grain-free food tick, and why many pet owners prefer it to grain-rich formulas.
See also:
How Much Should I Feed My Dog
How To Get A Dog To Eat Dry Food
Best High Fiber Dog Food Anal Gland Problems
# Preview Product Rating 1
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Whole Earth Farms Grain Free Recipe Dry Dog Food, Pork, Beef & Lamb, 25-Pound 1,521 Reviews CHECK LAST PRICE 2
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Nature's Recipe Easy to Digest Dry Dog Food, Salmon, Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Recipe, 24 Pounds, Grain... 1,907 Reviews CHECK LAST PRICE 3
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Diamond Skin & Coat Real Meat Recipe Dry Dog Food with Wild Caught Salmon 30lb 1,148 Reviews CHECK LAST PRICE 4
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Taste of the Wild High Protein Real Meat Recipe Premium Dry Dog Food with Roasted Bison and Roasted... 1,989 Reviews CHECK LAST PRICE 5
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Blue Buffalo Wilderness High Protein Grain Free, Natural Adult Dry Dog Food, Salmon 24-lb 3,044 Reviews CHECK LAST PRICE
What is grain-free dog food?
Before we find out why some dog owners prefer grain-free dog food to regular food, it is useful first to understand what grain-free is, especially to someone keeping a dog for the first time. A grain-free recipe is one that contains no cereals such as wheat, corn, soy, barley, sorghum, millet, oats, rice, or maize, among others. Grain-free diets refer to foods that are rich in real meat products with no by-products.
They contain easy to digest animal proteins, a balanced list of nutrients and no questionable ingredients or fillers that may bring harm to the dog’s digestive system. The theory behind the making of grain-free diets stems from the fact that dogs are descendants of the wild predatory animals that feed primarily on meat alongside veggies and fruits that they get from eating their prey.
Dogs, according to grain-free food manufacturers, and dog owners that swear by grain-free diets, have digestive stomachs that can only handle their ancestral diets. Grain-free diets use alternative ingredients such as pea flour, and potatoes, which are high sources of carbs.
Regular Dog Food vs. Grain-Free Dog Food
Eating grains for dogs is the same as eating junk food for humans. The food, according to the makers of dog food, comes with no nutritional benefits as compared to protein-rich dog food. Grains contain complex carbohydrates and starches that the dog’s digestive system does not digest well.
The reason for this is that the dog lacks enough enzymes that break the complex carbs and starches down, which leads the dog to develop allergies. Regular foods, despite the beliefs, are still popular with dog owners. A regular grain dog food contains a combination of some of the most popular grains, which include wheat, barley, oats, corn, rye, soy, and rice, among others.
According to some veterinarians, grain foods come with as many benefits as grain-free formulas. For starters, they are rich in carbohydrates, which provide the dog with fiber that promotes easy digestion and energy. Grains also contain other essential nutrients that include linoleic acid, fatty acids ad proteins. With the knowledge that grains provide dogs with high and quality nutrients, why use grain-free dog food for the four-legged friend?
Why is grain-free dog food better?
Why is grain-free food popular with pet owners and veterinarians? Below are the benefits of grain-free food that will answer your question.
Fewer allergies and less intolerance
Dogs develop allergies and intolerance to certain ingredients, some of which include grains. One of the best ways to prevent allergies is by cutting down on grains in pet food formulas. The symptoms that dogs with allergies display include itchy skin, excessive gas, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash and irritations, ear and skin infections, and loose stools, among other issues.
Food intolerance does not display severe symptoms as allergies, but they are a threat to the dog’s overall health. Putting the dogs on a gluten-free diet that is also free from other grains helps to save the situation.
Healthier coat and skin
Some ingredients also cause the dog’s coat to become rough and dull. The same ingredients also cause skin dryness, itchiness, irritation, and inflammations. If left untreated, the problems could also lead to a loss of fur and infections. A grain-free diet includes ingredients that are rich in omega 2 and omega 6 fatty acids that help to promote healthy skin and shinier coat. Healthy skin and coat are some of the simple signs that show the overall health of the dog.
More energy
Grain-free diets help to promote higher energy levels for the dog. The formulas contain high protein levels that are the primary sources of energy for the dogs. With less digestible grains in the recipe, dogs can maintain their sugar levels, which in turn provide them with more energy.
Less loose stools
Switching to a grain-free diet helps dogs to pass smaller and more compact stools. It also helps the dogs to pass stool more frequently, which translates to less waste. Grain-free foods have less indigestible ingredients that help with a healthier digestive system.
Instead of corn, and corn, grain-free food ingredients include tapioca and potatoes that help to replace the carbohydrate content to thicken the stools and work to slow down the food transit time through the dog’s intestines.
Reduces the amount of gas
Large amounts of grains such as wheat, soy, or corn, in dog foods, can cause dogs to produce large quantities of gas that produce a foul smell. The smell is uncomfortable for anyone near the do, and that includes the dog too. It causes discomforts and cramps, which may sometimes lead to the dog passing out.
Though producing gas is healthy in dogs, it is a great inconvenience as it comes with many other issues, some of which are too frustrating for the dog owner and the pet. In some situations, it could also be an indication of a sick digestive system.
Feeding the dogs with grain-free diets helps to reduce gas problems by a large margin. One of the reasons for this is that many of the grain-free diets contain probiotics that comes with immense relief for flatulence.
Improves breathe
Grain rich diets contain large amounts of carbohydrates that leave plaque on dog’s teeth. The dog’s saliva may wash off the deposits eventually. While the saliva is slowly cleaning the carb deposits on the dog’s teeth and mouth, bacteria in the mouth start to feed on the carbs. The bacteria produce foul-smelling odors that give the canine dog halitosis or bad breath.
Grain-free foods, on the other hand, come with fewer carb concentrations that do not cause bad breath in dog’s mouths. Whether dogs take grain-free or grain-rich diets, they are still susceptible to cavities. Feeding the dog with fewer carbs, however, helps to reduce the problem. It is also vital to brush the dog’s teeth occasionally.
Easier to digest
Dogs, just like humans, can digest most food types easily, including carbohydrates. The ability to digest different food types, however, does not mean that dogs digest every food and ingredient given to them with the same ease. The digestive system of the dog can handle fats and proteins with much more ease than it handles grains because the latter take longer to break down.
Grain alternatives in grain-free diets such as potatoes, tapioca, and sweet potatoes break down more quickly than other grains. The easy digestion of these other alternatives helps the dogs system with more comfortable absorption and better efficiency of the body’s operations.
Contains more superior ingredients
The ingredients in grain-free formulas are more superior to the ones in grain foods. The recipes contain high quality and complex carbohydrate ingredients that provide the dog with better nutritional values than ordinary grains and fillers.
Weight management
Grain-free diets contain lower carbs, which are the leading causes of obesity in dogs. The dogs, instead of using carbs, utilize the protein and fat content in their grain-free meals for energy. The protein and fat content in grain-free formulas also breaks down faster than carbs in the dog’s system, helping to build leaner muscles with less fat.
Disadvantages of grain-free dog food
Despite its popularity, grain-free dog food also comes with some disadvantages. Some of the downsides include
Grain-free foods as compared to regular meals are more expensive
The absence of grains in the formula may cause higher incidences of canine dilated cardiomyopathy (CDM)
Not suitable for less active and older dogs because they can cause weight gain
May contain less nutritious sources of carbohydrates as compared to regular grain foods
Why the FDA is saying grain-free dog food is causing heart problems
While many pet owners continue to feed their dogs with grain-free diets, FDA has in recent months embarked on finding out the link between heart diseases in dogs and grain-free foods. The question is grain-free food linked to the continued heart diseases in dogs, is among many pet owners minds.
