#gladio and noctis friendship
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lush-specimen · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cindy&The chocobros Characters: Cindy Aurum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Regalia (Final Fantasy XV) Additional Tags: Rescue Missions, Friendship, Vehicles, Cindy's truck is like her faithful horse Summary:
Cindy gets a frantic call from the boys at 2AM. They've wrecked the Regalia and iron giants are everywhere. Could she please come give them a tow? And please hurry!!
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zzprompto · 1 year ago
hiiii I love your stuff and wanted to make a request. is it possible to get an accidental confession from the reader where we're either talking to ignis or whoever you choose about how we have feelings for either prompto or noctis and they over hear us talking about them? you can choose whoever or both. have a good day/night<3
thanks for requesting!
☆ not so secret
noctis lucis caelum x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: above.
the lowercase is intentional !
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[name] paced around, waiting for ignis to finish talking to gladio so he could get some advice of his own. his brain was rattling around in his head, different thoughts squirming around as he stood there, consumed by his own thoughts. he need to talk to ignis, and quick.
after what felt like centuries, ignis was finally done talking to gladio. [name] took this opportunity and he quickly rushed over to the cook, not wanting anyone else to steal his chance.
"ignis. we need to talk about something. something.. serious. i don't know who else to tell, i feel like you'd be the best guy out of all of us to talk to." [name] rambled, voice rushing to finish it's sentence - just how the thoughts were rushing around [name]'s mind.
ignis nodded in response to his friend's rambling, seemingly quite concerened now for his friend. what could of happened? surely it wasn't something bad, right? because [name] surely looked distressed.
"yes, of course. you can come to me for anything, [name]." ignis said, giving [name] a small smile. he hoped it would somehow reassure him, or calm his nerves about this hidden situation to an extent. "now, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" ignis asked.
[name] took a deep breath, trying to calm down his racing mind. it seemed to work, or well at least for the time being. he could talk to ignis and not worry about his looming anxiety about the topic.
[name] cleared his throat, eyes focusing on the ground briefly before he looked up. he leaned in a little closer to ignis and he finally spoke. "i like noctis, romantically i mean. i just.. i just don't know if he feels the same. he has luna, a perfect, fairy tale ending to his story." [name] speaks, eyes trailing down to the floor once again. "no prince or king runs off with another prince, he always ends up with a princess - marrying her so she'd be his queen." [name] mumbles, clearly disappointed by the situation he has been put in because of his feelings.
ignis' eyes widen for a brief second as he takes in the initial shock after learning the news. his eyes then soften and he looks at [name] sympathetically, trying to make sure his friend doesn't worry about this 'boy drama' he has gotten himself into.
"i would've never thought you liked noct, but thinking back on it now it definitely makes sense." ignis chuckles slightly, shaking his head as he thinks of all the moments that had been shared between noctis and [name] over the years. it was clear that their bond was that beyond friendship - but to what extent? nobody knows yet.
throughout the years that all the men knew eachother, it was obvious that [name] and noctis were the closest. they'd always end up hanging out more, having more to say to eachother, or even having more secrets between eachother. it was clear that the two men cared for one another a fair deal.
yet, there was always a hint of something more.
there had always been a little glint in [name]'s eye whenever noctis was mentioned, or vice versa. there was always a smile, or a special applaud that the pair had for one another that they didn't have for anyone else. it was always clear that the relationship between the two was more than platonic.
even some of their friends caught up with all the signs. prompto was really the first one to notice, he even started to tease noctis about it. he'd often say how great of a couple the prince and [name] would be, and as of late he had been saying that noctis should marry [name] and not luna. noctis always brushed it off, however. he tried to act nonchalant, but there was always a blush on his cheeks whenever he heard the mention of his friends name.
whilst the conversation between ignis and [name] was occuring, noctis couldn't help but try and listen in. of course, his intentions were merely innocent. he had heard his name escape his friend's lips, and wanted to see if something was wrong. what he did not expect however, was for [name] to be confessing his feelings for him to ignis. noctis was perplexed.
the ravenette stood there in shock for a few seconds. he tried to process everything he had just heard, trying to see if he was just making things up. but no. he wasn't. [name] truly liked noctis romantically, and noctis felt his heart swelling as he heard the words fall out of [name]'s lips.
after gaining the courage, noctis decided to approach his friends. he stood besides [name] and smiled at the other man softly. it was the special smile he had only reserved for [name], none of his other friends. yet, this time the smile looked a bit different. it was as if the smiled was filled with an aspect of love and hope.
"i overheard what you said, [name]." noctis whispered as he stood besides his friend. ignis decided to take this as his queue to leave. he didn't even have to play the matchmaker, his friends were going to do that all themselves without his help.
[name] looked at noctis and he felt a little hot. perhaps it was from embarrassment, or perhaps it was even from the anticipation, the ever so painful longing of loving a friend.
"you did? oh fuck me.." [name] chuckled, shaking his head slightly as a nervous smile filled his features. noctis wanted to reply with something crude, but he decided to hold of for the time being. he'd say such things when they'd actually get together.
"i believe this prince doesn't need a princess.. another prince will do just fine for him." noctis replied, a smile on his lips to conquer the one [name] had. "that is.. if you're willing to have this prince?" the ravenette continued, holding out his hand for [name].
[name] nodded and he took noct's hand, taking a step forward to hug his friend. well, they weren't actually friends anymore. they were more than that now. they were practically soulmates, in all platonic and romantic senses.
"yes.. i am willing to have you and your offer of us being princes together." [name] hummed, feeling content as he held the prince in his arms. he just felt so relieved he didn't have to hide a part of him anymore. it was all out in the open.
noctis gracefully accepted the hug, his own arms going around [name]'s body. he wasn't sure what label to put on his relationship with [name] at the moment, but he was sure to find out. it was sure to be something that fit too, something that represented the two of them greatly.
"thank you." noctis whispered, pressing a small kiss to [name]'s cheek. the prince then earned a flurry of kisses to his face after that.
