#give me an option to tone down the light particle reflectivity please
rielzero · 1 year
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This will probably not go anywhere, but since this is my blog I wanted to talk about this for a bit. Just a rant.
I LOVE games like God of War / God of War Ragnarok and Horizon Forbidden West- The graphics are beautiful and everything is gorgerous.
The issue is however- because these games have hyper-realism as an aesthetic, the lightning behaves similarly- Especially flashing effects.
I have severe light sensitivity. I wear special glasses when I go outside, when playing games, I wear blue-light glasses to help relieve them as well.
Unfortunately with how much more games aim to look realistic, so do their lights mimic effects that bother me much in real life. And there’s no way to turn it off. I don’t want to play in color blind mode because I am not color blind. I want a way to tone down the brightness without everything in the game becoming hard to see.
I don’t know how to explain this except of describing more of an example; Cyberpunk 2077- I cannot get into it because the neon, reflections, and high textured and colorful atmosphere puts my brain in overdrive mode and I can’t play it for more than 15 minutes without having to put my head in my pillow because my eyes hurt so much. Blue light glasses do not help at all.
I call this ‘’colorgore’’ or ‘’brightgore’’ Because of this, I can’t even get into the game at all. I don’t care for it.
Horizon Zero Dawn, Forbidden West and god of war, ragnarok are different because the stories pulled me in right away. The only downside is that after a good 30 minutes I have to pause the game and just rest my eyes. I blink a lot to make sure I’m not forgetting to blink. I’m not the person who clinically needs eye-drops, trust me. I only have pain in my eyes when I’m playing games with hyper-realistic light or going outside without my daylight glasses.
What’s the difference between hyper-realistic light vs older games? (for the untrained eye)
Here is a screenshot from Skyrim.
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The light here is balanced with everything in the surroundings. There is not an abundance of nature, fauna, or textures that make the game look even more real, the light does not react to all the textures differently. It reacts to all things in its surroundings equally. Unlike in real life- which semi-realism mimics, were all things reflect light differently- making some objects brighter, shinier or more detailed. 
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Everything in older games like Skyrim is balanced in light- simplified, and removes any stressors from real daylight / night blindness that I experience in real life. My eyes don’t hurt when I play games like this. I never cared for all this ‘’graphics need to be more real’’ stuff cuz it hurts my quality of gameplay experience. You can see that the game isn’t real, my eyes relax more and are less focused on every light particle, shadow, distance- everything. It absorbs the picture with much less stress.
Now here’s some screenshots of Horizon.
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The light does highly affect everything. The contrast is strong, every texture responds different to light as it would in real life. There’s fog, bloom, every corner and edge is reflecting and responding to light. My eyes react to the screenshot itself the same way as when I am playing the game. It’s absorbing all the information from every single particle because the light is realistic. 
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And that goes for night time as well, night time is even worse for me to fight animal robots that jump around and use flash-grenade attacks. (which I despise! Please- give an option to turn those flash effects off!! I want to be able to enjoy these games without getting frustrated from eyestrain.) And yes, I checked. They don’t have it.
God of war has this exact same problem. Elves and Valkyries use flashy attacks- there’s one or two Valkyrie bosses that use blinding attacks that makes the screen flash white. The whole point behind the flash attacks is that it obstructs your gameplay vision for a moment- but for me this does more than affect gameplay; it actually hurts to fight these monsters when I could otherwise deal with them fine and actually enjoy the fight.
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I cannot begin to explain to people who don’t experience this; this shit hurts so much. Even as the image itself. That brightness mixed with the highly detailed particles of light, textures, everything else- physically hurts my eyes to look at. Because it sees EVERYTHING the way everything responds to light as if it was real.
Cyberpunk’s city is the worst offender because raytracing adds mirrors that reflects light realistically. this is all cool and epic technology, but turning off the raytracing does not improve it, if everything else still flashes like hell.
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I never cared for the whole ‘’graphics need to be good’’ shit, the gameplay and story sells it for me. I don’t care if you hate stiff expressions or physical gameplay bugs- it doesn’t break immersion for me, it makes me laugh. I am having a genuine good time.