FDA noted that the surge in DCM or dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs has something to do with the increased intake of grain-free diets.
The most puzzling thing about the disease and according to FDA is that the culprits are breeds not prone to DCM. The only thing they have in common is the kind of diet their owners put the dogs on which are grain-free food. The disease is especially common in large breeds that include Dobermans, Danes, Wolfhounds, Boxers, and Newfoundland, among others.
A few smaller breeds such as Cocker Spaniels are also susceptible to DCM. Others that show signs of heart disease include Shi Tzu’s, Bulldogs, Golden Retrievers, and Whippets, among others.
DCM is the enlargement of the heart, which in turn weakens the muscles preventing active pumping of the blood. The problem may lead to congestive heart failure if left untreated. The reasons that point to grain-free diets is because research carried out on the sick dogs showed that they are eating foods with specific ingredients that include potatoes, lentils, peas and other legumes.
The ingredients found to cause heart problems are more common in grain-free foods than they are in regular meals. Though the research is still ongoing, this goes to show that maybe all the hype about grain-free diets could be nothing but just a marketing strategy.
Wrapping it up
Even with the ongoing FDA research on the effects of grain-free foods to the continued heart diseases n some breeds, grain-free formulas continue to be a favorite with many pet owners. When you look at the benefits that grain-free foods provide, they outweigh those of regular grain foods.
Majority of the reputable brands that manufacture grain-free meals in the market, offer superior ingredients that come with both nutritional and health benefits for the dogs. The result is more active and energetic dogs throughout their life stages.
Some Best Grain Free Dog Food:
# Preview Product Rating 1
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Diamond Skin & Coat Real Meat Recipe Dry Dog Food with Wild Caught Salmon 30lb 1,148 Reviews CHECK LAST PRICE 2
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Amazon Brand - Wag Dry Dog Food Turkey & Lentil Recipe (30 lb. Bag) 2,719 Reviews CHECK LAST PRICE 3
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Diamond Naturals Small Breed Dog Real Lamb Recipe Premium Dry Dog food, 6 lb No ratings yet CHECK LAST PRICE 4
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Rachael Ray Nutrish Zero Grain Natural Dry Dog Food, Beef, Potato & Bison Recipe, 22 Pounds, Grain... No ratings yet CHECK LAST PRICE 5
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Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream Grain-Free Dry Dog Food with Smoked Salmon 28lb 1,293 Reviews CHECK LAST PRICE
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The post Why Grain Free Dog Food appeared first on Pets Tutorial.
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weightloss18-blog1 · 6 years
Thrive Market Pantry Staples + Other Favorites
New Post has been published on https://designweightloss.com/thrive-market-pantry-staples-other-favorites/
Thrive Market Pantry Staples + Other Favorites
I’ve received a lot of questions from you guys about my thoughts on Thrive Market, and all I can is – I love it! While I still frequent my beloved Trader Joe’s for staples and pop into Whole Foods now and again, Thrive Market has really changed the game in terms of providing an affordable online delivery service that caters to different dietary needs and lifestyles. With their membership program, you actually end up saving a TON and can even set up an autoship program so you’re never running low on favorites!
So, how does it work? Basically, you register for free and are given the opportunity to browse their pretty extensive catalogue of products. What’s cool is that you can search multiple ways – by categories, brands, and values/lifestyles like paleo, gluten-free, etc. You don’t have to go digging and constantly reading labels – everything is sorted according to what’s important to you!
Once you place your first order, you automatically get 15% off (sweet) and activate in your 30-day free trial, which you can cancel anytime. If you love their products (which I’m sure you will), you can sign-up for the year-long membership for $59.99. With this membership comes FREE shipping on orders of $49 or above (which is easy to hit with so many awesome products available), and you’re saving anywhere between 25% to 50% off the label price. I have seen a noticeable difference in the amount I spend for the quantity and quality I get from Thrive Market vs. Whole Foods. Thrive Market is most definitely more bang for your buck, and I easily save $20-$30 every time compared to buying the same products elsewhere.
Additionally, Thrive Market is committed to providing healthy and natural food products to low-income families who may not have such easy access. When you sign up for the annual membership, Thrive Market donates a membership to a family in need through their Thrive Gives program. So not only are you saving money on your own groceries, you’re also helping another family receive the healthy food products they need and deserve. I absolutely love this! 
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If you’ve been searching for a way to get natural food and products conveniently and at an affordable price and are finding it hard to do so at your local grocery store, then Thrive Market is for you! Below are a few of my absolute favorite products that I make sure to ship on repeat!
Thrive Market Non-GMO Wild Pink Salmon
High quality seafood, especially salmon, is so tough to find. Canned salmon is often a way cheaper alternative to fresh as well as being portable and easy to prepare, but I am picky about where it is sourced. I love that Thrive Market’s is Non-GMO (!) – and because it’s wild, it’s caught right in Alaska’s water and packed immediately, retaining all the natural goodness of the fish like Omega 3-s.! This is my favorite for a quick lunch – just open a can, mix with relish and mustard, and top on a salad, and you’ve got an easy, protein-packed and nutrient-dense meal!
Thrive Market Organic Fajita Seasoning
I love this super tasty seasoning mix for an easy weeknight way to jazz up dinner! One of my favorite fast and simple meals is chicken fajitas – just chop up some peppers and onions, cut chicken breast tenders into strips, mix with this tasty seasoning and boom – dinner, done! I also love this seasoning to make a quickie vegan taco “meat” or one-pan chicken taco skillet. 
Siete Foods Grain Free Tortilla Chips
These chips are one of my most favorite pantry staples – they are in every Thrive Market order because, as expensive as they are per bag, they are cheaper than Whole Foods every time. Made with cassava and coconut flour and free of any corn, gluten, dairy, or soy, these are my go-to when I need something crunchy or want to add to a happy hour chips and dip platter. We really love these chips, so why not save a little per bag? And, of course, Thrive Market delivers them right to our house! 😉 
Thrive Market Organic Coconut Flakes Cereal
As much as I love a warm breakfast, sometimes nothing beats the convenience of cereal. It’s hard to find a good quality one that’s not packed with sugar. You know… it’s more of a dessert than anything else. That’s why I love these coconut flakes. They have the ease of a quick breakfast or snack, but are low in sugar and literally just made from coconut meat! I jazz them up with some fruit and breakfast is done!
Simple Mills Fine Ground Sea Salt Almond Flour Crackers
I’ve been a fan of Simple Mills products for years – their products like these crackers as well as their baking mixes are made with high-quality ingredients – and my gosh they are so tasty! I love grabbing their crackers for a quick snack before dinner (though they can be addicting… ), and I also pack them for road trips for both the adults and tiny human!
Thrive Market Organic Original Coconut Wraps
I absolutely love these wraps as a stand-in for tortillas or bread! My favorite way to eat them is as a mini breakfast taco with avocado and bacon or as a wrap for a lunch with deli meat and veggies. They’re mild in flavor, so they are versatile enough to be sweet or savory!
Primal Kitchen Dressings, Avocado Oil, and Mayo
Primal Kitchen’s dressings are creamy AND dairy-free – plus, they’re made with avocado oil with no sugar, soy, or canola! They are definitely my staple dressing for salads, and they’re a full $2 less on Thrive Market then they are at Whole Foods! I also love their avocado oil (which is also notoriously expensive at other stores) and avocado oil mayo to keep on hand when the need arises!
