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gladdyator18 · 5 months ago
It Was Just a Prank! - TickleTober2024 Day 3 (Prank)
Summary: When Nella decides to pull a mean prank on her brothers, Kent and Justin get their revenge, reminding their little sister what happens when she pranks them.
Word Count: 1997
"Come on, guys!" Nella exclaimed, storming down the hall, "It was just a prank!"
"We know it was, Nell." Justin said, racing after his sister.
"But now it's our turn!" Kent said, sprinting beside his brother.
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Nella had gotten into trouble. Big trouble. With her brothers. Don't worry, she didn't do anything wrong. Well, according to her brothers, she did. What did Nella do you ask? She pulled a prank on them, a very good but also mean prank. Both Kent and Justin, though they aren't brothers by blood, both of them are terrified of rats. When Justin was growing up on the streets, he would scavenge for food and would often get bit and attacked by rats. In Kent's case, he didn't like the possible diseases and germs they carried. Being the "ever-so-innocent" mage she is, Nella decides to conjure some magic rats to scare her brothers. But how did she lull her brothers into her trap? Call them for help with something small.
Nella called Kent and Justin to help her take something down from a shelf, and when Kent moved the item to the side, he was met with a furry face. Kent had screamed and collapsed onto his brother in a state of panic. When Justin heard the word "rat" spill from his brother's lips, Justin was horrified. She was nowhere in sight when the brothers turned to their sister for assistance. Nella had snuck out of the room, closed the door, and locked it. Using magic, she made rats appear in the locked room with her brothers. The rats varied in size, from as small as a field mouse to as big as a house cat. Nella collapsed to the floor laughing as she heard her brothers shrieking in fear, banging on the door, begging to be let out. The rats were utterly harmless, but Kent and Justin didn't care. However, when Nella heard wisps of magic near the lock, her heart skipped a beat. The youngest of the Laverre Siblings jumped to her feet and dashed down the hall, hearing her brothers' footsteps behind her. And that's where we find ourselves now.
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Nella panted as she turned down a corridor and stopped to catch her breath.
"I've gotta hide," she said between pants, "But where?"
When she heard her brothers' footsteps get louder, Nella ducked inside the nearest room and closed the door quietly. When she looked around, she saw one of the maids putting away some papers and books on the shelves.
"Lady Nella?" she questioned, "Is everything-?"
Nella quickly shushed her before her heart dropped. When she heard the door open, her eyes widened when she heard a pair of dark chuckles.
"Ms. Marron, can you give us the room please?" Kent asked.
"Of course, Milords," she said with a bow, "Is everything alright?"
"Everything is splendid, right, Nella?" Justin asked, eyeing his sister with a dangerous yet playful Cheshire grin.
Nella shuddered, knowing that if she didn't play along, it would be worse for her. She turned to the maid and nodded with a wobbly smile. Marron bowed before leaving the small study and closing the door. Playful tension filled the air as Kent reached behind him and locked the door with his magic.
"Okay, Nella, we're only gonna ask you this one time," Kent began, stepping closer to his sister, "Depending on your answer will determine if we show you some mercy or no mercy at all."
The young mage nervously giggled as she backed away from her older brothers. As Nella backed up, she tripped over her foot and fell back onto the carpeted floor. Before she could stand, Justin pounced on her and pinned her arms above her head.
"Here's the question, dear sister," Kent asked, kneeling beside his younger siblings, "Did you mean to scare us half to death with those... disgusting creatures?"
When he asked this, Kent placed a hand on Nella's stomach, patiently drumming his fingers. This made Nella giggle and squirm slightly.
"Already giggling and squirming, huh, sis?" Justin asked, "We haven't even started yet."
"What's the point anyway?" Nella asked with a chuckle, "I'll still get tickled no matter my answer."
"We weren't gonna tickle you, Nell," Kent lied with a grin, "But since you've given us such a wonderful idea, I think that's a perfect alternative to our original idea, right, Justin?"
The black-haired boy nodded.
"So, what's your answer, Nella?" Justin asked.
Nella felt butterflies in her stomach as she glanced between her brothers. She knew the outcome; she just wanted some adrenaline before her laughter drained it. Nella took a deep breath before staring at her brothers with a cocky grin.
"Of course, I meant to scare you guys half to death," Nella said truthfully with a playful attitude, "You two share a common fear, and I know you two would do anything to help lil' ol' me. Two birds, one stone, as they say."
The brothers were surprised by their sister's honesty, but that doesn't deviate from her attitude. Kent and Justin turned to each other and shared a nod.
"So, do you want to go first, Justin?" Kent asked.
"After you, Kent." Justin said, tightening his grip.
When Nella heard this, she squealed and dissolved into adorable giggles when Kent started kneading her stomach.
"Kehehehent! Ahahahaaa!" Nella giggled, "Nohohoho!"
"What's wrong, sis?" Kent asked, "It's just a prank."
Nella giggled and squirmed in Justin's grip, but she wasn't going anywhere.
"Youhuhuhuhu said you wohohohould go eheheheasy on meehehehee!" Nella exclaimed.
"Depending on your answer, yes," Justin said, "While you did tell the truth, you had a bit of sass, so in that regard, we're not going to show any mercy, sis!"
Justin released his sister's hands and started drilling into her sides, causing Nella to shriek and giggle louder, kicking her legs in an attempt to get away from her brothers. Nella laughed as she latched onto Justin's wrists to try and break free.
"Justin, nohohohoho!" Nella giggled, "That really tihihihihihickles!"
"I'd sure hope so," Justin said, "This is what you get for pranking us, Nella!"
Nella wriggled around as her brothers tickled her senseless.
"Ahahahaha! Come ohohohon! It wahahas just ahaha prank!" Nella giggled.
"We know it was, Nell," Kent said, "We're just getting our revenge."
Nella tried to roll on her side, but having her elder brother straddle her made it very difficult.
"Kehehehehent! Juhuhuhustin!" Nella giggled, "Ahahaha! Nahahaha!"
"What's wrong, Nella?" Justin asked, raking his fingers against her ribs, "Can't take it?"
Nella let out a snort before muffling her giggles with her hands. The snort alone made the older boys laugh along with their sister.
"Plehehehehease! This ihihihihisn't fahahahahair!" Nella cackled.
"This is totally fair," Kent said, "You prank us, we tickle you. It's a win-win."
"He who laughs first laughs last, as they say, dear sister." Justin said.
Nella tried to push away her brothers' hands, but her laughter drained her energy.
"Y'know, Nella, if you apologize for that oh-so-very mean prank, maybe we'll show a little mercy," Kent offered, "What do you say?"
"Whyhyhyhy would I apologihihihihize for thahahahat?" Nella questioned.
"Sounds like someone needs some convincing," Justin said, eyeing his brother, "Shall we, Kent?"
The brown-haired man stopped his tickling and nodded. Justin stopped his tickling and got off his sister, quickly grabbing her wrists and holding them above her head. Kent smirked down at Nella as he straddled her.
"Last chance, Nella," Kent began, positioning his hands by her exposed armpits, "Are you going to apologize?"
Nella tried to yank her arms down, but Justin had a firm grip. She glanced between her brothers with a wobbly smile and giggled nervously.
"U-Uhuhuhum... n-nohoho..." Nella said nervously.
The brothers knew their sister was enjoying this, and they were, too. Kent and Justin chuckled and flashed evil grins at their sister.
"Is that so?" Justin questioned.
"Well, more fun for us, then!" Kent said.
Nella screamed with laughter when Kent's fingers attacked her armpits.
"Why? Does it tickle?" Kent asked.
Nella couldn't respond as she scraped her heels against the carpet.
"JUSTIHIHIHIHIH! LEMME GOHOHOHOHOOOO!" Nella laughed, tugging at her arms.
Justin pretended to think as he playfully shook his sister's arms. The brothers shared a knowing look and smiled.
"Alright, if you say so." Justin said, releasing his sister's arms.
Nella immediately dropped her arms to the side, trying to push out Kent's fingers, only realizing this made the tickling worse.
"I'm afraid I cannot, dear sister," Kent teased, "You trapped my hands; I guess I have no choice but to tickle you here~"
Nella latched onto Kent's wrists and tried to lift her arms to pull them out, but this only made the tickling worse.
"You know how to stop this, Nella," Justin said, poking his sister's nose, "Just apologize and we'll show mercy."
"Stubborn, stubborn," Kent said, "Don't make me use my magic on you."
Kent slipped out one of his hands and held it up, wiggling his fingers as ruby-red magic wafted from his hand. Nella squealed when she saw her brother's hand and tried to push it away from her as it slowly descended to her armpit.
"With pleasure!" Justin said happily.
Justin chuckled as he took Nella's wrist and held her arm above her head. When Nella tried to use her other hand to dislodge her wrist, she kept gluing it back to her side because Kent's other hand was tickling her.
"Apologize, sis." Kent said, his hand getting closer.
Nella growled through her laughter as she tried to escape her brothers. When the young girl didn't answer, Kent shrugged before lightly clawing at Nella's exposed armpit. A stream of silent laughter flowed from her lips as she flopped around like a fish out of water. The brothers couldn't help but laugh along. Kent's magic made the tickling a lot worse.
"Apologize, and I will." Kent said casually.
Nella was having the time of her life, and her brothers knew it. They would do this to her all the time growing up and could always tell when Nella was nearing her limit. If Nella started to get uncomfortable, she would've asked them to stop ages ago, but not once had she asked them to do that.
"It was just a prank, she says," Justin said suddenly, "I nearly fainted seeing one of those critters crawling up my leg."
Hearing that only made Nella laugh louder.
"So, what's it gonna be, Nella?" Kent asked, "Are you gonna apologize or die from laughter?"
