#glad i finally got to use it for something
luveline · 3 days
do you think you could do something with zombie au where reader is on her period? thank you!!
thank you for your request! fem, 1k
You’ve gotten your period three times since the apocalypse began. The first time, you and Steve were just beginning to get along, and he’d proved why you trust him as you do, treating the whole thing with kindness. More recently, he’s your unofficial boyfriend. Like, kissing you and holding you, but foregoing the conversation that would make you an official couple. 
Either he doesn’t want to be official (which is fine, it’s not like he’s going anywhere), or you’re official without words. You’ve assumed the latter because the former makes you nauseous. 
Not that you need much help in that department. Your stomach churns like a tide, bouts of sickness and pain that hit you rampantly as you follow Steve downstairs. 
“Can I take my shoes off?” you ask. 
“Why are you asking me? It’s not my house.” Steve descends the last step and holds his hand behind him for you. Seemingly to help you down a step you don’t need help with. 
You’re asking because taking your shoes off means getting comfy for the night, and he doesn’t want to do that at every house you break into.
You don’t explain yourself. You follow Steve into the living room, hoping he’s going to take your hand again. He nudges you with his hip into a mildly dusty couch. 
You sit. “What, are we gonna watch TV?” you joke. 
“You look sickly.” 
That’s not nice. “I do?” you ask, all teasing gone from your tone. You often wish you were much prettier, and occasionally beg fate to drop a bottle of medical grade body wash into your lap, if just to make Steve see you that way. But Steve’s kissed you with a greasy nose and blood on your chin. You were hoping appearances didn’t matter. 
“You look awful,” he says, his eyebrows stitching together as he heads into the kitchen. “Stay sat down!” 
“Awful?” you ask. 
He doubles back, face peeking around the doorway. “Not like that,” he says hurriedly. “Just, sick. I’m gonna cook you something.” 
“I don’t need to be sat down, I’m fine.” 
He disappears again. “That why you’re glaring at me?” he calls, his voice echoing against tile. 
You don’t have the energy for whatever it is that’s happening. You kick your legs out on the couch and begin kneading the swollen mess that is your stomach, debating on telling him why you’re grumpy. It’s not like he cares. He never finds it gross, but you don’t want him to pity you either. It’s just a period. 
(It really sucks.) 
“Alright, the hot plate is on,” he calls. “What do you want, huh? We got the split pea soup, or the chicken casserole?” He laughs. “The casserole, duh. Ten minutes and it’s yours.” 
Your breath rushes out through your nose. Stomach hurts, head hurts, he’s making you dinner and laughing where you can’t see him. You force yourself to get up, shuffling to the kitchen with a pout already in place. 
“Ten minutes is not right,” you say, announcing your movement so he doesn’t stab you. 
“Is too right. How come you never listen?” 
“Steve, please don’t be mean to me, I’m on my period.” You wince as a pang climbs your back. 
“Oh, you are?” 
“Well… I’m glad, sort of. Better that then the flu, right?” 
“Yeah, I guess.” 
A couple of weeks ago, he would’ve told you to go back to the couch, and he would’ve brought your food in to you, wrapping a blanket over your legs and leaving you to it. But this is now. Your unwilling protector has gone remarkably soft on you. 
“Is it like last time?” he asks, holding out his arm. 
You drift toward him, pretending it isn’t to be hugged. “It hurts, if that’s what you mean.” 
“It hurts,” he repeats in a murmur as his arm finally curls around your waist. He pulls you into his side.
“You’re pitying me.” 
“You like it,” he jokes, his tone still held in that soft murmuring. 
You close your eyes, driving your nose into his chest. The hot plate gurgles weakly on the stove, using the last of a canister of camping gas, a few days from the end of its life. Your eyelids feel heavy closed, achy not with tears but fatigue, and your head aches with a migraine you know from experience won’t be defeated using tylenol. But Steve hugs you with one arm and leans against you as you press into him. Stuck together. He doesn’t move for ages. 
“I’m glad I don’t get my period,” he says. 
“You act like you do.” 
“Were you not gonna tell me? I guess you don’t have to, but if you’re in pain, I’d like to know.” 
“Don’t need you to feel any more sorry for me.” 
“I don’t. Just like rubbing your back.” 
Your heart skips a beat. That’s as close to a confession of feelings you’ve ever gotten from him. Well, verbally. His sporadic kissing says a lot. 
“Thanks for telling me,” he says. You have to strain your ears to hear him. “I don’t think there’s much iron in chicken casserole. I wish we… How much iron is there in squirrel?” 
“I don’t wanna eat squirrel.” Again. 
“It’s good for you.” 
Doubtful. You turn completely into his touch and hug him. “Please don’t make me eat squirrel.” 
You sound a teeny tiny bit pitiful, and you earn yourself an even better hug than the first. “I won’t, I won’t, I was just kidding,” he promises, “I just figure you need it. Maybe if we look through the medicine cabinet they’ll have some multivitamins or something.” His hand grabs at your side. It’s not a careful touch, though he’s far from spiteful. “You need painkillers, right? I could crush a Vicodin into your casserole.” 
“Yes, please.” 
Steve’s nose presses into the side of your face. You feel close to him in a way that chokes you up, but you don’t need to talk any more. 
“Half a Vicodin,” he deliberates, “and I’ll rub your back.”
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thebestsetter · 3 days
Doing the "Oh Mister Todd" trend with Blue Lock boys
- A/N: If you don't know what trend it is, just search: "Mister Todd couples" on tktk!
- Characters: Isagi Yoichi, Rin Itoshi, Bachira Meguru
Isagi Yoichi:
"Yoichi!" You shouted from your bed, trying your hardest to surpress your smile and the giddiness that were almost papable in your voice "My love, can you come here?"
"Sure! Coming in a minute, babe!" You heard your boyfriend answering from downstairs. You then quickly got up and began setting up your phone, smiling hard all the while.
Here's what happened: you were blissfully scrolling through Tik tok while trying to pass time in a (pretty boring) afternoon, when, all of a sudden, you came across one of the cutest videos ever: a couple doing the "Mister Todd" trend.
You had already seen it a couple of times, but never had the chance to do it with Yoichi due to his (sadly packed) schedule. Lucky you, he was on a break from football right now, and was washing the dishes while you relaxed cause, according to him, "While he's here, you won't have to worry about the house chores anymore. He's here to soften your load", he said. (He can be the hero of Japan, sure, but that doesn't mean he can't wash plates and cutlery)
"What is it, love?" He said, entering the room and still wearing a silly "kiss the cook" apron you bought so he could avoid getting wet (how the hell do you wash spoons without getting wet??). He dried his hands on his pants and asked "Do you need my help with something?"
"Yup!" You said, popping the 'p' "I need you to sit right here!" You pointed to a chair that was in front of your dressing table
"Sure...? I don't really get where you're going with this, but I trust you anyway" he said, smiling suspiciously.
When he sat down, he finally took notice of the phone that was propped up against the mirror. He then smiled and waved to the phone, even though you still hadn't began to record.
"Okay. Now, I'm gonna need you to sit still and look pretty. Think you can do it, pretty boy?"
It doesn't matter how long you guys have been dating for. Everytime you call him "pretty boy", Yoichi becomes a blushing and stuttering mess.
"S-sure!" He said, the words coming out rather bashfully and forcefully. It made him more shy then he'd like it to.
Giggling at the effect you had over him (and from how cute your boy was), you pressed the record button and began mouthing the lyrics.
"Oh, Mister Todd"
You then kissed him.
His eyes widened.
If there was one thing Isagi has NEVER grown used to, it's your kisses (and, frankly, he doesn't think he ever would) . The feeling of your lips on his skin feels like heaven on earth, and it always leaves him feeling dumbfounded and lightheaded (in a good way).
"I'm so happy"
Followed by another kiss.
He was literally burning up. His cheeks, his ears, everything in him was red. A bright, strong red. And only you had that effect over him.
"I could" Kiss
"Eat you up I really could" Kiss
Slowly but surely, a smile began spreading across his lips, his eyes sparkling with the love he held for you. It was a wobbly a smile. A lovesick smile. An absolutely helpless smile. A smile that portraied exactly how head over heels for you.
"You know what I'd like to do, Mister Todd?"
His eyes left the camera and began staring at you. His gaze was so strong it made you feel nervous. And what you didn't know was that it didn't reflect 10% of his love for you. His feelings were so, so strong that he was sure you'd never get it. You were his everything, and he was so glad he had met you.
"What I dream?" Kiss
"If the business stays as good?"
Gathering all the courage he had, Isagi gently cupped your cheek and leaned in, locking gazes. He then began slowly reaching for your lips, his eyes quickly leaving yours to stare at your mouth. He smiled at you, finally closing his eyes and then leaning in, kissing you like his life depended on it.
You got so distracted by the overwhelming amount of emotion that Yoichi put in the kiss that you totally forgot your phone.
Sadly, nothing lasts forever, and you eventually had to pull away. You both stared at eachother for a while longer, surrounded by a gentle silence.
"Send me that video, pretty, please?" He said, voice as quiet as a mouse. If you didn't stop to analyse the break in his voice between the pretty and the please, you wouldn't even get that he was complimenting you. And that's one of the things that drove you insane for Yoichi: he was smart. So, so smart.
"Okay" you agreed, relutanctly letting go of his face and reaching for your phone, still a little dizzy from the kiss "There. I did it"
"Thanks." He said, and then looked at you with a (stupidly attractive) smirk "Also, if these are the kind of trends you're gonna do with me in the future, don't hesitate to call me. I loved it."
He then kissed you again. So full of passion. So full of love. So him.
Sadly, once again, he had to pull away.
"Welp, those dishes won't wash themselves. You should sleep, sweetie." Yoichi said, kissing your forehead "Don't worry, I'll come lay with you in, like, 30 minutes. I'll also be here when you wake up."
"Okay then. I'm gonna go ahead and lay down. I love you, Yoichi"
How he loved hearing those words coming out of your mouth.
"I love you too, babe."
He smiled, turning off the lights and closing the door.
You then went to sleep with a mind full of him and him only, still feeling his lips on your forehead.
Oh, how you loved being able of calling him "yours".
"Damn it!" Yoichi said, breaking yet another plate he tried to place on the kitchen counter and accidentaly slipped from his hands. He really didn't want to make any noise and end up waking you up, but he had no control over this! You left him so dazzed!
With a sigh, Yoichi stared at his phone. He contemplated for a minute, but ultimately decided to grab it. Putting in the code to open the phone (your anniversary), he went to the galery and clicked on the video you just recorded.
"Just once" he thought.
The music echoed through the whole room, until it abruptly ended. The only sound that could be heard was Yoichi's heart, beating strongly and indomitable.
"Once is too little. I'ma watch it twice"
The sound began. The last kiss was heard. The beating of his heart became louder.
"...three time's the charm, right?"
17 times. That's the amount of times he watched that damn video, blushing and smiling like a lovesick teen girl all the while.
"I love you" he whispered to no one in particular, but it was obviously meant for you. "Man, how did I bag you?"
He hugged the phone close to his chest and looked to the stairs, giddy over the fact that, when he went to the second floor, you would be there on the bed, just waiting to cuddle with him.
He was so happy to be called "yours".
Rin Itoshi:
"No! We can't go there! The monster's gonna get us!"
"Don't worry, my love. I'm strong enough to protect us from that scary monster!"
That's the only thought that was running through your head while you and Rin were both cuddling on the couch, a crappy horror movie in the background. Every friday you do this, and sometimes you pick a bad movie, but damn, this was worse than bad! This one was terrible!
"This movie sucks" you sighed, frustrated. You then reached for his phone and began using it, since you both usually shared phones "I'm not gonna watch it anymore"
"We've watched worse ones" He argued, still focused on the movie.
You then started to scroll through the endless abysm of internet, using the movie as background noise so the room wouldn't fall totally silent.
Then, like a gift from God, an interesting video appeared in your for you (you had your tktk account logged in his phone, since he rarely used his).
'Mister Todd, huh?' You thought, lifiting an eyebrow.
Smirking like you're a little kid planning something naughty (which, honestly, you kinda are), you got everything ready in your phone and stared at him, batting your eyelashes
"Rinnieeee" you slurred "I need your help"
"What?" he answered, not taking his eyes off his phone "What do you want?"
"Sorry, let me rearrange the sentence: Rinnie, my love, my one and only, could you please lend me a loving and helping hand?"
Sighing like he was tired of your shineningans (even though you both knew he could never be tired of you), Rin finally paused the movie and stared back at you
"What is it, love?"
"That's better" your smirk got even bigger. You quickly gave him the phone, which made him shot you a confused look "Now, sit up and hold the phone in front of us, like we're taking a selfie"
"Just do it!"
Still a little hesitant, he complied. You then hugged him and said:
"Okay. Relax and start the video"
He didn't even have the strenght to question anymore (he was actually just curious about what the hell you were trying to do), so he just did what he was told.
Instantly, a song started to play in the background. He was still very confused about the whole thing, so he just stared at you. You then began to sing while staring at the camera.
If there was one thing about Rin Itoshi, was that he usually didn't show his emotions. He was good at hiding them through his body language, not letting anyone know what he truly thought about most situations. He was impartial most of the time, shooting a serious (almost angry) expression at everyone.
If there was another thing about Rin was that his eyes betray him. He just can't seem to force them to stay neutral. If he was sad, they'd get red. If he was angry, they'd burn like fire. If he was happy, they'd shine.
And he was over the moon right now.
When you kissed him after the first line of the song, he didn't react. It was just too fast! One second you were looking at the camera, and the other your lips were touching his cheeks. Sadly, just as fast as it happened, it ended.
