twoiesfnafocs · 7 months
The @glamour-gator is late for his concert.
Nobody could find Monty, and despite it nearly being the end of Katie's shift, she volunteered to go search the catwalks for him... or rather... voluntold to do so.
Gator Golf was always a weird place for her, the animated prop that pops out of the swamp hazard terrified her as a child, to the point of her being afraid of the gator himself. The prop itself wasn't so bad, but the noise was pretty terrifying, even as an adult it's pretty unnerving.
Finally making it to the catwalks, Katie visually scanned for any sign of the Gator at where his height usually was... and found him lower than where she was looking. She tried waving her arm to get his attention, but he didn't seem to move... or maybe he was? The lighting was weird up here, and with guests down below, she didn't want to scream across the attraction. Though, that would make for a funny story for someone to tell... no, no. Not worth her job.
She walked over to where she saw the guy sitting and... oh he was not sitting.
"Aye! What happened!?" Monty's thigh looked like it was stuck in the gap of the steps, which... explained why he'd been missing.
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reactivatedrockstar · 6 months
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"Monty, please!!" Is he laughing? Yes. Is his tail wagging? Yes.
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asmrbrainrot · 1 year
The Gator boys & the Moon Witch~ Ch 1
It had been a fairly quiet week for Esther, or Sybil now. How long had she been going by that name? A few years at least, since she had gotten away from that awful Rexite priest… but she’d rather not remember. The whole traveling cabaret act treated her well. As well as it could at least, considering the nature of showbiz. Common sense told her she should probably be finding a place to settle down by now but she enjoyed floating from place to place. (Even when she didn’t need to) It’s not like this was her only source of income though. She was a witch after all, so it wasn’t difficult to make money on the side selling glamor potions or ready-made spell scrolls.
She slowed her broom as she took in the scenery around her. Cypress trees, cat tails, the smell of autumn in the air, it had been a while since she had traveled along the countryside. She halted her broom to read the wooden sign that marked her destination. “Welcome to Lilloway, Home of the Silverben Swamps” “Huh Quaint little place..” she muttered to herself. She decided to finish her journey on foot. Bella had woken from her nap and was getting ancy in her basket, besides after flying all day a walk would do Esther some good. It was surprising that such a small town like this would even have a nightclub, even more so that they invited her to perform. “Must be pretty short on entertainment if they invited a few old washups like us huh Belle?” The small dog gave an enthusiastic yip in response.
Not that she was complaining, a town like Lilloway was a pleasant change of pace from Akahn, with all its hustle and bustle. Something her college self would’ve loved, with all its trade and new-fangled gadgets. Oh goodness it had to be fifteen years now she was out of school. The woman leashed up her little friend and the two set into town. The once peaceful countryside soon melted into the stirrings of a village. As they approached the village square a corkboard with a plethora of fliers caught her eye. Thinking there might be a map among them Esther approached, Bella in tow. Hmmm Fall festival, Gabby’s Glamour spells, (Got enough of those as is) Oh! A freshly posted flier caught her eye. “Madam Sybil Dupree The Songbird of the South Performing at the Silverben Saloon!”. “Hmmm Guess we ain’t so washed up after all ey Belle?” Esther smiled leaning down to pet the black cavalier as it yipped excitedly. When suddenly Esther's attention was drawn to a set of large black boots that were approaching her.
“Howdy Ma’am.” Spoke the owner of the boots, in a deep husky voice. Esther stood up taking Bella with her as she faced the man. He was a tall muscular fellow with copper hair & beard. His arms marred with scars from what had to be his previous tussles. That and his serious demeanor told Esther this man wasn’t to be trifled with, nevertheless she had been brought up to give everyone a fair chance regardless. It’s what Earl would’ve done. “Well Hello there.” Esther responded warmly, Bella snugly in her arms. “Names Warren.” The burly man introduced, offering his hand as a sign of good will. Esther returned the gesture noting the rugged texture of his hand. A working man. “And you must be the famous Madam Dupree, if my eyes don’t deceive me.” Warren remarked, offering a kind smile while giving Bella a gentle pat on the head. “I don’t know if I’d call it that exactly!” Esther laughed, setting Bella down once more. “No need to be so humble! You’re all the town’s been talking about lately, well’sides them swap freaks runnin amuck.” The man remarked, ripping a bounty flier off the board.
