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the-astral-express-archive · 10 months ago
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Honkai: Star Rail | Planet of Festivities Collectible Cards
Upscaled version by 景三尧 on Weibo
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hercarisntyours · 1 month ago
local sparkling bullies old man
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katscatnip · 4 months ago
The it-thing space girl ever
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abyssalremain · 3 months ago
What if Glaux knew Hanunue and Mikhail and often would regale them of tales of young Veritas?
When Veritas arrives on Penacony, he’s not only surprised to be able to see Hanu and Clockie, but also that they know him.
“Wow! You’re little Veri! Glaux’s chick!”
“Come again??”
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faintv0x · 7 months ago
outer wilds is a cool game
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littlekiara96 · 10 months ago
It's them.
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I'm telling you.
These are Razalina, Legwork and Tiernan.
Also known as Glaux, Mikhail and Hanunue (a.k.a. "Gallagher").
Update (spoilers):
Wrong. I mean, the Glaux and Hanunue parts were wrong.
(Though I did think Razalina could be Glaux because of the "ruler" pattern on her jacket, and she did help create the Dreamscape through memoria, but I ended up mentioning it only to my Bro...)
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battleclawed · 3 months ago
If I’m being honest I wish Nyra had gotten weirder and more culty about the Nyrolian Owl thing
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feather--down · 1 year ago
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kabukiaku · 2 years ago
*comes to check tumblr notifications*
my notifications: Over 100+ bot accounts have followed you! And many more well on their way!
Me: ok that’s enough. *leaves tumblr*
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yoiasa · 2 years ago
i may be so goddamn slow in reading this, and i'm not surviving finishing through the whole book without searching for most of the words found here though but this is a journey. not a destination.
enjoying the jp translation of the capture so far regardless, since despite knowing the book from inside out, it's not a direct 1 to 1 translation and they did some liberties to it, and i think it works well in some instances. my fave parts are the moment where after soren eavesdrop on his parents talking about the missing owlets and eggs, while the og book merely describes that he felt relieved that eglantine didn't got snatched, the tl changed that to this little gem:
Soren was shocked at his father's grave words. He looked fondly at Eglantine, sleeping beside him. (Ahh, I'm glad you weren't snatched from us while you're still just an egg. Eglantine, no matter what happens. I will protect you…)
and when soren was subjected to laughter therapy, his last thoughts before fainting wasn't isn't Oh Great Glaux! What now? but Ah... stop it! Da, Mum, help me!
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Honkai: Star Rail | Penacony Posters
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hercarisntyours · 29 days ago
peak self indulgence of that meme with glaux and a bh6 fan child who will probably never see the light of day on this account again
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glauxgardenofchaos · 1 year ago
Confirmation of being a cat: today I caught a fly with my bare hands.
(And was so startled i threw it away immediately and it flew off)
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komelliko · 2 months ago
manipulative!boss!sunday x timid!secretary!reader
summary: After Sunday spoiled your 'not-date' with Aventurine, he feels he still has to warn you about some things. wc: 1.6k - this is nsfw! cw for dubcon! fondling, masturbation, sexual fantasy a/n: The guillemets «» are still used to indicate Sunday's telepathy!
part 5 / part 6 (nsfw) / part 7 (nsfw) --- You insisted that Aventurine not walk you back home—It was hard to articulate one sole reason why. Sunday's confrontation was a large factor, though. It didn't feel right to throw him into more trouble like that—let him get the sweep, as he put it. You could brave the streets back to your apartment by yourself without much hassle, anyways. Very little of Golden Hour was left unlit, after all. You turn to look behind you. The feeling of still being watched crawls up your back like a creeping fungus, a sense of unease clinging to your spine all the way until it reaches your throat. But in the cacophony in golden light and bustling figures, you can't make anything out. You know who it is that's following you. You just pretend he's not there, and simply press on.
« But something tells you that you have to take another route. » You're not sure why...? So you stop, you steady yourself, and you try to figure out where you are and how long it is until you're on Glaux Avenue. « Something tells you that you have to walk behind the food truck and into the passageway between that jewelry store and that automobile dealer. » Hesitant, you trust the strange feeling, slipping behind the truck and into a dark passageway, two impenetrable walls of brick squeezing the thin line of the alley together, bins of waste and discarded belongings littering both sides. You don't understand what makes you think this will be a shortcut to Glaux Avenue. 