Luckily for him, you did it again. And again. And again.
By the fourth kiss, Rin was utterly speechless. He was feeling lightheaded, his eyes carrying a rare spark in them. His teal orbs were intensely staring at you, trying to convey all the love he felt for you and didn't usually show.
It was so intense, so strong that you felt like fainting on the spot. He looked at you like a kid looking at their favorite toy, like a homeless man looked at a five-star meal, like a dog looked at it's owner after not seeing them for weeks. He looked at you like you were the only woman in the world, like you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid his eyes on. The spark in his eyes shined brighter than the brightest star you've ever saw.
A subtle smile crossed his lips, his gaze never wavering.
He could feel his face burning, and he was sure he was so, so red. He must look ridiculous, he thought, but strangely, he couldn't give a damn.
When he remembered he was recording though, his first instinct was to cover his face.
He gently but firmly nuzzled his head between your neck and shoulder, trying his hardest to not let his face show. Sadly, his (burning red) ears could still be seen.
When the last line of the song came and you kissed him for the last time (on the hair, since he was hiding his face), he put down his phone and sighed.
"Did you like it, Rin?" You giggled, passing your hands through his hair
"Mhm" he hummed, shy.
"I'm glad you did" you grabbed his face, lifting it (which earned an unsatisfied "Ughh" from him) and giving his forehead a kiss with an exhagerated 'Mwah!' sound. "I love you Rinnie"
"...I love you too" he said, hugging you hard and burying his face in your shoulder again, this time even deeper than before
A comfortable silence settled in the room. Tired from the day, you drifted off in Rin's arms, feeling his strong hold in your waist. You really did love your boy, even if he acted like a nonchalant prick sometimes.
Usually, when you wake up, the first thing you do is check your phone for any e-mails, texts or any important notifications. Normally you get, like, 100 at max, since Rin never made your relationship public. That's why, normally, you do expect some of them.
What you didn't expect was that you'd get Tik Tok famous overnight. All thanks to your boyfriend, Rin Itoshi.
You remember that account he never uses? Yeah, it seemes like he finally found an utility for it.
"Off the market." The caption read. It was probably an indirect answer to a news article that got out the week before about how he was "going out with some model girl from Vogue"
You quickly widened your eyes and then ran to the comment session of the video, wanting to see what the 2.7 million people that liked it thought about it.
nonickyet<3: THEY'RE SO CUTE UGHHH
Isaa.Ichi: Hey, so this is actually insane! Never thought he'd have the balls to actually show his relationship
↳ Itoshi_Rin.: Why don't you go train to try and get at least closer to my level instead of commenting about my relationship online?
↳Isaa.Ichi: I don't need to. I'm already better than you, fcker.
Hiorinn_: Wow.
Ryushidou: If you ever get tired of him, just hmu 😘
↳ Itoshi_Rin.: Kys
↳ username: DON'T SAY THIS, RIN!!
↳Itoshi_Rin.: Sorry
Laughing hard, you put the phone down.
Shit, you loved him so much. And he loved you too. That was something you hoped would never change.
Bachira Meguru:
"Meguru! Hahahaha! It's too high!" you said, laughing while your boyfriend, Bachira, pushed you in the swings of an empty children's playground.
"Don't worry! If you fall, I'll catch you with my strong and manly arms" he said, even though he slowed down.
After a while, your swing came to a halt. He sat on the one beside you, holding the chains and looking at the sky
He began humming a melody you knew all too well (it was his favorite song, after all), gently rocking himself.
Surrounded by his gentle singing, you got lost in your thoughts.
You didn't want this date to be over, so you were trying to think of something to make sure you both would still have time to do something fun and that took at least some time.
You didn't have to think too hard, though, since you quickly remembered a trend you saw on tik tok that you'd like to do with your boyfriend.
You got up from where you were sat and propped your phone against a slide's stair.
"Hey! What are you doing?" Bachira asked in a curious way, also getting up and going to where you were
"Something that i'm gonna need your help to do" You smiled, clicking the button and beggining the timer. "Just stay by my side, okay?"
"M'kay!" Bachira said, standing beside you and smiling at the phone
The melody began playing.
Even though he was a chronic internet user, his "For you" didn't have any romantic videos. It mostly consisted of memes, so that's why he never saw this trend.
If he knew that the romantic part of tik tok had trends like this, he'd have started to watch it's videos a lot sooner.
When you kissed him for the first time, Meguru Bachira felt like he would die from happiness.
His body felt like it was shaking, and his thoughts were going a mile per hour, even though all of them had the same theme: you.
He still tried to stay still, though, since it was what you asked him to do.
When you gave him the second kiss, he couldn't take it anymore.
"My turn!" He said, using his hand to put your cheeks together and making your lips pucker up.
He then began kissing you everywhere. Your lips, your forehead, your eyebrows, your eyelids. Everywhere his mouth could reach.
He wanted to show his love for you. He wanted to convey at least half of the strength of his emotions through his kisses. That's why he gave you so many.
The music continued. His kisses also continued. The music stopped. He couldn't care less: he continued kissing you.
Each kiss was a gentle "thank you". For staying with him. For loving him when nobody else did. He loved you. He loved you so, so much.
With one last exhagerated kiss on your lips, Meguru pulled away, but quickly hugged you right after
"I love you" he exclaimed "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." He seriously felt like crying "Stay with me, please"
You laughed, reaching for his cheek and kissing it.
"I love you too, Meguru" you smiled at him "And you don't need to worry. I'm not goimg anywhere"
In that empty playground, you both proclaimed your love for one another, sealing with kisses a gentle promise:
You would never leave the other alone.
"Isagi! Help! I lost my phone!" Bachira said, looking through the whole dressing room for it
"I'm gonna try and call it" Yoichi said, doing exactly as he said right after
"Oh mister Todd
I'm so happy
I could
Eat you up, I really could!"
"Found it!" Bachira said, holding his phone up "It was actually inside my bag"
"...sure" Yoichi said, sweating. Curious, he asked: "What kind of ringtone was that?"
"A very special one, Isagi. A very special one..." Meguru said, looking up at the sky and hugging his phone close to his chest like he was in a movie.
"...okay then...."
Man, his bestfriend sure was strange sometimes.
- Can you tell I lost motivation on Bachira's part? 🫠
ALSO, Rin's part has a kind of "smau". It was heavily inspired by another writer here on tumblr. Their name is @sanaexus (if you don't feel comfortable being tagged, just send me an ask!!), and you should totally read their stories/smaus, they're excelent!! Really, I love their smaus smm
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pandapetals · 2 days
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy
cowboy logan howlett x afab!reader - cowboy logan, reader's car broke down, cute, fluff, teasing, sexual tension, no y/n used, no reader description
Your car broke down in the middle of nowhere. Lucky for you a cowboy came to the rescue.
read on Ao3
A truck flew by, kicking up a cloud of dirt from the dusty road that swirled around you. You groaned in frustration, covering your eyes with your arm as you cursed your luck. It had already been an hour since your car broke down in the middle of nowhere, and the tow truck was nowhere in sight. Your phone barely had a signal, and the heat of the late afternoon sun was starting to press down on you, making everything worse.
You leaned against the side of your car, fanning yourself with your hand and wondering how long you’d have to wait out here when you heard the distinct sound of hooves—slow, steady, coming closer.
Frowning, you turned your head toward the sound, and your breath caught in your throat when you saw him.
A man—tall, broad-shouldered, and riding a horse like he owned the whole damn desert—was coming your way. He wore a weathered Stetson hat, shielding his eyes from the sun, and his muscular frame was clad in a simple white t-shirt and faded jeans, the fabric stretched taut over his biceps. Dust kicked up behind him as he approached, and for a second, you wondered if this was some kind of mirage.
He pulled the reins, the horse slowing to a stop beside your car. You couldn’t help but stare as he swung his leg over the saddle and dismounted, his boots hitting the ground with a quiet thud. Up close, he was even more rugged than you’d imagined—unkempt stubble lining his jaw, sharp eyes glinting from under the brim of his hat, and a rough edge to his presence that made your heart beat just a little faster.
“Car trouble?” he asked, his voice low and gravelly, like he didn’t talk much but when he did, people listened.
You nodded, trying to find your voice as you glanced between him and your broken-down car. “Yeah. It just... stopped. I’ve been waiting for a tow truck, but...” You trailed off, gesturing to the empty, sun-scorched road.
The cowboy gave a slow nod, his eyes flicking over your car, then back to you. “Tow truck ain’t comin’ out here anytime soon. You’re lucky I came along.”
There was a confidence in his voice, a rough kind of assurance that made your pulse quicken. He wasn’t wrong. The road was empty as far as the eye could see, and the only other company you’d had in the last hour was the tumbleweed and dust swirling through the air.
“Well,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady, “I’m definitely glad someone came along.”
He tipped his hat back, giving you a better view of his face—strong jawline, slightly weathered from the sun, and those sharp, intense eyes that seemed to look right through you. You shifted under his gaze, suddenly aware of how close he was standing.
“I’m Logan,” he said, holding out a hand.
Your name got caught in your throat before finally spitting it out, shaking his hand, and feeling the roughness of his palm against yours. The touch lingered for just a moment longer than necessary, the heat from his skin seeping into yours before he let go.
Logan crouched down to take a look under the hood, and you couldn’t help but admire the way his muscles moved under that worn t-shirt. His broad back flexed as he peered into the engine, his hat casting a shadow over his face. You stood there, arms crossed, trying to play it cool, but it was hard not to notice just how damn attractive he was—rough, rugged, the kind of guy you didn’t expect to find out in the middle of nowhere.
After a moment, Logan stood up, wiping his hands on his jeans as he turned to face you, his expression unreadable. “Alternator’s shot. Ain’t gonna get this thing moving without some work.”
Your stomach sank. “Great. And here I was hoping it’d be something simple.”
Logan smirked, just a little, the corner of his mouth twitching up. “Nothin’s ever simple out here.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, even though the situation wasn’t exactly ideal. There was something about the way he looked at you—sharp, assessing, but not unfriendly—that made your heart beat a little faster. The air between you felt charged like there was more happening than just a conversation about a broken car.
“So,” you asked, raising an eyebrow, “what’s your suggestion, cowboy?”
Logan’s eyes flicked to you, his smirk deepening. “Well, unless you want to wait another couple of hours for that tow truck—if it even shows up—I could give you a ride.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the way he said it, slow and deliberate, like there was a second meaning to his words. The way he was looking at you, his gaze heavy and unreadable, sent a ripple of heat through your body.
“A ride?” you echoed, glancing over at his horse, the only mode of transportation around for miles.
Logan’s lips twitched like he could see where your mind had gone. “Yeah. A ride.”
You hesitated for a second, your eyes trailing over him—the way his shirt clung to his chest, the glint of his belt buckle, the confident set of his shoulders. This man was a stranger, sure, but something about the way he looked at you, the quiet intensity in his voice, made you feel like you could trust him.
Besides, it wasn’t like you had many options.
“Alright,” you said, crossing your arms and giving him a small, teasing smile. “I guess I’ll take you up on that offer.”
Logan’s smirk widened just a little, a flicker of something darker flashing in his eyes. He led his horse closer, holding the reins with one hand as he turned back to you. “Climb on. I’ll help you up.”
You approached cautiously, suddenly very aware of the heat between you as Logan stepped closer, placing one large, rough hand on your waist. His touch was firm but gentle, and when he lifted you onto the saddle, your body brushed against his—just for a second, but long enough to send a jolt of electricity through you.
Logan swung up behind you with ease, his body pressing against your back, and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from reacting to the feel of him so close. His arm reached around you to take the reins, and you felt the heat radiating from him, his breath warm against your neck as he leaned in just slightly.
“You alright?” he asked, his voice low and rough in your ear.
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak as your heart pounded in your chest. The tension between you was almost unbearable, thick enough to cut with a knife. You could feel every inch of him behind you—the strength of his chest, the solid weight of his body—and it was doing things to you that you weren’t ready to admit.
Logan clicked his tongue, and the horse started forward, slow and steady. The ride was quiet, but the silence only seemed to amplify the heat between you. Every now and then, Logan’s arm would brush against yours, and each time, it sent a shiver down your spine.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of trying to ignore the tension simmering between you, Logan spoke, his voice a low rumble. “You gonna tell me why you were out here all alone?”
You swallowed, glancing over your shoulder at him, your pulse quickening again as his eyes met yours—sharp, intense, and filled with something that made your stomach flutter.
“Does it matter?” you replied, your voice softer than you intended.
Logan’s lips twitched into that familiar smirk. “Maybe not. Just seems like trouble finds you easy.”
You raised an eyebrow, unable to stop the smile that crept onto your lips. “And what about you? Seems like you found me just fine.”
Logan chuckled, his hand tightening on the reins just slightly, his body pressing a little closer to yours. “Maybe I like trouble.”
You shivered at the way he said it, your breath catching in your throat as the tension between you grew thicker and heavier. You weren’t sure how much longer you could ignore the pull between you—the heat, the electricity, the way your body seemed to respond to every small movement of his.
Logan’s breath was warm against your ear as he leaned in, his voice low and husky. “Tell me, darlin’... you enjoyin’ the ride?”
Your heart skipped a beat, the double meaning of his words hitting you hard. You turned your head just slightly, your eyes meeting his, and at that moment, the air between you crackled with something undeniable.
“Yeah,” you whispered, your voice breathy. “I am.”
Logan’s smirk deepened, his eyes darkening with something that made your pulse race. “Good.”