Esther’s eyes were drawn to the flier, it depicted a terrible alligator-like beast with a hefty bounty listed at the bottom. Her chestnut eyes flicked from the flier to Warren, who had picked up on her curiosity. “Them beasts nothin ta worry bout Ma’am. Just a couple a wild half bloods runnin down the property value. Me an my men will have ‘em taken care of soon enough.” The man added in a vague attempt to “comfort” the women next to him. In truth Esther felt bad for those poor souls. Sure they looked a little different, acted a little different, but they didn’t ask to be that way. In the end they were just people trying to live their lives. Why should they be treated so horribly? “ So you’re a bounty hunter then?” Esther added dryly. If Warren was the kind of man to hunt down innocent people for sport then she wanted no part of him, but she had to be subtle about it. If word got around that she was some halfblood-sympathizing radical, she’d be run outta town faster than the half bloods themselves. “Looks like Warren caught a live one!” Shouted a woman from across the way.
She and another young fellow approached. Friends of Warren couldn’t be good company. Best to keep subtle for now though. “Aw hush up Andy. I was just greeting this lovely young lady to our town. It ain’t too often we get celebrities down here.” At this the younger blonde headed man perched up. “You’re Madam Dupree then! The one that’s ’s singing at the saloon?” The lad piped up. “Of course you would know Vernon! There’s hardly an’evenin you don’t spend at the saloon!” At this the two began to bicker before a calm yet stern hand gesture from Warren signaled the two to stop. “If you children are done I do believe Madam Dupree here needs some direction to the Inn.” Warren implored looking at Esther with a knowing glint in his emerald eyes. “Oh! Yes actually.” She responded “Then I reckon we should show you the way so you can get all settled an’ready for the show tonight!” Warren offered, the warm smile returning. “I’d like that.” And with that they were off to the Inn, little Bella in tow wagging her tail all the way.
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sohannabarberaesque · 6 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
And you're asking how the Easter parade in Gatlinburg went
INSIDE CATTANOOGA KLATSCHE, GATLINBURG, TN: To answer such a question as many of you were probably asking ... With partly cloudy skies for the most part, the day turning out rather beautiful, many of the trees in the Smoky Mountains starting to go into bloom for the most part, and a few of the black bears starting to come forth from hibernation.
It may not have been the Pasadena Doo-Dah Parade, or even those on the likes of New York's Fifth Avenue or the Atlantic City Boardwalk (especially in earlier, more glamourous times), but the choice of route (as in the section of the Parkway between the split of US 411 and 441 and the entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park--more or less Beautiful Downtown Gatlinburg, to paraphrase Gary Owens from back on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In back in the day) pretty much attracted considerable curiosity from the Easter weekend crowd in the Queen Mother of Tourist Traps.
In keeping with Easter Parade tradition, it was more or less walkabout all along the Parkway, waving to the somewhat confused crowd wondering what the whole was about to begin with (though you had plenty of meet-and-greet and selfie opportunities among the characters). Naturally, the Cattanooga Cats "themselves" led the parade, real informal like, no welcoming banner ... but even then, Kitty Jo couldn't resist the selfie opportunities. Or even Scoots, for that matter; it seems Scoots, considering his modest stature, must have something of a liking, even if his storytelling wasn't fascinating enow.
And you could imagine the reaction of the crowd to the presence of yours truly, Huckleberry Hound and Crazy Claws strolling the Parkway ... or even Augie Doggie on the shoulders of his doting Doggie Daddy ... Top Cat and clowder, with Choo-Choo and Fancy-Fancy getting their share of fan attraction ... Peter Potamus and his diving enterouge, with plenty of the crowd rather surprised that Peter was an amazing diver in his own right ... Penelope Pitstop, kissing plenty of spectators ... those Banana Splits, quite the cutups (even Drooper going into the "Super Drooper" routine near the Gatlinburg Space Needle, to the bemusement of fans) ... Scooby-Doo and crew ... perennial crowd favourites, the Hair Bear Bunch ... Lori, Gator, Braveheart and Inch High, Private Eye ... Hong Kong Phooey, with a silly little tweaking of tai ch'i ... Captain Caveman and his cousins, the Slag Brothers, "going ape" and liking it ... you couldn't help but resist the Skatebirds going the inline-skating act ... even Kwicky Koala taking things a bit on the Aussie side by throwing Cherry Ripe and Freddo Frog bars to the crowd, as well as packets of Throaties (a popular Australian brand of throat drops), not to mention The Bungle Brothers doing Abbott and Costello justice with their "Who's on First?" routine with George in Bud Abbott's role and Joey doing Lou Costello's.