Nella laughed her heart out as she tried to escape her brothers. While she didn't want to cut this little ordeal short, she knew if this went on any longer, she would start feeling faint.
Kent and Justin grinned, and everything came to a halt. Justin released her, and Kent stopped the tickling. Nella lay beneath her brothers, panting slightly.
"So, have you learned your lesson?" Kent asked.
"Heheh... nohohope." Nella giggled between pants.
Justin let out a hearty laugh as he ruffled his sister's hair. When the boys stood up, Kent extended a hand to his sister, and Nella gladly took it. The young girl sighed as she pushed back her hair.
"Well, that was certainly fun." Justin said, crossing his arms.
Kent and Nella agreed with nods.
"Come on, you two," Nella said, taking her brothers' hands, "Let's get some ice cream!"
The brothers giggled at their sister's sudden suggestion as they were dragged out of the room and towards the kitchen. Let this be a lesson to all: don't prank the Laverre Brothers and not expect retaliation.
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raven-6-10 · 8 months ago
I have found a fic! And it's awesome!
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by scrawly_times
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum; Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia; Gladiolus Amicitia & Noctis Lucis Caelum; Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia
Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum; Prompto Argentum; Gladiolus Amicitia; Ignis Scientia; Iris Amicitia
Additional tags: Established Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum; Pre-Polyship Roadtrip; in my heart of hearts; you can read it without ot4 vibes too; Trans Female Character; Princess Noctis; Trans Noctis Lucis Caelum; Trans Woman Noctis Lucis Caelum; Coming Out; trans awakening; Gender Non-Conforming Prompto Argentum; Best Big Brother Gladdy; Internalized Transphobia; Kinda; Gender Identity; Light Angst; Fluff; so many good feelings inside i teared up multiple times writing
It all starts with a pair of star earrings that Noctis can't quite look away from. Or maybe it started much much earlier, when Luna got to wear pretty dresses and Noctis didn't. Or maybe it was when Gladio started calling Noctis Princess as a joke that didn't really land. Maybe it began with goth clothes and guyliner. It's impossible to pinpoint an exact moment when Noctis's egg began cracking. She just knows that when it actually cracked that fucker split wide open.
A story about how sometimes gender isn't about feeling wrong, but about feeling very right.
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sjsmith56 · 1 year ago
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The Future - Part 24, From There to Here - Bucky Barnes One Shots
Summary: Told from the POV of Bucky’s girlfriend, she reminisces about meeting the super soldier and falling in love with him. On a motorcycle drive they tour a house where Bucky asks her some important questions. A few months later, as they are leaving their wedding venue, she has an encounter with an old man who apparently knew her grandmother and also Bucky when he was young. Bucky arrives just in time to speak with the man before he mysteriously disappears.
Length: 5.3K
Characters: June (Bucky’s girlfriend), Sam Wilson, Ingrid (Sam’s girlfriend), Joaquin Torres, Steven Grant.
Warnings: If you haven’t read the other one shots in this collection you may be confused by some of the references. Even though the one shots all stand alone there was a common thread linking them in one way or another. Otherwise, this one shot is very sweet and fluffy.
Author’s notes: A strange thing happened while I was writing the 25th one shot, the part that should have ended this collection. It was supposed to be something that could stand alone but still tie this connected assortment of one shots together.  The more I wrote the more I realized that it wouldn't work with this collection but could work as the basis of a new novel, one that is still a work in progress. Titled "Stopping Winter" it takes place during and after World War II when future Steve Rogers returns to find Peggy and marry her ... at least that was the original plan.  Once he returns he realizes he may have to change his initial plans to improve his chances of saving Bucky.  I can tell you that at the end of that work you'll be able to read the mysterious letter that was given to June.   Her grandmother, Gladdie, who was referred to in the very first one shot of this collection will have a significant part in the book in its post war setting.  Hopefully, that will be enough to tempt readers to explore "Stopping Winter." You can access it on Wattpad, AO3 or FanFiction.net. My username on all three platforms is SJSmith56.
<<Part 23
Waking up next to Bucky Barnes is an experience.  First of all, the man is a cuddler, and if you are someone who likes that, like me, then it is the best thing in the world to wake up in the arms of an incredibly handsome super soldier.  He's also affectionate, always kissing me good morning, totally ignoring how I look or if I have morning breath because according to him, I am "the most beautiful woman he knows."  I'll take that and I believe it now because I believe in him, the man I fell in love with almost eight months ago. 
He started out as the new neighbour, who irritated me to no end when he used my paid parking space to park a truck filled with his belongings while he and his friend Sam moved Bucky into the apartment suite next door to mine.  But he quickly won me over with his good manners, compassion, and absolute drop-dead sexiness.  About 6 weeks after our meeting, we became lovers, and I began thinking of us as a couple.  Even though he still rented his apartment he practically lived here with me, and it was wonderful. 
I woke up first, on this weekend that I had off from my job as a librarian for the New Orleans Public Library.  For several minutes I laid in Bucky's arms enjoying the feeling of his strong arms enclosing me.  Carefully, I turned around so I could look at my guy, my boyfriend, the man I loved.  His strong features were calm, the little crease he often got between his eyes when he was concentrating was almost invisible; his thick dark lashes that covered his eyes, lashes that any woman would love to have, except his were courtesy of the super soldier serum, were peacefully staying closed.  Everything on Bucky's body was constantly repairing and replenishing itself, although grey hairs were now reappearing in his beard, a welcome sign of aging for him.
"You're watching me," he murmured.  "I can feel it."
"You do the same when you wake up first," I answered, then kissed him lightly on the lips.
"Now you've done it," he smiled as he pulled me closer.
The man was instantly ready for some morning love, another thing that I loved about him.  Before Bucky most of my encounters were laced with a sense that my partner was doing me a favour by being intimate with me.  But James Buchanan Barnes always made me feel like I was the centre of his universe, the one he worshipped before all others.  I never wanted that to end.
As he made breakfast for both of us later, he received a text on his phone, smiled and answered it. 
"Sam is moving in with Ingrid," he said.  "He wants help tomorrow with taking some things over to her place."
"She was hoping it would happen," I replied.  "You know she fell for him when he laid that shrimp boil out on this very table."
"When did you fall for me?" he asked.
"When you took me out for dinner for our first date," she said.  "You were such a gentleman and then that kiss just sealed the deal for me.  When are you going to move in with me?"
"I thought I was already," he answered.  Then he put his hands up when I began to counter that.  "I know I still have the apartment, but I didn't want to break the lease, just in case you tired of me and sent me packing."
"Never," I said, putting my hand on his.  "You're perfect, even with all of your imperfections."
He leaned back in a mock swoon.  "I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult."  Then he leaned towards me and put his face close to mine.  "I think you're pretty perfect, too.  Actually, I wanted to take you somewhere today.  What do you say to a ride on the motorcycle?"
"Okay," I said, slightly puzzled.  "Where are we going?"
"Just want to look at something," he said.  "It's near Audubon Park.  We can go to the zoo after, if you want."
How could I say no?  Audubon Park was one of my happy places.  After cleaning up the breakfast dishes Bucky helped me put my leather jacket on, the one he bought me so we could ride his motorcycle together.  Then we stopped at his apartment to pick up the motorcycle helmets.  He was always making sure I was dressed properly for a ride on his Harley.  Soon we were on our way, enjoying the clear skies and open roads.  About half a block from the larger part of Audubon Park, Bucky pulled up in front of an off-white stucco covered two story home.  Waiting for me to dismount first Bucky pulled his helmet off and looked up at it, then at me.
"What do you think?" he asked.  "I've been thinking of buying a house and this one just appealed to me."
"You're thinking of buying this?" I confirmed, then looked at the other houses.  "Bucky, this is one of the nicer areas in New Orleans.  That looks like a big house.  Are you sure you need that much?"
"Well, I don't know," he replied.  "I could always have roommates."  I gave him a look which made him laugh.  "I get along with people."
Behind us a car pulled up and a woman got out of the car approaching us. 
"Good morning, Mr. Barnes," she said, then looked up at the house.  "I'm Janet Dufour.  You're right on time."
"Hi Janet, this is my girlfriend June Roberts," he said.  "I like the look of the outside but it's the inside that counts.  Can we get the tour?"
"Certainly," she said, stepping to the fence and opening it for us. 
After keying in a code on the lockbox Janet unlocked the door for us and allowed us to step in first. As she began describing the house, I looked at Bucky, noticing the soft smile he had on his face.  The place was absolutely stunning, with beautiful hardwood floors throughout, two staircases up to the second floor, and an open plan feel that still respected the character of the home originally built in 1943.  The kitchen was modern, with a gas range, and stainless-steel appliances, having been remodelled just a couple of years previously.  There was a living area, dining area, a large family room, a guest bedroom and a full bathroom on the main floor.  Opening the door to the back yard Janet showed us there was a covered porch, grassy area, patio and a two-car garage off a back alley, apparently a rarity for this area.  Upstairs were four bedrooms of varying sizes and two full bathrooms, one of them an ensuite for the master bedroom.  There was also an upstairs laundry room. 
"There is air conditioning throughout for our hot summers," added Janet, as we came back downstairs, "plus central heating for the cooler times.  We are in flood zone X, which didn't get flooded during Hurricane Katrina and although there is an increasing risk of flooding over the next 30 years more anti-flooding measures are being taken all the time.  There is a generator to keep up the power during blackouts, which, as you know, can happen during storm season, and the garage has solar panels on it.  The foundation has also been raised.  It's a beautifully maintained home and being so close to Audubon Park is in a very desirable area."
"Thank you," said Bucky, smiling his charming smile at her.  "Do you mind giving us some privacy so June and I can talk?"