« But something tells you that if you just take a few more steps, just barely enough to no longer be in the light, just a few more, one more step... » You get the notion that someone familiar is behind you. You freeze in place, recognizing the exact sound of the footsteps calmly approaching you in great clarity. You turn a quarter of the way around, not yet enough to meet his eyes before— Sunday clasps a hand over your face. You feel your lips smushed under his palm, your front teeth against the cool cotton fabric of his white glove. "Listen to me for a moment," he commands. "Don't speak." You stay silent, eyes locked on the wall in front of you. You assume you'd be terrified out of your mind if you had it within yourself to be that way. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the surprise. Besides, you were sure making a fuss wouldn't do anything good. "No matter how I or any member of The Family may act around that man in public, I cannot stress to you how little you should trust him. From this moment forward, do not answer any questions he asks, do not accept anything he offers you, and by Xipe, do not ever let me find you fraternizing with him ever again." Oh. You swear you could almost break out laughing. This- This wasn't Sunday. Sunday had been unusual at times, sure, but it was all innocent (if uncomfortable) behavior. It's almost comical, you assure yourself, to hear such harsh threats come out of his mouth! That explains why you can barely believe what he's saying, after all. Nothing to do with being terrified of your employer—nothing of the sort. "...Awlrigh...?" "Are you not taking me seriously, [Y/N]?" You take in a sharp breath, even if it's stunted by Sunday's hand in your face. Frantically, you shake your head no. "Good. I'm glad you have returned to being reasonable." His hand lifts off your mouth, an awkward thread of saliva connecting your bottom lip to the damp stain of breath on the palm of his glove. Sunday closes his hand, almost as if he's tenderly holding the spot on his glove for safe keeping, before bringing it down to hold on to your waist. "[Y/N], you are one of the most important people in the entire Family. What you decide to do with your time impacts not just you, but the entirely of Penacony. Do you remember what I said about upholding our reputations?" "Yes, sir." "I meant every word of it." Both of his hands are now holding your sides, bringing you in to press your back up against him. "You must understand what the good people of Penacony would think of me if I let my dear assistant run off with a member of the IPC." Sunday takes in another breath as if he means to say more, but stops himself. You can almost feel his composure slip for a moment, and as you turn your head back to see what the matter is, you notice him looking around warily—Checking for witnesses. His right hand slowly and hesitantly ascends, wrapping his fingers around your breast, creasing the cloth of your blazer underneath his grip. Sunday barely stifles a groan, his other hand squeezing your side fiercely as if to steady himself. "I w- I would not consider myself a vengeful man, [Y/N]," he stammers, lightheaded with his own desire as he fondles you. "Nor would I consider myself a man who is jealous beyond reasonable means. It is not covetous nor avaricious merely to insist upon what is already mine." His last sentence is tugged almost into a hoarse cry, and he bites his tongue to suppress another groan.
Though he would be remiss to admit it to you at a time like this, Sunday understands what he is doing is unconscionable, and he hates himself for it. But there is simply no other recourse. In matters of temptation, his behavior only seems sinful on the imperfect surface. For temptation is the fledgling form of greed, of gluttony and corruption, but the source of that which drove him to take you in his hands and tortured him night after night with thoughts of defiling you was instead responsibility.
Sunday has an obligation to make his possession of you known to himself, to you, and most importantly, to others. Others like that Avgin scum who dared to try and steal you from him behind his back. More were bound to attempt similar foolish things if Sunday did not reassert his authority with proper haste. You feel Sunday's breath curl down the back of your neck as he moves your hair to one shoulder. He plants a kiss on the soft flesh of your neck, right where it meets the edge of your jaw, and you shudder at the feelings of his lips against your skin. "If I can't trust you to make wise choices with your time off, I might not be able to give you time off at all," Sunday whispers lowly in your ear, his tone dreadfully serious. "We don't want to worry about you getting in trouble, do we?" He pauses for a moment, before adding "I certainly don't." And just as his hands remove themselves from your body, you turn around and Sunday has vanished. ... ... ... ...
Sunday is able to think about little else once he reaches his quarters, and he shuts his door emphatically the moment he enters.