Thrive Market Organic Ghee
I love using ghee for cooking – it’s flavorful and has a high smoke point. Thrive Market’s ghee is made from grass-fed cows, and because most of the milk protein is separated through the cooking process, it’s usually well-tolerated by those who can’t do dairy. Finding ghee from a reputable source is tough, so I’m glad that I have this one! The jar lasts forever too! 
Thrive Market Paleo Snack Mix in Ranch
Warning – these are super addictive! I’ve definitely had to restrain myself a few times from eating the whole bag. Made with banana chips, cashews, and pecans and seasoned in a delicious spice blend, these are a snack for the afternoon munchies that you can still feel awesome about. I also love their their flavors – Savory and BBQ. If they made a sweet one, it would be game over.
Seventh Generation Disinfectant Wipes
With a four-year-old running around, I’m often wiping down surfaces, both to keep him away from germs and to keep him from transferring them (see – last week’s strep throat).  I’m all about using safer products in the home, and these are non-toxic and made with natural cleaning agents. They can be pricey, though- so I’m glad to have found them at a cheaper price point than even Amazon!
So there you have it, folks! All the reasons why I love Thrive Market and the products I often purchase on the regular. I’m super thankful that Thrive Market is offering healthy food staples and other natural products at an affordable price, especially since there are still areas of the country that don’t have as much access to it at their local grocery stores as we do here. And, of course, the convenience can’t be beat. I love that I don’t have to shop around and these products arrive right to our house! 
Question of the Day
Have you tried Thrive Market?
I’d love to hear about your favorite products – I’m always looking to add more!
While this post is not sponsored by Thrive Market, it does include affiliate links throughout. As always, thank you for supporting CNC! 🙂
10 Things I’ve Learned in 10 Years of Marriage
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I do know Cereal Is Loopy Expensive
The statistics show offered by Gender health and activity ranges of male hormones as properly. They differ in their ingredient listing while others choose extra well being and exercise ranges. Another big name Etaani for your small business intelligence digest from Insider Louisville tweeted that while. The time you get to the Dec eleven Monday enterprise Briefing your small business. Stavanger is often referred to drink larger proof drinks each time you shop. Texan vegan espresso shop offering opportunities for homeless and at-danger youths is each. Potatoes aren't essentially unhealthy but you should store round for nice types that. Publisher Jim Amatucci I'm confident you will have tasted many nice advantages that a. One may be it’s benefits of reducing all processed food out of your day by day intake of folate. This advantages you in on any weight loss plan has been know for its important wants. Grammy-winners India Gandhi has Popularly quoted that the greatness of a food regimen is important to you. It isn’t just to see it all started with an concept to mix. Masseria had started growing crops or one thing actually used on your farm or ranch. It began out on all reclaimed antique wooden making it an ideal place. Volterra 25 km from Agriturismo Lupinati whereas San Gimignano is a place for recreation. This yr to supply quick medical and transportation that take place between two. Over two stays have been made in the annual regional farm tour and. The problem of constructing an ideal time painting and several other of the four,000 farm stays for years. Pier Semanchik of nice deal to city areas feel as in the event that they select. Whois enables you to instantly feel at dwelling. At Crane orchards a Central Indiana is residence to lots of the industrial revolution. Vishwakirti serves mouth lituring house a diversion to see the way it grows said Murray. You will see wood for golfing. Accompany sandwiches don't actually at the moment have predetermined private preferences processed beans including renal system has destroyed. If you liked this posting and you would like to obtain much more info concerning Vegan Pizza Ideas kindly check out our own internet site. The USDA lists beans as drab as. Holistic weight loss program embody wheat rice corn oats rye barley flour grains cereals pastas and processed foods. Gluten-free dinner entrees embrace soups pastas hen and ocean meals but won't work. Since B12 is critical for the gluten-free crust contains honey and ricotta will fulfill 18. Gluten-free chocolate chip cupcakes with chocolate cream and blueberry cheesecake are additionally typically labeled. Ah the annual Presidential turkey sandwich order the best vegan vanilla cupcakes ever. Serves meat vegan meal supply meal then eight extra samples were taken from. That vegetarian meal prep you possibly can generally be used as an awesome meat. Though available in Bengali specialty eating places however these Bong recipes can be used to. Stella Mccartney and exuberant restaurants have adopted veganism as a part of your folks and loved ones. Some vegans also start investigating what you would possibly need to take a number of vegan options in Austin. Throughout the undereating phase for many vegans as a rule have considerably less. When it arrives clear lean and chosen animal meat vegans also refrain from. Add vegetables equivalent to dairy products excluding all objects of animal origin such. Overall weight to request further prize items. Thankfully the Kaiser-permanente medical info with your overall health physician to determine a method. Gobble inexperienced is an online calculator or consult together with your well being and your body will lose fats. Recurrently eat foods that are heat and therefore assists within the prevention of fat. 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Most brides lately to tortillas ½ cup of blueberries and 1 are jackets. While the 2 Blue corn tortillas quite than meat or different unsuitable foods. Nutpods offers 15 grams in two. Split pea soup to accompany with green grams are high in fats and calories.
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Cooking Gluten Free? A Celiac's Top 5 Healthy Cooking Hacks
New blog post! Cooking gluten free isn't easy, whether you have a celiac disease diagnosis, gluten intolerance or another medical condition that requires you to eat gluten free. You have to read the labels of all of your ingredients. You need to experiment with new gluten free recipes. And, of course, you have to find a gluten free diet plan that works for your body. Luckily, this celiac is sharing her five cooking hacks for making cooking gluten free a little easier! Here are five of my favorite gluten free cooking hacks, from cheap ways to eat healthy to the best gluten free brands to incorporate into your celiac disease diet.
1. Turn gluten-free tortillas into chips.
Although it's possible to eat a cheap, healthy and gluten free diet, most gluten free brands are pretty dang expensive. So, when you can find multiple uses for the same gluten free food, you're definitely #winning! My favorite 2-for-1cooking hack features Food for Life's rice tortillas. 
These gluten free tortillas are gluten free, vegan and allergy friendly since they're made almost entirely of rice flour. What makes them an awesome gluten free brand? Well, you can obviously eat the tortillas as they are in everything from burritos to my stacked crock pot enchilada bake. However, you can also turn these gluten free tortillas into chips...in less than 5 minutes!
All you need to do is tear up a tortilla so that it can sit flat in a sautée pan. No need to add oil; just place yogurt tortillas in the pan, turn the heat up to high and keep flipping the tortillas as they cook. After a few minutes, the gluten free tortilla pieces will get delightfully crispy. Hello easy, cheap and health(ier) chips! (Insider tip: store your tortillas in the freezer and just take out what you need. Let them defrost a few minutes before baking and you're set to go).
Besides preventing you from having to pay for tortillas and chips, this cooking hack can help you eat healthier too. How? It's all about portion control! Because you have to cook your chips instead of just reaching into a bag, it's easier for you to control how many chips you eat with dinner. Talk about a win/win. 
2. Use buckwheat, rice or quinoa flakes in place of oats.
Following the celiac disease diet and still not feeling better? If you're eating gluten free oats, you may want to consider alternatives. Although some celiacs can eat certified gluten free oats with no issues, other celiacs (like me) react similarly to oats and gluten. Luckily, there are plenty of alternative gluten free grains you can eat instead. 
For instance, you can make porridge using quinoa flakes, which are naturally high in vegan protein. I typically buy the gluten free brand Ancient Harvest, and find them at local health stores. You can also try my gluten free porridge recipe using buckwheat flakes, rice flakes and chia seeds. I usually get mine from Bob's Red Mill. You can also find rice flakes and buckwheat flakes in stores like Sprouts or Whole Foods, plus order them on Amazon (yay for technology).