"Not at all," she replied.  "I'll be out on the back porch."
"What do you think?" he asked, after Janet left us.  "I like it."
"We didn't ask the price," I said, starting for the door to ask Janet.
"I already know it," he replied, calmly.  "$1,350,000."
My jaw dropped as did my heart.  As we were walking through the house, I could see us in there, see us with a family, maybe a dog.  I pictured us going for walks in Audubon Park, or down to the levee that was on the nearby Mississippi River.  He just looked at me with a kind look on his face, as I guess a whole range of emotions were playing over mine.
"June," his voice was soft.  "Do you like the house?"
"I love it, but we can't afford it," I said, trying not to sound disappointed.  "I mean, you can't afford it, can you?"
"If I could afford it, would you marry me?" he asked. 
"Bucky, I would marry you whether you could afford it or not," I replied, then saw he was holding something out to me in his fingers.
"So, you don't care if we live in a one-bedroom apartment, or a grand five-bedroom house like this one," he confirmed.  "You'll marry me either way?"
It was an engagement ring, and I began to cry.  "Is that what this is all about, a proposal?" I stammered.  He nodded, then gently took my hand and poised with the ring at my fingertip, waiting for my answer.  "Yes!" I exclaimed, nodding my head.  "I want to marry you."
"Good," he said, sliding it on.  "The house is ours if you want it.  I have the money.  I just didn't really want to use any of my settlement to buy one until I found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with."
At that point I threw my arms around his neck, and we kissed, with me crying while he chuckled.  I could feel his hand lift from my back and heard the door to the back yard opening, followed by Janet entering.  I turned towards her, wiping my eyes.
"I take it she said yes to the proposal and the house?" she asked, grinning.
"Yes," answered Bucky.  "Give them the offer I discussed with you, in cash, closing date as soon as possible after the inspection is done."
"Will do," she said.  "I'll just get the offer sheet from my car.  Congratulations.  It is a beautiful home, just waiting for the right couple to begin their life together."
We were alone again, and Bucky was kissing away the tears that were still on my face.  "I love you," he said softly.  "You're exactly what I wanted in a woman; smart, beautiful, affectionate, and so many other qualities that I can't even begin to list.  You do want kids, right?"
I nodded, still a little overcome with the emotion.  "The long bedroom upstairs would be perfect for a nursery.  I pictured nursing a baby in there.  When do you want to get married?"
"Soon," he said.  "We'll go over to the zoo but stop at the Tree of Life.  It's one of my favourite spots in the city and apparently you can get married there.  Then we'll have a big party at a unique place."  He looked down for a moment, seemingly embarrassed.  "You can say no if you don't agree but I kind of want it at the World War II Museum.  We could have a swing orchestra playing 1940s tunes.  Those guests who were military could wear their dress uniforms."
As I watched his face light up, I realized how much it would mean to him to honour his pre-Winter Soldier past.  The thought of him wearing his uniform intrigued me.
"Would you wear your uniform?" I asked.
He smiled that charming smile of his again.  "I think the Smithsonian has it," he replied.  "I would have to ask them if I could borrow it.  It would probably have to be let out because I grew after the serum."
"Or maybe you can find someone who could make you a new one," I suggested.  "Those old wool ones would be torturous to wear in the heat and humidity here.  I would like to see you in uniform, after all that I read about what a ladies' man you were, back in the day."
Janet came back inside interrupting our repartee.  She entered all of our information on the purchase offer, and we signed it, then shook her hand and went back out to the motorcycle.  Once again, Bucky made sure I was buckled up properly and my helmet tightened just right.  Getting on behind I held him around his waist.  Just a few minutes later we parked in the zoo parking lot and walked over to the Tree of Life.  Sam and Ingrid were there, waiting under the massive old oak tree.
"Well?" asked Sam, apparently knowing what was supposed to happen.
I held up my hand, showing off the ring and was immediately hugged by him and Ingrid. 
"She loved the house," said Bucky, a smug grin on his face. 
Ingrid hugged him next while Sam gave him the more manly pound hug.  After confirming that the couple were willing to be our best man and maid of honour we explored the Tree of Life as the site for the wedding ceremony.  It really was beautiful, full of natural beauty and majesty.  Bucky explained that it would have to be a quick civil ceremony as the city would only give us an hour's time frame for the wedding.  We also had to accept that we didn't have exclusive use as it was a public park, and anyone could wander by while the ceremony was going on.  He looked at me in anticipation as I stood underneath one of the massive branches, looking up at the sun peeking through the leaves.
"I want to get married here," I said decisively.  "It's beautiful."
All those gooey commercials and sappy movies showing the man lifting his fiancée off the ground and twirling her around in the air before lowering her for a romantic kiss were forgiven at that moment as Bucky easily lifted me up.  With laughter he twirled us around in a complete circle before lowering me and kissing me tenderly.  Sam and Ingrid just watched, with happy faces for both of us.  It really was an unbearably sweet moment, and I loved every part of it, as I gazed at those blue eyes on that incredibly handsome face of this man who made me feel more loved than anyone.
Together the four of us strolled through the zoo, trying to come up with a plan to get a wedding organized quickly.  Bucky brought up the war museum idea for the reception and Sam actually thought it was a good idea. 
"There are several of us Avengers with military backgrounds, and proud of it," he said.  "Maybe we could even make it a bit of a 1940s dress up event, like the Christmas party.  Listen, why don't we talk more about it when you two help me move in with Ingrid tomorrow?"
It was agreed to discuss it more the following day and we spent the rest of the afternoon at the zoo and Audubon Park, even having a tasty hot dog lunch in one of the zoo food areas.  The next morning Bucky dropped me off at Ingrid's, taking my car to Sam's.  Together we went through her clothes, discarding some older garments to make room in the closet for Sam's clothes.  He was also bringing some furniture and we shifted her furniture arrangement to make room for it as she knew the dimensions.  When the guys came back, Joaquin Torres was with them, currently the Falcon.  We had met a few times and I liked his energy.  He was such an upbeat guy.  As soon as he brought in some of the boxes of clothes he came right up to me, giving me a hug.
"Congratulations," he said.  "I heard about the engagement.  Let's see what kind of rock Bucky gave you."
His eyes lit up when he saw the ring and he hugged me again, seemingly just as excited as I had been the day before.
"Hands off my fiancée, fly boy," growled Bucky as he entered carrying a chair. 
"Aw, Sarge, I'm just happy for both of you and you wouldn't let me hug you," pouted the younger man, after giving me a conspiratorial wink.  "So, June got both hugs."
After putting the chair down Bucky stood up tall and straight looking down at the shorter Joaquin.  With an audible sigh he offered his hand to the younger man and gave him a quick pound hug.
"That's all that Sam gets," he stated.  "Don't expect it to be a usual thing."
With a cheeky grin Joaquin headed down to get the next load of possessions.  I offered my arms to Bucky, and he stoically accepted them, really milking the strong and silent stereotype for all it was worth.  We all knew the truth about him, and he knew we did.  After a couple of hours of unloading and unpacking Sam was finally officially moved in and he thanked all of us.
"What do you say to another shrimp boil and some beer?" he asked.  "Delancey's has a good one and their beer is always cold."
Bucky drove my car again, with me in the front and Joaquin in the back.  He asked if we could stop somewhere, as he promised his girlfriend something from one of the unique shops in New Orleans.  Bucky made it known it was a big imposition, but he stopped at the place.  While Joaquin was in the shop Bucky took the time to kiss me, then played with my hair while he gazed at me.  When it seemed like Joaquin was taking an awfully long time Bucky opened his car door, just as the younger man stepped out of the shop, holding up the bag like it was a trophy.
"Sorry, it took so long," he said.  "When I called they said they had one in stock but it wasn't on the shelf when I got here so they had to go looking for it.  I didn't realize it was taking so long otherwise I would have come out and told you."
"Right kid," sighed Bucky. 
We pulled up at a packed Delancey's, wondering if we could get in but Sam texted that they were already inside.  As we stepped into the lively place there was a big cheer and I realized it was an engagement party for us, as I saw several of my friends and work colleagues there with beers already in their hands.  There were other Avengers there as well, coming forward with hugs for me and handshakes for Bucky although the women gave him hugs as well.  He looked at me once we got through the gauntlet and shrugged.
"I had nothing to do with this," he said.
"That's right, you didn't," declared Sam, with a grinning Ingrid by his side.  "We knew it was coming, and Ingrid assured me there was no way June was saying no so we organized a party for you, complete with shrimp boil and beer."
When the food was laid out on a long table that stretched from the front to the back of the bar, loaded with more shrimp, sausage, potatoes and corn than I had ever seen in my life, everyone grabbed a spot and began eating.  Just like the party at my place there was no sound except the loud background music from the jukebox and the contented sounds of people eating, moaning and groaning at the sheer ecstasy of buttery juices falling down their chins from the perfectly cooked food onto the newsprint covered table below them.  It was an event that was talked about for ages, and repeated a year later when ... well, that's another story.
After eating every last morsel of food, the bar staff came to clean up, bringing wet wipes and paper towels galore to all of us, carrying garbage bags with them to take away the discarded shrimp shells and bare cobs.  The tables were relocated to open up a dance floor and the music was cranked up.  It was loud Cajun music then it suddenly stopped, and Sam stepped forward.
"We picked a song for Bucky and June to dance to," he said to everyone.  "It probably came out after he shipped out for Europe in 1943 but it's something those of us who know you have seen happen right in front of us.  Bucky, being the good dancer he claims he was, should be able to do a few turns of this with his girl."
As the strains of People Will Say We're in Love began, Bucky smiled.  "I can dance to this."
