#give oka the credit he deserves!!!!!!!!!
zukkaoru · 2 years
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[ID: the first image is a cropped tumblr screenshot showing a tag from otterpenguiny that reads "#prev fr!!! just sitch adam out for oka i'm sure he would serve more than whatever this is". the second image is the new sk8 the infinity official art where everyone is in street wear. adam has been edited out and oka is now in his place. /End ID.]
@otterpenguiny you inspired me. and you were so right
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billlydear · 2 years
For your requests , would I please be able to request something where Reader is a fellow lifeguard with Billy? + They have a more hidden relationship going on, and all the kids and the other women are a little suspicious? ♡
Only if your requests are open, of course!
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Hauling toddlers out of the deep end seems to be your life's work. There are signs posted every three meters, WARNING: Deeper than 3 feet past this point. Must know how to swim.
And yet, every ten minutes, another gaggle of floaty-clad babies paddle over into the deep water and their parents do nothing.
You've got one now, hooked under your arm. The little girl babbles happily up at you despite the glare on your face directed towards her mother, and you stalk over to her chair with wet feet that slap against the pavement roughly.
"Your daughter is going to drown," You drawl, dropping Holly off with her dazed mother, "I know you hate your husband but that's no excuse to kill his offspring."
You don't give her or her friends time to process what you'd said, rushing off to the tower on the opposite side of the pool. You scale the ladder with ease, but when your foot slips one one of the rungs, Billy's hand shoots out to tighten over your hand.
"Jesus, are you oka-"
"Stop being so alluring," You huff, and it doesn't help that you're face-level with his exposed, sweat-beaded, muscled thighs, "You're gonna cause an accident. These mothers are too busy staring at you to pay attention to their kids, and if I have to fish another sticky-fingered brat out of the 8-foot section, I'll quit."
He chuckles deep in his chest, the sound warm as he tucks a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
"Easy," He soothes, shifting in his seat, "I can't help it, this is just me."
"You could put on a shirt," You grumble, "But if you're not going to, I think I deserve a kiss for every kid I save today because of your- your boobs."
"Deal," He snickers, his eyes flicking to your own chest, "We rotate in twenty. let's take our lunch break in the locker room."
"Boys' this time," You nod, already starting your descent down the ladder, "I don't want my friends' moms to see me naked again!"
Said mothers watch you enviously as you stomp back over to the deep end, glaring at a three-year-old until they rush back to shallow waters. You swear Karen Wheeler tries tripping you as you walk past her chair, but you dodge it skillfully. You know that she'll hear you and Billy taking your 'lunch break' later when she strips out of the bathing suit she'd bought for your boyfriend to ogle. And she'll definitely think about it as she leaves with her daughter in her day clothes, a reminder of the miserable man who'd given her both.
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themattress · 9 months
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I just felt like making an official "mea culpa" post for Kazushige Nojima.
For years, I have been on this man's case for the way that KH2's Scenario turned out: a good story that got placed in the creakiest, wobbliest frame imaginable, which is in stark contrast to how solidly KH1 and CoM's scenarios held together. And let's make this clear: he is not in any way blameless for the flaws in KH2's Scenario; this fact still holds true. But with that said....
He is absolutely the least at fault between him, Masaru Oka and Tetsuya Nomura.
Did he not represent Nomura's Base Story and concept the best he could have, and frequently mischaracterize Sora, Riku and Kairi? Yes. But the bigger fault here lies with Nomura being terrible at communication, something that is consistent whether it be with his own employees, his higher-ups, interviewers, and even the audience. Hell, he's admitted that even he can't keep his own shit straight in his own head! So how could Nojima realistically be expected to turn out a flawless Scenario according to Nomura's desires when Nomura's desires are so convoluted yet vaguely expressed that Nojima reasonably has no idea what the Hell he's even talking about? As I recall once bringing up before, Nomura couldn't even convey how the central threat of Xemnas manifesting Kingdom Hearts worked, so having it be a large moon in the sky ala KH1's cover art was Nojima's idea of how to make it work. Similarly, as an artist by trade who cares the most about aesthetics, Nomura doubtlessly only had Sora, Riku and Kairi described in the most basic of ways with their most surface level traits, leading Nojima to default on writing them like previous characters he's written that share those traits (Tidus, Cloud and Rinoa respectively) rather than as fully organic continuations as to who they were in KH1. And hey, at least they still felt mostly like themselves anyway due to Daisuke Watanabe being on hand to help in the Scenario construction (the part before dialogue is scripted). So I can excuse Nojima on all this.