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- author's note: hope you guys enjoy <3 decided to do noctis because i haven't written for him yet + there's barely any noctis content anyway
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ultimablades · 2 years ago
Also can’t stop thinking about how Noctis wrote “I made a friend” at the top of this photo of him and Prompto.
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I am thinking about him today
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paracosmicparadox · 2 years ago
So I finished FFXV ages ago, but I've been thinking about it lately bc you know, I elaborated the chocobros' story far further than it was meant to go and got way more attached to them than I should have. So here're some things that the game did really well and some of the things it didn't. (you don't have to agree w anything here; I'm not trying to corrupt y'all w my opinions; I just feel like talking)
Let's start with the bad to get it out of the way:
CINDY. I swear to everything holy her character had the potential to be So Cool if she hadn't been so overtly over-sexualized. Like, I'm a woman-liker too and I get it, lady mechanics are hot af, but you know what else is attractive? Safety in the workplace. Cindy's outfit was not something any mechanic would be caught dead wearing. Yeah, it was designed to be sexy, but do you know how many burns she would've accumulated from the hot oil and metal she works with? There's a reason mechanics typically wear clothing zipped up when they're actually working on something. If anything, Cindy's character design just made me uncomfortable. Her character itself? Great. No qualms there. Her design? Please acquire more than two square feet of fabric I'm begging you. I just feel like Cindy deserved to be so much more than fan service.
Luna's brief time on-screen. Yet another potentially incredible and deep female protagonist who got short change from this game. People joke a lot that Luna wasn't at all an important character because the game never really treated her like one. She was MEANT to be important, clearly, but it felt like she existed just for her tearjerking death scene? Like there was SO MUCH overlooked potential to bring her into the storyline as more than Tragic Love Interest In White, and yet?? Idk it frustrated me.
The emotional aspect of the game felt rushed. There were a lot of emotional scenes covered throughout the plotline ranging from King Regis's death to the deal with Prompto at Zegnautus Keep. I feel like the game TRIED to cover them realistically and show the characters' grief, but it didn't quite get there. It was just sort of an "Oh, how sad. I'm so upset and angry. Hm, what's that? My friends believe in me without truly understanding and I can kill someone to ease my pain? Oh okay I'm better now." I get that realistic healing cycles are kinda hard to portray within a set timeframe, but having some lingering effects of the blatant trauma inflicted would've been nice. You don't recover from shit like that in a week's time.
Character personalities tended to be one-sided. Noctis was edgy, Prompto was happy-go-lucky, Gladio was tough-guy, and Ignis was... nevermind, Iggy was great--- HE had some on-screen depth. Personally, I've developed these characters myself far more than what the game gave us, but I wish we'd gotten more canon depth beyond their surface-level traits. I love them with my whole heart and they deserve genuine complexity.
Now the things I actually really enjoyed:
The graphics were on-point. The amount of detail put into character design and into monsters was insane. You could zoom in and see individual textures on skin and hair and feathers, bringing a level of realism to the game that I personally enjoyed.
All of the Latin and Norse mythological references!! As a Latin nerd, I found little gems everywhere in this game. Esp in the names--- (Noctis Lucis Caelum = Of-the-night Sky-of-light (the genitives in there make the literal translation kinda a mouthful ik) Gladiolus Amicitia = Sword-flower Friendship (the gladiolus is an actual flower that gets its name from the Latin word gladius, meaning sword, for its sword-like shape) Ignis Scientia = Fire Knowledge; Prompto Argentum = Ready Silver (the word prompto is actually in the dative (possibly ablative), making the literal translation nonsense, but if they'd made his name Promptus, it would've sounded awkward, so I can see why they picked the dative/ablative form of the adjective for stylistic reasons and I put the rough translation instead)) WOW THAT WAS A LOT OF PARENTHETICAL INFO WHOOPS
Ardyn's character. I'm not saying this bc I'm one of the fans who fawn over him---Ardyn is DEFINITELY NOT MY PREFERRED FLAVOR OF MAN, but character-wise, he made an excellent antagonist. He was witty, slick, and classy in an I'm-gonna-outstep-you-like-it's-hopscotch sorta way. He was a poetic villain done well, which made him an antagonist you could both sympathize for and absolutely detest given the situation. He was both the master manipulator and the pawn one space away from the edge of the board. He can sway a crowd, but you know deep in your gut just by the cunning greed in his eyes that You Cannot Trust The Man. He was definitely Not a good person (tragic backstory isn't an excuse), but he was a good villain.
I loved the bond between the chocobros?? This is probably bc I'm a sucker for the found family trope, but their interactions were so amazing to me?? Like, not even the cutscene stuff. Just their little sidebar conversations during fights or while you're walking around or driving the Regalia. They're Roadtrip Buddies™ and I think that's excellent.
THE FOOD. By god, the food in this game looked absolutely scrumptious and I would like to partake. The Daggerquill Soup? Give it to me I'll pay you. The Creamy Crustacean Omelet? Stop it right now I'll eat that so fast it'll be a criminal offense. Like I know I touched on the graphics earlier, but broski I was not kidding. I guess I know why the game took so long to make it to the market bc the detail that went into these recipes is absolutely mouthwatering.
