#glaive → naginata
demiesop · 6 months
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hand: how self indulgent do you want to be tonight
brain: yes
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svarogartisan · 2 months
Our shop, where we sell products created by our hands. The best gifts for you!
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rockpapertheodore · 11 months
Stop giving your fantasy heroes swords challenge
Swords are for dipshits with more dollars than sense, real chad warriors have spears and axes
Spears: probably the oldest weapon humans ever developed that took more effort than just picking up a rock or swinging a branch as a club. Spears are the most venerated and effective weapon in history, used by every culture across the world with very little - if any! - exception. Medium-to-long reach means wider defensive area, ability to change hand position on shaft means you can adjust tip distance for opponents closer or farther away. Fast, maneuverable, throwable; reach for keeping people outside your personal bubble and can be used to just bludgeon people because a wooden pole bonks just as good as another wooden pole without the stabby bit; various styles of tips and blades that can be used to slash (not as effective but still very possible because blood drawn is blood spilled), more room for cool decorations as well as can be used to bear a banner or coat of arms. She does it all and she did it first. (They also twirl real cool)
Axes: PROBABLY THE SECOND OLDEST WEAPON DESIGN MORE ADVANCED THAN JUST PICKING UP A ROCK. Brutal, practical, utilitarian, the axe is excellent for that sweet sweet CHOP. The full force of your swing being focused into an area less than a millimeter wide and several inches long can cause SO MUCH DAMAGE, and if it's dulling mid-fight you still have a brutal tool that will break bone as indiscriminately as any other hunk of metal tied to a stick. They can be small and maneuverable, used with a shield or paired with another axe. They are the most effective way to just hack at an opponent's own shield, and - due to the fact that axes tend to have a much wider, shallower blade than, say, swords - they aren't as affected by the blunt force (with regards to dulling/damaging the actual edge of the blade) or as prone to getting stuck in the wood of the shield. Combat/fighting/war axes are definitely designed and sharpened differently from their wood-chopping brethren with regards to balance and the depth of the blade, but the guiding principle is the same. Chop chop chop chop chop.
Polearms: they're spearses. They're axes. They're both and they're neither. Pikes, glaives, halberds, bardiches, guisarmes, guandao, naginata, scythes, tridents, anything we took a blade or pointy metal and a long pole and ductaped together.
Swords are cool! They can be beautiful! However, they are race horses being used to work the fields: too expensive to maintain, not optimal for the purpose they're being used for, and too easy to irrepably damage if misused. Your opponents are wearing armor? You better hope you have a sword maneuverable enough to work into its weak points, because you're not hacking through that before you find yourself walking through golden fields of wheat. You only have one hand on your sword? Better hope somebody doesn't smack that long lever in your hands in such a way that it just gets knocked from your grasp.
This is the same post as every other Spears and Axes in Fantasy/Fiction post in existence, but I wrote this one and its mine amd im in a mood this morning apparently
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cutecuttlefish · 10 months
The sword of the day is the glaive.
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This polearm consisted of a single-edged slashing blade on the end of a staff, like a European equivalent of the Japanese naginata. Unlike the naginata, the glaive blade was generally affixed to the shaft by means of a socket, similar to a spear, rather than the naginata’s sword-like tang. It is likely, though, that it saw less use than more thrust-focused polearms, which are far easier to use with many other soldiers in formation; it is difficult to get a good swing in when the person you’re standing right next to is trying to do the same thing.
*(The 1983 science fantasy movie Krull had a five-bladed throwing weapon they decided to call a “glaive” for some reason. I don’t know why they did this. Glaives are not throwing weapons.)
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acesentialsketches · 1 year
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The mysterious founder of the Resistance (now Restoration) Auxiliary Team, who disappeared shortly after its establishment- no one currently on the RATs knows who she was, but that won't stop Nicole's search for Sally Acorn...
A design for Sally Acorn for my RATs AU/verse!
Read more about how I put together the design below!