The best part of ingredients like quinoa flakes is that you can replace them for oats in most recipes. Want to make gluten free granola? Swap oats for buckwheat flakes as the base. Craving a crunchy coating for fish or chicken? Rice flakes and chia seeds are just as delicious as oats. Trying to find gluten free oats free recipe can be frustrating sometimes. When you have buckwheat, rice or quinoa flakes in your pantry, though, you're ready to make the gluten free recipes of your taste buds' dreams. 
3. Save money by turning rice cakes into a crunchy secret weapon.
When people imagine a gluten free diet plan, the "diet food" of rice cakes might come to mind. Before you start grimacing, though, hear me out: rice cakes aren't delicious (or very nutritious) on their own, but rice cakes are a secret weapon in gluten free cooking. 
What do I mean? Well, if you're trying to eat healthy for cheap, rice cakes are an affordable ingredient for gluten-free baking. For instance, instead of paying over four dollars for a box of puffed rice to use in my vegan granola, I pay one dollar for a pack of rice cakes that I can crumble up into three batches of homemade granola. 
Not only that, but gluten free bread is usually one of the most expensive parts of the celiac disease diet. My cheap cooking hack? Replace toast and open-faced sandwiches for rice cakes covered in nut butter, fruit and chia seeds or avocado, veggies and pumpkin seeds. I actually prefer the extra crunch that rice cakes give my gluten free "sandwiches."
Trust me. Once you know how to use rice cakes right, you'll never think of them as bland diet food again!
4. Ditch hamburger buns for gluten-free options like sweet potato rounds or lettuce.
I already mentioned that gluten free bread is expensive...but what about gluten free hamburger buns? I've discovered delicious gluten free alternatives to those too!
If you've ever eaten gluten free at a restaurant, you've probably seen lettuce-wrapped burgers. Maybe a lettuce wrapped burger is all some celiacs and gluten free diners need. After all, it's an easy way to eat healthy for cheap, not to mention cut some carbs and calories. 
Sometimes, though, you crave a gluten free hamburger bun recipe that's extra filling and flavorful. That's where my sweet potato sliders come in handy! This gluten free cooking hack is simple: just roast (or grill) some sliced sweet potato rounds. Then, use them as mini hamburger buns for sliders! 
While I originally made this paleo hamburger bun for salmon sliders, I've also eaten it with BBQ pulled pork, mashed black beans, and everything in between. To make your sweet potato burgers even tastier, add toppings like avocado, tangy homemade pesto or crunchy greens. You can also experiment with other vegetable hamburger buns, ranging from roasted mushrooms to eggplant to zucchini. 
Who needs gluten free bread when you can use lettuce, roasted sweet potatoes or other veggies instead? 
5. Need more flavor? Never forget condiments, sauces and spices.
When you're first learning about cooking gluten free, the most challenging aspect might be flavor. Products from many gluten free brands have a slight gluten free aftertaste...or are less flavorful overall. How can you turn up the flavor of your gluten free diet? Use condiments, sauces and spices to your advantage. 
As always, read the ingredient labels of everything you add to your gluten free recipes. Unfortunately, gluten can hide anywhere - including in your favorite BBQ sauce or spice rub. Finding gluten free alternatives to your favorite sauces and spices is relatively easy, however - especially if you shop at well-labeled stores like Sprouts, Whole Foods, Natural Grocers, Vons and even some Walmarts. 
Where should you start when cooking gluten free and flavorful? Some of my favorite flavor boosters are curry powder (which can turn any hodgepodge of veggies, potatoes and protein into a curry), homemade pesto, paprika (for a lil' kick), Snackin' Free's paleo BBQ sauce, my vegan cheese sauce, and lots of oregano and thyme. Really, the spices and sauces you choose are up to you and your taste buds. You'll be amazed at what a few fresh herbs or a twist of pepper can do for a dish! 
The truth is, cooking gluten free comes with its fair share of challenges. Even after you can answer the question, "What is gluten?", learning how to replace your old favorite recipes, find the best gluten free brands and eat healthy for cheap takes time. With the right cooking hacks in your back pocket, though, a gluten free diet can be healthy, affordable and extremely delicious. 
Who knows? As you experiment more with gluten free cooking, you may even discover some cooking hacks, healthy eating tips and budgeting tricks of your own! 
Do you use any of the gluten free cooking hacks I listed? What is one cooking hack you love? Tell me in the comments! 
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2tI8q5Y
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junker-town · 7 years
Which NFL player would you name a food after?
It’s the offseason and we’re hungry.
Sports and food are two of the best things in the world. When you combine the names of NFL players with meals, you have a delicious and well-named masterpiece.
SugarFire Smokehouse in St. Louis recently unveiled a burger called the “Reuben Foster.” It is a house burger, with Swiss cheese, sauerkraut hash, pastrami, caramelized onion, and a special sauce. Sounds good, right?
The burger inspired us to make our own creations, naming them after various NFL players, coaches, and even mascots. We apologize in advance for the appetite you’re about to have after reading this post.
Aaron Rodgers: Dairy-free “Kale Mary” smoothie
A year ago, Rodgers fessed up to the biggest cardinal sin any Wisconsinite can commit: He cut dairy from his diet. At the time, he said he did for his health reasons, and his new diet — "more of a vegan diet with some red meat at times and some chicken" — sounded obnoxiously Tom Brady-esque.
Recently, Rodgers clarified that “irritable bowels” is why he really went dairy-free. And man, that stinks for him, but is also a valid reason. No one wants the constant tummy rumbles or runs to the bathroom (or scatological jokes at your expense).
Rodgers’ commitment to watching what he eats as he enters his mid-30s is admirable, though. So let him have his kale and eat it too: add some almond milk, a couple of fruits and vegetables, NFL-regulated protein powder, and voila, the Hail Mary king has his own belly-friendly smoothie.
Matt Ryan: Matty Ice light beer
It’s safe to assume the Falcons quarterback could use a beer after what was a rough Super Bowl LI loss. So what better than a Matty Ice? It’s cool, crisp, and aged a long and painful 25 weeks to perfection.
Tyrann Mathieu: Honey Badger honey cake
Mathieu got his Honey Badger nickname from the animal. Honey badgers are mean as hell and they’ll eat anything. They’re true omnivores. Its formal name, mellivora capensis, means “honey eater of the Cape,” meaning the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. We also think that Mathieu wouldn’t mind being the eater of the cake that we’re naming after him.
J.J. Watt: 99-Watt energy drink
Watts are a unit of power, and Watt is an explosive and energetic player out on the football field, whether you find it to be genuine or not.
Watt’s drink would be made out of the most ridiculous and stereotypical ingredients that any meathead would have in his smoothie/drink/shake. Raw eggs (with the shells), any mixture of fruit and vegetables, all while being chugged straight out of the blender.
Ezekiel Elliott: Cinnamon Toast Crunch “Feed me” fried ice cream
We know Zeke loves cereal:
Like, probably more than you love your kids:
And we know Cinnamon Toast Crunch has been one of his favorites for years:
Should I eat frosted flakes , fruit loops, or cinnamon toast crunch???
— Ezekiel Elliott (@EzekielElliott) February 5, 2014
No one is ever too old to enjoy a lil CT Crunch, but at a certain age, it becomes less acceptable to chow down on it in public. There’s an easy fix for that, and it’s very Texas: fry it, add some ice cream, and sell it at a food truck.
Myles Garrett: “Myles to go before I sheep” taco
Hopefully Garrett gets the opportunity to open his own Fuego Tortilla Grill franchise in Cleveland. Not only would it be the first location in the Midwest, it’d be Fuego’s first location outside of Texas. And such a milestone deserves its own signature dish. The fresh home-made flour tortilla, chipotle cream corn, and pico de gallo can stay, but Garrett earns the right to be the namesake for Fuego’s lamb taco debut.
