#give them Emmys now
luckydiorxoxo · 2 days
Florence Pugh, Christopher Abbott, Mike Faist, and Hoon Lee will star in Zoe Kazan's adaptation of John Steinbeck's East of Eden.
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The limited series will explore the multigenerational saga of the Trask family, focusing new attention on its indelible antihero, Cathy Ames.
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tightjeansjavi · 2 years
I’m just going to leave this right here because this is a masterpiece. This is acting in its rawest fucking form and I swear to god if Bella doesn’t win an Emmy for this performance, I will riot.
Her screams of terror turning to screams of blackout rage?
Yeah this is fucking INSANE
And no, I will never shut up about it.
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cthulhum · 3 months
did u save my life in paris ? i gave u to armand u tell me if that was saving. why didnt u say it was me who saved u not him ? i dont like to point out my virtues. besides i knew ud figure it out and look. u have. i was right. all hail me. been enduring here ? not enduring. living. here in new orleans the whole time ? its my home. i am she she is me. i didnt know it was a gift. i wore it like a curse i was selfish. i- i tried to make the nights awful for u. i see. i wanted u to suffer cuz i was suffering. oh shall we list all the ways we have wronged each other and why it will never be right between monstrous- i came to thank u. for the gift u offered me. the gift i denied. for the nights in front of me where i might learn to live honestly. thank u. spetember 8th. 1973. september 8th 1973. it was 11:07 here. it wouldve been 9:07 in san francisco. armand called me. where u there ? yeah. did u hurt urself ? i was lost. i was in a dark way and i was thinking about- i cant i cant get her out of my mind. u have the same problem ? yeah. i cant louis- i cant-. hey hey its not on u u hear me ? i carried her home i made u turn her. i saved her from a fire so a half century later she could... she looked at me at the end... like a child looking to her father... but i was never-
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girlsinthestars · 1 year
Archie telling a boy he loves him like he's seeing the sun rise for the first time like he finally understands what the poets write about like his world shifted minutely but everything makes a little more sense shut the Fuck Up I'm losing my mind
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winepresswrath · 4 months
THANK YOU for explaining the Louis/Armand fight with such clarity. Like obviously Armand has the ultimate power over the relationships here and the way he behaves in this episode is world class terrible, we can all see that, but I feel like I've been going crazy when people are softening Louis's words as light banter while Armand responding somewhat in kind is framed as malicious suicide baiting.
It's not my take but I would understand if people were approaching this as "Armand sucks so bad and technically can leave whenever so I give 0 fucks what Louis does or says to him," but "Louis was just being mean" doesn't track for me. He is at this point in his life using regularly enough that Armand's first response when he gets vicious is a bitter "here comes the drugs." He's used to this. Addiction is a complicated and terrible disease but Louis is Armand's partner, for whatever reason, apparently (big caveat) of his own volition and he responds to Armand being upset about his cycle of risky drug use and insincere apologies with a "you're boring and smothering" speech before turning on a dime to "cringe of you to be a victimized. it's given you a real victim mentality" when Armand says he's boring too. It's legitimately reprehensible behaviour! And that's fine. I will continue making heart eyes at him whenever he appears on screen undeterred.
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industryhbo · 5 months
WHAT is going on with the hacks promo this year
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ferrisbuellers · 1 year
no but i think this ep hurt so much because that’s pretty much what it’s like when someone you love dies. like it’s chaotic, especially if you’re not with the person and getting information from someone over the phone. you don’t know what’s going on, you don’t know if the info you’re getting is right and it sucks because you feel like you’re in the dark and you’re an absolute mess because of it.
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gabicastillo · 2 years
*spoliers from the season finale the last of us*
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crystalpallette · 1 year
it's late again and I'm being more delusional! some more thoughts about the butterfly's effect au(my au where emmy goes back in time) under the cut, for potential professor layton spoilers
so anyway today at work it was slow so I was able to get fully lost in my thoughts, I've got like a basic plot set out now wooow
(I turned around the idea of making this a comic quite a bit, but then I realized three longterm comics at the same time is a bad idea. I'm confident enough in my writing skills to make this at least a fic though !)
without giving too much away, I've pinpointed some places where emmy will be able to make some small but significant changes to the timeline. these include but are not limited to: misthallery, during the finale; monte d'or, in the reunion inn; and the azran sanctuary, right in front of the proper entrance(where the good ol betrayal happens). I've thought about changing some things in ambrosia too, but I'm not sure what I can without breaking my rules for emmy here ngl, in order for this to be an actual story there have to be rules to keep us going
the butterfly can't be all-powerful, and it's going to have some limits. (eventually it will break and emmy will be stuck in a timeline with no way of going back anymore, but that's ok because by that point she'll have come to terms with most everything she needs to)
I'm still not 100% sure what the hell this butterfly is supposed to be. I know aurora will be able to sense something about it (she's a robot, she can do that probably,,) but it won't be azran, and since that's the canon go-to explanation for a lot of wacky stuff I'm kinda fresh outta luck yeah? but you know, I play fast and loose with canon anyway so it's probably fine.
the ideal goal here is to have a "prologue" fic with the events of the prequel trilogy, then maybe a followup fic following the original trilogy with emmy added to the cast. I'll be happy if I get that first one up and finished in any timely manner, though, and that followup fic would require some more thinking. I joke a lot about emmy cutting down playtime of games by account of being emmy, but that can't be the case for everything or we'd be out of a couple games. so that's all just some speculation for now.
(only time will tell if I ever get this story off the ground! stick along with me if you'd like to LOL it's gonna be a ride for me specifically but there are empty seats right next to me.)
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chawleeluciano · 7 months
wait lmao has it really been nine months since I last posted?
hi everyone, still here, in it for the long haul, just usually lurking as I am mumblemumble years out of high school when I first made this blog and turns out as you get older you get no time anymore
but I remain! mob museum trip soon maybe I hope
edit: you can always reach me at my main at iceskatingmobsters o7
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cavehags · 1 year
so much suck session talk on my pop culture pods this week 😔 one host breathlessly praised matthew mcmatthew for playing tom as "a different character depending on who he's talking to" and i. feel like i'm going insane
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emmadarcyextra · 2 years
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EMMA D'ARCY has been SUBMITTED as LEAD for the upcoming WINTER AWARDS shows by HBO!
I am SO ECSTATIC for them! ❤️😍❤️
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ripclaudia · 1 year
i just checked and j's name is in the next 3 episodes, so at least that's something
true! but then also arian is still credited for this episode even though he wasn't in it :(
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lavenderhaize · 1 year
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You're on your own, kid. You always have been.
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sarah goldberg not getting an emmy nomination is going to be my joker moment
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babuszcats · 1 year
kendall really yelled I AM THE ELDEST BOY with his whole chest and got hit with "you have no kids" 3 seconds later by his own brother oh m y ogoood
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