The drawing initially started as foreshortening practice on characters, but as is wont to happen with these kinds of things, it spiraled out of my control. Sally's initial design pass had a wandering cowboy look until some friends suggested I should align her wear to what I've done with Nicole.
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The main inspiration for Sally's outfit is Tsunade from Naruto- a haori over a kimono. The kimono's colors are of course her classic blue.
The glaive/naginata is a parts a bit of a callback to when a character of mine, Teya Emara, used to have one as her main weapon, as well as inspired by the onna-musha-
They were members of the bushi (warrior) class in feudal Japan and were trained in the use of weapons to protect their household, family, and honor in times of war. [Wikipedia]
Seemed like a fitting weapon for a princess turned warrior.
Finally, if Sally's colors seem a little different, there's a reason for that. I tweaked both Sally and Nicole's designs to give them a bit of a personal touch as part of the RATsVerse. Mainly, Nicole's hair is different and Sally's color palette is different... and both stem from one particular character of mine.
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Thanks for reading~
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hami-gua · 6 months
If it Means to Remain by Your Side pt. 2
I realized well after posting my last post, that I forgot to include things that characters will use and the educational descriptions. Please read through it all, and please patiently await as I outline then draft chapter 1. Anyways, buckle up y’all we are going to go on an educational ride today💀 (more under the cut!!)
Weapons/Instruments Characters wield
Dan Heng - qiang 枪, guqin 古琴
Reader - jian 剑, liu xing chui 流星锤 (mid to later half), dizi 笛子 (mid to later half)
Jing Yuan - guan dao 关刀, xiao 箫 (not 魈)
Blade/Yingxing - heng dao横刀
March - bow
Yukong - bow,
Tingyun - guqin 古琴
Jingliu - qixing dao 七星刀
Baiheng - jian 剑
Yanqing - jian 剑
Ruan Mei - han dao 汉刀
Luocha - jian 剑
Xueyi - bow, herself
Hanya - yan ling dao 雁翎刀
Qingque - fan
Fu Xuan - butterfly swords 蝴蝶刀
Guinaifen - jian 剑
Sushang - None
The Educational Ride
Qiang 枪:This is the basic form of spear in Chinese weaponry. What sets qiang apart from guan dao is the blade. Qiang iis double-edged whereas guan dao is only single-edged. It’s also pointier which makes this weapon good for piercing or stabbing. This is actually a weapon used by Dan Heng in game.
Jian 剑:The most basic form of sword when searching up Chinese swords. Though if wanting to use a more detailed term, these swords are Daoist swords. Jian is used mostly in taiji forms like Wudang, Yang, Chen, etc. Training jian are more flexible. Like other Chinese, this sword also has tassels. This type of sword was carried more by Daoists, nobles and upper class figures than soldiers. The hilt and guard can be especially decorated depending on the patron.
Liu xing chui 流星锤:This is a more neolithic weapon in Chinese history. It has a ball on one end of the rope and a knife on the other end. It’s a rather difficult weapon to wield due to it’s flexible nature.
Guan dao 关刀:A type of glaive. The name of this weapon came from a general named Guan Yu 关羽。 Stories also says that it is a rather heavy weapon to wield, and that Guan Yu himself was a man with immense strength. But of course it’s all stories. Only one side is sharp, but that isn’t the most notable feature. The most notable feature is the curvature of the blade along with an extra small curve that usually holds a tassel. It can be thick or skinny. The closest resemblance to this weapon would be naginata. ( though there are strong hints that naginata is inspired by this weapon). Jing Yuan himself actually uses this weapon in game.
Heng dao 横刀:Or otherwise known as Tang dao 唐刀 is a sword used during Tang dynasty. It is a build similar to that of a kitana, though straightened. It can be wielded either by foot, or on horseback.
Qi xing dao 七星刀:Unfortunately, I don’t really have any information on this sword except for the fact that it looks like heng dao and a scimitar mix. I saw this in a video of Chinese weapons, and though I may be able to find it on Chinese sites, I fear translation will not translate things accurately. I would add another variant, Da dao 大刀 (more commonly known as battle da dao 抗战大刀) but because of it’s imprint on reason history, I also fear that it may be too controversial of a blade to include.
