#glad they're remembering they have boards now at least
fireh0es · 1 year
okay don't get me wrong, i love this show and 6b has been WAY better than the early seasons for this IMO, but as an EMT- please for the love of god let some of us on as consultants because the speed run compressions are so hard to ignore omg
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
I request a Reader who helps Kinger stay sane for a few moments before he goes back to being insane. Basically Reader would be Kinger's anchor in the circus's reality
I see "anchor" and I raise you: a Reader who's also a chess piece like him--except they're a small Pawn (since pawns are the first line of defense)
"Kinger? Why don't you come on out of there?"
"H-Huh...?" Nervously peeking out from behind the safety of his pillow fort, Kinger gazed up at your extended hand. Already he was feeling stressed out, wondering what your intentions were. "Why? Is Caine calling us? Did Pomni talk about an exit again?? Is somebody abstracting???"
He took a deep breath, before staring at you intensely, eyeballs trembling. "Are YOU abstracting???"
"No, no, no, and..definitely no." You calmly answered him. "I was just thinking we could get some fresh air outside."
"..l-like out into the grounds?"
"Perhaps by the digital lake. It's quiet and away from all of this...mess. I think it'll be good for both of us."
".....are you sure?"
"I'm sure. I'll keep you safe, Your Majesty."
"Y-Your Majesty?" Kinger repeated, blinking a few times. "Oh my, haven't heard that one in a long time.....but yes, we can certainly go [y/n]. It would be good for us to get out."
You smiled, noticing how there was a lot less edge to his voice now, a sign he had regained some lucidity and calmness--two things he has lacked in recent years.
As you helped him out of the fortress, you realized his hands weren't even shaking anymore. And that was a huge sigh of relief.
"Thank you again for shooing away Jax, by the way. T-Today is...definitely not a good day for him to prank me. I wasn't in the mood."
"Of course." You nodded in understanding. "A pawn's gotta protect their king."
There were rare times where Kinger was calm and composed--and those times became even rarer ever since Queener abstracted. You were a small yet loyal protector of the duo, but when you failed to keep his wife from going insane...you made an oath to ensure your king didn't fall down the same path.
Because if he ever abstracted, too, you didn't know what you were going to do with yourself..
You may as well ask Caine to throw you down into the cellar.
Even so, this momentous task didn't come without its challenges: Pomni's unexpected arrival, Kaufmo's abstraction, and the entire Gloink situation genuinely left him feeling stressed out for a while, making him more paranoid over abandoning his "sanctuary".
Fortunately, you were able to snap him out of that mindset, as you two were currently on your way to the Grounds--specifically where the waterpark was.
But you weren't planning on riding the twisty and colorful slides. Not today, at least.
Rather, you sought out a quiet place to sit and gaze up at the cloudy sky, not caring whether it was day or night out (although you're glad it's currently the daytime, as you'd rather not hear the Moon gush about her crush on Caine).
Eventually, you found a spot and sat together in the grass. "This is nice." You hummed.
"It sure is." Nodding, Kinger allowed himself to relax, gloved fingers gently stroking the thin strands of green that surrounded him. "You know..it's funny how you chose this particular spot."
"How so, my king?" You looked to him, curious.
"..I remember she..and I...well....she took me to this exact same place when I needed to get away from everybody." He recounted. "I know we were on opposite sides of the board, but..we never let that stop us from being together, of course." A soft chuckle left him, and he sighed longingly. "It did feel like it was us against the world, [y/n].."
"Mhm." You nodded, remaining quiet and admiring the low-poly count seagulls that flew by.
"She believed our fates were "intertwined"..and as cheesy as it sounded, I wanted to believe that. Perhaps we did meet outside of this world...and have simply fallen in love a the second time."
"That may be possible. It's like you're both..destined to be together no matter what or where you are."
"...maybe that's why she abstracted."
"..what?" Looking to Kinger, you noticed he was now grabbing onto fistfuls of grass, and you began to realize something was wrong.
"I have not told you the whole story, but Queener was....desperate to know of our connection outside of this place. Her and I wanted to know what we lost....were we ever married? Engaged? Neither of us could recall, and...i-it kept us up all night." His voice began to waver with growing anxiety.
"She wanted to remember so badly and began looking for exits, e-even though I warned her that Caine wouldn't like that. She didn't care. She was a tough cookie, never liked being told what to do. But god...I should have done more to stop her."
"Now she's in that dark cellar with Kaufmo, cold and alone...oh no.." He put his hands to his head. "She'll never see such beautiful sights such as this again! Only darkness and-!"
"Kinger!" You firmly spoke up, stopping his ramblings as he stared back at you with bloodshot eyes. "Listen, nothing she did was your fault. I know it's easy to blame yourself, but-"
All of the sudden, he screamed in fear, which caused you to flinch away. But then he blinked a few times, recognizing your face.
"O-Oh goodness..it's you, [y/n].." Putting a hand to his chest, he exhaled a shaky breath, before abruptly standing up. "I'm sorry, I've said too much. I...I-I don't think I want to be here anymore.." He anxiously brushed the dirt particles off his robe.
You stood as well, realizing that his brief moment of lucidity had passed. Although short-lived, you were grateful for the time it did allow you to spend together, enabling him to reminisce.
Yet deep down you felt a little guilty for bringing him to the digital lake. It wasn't your intention to remind him of what him and Queener could no longer share.
But perhaps...you shouldn't take him out here anymore. For his sanity's sake.
"That's okay, my lord. We'll...head back to the tent and you can rest up."
Kinger nodded in agreement with your suggestion, allowing you to lead him back into the tent, returning him to the safety of his fortress.
While he huddled away inside like a bear going into hibernation, blocking the entrance with a pillow, you stood on-guard with a foam sword.
At some point, Jax passed by, asking you if Kinger was still mad at him for earlier. But you just sent him a cold glare and threatened to cut his ear off if he dared step any closer.
The rabbit just rolled his eyes, knowing you couldn't actually harm anyone with that weapon even if you tried, although he left you alone.
'Hmph, good riddance.'
If he was smart, he'd know better than to disturb your king.
It's your sworn duty to protect him, after all.
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mj-iza-writer · 2 months
Warning: water asphyxiation. Water boarding.
Whumpee sobs as Whumper pushes them into the basement cellar.
"You think you can act disobediently, you have another thing coming", Whumper barks into their ear before pushing them to the ground.
Whumpee tries to break their fall, but their arms and hands are ducttaped behind their back. Their attempt only made the fall worse.
Whumper carried over a cloth bag and more ducttape.
"No please", Whumpee begs, "please, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry... I'll be better."
Whumper slapped Whumpee hard across their face, "shut up."
Whumpee whimpers as the bag is pulled over their head. The sickening sound of the tape being pulled makes them shudder.
Whumper's hand clenched tightly around Whumpee's neck as they wrap the tape around their neck. The bag now secured in place.
Whumpee continues to whimper. They can hear Whumper moving around the room, grabbing things... dropping others.
"Please", Whumpee tries once more.
"I said shut up", Whumper stomps to them and grabs a fistful of bag and hair.
Whumpee follows as they are pulled up and led to a different room. They felt as though their hair would be pulled out.
They are again pushed to the floor, their head hits tile.
Their eyes go wide as they realized. They sit up fast and try to scoot away on their knees.
"I don't think so", Whumper pulls them back, making their legs bend weirdly.
"N...", Whumpee tried to plead before their jaw was punched.
"Funny... I want an obedient slave and you want oxygen. Let's see if we can solve both of our problems", Whumper pushes them back towards the tile.
Whumpee knew exactly where they had been led. Whumper's downstairs shower. A place to quickly rinse off before going upstairs to get a real shower or bath.
Whumpee was pushed onto their back. They still fight, knowing there was no point in it... except it made them feel better that they at least tried. All fight left them when they heard the water get turned on.
One cup of water. Whumpee spits and sputters the water out of their mouth.
Two cups of water.. every breath Whumpee tries to take only pulls the bag into their mouth.
Three cups of water... breathing has become more difficult.
Four cups.... Whumpee tries to turn their face to the side in hopes of catching their breath.
"Turn your head", Whumper slaps Whumpee's chest. Causing a weak breathless groan.
Five cups..... Whumpee is feeling lightheaded.
Six cups...... Whumpee attempts to fight again.
Seven....... Eight........ Nine.........
Ten cups.......... Whumper is satisfied when Whumpee's body barely moves.
Whumper pulls out a knife and cuts the bag open around the mouth. They grin when they notice they cut into Whumpee's mouth.
It takes a few moments before Whumpee takes a few short breaths. They try to move a little but feel Whumper is holding them down still.
"Ymmm", Whumpee moans weakly, the oxygen causes their throat to sting.
"I'm sorry", Whumpee whispers weakly, "I-I learned my lesson. Please forgive your slave Master."
"That's more like it", Whumper grins, "I'm glad we had this discussion."
Whumpee feels Whumper grab their arm and pull them up.
Whumpee weakly falls over. Thankful Whumper was at least kind enough to catch them this time.
They weakly follow Whumper's lead until they're gently pushed to the floor.
"See what happens when you behave. I'm suddenly a nice person again", Whumper chuckles.
"Y-yes Master", Whumpee's chest feels tight.
"You'll stay down here tonight. I don't want to see or hear you", Whumper walks away, "you'll remain like that. Restrained and bag around your head. I want your lesson to fully soak into your thick head. I'll try to remember to come and get you tomorrow. You know how my memory works, I can't remember a thing that isn't important to me."
Whumpee weakly nodded, "yes Master."
"Hope you don't get too cold... I don't care enough to give you a blanket or let you get out of those wet clothes. I just don't want to be expected to buy you medicine if you get sick."
"Yes Master", Whumpee keeps their head low. They feel droplets of water drip on their arm and shirt.
When the upstairs door slams shut Whumpee cautiously repossessions themself to a more comfortable position.
The bag still hangs over their head. The cut Whumper had made drooped down from the weight of the water. Any heavy breaths Whumpee made would cause the bag to cling to their face.
Whumpee craved a deep breath, their body craved it so much, but all they could manage was brief short breaths.
"Ymph", Whumpee started to panic.
"No no don't panic... you panic they win", Whumpee told themself, "they can't win. It can't be much longer before I'm rescued."
Whumpee quietly fantasized about being rescued. All of the things they still wanted to do.
The truth was Whumpee didn't know how long they had been kept their. They were not allowed to have any access to knowing the dates and time.
The truth was their trail had gone cold two years previously. No one was currently looking for them. Everyone figured they had finally run away like they said they would.
The truth was they were only five blocks away from their family and friends. No one was coming for them.
Whumper came down the stairs the next morning to find Whumpee slumped to the side.
Arms bent in an uncomfortable position, and legs curled tightly.
"Wake up", Whumpee kicked at Whumpee's feet.
"Hmm, dad?", Whumpee mumbled as they stirred.
"Dad?", Whumper laughed, "someone must have been dreaming about freedom again. Give it up, it's never going to happen. This is your life now."
"I-it might happen ", Whumpee said with an air of indignance.
