#give me ideas!! types of tea and fruit and stuff
scorndotexe · 5 months
been making cold steeped tea lately ("lately" twice in a row) and so far the green's been the best by FAR. even though i added an extra teabag. the earl grey is kind of awful. too oily to be nice cold. maybe it would be better with some fresh lemon but i don't have any :( i also made a simple syrup yesterday even though the green didn't really need it. still nice with it though. i love a beverage.
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fairyhaos · 6 months
seventeen as types of tea
requested by anon ! my tea knowledge is like. a little bit extensive. but only a little, so some of these r based off of what google says these teas taste like ++ the vibes they give me ^^
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ginger tea. the warmth and the spiciness and the slight sweetness of the tea definitely give me strong seungcheol vibes. the fact that it's good for you and also super delicious? hmm yeah idk but it's giving scoups
honey tea. a gentle, sweet tea that melts on your tongue. it reminds me of being taken care of by my mother, bc she always gave me honey tea when i was sick. for me, its a comforting tea, and the lovely sweetness gives me jeonghan vibes. 
bergamot tea. most people know it as earl grey tea, and it sounds like it'll be a musky, tasteless old-people kind of tea, but its floral, citrusy taste is very vibrant and lovely. bergamot is also a nice stress reliever, and is also a vv nice cake flavour and idk. the vibes feel very joshua
jasmine tea. dude, everyone loves jasmine tea, and if you don't, then you're lying to yourself. and that's exactly like how i firmly believe that junhui is nothing except absolutely and utterly loveable. it makes me think of dim sum bc the cleansing taste of it always balances the oily food sooo well
tea with lots of cream and sugar. it's almost horrifically sweet, but hoshi drinks it with a straight face and you can't help but wonder if, maybe, it's because the tea is so sugary that it's numbed his taste buds off forever. also he's totally the type to give himself a cream moustache. 
hibiscus tea. the slight cranberry-ish tartness of the taste feels very much like wonwoo for some reason? it makes me think of the shininess of glasses frames, the rough texture of books, and the gentle deepness of his voice. 
coffee disguised as tea. idk how to explain this bro but jihoon is Not Really a tea-drinking person in my eyes (not enough caffeine in it) but people keep telling him that having 7 coffees a day isn't good for his health so he's started drinking “tea” instead. except it's not actually tea and it's just.  coffee. hidden in his flask. 
matcha. matcha is lowkey just an aesthetic tea ngl but also?? it's a tea that's basically known for its health benefits bc it's just sooo so healthy and i feel like minghao, as a tea nerd, would love that. also matcha flavoured stuff is vv yum and makes me think of him for some reason
masala chai. ive never actually had masala tea before, but i think the combination of richness and warmth and spices of it just suits him very very well. just the vibes of it make me think of mmingyu's undeniable presence and his warm, beautiful, colourful nature
peach tea. fruit teas are definitely more dokyeom’s style bc they're kinda attached to the idea of youth and smiles, cuz children r more likely to have fruit teas. also peach tea is just sooo so sweet and fragrant. especially iced peach tea!! to me, i think that it literally tastes like syrupy sunshine. 
rose tea. it's just such a delicate, floral, aromatic tea with veryyyy good health benefits, and not only does it give me seungkwan vibes, i also think that he'd really like to drink it. also the floating rose buds in tea are so very aesthetic. 
tea biscuits. i couldn't think of a tea for him help anyone who has anything negative to say about tea biscuits is gonna have to Fight me bc they're actually sooo nice and i can and will finish half a pack of tea biscuits in one sitting if you let me. vernon probably could do that too. 
milk tea. idk man but for me, i think that the unambiguous milky taste of milk teas just make me think of the all-encompassing and reassuring warmth of chan. he's like the pleasant milkiness of the milk tea that stays on your tongue
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request guidelines
reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @kikohao
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wintermarmalade · 4 months
A Name
It waited in front of the window watching all the people go by on the street. It had finished all of it's tasks for the day and was patiently waiting for it's clockmaker, Mags, to return from the market. Anyone looking from the outside might assume it was simply a porcelain statue. After some time, it spotted her messy dark hair in the crowd. It wanted to wave to her, but it knew she was too short to see much above everyone else, so it ran over to the door and waited. After a few moments, she swung it open with a bright "hello" and opened her arms, her doll jumping into her for a hug.
"Did you get anything fun?" It always loved when Mags got something new for it to cook with.
"No, just the basics this time, sorry."
"But what's that?" It asked curiously, pointing at a crumpled sachet sitting on top of her bag.
"Oh just a packet of seeds I found on the ground on the way home. Maybe that eccentric fruit vendor would trade me something cool for it, they like to garden."
"Seeds? Like ones that grow into plants?"
"Uh... yeah? That's what seeds do, silly."
The doll gasped, "Can we grow them?" It asked with a sparkle in it's eye.
The clockmaker gave her doll a sad look. "Trust me, I've tried. They don't do well all the way down here, too much smog and not enough sun. The water definitely isn't the best either..... plus I have no idea what these seeds even are."
"But.... we can try!" It looked at her with a dramatic, yearning expression.
She stared at it doubtfully, trying to resist, but caved and chuckled. "Oh, I suppose we could give it one more shot, just for you." She gave it a playful pat on the head as her doll starting hopping up and down in excitement. "Come with me, let's get the stuff we need together."
They foraged around her workstation until they found an old planter box full of brass bits and bolts and emptied it. Next, they dug into the back of her closet, finding a dusty container full of a grayish mush. "I made this compost forever ago out of used tea bags and ash from the oven, it's kind of the best I could do. It might be okay if we mix it with some dirt and gravel from the alley."
"I thought you said that burnt things were gross." The doll said inquisitively.
Mags giggled and replied, "Definitely gross for me, but it has nutrients that plants like, and it'll make the soil less acidic. The acidity of the ground out there is.... concerning."
*Nutrients? Acidity?* It had so many questions. She could tell her doll was confused, but curious. "Come on, I'll explain more outside." And so they went into the alley together and filled the pot with gravelly soil and makeshift compost while she described to her inquisitive doll the different types of soil and what plants needed in it. Once they were done, they took it inside and she taught it how to water and care for a plant. It had no idea they were so complicated, they looked so simple from the outside. She had her doll place the pot by the window, dig a tiny hole, and bury the seeds inside.
"When does it become a plant?" The doll asked.
"Well, it depends on what it is, and if the soil is actually good enough, but it'll take a couple of weeks at the very least."
"That's.... so long...."
"Yes, gardening requires lots of patience."
"I can be patient!" It assured. It had always been good at waiting for new tasks and holding perfectly still for long periods.
"I have no doubts that you will be." She said with a smile.
It enjoyed having the new daily task of making sure the seeds were watered and cared for. It checked to see if they had sprouted yet as often as it could, sometimes staring at the pot in anticipation for hours.
One early morning nearly two weeks later, a tiny leaf had appeared! It ran back into Mags' room and jumped on her bed to wake her up so she could see the amazing feat their seeds had accomplished. It hopped up and down as Mags shambled behind it, still not fully awake. Once she was in view, it dramatically jumped in front of the pot and spread out it's arms, as if presenting a masterwork of art. Her gloomy face lit up when she saw the teeny sprout.
"Wow, I'm impressed! You've done a wonderful job caring for it." She praised as she rubbed her doll's head.
It beamed, "It looks so happy!"
"It certainly does." She said with a tired smile. She wanted to remind it that the sprout probably wouldn't make it much further, but she didn't have the heart to stifle it's excitement.
Over the next few weeks, the porcelain doll continued to care for the sprout while Mags taught it how to tell if it needed more or less water or was malnourished. Their little plant struggled, it was often not as green as it should be and wilted leaves were common, but very slowly, it kept growing. The doll celebrated every time it grew a new leaf, tried not to cry every time they had to trim one that was too wilted, and spent many hours lovingly examining and encouraging it. The plant didn't really do anything, but for some reason, the doll still adored it. It was so small and pretty and it liked the feeling of taking care of something.
After a couple months had passed, not only was it still alive, but it was nearly 6 inches tall and had lots of leaves! Some of them even looked fairly healthy. Mags was bewildered, by all means, this plant should've died weeks ago. She knew that her doll partially ran on magic as well as clockwork, and could only guess that that might have something to do with it.
Another month or so later, they woke up to see that a gorgeous white and pink flower had bloomed.
"It's a flower it's a flower!" The doll exclaimed in wonder.
"It's a dahlia!" Said Mags, almost more excited than her doll.
It gently cupped the flower in it's tiny hands and gazed at it for several moments. It couldn't believe it had helped something so beautiful grow from just a few specks in an old dirt pot.
"Magdeline?" The doll looked at her clockmaker thoughtfully.
"I think I know what I want my name to be."
Her heart jumped, "Oh? What are you thinking?" She tried to respond with a casual but genuine interest, she didn't want to put any pressure on her doll.
"I want my name to be Dahlia."
A huge smile grew on her face, "That's a gorgeous name! I would love to call you Dahlia! I think it's very fitting for you."
It let out a happy squeak at hearing it's name and jumped into her as she held it tight and spun around.
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aavcut · 2 days
this is a post that will be edited a lot it's just notes for everything for me
I love a lot of things
I LOVE @pathologicaloser
i love pastel more than neon and normal colors but they are all pretty
I love black and anything considered aesthetic
I love symbols and anything symbolic
I love pink and black the most not purple and black that would be purple and white purple and black looks nice though
I love character building and story building characters more though
I write and draw a lot
I love pastel blue and purple
I love tumblr and pinterest tumblr to talk to @pathologicaloser and pinterest for inspiration and guides to selfcare cuz I like the idea
I love sanrio and icp and hazbin hotel and helluva boss
I love alt and kawaii
I love stickers and stuff animals (cats and huskies)
I love fluffy animals cats more than anything
I love cute and hot hairstyles and outfits
I usually accoitate cute with pink and that girl and hot with black and alt
sunsets sunrise walks nature picnics are pretty
I love space and the ocean
I love crafts (anything with paper)
matching is absolutely adorable
I do like romance if it is done right
thriller is my favorite book genre
I do like blackpink taylor swift bille eilish olivia rodrigo melanie martinez (i do not like her though just her music)
decorative rooms (mine's lame)
when I use to game switch was my favorite still is
I love love love dragons and cats
I love design and designing
colors magic dice dnd role playing cards crystals (witchcraft I am not a witch though I have been trying to though) music candles elements fire water science chemistry math reading I can be a nerd at times
kindness gore rainbows pride numerology ancient history in the hobbies catergory I want to croquet and know how to
journaling and sketching free writing and coloring exercising bowling sports and physical activity in general swimming
watching disney movies and animated movies and tv shows I do like thriller movies and tv shows as well
gum and planners and calendars
I love blood but it looks way cuter pink but red blood is hot
pink purple and blue are my matching or just pink and blue I love agggtm
flowers are beautiful and I would like to be more postive may give selfcare a shot again green is one of my favorite colors if it is pastel since green is accoitated with healing
I work on paper but i love digital very very much
puzzles jars tins and the altoid wallets and purses princesses not into anime but I do like and hope to be more in it
I love glitch's shows on yt and lackadaisy i like fnaf make up and skincare day night winter summer fall my favorite spring clothes homemade items drinks not one for all on caffine only caffine i like is tea and coffee if sweet i love juice
small groups usaully just 2 ppl dolls organized
I am a morning person but i am a night owl as well so most of the time i get 6 hrs sleep max
I do like to clean sometimes lighters and knives and boxcutters are cute I prefer paper over technology would love to have a penpal @pathologicaloser definitly not talking about you baking cooking gardening basically anything
being my worst fear for hallowen (clowns) i love to read
brush tip markers mechanical pencils colored lead would be awesome cute surprise gifts in my mail balance
instruments journal prompts cute food furniture sticky notes jewlery
reference sheets and clouds stationary building and houses gifts both giving and receiving gaming viechles activities inclucing activity books holidays hell and heaven development
school vintage accessories journeys quests mario breath of fire owl house hearts and stars mutuals and obsession language with in symbols words music texting talking desks consent traveling
showers japenesese photos photography some fruits and meats and vegetables roman times numeral i believe is the font and typing
I do feel like im a child in a teenager body sometimes
id much rather never be on technology but I stay on
one thing that I hate is I write about something a lot it is a trauma response and I feel like im the worst person ever for writing it and building into my stories
there are somethings I dislike but I want to focus on likes first
orange is my least favorite color but I do like it especially if it is pastel I hate negativity including my negativity bugs
strawberries, corn most vegetables, fish, hate, technology, impatience including mine, I dislike sinful acts irl if they are role play or for a story i like it, bullies, brats, richies, put downs, negative comments, messes, my life water not being to my temp, people who hurt others and it makes me sad when people are hurt, my life at least right now, boredom, and burnout, abusive people in anyway, my mood swings, people who think that adults can't like kids, people who don't think animals can have mental disorders or feelings, hurting anything myself included, people who rely on money for everything, caffinated pop(soda)
people who use you and people who hide things from their lovers homophobes transphobes (i feel like I am mi don't want to be but i try my best not to be rude) my grade me feeling like i need to get better but I don't deserve it people who do not accept consent in anything people who influence in a negative way and people who overwhelm especially on purpose
haters, preasure and peers are included in that brown if it doesn't look good
romance done wrong perfection
if it is an accident i will ususally let it slide nobody is perfect it was a mistake that's ok we learn from our mistakes and i did talk about myself in here
it did feel nice i didn't realize how hard it is to find stuff i dislike even tho i am a pestimist myself
i kinda feel like an angel rn
this will be continued to be edited but i feel i am done for now
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rotomblr-item-bank · 1 year
Item list post + Templates!
