#give credits to my idea atleast?? 😭 please??
safethrucloth Β· 2 years
tw: potential 3.1 archon quest spoilers!!
thinking of cyno with a mad scholar!s/o. thinking of him hearing the news that you got exiled for having gone insane because of your field of research. you, his sweet precious s/o. his dear [name]. thinking he’s gone mad himself because of such news, and him not accepting such grueling fate being casted upon you, he decides to exile himself from the akademiya and follow you. only to find you at aaru village with no expression on your usual beautiful sunkissed faceβ€” and with also no memory of him.
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celiastjamesoscar Β· 1 year
My parents bicker loudly downstairs in the morning AND woke me up like three times for the past few days πŸ˜’ i ate instant ramen i made but i'm still hungry, i didn't wanna bother my parents since it's night, there's like nothing to eat atleast for me 😭
I suddenly remember i have diary queen vanilla ice cream i haven't finished, might have that later. MY FRIEND HAS A CAT THAT'S PURE EVIL, it scratches her all the time 😭 i literally see scars on her hands/arms, she has a love and hate relationship with her cat
Babe i thought of something funng with sam, i saw this video and thought of sam dealing with a severely drunk reader who keeps talking to a sign 😭
How's your morning going? <3
3 times in several days has got to be a crime against you. Instant ramen has been feeding me almost weekly ever since I started college, that stuff is so good 😭
Diary queen is goated!!! I hope you enjoy the rest of your ice cream! CATS CAN BE PURE EVIL SOMETIMES!!! They just enjoy making other people’s lives hell 😭 especially with all the scratching they do
PLEASE THAT IS ACTUALLY SO CUTE!!! Sam would be so irritated by the end of the night too 😭 might have to write that idea down somewhere (I’ve give you credit of course!)
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books-and-catears Β· 3 years
Hey! Me again! :) so I really liked how you made my other request and It was amazing! Words couldn't decribe how many times I smiled when I read that so good job! πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’œ
When I read it, you actually gave me another idea so if you are able to make this one more request, i'll probably cry of joy! :D
Can you make the Obey me character react to Teen Mc walking up to them with a big smile on their face and open their arms wide for a hug?
And said "don't cry dad/brother! You have me!"
Because the boys were having a bad day or stressed out and Mc wanted them to smile again.
Teen Mc always remember them comforted them and always hug them when sad so i thought this would be a nice idea.
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Can his brothers not give him one day of rest? Just one? He's so tired of cleaning up after everyone's messes. And after all that he has to go to his study, only to be greeted by a pile of paper work.
He sighed and pushed the door open, looking as miserable as he felt. However he wasn't ready for what greeted him. You sat on his desk, waiting and smiling.
"You look so stressed big brother..." You say worried, "Don't worry you can tell me anything! I can help!"
Lucifer stared in shock as you opened your arms for him. He would have crashed headfirst into you if not for your smaller stature.
He gently took your offer, a smile breaking out on his face and his eyes brimming with unexpected tears.
"You look after everyone. So someone better look after you too right?" You say again cheerily. Maybe you feel like your words are said out of comfort but you don't know how it means the world to him. His gratitude can't be put into words so he just silently winds his arms tightly around you, revelling in the comfort you give him.
Another day of being ridiculed and mocked. He was used to it by now, wasn't he? They're all joking, they don't mean it - and yet they do it consistently. It's okay, he tells himself, he's the second eldest, he can take it.
But he could do a day or two without it. A fallen angel may lose his wings and virtue, but the heart doesn't change much does it? How did it feel to he cared for? He didn't remember anymore.
He was sitting alone in his room just resting his head cause he didn't feel like doing anything else.
"Big brother?" Your voice startled him as you saw you standing at the door with a few movies and popcorn.
You looked so worried. Why? Surely it couldn't be for him-
"Don't look so sad! Im here now!" You rushed in to hold him and his arms automatically flew up to hold you right back. "Also I made a hiding spot in my room. I'll protect you there if Lucifer comes looking!"
His tears fell before he knew it as he rested his head on your shoulder, his body trembling. But he wasn't in pain. Not anymore.
This was happiness. For once, he was the one being protected. "Thanks MC..." He choked out as you held onto him tighter.
He was sobbing loudly into his hands as his computer screen rolled some credits. His favourite anime had ended in the saddest way possible.
