daveydoodle · 6 months
Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia) | Diabetes | CDC
I am taking new meds 💊 and my sugar is on the low side, 73 (eAG) this morning.
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edwinscotte9947 · 7 days
Glipizide & Metformin HCl Generic Metaglip
Glipizide and Metformin HCl, sold under the brand name Metaglip, is a combination medication used to manage Type 2 Diabetes. This powerful duo combines two oral antidiabetic agents, Glipizide (a sulfonylurea) and Metformin (a biguanide), providing enhanced glucose control by targeting insulin production and glucose absorption.
For those seeking affordable access to diabetes medications, DiRx offers Glipizide & Metformin HCl (Generic Metaglip) at competitive prices without the need for insurance. You can easily find and order this medication on DiRx's Glipizide & Metformin HCl page for cost-effective diabetes management.
How Does Glipizide & Metformin HCl Work?
This medication effectively controls blood sugar levels through a two-pronged approach:
Glipizide: Stimulates the pancreas to release more insulin, especially after meals, which helps lower blood sugar levels.
Metformin: Reduces glucose production by the liver and improves insulin sensitivity, allowing your body to use insulin more efficiently.
Together, these actions help control high blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 Diabetes, particularly when diet and exercise alone aren’t sufficient.
For individuals managing diabetes, DiRx provides this vital medication at an affordable cost, ensuring continued access to life-saving treatments.
Why Choose DiRx for Glipizide & Metformin HCl?
No Insurance Required: DiRx operates without the need for health insurance, offering savings directly to consumers.
FDA-Approved Medications: DiRx only sells FDA-approved drugs, ensuring safety and quality.
Affordable Prices: Get access to essential diabetes medications like Glipizide & Metformin HCl at significantly lower prices compared to retail pharmacies.
Visit DiRx to learn more about Glipizide & Metformin HCl and how you can save on your prescription needs.
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bloodhaven · 2 months
fucked up that my insurance can deny my prior authorization for a medication i was ON until my medicare got taken away because my A1C was okay. Why do you THINK my A1C was good?
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bishiglomper · 11 months
I think I need to take out my second dose of glipizide.
I started to ache like I was getting a low. Might be in the cusp of tachycardia.
Glucose was only in the 80s but i guess it was on its way down. So i went and ate a bagel.
And sipped maybe 2 tablespoons of eggnog. Just for good measure. 👀
Sugary fluid hits immediately. Fast and hard.
Eggnog be deadly. 👀
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sparrtington · 1 year
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Thank you Glipizide Benadryl. You and the rest of Tempus got me out of art block. ╭(♡・ㅂ・)و ̑̑
Support me! Twitter Ko-Fi Redbubble Instagram
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fwootypibbles · 1 year
Betes Update
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
Diabetes Lecture
Dr. Samaan
HgbA1c 5.7%-6.4% is prediabetes
HgbA1c 6.5% is diabetic
Normal HgbA1c 4.8-5.6% is normal
DM: A1c 6.5%, BG 126, random BG >200 with symptoms
The A1c has to be a lab draw in order for you to use it to make the diagnosis. So a POC HgbA1c doesn’t count to make the diagnosis.
Screen everyone age 40-70 who are overweight or have risk factors; younger than 40 and obese with risk factor; screen q1-3 years. Risk factors: HDL<35, TG >250, depression, on atypical antipsychotics, high risk populations (non-white), OSA/sleep issues, HIV+ for 15+ years on meds. Old HIV meds caused endocrine issues. Newer HIV meds don’t unless they’ve been on them for a long time.
You don’t need to be fasting to check HgbA1c. Not covered as screening by CMS. A1c not accurate in GDM, renal failure, anemias, renal failure, liver disease.
Prediabetes: 5-7% weight loss will cut the risk of progressing to diabetes by 1/2! Moderate exercise: of 150 minutes a week (e.g., brisk walking 3+ mph), water aerobics, bicycling 10 mph or less, tennis (doubles), gardening—OR 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise a week.
Metformin started in prediabetics decreases progression by 31%! Shown to decrease CVD risk. Works best for BMI>35. Metformin can cause low B12. We should use “med monitoring” code annually in pts on metformin. Diarrhea is a common adverse effect. If pt can’t leave the house because of the diarrhea, try the extended release form.
GLP1 agonists and SGLT2 inhibitors could be used in prediabetics. It’s in the works.
If A1c of 9 and BG >200, you will have less fatigue, polyuria, blurred visions, skin infections.
A1c <7.5 à improved quality of life and increased productivity at work
Goal A1c is <7%
Tighter control in younger pts is ok.