With that, he clicked his tongue again, and the horse picked up speed, the world around you blurring as the tension between you reached its breaking point. The ride might have been over soon, but something told you this was just the beginning.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 19 hours
Musician Age Gap AU Pt 19
Lena gives Kara the right of way, and lets herself be led into the kitchen. When they enter the room, Kelly and Alex straighten at the sight of them, while Esme remains focused on pawing thru the fridge for the elusive cider.
Kelly's gaze remains gentle and perceptive-- Kara sees her focus dip to their joined hands before sliding to her wife. Alex, meanwhile, is scrutiny incarnate, her gaze hard as she scans Lena imperiously.
"Hi," Lena says quietly.
"Hi Lena," Kelly returns easily. "I'm glad you could come."
Lena relaxes a little. "Me too. Thank you for having me. You have a lovely home."
"Probably not what you're used to," Alex says, her tone carefully neutral. Kara spots Kelly's grip tightening in warning around Alex's hand.
"It's been a while since I've been home," Lena allows. "So this is a nice change of pace, for sure."
"Oh? Where do you live?"
"I split my time between Metropolis and Star City when I'm not on tour," Lena replies easily enough. "But of the two I consider Metropolis more my home. I grew up there."
"I didn't know that," Kara says.
"Mhmmm," Lena hums. "We in the city most of the year because of my brother's band. When they weren't performing, they were auditioning, so it was just easier to live there full time."
"You have a brother?" Esme says, perking up.
Kara feels Lena tense a little, suddenly realizing she might have shared too much. But it's too late to back pedal.
"We're not in touch anymore."
Sensing Lena's discomfort, Esme thankfully doesn't pry any further. Kelly keeps the silence from stretching too far.
"Well, we happy to have you. We figured you could share the guest room with Kara--"
"Or you can take the couch," Alex inserts. She studies Lena for a reaction, but Kara comes to her rescue.
"With me is fine," she says. "Unless you all fall asleep to the witchy thing--"
"Hexed! Mom, Lena watches Hexed!"
Finally, Alex relents, her posture sagging a little as she lets her guard down. "Then she's got good taste."
"She's got a crush on Samantha Arias," Kelly whispers theatrically.
Kara barks a laugh as Alex splutters indignantly. "I do not!"
"Do too!" Esme joins in the teasing.
"Don't worry, baby," Kelly assures her wife playfully. "She's on my hall pass too."
That makes Alex stop. "She is?"
Kara opens her mouth to mention having met Sam, but Lena nudges her sharply. She looks over and clicks her mouth shut when Lena gives her a look that says 'not now'.
"Well," Kelly says, even as Alex still gawks at her, "looks like we need to stock up on cider and spooky snacks, so why don't we head to the store while you two settle in?"
It's not the most subtle segue, but Kara is grateful for a chance to talk with Lena privately. Once Esme is shuttled off into the car, Alex gives them one last hard look before closing and locking the front door behind her.
Lena sighs. "Well, that went better than I expected."
"It helps that Esme's your biggest fan," Kara offers with a wry grin. Then she sighs. "Let's sit."
Lena nods, and they sit on opposite ends of the couch, orienting themselves to face each other. Lena looks nervous, and though Kara's first instinct is to ease that, she holds back. What was it that Kelly had said? Growing pains.
"Those pictures sucked to see, Lena," Kara says carefully. "I understand they were outside your control, but... it still hurt."
"I know. I just-- don't know how I can fix it. Like I said... it comes with the job. I signed up for it... but you didn't. I get that."
Lena sounds miserable, and looks it too. But Kara doesnt have any more ideas than Lena does.
"Maybe being with you means signing up for it," Kara allows, thinking out loud. "But what happens when I start being part of the scandal. What happens to Esme?"
Swallowing thickly, Lena lifts a helpless shoulder. "I don't know."
"Me neither. But it's something I have to consider." Kara slumps further into the cushion. "Also, I-- I don't know where I stand with you."
Concern flashed across Lena's features. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, but... I'm in your court, Lena. I'm... an intruder. And I care enough about you that when I see something concerning, I want to ask about you, but.... I don't know if I'm allowed to."
"You can ask me anything," Lena says.
"Okay." Kara meets her gaze and holds her. "Why didn't you want to meet with Morgan Edge alone?"
Lena's cheeks lose all color in an instant. Her entire body seems too lock, her hands clasped in a white knuckled grip.
"I don't expect an answer," Kara says quietly. "But that's what I mean. I don't feel like I have the right to ask about this. And I suspect plenty of other subjects will make me feel the same way."
Lena stares at her, eyes wide. Kara reaches out to clasp her wrist, but Lena pulls away. Hurt lances through Kara's chest, but the tight sound of Lena's breathing concerns her more.
"What else," Lena croaks.
Kara hesitates. "Lena..."
"What. Else."
Taking a deep breath, Kara carefully forges ahead. "We started this content to simply see where it goes. Do you still feel that way?"
Lena doesn't respond.
"Because it doesn't feel casual anymore. Joining you on tour was certainly impulsive, but it wasn't casual. I thrust myself into your life, and you invited me to, but... I can't really bring you into mine, can I?"
"I'm here now," Lena says, voice tight.
Kara nods. "And I'm grateful for that. But... you wouldn't be able to go to the store with Esme to get cider. Or even take a walk around the block."
Lena releases a short breath. "No. Not without putting her in danger."
"I know you would welcome Esme into your world as warmly as you welcomed me. But for her it would be temporary. For me, if I choose this, it would be permanent, and complete."
She watches Lena inhale again as though to speak, but she doesn't.
"I don't think we'll find a solution before the others get back," Kara continues. "But I wanted you to know where I'm at. What I have to think about."
Lena nods. "I understand. Thank you."
Finally, she meets Kara's gaze. A small smile, but it and the glint in her eyes are sad. She swallows several times before she's able to speak again.
"Can I... do you mind if I take a minute before the others get back?"
Kara nods readily. "Of course."
Lena rises stiffly, then retreats to the powder room, closing the door quietly behind her.
Tears burn at Kara's own eyes, but relief overwhelms them. Relief that the unspoken burden of worry and uncertainty that has been weighing on her, has now lifted in the speaking of it. Perhaps it's selfish of her to now make her concerns now Lena's burden as well, but... would it have been fair to either of them to keep it to herself?
By the time Alex's car pulls back into the driveway a few minutes later, Kara's hands stop trembling, and Lena re-emerges with clear eyes. Their eyes catch as the front door opens, and Lena offers a reassuring nod: whatever happens next, it won't affect tonight.
True to Lena's unspoken promise, the evening proceeds without a hitch. She gamely weathers Esme's velcro presence, listening with interest as she rambles about school gossip and the boy she likes in her history class. And after dinner, they watch Sam bewitch and enchant on screen while munching on sweet snacks and sipping cider out of mugs shaped like skulls and cats and candy corn.
That night, however, the air grows taut between them the moment the guest room door shuts.
"I can take the couch," Lena murmurs.
Kara pauses. "Do you want to?"
Lena shrugs. "No. But I don't want to make you uncomfortable--"
"Hey," Kara interrupts softly. She closes the space between them. "What we talked about today came from a place of love. It hasn't made me uncomfortable." She hesitates. "Has it made you uncomfortable?"
"I mean... a little. I don't like uncertainty, much. And with us in a gray area, I don't know what's... appropriate."
Kara smiles. "Sharing a bed can be as appropriate as we want it to be."
"I plan to sleep on the right side, fully pajama'd. I don't figure we need to make things any less certain than that."
Lena chuckles in spite of herself, but isn't quite convinced. "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure," Kara assures her.
Finally, she gets a small sigh of resignation. "Okay."
Kara's efforts are enough to banish the tension for a few minutes, but it comes back in full force once they crawl under the blankets. They face away from each other, but Kara can feel the stiffness in Lena's frame, a tension that takes root in her own limbs.
It lasts for several long silent minutes before Kara speaks up.
"You know I wouldn't have said anything, if I didn't care. Right?"
Lena sniffles. "I know."
The next morning, Lena lingers long enough to have breakfast with Esme and see her off to school. Once she clears her dishes, Lena collects her overnight bag and offers Kelly and Alex a soft smile.
"Thank you for having me," she says.
"Our pleasure," Kelly returns. "Thank you for coming. I know it was a long trip, and it meant the world to Esme."
"She's wonderful, truly. You've raised an amazing person."
Kara escorts Lena to the driveway. Once Lena stows her bag in the back seat, she turns back to Kara with soft, sad eyes.
"You're not coming back, are you."
Somehow, Lena saying it first makes it easier for Kara to concede. She shakes her head. "No. I don't think so."
"And us?"
Kara takes Lena's hand in hers, and Lena twines their fingers together.
"I care about you too much," Kara says, "to do this halfway."
Lena anxiously rocks on the balls of her feet, lips pulling against burgeoning tears. "Yeah." She manages to meet Kara's gaze. "So, back to normal life?"
"Ehhhhh...." Kara hedges. "The fact I dropped my job the first chance I got is a clue I might not like it very much. Maybe I'll look for something I'm more passionate about."
That brings beaming smile to Lena's face. "That sounds like a great idea. You deserve to find... whatever you're looking for."
Kara lifts her hand, cupping Lena's cheek. "And you, Lena Luthor, are stronger than you think. You deserve to work with people you trust."
She hopes Lena understands her meaning, and from the stunned half-open set of her mouth, Kara suspects she does.
Kara leans in one last time, kissing the corner of Lena's mouth. "Thank you, Lena. For everything."
Lena nods against her. "You too, Kara."
And then Kara watches Lena climb behind the wheel and carefully drive away. As she stares at the winking tail lights, even though her chest aches and her eyes burn, she can't help but feel as though a brand new life is just waiting to unfold.
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clarisse0o · 3 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 80
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe: Military School
Words: 5K
Saturday, April 16; 5:30 PM - Porto Airport.
Here we are, in Porto. I can hardly believe it. I mean, I'm from Portugal, but I've never been here. It's always been a city I've wanted to visit, and here I am. Lucy smiles at me to reassure me.
"Are you ready?"
"As if I had a choice."
She laughs softly and steals a kiss. She's lucky I love her madly. In a few minutes, we're going to get off the plane and meet her parents. Despite her teasing, I can tell Lucy's been nervous since yesterday. She gave me a little rundown of what to expect, and honestly, I have no idea how to act.
"I love you. Don't forget that."
"I know."
We exchange a smile, and we walk hand in hand down the disembarkation corridor. My hands are sweaty. There are people all around us. When we reach the hall, I let Lucy take the lead in looking for them, as I've never seen them. All I know is that her father is really tall and her mother have white hair.
"I see them! Are you coming?"
"I'm right behind you."
She guides me while I keep looking around for them. I finally smile when I see Alexia running toward us. I barely have time to let go of my girlfriend’s hand to catch her in my arms.
"You’re finally here!"
I let out a sigh. I had forgotten they arrived before us. That’s great news.
"Hey. I’m so relieved to see you."
"Me too! I have so much to tell you."
"Really? Did you have a good week?"
I almost forgot she spent the week with Jenni and her sister. I imagine she has lots to share.
"It couldn’t have been better. And you? You look like you got some sun."
"A little, yes," I giggle.
I glance over her shoulder to see Lucy standing next to her parents and Jenni. I smile especially when I see her in the arms of a woman I assume to be her mother based on her appearance.
"You’ve already talked to them, I guess?" I ask Ale.
"Yeah. Your mother-in-law is a bit... I don’t know. Intimidating? She’s something else."
"Thanks, Ale. That’s really reassuring," I mock.
"Sorry," she laughs. "Just giving you a heads-up."
I nod. Anyway, Lucy already warned me that her mother would be the one to intimidate me the most with her cold demeanor. In a way, it reminds me of Lucy when we first met. She was the same, so I guess it’s not insurmountable.
"Her dad, on the other hand, is adorable. He hasn’t stopped chatting with us."
I glance at him. Once again, Lucy warned me not to judge by appearances. He reminds me of my dad, but even more impressive.
"That’s something, at least."
"Come on, I’ll go with you through this tough moment. We’ll chat later."
I nod. I can’t run away forever. Alexia links her arm with mine to guide me. I let her. I’d rather do that than have time to overthink. Lucy smiles immediately when she sees us. Ale lets go of me when my girlfriend reaches out her hand. I take it and don’t hesitate to snuggle against her.
"Mom, Dad, this is Ona, my girlfriend. Ona, this is Diane , my mother , and Kim, my father."
"Hello," I say timidly. "I’m happy to finally meet you."
"And we are too. Lucy has told us a lot about you. Don’t be shy around us. We’re glad Lucy’s brought someone home."
"Well, that puts a lot of pressure on me."
The words slipped out, but they seem to amuse her father, who catches me off guard with a hug that tenses me up. Lucy smiles with amusement beside me. Maybe this trip won’t be as bad as I feared. Well, except for her mother, who has been staring at me the whole time. Lucy’s father saves me from having to approach her by suggesting we hurry home. Lucy kisses my temple, wrapping her arm around my shoulders as we walk.
"You’re doing great, honey," she whispers. "You’re perfect. Just keep being yourself, and everything will be fine."
Her words give me the strength I need for what’s ahead. The non-interaction with her mother bothers me a bit, but I suppose I’ll have to get used to it for now. Lucy said not to expect much from her at first.
"You all must be starving," her father says as we head toward the exit after collecting our bags.
"Oh, yes, you’re not kidding," Jenni replies. "I’ll be glad when we’re home."
"You’ll have to wait a bit. We invited your parents for dinner tonight. We thought it’d bring back good memories."
"What a great idea. Are we having a barbecue?"
"Of course. You’ll help me grill the meat."
It seems like everyone’s looking forward to tonight. I really hope everything goes well.
Saturday, April 16; 7:30 PM - Bronze House.