for random withdrawals, ask: "🎲 [blog @ if youre on anon]" and add more dice emojis for the more random items! u can also request not to get certain things, like pokemon or eggs!
with withdrawing, ask: "withdraw [x amount] [y item] [z blog @ if youre on anon]" u can also add a comment if u want
when depositing, ask: "deposit [x amount] [y item]" with the option to add ur name, blog url, and/or a lil message at the end
also important note: for withdrawing u need a blog @ to send it to if youre on anon. we cant send things to anons. if you arent on anon, its fine. also u can still deposit stuffs when anon its just sending thats an issue..
🍒 - - Food, Berries + Medicine - - 💊
Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear berries, X22 each from Barry F. Arem - “Someone sent these to me as a prank please take them off my hands.”
Herba Mystica, X2 of each type from Director Clavell (minus sour!)  - “We still have a surplus of these after the Naranja-Uva Summer Sandwich Scramble, and I would like to avoid any more Maushold getting their hands on them! Please, take them if you wish!”
Oran Berry X16 from Anonymous - “you hunger”
Pecha and Mago Berries X2, Nanab Berries X5 from Ryu Anthizo - (no message provided)
Instant Coffee Palette X3 from koffing-time - “please lock this away. I trust your vault can hold this?”
Pecha-Pinap Berry Jam X8 from Anonymous - “Good harvest outta the greenhouse. One pint at a time.”
DX Gummy X8 from ifbench - “A sweet treat, and guaranteed to give you a rare quality!”
Chorizo X85 from Anonymous - “Keep stored cold. I overestimated how many i’d need for shiny hunting.”
Packing Peanut X49 from Anonymous - (no message provided)
Purple mug of mint tea, (hopefully) steaming, 3 sugars! X3 from theo! - “i need to share tea with the world!!! also i have some mugs i never use!!! i don’t know how the item bank works but i’m pretty sure there’s some magic involved and maaaaybe that magic will keep this tea warm!”
Three days worth of rations X46 from Anonymous - “Do the rations taste good? Not really. But it’s three days you don’t have to worry about, if you’re in a pinch.”
PP up from Anonymous - “( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
Potions with Encouraging Messages wrapped around them X2 from theo!!! - “the messages don’t make the potions heal any more damage, but they’re nice, at least!”
Half Empty Booster Energy Capsule from Trace Sawyer - “don’t drink it it’s Bad”
Nomel Berries from Fuuka Yamagishi x7 - “Lemons!?”
5 of each nature mint (unsure if this is meant to be given out individually?) from Kohaku - “feels like i’ve been taking a lot, so figured i’d give some stuff in exchange :)”
A box full of 11 fruit juice boxes x1 from Anonymous - “no war, only peace.”
Perfect Apple X8 from ifbench - “They really are delicious.”
Basket of lemons x 15 “hands you a basket of”
2 (two) pokepuffs from bandidodododo
x5 baskets of Poképuffs (A dozen in each basket) from Auberi Bellerose - “I’ve been… stress baking and ended up with way more of these than I know what to do with. Two are all strawberry, two are all chocolate, and one is all matcha.“
Box of Great Value Blueberries X100 from @alamos-garden-lover - “I have no idea where these came from, all I know is that I cannot possibly eat all of them before they go bad.”
Ojama Berry X50 from Anonymous - “a berry from my region that slows pokémon down. Apparently they aren’t found outside here so thought I’d share!”
5 foot long lemons from anonymous -when life gives you... lemons? make lemonade!
Drums full of honey 5X from a beekeeper of the flowroma combee and bug type association (not the apiary robot) - "Recently the honey storage here in flowroma's apiaries gotten a bit too full so we are donating some for free."
Jar of honey x20 from Apiary - "enjoy everyone!"
1x box of candy from blackthorn-legion-irl - "this is common for me but maybe it's rare for you?"
30 random pokéblocks, stored improperly, causing them to stick together into one big pokécasserole x1 from caprassecrethideout
A basket of assorted berries (Figy, Wiki, Iapapa, Aguav, and Mago) from Anonymous - “Hopefully still fresh by the time it's claimed~“
one spice jar with "DRUGZ" painted on it from Anonymous - “I thought it was funny but my mom didnt :(“
One pound ziptop bags of hot peppers x10 from Ellisa @adventures-on-foster-island -"I grew way too many. A healthy assortment of Jalapeños, Serranos, Cayenne, and Poblanos. Use at your own risk."
25 and a half assorted poke puffs because I really need to stop snacking on them.
can of Irn-Bru (Scottish version) 10x from blackthorn-legion-irl - Message: hey anyone in galar do you got an equivalent to this? crown tundra especially. i'll do you a trade
9x bowls of mushroom soup with bowtie noodles and meatballs from painfully-average-landa - My mushroom soup giveaway never happened. Now I have too much soup - They won't go bad for a while thanks to an invention of my dad's that he's attached.
Petlil leaves x2 from anonymous - "My Petlil shed them and I heard somewhere they have medicinal properties, so have these, if you’d like."
Casteliacones 408x From thisusernameisridiculous - my life savings:)
Gem Apple x25 from Magolor (@magolor-pkmnirl) - I would appreciate it if you only distribute the Gem Apples in bundles of 5! Additionally, each bundle should include a note with the current location of my shop - that'd be on Melemele Island's Route 2.
a really fucking long lemon. like we're talking 20 feet long. x1 from anonymous - go ahead. make lemonade.
Carton of Chansey eggs. x20 from @prettyskitty973 - for an extra bit of tlc.
💡 - - Items + Tools - - 🛠️
Slightly used pair of kids tennis shoes x 1 “Kids and their growth spurts, right? They’re used ofc but now they’re free. The “thrift” store got sniffy with me about the scuffs.“
11 Leaf Stones
7 Fire Stones
Various graphic T-shirts, all women’s size medium. (x13)
Hairbrush x 19 “She bought more. I know it’s spite, but I think I’m just gonna sic our mom on her about “What were you even hoping to achieve with that? How did you win something out of this?“bc I sure as hell don’t know!”
Several unused embroidery kits (x5)
Gun X29 + Safety manual X29 from Hatsune Miku and Anonymous - “people don’t seem to buy gun held items so I’m giving them out!” “I support mikus efforts. git gud.”
Beginner’s Gardening Kit X1 from Lavender - “Seeds, plants, fertilizer and other gardening supplies available at @pokegarden-center-owner! Inquire about our selection”
Mega Stones (1X of each, minus Altaria, Banette, Garchomp, Gallade and Sableye) and a Key Stone for each from Millen - “I had some extras! Please give 1 mega stone and 1 key stone at a time :)”
Self-Care Kits X27 [consisting of Pokémon coloring books with colored pencils, some Tapu Cocoa mix, journals with daily writing prompts, some shelf-stable Poképuff mix, and a few Poké Toys] from Vanilla Cress - “I make some of these for clients, but I’ve come across an excess of them, so hopefully some people can make use of these!”
Feather X61 from Steve - (no message provided)
Sturdy Outdoor Camping Set (includes small tent, sleeping bag, pot, cord, water bottle and filter, and firestarter) X13 from Anonymous - “For whoever needs it”
Ribbons/Bows (Amaranth red, Apricot colored, Auburn red, Blood red, Candy Apple red, Cinbar colored, Coral colored, Crimson red, Fuschia, Salmon colored, Mahogony colored, Rose red, Ruby colored, Scarlett red, Sunset colored, Safety cone colored, Marigold yellow, Mint green, Chartruse, Neon green, Cyan, Sea green, Aqua, Azure, Navy blue, Cobalt blue, Cornflower blue, Turquoise, Ice blue, Periwinkle, Sky blue, Ultramarine, Lavender, Plum, Violet, Royal purple, Hot pink) X6, (Holographic foil, Copper, Silver, Rose gold) X60, (Gold) X6000 from Anonymous - “More bows than anyone could possibly need (to be given in bundles of 6 (except the gold. all at once. I wanna see someone get it))”
Ten inch cast iron skilets and Twelve inch cast iron skillets, X1 of each from Anonymous - “One of each in a set.”
Type-Themed Crystal Necklace X10 (X1 per type, minus Dragon, Ground, Normal, ghost, fairy, water, dark, fire and steel) from Anonymous - “Put it on, and you’ll transform into a Pokémon of the associated type. I no longer need all of them.”
 Another full set of type-transformation crystals. x 15 (every type except normal, electric, ghost and dragon) “ I don’t even- just take them. They’re not needed”
Tera Shards (Ghost X98, Rock X99) from grace - “please take them”
25x Pokémon TCG Booster Packs - TCG Island Anon
Stardust X4989, Star Shard X38, from ifsobblewereafairytype - (no message provided)
Poison Barb X94 from Kenneth - “I’m running out of room to put these and Marty said I can’t keep leaving them at their lab U⁠^⁠ェ⁠^⁠U feel free to keep one if you want!”
Blank Wonder Orb Template X50 from ifbench - “For all your orb-crafting needs!”
Emera Powder Canister X48 from ifbench - “This rainbow powder is brimming with energy.”
Wands (Switcher, Slow, Guiding, Surround, Health-Swap, Confuse, Two-Edged, Petrify, Stayaway, Slumber, Pounce, Tunnel, and Warp) X5 of each from ifbench - (no message provided)
Connection Orb X5 from ifbench - “Talk to the people you know without being together in person!”