Just like in those romantic movies he began to lead me across the floor, showing everyone what a light-footed dancer he was.  We were in our own world, just us two, on the dance floor as that beautiful song enveloped us in its magic.
The magic was repeated two months later when we danced our first dance to the same song at the wedding reception at the National World War II Museum.  Bucky wore his replica uniform that the Smithsonian had actually custom made for him.  He even cut his hair and had a close shave that took years off, making him look much younger.  I found a flirty forties style wedding dress with lace shoulders that I loved as soon as I put it on.  As he twirled me around the dance floor the skirt swished around my legs, making me feel like a modern-day Ginger Rogers.
It had been a beautiful day for a wedding as the perfect weather had just enough breeze to keep the humidity and heat at bay.  The ceremony at the Tree of Life was meaningful and we both cried a little during the vows.  Afterwards, Bucky hugged everyone and I mean everyone.  He was so happy, making me feel like our marriage was the culmination of all his dreams.  Certainly, marrying him was the culmination of all of mine.  We took pictures at Audubon Park then relaxed at our new home with the wedding party and some few close friends before the reception.  It was wonderful.
The limousine dropped us off at the museum and it was everything Bucky pictured in his mind when he thought of having the reception there.  The aircraft and vehicles that were on display above us and around the space lent a retro feel to it.  There were several young women dressed in period appropriate costume for pictures with the guests.  The decorations were done to match the banners and decorations of 1943.  A thought occurred to me and I leaned close to Bucky when we sat at the head table.
"I really like this," I said.  "It doesn't bring back bad memories?"
A wistful smile crossed his face.  "No, it really doesn't," he admitted.  "It reminds me of before I shipped out, when wearing the uniform meant you were part of something big.  I wasn't looking for it but I know of many marriages that started at a dance at a base, or at a war bonds rally.  It was a more innocent time, I guess.  Until we got on the battlefields and found a different reality."
I squeezed his hand, receiving a kiss on the cheek for my concern, setting off a round of spoons tapped against the water glasses asking for more kissing from us.  We both happily obliged, still caught up in the adrenaline of our new status.  During the speeches Ingrid told some stories about me; Sam told some stories about Bucky; people laughed.  With a full live swing orchestra our first dance as husband and wife made me feel like the star of an old musical as my handsome soldier twirled me around the dance floor.  Between the time of first hearing People Will Say We're in Love at the bar then dancing to it at our wedding Bucky found out it was from the musical Oklahoma.  We watched the Gordon MacRae, Shirley Jones movie at home and for a week afterwards I had to deal with Bucky getting up singing Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' in his loudest voice to get me out of bed.  It would have been irritating if it wasn't so cute.  Our marriage was going to be so much fun.
As the evening went on we did the usual cake cutting, throwing of my garter and the bouquet.  It's a secret who caught them because they just moved in together and were very emphatic that they were taking things slow.  Funny how they disappeared for about half an hour after.  After that things changed as the older people (not including Bucky) began taking their leave.  The younger people began asking for newer music so Bucky and I decided to leave for our wedding night so the others could have their music.  As we waited outside for the limousine Bucky was called in to sign for some additional alcohol, as our guests were a thirsty bunch.  While I stood on the curb an elderly man approached me, walking in from the parking lot.
"Is this the Barnes / Roberts wedding?" he asked, then laughed at his own question.  "Of course it must be.  You look just like your great grandmother."
"You knew her?" I asked, as she had been dead for twenty years. 
"I knew her very well," he replied.  "Gladdie was one of a kind."
He must have known her because she was known as Gladdie to her friends.  Only those who didn't know her called her June.  I turned to him and took his hands.
"What's your name?"
"Steven Grant," he said.  "I first met Gladdie during the war, in England.  Then she met a friend of mine at a dance.  Small world.  But that's not important.  I just wanted to give my regards to you and to your husband.  I knew him back in the day as well, although I doubt that he remembers me.  It was so long ago, and he's been through so much since then."  He looked at his watch and frowned.  "I have to be going as I only have a few minutes."
"Bucky will just be a moment," I pleaded, sure that Bucky would want to meet with him.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I really have to go," he said, his face showing his sadness, then he reached inside his jacket and pulled out an envelope.  "But if you could give him this, I would greatly appreciate it."
I took the envelope from him and turned to see if Bucky was coming.  When I turned back Mr. Grant was already walking away from me. 
"Wait, please!" I called to him but he just waved his hand and walked to a part of the parking lot that was in shadow.  Bucky came out of the door and I grabbed him, pointing out Mr. Grant to him.  "He knows you, Bucky.  He said he knew my great grandmother."
Leaving me on the curb, Bucky ran after him and called out to the old man. 
"Hey, mister, wait!" he yelled, before pulling up just a few feet from him. 
Mr. Grant turned around and I wish I was in a position to see Bucky's face but the old man had the biggest smile on his.  Bucky lifted him up in a hug then gently put him down and the two men talked for a moment.  The old man got misty eyed and I could tell he was ready to leave.  Bucky stepped away a few steps and Mr. Grant stood straight and tall, as Bucky saluted him, a salute he returned.  Then the strangest thing happened.  A sparkling circle appeared behind Mr. Grant, growing in size until it was larger than him.  With another wave of his hand, he stepped inside the circle and it closed leaving Bucky alone in the dark parking lot.  His shoulders slumped and I was worried about him, so I quickly walked over to where he stood in the dark.  He wasn't crying but he did look somewhat sad.  Placing my hand on his shoulder made him turn around and he grasped me, surrounding me with his arms.
"It was him," he said, his voice muffled as he buried his face in my neck.  "It was Steve, the one who went back.  He did it.  The Bucky in that timeline never became the Winter Soldier."
I held him closely, letting him deal with the conflicting feelings of grief, happiness, and envy.  He had shared with me how Steve Rogers had recognized a letter received in the 1990s by Rebecca, Bucky's sister, apologizing for not being able to rescue Bucky, as being written by himself.  It was his and Rebecca's belief that he went back to rescue Bucky but hadn't been successful, resulting in a never-ending loop where his original self kept waking up in 2011 after so many years of being frozen, even while his returned self was in the past, seemingly reluctant to interfere with that Steve's fate.  He wanted to keep trying, even though Bucky wanted him to stay. 
After Steve left and Rebecca died Bucky kept that secret until just a few weeks ago when he told me.  He knew it wouldn't change his past but he always wondered if Steve had finally been successful for at least one Bucky in the multiverse.  In my hand was the letter that Steve said to give to him and I pulled away showing it to my husband.  Several moments passed before he took it from my hand and looked at the writing on the front.  Then he slipped it inside his jacket pocket and kissed me.
"I'll read it later," he said, then he offered me his arm and we walked back to the curb in front of the museum. 
The sound of loud modern music bled out of the building as we waited silently for the now late limousine.  When it arrived, the driver apologized profusely as he had experienced a flat tire.  He opened the door for us, and Bucky assisted me in getting in before stepping inside himself.  We had already decided to spend our wedding night at home as we didn't need a fancy hotel room to feel special.  Bucky made me feel special every day and he said the same about me.  On the drive to our house, he put his arm around me and kissed the side of my head.
"Thank you for saying yes," he whispered.  "Thank you for agreeing to a life with me."
I thanked him for being the good man I had waited for.  When we arrived at the house he paid the driver a cash tip, believing that the limo being late allowed him to experience the few moments with Steve.  He stepped out of the car and offered me his hand as I got out, ever the gentleman.  Then he inputted the security code on the door and we stepped inside.  We kissed each other tenderly in the darkness of the foyer, then my husband picked me up in his arms, his strong arms that would never let me fall, and carried me upstairs to our bedroom, where we began the future of our life together.
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the-earth-refused-to-die · 1 year ago
I am trying. To write more Reversed. But I am at the hardest part (Gladdie just dodged almost dying and she MAD)
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ffxvficrec · 8 months ago
by scrawly_times It all starts with a pair of star earrings that Noctis can't quite look away from. Or maybe it started much much earlier, when Luna got to wear pretty dresses and Noctis didn't. Or maybe it was when Gladio started calling Noctis Princess as a joke that didn't really land. Maybe it began with goth clothes and guyliner. It's impossible to pinpoint an exact moment when Noctis's egg began cracking. She just knows that when it actually cracked that fucker split wide open. A story about how sometimes gender isn't about feeling wrong, but about feeling very right. Words: 11084, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Princess Noctis Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum , Gladiolus Amicitia , Ignis Scientia , Iris Amicitia Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum , Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia , Gladiolus Amicitia & Noctis Lucis Caelum , Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Established Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum , Pre-Polyship Roadtrip , in my heart of hearts , you can read it without ot4 vibes too , Trans Female Character , Princess Noctis , Trans Noctis Lucis Caelum , Trans Woman Noctis Lucis Caelum , Coming Out , trans awakening , Gender Non-Conforming Prompto Argentum , Best Big Brother Gladdy , Internalized Transphobia , Kinda , Gender Identity , Light Angst , Fluff , so many good feelings inside i teared up multiple times writing
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ankkalinna · 5 years ago
it feels to me gladstone has just kinda. lost relationships over time. in barks there used to be the implication gladstone had... acquaintances... not real friends, but he’d go to clubs and have hobbies and meet people... sure he is annoying so they want to get rid of him but he... has hobbies and social life outside of donald and his family
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He also used to have some apparent relationship to the Gander family, which just was never developed (to my knowledge. it’s not a thing in the modern day but possibly some non-Barks Western comics in the 60′s or something did more with it)
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Also early Gladstone had more of a relationship with scrooge as well, trying to impress him. a bunch of early non-barks comics did more with the gladstone&scrooge relationship than it’s mostly done these days.
then there’s daisy. i was never a fan of the donald/daisy/gladstone stories but at the very least in the early days it made... sense. sure, gladstone (and often donald) could be absolutely disgusting towards daisy, who was written more as a trophy than anything but there were... reasons for gladstone and daisy to hang out.
in modern times it’s generally toned down and daisy and donald’s relationship is more stable but when the fucked up elements are removed from the gladstone/daisy thing and not developed in any other way (usually) it’s just confusing why they hang out together at all.
i guess. gladstone’s relationship with fethry is something that has been developed more later but apart from that he doesn’t. have much going on and he has largely lost relationships... maybe it is a part of how gladstone is probably the most difficult duck comics character to write...