Then there's the Disney worlds. I'm disappointed Nojima couldn't find a way to link all of the world visits' stories closer to the main plot, but the onus for this still largely lies with Oka, as he could have made all of the world visits' stories linked to the main plot to start with and he didn't. Furthermore, Nojima honestly did the best he could with the several lackluster revisits. His dialogue, character writing and battle staging honestly helped them be far more tolerable than they would have been otherwise based solely on Oka's plotting. There are some great moments in these revisits that only exist thanks to Nojima, and he deserves credit for that.
Even Nojima's three biggest blunders aren't wholly his fault. Yeah, his Cloud/Sephiroth/Tifa story arc sucked and always would have since he was just writing it to promote Advent Children than advance anything in the KH universe, but it might have been better had Nomura not edited it into being vaguer and having less input from Sora, Donald and Goofy.
Yeah, him neglecting to provide a proper reason why the world revisits happen instead of just rushing to Twilight Town to follow up on the clues Riku left behind is stupid, but Nomura clearly caught this error and instead of having it corrected through gameplay in the most obvious way - the Dreadnought fleet blocking Twilight Town off right away with no way to engage it until the Space Paranoids revisit - he put in these dumb sequences of Chip and Dale claiming Sora going around helping people in revisits makes a scan reading of the Organization's base and its connection to Twilight Town more visible even when once the main story resumes this never gets brought up and the heroes act like they're here due to Riku's clues. Nomura is the game's director, so the buck ultimately stops with him here.
And yeah, him giving so many "Telling, Not Showing" scenes, particularly at the midpoint of the game and in a way that shafts certain character arcs like Ansem the Wise's, is bad, but not only could Oka have tried to make these scenes more engaging through his event direction and he simply didn't (a problem he will continue to have across the whole series), but remember that Daisuke Watanabe and Harunori Sakemi were helping construct the rough draft of the Scenario before it became a full-on script. Why couldn't they have done something about it? So then why couldn't they have given Ansem the Wise more scenes where we get to see his change transpire? And again, Nomura is the director. He edited out a lot in the Cloud/Sephiroth/Tifa story arc. Why didn't he make the requisite edits to all the clunkily written expository scenes? Nojima screwed up because everyone allowed him to!
Lastly, the net positives he provided outweigh the negatives. The character dialogue and interactions; the intentional humor, heart and dramatic weight; the game's universe feeling like a cohesive whole; the superbly staged boss battles; and all sorts of little things like the thematic connections he weaves between all the worlds even if they aren't plot-relevant, the small moments that say so much without saying much at all like the scenes with Roxas and Sora involving the Twilight Town train, and the incredibly precise choice of words that will hit hard emotionally like "You're home" being what we close on before the credits....it's fantastic.
Thank you, Nojima-san. You were never the best...but you were never the worst, either.
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besanii · 3 years
Oka so lxc has feelings. Amazing. How and when did he realise them?? Does wwx know?? How does he feel?? Are they gonna tell wangji?? Ahhhhhh i am dying thank you so much
[ part one (LWJ) | two (LXC) | three (WWX) | four (LWJ) | five (NQY) ]
Lan Xichen doesn’t touch him. Not the first night, nor any other night he has called upon Wei Wuxian in the month after he enters the inner palace.