Rescue Team badges (Rookie, Standard, Gold, X1 of each), Exploration Team badges (Standard, Gold, Guildmaster, X1 of each), HAPPI Team badge X3, Expedition Team badge X3 from ifbench - (no message provided)
Delta Pokemon Creator (Bug X6, Fairy X11, Fire X12) from Professor Sequoia Tree - “Apply to egg and it will be the desired type when it hatches. If a Pokemon is multi-typed it will replace the secondary typing. If Mono-typed it will replace the primary typing.”
Scatterbang X9 from trace - “never ended up using these lol”
White, Unisex T-shirts with a sparkly pink Barbie logo in a variety of sizes X48 from championbarbie-swimmerken - (no message provided)
Winter Coat X6 from Anonymous - “warm.”
particularly Stealthy Rocks X7 from intern - “doing arceus’s work”
Safety Pin X995 from Anonymous - “This is like, a thing people never realize they need until they need one, right?”
Hairbrush X3 from Anonymous - “I don’t even know why my sister bought so many… It’s not like she’s constantly breaking them (Note: They’ve been in the back of the closet for a month and this isn’t all of them. She will not notice. And if she does, I’m declaring that she has a problem)”
Small Pikachu Plushies, each wearing a blue jacket and shades X42 from Anonymous - “uhhh don’t tell my boss I rescued them lol. some promotion?? thing?? happened locally?? semi locally at least. and they didn’t sell for shit, so it was this or to the bins with them.”
 Ragon / [Unidentifiable pokemon plush] (shows up in system as teru-sama) / “Trading an item back, it’s a Kōnya shaped one!” x 1
Time Gears X4 from ifbench - “They can only be taken out one at a time. They only stabilize time, not destabilize it, so it should be ok!”
Piles of Stealth Rocks x9 from Intern - “get fucked lmao”
Cake Lure Base. Each contain: 5x of each: Cake Lure, Springy Mushroom, Dazzling Honey, Plump Bean, Hearty Grain 5x from Anonymous - “go ham. only give out one at a time”
Heavy-duty boots x7 from Anonymous - “Prepare for trouble! And make it double! to protect the world from hazard-setting!”
Ball capsule each with a coresponding set of seals (make sure to give a seal set and a ball capsule together!) x23 from Anonymous - “I’ve heard that ball capsules and seals are hardly used at all outside of Sinnoh, which I think is an absolute shame! As such, I decided it would be a great idea to share some! I hope everyone has fun with them! <3”
Dynamax band X16 from Anonymous - “go raise hell:)”
Ex-Champion Blake’s Rare League Card X23 from Klara! 💖☠️ - “Teehee~! It’s been a minute since I’ve messed with my “favorite” little rival <3 I know just how embarrassed they get over this dorky old photo! Sorry (not really) in advance Blake-y! Enjoy, league card collectors! P.S I still pull off the pink hair better”
Pikachu Face Guitar Pick X0 from Guitarist Helena - “Rock on”
A Stack of Wood Planks X3 from Anonymous - “The site had gotten more than what was ordered”
3 (three) magician sets! (basically just your typical magician stuff like a deck of cards, one of ose tophats. you can hide stuff in, fake handcuffs, usual magician stuff. can only be obtained randomly because ✨magic✨) from bandidodododo
3 photos of Intern's eevee, Ruth, laying on his back. to be distributed one at a time.
Not Very Stealth Rocks (pointed rocks painted in neon green): 5 sets from Anonymous - “colon three”
Piece of paper, reminiscent of a permit X2 from Anonymous. it says: "please do not sword"
Bow X1 from Anonymous
Arrow X30 from Anonymous
Lopunny suit (NOT AN ACTUAL LOPUNNY) X1 from Anonymous - “heheh ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°”
Scale models of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Alola, Galar, Paldea, and Orre. Fully modeled, down to the tiniest details. X1 from anonymous -(no message provided)
Everstones X1 from anonymous -(no message provided
Golden dabloons X99 from swordsman -Im trying to reduce my hoard
Books about corviknight x4 from Ben(@me-and-my-6-corviknights) - Nearly everyone I know bought me the same book for my birthday and I already had a copy so here you go! Hope I can ignite someone else's interest in corviknight!
Pool noodles ×35 from anonymous - Wife said to pick up noodles from the store... didn't say which kind.
Blog revival token ×1 from anonymous -simply eat it to revive your blog.
3ft rubber ducks X1 from anonymous -"Never let me binge buy ever again !!"
Antidote (Weezing, Gengar, Revavroom),Antidote (Bug Types [Beedrill, Venomoth, Scolipede and the likes]),Antidote (Grass Types[Vileplume, Victreebel, Amoongus, Roesrade]), X10 Antidote (Toxicroak, Toxtricity),Antidote (Tentacruel, Quilfish, Toxapex),Antidote (Dragalge, Clodsire),Antidote (Arbok, Seviper),Antidote (Garbodor, Muk) X20 of each type of anodite (except for the bug type anodites) from Tix- "Be careful around poison types :)"
A set of type transformation bracelets except for ghost from anonymous
9 boxes of nevermelt ice (each box has 50 Nevermelt ice) from Safrina Shards
Lesbian-flag, Gay-flag, Bi-flag, Pan-flag Trans-flag, (Ace-flag X9) Aro-flag, and (Genderfluid-flag X9) patterned bandannas X10 each from Local Queer Kobold - “Bandannas are cute, queer and LGBT+ folks all deserve to be cute, here you go!”
x49 bags of sand and x49 bricks from @skrub-dubs - "I'm sorry but Justy keeps throwing these at me. I can't keep ALL of this sand logically."
Bugium Z X10 from Anonymous - "I, uh, "borrowed" some from Guzma and now I have to hide what I "borrowed"
6 sided dice x9 from Anonymous
Squirtle keychain x2 from Anonymous
37 packs of double a batterys from @iheartnimbassacity - “i dont really need these anymore, and they are taking up space. they are all brand new, 50 batterys to a pack.”
Box of Dice x0 from Anonymous - "Hello! Gotta give these away accordin' to me mum so I won't play Dungeons and Druddigons with my friends an'more :(. Please take care of them." NOTE : "Rayquaza set was drenched in Max Ooze last time it was played with. Please wash before use."
Totally not stolen bracelet X1 from Shadow-but-pokemon
Crumpled piece of paper X1 from Shadow-but-pokemon
Various Horse Pokémon tack and food (x3 bridles, x3 saddles, x3 saddle pads, x3 breastplates, x3 sets of leg wraps, x5 bags of nutritional hay pellets, x5 boxes of green heart-shaped cookies) from Paisley (@pokehorsegirl) -"For any other riders out there cause I know equestrian stuff can be expensive! 💚 Sorry I only have Galarian tack :( The cookies are for horse ‘mons by the way, not people! I mean, you can eat them if you want, but they probably don’t taste very good! 😅"
Drake stone x35 from @axisiaprofessorgum - "They don't seem to have these in other regions. I wonder if any pokemon outside of Axisia evolve with these?"
19x copies of Honedge-Line Care Guide with poorly drawn Aegislash on it. From: Riv ( @aegislash-logs ) -" I trust like half of this site with these sword pokemon."
Gay flag x4; trans flag X0; nonbinary flag X4; genderfluid flag X5; genderqueer flag X5; agender flag X5; intersex flag X5 from anonymous -"woe, gender be upon ye!"
148 life-size Steelix plushies. From anonymous
L XL Jigglypuff plush! 0X from anonymous "They accidentally delivered one too many. It's very huggable!"
3 coupons for 3 free Gem Apples each*, to be distributed separately.(Each coupon is handwritten and drawn, with the following extra message on them: "Come visit my market stand! Route 1, Melemele Island, Alola -"I also sell my wares online! magolor-pkmnirl on Rotomblr *approximate value of 300 pokedollars - 100 per apple")"
1x keychain of kirby with a life ring from blackthorn-legion-irl - "got this boi twice before getting waddle dee, sharing the love"
198x USB drives, each containing 1x .mp3 file of Banana Man by Tally Hall and 1x .mp4 file of the Banana Man official video by Tally Hall from adventerousclownery - "figured since this world doesn't call 'em bananas y'all wouldn't have this song, so I wanted to share it around :3"
Porygon Halloween skins X3 from @i-can-haz-catmons -"Note: just install them on your Porygon and bam instant Halloween costume"
Pack Of Socks (7 pairs) 2x from galactic-grubbin - no (applicable) message
pair of heelies (size S) 1x from anonymous - "have a wheely good time!"
pair of heelies size L. 9x from anonymous - "don't worry i needed to ah. offload some of these anyway :) the item bank can't be traced by the IRS, right?"
Luigi Body Pillow 1x from anonymous
HF Blade Replica 1x from anonymous - "it's definitely not real, I promise"
347 life sized Wailord plushies. from that steelix plush anon
5 life-size shiny Wailord plushies from The same person who submitted the life size Steelix and normal Wailord plushies. - “I made all these myself :3”
A single box of steel wool from Store Manager - “It seems we over-stocked on these”
x16 rotom motors from Anonymous - Hope y'all like making a few RCs with these!
Five Dimensional Tickets. To use, think of the person you most wish to see, and you will be transported to their location. Dimensional Tickets are only intended to be utilized to teleport to beings that are alive in your dimension at your point in the timeline.
9998x life size joltik plushs from Anonymous
Pictures of Articuno 34× from anonymous "why do I have these"
galarian fire badge x28 from badge thief (aka gym-badge-collector) - "uwu"
400x Reshiram feathers from Blake - "he sheds like crazy 😭😭😭"
Rose Incense 420x from anonymous "blaze it"
Flaffy Wool Coats x5 from @prettyskitty973 - great for thunderstorms.
5000 Glimmet Crystals from Anonymous
🔴 - - Pokéballs - - ⚪️
Friend, Lure, Dusk, Heal, Heavy Balls, X10 each from friendball-irl - (no message provided)
Heal Ball X97 from plasmaapologist - “just… dont ask.”
Love Ball X17 from Anonymous - “Love is in the air? WRONG. Get in the ball.”
Poké, Great, Ultra balls, X1987 each from Anonymous - “catchin time”
Premier balls X20 from witheld - (no message provided)
Luxury balls X9 from Kohaku - “feels like i’ve been taking a lot, so figured i’d give some stuff in exchange :)”
Hisuian* Pokéballs X970 from Anonymous - “Oops. Give them out in batches of 10.”
Plasma Ball X1 from Anonymous
Pokéball X10 from Witness - <[Bzzt! I believe these will now be better suited to someone else. Thank you in advance!]>
🐶 - - Pokémon - - 🐱
Growlithe (Shiny, Newly Hatched) x0 from Anonymous - “i dont know if i can deposit pokemon here, but i cant take care of this guy.
Frakenstuffel X20 from Laplace’s Demon - “:)”
Spinarak (Premier Ball) X137 from Gorge Henry - “I finally got my shiny you can have the extras”
Heracross (Friend Ball) X1 from Toby - “For my fellow bug type trainers out there!”
Nacli from a guy who had a few of these Lil dudes - "Depositing a nacil in the bank hopefully someone will take the little salty guy out here."
