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geohoneylovers · 1 year ago
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🌍 63 countries, including the US, Canada, and Kenya, commit to slashing cooling-related emissions at #COP28! The Global Cooling Pledge aims to cut emissions by 68% by 2050. A pivotal step towards sustainable cooling tech for a cooler, greener future.
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archeonics · 1 month ago
1816: The Year Without a Summer – How a Volcanic Eruption Changed the World
In 1816, the world experienced one of the most unusual and catastrophic climate events in history: The Year Without a Summer. Caused by the massive eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815, this natural disaster plunged the planet into darkness, disrupting weather patterns, destroying crops, and sparking social unrest across the globe.
In this video, we explore:
• How the Mount Tambora eruption caused global cooling.
• The devastating impacts on agriculture, economies, and communities.
• The cultural legacy, including how Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was inspired by this dark time.
• Lessons learned from one of the most dramatic examples of climate change in human history.
🌍 What You’ll Learn:
• Why volcanic eruptions can have global consequences.
• The historical context of famine and migration caused by extreme weather.
• How the Year Without a Summer shaped art, literature, and scientific discoveries.
🔥 Keywords for SEO:
Year Without a Summer, 1816, Mount Tambora, volcanic eruption, global cooling, climate history, Mary Shelley Frankenstein, historical disasters, climate change effects, 19th-century history, volcanic climate impact.
📺 Don’t miss this fascinating dive into history and science!
👉 Subscribe for more stories that connect the past to the present.
🎥 Like, comment, and share your thoughts: What do you think the modern world can learn from 1816?
#YearWithoutASummer #1816 #MountTambora #VolcanicEruption #GlobalCooling #ClimateHistory #HistoricalDisasters #VolcanoImpact #HistoryDocumentary #ClimateChange #1816ClimateCrisis #TamboraEruption #VolcanicWinter #DarkYear #SummerNeverCame #Tambora1815 #GlobalCatastrophe #ClimateAnomaly #MaryShelley #Frankenstein #1816ArtAndCulture #HistoryChannel #Explained #ScienceExplained #DocumentaryFilm #EducationalVideos #HistoryExplainer #MustWatch
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megachirottera · 3 years ago
I prezzi dell’energia nordica aumentano con temperature sotto lo zero e venti deboli;
Avviso di pericolo per la vita emesso in Scozia;
Niente uragani per la prima volta in 65 anni…
Abbiamo permesso ai capricci di allarmisti male informati di dettare la politica e ora ne stiamo pagando il prezzo. Un piccolo esercito di estremisti è stato formato dai poteri forti e poi è stato scatenato in un occidente politicamente corretto – questo sarebbe finito solo in un modo…
Continua a leggere →
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christianandnerdy · 4 years ago
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Make global cooling great again, bring back the 70’s 😂😂😂😂 you know if you live long enough you’ll start noticing that nothing is new under the sun. #globalwarming #globalcooling https://www.instagram.com/p/CG1oHH7FKds/?igshid=1946iycpaufd5
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pluspete · 2 years ago
In the bleak mid Merseyside winter, where is global warming?
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greeningcamp · 3 years ago
Climate Emergency and international call for more peacebuilding actions, climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe 2022
Urgent letter and article about climate change adaptation, civil protection, disaster preparedness, disaster risk reduction (DRR), environmental and mental health, freedom, fundamental and Human Rights!
Authorities, governments, local communities and people should be more concerned about saving rain, fresh or potable water for worst-case scenarios, such as extreme heat and drought. We have had a creeping or silent drought in Europe since March. If droughts continue and heat waves come, it can be a really serious worst-case scenario, especially a huge problem for health, mental health, and water security. Many cities do not realize the severity of the situation. After several inspections and inquiries, we have found that many urban areas are not well enough prepared. We scientists recommend speeding up preparations and hoping for the best that the summer will not be too dry or too hot. Contact your local authorities and the experts at the @GreeningDeserts-Networks and Trillion Trees Initiative for Europe, Africa, India and MENA region. If you need more information or advice on any of the above questions and issues.
