#glucose levels chart for diabetics
bomberqueen17 · 6 months
I can't sleep and I'm just sort of stewing over how unprepared I am to be entirely on my own managing my own healthcare. blech.
Did I mention, Farmsister was suffering from hip pain and went to her doctor and was diagnosed with the exact same problem I have?
Diagnosed, I said. Yes! Her doctor actually investigated the cause of her pain, diagnosed her, referred her to a physical therapist, but also came up with a plan of treatment. Told her physical therapy often can't resolve this issue, so after a set amount of PT, if there wasn't enough improvement she'd refer her to an orthopedist instead.
Imagine that. My doctor was like "you've got intermittently debilitating pain? You should go see a doctor about that." and that was that. I went to a physical therapist because that's what she recommended, but I don't have a plan, I'm just spending $150/wk to work out in a room full of other people. I guess I'll ask my PT if there's a plan or like timeline or like, idk, something we should look for, or what. IDK what a realistic goal is. Pain-free seems out of reach. I'd settle for largely functional, I guess? But I don't know, and I guess I'm on my own to figure it out.
And the same with the ADHD! She was like "oh, your insurance isn't going to cover it and it's probably going to take months of waiting, but you had better go see someone about that", and refused to engage any further. So I messaged the psychiatrist today and he doesn't check the messages on that platform so I texted the admin who was like oh usually medication is adjusted at follow-ups, and I'm like well in the three minutes he talked to me it didn't come up I guess, so then they texted back that he says to try taking two pills a day for a couple days and then schedule a follow-up.
I've asked around, and usually I guess the regular adderall pills, you take in two doses at separate times. But if the point is that I'm trying to see if a higher dose helps, I'd probably better take them at the same time??
It's just that when the small ineffective dose wears off four or five hours after I take it, without my ever having had a good phase, I get horribly drowsy and also get this kind of gross formless yearning that I think might be a dopamine crash, where I roam the house in itchy horrible discontent trying to think of something that might help me, but it's not candy and it's not reading a book and it's not napping, and I guess I understand why people turn to drugs or self-harm because the feeling is awful, spacy and wrung-out and aimlessly needy.
But I guess it's up to me to research what that is and what to do about it, and then at my $250 three-minute follow-up appointment in three days or whatever I'll tell the psych what I want prescribed to me, because it's sure as shit not like he's going to have any fucking advice for me.
And like. Laugh out loud at the notion that my primary care physician would give a single shit about this. Maybe I didn't mention this on here either but literally the only thing she has looked into about me is that my blood tests came back with a fasting blood glucose level of 5.7 (idk what units, just that she's fixated on that number) and it is exactly entirely that post circulating about """"pre-diabetes"""? She has put in my chart that she wants to start me on Metformin!! Christ all fucking mighty, it could not be more obvious that she took one look at my fat ass and was like "this bitch eats only candy! I'd better scare her straight!"
Ma'am fuck off. She wants me to get my blood retested in July and I am figuring I'll take advantage of having to have a visit then anyway to get the ADHD stuff entered into my main chart, and I'm also going to tell her that since she was so disinterested in literally any of the conditions actually debilitating me (my hip pain and my ADHD) I had to research those so I could treat myself, and in the course of researching that I found out about the fake "epidemic" of "pre-diabetes" which isn't a thing, it's a fucking PR gambit to sell drugs, and so if she prescribes me diabetes drugs when I do not fucking have diabetes I will not be taking them, and I will also be looking for a new doctor, because I do not appreciate her fixation on treating a condition I do not have while ignoring things that are literally preventing me from leading the life I want to, wherein I can do things like, stand/walk as much as I like and can also like, perform tasks.
So there's my timeline.
(Yeah my insurance won't cover blood testing a second time in a year so that's gonna cost me $200ish, and the phone doctor visit she insisted on to discuss the results last time was $45 and it'll be that again for this one, but I mean, eventually I'll hit my deductible maybe.)
I don't know, people tell me that they have medical professionals that actually listen to and treat them and give them like actual good actionable advice on how to improve their various health conditions but as far as I can tell that all sounds fake and isn't a thing.
Unfortunately, I am too fucking debilitated by my Can't Think Good disease to do a competent job at caring for myself, so I guess I'm just going to have to fucking muddle through somehow, or something.
Probably I should put together my citations on how Pre-Diabetes Is Fake so that when I unload that on my doctor I can do so with fucking footnotes at least. Lord knows I can't sleep at the moment so I might as well do something productive.
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menlove · 7 months
the thing abt HRT and gender affirming surgery is that like... yes many providers do provide incorrect/insufficient information. a lot of providers DO downplay the risks or don't mention all of them. ignoring this reality and pretending that everyone who starts HRT/gets gender affirming surgery is completely 100% informed doesn't do anyone any good
this problem is FAR from exclusive to gender affirming medical care. it is a GENERAL problem in ALL aspects of medical care, especially in the USA (and I'm sure elsewhere but I can only speak on our healthcare system as I haven't lived anywhere else)
like here's a couple examples.
when I was 8 years old, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes by a nurse practitioner. she however prescribed me a type of insulin for type 2 diabetes and instructed me to take it once a day and only check my blood twice a day. this is completely incorrect, as type 1 diabetics need to take short acting insulin every time they eat and long acting insulin once or twice a day and check their blood sugars at MINIMUM 4 times a day. I almost died. I had to be hospitalized about a week later with insanely high blood sugars. this was grossly mishandled by that nurse practitioner who had no idea what she was doing & she could've killed a child. does that mean no one should have access to insulin? or that we should start scare mongering diabetics telling them their providers are trying to harm them?
another example! when I was 14, I was having an allergic reaction to a medication and had to go into the ER. they didn't read my chart to see that I had type 1 diabetes, did not check my blood glucose levels, and gave me a steroid shot. that shot spiked my blood sugar (which was already high) so high so fast that I passed out and nearly cracked my head on the floor. it turned what would've been a quick ER trip to an overnight fiasco. does that mean doctors should never ever give steroids as treatment for allergic reactions?
or far more general than me- how many times are people prescribed birth control without the side effects being fully described? how many people get gastric bypass surgery without fully understanding what they're doing to their bodies? how many people have debilitating chronic illnesses but have no clue how they're supposed to handle them bc no doctor ever bothered to educate them (as I see constantly with other diabetics)? how many people have 0 knowledge about their own reproductive systems or have their concerns about their reproductive systems completely ignored until it turns lethal?
the issue isn't gender affirming care. the issue is medical professionals who don't care enough about their patients to make sure they're fully informed and fully consenting, or even that they themselves know exactly what they're doing. it's overworked medical professionals who skip vital steps because they've been working 15 hours in a row. it's the disregard for the health of people assigned female at birth (& the disregard for the health of people assigned male at birth if they decide to pursue gender affirming care). it's the disregard for poor people, for people of color, for patients in general who tend to get viewed with disdain for not having medical degrees and asking questions
like yes it IS something we should be talking about. but focusing the conversation on "we have to ban gender affirming care!!!" instead of "the medical system needs to take better care of its patients" is just stupid
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videcoeur · 2 years
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Seroquel has been giving me so much serotonin you guys
But them + my new cholesterol meds have been Fucking Up™ my glucose level royally, so my diabetes is off the charts, and I’ll probably need to up my Metformin dose (glucose control medication)
I was so proud of my achievement I was in remission! My doc wanted to take me off diabetes meds altogether because I was doing so good. Introduced 2 new meds and they both upped my insulin resistance, which in return means I’ll have to increase my diabetes meds to control that.