To alleviate his own misdeeds, it is imperative that he approach it in an orderly fashion. Sunday takes off his coat properly and hangs it on the third spoke of his coat rack. With his dorsal wings free to open, Sunday takes off his vest one arm at a time, folding it neatly and setting it on his dresser. Sunday rolls up the bottom hem of his shirt until it reaches his torso, then pulls the neck over his head, then extends his arms out to pull it off his body entirely—The shirt then folded neatly as well, and set next to the folded vest. As one last precaution, Sunday scans his quarters. Not a blind has been left undrawn, nor a door left cracked open, nor an object out of its usual place. Sunday listens to the sound of his own breathing for a moment, as it is his only company: It is labored, heavy with desperation, tortured with knowledge of Sunday's unfulfilled responsibilities. Sunday sits himself on the side of his bed, facing away from the door, and undoes his belt. Xipe will forgive him. Xipe will forgive him. That which torments him is much more than wanton impulse. The infraction of him spitting in his own palm and satisfying his own carnal urges is infinitesimal to the weight of Penacony's corruption. With no person to confess to but himself, Bronze Melodia of Xipe, Sunday has full authority to absolve himself of guilt. For a cause like his, his actions are no transgression. With the stories he's listened to, Sunday knows the habits of lesser men, and lesser men do worse daily without even a second thought. Sunday brings his other hand up to massage his face, his head rolling back from the feeling of his own hand stroking him. In due time, it would be your hand, soft and gentle and perfumed and perfect in ways he could barely fathom, the rhythm of your delicate fingers brushing against his smoldering-hot skin euphoric beyond his wildest imagination. Sunday falls back onto his own bed, one foot lifting to dig its heel into the mattress as his movements grow more fervid at the thought of your face, your voice, the kind look in your eyes. Nothing short of taking you entirely could satiate him, and he knew it; There would be no other way to fulfill his responsibilities towards you. He bites his tongue, holding back grunts a more sinful man would make carelessly, and dares not to buck his hips into his own hand like some sort of uncouth aberrant. Still, even as his tongue is held, your name is repeated in his thoughts like a desperate prayer. With the invocation of your name, he begs for mercy from this torture. With your name, he begs for release. [Y/N]. [Y/N]. [Y/N].
--- a/n: tumblr was fighting with me this whole fucking time and I finally figured out it was because of it that third sunday mind control sentence and for the life of me I could not tell you what was so bad about it so prevent me from posting this feedback is always appreciated! tag list: @j1yu425 @crepezinhos @i-am-tiredd @8x9d @ruruize @herrscherofprocrastination
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real-sizzlipede · 5 months ago
I need Dr ratio to talk about himself more I need more info why are you so serious when so many actions indicate an innate whimsy to your mind?? Do you just happen to have the smae name as your university? Is it a title you were given? Like ????? Why do you have a jojo post statue and a heart hands statue when the other ones are referencing famous ancient statues? Is he tied to glaux (the owl guy from penacony)?? Inspired by him?? WHERE IS HE EVEN FROM 😭😭😭 ?????? Based on his 5 star light cone where he’s in the bath (iirc)he doesn’t have his long lower lashes which implies he’s not wearing makeup or anything (why would you wear that in the bath anyways fr fr) which implies the red markings by his eyes are just a part of him? What species are you sir??? Also ducks why do you like ducks I need to know bc there’s the rubber duck coding theory thingy (explaining it to someone else (ie: rubber duck) helps you figure out what’s wrong) and like yes, but like iirc he has a collection of them??? Why I must know I need to know I want to know 😭😭😭 what were his parents like did they push hi, academically or were they chill was pursuing a lengthy education his own choice or was he forced into it?? What made him realize that the genius society shouldn’t be his goal anymore what possibly tragic life event made him realize that a goal he had pushed for for so long wasn’t going to happen/wasn’t worth it anymore? Why does he text like that???? WHY WONT HOYO MAKE ANY MERCHANDISE OF HIM 😭😭😭😭
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littlekiara96 · 10 months ago
hi! im also a gallagher=hanunue truther but i don't get why... he's also tiernan if we already know how both of them look like? hanunue is just straight up a furry (not really a werewolf since furries do exist in hsr universe) and tiernan is well...a human. plus tiernan was a nameless cowboy and hanunue was an interstellar criminal (well based on the fact that he was in prison) that later on fought against the ipc WITH the nameless. gallagher doesn't say that hanunue was one only that he was fighting along side them and i don't see the point of him lying twice (like... hiding the fact that he is hanunue and hanunue being nameless dhdbdjdbd). hope i don't come out as a mean "well actually" person just wanted to point out the inconsistencies in this theory.
