#girls were holding hands and cuddling up to each other everywhere. may as well have been wearing wedding rings
juneboat · 3 months
thinking about adventure time again ( again ) ( again ) ( agai
thinkin about how finn subtly implies that he actually sorta-knew bonnie and marcy were in gays with each other . he really did get more knowledgeable about love over time didn't he
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legilimens-library · 1 year
May Showers
severus snape x fem!reader drabble
800+ words
Warnings/Tags: fluff, rainy days, cute couple shit, book nerds, thunderstorms, cuddling, married life, fem!reader
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It was during a morning in early May where a flash of lightning strikes through the air, illuminating the quaint little space of the living room at Spinner’s End. The power had gone out not too long after you and Severus woke up for the day, announcing the arrival of an unforeseen thunderstorm. But, in all fairness, the both of you take such a delight in this sort of weather, seeing it as an opportunity to spend time together lazing about the house where you both would pick out a book and read to each other in front of the fireplace.
And that is where you find yourself currently, sitting atop a mountain of blankets and pillows as a sort of makeshift nest that took up a great portion of the floor. Even during the summer months, the rooms within Severus’s house remained frigid and drafty. But it was all the more reason to have a small fire going; the soft light of the embers’ glow coupled with the numerous other candles you placed throughout the territory as well as the heavy drizzle of rain composing a ballad from the ajar window, creating a cozy atmosphere.
Severus thought it silly when you first introduced the idea of “wasting time on something so trivial”, according to him anyways. But after coaxing him with promises of back rubs and your homemade cookies, he was immediately subdued by the prospect of sharing such a fond and comforting moment with you. After all, he could never have the nerve to deny any of your requests, knowing it always filled his heart with warmth and pride at seeing you smile whenever he indulged you.
Speaking of the devil, you heard the gentle thuds of the natural jaunt that could only belong to your dearest husband. You glimpsed up from the open tome that sat on your lap at the sight of Severus as he came to a halt in the entryway, making his presence known to you in a pair of grey sweatpants acquainted with the old Depeche Mode band tee you gifted him a couple birthdays ago. In his hands, they carried a small tray filled with a pile of the molasses crinkles you baked the other day and two piping hot mugs that could only contain the rich hot chocolate that Severus most definitely didn’t develop a hankering for until you showed up in his life.
“Looks like you started without me, my darling girl. Are you sure you even want my company?” His voice echoed through your head, feigning the tone of heartbreak when he sees you sprawled out on your mass of blankets, surely interrupting you with the old, tattered copy of The Hobbit that you’ve carried with you everywhere since you were a child.
“Well, I was only refreshing myself from where we last left off. I promise I haven’t jumped ahead of you, Angel.” You huffed in amusement at his words, but you didn’t have the heart to upset him. Putting the book aside, you stole his gaze again and reached up to him with your arms outstretched. Motioning grabby hands at the grumpy man who stood before you, you mimicked a pout to entice him further.
“Now come over here and cuddle with your wife, please.”
Blushing at the aforementioned nickname you bequeathed him with, Severus only chuckled and nodded at your sentiments, making his way around the room to place the tray on the nearby side table and settle behind you. Your breath caught in your throat when he wrapped his arms around your torso to pull you closer to his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder as he placed his lips upon your cheek to give it a delicate kiss.
Resting your head in the crook of his neck, you grab one of his hands and raised it to your lips to leave a small peck on the back of it. Severus rejoices in the sensation he feels when you lean back into him, a sigh of contentment escaping from his mouth.
While Severus scooted around to make himself more comfortable, you reached over to take a hold of your book and opened back to the page you had bookmarked.
“Shall we move on? Bilbo and the gang are just about to come across the trolls.” You inquire as your hand goes to turn over the next few pages.
“Wait,” he whispers under his breath. Looking over your shoulder, you look into his eyes to see a twinkle in those deep orbs as he scans over the rest of the words inscribed within the text.
Kissing your shoulder, Severus nods for you to continue and squeezes you closer to him as your gentle, melodic voice begins to regale him of the familiar tale once again, the storm outside brewing over in the distance as you both escape to the realm of Middle Earth.
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b-floyd-o-leech-b · 1 year
Hello!!! I kinda stumbled across one of your posts, and I enjoyed it, so I figured, "Why not request something of my own?" Don't worry, I've read all the rules!!
Therefore, I humbly request relationship (❤️/🩷) hcs for Idia, Kalim, Floyd, Lilia, Vil, Jack, and Riddle, please!
I really, really hope I did that right 😅 Feel free to ignore this request if you're feeling too overworked or anything, this was kind of a spur of the moment thing.
If you do decide to take this request, take as much time as you need, I am a very patient person! Remember to stay healthy! 🫶🫶
Thank you for your patience. I haven't really been active on Tumblr, so I just saw your request. (Guess who had to re-read their own rules 😅). I've been wanting to write a little recently, so thanks for the request.
His hair is warm, not hot, and turns pink at the edges when he gets flustered. So whenever you place your hand inside of it, he immediately becomes visibly flustered.
He's like a shy cat that wants cuddles. He'll come up to you and place a hand on your arm, eyes darting around at everything and everywhere but you.
He hates how sweaty his hands get whenever he holds onto something for too long, so if he can, he'll avoid hand holding. If you insist that it doesn't bother you, though, he'll put up with it, just for you... don't make fun of him though, not even a little bit, or you'll never get to hold his hand again.
If you're taller than him, he's doubly flustered. But fear not- if you're shorter, there's still other ways to fluster him. Like that time you threw your scarf around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss (without injuring either him or yourself). If you're his height, or around, you like to give him quick pecks on the cheek, and watch him melt. Works twice as well to fluster him in public.
Ortho once pushed your heads together to make you kiss, because you were fighting and ignoring each other. He'll do it again if he has to.
Who knew that the wholesome bean could be so shy? Before you, he's never really had a boy/girl/datefriend of any sort, as he had a pretty sheltered life. You were surprised to hear he was your first, but it made sense. He did squeal a little when you held his hand unexpectedly.
So you make an effort to give him affection whenever you can, regardless of the amount of dating experience you may or may not have. Although you don't let it cut into schoolwork, you find that Kalim's face bursts into this cute, shy, happy expression whenever you hug him from behind.
By becoming Kalim's s/o, you unintentionally become Jamil's unofficial best friend. You're the one person who can logically talk Kalim out of anything, as long as you supply it with affection. So Jamil has stayed on your good side with curry and other delicious meals, and you stay on his by helping him wrangle in Kalim's absurd ideas.
Kalim likes sharing meals with you and Jamil. Sometimes Jamil won't be there, and in those cases, you try to eat the same thing Kalim is eating. If curry is your favorite meal, you tend to only eat it when Jamil is there- because you don't want Kalim to feel like he has to force himself to eat the same meal if he doesn't like it. Jamil won't eat with you often if you're overly affectionate in front of him, so best keep the PDA down to hand holding.
At night, Kalim loves spooning. If you're shorter, then he'll be the big spoon, and bury his face in your shoulder. If you're taller, he loves being little spoon, and the feeling of your hand carding through his hair. And if you're around the same height, you tend to switch between the two, although occasionally you like to face each other. Very wholesome bean, you must proteccc.
You accidentally melted the first time he gave you one of his famous squeeeeezes, so now he knows that you love his tight hugs.
