#give me envy give me malice give me YOUR attention give me envy give me malice baby give me a break
summerfevers · 6 months
if white collar had had a title theme song it would have been time to dance by panic at the disco. sorry.
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supermarketcrush · 1 year
old panic is pretty good tbh 🚬 -_- it was so fun being 14 and dancing to time to dance
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swallowyourgods · 2 months
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give me envy give me malice give! me! your! attention!
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shewrites02 · 8 months
Green With Envy |Zoro X Reader|
Jealous Zoro x reader
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Zoro x Crewmate!Reader
A/N: This is for @dinuxia-bhm, Who requested Zoro Jealous of the shitty cook. This is my very first One Piece fic request so I hope I did it justice.
Request : Open
Word Count : 5.3k
Leave a comment if you enjoy ! :)
"If you stare any longer , you may actually burn the image of them into your brain." Nami teased. She bumped the swordsman with her elbow , only then drawing his attention to her presence. "
Do you plan on making a move or were you hoping to intimidate her into a relationship?"
Nami takes a seat at the table next to the pirate who also awaits the start of breakfast. His eyes glance over at her , contemplating if he has any harsh words for the navigator... He has half a mind to tell her to mind her own business. Relationship? He scoffs at the notion. The swordsman knew nothing of feelings or love. The taboo, he quickly determined, too ridiculous to even discuss. Zoro only huffs in disagreement then goes back to watching the displays of affection amongst you and the cook.
You were teaching Sanji how to make an authentic breakfast from your village. The cook had begged you for weeks to share your favorite recipe with him. Even offering to spend his own berries gathering all the ingredients.
"Sanji, why do you keep asking me about this?" You inquired on the third week.
" I know you've only been sailing with us for a couple months, but I'm sure you noticed how hard it is to be away from home. " He took the cigarette out his lips then ashed it on the railing before giving you a sincere smile. "I just want to be able to make you something if you get homesick."
It was difficult to decline such a heartfelt request.
"Here. Try it now."
You blew on the spoon hoping to cool it down. When most of the steam subsided , you extended your arm bringing the spoon to Sanji's lips. You steadied his chin with your free hand being sure not to spill the hot liquid on his face. He hummed in pleasure at the taste.
"I think you have outdone even me on this one, my love." Sanji grinned proudly.
"As if I could ever!"
You pushed your hand into Sanji's chest jokingly shoving him away from you. The cook grabs your wrist before you can pull away, drawing you in to plant a tender kiss on your cheek.
"Darling, you truly did an amazing job. Thank you for showing me."
The sight made Zoro's stomach turn. He watched how Sanji's hands fell to your waist when he moved around you to navigate the kitchen. Notice how you didn't shy away from his touch. How you actually offered a sweet smile to him in return . The marimo's body strained at every passing touch you and Sanji exchanged. His taut muscles are too tense to contract any further at the sight of Sanji's lips against your skin. "Why does he get to touch you?" The thought comes as a surprise to him.
"Here Zo , you wanna try ?" You asked.
You turn to him with a new spoonful of jam, blowing on it just as you had done for Sanji . You had taken notice of the swordsman's observations of you . Watch the way his eyes had followed your hands to Sanji's chin when you fed him . Zoro had sat at the table all morning supervising your lesson with the cook. You figured you could offer him that attention too.
"Marimo is too dense to appreciate such elegant flavors. " Sanji responds before Zoro has an opportunity to.
"Fuck you! It's only your shit cooking I don't appreciate!"
While the boys bicker you walk over to the table spoon in hand. Sanji had hurled another insult at the ex bounty hunter , but the delicate feeling of your fingers wrapping around his chin stopped any words Zoro may have had in return. There was a small pause where his eyes lingered on yours . Searching for something . Malice? Contempt? You didn't know. But When he found what he was looking for , or lack thereof , his lips parted.
"Is it good? Do you like it?" You asked using your thumb to wipe away the excess from the side of his mouth.
"Yeah..." His gaze shifts away from you. "Way better than the cooks."
You giggled at his words, allowing yourself to wallow in the heat that filled your chest at his praise. Amused at the small smirk that laid on his lips once he had gotten what he wanted. Your attention. You bend to bring your mouth to his ear.
"Silly swordsman, I have enough attention for the both of you." You whispered .
"I- that's not-"
The words trip and stumble out his mouth never once finding their feet. You could see the sweat begging to bead on Zoro's brow as his eyes shifted about in panic, looking for anything coherent to mumble back. The stoic pirate reduced to a fumbling teenager at your words. When he can come up with nothing, he decides to stop speaking. Annoyed, he crosses his arms against his chest and turns his head to face the navigator. He is met with the knowing grin on her face.
Your eyes scanned the room while your fingers aimlessly tapped against the sake bottle. You sat at the bar top alone , waiting for the rest of your crew-mates to join you . You should have known better than to think any of them would be on time. Sticking to the plan was not something the Strawhats were particularly versed in. Especially when they were all left to their own devices on a new island. You sigh, dragging your free hand down your face , attempting not to ruin your makeup in the process. It was beginning to get difficult to wait. The eyes of the pirate's in the bar watched you hungrily, and you feared one may try to satiate their appetite. Eyes still roaming the room, you hoped to see a familiar face.
"A pretty lady like yourself shouldn't be sitting all alone in a packed bar. " A man announces.
It's their captain. His arm is extended, hand out offering you a beer as he approaches. You smile, kindly declining. You hold up your own bottle, shaking it slightly to indicate its fullness as means of justification . The man nodded in understanding, but didn't leave. In fact he took the prolonged silence as an invitation to take a seat alongside you.
"Are you waiting on somebody?"