The founder worked out an special fire and water protection project called Brandschutzkanister or Brandschutz-Kanister. It are water canisters you can use to reduce fire risks at home, work or even outside at risky locations. Means if there are corners or places very dry you can place the water canisters above and below, so in case of fires you will have fast water and if enough canisters are placed it if enough canisters are well placed, the fire may even extinguish itself. In German it is called Selbstauslöschung or Selbstlöschung. The good thing, you can use the canisters as chair, so the founder had the idea to develop the fire protection canister as nice product in future. If you want support the project development and help to push and share the development, the sustainable production and sharing in your community feel free to contact @greening deserts.com and @ greeningcamp.com! Have courage for real solidarity with all the endangered or threatened people who life in affected regions who are affected by the ongoing drought and upcoming heat. You can read much in the latest article „Drought in Germany and Europe severely affects monoculture forestry, industrial agriculture and population.“
It follows the urgent letter who was sent to thousands of international experts, hundreds of institutions and even organizations of EU and UN! These certain people should stop being silent or profiling. It costs us all important time that we do not have when it comes to the worst-case scenarios. Above all, politicians should get their act together now and work more with the public on disaster preparedness and other important measures. Above all, stop disrupting Greening Deserts projects, social work, developments and developers! You are only endangering and harming the people, the nation and yourselves in the end! It is simply embarrassing and a disgrace. Rather help build the Vertical Farming Startup and Urban Greening Camp so that we can save many of the endangered species (including humans). For this we are in an object where we could store countless canisters and other important things like the seat canisters. Watch some pictures below, more photos will be published if..
Climate Emergency and call for more international peacebuilding actions and peace speech to accelerate the peace process
Hello friends of humanity and nature,
This is a short info-email with some important advises. Don't ignore and misunderstand, it are useful information for us all.
Please support and share the urgent call, article and letter if you can. It depends also on you and affects us all - especially the poor or weak victims of the world who need more solidarity, too.
Always remember, over 800 million suffering by hunger and if so much parts of the world or media, people, societies only care or report so much about Ukraine.. and so less about other important issues - it's not proportionate! Many more will suffer, poor nations and people will feel forgotten. It's sad that so many ignore our advises and concerns or even block, disturb and harm the important humanitarian and peace work or projects. Seems that several people and interest groups don't really want true peace.
Read more on Greening Deserts project pages and social pages, such as how to sustainably and realistically reduce the risk of further crises, especially the increasing risk of a global food and world war crisis. The media, especially the news and mass media, have a big responsibility in this and many other important aspects - especially in relation to ethical and moral principles, international guidelines and laws. They must also pay attention to the effects, side effects, and consequences of their broadcasts and programs - especially taking more responsibility in avoiding too much fear, violence, and horror. All these media must take care of the mental or psychological health of their consumers and viewers and prevent harm, this should finally be regulated by law. It is not the problem of news reporting about war and all the relations and problems like propagandizing the war - no matter which side. The risks of to much hasty, risky and wrong actions can cause more conflicts, death, suffering and expand the war like we see since the early days. Certain media pushes these problematic actions of all the responsible actors or parties. Many international intellectuals warn of a third world war by being too aggressive and supplying too many weapons, especially heavy assault weapons. Many nations, serious organizations and institutions have concerns about the developments.
Greening Deserts is distancing from any unnecessary rearmament and critical weapon delivery who makes things much worse. The opinion and advise is very easy, do more for real defense, passive and strategic tactics with more armor, intelligent moving, shields And it makes more sense in general and in the long run to do for real peace-building instead of risky weapon deliveries who makes things worse. Greening Deserts community and founder condemns the war of aggression, any destruction of the environment and life is bad! Some media misunderstanding the true facts and real reality - it is serious and important to prevent the high world war risks by doing much more for more peace-building!