Older pts can have A1c goal of 8.0%; avoid hypoglycemia and side effects of increased meds.
Metformin and lifestyle modifications are first line management.
You can start with something other than metformin, but insurance might not cover it.
DM education can help drop A1c by 0.6% or more. WDH and PRH have diabetes education classes.
Diabetic Benchmarks/Screenings:
Statins! All diabetics over 40 should be on moderate to high intensity statin. Under 40 if additional CVD risk factors.
Pts with DM have increased number of small LDL particles which tend to be more associated with ASCVD.
DM is the leading cause of CKD. Check urine microalbumin yearly. ACE/ARB is HTN and proteinuria, urine Cr >300. Go yearly for dilated eye exam. DM is the #1 cause of blindness in the US.
Nerve damage causes the fat pad on the sole of the foot to move, leaving decreased cushioning which predisposes to diabetic foot ulcers. Foot exam should be every visit if loss of sensation. Should do a foot exam annually. Check the skin, document hammer toe, charcot foot, bunion, pes planus.
Get an Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) if you cannot palpate a pulse. Get Toe Brachial Index (TBI) if ABI is not accurate.
Document presence of diabetic neuropathy. Assess for B12 deficiency, TSH, metals, etc.
Metformin, statin, annual vision screen and urine microalbumin, foot exams, diabetes education.
Sulfonylureas (e.g., glipizide) have no long-term benefits, cause hypoglycemia.
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hollyevolving · 1 year
So I’ve been taking glipizide for about 5 months now, and it’s made a swift and dramatic improvement to my fasting blood glucose and my A1C.
It hasn’t been an instant fix, I still need both numbers to come down a lot. My doctor and I decided together that the way to go is to gradually step it up, until those numbers are healthy, because it takes me a few weeks to adjust to each increase, and during those weeks there are intestinal side effects.
This could take a year or more.
In the meantime, I have gained weight, which almost everyone on glipizide does. Glipizide works by increasing the amount of insulin your pancreas produces (your pancreas has to be ABLE to produce insulin, or it won’t work for you at all). And when your insulin increases, including if you just cut out the middleman and inject insulin, your weight will almost certainly go up, because your cells will be able to use more of the glucose in your body, including converting it to fat for storage.
This is a normal thing that your body is supposed to do.
It sucks for me because between the EDS and the skeletal deformities, I have a really hard time exercising.
But eventually, those numbers will normalize and I will have more energy, and I’ll make some new assessments and decisions from there.
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TERUJI! (WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Diabetes Luka Kaki Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin di Pasirjati Bandung
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Pengobatan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2: Panduan Lengkap dan Solusi Terbaik
Diabetes melitus tipe 2 adalah kondisi medis yang memengaruhi kemampuan tubuh untuk mengatur kadar gula darah secara efektif. Ini adalah jenis diabetes yang paling umum, tetapi dengan pendekatan pengobatan yang tepat, Anda dapat mengelola dan bahkan mengurangi dampaknya. Artikel ini akan membahas berbagai metode pengobatan diabetes melitus tipe 2, termasuk pengobatan untuk diabetes mellitus secara umum dan pengobatan khusus untuk berbagai situasi seperti diabetes gestasional dan diabetes pada pria.
1. Pemahaman Dasar tentang Pengobatan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
Diabetes melitus tipe 2 adalah gangguan metabolisme yang ditandai dengan resistensi insulin dan produksi insulin yang tidak memadai. Pengobatan diabetes melitus tipe 2 bertujuan untuk mengontrol kadar gula darah, mencegah komplikasi, dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Pendekatan pengobatan ini melibatkan perubahan gaya hidup, penggunaan obat, dan terkadang intervensi medis lebih lanjut.
2. Perubahan Gaya Hidup: Fondasi Pengobatan
Diet Sehat
Pola makan yang sehat adalah kunci utama dalam pengelolaan diabetes melitus tipe 2. Fokus pada makanan yang rendah gula, tinggi serat, dan lemak sehat. Pilihlah karbohidrat kompleks seperti biji-bijian, sayuran, dan buah-buahan segar. Hindari makanan olahan, gula tambahan, dan makanan tinggi lemak jenuh.
Olahraga Teratur
Aktivitas fisik membantu meningkatkan sensitivitas insulin dan mengatur kadar gula darah. Rekomendasi umum adalah melakukan setidaknya 150 menit aktivitas fisik moderat setiap minggu. Pilihlah olahraga yang Anda nikmati, seperti berjalan, berenang, atau bersepeda.