Loves it when you're able to give him equally tight hugs, but he has come to appreciate it whenever you hug him gently, too.
He's a bit mouthy, but he's extremely gentle whenever his teeth is touching your skin. So that later, when you notice slight dents, you realize that you never drew blood.
If you're somehow taller than Floyd, then he likes putting his head riiight underneath your chin and putting your arms around himself, like a human teddy bear or human blanket. If he's the taller one, he'll place his chin on your head and wrap his arms around you at the most random times. If you're around the same height, he'll place his chin on your shoulder and hug you from behind.
Azul and Jade don't let him take you to his room at night, so he tends to cuddle with you during the day. Whether you're in a class, in a break, with your friends, by yourself, etc., he'll pop outta nowhere for affection. You can ward him off by rubbing his head until you've finished whatever you need to finish: he loves the feeling of your gentle fingers brushing through his hair strands.
When you first "boop"ed him on the nose, he made the cutest expression of surprise, ever. He had not even known what it meant to boop someone's nose, so he was very delighted to learn.
Now, whenever he gets a chance, he'll boop your nose. Whenever it's in the hallways, classes, dorms, clubs, day, night, etc. He'll come by, mischievously boop your nose, giggle, and skedaddle.
If you're his size or smaller, you enjoy cuddles if any sort. If you're taller, especially if there's a large height difference, he likes to bury himself in your chest. There's something comforting about a taller s/o, where you can literally bury yourself into themselves.
Make no mistake- he's the protective one of the two of you. You can be over twice his height, and he'll beat the hell outta anyone who dares mess with you, magically or physically. And when he's done, he goes over to you, booping your nose once again.
Reward this man with a date, because your dates always has to end with cuddles. It doesn't matter what you choose to do, because the thing he looks forward to most is his face in your stomach/chest, and your hands weaving through his hair; petting him.
Surprised you the first time he initiated affection. You were doing your hair, (if it's curly, you were putting it up in a bun for the night, so it doesn't get frizzy and tangled just from sleeping on it. If it's straight, just insert whatever the heck you lucky mfers get to do with your hair), when he surprised you by running a hand through it, careful not to catch on the edges of any tangles or knots. His touch was gentle, tender, and soothing, and you practically melted into his arms. He had to keep you from falling, whoops.
If you're low on energy, he'll do your skincare for you. Always makes sure to supply you with the best products for your skin type, and his fingers are gentle as they work your magic. "Tut, tut, potato, don't fall forward when I am washing your face." He'll also do your makeup, if you ask nicely.
He's not very much a PDA sort of guy. You might be able to convince him to hold hands... or just pinkies, if you're feeling cute. Hugs if you're feeling down, but kissing is strictly for behind closed doors. He doesn't want to attract the wrong kind of attention to you, especially since all it takes is one photo going viral online for you to be in danger of harassment... or worse.
If you're taller than him, then try surprising him by flopping on top of him. He's strong, he can take it. You can also do it as a shorter or same size person, though I'd suggest doing it from his front. He'll be more amused and less worried that he wouldn't be able to catch you on time. You don't want to fall on your face, do you?
Ask him before you touch his hair. If it's the end of the day and he's not planning on going anywhere in the night, then he'll likely give you his consent. The strands are so silky soft, that you feel like you're in heaven... be prepared to be lightly scolded if you place your face in his hair, you little silly potato.
He was very confused the first time you gave him ear scritches... but also visibly melted in your hands.
His tail wags uncontrollably when you give him any sort of affection, but now, it gets worse with the ear scritches.
He has a much higher body temperature than you, so whenever it's cold, he doesn't hesitate to wrap you in his warmth whenever you need it.
If you're shorter than him, then he'll feel the need to hug you to his chest to protect you. If you're his height, he'll enjoy spooning you- or being spooned, which isn't something he expected to be able to comfortably do. If you're taller than him, he'll protect you from magic: and you'll provide him with the same sense of comfort when you cuddle him as a reward later the same night.
He likes running, so if you join him, he'll be extremely happy to have you alone for the ride. And if he needs to carry you for the remainder of the run- hey, he gets a bonus workout, right?
You had to be the one to initiate affection with this man, as he's generally too stiff to be comfortable with it. He's touch-starved, so despite the fact that he was craving a gentle touch, he also was extremely jumpy and took a while to get used to it.
No matter your height, this man will be the protective one between the two of you. So if someone gives you trouble, just run towards him, and he'll take care of it. It also gives you the perfect excuse to give him affection- boop his nose, and tell him it was for being your savior today.
He likes spending time with you as his way of affection, though. He'll invite you to unbirthday parties or private tea parties, just so he can have an excuse to serve you tea. Whether or not you need sugar in it, it makes him extremely happy to see you guzzling up whatever concoction he's given you every single time.
Ace and Deuce like teasing you two whenever they see you and the "stuck up housewarden" acting like "maidens in love". You like to gross them out by kissing Riddle in front of them. Riddle becomes as red as a tomato, and the adeuce duo leave you alone. Score!
Riddle wants your kisses in private, though. Your lips feel so nice, and he really adores you and everything that you are. Really, how can you ignore that adorable face? You really need to give him as many kisses as possible. Now.
I hope that this was alright. I chose "affection" as my romantic fluff theme because it was the first thing to pop up. Hope you enjoyed.
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Kuromi x Osborn [Part 4]
[Tune of Amusement]
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Pic source: here
Part 4
Walking out of that section of the amusement park, I feel like I couldn’t get enough. The attraction that Osborn and I tried just now is called “The Big Adventure of Kuromi”. We searched everywhere with Kuromi before we could get hold of the candy treasure.
MC: So much fun!
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Osborn: Indeed, especially the last part where you danced with Kuromi. Looks so cute.
MC: Why are you only talking about me? You obviously had so much fun too!
Right at this moment, we arrive to a street lined with stores selling Kuromi’s merchandises on both sides.
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Osborn: Look at your wide eyes. How about we go take a look?
MC: I did not……
Even though I deny it, I still grab his hand and we speed off in the direction of one of the gift shops.
MC: Ah, this is the headband that we bought just now!
My eyes are immediately drawn to the Kuromi’s headband among the dazzling array of products displayed on the shelves.
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Osborn: How about this?
He shows me a Kuromi-shaped bedside lamp, which is dressed in pyjamas and even has a pillow in its hand. ��
MC: Wow, this is so cute as well!
While browsing the store, I unexpectedly spotted a Kuromi plushie.   It stares at me, and blinks.  
MC: Eh?
Osborn: What’s up?
Since he was busy loading up our shopping cart with the merchandises I had chosen, he didn't notice what had just happened.
MC: I think I saw this plushie blinks at me just now?
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Osborn: Let me see.
He picks up the plushie and examines it closely.
Osborn: Just a regular plushie. Maybe you’re mistaken?
Taking the plushie from Osborn, I find the two black beanie eyes staring soullessly at me. Regardless of how I look at they, there’s no way these eyes blinked at me just now.
MC: Possible…maybe I’ve been too tired from today.
Osborn: Let’s go back, then?
MC: Yep, they’re about to close as well.
When we are at the register, I notice that Osborn takes the plushie as well.
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MC: You bought this!
Osborn: Remember how you said that this plushie blinks at you? I think it’s quite meaningful. It could be that you and this plushie were destined to meet each other.  
MC: Destined?