"Are we getting mouthy again? Have you already forgotten yesterday's lesson?", Whumper lifted Whumpee by their throat and pushed them against the wall, "do you want another round?"
"No, no please", Whumpee gasped, "please let me have this one dream. It's the only thing I have to hold onto."
Whumper laughed as they dropped Whumpee to the floor, "I've waited so long for you to admit that so I could ruin it for you."
"Please", Whumpee whimpered, "let me have this one thing."
Whumper happily grabbed Whumpee and dragged them up the stairs and to a closet.
A box was pulled out.
Whumper cut away the bag from Whumpee's head with glee and tossed it onto the floor.
"Read it and weep", Whumper opened the box and pulled out a newspaper clipping.
Whumpee looked at the headline.
"Missing person's trail runs cold after months of searching. Family believes missing person: Whumpee Doe had decided to run away after saying so many times. Family believes they do not want to be found and are respecting that choice."
"No no no... you're lying", Whumpee glared with tears in their eyes.
"This was out two years ago. I've held it just for this occasion", Whumper grinned evilly, "no one is looking for you."
Whumpee sniffled before screaming.
"Yes let it all out", Whumper laughed gleefully, "this is exactly the reaction I was hoping for. The one last thing you were holding onto.... just ripped right from your clutches."
Whumpee fell to the floor and wept.
"You unfortunately do not have time to lay down either. Chores still need to be done", Whumper pulled them up and untied their bindings, "so get busy."
Whumpee cried throughout their entire chores list. They sniffled each time they crossed something off as done.
Whumper checked in constantly to make sure the jobs were being done properly... nothing was being skipped.
"I should have broken your spirits sooner. You are being so good and so quiet. I'm also loving your sobs and sniffles... it's like music to my ears", Whumper commented, "you had hoped for so long and it was just easily taken away.... just like that."
Whumpee glared at Whumper. Their sadness being exchanged for anger.
"Aww don't act like that. I can't believe you still thought you had a chance at being saved from me", Whumper grinned, "you will never be rid of me."
Whumpee jumped forward before they had time to think.
Within seconds Whumper had them on the floor trapped in an armbar. Their hand shoving Whumpee's face into the floor.
Whumpee gasped in pain.
"My are you brave. Even it utter hopelessness you still fight me" Whumper started to bend Whumpee's arm in an opposite direction.
"No no please, I'm sorry I didn't mean to... I'm sorry", Whumpee winced, "I wasn't thinking, I wasn't.... I-I didn't think before I acted... I'm sorry."
"You need to learn to obey me", Whumper released their grip on Whumpee's arm, "you don't need to think... just need to do what I tell you. Got it?"
Whumpee weakly nodded, "I'm sorry."
"That's more like it", Whumper turned away and walked to the living room.
As Whumpee cleaned the bathroom, their reflection caught their attention.
They looked in the mirror and sighed when they didn't recognize themself.
"This isn't me, this isn't....", Whumpee paused when they heard Whumper talking on the phone about a future planned trip.
"Okay Whumper", Whumpee whispered to their reflection, "you want to take away my hopes, my happiness." Whumpee wiped their runny nose on their sleeve, "I'll return the favor. I don't know how or when, but your days are numbered."
Whumpee made a slight smile at their reflection. They now had something new to hold onto. Something new to bring them hope.
That night, Whumpee glanced into Whumper's room.
Whumper had fallen asleep earlier than normal and had forgotten to tie Whumpee up.
Whumpee wasn't fully ready to kill Whumper just yet. They hadn't planned enough. They wanted it to be successful. Whumper would easily overpower them if they did it at the wrong time. They would know something was up then.
They had to wait... they had to be successful.
"All of my hopes lie on this", Whumpee sighed as they slid their hands into a set of handcuffs and laid down on the carpeted hallway floor outside of Whumper's bedroom, "if no one will rescue me, I'll rescue myself."
Whumpee rested their head on the floor, like every night lately they thought about their rescue. This was a little different now.
"Enjoy it now Whumper... I'm coming", Whumpee looked into the crack of Whumper's bedroom. They could see Whumper on the bed.
They smiled as their eyes closed.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
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silantryoo · 2 months
BONUS [ LIKEALOOK ] — around sounds nice
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FINALS: Seoul's Univeristy of Multi-Arts (SUMA) VS. Yonsei University
WARNINGS ; suggestive(ish), mentions of revenge p*rn (4.1k)
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for the first time in a while, jang wonyoung was excited to play volleyball.
it was an odd feeling, in retrospect. volleyball, at least for the past three or so years, weighed on her back like her last name. it was full of expectations, of goals that she didn't set (or was forced to, anyway).
it was suffocating, humiliating. the sport that proved her comfort, that provided her safety, was one of the causes of her stress as of late.
yet suddenly, now that yoo jimin was out of the picture...
wonyoung was glad that the locker room didn't seem like a battlefield anymore.
"i see the hickeys haven't faded." yujin snickered, her face now littered in fading bruises, and the cut on her eyebrow and lip healing nicely.
wonyoung blushed. as much as she hated jimin, part of her wished that she would pop up to shut yujin up.
"do you have to mention that every time?"
her fingers traced over the marks on her neck, wonyoung's face burning as she remembered the hours with y/n, alone in her dorm room. she knew it was a goodbye, the older girl's fleeting touches a reminder of y/n's worsening mental state, and wonyoung's inability to do anything.
wonyoung shook her head. now wasn't the right time, not when yonsei was here.
yujin nodded as if what wonyoung said was already a known fact. "absolutely."
"you shouldn't even be talking to me, unnie." wonyoung mumbled. "coach said no talking with the members."
yujin pouted, slumping down next to gaeul who was currently listening to her pregame playlist. the taller girl wrapped her arm around her girlfriend, trying not to sulk.
she knew that she was single-minded. all of her thoughts were about volleyball and gaeul. although she finally got to talk to her girlfriend again, yujin was dying to play.
besides, she was the captain.
"well," she huffed, gaeul rubbing her back to calm her down. "coach said me and jimshit can sit on the bench today, so i think i'm off probation."
wonyoung shook her head as she laced up her shoes. "is that what you told gaeul-unnie?"
yujin sulked more, and wonyoung couldn't help but wonder how gaeul managed to put up with her for her entire probation.
(wonyoung always seemed to have found yujin outside the building right after practices, quite literally kicking rocks.)
the door swung open, coach seulgi glancing around as the girls huddled. everyone knew who she was looking for, a certain raven-haired, rage-fueled demon nowhere to be found.
seulgi knew what to expect. the season was tough on her star players and the inner conflict between her team, but she hoped that jimin was still that girl she had heard about so long ago.
after all, she accepted this position to work with yoo 'the ace of korea' jimin.
"girls," she smacked her coach board as she sat, garnering their attention. "i know you all probably have nerves, especially since two of our players are gone-"
"nothing we haven't dealt with before, coach seul." yena puffed out her chest, and everyone could see the uncanny resemblance between her and a certain semi-aquatic bird.
"don't call me that." seulgi shook her head, watching as chaeryeong hit yena's shoulder. "look, we've played against yonsei. we know that they're the only team this year that has a good roster with great plays and a good coach. we've went through their playbook, their rotations, and i know we're down two, but we have something they don't have."
jinsol's hand shot up in the air, an aura of seriousness clouding her. "the power of friendship?"
hikaru, thankfully, lowered the taller girl's hand.
"do any of us look like colorful horses?" hanni couldn't believe that jinsol was her best friend.
"they were ponies, actually." haewon interrupted, her voice monotone. the words flew out of her mouth, but the stares of her teammates made it register almost immediately. "what?"
like usual, seulgi ignored them. she was used to their liveliness, anyway. "we have resilience. we have brains and brawn."
yunjin pointed to her left. "jinsol has a 2.0 gpa."
"enough about my gpa."
"don't let your nerves get to you out there, okay?" seulgi scolded, pointing at all of them (but more specifically, wonyoung). "i know it's easier said than done, but you need to look out for each other. remember that it's my job to yell, and yours to play."
"aye, aye, coach."
seulgi rolled her eyes, yena's voice loud and clear. she was gonna miss the older girl, but she hoped that this year, she'd pass her classes so seulgi would never have to see her again.
that is, unless yena decided to pursue volleyball beyond university.
a shiver went down her spine.
shaking the thought off, her gaze moved to wonyoung. her eyebrow raised at the faded marks on her neck, but the coach was just glad that wonyoung had enough decency to try to hide it (unlike other members on the team).
"any words for us, cap?"
wonyoung looked at yujin, who stared back at her. she frowned and looked around the room before remembering that she was the fill-in.
"oh." she cleared her throat. wonyoung wracked her brain for anything she could think of, but she was never the leading type. she never understood how yujin could do it so effortlessly. "um, i know this year has been hard for us, more than others... but we've gotten this far. even if we don't win, we've learned from this. our team is smarter than theirs, stronger."
she didn't think they would win. they needed yujin, and although she hated to admit it, they needed jimin. aside from herself, they had lost the top two scorers on their team. they had lost yujin, their all-rounder, and jimin, their star player. sure, yunjin was back, but with her being out for sixty percent of the season, it wasn't enough.
yonsei had everyone. they had the fifth and eighth-ranked hitters on their team, and a competent setter with an amazing playbook. their defense, from what she remembered last game, was near impenetrable. even their coach was an olympian, much like seulgi.
they had barely won, and that was with yujin and jimin.
yet with all the odds stacked against wonyoung, she couldn't help but feel excited for what was to come.
with a soft smile, wonyoung spoke.
"it's a win either way for me."
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y/n thought the drums during the last suma versus yonsei game was bad, but somehow, this was so much worse.
everything was brighter, louder than before. the crowd littered with painted faces, a distinguishable divide between red and blue. the signs were bigger this time, and from where she stood, she could see at least a dozen shirtless men on the yonsei stands.
('what's wrong, suma? scared? jealous?')
behind her, loud yells could be heard, chants of 'vicky' and 'yawnsei' being shoved into her ears. y/n didn't mind the 'yawnsei' part. in fact, if she weren't so busy dying from overheating, she'd join in.
she just wished those stupid 'vicky' fangirls would stop chanting wonyoung's name over and over again.
the lights dimmed, the first few players coming out, wonyoung being one of them.
suddenly, the shrieking got louder, and y/n couldn't help but roll her eyes.
she was thankful for uchinaga aeri, and y/n was genuinely excited to sit next to wonyoung's long-time friend. aeri was caring and was the reason why y/n was even functioning at this point.
she just wished aeri didn't pick a spot close to the 'vicky' fanclub, even if her friend was in the group.
y/n took a sip of her water, her eyes never leaving wonyoung's figure.
she couldn't help but smile as the volleyball player looked her way. it quickly faded, however, the fan club behind her suddenly begging for wonyoung's hand in marriage.
y/n grumbled. "so annoying."
aeri and alex glanced at each other, their eyes meeting knowingly.
aeri snickered, nudging the young actress. "you only think they're annoying because they're holding cardboard cutouts of your girlfriend."