Just don’t hurt my eyes please. Dear devs make an eyestrain relief mode, were flash effects and attacks are simplified, were daylight just is a little less bright. It’s all about color correction- (again: changing the graphic settings that you get before you start a game do not affect this, turning the brightness down actually makes stuff harder to see, because it becomes less balanced. I just need the brights to be less bright, not everything else to also become dark.)
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Midnight suns has become one of my fav games this year. And before you say this one is also having light stuff going on- If you look well the colors are much more balanced and the backgrounds aren’t as high in particle and texture light reflection as the cyberpunk picture. Tony’s armor has a nice metal effect, but its not ridiculously shiny and the colors are pretty well balanced even as it reflects light. Doctor Strange’s magic effects don’t ‘’flash’’ they just glow. There’s a difference between glowing and flashing. The light of the glow reflects to the rest of the character, but the brightness is more controlled and balanced. Every other texture from the hair to the clothes responds similarly to the light, rather than uniquely like in horizon or god of war. There’s contrast but not too much contrast. It’s dark but not too dark. It’s light but not too light. This picture is both pleasing to look at and doesn’t hurt my eyes at all.
If someone out there is a game dev in the industry and happens on this.. Please spread this out- It would make my life much easier to playing the new generation realism aesthetic of up and coming games. 
If you experience this too, let me know. I feel so alone in this. (I play on performance modes because graphic mode is even worse.)
Breath of the wild’s flat cell shade aesthetic doesn’t do this to my eyes. Pokémon games and other toony games don’t do this to my eyes. It really is the mix of high texture / objects responding to light realistically that makes everything too bright for me. The contrast is beautiful but it just hurts.
It affects my ability to enjoy the games.
I’ll list below examples in case this is helpful.
Games that affect my eyes: Witcher 3 Spiderman 2018 Remastered God of war / god of war ragnarok Cyberpunk 2077 Horizon Forbidden West / Horizon Zero Dawn Games that don’t affect my eyes: Conan Exiles Runescape 3 Spiderman 2018 Fallout 4 Skyrim LOZ: Breath of the wild Marvel’s Midnight Suns Middle earth: Shadow of Mordor
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thepaperpanda · 4 years
The Tarry Gift || Higgs Monaghan x Reader (yet Sam makes a short guest apperance too!)
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Summary: it had to be a simple delivery after a longer time of being indisposed. Little did you know that the client was Higgs Monaghan himself
Warnings: none     
Words: 2728
Authors: Cass & Bear
A/N: This is a comedy fic. We wrote it accidentally while just playing around with writing a thing for Higgs Monaghan character but it came out so laughably that we decided to share it with you! ENJOY!
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You hoped for a lot as for the first delivery since a long time but instead, you’d gotten pizza delivery. A fucking pizza.
You took the box and headed to the destination.
When the terminal beeped, Higgs narrowed his eyes. Quickly a realization came - it could be nothing but pizza! 
Oh, how much he hoped to finally meet Sam in his bunker! 
How much he craved to see Sam's face when he will realise that Peter Englert was no one else but Higgs himself!
Before putting his hood on, he checked his makeup and smiled at his reflection in a mirror. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the meanest of them all?," He smirked widely to his reflection so the whiteness of his teeth glistened back in a light of lamp and Higgs chuckled.
He checked his outfit for the very last time and walked to open the door.
"Oh, Sam Bridges! Guess you're happy to..... Who the fuck are you?"
"Who the fuck are you?," You asked with a frown, still holding pizza box in your hands.
The last thing you needed now was being insulted by an aspiring beauty guru. "I have your pizza, mr Englert."
"Where's Sam Bridges?," He asked, measuring your features from the bottom to the top.
You shrugged. "He left before I did. Even if he is my friend I don't really know where he is. Why do you ask?"
"Nevermind. Oh, where are my manners? Please, come in, come in," he gestured at you to get inside the bunker.