It’s that or I stop Seroquel but it’s legitimately the first mental health pill that actually does something.
God stop nerfing me challenge 2k22 I will crack your skull on concrete 1v1 when we meet I swear to fuck
TL;DR: I found the right medication for my brain but it fucks with my diabetes, so all my amazing efforts are being put to tests and are revealing to Not Be Enough which means more medication so I can keep the right medication for my brain. It sucks but all in all, I’m still looking forward to 2k23 because things are definitely looking up!
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yourhealthjourney · 8 days
Gluco Shield Pro Supplements - Health
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 Gluco Defend Pro: An Extensive Chart
Lately, the conversation including glucose the board has become constantly material, especially with the rising power of diabetes and prediabetes. Among various thriving improvements declaring to assist with glucose rule, Gluco Safeguard Star has obtained fundamental thought. This article researches what Gluco Safeguard Star is, its normal benefits, and the sound sponsorship behind its adornments.
What is Gluco Safeguard Pro?
Gluco Protect Master is a dietary redesign expected to assist with sounding glucose levels. Shown essentially towards individuals expecting to manage their glucose levels, as a matter of fact, it joins a blend of standard beautifications perceived to progress metabolic flourishing.
You can also try this product:Gluco Shield Pro
Key Designs and Their Benefits
1. **Chromium**: This mineral is regularly associated with extra made insulin responsiveness, which can assist better blood with sugaring rule. A few assessments support chromium's work in refreshing glucose taking care of.
2. **Berberine**: Regularly used in Chinese medicine, berberine has gained sensible thought for its ability to coordinate glucose levels. Research has exhibited the way that it could additionally energize insulin responsiveness and lessening glucose creation in the liver.
3. **Bitter Melon**: Known for its restorative properties, savage melon is attempted to duplicate insulin and help with hacking down glucose levels after feasts.
4. **Cinnamon**: This punch isn't simply a flavor enhancer yet close to has properties that could besides support insulin responsiveness and lower glucose levels.
5. **Alpha-Lipoic Acid**: A cell support that can help with lessening disturbance and oxidative tension in the body, which is significant for overall metabolic thriving.
Anticipated Benefits of Gluco Defend Pro
 Glucose Regulation: The fundamental benefit advanced by clients of Gluco Maintain Master is its ability to help with staying aware of sound glucose levels, which is dire for those in peril for diabetes.
Weight Management: a few improvements in Gluco Protect Master could assist with weight decline by chipping away at metabolic cutoff points and lessening wants.
Energy Levels: Changed glucose levels can actuate considerably more unsurprising energy all through the scope of the day, potentially diminishing exhaustion and affecting better in customary flourishing.
You can also try this product:Gluco Shield Pro
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Who Can Benefit from Gluco Safeguard Pro?
Gluco Shield Expert is basically alloted at individuals who:
Are prediabetic or diabetic and looking for standard affiliation decisions.
Need to update their nonstop treatment plans with dietary improvements.
Try to oversee everything considered metabolic flourishing and energy levels.
Achievement and Considerations
While Gluco Shield Pro coordinates standard adornments, it's essential for likely clients to coordinate clinical idea specialists going prior to starting any new update. This is especially valid for individuals ingesting solutions for glucose the board, as affiliations would occur. Plus, keeping a fair eating conventional and standard action is major for ideal flourishing.
You can also try this product:Gluco Shield Pro
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Gluco Protect Expert watches out for a making arrangement toward ordinary supplementation in glucose the supervisors. With a blend of improvements stayed aware of by some assessment, it offers a promising choice for those trying to stay aware of or work on their metabolic achievement. Regardless, like any improvement, it should be used related with significant solid areas for an and under the course of a clinical benefits provider. To the awe of no one, informed decisions are essential to solid achievement the board.
There are in affiliate link of a best product in this article which may make some prophet for me.
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susantaylor01 · 29 days
Food Chart for Managing Type 2 Diabetes
Managing Type 2 diabetes requires careful attention to diet. The foods you consume play a crucial role in controlling blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of complications, and maintaining overall health. This article provides a detailed food chart that outlines the best and worst foods for individuals with Type 2 diabetes.
Understanding the Basics: 
Before diving into the food chart, it’s important to understand the principles behind a diabetes-friendly diet. The goal is to maintain balanced blood sugar levels by choosing foods that have a low glycemic index (GI), are high in fiber, and are rich in essential nutrients. Portion control and timing of meals are also key factors.
The Food Chart
1. Vegetables  
- Best Choices: 
  - Leafy Greens (Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard): These are low in calories and carbohydrates, making them ideal for controlling blood sugar.
  - Non-Starchy Vegetables (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Zucchini): Rich in fiber and low in carbohydrates, these vegetables help in managing blood glucose levels.
  - Tomatoes:Contain essential vitamins and are low in carbohydrates.
- Limit/ Avoid:  
  - Starchy Vegetables (Potatoes, Corn, Peas): These can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar due to their high carbohydrate content.
2. Fruits  
- Best Choices: 
  - Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries): High in fiber and antioxidants, these fruits have a lower glycemic impact.
  - Apples and Pears:These fruits are high in fiber and can be consumed in moderation.
  - Citrus Fruits (Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruits):Provide essential vitamins like Vitamin C and fiber.
- Limit/ Avoid:  
  - Dried Fruits (Raisins, Dried Apricots):These are concentrated sources of sugar and can cause blood sugar spikes.
  - High-Glycemic Fruits (Bananas, Pineapple, Watermelon): These should be consumed sparingly as they have a higher impact on blood sugar levels.
3. Grains and Starches
- Best Choices:
  - Whole Grains (Oats, Brown Rice, Quinoa): These are rich in fiber and help regulate blood sugar.
  - Legumes (Lentils, Chickpeas, Black Beans): High in protein and fiber, legumes are excellent for maintaining stable blood sugar levels.
  - Whole Wheat Pasta and Bread: Opt for whole grain versions to manage carbohydrate intake better.
- Limit/ Avoid:
  - Refined Grains (White Bread, White Rice, Pasta): These have a high glycemic index and can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar.
  - Sugary Cereals: Often loaded with sugar and refined carbohydrates, these should be avoided.
