#give enid sinclair a gun
addamsology · 9 months
can we give Enid a gun in season 2? I don't care what kind I just want her to have one! She doesn't even have to shoot anyone but I feel like in the heat of the moment she'd grab a gun if it's near by
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Wednesday Goes Enid Hunting [Part 4]
Wenclair - Slight Yandere Wednesday Addams (She falls victim to the Addams' Curse) - Takes Place After The Crackstone Incident
[Enid runs through the forest, jumping over overgrown tree roots and dodging large rocks and bushes so her clothes do get caught in the twigs. With her keen hearing, Enid can hear Wednesday closing in on her. Enid locks her teeth as she runs even faster before sliding to a stop and hiding behind a huge tree to catch her breath. Enid pants to calm her racing heart as the sound of footsteps closing in on her location stops suddenly.]
Wednesday (Looking around the forest for any sign of Enid - seeing nothing): You know I'm going to find you, Enid Sinclair; your fate was sealed the moment my curse chose you as my eternal partner. (Opens her gun and loads more darts) I have to admit, you are giving me a proper hunt; I couldn't ask for a better outing before the school season ends. (Closes the gun) Tell me, Cara Mia - do you know why I want to hunt you so badly? It's because your 'family' doesn't deserve you. They have disregarded your emotions and existence for too long and now that you have embraced the creature within you - on a Blood Moon, no less - they suddenly want to be in your good graces. They don't deserve you, Enid. They never have.
[Wednesday starts walking around - her raven eyes searching for any kind of movement with a smirk on her face as her finger hovers over the sensitive trigger of the gun.]
Wednesday: You are a very special person to me, il mio potente lupo. You are like a rare gem that only appears once in a blue moon - or in our case, every Blood Moon. From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew that you were meant to play a significant role in my life, but I tried to ignore it. Goody once told me that, as the Raven of the Addams Family, I was meant to be alone. However, when we had our argument and you chose to spend the night with Tanaka, something broke inside me, and for the first time, I realized that being alone was not enough. Then came the night when Crackstone was revived, and the Hyde tried to kill me. Despite everything I had done to hurt you, you never turned your back on me. You accepted me for who I am, with all my flaws and imperfections. And after we defeated our enemies, you held me close and gave me warmth and comfort. I can't let those unworthy people use you for their own gain, exploiting your power. Your power belongs to you, and you belong to me.
[Enid looked at the ground as she listens to Wednesday's Words - she could feel her heart beating faster when she heard the gun cock again and she dodged just in time for the dart to land in the trunk of the tree, causing the wolf to run again.]
Wednesday (Watching Enid run away with a smirk on her face): Run for me, Enid! Let me prove my worth to you! (Chases after Enid)
Broken Truth: Oh, before I forget. Translations:
Cara Mia - My Darling in Italian
il mio potente lupo - my powerful wolf in Italian
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ameonds-dragonn · 2 years
Poe cup champs
A filler for the Nevermore series
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Summary: Dany gets throw into the Poe cup last minute and helps the team sabotage everyone for the win. Even if it meant wrestling her guy best friend and crush.
Warnings: cussing, mention of smoking weed, pinning, flirting, “cheating”. Xavier gets horny for Dany ;) definitely’10 things I hate about you’ vibes (my inspo for the end) @valeskafics here ya go bestie boo 💚💚
Enid was buzzing about the Poe cup that was this Saturday. She was painting the canoe with Yoko and some other girl I didn’t know. I knew Xavier was entering, he always has. It would be nice to see Barclay lose at least one time of us being here.
“Dany!” My cousin yelled at me
“I’m coming, goon!” I walked as I tucked the weed into the pocket more.
We walked to our spot in the woods and sparked up and forgot about our worries of being a teenager in a outcast boarding school. Soon enough we were walking past the girls painting their canoes.
“OMG! Dany, you should totally join us for this Poe cup!” Enid ran up to me and Aemond. Aemond stifled a laugh as the werewolf jumped around.
“Enid, I love you but no way! I don’t do water!” I gave her a small smile.
“Please! It will be so fun!”
I said no and plus Aemond and I always skip the Poe cup. It’s tradition” I assured the blonde wolf.
“And do what exactly?”
“Enid!” I sighed as I walked off from the two blondes.