"Uhm…," You felt confused, most of the time you interacted with holograms and no one ever invited you inside. "Uhm, I don't know if I should."
"Oh, don't bullshit me!," He simply grabbed your forearm and pulled you inside. When he did, the door closed automatically.
Now you felt scared as fuck and the locked door made you scared even more. "Uhm... Your pizza,” you passed the box to the man in the hood.
With his hood still on, Higgs grabbed the pizza box from you and humming happily he went further along the narrow corridor. "Oh, c'mon! Don't stand like an idiot. Get in!"
You swallowed heavily and nodded, following him. You didn't like it but you had no other option.
The corridor led to a huge chamber.
The walls were covered with handwriting, maps and pictures of no one else but Sam Bridges.
Almost in the middle of the room there was a couch and a table. Under the table there were empty pizza boxes.
Man flopped on the couch and opened the box he was holding in hands. He grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite. He hummed. "Delicious. Make yourself at home. Want some?," He asked, offering you pizza. "Salami and ham."
You looked around and felt the shivers moving up your spine. This didn't look good and you wanted to run. "No, thanks… I don't like salami or pizza itself."
He shrugged. "Whatever you say, honeypot," he replied and ate his slice of pizza only to grab another
"Don't call me that. I don't even know you. Why am I here even?!," You growled angrily while rubbing your elbow.
"The name's Higgs, the particle of God that permeates all existence. You brought pizza and you are the friend of Sam Bridges who is my greatest enemy of all time. So technically, you're kidnapped," Higgs claimed.
You blinked, processing what he just said. "Excuse me...? You kidding, right? I wanna go out. Let me out."
"Take a seat and have some pizza. Rest. Make yourself at home. You're not going anywhere."
"I don't like pizza!," You growled. "I want to go home! I have other stuff to do."
"Shhh, shhh, shhh, stop talking, I can't gather my thoughts when you're yapping like a puppy," Higgs finished his pizza and laid on the couch.
"LET ME OUT YOU, PSYCHO!," You yelled and stomped a few times.
He didn't listen. After a long moment he got up and walked to the desk where a laptop was placed. He took it with him and sat back on the couch.
You frowned and moved closer to close the laptop with your palm. "Let me you! Do you understand English?"
"Can you stop yapping, pretty please?," He pulled the hood off his head and furrowed his brows.
"Can you stop being a dick and let me out?!," You growled. "Sam won't just come because I am gone."
"Oh, he'll. I'm mailing him, don't worry, he's going to come for you," Higgs replied. "If I was a dickhead, you'd be tied up and I'd put a rag into your mouth to shut you up. I didn't do anything. I even offered you pizza! Ah, people are so ungrateful these days."
"Says the guy that kidnapped an innocent woman. You want me to be grateful for keeping me here?," You asked in disbelief, crossing arms over your chest.
"Oh-ho, I heard the storm has come! It's better here I think, you're dry and not exposed to BTs. Or... Are you truly safe here?," He smirked wryly and snapped his fingers.
Without a blink of an eye the floor turned into tar and a creature formed out of it. It was a lion BT with a golden snout. It roared at you.
"Holy Beach!," You whimpered and sat on the couch right next to him, pulling knees right under your chin. "Take it away! I am sorry! I will be good!"
The lion tilted its head and shook its mane, roaring and yawning. Next, the creature licked its paw and sat right in front of you.
"Don't worry, it won't hurt you unless I order so," Higgs informed as he was writing the email.
You only nodded your head, too scared to even move or breathe.
"If you need a hug, you can just tell me," Higgs chuckled. "I'm a great cuddler."
Lion hit your knee with its paw, roaring.
"I would never touch you, ever. I am scared of this thing," you explained, pointing at the lion and whimpering loudly when it hit your knee.
"Don't you see? He demands being petted," Higgs glared at you. "Go on. Pet him. Like this," he reached out and stroked the mane made of tar.
You nodded and slowly tried to pet the lion how Higgs instructed you.