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omegothic · 11 months ago
opinion on ffxv after 75 hours of playing (and one hour of running in circles to level gladio's skill up) (still haven't played any of the dlcs but i'm gonna take a break or something for a few days because i severely neglected my university stuff and spent most of the last week obsessively playing this game)
i love this game. am i tired? hell yeah. would i want all these hours back? hell no.
the game is a mystery to me.
the sidequests are genshin impact open world quests level (which means that if i hear anyone talking, i'm pressing the skip button because i don't give a fuck). you listen to someone yapping about unimportant stuff and they make you collect the same shit over and over again. peak game design.
the main quests are good but the ending made me age 10 years in a week. there's NO NEED for these tragedies. boy you literally have the power of gods on your side and they tell you the only way to get rid of the big bad villain is to kill yourself? sounds like bullshit to me. also why even bother if there's only a few thousands people left in the world. you already lost, all this stuff had to be done 10 years ago to have any meaning. and there's no way the world didn't just implode or something when the sun stopped rising. the true ending is noctis getting spat out of the crystal and realising everyone is long gone because there's no sunlight.
the mentally ill hobo could have been more cooperative too geez. i'll be honest i like him much more than the six. and everyone's like "oh gods are helping you" no they hate me and want me to die for no reason. i'd rather join forces with ardyn and try to take them down. even if he did a lot of questionable stuff (cough- killed my bride -cough-cough- and her brother -cough- also kidnapped my friend and tortured him-)
the hunts are kinda fun when it's a big monster but when it's a bunch of goblins i'm like,,, why did you call me here? ngl i thought all hunts would be like the first one, it was truly cool. there was some kind of plot, some interactions with my friends, some stealth, the monster seemed really tough (meanwhile me, fighting the lvl 99 adamantoise 65 hours later: the ring of lucii go brrr-)
the dungeons are ass. i thought nothing could be as disorienting as daggerfall's randomly generated dungeons but they really managed to do a miracle with ffxv. although the dungeons in ffxv are not scary at all, that's the difference.
the open world is okay. there're some interesting places (when you first see the big mysterious creature in the lake you're like do i have to fight it?? can i get closer to it?? what is this??) and the nature is beautiful. altissia looks majestic but sadly there's not much to do. i appreciate the hard work tho.
using regalia was a delight. when you want to take a break and just look at the landscape you can just sit still with a controller in your hands and enjoy the ride. really therapeutic. don't drive at night when you're low level though... listen to ignis. ignis is always right.
the camp life is by far the best out of all games i've had an experience with. there's so many little details everywhere that you cannot help but adore your companions. it's the way every time you make camp you get a bunch of photos prompto took since the last break. it's the way your companions talk to you almost all the time and you truly feel like you are on a road trip with your friends. it's the way gladio calls you out on your bullshit and afterwards you want to bite his head off each time you talk to him. it's the way ignis cooks for the entire party and makes you help him sometimes. i just love the way friendship is portrayed here.
what was not as good is luna and noct's relationship. there was not enough of luna. yes she loves noct but why? yes noct loves luna but why? luna literally appeared in the plot for two minutes and then tragically died. i think it's really bad. also imagine not seeing your bride for 12 years, when you finally meet her again she immediately dies, then you spend 10 years trapped in a crystal, fucking die and then get to marry your bride. honey it's been 22 years since i last talked to you in person. i'm NOT marrying a random woman in the afterlife (no hate for luna, just this love story didn't seem convincing enough). hopefully i'm gonna see what they wrote in the dawn of the future soon (please pray so that my amazon package doesn't get lost 🙏)
the music is incredible. the woman who wrote the soundtrack is my goddess and i am a devout worshipper 🙏🙏🙏
so, why is the game a mystery to me? because no other game could make me endure 75 hours of boring side quests. i managed to play hogwarts legacy for 44 hours and i despised that game when i finished it. i despised it long before i finished it. but not ffxv. they could make me do all this boring stuff again and i would do it (not for free tho because i've got better things to do with my time 🤣)
i enjoyed ffxv a lot. it also made me depressed for a week because ending a game like that should be a crime. i think i'm gonna do a few last quests after that but there's not much left (and i'm not looking for more because if i think i am done then i am done). not sure how long episodes gladiolus, prompto and ignis are gonna take, but they're also in my plans (no ardyn tho, gotta go watch some playthrough). there's also anime and a film so plenty of content for me. and i am waiting for the arrival of my book 🫡
(noticed that there's nothing about the combat. well it's because i don't care. i don't like combat. i don't like it in any game. i prefer to flee)
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ivorydice · 1 year ago
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⭐ crystalline ⭐
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Chapters: 3/3 Wordcount: 21,962 Rating: General Audiences Relationships/Pairings: Gen Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Regis Lucis Caelum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, Prompto Argentum, Cor Leonis, Clarus Amicitia Additional tags: Father-Son Relationship | Sickfic | Angst | Self-Worth Issues | Hurt Noctis Lucis Caelum | Pre-Canon | Friendship | Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary:
It’s not any easier. It’s harder. It’s worse. Noctis feels for that magic again, to let it build and swirl and flow, he tries to breathe it in and swallow it down and be one with it. It’s in his veins, in his head, in his heart, he was born with it, and so it should come to him as naturally as breathing. He tries to push it through Ignis, from his own fingertips and into the warm skin in his grasp, the way he had with Gladio. It hurts to even try, it steals his breath away. And nothing happens.
Noctis pushes himself too hard when he finally gives Ignis and Gladio access to his magic.
Read here on AO3
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puddingcatbeans · 1 year ago
"Just do it," (#12), promptis? :3c
"Just do it."
Noctis shakes his head. "I can't."
"Whyever not, Noct?" Ignis says. He pushes his glasses up, as serious as if they were going over the meeting minutes sent from the Capital.
"Because," Noctis says, as if that explains it.
Gladio rolls his eyes. He's tapping his foot, but he makes no move to exit the conversation. Noctis' retainers are more like big brothers sometimes, and that's great, because he knows they truly do have his back, but it's also the worst, because they will gladly wait him out for situations like this.
Which is Noctis calling a timeout in his living room on Thursday afternoon, because Prompto has a shift at the grocery store and thus has no chance hearing this disaster of a conversation.
"Come on princess," Gladio says. "What's the worst that can happen?"
"He might laugh?" Noctis says, throwing his hands up. "And then end our friendship and then unfriend me on Mooglebook and then disappear from my life because he hates me forever?"
Ignis sighs. "You are catastrophizing."
"I don't think that kid has a hateful bone in his tiny shrimp body," Gladio adds. "Just do it."
"I must agree," Ignis says. "Besides. If you don't, I believe it will be quite unavoidable the next time he comes over."
Three pairs of eyes turn to the gigantic chocobo sitting in Noctis' living room.
Gladio claps Noctis on the shoulder. "Yeah, buddy, this one's on you. Can't half-ass it now."