Han dao 汉刀:As the name suggests, this sword originated during Han dynasty. And it is the “predecessor” to Tang dao and many others that came after Han. One noticeable feature about this blade is the lack of hand guard, thus giving this sword a more straight figure.
Yan ling dao 雁翎刀:This sword is THE most closest looking to a kitana, though it is unsure whether or not this sword was even inspired by a kitana. Like it’s predecessors Han and Tang dao, the tip stops diagonally. And similarly to Qi xing, it has a more circular guard.
Butterfly swords 蝴蝶刀:Compact design yet an effective weapon all the same. It’s not very clear when these swords originated, it may have been Qing dynasty, but again, it’s not clear when it originated. It can come in many shapes, though most popularly with a wider blade. Though it should also be mentioned that narrow ones exist. These blades make a perfect piercing blade.
Fan 扇子:It can be delicate, but when made with right materials *cough* metal *cough*, it can become lethal. Small needles or knives can be used along with it to cut, but just full body metal itself can make a great blunt weapon.
A thing to note: You may have noticed, but weapons that ends with 刀 have a single-edged blade. It doesn’t mean that the blade is curved. Tassels are also mentioned (I think twice). In martial arts, tassels are used to distract/blind the opponent.
Guqin 古琴:The classic right after guzheng (古筝)。This is instrument is favored by many, especially scholars. The strings are made with silk though nowadays, nylon strings are also an option. A gentle quiet tone, yet hold clarity akin to glass. I don’t know why many popular media portrays them as fighting instruments when the requirements of this instrument itself is the opposite of what would be suitable for fighting. Mainly nails. Unlike pipa 琵琶, sanxian三弦, and guzheng, guqin doesn’t have the need to have false nails (usually made of shell of some sort though I’m sure nowadays, it’s either fiber glass or plastic). Which then means the player must have their nails (right-hand especially) grown out to pluck the strings. I don’t recommend plucking any string that is thick or metal with the pad of your fingers (unless you want blisters). Classic guitarists will know what I mean about the finger nails part.
Dizi 笛子:A bamboo flute played horizontally. There is a hole usually covered by a thin reed or tape (if the player really wants a muted sound that won’t trill). It comes in various sizes and keys. There is no designated mouth piece instead, there is a hole similar to other holes needed to be covered. It can be as decorated or as bare.
Xiao 箫:Another bamboo flute, though this one is played vertically. Unlike dizi, this flute doesn’t an additional hole to be covered by reed or tape. And on top of that, the mouth piece if more different. Whereas dizi has a hole, the xiao has a slit in which the player has to blow through. Compared to dizi, this is the most difficult instrument (though I for some reason struggle to play dizi, but I’m perfectly fine playing this instrument...)
Most of these descriptions are things I knew growing up, knew how to play/wield, taught to me, or things I searched up so long ago (we’re talking like middle school me). The sources that I did manage to use will be linked down below:
Tang Heng Dao (lkchensword.com)
Royal Arsenal (lkchensword.com)
LK Chen Sword - Chinese Saber, Chinese Sword, Martial Arts
Butterfly Sword: The Symbolism and Significance in Chinese Martial Art – Mini Katana
Ummm. For some reason the links don’t work and my brain is too fried to figure it out rn, so copy and paste and (hopefully) it’ll pop up. No mla format unfortunately. It’ll be waaaay too long of a post. And yes, I tried to make it as close to the game and MDZS as possible but I soon realized that it wouldn’t really work as I kinda do want to deviate from the plot as much as possible (I don’t want it to be an exact copy of MDZS/The Untamed).
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honestly the naginata animations from fates were peak and aren't talked about nearly enough i love those forms a lot more than the more generic FE ones in the series going forward and previously (also nitpick about the fighting style used for spears vs glaives and how they're often treated interchangeably in fe)
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girlballs · 1 year
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itsmarjudgelove · 1 year
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Sōjutsu (spearmanship) is not a separate point in the curriculum of the Hokushin Ittō-ryū Hyōhō. However, the usage of the yari (spear) is transmitted inside the naginatajutsu (glaive fighting) curriculum of our school, which contains various techniques with and against yari.