Lucy loved my house, but she didn’t do too badly with hers either. It’s a small house with a lovely, well-kept garden. Like me, they live away from the city, in a very friendly neighborhood. It’s peaceful. You can’t hear anything, even though we’re outside sipping a drink for now. The Dads and Jenni are handling the grilling. Jenni looks a lot like her dad. The mothers are, to my relief, inside preparing salads. I have some breathing room and, more importantly, an escape from my mother-in-law’s watchful eyes. She won’t stop. I feel like she’s scrutinizing my every move. It’s very unsettling. Thankfully, Alexia keeps me relaxed with casual conversation.
"I need to use the bathroom before we sit down," I tell Lucy. "Can you show me where it is?"
"I’ll come with you."
"Oh no, you don’t have to. Just tell me."
"Sweetheart, I’m coming with you," she insists. "We’ll be back in ten minutes," she tells Ale.
"No problem, I’ll check in on the others in the meantime."
She winks at me as we walk into the house. Lucy takes me upstairs, which feels strange at the moment. But then she opens the door to the bathroom, right next to her bedroom. At least now I know I won’t have trouble finding it if I need to during the night.
"Is everything okay, love?" she asks, stopping me with her question.
"Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t it be?"
"Well, you’re not as cheerful as when we left Lisbon."
"Well… your mother is quite the character, but I’ll be fine."
She chuckles softly, sliding her hands around my waist.
"I know, I’m sorry if she’s making you uncomfortable."
"Oh no, don’t apologize. It’s not your fault, and honestly, she’s not making me that uncomfortable. I haven’t even spoken to her yet."
"You’re right," she sighs. "I know she likes to observe before acting, but she’s never been this intense. I’ll say something to her eventually."
"No! Please don’t, Lucy. I don’t want her to think I’m playing the victim or anything."
She sighs heavily. I cup her cheek, and she looks up at me.
"And then what? I’m not going to let her create tension between you two during this trip."
"Well, I don’t know… Maybe she’s waiting for me to approach her? Maybe I should make the first move. What do you think?"
"I’m not sure you’re ready to—"
"Ready for what?" I interrupt. "I think I’ve been through enough to handle a conversation with your mom, Lucia."
"That’s not what I meant," she sighs.
She averts her gaze, clearly thinking it over. I can tell she’s nervous. Either she’s hiding something serious, or she doesn’t think I can handle her mother.
"Okay… If you feel like facing her, go ahead. She’ll appreciate the gesture."
"Thank you."
I smile and kiss her gently.
"Can I use the bathroom now? »
"Yes," she laughed. "I'll wait for you."
She let go of me, and I hurried to take care of what I needed to do. I washed my hands and came back out. Lucy was leaning against the door, looking deep in thought. I stood in front of her and wrapped my arms around her.
"Hey, how are you?"
She shrugged.
"I don’t know. It’s always strange coming back here."
"I can see that. We're far from peace and quiet, huh?"
"Yeah," she chuckled.
I gently stroked her hair, full of love.
"Do you want to talk?"
"No, it's fine."
"Okay... You know I love you, right?"
A small smile formed on her lips.
"Yeah, it seems like it..." she replied playfully.
"You think that’s funny, huh?" I asked, pulling away a little.
"Just a bit."
A small gasp escaped me when she flipped the roles. I found myself pressed against the wall, speechless as she kissed me softly. I kissed her back with growing desire.
"You’ll never love me as much as I love you," she teased.
"Wrong. I already love you more than you love me."
"No, I don't think so," she teased back.
"Girls! We're ready to eat!" Ale called from the stairs.
"Well, duty calls, it seems."
"Yeah, convenient for you."
"I don’t know what you’re talking about. Let’s go fill our stomachs instead of arguing over a debate that, in my opinion, has no possible outcome."
I chuckled softly.
"You're just afraid to lose, that's all."
"Are you done yet? I might start thinking you’re doubting my feelings."
She stepped back, crossing her arms. She was truly adorable when she pretended to sulk. Usually, it was me in that position. I tilted my head, smiling.
"Are you kidding? After our nights at the beach, there's no way I could ever doubt your feelings."
I moved closer to her again, pressing our bodies together. Her hand gliding over my hip caught me off guard, and once again, she had me pinned against the wall. My breath was short, but I let her kiss me once more, tenderly. I felt myself surrender more and more, and I loved it. I had developed an unshakable trust in her. Last week had truly been paradise. For the first time in a long while, I felt like I had fully found myself again. We were in perfect harmony, and nothing made me happier than knowing we’d be living together permanently in just a few weeks. I snapped back to reality when Lucy started to venture a little too far along my neck.
"Lucia," I whispered.
That didn’t seem to stop her, but a pinch on her butt certainly did the trick.
"Hey!" she protested.
"You made me wait for nights last week because we were under my grandfather's roof. Don’t think you’re going to get away with it any easier here."
"And what, exactly? Want me to find us a beach?" she teased.
"You’re ridiculous," I giggled. "We almost got caught more than once last night, remember?"
"Oh, come on, it was kind of fun, wasn’t it?" she teased, letting her hand wander under my shirt.
"Sure, but you weren’t the one half undressed when it happened."
"True," she laughed.
I gave in to her lips one last time. That���s when we were interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing. I panicked a little but relaxed when I saw Ale standing there.
"So, this is what you've been up to this whole time? We’ve all been waiting for you."
"Sorry about that," Lucy laughed. "We’re coming."
"I hope so!"
She turned around without checking if we were following. I was ready to go, but Lucy held me back one more time. I thought we were done.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Forget about all that for now. Don’t worry about my mom tonight. Focus on me, okay? I want us to have a good evening for our first night here. Can you do that for me?"
I took a deep breath but nodded.
"Okay," I murmured. "I’ll try."
"Thank you. I love you, don’t forget that."
I smiled as she kissed me one last time. Now it was time to keep my promise. I just hoped her mom wouldn’t traumatize me.
Sunday, April 17th, 08:30 AM - Bronze House
I groaned as I felt movement beside me. I reached out to place my arm over Lucy’s body, but I realized she wasn’t lying down anymore.
"What are you doing?" I mumbled.
"Shhh, go back to sleep."
"Where are you going?" I grumbled, blinking as she tried to get out of bed.
"I can't sleep anymore. Jenni texted me. We’re going for a run."
I sighed contentedly as she stroked my head. It felt so good. I closed my eyes again.
"You're leaving me alone?"
"We’re just doing a quick loop around the neighborhood. You won’t have to leave here without me, okay?"
I heard her words, but I was too tired to process them. Lucy chuckled at my response.
"I love you. See you soon."
I felt her lips against mine. I let out another small groan as she finally got out of bed. I wasn’t able to stop her, but instead, I slid over to her side of the bed, hugging her pillow to me. On the one hand, I hated that she left me alone for her morning runs, but on the other, I loved being able to enjoy her side of the bed in her absence. Without fully realizing it, I drifted back to sleep.
Sunday, April 17th, 09:00 AM - Bronze House
I stretched out in the big bed, realizing I was alone. I vaguely remembered why, thanks to Lucy’s departure. I sighed and reached for my phone. It was still early for me, but I could hear movement in the house. There was noise coming from downstairs. I didn’t know when Lucy had left, but I didn’t particularly feel like waiting for her up here. Knowing Alexia, she was probably still sleeping. She loved to sleep in as much as I did. Or, maybe she had gone with the others. That was a possibility too. I waited for a while, but eventually decided to get out of bed. It was ridiculous to stay there, and with a bit of luck, Lucy’s dad would be downstairs. I took the time to get dressed and make the bed before heading to the bathroom next to the room. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair before heading downstairs. After all, I was at my in-laws’ house, and the least I could do was look presentable. My feet led me to the kitchen after I noticed the living room was empty. I instantly regretted leaving the bed when I saw that the only person there was Lucy’s mother, who had, of course, already spotted me.
"Good morning," I said, a bit awkwardly.
"Good morning, Ona."
"How are you? Is there anything I can help you with?"
The woman smiled. That was a first. I hadn’t received a smile from her yet. I’d had a pleasant evening yesterday, but I’d had to ignore her to avoid feeling uncomfortable.
"Lucy told us that you don’t particularly like cooking. Maybe you could set the table, if you remember where the silverware is."
I blushed furiously. Lucy had really told them that? We were going to need to have a little talk.
"Y-yes, of course," I stammered.
We’d put the dishwasher away last night, so I remembered perfectly where everything was. I moved toward the kitchen to start looking for the plates.
"So, she was right?" Lucy’s mother asked.
I swallowed hard. Had she painted me as some sort of failure to her parents? I felt embarrassed by the answer I was about to give.
"Yes, it's true. I never really took the time to learn how to cook, but I do help Lucy from time to time since we moved in together. Well, on weekends, at least," I added, unsure of how much she actually knew.
I prefer to stay honest. It’s not by lying that I will gain her sympathy. She doesn’t respond, so I step forward to the table to set down four plates.
“Are you planning to take care of my daughter?”
The question catches me off guard. She stopped what she was doing to look me straight in the eye. I realize she’ll probably judge my answer if it’s not what she expects.
“I understand you might feel uncomfortable with my behavior,” she continues. “But you have to understand, I only have one child. It’s my duty to know if she’s in good hands.”
I take a deep breath. In a way, I’m glad she started the conversation. I would have never had the courage to do it myself. Besides, the question was simple. I just needed to answer from the heart.
“I love your daughter, so of course, I’m going to take care of her. She’s my priority.”
“You love her, huh? So, you’re not with her out of interest?”
“What—what? No!” I reply, offended. “Lucy has given me so much, and I have genuine feelings for her. I would never use her.”
“Really? So there’s no ulterior motive? Not even a financial one?”
I laugh bitterly. This woman is something else. What does she think? I can see that my attitude doesn’t please her, but I can’t help it. I close my eyes for a moment, clench my fists, and collect myself.
“No, none at all,” I reply more harshly than I intended. “If you know so much, I imagine Lucy has also told you about my father’s death... So you should know I inherited everything from him. Even his house in Lisbon, so you can understand that I’m not in need financially.”
I don’t like that she’s doubting our love so much. Plus, forcing me to talk about my father—that’s the last straw. Unexpectedly, her eyes soften, which is rather disconcerting. Up until now, she’s only looked at me with judgment and coldness.
“I did hear about that tragedy. My condolences. I’m also sorry for attacking you like this, but I’m still Lucy’s mother, and I have to protect her. She’s been through enough, but you seem to be good for her.”
Her words make my heart skip a beat. What does she mean by “been through enough”? Is she referring to her relationship with Keira? I don’t know why, but since what Lucy told me last week and how she’s been acting since we got here, I have doubts that it’s just that. Something else must have happened here too.
“I observed you a lot last night. I can see that you make my daughter happy, and after this conversation, you seem like a remarkable young woman. Know that Lucy needs support, even though she’ll never admit it.”
I struggle to hide my surprise. Until now, I never noticed that Lucy needed support. On the contrary, she’s always the one who’s supported me.
“Don’t look so surprised. You’re already supporting her without even realizing it, so keep it up. The only thing I’ll ask of you is to never betray her or break her heart.”
I blink several times. Am I to understand that she’s finally giving me her approval? It touches me in a way, considering the person standing in front of me. I blush despite myself and nod.
“Absolutely not, ma’am. I wouldn’t even think of it. I love her far too much to do something like that. I fully intend to keep Lucy by my side forever.”
She nods calmly, with a small smile.
“Good. I’m trusting you with my daughter, then. Take care of her. And you can call me Diane from now on.”
A weight lifts off my shoulders at those words. The conversation is going well.
“Welcome to the family, Ona.”
Definitely going well. Her words warm my heart. She’s clearly offering me recognition. I smile gently.
“Thank you... Diane.”
“Do you like pancakes?”
“Oh yes, especially Lucy’s,” I admit enthusiastically.
“Well, you’ll have to settle for mine today. But they shouldn’t be much different from my daughter’s since I’m the one who taught her.”
I smile softly and nod. I continue setting the table, and when I’m done, I hear the front door slam. My girlfriend’s laughter and Jenni’s echo in the hallway before they appear in the room.
“Hello!” she says cheerfully.
Her expression shifts to surprise when she sees me here. She wasn’t expecting it. After all, she asked me to wait upstairs. But that was out of the question for me. I wanted to take the opportunity to talk with her mother, and now that’s done.
“Hey,” I greet them.
“Oh, you came downstairs after all.”
“You told her to wait upstairs?” her mother scolds. “I wasn’t going to eat her.”
“Oh, with you, who knows,” Lucy laughs before coming over to hug me. I let myself relax until I catch a whiff of her scent. I grimace and try to push her away, but she holds on tighter.
“You stink,” I point out.
“What? You don’t like my natural scent?” she teases.
“Yes, but definitely not your sweat.”
She laughs before kissing me. Her lips carry me away every time. It’s as if I melt in her arms.
“Everything okay? She didn’t torture you too much?”
“No,” I giggle. “Everything went fine.”
She nods, glancing briefly at her mother, who doesn’t seem concerned about us.
“Are you and your girlfriend staying for breakfast, Jenni?” she asks instead.
“No, I’m heading home. I’m expected there, and I need a shower too.”
“Great idea,” Lucy comments. “We’ll take one as well. See you this afternoon?”
“Yeah, we’ll text to figure something out.”
“Okay, sounds good.”
“See you later.”
She turns around and leaves as if it’s nothing. Something tells me she feels right at home here. She seems very comfortable and well-accepted by my girlfriend’s family. Lucy catches my attention by kissing my cheek.
“Are you done here? Will you join me?”