(Seems that for some reason, some in the crowd were rather surprised to discover what said Cherry Ripe bars were like, basically mashed cherries, dessicated coconut and dark chocolate. And for a lucky few, Kwicky "himself" passed out boxes of classic Australian snack crackers Jatz and Vita-Weat.)
After the parade ended, or some resemblance thereof, Kwicky Koala got out a box of another iconic Australian staple--Sanitarium Weet-Bix cereal, not quite Shredded Wheat but rather interesting by itself. Even if they turned out a little like glue in the end.
And the Cattanooga Cats dishing up typically Southern smoked ham for dinner, along with cheesy hash browns, green bean hot dish--and Kitty Jo's storied chess pie for dessert. Washed down with lemonade blended with hibiscus flower extract--what could get more interesting, to begin with?
And you can imagine how the crowd felt at the sight of the parade, otherwise not promoted well beforehand.
@warnerbrosentertainment @zodiacfan32 @jellystone-enjoyer @artistic-octopus @iheartgod175 @funtasticworld @archive-archives @thebigdingle @thylordshipofbutts @gatlinburgvisitor-blog-blog @screamingtoosoftly @themineralyoucrave @warnerbros-blog1 @groovybribri @indigo-corvus @theweekenddigest @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @warnerbrosent-blog
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moss-glow · 6 months
There was a new animatronic at the PizzaPlex. Who, exactly, no one knew, they had yet to leave their attraction. They had a name, which was obvious from the sign over the door. Skippy Roo.
Skippy Roo's attraction appeared to be adrenaline inducing, judging by the joyful screams and shouting that came from the room during the day.
But there was no sign of the new animatronic outside of that. Perhaps this Roo was simply shy. Or didn't want to leave. Or, possibly, they had no idea there was more to their world. There was no way to tell without going in the attraction and talking to Skippy.
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themimsyborogove · 2 years
WAIT WAIT did Magnus and Hypatia actually date?? I could have SWORN I saw another post/thingy saying something about them dating, but I've never read it in any of the tsc books. was it a behind the scene thing that the author conformed??
also pls give us more stuff about Florida Man. I think I'm in love
They start dating in CHoI (the second TLH book), but it’s mostly off page
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Florida Man’s warlock mark is eyes like an alligator, including the third eyelid. The scale tattoos and sharpened teeth are all glamour. He claims he can communicate with alligators, but they’re strangely supportive of all his bullshit, so either he’s lying or Florida gators are just Like That, which might be true too, no one is quite sure.
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patiusarchivist · 2 years
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So much lore in this one oversized croc-snake's body
>200+ years old; he has been in Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim's situations. He swam out of Morrowind, was in the Imperial Prison and got out to become the future Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, and woke up from weakened hibernation to fix his dark family with recovering amnesia.
>A vampire for those 200 years with Vicente Valtieri's strain of Dumneri vampirism, that of the Berne Clan. It furthered his already frightening ability as an assassin, amongst other traits. Along his active time as Listener, his favour under Sithis and continued attraction by Molag Bal have changed his vampirism. His age furthers his strength until by the time of his reawakening, the sun merely weakens him. Whilst still not of the nordic bloodline in their unique abilities, Swift-Knife become of his own bloodline by the Daedric Prince of Domination's desire - much to their acknowledged amusement.
>Swift-Knife's fully-fed vampiric glamour makes him a less...physically intimidating individual. He often wonders if this is what he would have looked like without the Telvanni corruption.
>I know you thinking 'That is a Big Boi' and yes, he is indeed Big. Orcs do a double-think.
>His class is indeed a Nightblade and he is born under the Shadow. No one believes it.
>Anthro Gustave/Killer Gator of the Cyrodiil Sewers
>He enjoyed killing Valen Dreth and started to path to healing of his elven trauma, with help of best sister Telaendril.