I was walking back to my dorm when I saw Xavier and the boys working on their boat. AJax saw me and waved me over
“Oh hey Dany!” Xavier stood up and wiped his hands
“Hi, I’m not joining your team” I looked up at him
“Dany, you’re a girl and you don’t live in our dorms” Ajax giggled
I grabbed my boobs and moved my shirt back enough for me to see my chest and bra, “Oh my god that’s I am! Thanks for the tip”
Xavier giggled as his best friend and teammate sat back down and painted again
“Watch it” I grinned
Xavier pulled me into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist, “Did you smoke?”
“Mhm yeah. I went with Aemond” i mumbled as my face was mushed in his chest.
——- Friday night, Ophelia Hall common room
I walked up to my dorm from hanging out with Alys and I heard crying
“Enid?” I opened her door as I saw her crying on her bed like a child.
“Oh sweetheart! What happened?” I shut the door and put her in my chest as I hugged her
“Yoko and a garlic bread incident. She had an allergic reaction and won’t be able to do the Poe cup. My life is over!” Enid cried
Damn it, Bianca Barclay!
“Hey I’ll join to help our dorm” I sighed
She pulled away and smiled, “Thank you! I love you Dany!”
“Love you too. Now what’s your plan to sabotage the other teams?” I smirked.
————— Saturday morning, Poe cup
I walked down the grass to the Poe cup and where I was to meet Enid. Xavier was painted like the Heath Ledger joker.
“Awh you playing a little dress up”, I snorted at him
“Hahaha! I thought you were skipping this?”
Xavier smirked down at me
“Your ex girlfriend decided to fuck Yoko up with garlic bread at last night’s dinner. I found Enid all stressed so I decided to help her out” I sighed, knowing he was gonna give me hell.
“Dany! Go get into your costume” Enid said
“Costume?!” I yelped as she grabbed my wrist.
I walked out in a tight black outfit with cat ears on my head. This was so embarrassing! Xavier and Aemond giggled like school girls. Aemond snapped a picture. “This is the Christmas card”
I went to chase after Aemond but Xavier jerked me up in his arms, “You traitor!” I gasped as he held me close.
“You can beat him up later. Enid will kill you if you don’t do this” Xavier sat me down but not before I could knock his hat off his head
“Heyy what did I do?” He yelled as I met Enid and Wednesday and the other girl at the canoes.
Xavier looked at me and smiled
“Fuck you” i mouthed and started back around
“When are you two actually gonna do it?” Enid asked as Weems shot the gun off.
“Oh you are so dead, Sinclair!” I groaned as the others rowed off
“Just row, Dans!” Wednesday scowled
“Enid, stay here and make sure Bianca doesn’t wreck our boat. I’m gonna distract some jokers” I ran off to find Xavier
He ran towards my tree I was using as a hide out, I grabbed him by his shoulders. Pushed him down and threw his arms over his face.
“How’s the weather, Thorpe?” I asked as I pinned him down.
“Get off me, Daenerys! Don’t cheat” Xavier groaned, trying to flip me off of his thighs. But I had my knees in his elbows.
“No rules so I can’t be cheating” I smirked as I felt him get hard under me.
He looked at me and waited for my reaction, “You think you’re the first guy to get hard because I pinned him. Cute” I smirked as Wednesday grabbed the flag
“Get off, Daenerys!” Wednesday rolled her eyes before running to the boat.
“I’m coming!” I yelled as I bent down to kiss Xavier’s cheek, “Later Joker” I got off and ran before I could see his reaction or tantrum.
“Why do you have red paint on your lips?” Enid asked as I jumped behind Wednesday.
“You’ll thank me later. Now let’s go!” I sighed and I saw Xavier run to his boat.
His teammates yelled and suddenly laughed as they noticed the reasoning why he was late and had a broken flag. Enid looked at Xavier’s cheek that was smeared and mixed with pink off my nose.
“Dany you naughty girl!” She giggled as we passed Bianca’s boat
I looked back as Xavier’s boat stopped and started to sink. He threw his jester hat off as he pitched his fit. “Dany, I’m gonna kill you!”
Enid giggled as we docked and ran to the finish line. Bianca and her team swam to shore with sour looks. I saw Xavier swimming as fast as he could. He was mad but oh well I won! He can get over it!