“Oh, um…”
I blush. I think I understood what she meant earlier when she said “we” to Jenni. I glance at her mother for some sort of approval. She doesn’t seem to care. She’s not even looking at us. I turn back to Lucy, who has a mischievous expression.
“We can’t do that,” I say softly so only she can hear.
“Come on. No one’s upstairs, and we can talk about what happened while I was gone.”
She teases me, playing with the hem of my t-shirt. I shake my head, but Lucy isn’t giving up.
“Mom, will you call us when it’s ready?”
“Yes, go ahead. We’ll call you when it’s time.”
“Perfect, thanks.”
Lucy grabs my hand and leads me upstairs before I have a chance to understand what’s happening. I hardly recognize her. She’s never been this persistent. We arrive upstairs, and she guides me into the family bathroom.
“You’re exaggerating. We can’t do this here.”
"We're not going to do anything. I just want to take a shower with you. Is that too much to ask?"
She tilts her head while teasing the back of my bra under my t-shirt. I roll my eyes but smile nonetheless. She seems to really want this moment, so I give in.
"Just a quick shower, but don’t say I didn’t warn you."
"Thank you, my love. I’ll go get some clothes. You get the towels ready."
She gives me a quick kiss before disappearing into her bedroom. A pretty spacious room, by the way. It’s about the size of our room in Manchester, with fairly neutral colors. Actually, it resembles her apartment’s style a lot—minimalistic, but very pretty and harmonious. I listen to her and go in search of the towels. This room has a bathtub, a shower, and some storage cabinets. I hope she doesn’t get any ideas when she sees the bath... She's been quite playful these past few days. I jump when arms suddenly wrap around me from behind. I didn’t even have time to look before she’s already here.
"Haven’t you taken your clothes off yet?" she whispers.
"I was waiting for you. And honestly, I haven’t even found the towels."
I turn around to face her and also to check if the door is locked, which it is.
"Did you lock it?"
"Of course. Now, undress."
She kicks things off by stripping off her clothes, letting them fall to the floor. Unlike her, I plan on putting mine back on, so I fold them neatly. Meanwhile, she turns on the water and checks the temperature. I feel happy to be getting more comfortable around her. She makes me feel wanted. It's been a long time since I’ve felt that way.
"So, where are the towels?" I ask.
"Right here, look."
She points to a cabinet right next to the shower. I grab two for later. When I turn around, Lucy already has her hand on my waist.
"You're really eager today," I giggle. "What’s going on with you?"
"I don’t know. I just want to spend time with you."
"Quick, remember," I say as she pulls me under the water.
"Promise," she laughs. "Just a shower," she murmurs against my lips.
I smile as she kisses me, closing the door behind her. We try to share the water jets as best as we can. The space is smaller than anything we’ve been in before. Lucy keeps her promise and just focuses on washing me. She takes her time, lost in thought. I know she enjoys doing it, so I don’t say anything. I like it too. The way she looks at me makes me feel like a wonder of the world. It’s so crazy, considering how much I dislike my body.
"Everything okay?" I ask.
"Of course," she says, smiling softly. "I’m with you, so everything’s fine."
She says that, but I can tell something’s bothering her. She kisses me, so I stay quiet. I rinse off once she’s done. Now it’s my turn to pamper her. I start with her hair. I smile when I see her close her eyes. Looks like someone really needed this. I understand better why she insisted on having me with her. I take advantage of the moment to kiss her shoulder.
"Don’t start if you want me to stay calm," she mumbles.
"Oh, but you will stay calm. It’s my turn to take care of you."
"Really, hmm?"
She sighs in contentment as I give her a scalp massage. I start to wonder if she’s simply letting go...
"Yes. I know how to do it, and you seem to need it."
"You’re right."
I smile. It’s rare for her to admit things like this, especially so easily. That must mean it’s true.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I whisper.
"Ladies, dinner will be ready soon," comes the distinct voice of Lucy’s father, interrupting us.
"We’d better hurry up," my girlfriend advises.
I let it go for now. She really doesn’t seem to want to talk. I get the sense I’m not the only one who’d prefer to escape the past... I finish washing her quickly so we can get out. The last thing I want is to upset Lucy’s parents, even if everything seems to have settled down.
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zzukowo · 2 days
the prince meets his princess <3 (26 September 2024)
Zuko x Reader
Prompt! Gaang goes to meet the water tribe princess who zuko finds himself at his knees for.
The journey to the Northern Water Tribe had been long and arduous, but the group finally neared the icy shores of the grand city. Zuko stood at the edge of Appa’s saddle, his eyes locked on the towering walls coming into view. His mind raced—part nerves, part anticipation. Aang and Katara had spoken about meeting the Water Tribe’s princess, Y/N, but Zuko wasn’t sure what to expect.
As they landed, they were greeted by a group of Water Tribe warriors, though it was clear they were awaiting someone more important.
“The princess will meet you shortly,” one of the warriors said, bowing slightly. “She’s been preparing for your arrival.”
Sokka nudged Katara with a grin. “Princess, huh? Bet she’s like Yue. All noble and proper.”
Katara smiled fondly at the memory of Yue but shook her head. “Not everyone’s like Yue, Sokka.”
Toph scoffed, her arms crossed as she sat comfortably on Appa. “Great, another fancy royal type. She better not be all high and mighty.”
Zuko remained quiet, his gaze focused on the palace. The Northern Water Tribe’s city shimmered in the ice and snow, a place of incredible beauty and power, but he couldn’t shake the sense that something—or rather, someone—was about to unsettle him.
And then she arrived.
Y/N stepped out from the palace gates with a group of waterbenders trailing behind her. She wore the elegant, traditional attire of the tribe, but there was something casual about the way she held herself—graceful yet relaxed, confident but not boastful. Her eyes swept across the group, lingering on each of them until they finally landed on Zuko.
“Welcome,” Y/N said, her voice carrying easily across the frozen courtyard. “I’ve been expecting you.”
Aang was the first to move, practically leaping forward in his excitement. “Thank you for welcoming us, Princess Y/N! Your city is amazing!”
Y/N smiled, her lips curving gently. “Please, just Y/N. No need for titles here.”
Sokka grinned at her, giving a mock salute. “Well, you’re already cooler than most princesses.”
Katara elbowed him hard in the ribs, but Y/N just laughed, her eyes twinkling. "I'm glad you think so. But don't let the title fool you—I can hold my own."
Zuko hadn’t said a word, too busy studying her. She was powerful; that much was obvious. But there was a warmth to her that reminded him of Katara, though her energy felt more like the calmness of water flowing steadily.
Y/N turned her attention toward him, and Zuko stiffened under her gaze. "And you must be Zuko," she said, a hint of curiosity in her tone. "The prince who turned against his father."
Zuko straightened, nodding slightly. “I am.”
Her smile didn’t falter. "You made the right choice. Fighting for peace instead of fear is the path worth taking."
For a moment, Zuko didn’t know how to respond. He wasn’t used to receiving such acknowledgment without any bitterness attached. His silence didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the group.
Toph grinned knowingly, sensing the vibrations in the ground from Zuko’s nervousness. “Oh yeah, he’s all tense. She’s totally got him wrapped around her little finger already.”
Sokka snickered. "Called it! Bet he’s already regretting wearing that broody look."
Zuko shot them a glare, but Y/N either didn’t hear or didn’t care, gesturing for the group to follow her. “Come, you must be tired from your journey. My people have prepared a feast for your arrival.”
As they walked through the grand halls of the palace, Zuko lagged behind, his mind swirling. He could feel the others’ eyes on him, especially Toph’s.
“I can feel how nervous you are, Sparky,” she said quietly as they walked. “She’s just a person, you know. No need to have your insides twisted up in knots.”
Zuko shot her a look, cheeks faintly reddening. “I’m not nervous.”
“Uh-huh.” Toph smirked. “Sure you’re not.”
When they reached the grand hall for dinner, Y/N took her place at the head of the table, her eyes occasionally flickering toward Zuko. He pretended not to notice, but everyone else certainly did.
“So, Princess Y/N,” Sokka began, leaning forward. “How do you spend your royal days? Training waterbenders? Organizing parties? Or, you know, defeating enemies like us.”
Y/N smiled, amused. "More like training waterbenders and making sure our warriors are prepared for anything. Parties aren’t exactly a priority these days."
Zuko remained quiet, watching her interact with the group. He could tell she was a capable leader, someone who was strong but kind, and it made his chest tighten in a way he hadn’t expected. There was something about her, the way she handled herself, that made him feel... off balance.
"You’ve been quiet, Hothead," Toph whispered, her voice dripping with amusement. “What, the princess got your tongue?”
Zuko stiffened, glaring at her. “Shut up, Toph.”
Toph smirked. “Relax, Sparky. Your heart’s pounding like a stampede.”
Sokka, overhearing, grinned from across the table. “Hey, Zuko, how’s it going over there? Enjoying the royal company?”
Zuko glared at him, his face flushing slightly. “I said shut up, Sokka.”
Toph snickered. “Too late. She’s already got you all flustered.”
The next morning, the group gathered at the training grounds to practice their bending. Y/N stood in the center of the field, demonstrating her mastery over water. Her movements were fluid and precise, the water responding effortlessly to her will. Zuko couldn’t help but watch, mesmerized by her control and grace.
“Are you just going to watch, or are you going to join me?” Y/N’s voice cut through his thoughts, and Zuko blinked, realizing she was looking directly at him.
“Uh, I—” Zuko hesitated, glancing at the others, who were grinning like idiots. “I’ll join.”
As he stepped forward, Toph elbowed Sokka. “He’s gonna embarrass himself, I can feel it.”
Sokka grinned. “Maybe he’ll manage to impress her. I doubt it, though.”
Y/N and Zuko faced off, her smile teasing yet focused. “Ready?”
Zuko nodded, trying to push aside the heat creeping up his neck. The spar began, water and fire clashing in a dazzling display of skill. Zuko fought to keep up with her fluid movements, but there was something disarming about the way Y/N moved—almost playful, like she was testing him more than challenging him.
From the sidelines, Toph grinned. “His heart’s pounding harder now. Looks like he’s a goner.”
Katara crossed her arms, smiling knowingly. “I think Y/N might be just what Zuko needs.”
As Zuko and Y/N sparred, it became clear that she was holding back. Her waterbending flowed like a river, never forceful but always controlled, while Zuko’s firebending was more aggressive—he couldn’t help it. The frustration building inside him made his flames larger, hotter, but none of it seemed to faze Y/N.
She deflected his flames with a single movement, sending the water back toward him in a spiraling wave. Zuko quickly dodged, skidding to the side, but as he turned back to counter, he found himself staring straight into Y/N’s teasing grin.
“What’s the matter, Prince Zuko?” she asked, her voice light, playful. “You seem distracted.”
Zuko clenched his fists, his brow furrowing. “I’m not distracted,” he muttered, trying to regain focus.
But it was no use. His mind kept replaying the soft, teasing lilt in her voice, the way her smile seemed to be aimed directly at him. And that only made him push harder, launching another stream of fire toward her. Y/N dodged with ease, stepping lightly across the icy ground as if she were dancing.
“Zuko, breathe,” Katara called from the sidelines, her arms crossed but her voice filled with concern. “You’re not going to win if you let her get under your skin.”
Toph chuckled, her grin widening as she shifted her feet, sensing the vibrations in the earth. “Oh, he’s definitely got more than fighting on his mind.”
Zuko shot a glare in Toph’s direction, but that second of distraction cost him. Y/N took the opportunity to send a jet of water straight toward him, knocking him off his feet. He landed with a thud, the breath knocked out of his lungs as he hit the ice.
For a moment, there was silence. Then Sokka burst out laughing. “Oh, man! She wiped the floor with you!”
Zuko groaned, pushing himself up, but before he could stand fully, a hand appeared in his vision. He looked up, seeing Y/N offering him a hand, her expression soft and amused.
“Good match,” she said with a slight smirk. “You put up a good fight.”
Zuko hesitated before taking her hand, feeling the warmth from her fingers despite the cold air around them. He rose to his feet, his eyes locking with hers, and for a brief moment, everything around them faded. There was something in her gaze, something playful but also… understanding. As if she saw something in him that no one else did.
But then the moment was broken by Toph’s snort. “Wow, Sparky, she knocked you down and now she’s got you all tongue-tied too?”
Zuko pulled his hand back quickly, his face flushing as he turned away. “I’m fine.”
Sokka came over, patting Zuko on the back with a grin. “Yeah, sure. Fine. Totally fine. Except for, you know, getting completely owned by a princess.”
“I didn’t get owned,” Zuko growled, shooting a glare at Sokka, who just laughed harder.
Y/N smiled, her eyes still lingering on Zuko for a moment longer before she turned back to the group. “You all must be hungry after watching the match. Come, let’s get something to eat.”
As they headed back to the palace, Toph fell into step beside Zuko, her smirk unmistakable. “You know, Sparky, for someone who claims not to be distracted, your heartbeat was going crazy the whole time. I could feel it all the way from the sidelines.”
Zuko groaned, running a hand through his hair. “Can you just… not, Toph?”
She grinned. “What? I’m just saying. She’s clearly into you too. You’re just too dense to notice.”
Zuko glared at her, but a part of him couldn’t help wondering if Toph was right. There was something about Y/N—something that pulled him in, no matter how hard he tried to fight it.
As they approached the dining hall, Y/N glanced over her shoulder, her eyes meeting Zuko’s again for a brief second. She gave him a small, knowing smile before turning back, and Zuko’s heart thudded in his chest.
Toph was right. He was definitely in trouble.
As they gathered in the grand dining hall, the group settled around the long, intricately carved table, the warmth of the firelight bouncing off the ice walls. Y/N took her place at the head, her calm demeanor only adding to the regal aura that surrounded her.