He casually rests his hand on your thigh as though he has already claimed you . You shift in your seat, turning so your legs would fall beneath the bar top. You're hoping the man would sense your discomfort at his proximity. His hand does not move. Instead his smile grows wider. Taking your movement as the green light to slowly drag his hand up toward your waist.
"My boyfriend is meeting me."
The lie slips past your lips with ease at the sudden rush of adrenaline. You go to swat the man's hands from you . The previous statement should be enough for him to understand you are not his to claim . The smile he wears drops. His hand doesn't move. Despite your physical protest. Your breath hitches in your throat at the growing realization of the situation you're in.
"He shouldn't have left you here all alone." The man's voice isn't above a whisper
His warning is gone just as quickly as it came , but your fear still lingers in the air. Your eyes bounce wryly from the door to the pirate who continued to creep into your space. "They're coming!" Your mind loops the words as if they were an incantation.
Then, as if to answer your fervent prayers, the bar door is shoved open. Luffy is the first of your crew to enter, his first mate trails behind him. You can see Zoro searching for you in the crowd, as the rest of the Strawhats messily file in after him. It doesn't take long for his eyes to find yours.
You don't have to say a word . The swordsman can sense your discomfort from where he stood. He saw the fear that engulfed the glimmer that resides in your eyes. He watched how you kept your arms held close to your body, afraid the man would reach for you. Notice how rigidly you cross your legs over one another . Then he sees the man's hand rubbing up and down your thigh. The swordsman starts making his way over to you, hand on the hilt of Shusui.
Zoro drew his sword placing the blade at the base of the man's wrist. The music in the bar stopped. The patrons are silent. Everybody's eyes fall on the three of you. Most filled with fear, your friends with confusion. But all watch the same as the conflict unfolds.
"Move your hand, before I slice it off."
There is a brief pause before the man laughs. A genuine belly hugging laugh at Zoro's imminent threat. Moments later the other men join in, egging their captain on.
"Is this the boyfriend you were talking about?"' The man asks, ignoring the ex bounty hunter. His eyes don't leave your body. Neither does his hand. "You almost got your lady in a lot of trouble , leaving her all alone in a bar like this."
Zoro's scowl deepens at the pirate's words. "Boyfriend? You had told the man he was your boyfriend?" The pieces slowly fall into place as the swordsman assesses the scene surrounding you. Alone, you sat in a bar full of pirates. The only other women present are staff of the small business. Zoro's eyes glance over at yours. His grip tightens around the hilt at the sight of your fearful expression. You had told the pirate he was boyfriend. Zoro finally understands.
"What kind of man would treat his girlfriend that way?"
"What kind of man uses his power to strong arm women? " The swordsman responds.
The question coals in the raging fire that was already roaring in the ex bounty hunter. The pirate had thought you were his, yet touched you anyway. Decided you were his to claim. To conquer. Then Justified his actions using the lack of Zoro's presence as an excuse. As if his absence was reason enough to encroach your space, and have you trembling in fear. Now the pirate captain had the audacity to question the type of man he was. It enrages Zoro.
"I'm not going to repeat myself."
"Strong arm?" The captain stifles another laugh. His eyes finally look over to meet the swordsman. "We would've handled princess here real gentle."
The pirate clenches his fingers around you then goes to inch his hand further up your thigh. Zoro has seen enough. There is a sharp yelp preceding the sound of him sheathing his weapon. Your harasser's hand falls to the floor beneath your feet. Blood spews from his severed arm. You want to scream, but a sharp gasp falls from your lips instead. Almost instinctively Zoro's hand reaches out to grasp yours at the reaction.
You had seen Zoro cut down many men before, but being inches away from his blade as he does so was an entirely different experience. As you felt the warmth of the pirate's blood seeping into your dress, and wiped at the splatters of blood that littered your skin, you couldn't help but be a bit awestruck at his strength.
The captain's crew members rush to his aid as his screams continue. Zoro lets you squeeze his hand while you cautiously hop down from the bar stool, trying your best not to slip on the blood that covered the floor. He nudges you along to follow him. The only precursor you receive before the two of you walk into the single stalled bathroom at the back of the bar.
The small room didn't allot the two of you much personal space. If anything it forced you two into dangerously close proximity. As you stood in front of the sink , back to the mirror, you could feel Zoro's knees lightly brush yours when he reached to grab the paper towel off the roll. He bundles it up then brings it to your cheek. You take note of the small hesitation he makes before his hand lands on your chin . He licks the wad before swiping away at your cheek. A poor attempt to rid you of the scumbag's blood.
"I'm sorry." The words feel unfamiliar as they fall from the swordsman's mouth.
Your eyebrows raise to your temples. In all the months you had been sailing with the Strawhats , you have never heard Zoro apologize. You wonder what made this occasion so different. the slight widening of your eyes gives way to your surprise. Zoro notices and continues.
"I should have been on time."
"Don't be sorry Zoro. You saved me, thank you."
You bring your hand up to rest over his before smiling up at him. The look in your eyes, the one he had seen you give to Sanji so many times, was finally from his doing. His heart raced at your expression. He felt himself begin to sweat as the warmth of your stare spread across his skin. Zoro couldn't understand the physical response from his body. Part of him wanted to run. To flee the threat that seemed to be your piercing gaze. But a bigger part of him wanted to bask in its glow, doing anything imaginable to keep the sun out just a little while longer.
"Although " You giggle at the silly hunch. "I would have thought it would be Sanji to save me."
Your words bring raging storm clouds that wash Zoro's warmth away. He rolls his eyes. As though the notion was too implausible to even be considered. He brings the paper towel back to your cheek then speaks.
"The dumbass cook can barely save himself !"
"Is the moss head jealous?" You tease. " I'm happy it was you."