As I see Osborn cuddle up with the plushie, I feel warm and fuzzy inside.
MC: Then why don’t you blink at me as well?
Osborn is taken aback for a moment, but eventually he follows my instructions to blink his eyes and comes closer to me with a smile on his face.
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Osborn: Like this?
MC: Yep! In this way, it looks like fate has decreed for us to be with each other!
Osborn: Silly little girl, we have been so long ago.
MC: More of that doesn’t bother me at all.
My words seem to have amused him. We walk hand in hand towards the theme park’s entrance. Approaching the closing time, the bustle of activity on the street increases. But his grip on me remains warm and firm, as though he had no intention of letting go no matter what may come. In the same way, there is no one else but him who can ever truly fill that space in my mind and soul.
[Introduction] [1] [2] [3] [4]
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damiano-mylove · 3 years
How you met them and what dating the members of Måneskin would be like
GN!reader, slight NSFW for Damiano *Masterlist*
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You'd definitely meet Vic at the grocery store
She goes grocery shopping every Saturday at 10 am, and you don't know that because you're creepy, you know that because you do as well (being an adult and such)
Over time, you'd both start to notice seeing each other at the same times and places
Vic would eventually come over, after having traded more than a dozen looks with you
At first, she would give you a random complement (that made your heart soar for reasons unbeknownst to you at the time), and you would immediately compliment her back because there are so many things to complement about the unknown girl at the shops
Those random complements would soon turn into full blown conversations that you both looked forward to, every Saturday at 10 am
Conversations turned into doing your grocery shopping together
Vic would ask you to lunch after one of your grocery shopping adventures, which you gladly accepted given the beautiful woman had stolen your heart at first glance
Lunch would go absolutely swimmingly, and it became the new thing
Your relationship with Vic would evolve from doing your grocery shopping together, then having lunch, to basically spending every Saturday together, then seeing each other other days of the week
One night, having drinks at Vic's place, just the two of you, Vic would join your lips together in a sweet harmony that felt all too right
You brushed off the night as drunken kissing
But she held you hand at lunch that following Saturday, and asked to kiss you before you parted ways
The conversation was bound to happen, and it did. After that, you and Vic were officially an item
She introduced you to her friends, and you did the same - your group loving Vic, and her's loving you
Dating Vic would be full of gentle love bites on your tender neck, fruity red wine, painting your nails matching colours, and late nights
On those late nights, Vic would hold you close, a film playing softly in the back, while her attention laid on you
You, her person, her rock. You made Vic's heart go ablaze and she wouldn't trade you for the world
Nor would you for her
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Thomas gives off strong Boy-Next-Door vibes
One day, your interest was sparked by moving vans outside your window - someone was moving into the flat above you
It was a very loud day (furniture scraping the floors, heavy boxes being dropped, many feet with much too heavy footsteps) but you were baking
You had a function to attend to the following day, so your day was already planned as a day for baking your famous biscuits that literally everyone loved
Ingredients may have a price tag, but kindness does not. Once all the noise subsided, you brought a plate of cookies up to your new neighbour (hoping to at least buy their friendship so they wouldn't annoy you constantly)
When Thomas opened the door, your stomach immediately turned to static
He looked a little tired, no doubt from freshly moving in, but his beauty was still breathtaking
Thomas smiled at you sweetly and thanked you profusely for the biscuits - he told you about how his grandmother made the same type and he loved them
The next day, right after you'd come back from your function, Thomas brought you back the plate with a bashful smile - 'The biscuits were divine, better than grandmama's'
You giggled at his statement, then invited him in for tea and to finish off the biscuits that were "left over" (you'd actually saved them for yourself, but there was no one else you'd rather share them with)
Happily for the both of you, Thomas accepted the invitation, and he stayed in your flat, drinking tea with you and eating biscuits, till the wee hours of the next day
You and Thomas shared smiles from your balconies and the street below, but when you'd be walking the stairs together, it always turned into an invitation for a drink, or to watch a game, or just a chat
About a month and a half of friendship, Thomas asked you to the cinema
You gladly went with him
In the middle of the film, your hands bumped together, both reaching for the popcorn on your lap - resulting in heated faces and looking away
Thomas walked you back to your flat that night, leaving you with a kiss on the cheek and legs made of jelly
That next day, Thomas asked you to dinner
'Is this a date or just a hang out?'
'It can be whatever you'd like.'
To no one's surprise, you chose the former option
You never officially confirmed your dating status, but you'd figure Thomas introducing you to his family as his partner was confirmation enough
Dating Thomas would include him singing you mellow songs in the evenings, longing glances shared across rooms, lots of tea at all hours of the day, and extremely stupid jokes that turned sickeningly sweet
Those jokes would occupy your mind for days on end, cherishing every single joke shared
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As cliche as it sounds, you'd meet in a bar
There was a game on between Lazio and Milan - and you both were dragged there by your friends
People clamored around the bar and television screens, screaming and yelling, and everyone decked out in jerseys (the Lazio jerseys outnumbered the Milan jerseys 3:1)
Funnily enough, you met Ethan in the corridor for the toilets
'With a line this long, I might as well piss outside'
For a first impression, Ethan really did make an impression. One that made you laugh and his cheeks tint red at the knowledge that someone heard him say that
It sparked a conversation while you both waited in the long lines
You discovered that neither of you held too much of a love of football, which absolutely tickled you that someone was in the same boat as you
Ethan waited outside the washroom for you, then suggested you both go outside for a smoke
With a drunken smile (the only way to get through a football match is to drink, lets be real), you agreed and told the friends you came with where you'd be disappearing to
Outside, you and Ethan shared three fags each and lots of laughter and conversation
Surprisingly to Ethan's friends, when everyone came pouring out of the bar after the game finished, Ethan had you pressed against the wall in a heated kiss
While being the most shy member of the band, Ethan reacted the most prominently to liquid courage, which you were more than okay with
You traded information, and the next day, you woke up to a sweet text from Ethan, asking you to a cafe to get to know each other in a sober environment
No complaints, you went
Ethan was just as funny as he was last night, and neither of you stopped smiling the entire time you were together
You saw each other quite often after that; sharing the occasional kiss, but full of laughter and stupid faces in silent moments
Eventually, you got brave and asked for Ethan to be your boyfriend
His face and ears went bright red, and he immediately looked to his slender fingers, chuckling nervously - but he happily agreed
Dating Ethan would include a hell of a lot of cuddles, lots of reassurance, few kisses but very meaningful kisses, and more laughter than you've ever shared with anyone else
Ethan will make you one of the happiest people on Earth, and in exchange, he is the happiest, just to have you in his arms in the mornings (even if you drool on him in your sleep)
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Without a doubt, you'd meet Damiano at a bar
There wouldn't be a game one, it was just a Friday night, and you felt like cutting loose with your idiot friends, whom you very much loved
Damiano would spot you immediately
You, of course, had already spotted him, but your friends were drooling over him, and every single person in the bar was as well, so you just put him out of your mind
That is, until he swaggered right up to you while you were grabbing drinks for your friends who were all on the dance floor
His expensive scent intoxicated you better than any booze behind the bar, making your skin tingle immediately. Damiano radiated heat, but that could've just been how warm it was in the bar from all the people
As the bartender was mixing your drinks, Damiano asked you your name
'A beautiful name for a beautiful person'
You thought he was just looking for a one-night stand, which you were actually quite down for
However, the night was still young, and you still had drinks to deliver to your friends, so you thanked him for the compliment and sauntered off to your friends with the drinks in hand
They called you a myriad of names for you basically turning Damiano down to do what? To dance with people you'd known for years?