Noctis flops back against the sofa. "Fine. Tomorrow, I, Noctis Lucis Caelum, am going to ask Prompto Argentum, pure sunshine in homework form, out on a date."
Ignis smiles over his teacup. "That's more like it."
send me a starter sentence
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ertrunkenerwassergeist · 1 year ago
Out of curiosity - you've written Dreams au for Prompto and Ardyn kickstarting the Reunion, plus the Gladio version that became canon.
But what about Ignis? How would the verse where he finds Noctis first look like?
Not gonna lie. This one had me stumped. I never considered that Ignis might be the first to find Noctis (my mistake) and so didn't even have an incling about how it might happen. Until about half an hour ago, that is, when an idea fell from the sky. Or my shower head. Depending on the point of view.
(I wrote this really fast, so it doesn't fit stylistically into the Deep City verse. When I have time, I'll try to write a 'proper' version.)
You could say this starts around Noctis's 17th birthday. Ignis hasn't been doing well. Not at all. His friendship with Gladio is splintering like rotten wood and his uncle as been... distant lately.
Ignis does his best to bury his worries with work, but that's only helping so much. What with his work now being a glorified secretary for whatever ministry, board or committee will have him at the time. Still, Ignis does his best. What else can he do?
So, that one fateful day, on Noctis's 17th birthday, when the hurt is rubbed fresh and raw again and there is no work for him to do...
Ignis bakes.
He tries, once again his best, to recreate that one sweet pastry from Tenebrae Noctis liked so much and Ignis could never get right. Once he's done, he goes outside and somehow finds himself in a park in a working class area. Later, he will think is has been fate.
Right now, he doesn't care, strangely glad for being outside his usual haunts, and unpacks the pastries he has brought.
Their taste is warm and creamy and so sweet Ignis can practically feel his teeth rotting in his mouth. Was that the right taste? he wonders and hates that he will not get an answer.
"Yer usin' the wrong types of berry," an old, creaky voice says behind him.
Ignis whirls around and whom he finds fits the voice very well. It's an old woman, bent and with wrinkles deeper than he has ever seen. Her hands are bony and full of spots. Her dress looks more like it's been made from patches than proper fabric. The smell of freshly baked bread hits Ignis's nose.
"Excuse me?" he asks.
"Tha' pastry o' yer's," she says in the strangest accent Ignis has ever heard. "Them berries're too sweet. Yer'll need them from northern Ulwaat. T's colder there, so they need ta be more hardy. 'Too sweet' tha' prince o' yers would say."
Ignis feels ice cold dread creep up his spine. Does this woman know Noctis? Does she have soemthing to do with his disappearance?
"Now, now laddie. Get those thoughts outta yer head. Ah'm simply following the fire to where it'll lead me."
"Fire, laddie. It knows ye got to play a part in the storm ta come, and it likes ye. So Ah'll make sure ye know wha' ta do once the time is right."
"I'm afraid I do not know what you are talking about, Maselle. Excuse me, I have work to do."
Ignis turns around, intend to leave the obviously mentally unstable old crone behind him, but her next words make him stop.
"None o' tha', Ignis Scientia. There's no work waitin' for ye today. Yer uncle is teachin' yer cousin Paxil in the hopes he'll not be a disappointment, an' yer friend'll not get a diagnosis fer his sister t'day."
Slowly Ignis turns around. "Are you threatening me?" he asks, low and dangerous. One hand his inconspicuously reaching for the dagger he never goes without these days.
"Ye can leave tha' dagger where it is, laddie. Ah'm not threatening ye, simply sayin' things how they are."
"How do you know all this?" Ignis finds himself asking through the fog in his mind.
"The fire, laddie. Once ye know how ta listen, it'll never stop tellin' ye things," the crone says and waves her hand in a way that makes it clear that she wishes for him to follow. "Come," she says. "Ah'll show ye."
And against his better judgement - and the usually so large, but now tiny rational voice in his head baring warnings at him - he follows.
Nearly three years later, he stares at the fire burning between his fingers, and follows it's call deep into the ancient bowels of the city.
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icharchivist · 10 months ago
Is fishing in FF XV that big?
DLKJFDLF in the sense that it matters a whole deal to our protagonist mostly, yeah.
Noctis LOVES fishing. In general his personality is that he's always tired/sleepy, he's socially awkward and a bit moody and quiet, but he loves his friends and he has a very golden heart. But therefore you'll notice that his voice is a bit monotone, his voice is usually kept low like he wouldn't really want to exhaust himself talking and all.
But therefore it means that everytime we run into a place were you can fish, he will LIGHT UP and start to sound extremely excited and vibrating. Like no matter what you're doing he will want to take a break to fish.
Like one of the first time you encounter a fishing place, you're supposed to be moving to take a ship for a political meeting. and Noctis, instead, just starts to vibrate going "LET'S FISH!!!"
there's even a couple of quests in ffxv where Noctis befriends cats and he's like "obviously someone like you deserve the best of fishes". and then his friends are like "or maybe we can buy food at the shop--" and then Noctis is like "no. fresh fish. Let's go fishing!!" and you have to put everything on hold to bring Noctis near the closest fishing pond.
And there is a whole fishing sidequests for Noctis to fish the biggest of fishes, and if you go through it you really can see how happy Noctis is being able to indulge in it. There's even a quest to deepen Noctis' friendship with Gladio that is fully based on Gladio finding a rare spot to fish on because a special fish is there, and Noctis is just vibrating at the fact they could do it, and the fact Gladio thought about bringing him there just makes him enjoy his friends even more. also, Noctis, who likes sleeping more than most things, will be up to dawn if it means he can go fishing.
added to it when Noctis is fishing, his squad will stay in the back watching and commenting, but therefore if you spend literal hours fishing (especially since the game has a day/night mechanisms so if you spend too long on it the night will fall), and it's genuinely so funny knowing that Noctis can stop them on anything they would be doing to fish.
i remember a banter once i was deep in a fishing session where Noctis says "ok, last one!" and Prompto replies "you already said that two hours ago". But still everytime you fish, Prompto will take pictures of Noctis enjoying himself and it's so cute, because everytime you set camp or go at the inn you'll look through all the pictures Prompto took that day and it's so cute.