Even though Wei Wuxian cannot help but be somewhat relieved—truth be told, he had been dreading that particular aspect of his duties as a consort—he knows it will have to happen eventually. Even if Lan Xichen himself insists there is no need, people are already talking, speculating on the true nature of their relationship, questioning whether there are ulterior motives behind his new status as an Imperial consort.
You must serve the Emperor well, Jiang Cheng’s most recent letter had read. Do not give them any opportunity to pull you down.
With Jiang Fengmian severely ill and unlikely to recover, the management of Yunmeng’s affairs have fallen onto Jiang Cheng’s shoulders under the guidance of his mother. And while Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan’s reputations maybe enough to keep Yunmeng’s adversaries at bay for now, if—when Jiang Fengmian passes, Yu Ziyuan alone would not be enough to fend off the vultures already circling around them, eager to be first in line to tear out a piece of the fresh meat.
Wei Wuxian crumples the letter in his hands.
He should be there with Jiang Cheng, supporting him, watching his back. Helping him forge his standing amongst the older generation of nobility. Doing what he can—what he must—to defend against those who wish to harm the ruling family of Yunmeng, as a loyal vassal should.
Instead he is here in the capital, trapped in the gilded cage of the Imperial harem, his wings well and truly clipped. 
Consorts are forbidden from interfering with politics on pain of death. 
It is the first cardinal rule of being an Imperial consort, and the one used to placate Qishan in the aftermath of his confrontation with Wen Chao. It is frustrating, to say the least—all his years of studying and training to one day become a pillar of support for both Yunmeng and Jiang Cheng gone to waste���but he contents himself with the fact that he is alive. And as long as he is alive, he will find a way to live.
There is something deeply intimate in the way his name falls from Lan Xichen’s lips, something soft and gentle that stirs warmth in the recesses of Wei Wuxian’s chest, in the hollow left behind by Lan Wangji. It is immediately chased away by the guilt that curls in pit of his stomach at the thought, so he does not allow himself to dwell on it for too long. He schools his expression and turns to pay his respects.
“Your concubine greets Huangshang.” 
Lan Xichen is helping him upright with hands under his forearms before the words have fully left his lips; when he raises his head, he is greeted by the sight of Lan Xichen’s smiling face. He feels his own lips tug upwards in response.
“Huangshang looks to be in a jovial mood today,” he observes. “Will you share the good news with your concubine so that your concubine may also have something to celebrate?”
“Good news indeed,” Lan Xichen agrees. “Come, sit with me.”
He lets Lan Xichen lead him over to the table in the centre of the sitting room with a hand on his lower back and takes a seat, waiting patiently for Lan Xichen to settle himself in the seat beside his. The servants back out of the room at a wave of his hand, leaving the two of them alone. Lan Xichen takes his hand in both his, brushing his thumb tenderly over his knuckles with a tenderness that has Wei Wuxian’s heart tightening in his chest.
“Wuxian,” he says gently. “I know it has been difficult for you to be confined here in the Inner Palace for the last three months.”
“Huangshang...” Wei Wuxian feigns a smile. “Huangshang does not need to apologise. Your concubine understands the necessity.”
“I knew you would,” Lan Xichen says with a sigh. He squeezes Wei Wuxian’s hands. “Envoys from the Northern border tribes arrived today with their yearly tributes. Including fifty of their finest war horses.”
Wei Wuxian nods. “A generous tribute indeed,” he agrees. “I have heard the horses bred on the Northern plains are taller, stronger and faster than the ones we have here in Gusu. I’ve always wanted to see one for myself—”
“Is that so,” Lan Xichen says, patting the back of Wei Wuxian’s hand, expression deceptively thoughtful. The almost...playful tone catches Wei Wuxian’s attention at once.
“Huangshang,” he says slowly, suspiciously. “Would you perhaps be hiding something from your concubine?”
His suspicions grow with the twinkle in Lan Xichen’s eyes.
“Come with me and find out.”