It resulted in a loud purring that was followed by a tail wiggling, sending some tar on the walls. Soon, the lion laid down, his belly exposed.
You looked at Higgs. "Really? I thought BTs are more scary," you said and bent down to scratch the lion's belly.
Lion's paw started shaking as you hit the very right spot. The puring became louder. 
Higgs raised his brow while looking at you. "Ah, right. They are scary, indeed. Just don't try this with others outside because they'll kill ya," he reminded. "Ah! Done! Now we only gotta wait for Sam to come and rescue you from the oppression!"
"You think I am that stupid to pet every BT I see?," You asked with a frown. "I don't think he will come but I at least can pet the lion..."
Lion grabbed your arm with both front paws and pulled you to him more so you fell off the couch. 
Higgs chuckled. "I forgot to tell you that he is too demanding sometimes."
"I can see! I will need a shower… Ah, I just took one before I left the facility," You sighed sadly, petting the lion.
Lion opened the snout and trailed its tarry tongue across your face.
You only whimpered and sighed defeatedly.
Soon, the terminal beeped again.
"Your saviour has come apparently!," Higgs informed you excitedly and rubbed his hands together getting off the couch.
He walked to the main door of his bunker and put hood back on. He touched the touchpad on the wall and the door opened. "Ah, Sam Bridges! We can finally meet in person!"
Sam put the case he was holding in his hand down on the stone floor and cocked his brow. "Higgs. We do know each other."
"Yes! But technically you came here to meet Peter Englert. So?," He sent Sam  a wide grin.
Sam let out a sigh. "Higgs. I know you're Peter Englert. Now, can I get Y/N back?"
"Yes, please! I'd like to go home, even if I like the lion!," You yelled from the floor while you were still petting the creature. Too bad you couldn't keep it.
Sam narrowed his brows. "Excuse me, is she inside? How? What for?"
"I'll share a secret with you," Higgs put hands to Sam's shoulders and leaned forward to trace the tip of his tongue along Sam's cheek. "I let her in and she enjoyed our common time."
"Get off, man!," Sam pushed Higgs off and wiped his cheek with the top of his gloved palm. "Y/N! Move on!"
You rubbed the lion's snout. "I started to like you. I need to go now, you cute, little thing. Maybe we'll meet again and you won't eat me then!," You said to the creature and got up to quickly run to Sam. "Hi," you give him a smile as soon as you step out of Higgs' bunker.
Sam measured your figure from the bottom to the top with shock written on his face. "Were you fighting BTs? Did he do something to you?," Sam asked, pointing right on Higgs who instantly shook his head for no, raising his hands up.
“He locked me in his safe room and was rude to me but at least he let me pet his BT lion. It's messy as hell but I really loved it," you explained with excitation, looking at Higgs. "Too bad I can't have one."
Higgs sent you a grin and snapped his fingers once again. Within the blink of an eye once again a little puddle of tar appeared at the entrance and a little BT lion cub stepped out of it, meowing loudly.
"Omg, hi, little one!" You laughed and picked the creature gently up. "You are mine now."
"Hola, hola!," Sam raised his tone. "You're not going to take a BT with you. Put it back, now, I am not joking, Y/N. You won't get the BT from this deluded guy."
Higgs crossed arms over his chest. "Let her. This BT belongs to her now, you would have to chop the cord off."
"Exactly. It's mine," you looked at him with an innocent smile, hugging the cub.
The BT lion cub reached its tiny paw towards Sam, but the man immediately took a step back. "This is sick, ridiculous. What are you thinking, Y/N? That we'll get back to Bridges with that BT hidden in your backpack? And you," Sam pointed at Higgs. He was so done with Monaghan's actions and shady plans. "You better get the fuck out of my sigh, I'm so done and believe me - I would kill you but I know it won't affect you in any goddamn way."
Higgs chuckled. "It's good to be a repatriate after all, huh? Y/N, you can keep the BT," he winked at you.
"What's the fucking point of kidnapping her though," Sam pointed at you, "When you simply let her go? What the fuck is going on!"