4. Protein  
- Best Choices:  
  - Lean Meats (Chicken, Turkey, Fish): High in protein and low in unhealthy fats, these options are great for maintaining muscle mass without affecting blood sugar levels.
  - Tofu and Tempeh: Plant-based proteins that are low in carbohydrates and high in essential nutrients.
  - Eggs: A good source of high-quality protein that can be included in a balanced diet.
- Limit/ Avoid:  
  - Processed Meats (Bacon, Sausages): These are high in saturated fats and can increase the risk of heart disease, which is a concern for people with diabetes.
  - Fried Meats:High in unhealthy fats, these should be avoided to manage blood sugar and overall health.
5. Dairy 
- Best Choices:
  - Low-Fat or Skim Milk: Lower in saturated fat and calories, making it a better choice for diabetes management.
  - Greek Yogurt:High in protein and probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health.
  - Cheese in Moderation: Opt for lower-fat versions to keep calorie intake in check.
- Limit/ Avoid:  
  - Full-Fat Dairy Products (Whole Milk, Cream, Full-Fat Cheese): High in saturated fats, these can contribute to insulin resistance and weight gain.
  - *Flavored Yogurts:* Often loaded with added sugars, these can spike blood sugar levels.
6. Fats and Oils  
- Best Choices:  
  - Healthy Oils (Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Canola Oil):
 Rich in monounsaturated fats, these help improve cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation.
  - Nuts and Seeds: High in healthy fats and protein, they can be included in small portions.
  - Avocados: A great source of healthy fats that can help regulate blood sugar levels.
- Limit/ Avoid:  
  - Saturated Fats (Butter, Lard, Coconut Oil): These can increase cholesterol levels and should be limited.
  - Trans Fats (Margarine, Commercial Baked Goods):
These are harmful fats that can increase the risk of heart disease and worsen insulin resistance.
7. Beverages 
- Best Choices:
  - Water: The best choice for hydration without adding calories or sugar.
  - Herbal Teas: These are naturally calorie-free and can be a good alternative to sugary drinks.
  - Black Coffee: Can be consumed in moderation without added sugar or cream.
- Limit/ Avoid:
  - Sugary Drinks (Soda, Sweetened Tea, Fruit Juices):
These can cause significant spikes in blood sugar levels and should be avoided.
  - Alcohol: Should be consumed in moderation, if at all, as it can interfere with blood sugar control.
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A well-balanced diet is the cornerstone of managing Type 2 diabetes effectively. By making informed food choices and adhering to the guidelines outlined in this chart, individuals can better control their blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of complications, and lead a healthier life. Remember, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare provider or dietitian to tailor a meal plan that meets your specific needs and lifestyle.
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The Role of Protein in a Diabetic Diet: Enhancing Health and Wellness
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In today’s world, where managing diabetes effectively is crucial, understanding the role of protein in your diet plays a significant part in maintaining stable blood sugar levels and overall health. Here’s how incorporating protein into your meals can benefit your diabetic diet, along with guidance from the best diabetes center in Korba for personalized diet charts and counseling.
Benefits of Protein in a Diabetic Diet
Blood Sugar Control: Protein helps regulate blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream after meals. This can prevent spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels.
Satiety and Weight Management: Protein-rich foods increase feelings of fullness and satisfaction, which can help control appetite and prevent overeating. Managing weight is crucial for diabetes management.
Muscle Health: Adequate protein intake supports muscle health and maintenance. This is important as muscle mass can influence insulin sensitivity, helping to improve blood sugar control.
Nutrient Density: Many protein sources, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, and legumes, also provide essential vitamins and minerals necessary for overall health.
Incorporating Protein into Your Diabetic Diet
Balance and Variety: Include a variety of protein sources in your meals, along with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats, to create balanced and nutritious meals.
Portion Control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid consuming excessive calories, which can impact weight management.
Consultation with Diabetes Experts: Seek guidance from the best diabetes center for personalized diet chart and counseling in Korba. They can help tailor your diet to meet your individual needs and health goals.
Best Diabetes Center in Korba for Diet Chart and Counseling
Consulting with healthcare professionals specializing in diabetes at the best diabetes center in Korba ensures you receive expert guidance on managing your condition through diet. They can provide education, monitor your progress, and offer support to help you achieve optimal health outcomes.
By prioritizing a balanced diet that includes adequate protein intake and seeking advice from professionals at the best diabetes center in Korba, you can effectively manage your diabetes and enjoy improved overall well-being. Take proactive steps towards better health today for a healthier tomorrow.
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chemanalystdata · 2 months
Metformin HCL Prices Trend | Pricing | Database | Index | News | Chart
 Metformin HCL Prices a cornerstone medication for managing type 2 diabetes, has long been favored for its efficacy in controlling blood glucose levels. As the most commonly prescribed oral antidiabetic medication, its cost can significantly impact patients' accessibility and adherence to treatment plans. The prices of Metformin HCL can vary widely, influenced by factors such as the dosage form, quantity, and the pharmacy or supplier. In recent years, generic versions of Metformin HCL have entered the market, contributing to a reduction in overall costs compared to branded versions. Generic Metformin HCL is typically more affordable due to the absence of research and development costs that brand-name medications incur.
Patients seeking Metformin HCL should be aware of the fluctuations in pricing that may occur based on their location and the pharmacy they choose. Prices can also differ based on insurance coverage and whether the medication is obtained through a retail pharmacy or a mail-order service. For those without insurance or with high deductible plans, out-of-pocket expenses for Metformin HCL may vary considerably. Shopping around and comparing prices at different pharmacies can sometimes lead to substantial savings. Some pharmacies offer discount programs or coupons that can further reduce costs, making it easier for patients to manage their diabetes treatment without financial strain.
In addition to traditional retail pharmacies, online pharmacies and discount card programs have become increasingly popular options for purchasing Metformin HCL. Online pharmacies often offer competitive prices and the convenience of home delivery, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals who require regular medication refills. However, it is crucial for patients to ensure they are purchasing from reputable online sources to avoid counterfeit products or other potential risks. Discount cards and patient assistance programs provided by pharmaceutical companies or non-profit organizations may also offer significant savings on Metformin HCL, particularly for individuals who face financial hardships.
Get Real Time Prices for Metformin HCL: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/metformin-hydrochloride-1344
The availability of patient assistance programs is another critical factor in determining the cost of Metformin HCL. These programs are designed to help eligible patients obtain their medications at reduced prices or for free. Eligibility criteria for these programs often include income level and insurance status, and they can be an invaluable resource for those struggling with the high costs of healthcare. Additionally, some pharmaceutical companies offer co-pay cards that can help lower the cost of Metformin HCL for insured patients, further easing the financial burden of managing diabetes.