He’d forgotten the feeling of the wind in his hair, the thrum of hooves pounding in the dirt beneath his feet, the warmth of the sun on his face as he throws his head back with an exhilarated laugh. The black stallion he’s riding tosses its head with a grunt, panting with exertion. Wei Wuxian pats its mane and tugs them both around to wait for Lan Xichen to join them.
“Wuxian,” Lan Xichen calls as soon as he is within earshot. “I see your horsemanship skills have not waned in the slightest. I willingly concede to your superior skills.”
“Huangshang is just out of practice,” he laughs, nudging his horse against Lan Xichen’s own. “And I cannot take all the credit. This is such a fine horse—I felt as though I were flying!”
He laughs again, loud and joyous, feeling as light as air. The hills beyond the outskirts of the city are reserved for Imperial use, so they are blessedly alone. Even the attendants have been ordered to remain in the palace, leaving only a small retinue of Imperial guards trailing behind them in the distance, enough to be within view, but completely out of hearing range. It is easy to forget the shackles of the palace, to pretend as though he is once again Wei Wuxian, the ward of the Marquis of Yunmeng, and not Wei Wuxian, the consort.
“I am glad you like it,” Lan Xichen tells him. “It is yours.”
Wei Wuxian whirls around, jaw dropping.
“Huangshang!” he gasps. “You cannot be serious—” He catches himself and his lack of composure, and clears his throat. “Huangshang, as the people say, one should not accept a reward without due. Your concubine has done nothing to deserve such a generous gift. I dare not accept it.”
Lan Xichen laughs and waves away his protests.
“After witnessing the way the two of you flew across the hills as though you would be one with the wind, there can be no other person more suited to taming this creature.” He reaches over to brush a stray wisp of hair back from Wei Wuxian’s face; his fingers linger over the arch of his cheek. “From now on, should you desire to ride again, I will accompany you.”
His touch is feather-light, fingers barely grazing, but Wei Wuxian feels it spark and tingle, vibrating beneath his skin like a plucked string, rippling through his entire body, freezing him in place. His heartbeat quickens and his face warms.
He is the Emperor.
He is only doing this out of pity, he reminds himself firmly.
He is your husband. Is it not improper.
It is, the other part of him insists. It is improper. It has only been three months—
He is kind. And he is honourable. Would it be so bad?
The sound of thundering hooves breaks the fragile silence between them. Lan Xichen sighs and withdraws his hand, curling it into a fist briefly before bringing it back to his side; if Wei Wuxian had not known better, he would have thought he looked annoyed by the interruption. But then the moment passes and the Emperor is back, expression level as the soldier pulls up alongside them and swings off his horse onto his knees.
“Huangshang, urgent report from the front.” 
“What is it?” Lan Xichen asks calmly.
“It’s Hanguang-wang.” Wei Wuxian stiffens and turns, startled, to meet Lan Xichen’s equally wide eyes. “He’s alive!”
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more paper-thin fic | verse
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Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes x Reader
Anon asked: how about an imagine in which you an ez fight because of emily
Chapter index
Chapter three ; part one
Chapter three ; part two
Word count: 1.9k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. This is the part two of the third chapter, you can find the first part right over here . Gif credits: @angels-reyes.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ @sassymox @wrcn9fvlcver 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Your forearms are supporting on the door, with the open window, resting your cheek there. Closed eyes covered by the sunglasses feeling somewhat relaxed after pass away the welcome sign. Even so, you're pretty excited about meeting this town and meeting other bikers, part of the Mayans family. At the end, they turned you into family too. 
“MAAMAAAAAA”. EZ's voice gets interrupted by another more booming.
Lifting the sunglasses to the roots of your hair, drawing a huge and happy smile on the corner of your lips. As soon  as the car stop, you practically jump off from it to walk fast towards Angel, who is coming with open arms till he have you between them. It's been two days, but it's feels like an eternity. 