>Had a big crush on M'raaj-dar and killing his family was the worst experience and memory of his life.
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khunbish-avagnar · 2 years
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Kaerwyn originally had the spikey ponytail, but after sometime in Eorzea, he lost the spikes, the cost of pillows was becoming to much. At the time he also cut his hair short but hair grows over the years.
I'm addition, due to plot stuff that resulted in him acquiring part of a dragon's soul and aether mixed with his, he went from being a 6'1 runt to being about 6'6. His entire right side is scaled, including his face, he's developed a double set of sharpened canine fangs and lastly that poor stubby gator tail is now around 4-5ft long. When he's in town he uses a fair amount of glamour prisms to look like his old self, minus the height change.
If I were to ever get into the m*d scene, it would be totally to have the scalification of Kaerwyn properly represented (and double fangies)
OC Design Asks
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joe-moi · 10 months
the whole people thristing over unlikable characters, isn't that quite common though?
i mean look at tom felton as draco malfoy, evan peters for sure especially in american horror story or any other ryan murphy project, tom blyth in the new hunger games movie.
i ask myself why do people glamourize characters that clearly are people we are supposed to dislike?
do we thirst over them because of the actor or actress portraying that character or are there some people out there in the world who actually thirst over that character or historical figure and justify their actions?
for me gator is pretty much the kind of guys i went to high school school with and i look back then and i am like why did i even find that person attractive when their such a douche and shit?
i do really love seeing both joes branch out and play characters that are completely opposite then the characters most people know them as.
yeah, thirsting over people like that is very common. Thirsting over the bad guys. Like Loki, he was a bad guy when he started out. He was lucky. He got a redemption arc. But I think people are struggling with the fact that like this isn’t a marvel, villain, or a Harry Potter villain, this is a guy you could meet in real life just like you said. So thirsting hard over somebody that is probably out there is maybe a little bit tricky.
and also, I know what you mean about there was people like in your high school because there was people like him in mine, and I remember having a crush on one because I thought he was good looking and then I got partnered with him for a project and it was a disaster. I realize that he was a moron , a heavy drinker, not a very nice guy, he had a lot of phobias towards girls, and he ended up dying when I was a senior. He was an all-around, shitty guy and As sad as it was, it wasn’t hard to see him go
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themasksephinywears · 2 years
Isabella “Izzy” Diaz
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Name: Isabella "Izzy" Diaz Gender/Pronouns: Female; She/Her Age: 40 Birthday: February 5th Nationality: American Birthplace: Miami, Florida Current Residence: Tampa, Florida Occupation: Receptionist at Over the Rainbow Air Tours Height: 5 ft. 6 in. Sexuality: Bisexual Fandom: Triple Frontier FC: Cote de Pablo
Brief Background: Izzy was born ten minutes after her twin brother, Mateo. They are the only children of Hector Caesar Lunez Diaz and Caroline "Carol" Diaz; their father was Mexican, and their mother was American.
She grew up in a very close, tightknit family, which had its advantages and disadvantages. Especially with Mateo. The two were joined at the hips when they were children, but starting their sophomore year in high school, the two developed separate friend groups. It momentarily put a strain on their relationship as Izzy wanted to find her own identity and felt almost suffocated by her family.
After graduating, Isabella had some difficulty finding some direction in her life. She did not know what she wanted out of life, what she wanted to do, only what she did not want to do. For awhile, she worked as a go-go dancer for a couple of clubs in downtown Miami.
When she was twenty-five, her grandmother grew sick, so her parents moved from their home in Miami up to Tampa, with Mateo following after finishing his military contract with the Marines. Tired of dealing with drunks, she moved in with her brother and worked as a receptionist at Uncle Luis’ car maintenance shop.
A month after her thirtieth birthday, Izzy was in a terrible car accident when a driver ran a red light; she nearly lost her life in the accident and had a long recovery, but she got through it. One of Mateo’s military buddies visited and stayed with the twins for a couple of weeks, starting up a new business- helicopter tours. She initially was going to work there for a couple of months while they interviewed other candidates for the office receptionist, but they hit it off really well, and she has been working there ever since.
