voicelesshatred · 2 years
@glorytomankind​ :: Yeets a 9S at <3 Here is Simp JR
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thuganomxcs · 2 years
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put a pokemon in my inbox / accepting / @glorytomankind​ :Lucario!
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“Are you freakin’ kidding me?! I mean sure he’s got a workin’ girl’s hips but this mon can throw down. You’re comin’ with me.”
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strwcptn · 2 years
@glorytomankind​ asked:
“ can you forgive me? ”
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     anger wasn’t something luffy could ever be towards bon clay, there was a pain inside his heart ever since the day they had to leave him behind so that they could escape from impel down, but now that bon clay was standing right here in front of him, asking to be forgiven--luffy’s tears were falling down his cheeks.
     he launched himself at the other, wrapping his arms and legs around, bringing him in close for the biggest hug luffy could muster.
            “there’s nothing to forgive! i’m just so glad you’re okay! i was so worried i’d never see you again!” he was screaming out in joy over his friend being alive.
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soulsolid-a · 2 years
forget - me - not :   has your muse ever forgotten something that is or was important to them ?   are they afraid of forgetting things like that ?  
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     Oh Brook is terrified of forgetting. He’s already aware that he’s forgotten a lot, and knows that there’s more he doesn’t remember forgetting. Nearly all of the small things you don’t really think about remembering until it’s too late. The name of his mother’s favorite flowers, the face of his first music teacher, the song that played during his promotion--
    All of them were gone. And memories that hit closer soon followed. Where he first met Yorki, the name they’d given to their first sloop, some of the names of their crew, the day they first met Laboon...
     When he realized he was forgetting, it’d already been too late for so much. He was horrified. All the paper they had on ship was too fragile to risk writing upon, not that there was much he could write with, so he’d tried to carve into the wood some information. But it felt wrong, as though he was admitting to his own fragile sanity. Still, he carved what information he could, but ultimately found method best for preserving his memories through music.
     The tone dial kept the memory of his crew and promise — his reason — alive, and he’d soon take the instruments they had aboard and play songs which held meaning or compose new songs to give them meaning so he wouldn’t forget.
     Even with music serving as his anchor, the day he found Yorki’s and his own bounty poster, hidden in a corner of the ship, he cried in relief for days. He hadn’t even realized his memory of his own face and the face of his captain were faded, distorted by the years. To the present, Brook keeps both of them safe within his skull as prized possessions alongside the tone dial.
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reapcrbunny · 2 years
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(    🐇   )             HANDS WRING AS SHE    chewed her lower lip at first,    the relatively new dubbed warrior of light    not at all    sure how to go about any of this.    she was thrilled to know that her friends were safe but    .  .    she still held guilt over being so easily framed for a crime she    DID NOT COMMIT.
     <      I AM SORRY.    that you and everyone had to go in hiding.     >    
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@glorytomankind​  liked for a starter for papalymo   !
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theircurse-archive3 · 2 years
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✧ * º • –– @glorytomankind​​ asked:         picks up yum. i love the way you rp this little baby bop so much. that if anything were to happen to em right here and now im activating all the glitches on tumblr as we speak. just seeing em on my dash is like AW YEAH its some good ass stuff right here<3
                        ⮩      【    beep beep how’s my portrayal ?    】
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          PIERRE REALLY SAID IF ANYTHING HAPPENED TO YUMENO, EVERYTHING BURNS. But dsfljskldf thank u so much ! ! ! I’m love our baby bops 
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From : anonymous
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I enjoy @glorytomankind​​’s company. They’re among the few people I have more consistent contact with from the roleplay community, even if not so often. I usually have difficulties talking with people, but we just hit it off. And that was absolutely not expected JKGEHGHEJK. I think it all started with our love for Starscream. We love our traitorous man ejkgrehjrhg. Also, Pierre is the reason why I started to love Rumble. I actually barely acknowledged his existence back then when I started to know more about Transformers. All I know is that he can turn into a cassette and Soundwave can keep him in his tits. I think I only find out he’s a gremlin from Pierre, and I love me some gremlins. I was delighted when Pierre told me she’s okay with me inserting myself into muses’ interactions! So ever since then-
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Overall, Pierre is a very chill person. I enjoy interacting with them, both ic and ooc. Love them. <3
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tvstarkuma-a · 2 years
@glorytomankind​ Continued from here 
“Emotions are prohibited? Who told you something like that?!” 