Fortunately, walking off hadn't deterred Damiano
His eyes were on you for the entire night, until you built enough nerve to approach him
It didn't take too long for him to offer to bring you back to his place - you didn't need more than a second to accept
That night didn't lead to sex, however. Damiano thought you to be drunk to give him any meaningful consent, so he just left you to sleep in his bed, while he took the couch
When you woke up, you wrote your number with the lipstick in your purse on his bathroom mirror, and you left without a sound to wake him up
He called you that same day and invited you to the bar again
The entire weekend was spent going to the bar, sleeping either with or at Damiano's, which suited you just fine
Unfortunately, you had an actual job that required you to go to work, so when he invited you out on Sunday, you had to decline, then again on Monday
Tuesday, however, you invited him to your place for a couple drinks and you ended up falling asleep on his shoulder on the couch
Damiano woke up with you for your job and stayed with you as you got ready that morning, smiling at you through the mirror of your bathroom
Soon enough, your nightly encounters turned into real dates that changed location and theme constantly
Damiano was spontaneous and you loved it
He'd call you the cutest pet names under the sun, and bring you everywhere you were willing to go with him
Damiano never called you his partner; you were his lover
When you'd be alone, he always referred to you as 'Y/n, the light of my life, the only flower in my field, the cream in my jeans'
Made you blush like mad, but that was Damiano's favourite part
Dating Damiano would include doing each other's eyeliner, lots of PDA, reading side by side on the couch with a record playing softly, never falling asleep alone
Sleeping beside Damiano was like sleeping next to a furnace, so blankets were never needed, but cuddling was required
if it sucks, y’all gotta tell me😩🙏
for @fairyth0rns , i hope you like it
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greatbigshiningstar · 2 years
a pinkalicious party for CJ [a sunshine blurb]
this picture of miles and keleigh is giving me all the feels, and it gives summer, bradley, and caroline james at her third birthday party vibes. so naturally, i have to write a little headcanon/blurb about it, right? 
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-baby caroline james, or CJ, as many of her family members call her, is turning 3!
-she is the BIGGEST girly girl you will ever meet. pink? favorite color. shopping? favorite activity. makeup and dress up clothes? favorite toys. she is the epitome of girly girl.
-let’s pause for a moment, and think of how cute rooster would be as a girl dad. 
-i can only imagine the pictures that are secretly taken when CJ forces him (read: he willingly does it) to put on a tiara and make up and sit down to have a tea party with her.
-she probably would also make him do little performances and dances with her
-summer just sits and watches, and may or may not have some extremely hilarious videos saved of said performances. ones that were definitely sent to the dagger squad group chat
-oh god i’m getting carried away okay anyway back to the topic at hand. caroline’s birthday.
-so, being the girly girl that she is, when summer and bradley ask her what kind of birthday party she wants to have, the only thing she says is “PINK!”
-and so, they throw a pink party.
-it’s the cutest pink party ever. complete with pink balloons, a pink velvet cake, all the pink foods, a pink bouncy castle.
-CJ may or may not have required everyone to wear pink as well
-yes. everyone. 
-the dagger squadTM goes all out, because why wouldn’t they? hangman would do anything for his niece, so he shows up decked out in pink, feather boa and all
-CJ would probably make everyone wear tiaras ( “unca jake, unca bobby! you’re a princess like me!”) 
-when they go to sing happy birthday, bradley starts to tear up because how is his little girl already 3 years old? wasn’t it just yesterday that he was holding her in the hospital?
-summer reminds him that they get to do it all again in october when baby boy bradshaw makes his arrival
-and then bradley tears up some more
-summer cries too, because duh. they’re just so happy with the little life they’ve created and their found family that loves each other so much.  
-and then their crying is quickly interrupted by caroline yelling “present time!”
-being the baby of the family, caroline is spoiled rotten with gifts from her family. hangman and phoenix get her a new dress-up trunk, filled to the brim with fancy dresses, high heels, and all the accessories. bob gets her a whole bunch of new barbie dolls to go with the dreamhouse that payback, fanboy, and coyote get her. 
-maverick would probably try to buy her a pony, but i think summer would shut that down real quick. so he settles on a trip to disneyland ;)
-okay now i think i need to write something about the disney trip
-the party ends with a movie night, one of CJ’s favorite activities.
-everyone gathers in the backyard to watch a movie on the projector that bradley spent way too much time setting up.
-they’ve got the coziest mix matched little set up of blankets, beach chairs, pillows, and a random bean bag, all gathered in front of the screen where they watch CJ’s favorite movie, high school musical 2 (i mean, summer did raise her right)
-everyone is sprawled out everywhere, and caroline takes turns sitting with her favorite people. it’s a shocker that she actually even watched the movie at all
-you know who did watch all of the movie? hangman. and bob.
-and they sang along. to every single song. they blamed the fact that they knew all the lyrics on caroline.
-“she makes us watch it every time we’re with her.” “yeah! and who are we to deny her the opportunity to see zac efron on the big screen??”
-caroline was knocked out before the movie was even over, tuckered out from her exciting party and first day as a 3 year old.
-she fell asleep cuddled up between her two loving parents, and continued to sleep, nestled up in the mountain of pillows, while everyone cleaned up the party as quietly as possible.
-her sleep didn’t last long, and caroline woke up to the sounds of payback and fanboy arguing over who got to take home the last cupcake
-spoiler alert: maverick walked by and stole it without either of them noticing
-once everything was cleaned up and the crew headed home for the night, summer carried her sweet little babe up to her room while bradley followed closely behind.
-as they got her into her pajamas and tucked her into her big girl bed, summer and bradley squeezed in on either side of her.
-“you’re my best girl, CJ, you know that?”
-“i know momma, you’re my best momma. and you’re my best daddy.”
-“did you have a good birthday, squish?”
-(i just know that they call her squish, mainly due to her super cute chubby cheeks)
-“the best birthday, daddy. can we do it again tomorrow?”
-it was an extremely successful birthday, and the bradshaws had the best day celebrating their pink-loving 3 year old girl
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thepremedthatwrites · 3 years
The ABC’s of Peter Pevensie (Smut Edition)
Hi I jus wanted to say that I LOVE your writing and I was hoping if you could write a Peter Pevensie alphabet kinda kinky, smut edition or fluff is alright too I guess, pls consider it!
I’ve never done an alphabet post before so I am winging it as I go.  I did look up similar posts on Tumblr just to get an idea of what to do and I saw that they all followed a pretty similar format that I’ve adopted for this post.  I did make some alterations just to fit what I wanted to write.  I hope you all enjoy it!
warning: entire post contains smut and mentions of smut
A - aftercare
Peter loves to whisper sweet nothings into your ear right after both of you have finished.  Once you two have calmed down enough, he’ll draw both of you a bath and carry you to the tub before helping you wash up.
B -  body part
Whenever you want to drive Peter crazy, you know to wear your hair up to leave your neck exposed.  He just can’t control himself and will litter your neck with kisses and lovebites.  