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If he runs into someone under the mistletoe, Gladio will kiss them, regardless of who they are. He'll ask permission, of course. Not surprisingly, all of the Chocobros have agreed the first round, and now make a big dramatic point of skirting around the plant if Gladdy's there.
Ravus and Aranea make it point to both be under the mistletoe with him, prompting Ignis to immediately take down the sprig as Luna and Prompto passed out from embarrassed cackling.
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fierycosmos · 6 years ago
FFXV: Gladio Meeting his Date
(I didn't know how to start the story off so i just sorta dropped right at the good stuff aka the action and when they meet)        Crowded ballroom and she accidentally gets shoved/knocked and trips over her feet (and length of dress doesn’t help), but Gladio catches her around the waist - leaning over her slightly as if he was dipping her while dancing “Careful there, it’s fortunate I was here” came a gruff voice of her savior, but she’s too preoccupied with how close she came to falling to meet his face. “Are you alright, miss?” “I’m so sorry - gods, I,” she begins to apologize for being so inappropriate and face her savior for the first time, but her eyes widen as she stares at the handsome man that has his hands clutched around her waist, and she is taken aback. “…hi.” The man can’t help but smile when she faulted in her apology. “Hi, are you hurt?” He asked, fighting his amusement to double check. “Uh, no, I’m okay, thank you…” She continues to hesitate while talking as he lifts her up straight, so she has to focus her attention to looking up at him, as he somewhat towered her even in heels. She looks around and sees that no one seemed to care or really take note of the action. Somewhat, relieved she turns back to thank her savior properly this time, but once again hesitates as she feels somewhat intimidated by his size and handsomeness. “Hi.” She spoke before thinking. “You said the already.” He acknowledges with a smirk. She blushes but bites the inside of her cheek to keep her composure – or rather regain her composure she lost. “… Yes, I did.” She admitted meekly. She takes a breath and then dares to meet his stare head on. “I’m Natalie.” “Gladiolus.” He introduces smoothly, as he nods his head. She smiled at his name. “Thank you, Gladiolus.” Her smile and composure grows. “No thanks required, no need for you to get so acquainted with the floor.” He insists with a grin, and she has bitten her tongue to prevent from laughing too loud at his joke, which he finds amusing. He then debates over something momentarily in his thoughts and leaving him to squeeze Natalie’s waist, which he was still holding onto – and it made her blush. “Though speaking of - how about a dance?” He suggested, as he moved one hand from her waist and moved it out towards the people who were dancing to the music from the orchestra. Her blush deepened. “That is, if you can manage.” He joked again, looking her up and down before gesturing to her feet. She held back an eye-roll.   “I believe I can manage,” she quipped, and it broadened Gladio’s grin. “Yes, I would like that.” She nods her head. Gladio grins and leads her with his hand still on her – though moving to the small of her back – before turning to face her and repositioning his hand on her waist again. He pulls her near and she blushes, but he’s only encouraged as he grabs her left hand and encompasses it into his larger one. She consciously makes the decision to keep her composure once more and places her right hand on his broad chest. She looks up at him, making sure that her doing so was okay, and he smirked at her – again, making her blush. They dance elegantly, that surprised Natalie to some degree, as she was worried that his large stature was cause her to be thrown around the dance floor. But he led her with grace and with a surprising gentleness that made her heart swoon. Seeing her physically relax – both in body and in her face – he took a few chances throughout the dance to spin her around before drawing her closely back to chest. He enjoyed the smile and deepening blush that appeared on her face. They made small talk throughout the motions until the third song they were dancing to ended. Natalie knew she needed a breather, as she was feeling herself too quickly falling for this man she merely met today, and knew if she kept dancing with him and letting him lead, she would do something foolish. “How about a rest?” She asked breathlessly. He stopped from spinning them around and before the fourth song began. She saw some hesitation and disappointment light he features momentarily before he regained his composure and quickly covered. “I don’t think I can keep spinning.” “Alright,” He agreed, though not fully. But despite his wariness of why she would want to stop, he decided to cover up his own nerves and doubts with some more humor. “It would be good not to trip again.” She blushed immediately again, feeling the blush creeping down her neck and towards her collarbone.   “Haha, right.” She cleared her throat and allowed Gladio to lead her from the center of the dance floor to the edge. “How about a breath of fresh air?” He suggested, and she almost physically sighed aloud, finding it great for the cool air to touch her burning skin, but she held back voicing her relief by biting her lip. “Sounds wonderful.” She sighed and smiled up at him, which he returned. He kept his hand on her lower back again and guided her towards the large windowed doorways that led to a balcony, which looked over the entire property of the palace. Though Natalie’s gaze was aimed at the sky, where she got a glorious view of the night sky and all the shimmering stars. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before.” “For good reason – I wouldn’t usually attend – though it’s for my brother.” “Oh yeah, and what’s so special about him?” “He’s a newly appointed Kingsglaive member, reason why we’re here tonight.” She smirks slightly. “Quite an honor, congrats.” Gladio tipped his head down at her in a gracious acknowledgment. “Thank you, Bernard has worked hard to get here.” She smiled to herself as she remembered the rigorous training she heard him going through and how he’d collapse onto the couch whenever she saw him. “Bernard? So you’re ‘butternut’?” “What?” Natalie froze and sputtered, her eyes rounding to the size of dinner plates. “You know about me?” “I recommended him. He’s an exceptional fighter worthy of being a Kingsglaive.” Gladio smiled confidently, which did little to put Natalie at ease. “Wow – well, then – please excuse anything you might have heard about me. I’m hoping most of them were lies.” She breathed out exasperatedly. Gladio let out a rich laugh that gave her goose bumps on her arms. Then again, that could be from the slight brisk air out on the balcony. “Haha, nothing horrible came up, I promise.” He mused, holding his hands up in a calming matter. She peered at him from the corner of her eye as she rested her elbows on the balcony’s ledge. “…I don’t believe you, but thanks for putting up a nice front.” She smiled jokingly and then returned her full attention to the view before them. A far off look appeared swimming in her eyes. There was a brief pause as the sounds of the night with crickets chirping from below and the whispering wind dancing around them. Natalie had not expected to have such a pleasant night. She came as a favor to her brother, and of course recognizes the hard work he’s put into being promoted. And yet here she was with a charming and handsome man that was barely working up a sweat to make her heart clench and her stomach do summersaults. “If you’re trying to figure out what he said, I swear – there’s no need to worry.”  Gladio spoke up after a beat, following her lead and leaning his elbows and forearms on the balcony’s ledge with leaning forward. He tried his best to read her face, and she began to blush again.   “No, it’s not that…” She breathed out a laugh and focused her gaze down towards the gardens below. She needed to hind her bashful expression, as she had been caught lost in thought – and she prayed he didn’t suspect she was lost in thought over him. “Whatever it is, I think I can take it.” Gladio challenged and nudged her elbow with his, and then never retracted it. Natalie blushed further at the consistent contact. Even if she couldn’t feel his skin from underneath his suit, she could tell he was well built. Thinking about him out of a suit made the blush she was sporting crawl down her neck and to the tips of her ears. Knowing she wouldn’t be able to keep it together much longer, she inhaled deeply and exhaled once she reached a decision. “Well, I have been trying to figure out a polite and subtle way at letting you know I’d like to see you again, but haven’t come up with anything.” She couldn’t meet his eyes. Of course she could feel his eyes on her, but she couldn’t work up the courage to see his reaction at such a bold statement. What made it worse was that Gladio didn’t immediately respond. “Heh,” He breathed out after a beat, and the noise made Natalie’s shoulders tighten. “Like you had to ask,” Gladio exhaled with a slight laugh. At that response, Natalie worked up the nerve to unfreeze herself and slowly turn her face towards Gladio’s again. She peered into his eyes and found immense sincerity and charm that she knew when she first met him. There was also a deep satisfaction exuberating from him. “Funny enough, I was waiting for a good time to ask you that myself.” Gladio admits with a smirk, as he positions his body so he was facing her fully this time, his shoulders ever broad. Natalie’s blush does not cease, but it doesn’t burn her as much as it did when caught up in the suspense of the moment previously. Despite Gladio confirming his interests in her were matched with hers, she looked down bashfully. She had no idea what to do no that the air had been cleared. Once again, Gladio was mystified by her bashfulness, but didn’t find her any less charming or enjoyable to be around. Though he didn’t want her hiding from him anymore. To get her attention, he moves away from the balcony’s ledge and moves to place a hand on her hip. He could feel her physically tense at the sudden contact, but did not falter in drawing her away from railing and closer to his chest. To his relief, she soon felt him relax in his light grasp as she once again was made to look up at him. A growing blush creeps from her cheeks to her ears, going from tinting them slightly to completely consuming them in a red glow. Gladio smiles at her reaction to his touch and decides to put his chances further. He brushed a loose strand of hair out of her face, even more satisfied at seeing her face completely in the glow of the moonlight. She froze when his eyes transfixed on her own. She gasped, as she forgot how to breathe. Feeling her chest slightly brush against his own, he smile morphs into a confident smirk and grows as he begins to lean in. She knew she was about to get lost into the moment, and she would savor it, but she still had a question on her lips she had to get out before she could have her breath taken away. She uses a free hand to place two fingers to Gladio’s lips. Gladio’s eyes were half-lidded at this point, but at her movement and gentle touch his eyes shot open in surprise and she almost felt bad when some sadness and doubt fluttered across his eyes.   “Tomorrow, dinner - 7?” She asked hesitantly. If Gladio’s eyes could widen further, they would have at how taken aback he was before smirking and squeezing the hand that was still clamped onto her waist. Her smile grows as she removes her fingers from his lips and moves to cup her hand around the side of his neck. The red of her blush leaks into her neck. She has never been so bold before meeting him, but she was glad she was taking such a chance as this.   “Meet me at the front of the castle.” Gladio almost whispered as he continued his path towards her face again. “Perfect.” She whispers as if it was a prayer and she places her other hand on his shoulder. Gladio smirks again for what would be the hundredth time that night since meeting her and closes the gap between them finally to kiss her. Immediately Natalie reciprocates – closing her eyes along with his – and moves the hand that was on his shoulder to join the other up to his neck and her hand goes to reach the hair behind his ear. At her actions, Gladio’s grip on her hip tightens once more while his other arm wraps it’s way around Natalie’s bare back, which brings her flush to his chest. After almost a minute of sharing kisses, each resonating with the same amount of passion and gentleness they both craved, they part and she looks up at him dreamily. Gladio’s smirk has not fazed. “Well, the night’s still young – and I’m not ready to let you go just yet.” Gladio says with a deep rumble that once again gave Natalie tingles. She moved her hands from his neck to his chest. “Who said I was going anywhere?” Natalie replies with a smirk of her own.   “Then let’s keep dancing” Gladio invites while stepping away too quickly for her liking but leaving an arm extended for her. She graciously with a big smile on her face nods her head and loops her arm with his. His other hand not busy linked with her arm finds her hands and he rhythmically rubs his thumb along the top of her hand. He guides her to the door back into the ballroom to continue their magical night.     