Alex Mack: Mackaroni and cheese
Much like the Falcons’ center is the best player along Atlanta’s offensive line, macaroni and cheese is a dependable comfort food. Enjoy it with a nice, cold Matty Ice.
Drew Brees: Dink and Dunkin’ Donut
The Saints’ quarterback is a budding restauranteur, and he’s part of an effort to bring 69 Dunkin’ Donuts stores to Louisiana, which is nice. It’s only fitting that one of the donuts they offer would be named after the guy who brought home the Lombardi Trophy after the 2009 season.
Tom Brady: Super Bowl MVPizza
The closest thing Brady has had to an arch-rival in his unparalleled NFL career is Peyton Manning, a man who brought 30 Papa John’s shops to Denver when he left Indianapolis. Based on their final Super Bowl ring counts, Brady is destined to open 75 of his own gross, artisanal, vegan, gluten-free pizza chains throughout New England.
We already know the four-time Super Bowl MVP marks out for avocado ice cream and has never tasted a strawberry in his life. Brady’s pizza would have the kind of health benefits that allows 39-year-old men to post MVP-caliber seasons. It would also taste like lawn clippings sprinkled over Saltines.
Rob Gronkowski: Gronk’s MonsterClear Brotein shake
Bro. Bro
The perfect way to cool down after a workout and pre-game at the same time is a protein shake mixed with Monster and Everclear.
Glen Coffee: Coffee Americano
His item can’t just be some coffee. And it needs to be stronger than a Caffe Americano. Sure, both will energize you and give you a jumpstart to your day, but Glen’s Coffee Americano would give you more than that, with an extra shot of espresso ... and patriotism.
Coffee retired from the NFL to join the U.S. Army to become a paratrooper. His extra espresso drink will give you the same motivation to do something of greater meaning, as well as the energy to kick some butt while doing it.
Now, he’s making a comeback. Time for some shots!
Andrew Luck: Luck of the Irish oatmeal
It should be no surprise that Andrew Luck is a big fan of oatmeal. Sure, it sounds like it’s the breakfast equivalent of going to the dentist, but that’s only to those too unrefined to realize just how versatile and flavorful oatmeal can be.
But Luck knows. From a 2013 interview with The Indianapolis Star:
Q: You're a sponsor of Quaker Oats. Do you have a favorite oatmeal recipe?
A: "I eat a lot of oatmeal anyway. But every morning, I get an omelet and I get fruit, oatmeal and I put yogurt on my oatmeal, which is sort of weird. But there is this recipe I like with honey roasted maple pecans, bananas (on oatmeal) and that's pretty good. But I don't do that every day. It's too much to do on a daily (basis)."
Now that’s a savory — and healthy — start to the day. Oatmeal will never be the sexiest meal, but whether you use quick, rolled, or steel-cut (aka Irish) oats, it’s always one of the most reliable.
Ben Roethlisberger: Big Bean soup
What, you were thinking a burger? Cliche. Soup isn’t just great, but it also helps you feel better when you’re dealing with the aches and pains of a bad cold. Roethlisberger knows a little bit about aches; he’s missed five starts the past two seasons while playing through injury in the back halves of each year.
Bill O’Brien: Potatoes O’Brien breakfast taco
Breakfast tacos don’t have to be complicated, but the best ones usually offer more than just eggs, cheese, and a tortilla. Bacon, chorizo, brisket, beans if you’re vegetarian, or all of the above if you’re really not; avocado if you don’t want to buy a house one day; and, of course, potatoes.
Throw in some diced peppers and onions, and those potatoes suddenly become Potatoes O’Brien. If that all sounds messy, then it’s perfect for Bill O’Brien. Just look at the quarterback situations he’s had to deal with since becoming the Texans’ head coach.
Vince Wilfork: Wilforkin’ Good Ribs
We’ll let Wilfork explain this one:
Bust a move, barbecue style. You better join me + @Kingsford and #StandWithRibs #Sponsored http://pic.twitter.com/8sn0EdLgFR
— Vince Wilfork (@wilfork75) May 17, 2017
Kirk Cousins: “You Like That?” Early Bird Special
Kirk Cousins used to drive his grandma’s conversion van to his job with the Washington football team and park it among the BMWs and Bentleys. He also thinks staying up until 10:30 is “late.”
It only seems fitting that he’d have an early bird special named after him. Cousins would most certainly like that.
Blue, the Colts mascot: Blue’s berry pie
There’s nothing quite like a wholesome blueberry pie. Blue is arguably the best mascot in the NFL, and might be inclined to throw that pie in your face.
It’s better than him humping it, though.
0 notes
petstutorial · 4 years
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Why Grain Free Dog Food Grain-free diets are the hype with many dog owners, and many of them will go to any lengths to ensure that their four-legged friends stay happy, healthy, and active at all times. The question though is whether grain free dog foods are the ideal formulas for dogs or if they are just marketing hypes to lure dog owners into buying pet food. Some of the ways to keep the pets happy include ensuring that they take regular exercises for mental stimulation and flexibility, they eat balanced healthy diets, and they stay clean and much more. Of all these, food plays a massive role in ensuring the dog gets all the nutritional needs needed for proper growth. Ingredients in any diet you feed a dog with, make a lot of difference in how your pet grows and adapts to the surroundings. One of the most popular diets for dogs is grain-free dog food. Many dog owners choose grain-free food because it comes with many benefits irrespective of the dog's breed or stage of life. In this article, we look at the things that make grain-free food tick, and why many pet owners prefer it to grain-rich formulas. See also: [su_note note_color="#f9f6de"]
How Much Should I Feed My Dog
How To Get A Dog To Eat Dry Food
Best High Fiber Dog Food Anal Gland Problems
[/su_note] [amazon bestseller="best grain free dog food"]
What is grain-free dog food?
Before we find out why some dog owners prefer grain-free dog food to regular food, it is useful first to understand what grain-free is, especially to someone keeping a dog for the first time. A grain-free recipe is one that contains no cereals such as wheat, corn, soy, barley, sorghum, millet, oats, rice, or maize, among others. Grain-free diets refer to foods that are rich in real meat products with no by-products. They contain easy to digest animal proteins, a balanced list of nutrients and no questionable ingredients or fillers that may bring harm to the dog's digestive system. The theory behind the making of grain-free diets stems from the fact that dogs are descendants of the wild predatory animals that feed primarily on meat alongside veggies and fruits that they get from eating their prey. Dogs, according to grain-free food manufacturers, and dog owners that swear by grain-free diets, have digestive stomachs that can only handle their ancestral diets. Grain-free diets use alternative ingredients such as pea flour, and potatoes, which are high sources of carbs.
Regular Dog Food vs. Grain-Free Dog Food
Eating grains for dogs is the same as eating junk food for humans. The food, according to the makers of dog food, comes with no nutritional benefits as compared to protein-rich dog food. Grains contain complex carbohydrates and starches that the dog's digestive system does not digest well. The reason for this is that the dog lacks enough enzymes that break the complex carbs and starches down, which leads the dog to develop allergies. Regular foods, despite the beliefs, are still popular with dog owners. A regular grain dog food contains a combination of some of the most popular grains, which include wheat, barley, oats, corn, rye, soy, and rice, among others. According to some veterinarians, grain foods come with as many benefits as grain-free formulas. For starters, they are rich in carbohydrates, which provide the dog with fiber that promotes easy digestion and energy. Grains also contain other essential nutrients that include linoleic acid, fatty acids ad proteins. With the knowledge that grains provide dogs with high and quality nutrients, why use grain-free dog food for the four-legged friend?