FFXV is a really tragic story and by the end of it you'll be crying a lot, but therefore it also means that you want Noctis to be happy and have a good time while he still can. Because even if tragedy awaits he says himself that just spending time with his friends was the best thing he could ever get, and he'll never forget the journey, because even if fate worked this way, at least they made the best out of it.
So i feel like most players will do everything to fill Noctis' desire to fish. It's where he's the happiest, so it's where we want him to have the most of fun.
so yeah, fishing is big in ffxv. Not in the sense that the plot require you to fish, but in the sense that Noctis is so happy about fishing you'll want to make him happy anytime.
And so, yeah <3 Noctis' fishing shirt really is perfect for him. because if there's one thing he has strong opinions on, it's fishing.
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krisssssssy · 10 months ago
I saw your take on Ardyn's birthday placing him a Taurus. Any opinions on fandom sunshine child Prompto being born on October 25th. Making his sun sign a Scorpio?
I think he might have a secondary sign be Sagittarius. But given his codependency with Nox, maybe libra?
Idk what are your opinions?
Prompto 😭 So yeah, he definitely gives off having JUST a Scorpio sun (though he does have a little of like, a punk look to him, which feels Scorpio-inspired), and considering Sagittarius follows after, I do think having a few Sagittarius placements (or Libra) makes sense.
Especially if we consider how overly positive he is. Now, he could genuinely be a very positive person (which would be reflected in the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sag), but his tendency to hide his own past, his tougher emotions, and remain cheerful for the sake of the group dynamic - that feels more Libra.
ALSO. Being into photography does make more sense for someone with some Libra placements: Venus-ruled, more creative, and especially when you think about what photography is, which is often creating balance of light, dark, as well as balance with the objects that appear in the frame as well - Libra seems like a good zodiacal archetype that supports photography.
So Prompto would be a Scorpio sun, with either a Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius mercury, and then I believe Venus can only be up to two signs apart, so he's either a virgo, scorpio, libra, sag, or cap venus. I think Libra Venus makes a lot of sense. We also never see him get angry, like, considering his past and everything he's such a genuinely good person it makes me cry 😭 And the Libra Venus would also potentially bring up the codependency you mentioned.
I kind of think maybe his tendency to make silly jokes and bring levity to conversations is more of a Sagittarius mercury thing. And Scorpio as a sign is also a placement that tends to stay loyal to a few people, and Prompto seemed to latch onto Noctis pretty quickly when they were in school (in the brotherhood anime), and went to great lengths to secure their friendship (like losing weight, something he literally didn't have to do).
I also want to say, I like the idea of astrology existing in this world to color Prompto's personality, because he IS different from Besithia (and would have entirely different birthdays), they just share, really, a skill with technology, except Prompto's entire reason to use weapons is simply to assist his friends (more Libra things). Although being so friend-oriented does call Aquarius into question as well, but I think Libra as a sign has more of an interest in partnerships (i.e. Noctis being his best friend) versus Aquarius, which is more about the group dynamic as a whole.
Like let's say he's an Aries rising, which would be Aries in the 1st house, so giving him a more "muted "Aries nature, i.e maybe more impulsive, a little impatience, more childlike and innocent, and then that would be Libra in the 7th, so say Libra Venus in the 7th, and then a Scorpio sun in the 8th (an 8th house sun would be more "hidden" but also emphasize his loyalty, and willingness to risk his life for someone he is close to). Although then that would make him a Mars-ruled person, tho he is highly motivated...idk I haven't totally thought this through lmao, I just wanted Libra sitting in the 7th house, to emphasize his focus on partnerships/closeness, and that puts Aries in the 1st!
I haven't given much thought to the Chocobros astrological placements, except, I mean, Gladio is definitely an Aries with an Aries Mars lmao. And probably Aries mercury too, dude has NO tact.
I can't write anything more coherent about this than a ramble unfortunately lol. Although Prompto is my favorite character aside from Ardyn, so I have given some thought to this prior to your question.
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chosenbythecrystal · 1 year ago
Childhood and Isolation
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Growing up as the Crown Prince, a lot of people think that Noctis wants for nothing – that he's lucky – and in some ways they're right. He's privileged, there's no denying that. He has access to the best education, the newest toys, and he's well looked after. He never has to worry about going cold or hungry.
He's privileged, but he's also incredibly lonely. He has friends and family, but he feels like there's a rift between him and them.
Since his mother died when he was young, his father is all he has, and all he's ever really known. They're as close as they can be, but there is always going to be a limit to how much time they can spend together. His father has a whole Kingdom to care for, and it is a King's duty to put their Kingdom before everything, even themselves.
Noctis understands this, he really does, and he feels guilty for wanting more, but at the same time, he's a kid. He's going to want his father's attention.
In the Platinum Demo, Carbuncle mentions about how Noct used to sit outside with his brand new football because he wanted his dad to play with him. He'd wait for hours, but his dad would never show. It's not that big of a surprise – Regis is a busy man, and I don't doubt that he works himself silly just so he can spare the time to tuck Noct in at night and read him a story – but it still hurts him.
So he closes himself off. He acts like he doesn't care to cope with that disappointment.
So Noctis spends a lot of time alone. Of course, he's never really alone, but as far as he's concerned, he might as well be. One of the biggest issues comes down to status. Noctis might be a kid, but he's also royalty and the staff treat him as such. They're kind to him, of course, but they try to keep a respectful distance, like they're afraid of getting too close.
He doesn't have many friends, either. Regis sends him to a normal school so he can have that average kid experience, but he doesn't socialise. He's quite in class and he lingers by himself during breaks. He stays away from the other kids because he assumes most of them don't want to be friends with Noct, they want to be friends with the Prince.