A loud bang on the flimsy wooden door interrupts the swordsman before he can respond. Seconds later it flings open, shaking on its creaky hinges. The sniper stands on the other side wide eyed.
"It's time to go!"
When you reunite with your crew there really is no need to explain the urgency of the situation. The pirate captain laid unconscious on the ground with a makeshift tourniquet wrapped around his arm. Apparently the crew had not taken kindly to Zoro's treatment of their captain, and seemed to have every intention of taking it out on the rest of the crew.
"C'mon guys there is surely no reason to make this much fuss over one hand." Brooke had tried to reason, his efforts in vain. The pirate crew wanted a fight.
"You pieces of shit!" Sanji swept his leg, thrashing a considerable number of men through the bar's singular window. "How dare he have the audacity to treat my darling , sweet love with such disrespect. And now you stand here trying to avenge your captain's actions... I won't allow it to go unpunished."
Sanji had enough fury in his heart to take on the entirety of the scumbag's lackeys. A fight was the only way to alleviate the emotions that were sure to get the better of him. In under three moves the cook had the no named pirate crew looking just as bad as their captain. The situation was settled.
"So the swordsman saves the day." Sanji says dejectedly as he brings the glass to his lips to take a drink. "At least you're okay."
You can't help the giddy smile that appears on your face at his mention. A bitter side effect of the alcohol. The navigator had suggested none of you go home empty handed after the chaos that ensued at the bar. Insinuated you had deserved a treat after all your troubles. There were no objections. At first you can only giggle at the cook's words. Butterfly's bloom in your chest when you think about the swordsman's delicate touch against your skin just moments after cutting a man down... for you. A slight chills crawls down your spine. You take a significant swig from the whiskey bottle in your hand hoping the burn of the alcohol sliding down your throat may warm you up.
"He's an interesting man , Uh?" You pause to glance towards the deck. "Zoro."
"That's one word."
Sanji's curly brows raise at your question. He turns to look at you, but you don't meet his gaze. You're looking out at the party . The cook watches your eyes while they search and scatter. He is trying to assess their intent, and then it dawns on him. You were looking for him. The Swordsman.
"You wouldn't happen to have a crush on mosshead would you?"
Your eyes dart back to Sanji , then away to look at the sea. Crush wasn't nearly a strong enough word to describe how you felt about Roronoa Zoro. Sometimes you would switch night watches with Nami just for the opportunity to watch the swordsman train in the crows nest. Although most of the time had been spent in silence , there was still something special about being in his presence. But Zoro's stoicism made it difficult to discern his feelings. You had thought him so unconcerned with your presence for so long that you had resorted to blatant teases and flirting with him in the first place. If only to fluster him. You craved acknowledgment from Zoro, in the way your lungs craved oxygen. desperately.
"I have been obsessed with the swordsman since the day Luffy dragged me onto the sunny... "
"Obsessed uh?"
Sanji lets out a genuine laugh at the words. Amused by the way the alcohol loosens your tongue. He had always taken notice of your affinity toward Zoro. Witnessed how differently you spoke to him than the others. Your crewmates had easily labeled you a flirt, but the way you riled Zoro had been different than the jokingly stated endearments you passed the rest of them.
Sanji glances around you to spot the swordsman on the deck. As he suspects the green haired pirate is surveilling them. When their eyes meet Zoro turns his head to stare at the antics of their captain, feigning interest. "If the dumbass mosshead had even the slightest ounce of emotional intelligence the two of you would be happy now." Sanji is surprised when the thought bumps into his head.
"Well, darling" Sanji wraps his arm around your shoulder to draw you into him. You rest your head on his chest, then he continues to speak. "I have half a mind to say marimo likes you too."
The swordsman lays against the mast , feet crossed in front of him downing his third bottle of the night. He doesn't understand his anger at your actions; This scalding feeling that envelops him at the way you rest your head on Sanji's chest encourages him to drink more. He tries to dismiss his thoughts, convince himself that he doesn't care, but they bombard him like a buster call.
"Why did the cook get to hold you?" "He was the one who saved you. Why are you batting your eyelashes at Sanji and not him ?" "What else does he have to do to keep your attention?" "What about the shit cook was so much better than him?"
Zoro sees you part from the cook, and watches as you trek back to the party. He assumes you'll rejoin Nami and Robin, considering the tipsy women are calling your name so fervently. His brows raise when you pass them giving a placating wave. You're making your way over to him.
"Don't tell me you're already done drinking Zoro. I hadn't known you to be such a lightweight." You jest, pointing over to the 3 empty bottles that sat alongside him.
Zoro smirks before reaching for the half empty bottle that was clutched in your fingers. He wraps his large hand around yours then guides you to bring the bottle to his lips so he can take a drink. When he is done he wipes the excess from his lips using the back of his hand.
"You done smiling at the cook?"
He releases his hold on you then turns his head so your eyes won't meet his. He's staring at the sea as if it will answer his question. You mock a gasp bringing your free hand to your chest. Then you giggle.
"Roronoa! You're so jealous."
"No I'm not!"
You bring your hand to Zoro's cheek guiding his eyes back to yours. You offer him a sly smirk before you bend at the waist to meet his face. You're so close Zoro can feel your breath on his cheeks.
"Yes you are mossy. So spoiled, wanting my attention all to yourself. It's okay, I'm here now."
Zoro jerks his chin away from your grasp. His face scrunches into a frown. It's difficult for him to discern if it's anger, or embarrassment that's swelling inside him. The words fall from his lips before he has a chance to assess them.
"I'm not jealous!... I don't even know what the shitty cook sees in you."