Zuko, sitting across from her, tried to focus on the food in front of him, but his eyes kept flickering back to Y/N. The way her fingers effortlessly twirled a strand of water from her cup, the smile that never seemed to fade, it was all too distracting. The others noticed—of course, they did—and it didn’t take long for the teasing to begin.
Sokka leaned forward, a grin already forming on his face. "You know," he started, glancing between Zuko and Y/N, "it’s kinda poetic, don’t you think? The Fire Prince and the Water Princess. It’s like something out of one of those old love stories."
Katara’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she chimed in. "Yeah, opposites attracting and all that. You two would balance each other perfectly."
Zuko’s face immediately flushed, his hands gripping his chopsticks a little tighter. "We’re not—" he started, but Sokka cut him off with a wave.
"Oh, come on, Zuko. Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about it." He leaned back in his chair, smirking. "Fire and water. It’s practically written in the stars."
Toph snorted from beside him. "I can feel your heart pounding from here, Sparky. You’ve been all jittery since we landed, and it’s definitely not because of the cold."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her amused gaze flitting over to Zuko, who was desperately trying to keep his cool. She didn’t seem flustered at all by the teasing, instead taking it in stride.
"Well," Y/N said with a smirk, her voice light and teasing, "if we’re talking balance, I guess it would make sense. After all, fire needs water to keep it from getting out of control, right?"
The comment sent the group into a chorus of laughter, and Zuko could feel his face heat up even more. He glared at Sokka and Toph, though it did nothing to stop the teasing.
Aang, ever the peacekeeper, grinned as he nodded in agreement. "I think it makes sense! You both have this calm intensity about you. Like… you’re passionate in different ways, but it would complement each other."
"Exactly!" Sokka said, pointing his chopsticks at Zuko dramatically. "See? Even the Avatar agrees! The Fire Prince and the Water Princess, destined to—"
"That’s enough!" Zuko finally snapped, slamming his chopsticks down on the table, his face a deep shade of red. "We’re just… allies. That’s it."
But Y/N, ever calm and unbothered, leaned forward with a playful glint in her eyes. "Allies, huh?" She glanced at the group before meeting Zuko’s eyes again. "Well, I suppose we’ll see what happens, won’t we?"
Zuko nearly choked on his drink at the way she said it, the subtle teasing in her tone making his heart race even faster. He quickly looked away, his mind scrambling for something—anything—to say that wouldn’t make him sound like a complete idiot.
Toph grinned, clearly enjoying every second of Zuko’s discomfort. "You’re making this too easy, Zuko. I didn’t even need to bend to feel how hard you’re blushing."
Sokka leaned closer, whispering loud enough for everyone to hear, "I bet they’ll be exchanging love letters by the end of the week."
Zuko shot him a death glare. "Shut. Up."
But the teasing only continued, the group laughing and throwing playful jabs at the so-called "perfect match" of the Fire Prince and the Water Princess. Through it all, Y/N remained calm, an amused smile on her lips as she occasionally glanced at Zuko, clearly enjoying how flustered he was becoming.
And as the laughter died down and they returned to their meals, Zuko couldn’t help but steal one more glance at Y/N. She caught his eye, giving him a small, knowing smile that made his heart skip a beat.
Maybe, just maybe, there was something to the whole "Fire Prince and Water Princess" idea after all.
The air was crisp and cool as the group moved from the dining hall to the palace’s outer courtyard. The sun had just begun to set, casting shades of pink and orange across the sky, reflecting off the ice sculptures that lined the walkway. Y/N led the way, her steps graceful as she guided them to a peaceful overlook by the water.
Zuko trailed behind, still feeling the heat in his cheeks from the relentless teasing at dinner. Every time he tried to shake the embarrassment, Toph or Sokka would shoot him a look or make another comment under their breath, and it would start all over again.
Y/N, seemingly unbothered by the playful jabs, kept a small smile on her lips as they walked. Her posture was relaxed, her hands lightly trailing along the icy walls of the palace as if she had all the time in the world. Zuko couldn’t help but admire her ease. While the world was on the brink of war, and their futures felt uncertain, she moved through it all with a sense of calm that made everything around her seem less daunting.
It drove him mad—and fascinated him all at once.
As they reached the overlook, Y/N stopped, gazing out at the vast expanse of icy waters. The setting sun cast a golden glow on the waves, the calm surface reflecting the fire in the sky. She turned to face the group, her eyes bright with excitement.
“There’s something I want to show you,” she said softly, motioning for them to sit.
The group gathered around her, curiosity piqued. Aang, always eager to learn new bending techniques, practically bounced on his toes. Katara folded her arms, a smile tugging at her lips, while Sokka, now more relaxed after their earlier banter, sat with his chin propped in his hand.
Zuko, despite his best efforts to act indifferent, found himself leaning closer, his attention fully on Y/N.
With a graceful flick of her wrist, Y/N pulled water from the ocean, bringing it up into a sphere that hovered in the air. She stepped closer to the group, the water shifting and moving as if alive, responding to her every command. Zuko watched as the sphere shimmered, the light from the sunset refracting through it, creating a kaleidoscope of colors.
“I’ve been working on this for a while,” Y/N explained, her voice low and calm. “It’s a technique unique to our tribe, passed down through generations.”
She stepped back, giving the water a gentle push with her palm. It began to spiral, turning faster and faster until it formed a vortex, hovering just above their heads. The group looked up in awe as droplets of water began to fall, catching the light and sparkling like stars.
Even Toph, though unable to see, seemed to sense the beauty of it. “Whoa… that’s pretty cool, Princess.”
“Wait—” Sokka held up a hand. “Is this your way of showing off for Zuko? ‘Cause if it is, I gotta admit, it’s working.”
Y/N shot him a look, her expression soft but amused. “Sokka, not everything is about trying to impress someone.”
Zuko, once again the center of attention, immediately stiffened. “I wasn’t—”
But Sokka wasn’t finished. “I mean, come on, fire and water? It’s like destiny, right?” He leaned back with a smirk. “You two were literally made for each other.”
Y/N laughed lightly, shaking her head. “Is that so?”
Before Zuko could say anything, Aang chimed in, ever the optimist. “He’s kind of right. Fire and water balance each other, just like in nature. It’s all about harmony.”
Toph snorted, smirking in Zuko’s direction. “I dunno, Twinkletoes. I’m still sensing a lot of *tension* from Sparky over here.”
Katara, always the voice of reason, smiled gently at Y/N. “It’s amazing how you control the water so effortlessly. You and Zuko could probably teach each other a lot.”
Zuko, whose face was now burning brighter than the setting sun, couldn’t take it anymore. “Enough!” He stood abruptly, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. “Can we just—” He paused, taking a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “Can we focus on the mission, not on… this.”
The teasing grins around him didn’t fade, but they did settle down for the moment. Y/N, however, remained calm, her gaze never leaving him.
“Alright,” she said gently, waving her hand and allowing the water vortex to collapse back into the ocean. “The mission it is, then.”
The group fell silent for a moment, watching the last remnants of the vortex disappear beneath the waves. The only sound was the gentle lapping of the water against the icy shore.
Zuko turned away, embarrassed by how easily the group had gotten under his skin. He was the Fire Prince, and yet, when it came to her, he couldn’t control his reactions. It frustrated him to no end.
But before he could spiral further into his thoughts, Y/N spoke again, her voice soft and steady. “Zuko.”
He hesitated, then turned to face her. She stepped closer, her eyes shining with warmth, not a trace of teasing in her expression.
“I know they’re just messing with you,” she said quietly, so only he could hear. “But if it helps, I’ve always admired your strength. Your fire isn’t something to hide from.”
Zuko blinked, her words sinking in deeper than he expected. She smiled at him, soft and sincere, and for the first time in a long while, Zuko felt like he wasn’t fighting alone.
“Thank you,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N nodded, stepping back to rejoin the group as they began discussing the next part of their journey. But Zuko couldn’t shake the feeling that something had shifted between them—something subtle but undeniable.
And for the first time, he wondered if maybe—just maybe—the group’s teasing wasn’t all that far off.
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brattylikestoeat · 2 days
Are yall paying attention to the cardi and offset beef.
Please keep in mind this man been cheating from the beginning and she finally got her get back and he crashing out on online. But he posted and deleted a tweet that said something like, “you a babymomma I won”
Each time he got caught cheating he put a baby in her. Not because he loved her or because he wanted a big happy family but he did it to take her out the game. She wasn’t touring or making music outside of features.
He did that for two reasons:
1)She can’t grow as an artist. Time she should have been putting in the studio she spent being an active parent.
2) it “lowers” her worth in the dating pool. It’s cardi, she got money, she gone get a nigga with money. But for us regular women, having kid(s) can be harsh to our dating life.
And mind you, she did it the right way. The way men say you should do it in order to hold value in their eyes. She didn’t have kids out of wedlock. She only had kids with her husband.
I’m glad she finally out, I wished she had left him the first time and stayed gone. Women are often to forgiving and it needs to be stopped.
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Chapter 1: As It Burns
In which, Lovely makes everyone suffer
Finley felt sick. Generally sick.
No, this couldn’t be happening. She refused.
Another goddamn quest. It had been 2 weeks. 2! This didn’t feel real.
The worse part (well, there were several worse parts but we’r not going to focus on that) was that Finley wasn’t involved.
Normally, Finley would be glad to not have to be on a quest. She had been on her own quest for the past 10 years, but, the other girls were, including a 13 year old.
She wasn’t all that upset that a 13 year old was going instead, she could care less, she was mad that a 13 year old was going on a quest in general.
Dorothea is a literal child. Finley was certain that girl could kick ass, but she knew just how badly it could affect her.
She didn’t want her experiencing that. Especially with seem so final as the prophecy they just got.
As all these thoughts ran through Finley’s head, she started to tune back in on the moment.
All four of them were emotional, as anyone would be.
She turned around at the sound of crying.
The scene she saw was not pretty.
Dorothea was sobbing, and Brook and Anastasia looked to be getting angry as they cried.
They continued walking, leaving both Her and Dorothea in the dust.
“You’re joking, right?” Brook asked.
“Why would I be joking?”
“Jesus Christ…” Finley muttered. Dorothea looked at her with wide eyes.
Poor kid.
“I wouldn’t suggest following me in there.” She warned, looking at the Chaos cabin.
“Wha- no!”
“Thea, please. Just, wait.” The talking turned more into yelling.
“No buts. This isn’t going to end well.”
Dorothea looked upset, but didn’t object. “Fine.” She continued walking to her cabin.
Finley sighed, before going in.
“Are you really saying I shouldn’t do this?!” Anastasia yelled.
“I’m saying you’re young.” Brook shot back.
“Yeah, no shit, sherlock. We’re all young!”
“uh-” Finley started, but was met with a monsterous glare from both of them.
Fuck- jeez
“You think I want to go on this?” Anastasia asked bitterly. “There is no way in hell I want too, and I would rather pluck my eyes out with a toothpick and eat it then let Thea go. But I don’t get a choice.”
“I know that, I’m trying to help you.”
“Help? How? Cause there is no soluation! We are stuck in this situation!”
“BECAUSE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?! ONE OF US IS GOING TO DIE! WE CAN’T DO ANYTHING!” Anastasia yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks. “You could die. Don’t you understand?!”
Finley felt tears of her own roll down her cheeks.
“Yes! I have things to live for now! I know damn well what I’d lose!”
“Really? Cause you don’t act like you do!”
“Neither do you!”
“Let’s just-”
They both shhed Finley, not even turning to look at her.
“I’m fine.” Anastasia told her.
“Bullshit. None of us are fine. We haven’t been fine in a while.” Brook stated.
“What do you want me to say?”
“I want you to let me help!”
“I don’t need your help!” Anastasia turned away.
“Stop making it harder for yourself-”
“I’m not. I don’t need help.”
Brook sighed. “You do. You’re just being stubborn at this point.”
“I’m not!”
Brook just gave her a look.
“Stop that.”
“Stop being stubborn.”
“You can’t do anything! You can’t fix it!” She snapped.
“I’m just trying to offer support-”
“That was not what you were doing 5 minutes ago.”
“What is your problem?!”
“My problem?! what’s my problem?! My problem is everything! Two people I care aboout might die!”
“You might die.”
“I don’t care! I would rather you two be okay.”
“Well, you should! You were just telling me that I didn’t act like I had something to live for and now you’re acting like this!”
“Because it matters when it’s you!”
“It matters when it’s you too!” Brook yelled.
“No, it doesn’t.” Anastasia said with enough certainty it broke Finley’s heart.
“Yes it does! Why wouldn’t it?!”
“Because your more important!”
“Anastasia, who on earth told you that?” Finley asked, finally having the courage to speak.
“No one needed too.”
“Don’t. I don’t need anymore pity.”
“I am not more important than you.”
“Yes you are!”
“Please don’t lie to me.”
“We’re not lying!” Finley cried.
“I’m not stupid!”
“You’re acting like it.” Brook told her.
She went to say something else, but Anastasia cut he off.
“Sorry that I don’t want to pretend that it’s not happening.”
“It’s not happening, Anastasia!”
“You can both get out if you’re going to lie to my face.”
They both fell silent in shook.
“Anastasia-” Brook stated.
“I mean it.” She said harshly.
“You’re being childish-” Brook tried once more.
“Get. out.”
“Fine.” Brook stormed out.
Anastasia stared at Finley.
“I hope you know that we weren’t lying.” She walked out the cabin.
She felt tears roll down her cheeks once more.
She headed towards her cabin, she wanted nothing more than to pass out in her bed.
She spotted Dorothea sitting on the steps.
“What happened? Are you alright?” She stood up and ran over to her. FInley could tell she had been crying.