"no!" y/n tried to deny it as best as she could, but she knew her face betrayed her. it didn't help that she remembered some random girl with a 'vicky' necklace.
she took a breath, the atmosphere of the gym heightening her already intense emotions for wonyoung. y/n didn't have a right of feel this way, to act as if her love meant something when she herself didn't mean anything to wonyoung anymore.
"she's not my girlfriend."
still, wonyoung was a past that y/n would live over and over again if she could.
yuri, who hadn't been listening much to whatever the hell was going on, scanned the team as they gathered at the bench. she could see yujin clear as day. the girl looked taut, obviously frustrated but keeping sane.
"damn it." yuri groaned, fishing out a thousand won bill. "jimin's not on the bench."
"told you that ass wouldn't show." alex took the bill out of yuri's hand, smirking lightly as she high-fived aeri.
"wait a second." chaewon took a closer look at wonyoung, noticing some... odd shadows. "are those hickeys on wonyoung's neck?"
all of them: rei, jiwon, yuri, minju, chaewon, alex, and aeri, glanced at y/n. most of them already knew what happened, being told one way or another. it was just funny to focus on the evidence instead of the truth.
"what?" y/n covered her neck. it felt hot, a blush creeping up. "what?"
minju rolled her eyes, turning her gaze back onto the sea of blue. she was proud of y/n decision. it just took her by surprise that the younger girl wasn't jumping at the chance to get back with wonyoung.
ever since she's known y/n, she was always wonyoung's. her l/n y/n. minju's impression never changed, even when y/n was with jimin.
the stands across from them moved in unison. it looked like an optical illusion, their blue shirts, sweaters, and face paint making it hard to distinguish one from another. the only thing minju could differentiate from the crowd was the cutouts of the yonsei players.
the crowd moved to stand as yonsei's captain began to speak.
almost immediately, minju's eyes shot to the top left, a hidden corner that no one would notice. that is, if they stood up.
minju nudged yuri from beside her, gesturing to where she was looking at.
they could see it, them. a pair of bored, hatred-filled eyes stared into the court, into wonyoung while another scoured through suma's stands, searching for something.
jiwon followed their gaze, landing on the couple(?).
"is that jimin?"
rei rubbed her shoulder as the younger kim flinched at her own words, not used to the lack of formality. it wasn't that jimin deserved respect, of course not. she knew that jiwon was too nice for her own good.
maybe that's why she loved her so much.
"with her hand on minjeong's waist? yeah." yuri muttered, huddling closer to the kim's and away from y/n. she didn't want to remind her of jimin, after all. "that freak is insane."
minju looked at her girlfriend, the reminders of what she and jimin did lingering. she told no one what she woke up to the night after they confronted minjeong. she didn't even tell chaewon.
even though she deleted it, the videos were still engrained in her mind. it was a copious amount of videos, all of which she watched through.
she knew that her and chaewon weren't together then. minju knew they had technically broken up. yet, as irrational as it was, she just wanted chaewon to wait for her to get better.
she shook her head. minju didn't want to think about that, but would rather listen to her girlfriend's conversation.
"so," chaewon smiled at y/n. sue her for being nosy. "since you and wonyoung have matching love bites, i'm guessing that means you two are back together?"
"no." y/n shook her head. "we aren't."
"huh?" yuri's head perked up. y/n, like always, never updated the group chat when she needed to. granted, yuri was throwing every threat under the sun at minjeong at any given moment, but she would've paused to catch up with her friends. "that's stupid as hell."
minju elbowed her. "yuri."
"what?" yuri glared at her friend. "those idiots love each other."
y/n burned a bright red once more. her love was plain as day, as clear as snow. it burned proudly, even to the point where it was willing to consume anyone in its way.
"it was my decision." y/n wasn't gonna let it burn wonyoung, not if she could help it. "i wasn't gonna put wonyoung through all my hurt."
"you two could've worked through it, like me and yena."
"maybe." y/n looked onto the court, smiling as wonyoung goofed off. she hadn't been like that since the beginning of freshman year. "but i'd rather miss her than hurt her, even if it's by accident."
minju looked at chaewon.
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wonyoung didn't know how long that stupid ball had been up in the air.
it hadn't even reached the first kill, yet somehow, yonsei had managed to get a rally going. their libero had managed to barely receive chaeryeong's jump serve, giving suma a free ball.
gaeul immediately knew that wonyoung wanted it. she could feel her demeanor change, but it was something she's never seen before. it was ravenous, just like jimin had been. wonyoung seemed to have the sharpness that she's always lacked, the ferocity.
yet this was different from jimin's.
the ace was bound by her rage. her obsession with being the yoo jimin, of having something to prove to her dad everyone weighed on her like chains.
wonyoung seemed free.
gaeul set the ball.
it was too high. her nerves got to her. the lack of yujin's presence, of her lover and of her captain, got to her. she felt it the moment the leather left her fingertips, her arms too taut. the numbness turned cold as her fingers buzzed.
still, wonyoung somehow managed to reach it.
the ball rocketed, nearly straight down. it hurled and before wonyoung could blink, yonsei's libero managed to get under it, tossing it up into the air.
another free ball, in favor of suma.
yet again, they did the same thing. this time, gaeul had set up yunjin.
received again.
a setter dump.
received again... and again, and again.
suma couldn't keep the energy up, and soon, by sheer exhaustion, the ball was spiked out of bounds by wonyoung herself.
she could practically hear jimin taunting her in the crowd as the whistle blew. the chants to her left got louder, the sea of blue ridiculing her.
wonyoung took a breath.
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they weren't losing too badly.
after the first set went to yonsei, suma managed to bounce back with two in a row. although close, 25-23 and 27-25 respectively, a win was still a win.
unfortunately, yonsei had switched to a different setup. from all the footage they had watched, yonsei had never fully committed all their best defensive players at one time until now. they had always been known for their attack, even with their amazing defense.
they had managed to lock wonyoung down, always ensuring that three blockers were in front of her at all times. somehow, they jumped higher than before, but that only meant one thing to wonyoung.
she had to jump higher.
still, it took an entire set to adjust, to find her rhythm once more.
2-2, suma and yonsei tied.
wonyoung listened to the ball as one of the yonsei players (one she's sure gaeul had hooked up with multiple times) dribbled, getting ready to serve. the outside hitter glanced at the score, sweat dripping down her neck.
29-30, in favor of yonsei.
she glanced back onto the ball, digging her feet into the ground as a loud smack permeated the crowded gym. wonyoung's heart was pumping, her nerves somehow more tired than her legs.
the ball went over her head, straight into haewon's arms. she could see the bruises starting to form on her teammate's forearms.
she felt sluggish, yet she still took a step back. her feet were firmly placed on the attack line, arms back and ready to jump.
gaeul, despite the soreness accumulating in her shoulders, set wonyoung a bit higher than usual. she knew that she could reach it, that she was willing to. wonyoung wasn't gonna go down without a fight, even if that meant ripping her muscles apart.
wonyoung slams her hand onto the ball, feeling it rip through yonsei's trembling hands.
it was perfect, it should've been, but that stupid libero, the one that always seemed to bait out wonyoung's most powerful spikes, reaches out for it. it barely touches her flat hand on the ground, sending the ball flying on the very edge of the net.
both sides watch as it threatens to fall. both sides pray for a break, for a second to gather their thoughts. they want - need - it to drop on the other side.
the ball tips, and everyone scrambles to get it up.
but they were too tired.
the whistle blows, and a heaviness enters wonyoung.
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she'd never tell the girls, but wonyoung had fun losing.
of course, she'd prefer to win. all the pain and hard work made it worth it, and she would've loved to hold the trophy up with her teammates. sure, it would've been made of cheap plastic, but at least it was shiny.
still, the lack of expectation: a place without her parents' watchful eyes, without yoo jimin hounding her for every mistake she made...
wonyoung had forgotten how fun volleyball could be.
(she also forgot how emotional it could get. an example: hanni currently crying in the change room as coach seulgi tried to console her.)
wonyoung stepped out of victor's hall, trying to ignore the stares that some of the suma body was giving her.
wonyoung turned around, a slightly shorter girl, one with the same smile as her, approached. she carried a baby blue banner, her face plastered onto it haphazardly.
'go wonyoung-unnie!'
she smiled, waving at the older woman with puppy dog eyes that followed behind her.
"hyunseo." wonyoung hugged the younger girl, warmth spreading through her chest. "you came."
hyunseo nodded, waving her arms animatedly. "yeojin-unnie managed to convince our parents as long as she gives me a good word to snu's dean."
"of course they did." wonyoung smiled at yujin's sister. "hi, unnie."
"hey." yeojin patted her shoulder. it was weird seeing wonyoung look so grown up. "great game, wonyoung. i'm sorry that you lost."
surprisingly, wonyoung wasn't as upset as she thought she would have been. she was used to the guilt and incompetence brewing in her stomach, but whether it was the joy of her baby sister watching or the fact that she was still reeling from the goodbye with y/n, wonyoung didn't know.
"it's okay." the volleyball player shrugged, ruffling hyunseo's hair. hyunseo pushed her off. "we would've won if the circumstances were different."
"yeah, if yujin wasn't getting in random fights." yeojin couldn't believe her little sister. "where is that loser anyway?"
"with her girlfriend."
yeojin paused. yujin never mentioned a girlfriend before.
"she didn't tell you?" wonyoung tilted her head as she wiped her face. "gaeul-unnie-"
"kim gaeul?!" yeojin's eyes widened. her nearly failing, jock of a sister was dating the daughter of two of the most renowned lawyers in korea? "how the hell did yujin manage to pull her? she's got the brain of a mutt! yujin's gonna water down her brain cells!"
wonyoung didn't want to agree (but deep down she did). "yujin-unnie's gotten better, i think."
"whatever." yeojin shook her head. "where are they?"
she blushed, not wanting to think about the fact that they were most likely in some stall a mere ten meters away from them.
"just, um..." wonyoung cleared her throat. "give them a moment to themselves."
hyunseo looked at her older sister curiously before wonyoung shook her head. hyunseo was bound to learn it in school if she hadn't already, wonyoung was not about to teach her.
wonyoung spun around at the speed of light. her brain registered the voice before she did, but she didn't mind. she'd never pass up an opportunity to not speak to y/n.
"y/nnie?" wonyoung grinned, her heart fluttering. "hey."
she wondered throughout the game whether y/n was watching. after all, she had never missed one of wonyoung's games. granted, she was dating someone on the team, but wonyoung had the right to be a little delusional.
it didn't help much now, though. they both knew it was over (for now).
"you played amazing." y/n handed her an ice pack. "for your knee."
some things never changed.
"right." wonyoung grabbed it gently, awkwardly holding it as hyunseo pushed past her.
hyunseo had met y/n a couple of times, wonyoung introducing her as her 'friend'. she wasn't stupid, she saw the heart eyes they gave each other, and the subtle hand holding.
"hi, hyunnie." y/n squeezed her lightly, pulling back. last year, hyunseo was only a centimeter taller than her. now, she was nearly wonyoung's height. "wow... you've gotten tall."