Outside of school, there's Ignis, but as close as they are, there's always that knowledge that their relationship stems from duty. It's the same with Gladio when he comes along. Admittedly, Gladio disliked him at first, but when they did start to grow closer, there's the worry that Gladio only puts up with him because it's his job and Noct covered for Iris.
He wants to make friends, he's just scared that people only want to be around him because he's the Prince. That's why it was such a big deal for him when Prompto came along. He never treated him like a prince, so he felt like he could just be Noctis with no expectations or obligations.
This goes for romantic relationships too. He's socially awkward and very self-conscious to the point where he can't imagine any reason someone might like him other than his royal status.
So yeah. He's privileged in terms of wealth, but he'd trade all of that away for normalcy. I mean, this is the kid who, when asked what he wanted for his birthday, pointed at a sword. Not because he wanted the sword, but because he wanted his dad to tell him a story.
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lime-sketches114 · 1 year ago
Hello everyone, since I made a KARDYN short story yesterday why not even it out with another KATNIS ship story. This version of the story takes place in EPISODE IGNIS so spoilers??? (Idk it's been out for years)
I like the alternate endings bc it was more eventful I guess. Just like that fight more than the normal one. BUT I wanna make my own alternative ending!
This ship is in a different universe than to my KARDYN short stories
Worth Fighting For
Rating/Warning: minor blood, weapons, etc.
It was chaos in Altissia. Leviathan woke up super cranky and is giving Noctis a hard time. I hope Luna knows what she's doing...
Ignis and I have already lost Prompto and Gladio thanks to Titan being summoned and a magitek air ship crashed into the bridge we were on. Fighting through the districts was not easy either, even with Ravus' help. His passive aggressive tone didn't help. Once we reached the altar, it was horrible. Luna was gone and Noctis didn't seem like he wanted to wake up. Ravus held his sister in great sorrow.
"Luna!" I screamed as I ran to her. Her lips were already blue and cold from the cold water and chilling sea spray. I knew it would take all my strength to heal her past this point without The Tree of Songs to help me. Tears fell down my cheeks. "If only I came here sooner..."
"You have done enough..." Luna's spirit smiled down at me. Even in death her voice spoke from her heart. "Protect those close to your heart, Fight..."
"I will Luna..." I smiled and gave her a parting blessing. Taking her friendship crystal I gave to her long ago. "You will always be remembered"
"Oh what a sentimental statement Lady Katerina, truly spoken poetry" Ardyn chimed.
I whipped around but before I could attack, Ravus was shot back with dark magic and Ignis was pinned down by soldiers. I quickly shielded Noctis the best I could, I couldn't even summon my wings, my magic was already so low. "Don't you dare Ardyn! I know your intentions! This will bring you nothing!"
"Katerina!" Ignis struggled against the soldiers' grip.
Ardyn chuckled, "what do you know about me dear princess?" He grabbed and pulled my hair and lifted me. I winced and whined with pain as I gripped his hand to try and get him off. "You know NOTHING" he held his blade to my neck.
Then my brave familiar ran from me and grabbed the ring in her mouth. She ran to Ignis. "Dove Run!" Soon Ignis escaped and took the ring and glared at Ardyn. Dove hissed from Ignis' shoulder.
"Let. Her. Go!" He growled. "Take me instead!"
"Ignis...I'll be fine!" I looked at him with pleading eyes. I saw nothing but determination in his.
"No! I'm not letting you take her away!" Ignis shouted.
Ignis held up the ring and he sheds a tear, "I swore to stand by Noct and keep him safe but I WILL NOT tolerate you threatening the one I love!" He shoved the ring onto his finger and screamed out in pain.
"IGNIS!!!" I cried out. Right before my eyes I saw Ignis transformed by the ring. His eyes engulfed by purple flames, his hair entirely down and damp from the rain. He soon teleported backwards and Ardyn teleported with me forwards.
"Guess the Gods favor you after all" Ardyn growled in a smooth low tone. He threw me to the side as I hit broken columns.
I was trying to keep conscious while they fought. I heard blade against blade clanging against each other. Regular blood and black blood scattered the wet stone floor of the altar. Diluting as the fight went on. I had to stop this before Ignis got killed. With the last of my magic I teleported all of us where no one else would get hurt. Not heading the yells of my sisters as they ran towards the fight when I did. I coughed up blood due to the strain on my body.
"stop this nonsense Ardyn!" I wheezed, holding my side. Stumbling on the walkway to the Crystal, just outside the orb holding it.
Ignis realized what I had done, before he could act he ran out of time. He collapsed to his knees. His face ashen from the magical flames.
"so the little Guardian wants to play with the Daemon..." Ardyn chuckled as he spat out black blood. "Then show your loved one your secret!"
I closed my eyes, pained by his demand, but I turned to Ignis. I walked up to him and placed my hands on his cheeks. He jumped at my touch, his dull eyes searching for me. "Kat... what're you...please don't fight him..." He held my hands tightly.
"I have to Iggy...I'm sorry..." I took the ring from his hand and kissed his forehead. Using the ambient magic to heal his sight a bit. I put on the ring and backed away from him. I saw his eyes widened to me. I held out my hand to the Crystal.
"Great Crystal of old, grant me the power to protect the ones worth fighting for!" My eyes and crystal glowed a bright purple. I felt like I was on fire from the Crystal's power overflowing my body. I knew the price I had to pay.
My own crystal sunk into my chest as it absorbed the powers of the ring, "CRYSTALLUS UNIFICATION, LIBERATUS!" my body became an orb of light and then cracked to reveal my true guardian form. My now silvery light lavender hair glittered like a crystal. My clothes changed into a slim fit dress that splits near the thighs. I was adorned with light silver armor on my torso, arms and legs. My once dove-like wings were replaced by crystal like fae ones. A purple crystal also poked out my forehead. In my hand was the Silver Scepter morphed into a long blade. I also grew a bit taller just about the same height as Ardyn or more.
"Kat..." Ignis said in shock as he reached out to me but a small shield blocked his reach. Soon a whole forcefield was around him.
"don't...at least not right now..." I looked back at him. Tears in my eyes.