Zoro wishes he could snatch the words back before they hit your ears. Hates how you wince at what he says. The way your smile dropped while you ruminated on his words. There is no more sunshine in your tear pooled eyes, only storm clouds. He knows it before the first tear has fallen. He's gone too far. You storm away from him.
"You made her cry." Sanji states as he pulls the cigarette for his lips. He puffs the smoke out then turns to Mosshead for an answer.
Zoro is in the crow's nest hiding from the peering eyes of his crewmates. Surely the cook hadn't been the only one to notice your early departure from the party only moments after the conversation you two had. The others were bound to have questions of their own soon. None of which Zoro cared to answer.
"I didn't mean to." Is all the swordsman can muster. The image of your broken hearted eyes are seared into his brain. Why did he say that? He wants to bang his head against the wall at the thought. Sanji rolls his eyes at the excuse. Not assuaged by the swordsman's words. Intent had no significance in Sanji's mind, all that mattered was that he was the source of your tears.
"What did you say to her?"
"It doesn't matter."
Zoro walked toward the dumbbells that laid on the floor . He decides lifting is a better option than repeating his misgivings. He had no intention of admitting to the cook that he himself had been the source of Zoro's rage.
"Why do you care?" Zoro snaps back . He's deflecting.
"Because I care about her. She's cried herself to sleep and it's your fault!"
"If you care so much you fix it!"
"I wish I could marimo, I would love nothing more than to take that darling lady away from you."
Zoro scrunched his face into yet another frown. From him ? Zoro had never believed you his to begin with . Had that been the case he would've cut the chef down ages ago for his fleeting touches and stares.
"Take her, I don't care."
At this the cook let out a loud laugh that threatened to escape the confines of the crow's nest. He genuinely couldn't believe the swordsman could be so oblivious of his own feelings. When Sanji catches his breath, he can't help his devilish smile.
"... So you wouldn't mind if I climb into her bed tonight? You know she asked me."
Zoro's jaw clenches. He lowers the dumb bells away from his chest then drops them to the floor. Now his eyes meet the cook. Sanji takes it as an invitation to continue.
"I think she wanted the comfort after y'all's ... run in."
More fuel is added to Zoro's already racing thoughts. This time, he could not convince himself he was unbothered. Couldn't find a deep place to push the discomfort. The cook always got the best parts of you. Parts the swordsman so desperately wanted to save for himself. Zoro was sick of it.
"Don't touch her."
A sharp chuckle falls from Sanji's lips at the irony. Zoro couldn't admit to how he feels about you, but is standing there contemplating cutting him down at the mere thought of letting him into your bed. How could marimo be so stupid?
"Yeah mosshead, You don't care about her at all." Sanji mocked.
"You don't know what you're talking about?" Zoro scoffs.
What does the shitty cook know of his feelings, when he himself could not sort them out.
Sanji can only shake his head in disappointment. He brings his fingers to the bridge of his nose to pinch it slightly before letting out a dismissive sigh. Oh how'd he wished to take your mind away from the swordsman. Wished it was he who was the object of your affections, but the cook knew you would never be obsessed with him in the same way you were marimo. As painful as that may be.
"Zoro, if you lose the girl you're in love with because you're too stupid to figure out your feelings..." He takes a drag from his cigarette "You're a bigger dumbass than I thought."
"Why do you give a shit if things work out?t" Zoro snarls. He wonders why Sanji has suddenly taken his feelings into so much consideration.
"Honestly mossy I don't. You don't deserve her. but she loves you and she deserves to be happy. You'll make her happy. That's all I really want... "
Sanji set the plate down on the vanity. He peers over at you wrapped in the thick comforter. You had allowed it to engulf you, face and all. You had not moved since he had come to see you last. That was at breakfast. Still you faced the wall with your back to him. There is a slight hesitation in his step before he walks further into the room.
"You sure everything is okay?" He inquires for the second time.
"I'm fine Sanji. Really." You attempt to sound reassuring.
The cook nods in understanding. He is not convinced , but will not ask for a third time . Instead he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. A sigh of relief leaves your lips. You didn't want to tell Sanji the truth. That you were too embarrassed to face the swordsman. That his rejection looped continuously through your mind, making it impossible to sleep. Had Zoro really meant what he said ? Were you just making a fool of yourself this whole time? The thought makes you shudder.
Sanji pushes his way through the door to enter the kitchen. He is met with the eyes of his crewmates who waited for him at the table in anticipation . He shakes his head. Nami and Robin release their sighs of disappointment .
"I wonder why she won't join us." Robin inquires.
"First breakfast, now lunch... She must really be feeling bad." Nami continues.
"I can go check on her... " Luffy chimes in "maybe she'll tell me what's wrong."
Luffy goes to grab a handful of the chopped fruit Sanji had placed on the table . Sanji swats his captain's hands away before sitting another plate down, this time sandwiches. Zoro has now entered the kitchen hearing the tale end of the Strawhat's woes. He feels the way the cooks eye borough into his skull, knowing that they're scowling at him. Zoro doesn't look his way. He knows that it is his fault you've gone missing . He doesn't need the cook to remind him.
"Marimo is going to check on her." Sanji announces.
The room falls quite as eyes are now on the swordsman. Nami cringes in disbelief, shaking her head vigorously.
"I don't think that's a good id-"
"Don't worry, he'll fix it." Sanji ends Nami's sentence before she has the chance to.
His crew eyes him with unsure stares. Zoro had never been one to offer much comfort, even in the most dark of times. They didn't see how he'd be the answer to their troubles. Sanji does not elaborate on his statement. He offers his crew a smile before setting the homemade chips on the table and announcing lunch is ready.
"Sanji , you don't have to keep coming in here every fifteen minutes to check on me. " You say to the sound of knocking at the bedroom door.