Support Greening Deserts, Trillion Trees Initiative and connected projects on global and social networks - especially our humanitarian, peace-building and species rescue initiative.
Concerns, opinions and statements of the founder of the Greening Deserts Trillion Trees Initiative on the current situation:
Since February, Greening Deserts have been calling for more health issues like mental health support, more peace speech(es), peace speech(es) and solidarity in all media - especially in advertising, mainstream and social media. Unfortunately, one can see that countless actions and demonstrations have not done much to maintain or restore peace - important aspects and awareness of certain backgrounds and causes are missing. The situation is getting worse and worse, as many of the problematic factors and multiplications, such as unnecessary provocations and sanctions, have driven the escalation spiral by many contributors. The media's complicity and responsibility plays a crucial role. Unfortunately, not much has happened in this regard to date 15-03-2022. This can be seen just by the hashtags like #UkraineRussiaWar and many similar problematic escalations, sanctions, pushing military armament or warmongering actions in various media. Certain interest groups, manipulated media, people and parties or politicians have even further escalated and worsened the situation - this is like poured oil on the fire. They have no foresight and consideration for the peoples of the world and people who will suffer considerably or even die under the said actions and sanctions - and perhaps have already died! This deadly boomerang effect is significantly underestimated as with the Corona(virus) or COVID-19 pandemic! It is once again the typical symptom fighting instead of root cause solutions and crisis prevention through sensible de-escalation diplomacy or language or real peace speech, disaster and conflict risk minimization, forward thinking action as well as sustainable foresight in so many essential areas - especially in ethical, humanitarian and social relation. We need more effective peace actions, peace speeches on all levels and less war speech or propagation of war in the digital or media space! By many of the hasty actions, provocations and escalations certainly many people have fallen ill and additionally died! Besides, the risk of a world war has increased enormously. If the world war and with it the nuclear war breaks out, this will be probably the last one!
More Important advises, comments, opinions and statements of Greening Deserts projects on social pages:
Children's Rights and Women's Rights are also Human Rights. Access to a healthy environment, declared a human right.
Climate, nature and environmental protection is also species protection as well as human protection!
@GreeningDeserts projects we are calling since February for more peace building communications and negotiations by less provocations,.. support de-escalation and peace diplomacy! #BuildPeace #Humanity #Peace #Solidarity #UniteNations #UN #StopWar #RussiaUkrainePeace #UkraineRussiaPeace #PeaceSpeech
Further pollution and heating of climate and environment by responsible industries and humans leads to more conflicts and crises! Telling these issues since years, offered solutions so many times.
More nations must continue with war de-escalation diplomatic, logic, reason, humanitarian and cooperation for peace building! Reasonable and strategic communication to #CreatePeace #Humanity #PeaceBuilding #PeaceProcess #Solidarity #StopWar #RussiaUkrainePeace #UkraineRussiaPeace
International women organizations unite for peace-building in Europe, Ukraine and Russia. Share more words and actions for #PeaceBuilding #UkraineRussiaPeace #RussiaUkrainePeace #PeaceBuilders #PeaceDays #PeaceProcess can #StopWar until April ! #BreakTheBias #WomensDay
Some important words for real peacebuilding: Peacemaking and peacekeeping women make for a safer world. #BreakTheBias #InternationalWomensDay #InternationalWomensDay2022 #WomensDay International #PeaceBuilding #PeaceMonth
The Greening Deserts and Trillion Trees Initiative's community supporting the #globalgreening and peace process in Europe, Russia and Ukraine. We humans and nature forces call for peace building! A peaceful end to the war is possible this month! #Peace #PeaceMonth #PeaceProcess #PeaceSpeech
The main problem in the world is the advancement or proliferation of war talk, issues and actions in digital, mental and real life. By so many thinking, talking or even acting too war-oriented and less peace-oriented the reality is also determined by it and war risks naturally increase - it is never the fault of one person or group alone. When talking about war, peace should not be forgotten! #peace education #peace speech #peace media?