"let the duel commence little goddess" Ardyn chuckled as he summoned his whole regalia and sent it towards us, hitting the Crystal's chambers. Soon the whole platform collapsed.
"cheap move...but I can make you pay for all that you did! For Regis! Luna! Everyone that I hold dear to my heart!" Ardyn and I clashed, ancient metal clanging and scraping against each other.
"how sentimental!!! I tried too long ago when my brother cast me out!" Ardyn roared in anger.
"I'm sorry for what Somnus did to you but after your fight with Regis I saw what Bahamut told you! He lies! No God should use what they created to help Eos! Not in this way! The Scourge will still live on, one way or another!" I struggled with Ardyn and his many power ups. "I may not be the friend you once knew! But I'll try my hardest to finish what Layanna started! No matter how long it takes!"
Ardyn growled, "you dare not speak her name! You're nothing like her! She didn't even help Aera!"
"Then I'll show you what I can do!" I raised my sword as it turned into a bow and took aim. A light arrow drew back in my weapon. A magic circle formed in front of me. A tear fell.
{Crystal Arcana}
"I'll make you see the truth! Even if it means sacrificing myself! THAT I PROMISE!!!" I let loose my arrow through the magic circle as it struck Ardyn in the chest, but not into his heart but his friendship crystal, corrupted by malus. The arrow tip soon trapped Ardyn in a crystal cocoon. I floated down and ran back to Ignis and pulled off rubble, his bubble still intact.
I smiled at him and powered down, my clothes torn and mangled from my transformation. My hair and eyes stayed the same. The ring did a number on my left arm as I took it off. I collapsed from exhaustion as the shield went down. Ignis caught me and held me close.
"why did you...you idiot..." Ignis cried, his tears falling onto my face. I placed my mangled hand on his cheek.
I winced, knowing my crystal was probably cracked. "because you always fought for me...it was my turn to fight for you. I couldn't let him or the ring kill you." I took a deep breath and found my words. "I love you..."
Ignis' eyes brightened at my words. He smiled and held my hand closer to this cheek, "I love you too" we soon closed the gap between us and shared a gentle kiss. Soon my crystal embedded in my chest began to glow and spark. The crystal around his neck also glowed. Our love made a healing aura around us. Then I saw who else was healing us. Noctis and the others found us and he found the ring I took off. The aura healed my crystal enough to where I could heal Ignis' sight.
"You think we'll be hearing their wedding bells after all?" Gladio quipped.
Noctis chuckled, "well mine never rang, but I'll be happy to see theirs"
"so what're we gonna do about the crystalized psycho over here?" Flash gestures to Ardyn asleep in the crystal.
I got up with Ignis and smiled, "taking him back to our kingdom. I never break my promise." I turned to Noctis "Noctis, it's best if you know the truth of your family..."
"so no one's gonna tell me why she's a goddess?!" Prompto yelled.
We all laughed and made our way to a summoning circle. I placed a hand on the cocoon and held Ignis' hand "in due time...first I need a cinnamon roll"
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meissashush · 1 year ago
I feel bad about this, but I need all the Ro info. Hate, betrayal, and nightmares for Rosea? T_T
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
It was a genuine fear when she was a child, the wide empty eyes of a giant plush moogle staring into her soul from an armchair in the Amicitia manor. The thing was absolutely haunted. It didn't matter how much Lady Amicitia tried to assure her, nor how much Gladio tried to make it seem harmless, she was utterly convinced that thing was going to eat her in her sleep.
The moogle got put away for future visits.
Now that she's older, it's mostly a joke. Mostly. The cartoons of them are fine, the small key-chains are sometimes actually kind of cute, and she'd never let Iris know she doesn't care for them, but the reality is they make her skin itch. She doesn't want them near.
Kenny Crow doesn't bother her in the least, though, which is the only reason Gladio won't pick on her about the moogles. She knows his weakness.
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Rosea isn't someone who is easily betrayed. It's a self-preservation thing, in that she knows her place in the priorities of the people closest to her, so it's hard for her to consider it a betrayal. If she did, she'd only ever feel betrayed.
In an emergency, the King must come first. Then the Prince, then the Shields, and so on and so forth. The Marshal's Daughter isn't very high on the list, as it isn't a position that holds any power. No systems will crumble, nor institutions suffer if she were harmed, other than Cor's feelings. Which means considerably more than she believes, but still doesn't really hold a candle to the lives of parliamentary figures.
In an emergency, she is often left in charge of herself.
But that level of sacrifice, especially amongst children, only meant that the little things would hurt so much more. When they were children, Noctis and Ro had a spat that would have landed most children in timeout. It was petty, mostly verbal, and ended with Rosea throwing her very first punch.
When Noct started bawling, both he and Ignis (the sole witness) threw her under the bus. She ended up being banished from the Citadel for an unspecified amount of time, and their friendship was almost completely destroyed.
In a way, this could also be seen as a betrayal by her towards every adult in her life. They all expected her to be more mature than that, which lead to a lot of them treating her much more coldly from that point on. She was a trouble maker, now. They expected her to disappoint them.
And given this mindset? She hardly counts anything else she did from that point on as an act of betrayal, since why would anyone expect better of her? It's not her problem, she owes them nothing.
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
A lot of things. Between training for emergencies and actual emergencies, nightmares were sort of just expected. It was even mentioned in the training manual. Being chased, kidnapped, tortured, murdered, etc - it was all fair game. Cor comforted her when she was younger, but the more they happened the more numb she grew to them. She doesn't mention it much, anymore.
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strictomiles · 2 years ago
|| Incoming salty fandom post, no need to read but, I wanted to rant
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For a game that, at it’s core is about Brotherhood (alongside sacrifice for the greater good,) It is so sad to see how often Gladio gets erased or pushed to the side, especially in the rpc unless it’s for shipping fodder and the same can be said for Ignis but, i’d argue a little less, where is the friendship? Why do the bros get sided into what feels like ‘co-workers’ (Or ships) but, not that friendship that they have in the game but, also as pretty well lifelong companions to Noctis?