Delta/δ Psychic Treecko from Anonymous - "how did this happen"
Pidove (Normal X3, Shiny X2) from @shadow-but-pokemon - “My Litten keeps bringing these home and then frees them in my room”
Scatterbug X3 from Anonymous
shiny starly (normal pokeball) x10 from @skittyentropy - "Please for love of arceus just take them"
Joltik x1 from @roguerunawaytrainer - Had the little guy snacking on my electricity for a bit, thought maybe someone else may want him more than I
roaring moon x1 from Anonymous - going in area zero was the worst decision of my life
🥚 - - Eggs - - 🐣
Skarmory Egg X14 from Fulgora - “give these to those trustworthy or good with steel types”
Goomy Egg X13 from Amy Goop and Anonymous - “since ur making that surprise item withdrawl, I just thought it’d be fun to send some of the goomy eggs I have :D” “I’m depositing the goomy egg because I’m stuck in a hailstorm and I don’t want the egg to crack from the hail”
Zorua (Hisui* Breed) Egg X6 from Devi - “I am trying to get rid of the 27 zorua eggs and this is a good start, probably”
Jirachi, and Diancie eggs (1X each, All identical) from cc - “uh… could you have it so people cant purposefully withdraw them? it has to be by chance. also only give them out one at a time or something..?”
Regular Egg X100 from Anonymous - “regular eggs to give to people :D (each one is actually a separate ditto)”
Vulpix Egg X110 from Anonymous - “So, apparently getting startled and thusly falling off the fucking cliff, away from your very active picnic, leaving you to crawl your way back over several days…. I am not greatly impressed with 2/6 of my pokemon right now. I’d say mad, but… this is not the first time I’ve fallen off a cliff. Wasn’t even the first this week. Rights to be worried over were revoked well before this.”
Tatsugiri Eggs X10 from Anonymous - “tatsugiri be upon ye” “woe, even more Tatsugiri for the world”
Buizel, and Pawmi egg x3 (each) from Florence - “Still have some eggs left over that I need to find good homes for. Please make sure these end up in safe hands.”
Greavard Egg x2 from Florence - “Still have some eggs left over that I need to find good homes for. Please make sure these end up in safe hands.”
Smeargle Egg X3 from Kohaku - “feels like i’ve been taking a lot, so figured i’d give some stuff in exchange :)”
Void Shadow egg X5 from ifbench - “Like a Ditto, but much, much more terrifying!”
Dreepy egg X5 from historianofgalar - "because I keep finding them"
Eevee Egg X1 - (parents are a female Leafeon and either a male Jolteon, a male off colored Cyndaquil, or a male Sprigatito) from alex-and-pokemams “I don't know what to do with this... someone can have it and give it a good home!”
Hatenna eggs X1 from based-trainer-ace "my hatterene turned out to be a HARLOT /lh"
Growlithe eggs X7 from @dragoneyejewellery -you know that arcanine and Inteleon share an egg group? because I sure fucking didn’t
Scatterbug Egg X12 from Anonymous - “those damm Vivillon got at my berry trees again”
Sinistea egg, x1 from Truce - It's a long story, but I don't need this.
💿 - - TMs + HMs - - 📀
A stack of unlabeled TMs (x50)
TM92 Trick Room x39 from pastmyprimeape - “Stocked up because they were on sale, and now I have stacks of discs, thank you for your help.”
X12 of various bug type tms from Item Maker Alpha - “too many resources and now we got too many bug TMs to hold or make use of”
- - Other - -
treasure chests x 48. “A surprise in a surprise!”
N/A from Anonymous x-1 - “there is an item here i swear! the item is n/a :3 no idea what effects it has but hey! maybe someone wants an item that doesn’t technically exist!”
Exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X525495 from Rosie!!! @oh-shinx - “I have plenty more!!!!!!!!!!! So here are some of my spares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
A very detailed painting of a Mankey and Incredible muscle pain 1x from Anonymous - “Because my life is hell.”
Odd Keystone + one (1) malevolent spirit + master ball from Anonymous - “to be given out together”
A 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house from N/A - “does anyone want a house. lol”
Sadnesses and worries (x96) from anonymous -"I'm finally free!"
Closet filled of Pokemon costumes (costume amount is not specified)
george X1 from george
Pokèdollar X5,000,000 from N/A - “haiii :3 I’m laundering this can you hold it for me for a few months ^^”
x49 Sand attacks. Just sprays the withdrawer with sand as soon as they withdraw it from Anonymous - "FUCK YOU FOR NO REASON IN PARTICULAR"
x49 moves recover. It'll heal the person as soon as they withdraw it from Anonymous - "i love you for no reason in particular! :3"
Glunch X01 from anonymous -"It's the glunch man it's pretty self explanatory."
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ x1
200 stealth rock piles from _Intern from @poke-irs-real - note: Been working on this for a while.
(*another name for Ancient Sinnoh)
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juuheizou · 7 months
Since taste is one of juuzou's most important senses;;; what are his most favourite foods(besides sweet things and candies ofccc) and what are the foods he doesn't like and what are your hcs of the foods he DESPISES and will absolutely NOT eat?
Ooh, I love this idea! Honestly I never *really* thought about it before, and there is NOT MUCH in canon for me to riff of of, but I think I took what little is there in moments where we see him eating actual meals (which he has to do to be a physically strong and energetic ghoul investigator for the multiple years the series takes place over, so I can totally see why you would wonder) and ran with it somewhat logically. ANYWAY!
Besides sweets, a lot of Suzuya's favorite foods are snack foods. Think chips, crackers, cheese puffs, things like that. Texture is just as important to him as taste if not more, and on top of him just liking them, part of his love for sweets is that the textures are often very same-same and easy for him to eat. Starchy snack foods also fit that bill.
As far as more substantial meals, finger foods seem like a good happy medium for him, being so on-the-go in addition to his texture sensitivities. Not to mention his enjoyment of cute things! I mean, one of the meals we do see him enjoy (at least in the anime but my memory has gaps after nearly a decade of obsession lmao) is a little café sandwich at Anteiku. Put something with pleasant textures to eat and lots of choices in front of him, whether it be little tea sandwiches, sushi, dim sum, anything like that, and he's one happy man!
When he does sit down for a full entree, one thing that has crossed my mind and I've put actual thought into, is I think he retains a taste for things that remind him of Madam's scraps. That's his first and longest-lived idea of what food is. So he loves a good raw, rare, or organ meat dish. Fried liver/animal guts, a barbecued head of some animal, mystery meat croquettes, or even simple old sashimi. With whatever things he knows and likes and has available to make it a square meal.
In a way, it's easier to headcanon things he DOESN'T like, because some of his canon sweet tooth, in my mind, is born from a degree of sensitivity to certain tastes and textures. They often have to be prepared in specific ways to make them edible, and I don't see him being perfect about it, but believe it or not, he does eat his fruits and veggies, especially in :re when he has his shit a little more together. He's creative and finds his way around things.
HOWEVER, the ones that retain the taste and texture he hates no matter what he does with them are a hard no for him. Some examples I can easily project pull from real life are most of your chilies and peppers, onions, citrusy-type fruits, cucumbers (common ruiner of those finger foods I mentioned him liking!), I guess anything that isn't leafy or a little starchy.
As much as I can see him liking to experiment and mix up things he DOES like, mixed foods with things he DOESN'T like are probably his worst edible enemy, because not only is there stuff he doesn't like, but it's even harder to avoid. Think salads, sauces, dumplings and things with mixed-up fillings, stuff like that. He'll pick them apart, but one bite of something noxious he missed, and he gives up.
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a-s-levynn · 11 months
Hello!! 3, 4, 18, and 20 for the weirdly specific asks ♥️
🫶🏻 Hey there!
3. a specific color that gives you the ick? I don't really have problems with colours. Okay no there is this certain shade of beige-pink that somehow feels so unhealthy. I'll put it under the cut but uhhh.. it's just yuck.
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real? Actually i'm kinda on the same mind as you on this with believeing that nature has a sentience in a way we as human beings are just unable to fully grasp.
I love science as well but there are just things that don't add up. Or i just refuse the idea of something beyond our understanding isn't there. Especially since i have heard a tree literally scream when it was cut down before, like.. i refuse to think it was just the saw and the wood screaching because that's an entirely different type sound. I never ever heard something that bone chilling before.
Anyway. I also entertain the idea that at least smaller things are just out there. I think i mentioned ignis fatuus/will-o'-whisps before and as an example, that is something i can fully get behind. I know there is a scientific explanation to them but still. I just want to believe there is something more to this world than what science can offer, no matter how mindblowing that can be. Or ghosts in a form of like.. you know, as imprints of strong emotions. Also places of power.
18. your boba/tea order? I'm not opposed to boba (or bubble, as it's called over here) tea at all, but i only drank twice in my life so i can't say i have a go to order yet.
But regular tea.. boy i drink anything and everything. As long as there is no extra stuff, like sugar or honey or citrus or milk or whatever else you can put into it. I like my tea plain and simple. From green to black through white and fruit based and whatever, i'd try just about anything, and i usually like it. But there is one that's superior to anything for me.
I'm usually not namedropping stuff but Birchall had some sort of red berry and flower mix that is just.. fuck me that is delicious. I got it as a gift ages go and i'm not sure which one was that exactly because it was put into a different fancy box and all. All i know that it was in prism bags and it was definitely red berry based with some flowery aroma. Anyway. There is nothing so far that was able to top that for me.
But i'm really enjoying herbal teas as well like nettle tea which i know many dislike because of it being bitter. I like tea.
20. favorite disney princess movie? Does Aladdin count? Because that is my all time favourite disney movie. If not, then it's either Mulan or Merida.
Tumblr media
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fastfur07 · 2 years
NOOO— 🥭 (<- me now apparently)
Anyways idea time >:D You know those posts about tinies hanging out in hot cocoa and stuff? Now I’m just imagining little tinies in other sorts of hot foods.. Tinies sitting on top of ramen blocks in a pot (not boiling ofc), using vegetables as floaties in a soup, maybe hanging out on top of ice-cubes in lemonade or tea.. mmm. Really the possibilities are endless
In a world I’ve created there are little types of faeries/fairies that are like little fruit, they live in the trees and you can just pluck em right off a leaf and have a bunch of friends in your tum!!
- Mango Anon
YES! EXACTLY! Foodplay isn't used nearly enough for how absolutely ADORABLE it is… there's just something about gobbling up a friend along with your usual meal, I'm sure you agree. It gives you the opportunity to consider the prey's taste more.
Also that idea with the faeries… MY HEART 🥺🥺 but now you've got me thinking… what if being eaten was part of their life cycle and they metamorphosed in your belly, only to fly out of your mouth at random times??
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Hey Frank, valentine's day is coming up and it's a really important day to my gf (anniversary of a personal thing for her). I want to do something special. I've thought about cooking her something yummy, going on a walk in the woods, or snuggling and watching her favorite show. Nothing feels quite right though. Do you have any cute date/hang-out ideas?
I have some really, really bad ideas for Valentines' Days so I am not your best recommendation here. But, since you asked:
This is kind of a ridiculous answer, so please don't feel pressured to do something if I don't do it.
I love you so much. If you want to do something, I wish I knew what.