Manajemen Stres
Stres dapat mempengaruhi kadar gula darah Anda. Temukan teknik manajemen stres yang cocok untuk Anda, seperti meditasi, yoga, atau teknik relaksasi lainnya. Mengelola stres dengan baik dapat membantu Anda dalam pengelolaan diabetes.
3. Pengobatan Obat untuk Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
Jika perubahan gaya hidup tidak cukup untuk mengontrol kadar gula darah, dokter mungkin merekomendasikan obat-obatan. Berikut adalah beberapa jenis obat yang umum digunakan:
Metformin adalah obat pertama yang sering diresepkan untuk diabetes tipe 2. Obat ini bekerja dengan meningkatkan sensitivitas sel terhadap insulin dan mengurangi produksi gula oleh hati.
Obat ini merangsang pankreas untuk memproduksi lebih banyak insulin. Contoh sulfonilurea termasuk glipizide dan gliburide.
Inhibitor DPP-4
Obat ini membantu meningkatkan kadar hormon yang merangsang produksi insulin dan mengurangi rasa lapar. Contoh obat ini termasuk sitagliptin dan saxagliptin.
Agonis GLP-1
Obat ini meningkatkan produksi insulin, mengurangi nafsu makan, dan memperlambat pengosongan lambung. Contoh agonis GLP-1 termasuk liraglutide dan exenatide.
4. Pengobatan Insulin: Pilihan untuk Kasus yang Lebih Parah
Pada beberapa kasus diabetes tipe 2 yang lebih parah atau tidak dapat dikendalikan dengan obat oral, terapi insulin mungkin diperlukan. Insulin dapat membantu mengatur kadar gula darah dengan lebih efektif. Dokter akan menentukan jenis insulin dan dosis yang tepat untuk kebutuhan Anda.
Pengobatan untuk Diabetes Mellitus dalam Konteks Lain
1. Pengobatan Diabetes Melitus Tipe 1
Pengobatan diabetes melitus tipe 1 melibatkan terapi insulin seumur hidup, karena tubuh tidak memproduksi insulin sama sekali. Selain terapi insulin, pemantauan kadar gula darah secara rutin dan perubahan gaya hidup sehat juga penting untuk mengelola kondisi ini.
2. Pengobatan Diabetes pada Pria
Pengobatan diabetes pada pria tidak berbeda secara signifikan dari pengobatan diabetes pada wanita. Namun, pria dengan diabetes mungkin menghadapi risiko tambahan terkait kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi. Mengelola diabetes dengan baik dapat membantu mencegah masalah kesehatan terkait.
3. Pengobatan pada Diabetes Gestasional
Diabetes gestasional adalah diabetes yang berkembang selama kehamilan. Pengobatan diabetes gestasional biasanya melibatkan perubahan pola makan, pemantauan kadar gula darah secara rutin, dan mungkin penggunaan insulin jika diperlukan. Setelah melahirkan, banyak wanita dengan diabetes gestasional dapat kembali ke kondisi normal, tetapi mereka harus terus memantau kesehatan mereka.
4. Pengobatan Diabetes Paling Ampuh
Tidak ada pengobatan tunggal yang cocok untuk semua orang. Pengobatan yang paling ampuh adalah pendekatan yang terintegrasi, menggabungkan perubahan gaya hidup sehat, terapi obat yang sesuai, dan pemantauan rutin. Pendekatan ini akan bervariasi berdasarkan individu, kondisi kesehatan, dan respons terhadap pengobatan.
FAQ (Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan)
Bisakah diabetes disembuhkan?
Saat ini, diabetes melitus tipe 2 tidak dapat disembuhkan sepenuhnya. Namun, dengan pengelolaan yang baik melalui perubahan gaya hidup dan obat-obatan, banyak orang dapat mencapai kontrol gula darah yang optimal dan mengurangi risiko komplikasi.
Apa saja makanan yang sebaiknya dihindari penderita diabetes?
Penderita diabetes sebaiknya menghindari makanan yang tinggi gula dan karbohidrat sederhana, seperti roti putih, nasi putih, dan makanan manis. Selain itu, batasi konsumsi makanan tinggi lemak jenuh dan trans, seperti makanan cepat saji dan camilan olahan.
Apakah ada vaksin untuk mencegah diabetes?
Saat ini, tidak ada vaksin yang tersedia untuk mencegah diabetes melitus tipe 2. Namun, langkah-langkah pencegahan seperti menjaga berat badan sehat, berolahraga secara teratur, dan mengikuti diet sehat dapat mengurangi risiko diabetes.
Bagaimana cara mengatasi rasa lapar terus-menerus pada penderita diabetes?