"i have." hyunseo smirked, glancing at her older sister. wonyoung rolled her eyes. "the doctors say i'll be taller than wonyoung-unnie one day."
"i can see it."
the actress glanced at wonyoung. even after everything, y/n couldn't help but notice how adorable the taller girl was.
"hyunseo, me and y/n are gonna talk, okay?" wonyoung looked at yeojin for help, the older ahn nodding and ushering hyunseo away. "i'll meet you guys out front after."
hyunseo gave her one last hug before wonyoung moved her and y/n back into victor's hall.
y/n stared at the ice pack, the athlete leaning against the wall as it melted in her hands.
"you played well," she whispered, fiddling with her fingers.
"you say that every time." wonyoung could feel the water forming inside the bag, albeit slowly. "we lost, y'know?"
she didn't know what she was talking about anymore, but it certainly didn't feel like it was volleyball.
"i know." y/n smiled, and she felt as if this was the last time she would ever smile at wonyoung. "but that's not on you. you did your best."
her best didn't get her the girl back.
no matter how hard she tried, so many things were out of her power. she didn't have control of how people perceived her, of how people felt about her. she couldn't control her teammates' conditions, nor their injuries.
in some way or another, she was always gonna be imperfect.
"did i?"
she hoped that somewhere in the future, she could live with it.
"you did." y/n was always so sure of her. she never doubted wonyoung in the ways she doubted herself. "you did amazing. you're amazing."
the actress looked into her eyes, watching her as if she were an old video. a tape that she finally found once more after months of searching.
the air tasted bittersweet. it smelt stale, and sweat clung to both their backs like the lingering hope they both felt for the future, for them.
it was familiar, wonyoung's red sweater, y/n's loving smile.
maybe wonyoung needed a break from familiarity, too.
"y/nnie, why are you here?" her voice came out scratchy, her throat parched from both nervousness and exhaustion. "i thought you said no to us dating again."
the ice pack continued to melt, wonyoung's hand stinging so cold that it felt warm. the trophy case reflected her image, her eyes clear as they looked back at her.
her gaze moved back to y/n, tiredness tingling up her spine.
she was sure y/n could feel it too.
"i just wanted to cheer you on one more time." for the last time, they both knew. "give you ice for old times' sake."
wonyoung felt something different wash over her. it wasn't heartbreak, she had felt that before, nor was it love.
it felt like... gratitude. that wonyoung was grateful for y/n, for teaching her how love felt like. for hurting her, for loving her, for hating her.
it felt like the end.
"thank you for the ice, y/nnie." wonyoung smiled. "i'll see you around?"
"around sounds nice."
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withahappyrefrain · 2 months
Can’t remember if you do this ort of thing but…
thoughts on Bob having one Uber machismo habit, and that’s slapping his girl on the butt. Once he does it at the Hard Deck out of habit when he bring back your drinks. He realises what he’s done and immediately goes red because the guys are going to tease the fuck out of him…he isn’t wrong.
Reactions from the team??
Bob’s not embarrassed, he just doesn’t want to put up with their shit.
(Glad you’re out of testing purgatory, hope you’re feeling better)
Bob freezes immediately. You failing to notice, hand him his drink with a wink before heading over to Nat.
Bradley chokes on his drink right then and there. He sees Bob like a little brother (a baby brother, some would say sorry) so he's very shocked but also a bit proud to learn that Bob has it in him. But he definitely yells out "Bob!" because that's his little brother and essentially little sister (Bob's wife) and he doesn't need to see that.
Natasha gives Bob a raised eyebrow and approving nod before moving on. That's her WSO and while she doesn't need to know all the details of his personal life, she can at least share her respect. Real recognizes real.
Mickey just snickers. That's his best friend and while Mickey's known for a while that Bob likes sex, he also knows Bob wants to keep his home life as private as possible to the other daggers. So the fact Bob just let it slip like that is hilarious to Mickey (but he won't laugh out loud, doesn't want to draw attention to it.
Javy's mouth drops, his eyes are wide as saucers. This changes everything. He thought Bob didn't have it in him and now that Javy knows he does? It opens up a whole near world.
"Really?" Reuben deadpans because great, another kid he has to keep track of (he is the dad of the group y'all can't argue with me about this).
Fritz, Harvard, and Yale let out a loud "Ayyyyeee! Bobby!" They're proud of Bob and will vocally show it, much to Bob's dismay.
Jake chokes on his drink as well, but in-between coughing, he's able to express himself. "Excuse me?! Baby on board?! This is a family establishment!"
Bob scoffs "Doesn't stop you from making out with Bradshaw by the bathrooms."
Suddenly the attention is no longer on Bob and his wife. Which is great because it allows Bob to give your ass a loving squeeze when no one is looking..
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mangoboogaloo2 · 3 months
what's your hollow knight au... woah i;m so interested already
WOWOWOW hello :) I'm so glad u asked! Forgive me for the long post friend
1) Lost Kin Food Adventures/Also Hallownest Restored AU:
Part of me wants to keep it brief since I've story boarded a whole chapter of this I've kept but I got to edit it first (if I ever do ;-;)
- Lost Kin being a student and having an informal child/father type relationship Nail master Oro
- Lost kin learns that it's Nailmaster Oro's Hatchling day coming up soon, and they are invited by Sheo and the Nail Smith! Both teach them about birthdays/Hatchling day traditions
- They intend to make a cake! But learns that not many people in Hallownest don't know how to
- Although Lemm is a Relic-Seeker, Lost Kin learns that Lemm had heard of knowledge of adventurers cooking and baking, so they venture out to find the ingredients themselves together
Sideplot skirmishes/Character Moments:
- Hallownest is being rebuilt, and more bugs are flooding in! Hornet makes Quirrel an informal advisor to The Hollow Knight to help organize the kingdom a bit much to Lemm's chagrin
- Lemm × Quirrel: Lemm worries that Quirrel is not thinking about himself after seeing him devote more time to restoring to kingdom. This leaves Quirrel kind of hurt and they fight over it sometimes.
- Lost Kin figuring out themselves battling trauma between the Radiance and Pale King, trapped between void and light.
- Canon Drama: There's still tension between Oro and Mato and the Nailmaster family is tryna fix that
- Minor Drabble: Quirrel and the Hollow Knight reminiscing over their trauma and how they heal to being scared about rebuilding the corpse that is Hallownest
**(I'd imagine Quirrel here thinking fondly of Lemm when he says "it's okay to be useless" from the Stag Beetles and Broken Legs fanfic and somehow paralleling that to the Hollow Knight's new responsibility as king to not have as much pressure. That fic by Aryashi and relationshipcrimes on Ao3 is amazing, go go go)
- I'D ASSUME Sheo, Mato, and Oro are all triplets since they're practically identical but for that AU they've hatched on different days
- After installing Tumblr, I've seen SO MUCH food AU Stuff and I'm excited I'm not alone :_) I can't remember the exact creators that I've seen tho sadge
- Its funny since with this AU it assumes that Hallownest's gastronomy (at least in the baking department) being underwhelming as heck. I mean most people in Hallownest are warriors so I don't expect them too kek.
- Battling the fine line betwixt reality and fiction because I've done baking research on what Lemm and Lost kin CAN cook realistically but then like can bugs digest milk? Can bugs make a human cake and eat it too? Or do I have to use realistic substitutes? (Help I learned cockroaches can make milk, now you can know about it too HAH but yea no don't want that)
- Finally, definitely wanna flesh out Lemm and Lost Kin's relationship but I'm not sure how they would bond over in story. Maybe over Lemm's curiosity over the Pale family history and why these bugs look all the same and Lost Kin wanting to just experience life suffering from possession from radiance and such.
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^pg 1 storyboard (also I just realized, I don't know really if vessels are born ? So that's kind of sad)
This my most beefiest au that I will probably not fully write out (maybe)? Since writing is not my strength at all but thinking of character interactions is so fun. I have more different AU stuff but saving them for other days yes
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mememanufactorum · 1 year
Armored Core 6 sentence starters
"Forged in ash, we stand as one!"
"It's just a job. All of it."
"Damn it! I can't die like this!"
"I... I just... I just wanted a callsign of my own..."
"Remember who you're messing with."
"You? You're just going to be tagging along on ass-wiping duty."
"Who gives a shit. We'll handle this mission ourselves."
"Why don't you start a sewing club together... and stitch that damn mouth of yours shut?!"
"Can't say I considered you a pro either."
"Tch... Does this guy ever shut up?"
"No luck with the sewing club, I see."
"You got lucky, merc. You were the only warm body they could find."
"Have fun watching from the sidelines."
"Know your place, you meager dog sitter."
"I think I'll enjoy doing business with you."
"Do try not to die like a dog out there."
"You're fast—guess you're sharper than they say. I'll have to step up my own game."
"The higher-ups are going to remember you now, that's for sure. As will I."
"Believe you me, I'm gonna put you to work!"
"Pitiful dog. I feel sorry for you, I really do. You may have survived a little longer, if only you had a different master."
"I hear you make fine hounds with the right training. Shame you'll have to die here."
"I'm fairly adept at analyzing systems— and manipulating them too."
"Can't get good help these days, can you? Would've been cheaper to just hire you instead!"
"It's been miserable knowing you, but... I guess playing nice is the smart choice here."
"They might be a pack of dumb animals, but at least they know quality workmanship."
"Anyway, you know the score. You made this mess, now you get to clean it up. Well, technically, I'm asking you to make a whole new mess... Ah, whatever. You know what to do."
"Guess I was right to pick you for the job."
"Well, I guess a dog can't choose it's master... But, still... Tough luck. I feel sorry for you, I really do."
"Looks like you ruffled some feathers."
"If you ask me, they're counting their eggs before they're hatched."
"I want you to be a walking advertisement for opportunities in destruction."
"You're not their mascot. Just focus on getting the job done."
"I'm sure our paymasters planned for that too. They got their 'walking advertisement' alright."
"I knew you could do it, buddy. I've got my eye on you."
"S-Stop that! How dare you attack me with my back turned?!"
"I don't know who put you up to this, but clearly you need to be disciplined!"
"I asked you a question! Don't you have any manners?!"
"You need discipline!"
"You've got skills... Shame you don't put them to good use."
"What?! Wh-Who are you?! Stop right there! How dare you pretend to be one of my own...!"
"Let me go, and you'll still come out on top... Understand?"
"You're quick on the uptake, aren't you? Splendid."
"You're not like those savages. Keep up the good work."
"Death and dishonor... Such is the oathbreaker's due."
"Heed me, oathbreaker... Treachery benefits none."
"That was certainly an adventure."
"Stubborn to the last... You don't know what's good for you."
"I have a question. The way you dealt with him— did [name] teach you that?"
"Some of us were worried that the enemy might have won you over. But it seems we can trust you after all. Glad to be on the same side."
"Must you always put your life on the line?"
"That's one way to light a fire under your ass— keep it alive for the next field trip."
"I'd say this calls for fireworks— and I've got something that'll blow them away."
"The anticipation's half the fun. We want our guests to enjoy this."
"...Looks like I was a little off. Well, close enough is good enough for me."
"You again? I'm a busy man. Far too busy for the likes of you."