When I'm not medicated, I have very few good ideas for dates (mostly because I can't remember what I'm doing when I'm not medicated) and none of them are good for "you are very sweet and I love talking to you"
Here are some specific ideas for you (I just started typing this out, so forgive me if this gets repetitive / stuff is too obvious / doesn't make sense):
(1) I like "paleontological" books -- e.g. The Age of Dinosaurs, David Norman's Dinosaurs, and the book I am currently reading about human evolution, "A Natural History of the Human Lineage." Books about dinosaurs, and about human evolution, are both things I am really into. You can do this as a book-reading date, or you can watch a movie set in the time period when dinosaurs roamed the earth, or you can play some sort of simulation that involves doing dinosaur research or whatever. If you go to the Museum of Natural History in NYC you can go there on a date. The Museum of Natural History has a "museum cafe" where you can have coffee and eat lunch (which is a good date idea in itself).
(2) Play some board game(s) or video game(s). If you play board/video games online, it is a good idea to do this with the person you are getting together with, because you can talk about what you're doing on the screen. It is also a good idea to use a dating site of some kind to do it -- "friends with benefits" is fine. I know "friends with benefits" means something very different these days, but you know the phrase, and it makes me think of the good old days when it meant "casually hooking up for sex," which is what it still meant back in 2007.
(3) If you are into sports, you could go to a game. If you have a baseball team (which doesn't mean you have to know anything about baseball) you could go see a game and get popcorn. If you don't know anything about baseball and want to get in the spirit anyway, you could ask your friend to talk to a fan and give you the plot of the game. In addition to that, your friend could also be your "fan witness," sitting in the stands and giving you updates on what's going on in the game, while you sit in a section of the stadium that's reserved for you and your date.
(4) Cook a nice dinner for them. Even if they know something about cooking, if they don't, it's okay to just cook a meal for them and eat it with them.
(5) Make them a cup of tea. It doesn't have to be an overly elaborate tea party with all kinds of fancy tea (although it would be nice if it were). It can just be "a cup of English breakfast tea" or something like that. Also, when making the tea, it would be nice to use different tea bags. Put some of your favorite herbal or fruit teas in there. You could also do this on a book-reading date but I think it makes more sense on a date with someone, since it is hard to read a book (a book that is worth reading) in the midst of a conversation.
(6) There are books about the time period in question and there are TV shows about it. You could watch one or read one (or both). If it's a TV show, it could be in Spanish or German or French. If you watch it together, it's a good idea to switch back and forth between watching and reading what the other person is reading and writing, which will make it hard for either of you to write anything down in the course of the show. If you do this with books, it would also be good for you to read the same book. (I find that a book of poetry is especially useful here -- it can be pretty difficult to get into the flow of a show if you have to concentrate on a poem, and you can still keep a conversation going while you do this.)
(7) Go on a long, long walk. I don't mean, like, go out and do a big day hike, but a long walk. If you live somewhere that has lots of "nature," you could walk for several hours. It doesn't have to be somewhere special, like a national park. You could walk to the nearest "nature preserve," which you can learn about and find by doing the sort of thing I suggested in the section above about going to the Museum of Natural History, or you could walk out to the local creek. There are plenty of places where walking for several hours is a very fun thing to do, even if it isn't really anything special.
(8) If you are into board games, you could play some kind of game together.
(9) You could talk about books you have read/are reading and what you liked and disliked about them.
(10) Go see a movie together. I have heard horror movies tend to be date movies, but you can do whatever you like (but a romantic comedy would be fun, and a horror movie can be fun if you're going with a date who likes horror movies).
(11) You could take a picnic and make a lunch out of the stuff you have in the refrigerator. Some ideas for such a picnic could be: PB&J sandwiches, peanut butter crackers, orange slices, etc.
(12) There are many restaurants that serve food you and your date could enjoy. For instance, if you both like pasta, you can go to a restaurant where they make pasta every which way and can let you try them all.
(13) You could have a "picnic" or "movie night" on a park bench. If you go to a park with a playground and a large playing field, this can be a good location for an outdoor movie night, since you could have your own "scare zone" to go to with the movie and stuff to sit on the ground and watch.
(14) Do something fun but non-cuddly that doesn't require too much effort -- like go to a park and play catch, go for a run, go roller skating, whatever.
(15) Go shopping together. If one of you has a lot of money, you could do this without the other person having to do anything really difficult, but if you just have money in the bank, it makes sense to get some things you both like and go shopping, since it will only be a small hassle for both of you.
(16) You could get some pizza and some cookies and eat them and watch some television and have a movie night.
(17) Play a video game together. You could play any video game. You could play games that you each know a lot about and you could talk about them. Or you could play a game you've never played before together and
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eldoria-radio · 2 months
# FILE 2
[Welcome back, dear listeners. I'm beyond happy to have you back with me for another episode of "Whispers in the Aether". Tonight I have something oh so special for you. But you're used to that, yes? When do I bring you something that isn't special?]
01001101 01100001 01110010 01101011
[There's many different rumors circling our beloved town. Some hold truth, some do not. A few depend on you, my dear listeners, to be considered true. Others don't want to be believed in the first place. They're quite a fascinating bunch, wouldn't you agree? One of those, you may categorize it yourself, or let it do the job itself, is what I bring you tonight.]
[Have you heard of the "Soul Syndicate"? A group of powerful creatures who have found a way to bend reality itself. Quite fascinating, isn't it? Powerful stuff. I've never been able to cast even the most simple spells! Reality bending sounds pretty hard, for my standards at least.]
01010100 01101000 01100101
[Either way, witnesses, whose degree of reality all depend on your belief, express that they have been trapped. Magical contracts written in invisible ink, signing away one's soul to the Syndicate's strange plans. It is said those stolen souls are used for trades across dimensions, through portals in hidden places and exchanged for artifacts and forbidden knowledge. This exploitation of energy grants phenomenal powers, sometimes even wishes, depending on the type of soul, I hear. Still, it is safe to say that deals with strangers radiating strange, powerful magic is not the best idea. Fae rules apply anywhere. Don't give your name, don't agree to anything until you have your attorney, don't pick up strange things from the ground. It really is that simple to keep your soul from being traded illegally. Even though their goals and the truth behind their motivation remains elusive, it's safe to assume these traders of souls don't quite have our best interest in mind.]
[Talking of strange businesses, I recently ran into Faelan. Lovely guy, really. I just can't help but pity him. He looks so exhausted all the time. Poor thing really does need a vacation.. If I heard Callio correctly his birthday is coming up soon. Perhaps a spa day would make a nice present? Hmm.. Yes, I'll have to think about it. He certainly deserves it! That fella does quite a lot of unpaid work around the office. Heavens, he pays us! The guy is our sponsor for crying out loud! Sigh.. Oh dear, I've been rambling again, haven't I? Oh dear. Apologies, that really isn't what this show is for.]
01010000 01100001 01110100 01101000
[So, what do you think, my dear little roaches? Have you signed any strange contracts recently? Are you exhausted? Sick? Dehydrated? You could be missing your soul.. Or our dear sponsor; Starside Steep! I'm pretty sure you've heard of it before. It's a lovely tea brand! All sorts of different herbal and fruit combinations! The good stuff your granny makes you when you're over! Or that good nostalgic beverage your mom used to make you when you were a sick little roach! Ah, good memories. Thank you so much to our dear sponsor, you really do deserve a vacation, Faelan. Another thank you goes out to @Sk1n._.m0n.56, thank you for supporting our program. My name is Isadora Nightshade and this was "Whispers in the Aether". You're listening to Eldoria Radio.]
0 notes
purplesurveys · 2 years
do you like candy corn? It’s nowhere near as terrible as some people make them out to be, but the taste is also...boring? For me it’s just some chewyish candy with an forgettable taste. I definitely wouldn’t have an idea what to do if I suddenly had a sack of candy corn given to me.
favorite halloween candy? I never really ‘celebrated’ Halloween by collecting candy, and I never viewed candy as a Halloween thing. I just have them all year round.
do you like pickled vegetables? I like kimchi and pickled radish but that’s about it. favorite fruit? least favorite fruit? Favorite would be avocado, which is the only fruit I care to eat really. I don’t like fruits in general but I’d say my least favorite out of the ones I’ve tried is mango. Flavor sticks out way too much. Also not too keen on pineapple and grapes.
what is the strangest food combination you like? Sausage and marshmallow on a stick might sound weird to others but it’s a staple in birthday parties here, so I’ll go with that.
what is your favorite snack? French fries, corndogs, and takoyaki.
what did you have for lunch today? I skipped lunch, as always.
do you usually eat breakfast? No, I don’t. I usually consume just coffee; the only times I have breakfast are on the weekends, or if I’m on vacation and the accommodation has a breakfast buffets.
favorite dipping sauce for chicken strips? Any mayo-based dip, really.
do you like sweet potato fries? I looooove anything sweet potato; it’s one of my most recent food faves. When it comes to fries, though, I prefer the original.
least favorite vegetable? Ampalaya even though I’ve never tried it. I’m just scared of how bitter it can possibly be. Otherwise I love veggies.
favorite vegetable? Green beans, spinach, and broccoli.
do you like chocolate and mint together? Love me some mincho.
have you ever dipped fries in a milkshake? Yeah. I dip them in hot fudge sundae too.
favorite flavor of gum? Whatever. I’m not too picky; the flavor fades out after like 20 chews anyway.
what was your favorite food as a kid? I was a VERY picky eater as a kid, and I can just imagine the many headaches I gave my elders when they’d try to feed me. That said, I didn’t have a long list of favorite food and I only liked to eat eggs and hotdogs. And fast food spaghetti lol. I had a hard time swallowing anything else.
favorite fast food place? Jollibee and KFC.
favorite soda? Sprite if I had a gun to my head.
least favorite soda? All of them.
do you like sweet or unsweet tea? Uhhh I like the artificial/powdered iced tea that’s common where I live, wherever that falls under.
how do you like your coffee? (or do you drink coffee at all?) My palate for coffee is pretty flexible and I’m fine taking it either black or filled with stuff that’d make it sweeter. That said, my go-to coffee orders are Americanos and caramel macchiato.
do you like bubble tea? If that’s the same as what we call milk tea, then yeah. Weirdly enough though, I prefer it without the pearls; I just like milk tea for the taste of the tea itself. I don’t like how I have to chew on something that doesn’t even taste like anything hahaha.
do you like curry? I LOVE curry. Give me all the kinds and all the spice levels known to man.
favorite type of cuisine? Anything from Asia is a favorite but my top cuisines would be Indian, Korean, Thai, and Indonesian. Japanese would count but I feel like I get just sushi and ramen most of the time so I don’t think it’s deserving of a podium finish ha.
favorite sandwich? Monte Cristos.
favorite cheese? Mozzarella, burrata, and feta.
have you ever been vegan or vegetarian? No. I went through a period where I wanted to switch to a vegan diet, but that was easily squashed when I realized how inaccessible such a lifestyle is here. I still go for vegan options whenever I can, but I don’t think I can ever be fully so.
favorite breakfast cereal? I like Oreo O’s and Cookie Crisps but I am most likely to eat them on its own. Don’t like it when cereal gets soggy and starts tasting like nothing.
what do you eat when you're sick? I rarely get sick, so I haven’t developed a comfort meal.
favorite thanksgiving dish? Yeah, about that...
favorite salad dressing? Idk I just go for spicy mayo all the time.
what are you currently craving? Chocolate chip cookies.