The yari of the Hokushin Ittō-ryū is used basically like a naginata. Majorly the focus with the yari is on strong and quick tsuki-waza (thrusting techniques) to the various weak and unprotected spots of the yoroi (armor), like for example the armpits, abdomen (in-between dō and kusazuri) and the neck (between kabuto, shikoro, menpō and suga/nodo-dare). But the techniques are not only focusing on tsuki-waza alone. Striking and cutting techniques with the yari are used as well. Together with various striking and thrusting techniques for the tsuka (shaft) and ishizuki (metal pommel at the end of the tsuka).
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dsknsk · 2 months
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And we have a complete group of 12! (This image is a small version of the full one because tumblr only accepts a low file size). Here's some details and/or stuff you might've seen or not, going in order.
It's relatively obvious, but there's a certain Japanese theme (like how the original group has an Italian theme as per the Inferno), as everyone has a Japanese weapon and each group has one person whose references to certain traditions are a bit more obvious. The group would be traveling to Jigoku, not Inferno, chapters would be called Fumi, not Canto, etc.
Sam uses a tantou, that is, a type of short sword that might also be called just a dagger. When I was making a plan for this, I was considering weapon choices influenced by personality.
Aidan uses a naginata. It's similar to a glaive or a guandao but it is yet something different. It's stereotypically also used by women but I thought to shake that up.
Bonnie's weapon is a bit more obscure, as in that it's tekkou-kagi; 'ninja' claws that was used more to climb with. She's shown using one here, but if her other arm is intact, then she totally uses two.
Daniel uses a kusarigama, which is also the only real way for me to see a scythe as a realistic weapon (the blade is curved towards you!), because it's been used as one in that form. Around his arm is a red and white lint.
Omar's weapon is a yari, edited in shape to resemble his symbol. I was also inspired by Kyouko Sakura's spear.
Clara's weapon looks similar to Sam's, but is different as it is a yoroi-doushi, an armor-breaking dagger.
Leonardo is the odd one out.
Jacqueline's uniform was based on the okappiki - Edo period law enforcers, and she thus uses the weapon that they used, that is, a jitte.
Dawn's weapon is kunai, and I made her uniform to slightly resemble ninja robes (the real ones, not the stereotypical ones).
Ash uses a rope dart. Poisoned weapons sound cool, until you realize that often, it just seeps back out with the blood. I figured that thus, a precision weapon is better if you want to make use of it.
David's weapon is similarly more obscure but I based it off a monk staff that you often see in media. Sort of a reference how he isn't really a fighter.
Anders, finally, uses a chigiriki (I didn't draw the weight). He's also holding an ofuda (paper talisman) and is surrounded by shimenawa (rope that's used to mark where the transition is between the mundane and the sacred).
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bugcatcherwill · 7 months
New chapter was great! Ashen is baby! Friend. Also my weapon enthusiast brain thought up while reading Ashen's little lesson. It likes the weight of a sword but the maneuverability of a spear. Well let me introduce to you the love child of both! The sword staff!
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You might know it as a similar looking weapon to Ornstein's dragonslayer spear from Dark Souls, or glaives, naginatas, etc.
This funky weapon is a Scandinavian polearm. Like most polearms around 2.13 meters or 7 feet. The reason we don't see them much in historical manuals (although there is evidence) is up to interpretation but my best guess is carrying the thing is really hard. Well just imagine with me if the wizzrobe who can make solid ice could conjure icy weapons on the fly in the future. Bam! Sword staff on the spot! Moral of the story. Give the child a sword staff.
Anyway thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
What would also be a sick magic/weapon hybrid was if Ashen used a wooden Bo Staff, and conjured ice magic onto the ends depending on the situation. Throwing spear? Done. Spear Staff? Done. Polearm? Easy.