Rasa lapar terus-menerus dapat diatasi dengan makan makanan tinggi serat dan protein yang membantu kenyang lebih lama. Pilihlah camilan sehat seperti kacang-kacangan, yogurt rendah lemak, atau buah-buahan segar. Konsultasikan dengan ahli gizi atau dokter untuk rekomendasi yang lebih spesifik.
Apa saja gejala diabetes tipe 1 pada anak-anak?
Gejala diabetes tipe 1 pada anak-anak dapat mencakup peningkatan rasa haus, frekuensi buang air kecil yang meningkat, penurunan berat badan yang cepat, kelelahan, dan perubahan perilaku. Jika Anda mencurigai anak Anda mengalami gejala ini, segera konsultasikan dengan dokter untuk evaluasi lebih lanjut.
Pengobatan diabetes melitus tipe 2 melibatkan pendekatan yang holistik dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan individu. Dengan menggabungkan perubahan gaya hidup, terapi obat yang tepat, dan pemantauan yang teratur, Anda dapat mengelola kondisi ini dengan efektif. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan lebih lanjut atau memerlukan bantuan dalam pengelolaan diabetes, jangan ragu untuk berkonsultasi dengan profesional kesehatan. Pengelolaan yang baik dapat membuat perbedaan besar dalam kualitas hidup dan kesejahteraan Anda.
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(WA) 0812-1440-8050 Pengobatan Diabetes Luka Kaki Ny. Djamilah Najmuddin di Pasirjati Bandung
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adoctorx · 2 months
Xtandi (enzalutamide) is a prescription drug used to treat prostate cancer in certain adults. It comes as an oral tablet and an oral capsule. Xtandi can interact with certain supplements and medications, including hydrocodone (Hysingla ER). Does Xtandi interact with other drugs? An interaction can occur because one substance causes another substance to have a different effect than expected. Interactions can also occur if you have certain health conditions. Before you start taking Xtandi, tell your doctor and pharmacist about any prescription, over-the-counter, or other drugs you take. Sharing this information with them may help prevent possible interactions. (To learn whether Xtandi interacts with herbs or vitamins and supplements, see the “Are there other interactions with Xtandi?” section below.) If you have questions about drug interactions that may affect you, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. The table below lists drugs that may interact with Xtandi. Keep in mind that this table does not include all drugs that may interact with Xtandi. For more information about some of these interactions, see the “Drug interactions explained” section below. Drug group or drug nameDrug examplesWhat can happen?certain antibiotics• rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane) • clarithromycincan make Xtandi or the antibiotic less effectivecertain opioids• fentanyl (Actiq, Fentora, others) • hydrocodone (Hysingla ER) • oxycodone (Oxycontin, Roxybond, etc)can make the opioid less effective or increase the risk of opioid withdrawal in certain situationscertain antipsychotics• brexpiprazole (Rexulti) • haloperidol (Haldol) • risperidone (Risperdal, Uzedy, others)can make the antipsychotic less effectivecertain antifungals• itraconazole (Sporanox, Tolsura) • ketoconazole • voriconazole (Vfend)can make the antifungal less effectivecertain proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)• esomeprazole (Nexium) • lansoprazole (Prevacid) • omeprazole (Prilosec)can make the PPI less effectivecertain calcium channel blockers (CCBs)• amlodipine (Katerzia, Norvasc, others) • diltiazem (Cardizem, Tiazac, others) • verapamil (Verelan, Verelan PM)can make the CCB less effectivesulfonylureas• glimepiride (Amaryl) • glipizide (Glucotrol XL) • glyburide (Diabeta, Glynase)can make the sulfonylurea less effectivegemfibrozil (Lopid)—can increase the risk of side effects from Xtandi*buspirone—can make buspirone less effectivewarfarin (Jantoven)—can make warfarin less effective Does Xtandi interact with alcohol? Xtandi is not known to interact with alcohol. But Xtandi and alcohol can cause some similar side effects, such as headache and fatigue. So, these side effects may worsen if you drink alcohol during your Xtandi treatment. Drug interactions explained Learn more about certain drug interactions that can occur with Xtandi. Interaction with certain opioids Xtandi can interact with certain opioids, which are used to treat pain. Examples of opioid medications that may interact with Xtandi include: fentanyl (Actiq, Fentora, others) hydrocodone (Hysingla ER) oxycodone (Oxycontin, Roxybond, others) What could happen Taking Xtandi with certain opioids could make the opioid less effective. This is because Xtandi speeds up the activity of an enzyme (protein) that breaks down certain opioids in your body. As a result, the level of the opioid in your system may be low, which could make the drug less effective. Starting Xtandi treatment when you’re already taking an opioid could increase your risk of opioid withdrawal.* This is because Xtandi could cause the level of the opioid in your system to be lower than usual. In some cases, this could lead to opioid withdrawal. * Withdrawal symptoms are side effects that happen when you stop taking a drug your body has become dependent on. With dependence, your body relies on a drug to function as usual. What you can do Doctors may prescribe opioids for cancer pain, including that of prostate cancer.