Snickers or Milky Way? Snickers. 
have you ever had chocolate covered gummy bears? No, but I’m open to trying even though it sounds kinda odd!
pulp or no pulp orange juice? I haven’t had one with, so I’ll go with without.
beans or no beans in your chili? I never have chili. Not common here.
favorite burger condiments? Again, anything mayo-based hahaha.
do you like peanut butter? Oh yeah, I love peanut butter flavored anything and only back off if it’s mixed in with banana.
what flavor of jelly/jam is your favorite? Guava.
favorite flavor of potato chips? Just plain. But on fries, I like barbecue powder.
how do you like your eggs cooked? Scrambld or sunny side up.
favorite kind of soup? Creamy mushroom soup for. days.
do you like cold pizza? Love it. I had a couple of slices of pizza fresh out the fridge just last night.
do you like sour candy? I’ll pick some when offered, but I’d never buy candy on my own.
what food do you absolutely refuse to eat? There’s nothing I wouldn’t try at least once, except for most fruits.
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nat-tea-n-coffee · 2 years
Tips on Surviving Tripple Digit Heat Waves
By A South Florida Local
I know everyone else says this already, but it bears repeating, DRINK WATER. No, more than that. Get an insulated water bottle, a straw if that’s your fancy, and keep that full and on you at all times. (I like to throw some fruity type herbal tea into the bottle for flavor). Try to have fruits and vegetables that have lots of water, and don’t worry too much about avoiding salt because you do need some for those electrolytes. 
2. Shade and airflow are your new best friends because...
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Channel your inner little ole lady and avoid sunlight like a vampire. Umbrellas will often double as great parasols. Hats with wide brims are excellent AND fashionable. If you’re going to carry around a hand fan (which I super recomment, the bigger the better) make sure to only fan yourself languidly, lest your overwork yourself and just increase the overall heat in your body. Beach umbrellas are not just for the beach, they work fine in a back yard or park too. If you’re feeling crafty you can probably rig up some awnings to extend shade over your windows. Remember that shade kinda works cumulatively, the more you have, the less time the air is in the sun, the longer it has to cool before getting to you. 
3. Eat light, avoid heavy, rich foods. 
Try to eat lighter foods that have more water in them like fruits and veggies. Cucumbers are especially good because they’re basically 70% water, 20% fiber, 10% electrolyte. Stuff like red meat, red wine, high fats foods, anything that would give you gout pretty much, puts a toll on your digestive system and works to warm you up. Now is the time to find out what all the hype around gazpacho is about. What the hell is an acai bowl? Refreshing is what it is. Go patronize your local thai restaurant, they know how to make food appropriate to this weather. 
** Extra tip! Take you favorite juice, or tea, or whatever, put it in a mold or a cup with a stick in it throw it in the freezer, boom, cheap, low sugar popsicles.  Keeps the little ones entertained, and if you make it with some chicken broth you can give it to the pups. 
4. Dress in LOOSE, LIGHT, and NATURAL clothes.
Think of how the native folks of naturally hot and humid climates tend to dress. Big Native american Ribbon Skirts and Poofy blouses, the loose baggy pants of a salwar kameez, the incredible volume and colors of a hatian quadrille. Contrary to instinct, you actually want longsleeves in sunny weather to keep the deadly UV rays off your skin. Layers should be minimal though, and as little polyester as you can manage. Linen is best with cotton being the next best.  Silk and leather are horrible and will basically turn you into a human green house. (I know a lot about wool in theory but little in practice. Probably still a good option if you’re out by the water). Avoid dark colors as they absorb a lot more heat that they will then keep directly across your skin (ouch).  If you’re a goth who only dresses in black wool, go get a nice-ish cotton/linen bed sheet, and go to this  link and help bring the ancient greek chiton back into style. Once you’re done with it you can still use it as a bed sheet. 
5. External Water.
if you can get off to the coast for a bit, I would recommend it.  Coastal areas tend to have the sea breeze, and the ocean is good at absorbing heat, plus being able to submerge yourself in water will help you cool off.  If you can’t get to a beach, a little tub of water just enough to dip your feet into will go a long way. And as many people other than me have already pointed out, a wet towel across the back of the neck can work wonders. 
6. Bonus Bits
- As obvious as drink water, but wear sunscreen. You can sunburn bad enough to give yourself a fever, this is especially true with CHILDREN. 
- Speaking of children and any other smol creatures in your care, DOUBLE EVERYTHING ABOVE. They are tiny and so everything happens to them MORE. See #3 for popsicle ideas. 
- Avoid energy drinks, if iced coffee or extra strong tea won’t get you through the day then it’s not worth the kidney damage. 
-outside is not your enemy if your house is built like an oven.  remember, you need SHADE and a BREEZE. If you don’t have your own, store bought is fine. 
-libraries and museums tend to be temperature controlled. support your local institutions
- avoid being outside/in the sun during the hottest part of the day (normally 3-5ish), and if you’re going to be out and about, night time is best. 
- Keep your hair off your neck, just trust me. 
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bluemusickid · 3 years
♡The Mark of an Angel♡
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem! Reader
Warnings: 18+, mention of cellulite, stretch marks, eating issues, body dysmorphia, slight body shaming, body negativity, talk about different body types, general body anxiety, angst, fluff, implied sexual content, please DO NOT read if any of this stuff bothers you, MINORS DNI.
A/N: This is my entry for Dibs' Body Positivity Challenge (@gotnofucks ). Dibs, you are a gem, and I cannot thank you enough for shedding light on this. I struggle a lot with self love and body image, so this is very close to my heart. To all you lovely people out there, know that you are not alone. Society and media has warped our idea of normalcy, but let me tell you what you see in movies and on TV are not real bodies. Every person is different, every body is different. I have now learnt to love myself, because my body has kept me alive and working in a situation like this pandemic, irrespective of my size and shape. I hope and pray that everyone stays healthy and safe in these times.
Minors DNI, you are responsible for your own media consumption. Not beta'ed, any mistakes, grammatical or otherwise are all mine. I post my stuff only on Tumblr and AO3, nowhere else. I do not give anyone permission to reproduce, copy or translate my work. Dividers by the wonderful @firefly-graphics
Join my taglist and check out my masterlist for more!
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You stared at your reflection in the mirror, grimacing a tad. Your skin was marred by those marks, on your stomach, your breasts, your thighs. They were everywhere. It was really disheartening. You had grown up to be a chubby girl, hoping, wishing, praying as each day passed, that you, too, would blossom and grow and be tall and thin like the girls in your class.
You were 25 now, still waiting for that miracle.
You hadn't blossomed the way you wanted to. You didn't have a taut belly, firm thighs or a peach shaped ass. The stretch marks were one thing, nut so was the cellulite. Try as much as you did, you couldn't ignore all these small factors. And how could you? You were engaged to one of the World's most handsome men, a Greek God, a perfect specimen among mere mortals. Steve Rogers looked like he had been sculpted by God himself. That man hadn't a freckle out of place, let alone stretch marks and cellulite. How he had fallen in love with you was a mystery to you, in addition to thousands of news outlets and other media outlets. A simple outing like going to the beach was a Herculean task for you: even then, you would only wear shorts and a teeshirt, ashamed to expose any part of your skin. You wore knee length skirts and pants to ensure that he wouldn't see the cellulite on your thighs.
And so it began: starting fad diets, appetite suppressant pills, detox teas, "miracle-working" anti-cellulite, stretch mark removal creams and massage oils. You stopped eating full meals, instead just eating half of what you would normally eat. You made excuses for going to dinners and other public outings with Steve, feigning work or even fatigue. Sometimes it wasn't even a lie; you felt exhausted due to lack of proper food. Steve saw that you'd been missing meals, which he did not approve of. Many a times you found a plate of cut fruit on your table, which he placed everytime he saw you working. You ate a bite or two of it, but you persisted in your endeavours. You had to do something about it. You had to make yourself worthy enough to be Steve's wife. You dry brushed yourself till your skin was red and raw, trying to erase the marks of cellulite that the world would no doubt ridicule; an imperfection in the otherwise perfect life of Steve Rogers.
So you stood in front of that mirror, everyday. Trying to check if you were there yet; if you were beautiful, thin, "skinny" enough to be his wife. The marks stared back at you, the roadblocks in your soon-to-be married life. Steve had never mentioned them, nor had you even talked about them to him. But you did try to hide your body from him every chance you got, turning down the lights everytime you had sex. The marks and cellulite stayed hidden, as did your fear of them, atleast for the moment.
That's where you were right now. Cursing yourself. Cursing your genes, cursing your parents for not allowing you to look the way the world would like you to look. The comments on the press release about your wedding didn't help either, the internet's venomous and scathing remarks about how Steve had "settled" for you adding onto your insecurities, threatening to drown you. A few tears made their way down your face. Were you really that hideous?
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't hear Steve walk in, who was stopping by to ask you for lunch. He'd noticed that you were a bit withdrawn these past few days, but chalked it up to work stress and pressure. He entered the room, seeing you cry, cradling your face with your hands. Alarmed, he rushed to you, gathering you in his arms.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?! Is everything ok? Are you hurt?" He asked, his firm arms cocooning you.
"I...I don't think...we..should get married..Steve.."
"What? Why? Talk to me, sweetheart, tell me what happened!" Steve said, panic settling in his voice.
Turning him to face the mirror, you met his eyes, bewilderment meeting resignation and shame.
"Look at you. Tall, muscular, well-built. You're practically Adonis, like you've just walked off the pages of a magazine. Millions of girls and guys would be willing to throw themselves at you and worship at your feet, most of them much prettier, skinnier and better looking than me."
"And now look at me. I am not you, Steve, and I probably never will be. I try to block out every article, every comment written out there, but I'm not blind. I can see what they're talking about; and it's true. We are so different, in many ways. How can I ever match up to literal perfection?"
You looked down, unable to meet his eyes. He would surely understand your decision, and why you were not willing to go through with this union. It was better if you dealt with it quickly, so that you could get over him quickly.
"My love, look at me. Please." His soft voice broke you out of your reverie. Standing behind you, he kept his hands on your shoulders, placing soft kisses in your hair, till you met his gaze in the mirror.
"Do you know what I see, when I look at you?"
"I see a beautiful, and gorgeous young woman. A fierce, independent and strong woman, who is not afraid to back down from any challenge or adversity. She faces it head-on, like a lioness. But most importantly, I see a woman I love, who I cherish, and the only person I can see spending my life with."
Grazing his fingertips over your marks, he gently placed a kiss along the column of your neck, the heady combination of sensations wreaking havoc. You felt your tears begin again, his words weighing down your already heavy heart. You wanted to believe him, to trust him, but how could you? It had taken years for these insecurities to keep building up, it would take longer for them to be broken down.
"Growing up, I wasn't who I am now." He continued. "I was a skinny guy, weighing a 100 pounds soaking wet. Being Bucky's friend used to be tough, seeing all the beautiful dames fawn over him and barely throwing so much as a glance my way. Somedays I still see myself as that skinny man, who wasn't even eligible to be a soldier, let alone a Captain. The serum changed only my physical features, but on the inside, I am still insecure. Still that Steve who wasn't good enough for the army, let alone a woman."
He sat you on the bed, taking your hand in his, placing soft kisses on your knuckles. "That changed when I met you, sweetheart. You saw me for who I am. You didn't want to be with Captain America, with the leader of The Avengers. You wanted to be with plain old Steve, who likes watching war documentaries, eats only vanilla icecream, still doesn't quite understand how technology works. You make me a better man, and everyday with you is like an adventure."
Lowering you onto the bed, he left featherlight kisses on the marks on your breasts, raising himself to leave the most tender kiss on your lips. You spoke after a beat,
"But that doesn't change things, Steve. I've tried so hard to get rid of these..these imperfections. I don't understand how to tackle this. I'm so...conflicted..and confused." You sobbed, tears streaming down your face. He leaned down, kissing your tears away, rubbing his nose to yours.