You pull the blankets back to face who you thought was the cook. Zoro stood there in his place. His back against the bedroom door like he was still contemplating if he should stay or not. You sit up at the feeling of your heart shooting to your throat.
"What are you doing here?"
"You haven't come out all day." He responds as if that answers your question. When you don't say anything back , he assumes he should continue. "They're worried about you."
Zoro's hand falls to the nape of his neck, he rubs sheepishly then looks down at the floor. You roll your eyes, dissatisfied with his answer. You pull the blankets up to cover your face then turn your back to him.
"Go away Zoro."
It hurts him to hear, although he knows he has no right to be upset. When he heard you didn't show up for breakfast, he'd felt worse than when the words initially fell from his mouth. Truth be told he had hid in the crow's nest as long as he could trying not to run into you this morning . Thought that he was giving you space to breathe without his watchful eye.
"I- I was jealous... of you and the cook."
Zoro pauses waiting for a reaction from you to see if he should keep talking or not. There's an unusual shake of fear in his voice you don't recognize. You sit up to face him once again.
"I was mad and I took it out on you. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
This has made two apologies from the ever prideful pirate.
"You hurt my feelings." Your voice is soft , fragile as you respond.
"I know..." The swordsman pushes himself from the door to take a step towards you. "If I could eat the words I would."
You gaze into his eyes for a moment, searching for an ounce of deception. You know you won't find it . If the swordsman had not meant his words, he would not have gone out of his way to say them. But still you look to reassure yourself.
"Zoro I don't understand makes you so angry about my relationship with Sanji?"
"I don't like it when he touches you." The swordsman confesses.
You smirk at his candor. All this over the playful touches the cook had thrown your way. It was almost too sweet to believe you had the swordsman so twisted at the sight of you sharing your affection. You swing your legs so they fall off the edge of the bed. You're staring at him intently. Zoro is nervous under your gaze . You can tell by the way he fiddles with his fingers aimlessly.
"You don't like when Sanji touches me ?" You repeat. You pause to offer the swordsman a chance to take back his words. But he does not renege.
"...I don't like when anyone touches you."
Your giggle is involuntary. The smirk on your lips is now a full blown smile. Despite the pain that had come from it, you couldn't help but love the thought of the swordsman jealous over you. Before you were just joking , but to hear the words from Zoro's mouth himself was truly blissful.
"Roronoa... Do you have a crush on me?"
"Crush on you?" He ponders like it's the first time he's thought about it. "I don't think that's a strong enough word."
He shakes his head taking a step toward you . His hand meets your cheek. He is hesitant. Thinks you may pull away from his touch. But the swordsman is pleasantly surprised when you lean into his hand.
"Sanji says I'm in love with you."
Your heart skips at the word. Love. It sounded so sweet coming from Zoro lips. You wondered what you would have to do to hear him say it again.
"Yeah? And what do you think?"
"I think he might be right."
A/N : I stared at this so long, I might have it memorized at this point lol. I'm not sure if I'm happy with it , but it is a labor of love nonetheless.
{If you would like to be added to my tag list lemme know! I would Love to have you}
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Give me envy, give me malice, give me your attention. Give me envy, give me malice, baby, give me a break!
Time to Dance - Panic! At the Disco // Supernatural, 2005-2020.
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invisiblemonsters · 1 year
give me envy give me malice give me your attention. Bitch
297 notes · View notes
parkerposey · 2 months
Give me envy give me malice give me your attention give me envy give me malice baby give me a break!
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17 notes · View notes
bloodenjoyer · 11 months
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42 notes · View notes
have some composure
where is your posture
oh no noo
you're pulling the trigger
pulling the trigger all wrong
come on
this is screaming photo op
come on come on
this is screaming
this is screaming
this is screaming
photo op
give me envy give me malice give me your attention
give me envy give me malice baby give me a break
107 notes · View notes
junkyardromeo · 8 months
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notmybagels · 7 months
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3 notes · View notes
give-me-malice · 1 year
when ryan ross wrote i am alone in this bed house and head and can't take the kid from the fight take the fight from the kid and when he said give me envy give me malice give me your attention and then when he wrote I for one can see no blood from the hearts and the wrists you allegedly slit and was it God who chokes in these situations, running late. yknow what I mean?
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aircushionedsoles · 1 year
give me envy give me malice give me your attention
9 notes · View notes
themisery · 2 years
give me envy give me malice give me your attention give me envy give me malice baby give me a break
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bugcatcherwill · 1 year
Rage Against The Calamity - Chapter 57: First Impressions
Bokoblins, Moblins, Lizalfos, and Wizzrobe. One of each has managed to break free from the Malice that binds them. With their tie to Ganon gone, these monsters must fight to survive in a world where everything wants them dead. Yet, things are not always what they seem. For as unforgiving a land as Hyrule, it will continue to surprise even the most hopeless hearts. This is the story of those four monsters, and all their unlikely allies...
I meant to post this way earlier but I forgor...so enjoy having another chapter posted here immediately tomorrow lol
Also on AO3
On most days, Rito Village is a cozy hub for both the local denizens and visitors. It's an envied vacation spot for Hylians with good reason. The open-wall houses ensure clean air and the fresh smell of pine - whose trees helped muffle any surrounding sound to create a homey feel unlike anywhere else in Hyrule. The beds are soft, the food is warm, and the surroundings picturesque. Thanks to their isolated archipelago, nearly every day was peace and quiet.
Today, however, was not one of those days.
The entire village could hear the echoed arguing of Link and Thrush before they even crossed the first bridge. The Hylian stayed firmly between the Rito Captain and Kobb - acting as its shield from an indignant Thrush. The Bokoblin wasn't faring too well, at the mercy of the other Rito guiding it as its hands were tied and its mouth gagged. It wouldn't be able to break its fall if it tripped, but Link was doing all he could to keep the attention on him and slow the brisk pace to a crawl.