Peter doesn’t spend much time fretting over his appearance but he would be lying if he denied that he chooses to wear shirts that are a bit tight on him to show off his biceps.  He likes how it shows everyone he is no longer the scared 13-year-old who wanted to protect his loved ones but didn’t know how to.  Now, he’s strong and won’t let anyone or anything hurt the people he loves.
C - cum
Peter loves to watch you cum, pure bliss taking over your face as you cling to him for dear life.  He especially loves it when you cum on his cock so he can feel your pussy collapse around him, squeezing and enticing him to cum as well.  
D - dirty secret
Although he would never admit it, he secretly hopes that people walking by his bedroom can hear you guys while you do it, especially when you’re moaning his name.  He wants everyone to remember that he’s the one who is making you feel as good as you do.
E - experience
Peter hadn’t been with anyone else before meeting you.  He had always been too worried about taking care of both his siblings and an entire nation.  So when you two started seeing each other, he had almost no experience but that didn’t hinder him as he seemed to be a natural.  He knew the right places to touch and the perfect pace that would leave you a moaning mess.  This was because he was an expert at reading people, something that he had learned for diplomatic meetings and fights on the battlefield but was also handy in the bedroom.
F - favorite position
He’s a bit old fashioned and prefers to do it missionary.  He loves to see the pleasure build on your face as you get closer to your climax as well as the feeling of you raking your nails down his back.
G - good girl
When I tell you this man loves to praise you, I mean it.  In the bedroom, he loves to remind you what a good girl you are.  He’s constantly encouraging you and telling you how good you’re making him feel.  Even outside the bedroom, he likes to praise you.  Partially because he wants to remind you how proud he is, but also partly because he loves the look you give him when he does so.
H - hand-holding
Peter loves to hold your hands while he pins them in place above your head.  He also likes to play with your hands afterwards, sometimes doing it absentmindedly while you two are cuddling in bed.  
I - intimacy
Being romantic is in Peter’s nature so it isn’t much of a surprise that he is super romantic in bed.  Before going any further, he always makes sure it’s alright with you and he never pushes you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with.  To him, sex is much more than feeling good.  It’s another way that he can worship you and he makes sure you know it.  He kisses every inch of you, reminding you how beautiful you are.  He holds you in his arms, making sure you understand just how loved you are.
J - jealousy
Although he hates to admit it, any time he sees you conversing with someone else who may show just the smallest hint of romantic interest, he gets insanely jealous.  This jealousy usually leads to long nights in his bed chambers.
K - kinks
While Peter may not have any prominent kinks, he does enjoy having you call him ‘my king’.  He also likes to be the dominant one in the bedroom but is always happy to have you take over once in a while.  
L - location
Peter likes to do it in the comfort of his bed where you two can go for as many rounds as you can without the risk of being caught or walked in on.  His second favorite place to do it is in his study.  The sight of you sprawled on the desk, open and ready for him, is enough to make him rock hard.
M - masturbation
Peter doesn’t masturbate that much since he has you, but when you aren’t available and his pants start to get a bit tight, he’ll go for a quick round in his bedroom, imagining you were there with him.
N - no
Peter would never do a threesome as he would get too jealous seeing another person touching you.
O - oral
Peter most certainly prefers giving it to you rather than receiving it.  While you are able to make him feel wonderful everytime you give him head, you are his goddess and he wants to be the one to worship you, including with his tongue.  He especially loves it when you start to get closer to your release and grind against his face.
P - pace
Peter loves to give it rough with the occasional slap of the ass and binding your hands.  He loves hearing the bed creak underneath you two and the sound of your desperate moans as he fucks you into the mattress.  He tries to go slow at first but he’s quick to lose control with you right underneath him.
Q -  quickes
Peter doesn’t mind having a quickie, especially if jealousy is coursing through his blood.  Usually when he does quickies, it’s when you two aren’t in his bedroom and are instead somewhere more public like his office or the library.
R - risk
Peter loves risks.  He thinks the added adrenaline makes it all the more hot.  He’s willing to do it in a public place where anyone can see.  He loves experimenting as well, whether it’s trying a new position or experimenting with foreplay.  Anything that might heighten the experience for you two is worth trying.
S - stamina
Due to his rigorous training for battles, Peter has insane stamina.  He could go all night if you let him although you two usually stop after two or three rounds.  Peter always makes an effort to not finish until you do, as you are always his top priority and he wants you to enjoy the experience entirely and fully.  This can be hard though when you are also doing your best to make him finish first but he usually has the willpower to hold out until you cum.
T - tease
Peter loves to tease you, whether that be saying an offhand comment that makes you heart race or kissing you everywhere except where his touch is needed most.  
On the other hand, he hates being teased.  You had decided to tease him once, tight clothes, sexual comments, and all.  This only led to him pinning you against the wall within an hour and him making you climax more times than you thought possible within the span of half an hour as punishment.
U - undergarments
Peter has a habit of ripping off your undergarments while in the heat of the moment.  This had led to your maids having a stash of undergarments ready at a moment’s notice.
V - volume
Peter isn’t the loudest in bed but he does let out the occasional moan or grunt.  The sounds he usually makes are praises, reminding you just how good you’re doing.
W - when
Peter likes to wait a while in a relationship before taking it to the next level.  It wasn’t until a few months into the relationship that you guys did it for the first time.  But after that, you two could barely keep your hands off of eachother.
X - x-ray
Peter is average when it comes to his length, but you don’t mind due to his girth.  Every time you guys do it, he fills you up perfectly.
Y - yearning
Peter would fuck you 24/7 if he could.  You never would have imagined the high king would have such a high sex drive, but you aren’t complaining.  It’s hard to hold back when the sex is just so damn good.
Z - zzz
Peter makes an effort to not fall asleep until he knows that you are.  He likes to brush the hair out of your face and plant gentle kisses on your forehead as you sleep soundly in his arms.  There had only been a few times where he was too tired afterwards and had passed out before you did.
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nightmare-dreamt · 2 years
Headcanons for Bakugo Katsuki...
- We all know Bakugo is an explosive type of person who tells at anyone who pisses him off. But, we also know that there are a few people in the world that can calm his explosive side and you happened to be one of them.
- You and Bakugo have known each other since you two had been little kids. Throughout time of knowing you he's been able to grow closer to you and that led to him not blowing up in your face like he does with everyone else around him. 
- Bakugo isn't the best when expressing his feelings towards others, but ways he's found to say those emotions to you is through gifts. If he sees and item he thinks you'll like than he'll get it. One thing he likes doing is getting you a bouquet of flowers for every date the two of you have. Currently, your dorm looks like a florist lives there instead of a hero in training from the amount flowers he has given you.
- He's a good observer so he knows everything about you and the things you enjoy. If the two of you are out and he sees you eyeing something he makes a mental note to get it for you on your next date or the next holiday. 
-Bakugo's fav date night is a simple walk through the park where he can hold you close and hear you talk about your day. He like this idea since the two of you usually go to the park from your childhood where the two of you first met. 
- Bakugo won't admit it to anyone, but he cherishes the moments where he can see you in his clothes. Everytime you wear one of his clothing and give it back they always come back smelling like you which is his go to comfort scent for when he sleeps. 
- Cooking is something the two of you enjoy doing together even if it gets a tad bit chaotic. Bakugo likes when your in the kitchen with him cause he thinks you make the environment livelier and more enduring. 