"Sweetheart, I understand. I do. But trust me when I say this, that no one is perfect. And no one will ever be as perfect as you are to me. These marks, if anything, make you more appealing and sexy to me. It shows me that you're human, in a world of plastic smiles and bodies. A beautiful human with a kind, nurturing heart and soul. You're perfect to me and I have no doubts that you will be an amazing wife and mother, as you have been a girlfriend to me. I love every inch of you, and will always do so. Never doubt that. To hell with what people think. They can go and set up camp in a place where the sun don't shine." He finished, grinning.
You chuckled, running your palm over his slight stubble. You were still apprehensive, but your lover's words calmed you down. He loved you, plain and simple. You felt his love through his actions, his kisses, trailing down your body, lips adorning every mark, every part of your body you had been too ashamed to bare to him. But that stopped today, or atleast you hoped it would. Maybe with time, it would get better. But you knew for sure, that you wouldn't begin your married life with doubts and apprehensions.
You bared yourself to him completely, resisting the urge to dash under the covers. He kissed your dimpled areas, your stretch marks, as if worshipping you and your body with reverance. As he seated himself deep within you, you gasped, staring deep into his eyes, tears forming yet again.
Neither of you were perfect. But that was ok. Because to you, he was perfect, and so were you, to him. And that's all you needed.
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P.S. I'll do the taglists tomorrow, post my exam.
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iseulsoda · 3 years
Chaotic academia concepts
But make it stuff I do/have done/ has happened to me
• You open your water bottle, give a bit to your plant, then you drink. "Cheers" you say before continuing with chemistry homework
• Putting random spices in your tea. It works and you will do it again.
• Going to sleep late, waking up early.
• Messy notes on books
• Orwell, John Green and The Bible next to eachother in your library
• It's autumn and you're wearing a perfume called "coconut kiss" from a bottle with topical fruits
• Eating the cinnamon bar out of your tea while trying to figure out what's the pattern for this type of math exercises
• Confused at class, somehow manages to get high grades
• Having to reorganize your binder every two weeks because you keep just throwing your notes in there
• Knowing random bizarre facts
• Being well versed in some random topic, like astrology, mammals, plant communication, color theory, languages, traditions of ancient cultures...
• Using coloquial language while explaining academic topics.
• Studying history through different memes and vines in your head.
• "I like how you dress, what's your aesthetic? "Uh....yes?"
• Secretly analyzing every piece of literature or cinema you're given
• Now playing: Kiss me more — Doja Cat. Next in your playlist: Storm — Vivaldi
• From "well actually..." To "I have no idea what it's going on rn" real fast.
• You developed the ability to do your makeup while walking/on the bus and without looking in a mirror after (almost) missing the bus several times. Where does time go?
• Complaining to your teddy bear, talking to your pencils
• Changing your notes color code constantly
• "I hope you don't mind I'm (belief/religion you do not share and/or have never heard much about)" *already taking out a notebook and a pen* what?
• You're learning more than one language at a time, it's a fact I know about you, don't try to hide.
• where has all my paper gone??
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru + ryomen sukuna from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : headcanons
↳ published : 16 february
↳ pronouns : non specified in headcanon
↳ request : Hello~ recently i just deal with my school math test, It's stressing me out since i didn't manage to pass it. Seems random but can I ask for Yuuji, Megumi, Gojo, and Sukuna dealing with their s/o that is stressed? Maybe because of the same reasons as I did while helping them study?Sorry if I'm asking a bit too much (; ̄д ̄)
↳ barista’s notes : this one is going to be the last one for tonight since i am really sleepy  ʕ ﹷ ᴥ ﹷʔ but to who requested this, don’t worry it wasn’t too long and i hope you all are doing well whatever time it is over where you are and have a nice day/night eveyone! i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and come again soon ╲ʕ·ᴥ· ╲ʔ
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When Itadori sees that you are really stressed out, he will first try to make you get away from your books but there is no luck on that since you are really adamant about studying.
During those times when he is brainstorming on what he could do for you to de-stress, Itadori will just slide some small snacks to you like packets of crisps (chips if you are not from the UK), sweets/candy, maybe even a bottle/can of your favourite drink.
If the snacks don’t help with your stressed self, Itadori will drag your textbooks away from you and close it before mentioning you to take a break, even a small one if you had to really study.
No matter how much you try to reach out for your book, Itadori is obviously stronger than you and will make the book out of your reach.
He will test you since you are adamant but please know it will take a while for him to ask a quiz question and will take longer for him to find the answer - if you have flashcards, that will be extremely helpful.
After like 10 questions though, he will give up and drag you away from your studying station to somewhere where no books and notes can be seen.
When he manages to take you away, he will make you sit on the kitchen counter before he starts to make you some food - since I know he is a chef, don’t question me on it.
While that is happening, he will start talking about random things like what he has been watching recently, how his day has been, what dates he has been planning, he is just rambling to make sure studying is not on your mind.
He will give you a few kisses here and there to make you smile since you haven’t been for a while and if you giggle at his jokes/antics, that is a bonus for him.
When the meal is completed and eaten, he will continue to make you be away from studying and will probably play a few games with you, online or board games, it really doesn’t matter - anything to make you get away from the stress you were previously in.
In conclusion, when you are stressed out, Itadori’s main priority is to keep studying out of your mind and make sure something else is since he doesn’t like seeing you stressed at all - he actually hates it.
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When Fushiguro sees you stressed out, he will notice it the second it builds up since like I said on many occasions, he is an observative person and notices the frowned look and wrinkles on your forehead.
When he comes up to you, he offers to help you study and, of course, you accept because it’s nice to have his company, and just allow him to help you understand what you are confused about.
Of course, like Itadori, Fushiguro had placed down many things for you to make sure you were eating/drinking like a glass of water/tea/coffee, maybe a plate of cut up fruits or maybe a simple sandwich - he wants to make sure that you are taking care of yourself.
Fushiguro will quiz you in the end to help you reassure yourself that you are done studying and that you are going on a break no matter what he says - if you get a question right, he will go out of his way to give you a kiss.
When he thinks you are done studying for the day - or like a month - he will neatly put away your books, notes and stationary for you before preparing you a bath to help you relax.
If you both are really late into your relationship and really comfortable with each other, Fushiguro will sit beind you outside the bathtub and wash your hair for you to relax - it’s like playing with your hair but also a massge to help you relax.
Once again with the act of service vibes, Fushiguro will help you change into one of his jumpers and help you dry and comb your hair - to be honest, it's really therapeutic for him.
If you apply any cream/moisturiser after a bath/shower, Fushiguro will apply it for you - but please know that he will blush since skin to skin contact, but it feels nice.
When you are done with your show bath/shower routine, he will make you lay your head on his chest, while he has an arm around you to comfort you.
Fushiguro will read a book to you since you have mentioned once that you loved the sound of his voice - I feel like you both have a book that you read together and you both take turns, just a thing I have in mind.
In conclusion, Fushiguro since the beginning will make sure that your stress levels are kept to a minimum since the beginning of your study session and if it goes way too high for his liking, he will act upon his concerns.
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When you are stressed out, Gojo will notice instantly since you are ignoring him and not responding to his jokes/childish antics.
Gojo will sit in front of you with his hands on his chin (acting like a flower) and will just stare at you until you notice that he is there
If you still don’t pay attention to him, he will place his hand over your work or textbook to obscure you from carrying one - you know when a cat just puts their paw on your work like it’s nothing...yeah, that’s Gojo.
Gojo is also the type that will dash the book away from you and let it drop to the floor while you stare at him with widened eyes like “what the hell was that for?”
Once your attention is now on him, he will quickly grab your things and put them in an extremely high place where he and only he can reach it.
After that, he will carry you bridal style to the couch where the both of you will cuddle and probably eat some cakes/sweets he had organizsed on your coffee table before he decided to disturb your studying session.
Gojo will feed you like you are a baby - like I can imagine him saying “here comes the train”...personally, I will smack the fork away from me if he did that.
When you are done snacking on some cakes/sweets, best know that for the next few hours, you are trapped in his arms in a cuddling position - probably you on top of him.
If he feels more playful than usually and if you are ticklish, he will tickle you like there is no tomorrow so he can hear you laugh andsee you smile.
If he feels romantic, he will continuously kiss you everywhere on your face to ‘melt the stress away’ since he doesn’t want to see you look so misable.
In conclusion, if you are stressed while studying, Gojo doesn’t even give you the chance to say anything, matter of fact, he doesn’t even help you study. Gojo is the type of boyfriend that is spontaneous and if he doesn’t want you to study, he will not let you study at all.
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When you are stressed, Sukuna would have no idea why you are stressed on something so minor in your life - it is not minor, but still this is Sukuna we are talking about.
He will look over your shoulder to see what you are doing before scoffing since it looks like nonsense to him - like I don’t think Sukuna would know that quadratic equations are.
I feel like he will laugh at your misery for a second.
If it is an ancient Japanese text you are working on, Sukuna might feel like helping you understand because you are the person that he loves and only loves.
When he is helping you, he expects your full attention - of course - and if you get something incorrect, he will look at you weirdly and will tell you that you are wrong - but he will continue helping you until you are right.
Once he thinks you are done for studying, just know you are done...no questions shall be asked...no argument shall be said….Y/N, you are done.
He will burn your stationary, books and notes if he has to, he will not hesitate one bit.
If you dare refuse to stop studying, Sukuna will just carry you like a snack of potatoes - basically over his shoulder - before dropping you onto your bed.
Before you can even move, he would just keep hold of you in his arms and threaten to burn your study stuff again and demands you to keep still.
To ease your worries or stresses away, he will start to leave kisses on your neck - maybe a few bites - in a way to make you focus on him.
He will also start to get a bit handsy and will begin to caress your body - meaning like putting his hands under your shirt and all that.
In conclusion, Sukuna will make sure you stop studying if you become stressed and he will do anything to make you listen to him - if he knows something really well, he will help you after laughing at your misery for a quick minute.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Douxie moving in with the reader? Is this ok to request?
Yeah, definitely!
Sorry, my editor took a bit more time than I expected.
Hope you like it!
Beyond Any Doubt || One Shot
Bills, bills, bills.
Bills everywhere.
Douxie was on his laptop, frantically typing away how much money he owed people and how much he needed to pay for all his bills.
Douxie wasn't the type to ask for money from others, but it was an emergency. Now, everyone that he owed money too were chasing after him. And as for the bills, he couldn't pay all of them. Even though he had two jobs, it wasn't enough.
Tipping in Arcadia wasn't the best.
He tried to request the companies more time, but they all refused. If he didn't pay his bills on time, then his internet, water, electricity would all be disconnected. He couldn't afford that.
Many people tried to help him, saying that they'll give him money to pay everything and they won't ask for it back, but he denied any help. You, his girlfriend, even tried to help out but, as stubborn as he was, he just said no.
You were currently at the grocery store, buying some fruit for Douxie. As you were checking out, you noticed the Guardians of Arcadia were all goofing around outside. You smiled. They were finally having some fun after all the Arcane Order business.
Jim had pulled out Excalibur and is still the Trollhunter, Claire had gotten a lot stronger with her powers by the help of Douxie, we were able to save Toby, Archie magically appeared out of nowhere, claiming that he and his Dad had found a way out, Krel had gotten some headphones to listen to his music, since not everyone liked him blasting it out, Aja and Steve were happy with all 7 kids of theirs and Eli loved looking after them.