He wished there was someone he could share this with - he always felt better after talking about things that hurt him. But who would listen? Who's a shut in otaku supposed to call for? Especially for something so silly?
"Big brother Levi!" You cried outside his door. He hurriedly rubbed his cheeks clean and opened the door, not bothering with the password.
"MC-are you crying-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as you crashed headfirst into him. "That ending wasn't fair! I hate it! You hate it too, don't you?!"
Levi nodded in agreement before he returned your hug and let out his cries too. It was so ridiculous to sit in the middle of hell, crying over the tragic end of fictional characters like this, but he was glad you indulged him. He's glad to have atleast one person in his lonely world.
Now he's done it. He's sure he's lost you. He hit himself in the head and curled himself up into a ball. Why did he have to lose control right then?
It was so hard sometimes. Having to control it constantly. He was sure he was alone, where did you come from? Why did you see him like this? Anyone who sees him like this - never comes back. There's always a new terror in their eyes.
He was fumbling around his room now, trying to clean up the mess he'd made when he saw you again. "MC I'm... I'm sorry-"
"It's all okay big brother." You approached him with your arms wide open. He was speechless as you held him without hesitation.
"You can't scare me away! I know who you really are!" You smile up at him, "You're just a cat loving bookworm aren't ya?"
Not Avatar of Wrath. Not a derivation of Lucifer. Not even a demon. He was your cat loving bookworm big brother. He hugged you tight unsure of this new fluttering feeling inside him.
"Why yes, MC. Yes I am." He said. And that emotion? It was hope.
No no no no no NO! What is this?! This cannot be happening! He's not supposed to look like this! He is supposed to be beautiful! The most beautiful of them all! He won't forgive Solomon for this.
Look at him! He looks like an ugly beast! What will he do now?! Noone will want him. Without his beauty he is nothing. He is empty, he is foul, he is-
"Big brother?" Your voice called out to him in the darkness of his room. "I can't see you. Where are you?"
"Ah no no MC! You mustn't see me like this!" He replied horrified. Not you. Not you. Anyone but you. "Solomon cast a horrid spell on me and it has turned me into-into-"
He trailed off and broke down in violent sobs but his cries helped you reach out and hold him. He was startled at the contact but didn't push you away.
"You're still just as beautiful even in the dark, big brother. No darkness can outshine your pretty and kind heart." You said.
Asmo sat still, basking in the kindness of your words and your arms. There's no way you could be an human. You were an angel incarnate, he decided and was unwilling to let go of you till dinner.
Why couldn't he feel full? Just once, just one day he wanted to go without his stomach eating him from the inside out. He sat in front of the empty fridge, his head low.
He was an angel of strength, of loyalty and bravery. And now his whole identity was his constant hunger. Now his heart felt as hollow as his stomach.
"Big brother Beel." He felt your hand on his shoulder and looked around. You were looking at him smiling and holding what looked like a piece of gum. "I worked with Solomon to make it for you."
Beel took it and opened it. Yes it was just a big strip of gum. "It can go hours without running out of flavor. And it keeps tasting like the last thing you ate. It will help keep the greedy tummy at bay so you can do other things without worrying about it."
Beel hugged you wordlessly. And he in his heart he vowed he would protect you. He is so grateful to you, but he isn't very good with words but ever since then, he refuses to eat anything until he's shared it with you first.
Sometimes he found it hard to look at you for too long. When he saw you doing his chores without complaint, something stirred within him - it was guilt.
He did a good job of hiding it because he was asleep most of the time. All his efforts, the sudden switch of behaviour, the constant affection - it was all a cover up for his guilt that ate away at him inside. How long till you remember and refuse to see him again?
He was curled up in his bed too far gone in his nightmares. He was calling your name urgently, begging for forgiveness.
"Big brother Belphie?"
In a second of haziness, he thought he heard Lilith. His eyes shot open as he stared at you kneeling near his bed and palming his head.
"You kept calling for me, so here I am. Happy now?" You smile at him gently. He holds your hand and hides his face in it. You feel his warm tears slipping into your palms.
"Yes you're here, aren't you?" He sobbed.
He couldn't protect her and then he killed you. But now by some miracle you're back again. And you carry her blood and your soul. And this time he won't make the same mistake. He will protect you with his life.
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