Alys hugged me and smiled, “congratulations baby”
I felt a tap on my shoulder, my heart sank. I knew by the water footsteps and shampoo it was him.
I turned around, “Oh fuck! Aemond!” I yelled as I look off running
“I told you Dan!”
“Aemond, where the hell are you!” I ran into someone’s chest and I stopped running
“What now?” Aemond sighed, pulling me behind his back as Xavier approached.
“She cheated and got our boat to sink” Xavier said
“Dany how did you ‘cheat’ considering there’s no rules?” Aemond stood between us
“I knocked him off course and pinned him to the ground. Long enough for Wednesday to get our flag and return to the boat”
I sighed
“So are you mad she beat you or that her 5 '3 ass pinned you down?” Aemond scoffed.
Xavier’s mouth opened and closed
“Or that he got hard soon as I pinned him down” I smirked
“Jesus! Go rub one out like a normal teenager instead of plotting her murder” Aemond groaned making Xavier blush.
Xavier stalked off embarrassed, the guilt hit me a little as Aemond chuckled.
“Don’t laugh, Aem” I watched Xavier throw his hat down
_______ Monday, Thornhill’s class
I hadn’t talked to Xavier since our incident and argument in the woods with Aemond defending me.
He was drawing something as I walked in, Wednesday was sitting beside him. I took my place with Yoko.
“Admit you’re a little impressed” I heard Xavier say to Wednesday
It was out before I could stop it, “Wow that’s so much better than diamonds”
The class went completely quiet waiting for Xavier’s response
“It used to impress you, princess” he whipped his head to me and with shit eating grin
“Because I knew it would bruise your soft little ego if I said they were merely okay”, I raised my eyebrows at him and smirked
“Oh you know it’s not little, dany” Xavier’s eyes darken
Bianca held back a choke and the others died laughing
“Alright you two that’s enough!” Thornhill said before we could get another shot out
The bell rang a few minutes later, I packed my shit up and ran out but he caught up
“You’re jealous” Xavier sang
“Piss off” I groaned as I stuck my earbuds in
“Come on, you know you got your panties in a twist when you sat on me” Xavier poked my cheek
“I didn’t wear panties Saturday. Kinda hard for them to get in a twist. Don’t flatter yourself you didn’t have any effect on my excitement” I smirked before I walked off
“Then what did I have affect on, baby?” Xavier asked me as I walked off
I admit he got me a little wet when I felt him under me but he was about to find out.
“Other than my up chuck reflexes nothing” I stormed off hearing Xavier laugh at my denial
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tundra1029 · 1 year
Hey, I don't know if your request are opened but will you write a reader that has sh problems and when they relapse they pass away? (I had a relapse a couple days ago and in desperate need of suicidal reader) you can choose the character if you want
ngl its been months since you have requested this of me and i got real burnt out of it quickly as you know that im more used to posting prompts and College has been taking too much of my time that i cant finish it. instead of making you wait for many more months, im gonna post the headcannons and drabbles that @maryannecrimsworth @vorsdany @dragonfirerogue and @cursedchar have helped me with. this is probably gonna be the last time i post a story and will probably continue on doing prompts idk... sorry if i disappointed ya man.
i dont even know what to title this story but ill call it....
My mind just went to the dark.
Random Headcannons
this is just what my mind was on when i first read your request
I imagined gun, screams and red petals as blood
Andd im imagining a cliff a knife and screaming
I need a headcanon
Hyper fixated on Wednesday TV series
So! I was thinking of Enid and Y/N established relationship
But it slowly fell apart after the Crackstone incident
Enid spending more time with Wednesday
Replacing their dates with investigations and girl nights with yoko
Investigations with Wednesday
But here's the thing! Y/N used to be an avid sh
But then they met Enid
So they stopped once they had their anchor in the world
But with Enid drifting apart
Their world started to darken
Days becomes mindless routine
Getting used to being put aside
Bottling it all in until.. It.. Cracks..