Healthcare providers can also play a pivotal role in managing the costs of Metformin HCL for their patients. Physicians may offer guidance on how to obtain the medication at a lower cost or suggest alternative medications if Metformin HCL is unaffordable. They may also be aware of resources or programs that patients can utilize to help with medication expenses. By working closely with their healthcare providers, patients can ensure they are accessing the most cost-effective treatment options available.
Monitoring and managing the cost of Metformin HCL is essential not only for individual financial well-being but also for overall health management. Non-adherence to prescribed diabetes medications due to cost constraints can lead to poor blood glucose control and subsequent health complications. Therefore, finding affordable solutions for obtaining Metformin HCL is crucial for maintaining effective diabetes management and preventing long-term health issues associated with uncontrolled diabetes.
The landscape of pharmaceutical pricing is continually evolving, and staying informed about changes in Metformin HCL prices and available savings opportunities can help patients make informed decisions about their healthcare. Engaging with healthcare providers, exploring various purchasing options, and utilizing available discount programs can collectively contribute to making Metformin HCL more accessible and affordable. As the healthcare industry continues to address the challenges of medication affordability, patients can benefit from ongoing efforts to improve access to essential medications like Metformin HCL, ensuring better management of their diabetes and overall quality of life.
Get Real Time Prices for Metformin HCL: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/metformin-hydrochloride-1344
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themarketupdate · 3 months
Blood Sugar Monitor Market Growing Popularity and Emerging Trends in the Industry
Diabetic patients may use blood sugar monitoring to make regular maintenance choices including food consumption, insulin dosage, and physical activity. Patients use blood glucose metres to check their glucose levels quickly and provide an accurate measure of capillary glucose concentration. Self-monitoring blood sugar monitoring is a modern diabetes treatment technique that requires the use of blood glucose metres by patients to check their glucose levels quickly and provide an accurate measure of capillary glucose concentration. To maintain long-term glycemic control, the technology employs test strips, lancets, and blood glucose metres.The increase can be due to factors such as an increase in diabetes incidence rates and an increase in diabetes risk factors. Furthermore, technological advances in the field of blood glucose monitoring systems, as well as an increase in the geriatric population, are driving the demand for self-monitoring blood glucose devices. In the near future, high growth potential in untapped markets for diabetes monitoring devices is projected to provide lucrative opportunities for the global market for monitoring blood glucose devices.
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/79613-global-blood-sugar-monitor-market?utm_source=Organic&utm_medium=Vinay
Latest released the research study on Global Blood Sugar Monitor Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Blood Sugar Monitor Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Blood Sugar Monitor The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Roche (Switzerland), Abbott (United States), LifeScan(United States), Ascensia (Switzerland), Medtronic (Ireland), Dexcom (United States), B. Braun (Germany), Nipro (Japan), Sanofi (France), ARKRAY (Japan), Prodigy Diabetes Care (United States)
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deshpandeisha · 3 months
Exploring the Insulin Delivery Market: Innovations and Impact
The global insulin delivery market size reached USD 17.80 billion in 2021 and is expected to register a revenue CAGR of 9.9% during the forecast period, according to the latest analysis by Emergen Research. Increasing number of diabetes patients across the globe, including increase in obese and elderly population, changes in lifestyles, and adequate/established healthcare services are driving market revenue growth. 
Innovations Driving Change:
Smart Insulin Pens: These high-tech pens track doses, offer reminders, and sync data with apps for better management.
Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs): While not traditional delivery methods, CGMs are game-changers, providing real-time glucose levels and reducing the need for frequent injections.
Insulin Pumps: These devices automate insulin delivery, mimicking the pancreas's natural function, offering precise control over glucose levels.
Market Dynamics: The market is buzzing with innovation and competition, pushing companies to create more reliable, affordable, and user-friendly solutions. From traditional syringes to cutting-edge wearable tech, options are expanding.
Impact on Diabetes Management: Improved delivery methods mean better adherence to treatment plans, fewer complications, and enhanced quality of life for those managing diabetes.
Challenges Ahead: Despite advancements, challenges like cost, accessibility, and regulatory hurdles persist, limiting universal access to these innovations.
The leading market contenders listed in the report are: Sanofi Diabetes, Nova Nordisk, Omnipod Insulin Management, Eli Lilly and Company, Gerresheimer, Johnson and Johnson, Becton Dickinson, Medtronic PLC, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Braun
The research study examines historic data from 2018 and 2020 to draw forecasts until 2030. The timeline makes the report an invaluable resource for readers, investors, and stakeholders looking for key insights in readily accessible documents with the information presented in the form of tables, charts, and graphs. To Visit Full Report & Table of Contents Insulin Delivery Market: https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/insulin-delivery-market
Market Overview: The report bifurcates the Insulin Delivery market on the basis of different product types, applications, end-user industries, and key regions of the world where the market has already established its presence. The report accurately offers insights into the supply-demand ratio and production and consumption volume of each segment. Segments Covered in this report are:
Diabetes Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2019-2030)
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
Device Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2019-2030)
Insulin Syringe
Insulin Pens
Insulin Jet Injectors
Insulin Pumps
Insulin Needles
Standard Needles
Safety Needles
Insulin Inhalers
External Insulin
Implantable Insulin
Route of Administration Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2019-2030)
Subcutaneous Route
Transdermal Route
The research report offers a comprehensive regional analysis of the market with regards to production and consumption patterns, import/export, market size and share in terms of volume and value, supply and demand dynamics, and presence of prominent players in each market. Get An Impressive Discount On This Report@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-discount/1432
Regional Analysis Covers: North America (U.S., Canada) Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU) Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC) Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
Key reasons to buy the Global Insulin Delivery Market report:
The latest report comprehensively studies the global Insulin Delivery market size and provides useful inference on numerous aspects of the market, such as the current business trends, market share, product offerings, and product share.
The report offers an insightful analysis of the regional outlook of the market.
It offers a detailed account of the end-use applications of the products & services offered by this industry.
The report holistically covers the latest developments taking place in this industry. Therefore, it lists the most effective business strategies implemented by the market rivals for ideal business expansion.