Once the whole group entered the village proper, eyes and beaks turned towards Kobb. Walking up the winding staircase around the rock spire was especially nerve-wracking for the Bokoblin - Rito flying around on all sides to get a look. Monsters never even made it to the Hylian stable outside the village, so one being taken captive and brought into the heart of the Rito capital must be important. The path up to the Chieftain Rito also carried Link's and Thrush's shouting match through the main hub.
"You're not even listening!"
"Just because you are the Hylian Champion, that doesn't give you free range to do as you please!"
"I've talked with both Kaneli and Teba on this! They probably told you, but your head's so stuck in the snow you ignored them!"
"I think I would've remembered one of them telling me you were bringing a monster into our home, for I would have shot the idea down there as well!"
"And what gives you that authority?"
"Mind your tongue, Hylian. I've been the esteemed Captain of the Guard for mere weeks and already my name is known all around these parts."
"Oh, well excuse me for not kissing your talons as you tied up my friend!"
"Your 'friend' is a dangerous monster and will be treated as much!"
"What's Kobb done to warrant that treatment? It's done nothing but ride into the area with me!"
"Bah! We have every right to keep outsiders out of our village - especially monsters!"
"And here you are, bringing it in anyways! You're just mad it ruffled your feathers because you didn't expect it to know Hylian! And for the thousandth time, it's broken from the Malice. It's our ally."
"I’d sooner dive in the lake than fight alongside one of them!”
"By all means, jump if the splashdown will finally knock some sense into you!"
"Asking me to be sensible when you were caught red-handed like this…that's rich!"
"I can't believe it, you still haven't listened to a word I've said. Just take us to Kaneli, already!"
Despite the ringing in its ears from the cacophony around it, Kobb was impressed. It hadn't seen this much fire behind Link's words. Although it partially suspected he may have a vendetta for haughty, overconfident Ritos judging by Link's darkened eyes that hinted at a regrettable feeling of familiarity. Looking up at the other Rito guards guiding it across the boardwalks, they looked away from Kobb with a sour hesitancy. They clearly had their reservations about treating Kobb like this, trusting the word of Link much more than their superior, but there was not much they could do aside from play along.
Walking up to the third level, Link saw salvation in the form of a friend: the older Rito Warrior Teba walking from his usual perch over to the group. His grayish white feathers gently flowed in the mountain breeze while a signature scowl stretched across his beak. Link knew that Teba's intimidating frown was just how he looked most of the time, but for Kobb his stern glare was a very off-putting debut. Even worse, he walked right past Thrush, who had immediately shut up upon the other Rito's entrance, and went straight towards the Bokoblin.
"What are you doing, Teba! Stay away from the monster!" Thrush said, finding the gut to speak out, and was promptly ignored for his efforts. Even though he outranked Teba, everyone knew the Rito's lower position was only because he preferred to act at the front lines rather than lead. Had he wanted to, Teba could rise all the up the totem pole to the very top.
Kobb braced itself, flinching for any possible retribution, but was instead met with a calm kneeling to the ground with Teba's dexterous wings loosening the gag around its neck. The saliva-soaked cloth fell to the ground unceremoniously, leaving Kobb grateful but confused. Teba turned his head to Link, making a thumbs-up with his wing, which the Hylian returned with a half-smile.
"You alright? Looked like you had a bit of trouble breathing there," he said in his coarse gravelly voice, "Sorry about the mess you got thrown into…"
Kobb took a deep breath, popped the joints in its neck, and smacked its lips before looking up to Teba with a hearty nod, which Teba returned.
"That is a lot better, thank you," it said, biting its tongue on any swift remark it had and instead opting to glare angrily at the Rito Captain.
"Heh. Guess we can get properly introduced once this all gets sorted out. But you must be Kobb, correct? Link's told me a bit about you already."
The Bokoblin nodded again, letting Teba give it a pat on the shoulder before standing back up to turn to Thrush.
"I must say, I'm looking forward to hearing Kaneli chew you out…" he said, hiding the slightest of smirks under his beak.
"W-we'll see about that, old crow!" Thrush shouted back, now severely less sure of himself, but he dug a hole too deep to climb out of at this point.
By the time the group got to the large open hut at the very top of the central spiral, Thrush's feathers were standing up on end. Still, he decided on doubling down - trying to salvage what was left of his damaged pride. He seized the hood of the robe Kobb was still wearing and threw the Bokoblin into the center of the room - forcing it to stumble just to prevent a tooth-chipping faceplant. Link immediately ran up and grabbed its shoulders before it got too far off balance, while Thrush huffed with his beak upturned.
"Kaneli, sir! We caught the 'esteemed' Hylian Champion Link attempting to smuggle in a Bokoblin!" he said, voice cracking now that he was face-to-face with the head honcho, "This is a dire overstep, a breach in security, and borderline treason!"
Kobb finally had a good chance to look at the Rito Chieftain. Kaneli was one of the largest Rito in all of Hyrule - nearly as wide as he was tall. His head was huge and fluffy, face like an owl, with tiny cute spectacles adorning his beak. His feathers were an oak brown, with individual gray ones speckling his down like pepper flakes. A large smooth wooden rocking chair was his seat of choice - swaying back and forth rhythmically like a grandfather clock. Despite the seemingly shocking news, Kaneli's face remained serene and sleepy, but eyes brimming with knowledge and ponder. Slowly he stroked his long braided white beard as his beak opened subconsciously.
"Oh? Is that what all the noise is about? Most odd…that doesn't quite match the report I received from Link a while ago…" he said, leaning over to pull a scrap of paper out from his desk.