Now reader just avoids everyone
Then we would see R in their room
Breaking down and loosing their sanity
Then ended up acquiring a weapon, whether it be a gun or a sharp object
"This world is cruel, but i still love you"
"Ill keep you safe, i alone will face the price"
They thought of killing everyone who interacted with enid but with a sudden burst of sanity, they thought back to that, and realized they are a danger now with these thoughts
There's a song to this https://youtu.be/VkOJNkQHpqM
Or this song https://youtu.be/5gyANphz_Kk
They would notice R leaving Nevermore, they would think R would go to Jericho
You know werewolf instincts are a lil spot on sometimes yea?
The friends would just think nothing of it but Enid felt something is wrong and with guilt of avoiding R plagued her mind, she decided to follow
And now they are different scenarios to this
And im still deciding on one
Enid didnt realize she was neglecting reader badly as she keeps on having to help Wednesday and having fun with her friends))
I am trudging through deep within the forest, stepping over rocks and fallen branches while facing forward not once have i strayed my eyes from the path i have made in my minds, a path to where it was once my quiet place and now will be my grave, almost tripping over a tree branch and i curse underneath my breath "fucking hell" i grit my teeth and continue my journey to that one cliff was, the only place for me to have peace, not once noticing enid following me
i touch my hip where i have hidden the gun under my shirt and pants, as i stand near the edge of the cliff and i give out a sigh as i give one last glance at the scenery infront of me, where the mountains and forest bathe under the sun, where the river shine and glisten under its light. 
I hear a tree branch snap and become fully alert and turn around quickly to look at the one who disturbed my thoughts and my eyes harden "Enid Sinclair..." i glare at her "Why have you followed me here, dont you have Addams waiting for you back at Nevermore?"
Xin (aka Vorsdany): maybe Enid would reply with some rage too, because she doesn't understand why R is being so standoffish and accusing her about Wednesday
Jac:  ENID POV: The weather was good. The day was beautiful; the weekend was getting closer and Enid was planning a perfect outing for her friends. You, and, of course, Wednesday included. The forest was still dangerous, so she preferred to go out with groups, but she didn't understand why you went first. Why you went alone, why you stopped so close to a cliff. She approached you, cautious steps as her body warned her of the danger of a fall from that height.
"Why are you insisting on this again? She is our friend!" Her tone was impatient, as was yours.
I scoff and barks out a laugh "who wouldn’t be after their girlfriend basically just fucking abandoned you" i shake my head and presses a hand on my face and pushes back the hair that had fallen on my face "you left me. You left me for Addams, Enid and never have I ever felt more betrayed than that" 
Jac: our accusations increased along with your voice, and confusion and anger took over her. "She needed help, more help than you, to fit in at school! It was never that, Y/N, I never looked at her in any way, but my friend needed help."
"You didnt left me for Wednesday? That's a laugh, i saw how you look at her, i saw how you start to stop hanging around me just to talk to her, i saw how you fucking brushed me aside when talking to her" My eyes are filled with rage as my words starts to get harsher and harsher, they trembled with rage
Jac: "Wha--Are you serious?" Enid shakes her head. "That's not it! Y/N, why can't you listen to me and understand for once?" She sighs. "NO! You're getting it all wrong!" /More crying and angst, i suppose/ "Please, you have to understand..."
my glare is harsh but my tone is soft "Enid enid enid... I always understood but... After you stood me up on our dates, Dates that we have been planning for weeks..After all the texts I sent you saying i need you but you just left on read.... That's where I finally understood, so I gave up. I stopped talking and texting you for days now, and you didn't even bat an eye... But that's fine" i close my eyes and opens them again to stare at her with tired eyes "im done" notices her coming closer and pulls out the gun and takes it off safety mode and aims at her "Don't you take another step Sinclair"
Jac: People here in Brazil have a saying "You don't argue with old or crazy people" (My father says that about my mum lol) So I think Enid could follow that thinking and agree with the reader Something like "O-okay! I messed up, Y/N! I messed it all up!" And take the guilt and apologize until Reader calms down and put the gun down She doesn't have to be honest, but she's saying anything to stop reader I can't do begging without feeling really bad BUT something like "Please, I'll make it up to you, please, just put it down"
i chuckle darkly as if to interrupt her "so now you say that... Pathetic" keeps the gun aimed at her "too late for that isnt it?" lets out a sigh " i can't help but be... Disappointed"
keeps pointing the gun at her "disappointed as i am... As the Whole World has been beating me down, ur the only good thing in this mudball of a planet.. Even when you have hurt me so.." my eyes glistened as tears sprung up "I still love you so.." tears started running down my face "and I promised to protect you... Even from me" squeezes the gun but does not pull the trigger
I blink away the tears and as my voice trembles "a-and.. I don't think I can help myself anymore... So in r-respect for all we used to have... Turn around and never look back, Enid and live your life to the best of your abilities.." as i let out a stuttering sigh and lowers my face as my hair shadows my eyesJac:"I won't!" Enid finally speaks back, screams back at you. Her voice was shaking, tears were falling down her face, not out of fear, but out of sorrow. Of pain and despair, of finally knowing how you felt after all the times she let you down. She decided to help Wednesday, her stoic and loner roomate, while you, your lover(IDK GOOD NAMES FOR THIS), suffered in silence, completely alone. "No, Y/N! You're wrong! I'm not going to leave you, the world is not like this, you're not like this(helpless)!" She jumps over you and holds your wrist, immobilizing the hand that's holding the gun. "Let me show you. Let me show the colors of it, of the world, all the good things in it. Stay with me, Y/N." Her voice cracks as she see the pain in your eyes. "Please, forgive me, Y/N. Give one more chance."