Request Customization as per your specific requirement@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-for-customization/1432
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lalsingh228-blog · 5 months
Smart Contact Lenses Market: A Compelling Long-Term Growth Story
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The Latest research coverage on Smart Contact Lenses Market provides a detailed overview and accurate market size. The study is designed considering current and historical trends, market development and business strategies taken up by leaders and new industry players entering the market. Furthermore, study includes an in-depth analysis of global and regional markets along with country level market size breakdown to identify potential gaps and opportunities to better investigate market status, development activity, value and growth patterns. Access Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/smart-contact-lenses-market-1080/sample-report
Major & Emerging Players in Smart Contact Lenses Market:- Sensimed AG, Google, Samsung, Alcon Vision LLC, Mojo Vision Inc., Innovega Inc., Sony The Smart Contact Lenses Market Study by Market Research Forecast gives an essential tool and source to Industry stakeholders to figure out the market and other fundamental technicalities, covering growth, opportunities, competitive scenarios, and key trends in the Smart Contact Lenses Market. The Smart Contact Lenses Market size was valued at USD 115.0 USD million in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 441.79 USD million by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 21.2 % during the forecast period. Smart contact lenses are an innovative form of wearable devices, which altogether have chips and sensors in the frame of ordinary contact lenses. These visors have lots of functions such as wearable electronic fitness trackers, AR displays and medication delivery systems. Such smart contact lenses can keep an eye on fitness data such as the glucose level, intraocular pressure, and tear glucose level. Hence, they can be used in diabetes management and glaucoma patients. They can also screen the records steadily to the wearer's eye and give AR for cases of nature, games, and communication. The demand for smart lenses has stimulated the growth of wearable fitness monitoring devices and the miniaturization of electronics and detectors. As the ingenious contact lenses' technology keeps improving, they are likely to become the next step in revolutionizing a variety of industries and assist the end-users in numerous ways. The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below: by Type (Continuous Intraocular Pressure Monitoring Lenses, Photochromic Lenses, and Others), by End User (Ophthalmology Clinics, Home Care, and Others), Forecast 2024-2032 Market Trends: Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring: Smart contact lenses with built-in glucose sensors for non-invasive monitoring of blood sugar levels.
Augmented Reality: Lenses that overlay digital information onto the wearer's field of vision, enhancing the user experie
Challenges: Regulatory Approvals: Obtaining regulatory approvals for smart contact lenses can be a lengthy and complex process.
Cost of Development and Production: Smart contact lenses require significant investment in research and development, which can increase pro Enquire for customization in Report @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/smart-contact-lenses-market-1080/enquiry-before-buy Some Point of Table of Content: Chapter One: Report Overview Chapter Two: Global Market Growth Trends Chapter Three: Value Chain of Smart Contact Lenses Market Chapter Four: Players Profiles Chapter Five: Global Smart Contact Lenses Market Analysis by Regions Chapter Six: North America Smart Contact Lenses Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Seven: Europe Smart Contact Lenses Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Eight: Asia-Pacific Smart Contact Lenses Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Nine: Middle East and Africa Smart Contact Lenses Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Ten: South America Smart Contact Lenses Market Analysis by Countries Chapter Eleven: Global Smart Contact Lenses Market Segment by Types Chapter Twelve: Global Smart Contact Lenses Market Segment by Applications What are the market factors that are explained in the Smart Contact Lenses Market report?
– Key Strategic Developments: Strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors.
– Key Market Features: Including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin.– Analytical Tools: The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the growth of the key players operating in the market. Buy This Exclusive Research Here: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/smart-contact-lenses-market-1080/checkout?type=corporate Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) Market Research Forecast Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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bomberqueen17 · 7 months
adderall day 1
I'm not going to have any particular deep thoughts about this, but I feel like I should write stuff down. Several people have advised that.
I still don't know how much this is going to cost me, as my insurance couldn't be verified and I'm going to have to do messy things probably to find out. But I've got the pills in my hot little hand, 16 of them, and a follow-up appointment, and perhaps by then I'll know what this is actually costing.
It seems that it varies wildly how people manage to get ADHD dx's. Many many PCPs will not diagnose it or prescribe for it. It seems extremely gatekeepy to me, and not in a helpful way. my own PCP, as I describe more and more of my struggles to get healthcare in general, is being revealed to me to be less and less of any kind of a good fit-- she just seems baffled by everything I say. She asked if I have heartburn, for example, and I said, truthfully, oh yes, if I don't eat regularly, one of the ways I realize I've gone too long is that I start to have heartburn. So I've learned to be conscientious about my eating schedule, and eat small meals and snacks at regular intervals throughout the day, and that has cleared up the problem. And this actively baffled her, she was like "i've never heard of anything like this", and I can't imagine what she thought I was saying. Does no one else in the human race ever get queasy/stomach-acidy from going too long without food? Especially eating heavily and then not eating for a long time afterward? That's the worst for me, so I avoid that. I highly doubt I am the only person ever to experience this. But she seemed convinced that I must not know what heartburn is.
That's just one example. So. If I can get my head on straight at all, I am going to start looking for a new primary care physician. I'm sure this doctor is fine, just not for me.
(She is obsessed that my fasting blood glucose levels are too high. I read an article about it, in the 2010s sometime the CDC decided that 5.7 was a new worrying number (I don't know what the units are, but 7 is what people with well-managed diabetes shoot for), and now they were going to declare this new number "pre-diabetes" and start medicating it. The WHO has refused the concept of "pre-diabetes", pointing out that about 2% of people with this number wind up developing full-blown diabetes whether medicated or not, and that's about the same number of people who develop diabetes without having had this diagnosis, so it is in fact not any kind of reliable indicator of looming diabetes, so it should be referred to as "elevated fasting blood glucose levels" and not the new fictional "pre-diabetes". But there's money in selling that medicine, so American doctors are encouraged to make this diagnosis. And my doctor has put it into my chart that she plans to start me on Metformin if this number does not go down.
I'm refusing that. Medicate me for diabetes if I develop diabetes. I can be annually screened for it just like anyone. Sure, keep an eye on it! I take this seriously. But i am not getting medicated for a condition the WHO thinks is fictional. Thanks.)
Anyway that was a digression.
I'm hoping to at least make a start on dialing in my meds with this online guy, so that when I switch PCPs I can show up with the ADHD treatment as a fait accomplit and not have the new PCP throw a fit. I might try it with the current one too-- "Idk you told me it was incredibly complicated and insurance doesn't cover it so I went to my insurance company and they sent me to this guy and it wasn't complicated at all and I'm responding super well to the treatment so I guess this is what I do now?" but I am just anticipating her throwing a fit of some kind, since she is absolutely convinced I have major depressive disorder and has been trying to get me to go back on Celexa, which did me so much no good that I cold-turkeyed off it and gave myself horrible brain zaps. Don't fucking do that guys.
(It was with this same practice! It's on there, I no-showed to an appointment because I had so little executive function I wasn't even able to keep track of it! And she's still like yah medicating u for depression is super what's going to work. ma'am i have never been suicidal but I remember being on Celexa and most of it was my shitty life situation at the time but mostly it is a gray expanse of despair and ineffectualness, and getting inexorably fatter whilst starting to develop an eating disorder about it, and getting benched by my roller derby coach despite exercising myself to constant exhaustion and performing better than I ever had on the track because she saw my spreading waistline and assumed I was slacking off, and anyway. Yeah no.)
So anyway. I'm letting myself be stream of consciousnessy because it seems right. I had a reasonable breakfast, a lot of water, some coffee, a multivitamin, and my first pill about an hour ago, and am now ensconced in the recliner with the cat because the cat insists. I have started to feel.... kind of... like my throat feels kind of dry so I'm drinking more water, and I just got a little bit not quite dizzy and am acutely aware of all my eye movements, so I guess that's notable.