Personality: Very practical, values usefulness and comfort over glamour, blunt and honest but not cruel, not afraid to speak her mind, very involved with her family but independent.
Likes: Dancing, Rock music, Boxing, Caramel, Singing along with the radio, Spending time with her family- having cookouts or watching sports, Honesty, Strawberries.
Dislikes: Snakes, Alligators, Moonshine, Liars, Baseball, Coconut, High heels, Country music, Pumpkin unless it’s her grandmother’s pumpkin flower soup.
Random Headcanons: - She graduated from high school but never attended college. - Her favorite drink is a tequila sunrise. - She has a fear of snakes and gators. She refuses to visit swamps or wetlands. - Her Uncle Luis taught her how to box. - She is a terrible cook. If it were possible to burn water, she would. - She has a phoenix tattoo on her left hip; she got it after the bad car crash. - She worked as a "go-go" dancer for a bar and at her uncle's mechanic shop before getting her current job. - She is very competitive against her twin; Mateo loves to bring up every time the two argue or are competing against each other. - She prefers being called “Izzy” but never “Bella”. That is a good way to piss her off.
[Other established verses below cut]
Izzy is a technician working at the Shatterdome, makes sure the jaegers are in perfect working order. She is a bit protective over the jaegers, feeling it is her craft and does not take kindly when pilots get them damaged. Her twin Mateo works security at the K-Science Lab.
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Isabella Diaz
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Name: Isabella "Izzy" Diaz Species: Human Age: 40 Birthday: February 5th Nationality: American Birthplace: Miami, Florida Current Residence: Tampa, Florida Occupation: Receptionist at Over the Rainbow Air Tours Height: 5 ft. 6 in. Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: She/Her
Faceclaim: Cote de Pablo Fandom: Triple Frontier
Personality: Very practical, values usefulness and comfort over glamour, blunt and honest but not cruel, not afraid to speak her mind, very involved with her family but independent.
Random Facts: She has a twin brother, named Mateo, who is older than her by ten minutes. A fact he loves to bring up every time the two argue or are competing against each other. She knows boxing; her Uncle Luis taught her. She has a phoenix tattoo on her left hip; she got it after surviving a bad car crash. Her favorite drink is a tequila sunrise. If it were possible to burn water, she would. She has a fear of snakes and gators. She graduated from high school but never attended college. She worked as a "go-go" dancer for a bar and at her uncle's mechanic shop before getting her current job. (edited)
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fell-into-silence · 3 years
In your Shooting Stars au will they fix Glamrock Foxy?
I'm not sure what happened to him in the original game but I'm like 75% sure he just got decommissioned because he was either too scary or the kids got bored of him.
Hello @sillyandquest! That’s a really good question-and one I have a definite answer to 😃 so some spoilers for my 4th installment (I’m brainstorming at the moment!) of the au Glamrock Foxy will get fixed. Despite the circumstances he’s still a long time friend of the main cast (Freddy, Bonnie and Chica) and it’d be an outrage not to properly fix and upgrade him! I head canon that at first kids weren’t afraid of him; he’s a pirate after all and a fun animal at that. Foxes are believed to be mischievous, cunning and playful by nature and that’s exactly how Foxy is. Even with the Glamrock glamour he was very popular with the kids and he was the wild and free type-kids would flock to his area and play pirates with him on his ship and search for buried/hidden treasures with the fox (I imagine he’d give out pirate themed prizes to the children for winning a game or they’d be treated to some fine booty upon finding one of his treasure chests he’d hide around his cove). I don’t think there was ever a dull moment with him to be honest-he’s always been a fan favorite because he’s spontaneous and always spices things up.