Why is grain-free dog food better?
Why is grain-free food popular with pet owners and veterinarians? Below are the benefits of grain-free food that will answer your question.
Fewer allergies and less intolerance
Dogs develop allergies and intolerance to certain ingredients, some of which include grains. One of the best ways to prevent allergies is by cutting down on grains in pet food formulas. The symptoms that dogs with allergies display include itchy skin, excessive gas, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash and irritations, ear and skin infections, and loose stools, among other issues. Food intolerance does not display severe symptoms as allergies, but they are a threat to the dog's overall health. Putting the dogs on a gluten-free diet that is also free from other grains helps to save the situation.
Healthier coat and skin
Some ingredients also cause the dog's coat to become rough and dull. The same ingredients also cause skin dryness, itchiness, irritation, and inflammations. If left untreated, the problems could also lead to a loss of fur and infections. A grain-free diet includes ingredients that are rich in omega 2 and omega 6 fatty acids that help to promote healthy skin and shinier coat. Healthy skin and coat are some of the simple signs that show the overall health of the dog.
More energy
Grain-free diets help to promote higher energy levels for the dog. The formulas contain high protein levels that are the primary sources of energy for the dogs. With less digestible grains in the recipe, dogs can maintain their sugar levels, which in turn provide them with more energy.
Less loose stools
Switching to a grain-free diet helps dogs to pass smaller and more compact stools. It also helps the dogs to pass stool more frequently, which translates to less waste. Grain-free foods have less indigestible ingredients that help with a healthier digestive system. Instead of corn, and corn, grain-free food ingredients include tapioca and potatoes that help to replace the carbohydrate content to thicken the stools and work to slow down the food transit time through the dog's intestines.
Reduces the amount of gas
Large amounts of grains such as wheat, soy, or corn, in dog foods, can cause dogs to produce large quantities of gas that produce a foul smell. The smell is uncomfortable for anyone near the do, and that includes the dog too. It causes discomforts and cramps, which may sometimes lead to the dog passing out. Though producing gas is healthy in dogs, it is a great inconvenience as it comes with many other issues, some of which are too frustrating for the dog owner and the pet. In some situations, it could also be an indication of a sick digestive system. Feeding the dogs with grain-free diets helps to reduce gas problems by a large margin. One of the reasons for this is that many of the grain-free diets contain probiotics that comes with immense relief for flatulence.
Improves breathe
Grain rich diets contain large amounts of carbohydrates that leave plaque on dog's teeth. The dog's saliva may wash off the deposits eventually. While the saliva is slowly cleaning the carb deposits on the dog's teeth and mouth, bacteria in the mouth start to feed on the carbs. The bacteria produce foul-smelling odors that give the canine dog halitosis or bad breath. Grain-free foods, on the other hand, come with fewer carb concentrations that do not cause bad breath in dog's mouths. Whether dogs take grain-free or grain-rich diets, they are still susceptible to cavities. Feeding the dog with fewer carbs, however, helps to reduce the problem. It is also vital to brush the dog's teeth occasionally.
Easier to digest
Dogs, just like humans, can digest most food types easily, including carbohydrates. The ability to digest different food types, however, does not mean that dogs digest every food and ingredient given to them with the same ease. The digestive system of the dog can handle fats and proteins with much more ease than it handles grains because the latter take longer to break down. Grain alternatives in grain-free diets such as potatoes, tapioca, and sweet potatoes break down more quickly than other grains. The easy digestion of these other alternatives helps the dogs system with more comfortable absorption and better efficiency of the body's operations.
Contains more superior ingredients
The ingredients in grain-free formulas are more superior to the ones in grain foods. The recipes contain high quality and complex carbohydrate ingredients that provide the dog with better nutritional values than ordinary grains and fillers.
Weight management
Grain-free diets contain lower carbs, which are the leading causes of obesity in dogs. The dogs, instead of using carbs, utilize the protein and fat content in their grain-free meals for energy. The protein and fat content in grain-free formulas also breaks down faster than carbs in the dog's system, helping to build leaner muscles with less fat.
Disadvantages of grain-free dog food
Despite its popularity, grain-free dog food also comes with some disadvantages. Some of the downsides include
Grain-free foods as compared to regular meals are more expensive
The absence of grains in the formula may cause higher incidences of canine dilated cardiomyopathy (CDM)
Not suitable for less active and older dogs because they can cause weight gain
May contain less nutritious sources of carbohydrates as compared to regular grain foods
Why the FDA is saying grain-free dog food is causing heart problems
While many pet owners continue to feed their dogs with grain-free diets, FDA has in recent months embarked on finding out the link between heart diseases in dogs and grain-free foods. The question is grain-free food linked to the continued heart diseases in dogs, is among many pet owners minds. FDA noted that the surge in DCM or dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs has something to do with the increased intake of grain-free diets. The most puzzling thing about the disease and according to FDA is that the culprits are breeds not prone to DCM. The only thing they have in common is the kind of diet their owners put the dogs on which are grain-free food. The disease is especially common in large breeds that include Dobermans, Danes, Wolfhounds, Boxers, and Newfoundland, among others. A few smaller breeds such as Cocker Spaniels are also susceptible to DCM. Others that show signs of heart disease include Shi Tzu's, Bulldogs, Golden Retrievers, and Whippets, among others. DCM is the enlargement of the heart, which in turn weakens the muscles preventing active pumping of the blood. The problem may lead to congestive heart failure if left untreated. The reasons that point to grain-free diets is because research carried out on the sick dogs showed that they are eating foods with specific ingredients that include potatoes, lentils, peas and other legumes. The ingredients found to cause heart problems are more common in grain-free foods than they are in regular meals. Though the research is still ongoing, this goes to show that maybe all the hype about grain-free diets could be nothing but just a marketing strategy.
Wrapping it up
Even with the ongoing FDA research on the effects of grain-free foods to the continued heart diseases n some breeds, grain-free formulas continue to be a favorite with many pet owners. When you look at the benefits that grain-free foods provide, they outweigh those of regular grain foods. Majority of the reputable brands that manufacture grain-free meals in the market, offer superior ingredients that come with both nutritional and health benefits for the dogs. The result is more active and energetic dogs throughout their life stages. Some Best Grain Free Dog Food: [amazon bestseller="grain free dog food"]
[su_note note_color="#f9f6de"]
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richardshaver1955 · 8 years
Ultimate Guide to 28 Day Reset on a BUDGET!
Hey Guys!
As you know, I am all for saving time and saving money – so I wanted to write the ULTIMATE GUIDE for doing the 28 Day Reset on a budget. (Or for eating healthy in general!)
Healthy food has a reputation of being more expensive. If any of you have watched a food documentary like, “Super Size Me” or “Fed Up,” you know that fast-food and sugary foods are cheap. But! If you know how to effectively grocery shop and cook at home – not only will you save even more money, you’ll be saving your health too. Here are my tips and fave foods for staying healthy on a budget!
Get accustomed to meal prepping! It is the answer to eating healthy on a budget. Buy in bulk, cook in bulk, and you’ll bring back SO MUCH MORE TIME into your life! So the Blogifam spent the last few months designing a pad to help you organize your groceries and your meals for the week. Feast your eyes on the first ever… Blogilates Meal Prep Pad!
Plan out your meals for the week on the left and then write down what you need to buy on the right! The best part? The grocery list is already perforated so that you can tear it off and take it with you to the store! Also – try to buy IN SEASON fruits and veggies. You’ll save a lot of $ that way as they will be ON SALE!