and now we head over to the Ending Headcannons! the part where i got really stumped
you look at her eyes and sees the emotion and sincerity in them but they did not make you feel relief and safe, in fact it enrages you
you growl, you pull your arms out of her grasp and kicks Enid back a few feet as angry tears drags down to your face
“You think after all this time that you can just waltz back in and make everything better? Fuck you Sinclair! this aint a fucking fantasy! WAKE UP!”
okay let's just put in that reader was wearing a jacket for the entirety of their stay in nevermore and has not shown anyone their sh scars
“you have shown that you do not give an ounce of care about me these couple of months! I had put my trust in you and you threw it away! You promised me that you will always be by my side and you left me.. ”
You drop the gun to the ground and zip down your jacket, shrugging it off and leaving you in your tank top and opening your arms wide.
Enid is shocked as she sees a plethora of scars littered all over your body. collarbone, arms, under the tank top, you name, nothing is left unscarred  
"I have suffered all my life. So please… just let me rest"
You drop your arms as your body expression turns from defensive to tired, your arms slumped, your eyes tired as if you have the weight of the world on your shoulders
You were expecting Enid to respect your wishes but She surges forward and holds you in her arms tightly, catching you off guard.
Enid keeps on apologizing and promises to be better for you.
You struggle, trying to get out of her grip.
Enid tightens her hold and tells you that she loves you
You stop struggling and looks at her face as no one had ever said they loved you before and this was the first time hearing it meant for you
"Y-you love… me?"
you stare at her eyes as she holds your face
Enid proceeds to tell you again that she loves you and only you, she didnt realize that she was neglecting you and she swears that she didnt mean to do it to you.
Enid:"you.. You are my light in the dark, my star in the sky, my Polaris. You mean so so much to me, it hurts me that I have been hurting you when you have always been there for me.. I was so dumb when i did that to you and I swear I will do my very best to fix this, to fix us. You deserve the world nothing less! I love you now and forever. So please.. give me one more chance"
She would stare at you with teary eyes, wiping your tears away
“I…” You open your mouth to speak but..
Enid closes her eyes and kisses you as she snakes her arms around your neck, holding you close
you jolt a bit in shock and try to pull away but she doesn’t let you
new tears would run down your face as you melt into the kiss and into her arms, wrapping your arms around her waist tightly
you missed this, you missed her lips, you missed her touch, you missed her love, you missed her scent, you missed her.
You were supposed to let her go, to not be corrupted by your species - by you. to keep her away from the horrors of the world you could bring onto her
You then deepen the kiss and hold her closer to you.
maybe this once… you could be selfish to just have her be yours.
you let go of the instincts that you oh so locked away ever since you learned the importance of will and boundaries. you let go of the instincts of your race and what you desperately hid from the eyes of others. 
You now finally embraced what you truly are, A dragon.
Scales start to appear under your eyes and on your arms as your hands shift into claws.
horns slowly protrude out of your forehead as your wings burst out of your back and wrapped around her.
Enid did not notice the changes as she focuses on portraying her love through the kiss.
you pull your head back, breaking the kiss. You open your eyes and they turn into draconic yellow with  slit pupils.