Finley quickly wiped her tears. A part of her wanted to pretend everything was a-ok, but she wasn’t the one that had to deal with the aftermath of that.
“It was… explosive, to say the least.”
Dorothea frowned. “Explosive?”
“Annie kicked us out.”
“Oh gods…” Dorothea wiped her tears.
Finley tok a shaky breath, trying to figure out what to say.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with that.”
“I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”
She looked down at the ground for a moment. “Are you okay?”
“I guess.” Dorothea sighed. “No ones really okay after everything that’s happened today.”
“Good point.” She chuckled weakly, trying not to cry more.
She could see Dorothea shaking. She wanted to tell her it would be okay, but it wouldn’t. She knew it wouldn’t. It wasn’t okay. Nothing about this was okay.
She wrapped her into a hug. She felt her start to cry into her.
“I’m scared.” She sobbed.
“I know… You have every right to be.”
“I don’t want to do this. I don’t want watch anyone die. I dont want to die!”
Finley felt her lip quiver. Gods, this was hard to watch all of them go through.
“I wish I could take this away from you.”
“I do too.”
only took a few days to write this, which is the quickest I've ever written a first chapter.
Anyways will cook an open starter after this cause why not have more angst?
Yall have anyone in particular you want for the open starter???
@arisdaughter / @letsbelikethewindtogether @childofthewargod @dianedantedominic @kaiaalwayswins @theorphicforest
@that-girl-cupid @delilah-isnt-dead-yett @daonedaonlyskh @hispanic-child-of-hermes
@aria-pane @wine-cooper @i-am-persephones-daughter @unhinged-waterlilly
@seed-of-the-pomegranate @istglevi-gotmesimping
@if-chaos-was-a-boy @ariathemortal @i-was-never-sane @gaygirldoodles @superbstarlightsheep
If you want to be added, removed or if I forgot to tag you, let me know :)
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kasu-meow · 1 day
I think this is a bit of an unpopular opinion at the moment, I haven't seen anyone else say this, but... I love Gojo Satoru with all my heart, and because I love him so much, I am so glad that he is dead and is staying dead.
Ever since he was born, he was labeled as the strongest, and he was unable to be anything else except a weapon. He is so far above everyone else that most people don't even stop to consider that he is a human too, and the one time he allowed himself to love and be human, the object of his affection was ripped from him by the same society that put him in a box and forced him to carry all the burden alone.
Ever since then, Gojo Satoru has been shouldering the bulk of the responsibilities of Jujutsu society, living in regret, wondering "what if?" and desperately trying to protect the ones who now walk the same path he used to, because even though he lost what was precious to him, maybe he can make things slightly better so others don't have to go through that pain.
In my eyes, Gojo Satoru's is a story of loss, of pain and regret. The only thing he desperately clung onto was the hope that if he just pushes on a little longer, and mentors the new generation, that maybe he can really affect something in this godforsaken society, make it just a little better for the next generation, but not for him; it's already too late for him. He has already lost everything.
And so he became a teacher, even though he "doesn't want to do any more babysitting," he fought the people who made him a tool to protect the ones he knew could create the change he was seeking, and even though he knew he was walking towards his death, he still put on a smile and reassured his students saying "Nah, I'd win."
Even though he sacrificed himself to wear down Sukuna and let his body be used like the tool it was always perceived as, just so he could save everybody, what did he get? No one cried for him, he wasn't remembered for his kindness or selflessness, but was only blamed for his mistakes because then again, he is a weapon, a tool. Gojo Satoru will never just be a person.
But at least... now it's over. He doesn't have to fight anymore. He left Earth knowing he did his job, and that his students have got it from here on out. He is finally able to breathe and rest, and he was even reunited with the only person who, despite it all, saw him for what he was. Not Gojo Satoru, the strongest, but Gojo Satoru, the guy who likes Digimon, eats kikufuku and smiles despite everything. The one person who was willing to destroy the entire Jujutsu society to protect Gojo Satoru, who really cared about him, and the one Gojo Satoru did everything for. He finally has what he always longed for, and he made peace with his own death. He tied up everything he had left on Earth, and chose to let go because he is no longer needed. The reason he couldn't be revived with RCT was because his soul was no longer clinging to this plane of existence, because finally Gojo Satoru got what he wanted, a new generation of allies who will grow even beyond his potential, and will carry on his vision and make real change in the world.
Gojo Satoru is finally resting and at peace. I miss him, so much, but if he were to come back, what would he be coming back for? He would have to leave Geto Suguru once again, even though the first time almost killed him, and for what? To go back to being who he was, playing the role he used to play, fighting to swim upstream in a world that sees him as nothing more than a machine? What does he have left on Earth now, besides the life of a weapon? He did everything he could, and Jujutsu society will start changing now because of him. He even died the way he always wished for, killed by someone stronger than him, who recognized him, and swore to never forget him.
For the first time in a decade, I believe Gojo Satoru is truly happy where he is. And I really, really want him to be happy. I don't want him to force himself to smile for the sake of someone else like he is used to, I want him to be able to let loose and be himself with the people who appreciate him. I don't want him to go back to a miserable life of loss and regret. So yeah... it pains me, and I miss him, but I'm glad Gojo Satoru is dead, and I hope it stays that way.
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missmarveledsblog · 2 days
It's only pretend right ? ( Bucky barnes x reader) part three
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summary : kitty ( y/n) brings bucky to one of the spots in her life she can just breathe and take it all it , while the two enjoy the time alone soon realize that they been gone far too long get back only for bucky to take a tumble and learn more and more about her , he even get asked to bring her grandmother to church and a surprise shows up that makes her happy to be home
warnings : this is actually unlike me to have a tooth rotting fluff piece but i ain't mad at it , grammatical and spelling errors ( whats new)
previous part
Maybe it was the scenery , maybe it was the company  or even it was the both that had her instantly more calm more settled , the fresh green grass  , trees and  fields as she passed by was something she did miss even though the compound was surrounded by some trees and stuff it wasn’t like this . it wasn’t the great outdoor of home she always looked forward to .  The two stopped near the meadow just an hour from her house. She felt calmer being away from the judging gazes and comments, finally being able to breathe fully and it was like bucky could see the shift himself .
 “ You know they have no idea about who you are,” he spoke up.
 “I used to think they did , they used to make me doubt myself so much that when i was on my own I thought I was a disappointment so when i was left in big city i was afraid to come home, until I met fury  , he showed me I was worth something then I came on to the team and even more, I mean my dad's side they're awesome they let me know i'm loved , they tell me all time that their  proud of me” she smiled brightly. 
“ I understand you more” he nodded “ huh ? “ she felt herself suddenly doubt kicking in.
 “ Why you make everyone's day better, let them know their worth even when they don't themselves “ he smiled softly watching the horse move to the little river.
“ I make sure they never feel the way I once did,  sorry also I didn't know dickface was here” she grumbled . 
“ gotta be a specific doll” he chuckled .
 “ Good one but I was talking about my ex,” she laughed.
 “ He's the one who hurt you badly huh?” He knew of him , Knew it was bad but never pushed her to tell him .
 “ he left me in new york two days after arriving found him with another girl when I went go get my stuff out of hotel room and he didn't care like they waited for me to leave” she scoffed.
“Well  he never deserved you , he  screams of  what is it Parker says , small dick energy “ he mused as her laughter filled the meadow. The way the light hit her honestly looked like an angel,as he knew one week was gonna be hard , two was going to definitely kill him . 
 “You know I'm glad fury found me “ she sighed  flopping on to the ground staring up at the clouds above. 
“ As am I,  you know you still never told me that story either” he flopped down beside her .
 “ you make it  through these days without killing my family or ex and well then I'll tell you both stories “ she giggled .
 “ you got yourself a deal doll “ he held his hand out as she took it, sealing their deal 
 “ so Is this your spot , you know  that one spot that everyone has to feel free , The one that is just for them ” he asked, eyes watching her reaction. 
“ It's one of them only Jessie knows my real spot, the one I went to  as a kid when they would visit or when I had a tough time,  he’s the oldest and in the army  but he got leave so be here tomorrow ” she smiled softly.
“  Are you two  close?” he asked . 
“ He was the first best friend I've ever had and the first person I rang when I got both jobs then my dad” she smiled. 
“ I mean I love izzy and jack to death and we’re close too, we bond over different things , she is closer to  Jack ,twin thing “ she explained . He could listen to her rambles even for hour , days even and not get tired of sound of her voice .
“ I get what you mean doll” he held her hand and two just looked up at sky enjoying the comfortable silence. She even had a nap before the buzzing of her phone startled her seeing the sun setting .
 “ shit mama texting to say it almost time for dinner” she yawn as he stood holding his hand out for her to take pulling her up . “ just us and grandma “ she added .
“ the evil one?”.
“ The devil lady , she ain't so bad I mean she's quiet and grumpy and judges everything most of the time and ignores everyone. My dad convince she sold her soul to the devil to live forever hence the nickname , she’s had a few close calls ” she chuckled easily mounting her horse as bucky got up on the moon easier.
“ I would say race you but this one is too far gone” he chuckled as she walked a head and moon followed.  
“ I'll see if I can keep you guys together” she cooed to the horses . 
The sun completely set as the two pulled back up on the ranch. All the cars were gone meaning they were gone too . 
“ I can't believe this,” her dad stared as they approached.
 “ What are you about, old man?” she laughed.
 “ the rebel stallion walking like a show pony , you know he bucked Jack off” he said coming to the two .
“ he's misunderstood , hard at trusting but once he does , big softy plus jack in the box is annoying  “ she giggled, flickering a glance towards the man beside her.
 “ We think he's after star too “ bucky patted the stallion not realizing he was going to sneeze once horse head went down bucky tumble after hitting the ground with a thump.
“ shit bucky you ok “ she hopped down so quickly honestly her father never seen her move so fast  .
 “ is it dark enough that neither of you saw that” he groaned, eyes not  wanting to open. 
 “ it not even dark enough to hide the red of your cheeks son” her dad's hand slipped into Bucky's, pulling him off the ground.  
 These two stay together  from now on , you get in and rest that was quite a fall I'll check you over once I get these settled “ she called back .
“ come on son we get you in “ her dad led the super soldier in suppressing his laughter.
“ Are you ever gonna tell her how you feel?” he asked. “ I mean we're together “ he panicked.
“ I may be old but I ain't dumb  , plus the team clued me in “ he chuckled . 
“ steve?” He asked .
 “ he and Natasha , they rang three nights ago” , his words making Bucky stop. 
 I only found out last night.” His brows furrowed.
 “ she only found out that morning” he winked, heading into the house leaving the door open once the super soldier let the words sink in.  
“Come on before she kicks both our asses,she a cute little thing but shit never get wrong side of kitty ” he walked faster into the house as bucky followed . 
“ about time … wheres kitty “ her mother turned to see two men .
” Bucky here took tumble off the moon so she gone get them  set for night while I checked over lover boy here” he patted the man's vibranium arm . 
“ shit” bucky huffed. 
“ What's broken , we ain't got insurance for that '' her dad said  his first proper look at the metal arm he's only ever seen in pictures. 
"Nah the plates and calibration is out of whack ,makes it off” he explained lifting the glasses up and instantly smashing it. “ I can feel pressure with it “ he winced as they jumped at the sound of glasses shattering .
 “ hey who’s making a mess in here” she walked in seeing their worried expressions set on bucky . 
 What's wrong, do we need to go to the hospital?” she rushed in front of the man. Eyebrows furrowed as her face laced with worry checking him over. 
“ my arm just acting up” he smiled softly loving the doting attention she was giving him .
 “ Pop, can you get my tools please?” she asked softly .
 “ You need to take the arm off , I can clear the table” her mother rushed over .
 “ No, he doesn’t easily do it while on so he can feel it’s in the right balance” she shook her head . Bucky couldn’t help laughing when her father pushed in the heavy trolley neon purple in color.
 “ nice choice color doll” he winked making her chest flush.
“ Jessie and Jack got them for me” she rolled her eyes . 
“ She and my dad used to fix cars when she was growing up , little tiny thing picked quickly. I mean she was fixing engines to her daddy’s machines at 10” her mother chuckled.
“ Ok, you ready buckaroo?” she asked, opening the trolley. 
 as i’ll ever be” he saluted with his other hand.
Her parents watched as she was lost in her task. It was like watching her as a kid working with her grandfather again. While bucky was lost in her , just the presence of her alone.  “ ok …more or less” she asked as he flexed the metal appendages. 
“ nearly there a little more” .   He loved when she was this close, how he could see every detail of her face, little freckles that littered her cheeks, how he could enjoy the full beauty of the color of her eyes. When the tip of her tongue peaked out when she was fully concentrating on a task.
” ok how's that” she asked.
 “ Perfect thanks doll” he kissed her cheek . 
“ y-y-your welcome , food time” she turned so fast she felt dizzy but she was sure if it was his lips or smell of his cologne , the way she had to force her eyes to stay on task at hand or get lost in his beauty but boy did her knees feel weak. 
 “ kitty dear, could you get me a blanket” her grandmother asked . 
“ Yes grandma, which one ?” she asked softly. 
“ surprise me dear” she let a little smile on face. 
“ She needs to teach me to do that,” her father whispered to bucky. 
“ Mama is always sweet to the grandkids” her mother rolled her eyes.
 “Mr Barnes,  would you bring me to the church tomorrow? '' the elderly woman asked face showing nothing .
“ I can indeed ma’am” he nodded . 
“ Mama, he doesn’t know where it is, '' her mother protested.
 “ They got computers for that , thank you mr. barnes'' she nodded before bowing her head, not waiting any longer saying her own grace and tucking  into her food .  