- Your guys first kiss happened when the two of you were younger and a bunch of you played spin the bottle. Surprisingly enough, you didn't land on him and instead landed on Deku which made him a bit angy. He refused for you to kiss Deku so he said the game was dumb and dragged you out leaving everyone in the dust. He brought you to the park and slowly explained to you why he was so upset about you kissing Deku, and once he told you the reason you kissed him.
- Bakugo isn't a big fan of PDA, the most he'll do out in public is hold your hand and hug that is if no one from school is around. He eat himself alive if the Bakusquad caught him being calm and collect out in public with you. Not that he mind others seeing you to it's just, he had and ego and the Bakusquad is well the Bakusquad when hearing things about yours and his relationship together they go a bit... wild. 
- Out of public when it's just the two of you, Bakugo's willing to do more than hold your hand. He'll want to cuddle, kiss, etc all as long as you don't tell the Bakusquad and get them on his back. 
- Meeting Bakugo's parents was... something. There pretty decent people for the most part, that is till Bakugo says something to his mothers disliking that starts an argument between them. Bakugo's father was your savior when the two of you left to the kitchen and made dinner while Mitsuki and Bakugo yell at each other. 
- A major danger zone when with Bakugo is when he's jealous. Explosions will be going off everywhere at the boy/girl that had flirted with you. It may take a while to calm him down, but st least you know he won't except anyone hitting on his s/o. 
- Now when someone hits on Bakugo, you'dthinkall hell would break loose as well, but no it's doubled. He's not just throwing explosions at this random person he's getting the whole Bakusquad to attack  this random person who chose the wrong guy.
- The first I Love You was said by him when the two of you were arguing. He had been planning on saying the three words for some time now and he wanted to do it somewhere special, but his big ass mouth had other plans. You blushed and so did he when hearing the words. You said it back without a second thought. Maybe having said those words would have been nice and heartwarming if done at a nice place, but hearing you repeat those words won't ever compare to any nice place.
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echo-of-sounds · 4 years
Small headcanons of how Aizawa, Toshinori, Hizashi, Fatgum, Gang Orca, and Hound Dog would be through your pregnancy.
I don’t write about giving birth (as I’m mildly terrified of doing so) so I didn’t add anything about that. Please don’t ask for me to. And even though I’m not interested in getting pregnant, I think I’d be okay with it if Kugo or Ryo were the father.
EDIT: I love picturing all of these men with little girls. It’s just so cute!
Warnings: uh, pregnancy
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Aizawa Shouta
Shouta isn’t one to jump for joy when you tell him. However, you will get to see his handsome smile when he grabs your waist, breathing out a light laugh of happiness as he tightly hugs you. His smile won’t disappear for a while. Every time he glances at you, one simply finds its way onto his face.
It may not be by a whole lot, but his behavior changes. Just a little. When you’re out and about, his hand finds its way to your back or elbow much more often, particularly in a crowd. It’s the paternal instincts kicking in. His favorite cuddling position, laying between your legs with his head on your stomach, becomes harder the farther along you are. He adjusts to laying behind you, keeping a hand on your tummy throughout the entire night.
Shouta hides his worries well. Even the people closest to him have a tough time telling what exactly is going on with him. Sometimes, it’s a good thing. He’s a stable person to lean on. But it’s difficult to deal with when you’re hormonal and emotional. He pushes himself so hard to speak more. There’s no way of him understanding everything you’re going through, but when he opens up, he can tell just how much you appreciate it during the tough times. So he does it near-daily, checking in with each other before bed.
He hates how busy his life is. Well, he’s always kind of hated it. Now it’s worse because his partner’s pregnant, and he’s stuck in a room with screaming children when he should be bringing you to your appointments. Shouta attempts to make up for the absence by heading home every night and helping around the house more. Step in. Explain how you value his help, but also need him to relax. If he gets overworked, that would only stress you more.
Shouta changes his eating habits and fitness routines. He wants you to eat well for yourself and your child. He wants you to keep exercising for yourself and your child. He simply wants your body to be healthy. Don’t grumble because he’ll throw your complaining back in your face when the Lamaze coach explains how important physical health is. But don’t worry, his cute smile makes up for the teasing.
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Yagi Toshinori
Toshinori is starstruck. Too many thoughts flood and fight. He loves children and has always wanted a family. Being able to father one with you is indescribable. And he never thought the universe would grant any of that. On the flip side, his fear is also undefinable. People know who he is now; who knows what’s out there, waiting to expose All Might’s weakness. The rapid thoughts may bring a tear or two. Cup his face and kiss them away, reassuring him that everything’s okay.
The fears follow him throughout your pregnancy. Like all things (with you and him), there are good days and bad days. His emotions ramp-up during your emotional and physically unwell days. He tries his best to push them down to focus on you. But they eventually end up spilling over. It’ll be common for both of you to cry at the end of the day, snuggled together, talking about the future, worries, and anticipations.
In general, Toshinori isn’t that protective. He trusts you and your abilities. Just because you’re pregnant, doesn’t mean you’re suddenly disabled. You can still do things. Although, he does become a bit of a helicopter. Whenever you bend over to pick up a bag, he beats you to it. He swoops the laundry basket from your hands, claiming, ‘You shouldn’t be lifting heavy things,’ despite it not even being ten pounds. He’s just very watchful of your movements.
He’s very active in dieting, doctor’s appointments, and planning. He eats well, so it’s easy for him to aid you in that respect. For doctors, he has quite a lot of contacts and knows many doctors from his time in the hospital. He asks around, only accepting the best for you. Planning, shopping, and setting up the nursery are his favorite parts. He loves choosing the sweetest colors, softest blankets, and, of course, all the adorable All Might onesies, toys, and superhero books he can find. The nursery is set up perfectly.
Toshinori doesn’t admit how incredibly your pregnant body enchants him. It isn’t always a horny, sexual need. It’s about admiring your body and what it’s creating. He just wonders at you. All the time. Sometimes the changes may make you feel insecure. He’s always there to listen and assure you how amazing your body is. If you want cuddles and kisses, he’ll give them with a smile. If you want gentle lovemaking, he guides you onto your back and gives you exactly what you want.
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Yamada Hizashi
Expect a loud song of love, a bear hug, and jumping for joy when you tell him. Hizashi loves kids. He thinks they’re amazing and say some of the greatest things. And he’s beyond excited to see their quirk. Of course, it doesn’t mean he’ll love them any less if they’re born quirkless. He just loves imagining a little one with a similar quirk running around your place.
He is all about redecorating and planning. The entire apartment is getting babyfied and rearranged. The nursery will be beautifully painted. He regularly comes home with cute outfits and stuffed animals. Partly, it’s because he’s just so excited. The other part is he wants you to relax through the pregnancy. No stress, pressure, and unnecessary burden on your shoulders. He’s there to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.
Hizashi doesn’t just spoil your unborn child; he spoils you, buying you those pregnancy pillows, your favorite ice cream, driving you everywhere, etc… He just hates how much time his jobs take. He’d rather spend his time with you. To help, he’ll ask for time off of patrols, choosing to be closer with you, physically, mentally, and emotionally, during your pregnancy.
In the later months, Hizashi is all over you. Seriously, he will not leave you alone. He’s very handsy, kneading and licking your swollen, sore breasts, and stroking your belly. Your body, and everything it’s doing, is utterly gorgeous to him. He’ll suck away, gently nursing on your nipple while dozing off to Tv, occasionally switching to the other so it isn’t left needy.