“Would you still love me? even when I am a monster?” you ask, you stare at her face as she opens her eyes
You tense as Enid lets out a quiet gasp as she stares at your new appendages and changes to yourself.
 She sees you tense and all she wants is to see you smile again.
Enid:”I dunno about a monster. All I see is someone 'monstrously' hot."
You just stared at her, surprised. did… did she just-?
Enid:”Of course I still love you. Nothing could 'tip the scales' on that”
of course she is making puns. your mouth just twitches, she notices and keeps on going
Enid:” if this isn't love, You're definitely 'dragon' some more feelings outta me" at this point she is grinning like a cheshire cat.
a smile breaks out of you and you giggle a bit.
Enid: “I guess I'll just have to deal with you being a little more 'horny' than me”
you laugh at that “Enid!” Enid just sweetly smiles at you
Enid: “there’s that beautiful smile and melodious laugh that i love so much”
you blush a lil bit and bury your face on her shoulder with a bashful smile
“Ancients, you don't know what kind of things you do to me Enid”
you pull back a bit to gaze at her with an intensity that most would flinch at 
“How much do you know about dragons?”
She looks up a bit, pops her bottom lip out and thinks if she has any information about dragons
Enid: “I know dragons are territorial and like to hoard stuff that interests them like what I heard from my childhood stories, i used to believe that they are just fairy tales but you are here, in front of me as living proof that they exist ”
you nod
“Did you know that those who made those fairy tales have gotten in contact with dragons? so some of the facts showed in those are actually true”
Tag List: @maryannecrimsworth @casbrawel @vorsdany @cursedchar @wol-fica @dragonfirerogue @jinxscatbomb (i kinda forgot the other people who wants to be tagged and too lazy to look up the post i made for it, sorry)
thats where i stopped, looking back on this i realized that maybe i should have kept the angsty vibes but then again my mind was going through multiple scenarios of the ending and it just burnt me out and i couldnt even type out whats on my mind. maybe i will revise this and complete this with a whole one page story or abandon this. tho if any of you guys planning to write this, i just ask one thing.. to get pinged in the story thats it no special mentions or anything, i just want to read what you guys can come up with this lil mess of mine.
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thecharliechip · 11 months
Fictional Characters I like with random things my family members have said.
Enid Sinclair: Poof out comes a frog
Robin Buckley: More people than you know are gay
Mike Wheeler: He’s my guardian angel because he transformed the smell of my poo, not yours!
Xander Harris: I was thinking of screaming "spooderman"  at the top of my lungs in case the rollercoaster broke and we all fell out and died
Klaus Hargreeves: My brain doesn’t wanna brain right now
Wednesday: You should take the baby and put it in the mothers head so it’ll be like zeus
Eugene: *agreeing with Wednesday* We should re-create greek mythology with babies
Dustin: you should just go out and threaten people with your karate moves powers and tell them to give you money
El: that's just mugging people without the gun
Will: yeah, and then Spider-Man will have to come and save them
Dustin: but Spider-Man isn’t real
Will: yes he is, he saved me from being mugged
Dustin: from who, El?
Will: yes
Dustin: El, why would you do that to your own sibling!?
El: I was sleepwalking
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reluctantjoe · 3 months
Zain Iqbal: “I’ve already lost my privacy a bit”
Zain Iqbal, one of the stars of BBC’s A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder talks about mishaps on set and how book boyfriends should be represented on screen
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Emma Myers, best known for her role as the quirky werewolf Enid Sinclair in Wednesday, leads as a teenage detective called Pip. The 26-year-old Zain Iqbal stars as Ravi. He teams up with Pip to prove his brother didn’t kill a schoolgirl, and eventually becomes her boyfriend.
Ravi is beloved by book fans for being a different love interest from what’s usually seen on screen. The significance of this isn’t lost on Iqbal: “It’s so important that my character is an Asian boy who’s looked at as such a perfect, cool, handsome, sweet, humble boy,” says the actor. 
“People like us are not seen like that. We’re represented quite badly on screen. Now it’s going on Netflix, it’ll be seen by a lot of people in South Asia and East Asia. It’s so good that people who look like me have someone to look up to.”