(Xtandi is used to treat prostate cancer in certain adults.) If needed, your doctor can recommend an opioid that’s safe to take with Xtandi. If you take Xtandi with an opioid, your doctor will check your pain levels closely. They’ll prescribe a dosage of the opioid that provides pain relief without causing bothersome side effects. You should not take a higher dose of either medication than your doctor prescribes. If you start Xtandi treatment after you’re already taking an opioid, tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms of opioid withdrawal. These may include abdominal pain, runny nose, and body aches. They’ll recommend what to do if you have these symptoms. If you’re taking Xtandi with an opioid that can interact with it, it’s important that you do not stop taking Xtandi without speaking with your doctor first. If you stop taking Xtandi, the level of opioid in your system may quickly rise. This could result in an opioid overdose. If you need to stop taking Xtandi, your doctor may want to lower your opioid dose as well. Interaction with certain proton pump inhibitors Xtandi can interact with certain PPIs. These medications are used to treat conditions related to high levels of stomach acid, such as heartburn. Examples of PPIs that could interact with Xtandi include: esomeprazole (Nexium) lansoprazole (Prevacid) omeprazole (Prilosec) What could happen Taking Xtandi with certain PPIs could make the PPI less effective. Xtandi speeds up the activity of certain enzymes that break down certain PPIs in your system. Taking Xtandi could result in a low level of the PPI in your body, making the PPI less effective. What you can do Before taking Xtandi, tell your doctor if you’re taking a PPI. They can check whether Xtandi interacts with it and determine whether it’s safe to take them together. If necessary, your doctor can recommend a different PPI that isn’t known to interact with Xtandi. If you have questions about taking Xtandi with PPIs, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Interaction with gemfibrozil Xtandi can interact with gemfibrozil (Lopid), which helps lower triglyceride levels. What could happen Taking Xtandi with gemfibrozil could increase your risk of side effects from Xtandi. A specific enzyme breaks down Xtandi in your body. Gemfibrozil slows the activity of this enzyme, which could lead to a higher level of Xtandi in your body. This could increase your risk of side effects from Xtandi. What you can do If you take Xtandi with gemfibrozil, your doctor may prescribe a lower Xtandi dosage than usual. You should not take a higher dose of either medication than your doctor prescribes. If you have questions about taking Xtandi with gemfibrozil, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Are there other interactions with Xtandi? Xtandi may have other interactions. They could occur with supplements, foods, vaccines, or even lab tests. See below for details. Note that the information below does not include all other possible interactions with Xtandi. Does Xtandi interact with supplements? Before you start taking Xtandi, talk with your doctor and pharmacist about any herbs or vitamins and supplements you take. Sharing this information with them may help you avoid possible interactions. If you have questions about interactions that may affect you, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. Xtandi interactions with herbs Xtandi can interact with St. John’s wort, which may be used to ease symptoms of depression and other conditions. St. John’s wort may speed up the activity of an enzyme that helps break down Xtandi in your body. This can reduce the amount of Xtandi in your system and make the drug less effective. Your doctor can recommend whether it’s safe to take St. John’s wort with Xtandi. If you take them together, your doctor may prescribe a higher Xtandi dosage than usual to help the drug be effective. Your doctor can also recommend an alternative to St. John’s wort for your condition.