OK the plan. I would like to someday be able to make to-do lists, that's a medium-term goal. Meanwhile I'm still doing narratives of how i'd like a day to go. I have fallen off that a bit; I've been trying to do not a bullet journal but a just regular day planner in this new year (i got something on clearance off amazon lol) and mostly what I've used it for is as a diary post-hoc, writing down what i got done, and making little notes of what I want to get done, because otherwise my memory wipes itself and I don't know what I did all last week either. I fell off it this week because Dude was out of town and I was off kilter. But I'm going to fill back in what I can remember-- I'm keeping track of what meals I cook, what exercise I do, things like that-- and hope to keep it up going forward.
Routine, I hope, is what will help me.
Today. It is rainy today. I didn't get some of my stuff done while Dude was gone because of course the list I made would have taken six weeks of work, that's how my lists go. But I did get a lot done, so I'm going to write all that down. And today it is rainy, so I can spend time in the basement. What I want to do is empty out all my nice baskets I use to tote craft things around, and re-fill them with more curated selections. I think one basket for like, all the sewing tools, just all of them, in one place, and then another basket that is like, all of the embroidery supplies, and then a container that is An Adequate Selection Of Thread and also machine-sewing supplies? maybe? and then Active Projects can go into a third container that may or may not travel with me. Anyway, thinking about that is a work in progress.
I need to pack for my first trip of the season to the farm. I need to put away all the supplies from painting the kitchen, because I am finally officially totally completely done with that. I need to then tidy the kitchen counter and there's a little wooden cart that used to have our coffee stuff on it and I've been using it to dump all the shit and assorted project detritus from the ongoing painting on, and I need to then move that cart somewhere once I've put away all the things on it.
That seems like a reasonable amount of things to expect to complete today. OK I need to get out from under this cat because I have to pee now. All right. She'll be fine she just wants the chair really.
Yah ok i really gotta pee and dude is in the shower so i'm going to go get dressed and dance around a little lolsob. wish me luck.
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bean-in-space · 5 months
Anyway in actual bad news I had the WORST time dealing with the fucking doctor today. Had doctors appointment like a week and a half ago, doctor said she would prescribe nausea meds and put in orders for labs. Did not put in prescription, as I believe I mentioned to you? Anyway, went in for the labs and she ALSO didnt put those in! Her office is in the same building so I went there and the receptionist said it shouldnt take long, there was a group meeting and then she should be able to do it. Took half an hour because she immediately went to see a patient.
Went to get my labs and i was like hey btw what are you doing because no one has told me? And they were like ah we need blood and piss. Neither of those things were the x ray that my doctor DID mention, which I did not in fact get. But anyway. Got my blood and piss stolen.
Start getting lab results back after i get back from skateboards vet visit. They tested my glucose levels and they were 98 with a normal range of like, 70-99? So I was like "what does this mean?" And googled it, and was also googling other things that were abnormally high/low but not actually out of range. APPARENTLY when you get a comprehensive blood test, which is what my test was labeled as, you're supposed to fast? No one told me this so my bitch ass had a chocolate chip pancake and chocolate milk for breakfast! And then I looked up a blood sugar chart and apparently 2-3 hours after eating (I had eaten mayybe 2 hours previously) the normal range is 120-140??? So idk I guess I have Opposite diabetes but also I don't know if that is gonna have fucked with any of my other results because again, no one told me to fast 🙃
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toneophealth · 6 months
Diabetic Diet: 7-Day Plan, Essential Foods & No-Nos
Tips for Designing a Diabetic Diet Plan
Creating a dietary regimen for diabetic patients necessitates meticulous planning. Remember to adhere to a schedule and synchronize medication timing effectively with meals. Here are four pivotal considerations to bear in mind when crafting a diabetic diet:
1. Embrace the Plate Method
Employing the plate method ensures the intake of minimal carbohydrates while prioritizing lean protein and non-starchy vegetables. Segment your plate into 50% non-starchy veggies (such as salads, broccoli, cabbage, or carrots), 25% lean protein (like chicken, fish, beans, or eggs), and 25% starchy foods (such as corn, whole grains, or fruits). Complement your meal with a calorie-free beverage.
2. Monitor Portion Sizes
The cornerstone of effective diabetes management lies in portion control. If your portions contain excessive carbohydrates, it can lead to significant spikes in blood glucose levels. Consuming smaller, frequent meals throughout the day is preferable to consuming large portions three times daily.
3. Understand the Glycemic Index (GI)
The Glycemic Index (GI) assigns a value to foods based on their capacity to elevate blood glucose levels. It’s imperative that your diabetic diet chart incorporates foods with low or medium GI to mitigate blood sugar spikes.
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Understanding Urine Test Strips: A Comprehensive Guide
Urine test strips, also known as urine dipsticks or urinalysis test strips, are simple yet powerful diagnostic tools used to analyze urine samples for various health indicators. These strips contain several chemical pads that change color in response to specific substances present in the urine, providing valuable information about a person's health. Understanding how urine test strips work and what they can reveal is essential for healthcare professionals and individuals monitoring their health.
What Are Urine Test Strips?
Urine test strips are thin plastic strips with several chemical pads attached to one end. These pads contain reagents that react with specific substances in the urine, causing them to change color. The color changes are then compared to a color chart provided by the manufacturer to interpret the results.
What Can Urine Test Strips Detect?
Urine test strips can detect various substances in the urine, including:
pH: Indicates the acidity or alkalinity of the urine, which can be affected by diet, medications, and certain medical conditions.
Protein: Presence of protein in the urine can indicate kidney damage or other health issues.
Glucose: High levels of glucose in the urine may indicate diabetes or other metabolic disorders.
Ketones: Presence of ketones in the urine may indicate diabetic ketoacidosis or starvation.
Blood: Presence of blood in the urine may indicate urinary tract infections, kidney stones, or other kidney disorders.
Bilirubin: Presence of bilirubin in the urine may indicate liver disease or other conditions affecting the liver.
Urobilinogen: Presence of urobilinogen in the urine may indicate liver disease or hemolytic anemia.
Nitrites: Presence of nitrites in the urine may indicate a urinary tract infection.
How to Use Urine Test Strips
Using Urine test strips is relatively simple. The strip is dipped into a urine sample, and after a few seconds, the color changes on the pads are compared to the color chart provided by the manufacturer. The results are then interpreted based on the color changes.
Interpreting Urine Test Strip Results
Interpreting urine test strip results requires careful observation and comparison to the color chart. The intensity of the color change corresponds to the concentration of the substance in the urine. Results should be interpreted in conjunction with other clinical findings and medical history.
Urine test strips are valuable diagnostic tools that provide quick and reliable information about a person's health. Understanding how to use them and interpret the results is essential for healthcare professionals and individuals monitoring their health at home. Collaboration with healthcare providers is recommended for proper interpretation and follow-up based on urine test strip results.