“Ezekiel scared me, going to the ranch at night! I thought something bad happened!” You say making some pouts.
“Nah!” He chuckles before letting you go, walking closer to the crew. But you don't see Taza, guessing his in a meeting when EZ carries the backpack inside the clubhouse.
Hugging your boys and being introduced to the Sons', you sit on Angel's lap at the picnic table.
“How was the travel?” Gilly asks having a smoke of his cigar. You shrug.
“I was sleeping till Lost Hills, and then I drove to Stockton. Everything went... good”. You don't want to give it more importance than it really has, but by Angel's gaze you know that he knows his brother screwed up at some points. “Hey, papi, I'm hungry”.
“Oh, really?” The oldest Reyes raise both eyebrows, playing again. That distract him. The guys at the table breaks in laughters.
“Yea'!” You poke his chest with your forefingers.
“Oka', let's find somethen' fo' mama”. Palming your hips to make you get up, he does the same holding your hand with his full of golden rings. “So, wha' did my brother say, ah? Maybe he's the smart one, bu' I'm not stupid”.
“It was nothen', Angel. We were laughing, and he just called me 'baby'. That's all”. He rolls his eyes with a snort, rubbing his forehead. Very typical. “But he took care of me pretty well, you already know how he is”.
He doesn't say anything else about it, leaving back the workshop to find some place where buy you some good food, to regain strength. Whilst he tells you about the party tonight, one of those legendary SOA do with a lot of meat, alcohol, girls and drugs, even if Mayans aren't into this last one more than to sell it. In the end, it's a party and it's gonna help you to calm yourself a little more.
See Taza again, coming back of eating something, makes you fully happy running towards him to be received by his strong arms, pushing you close to him. You missed him, and he did it too. You can feel it pretty well when the man fills your face with a lot of kisses, walking next to Tranq and Bishop.
“All good, kid?” The president asks, giving you a flash hug and leaving a caress on your chin, you nod, being dearly surround by Hank. “If you need to sleep, the Sons' has prepared you a dorm, okay?”
“Good, but I slept in the car. Maybe fo' late”. You reply palming the big guy's chest with a soft smile.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
The guys break in laugh, so you do mixed between Mayans and Sons', lying on Angel's lap with the fifth beer you have drunk in your hands. They're talking about funny and unbelievable anecdotes happened through the years. Having a good time for the first time in many months, being also a little drunk. 
“So, wha'bout my friend Taza and ya', lass? Do ya' have some kink fo' geriatrics or mummies?” Chibs, the SOA president ask, provoking more loud laughs.
“We're more into family stuff”. You shake your head, getting comfy above Angel's leg. “I'm friend of those two shitty guys since ever, they introduce me to the club. And Che and I...” Pursing your lips, you twist a little your neck. “We had a connection. I live with him at the ranch and I take care of the animals”.
“Kinda grandpa, no incest”. The man adds, leaving a caress on your head.
“You're not that old!” You chuckle turning to him for a while.
“And what about your shitty guys?” A young woman walks towards your table, placing her hands on SOA Vice, licking his lips hinting. You raise an eyebrow.
“'Am taken for life”. EZ talks first, without doubting and a firm tone of voice, showing a soft and gently smile.
“But you can take me, bonita”. The tension installed on air for a second disappear when Angel replies, provoking some more laughs, making you getting up so he can have the offered hand by the woman. 
“Com'ere”. Taza says palming his lap, but you shake your head.
“I think it's time to sleep, I'm tired and I drunk enough”.
“Okay, I'll tell you where's your dorm”. He says then throwing his cigar to get up too.
“Good night, guys. Amazing party, president”.
“Whenever ya' need'at, here's your house, lady”. Chibs answers raising his whisky in a soft cheer.
Narrowing one of Bishop's shoulders, you smile at him, before being wrapped by Che guiding you towards the clubhouse. Crossing the hallways, he opens the last door, the furthest room, so that you are not disturbed by noise. Your bag is already there and you also have a bathroom in it, in case you want to take a shower.