"You're going to need more pawns on the board."
"...Of course. You're here to hawk your services again."
"You're a survivor, no doubt."
"You will be under my direct authority. Consider it a rare privilege."
"Looks like you're doing just fine, buddy."
"It's time to pay the piper."
"I've got your back, buddy. Hope you've got mine."
"Nice work, buddy. Glad you're on my side."
"It's a delight to enjoy the company of a visitor from so far away."
"Here's to new beginnings...! By all means, be my guest."
"A new friend from afar, just for me... What joy! Be still, my beating heart!"
"I'm waiting for you, friend... Fidgeting anxiously before the big dance. I do hope I'll keep up... But the anticipation is part of the fun."
"I've done my best to welcome you. I do hope you'll enjoy your stay, friend..."
"Don't forget, the guy's a rat. This won't be smooth sailing."
"Please! I wanted to surprise you, friend!"
"You've introduced me to such wonderful people! Wonderful things..."
"Let's trip the light fantastic, friend!"
"I'm starting to feel confused... It'd help if you could shut him up."
"Why, friend... This is a gift... Thank you..."
"Looks like he's dead. Good."
"Let's see how far they can fly... On borrowed wings."
"We will see if you can do it justice."
"Either way, you'll never spread your wings... At least not yet."
"A Raven is a symbol of resolve. The will to choose what one fights for."
"All right, we'll watch this one. See where they go on a Raven's wings."
"You're a famous mercenary now. Time to act like one."
"Tell you what, I'll watch and let you know how badly that goes for us."
"You can leave that to me. I know a thing or two about sharpshooting."
"A ragtag crew like this needs leadership."
"I know just the volunteer to go poke that beast with a stick."
"It's not every day you see competing forces working together like this."
"Act like a professional outfit and you might live."
"Who does that creep think he is? I ain't here because I want to be."
"Enjoy the show— and don't forget to smile."
"You don't gotta tell me. I ain't going down with you fools."
"I won't miss."
"That freak actually did it..."
"Did what, the bare minimum? This is just the first hurdle."
"Finally, someone with their head screwed on straight. Ever thought about switching sides?"
"You beg for your mother, we'll give you another!"
"It'll all be over once your sorry ass is dead!"
"I know you're laughing at me! What makes YOU so special?!"
"As if you hardly need help from me. When'd you get so good at exploring?"
"You can go home now— or follow me if you've got a death wish!"
"Go multiply your rifle training and see if you can learn to do something useful."
"Are we doomed to spark conflict wherever we go?"
"Figures. Seems both of us are too dangerous to keep around. And the higher-ups wouldn't miss an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone."
"So, buddy. Who needs you?"
"I don't want to dance to their tune, but this time, I don't have any other choice."
"You never change. You're not afraid to die... Or to kill."
"This has been a real eye-opener. You're strong—a threat...!"
"You're sharp... But that's not the only thing that makes you dangerous."
"I've fought alongside you several times but I never could figure you out."
"Tell me, buddy. What drives you?"
"Never failed to impress... But this isn't over yet."
"There's no graver threat than power without purpose!"
"Once something's alive, it doesn't die easy."
"I'll be well-rewarded when I bring them your head on a silver platter."
"I'll see that the unruly dog is punished and brought to heel. Oh, and of course, let's not forget the hound's master, either."
"This isn't an order—it's a legacy. My fallen friends entrusted this duty to me... And now it's my turn to hand it on."
"Feed the fire. Let the last cinders burn."
"I have one last job for you: Find your freedom."
"Been a while, tourist. Good to see you're still kicking."
"He asked me to look after you. Don't mind if I do."
"I don't just design weapons, you know. You'll see what I mean."
"Looks like they're falling over each other to get your autograph."
"You've been working like a dog... Must be [name]'s influence. Guy's a real slave driver."
"Where do they even find all these people?!"
"Seems they weren't so trivial after all."
"Let's get this trash out of the way first."
"You seem like you've lost someone too. Hope I'm just imagining things."
"Time to do or die. Let's get our laughs while we can."
"Hope you don't mind a little friendly competition."
"Yikes, tourist. Looks like they want you dead first. Tough break. It's not easy being popular."
"Looks like all your fans are dying to see you."
"Oh, we're serious. Right, tourist? Thing is, the serious ones die first— so we should at least pretend to be having fun."
"Someone has to put an end to this injustice!"
"Where did this... Resolve come from? You must have chosen something... Sacrificed something... You found your purpose... Didn't you, buddy?!"
"Always were at your best under pressure, buddy. But this ends here and now!"
"Must be heavy... This purpose you found. You've finally shown me who you are... It's too late now— but it didn't have to be this way!"
"Do him a favor, tourist. Remember him."
"You know... For a tourist, you've got a sense of humor."
"I saw the potential for our future within you. You and I... Could have walked together."
"You are strong. Dangerous. I... Will hold nothing back."
"I realize what you are... The spark of war..."
"I won't let you... Your fire must die!"
"You chose to carry our burden and right the wrongs of our past. I'm sorry... And I'm grateful."
"There's nothing left to bind you. Whatever choices you make now... I just hope you find your true potential."
"I'm not taking any more of your shit!"
"So you got a nice punch in, meh. Go buy a lottery ticket."
"They've called in backup. Shall we step outside and say hello?"
"And here I thought I'd just make some extra scratch. Guess I can settle the score at the same time."
"It'll be peace and quiet when you're gone!"
"Damn it... I would've had you! Don't you dare think you've won!"
"You fight like a bird in flight. You may yet fly higher."
"The others are so used to fighting and shouting slogans that they've given up thinking."
"I don't know who you are but you're dead!"
"We need to stand on our own two feet. That's how we'll win."
"We're war buddies now. Maybe I'll find a comrade in you yet."
"I thought you'd run away with your tail between your legs... Back for more, are you?"
"You fools don't know your place. You don't know when you're beaten. You don't even know what's good for you!"
"How dare you bare your filthy fangs against me?!"
"Howl into the abyss, dog!"
"Will nothing stop you, pest?!"
"Let me tell you my motto, tourist: Get your laughs while you can."
"I don't know what you're up to, but you better make it worth it."
"Looks like you made a friend of your own. But it's good to make a choice. Sit on the fence and you make no enemies... Or friends."
"Hope you've got room for more... I've brought a full course meal."
"Never thought the plan would go so wrong... But it's good teaming up with you again. Couldn't have hoped for a better silver lining."
"You're out of luck. There's only one person who can keep up with me."
"You're not the mutt I thought you were. You're below that—you are vermin!"
"You took on my hopes... My selfish dream. Now, I want to see the future that you choose. Whatever waits ahead... I'll support you."
"Whatever works to get your name out there. That's the benefit of being independent."
"Whatever happens, handle it. Just like you always do."
"As much as I'd love to stop and chat... I'm afraid we're rather pressed for time."
"I'm okay... Still alive, at least. A little rest... And I'll pay 'em back."
"You're daring, I'll give you that. But I've fried bigger fish than you."
"Humanity assumed its current form to fight itself. To choose from infinite selections. That is the essence of the human race... And the key to biological evolution."
"Tired as I am... I'm not ready to die yet."
"Shovel down your bland rations. Slurp your coffee-flavored sludge. Sure, it sucks—but that's being human."
"Don't tell me you like it here."
"He may seem like a pessimist, but he lives for the way things are. A life that can't coexist with what we want."
"Maybe now... I'll get some sleep..."
"Something's... Changed since last time. But you still haven't found a purpose."
"A chain made of human links is easily broken."
"You always did work hard for me... Handled all my requests... And, yet."
"Now that the choice is made, we have to carry on. No matter what obstacles confront us."
"Sorry, but I'm not laughing this time."
"I don't care about the big plan. I just want that damn freelancer DEAD!"
"We will bring order to chaos."
"You want some of this. I'll give it to you..."
"I know how this goes. This is where that grit of yours kicks in.
"It was always so easy for you... What makes YOU special?"
"I always... Envied you. The freelancer... Who had it all..."
"Let's meet this new age... Together."
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leeyanyanyaaan · 1 year
i just finished buddy daddies and i have thoughts abt the ending ^^;
it was nice! like, of course i was happy that in the end they got their happy ending and stayed together as a family, but like some people have been saying, it could've been better TwT
for example, i definitely would have wanted to see more of the family's growth to how they've become now! it would've been nice if they had an animated montage of the time passing by in place of the memo board, like the fam moving out of rei's apartment, establishing their diner, and of course, miri's growth from toddler to teenager! OR they could have still kept the memo board AND include an animated montage for every moment they've captured (kinda like rei's confrontation with his dad where he remembers his fond memories)
it would've been nice if kazuki even had a monologue voice over talking about how they've grown too! just to at least provide the audience with more insight
also like some people have been mentioning, i also thought that the offhanded comment about kazuki going out for a drink with the girls ruined the moment :") (for me,) this is the ONLY time in the show where i felt they were trying to exaggerate "oh just a reminder that kazuki is still straight!", i mean, yes we have kazuki's late wife and his moments of going out with the other girls, but for me this was the first time they were outright trying to emphasize the no homo and that made me a bit sad... like, they could have just left it open-ended like they always have been throughout the series! (edit: just saw the thing abt the producers liking the kazurei content, so it this was just for censorship purposes </3 but im glad to hear they're with us <3)
if they were trying to hint that the dads still do underground work on the side, idk they could have at least phrased it differently like miri instead saying "didn't you and rei papa leave early last night [to see kyu-chan]?" but then again that might've been too ambiguous i guess lol
i don't mind the fact that they didn't necessarily show the fact that they've talked it out with miri, the fact that miri has the photo of her mom and casually pointed out kazuki's late night activities says enough that she knows
and lastly i wish that they talked more about the diner! kinda random, i know, but i wish that they just talked more about like how the diner life has come to and stuff, if you get what i mean? just in general, incorporated the topic more in the ending.
i guess in general, i just wanted to see and hear more about the family's growth y'know?