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder already has a loyal following, mostly of school-age and university-age girls. When I texted my teenage cousin that I was interviewing the actor who plays Ravi, she sent back a long list of questions she absolutely had to know about him. 
Iqbal hopes that the TV adaptation of Ravi and Pip’s story will appeal to viewers of all ages and genders. The series goes deeper than a typical secondary school drama. “The show is snappier,” he notes. “There’s more action going on. It’s pretty dark and gritty. I think anyone can watch it.”
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Like Agatha Christie adaptations or Hulu’s Only Murderers in the Building, A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder can appeal to different generations. The show’s twisty plot is ideal viewing for big groups of friends or family who can speculate on the mystery together. Plus, teenage girls can have the satisfaction of already knowing the real ending while their parents guess incorrectly.
Film and TV is rooted in family for Iqbal. He grew up in a village called Cheadle, near Stockport in north-west England. His father is a film buff, and their house was filled with the stock sound effects of classic Westerns – cicadas and smoking guns and Wilhelm screams. The iconic theme of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly was practically the soundtrack to his childhood. His dad first took Iqbal and his younger brother to the cinema to watch Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man 2. Iqbal was hooked.
Pip and Ravi are high-achieving students who use their intellect to get to the bottom of mysteries. Pip gets caught up in a murder investigation because she takes her school EPQ project way too far. Iqbal was a less well-behaved student. “I hated school,” he admits, “I was always a quiet kid. I wouldn’t even open my mouth.” He was too shy to sign up for any school plays.
Iqbal made it to university to study economics. He joined in with a few student films, and completed the Young Company programme at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester. Graphs and finances just didn’t excite him in the same way that movies did. Once his degree was over, he decided to be brave and move to London to give acting a shot.
Work came slowly and steadily – mostly short films for internal use within companies and charities. Iqbal has had so many roles as background schoolboys that they all blur together in his mind. He resents that the media are labelling him as a newcomer, because he has four years of professional, if unglamorous, experience under his belt. Commercial work allowed him to get to grips with the craft without worrying that large audiences would pick apart his performance.
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Iqbal didn’t know much about A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder until he googled it after his third or fourth audition. The size of the fandom on TikTok and Instagram blew him away. The author Holly Jackson has 280,000 followers on the latter. There are more than 55,000 videos tagged #agggtm. 
Iqbal is relieved that he wasn’t aware of the fandom first. “It was a blessing in disguise. If I went in knowing the scale of it, it would have scared me away and I don’t think I would have auditioned as well.”
As soon as Iqbal landed the role, he rushed out to buy the book from the Waterstones on Tottenham Court Road and some wine and chocolates from Tesco to thank his agent. “I didn’t really celebrate. I was just relieved.” Landing a leading role in a TV show proved that pursuing acting was the right call.
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder was shot over four months in the summer of 2023, mostly in Somerset. The crew redecorated the square in a small town called Axbridge to resemble the book’s setting. One June day shooting in a vintage hotel was so hot that the make-up team had to pour ice cubes down Iqbal and Myers’s necks. 
Iqbal had to figure out how a TV set worked as he went along. On the first day of the table read, he wanted to appear organised and professional, so he printed out his own script double-sided. Iqbal quickly realised that there was a reason everybody else’s was single-sided – he lost his place mid-scene. Panicked, he grabbed a script from the actor on his left. Only afterwards, when people went, “Don’t you know who that is?” and “what were you thinking?”, did Iqbal realise that he’d stolen the script from Mathew Baynton, the star of the sitcom Ghosts, the 2023 film Wonka and the CBBC show Horrible Histories. Baynton plays Pip’s English teacher, alongside Motherland star Anna Maxwell Martin, who portrays Pip’s mum.
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Iqbal feels grateful that he was working alongside Myers. The 22-year-old already had small roles in the TV shows The Glades and The Baker and the Beauty before she achieved acclaim for her performance in Netflix’s hit series Wednesday alongside Jenna Ortega. 
 Iqbal has nothing but praise for his co-star. “She’s a f*cking magician,” he gushes. “She’ll go down as one of the greats. She taught me a lot about how to work the camera. I feel very lucky that she was very patient with me. She’s a one-take wonder, while sometimes I’ll need an extra take or two to get what I want across.”