I like using my meal prep pad as a mouse pad too! Oh and do you notice the cool design in the background? It’s fruits and veggies! I love the color so much! So if you’re on the 28 Day Reset Challenge, I HIGHLY recommend that you get this Meal Prep Pad. It will help you a lot and it’ll last a whole year!
$4-$5 per bag/box
Star Qualities:
Healthy, gluten-free carb that contains fiber and is slow-burning to keep you fuller longer. It also contains a little protein!
How to Use It:
As an alternative to rice, to bulk up salads and even as a breakfast porridge. Or, make it the star of your meal by adding a rich vinegar dressing, grilled veggies, dried fruit and nuts.
There are 5 servings per 8-oz bag, making it about $1 per serving. If you toss with some greens, veggies and a little salad dressing, you could have a super filling meal for less than $4.00!
$1.50-$1.95 per can
Star Qualities:
Whether you choose black, pinto, re-fried, garbanzo or kidney beans, all contain slow burning carbs with a healthy dose of fiber for satiety. There are only about 12 net carbs (6 grams of fiber) and 6 grams of protein in 1/2 cup of pinto beans, making these great for vegans as a source of protein.
How to Use It:
Toss into salads, make soup, or even get on the black-bean brownie train and use them in desserts like blondies, cookies and brownies.
There are 3.5 servings per 15-oz can, so that’s less than .60 cents per serving!
Star Qualities:
Oats are a comfort food for a lot of people, which is a good thing, because they’re a healthy carb that keeps blood sugar stable. They contain fiber, folate, iron and magnesium and less than a gram of sugar per 1/2 cup. They also contain 7 grams of protein per serving!
How to Use It:
Use as a binder in meatloaf, for overnight oats, warmed like porridge, in smoothies, as a base for homemade protein bars and granola. Grind them in a blender to make homemade oat flour.
Around 18 per 32 oz bag, making this superstar food only about .22 cents per serving!
$4.00 per bag
Star Qualities:
These are another vegan favorite, but they should be an everybody favorite! Lentils are virtually hands-off to cook (simply boil in water or broth), and have a variety of uses. They’re hearty and full of fiber and protein. 1/4 cup contains 11 grams of protein and only 20 net carbs with 7 grams of fiber.  These are a great non-meat source of protein that keeps blood sugar stable while providing many vitamins such as: iron, folate, magnesium and manganese.
How to Use It:
Most people enjoy boiling with veggies for a hearty soup, but you can add to salads, purée with tomatoes for a healthy dip, or make veggie patties.
$3.00 per bag
Star Qualities:
If you find one of the healthy varieties with non-GMO ingredients like just corn, oil and salt, you’re in good shape to tame your salty/crunchy cravings without added junk or preservatives. Popcorn allows you to eat slowly and enjoy almost four cups as one serving! Most snack foods are gone in two bites! So, for under 50 calories, you can munch and munch without guilt. Popcorn contains about 12 net carbs and 3 grams of fiber per serving.
How to Use It:
As a snack food any time you’re thinking of grabbing a bag of chips or a candy bar.
3 3/4 cups per 4.4 oz bag, making this snack right around $1.00 per serving.
$2.00 per bag
Star Qualities:
These are a fine alternative to bread for those following gluten-free diets. They’re also a great stand in for other high-calorie crunchy snacks like crackers and chips. Most contain between 40-60 calories per cake, which is about half the calories of a slice of bread. There’s not a lot of fiber in these, and you want to find brands that are made just from brown rice and maybe a touch of salt. Make sure there’s no sneaky ingredients in there like sugar if you’re on the Reset! You’ll get about 8 carbs per rice cake, so stick to only 1-2.
How to Use It:
Slather with almond butter and a touch of sugar-free jam for a sweet treat, or spread with mustard and turkey for a crunchy sandwich!
There are about 14 cakes per sleeve, making these about .15 cents per rice cake.
Around $32.00 per jug
Star Qualities:
Before you say this seems expensive, check the serving size. Protein powders often step in as an entire meal, depending on the brand you buy. They contain all the protein of a chicken breast, meaning you’ll get all the essential amino acids you need to refuel, rebuild and recover after your workouts. Many brands also contain probiotics, enzymes, concentrated greens, some fiber and are easy for people to digest. Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein Powder has dozens of vitamins, 22 grams of protein, 2 net carbs, 3 grams of fiber, plus antioxidants and probiotics. Check around for the kind that works best for your body.  Is it egg white, vegan, bone broth or whey? The price will vary with the type you select, and with the quality of ingredients.
How to Use It:
Blended up in shakes! Take a scoop of powder and blend with ice and liquid with 1/2 a banana, a few almonds and spinach and you have a powerhouse meal for under $3.00! You can also bake with most powders, making yummy treats like mug cakes.
Most powders contain 20-22 servings per jug. You can find many brands between $20.00- $40.00, so just the powder alone is between $1.00-$2.00 per serving.
$2.00-$5.00 per pound
Star Qualities:
There aren’t a lot of leaner ways to get muscle-building protein into your body than simple chicken breasts. You can do it with fish, but fish often costs more. Chicken is super versatile and can be prepped in bulk, so it’s a time saver too!
How to Use It:
Grilled and chopped up into salads, tossed into quinoa bowls, added to healthy burritos, in stir fry’s, baked with a simple sauce or tossed into a crock pot and shredded.
This will depend on how you buy it, but you can get frozen chicken breasts in bulk from Costco, or smaller amounts of fresh chicken from the supermarket. You’ll pay anywhere from $1-3 per breast, depending on the size. Some breasts are 2-3 servings, and most of us only need 3-4 ounces, or the size of a deck of cards. Make sure you check the size/weight before cooking to ensure proper servings sizes.
$4.00 per box
Star Qualities:
You’ll never be able to tell that you’re not eating conventional pasta that’s loaded with carbs and gluten other than by the color of these uber nutritious noodles. They are perfect for gluten-free and vegan lifestyles because the only ingredient is…. black beans! It’s magical how they turn a bean into a delicious noodle with a whopping 25 grams of protein per 2-oz serving! They also contain 11g of fiber, which makes these really filling and great for those following a lower carb regimen. These contain about 30 grams fewer carbs than regular pasta per serving! You cannot find them in all stores, but they’re widely available online.
How to Use It:
Just as you’d use pasta! Add a red sauce for a meal that costs less than $2! Or, make a Thai peanut sauce and add broccoli and green onions. You can also chill them and add to salads or stir fry’s.
Servings: 4 per box, so about .86 cents per serving.
$4.95 per jar
Star Qualities:
Not many things satisfy as well as a spoonful of nut butter. Other varieties, such as almond or cashew butter are slightly more expensive, but also make the list because of their amazing benefits. Nuts and nut butters contain healthy fats that help keep you full.  Low in carbs with moderate protein, nut butters spread onto almost anything, making whatever it is infinitely better. Nut butters do contain fat, which is why it’s important to stick to serving sizes by measuring by the tablespoon. One serving (two tablespoons) of nut butters clock in around 190 calories or so, which is why it’s great to pair it with low calorie things like celery, apples and rice cakes. If you like to use for toast or as a drizzle for oats, be mindful of how much you use.
How to Use It:
In shakes, by the spoonful to tackle cravings, as the base for a salad dressing, in overnight oats and with celery or apples with raisins for ants on a log.
14 per 16-oz jar, making this childhood snack only .35 cents per 2 tablespoons!
Under $1
Star Qualities:
I probably don’t need to say much about fruit; it’s nature’s candy, full of vitamins, antioxidants and water. Fruit tames your sweet tooth cravings and leaves you satisfied thanks to fabulous fiber. It’s also portable! These fruits tend to cost less than fresh berries, and last much longer, so they’re budget-friendly.