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lifeforms · 3 months
i talk about cla/na a lot (especially now that i am actively rewatching with someone i adore who also happens to WRITE clark) because i think they are completely vital to each other. i do. i fully believe that they will be a big part of one another's worlds forever. but. you also have to understand that even if you systematically murdered every person i ship with either one of them until there was NO ONE left. i would still not start talking about getting them back together. at most i might be like, well, you two are gonna move in together to make sure you both keep breathing. and if you are very sad and you need to fuck about it, that's your business. i will not stop you. i'm sure i will probably even feel something about it. but you can't let your guard down. you have to remember that historically, every time you've tried to share a life you have only made each other crazy. and that neither one of you was ever doing that great to begin with. and that neither one of you is ever going to change. for anybody.
it's just not good. they are not compatible like that. i think it makes plenty of sense that it's Harder Than Usual for them to move on from the idea of each other, but it's... not because of their epic love story™. it's because they are the two loneliest kids in the world and they are so used to assuming that nobody else could ever Get That (and, you know, to their point, it's rare that someone does). they both have each other on these weird little pedestals that they don't really know how to budge. and that's okay sometimes! i think that in any context they are both glad to keep like, being a touchstone. a sounding board. a facilitator of excellent hugs. proud, even.
but when you start trying to keep them in the same box, there's, like... nobody and nothing else in there to remind them how simple it is for them to fall into playing roles for comfort. they're too in their own little daydream. and they're both good actors, but like, that shit doesn't last. and it shouldn't. it doesn't bother me that people ship them [i.e. this is not That Kind Of Post], not least because, i mean. what leg am i going to try to stand on in this house? i got nothing. i got absolutely nothing. i cannot claim moral or logical high ground here. but it does disturb me that anyone could watch them Do That for 8 seasons and not even be like "i love my toxic otp ♡"
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marvelousbutterfly · 2 years
No matter how far that I've run (memories always seem to catch up again)
Chapter 2: You're my chosen family
Read on ao3
Chapter Summary:
"Well, it's a flexible synthetic material with great tensile strength, inspired by spider-webs, since they're-"
His rambling stopped when he felt hands on his wrists. Howard was holding his arms, forcing them down from their previous position in front of his chest, stopping them from flapping. Peter tried releasing them, or at least flapping his hands, but the man wouldn't budge. Peter whined.
"Would you stop that?" Howard said, irritation clear in his voice.
The next morning, Peter woke up to a quiet penthouse.
"Hey Friday?"
"Good morning, Peter! What can I do for you?"
"Where is everyone?" he asked.
Turns out, Pepper was at a meeting until lunchtime, and both Howard and Tony were still asleep, the latter undoubtedly still exhausted from his panic attack the previous day.
Feeling awkward being the only one up - usually Mr. Stark would be up before him - the boy took a look at his routine board to start his day. He took his time with his hygiene before heading to the kitchen in search of something to have for breakfast.
Peter was seated on his preferred stool at the kitchen counter ("they're all the same," Tony had said when he found out about it, and Peter had simply stated, "They are, except this one is better"). His legs were swinging back and forth and he bounced in his seat as he chewed on his plain omelet. Tony would say it can't be called that, though, since Peter never mixed the egg whites with the yolk, but Peter couldn't care less about omelet-related social norms.
"You're oddly comfortable in this penthouse for an intern."
The voice came all of a sudden, startling Peter and causing him to drop his fork on his plate with a sharp sound. He instinctively covered his ears and whined as the noise rang inside his head. As the other person in the room stepped closer to the counter, he tried to recompose himself and opened his eyes only to come face to face with none other than Howard Stark.
"So, how did you get this… internship with Anthony, anyway?" the man asked, seemingly unfazed by Peter's momentary distress.
"Uh I applied for it and I guess he took some interest in my work" the boy replied sheepishly.
"I see. And how did you even get into science?"
"My parents were both scientists, and I grew up to be interested in that, too. My uncle always encouraged me, he even encouraged me to try getting into a STEM program for high school, which is what I do now."
From the little Peter could remember about facial expressions, Stark seemed unimpressed by all of the information - not that he was seeking the man's approval.
"Well, I'm glad a young man like you chose Stark Industries" Howard said.
"Yeah, Mr. Stark is great" Peter said with enthusiasm.
Howard huffed, though Peter couldn't tell if it was from amusement or annoyance - perhaps both.
"I hope you're not indulging in the same projects Anthony used to at your age - robots with no purpose, useless machines…"
"Well, I am" the boy answered quietly, before tentatively adding, "But I'm also working on a versatile medical bandage of sorts, to be used mainly in first aid"
This time, the man actually seemed interested, to some extent. Enough, at least, to have questions.
"And what kind of material are you working with?"
Peter gained confidence at Howards interest in the project he's been hyperfocusing on, and he started flapping his hands and bouncing on his seat as he talked.
"Well, it's a flexible synthetic material with great tensile strength, inspired by spider-webs, since they're-"
His rambling stopped when he felt hands on his wrists. Howard was holding his arms, forcing them down from their previous position in front of his chest, stopping them from flapping. Peter tried releasing them, or at least flapping his hands, but the man wouldn't budge. Peter whined.
"Would you stop that?" Howard said, irritation clear in his voice.
Peter couldn't muster a verbal response over the whines and grunts building up in his throat.
"If you want me to let go, you have to use your words"
The boy could only shake his head, pulling his arms back while trying his best to keep his strength under control. He knew if this kept going for even a little longer, he wouldn't have much control over anything at all. His protests only grew louder as Howard tightened his hold on him and kept yelling at him to stop. When he tried freeing himself from the man's grip one more time, the stool slipped from under him, causing him to hit his still injured head painfully on the counter as he fell to the floor - still, the hands never left his wrists, holding them above his head now.
Just as Peter felt like he was about to explode, two familiar voices sounded at once.
"Sir, I urge you to let Peter go, as he seems to be in great distress" Friday said, just as Mr. Stark entered the room in a rage.
"That's her polite way of saying 'get the hell away from the kid right fucking now'" he said, while prying his father away from Peter, then, "Fri, darling, get Happy here now. Tell him it's a Peter emergency"
He let go of Howard, then quietly approached Peter, hoping no one else could notice how much his hands were shaking.
The boy seemed to be frozen in place where he sat on the floor next to the fallen stool. He held his arms tightly around himself as he rocked back and forth while tears continuously streamed down his reddened cheeks. As he got closer, Tony noticed Peter was biting his own arm near his shoulder, though thankfully he couldn't see any blood - not yet, at least. His heart ached at the sight.
"Pete?" he called almost in a whisper, crouching down next to him, "I'm sorry he did that, buddy."
Tony wasn't sure if Peter could even hear him over his own grunting and whining, but he still hoped that his voice would at least bring him some comfort.
"I'm sorry, but Happy's taking him somewhere else now, it'll be okay."
As he talked, Tony looked around, searching for anything that could help the boy calm down. As if reading his mind, Rhodey appeared by his side, handing him a chew necklace. Tony nodded to show his gratitude, then tentatively tried handing it to the kid as Rhodey retreated to the living room to give them some space.. 
"Here, can you try to chew on this instead? You're hurting yourself" he tried.
Peter grunted in response, his eyes still shut tight. Still, he flexed the fingers on one of his hands, without taking it away from his torso. Tony took that as a yes, cautiously putting the necklace around the kid's neck and holding it up so the chewable piece was close to his mouth. Peter quickly bit onto it with force and Tony let go of it. He also asked if the kid wanted his weighted blanket, but only got a distressed squeal in response. Peter probably didn't want any kind of touch or pressure that didn't come from himself right now, after being held the way he had been.
He sat there quietly talking and humming random tunes as Peter kept rocking back and forth, making random sounds and biting on his chew necklace. When the rocking finally slowed down, along with both of their breathing. 
"I know you don't like it, but can we put some ice on your head? You've got a bruise again, I bet it hurts"
It must have been hurting, because Peter hummed without hesitation.
They sat on the floor in front of the couch in the living room, with Hercules playing quietly on the TV like Rhodey had asked Friday. Tony kept his distance from Peter, but still talked to him and kept checking if he was putting ice on his wound. It didn't take much longer for the boy to fall asleep, his head resting on the couch behind him, the ice pack slowly leaking on the carpet.
Only then did Tony allow himself to feel his own emotions, and this time he was the one being comforted with Rhodey holding him as he cried.
"It's not your fault, you know," Rhodey said when Tony's sobs finally subsided. 
"I let him into the Tower, I let him get near the kid" Tony spat in self-deprecation, "Now look what happened"
"What's done is done, Tones" his best friend said, "What matters is that you're there for him now, just like he was there for you when you needed him"
Tony nodded, smiling sadly as he looked at Peter's sleeping form, who by now had been moved to the couch, a thin blanket draped over him. 
Deep down, he knew Rhodey was right. There was nothing he could do to change what had already happened - no matter how much regret he felt.
This regret turned into rage when Friday suddenly announced:
"Boss, your father is requesting your presence in your office downstairs. He wants to talk to you. Would you like me to say you do not wish to talk to him?"
Tony sighed, "It's okay, darling." He stood up and walked into the elevator, shaking his head at Rhodey when he tried to follow him there. "Let's deal with this once and for all."
When Tony stepped into the office, his father was clearly angry: his clenched fists laid on the table in front of him, and his face was twisted into a scowl.
"How dare you" Tony jumped as his father slammed his fists into the table, "treat me like a prisoner in my own building"
"None of this" Tony retorted, motioning to the room, "is yours anymore. In case you forgot, you're dead."
"This is not the way to treat your father, Anthony. Show some goddamn respect!" Howard yelled, now standing and shoving a finger in Tony's face.
"And what you've done earlier is not a way to treat a kid either, or anyone for that matter. I let them bring you here so Doctor Strange can fix all the things that were fucked up before he can send you back and you can go back to your actual life. This is not a goddamn resort" Tony yelled back, towering over his father. "You have no right to come into my home and mess with me and my family. Don't ever come near my kid again."
"That's always been your weakness, Anthony. You're too soft"
"Well, at least I don't go around making people feel like shit for my own enjoyment. People may say I don't have a heart, but at least I have a family who I love and who loves me back. And I'm happy. No thanks to you." 
Tony stepped back, ready to walk out the door, when his father called in a quiet voice.
"I'm disappointed in you, Anthony. You're not the man I raised you to be"
"That's what I've been striving for" Tony spat out the words before leaving, not giving his father the chance to say anything else. He'd heard enough, and he'd said all he had to. ______________________________________________________________
Peter woke up to a hand running through his hair. His senses slowly came back to him, and he could hear a voice saying, softly, "It's okay, he'll never come near us ever again. We're gonna be okay."
He laid there, still pretending to be asleep and enjoying the comforting touch for a few more minutes.
"I know you're awake, kid," the voice said, and Peter only groaned in response. 
He opened his eyes slowly, thankful that the lights were dimmed enough to not bother him. He was laying on the couch, and Mr. Stark was sitting on the edge of one of the cushions, his hand still on Peter's hair, his mouth curved into a sad smile. He looked tired, with bloodshot eyes and disheveled hair.
"How are you feeling?" the man asked.
Peter shrugged, "Tired."
"Yeah, me too."
After a few seconds, Mr. Stark broke the silence again. 
"I'm sorry about Howard. He shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have let him get near you" he said, his voice breaking.
Peter sat up, pulling his mentor into a much needed hug for the both of them.
"It's okay, Mr. Stark. You did nothing wrong. And I'm okay now."
"I'm still sorry he hurt you" Mr. Stark insisted.
"I'm sorry he hurt you too." ______________________________________________________________
Howard only stayed at the Tower for another day - not once being allowed to enter Tony's private floor again -, then Doctor Strange was finally able to send him back.
Both Tony and Peter were still shaken up by the whole ordeal, but after their conversation on the couch, neither one had much time to dwell on it - nor did they have to.
The rest of the week was filled with teary smiles, comforting hugs and popcorn-worthy movie nights.
During one of those nights, watching Peter explain the movie to Rhodey, Pepper sleeping next to him on the couch, and Happy smiling fondly as he texted May, Tony knew he would be alright. And if it was up to him, so would his family.