Would also be a cool symbolism of how its acting almost like a tie between the magical Wizzrobes and the rest of Hyrule
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madamealtruist · 7 months
(I FINALLY posted something for my Mortal Kombat AU! If anyone is interested in designing the kast or if they're just interested, my DMs are open. Enjoy!)
Raiden, the Eternal Storm (Liam O'Brien) Species: Demi-God (Thunder) Hair: Electric silverish blue, long Kasual Outfit: White dress shirt, grey dress jacket, black dress pants, white boots Kombat Outfit: White long-sleeved robes, electric blue long coat, gray hiking boots, silver metal gauntlets, gray metal hat with engravings Weapons: Staff, amulet Arcana: Thunderstruck (electric flight, projectiles and telekinesis)
Kuai Liang Oniro/Scorpion, the Ashen Hope (Cody Christian) Species: Human Hair: Dark crimson, top knot ponytail Kasual Outfit: Yellow sleeveless hoodie, red long-sleeved shirt, black jeans, black boots Kombat Outfit: Yellow, red, and black Lin Kuei garbs, black Lin Kuei boots gray arm wrappings, yellow metal mask Weapons: Kunai on a rope, kusarigama Arcana: Smolder (pyromantic teleportation and projection)
Bi-Han Oniro/Sub-Zero, the Frost Sentinel (Roger Craig Smith) Species: Human Hair: Silverish blue, messy Kasual Outfit: Dark blue jacket, gray wicking shirt, black bulky pants, hiking boots Kombat Outfit: Dark blue, silver, and black Lin Kuei garbs, dark silver gauntlets, dark blue Lin Kuei boots, black and blue ceremonial cloak, grayish blue metal mask Weapons: Broadsword, ice weapons Arcana: Shiver (cryomantic projection and creation of weapons)
Tomas Oniro/Smoke, the Silver Eclipse (Benjamin Diskin) Species: Human Hair: Gray, shoulder length Kasual Outfit: Gray hoodie, black leather vest, silver dress pants, black sneakers, fingerless gloves Kombat Outfit: Gray and silver Lin Kuei garbs, black Lin Kuei boots, black gauntlets, black gas mask Weapons: Karambit knives, grenades Arcana: Shroud (smoke clouds emanate from his body, allowing him to disappear)
Syzoth/Reptile, the Venomous Outcast (Todd Haberkorn) Species: Zaterran Hair: Dyed green, shaved on one side, long on the other (VISAGE FORM)/Dull yellow, dreadlocks-like scales (TRUE FORM) Kasual Outfit: Dark green hoodie, sunglasses, stitched khakis, dirty sneakers. Kombat Outfit: Black trench coat, green hoodie, hiking boots, stitched-up jeans, green mask, goggles (modified to Zaterran war robes in True Form) Weapons: Zaterran hatchets, acidic saliva, sharp teeth, and claws Arcana: Vanish (straight-up invisibility in both forms)
Empress Mileena, the Thorned Rose (Erica Mendez) Species: Tarkatan (Formerly Edenian) Hair: Raven, wild ponytail Kasual Outfit: Maroon long-sleeved shirt, silver tank top (red Halestorm logo), maroon sweatpants, high-heeled boots Kombat Outfit: Fuchsia and copper Edenian armor, fuchsia vented mask with metallic clamps, arm guards, bladed high-heeled boots Weapons: Sais, Tarkatan blades Arcana: Blink (teleportation)
Princess Kitana, the Quickwinded Blade (Britt Baron) Species: Edenian Hair: Dark silver, long and flowy Kasual Outfit: Dark blue shirt, black jacket, gray pants, high-heeled boots, blue mask Kombat Outfit: Blue, black, and silver Edenian armor, metal surrounded gloves, high-heeled boots, blue and silver mask Weapons: Bladed fans Arcana: Tempest (hurricane-force winds when spinning)