Though, the problem is that Foxy can be wreckless and had a higher rate of getting damaged and worn down because of the amount of playing, jumping, lunging and etc he’d do to entertain the kids. Kids would hang off of him a lot and as you know kids tend to be very rough and grabby so he of course had to be repaired more often than any of the other glams. That also caused kids to be scared when seeing him damaged because to them, he (like the other glams) are very much alive to the children and to see his endoskeleton or innards would freak them out. It’s like if a child saw a mangled (eh ehhh?) corpse, they’d be terrified. Another reason is because I also head canon the animatronics to act animalistic at times-much like the animals they represent. For instance, Chica bawks like a chicken and scrounges around in trash that she knocks onto the floor much like a chicken scratching the ground to dig up food. Roxy has excellent hearing and sight like a real wolf does and she lunges like a hungry predator. Monty hisses, growls and lashes out like an aggravated gator. Bonnie I imagine is always alert and listening, ears twitching and moving towards sounds that catch his ear-and can even hop around (very high I might add) like a rabbit-and despite himself tends to bolt whenever Roxy or Monty makes sudden movements or jumps out at him. Like a startled bunny would (something he’d get embarrassed about) though he never flees from Freddy. Freddy is in every way a cuddly teddy bear. He’s more restrained when showing more primal behavior (I imagine the company wanted to make them appear as life like as possible and thought that making them behave like the animals they represent would be more appealing to children. Kinda like being near exactly like humans but a few hairs off so to speak.) he is more concerned about scaring the children more than anything but he is very capable of lashing out and showing aggression whenever Gregory (or any other child) is in danger. He can growl and even roar (obviously not doing so not to scare the kids) and is a lot stronger than he lets on. He shows the upmost gentleness towards the kids and Gregory especially. He’s a teddy you don’t want to tick off.
That being said Foxy had tendencies to be a bit...destructive-not in the exact way as Monty where the gators destruction was out of anger and aggravation. Foxy (in my mind based on past games representation) is more hyper and tends to have a lot of pent up energy to burn than the others besides Bonnie who I believe is just as fast and can keep up with him (the two would burn off their charges by racing each other around the plaza and competing against one another for kicks). Real life Foxes in captivity do a lot of scratching, digging and tearing up or chewing things out of boredom and Foxy would be no different during after hours when all the children had left the building. If he isn’t having zoomies with Bonnie around the mall or keeping himself entertained he’d get bored pretty quickly and that’d lead to him being destructive because of it. Which of course would cause him to be scolded and punished quite often for wrecking up his cove or causing a ruckus with the service bots. That and he’d tend to chase Bonnie and Chica around a lot XD (him being a natural predator to the two) though he’d never harm them. They’d make a game out of it.
But because he’s so fast and has the instinct to give chase he sometimes did scare little kids that didn’t know his intentions. Again he’d never hurt a child and Freddy or Bonnie always intercepted to make sure nothing wrong would happen but Foxy was more favored to older children than the younger ones because of that. Once he’d get fixed though Gregory would spend a lot of time with him and the two would become thick as thieves. Throw Bonnie into the mix and there would be a lot of mischievous and devious pranks and hijinks.
I could say more but I’ll leave it at that for now, if you’d like to hear more throw me another ask Superstar!
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lazy-cat-corner · 3 years
give me "sylki adopt kid loki against his will and he slowly learns to accept them as parents" headcanons
OMG that's a fun headcanon to play around with!
Naturally, if Kid Loki was forced to join against his will, he would fight it! Best way to picture him would be number 5 from The Umbrella Academy. An adult trapped in a child’s body. Kid Loki, while seemingly is a child, has seen the world, but since the world sees him as a kid he wouldn’t be treated as such and I could see several confrontations from rude adults thinking they could talk down to him with no consequences. 
Gator Loki is Kid Loki's companion. He’ll go wherever his buddy goes. If Kid Loki is pissed off and storms out, he would be behind him and has his back. It would be challenging for them to go outside and do things together. Most people would panic seeing an alligator at the mall or park, so I imagine they would either need a glamour to pass him off as a dog or hide him. A glamour, though, could only work so well. Once the small children come over with their grubby hands to pet the beagle, Kid Loki has to haul him up and run out the door before someone’s hand gets chopped off.
His relationship between Loki and Sylvie, would be complicated. Kid Loki, I’m pretty sure is older than Loki and I picture he would challenge Loki at everything. Loki, being who he is, cannot pass up these challenges and the two would butt heads often. It would require a lot of time before the two could see eye to eye. Kid Loki was used to being king and in charge. His loss of power would be a big factor that could drive him away from the team. But since he was so used to being in a team, he would eventually grow tired of just being a semi-lone wolf and come back around but on the condition that he’s given more respect.