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wack-ashimself · 1 year
My major problem with GOTG 3 is in the third act (of course)...
Overall, solid movie. It was a nice closer. And even tho it was 2 1/2 hours, it still felt like it kinda force rushed character growth finality. 'THIS is who EACH person became and ended up. END OF STORY!' Then the post credits with 'Star Lord will return.' WHO THE FUCK CARES? They are an ensemble cast and Peter Quill, no powers, by himself, sounds boring as shit.
But the third act, for them being the HEROES, they did one of the most short sighted, stupid, even cruel possible choice.
Knowhere is now a giant mobile city for 10s of thousands. In the final act, they need to board the enemy ship. So they transport Knowhere, a city full of THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE, right into the heat of the battle to attack the enemy ship. Again, putting at risk everyone, and 100% getting some of them killed. Kids too. To save ONE person? I'm sorry, but that's the most unhero thing you can do: 'My friend is at risk, so I'm going to jeopardize thousands of lives.' WTF. <fairly, Starlord and Thanos shows he doesn't care about EVERYONE. I always hated that scene too. Thanos killed Gamora and you think your tempter tantrum will help anything? Saying this all out loud...Starlord is a POS.>
Also, you KNEW the lead baddie was creating a new world with new creatures. You kinda KNEW there were 100s of lives on that ship, but still attacked it without considering all the facts? Starlord is not a hero. I do not want to ever see him anything without the rest again.
My fav part? 3 fold.
3-Mantis FINALLY sticking up for herself. She needed a backbone.
2-The trilogy kinda hinting that the main focus, the whole time, was actually rocket racoon (and him finally admitting he's a racoon). Seriously, when they tease this, you reflect on EVERY movie he's been in (and remember him and Nebula were alone for 5 years after Thanos which I never really thought about. The impact of this movie being all about Rocket possibly dying & her reaction hit that much harder.)
1I love/hated Gamora's ending. I'm glad she kinda got her heart back, and did NOT end up with Quill (It wouldn't of been the same). But how buddy budddy/family she was with the ravengers seemed out of place. Forced with the tiny Stallon cameo. Either she IS doing it for the money or she DOES care about them. Quill didn't even love them all that much. Coworkers? Cool. But now they're family? Weird. Out of place.
Least fav thing?
Starlord going back to his grandpa. Sorry, but he basically never showed any interest ever, but now, because someone mentioned it, he changes the rest of his life? This movie solidified that Starlord is my least favorite guardian. He's a selfish short sighted baby man.
Overall, better than 2 (but 2 was needed), and a fair (but not the best) closer.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3: 7.2/10.
<What would I have done different? Starlord dies. It would have been better. It really genuinely would have been better if he died exactly when it looked like he was gonna. And it would have been perfect: dying for his music player? He came in a dumbass, he went out a dumbass. THEN it would give a comfortable opening for Gamora and Nebula to reconnect and fix everything they broke thru the years. Everything else could've stayed the same. Maybe Mantis going to find her own species would've been cool. As I said, it was a decent ending. But that 3rd act....a little wishy-washy.>
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katie5000 · 2 years
So this synopsis (or analysis?) of last week's Stampede episode came across my dash, and I may have gotten frustrated and written a point-by-point rebuttal. >_>
First of all, OP, this isn't the best synopsis - it reads more like first impressions, and it would seem like you missed a lot of stuff when you watched this. Let's go:
Wow, maximum badass. Why? Wolfwood needs to be a maximum badass, that’s why.
The series opens by illustrating Wolfwood's job duties, basically. I mean, he's literally called "The Punisher" for a reason. But the fact that they're opening with this suggests that whatever's going on here will be relevant or important later in the episode. That it incidentally looks "badass" is an added bonus.
Vash and Wolfwood are pouting over something and Meryl jokingly asks if they are having a spat over candy…I get she’s trying to defuse the situation but are we to think this is due to Wolfwood shooting Rollo - last night?…I’m going to take the easiest option and say that they are pouting about the fact that Wolfwood killed Rollo - last night.
Okay good, because I think it's supposed to be set the next day. They've been driving all night and well into the next day. As for Meryl's line: Remember that Meryl and Roberto don't actually have any idea what happened, because they weren't there to witness it. They screwed off earlier in the previous episode to go dig through the remains of Rollo's house and find the picture of Vash holding him as a baby. For all Meryl knows, they could be fighting over candy. They're just…mad at each other for some reason now. (And no, this is not an indicator of bad writing. She did not witness the "why," and Vash never told her. This is realistic.)
He’s clear that he wants Meryl to take the steamer but it was vague if he was going to go with her or if he wanted her to take it for safety. Uncle info dump isn’t info dumping this episode much.
Did you not see him turn his head around to face the back seat? He was telling Vash (and presumably Wolfwood) to take the Steamer, and Meryl assumes they're going to follow, so she starts to ask how they will get the car on board. Roberto says they're not going.
It has been even less time for Wolfwood to know Vash and he’s sticking to him like crazy glue, again being an ass.
Yes, because this is his job. He was sent by the Eye of Michael/Knives/Whoever to keep tabs on Vash and eventually lead him back to his brother. I'm pretty sure this is revealed in the manga at some point, though I can't remember where.
Meanwhile, Meryl is working hard to convince Roberto that they need to continue to track the Humanoid Typhoon. Interestingly, that she doesn’t call him Vash, but by his destructive nickname here...
Mhm, because that's how the public knows him. They work for a tabloid, and the "Humanoid Typhoon" would be a big break/hell of a story. In short, she's trying to entice Roberto to keep following him.
This episode will frequently use the word monster to describe Wolfwood a lot and Vash as well. This is the writers trying to get us to connect the two of them and make us feel that they should be friends and a dynamic duo - which they aren’t currently.
But they probably will be, before the series is over. Calm down.
As for the writers, they are attempting to draw a parallel between the two characters. Friends or not, there are similarities present.
On the steamer there is a route map telling use they are leaving the Terminal - which literally is just a single terminal in the desert? What? Ports develop around such locations but this is just a terminal.
I think you mean "cities develop around such locations." If the steamer's going there, there's probably already a port. (I'm glad to see they spelled "July" properly on the map, though.)
Vash finally gets around to directly asking Wolfwood what his job is and he replies that he’s babysitting him. From Wolfwood we can understand that it is his ‘job’ to make sure Vash gets somewhere. Or at least those are the orders that Wolfwood has.
Bingo! Now, don't forget this before next week's episode.
Their conversation doesn’t get very far since Livio appears on the scene almost immediately and shoots at both of them.
Vash's line of dialogue beforehand - something like, "Don't you have something you care about?" is an interesting bit of foreshadowing here.
We get it, there was a time when Wolfwood was cute and he was friends with Livio.
More importantly, it's meant to establish that there's a history between the two characters - and that, despite his aloof exterior, Wolfwood does have something he cares about. He is able to care about things.
Wolfwood’s flashback continues that he’s been selected as a ‘Child of Blessing’ just like Rollo by [the] mysterious church.
And everyone gathers on the porch to say goodbye. Wolfwood looks for Livio there, but doesn't see him. Disappointing, but also curious.
There is a weird psychedelic flashback were Wolfwood is a test subject…
Yes, because they are pumping him full of drugs. And holy shit, do they have some side effects…
…and shows S+ levels of possibilities. This is clearly a term added for the Japanese audience as the States does not have this type of ranking which is a trope specific to Japanese media.
…And? So what. They're not making this exclusively for an American audience. Just learn what it means and go on your way. So Wolfwood's really unusual and rare, from a physiological standpoint.
Just like the breakneck pace of the anime, his own physical development is rapidly accelerated - much more so than with the manga.
But it did happen in the manga. So they're keeping that plot point.
As the original anime put it, he was taken in as a child and trained by Chapel the Evergreen for ten years before striking out on his own for an unclear amount of time making his age over twenty. The manga has the unclear timeline where you’d think he was around twenty at the end, but maybe seventeen. Either way, manga and ‘98 anime Wolfwoods were more emotionally mature and had seen things.
At this point, I don't think I'd be using the 90s anime as a yardstick for anything in this series because of the fact that it was not based on all (or even most) of the source material. A lot was embellished, because a lot didn't exist yet. In the manga, the basic setup seems to be that Wolfwood was trained first before being given drugs, but even so, he probably wasn't older than high-school age (14-17). Stampede seems to have flipped this for the narrative - he's given drugs first, then his training.
Of course, being likely only twelve, he tries to escape his now adult form declaring he’s returning to the orphanage before getting caught.
So this is the setup here for that plot point - Wolfwood eventually returning to the place he called "home". He feels like a monster, he feels like he shouldn't go back, he eventually does anyway, and…well, read the manga. There's a couch and some confetti. ;~;
Now, he’s a man with a child’s mind. Yeah.
He was always a man with a child's mind. A teenager's mind, anyway.
Continue with Part 2 here.
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I have gotten two of my friends interested in Tsuma just by spamming GIFs so can confirm the Cutest Old Man In Media strategy has a high success rate... ON THAT NOTE. Very strong list of cuties... I Must Agree... Ikegami may be At Least A Little heinous but can't argue with that reasoning...
AND OK LISTEN. Some things I tell you are meant to be locked away in the vault never to be spoken of again... Tsutsumi's retirement is one of those... [just kidding it's fine LMAO he can do whatever makes him happy But I Will Cry I'm Sorry WE GET LIKE ONE MAINLINE GAME EVERY FOUR YEARS WHAT IF JO NEVER COMES BACK AAAA] BUT YES. YEAH. Very curious how he might do as a director...
DJKLGHJKLSDHLKS NO THAT'S THE FUNNIEST THING because I will generally just mention something in passing without actually recommending it but you'll go for it anyway😭😭😭NOT COMPLAINING. NOT COMPLAINING IN THE SLIGHTEST you have my deepest gratitude after A Lifetime of having my recommendations fall through and not being able to talk about stuff I'm into I cannot say this enough 😭😭😭😭😭but of course, definitely checking out the movie when I can :] I wish I could've watched before responding but busy day... oh well...