Countess Jade, the Sage Assassin (Kelly Hu) Species: Edenian Hair: Brunette, twin tails Kasual Outfit: Brown short-sleeved shirt, green hoodie, green skirt, knee-high boots, Kombat: Green and brown Edenian armor, brass gauntlets, silver cloak, metallic boots, green mask Weapons: Dual-bladed staff, throwing glaive Arcana: Passwall (projectiles can pass right through her if she concentrates)
Tanya, the Guiding Hand (Cree Summer) Species: Edenian Hair: Black, twin buns Kasual Outfit: Black and gold leather jacket, black jeans, gray sneakers Kombat Outfit: Gold and black Edenian armor, ceremonial robes, helmet Weapons: Naginata, Tonfa blades Arcana: None
Liu Kang, the Rising Champion (Johnny Yong Bosch) Species: Human Hair: Black, spikey Kasual Outfit: Red jacket, white undershirt, blue pants, silver dress shoes, red headband Kombat Outfit: Black leather jacket, white garbs, baggy black pants, arm wrappings Weapons: Nunchuck staff Arcana: Ignite (fireballs, fire kicks, and summoning a fucking dragon)
Kung Lao, the Shaolin Cyclone (Greg Cipes) Species: Human Hair: Brown, small ponytail Kasual Outfit: Brown long-sleeved shirt, blue vest, stitched jeans, knee-high boots Kombat Outfit: Black and red armored vest, black armored gauntlets, brown pants, knee-high boots Weapons: Chakram fedora Arcana: Tele-Nado (spinning teleportation)
Kenshi Takahashi, the Psychic Scarlet Saber (Yuri Lowenthal) Species: Human Hair: Black, short Kasual Outfit: Black blazer, red undershirt, silver dress pants, dress shoes, black sunglasses Kombat Outfit: Black undershirt, red armored overcoat, black dress pants, dress shoes, blindfold Weapons: Sento (ancestral katana, also helps him see without eyes) Arcana: None
Johnny Cage, the Narcissistic Nutcracker (Sam Riegel) Species: Human Hair: Dirty blonde, short and messy Kasual Outfit: Dark blue blazer, dark green vest, jeans, black sneakers, tinted green sunglasses Kombat Outfit: Kevlar vest, baggy blue hoodie, padded pants, combat boots, sleeveless gloves, tinted green sunglasses Weapons: None Arcana: Showman (bright green, grayish silver, or dark red shadowy aura that enhances his abilities depending on his mood)
Sonya Blade, Semper-fi Do or Die (Ashley Johnson) Species: Human Hair: Blonde, braided ponytail Kasual Outfit: Black long-sleeved undershirt, desert camo pants, dark green vest, grenade sachel, military cap, combat boots Kombat Outfit: Dark blue futuristic stealth armor, armored hiking boots, military cap, grenade bandolier Weapons: Handgun, grenades, wrist laser projectors, combat knife Arcana: Perfume (toxic violet gas that can also cause horrific burns)
Kurtis Stryker, the Riot Guardsman (Matthew Mercer) Species: Human Hair: Dirty blonde mullet, stubble Kasual Outfit: Black jacket, blue undershirt, black cargo pants, combat boots, fingerless gloves, police cap, sunglasses Kombat Outfit: Black and blue futuristic riot armor, tactical visor, noise-cancelling boots Weapons: Nightsticks, handgun, taser, grenades Arcana: Sentinel (surrounds him in a red, bulletproof aura)
Kabal Ramirez, the Speedy Redeemer (Nolan North) Species: Human Species: Black, messy Kasual Outfit: Beige coat, green vest, stiched-up khakis, hiking boots, arm guards, hidden respirators, metal mask Kombat Outfit: Armored long coat and vest, lightweight armored boots, spiked knuckle gauntlets, hidden respirators, metal mask Weapons: Hookswords, throwing saw, flashbangs Arcana: Roadburn (super speed)
Zeffeero/Rain, the Flood of Ambition (J. Michael Tatum) Species: Edenian Hair: Dark purple, long Kasual Outfit: Purple work jacket, yellow dress shirt, dark indigo pants, black dress shoes Kombat Outfit: Purple mage's cloak and robes, purple mask Weapons: Katar, scepter (doubles as a bo staff) Arcana: Monsoon (hydromantic teleportation and projection, mild electrokinesis)