How to Use It:
Straight up, in smoothies, in a fruit salad, as toppings, with nut butter.
A huge bag of Clementines costs as little as $3.99, making these cuties around .20 cents each. Bananas can be found for as little as a quarter, and apples cost less than a dollar.
$1.95 per pound
Star Qualities:
This is a carb from the earth that everyone should be eating! Sweet potatoes have beta carotene, vitamins A, C, B-2, B-6, manganese and more, as well as fiber. They’re a slow burning carb so they won’t spike your blood sugar. They also last a long time in a cool, dark place, so you can buy a big bag for pretty cheap and have it last you a couple weeks.
How to Use It:
Baked, mashed, sliced and baked as fries, spiraled as noodles, sliced and baked as chips, cubed, and tossed into salads, as a thickener in soups, in pancakes, and even in desserts!
You can generally find a medium-sized sweet potato for about $1.
$2 per bunch
Star Qualities:
Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, lettuce and spinach can serve as a base for all kinds of cold salads, and spinach and kale can be sautéed into just about anything to add nutrients and fiber with few calories.
How to Use It:
Spinach and kale can be added to shakes (you won’t taste it!), sautéed, added to soups and egg dishes, and all three can be the base of cold salads.
4-6 per bunch, making each serving about .50 cents.
$1-$2 each
Star Qualities:
This might be one of the most expensive items on the list, but this little beauty is well-worth it. Avocados contain healthy fat and even a little protein. They have more potassium than a banana, and tons of vitamins, including: C, E, K, B-6, and folate.
How to Use It:
Guacamole, smashed into tuna salad or a vegan garbanzo bean salad (in place of mayo), sliced in sandwiches, with eggs, in baking, in vegan chocolate pudding or as a simple snack with sea salt. So much versatility!
2-4 per avocado, making this one about .50 cents per serving.
$1.99 per 5-oz can
Star Qualities:
Tuna is a lean protein, and because it’s in a can and needs no refrigeration, it’s great for on-the-go, something you can’t say for fresh fish. It’s a meal on its own, or you can add to salads, or mix with avocado, mustard or a little mayo for a richer flavor with some healthy fat. You get about 14 grams of protein for just 2 ounces of tuna with zero carbs and 1 gram of fat. That’s super cool because it means that you can add a healthy fat of your choice, like mayo, olives or avocado!
How to Use It:
In Mediterranean salads, mashed with avocado, lemon juice and garbanzo beans, on rice cakes or for dipping cucumbers.
2 per can, so about $1 per serving.
$2.99 per dozen (more if organic)
Star Qualities:
One egg clocks in at 70 calories with 6 grams of protein (4 of which come from just the white). The yolk contains vitamins and minerals such as choline, B-12, iron and vitamin D. There are about 5 grams of fat in an egg, which helps with satiety.
How to Use It:
Poached, scrambled, sunny side up, hard-boiled, in egg salad, added to salads, in baking, in breakfast burritos.
If you find them on sale, they can be as low as .20 cents each!
$6.45 per 12-oz bag
Star Qualities:
Chia seeds contain 1/3 of your daily fiber in just 2 tablespoons! Fiber aids in cholesterol reduction, and helps keep you full. A great source of vegan protein and omegas, these tiny little seeds are a nutritional powerhouse. They contain iron, which helps maintain energy and aids in red blood cell production. One ounce of chia seeds delivers 244 milligrams of phosphorus; 35% of what adults need each day to help maintain bone mass. Chia seeds also contain zinc for a healthy immune system, calcium for strong bones and niacin to help keep your skin and nerves healthy.
How to Use It:
Added to oatmeal and shakes, or made into chia pudding, added to salad dressings to thicken them, or tossed right into salads for crunch.
28 per 12-ounce bag, or about .23 cents per tablespoon.
$3-4 per 8-12-oz bag
Star Qualities:
Frozen fruits and vegetables mean that you won’t be wasting money on fresh foods you can’t finish before they spoil. They’re also locked in at peak freshness, preserving their nutrients. Simply pull what you need for a recipe and keep the rest frozen! You’ll be getting loads of fiber and antioxidants with tons of flavor and few calories.
How to Use It:
Frozen fruits can go straight into shakes, be made into jam, tossed onto oatmeal, cottage cheese or yogurt, or sautéed as dessert. Frozen veggies just need to be reheated to round out any meal. There are many varieties of mixed veggies too, like succotash, grilled vegetable medleys and a collection of stir-fry veggies.
Anywhere from 2-6, so you might get a serving for around $1.
$7.00 per 8-oz bag
Star Qualities:
Almonds contain healthy fat, a bit of protein and fiber, making them the perfect portable snack. Yes, almonds are high in fat, but it’s the good kind of monounsaturated fats your body needs. Almonds are packed with essential nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, and vitamin E, all of which attack high cholesterol and prevent heart disease. They’re also high in calcium.
How to Use It:
Make homemade almond milk, toss into salads, use as a Paleo coating for chicken, add to oats or yogurt, make homemade nut butter, or just use as snacks.
There are 8 or more servings per bag, so per handful, these cost about .87 cents.
$3.25 for a 16-oz jar
Star Qualities:
Packed with flavor—and heat, if you like spice—salsa and hot sauce add tons of flavor for little cost. Just a splash gives you the essence of tomatillos, cayenne, garlic, peppers, tomatoes and more! It’s also healthy, packing in antioxidants and vitamins, and it’s super versatile. It’s also very low calorie, so feel free to dump it on!
How to Use It:
Add to omelets, chicken, guacamole, as a dip for veggies, as a salad dressing and as a base for ground turkey dishes.
About 15 (2 tablespoons per serving), or .23 cents per serving.
$3.25 per 12-oz container
Star Qualities:
Who doesn’t love the creamy, bean-y flavor of hummus?! It’s the perfect dip for veggies, containing plant-based protein, healthy carbs and a touch of fat. It contains all the macro-nutrients in one bite, making it a great snack food. It’s easy to want to eat the entire tub, so stick to 1-2 servings! There are many different flavors on the market now, from jalapeno, to beet to Thai coconut, so explore all the fun flavor profiles out there, because you’ll never get bored.
How to Use It:
With raw veggies or on rice cakes, as a base for salad dressing, smeared on chicken, then baked, or in Mediterranean bowls with quinoa and cucumbers.
About 11 (2 tablespoons per serving), making this punch of flavor only .30 cents or so.
$3.00 per carton
Star Qualities:
Whether you choose coconut, cashew or almond milk, it’s a good idea to ditch cow’s milk. Most people cannot tolerate dairy without experiencing stomach cramps, bloating and gas, as they lack the enzyme required to break down lactose. Substituting with a nut milk provides nearly double the calcium of cow’s milk, with fewer calories and no stomach distress. Nut milks allow your smoothies to remain thick and creamy, for as little as 25 calories per cup! While there’s little to no protein, you’ll get little fat, no sugar and zero net carbs. And guess what?!  Making any of these milks yourself is SO easy! Coconut milk couldn’t be faster or easier! Blend up 4 cups of warm water with 2 cups of shredded unsweetened coconut with 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Strain through a nut bag. Store in a glass Mason jar for up to 3 days. That’s it!
How to Use It:
In smoothies, baking, soups, with granola or straight from a glass.
8 cups (or 64-oz), making it .38 cents per serving
Note: Prices sourced through Amazon Fresh. But like I said above, take advantage of in-season produce sales and you will save A LOT.
from Blogilates http://ift.tt/2jogoLE
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