Thrush's wings began to shake - mortified as he could do nothing but watch Kaneli unfold the paper in one quick flick. The Rito Elder spent a few agonizing moments adjusting his glasses and holding the sheet at different lengths - straining his eyes to get a good angle.
"Oh, hoo…forgive me, Link, but I still have trouble reading your penmanship!"
The Hylian clenched his teeth and blushed slightly. Link's handwriting was well known to be especially egregious at times.
"Ah-hah, there we go! Kaneli, The Calamity is weakening. Several monsters have broken free and have allied against Ganon. We can talk about this more when I find time to visit, but tell your guards if they see me traveling to Rito Village with a monster, we can be trusted. They're just trying to survive - same as us. Thanks again, Link."
Meticulously folding the report back up and putting it back in the drawer was pain incarnate for the deep green Rito across the room. It was even worse when Kaneli's eyes then turned to him in a snap. Thrush chirped in surprise and jumped to attention - feathers more ruffled than ever before. 
"Thrush, untie the Bokoblin."
The Rito Guard Captain couldn't look his superior in the eye. Kaneli was not quick to anger, but he was not one you would want to make angry. Thrush would've preferred any foreign object chucked at his head than this silent but furious anger Kaneli was giving him. Hesitantly, he complied - kneeling down and cutting Kobb's bounds a little too forcefully. Cautiously Kobb massaged and stretched its wrists. There were slight rope burns and bruises, but otherwise it was okay. That wasn't enough to placate the Rito Chieftain. Thrush was still in the hot seat and Kaneli was tossing more coal into the fire.
"I am wondering how you possibly missed the memo, Thrush," Kaneli said softly but deliberately, almost incredulous at everything that led up to this, "Both myself and your predecessor filled you in on this. Was your head in the clouds? Too busy preening your feathers? Or maybe you heard and ignored orders, or didn't care? I certainly hope the last possibility isn't the truth, for your sake."
 Kaneli's stern controlled rage was not reserved just for Thrush.
"But I am most disappointed…in all of you," he said, pointing to the Rito Guards stationed with Thrush, who immediately lowered their heads and looked away in shame, "any one of you could have been the one to point out that Thrush was acting insubordinate, but you didn't. Perhaps he was too intimidating to speak against - but then what kind of Rito Warrior is too afraid to do the right thing? Thrush, I…I must say I regret your sudden promotion. We will discuss further action later. Now, head back to the barracks."
"Y-yes, sir" the likely demoted Rito Captain said with a clenched beak - taking the time to give Kobb one more sneaky dirty glare before leaping into the sky.
The onlookers watched Thrush circle around the main rock spire twice before diving low and under the village, towards the guard stations tunneled into the rocks half-way between the water and solid ground. With a subtle wave from Kaneli, the rest of Thrush's squad took off as well in a similar manner - but not before giving Kobb a much more apologetic look. The Chieftain's open hut was now empty save for Link, Kobb and Kaneli, with Teba hanging out around the entrance butting-in between other onlookers.
"Now, I do believe an apology is in order from yours truly…" Kaneli said, easing out of his rocking chair and walking towards Kobb so that they could see more eye-to-eye.
"It is fine, really," Kobb said with as passive of a voice it could muster, trying not to make more of an unneeded racquet that it already had, "we all have come to expect that type of welcome."
The Bokoblins words turned Kaneli's eyes to an even more somber brown.
"No, this has been a whole mess of an afternoon. All of that could have easily been prevented, and yet it happened all the same. I truly am quite embarrassed at the treatment you've been given on your first visit to our humble village. I do hope this hasn't dampened your mood in coming here, ehhh?" he droned on, motioning to the Bokoblin to give him its name.
"Kobb! Never forget names once I hear 'em! Hoo-hoooo. I've been told from Link about you and your monster brethren breaking free from The Calamity, but I didn't think we'd be meeting so soon. Alas, I was also not expecting the Hyrule Champion's lineage to persist even after The Calamity, but surprises are always around the corner, wouldn't you say?"
Link averted his eyes from Kaneli just slightly, overall deciding it wasn't worth the trouble to mention that he actually was the Hylian Champion that fell in battle 100 years ago - not his ancestor.
"But look at me, prattling on as always, hoo! I sense that you've come here more than just to get acquainted and sightsee, Kobb. You are on a quest of your own, and you need our help. I will gladly listen to any plea you have. We owe you that much, at least…" Kaneli said, placing a wing firmly on the Bokoblin's shoulder and then walking back to his chair - loudly chirping when the rocking chair made him fall back further than he anticipated. Humbly, he chuckled at the mishap while waiting Kobb's response, who cleared its throat softly and raised its chest up high and proud.
“Because Link has already told you about us, I will be quick,” Kobb said, looking back at the Hylian who gave an encouraging little wave, “Our deadline to defeat The Calamity is the next Blood Moon - four weeks from now. We have already spoken with Zora’s Domain and Goron City, with both granting us aid. We will all gather our forces to Kakariko, and strike together when the day arrives. Please…any help you can spare we will gladly take.”
When Kobb stopped speaking it was as if the whole world was muted. The commotion from earlier had grinded any productivity of the village to a halt - too enamored in the scene coming up the boardwalk. Now, there were Rito looking in from all over, the wall-less shelter not doing Kobb any favors. Glancing in any direction it could see a Rito eavesdropping from the trees or the rocks below, more focused than any Guardian’s sight. But the only Rito that currently mattered, the one sitting across from the Bokoblin, was unphased by this information. He was probably the only one there that had accepted this day would eventually come. Still, he had some unanswered questions.