Teddie couldn’t imagine how cruel a person needs to be to force people to stop feeling emotions, let alone the ones of a cute girl like her. She had a rather interesting choice in fashion, one the bear was taking a good look of, but he was willing to let that slide. Such treachery against cute girls like her couldn’t stand! Good thing the chivalrous knight Teddie was here. 
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“I can talk because I’m Teddie. I’m a special bear!” He patted down his fur to demonstrate its softness, “And I can tell you’re a bear-y special girl, too.” 
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mediicusvitae · 2 years
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@glorytomankind​​ said: "Lamy!!! Come look! They have this kind of Ice cream here in wano! Let's try it together." Que cute eyes. Cute Polar-bear eyes. He really wants to treat Lamy to some of the stuff Wano has. -Bepo! (Hope you don't mind this!)
The Flower Capital was built around the castle, hugging the long, tall bridges that led to the gates. Above the traditional clay roof tiles, there was a stunning sliver of blossoming sakura peeking out. The pink tree hung above the building like a crown. The entire island was an isolated fortress, only scalable thanks to the giant koi fish that leapt up the high waterfalls. Cranes perched on houses and soared above the streets. Families strolled about, children ran barefoot through the streets, off-duty Beast pirates played hanafuda.
The sun was shining. The sky was blue. Everything seemed orderly and peaceful, despite the unrest simmering just beneath the surface.
If she let her mind drift just so while closing her eyes, she could pretend that she was back in another place, in another sea. Rattling carriages. Intermingling voices. The taste of an apple still between her teeth, freshly stolen from the tree in the hospital's courtyard.
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Her nakama's words shook her out of her thoughts. Lamy opened her eyes and blinked at Bepo, needing a second to process. She shuffled over to her companion, still getting used to the rather stiff Wano attire that the overly enthusiastic shopkeep had sold her. It had been crucial for their clandestine mission of gathering intel to blend in with the locals. Her kimono was dyed in robin's egg blue and cobalt, swirling together with dashes of bright gold. She almost tripped over her geta at the mention of her favorite treat. “Ice cream? Here?” she exhaled excitedly, sparkles and hearts appearing next to her eyes. But how? Had they imported ice from the tips of the mountain or the wintery region of Ringo to keep it cool?
A grin spread across her lips as she spied the sweet vendor Bepo had referred to, her eyes widening in awe. “Look, Bepo! They are putting it into mochi!” she squealed in excitement. Something passed between them—a quiet, understanding look—and she grasped Bepo's paw in her hand, pulling him towards the stall. Every ice cream she had tried since never quite tasted like the ones back in Flevance, but they always tasted of new memories, and they were made all the sweeter when they were shared with family.
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voicelesshatred · 2 years
@glorytomankind​ :: "They really care about you” -(Giving you Rion cause sickly baby happy??)
Random Starters [meme] :: Accepting
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【He shifted forward, arms propped against his thighs as he stared at his fellow landless prince with scrutiny most harsh. Caim did not know whether to show insult over such words... or to laugh. He knew little of where this young man hailed— perhaps a kinder place not yet touched by the imperial shadow— but the sight of the stranger looking man that followed him was hint enough. In his darkened blues, the youth’s guardian was just that: a guardian. One obligated, not obliged, to follow and serve.】
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“He does not believe you,” 〖came the voice of the Red Dragon, who lay in rest behind her pact-partner. Almost as if to illustrate the point yet to be made did his head turn, his sights falling upon a small collective of the Union’s foot soldiers that wandered about.】 “There is the belief within him that these men merely follow his lead out of blind obligation. If they do indeed care, he refuses to believe so.”