“If you need something, call me, okay?” He says holding you into his arms, leaving a kiss on your temple. “It was good having you here. Maybe Bish will let you come with us next time”.
“That would be amazing”.
“Rest, baby girl, you deserve it”.
“Taza”. You say before he can close the main door. “Can you... ask EZ to come?”
He doesn't say anything, staring at you.
“Please... I'm gonna be okay, I promise. He's tired too”. Finally he nods.
You take some advantage, changing your clothes and wearing the SAMCRO big shirt they gave you, 'cause Angel said them that you collect shirts or something like. Everything spins around you, going to the window to open it and let in the fresh air of northern Cali. Getting inside the bed and covering your body with the blankets, you wait for the younger Reyes.
You hear his steps, stopping next to the door for some seconds. Maybe he's doubting. Maybe Che threatened again. But when he opens the door, you get up on your palms between the darkness around the dorm only illuminated by some lights outside.
“I thought you would like to sleep”.
“Yea', but I can sleep in the car”.
You click your tongue, palming the empty side of the bed, before getting comfy on it.
“C'mon, prospect”.
Ezekiel closing the door and walking towards the mattress, gets undressed leaving his clothes on a chair. You make him some space, facing each other above the pillow.
“You drunk too much”.
“Yea', I know... The hangover is gonna fuck me up tomorrow, uh”.
“When was the last time you drunk so much, ah?”
“Dunno'. Three months ago?”
“Yea'course. Sorre'bout that”.
“You hurt me”. You mutter shrugging your shoulders. “But I have so much fun getting drunk with Taza”.
“I'm tryin' fuckin' hard to make it up to you. No matter how much I've to do it”. He says then, pulling away some brists of your hair with a gently touch.
“I know”. And you also know that those words have lifted a huge weight off him.
Ezekiel takes the first step, wrapping your body with his arms to push closer. Your pulse goes fast. You know that something like that could happen, but by the other hand, you weren't expecting. Leaving a sigh out of your lips you surround his neck with yours, hugging you tightly for some seconds as if you didn't see each other in years. And even if you don't want to recognize, its makes you feel somewhat happy again. 
Putting some inches between both, with your heads on their pillow, he has his gaze on yours. His fingertips touring your back softly from top to bottom, once and again, with a calm breath. You're fucking lost in his eyes, as many nights you did before. You could be like that forever with his smell filling your lungs, sinking your face on his neck. Closing your eyes, you let one of your hands travel on his head back and nape in gently caresses, wishing to not fall asleep so fast as always, just to enjoy the intimate moment you two are having. And you know that EZ is fighting against his tiredness to do the same.  
“Do you think... you could forgive me one day?” He soughs then, from nowhere.
Yes, you know you will, but there are open wounds that you don't know how to heal. And maybe he's the one who can take care of them, but, how can you say it? How can you ask him for it? You sigh, resting your dizzy head back to the pillow. 
“You don' have to tell me when it will be”. He adds shrugging. “I just wanna know it to think new plans to bother you, 'cause I'm running out of ideas”.
You chuckle closing your eyes for a second, as he does stirring slightly on the bed.
“I was serious, baby, I'll wait for you all my life”. He mutters leaving a dearly and slow kiss on your forehead.
And you're falling for him again, with those voices inside your mind telling you to keep calm and that you're too drunk to have a clear decision. His lips almost dragging your skin doesn't help, leaving another smooth kiss on the bridge of your nose and another on the tip. Till he reach yours. He just presses them against yours, mildly, inchmeal. Your lips catching his lower in a soft move, tasting him and noticing how much you need him, and how much he needs you.
EZ sighs against your mouth, pulling it away so as not to make you feel pressured. Leaving a last one on your cheek, he pushes you closer ready to sleep for long hours as he couldn't do the last months.