hi, so....i wrote this a while back, but i wanted to post here cuz it’s cute imo :3
it's not perfect as there's no beginning even but what i have feel substantial enough so here you go also this could be treated like an xreader story i just felt kinda the need to add a name to the girl because there were some specifics and i didn't want to put specifics on the reader aka you so i gave the girl a name aka Natalie but again - feel free to insert yourself when reading it hope you like this was fun i have similar scenarios for the other chocobros that i'll post comment please! 
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ok4ru · 14 hours ago
I actual have a Magia bracelet and did wear it today so this is a coincidence.
Magia gives up a mysterious vibe to me and he tries to be mysterious but can’t shut up lmao. I’m trying to write him a personality rn and Aegis till the day kingdom hearts four comes out I won’t be scrapping them anytime soon!
(So if people in the future are seeing this thing and saying stuff that I make without a character for them while writing this we don’t know crap about them bear with me.)
On Stella- IM BEGGING FOR WHATEVER NOMURA HAD PLAN FOR THE OG STELLA PLEASE USE AND MAKE HER USEFUL (I will scream and Rewrite kh4 if I have to!) As for her personality I just use the OG Stella personality and project what we know about ffxiii versus into her.
As for Aegis are you thinking about Ranpo?? (I haven't seen BSD in a hell of a lot of time so if I'm wrong plz forgive me) For me, he’s not forgettable only bc the fact he’s supposed to be the Gladio of the group…Not the Ignis. I thought Magia was gonna be in Gladdy role but he’s Prompto. Lmao, the beta Verum Rex altered my brain.
Also have you seen those clips?? I’m curious if not.
I have a question, what do you think of Stella (I like to call her that but I mean Nameless Star), Magia and Aegis?
Btw, I'm sorry if I fill ur inbox too much, I am just very excited to have some that likes Yozora as much as I do!!
NAHHHH I DONT HAVE PROBLEM IF YOU FILL MY INBOX!!! I love Finding ppl with the same Interest as me!!
I'm actually a big fan of magia, I wish there had been more moments in the KH3 manga and the trailer, it really looks so interesting, I have the HC that he personality It's like Daisuke's (moutwashing) and kel from omori! Although many of my friends call him "chuuya 2.0"
Abt stella, my queen. I need to know more about her and her real name omg I'm so excited to know if she will take a very important role in the plot of the next game, I hope she can meet Yozora again that will make me happy
Aegis ...I forget about him sometimes tho ☹️ but he looks really cool, he reminds me of a character from Bongu Stray Dogs, I just don't remember the name ....
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gladdyator18 · 5 months ago
You’ve Activated My Trap Hug - TickleTober2024 Day 11 (Hug)
Tailored to the fabulous @giggly-squiggily! Hope you enjoy!
Summary: When Ashton is visiting the Rosalina, he starts acting like a little brat, which isn't too uncommon. Luckily, Rosalina knows how to deal with brats like her boyfriend.
Word Count: 1417
It's no secret the Princess of Xiruthia and the heir to House Galileus are an item. It was quite a surprise when Ashton proclaimed his feelings towards Rosalina, but it all worked out when she did the same. The two love spending time together, messing with each other, and just being in the other's company. At times, Ashton is a bit of a brat and likes to annoy Rosalina whenever the urge strikes. Luckily, the princess knows how to deal with her bratty boyfriend.
It was a warm afternoon, and Ashton decided to visit his girlfriend at the palace. When he arrived, the guards and castle staff greeted him and directed the nobleman to where the princess was. In the palace's library, Rosalina had her nose stuck in a book, reading about how a siren fell in love with a knight. She sat in a small bay window overlooking the castle gardens and some of the kingdom below. When one of the guards opened the library doors, he cleared his throat to get the princess's attention.
"Pardon me, Your Highness," the guard said, "Lord Ashton is here to see you."
"Send him in." Rosalina said, not looking up from her book.
The guard bowed before stepping to the side to let the heir of House Galileus in. When Ashton saw his girlfriend reading, he chuckled as he approached her.
"Hey, Rosebud," Ashton said, "How've you been?"
"I've been well, Ash," Rosalina said, not looking up, "What about you?"
Ashton quirked a brow as he watched the princess read, not giving him any attention. The nobleman scoffed as he casually plucked the book from his girlfriend's hands.
"Wha-? Ashton, hey!" Rosalina exclaimed, reaching for the book, "I was reading that!"
"So you'd rather devote all of your attention to this book than your own boyfriend?" Ashton teased, "I must say, Your Highness, I'm wounded."
Ashton sighed dramatically as he did his best damsel in distress.
"What were you even reading anyway?" Ashton questioned, looking at the cover, "Making Waves and Changing Tides. Is this another romance story about knights and mermaids again?"
"N-No, it's not." Rosalina retorted, a faint blushing appearing on her cheeks.
Ashton chuckled as he set the book down and sat down next to the princess.
"Come on, Rosebud, it can't be that embarrassing," Ashton said, "I already know you like that stuff; why try to lie about it to me now?"
"S-Shut up!" Rosalina exclaimed, trying to hide her blush.
Ashton laughed and draped an arm over the princess's shoulder.
"Ahh, you love me Rosie Posie," Ashton teased, "And there ain't nothing you can do about it,"
"Ugh, you are so annoying." Rosalina said, feeling a smile creep on her face.
"Me? Annoying? Never."
Rosalina glared playfully at the nobleman and poked his cheek.
"Yes, you are." she said.
"You love me so much it makes you look stupid, but it also makes you look adorable." Ashton teased, poking Rosalina's nose.
Rosalina blushed when the nobleman called her adorable.
"Q-Quiet you..." she said sheepishly.
"Why don't you make me, Your Highness~" Ashton challenged with a chuckle.
As Rosalina glanced at her boyfriend with puffed-up cheeks, an idea came to mind, and a smile formed. Rosalina straightened her posture before standing up and sitting behind the nobleman. Then, she wrapped Ashton in a tight embrace. Ashton chuckled as he placed his hands over hers.
"Is this your way of getting me to shut up, Rosie Posie?" Ashton asked, chuckling.
"No," Rosalina began, positioning her hands, "But this is!"
Without warning, Rosalina started digging into the nobleman's sides, causing Ashton to flinch and chortle.
"Hehehehey! Rosahahaha!" Ashton giggled, "Cut it ohohohout! Hahahahahaa!"
"Nu-uh! You've been a mean little brat this whole time," Rosalina retorted, "And brats like you need to be taught a lesson."
Ashton tried to twist out of the princess's embrace, but he couldn't move; he was trapped.
"Hohohow are yohohohou this strohohohong?" Ashton questioned.
"How are you this weak?" Rosalina retorted.
Ashton tried to swat away his girlfriend's hands, but she easily dodged his hands and continued to tickle the nobleman senseless.
"Rosalinahahahahaha! Hehehehahaha!" Ashton giggled, "Come ohohohohon! Stahahahahap!"
"Are you gonna stop being a brat?" Rosalina asked.
"What dohohohoho you thihihihink?"
Rosalina sighed and rolled her eyes. With a swift movement, she kept one arm wrapped around the nobleman while using her other hand to tickle his armpit. Ashton squealed as he rocked back and forth in the princess's grasp, trying to escape, but he still marveled that his girlfriend was so strong.
"Aaahahahahaa! Rosahahahaha!" Ashton half-whined, "Plehehehehease! Knock it ohohohoff!"
"Y'know, I have to deal with bratty kids all the time, and this is how I keep them in check," Rosalina said, "I guess I need to try harder for you if I want to get my point across."
Ashton tried to dislodge his girlfriend's arm from around his middle, but it was barely budging.
"Rosebuhuhuhuhuhud! Get your hahahahand ohohohout!" Ashton giggled.