To some degree, Loki respects Kid Loki and trusts his intuition, despite his small size. So when they do get along, I think they could do some serious damage. Sylvie, however, seems to be older and wiser than Kid Loki. I don’t see her taking any of his crap. While the two are fighting who’s in charge, Sylvie’s the one with the map and navigating them through the forest.
Kid Loki would have trouble making friends. The people he connected best with were adults, but Midgard adults just see him as a precocious 12 year old and find him endearing. The people who are willing to listen and take him seriously would probably be surprised at his wit and intelligence. Those people, Kid Loki would have great respect for.
Kids would find him weird so he would have trouble fitting in and probably doesn’t want anything to do with them when he feels so much older. Still, being on Midgard, a low threat location, would give him the liberation to do the things he never got to do as a child and enjoy the small things. Ice cream, amusement parks, museums, fireworks, silly string. I think he’d probably get along with the misfit kids on the block. The nerdy ones or the ones picked last for dodgeball. Those kids are good listeners and willing to give him a chance. Which would be refreshing when he feels ignored 99% of the time.
At the end of it all, Kid Loki will grow to be seen as an equal to Loki and Sylvie. Not necessarily a little brother or someone they need to take care of, but a Loki, just like them, who’s had a rough and broken life and could use the comfort and companionship when needed!
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angelucchese · 3 years
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Go JCC Gators! Practice Meet glamour shot. #smollie #jccgators #swim (at Jewish Community Center of Louisville) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPswGzMF3Qr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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noth1ngness · 5 years
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Croc’s Glamour Club was an 80′s London nightclub frequented by fans of Depeche Mode, Culture Club, Soft Cell, and other synth wave acts. It was notable also for housing not one, but two live crocodiles in an aquarium inside. Eventually, the club owners gave the reptiles to a zoo, where they learned for the first time that the so-called crocs were in fact alligators. In 1983, the club was renamed The Pink Toothbrush after a Max Bygraves song for no apparent reason. It exists to this day, although the glamour seems to have left with the gators.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 5 years
Ghoul Headcanons - Elements, Sub Types, and Tribes List
(Taking a break from my requests to write some world building. <3 A lot of this is inspired and collaborated with my friends. A big shout out to @knoife-ghoul and @blacklight-ghoulette for writing with, putting up with, and sharing with me. <3 A lot of inspiration has come from collaborations for personal works. But this is a refined version of my personal takes on the concepts.
Definitely check out these two for some awesome ghoul fics! their work is impeccable!! Thanks for creating with my ya’ll <3
Quick note: I might add to this in the future should more types come up!)
Ghoul Elements and Tribes 
The ghouls are an elementally imbued species split into five main elements, as illustrated by the band.
Fire, Air, Quintessence, Water, and Earth. Fire and Aether being the most powerful. 
Though a lot of the elements can be broken up into tribes or packs. Even two tribes of the same element might not HAVE the same exact powers. Tribes can be broken up by either power type or geographical location. Because ghouls have existed for so long, many have adapted to their specific environment. It’s probably impossible to map out EVERY single individual tribe or clan of ghoul, but here are some all encompassing categories.  
Fire - Funnily enough the least varied yet powerful group of ghouls. They mostly all live in Volcanic or high flammable areas of Hell. So their tribes are broken down into individual family clans and power strengths. They aren’t known to have particular ‘sub types’. But tribe independence is fiercely guarded. 
“Metal” ghouls - Fire ghouls that have taken to smithing and jewelry. Are known to be excellent crafters. They convert their element to make something useful. They boast the ability to harness raw volcanic material. These tribes tend to be more mountainous or dwell in deeper caves under ground. 
“Dragon” ghouls - not their own subtype or anything, but considered naturally the most powerful of fire types. These are just kin related tribes that take more dragon like features. Typically with hard scales, bigger horns, and thicker tails. Usually thought to be the direct descendants of Hell’s first fire ghouls. 
Air - besides the Aether tribes, not a lot is known about Air ghouls. Mainly because they are very secluded and stay to themselves. The fun fact of Air ghouls is that they tend to take on the most attributes to their environment. They often combine their natural powers with their habitat to create new magic. 
Storm Ghouls - The most dangerous type of Air ghoul. Through magic they have learned to control the weather around them. These types usually dwell in higher grounds. Be it mountains, hilled areas, or even high cliffs near the ocean. You can usually spot Storm ghoul territory by a sudden, violent change in weather. Some humans have speculated there might even be a collaboration between air and water elements to have spawned this tribe. 