A major problem in the world is too much war language, military propaganda in digital, mental and even real life. Too much war media and talk about war can lead to or fuel more conflict and war! Do you support #PeaceWork #PeaceSpeech #PeaceMedia?
Media that reports so much about war should also show alternatives and real sustainable peace solutions. All this hasty and violent media we have seen since February is not good for peace building and mental health - especially for the old, poor and vulnerable. This media is damaging the health of many people and should finally take responsibility. #ChildrensRights #MentalHealth #PeaceBuilding #PeaceSpeech
The parties and leaders of some European countries do not understand the seriousness of the situation and the coming consequences, as do many news media. First and foremost, emergency prevention, mental health and disaster risk reduction #DRR should be promoted more every day now - on all levels and especially in the media, news and talk shows! - 10-03-2022
There were several attacks on our pages and people, some help would be great - especially because of several Human Rights violations. To much violence and violent media is a major problem in these times.
It is sad that sharp criticism, inconvenient truth, logical opinions and charitable or humanitarian work isn't allowed on certain 'social networks' - we monitored and recorded many violations and dubious practices of censorship, shadow banning,.. and x-violations of social networks. With combinatorics, logic and reverse engineering you can proof a lot. The attacking, blocking, censorship or oppression of climate and species protectors, environmentalists, Human Rights and Children's Rights must be reduced and have consequences - no matter how big or famous companies or people are. Who protects the defenders and protectors?
Many questions to answer and problems to solve, we know it's not easy but it is possible if United Nations finally take it more serious.
Always remember, poverty reduction is no longer possible today without fighting corruption, or only with great difficulty - same for other global issues. It is now up to you as well. Please share and forward if possible. Every action counts in this regard. The call has been sent to thousands of institutions and organizations with some updates.
With best regards, your friend of nature. We -mankind- have not much time left to prevent the worst.
Constructive feedback and support is always welcome. Read more on Greening Deserts project pages.
Oliver G. Caplikas / Project Developer, Organizer, Publisher, Supervisor and independent Advisor
Further ideas, notes and opinions:
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artifactsbeyondtime · 3 years ago
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😇Weird Science! Unexpected ANSWERS and my handmade Talismans & Artwork! 👉Content ALWAYS HELPFUL, Original, By Skydin Zeal 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 I have taught spiritual classes at NYCs Edgar Cayce & Meta Centers for many years! I'm here to share the best of what I know!-SKYDIN 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 All of that knowledge has gone into my handmade talismans and art to bless your body and living space! Check out SKYDIN.COM! 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 Featured spiritual artifact of this message is a futuristic/ancient phaser holster to carry your important daily items! It has over a thousand powerful ancient magical symbols combined with futuristic / extraterrestrial symbols such as crop circles! 🔭🌠💜👽✨🌠💜👽✨ Skydin began in Art, he holds a masters degree in Fine Art (painting) & a 2nd BFA in commercial design! He has forged his craft in metal over the course of 12 years apart from University. These days I'm offering painted portraits of you and your loved ones revealing past lives the face and identity of your immortal soul and even future lifetimes! 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 I am looking for a quality SPIRITUAL STORE or ART GALLERY to sell my jewelry. I am a rare, tireless entertainer, salesperson and psychic. I have huge social media reach on TikTok & others and can work day and night continuously! I don't even need to eat, but there's one thing I won't do and that's be complacent! If you would like to make a connection happen contact me. If it works out I will pay you! 🌟 . . . . . #globalwarming #iceage #globalcooling #stopglobalwarming #elven #healingart #spiritualpaintings #STARSEEDart #CONSCIOUSNESS #ANCIENtaliens #ASCENSION #PLEIADIAN #starseed #atlantis #lemurian #paranormal #disclosure #reptilian #mythsarefact #Spiritualart #sacredgeometry #ashtar #metaphysical #handmade #handmadespiritual #love #design #handmadeart #futuristicart #cropcircles (at Baltimore, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZLMoTEsSX5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adamwmetzler · 4 years ago
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#GlobalCooling It’s real because it’s on the internet. And someone said it. (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLUZzf6ptUA8AZ568FmxfpKdyLnRU45FzQuKRQ0/?igshid=1c9bz2er9ahvo
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tswiftisjesus · 5 years ago
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#climate #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #globalwarming #globalcooling (is part of global warming) #weather #fires #hurricanes #taylorswift #taylornation #folklore #hoax @taylorswift @taylornation https://www.instagram.com/p/CEQpOEEJo4-/?igshid=spx7xcts25nj
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With all the #ice and #snow #love can #melt your heart under #earths #core #globalwarming 🤷‍♂️ #globalcooling #live #love #laugh #be
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backroombuzz · 5 years ago
100 Global Climate Change Strike Predictions That Were Wrong
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Just this week 16-year-old Greta Thunberg was front and center telling Congress Don't listen to me but listen to the Climate change Scientists, and experts.