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joga-blog · 6 months
Ketone Bodies Urine Test: Practical Applications in Monitoring Ketogenic Diets
The Ketone Bodies Urine test is a diagnostic tool utilized to measure the levels of ketones in the urine. Ketones are acidic chemicals produced by the liver when the body breaks down fat for energy. While the body primarily uses glucose as its main source of energy, in situations such as fasting, prolonged exercise, or when carbohydrates are restricted, the body begins to break down fat stores, leading to an increase in ketone production. This test helps in monitoring conditions such as diabetes, ketogenic diets, or starvation. Here, we delve into the significance, procedure, and interpretation of this test.
Importance of Ketone Bodies Urine Test:
1. Diabetes Management:
Individuals with diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes, are at risk of developing diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a life-threatening condition characterized by dangerously high levels of ketones in the blood. Monitoring ketone levels through urine tests aids in early detection and management of DKA.
2. Ketogenic Diet Monitoring: 
The ketogenic diet, which is high in fats and low in carbohydrates, induces ketosis, where the body relies on ketones for energy instead of glucose. Regular monitoring of ketone levels ensures that individuals on this diet achieve and maintain the desired state of ketosis.
3. Assessment of Starvation and Fasting:
During prolonged periods of fasting or starvation, the body resorts to fat breakdown for energy production, resulting in elevated ketone levels. The urine test helps evaluate the extent of ketosis and guides medical interventions if necessary.
1. Gather Supplies:
Obtain a clean, dry urine collection container.
2. Collect Urine Sample:
Urinate into the collection container.
3. Perform Test:
Dip the provided ketone test strip into the urine sample or follow the instructions provided with the test kit.
4. Wait for Results:
Allow the test strip to react with the urine for the specified duration mentioned in the instructions.
5. Interpret Results:
Compare the color change on the test strip with the color chart provided. Different shades indicate varying levels of ketones in the urine.
6. Record Results:
Note down the ketone levels for monitoring purposes or report them to a healthcare professional if necessary.
- Negative:
A negative result indicates the absence of ketones or only trace amounts present in the urine, which is normal in individuals who are not in a state of ketosis.
- Trace to Moderate:
Trace to moderate levels of ketones may be observed in individuals on a ketogenic diet or during prolonged fasting. It may also signify early stages of DKA in diabetic patients and necessitate medical attention.
- High:
High levels of ketones in the urine, especially accompanied by symptoms such as excessive thirst, frequent urination, stomach pain, nausea and confusion, may indicate severe ketosis or diabetic ketoacidosis, requiring immediate medical intervention.
The Ketone Bodies Urine Test is a valuable tool in assessing ketone levels, aiding in the management of various medical conditions such as diabetes and ketogenic diets. Regular monitoring and interpretation of results allow for timely interventions, ensuring optimal health outcomes. However, it's crucial to consult healthcare professionals for proper guidance and interpretation of results, especially in cases of abnormal findings.
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datameris · 7 months
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ayurvedic eye treatment in kerala
Diabetic Retinopathy Ayurvedic Treatment At Matha
Matha was the first ayurvedic hospital to chart out a new direction in ayurvedic treatment of diabetic retinopathy, which is now widely accepted and followed by all the ayurvedic physicians treating diabetic retinopathy.
Eye treatments at Matha have methods to preserve existing eyesight for diabetic retinopathy conditions. DR is caused due to prolonged high blood glucose levels. In diabetic eye disease, abnormal blood vessels develop that can break, bleed, and leak fluid. Sometimes tiny bulges called microaneurysms may protrude from the vessel walls. This leads to leakage or oozing of fluid and blood into retina. This fluid causes edema in the central part of macula leading to diabetic macular edema. Regaining the lost ability to see depends on the clinical stage when a patient starts treatment. It is always important for a patient to start treatment as early as possible. It is also very important to maintain blood glucose, blood pressure and blood cholestrol levels. ayurveda treatment for diabetic retinopathy takes around 14 to 16 days. The clinical-stage when medications are started is a very crucial factor. know more about ayurveda treatments for diabetic retinopathy.
Systematic ayurvedic cure for diabetic retinopathy has three benefits:
It prevents the onset
It preserves the existing vision
It regains lost vision.
The stage when a patient starts treatment is very crucial. The outcome of treatment depends on it. This condition develops in anyone who has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Type 1, is also known as insulin-dependent diabetes. It is characterized by beta-cell destruction. It leads to absolute insulin deficiency. On the other hand, Type 2 is characterized by insulin resistance. This may be due to an insulin secretory defect that may lead to relative insulin deficiency. The longer a person has diabetes and the less controlled his blood sugar is more likely are his chances to develop this eye complication. Diabetes mellitus destructs tissue surrounding the retina, including optic nerves. Retinopathy impairs optic nerves by damaging its conduction as well as integrity.Earlier the treatment, better the results. Matha had identified Diabetic Retinopathy as a core focus area right from its inception. Matha is the first ayurvedic treatment centre to introduce a protocol for the specialized screening, prevention, and treatment program for diabetic retinopathy.
Systematic ayurvedic cure for diabetic retinopathy
Eye treatments at Matha have methods to preserve existing eyesight for diabetic retinopathy conditions. Matha is the first ayurvedic treatment centre to introduce a protocol for the specialized screening, prevention, and treatment program for diabetic retinopathy.
Our focus is on providing the best ayurvedic treatment to patients
Our facilities are designed and built for middle class Indian patients.
Our Kitchen provides veg diet suitable for ayurveda and yoga.
Matha is not a research Institute. We do not conduct research on our patients.
We prepare herbal medications in our own GMP certified manufacturing unit.
Book Your Consultation Now
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There are two typical types of retinopathy. They are Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR).
Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR)
NPDR (Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy) is milder than PDR. Here, the blood vessels become congested. The blood flow slows down. Vessel walls become thickened most by deposits. Changes to properties of the vessel wall contribute to this thickening. Blockages also develop in the blood flow. This develops Branch retinal venous occlusion (BRVO) or Branch artery occlusion. Here, high cholesterol (hypercholesteremia) is also an extra contributing factor. This occlusion may also happen in the central retinal artery. This specific condition is Central retinal artery occlusion. If it happens in the central retinal vein, it is central retinal venous occlusion (CRVO).
CRVO is very serious and the patient may feel a sudden loss of vision. In NPDR, there will be a tendency for small haemorrhages. Small dots and blots of haemorrhages are also seen in most cases. Here, there is an involvement of Kapha also. Actually, Kapha is vitiating pitta and raktha.