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Toyomitsu Taishiro
When you tell Taishiro, you’ll only be able to get out a few words before you’re lifted off your feet and spun around. He smooches all over your face, laughing and cheering about how amazing and perfect and stunning you are. You’ll have to ask to be put down lest you get sick from all his spinning. But his compliments keep coming. They won’t dwindle for a while. There’s just too much love in his body to keep inside.
Whatever you’re craving, no matter if it’s pineapple dipped in ketchup, he gives without complaint. He may try some of your odd combinations. Who knows? You could be on to something new. At the same time, he also watches out for your health. The cravings suck. He understands that. He truly does. But if you ate something sweet/not as healthy for lunch, then he plans a healthy dinner for you. Your body’s going crazy. It needs its nutrients.
Your worries are always taken seriously. It could be the most absurd thing to be anxious over. Tai always listens. His cute smile and never-ending positivity help a ton. Your body and brain are going through a lot. He’ll do his part to validate all your feelings. He talks down the anxieties as you eat pickles on ice cream, making sure you are and feel heard.
Since he works one job compared to the others, he’s able to be with you much more, notably during the hard-to-handle days and at appointments. And he picks up extra chores so you can rest through aches and pains. Any choices you make regarding your pregnancy and birth, he supports. He may not agree with everything, but he loves you, and it’s your body. He’ll always put your comfort and wishes first.
Tai treasured your tummy before. But now, seeing you growing with his child, he’s absolutely enraptured. He places nightly and morning kisses on your belly. When he wakes you up, his kisses trail down to the bump. Every night, he rubs lotion into your tummy, kissing and cooing to his child. It doesn’t matter if you’re only one week pregnant, and it’s just a clump of cells in there. Tai still sings to them.
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Gang Orca
Kugo is in disbelief when you tell him. He freezes, staring, hardly hearing your words. Give him five minutes. He’ll process what you said and snap back to the present. Watch out because you’re going to get lifted high into the air and maybe tossed like a father does a baby. He’s just practicing. It’ll only take one or two days for him to slip into paternal mode. It’s damn near instinct for him.
As per usual, he’s a gentle paragon behind closed doors. Throughout your pregnancy, he melts into a puddle of sweet honey. His overall affection skyrockets. His hands and claws are as tender as possible whenever they touch you, doing whatever you need him to: massaging your back and legs, rubbing lotion all over, or brushing your hair. He reassures you through tears. He prepares healthy meals that satisfy your cravings. And he holds you all night, keeping you safe on his chest and in his arms.
Kugo goes to every single checkup and appointment. It doesn’t matter if it’s just an ordinary visit to your primary care doctor; he calls out of work and goes with you. At any ultrasounds, expect a few tears, especially when you hear the heartbeat for the first time. He holds them in until you’re alone. The second the door closes, his forehead is nudging yours as small, loved-filled tears fall. He never thought he’d get a family. Part of him thought he didn’t deserve a family, but you’ve proven that false repeatedly.
The farther along you are, the more he watches out for you. He checks in every morning to make sure you took your medicine and vitamins. He washes you so you don’t strain yourself. If you’re waddling, he offers his arm for support and helps you stand. If your back hurts, he applies a heating patch to your lower back and puts your shoes on for you. If you need it, he can carry you to the car and into where you’re going.
As does everyone, Kugo has doubts about his quirk and abilities. People have always viewed those with mutations differently. And it can affect their health, leading to numerous doctor visits and tests. He doesn’t want his baby to deal with the staring, whispers, self-doubts, and distress he did. To support him, talk in detail about his fears and help him realize he’s never disappointed you or hurt anyone. Kugo’s exactly how he should be.
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Hound Dog
Ryo doesn’t have a tail, but you’ll definitely see a little happy wiggly before he hugs you. The following week, he keeps you close as he acts differently: rubbing up against you to ensure you smell like him, touching your nose with his, lapping along your neck, sleeping incredibly close, and occasionally smelling between your legs, licking the air around there to smell better. It’s awkward, almost weird, since it isn’t average ‘human’ behavior. But if you love him, let him do it. Please. Understand his nose works differently. It reassures and comforts him to smell you, checking in to see if anything’s changed.
Ryo gets protective when you’re on your period: When you’re pregnant, it’s so, so incredibly worse. He hovers, grumbling low at those walking by. Others barely hear it. It’s intense enough for you to feel it when he’s behind you. He doesn’t like people running up to you, or startling you, or roughhousing or playing in any way. He’s lenient with children, less with teens. Women get a deep growl and scowl. God help any man that approaches you. You might have to have him wear his Hero outfit’s muzzle until you give birth. Though, that might not help because then he’d be protective of two people.
It’s only the teensiest amount better at home. He makes you rest, almost too much. After work or some time outside, he shuffles you to the couch so you can’t overwork yourself. He’s a pleasant change of pace from his typical gruff self. However, as great as he is at the physical needs, he still struggles with the emotional aspects. You can cry on his shoulder, complain, and talk about your worries all you need to. He’s just a bit clunky when it comes to reciprocating the soft emotions. But he puts all his heart into it, and it’s easy to tell.
Ryo is also one who loves pregnancy sexy. You’re swollen and sensitive, and he loves watching your breasts bounce, maybe even leak a little depending on how far along you are. And since you’re already pregnant, he releases and stays inside. After, he lays behind you, keeping himself deep in you despite being flaccid, just feeling how wet and aroused and full you are because of him. When the heated moment is finally done, he licks you clean, nearly getting drunk off your smell.
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sweetsbfreex · 3 years
a styles vacation to Hawaii
Summary: a little continuation of this family. The styles take a vacation to Hawaii with mild bumps in the road. 
a/n: no warnings, but harry is not famous in this. I’ve never been to Hawaii and do not much of the hawaiian attire/culture, i just did research and put what i found. If there’s any misconceptions or if i’ve offended anyone by accident pls lmk!
Pairings: Dad, Husband!Harry
“Honey, you have to let go so we’re not late for the plane” Harry grunts, trying to stealthily pull Ava away from her hold on Milo. 
“No! We can’t leave Mimi” she cries out, cuddling her face into the pup’s fur even more. 
“Mimi has to stay with nan, honey” From his tone you can tell he’s losing patience.
It’s a definite eyesore. The whole situation takes place on your mother's porch. You were all meant to say your goodbyes before the three of you–– no Milo–– go off on a small vacation to Hawaii. 
Ava is holding on to the australian shepherd, not letting up one bit. You would think she glued herself onto him without anyone knowing, with how she latched on.
Milo in front of your mother's feet, enjoying what he thinks is a hug it seems. Only letting out long whines when Ava's sobs get out of control.
Harry is standing behind Ava, bent at the wait trying to pry her off her best friend.
You're crouched beside her, a hand on her back, trying to convince her to let go.
Ava's poor grandmother stands in the doorway. A look of agony on her face as she watches it all go down.
The–– now three year old–– has been throwing a hissy fit in the car, holding onto Milo's paw. Ever since Harry informed her how they were going to her nan's house to drop off Milo and then hurry to the plane. She saw the news like a terrible taste in her mouth, while she stared at you both in the rearview mirror eyes widened. 
You know how much the two love each other, but you didn't expect her to throw a fit like this.