Xtandi and vitamins There are currently no reports of Xtandi interacting with vitamins. But this doesn’t mean that vitamin interactions won’t be recognized in the future. For this reason, it’s still important to check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any of these products while taking Xtandi. Does Xtandi interact with food? There are currently no reports of Xtandi interacting with food. If you have questions about foods to avoid when taking Xtandi, talk with your doctor. Does Xtandi interact with vaccines? There are currently no reports of Xtandi interacting with vaccines. If you have questions about getting certain vaccines during your Xtandi treatment, talk with your doctor. Does Xtandi interact with lab tests? There are currently no reports of Xtandi interacting with lab tests. If you have questions about having certain lab tests during your treatment with Xtandi, talk with the healthcare professional ordering the test. Does Xtandi interact with cannabis or CBD? Cannabis(commonly called marijuana) and cannabis products, such as cannabidiol (CBD), have been specifically reported to interact with Xtandi. Taking Xtandi with a cannabis product could make the product less effective. Before you start treatment with Xtandi, tell your doctor and pharmacist if you use cannabis. By sharing this information with them, you may help prevent possible interactions. Note: Cannabis is illegal at a federal level but is legal in many states to varying degrees. Does my health history affect whether I should take Xtandi? Certain medical conditions or other health factors may raise the risk of interactions with Xtandi. Before taking Xtandi, talk with your doctor about your health history. They’ll determine whether Xtandi is right for you. Health conditions or other factors that might interact with Xtandi include: Heart disease or related factors, such as high blood pressure: Taking Xtandi may increase the risk of developing heart disease. This risk may be greater for people with certain factors, such as high blood pressure or type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Or if you have an existing heart disease, Xtandi could worsen your condition. If you have heart disease or a related factor, your doctor can determine whether Xtandi is a safe treatment option for you. Seizures or related factors: Seizures are a rare side effect of Xtandi. The risk of seizures may be greater for people who’ve had seizures before or who have certain other factors, such as brain damage or a brain infection. If you’ve ever had seizures or a related factor, your doctor can recommend whether Xtandi is safe for you. History of stroke or brain tumor: Your risk of having a seizure during your Xtandi treatment may be higher if you’ve had a stroke before. You may also have a higher risk if you have a brain tumor or have had one in the past. Your doctor can discuss whether Xtandi is safe for you to take. Falls, bone fractures, or related factors: Taking Xtandi may lead to falls that result in bone fractures. This risk may be greater for people with certain factors. Examples include having osteoporosis or difficulty with balance. If you have factors that raise your risk of falls or bone fractures, talk with your doctor about whether Xtandi is right for you. Pregnancy: Xtandi is not prescribed for females and is not safe to take during pregnancy. The drug may cause pregnancy loss or harm to a fetus. If you’re prescribed Xtandi and you have a sexual partner who may become pregnant, it’s important to use birth control (such as condoms) during your Xtandi treatment. You’ll continue using birth control for at least 3 months after your last dose. If you have questions about Xtandi and pregnancy, talk with your doctor. Breastfeeding: Xtandi is not prescribed for females, and it’s not known whether it’s safe to take Xtandi while breastfeeding. If you have questions, talk with your doctor. Allergic reaction:
If you’ve had an allergic reaction to Xtandi or any of its ingredients, your doctor will likely not prescribe Xtandi. This is because taking the drug could cause another allergic reaction. You can ask your doctor about other treatments that may be better choices for you. * In this article, we use the term “female” to refer to someone’s sex assigned at birth. For information about the difference between sex and gender, see this article. How can I prevent interactions? Taking certain steps can help you avoid interactions with Xtandi. Before starting treatment, talk with your doctor and pharmacist. Things to discuss with them include: Whether you drink alcohol or use cannabis,. Other medications you take, as well as any vitamins, supplements, and herbs. Your doctor or pharmacist can help you fill out a medication list. What to do if you start taking a new drug during your Xtandi treatment. It’s also important to understand Xtandi’s label and other paperwork that may come with the drug. Colored stickers that describe interactions may be on the label. The paperwork (sometimes called the patient package insert or medication guide) may have other details about interactions. If you did not get paperwork with Xtandi, ask your pharmacist to print a copy for you What should I ask my doctor? If you still have questions about Xtandi and its possible interactions, talk with your doctor. Questions you may want to ask your doctor include: Do other drugs that treat prostate cancer have similar interactions to Xtandi? If I take Xtandi and have certain health conditions, will I be monitored more closely during treatment? Should I let you know if I’m prescribed a new drug while taking Xtandi? To learn more about Xtandi, see these articles: Xtandi (enzalutamide) Side Effects of Xtandi: What You Need to Know Dosage Details for Xtandi Xtandi and Cost: What You Need to Know
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berberinecapsules · 4 months
How can it function? Berberine Capsules
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Berberine capsules has been tried in many examinations.
One of the principal activities of Berberine capsules is to actuate a compound inside cells called AMP-enacted protein kinase (AMPK), as per a few creature studies (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).
AMPK assumes a key part in directing digestion and energy levels and is tracked down in cells all through your body (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source).
It brings down glucose levels Many examinations show that Berberine capsules can essentially bring down glucose levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes (8Trusted Source).
It appears to work by means of numerous systems and may help (9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source):
decline insulin opposition, making the glucose bringing down chemical insulin more successful increment glycolysis, assisting your body with separating sugars inside cells decline sugar creation in your liver slow the breakdown of starches in your stomach increment the quantity of gainful microbes in your stomach In a 2008 investigation of 116 individuals with diabetes, requiring 1 gram of Berberine capsules every day brought down fasting glucose by 20% (11Trusted Source).