The very characteristic properties of Kapha increases. These are Snigdha, guru, pichila etc. and this, in turn, affect pitta. Hence, the characteristic properties of pitta get damaged. The Sara and Drava properties of pitta and raktha become decreased. So, the changes mentioned above develop. Sedentary lifestyles, lack of exercise, and excessive sleep increase the properties of Kapha. Daytime sleep, excessive intake of curd, deep-fried items, etc. also increases Kapha. Vitiation of pitta happens by this Kapha and thereby raktha. This affects consistency and the free flow of blood. There will be deposits on blood vessels and blockages in the veins or arteries of the retina. Here, treatment aims to control Kapha dominance and protect the properties of pitta. Moderate physical exercise (other than head down postures) is very good. Using suitable oil for head massage and nasal drops etc are very good.
Doctors use medicines in the form of Eyewash and eye drops. Triphala, Yashti, Darvi etc are very good for the preparation of eyewash and drops. In diet, avoid all types of heavy and oily food. Instead, add Steamed vegetables, leafy vegetables, sprouted pulses. Systematic ayurvedic management protects against visual impairment in this stage. But it should be by an expert hand only.
PDR (Proliferative diabetic retinopathy)
In PDR, there will be leakages and haemorrhages from the blood vessels of the retina. In severe conditions, it may penetrate into the vitreous (vitreous haemorrhage). Here, the vitreous fluid also becomes spoiled. As a result of vast haemorrhage, there will be hypoxia (anemia) of the retina. These damages the function of retinal cells. New collateral blood vessels may develop to compensate for the hypoxia. This condition is neovascularization. But these blood vessels may be very weak leading to easy bleeding. This makes the situation worse.
In PDR, there will be blood clot deposits on the retina. Here, pitta and raktha are the dominant factors. Factors that increase the properties of pitta is capable of developing this stage. Examples are working on laptop and mobile screen for a long time. Working late nights and lack of sleep also support the development of this stage. Exposure to bright light or sunlight is also dangerous. Exposure to excessive travel, especially in sunlight, etc. are not good.
In food habits, hot and spicy items are the worst. Deep-fried items, sour tasted items such as pickles are contributing factors. Pitta prakriti patients are more susceptible to PDR. External factors such as summer days, windy days, are also contributing factors. Even mental stress and strain are capable of developing PDR in a diabetic patient. There are situations when an NPDR can evolve to PDR. One instance is when NPDR takes more pitta dominant food items. Another instance is when an NPDR patient undergoes the above explained habitual factors.
Maculopathy is a condition where pathological changes get concentrated in the macular area. In maculopathy, there will be the encroachment of blood vessels to the macular area. Bleeding to the macula is also common. When there is an accumulation of edema fluid in the macular area, it becomes macular edema. Deposits in the macula is another common pathological change. Maculopathy is very very serious and vision loss is almost inevitable if not treated in time. In PDR, the foremost aim of management is to arrest the bleeding. For this, total physical rest is necessary. Never go for heavy physical exercise as a part of diabetic control. This is very important. Adopt only very mild and selective postures as per the direction of an expert. Avoid exposure to bright light and focus on light sources. Selective oil for head massage is very good.
The drugs used for the medication of this oil should have pitta samana properties. This is to control the dominance of pitta. Amla, useera, Chandana, yashti etc are examples. Among food items, avoid too sour tasted items. Too many spicy items are also dangerous. Fleshy and watery vegetables such as cucumber are preferable. Use Protein-rich vegetables and sprouted spices. Natural Cold drinks such as amla water are good for drinking purposes. Water boiled with useera, dry amla is also very good.
Here, systematic level ayurvedic treatment is necessary. Sirodhara, sirolepanam, netrasekam, vitalakam, etc are the treatment procedures. The medicines for these procedures should be very selective. An experienced ayurvedic ophthalmologist can decide it for you. This will help to protect your eyes and vision.
Three stages in ayurveda treatment of diabetic retinopathy
Matha was the first ayurvedic hospital to chart out a new direction in ayurvedic treatment of diabetic retinopathy, which is now widely accepted and followed by all the ayurvedic physicians treating diabetic retinopathy.
The first stage of diabetic retinopathy starts as a complication of diabetes mellitus. It has no warning signs before onset. Proactive diabetic patients undergo regular eye checkups. Even if they have no sight problems. This helps to identify symptoms even before the start of loss of visual perception. We have identified the initial symptoms of retinopathy from past treatment experiences. Mild headache and eye strain while reading is main among them. Strain while working on the computer and watching T.V come next. Fullness is a warning sign. So is the heaviness of head and eye, particularly in the early morning. Hypersensitivity to bright light and watering of the eyes are also typical symptoms. Getting the opportunity to start treatment at this early stage is valuable. It helps prevent the disease altogether. Matha follows proven ayurvedic treatments for diabetic retinopathy in this stage. According to ayurvedic science, this is the initial stage of Kapha predominance. It is also known as Nethrabhyshyandha. The line of treatment is sira-sodhanam. Treatments like Nasyam, Gandoosham, kablam, etc. are more preferable than ophthalmic applications.
The second stage of diabetic retinopathy happens if it is not controlled during the first stage. Extend of this progress depends on the various contributing factors, described earlier. From our experience, there are typical symptoms at this stage also. They are blurring of eyesight and metamorphopsia. Burning sensation in the eye and photophobia are also seen. The primary pathological change seen in this stage is the dilation of vessels. Retinal vessels become congested. Blockages happen in the microvascular system of the retina. Retinal edema, hemorrhages, exudates, and neovascular changes are also common. Treatments starting in the third stage concentrate on two distinct aspects. A primary aim is to preserve and protect the existing ability to see. The second aim is to regain lost vision. According to Ayurveda, pitta is the predominant dosha in this stage. Pittasamana must be the line of treatment. The treatments done are Sirodhara, netrasekam, vitalakam aschotanam, and thalam. Strict dietary restrictions are also needed. Medication and diet control are not enough at this stage. Other precautions and care are also needed. For e.g., habitual factors like head bath, sleep, journey and abhyanga oil application. Only an experienced ayurvedic ophthalmologist can do it. Systematic treatment at this stage avoids further vision loss and complications. Matha has successful treatments to protect the eyesight of affected patients.
Ayurveda treatment for diabetic retinopathy is a very wise mix of preventive and curative measures. during the first and second stages.
In the third stage, patients experience severe problems. Macular hole, retinal detachment, and other degenerative changes are main among them. The disease has now turned to a complication. This happens when retinopathy is not treated in the second stage. Continuation of etiological factors is another reason for proceeding to the third stage. Now, a strict line of treatment is not possible. Ayurveda treatment for diabetic retinopathy varies according to complications. For e.g., Retinal detachment can happen when abnormal blood vessels associated with diabetic retinopathy stimulate the growth of scar tissue, which pull the retina away from back of eye. For complications of detachment, treatment is on a Vata predominant approach. Pitta is an important treatment consideration for neo-vascularisation. For fluid accumulation, Kapha is the primary treatment factor. Systematic and high-level ayurvedic treatments are to be tailor-made for each specific complication. Confirmation of expected results happens only after a detailed assessment of the patient.
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