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thuganomxcs · 2 years
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unprompted / always accepting / @glorytomankind​ : Me again cause I'm bored when is Yusuke gonna flex his Robot (NOT) Girlfriend.
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slaps android booty and gently nudges her forward in front of his group of friends, and parents, and toddler bitch. “People, 2B is my girlfriend now. That’s right, all of that is mine.”
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decaeysa · 2 years
His mind was swimming at first before he heard his friend, thus he was pulled out and stared up at his friend. A small tilt to the side as he gave a soft hum. Being self conscious is a heavy toll on Emil, after all before all of this he just hated his eyes, but not who he was.
With him being swallowed by his sister, Nier saved him, but in the end regardless if he had comfort  Emil with his new looks, he still felt awful that they had to look at him like this. A skeleton and not who he was before....sure it comes with perks. Magic at his fingertips, more highly advance sure, but he would learn as he go.
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"Oh-it's nothing sorry. I think I let myself drift off in my thoughts! That's all!"
Skeleton child would never figure it out, but his nervous tick of playing his own bony fingers will easily give you away on hidden away your emotions.  
concern is etched into his very being  ;  whether it be for yonah or his companions , there isn’t a single moment he doesn’t spend  worrying  for those he cares about . at this point , it’s the only thing that’s keeping him  going  .  he watches as skeletal fingers intertwine and rub together nervously , hoping that the younger boy trusts him with whatever ails his thoughts .
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“  what were you thinking about  ?  ”  he asks , genuine interest widening his features . he can barely imagine what things swirl around in emil’s mind ,  especially  considering the situation with his sister .  can they communicate with each other  ?  he wonders , but doesn’t dare voice the question aloud . the least he can do is offer his friend a space to talk , to share the burden that weighs upon him .
“  you don’t have to keep it all to yourself . we’re friends , remember  ?  ”
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turnsorrow · 2 years
SHE’D HARDLY SPOKEN SINCE SHE’D RETURNED TO THE CRYSTARIUM  on the heels of their heroic friend, far less spunk behind her countenance than had been when she’d parted ways what seems forever ago from her brother. Last time he’d seen her prior to slaying Lakeland’s Light Warden, she’d been so full of fire that she’d lobbed her fist directly into the Exarch’s face, a hefty repayment for his abysmal timing summoning her to the First. Now... she stubbornly sits with her back to him, arms crossed over her chest as she stares out the window of their shared inn room. She’d said plenty during their debriefing with everyone before the Warrior of Light went off to prepare to track down the next of their ilk. Wherever she’d found that gusto, it was gone now.
The was only one likely culprit  ...  Holminster Switch was weighing her down. Heavily. Not that anyone else could know the depths of it, save for her absent friend. They had been the only ones there to see what Tesleen became before she’d had the mercy of being slain.
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“Stop staring at me,”  she snaps suddenly, a little more bite in her bark than she intended. Her voice is, tragically, full of very raw emotion that she would very much like to stay buried, but she’s never good at holding it back for long, is she?  “I can feel you boring a hole through my skull. If you have something to say, then say it.”  She is not a child to be coddled when she is upset, but the fact remains, she supposes, that she is upset. She can’t even bring herself to turn to look at her brother, afraid of what she’d see if she did. Absently, she wonders if this is how he’d felt when they’d been apart back then  —  when he’d failed the Crystal Braves.
“A fat bit of good it did to have me around, in the end. I couldn’t save them.”  ›  @glorytomankind​ / alphinaud.