It likewise brought down hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), a marker of long haul glucose guideline, by 12% and further developed degrees of blood lipids like cholesterol and fatty substances (11Trusted Source).
As per a more established audit of 14 investigations, Berberine capsules might be pretty much as compelling as specific oral diabetes drugs, including metformin, glipizide, and rosiglitazone (12Trusted Source).
It functions admirably in mix with way of life changes and has added substance impacts when utilized with other glucose bringing down drugs (13Trusted Source).
Berberine capsules may assist you with getting thinner Berberine capsules may likewise be compelling as a weight reduction supplement.
(All things considered. The members likewise lost 3.6% of their muscle to fat ratio (14).
Furthermore, a survey of 12 examinations found that enhancing with Berberine capsules prompted critical decreases in body weight, weight record, and midsection fat. It likewise diminished degrees of C-responsive protein, a marker of irritation (15Trusted Source).
Berberine capsules additionally seems to repress the development of fat cells at the sub-atomic level, which could assist with advancing weight reduction (16Trusted Source).
In any case, more examination is required on the potential weight reduction impacts of Berberine capsules.
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lindaclark1 · 4 months
What Role Does Medication Play in Controlling Diabetes?
Medication plays a crucial role in controlling diabetes, especially for individuals with type 1 or type 2 diabetes who may require pharmaceutical intervention to manage their blood sugar levels effectively. While lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise are foundational for diabetes management, medications are often necessary to achieve and maintain optimal blood glucose control. Let's delve deeper into the role that medication plays in diabetes management and explore some of the commonly prescribed drugs and their functions.
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Importance of Medication in Diabetes Control
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose levels resulting from either insufficient insulin production (type 1 diabetes) or the body's ineffective use of insulin (type 2 diabetes). Medications are prescribed to address these underlying issues and help regulate blood sugar levels, thereby reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications.
Types of Diabetes Medications
1. Insulin: The primary medication for type 1 diabetes and sometimes necessary for type 2 diabetes management. Different types of insulin (rapid-acting, short-acting, intermediate-acting, long-acting) are used depending on individual needs.
2. Metformin: Often the first-line medication for type 2 diabetes. It lowers blood sugar levels by reducing glucose production in the liver and improving insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues.
3. Sulfonylureas: Stimulate insulin secretion from the pancreas, helping to lower blood sugar levels. Examples include glipizide and glyburide.
4. DPP-4 Inhibitors: Enhance insulin secretion and reduce glucagon production, leading to lower blood sugar levels. Common DPP-4 inhibitors include sitagliptin and saxagliptin.
5. GLP-1 Receptor Agonists: Stimulate insulin secretion and slow down gastric emptying, which helps control blood sugar levels and may promote weight loss. Examples include exenatide and liraglutide.
6. SGLT-2 Inhibitors: Lower blood sugar levels by promoting the excretion of glucose in the urine. Canagliflozin and empagliflozin are examples of SGLT-2 inhibitors.
Individualized Treatment Approaches
The choice of diabetes medication depends on various factors, including the type of diabetes, overall health, presence of other medical conditions, and individual preferences. Healthcare providers tailor treatment plans to meet each patient's specific needs, adjusting medications as necessary to achieve optimal glycemic control while minimizing side effects.
Importance of Adherence and Monitoring
Adhering to prescribed medication regimens is critical for effective diabetes management. Patients should take medications as directed by their healthcare provider and communicate any concerns or difficulties they experience. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is essential to assess treatment efficacy and make necessary adjustments to medication dosages or regimens.
Medication plays a pivotal role in controlling diabetes by helping regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. Combined with healthy lifestyle choices, diabetes medications contribute significantly to managing this chronic condition and improving overall quality of life for individuals with diabetes. If you have diabetes or are at risk, consult with your healthcare provider to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that includes both lifestyle modifications and appropriate medication therapy.
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usmedilife12health · 4 months
Linagliptin Tablets
Linagliptin is a medication that treats Type 2 diabetes by increasing insulin levels in your body.
It can also reduce how much sugar gets released into your blood.
A healthcare provider may recommend changes to your diet and exercise if you take this medication. It comes in a tablet form.
What is this medication?
LINAGLIPTIN (lin a GLIP tin) treats type 2 diabetes.
It works by increasing insulin levels in your body, which decreases your blood sugar (glucose).
It also reduces the amount of sugar released into your blood. Changes to diet and exercise are often combined with this medication.
This medicine may be used for other purposes; ask your health care provider or pharmacist if you have questions.
What should I tell my care team before I take this medication?