Shao Kahn, the Legacy of Onaga (Kevin Michael Richardson) Species: Drakespawn Hair: Bald (but he has draconic horns and scales) Kasual Outfit: Dark red business suit, gold undershirt, black dress pants, crimson knee-high boots, Kombat Outfit: Red and black Drakespawn armor, shoulder cape, skull helmet Weapons: Hellbringer (Axe/Hammer), spears Arcana: Dominance (ego-driven reddish black aura strengthens him)
Shang Tsung, the Damnation Dealer (Steve Blum) Species: Edenian Hair: Black, long Kasual Outfit: Yellowish green undershirt, black coat, gray jeans, dress shoes Kombat Outfit: Yellow robes, black armored segments, black boots Weapons: Tekko-kagi claws Arcana: Souleater (literally steals souls to fuel his power, allowing him to assume their forms and powers)
Sullivan Kano, the Hand of the Black Dragon (Hugh Jackman) Species: Human Hair: Black, messy and ratty goatee Kasual Outfit: Black vest, cargo pants, combat boots, bandolier Kombat Outfit: Red and black armored vest, arm wrappings, combat boots with hidden knives Weapons: Cyber eye (shoots lasers), big knives, throwing blades, pulse grenades Arcana: None
Zheng Sektor, the Cybernetic Cinder (Matt Lanter) Species: Cyber (Formerly Human) Hair: Dark red, ponytail Outfit: Dark blue undershirt, red leather jacket, padded dark red pants, combat boots, blue-tinted goggles/red helmet (retractable) Weapons: Flamethrower gauntlets, explosive missile darts, red pulse blades Arcana: None
Goro, the Fists of Blazing Rage (Fred Tatasciore) Species: Shokan Hair: Black, ponytail Kasual Outfit, Black jeans, red Shokan royal robes Kombat Outfit: Black and red Shokan armor Weapons: None Arcana: None
Skarlet, the Blood Bathed Berserker (Cherami Leigh) Species: Drakespawn/Edenian Hair: Red, shoulder length, spikey Kasual Outfit: Black jacket, red undershirt, silver jeans, black boots Kombat Outfit: Black and red leather armor, goggles, red metal mask in the style of Outworld surgeons Weapons: Large scalpel, blood weapons Arcana: Clotted (blood magic through projection and creation of solid blood weapons)
Baraka, the Diseased Shredder (Scott McNeil) Species: Tarkatan (Formerly Edenian) Hair: Bald (but covered in bone-like, sometimes metallic spikes) Kasual Outfit: White short-sleeved shirt, brown jacket, black stitched-up jeans Kombat Outfit: Silverish blue armor, Asgarth Tarkatan banner wrapped around torso, dark red armored pants Weapons: Tarkatan blades Arcana: Fortitude (enhanced regeneration, not hampered by Tarkat)
Roman Valerian/Tremor, the Sandman's Quake (David Sobolov) Species: Human Hair: Silverish brown (with stone-like cracks in his skin) Kasual Outfit: Beige cloak, dark green undershirt, bulky black pants, golden medallions, hiking boots Kombat Outfit: Hooded brown armor, anti-dust mask, combat boots Weapons: Hammers, battle axe, occasionally carries a shotgun Arcana: Terra (seismic waves, crystal growths, rock generation, and lava spurts)
Reiko, the Scrappy General (Gregg Abbey) Species: Drakespawn/Edenian Hair: Silver and black, Mohawk/ponytail Kasual Outfit: Red Great Leigon sports jacket, black jeans, combat boots Kombat Outfit: Red and silver spiked armor, red gauntlets, skull medallion, armored pants, combat boots Weapons: Warhammer, knife, spear, throwing stars Arcana: Shade-Rage (red aura increases strength when angered)
Arcanas are like Semblances from RWBY, being powers connected to the user's soul. Some have them, others don't.