Wind Ghouls - Considered the most common and aloof. Very hard to spot. It was thought that at one point these ghouls might have had wings or the gift of flight. Their tribes are often small and nomadic- to avoid interaction outside of their kin.  
Water - Water ghouls don’t vary in much of locations, but they do display a wide variety of physical appearances! Like fish, they often come in many scale and gill styles. The two main offsets of water ghouls are like, again, fish. You will typically have salt water and ocean water ghouls. 
Ocean ghouls - The original type of water ghouls, as birthed in Hell’s oceans. Known to have sharper teeth, bigger claws, and bigger scaled hides. Their water magic is more destructive and can even be weather based. 
DEEP ocean ghouls - Thought to be long died out. Considered the fore-bearers of the water tribes. Some of the oldest type of ghoul to have ever been spawned in Hell. If they still exist, no one sees them. They look very fierce and predatory compared to a common ghoul from these days. From what tribes have said, they are the only type to completely be able to live without going on land. 
River ghouls - The most common type of water ghoul currently. They are considered more docile than most, but don’t let that fool you. Their water magic is both powerful and the only element to heal that isn’t Aether based. Emotion tuned, sensitive, but ready to drown prey at a moments notice. Some ‘river’ fresh water ghouls will even have an entire lake claimed by one tribe. You will see more color in freshwater ghouls and finer scales with smaller gills and fins. 
Swamp/Marsh ghouls - (blow kisses for Blacklight Ghoulette, cause she made this a thing and it’s perfect). Ghouls, like any species, learn to adapt. And these ghouls are just as rare as their old ocean counter parts. They have developed more than just gills, but claws and rough hides. Think gators. Save these ones are way more territorial. Despite being powerfully built, they don’t use their elemental powers as often as their other kin.
Earth - The easiest of the tribes to differentiate. Mainly because they have become the most adapted to their individual environments and display as such. Earth ghouls like to mark their tribe by these locations and areas in Hell they call home. 
Plain Ghouls - Considered the ‘Original’ type of Earth ghouls. Common tribal powers encompass both plant and earth based magics. They are the most encountered of the Earth tribes and have a vast area they dwell in. Not very nomadic by nature. 
Stone (or Mountain) Ghouls - Ghouls that have migrated into either mountainous terrain or mining areas. They are known for their more rock based use of the element. Also known gem experts and are uncharacteristically tall for Earth ghouls. 
Forest Ghouls - Ghouls that dwell in the forests of hell. Marked by their elemental talents in growing plants and over all having a green thumb. 
Aether - These ghouls are incredibly hard to find in the wild, and not much is known about them. It is thought that these were the very first of the elements and first ghouls to be raised in Hell. All elements are thought to come from the earliest aether ghouls. Since this was so incomprehensibly long ago, only Satan himself could confirm it. Tribes are also very small and tend to be individual clans. All ghouls of this ilk do share the same powers. But certain ‘types’ show more talent or skill in the same tribe. 
Fortune Ghouls - Aether ghouls that are gifted in fortune telling and predictions. They have the most supernatural sense out of all. It is especially amplified in the human world. 
Empath or Aura Ghouls - The ghoul tribes who are thought to be able to read minds. Truthfully, their Aether abilities let them understand the world around them. Gifting them with the ability to ‘read’ any living being and understanding it’s nature. They tend to be able to know you better than yourself before even meeting you! 
Quintessence ghouls - Those who can manipulate the fabric of the universe around them. These are your teleporters and those who create and destroy matter. They are an exceptionally rare breed to come by, due to their powers. (Omega himself is rumored to hail from this tribe). 
Mind benders - Ghouls from this tribe are reported to be able to penetrate the mind and manipulate with great ease. These include memory wiping, memory viewing, or even mind control (should said ghoul be exceptionally powerful). 
Shape shifters - there is much debate if these ghouls even exist, even among other ghouls! It is thought that this long dead clan managed to bend the aether to nearly impossbile, demonic lengths. A demon kin skill that no ghoul should be able to master. The ability to change their shape to such an extent where no glamour is required. If the Clergy is to be believed, only one ghoul like this exists...
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