Read the full article
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astronormiee · 6 years ago
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Things should balance @terragenesisgame #terragenesis #planet #terraformars #terraforming #mars #venus #mercury #earth #globalwarming #globalcooling #space #spaceexploration https://www.instagram.com/p/B1F6F7egQV1/?igshid=19frigtsnhrik
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christianandnerdy · 8 years ago
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One last post about climate change. In 1977 they predicted mass death by extreme cold; now by extreme heat. They always predict mass death by extreme something. #globalwarming #globalcooling #globalcooking #algore
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herbertford · 5 years ago
Air Conditioning Installation - Choosing the Right Service Provider
When choosing an air conditioning installation provider, there are certain proven factors that must be taken into account so that you can ensure that you get the proper level of service that your business residence deserves. If you live or work in an area of ​​the country that is regularly very hot, then you definitely need adequate levels of air conditioning 24 hours a day. The most experienced service providers have worked on the widest variety of air conditioning units and have installed most all models and brands. The most experienced installers will also know how to guide you on which air conditioning units are the most profitable, saving you substantial amounts of money on your electricity bill each month. This is one of the advantages of using an experienced service provider.
You should also compare between different service providers to see which installers have the best prices available where you live or work. Not all air conditioning installation jobs cost the same, even if it is the same brand and unit size. So you should definitely be on the lookout and do some homework to compare costs and see which installer fits your budget comfortably.
Different installers and technicians have various technical skills when it comes to installing an air conditioning unit. Some service providers are more familiar with specific makes and models, while others are more skilled in certain types of installation jobs that require higher levels of proficiency. It may be helpful to ask the installer of the service you are considering to provide you with two or three references from past and satisfied customers so that you can be sure of the installer's proficiency level.
One of the disadvantages of regularly using air conditioning in your facilities is the higher cost of utilities that you will have if you had never used any air conditioning. But living without air in hot climates is almost impossible. That's why you should demand that your air conditioning installer and service provider be as professional as possible. Professionalism means a high level of knowledge and support, treating you with respect and courtesy, being trustworthy and trustworthy, answering all your phone calls and questions on time, and following up after installation to see how happy you were with the job. You must expect, insist, and settle for nothing less than these qualities of excellence from your installer and service provider to ensure the best results.
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1bigliar · 5 years ago
#LemonPig Zig on January 07 2020 Went out to talk about climate change with the new neighbors. It's a great icebreaker. 🍋🙉🍋 = = = = = #ScienceHasFailedToAnswer how to stop #GlobalWarming start #GlobalCooling or find privacy for those who live in igloos. #ZigPig https://www.instagram.com/p/B7CUN6nl2uf/?igshid=9q7v1jy4azch
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reallibertymedia · 5 years ago
Grim Leftovers Podcast - 2019-10-28 - #FabricOfTheUniverse #SelfTouching #SentByAliens #AlienProbes
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