You pet the cub and shrugged. "He was really disappointed when I came with pizza. So if I understood it correctly, he didn't plan to hurt me and only wanted to get your attention."
You moved a little closer to Sam. "Trust me, he must be a big fan of yours. His walls are decorated with your pictures," you whispered.
Sam cringed at the simple thought of his photos being attached to Higgs' walls. 
"I planned on killing you," Higgs claimed openly. "But she came instead of you, and she brought a good pizza. So I rethought my idea and today I won't kill anyone. What a lovely day, isn't it?!"
Higgs approached you and Sam and wrapped his slender arms around you two. "What a lovely day for the encounter!"
You cringed at the hug, knowing that Sam must have felt really uncomfortable with this.
Letting out an awkward laugh you patted Higgs' shoulder. "Yes, yes... It's nice but please, can you let us go?"
Monaghan measured your features with his steel blue eyes. "It's a shame such a beautiful woman is wasting her youth on being a porter though," he touched your cheek with a gloved hand and then leaned down and forward to get on the level of your head. "But due to the fact you were rather a good hostage, I'll let ya go," after these words he licked your cheek. "You taste so good."
Sam cringed harder at the sight and simply yanked you out of Higgs' grasp. "I have enough of you, I mean it," Sam told Monaghan who only chuckled. "What's so funny, Higgs? Maybe it's time to get a life, something?"
Higgs rubbed his bearded chin before replying. "You see, Sam, haunting you and turning your life in a fucking mess became one of the most beloved and fascinating hobbies of mine lately," Higgs concluded with a happy tone. "You're so much fun, aren't you? Especially when you're making all those grimaces of yours when I cause the tar being all over you," Higgs summed up.
Sam closed his eyes for a brief moment, trying to cool himself down. "Amelie created a goddamn psychotic monster," he summed up, his hands clenched in fists.
"Sam, let's go, okay? You two can fight some other time. If he lets us go, let's use it," you said, petting the little lion in your arms and starting to walk away. "Thank you for the lion!"
"The pleasure is mine and mine only, Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you though. Remember, the name's Higgs!"
Sam dragged you down the hill, right to his car. "Are you insane?"
"Hey! He kidnapped me, did you forget? Okay, maybe more like inviting me inside and locked the door but I felt kidnapped!," You stated. "And since when do you touch anyone?!"
"Since you pissed me off with the childish behaviour of yours, Y/N, he could have killed you."
"Like you see he did not! Overall he was even nice to me. He gave me a little lion!"
Sam let go of your hand. "Don't get fooled by his sweet face," Sam raised his finger up, shaking it in front of your eyes. "He might look cute and behave cute but it's his deluded facade. He's a fucking delusional psychopath who gifted you with the fucking BT. It's nothing normal in this."
"But look. It's my BT now, it won't hurt me or anyone. It will be okay," you said and nodded. "I know but look, he didn't hurt me and I am fine."
"So maybe get back to his bunker and you two can live a happy life, how about that?," Sam growled. "Get in. Time to get back to Bridges as you spent more than half a day with the main terrorist of America."
"I was kidnapped! It's not like I could just leave. You also took your sweet time to get there," you let out a sigh and got in, rolling your eyes.
"I was working and getting throughout BTs territory to get your ass saved, Y/N, so don't bullshit me about me being delayed," he instructed as he took a seat at the wheel.
"Okay, sorry.”
"Ah, and put this fucking thing to the trunk, I don't need the upholstery to be covered in tar," added Sam while pointing at BT lion cub that was on your lap.
"It's connected to me. If the cub is going to the trunk then I go there as well," you answered, petting BT head.
"For fuck's sake. If your sweet tar cub will leave a single tar spot inside, I'll cut the cord, understood?," Sam growled
You rolled your eyes and looked away.
"And please, next time refrain from delivering pizza."
"Not my fault that this is what I get to do. You know that it's not my choice," you sighed looking out of the window.
Sam only nodded in silence. "So at least try to verify to whom you are delivering."
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