Shao Kahn is the son of Onaga (who is incredibly proud of his son's work), and the father of Skarlet and Reiko (who constantly fight over his approval.
Hanzo Hasashi WILL appear, but not as Scorpion, obviously, but also not as a young child either.
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thelightofthebane · 2 years
Alec's Birthday Week! ✨🏹✨ (4/7)
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Bow and arrows
Bare fists (I mean, it's a delight when Alec punches Asmodeus and other mfs on fics 😎)
Naginata or Glaive (Listen, Alec can totally sweep the floor with one and I'll die on this hill)
Double swords (My forever hc is that if Magnus is fire, Alec is ice, and I'll also die on this hill 😌)
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we-are-knight · 2 years
Serious question here, if you have an answer: what, exactly, is the difference between a glaive and a glaive-guisarme? The standard (read: stolen from Wikipedia) answer seems to be that one has a hook on the spine of the blade for catching riders on horseback, but this is almost randomly used. Examples with just a plain blade are always listed as glaives (or as a different weapon entirely), but plenty of things listed as being mere glaives have some sort of weaponised extention on the spine and sometimes the only visible difference in comparison is that the ones listed as glaive-guisarmes have slightly larger extensions.
I know that these terms are modern in their specificity and current use (like most medieval weapon terminology), and don't really reflect how they were thought of or used at the time, but I'm seriously unsure if there really is a difference at all or if this is just the lingering ghosts of Victorian-era pedants trying to one-up each other with artificial exactitude.
This is a good question, and you are correct in asking if the modern interpretation and terminology confuse things.
If we are being super specific, at their core, this is a glaive:
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Italian example from the MET.
And this is a guisarme:
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So should make sense right?
Well, unfortunately not, because a volgue can be called a "volgue-gisarme", the guisarme can be called a war-scythe...
In the middle ages, and indeed to the Renaissance, weapon terminology was not always specific. A rapier and an arming sword would generally be called merely "sword", a two-handed sword (longsword or greatsword) may just be called "two-handed sword", a polearm may simply called a certain type of weapon (and in the middle ages, all polearm infantry would simply be "spearmen" for intents and purposes). However! It doesn't seem that 'guisarme' and 'glaive' are of Victorian origin at all, but specific to periods, which makes things more exciting.
Names for certain weapons can be, across Europe, rather varied, as a result, especially with modern terminology becoming current in an endeavour to label weapons in a way that historical people (as far as we can tell) probably did not. Meanwhile, we can tell 'guisarme' is derived probably from German for a weeding tool, which lends to what it is derived from in form, but being used for 400 years means all sorts of shapes take form for this tool. Glaive is a bit more specific, since it seems to follow a similar function to a naginata ('put sword on long stick'), but you can argue after a point that if you put a scythe blade on top of a pole, is it that different to a curved sword...?
Some other people on Tumblr may be able to provide more insight on the clearer distinctions than I myself (tagging @petermorwood and @armthearmour who know a considerable amount about such weapons), but the above is my general understanding of the two terms, how it relates to the weapons, and how that can be a bit confusing.
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cutecuttlefish · 10 months
The sword of the day is the naginata.
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The Naginata is a Japanese polearm similar to the Chinese guandao or European glaive-guisarme; essentially, swords on sticks. Requiring more specialized training than a simple pike, the naginata was a primary weapon of pre-Sengoku samurai, and still made appearances on the battlefield after that period. During the Edo period, women from samurai courts were often trained in the weapon, using the smaller ko-naginata. In fact, the naginata is still practiced today, and most modern practitioners of naginata-jutsu are women.
Thank you to @thegenderfluidgokenin for helping me write this one! If anyone reading happens to know about weapons, especially African or Chinese weapons, please let me know!
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Psst does anyone actually know what Mori Nagayoshi's weapon is officially called? I'm sure it has a fancier term than just "spear," and "glaive" is considered a european weapon I believe, and I don't think it's a naginata in the slightest, and that's the extent of my polearm knowledge.
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