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reapcrbunny · 2 years
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@glorytomankind​​  --  ❛ Already choking on my pride, so there’s no use crying about it. ❜ -Alphinaud!   //     ━━ ❀     𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐄𝐘'𝐒: 𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒 ( 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟓 )    𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟏 ❀
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(    🐇   )             HER GAZE FLICKS TO THE    young elezen and remained in silence for a few moments ‘fore hands came into view to respond to his words    -    she didn’t believe what had happened    WAS HIS FAULT    nor caused by unchecked pride.   
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       <     I DISAGREE.   you can shed tears over what has happened.    the braves were not your fault    -   us finding shelter in ishgard was not the first place i would have gone but you do not have    ANYTHING TO MAKE UP FOR.    >    
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veinblooded · 2 years
@glorytomankind​​ (cont):
Glancing over at the stranger, 4S simply tilted his head before humming to himself. It wasn't that hard when you have your scanner to show you if the heat is nearby. Even the fact that when you look around....this place seems kinda empty. But was he going to tell the other that? No way that’s some stranger danger tier right there.
"I got curious! I guess you could say I just followed the trail."
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He messed with his bag as he adjusted it, it was pretty worn down for sometime with him checking out what the world could give him. He had his own mission to do, and we see it through. Though he was curious WHO and WHAT this person was in-front of him. Looks can always be deceiving.
"So....who are you? And what is this place?”
          the run from his relentless pursuers had robbed cael of what little strength he had left, leaving behind a humanoid machine broken and battered beyond repair. 
          for reason he was unsure of, the pair of yorha androids— 2B and 9S were their unit designation, supposedly— were restless today. agiated even, they were dead set on completely erasing his existence— wiping every trace, every proof, every little dropplet of blood out of the history pages as if it could magically, laughably prevent the determined marching of the machines somehow. 
          that 2B unit, he had to admit, was unforgiving with each strike of her sword filled with the burning intent to destroy him that he barely managed to escape. but, being a fearsome abomination himself, it was nothing compared to what he had to suffer during the course of his short-lived confrontation against the machine horde, if anything, she was simply better than the stupid whelps with even more stupid ideals, all of whom were too unprepared in the face of a frenzied machine but decided to become mere preys for his claws still. had it not been for the annoying support of her partner, he would have walked out of that battle with her arm as his trophy.    
          but he hadn’t, regrettably. their battle ended in a draw, 2B was knocked unconscious along with 9S, and instead of her arm, his right arm was viciously butchered and disfigured— only electronic static remained behind as a reminder of its ultimate defeat, his vision fuction seemed to be damaged too. the world span around him like a rollar coaster and began contorting into a chaotic, disoriented mess that resembled a puke at best. it was harder to see what was going on now, so it took every last bit of his will to drag his crushed body into the comfort of the hollowed cavern underneath the waterfall in the city ruins. the cold, robotic warning voice of the system inside his head grew louder with each heavy step, and with it loomed the dreadful consequence of what would happen if he failed to find new replacement parts. 
          an unfortunate fate befell on him though, truly unfortunate. barely a moment of respite had passed when another intruder decided to show themselves on his doorsteps once again and— if it was another victory-seeking challenger, cael was ready to embrace what was to come. yet, surprisingly, whoever they were, they were merely a clueless someone who was lucky (or unlucky?) enough to stumble on him when he was at his worst. exhaustion finally caught up with him. the humanoid machine rasped out with great difficulty, though he wasn’t sure if his speech was coherent enough for the other to understand, coutersy of 2B for malfuctioning his voice box.  ‘ l.. l- lea-ve be-- fore i k-- ill yo--- u. ’
          an impossible feat to achieve at the moment, but he refused to die pathetically. 
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theircurse-archive3 · 2 years
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✧ * º • –– @glorytomankind​​​​​​​ asked:     The two babies better go tricks and treats together. What an adventure.
                             ⮩      【    Unprompted.    】
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          GOD PLEASE YES. Imagine these two kids in their cute little Halloween costumes and going door to door for candy and having the TIME OF THEIR LIVES. I LOVE IT ...
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