 Ignis was brought in as a child only a year older to be Noct’s friend and then to be an advisor. Gladio likely has been with Noct since day one and while they butt heads, they have that really great brotherly friendship. I feel like they get classed in the way of ‘you’re the advisor’ and ‘Gladio’s just meant’ and it’s so disheartening.
In the same vein I also feel like we lose a lot of the prior friendship with Luna oftentimes in favour of just erasing her completely as fandoms tend to do. Gladio and I feel you girl, we really do.
This is also not to say I don’t ship, I do. But MAN-- would I love to see rich friendships, and people not going the ‘Noct was lonely until Prompto’ route (Same to say that Noct is some grumpy, loner). Because, personally, I don’t believe that was the case. If anything, the other way around but, Prompto also gets pushed into a ‘only happy’ box too.
Anywho- Fandom is whacky and while it’s great to headcanon, I feel like people do tend to chose one character trait and really glom onto it and it’s disheartening AF.
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savage-rhi · 2 years ago
A chocobro/chocobro (which ever two you want) love confessions how ever you want to write it
Coming up!
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Noctis couldn't wait to tear off his boots at the end of the day. Once the boys had set up camp, and the fire had roared to life, he did just that.
Words couldn't express the relief his feet felt not being confined to damp socks anymore. He sighed contently, closing his eyes while the cool crisp air in Duscae contrasted with the smoky aroma that was whiffing away in the distance. That's when Noctis opened his eyes and his gaze traveled to the source.
A thoughtful look crossed Noctis's features while he observed Ignis cooking. Noctis always thought Ignis to be rather meticulous. A little too organized for his liking. Spontaneity was the furthest word Noctis would assign to his longtime friend. Nonetheless, there was a spirit within Ignis that came out when he prepared a warm meal. Noctis could see it. That glimmer of light in Ignis's eyes that dare say rivaled that of the campfire not more than a few feet from him.
Noctis felt a twinge of envy and adoration. He loved fishing, and considered it the best hobby anyone could get into, but to have the passion Ignis had for cooking, was something Noctis doubted he'd ever find. Not even in the sport he had loved since youth. There was also another emotion Noctis felt. The power of it was so strong, that it scared him. The last time he had felt anything like this, was before the tragic accident. Before she died, protecting him.
There was a solid peace that radiated off of Ignis as he smiled. Occasionally he'd look up to see what sort of mischief Gladio and Prompto were up to at the campsite, and like clockwork, he'd roll his eyes and stifle a laugh before continuing with his craft. Noctis's bottom lip trembled as his last memories of her played out.
Ignis was the closest person Noctis had to having a mother again. Someone who was nurturing and always there. Even when his father had to deal with the world and its woes, there was always someone waiting for him at home. It was always Iggy, through the good times and bad. It dawned on Noctis just how much of Ignis's presence he had taken for granted.
Noctis made a fist, and then got up. He didn't mind how his feet were bitten by the small rocks against his soles, nor did he pay any heed to the commotion Prompto stirred up with Gladio. His arms extended outward the closer he got to Ignis, until he had wrapped both his arms around him from behind.
Ignis let out a startled gasp. His eyes widening before he registered the familiar touch.
"Um, Noct?"
The embrace tightened, and Noctis pressed his head to Ignis's back. He was afraid to let go. He was afraid he'd see her bloody face near the car wreck.
"Are you alright?" Ignis murmured, trying to keep his voice low so that he didn't draw too much attention to the situation.
"You don't understand how much I--"
"It's okay," Ignis remained calm and still. "What's going through your head?"
"I miss her, Iggy," Noctis swallowed back a sob, then unleashed the words he had trouble conveying. "I wish she was here, but you have no idea how much I---I love you for staying. For not dying and leaving me behind."
Ignis's face grew warm. His body tensed under Noctis's touch while he pondered on the words that had been gifted to him.
Despite being friends for years, and the future adviser to the king, Ignis never truly knew where he stood with Noctis. Their friendship wasn't made over normal bonds, but out of duty and sacrifice. To hear that he, Ignis himself had been placed on a mantle that was on par with the kings love and Noctis's love for his late mother, had Ignis bite down on his bottom lip. He could feel himself getting emotional, just knowing how much he meant to Noctis.
"Thank you, Noct." Ignis softly said. A small tear trickled down his face before he wiped it away, turned around and embraced his friend with an even tighter hug.
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rexelectus · 2 years ago
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● – || I’m alone in the universe. 
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● – || Everyone always thought that , just because he was royal , Noctis had a million different people telling him the same thing throughout his life . “ You must have so many friends . ” Or , his least favourite of all , “ You’re a Prince . Your life can’t be that hard . ” It really shocked Noctis how much people thought they knew about his life , when he himself barely knew about it . His dad was always busy , doing paperwork or other things and his mom was gone . Truly , the only ones that the little Prince could rely on were his Shield and Sword . While his Sword was ever there , always doing his best to make sure that his tea was hot , Noctis’ Sword either wasn’t around much because he didn’t want to train someone as small as he was , or he was too busy teasing the Prince for being so small . There was no winning . 
“ I’m alone in the universe . . . ” Noctis would say. Ignis would always assure him that he wasn’t alone , for he had Gladio and himself but Noctis knew all too well that Ignis didn’t really understand what he meant .It never felt like they were friends . It felt like they were serving him . . . that’s hot what friendship feels like . 
Day after day , Noctis would come home from his training and look out his bedroom window . Sure , he was safe within the stone walls and marble floors of the palace , but his peers were out playing with friends , exploring the world . They weren’t alone . There was only one person who managed to truly make him not feel alone , and that was Lunafreya . Everyday he would ask Ignis if Umbra or Pryna had appeared -- it meant that he and Luna’s journal had come and that there was a new journal entry to read . It was , arguably , the most exciting part of his day . It made him beyond happy . Even though she was really far away , she never , ever , made him feel like he was alone in the giant universe . With her , he always had someone by his side and he was always by hers . As King and Oracle ? No . As friends . 
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