"Hmmm... nope," Rosalina said, "It's staying there until you've learned your lesson."
Ashton giggled as he tried to escape the princess's tickle hug.
"Aahahahahaha! Rosahahahaha!" Ashton cried, "Come ohohohon!"
"Are you gonna stop being a brat?" Rosalina asked again.
"Maybehehehehe! If you stohohohop, I'll thihihihihink about ihihihihit!"
Rosalina was surprised that the nobleman could still act like a brat. Rosalina sighed as she pulled her hand out from his armpit and wrapped her other arm around him, embracing him tighter.
"Sehehee? That wahahasn't so hahard, rihihihight?" Ashton questioned with a giggle.
"Who said I was done?" Rosalina asked.
A chill ran down the nobleman's spine. Rosalina then shifted her arms to hug Ashton by his shoulders. Then, Ashton yelped and started laughing. Rosalina giggled as she dug her nails into her boyfriend's shoulder blades, swaying with Ashton's attempts to escape.
"Why? Does it tickle, Ashy?" Rosalina questioned, "Does it tickle?"
"I don't know; you tell me. Tell me, Ashton, does it tickle if I do... this?"
By "this," Rosalina slipped her fingers past the nobleman's collar and started skittering his nails on his shoulder blades and neck, causing Ashton to squeal and reach up to try and pry away his girlfriend's arms and hands.
"Good," Rosalina said, "Maybe this will teach you not to be a brat."
Ashton felt himself grow weaker as he laughed and squirmed in the princess's grip.
"Are you gonna stop being bratty?" Rosalina asked.
When Ashton didn't answer, Rosalina brought out one of her hands, slipped it under the nobleman's shirt, and spidered her nails all over his side, making Ashton double over and lean back into his girlfriend's lap with a loud laugh.
Rosalina giggled as she stared at her boyfriend's happy face with loving eyes. His rosy cheeks, white smile, and adorable laughter made her swoon. When Rosalina stopped the tickling, she kissed the nobleman's lips. Ashton was shocked at first but pulled his girlfriend in closer. When they parted, Ashton sat up and pulled Rosalina into another kiss, which the princess gladly accepted. After they parted, Ashton took a deep breath before leaning back into the princess's lap.
"So, are you gonna promise not to be bratty?" Rosalina asked, playing with the nobleman's hair.
When Ashton hummed in thought, the princess tweaked his side, causing the nobleman to flinch away and chortle.
"Okay, okahahay!" Ashton giggled, "I'll try, but come on, Rosa; you love me when I'm bratty."
"So what if I do?" Rosalina questioned, "Gives me an excuse to tickle you."
The nobleman quirked a brow and sat up, glancing at the princess.
"What did you just say?" Ashton asked, feeling a smirk form.
The princess's eyes widened when she realized what she said.
"O-Oh, uh... nothing." Rosalina said.
"Did you just say it gives you an excuse to tickle me?" Ashton asked.
Rosalina blushed and turned away from her boyfriend's gaze with a nervous giggle. Then, Ashton wrapped his arms tightly around his girlfriend and pulled her into his chest. He chuckled as he leaned closer to her ear.
"You may have restrained me with your magic, but I don't need magic to keep you locked in place, Rosebud." Ashton teased.
Before Rosalina could protest, she squealed and produced bell-like laughter as the nobleman tickled her in retaliation. Tickle hugs sure are deadly, wouldn't you agree?
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iggys-sous-chef · 6 years ago
Gladnoct Week Day 1 Entry
Title: .in the comfort of your bed sheets.
Day 1 | Cuddly Gladdy
Rating: Teen
Summary: Gladio knows of the prophecies surrounding Noctis, knows what’s expected of the prince and himself as his Shield. Even though time is constant, carelessly slipping through their fingers, Gladio still acts as if it’s all they have.
My day one contribution to @gladnoctweek
Thanks to @tinyconfectionary and @dudewheresmytea for their beta and feedback! I probably wouldn't have shared this if not for them.
Gladiolus Amicitia is a complex man hidden behind an easy countenance. On the surface, others see him as a bit of a brute: all brawn and no brain. Gladiolus lets others underestimate him; in fact, he hopes they do. He can just as easily beat someone in a game of chess as he can an arm wrestling match. He can just as easily spend his leisure time flipping through a nude mag as he can reading the great war epics - but he prefers the epics, the pages lovingly dog-eared, anecdotes written in the margins, and his favorite passages known by heart. Noctis used to tease him for burying his nose in books long before he came to love the sound of his voice reciting lines in the quiet stillness of his bedroom.
Continue reading over at my AO3
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snaurus · 6 years ago
PROMPTS: gladnoctweek - cuddly gladdy
Pairings: Gladiolus Amicitia/Noctis Lucis Caelum Ratings: K+ Categories: Angst Warnings: Spoilers for the Omen Trailer & Chapter 10: The Heart of a King
Noctis is visited by a nightmare that isn’t a nightmare, if matters don’t change course soon. He’s seen it all happen before. 
My friends, at long last the time I’ve anxiously been waiting for is upon us: @gladnoctweek has officially started and for Day One: Cuddly Gladdy I bring you...sadness, hah hah. But there’s a very happy ending, I assure you! After all, Gladio’s arms are big enough to carry his sword, his shield, and his prince to a better state of mind. So it must be so. :’)
I recommend readers being familiar with the Omen Trailer and having played past Chapter 10 (aka: That Lover’s Tiff of cosmic proportions) to fully enjoy the scope of the story. I know everyone, including myself, has already addressed this part of the narrative before, but it’s my personal life mission to expand or altogether fix it in every conceivable way possible. I’m not the only one who feels that way, right? Multiple attempts should be encouraged and welcome?? 
Beta read by @glyphenthusiast, for whom this story (and pretty much all the stories I was able to cram before the deadline) owes its beautification to. Their support and dedication means so much to me, so thanks to them for being my guide!
Noctis drifts by himself, but he isn't alone. Insomnia is laden with Niflheim soldiers. They fill the streets, the subway platform, the train – crowding the area to the point he knocks shoulders with them in his attempts to get by.
He starts running.
Gunfire explodes everywhere around him. Machines and armored men alike give chase. The environment blurs and shifts. The city turns to a Niflheim military base to a desert – though he's never been to one – and tilts as he falls through the world
to awaken on a cot. Gasping, sweating, hands fisted in the sheets, Noctis bolted upright in bed. The total darkness of the room threatened to choke him. It's pitch blackness was confining except for the periodic flashes of street lamps outside the single window. There shouldn't be any light, the night all-encompassing.
That difference, the reality of it all, should have relieved Noctis of his nightmare. He did realize he'd had a nightmare and it was over; he'd experienced that exact one several times in the past. But he hadn't been on a train heading to the center of Niflheim during those previous episodes. The transport's rumbling along the tracks mirrored Noctis' dreamscape too well to alleviate his heart racing.
Noctis shoved the covers aside and stumbled out of bed. Sans shoes and jacket, he darted from the private compartment and into the hallway. In his recklessness, his shoulder bounced off the wall as he rammed into it.
There were only two directions to take and he blindly chose one, using the momentum from his crashing into the wall to go right. At this late hour the sleeping car was empty, which allowed him to race through unimpeded. Noctis fled his personal daemons until he came to a dead end.
He staggered into the Regalia, his palms held out in front of him. Noctis caught himself from falling flat across the hood and saved his face from ramming into its wide expanse. The cool, familiar texture of the metal shocked him from his stupor. He hovered there, breathing heavy and watching his hazy reflection.
When he’d calmed, Noctis straightened in place and took in the sight of the storage hold. Nobody was here, either – just him and his father's vehicle. His legs were unsteady; he used the side of the car as a guide to drag himself to the rear passenger door. Fumbling with the handle, he eventually manhandled it open and collapsed inside.
Noctis closed his eyes and rested both hands on his face, letting himself simply be. The smell of the leather interior, the sensation of the seat cushions underneath him, the shade from the retractable top – all of it screamed 'safe'. So why couldn't he relax?
He'd always possessed a sort of reverence for his dad's car. Most of his childhood had been spent in this very spot, going between important meetings, visiting dignitaries, or attending political functions. In some respects, whenever him and his father traveled it was the most personal time they'd ever spent alone together.
Despite how expert a job Cindy did detailing the Regalia, Noctis swore he still detected hints of his father's cologne. It was as if a part of him remained with Noctis. The lack of comfort that fact brought him was distressing. He'd rushed here, even unconsciously, to seek solace and it wasn't working like any of the instances before.
There came footsteps. Noctis hadn't heard the approach until they were nearly upon him. He dragged his hands down his face and dropped them in his lap, but didn't turn to acknowledge anyone.
Gladiolus opened the opposite set of doors and bent over, ducking his head in. The length of his arm braced against the metal exterior while his opposite hand gripped the doorframe. Of course it was him. Noctis had bolted like a bat out of hell, so it was no wonder that their lightest sleeper had heard his escape. It was peculiar that the others hadn't been disturbed – or they might have, and Gladiolus had requested to check up on him alone. Noctis was unsure which he'd prefer.
"There room for one more?" Gladiolus asked.
He shrugged, as good an invitation as he was willing to give. It was good enough for Gladiolus, anyway, the other man accepting the offer to join him in the backseat. There was a gap between them, Gladiolus keeping to his side and Noctis staying on his.
It didn't used to be like this.
From an early age, Noctis had learned Gladiolus was a really tactile person. The slaps on the back and high-fives were just a small portion of the touches he'd freely give. He figured being an Amicitia had something to do with it. Iris loved hanging onto Noctis' arm and when Noctis was a child Clarus had even patted him on the head once in greeting.