Your phone dings with a notification, making you waking up with a horrible headache hitting your whole body. You growl, palming the bed trying to find Ezekiel. But the mattress is cold and empty. For a second, you think that maybe was an illusion because of the alcohol running through your veins, rolling till your blurry gaze is on the ceiling. Stretching your right arm, you grab your phone unlocking it. But there's nothing on it. Frowning you turn to the nightstand, finding Ez's. You don't want to look. You can't. Even if you know his secret code, it's not your phone. But, shit, you have to look it. Turning on the screen, without moving it, you're able to read the message from an unknown number.
💬: “I have left Miguel”.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 037: More Hallway Encounters
Previously on BnHA: Aizawa taught an entire audience of people how to respect women. Bakugou faced off against Ochako. Bakugou tried to blow her up, but she very nearly outmaneuvered him with a masterfully played strategy that culminated in 3 tons’ worth (apparently) of floating rubble nearly smashing him to bits. But in the end he managed to defend himself with another explosive blast, and she was too worn out to continue.
Today on BnHA: Bakugou tries to get me to ship him and Ochako because he knows I’m weak. Ochako tries to make me cry because she knows I’m weak. They all fucking know. Fucking shit. Kirishima arm wrestles Tetsutetsu because this series gives the people what they want. Endeavor stalks Deku in a hallway and tells him to fight Todoroki seriously since it’ll be a good test of how Todoroki would fare against All Might. Deku is all FUCK YOUUUUUUU but not really, but basically though. Then Todoroki and Deku get ready to fight.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 82 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
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Deku seems really distraught that Ochako lost
Present Mic seems even more distraught
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thank you Aizawa for keeping some semblance of impartiality
so now the first round is officially over and there’s going to be a short break before the quarterfinal round
I sure hope you’re ready, Deku. also, based on the title, maybe keep an eye out for Shouto’s psychotic dad who’s been making a habit of trolling people in the hallways today
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I love how they both go “!” when they see each other
I also like the face Kacchan made for like .001 seconds before he shifted into the DOOM face
lastly, I love Deku congratulating him after a brief moment of hesitation. like, he didn’t have to do it -- in fact, oddly enough, he risked pissing him off by doing so -- but you can see he wanted to, or like at least didn’t feel right not doing it lol
and then he walks off like a total weirdo
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anyway so now Deku, tell him that you didn’t suggest a damn thing. even though you tried to you sneaky sneak
and he is doing just that
giving her all of the credit. just like she fucking deserves
“so if it really was a lot of trouble for you... that was Uraraka”
and now Bakugou is dotting like he doesn’t quite believe it
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whew! back to the stadium! Bakugou, you better get out here too if you don’t want to miss your rivals’ deathmatch
everyone from class A is heckling him as usual
I like that none of them are really scared of him at all. he’s only been at the school for about a month, and you can already see the difference that it’s made
Kaminari is saying that Bakugou should have held back against “that frail little girl”
uh. were you not paying any attention at all to Aizawa’s speech in the last chapter my dude. come on man
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Recovery Girl has already healed the majority of her scrapes and burns/bruises! she’s so great
Ochako is also great
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“darn it!” omg. I fucking love you so much. you did so fucking great, please be proud. and you earned my asshole son’s respect, which you should know takes a whole fucking lot. he sure as shit doesn’t give that out to just anybody
moral of the story: all you have to do to earn Bakugou’s respect is nearly kill him
I’m glad Ochako’s not getting too down on herself, even though she’s disappointed! I mean, she should be a little disappointed, because if she wasn’t, it would mean she didn’t care at all and wouldn’t have a reason to keep pushing and improving for the next time. but like, she’s doing it productively and not getting all depressed and shit
ohhh! Present Mic’s voice is coming in over the loudspeakers! he’s talking about Kirishima versus Tetsutetsu! right -- I forgot all about them
lol are they really gonna arm wrestle? you know what it should be -- good old rock-paper-scissors
although now I have this mental image of the two of them just endlessly picking rock over and over again
anyways, they are indeed arm wrestling
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-- oh my god Ochako is calling her dad
I can’t handle this fucking shit
what the fuck are they trying to do giving me feels out of nowhere when I was unprepared and expecting to jump right into the Deku vs Todoroki fight for crying out loud
her parents are so proud and encouraging!