“your immortal right” her dad Frank teased.  
“ Why, '' Bucky asked.
 “ Don’t mind him '' Beth's eyes rolled, swatting her husband as Y/N walked in with a flowery blanket. 
“ Perfect dear, thank you, '' her grandmother cooed. '' Bucky is taking me to church tomorrow” she added as the woman froze while sitting down. 
“ He doesn’t know where it is , we don't have a car here” she began. 
“ your fathers car and he’ll find the way” she dismissed easily.
 “ good luck, you know what buckaroo it was nice meeting you ” she gave him thumbs up dodging her mother swatting her . 
Once dinner was done and everyone was retired for the night, Bucky found her sitting on the porch looking up at the skies . 
“ i was wondering where you went to , nat is wanting to facetime” he held his phone up . 
“ ok park that ass” she patted the spot beside her. What they weren’t expecting was the team sitting in the living room, even Tony .
“ Hey you two, how did the first day go” nat asked . 
“ he survived the first day with the vultures” she joked.
 “ I went horse riding too,” Bucky beamed.
 “ fell off the horse too” she burst out laughing .
 “ last time i was one was the 40’s” he rolled his eyes but didn’t hide his loving glance at her laughing.
 “ Two weeks guys” she said as they all looked away from the camera. 
“ you haven’t had your vacation yet and neither has the cyborg so yes two weeks pretty girl” sam sassed. 
“ Hey little pyro you haven’t seen my black card have you” tony asked arching his brow.
 “ Remember that hug?” she asked . 
“Little shit , buy anything good even? ” he asked, chuckling.
 “ nah not yet might buy my horse a new saddle you know the luxury brand” she mused playfully.
 “ Her little accent is so cute , you can hear it more,” Wanda cooed.
 “ I dont have one , anyway funny find out you got my parents involved in the ploy” she asked softly. 
“ you both need a break ok so shut up and enjoy it , not much happening here anyways” nat rolled her eyes. 
“ I mean it is good to be home , just can’t wait til the rest of them leave, especially dick face” she huffed. 
“ What is your brother thinking?” Nat crossed her arms.
 “Honestly jack doesn’t think” a gruff voice called, making her head shoot right up.
“ JESSIE” She ran off the steps, almost knocking the man to the ground. 
“ her older brother is here i’ll ring you guys later” bucky hung up before standing up.
 “ Hey kitty, good to see you,” he smiled, holding her tighter to him . 
“You're supposed to be here tomorrow” she sniffled.
 “Hey they best be happy tears” he pulled her into a hug. 
“ very happy tears i missed you so much” she almost climbed into his arms .
 “ sergeant barnes” he saluted while still holding his sister close to him .
 “corporal” he saluted back .
 “ Are you being safe?” she asked, checking him over.
 “ I should be asking you that,” he arched his brow. 
“ I'm safe,” she smiled, wiping the tears from her eyes.
 “Sorry you had to deal with them today” he smiled sadly knowing his own family. 
“ s’okay i mean dad was there” she shrugged. 
“ They give her a hard time?” He looked to bucky.
 “  hey i’m right here i can handle it , how long's the leave for” she asked.
 “ It was a bit harsh,” Bucky smiled sadly.
 “ dickface saying anything? And I got two weeks, funny that ?  ” he asked. 
"No, I mean anytime he did Helen answered, even though she doesn’t like him and I didn't influence your leave ” she giggled. 
“ Jack just thinks her family should be there , her parents are gone so he’s all she has” Jessie rolled his eyes still not liking it hell he almost left his post to get her  in NewYork when he found out. 
“ Come on mama and papa haven’t been in bed long” she pulled the men into the house , she and bucky stood on the landing watching the reunion. She grabbed his arm when she saw her mother crying at the sight of her son making him move his arm lacing his fingers in hers . 
“I'm glad i didn’t miss this” she whispered seeing how happy her parents were.
 “ Me too,” he smiled, eyes locked on her , seeing how happy she was. 
taglist : @vicmc624
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party-poison-218 · 1 day
Bakery with Nanami kento pt. 3!!
Creator of the bonus divider
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The following week felt like an eternity as you waited for Kento to return. You kept experimenting with new pastries, each one more ambitious than the last, hoping he’d love them all.
Finally, Friday rolled around, and just as the morning rush began to die down, the familiar sound of the bell jingled. Kento walked in, looking effortlessly casual in a t-shirt and jeans. Your heart raced at the sight of him.
“Hey, you!” you said, trying to sound cool as you wiped your hands on your apron.
“Hey,” he replied, a smile spreading across his face. “I’m here for my usual—and to see what new creations you’ve come up with.”
You led him to the display case, showcasing a few colorful pastries. “I’ve got lemon tarts and matcha muffins. Want to try one?”
“Absolutely,” he said, pointing to the tarts. “And I’ll take the croissant again, of course.”
As you prepared his order, you felt a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. After you handed him the pastries, he paused, looking a bit more serious.
“I actually wanted to ask you something,” he said, his expression shifting.
Your heart skipped a beat. “What’s up?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, his usual calm demeanor a bit flustered. “I’ve really enjoyed our conversations… and I was wondering if you’d like to grab dinner with me sometime. Just the two of us?”
You felt your cheeks heat up, surprised and thrilled at the same time. “I’d love to!” you replied, a smile breaking across your face.
“Great,” he said, relief washing over him. “How about Saturday? I know a nice little place nearby.”
“Sounds perfect,” you said, trying to contain your excitement. “What time?”
“Let’s say seven?” he suggested, his confidence returning.
“Seven it is,” you agreed, trying to keep your voice steady. “I’ll be ready.”
As he turned to leave, he paused again, looking back at you with a soft smile. “I’m looking forward to it. And I can’t wait to see what else you come up with.”
You waved as he walked out, feeling a mix of giddy anticipation and nervous energy. Dinner with Kento Nanami—it was the start of something you had only dreamed about. That evening, you couldn’t stop smiling, already planning what to wear for your first official date.
Saturday evening arrived quicker than you expected, and you spent the entire day preparing. After trying on what felt like a hundred outfits, you finally settled on a casual dress that felt just right.
As you arrived at the restaurant, you took a deep breath, excitement bubbling in your chest. The ambiance was warm and inviting, with soft lighting and quiet chatter. You spotted Kento seated at a cozy table in the corner, looking effortlessly handsome.
“Hey!” he greeted, his eyes lighting up as you approached. “You look amazing.”
“Thanks! You too,” you replied, feeling your cheeks warm at the compliment.
After ordering your food, the conversation flowed easily, just like it did in the bakery. You laughed about the quirks of your respective jobs, shared embarrassing stories, and discovered a mutual love for classic movies.
“This might be the best thing I’ve done in a while,” Kento said, taking a sip of his drink, his tone sincere. “I don’t usually go out like this.”
“Me neither,” you admitted, feeling a flutter in your stomach. “But I’m glad I said yes.”
As the main courses arrived, you both dug in, savoring the flavors. Kento watched you as you took a bite of your pasta, a small smile on his lips. “You look like you’re enjoying that.”
“It’s delicious! But I think I might like your company even more,” you said, meeting his gaze.
He chuckled softly, and the mood shifted slightly as the laughter faded into a more intimate moment. “I’m really glad we met at your bakery. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this relaxed.”
You smiled, feeling your heart swell. “Same here. You make it easy to talk.”
After dinner, you decided to take a stroll through a nearby park, the night air cool and refreshing. As you walked side by side, Kento fell into step with you, the comfortable silence wrapping around you like a warm blanket.
“Do you think you’ll ever expand your bakery?” he asked, breaking the quiet.
“I’ve thought about it,” you replied. “But I love the small, cozy vibe. It feels like home.”
Kento nodded, thoughtful. “Sometimes it’s nice to keep things simple. I get that.”
As you reached a small bench, you both decided to sit for a moment. The stars twinkled overhead, and the world around you felt blissfully peaceful. Kento looked over at you, a mix of shyness and sincerity in his eyes.
“I really like you,” he said softly, his tone earnest. “I hope that’s okay.”
Your heart raced at his words. “It’s more than okay. I like you too, Kento.”
He smiled, the tension easing from his shoulders. You shared a glance that lingered a moment too long, and before you knew it, he leaned in slightly. You met him halfway, sharing a gentle kiss under the stars—sweet and soft, a promise of more moments to come.
As you pulled away, both of you grinned like kids, the excitement of the evening wrapping around you. It felt like the start of something beautiful, and you couldn’t wait to see where it would lead.
★ BONUS! ★
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After a long day, you were curled up on the couch with Kento, his arm draped casually over your shoulders. The soft glow of the lamp illuminated his features, highlighting the way his eyes sparkled with mischief.
“Have I told you how much I love these quiet nights?” he said, his voice low and warm.
You leaned into him, a smile creeping onto your face. “Only about a hundred times.”
Kento chuckled, but there was something in his gaze that felt more intense. He tilted your chin up gently, his thumb brushing against your cheek. “Maybe I should show you just how much I appreciate them.”
Your heart raced at the suggestion, and before you could respond, he leaned in closer, his lips hovering just above yours. The moment hung in the air, electric and charged with possibility. You could feel the heat radiating between you, and you leaned in, craving the connection.
When his lips finally met yours, it was both sweet and teasing, leaving you breathless and wanting more. Kento pulled you closer, deepening the kiss, and in that moment, everything felt perfectly right.
Okay, guys :) I think I'm gonna end it here just because I can't figure out where to take it any longer, and I get mentally drained after doing smth for a bit. Sorry ya'll!! 🩷
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marimayscarlett · 9 months
Hi, I'm Richard Zee Kay from Rammstein and Emigrate 🖤💅❤️🎸🧛‍♂️🚬🇩🇪
He is Richard 🚬 Zee 🖤 Kay 🤌🏻 and surely is...a lot sometimes 😌
Found this video of several unhinged snippets from his interviews and while this of course is just one aspect of this wonderful man, it really is iconic what Richard Zee Kay throws at innocent listeners sometimes 👀
Credits to the sweet tillka over on Tiktok 🫶🏻
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samarecharm · 6 months
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luck-of-the-drawings · 4 months
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#cw gore#jrwi suckening spoilers#jrwi suckening#jrwi gabriel#jrwi gabriel montez#LOOK FAMILIAR?hahahahahDONT WORRY#IM REUPLOADING THIS HERE BC i fixed up the drawing a lil. and also i wanted to add main tags#U WONT SEE ANY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THISSUN N THE POST ON MY SIDEBLOG.i changed the image there too.HA!!!!!!!#ANYWAY.i rambled plenty about pain and gabe on my sideblog.SO LETS TALK ABT THE ART SHALL WE.ihad i very hard time getting the colors down#would u believe i nearly left this uncolored??FUCKED UP!! it was only a sketchhow did it end up like this. it was only a sketch...#BUT IM RLY GLAD I WENT W COLORING IT.this time i actually used the airbrush n pencil tools BUT i also have a handy dandy brush i made#its just the mspaint air brush tool. fucking LOVE THAT THING. but now its in fire alpaca and it can be slightly transparent.IT LOOKS SOGOOD#perfect for splatters and grime.i love you mspaint i love youuu.im also so happy w the blood here.i think i reached a shift last year#back when i made that genloss fanart something abt the way i draw blood finally CLICKED and im like OH. the inside must always be darker.#like i KNEW that already but it was like my hand itself finally had it click.i wonder what i will learn next?I LIKE THE ORGANS HERE TOO#not as veiny or thready as i usually draw em. but i think thats fine. not as WET as id like em to be but thats also fine.#i got the point across. the point ofc being WOW THIS IS GRUESOME AND PAINFUL AND TERRIBLE#I LOVE HIS EXPRESSION.i love pain and thinking abt pain. you lose yourself to it after enough time passes of just being in an ocean o agony#at one point its just too tiresome to scream or writhe. theres a point when the body accepts it.sometimes.atleast.#OHHH GABRIEL AS A CHARACTER DELIGHTS ME SO MUCH.he is a dog to me.a thing to serve others.I WISH I KNEW MORE#WHAT ELSE DID YOU WANT BOY?? SURE POWER AND SECURITY AND SAFETY ARE NICE.BUT DID YOU HAVE DREAMS? WANTS? PASSIONS?#WHAT WAS THE STORY BEHIND THAT TIGER TATTOO ON YOUR ARM?WHAT DO THE DOGTAGS SAY BOY?I WISH I COULD HAVE TEA W U#OHHH TO SIT DOWN WITH A CHARACTER AND JUST SPEAK TO THEM. AND YET. AND YET IN THE END ITS ALL TRAGEDY AND COMEDY#TRAGEDY AND COMEDY THAT IS SO SO PAINFULLY UNBALANCED. SIGH.#WHATEVER CMERE BOY YOURE BECOMING AN OC OF MINE NOW UR GONNA BE IN SPACE AND UR NAME IS GONNA BE VINEGAR#UR STILL GONNA BE SHIP OF THESEUSED THOUGH. OOOHHH GABRIEEELLL GABRIEL MONTEEEZZZ#HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE BUILT INTO YOU.HOW MANY DID YOU LOVE AND CHERISH.HOW MANY TATTOOS DO U RECOGNIZE ON UR NEW ARMS#WHAT WAS IT LIKE? ON THE NIGHT U WERE SIRED?WERE YOU EXCITED? DID YOU SEE YOUR BOSS' FACE?WHAT WAS THIS PROMOTION LIKE?
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vehemourn · 4 months
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don't make me go here
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mwagneto · 10 months
why is everyone suddenly jackdoctor posting. like i'm not complaining i've just been indescribably sick over that entire storyline for years so it's funny to see it picking up steam again
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