That wasn't the extent of it, though. Once they started traveling together Gladiolus got more intense. Noctis had protested, often loudly, about the treatment. He'd brush off Gladiolus' playful shoves or the ruffling of his hair in their lighter moments. Complaints about Gladiolus' close proximity in the tent or how absurdly long his legs were as Gladiolus' boots knocked against his in the Regalia were frequent.
All of it stopped after Altissia.
And Noctis felt emptier for it.
This distance was so much worse, so much more, than them losing the understanding they'd developed growing up. They didn't need words to communicate, when a simple glance or nod of the head was sufficient to convey their meaning. Now neither of them could interact, much less speak, to one another without it dissolving into fits. After the near-failure in retrieving his ancestor's katana they'd agreed to work through their differences, but where to start? The divide seemed insurmountable.
Gladiolus cleared his throat. "Bad dream, I take it?"
"Yeah. A 'bad dream'." Noctis' face contorted from some kind of emotion he couldn't identify. He didn't know the source of his irritation (or if it was even directed at Gladiolus), much less how to deal with it. "The same one I've had since Lestallum and all the fucking time."
Which wasn't entirely true. Only certain parts of the nightmare stuck with him after waking. The worst of it had been prior to confronting Titan, which is when the night terror first occurred, and since then only sporadically.
It tended to transpire whenever Noctis was stressed, such as the night before Gladiolus left to undertake his family's trials or…before Luna's sacrifice. Such a pattern couldn't be coincidence, so whenever the nightmare made a resurgence Noctis had taken it as the ill-omen it might be intended. Stranger things had happened in his life.
Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Gladiolus' jaw working, like he was grinding his teeth. Probably irritated over another subject that Noctis had denied making him privy to, but why would he have? Discussing personal interests or private matters often ended up embarrassing for the both of them. Still, Noctis anticipated an explosion or Gladiolus to leave.
Noctis wouldn't hold it against him in either case. He was surprised Gladiolus' patience had lasted as long as it had, that the man had settled on voicing his every grievance or sitting on the outskirts of their camp in the Fodina Caestino Mine instead of…he didn't know what. Returning to Lucis to rejoin the Crownsguard or facing Niflheim by himself, maybe. Someone of Gladiolus' stature and aptitude wasn't without options, a dark part of Noctis often reminded him.
To his surprise, Gladiolus asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"
Snippets of having to confront armies, of bleeding and hurting without the support of his friends or family, had Noctis snuffling. He rubbed irritably under an eye to cover the slight, but he thankfully found the last vestiges of sweat from his night terror and not any wetness from tears. His hand shook during the process, so he returned it to his lap.
"I just want them to stop." Noctis meant for the words to come out sharp and cut the conversation off, but to his own ears he sounded like a scared, defenseless child. Once again, he made himself a fool in front of Gladiolus at the worst of times.
"Then tell me. It might help," Gladiolus persisted. He reached out a hand, hesitating, and opted to loop his arm around Noctis' headrest so as to ease closer without making contact. The gesture was most likely borne of thoughtfulness, but Noctis was only left feeling hollow.
"How? It's just a stupid nightmare, I already know that! It can't hurt me."
"Because—" Gladiolus started, his tone terse until he forcefully gathered his composure, "because I want my friend back."
Noctis' shoulders went taut, his gaze kept forward. He couldn't bring himself to ask for clarification and risk shattering the moment. But he was listening, hoping—
"I miss the guy who came back for his training, all those years ago. Who hasn't let himself get knocked down and stayed down since then." Gladiolus ran his tongue along his bottom lip before resolving to continue, Noctis gradually starting to incline his head to look up at him. "The same guy who always made time for my bratty little sister and anyone else that's needed his help, no matter their situation. His people, our friends…I need him.
"If confiding in me can bring him back, then I'm here. Anytime, anywhere."
"And if he's gone?"
Noctis didn't realize he was clenching his hands over his knees, the knuckles bone white, until Gladiolus' reached over to grab one. He pried it off his pant leg and let Noctis clench his palm in a death grip, instead. His skin was dry and hot, but the pressure was steady.
Gladiolus let out a soft hum, it sounding like Noctis' name, before he said, "Not gone – lost, maybe. His sense of direction is kind of shitty. But I have it on good authority that I'm the best tracker there is, so I'll guide him home. If he lets me."
Their problem, Noctis concluded in that moment, was twofold.
Part of it were his own actions. Gladiolus had respected Noctis' space during his time of mourning, but Noctis was never very good at processing situations. Without the other man's guidance he'd receded deeper inside himself. Noctis festered, considering himself finally broken. The way Gladiolus looked at him right now, however, didn't resemble pity or sympathy.
But they'd both been stubborn, neither willing to bend. Noctis had wanted to stay distant, once he was huddled and hiding inside himself, lest his weakness infringe on his friends. Gladiolus had wanted Noctis to be something, someone, that he wasn't. They'd come to that conclusion a little late, with Noctis a tad slower than Gladiolus on the uptake, apparently. The epiphany came in the face of what Gladiolus was offering him: his way out.
Gladiolus had met him halfway, and Noctis needed to do the same.
Noctis' concession came in the form of scooting closer to him on the seat. The motion was all the prompting Gladiolus needed to swoop in and envelope him in a hug. Greedily, Noctis took in everything he'd been denied – the body heat and solid weight of him. While Gladiolus nuzzled the top of his head, adjusting Noctis under his chin, it occurred to him that he'd never comprehended just how much he'd depended on Gladiolus to initiate these moments. The idea of going back to a life without it terrified him.
With that in mind, Noctis haltingly admitted as much. His explanations were stunted, and without practice these kinds of exchanges may never become easier, but Gladiolus had bared his soul to him. Noctis wanted to return the favor. Cuddled against Gladiolus' side, with the other man’s fingers carding through the shorter hairs at the base of Noctis' neck, he opened up to him and told Gladiolus everything.
And for the first time in a long while Noctis felt ready to face tomorrow.
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threadfall · 13 days ago
Those last paragraphs make me think of a quote from Dragonholder, Todd's biography of his mum:
Although just back from Europe with Gladdie, Anne got Wright [Horace Wright Johnson, her husband at the time] to agree to let her attend the 1968 Worldcon...
And a few pages earlier:
When Anne said that her writing helped to pay the bills, Wright replied "Your writing will never pay the phone bill!"
She apparently paid the phone bill, bought a typewriter, and bought Wright a sailing boat with her paycheque from Restoree.
i still think that one of the worst things pernese history implies is that if you had a society where misogyny is supposed to be gone or at least greatly reduced and then took away their technology and put them in a hard situation they would re-evolve hardcore misogyny again, where women are clearly and obviously seen as lesser and can't have some jobs or be leaders. it's lazy, it implies that misogyny is because of something inherent about women, and it doesn't even make sense in the context in which it's presented.
"they felt the need to protect women because they can get pregnant and they were worried about population," cool, give them like, a sense of high value around the weight and importance of pregnancy then, or if you want it to be something negative that people who can become pregnant face, add in heavy expectations around getting pregnant/ taking care of yourself or being taken care of during pregnancy.
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the-earth-refused-to-die · 1 year ago
I am thinking about Gladdie again. Gonna try writing another chapter of Reversed
HELL YES!! Wish you luck
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modmad · 7 years ago
Have there been any instances where people have kidnapped Gladstone to study his luck? Because people use him for his luck so it also makes sense for people to actually try and actively find why his luck works. Are there any comics with something like that?
great idea for stories isn’t it? alas the only one I know of is one I’ve never read- I believe @sarroora posted an image from it a looong while back, a mad scientist somehow extracted Gladstone’s luck from him? I can’t find it but the panel showed him looking kinda dazed being rescued by Daisy and Donald with his luck as a green liquid in a little glass vial- HA NVM I FOUND IT it’s this one;
Tumblr media
if anyone knows the code I’d be grateful!
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sors-salutxiiis-blog · 6 years ago
Gladstone tries his best to be a dad, but he has a few failures as a result of his personality and strange life experiences. One of the most upsetting things is... Whenever Maude is sad... He tends to be clueless what to do about it. He doesn’t know how to handle other people’s sad emotions. He struggles to understand or empathize. He wishes he could do better, but he just doesn’t know how. He’s asked for advice but.... Something inside him just seems missing when it comes to being good with providing emotional comfort.....
He tries but... Years of Maude having a very difficult life. Years of her having break downs... And she’s stuck with a dad who doesn’t seem to entirely know how to help her in a meaningful way. There are moments where Maude seems more comforted by people other than him and it makes Gladstone jealous and angry. He wants to be Maude’s number one at all times.
But. There is one difficult emotional experience Gladstone understands like no one else. There is one thing Gladstone does know how to comfort Maude about because he’s had that experience. It happens to likely be one of the worst and most traumatic experiences of Maude’s life.
Gladstone knows how it feels when your luck murders someone you love.
He doesn’t talk to anyone about his complicated feelings about his parents and what happened to them. Most people don’t even know the truth of what happened to his father. But he wants Maude to live differently then he has. He wants her to always have the opportunity to talk through her feelings about Norma and process them with someone who understands. Gladstone has never had anyone who would understand. Maude gets to have someone who understands!
He knows the feelings don’t go away. It’s been years since Norma was killed. And Gladstone knows Maude still suffers for it. Because he can’t ever imagine really getting over what happened to his parents. He lies and tells himself he’s over it, but.....
Gladstone is slowly stroking Maude’s hair. Maude’s guilt and shame and horror over what had happened to Norma has come back up again and he notices it without Maude saying anything. He’s normally not so finely attuned to her emotions, but he knows what this one is like!
“It isn’t your fault, my little ladybug.” He knows how impossible that is to believe when your luck kills someone, but he’s hoping Maude having him here to tell her the truth of it not being her fault helps.
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