they’re saying it was really close. Ochako says it wasn’t. well, it wasn’t super close, but she put up a damn good fight and she nearly had him for just a moment
her parents are saying it’s not the end of the world and she can try again next year
they’re saying it’s no rush
oh my god Ochako
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then silence for a sec... then they say she doesn’t have to push herself just for them
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omg. what the fuck. like, I already love her?! so why do they keep...?!!!
I don’t know what else to do with these feelings about this girl lol. she tried so hard and did so well and she lost and she’s disappointed but her parents are so encouraging and she wanted to do well for them but they’re telling her it’s okay and just. I HAVE MENTIONED SEVERAL TIMES THAT KIDS TRYING HARD AND FAILING IS A TEAR TRIGGER FOR ME OKAY fucking shit. fuck. okay
whew. okay
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Deku is freaking out
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this is the number two hero in the world, after all. he probably has so many notes about him. he probably would have asked him for his autograph just like he did when he first met All Might... if this encounter had taken place literally at any point before today
Endeavor is complimenting him on his quirk
“in terms of power, it seems on par with All Might’s.” hahaha. funny you should say that. what a funny coincidence huh
so is everybody and their fucking mom going to figure this out before this is all over, or
Deku is trying to storm off “innocently” and it’s just. the single most suspicious thing anyone has ever done
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also, I hadn’t thought about it before, but when he thinks to himself that he has to keep it secret from Endeavor more than anyone... yeah. just think about what this asshole would do if he knew it was possible to gain All Might’s quirk. look at what he’s already done to his own child(ren??) just in order to surpass him. not only is he a piece of shit, he’s a very scary and powerful piece of shit
speaking of him being a scary and powerful piece of shit
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it’s amazing how he just goes and independently verifies everything Shouto already told Deku about him without being prompted. like if Deku had any doubts at all -- which of course he wouldn’t have, but if he did -- you have to assume that’d all be completely wiped away by this single page
he’s telling Deku to give it his all
well it’s not like he’d have any other choice, given how powerful Shouto is
now Endeavor’s walking away
but Deku is hitting him up with one of his trademark slightly-time-delayed Honest Shounen Responses!
“I’m not All Might...”
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I’ll say it again -- if and when Todoroki wins, it’ll be in spite of him, not because of him
now the kids are finally facing off in the ring!
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MY GOD but I love me a good fucking tournament arc :DDDDDDDD
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well if it isn’t Todoroki “fuck you” Enji
he’s 45 years old omg
-- then just how fucking old is All Might?!
after a moment’s consideration, I’m still willing to date All Might if he’s 45
also, he looks damn good for 45. if he really is 45
I’m glad he isn’t part of the U.A. faculty, seeing as he’s an irredeemable sack of shit and U.A. doesn’t need any more of those. bad enough we have to put up with Mineta
“I hope to eventually portray exactly why that is” no need. for some things there’s just no excuse. again, see: Mineta
(ETA: although I assume it’s actually because this superhero society is so systematically fucked up and prioritizes just about all of the wrong values. like, I get that, and I can understand how he ended up being such a garbage person. but it doesn’t excuse it, nor does it excuse his being an abusive father and husband not to mention a just-this-shy-of-confirmed rapist to boot.)
also I’m kind of mad that he’s so good-looking without his flame beard and mustache. I suppose Shouto had to get those looks from somewhere
also also, “he can switch them on and off but typically leaves them burning as a flashy show of power” -- exactly like Vongola Primo! how fitting, since Primo is also a giant sack of shit lol
yeah I’ll just end this recap right there on that sick Vongola Primo burn okay bye
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