You walked out of the store and went over to the gang.
"Hey, gang!" you called out.
"Hi, Y/n!" they all called back.
"What are you guys doing?" you asked.
"We're all going to get ice cream," Toby replied.
"Wanna come?" Claire asked.
"Sorry guys, I can't. I need to drop these groceries off at Douxie’s. He hasn't been eating at all, lately," you shook your head.
"Do you need any help?" Jim inquired.
"Nah. I'll manage. You guys enjoy your ice cream!" you waved.
You were about to ring the doorbell, when you remembered that you had an extra key to his house. You pulled it out and opened the door.
You were greeted by silence.
Whenever you were at Douxie's place, you were usually greeted by loud music but, today was a different story.
"Douxie!" you called, placing the groceries on the kitchen counter.
You saw the bedroom door fling open, revealing a sleep deprived Douxie.
"Hey, love. What 'ya doing here?" Douxie asked, walking towards you.
"If you haven't noticed yourself, you haven't been taking care of yourself, so I came to check up on you and give you some food," you explained.
"I've been taking care of myself!" Douxie protested.
"Really?!" you crossed your arms. "Says the wizard who currently is obviously sleep deprived and probably hasn't eaten in god-knows-how-many days."
"Well, I've been busy," Douxie said.
"I know, I know. But you have to take care of yourself as well," you said.
"I just… I need to pay these bills and give people money. I just don't have time,' he sighed.
"Well, leave financial problems to the side for just half an hour," you instructed. "And eat."
"Fine," Douxie grumbled.
You unpacked the groceries and placed them all in the fridge. You tossed a banana to Douxie.
"Eat," you ordered.
He gobbled down the fruit in just a few seconds.
"Wow. I didn't realise I was so hungry," Douxie admitted.
"Okay. Now, eat this," you said, handing him a sandwich.
"You're going to just feed me food for half an hour?" Douxie asked, his mouth filled with bread.
"Of course not! After you eat that sandwich, I’m gonna make you go to sleep," you said.
"But-" Douxie started but you cut him off.
"No 'buts' or 'ifs'. You will be going to sleep, that's my order," you lightly scolded.
After Douxie finished his sandwich you pushed him to his room. You confiscated his phone and laptop and put them outside.
"Now, you, Mr. Casperan, are going to sleep," you stated, heading out of his room just before he grabbed you wrist a spun you around to face him.
He leaned down and whispered into your ear, "Not until you kiss me."
He pulled back, waiting for you. You rolled your eyes and kissed him on his cheek.
"Now can you go to sleep?" you questioned.
"I meant- You know what…" Douxie leaned down and smashed his lips onto yours.
You were taken by surprise but you quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and started to play with his hair, while he snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you close. Soon after, the two of you pulled away, keeping your foreheads touching.
"Now can you go to sleep?" you repeated.
Douxie didn't reply, he just started to walk forward, making you walk back. Your back suddenly hit a wall.
Your breath hitched as Douxie leaned in for another kiss.
Douxie found your hands behind his neck and pinned them on either side of you, interlocking your warm ones with his cold ones. Archie came strolling into the bedroom, but he quickly spun around when he saw the two of you making out. Giving the two of you privacy, he walked back outside.
Sooner then Douxie wanted, you pulled away for air.
"Now, you're going to bed," you said, pushing him away.
Douxie opened his mouth to speak but you placed a finger to his lips.
"No more excuses," you said, "Sleep."
You pushed him onto his bed and tucked him in and walked out of his room, closing the door behind you.
You plopped onto the couch and opened up Douxie's laptop. As soon as you opened it, you saw a bunch of numbers on the screen.
That's a lot of money.
"Hello, Miss Y/n," a voice spoke.
You jumped and looked towards the source. You realised it was just Archie and leaned back into the couch, while Archie flew to you and sat himself down in your lap.
"Hey, Arch. How's it going?" you asked.
"Good. I, uh… wanted to greet you earlier but you were um… preoccupied with Douxie," Archie hesitated.
You blushed and looked away, "Uh… we were just… umm… yeah."
"Anyways, about Douxie," Archie started, "I'm worried for him. I doubt he has the money to pay for everything. I've been trying to help him out by reaching out to a couple wizard friends of his, but there's only so much that I can do. Y/n, can you please help him out?"
"Of course I will, Arch. I just need to figure out how," you replied.
Archie nodded his head and sat there in silence, while you were thinking ways to help poor Douxie out. You started to absent-mindedly stroke Archie’s fur, earning a purr from him. After a couple of minutes, your eyes began to droop and you stopped stroking Archie. Soon, you fell into a deep slumber. The familiar noticed this and looked up to you, before he realised you were asleep. He carefully removed your hand off of him and he flew to get a throw blanket for you. When he returned, he heard very quiet snores from you. Archie laid the blanket on top of you and let you rest.
Half an hour later
Douxie was up and refreshed, while you were still peacefully asleep on the couch. Douxie opened up the door to see Archie playing with a ball of red yarn on a window sill. Archie noticed Douxie and stopped playing with the yarn. Douxie was about to ask where Y/n was but Archie held a finger up to his mouth and then pointed towards the couch. He walked over to the couch and saw that you were sleeping.
He smiled. You looked cute when you were asleep. Douxie quietly sat himself down next to you, planted a kiss on your temple and started to get back to his financial problem.
After 10 mins
You started to stir awake from your nap. As you opened your eyes, you felt a light tickling sensation in your hair. You saw Douxie was sitting next to you, staring at his laptop while absently ruffling your hair.
"Douxie," you whispered, instantly getting his attention.
"Hey there, love. Had a nice nap?" Douxie asked.
You only nodded your head. You tried to look what Douxie was doing on his laptop but you couldn't clearly read what was on the screen since you could only see half of it. Douxie opened up his arm and you snuggled into him. You once again saw numbers.
"Handling bills?" you guessed.
"Yeah," Douxie replied.
Suddenly, you got an idea.
"Hey, Doux," you called.
"Yes, love?" Douxie asked.
"You know how you don't have enough money to pay for the bills. What if you moved into my place instead and put this place up on the market?" you suggested (idk how housing works, just go along with it), "You wouldn't have to pay for the bills, so less money to give."
He thought about it for a minute.
"Mordrax's miracles! That's a great idea!" Douxie cheered.
"Great! We can start moving your stuff tomorrow," you said.
You looked once again at the laptop screen to check the time, 4:15 p.m.
"Do you want some tea?" Douxie asked, closing the laptop.
"Sure," you nodded.
After drinking the tea that Douxie made, the two of you decided to go out for a walk.
You and Douxie were walking down the path, hand in hand, when you spotted Toby, Claire and Jim. The trio also noticed you and Douxie, and ran up to you.
"Hey, lovebirds!" Claire giggled.
"Hey guys! What're you up to?" Douxie inquired.
"Just hanging around," Jim shrugged.
"Wait, weren't you guys with the rest of the gang?" you questioned.
"Yeah, we were but, they had other things to do. Steve, Aja and Eli had to take care of the kids. Then Krel had to adjust one of his inventions," Toby answered, "They left just before we got ice cream!"
"Yeah, T.P. here is just whining about how we couldn't get ice cream," Claire chuckled.
"I am not!"
"Well, why don't the five of us go right now?" you recommended.
"Yes! 'Mission: Get Ice Cream' is back in action!" Toby cheered, fist pumping the air.
You all made your way to an ice cream truck that was on the other side of town.
Jim and Claire were currently arguing over what ice cream flavour to get, since they wanted to share. Toby was happily enjoying his Nougat Nummy flavoured ice cream, while you and Douxie waited for Jim and Claire to decide. It was currently between chocolate and strawberry. The ice cream scooper decided to step in and suggest a whole different flavour to them. Thank the stars, they agreed. You and Douxie finally got to order. Douxie didn't minded what flavour you got, so you ordered vanilla, the classic.
Toby had already finished his ice cream, Jim and Claire were feeding each other, and you and Douxie were basically doing the same thing as the other two lovebirds.
"Sorry to interrupt your guys' little romantic session, but we should probably start heading back," Toby stated.
"Right," Jim nodded giving the last bite to Claire before he threw the little bowl away.
"Yeah, we should too," Douxie nodded, as you threw away your rubbish.
You all waved goodbye as the trio walked towards the neighbourhood, while you and Douxie made your way to your apartment.
"So, do you think Archie's gonna scratch my couch?" you asked, pointing to your newly bought furniture.
"Depends on how he's feeling," Douxie shrugged.
"Right, cause I don't want a scratched couch in just a few days. I bought that. I'll get something for him to scratch on," you concluded.
After you two had a discussion about tomorrow, Douxie headed back to his place.
Next morning, you had woken up bright and early to move Douxie's stuff to your place.
Right now you were cleaning around the apartment while your wizard was packing.
"Y/n! I'm done packing!" Douxie called.
"Bring your stuff out here!" you shouted.
Douxie came from his bedroom with a suitcase, laptop bag and a gig bag.
"You don't have much stuff," you commented.
"Nope. What are we going to do with the furniture and other stuff?" Douxie inquired.
"Well, we could put it up for sale if you don't want it. Or you can keep it," you replied.
"Nah, I don't need it. We can just put up for sale," Douxie said.
"Right. Now, let's get your stuff over to my place," you said, making a portal and gestured Douxie to go through.
He obeyed and went through the portal as you followed behind.
You were now in your living room where Archie was scratching the scratch post you bought for him.
"Hey, Arch!" you greeted.
"Hello, Miss Y/n," Archie nodded.
"Well, hello to you too Arch," Douxie grumbled as he placed down his belongings.
"Hello, Douxie," Archie added and went back to clawing the post.
You lead Douxie to your room and helped him unpack.
After unpacking his things, you started to make lunch.
You were trying to get oil from the top shelf but you couldn't quite reach it. You were going to ask Douxie, when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you, bringing you back into a chest.
"Douxie, my love, I was just going to ask if you could help me get that bottle of oil down from the top," you chuckled.
"I have a better idea," he said.
You turned around to face him, to see a grin on his face. He grabbed your hand and took you out of your apartment.
You were taken all the way to Sam's.
"Douxie, you know I could've just made lunch, right?" you said.
"I know but, a date is better," Douxie grinned.
As soon as you and Douxie took a seat, a waiter came up to you two and asked for your order. Since the whole idea of coming to Sam's was Douxie's, he ordered. Not long after, the waiter came back with two burgers and two soft drinks. You thanked the waiter before digging into the food.
After lunch, the two of you hiked your way up to the Bluff.
"How… much… longer… till… we get… there?" you panted.
You seriously needed to get out more cause you were exhausted.
"Just a few more-" Douxie started but you cut him off.
"Please don't say 'minutes'!" you begged.
"I was going to say 'metres'," Douxie finished.
"Thank the stars!" you gasped and ran the rest of the way.
You came to halt as you saw the beautiful sunset in front of you.
Definitely worth hiking for.
"So, you happy you came up here?" Douxie asked.
"Beyond any doubt," you breathed.
You tore your gaze from the scene to Douxie.
"So, you happy that you moved into my place? you smirked.
"Beyond any doubt," Douxie repeated your words, stepping forward and bringing you closer to him.
You stared up into his soft, hazel eyes, while he stared into your childlike, e/c eyes. You both leaned in and closed the gap between each other.
Now that Douxie had moved into your place, he didn't have to worry about money that much.
And you? You had company as did Douxie and Archie. A win, win.
Word count: 2, 625
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