oh and remember the voiceline where gallagher talks about the nameless? it hurts a lot more if he turns out to be hanunue cuz the insane amount of anger he must feel seeing his old friends didn't get the recognition they deserved... shows how much he cares about them...
To clear one thing up first: you're not coming off as a mean "hum actually", Anon!! I'm very happy someone is asking The Questions, so thank you already ♡
Now to explain some stuff...
If you think Hanu is literally a 1:1 physical copy of what Hanunue looked like... you're wrong. Otherwise, it would mean that the Watchmaker was a literal clockman, and we know that's not the case.
Hanu is a metaphorical representation of Hanunue, just like Clockie is for the Watchmaker. Thus, by default, we can consider that Hanunue was a "classic" human, until we are told otherwise. And that has yet to happen. That's also why we can both go "Gallagher is Hanunue", because Gallagher has everything dog and probably Hanunue was also very dog/wolf-like in some of his traits, and that's why he gets a cartoon character who looks like a werewolf/wolfman/dog (the exacts are inconsistent). (Either that or the fact Hanunue was potentially the first head of the Bloodhounds.)
Now, why would Gallagher omit that he's Hanunue or that Hanunue was a Nameless...
Let me ask another question first: Why didn't Firefly tell us she's a Stellaron Hunter?
Don't think about any lore explanation, because the actual answer is much more down-to-earth than anything the lore could say:
Because this is a work of fiction, with a story to tell.
If Firefly had told us she was a Stellaron Hunter, we would have easily come to the conclusion that she was Sam, because Sam was the last Stellaron Hunter on a certain wanted list. (Or that she was Elio. I guess that conclusion could have been made, too... Maybe.)
And that would have ruined the plot-twist that was intended.
So, for the sake of the story being told, Gallagher can't just say he's Hanunue. That would kill the next plot-twist Shaoji might have been trying to set up.
Now the qestion is: Could he have said that Hanunue was a Nameless? And not make the "connecting the dots" too easy for us?
I think the answer is no. The Watchmaker has been implied or at least theorized (in-game) to be a former Nameless. And that got pretty much confirmed with the new lightcone. So, if anyone said that Hanunue was also a Nameless at some point, it would then become very easy to put 3 and 3 together and conclude what I've concluded: Hanunue is Tiernan. Glaux is Razalina. Mikhail is Legwork.
Also, if we say that Hanunue couldn't be a Nameless because he was an IPC prisoner and only "worked" with some Nameless, while admitting Gallagher is Hanunue, then we can't say that "they" are a History Fictionologist either, because Hanunue teamed with those too. (I keep going on and off about that theory, simply because it's Sunday's. Literally. He probably has good arguments towards it. But he doesn't know they're all inside a narrative and his theory could be a red herring for us, the audience looking at the narrative.)
And on the "Hanunue was an IPC prisoner thus an interstellar criminal" thing:
You know... The IPC could put up a wanted poster for your head just because they have decided you are indebted to them. And if you can't pay what they have decided you owe them... *inhales* WELL... Good luck working for them for free, I guess. Ad vitam. Et aeternam. If they say so. (The IPC is the Shinra from FF7 of Star Rail. They are a corporation so big, they have their own military. It doesn't mean they are right and doing "good things" only. And it certainly doesn't mean they are the ones in charge of justice and judging people's actions.)
And last but not least about the potential drama of the situation if Gallagher turns out to be Hanunue turns out to be Tiernan...
It's a work of fiction. It would tell a story. It would show why Gallagher "seems to have a complicated past". It would be the plot-twist to Shaoji's "he's just a normal dude with npc vibes, y'know, nothing important about him, at all, that guy has no story :D".
That is the point.
Thanks again for the ask, Anon! :D I hope I have at least cleared some things up, if I didn't convince you. ^^
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