They need to know if you have any of these conditions:
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Type 1 diabetes
An unusual or allergic reaction to linagliptin drug class, other medications, foods, dyes, or preservatives
Pregnant or trying to get pregnant
How should I use this medication?
Take this medication by mouth with a glass of water. Follow the directions on the prescription label.
You can take it with or without food. Take your dose at the same time each day. Do not take more often than directed.
Do not stop taking except on your care team's advice.
A special MedGuide will be given to you by the pharmacist with each prescription and refill. Be sure to read this information carefully each time.
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Talk to your care team about the use of this medication in children. Special care may be needed.
Overdosage: If you think you have taken too much of this medicine contact a poison control center or emergency room at once.
What if I miss a dose?
If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you can. If it is almost time for your next dose, take only that dose. Do not take double or extra doses.
What may interact with this medication?
Certain medications for seizures like carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin
St. John's Wort
Sulfonylureas like glimepiride, glipizide, glyburide
This list may not describe all possible interactions. Give your health care provider a list of all the medicines, herbs, non-prescription drugs, or dietary supplements you use. Also tell them if you smoke, drink alcohol, or use illegal drugs. Some items may interact with your medicine.
What should I watch for while using this medication?
Visit your care team for regular checks on your progress.
A test called the HbA1C (A1C) will be monitored. This is a simple blood test. It measures your blood sugar control over the last 2 to 3 months. You will receive this test every 3 to 6 months.
Learn how to check your blood sugar. Learn the symptoms of low and high blood sugar and how to manage them.
Always carry a quick-source of sugar with you in case you have symptoms of low blood sugar. Examples include hard sugar candy or glucose tablets. Make sure others know that you can choke if you eat or drink when you develop serious symptoms of low blood sugar, such as seizures or unconsciousness. They must get medical help at once.
Tell your care team if you have high blood sugar. You might need to change the dose of your medication. If you are sick or exercising more than usual, you might need to change the dose of your medication.
Do not skip meals. Ask your care team if you should Avoid alcohol. Many nonprescription cough and cold products contain sugar or alcohol. These can affect blood sugar.
Wear a medical ID bracelet or chain, and carry a card that describes your disease and details of your medication and dosage times.
What side effects may I notice from receiving this medication?
Side effects that you should report to your care team as soon as possible:
Allergic reactions—skin rash, itching, hives, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat
Heart failure—shortness of breath, swelling of the ankles, feet, or hands, sudden weight gain, unusual weakness or fatigue
Pancreatitis—severe stomach pain that spreads to your back or gets worse after eating or when touched, fever, nausea, vomiting
Redness, blistering, peeling or loosening of the skin, including inside the mouth
Severe joint pain
Side effects that usually do not require medical attention (report to your care team if they continue or are bothersome):
Runny or stuffy nose
Sore throat
Where should I keep my medication?
Keep out of the reach of children.
Store at room temperature between 15 and 30 degrees C (59 and 86 degrees F). Throw away any unused medication after the expiration date.
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bishiglomper · 10 months
Oof, bad night for mac and cheese for dinner
I'm out of glipizide 😫
Gonna have high blood sugar tonight ..
Stupid walgreens removed my prescription from the list and i can't freaking remember to call them during business hours. Also they're closed over the weekend. 😔
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digitalservices99 · 10 months
Glipizide manufacturers in Hyderabad
Glipizide Manufacturers- Glipizide is mainly used in the treatment of diabetic of sulfonylurea class which is assumed the 2nd generation sulfonylurea.
Glipizide is a medium-to-long against diabetic solution having hypoglycemic activity. This drug is a diabetic arrangement that helps to control glucose and produce insulin in our body. Kreative Organics is a standout amongst the most driving exporters of Glipizide, taking care of different requests of numerous business undertakings. Glipizide Manufacturers cater to different neighborhood and overall clients for their Glipizide essential at sensible expense.
Glipizide Manufacturers: Product Features No side effect Excellent quality Cost effective Top 10 Glipizide manufacturers in Hyderabad Previous Next Glipizide Manufacturers: Company Profile Kreative Organics is a leading manufacturer company of APIs since 1990 in the world market. We are engaged to export our product into various regulated markets like USA and Europe and quality conscious customers markets like Russia, Singapore, Brazil etc.
We are an R&D focused company and have developed processes for all our products in-house. We always believe in quality and thus invested in a state of the art WHO GMP certified facility. Most of our customers come from regulated and semi-regulated markets and have performed quality audits of the facility. More than 90% of our turnover is from repeat orders from satisfied customers. This stands testimony to the quality of our products and service. We work with our customers to meet regulatory requirements for their respective markets and have experience in filing DMFs.
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