A bonus of working with such a young cast was that somebody was always up for having fun at the end of the day. Iqbal and the other actors would play Mario Kart on Myers’s Nintendo Switch in between takes. He still goes out for dinner frequently with Raiko Gohara, who plays Pip’s neighbour. 
Many of the male characters who date the heroines of bestselling books make for compelling reading, but if plucked from their literary context and plonked into reality these men might be seen as troublesome, or just plain sexist. Rhysand from Sarah J Maas’s A Court of Thorns and Roses series and Xaden from Rebecca Yarros’s Empyrean series behave in a controlling and possessive way. 
This might be normal in fantasy realms with fairies and dragons, but in the modern world this behaviour would be labelled as a red flag or as toxic. Cardan Greenbriar in Holly Black’s The Folk of the Air series starts off as the heroine’s bully. It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover has been accused of romanticising abusive relationships. Books and social media tell young readers that the relationships in these books are romantic and aspirational.
Among all these domineering alpha males, Ravi from A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder sticks out for being just a genuinely nice guy. He’s the kind of boy that teenage readers actually should dream of dating. 
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Iqbal was well cast as a character whose biggest virtue is his kindness. He helped lug camera equipment and suitcases full of clothes around his own photoshoot. He kept refastening a faulty button on a jumpsuit worn by the stylist who was supposed to be adjusting his clothes. He repeatedly apologises for having a sore throat which I can’t even hear. He takes every opportunity to thank other people – his younger brother for supporting him, his mates for inspiring his style, the author Holly Jackson for creating the role in the first place.
Iqbal spent a long time figuring out with the director and executive producer, Dolly Wells, how to make Ravi a positive role model for young men.
“The main thing was bringing a sense of vulnerability to the character,” Iqbal explains, “and making him a modern man. Because in today’s world, men don’t really talk about how they feel. Whereas when you watch the show, Ravi does talk about his feelings and there’s some very key scenes where he does open up to Pip. We wanted to make sure we got that right.”
Iqbal’s favourite scene is one of the most emotionally charged. In episode 5, Pip posts something online, Ravi comes round to her house, and the two open up to each other and bond. Iqbal hopes that if the show were renewed for more seasons – there are two further books, and a prequel – that fans will love looking back at these pivotal moments in Pip and Ravi’s relationship. 
The actor is as much of a fan of Ravi as teenagers on TikTok are. Despite Iqbal’s enduring love for Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series, he’d still pick to play Ravi out of any book character.
Ravi’s clothes are very laid-back – lots of check shirts and baggy jeans and beat-up trainers. “He’s a bit grungy. Chilled. Easy going.” Iqbal, however, is a self-proclaimed fashion obsessive. He lapped up every moment of the shoot at Bankside Yards, telling the team, “I feel like a million dollars” and “I feel f*cking amazing.”
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Iqbal is delighted to describe his taste in clothes. “My style is British street mixed with minimalistic Scandi vibes. My favourite outfit would probably be wide jeans, timeless boots and a cropped jacket. Smart, casual, very British.” 
He apologises that his look today isn’t up to his usual high standards, since he could only bear wearing shorts on a rare warm day in June – although his immaculate trainers and printed T-shirt look perfectly smart to me. 
One of the most beloved moments from the book is when Ravi dons Pip’s mother’s purple flower-patterned gardening gloves so that he doesn’t leave fingerprints while they snoop around somebody’s house. Ravi quips, “Real men wear floral when trespassing.” Iqbal admits that his wardrobe does in fact include a floral shirt. Has he ever trespassed in it? “No comment.”
Iqbal has mixed feelings about the show premiering. After years of commercial work, Iqbal isn’t used to such wide audiences reviewing and criticising his performances.
“I’m a very private person,” he confesses, “I’ve already lost my privacy a bit. It’s scary that once it comes out, I’ll lose even more.”
Even before the show drops on the BBC, some fans who are obsessed with Ravi have made Instagram accounts devoted to sharing every single image of Iqbal which they can find. “I don’t really check them that much. People find pictures of me that my mates have posted, which is quite weird. And it’s only going to get worse.”
However, Iqbal is looking forward to sharing A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder with new audiences. He hopes that the show’s success might open up new paths for him.
“It’s also exciting, because hopefully I can get amazing opportunities after this. And I can go and have the career I want to have, and live my dream of being an actor.”
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