Speaking of! Kagerou Touge here and Tonbi here. They're both a bit less than three hours and split into two parts sooooo up to you <3 I don't remember enough about Tonbi to summarize it any better than what's on the page and It Is Best I Leave Kagerou A Surprise From Start To Finish. Bali Big Brother has been a bitch for years though unfortunately😩no subs may or may not be better than the machine-translated subs I had to work with
AGREED ON EVERYTHING ABOUT ATR NO NOTES NO ADDITIONS... YOU GET ME... KUROMI/MY MELODY-CORE SO REAL I felt like stopping and pointing whenever you could see their charms😭😭😭big fan... huge even... also the visual direction was Overall really good it is such a pretty anime and goes So Hard with the rain motif... SPEAKING OF THE FINALE WHICH I LOVED FOR THOSE SAME REASONS AS WELL Akira imagining breaking into a run to kiss Kondo on the cheek in the "date" ep but when she actually does it in real life it's a hug... as friends... broooooooo 😭😭😭😭😭
can't believe you're just hoarding keisuke gifs from me 😭 yes ive seen all of the show but STILL BUT REGARDLESS I'M GLAD YOU GOT OTHERS ON BOARD truly love this show a lot for keisuke... even beyond him tho not only is the cast really lovely but again i really love where the story went and how it all culminated in its last episodes..
and LISTEN Yes Ikegami Is A Lil Rank. Comes With Being A Yakuza but i do not have many options out of the charas ive seen tsutsumi play 😔 we been through this ttm is either very heinous or very serious in his films.... have to be careful..... plus i still think him smiling so much during the filming of the movie was cute, he's just a little silly to me 😔
but if tsutsumi isn't due to come back cause of his career, i gotta be the one to rip the bandaid off an assume jo prob won't return after this game. which either means 1.) joins the graveyard of tsutsumi charas 2.) He Somehow Gets Out Just Fine ???? And Just Does His Own Thing ???? Alone ???? either way... very intrigued to see what LaD8 has in store with that in mind...
there's some evil parasite in my brain that makes me immensely interested in things- like i accidentally went down a rabbit hole on The Superman Curse after someone made an aside comment about the latest flash movie DO NOT mention things to me because i will investigate it thoroughly... AND IM GLAD I DO CAUSE I FIND GEMS LIKE THESE !!!!!!!!! with that said i hope you enjoy the movie if you get to it !! (❁´◡`❁)
AND SPEAKING OF EPIC THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! i wouldn't mind with auto-generated subs tbh.... i've worked with less honestly BUT for now i'll see to watchin these two tonight ||ヽ(* ̄▽ ̄*)ノミ|Ю
I REALLY LOVED THE RAIN THEME OF AtR. like Yeah That's On The Label BUT STILL it really fit the title so well... AND YAYA THE PARALLEL IN THE DATE EP FANTASY VS THE FINAL EP REALITY.... cinema.. LITERAL cinema i LOVE so so much the direction the anime went with their relationship... i said it enough but it's just so refreshing and great to see...
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iri-vail · 10 months
alright i finished gaiden and i need to scream
I MISSED KIRYU I MISSED HIM SO MUCH AND NOW HE'Ll BE GONE! I know he'll be in infinite wealth but...i don't think it will be the same. Feels like gaiden sent him off with a bang, and infinite wealth will finish the job.
I love this series' handling of tone so much. like, gaiden was 0 levels silly again, and kiryu was at his most uninhibited yet i think? But seeing him this defeated, it really hammered home again and again how over the course of the series, we've watched everything get taken from this man. and i haven't kept up with the promos for infinite wealth, but it seems he'll die soon, too. It's insane how real this man feels at this point, i've spent so much time playing as him, have seen so much of his life...
I really love that they included yumi and kazama again! I kept reminding myself, all of that happened in what, 2005? 20 years, and he still has that ring. He still sings that song for Nishiki, which I totally made Akame sit through again and again, because someone other than me needs to remember my brother!
The song for Haruto was also so great, and of course, everything else with the kids... the finale was heartbreaking, Kiryu getting shown just how much of their lives he's missed. I really hope there's gonna be some kind of reunion or Something, because I couldn't take it otherwise. Also, I need justice for Haruka! I need to see my daughter again, she was barely in 6, too, rgg let me see her!!!!
Hmm what else. I really loved the combat! And I'll miss it. I know there's the spinoffs that will stay action focused, but there's really nothing that can replace a Kiryu rampage. Tiger Drop my beloved.
I loved the characters they introduced and I'm glad they didn't kill them off. Nishitani and Shishido were amazing.
Oh yeah MY MAN DAIGO! My boy. The way he kept glancing at Kiryu, disbelieving, almost shy. He's such a wet blanket still, but with a backbone of steel, I'm so glad he got to see Kiryu again. I hope they'll get a proper goodbye. There's a lot Kiryu has fucked up during his life, and I'm glad gaiden at least touched upon that with his speech to Shishido, but I think he Really has shit to make up to Daigo. I hope they'll get that moment.
The last boss fight was amazing. Reminded me a lot of the showdown with Ryuji in 2 or the finale of 5. Though I don't even remember that guy's name, yakuza 5's last fight felt so gritty, so all out no holds barred violent, and gaiden managed this again. The game was a lot more violent in general I think? Or maybe I'm remembering wrong, but there were several moments where I couldn't believe they actually just did that. The whole execution scene for one, Nishitani being stabbed, something else I can't remember right now. It was good! It really made it feel like Kiryu had lost all faith, all idealistic notions towards this life, and was defeated enough to just go along with it. I loved his freakout when Nishitani "died". I can imagine a younger Kiryu who would have beaten Shishido and Tsuruno half to death for that.
Overall, such a great game. I think I had as much fun with this as with 0 and 6! At the same time, it's made me feel...queasy, kind of empty and unsettled. I'm honestly amazed at what they've created with these games. Sure, they're not perfect and some are better than others, but overall it's been such a journey. I played the first of these games in 2019, started with 0 and worked my way up, so this feeling that we're heading towards the end, that Kiryu's story and maybe his life will end... I don't know, it's unsettling.
I liked 7 well enough but the combat especially didn't really click for me...so I'm curious how I'll like infinite wealth. I've played the demo and....it's interesting, but I'm not fully on board yet. Anyway, that's it for rambling. I am emotionally exhausted and will go to bed now....
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TNG 4x12 The Wounded, and 5x03 Ensign Ro thoughts (rewatching, so possible future spoilers for DS9 too)
I’ve temporarily paused my DS9 re-watch after 2x20 Maquis Part 1 to go through all the Cardassian episodes in TNG to get a better picture of the build up. Honestly they're so spread out, I'm not surprised I can't remember much of it!
4x12 The Wounded
"They're our allies now"??? Not really, Troi, you're just at peace, you're not even going to have a treaty for the next three years!
It's like they've never eaten together before???
I know it's a throwaway line, but Miles' mum not believing in replicators and being "like a master chef" feels like something that should have come up in DS9, with Sisko's cooking habits. At the least, it would have prepared him for his time in Alixus' cult in Paradise
Their smiles and laughter together is cute :3
I like the Cardassian trying to make friends. <3 He really picked the wrong person though 😅
Miles pretending he's good with Cardassians - no, your wife knows you better thank that XD
I do like miles when I tried to better himself. You go have a friendlyish conversation with a Cardassian
"It's not you I hate, Cardassian. I hate what I became because of you." It's interesting when Miles gets self aware; it's a shame it doesn't always stick and he has to keep relearning these things
This Gul Macet is pretty damn decent, that was a good job done there
"I consider the matter closed." - Picard is a good captain
I like this burgeoning trust between the two captains :3
Picard calm questioning of Maxwell is so well done, I do like him
"I'll accept the judgement of history."
"When you've been through what we have, you tend to get inside someone." 👀 Okay Miles...
Of course there's a Star Trek episode where they win through the power of friendship and song :P
"Take this message to your leaders, Gul Macet. We'll be watching." THE STEEL
Really glad I re-watched, I'd forgotten how much I enjoy Picard, and it was a great Miles episode. Also interesting that our very first view of Cardassians are of some good ones.
5x03 Ensign Ro
It's so, so weird watching this after ds9 - knowing loads about Bajorans rather than this being our first one
No, that earring is just rude
Interesting, "The Bajoran custom has the family name first, the individual's second... It's an old custom. Most Bajora these days accept the distortion of their names in order to assimilate." That isn't very DS9, but I get the feeling Ro is from the Bajora disapora, and not Bajor? Maybe tradition stayed stronger there.
Also interesting for the people to be Bajora and not Bajorans.
Damn but I love her
She reminds me a lot of Kira actaully, and now I want them to meet
"You were innocent bystanders for decades as the Cardassians took our homes, as they violated and tortured our people in the most hideous ways imaginable, as we were forced to flee." "We were saddened by those events but they occurred within the designated borders of the Cardassian Empire."
^> How long have the Federation been at war with Cardassia. *googles* 20 years, okay. Because they were fighting a war, and that's hardly standing by? But I guess they weren't when the Cardassians originally occupied Bajor. We don't actually know why or when the border wars started, but memory-beta attributes some distrust due to the Bajor occupation.
GUINAN! I'd forgotten how incredible she is. "Sounds like someone is like to know." Perfection.
Of course she's angry, she did well even if it was against the rules
I'm glad Guinan exists <3
Yes, he's listening to her. And she has a hell of an explanation.
Oooh, I had guessed that no-one was on board, but I assumed a last-minute transport - clever to have guessed this from the start and left them planetside!
Love a happy ending with a corrupt official probably going to prison :D
"That's an interesting challenge. And I rarely refuse an interesting challenge."
The earring shouldn't have to be a condition! It should be accepted as standard! I get that it's supposed to be a cute ending but it's wrong
I love Ro a lot :3 This episode is so interesting to re-watch after DS9, it's super interesting to get more Bajoran points of view.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
what drew me to your blog ? honestly, the first i noticed when following you back on my alternate page shirobon was the heart you put into your writing. reading your character biography for your main verse had me so indulged, i felt i was living through the pages of a novel. i love your blend of folklore and creativity which makes your character. i see the research you put into building your character and her world and the bonds within it.
i don't know you very well, but i mean this genuinely from the depths of my spirit: you are extremely a talented and motivational writer.
kuroshi and ravyn speak so many praises about you and i can clearly see why. top notch writing, interlining motifs throughout your variety of verses. keep up the wonderful work. i stand by them in saying you deserve all of the praise.
i highly anticipate much more future writing between us, whether it is here or on shiro !
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What drew you to my blog initially, and what, so far, has made you stay?
#origawashi#hi miikun!! thank you so much for taking your time to send this. i really didn't expect it so reading this made me quite emotional#i mean i've been emotional the whole day but this really just. it was surprising in the best way!#i've heard a lot about you from ravyn and kuro as well and i got very excited when i first followed you as well!#thank you so much for reading the whole bography it must've been a long read because it's also 2 years old and i need to update it so some#some things might've been confusing or not yet explained very well so thank you so much for reading it all!#i'm glad that it felt like a novel because i was trying to write it that way. a bit.#either way i remember how you followed me on your shiro and i will be honest that i know nothing about bomberman but i thought you were ...#... really cool! plus i've heard that you are a close friend of ravyn and kuro so i was so excited !#and now i can see that you're a really fun person and you're also fucking amazing in edits and i just look at all of them with great respect#and fascination lbr. they're so cool!!#i'm a little bit shy to hear that ravyn and kuro spoke of me because they're honestly the people who helped me get over a lot of anxiety#and they're just amazing people so this means a lot to me and thank you for saying it#i am SO excited to write more with you as well !! i wa sa bit awkward with shiro since i didnt know how to start off ill be honest but!!#it'll be fixed and changed and i really want us to talk more and meme around more. i feel like our senses of humor will b v similar xD#in some ways at least for sure. enabling some fun commentary and etc. esp with our muses too!#thank you for following me and being here miikun. genuinely thank you. really glad to have you on board !!#❄  ―  OUT OF CHARACTER.  ╱  fun time’s passing by like river’s flow.
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