“Is it still just the four of you, as I was informed earlier, or have you succeeded in freeing other monsters?” Kaneli asked, stroking his beard in deep thought.
“Yes. We found a newborn Wizzrobe, one that was never touched by Malice, and saved it from its fate. We also freed a Hinox just a few days ago.”
Kaneli raised his eyes and whistled a low coo. Kobb swallowed the lump in its throat as it approached the hardest request.
“There is a way to free more monsters, and we expect to have our own small numbers when the day comes. All we ask is your help in uniting what is left of Hyrule to finally end Ganon. So…so that us monsters will have our own place to call home. I understand that there will be tension between us and the rest of Hyrule. It would be foolish to think otherwise. But our actions will show that our old loyalty to Ganon was never a decision we were allowed to make, and only held together by the oppressive Malice. We were willing to fight and die for a better world as soon as we were given the gift of choice. Are you?”
The mountain wind blew past them, Kobb’s light-gray hood fluttering in the breeze.  The swell arising within the Bokoblin’s entire being gave it the courage to remain standing as it faced judgment. All eyes turned to Kaneli, whose concentration remained unbroken through the entire speech. Link held his hand to his heart - gritting his teeth behind his lips. With one more nod, the Rito Chieftain leaned forward and slapped his thighs with conviction.
“Alright, I accept!” he said with the slightest smile.
Kobb froze with a half-open mouth. It was so dumbfounded by the immediate and direct response, it almost found itself at a loss for words.
“I…I do not have to do anything?” it said, still hesitant there was some sort of catch.
Kaneli belly-laughed so hard he fell back into his chair.
“Oh-hoo-hoo! I wouldn’t be charity if I had you do something for me, now would it? Much of Hyrule has a ‘you preen my feathers I’ll preen yours’ ideal to it, but I think this land could go with some generosity in these trying times. Besides, I can see in your eyes that you have already proven your worth, Kobb. You have endured great hardships - all in the name of doing the right thing.”
Kobb solemnly lowered its head, knowing that feeling too well. 
“To force an additional task upon you would be redundant, and an abuse of my power. This unfortunate mishap of your arrival was already more than you had any right to have thrust upon you. I do hope this will mend the rocky start you had with us!”
Butterflies in its stomach, Kobb bowed low to the Rito Chieftain with a lofty "Thank you." before turning around to leave the shelter. The same snow-white Rito from earlier, Teba, had a proud face, nodding up and down satisfied. Link gave the Bokoblin an elated smile with a thumbs up from the waist, however neither were able to take a single step before being interrupted.
“But!” Kaneli hooted, holding up a single finger and stopping Kobb in its tracks. It turned around regrettably, knowing there was no such thing as a free lunch.
“That said, it wouldn’t be right if this was all that made up your visit to our lovely village," Kaneli said, wings held open in a welcoming gesture, "While we have more than enough warriors to spare, I still need to discuss the logistics with my trusted ring. Should only take a few days, so why not get comfortable in the meantime before meeting the Rito brothers and sisters you will be fighting alongside?”
Kobb looked at Link for guidance again, but was met with the same wishy-washy face that it had. While they were on a time crunch, this whole outing was expected to last much longer, so they had time to spare. Besides, neither of them had the stomach to try and refuse Kaneli - especially while looking into his sagely brown eyes. There was also the fact that both of them really could use a day off after…everything.
"If it is a good chance to connect with the rest of the Rito, we will gladly stay." Kobb said, quickly realizing how weary its body was from the past few days of traveling.
"Splendid!" he cried, waving his wings in circles excitedly, "I'll make sure your board and meals are covered, and have Teba escort you around since he's one of our most trusted warriors! From the looks of things, Link, you've already brought him up to speed on all of this as well."
On-cue the gruff Rito entered the shelter with a small bow. Now that Kobb had a better chance to look at him, Teba was clearly the strong silent type but not by choice. His ever-present scowl didn't make for good nor second first impressions, but Kobb remembered well that just minutes ago Teba was the only one who didn't sit by idly and watch as Thrush went on his power trip. With a small smile, the Bokoblin looked him straight and confidently to his face and nodded. The frown on Teba's face stayed the same as always, but his bright eyes told a different story when he nodded back.
"Glad that all got sorted out nicely," he said in a deep voice, looking at Link who gave him a heavy sigh of relief, "Now should I show your friend, Kobb, the ropes? We're not used to having visitors that often, but there's enough around here, I'd say."
There was, however, one small holdup that still remained. Nervously, Kobb looked to its left and right, shuffling its feet in place, before biting the leather to ask the question.
"A quick problem. Where would I…empty my insides…" it asked, not finding a good spot anywhere thanks to the enclosed raised islands keeping Rito Village bubbled from the wilderness of Hyrule.
With another belly laugh, Kaneli pointed his wing downwards to one of the middle spires of Rito Village. There it saw a row of pinewood outhouses on a small rock outcropping directly above one of the farms. It was abundantly clear what the carved-out chutes were meant for…
The Bokoblin's nose curled up in horror just from looking at it. Kobb was already mortified at the Hylians for even having rooms to do business like that, but closing yourself into a box directly above the stuff was…unfathomable. Really, the Bokoblin wondered why everyone in Hyrule was so dead-set on doing their business so close to anything important. At least Akkala Lab had Robbie's souped-up Sheikah Tech Latrines, but that…Kobb considered risking the trek past the nearby Hylian stable on the outskirts of the lake just to find a nice private bush.
Cringing and biting its tongue, it looked to Link one more time who just laughed with morbid familiarity and patted Kobb on the shoulder.  
"Welcome to Rito Village…"
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ky0k0z-dr34mz · 2 years
the words “give me envy, give me malice, give me your attention” have a chokehold on me
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