“Ava I know you’re upset but, you gotta let go honey so Mimi can have fun with grandma. Don’t you want to go on the airplane, hm? Weren’t you excited about it?” You ask her, beginning to unclasp one hand and go for the other, trying to bring into your arms.
But with quickness, she remembered the only way she would be able to go on this vacation. Without Milo, she wraps her arms around Milo again. 
“Baby, Milo has to stay. Dog’s aren’t allowed in Hawaii” At this moment, Harry is willing to try anything.
“They’re not?” she asks, tilting her head back a little to see her father’s face. 
“Nope, Milo won’t have fun there. He’ll have more fun with Nana” he tells her, bringing his thumbs down to wipe away the tears. 
“...I wanna stay with Mimi!” 
Milo doesn’t eject this idea, letting his chin rest on her small shoulder. You and Harry huff in frustration, glancing at each other. Your mother...well she’s had enough of whatever foolishness you and H are pulling right now. 
“Okay enough of this” your mother starts, gaining everyone’s attention. “Ava, honeybee, Tell Milo and your grandma see you later and let go of him so you can have fun on your trip with your parents.” She says this with a stern, yet loving tone. Down to business and nothing else. 
“Yes nana” she mumbles, placing a few kisses to Milo’s cheek and glides to your mom. 
You and Harry look at each other in an instant, eyes wide at the way your mother fixed the problem in less than a minute. A mutual look of what the fuck, as in the what the fuck were you possibly doing wrong. 
“Thanks mum.” Harry says sheepish, looking at the calming little one swaying in your mother’s arms.  
“Yeah thanks mom” you say, standing up straight.
“No problem, Now get going, before she fusses again”
You all exchange your see you laters. Ava has yet another sweet moment with Milo. While Harry tells her she won't be staying in Hawaii forever and Milo won't stay with Nana forever. As you're driving away you all wave at the two, Ava yelling to Milo.
“Bye Mimi! See you soon! Don’t chase a squirrel when I’m gone!” She yells out the window, her arm waving in the wind. 
You and Harry share a chuckle. Despite what she may think, Milo has never chased a squirrel in his life. She's watched it once on a cartoon and it somehow filled her heard with the imaginary scenario. 
When both her grandmother and bestfriend are out of sight, she turns her head to the other window. A solemn look on her face, looking out the window like the Kermit the Frog meme. 
You play the Frozen 2 soundtrack for the less pouty girl behind you. But when you don't hear the shrill sound of her singing, you look behind you to see an upset look upon her cherub face. 
Her bottom lip is juts out, her hands fisted and arms crossed. 
“You okay?” you ask her, turning in your seat to cradle her knee. 
She’s dressed cutesy in a matching sweat set and a cute beanie rested over her plaits. 
“No. I’m upset and I wanna yell” she looks at you, resting her case, before she turns her head back to its original spot. 
Harry peeks at the interaction through the rear view mirror; an eyebrow quirked. One hand on the wheel while the other takes its natural spot in your lap, your fingers tangled with his. 
“Why are you upset?” you ask. 
“Because…” she groans, trying to figure out her ‘big feelings’. “You left Mimi and now he’ll hate me” 
“He won’t hate you, you’re his favorite person” 
“You guys don’t love me either!” She whines, glaring out the window. Wigging in her spot, causing your hand to fall from her knee. 
“That’s not true! We love you” you exclaim, in a loving manner. 
“Then get Mimi” 
“Mimi is staying with grandma Ava, enough.” Harry’s voice catches her attention immediately. “ It's okay to be upset but Hawaii doesn’t accept dogs, remember?” 
She only huffs, dropping her hands from her chest. 
“Can you play the when I am older song, please mommy?” she almost whispers.
You accept her request, turning so you’re seated right. Playing the song and hearing her sing eases your glazed stare a bit. Releasing a breath and closing your eyes as you rest your head against the window adds a bit to your release. 
Harry raises the entangled hands away from your lap, placing an adored kiss to the back of your hand. Sending a quick questioning look your way. 
“I’m fine” you send back, in a smile. No mother wants to hear those words.
He can’t do much with him driving and with Ava in the car. So he places a kiss to the back of your hand once more, and extends his hand so he caresses the back of your neck. 
“You’re doing a great job, stop being so hard on yourself” he encourages.
If your mom was here she’d give you a tip or two on how you and Harry are too soft on Ava. You couldn’t help leaving all the disciplining to Harry, you probably were definitely too soft on her at times.  
Through all the pouting, belting of kid songs, and Harry's annoying jokes and teasing. Five hours later you've made it to the resort. 
At the moment, Harry was checking you both in while you and Ava looked around the gift shop. When you feel someone’s arm come around your shoulder, you jump. But the feeling of his cold rings and brings you down. 
“Scared me, don’t do that” a breath of relief follows as you tilt your head back onto his shoulder. He gets the memo immediately, leaning down for a peck to the lips. 
“Made a friend in the lobby.” He tells you like nothing. Eyes shifting at his little girl looking through the stuffed animals and keychains.  
“Are you okay?” you ask in disbelief. 
“What?” he laughs, one eyebrow perched.
“Like in the head”
“I’m not following…”
“Why are you so good at making friends with strangers this easily? Seriously.” 
He laughs you off like it’s nothing, but it’s uncomic. You wish you could blame it on being shy, but compared to Harry it was not that easy for you to chat up strangers enough that you become acquaintances. 
Your husband could make friends with a duck if he wanted to. Everywhere you went. Whether in the ice cream shop a few miles away at home or the park where you took Ava all the time .He was always chatting with someone, in the end pulling you in. 
He only laughs it off, beyond doubt enjoying the look on your face. “We agreed to save each other a seat at the Luau tonight, for whoever gets there first. Talked to the husband actually, but you’ll see”
“You’re insane” you tease him.
“Can I have this?” A teal, stuffed sea turtle is thrusts in the direction of you and Harry. 
“How do we ask nicely” you say. 
“Can I get this?” she smiles, a smile so sweet, your tooth hurts from looking at it. She’s the most adorable thing and knows exactly how to use it to her advantage. 
“My sweet little baby.” Harry crooned, advancing to her, lifting her into his tattooed arms. Placing a series of kisses to her plump cheeks. She giggles, never wanting the affection to stop. “You can have it,” he tells her. “Let’s go to the till.”
“Harry you didn’t even check the price” you chimed in. 
“Shh. We’re having a moment” he acknowledged. He outstretches his arm, so his palm meets your face gently. You laugh into it, before you smack his wrist away, then placing a light kiss to his wrist when he whines.  
It’s some hours later. You’re all getting ready for the hotel’s hosted dinner/Luau tonight. The three of you took a two and a half hour nap. 
You were touching up your light makeup while Harry got Ava ready. He lost two rounds of rock-paper-scissors and now must deal with the havoc that is dressing Ava. 
“Baby, get the trousers mommy picked out for you” you Harey him tell Ava. 
“Trousers?” She says the word with confusion, “Don’t have trousers babe? That’s a silly word.” 
Then you hear the raspy laugh of Harry. 
“Your pants, get your pants and your top too” 
Not even a minute later do you hear Harry asking her to stop wiggling around. 
Harry walks in the bathroom, a giggling Ava sat on his hip. 
Harry adores a very laid back...dad look you could say. The back of the white wife beater he’s wearing get’s covered by a black button up shirt with flamingos patterned all over it. He’s also wearing  a pair of shorts and his favorite vans. 
Ava’s tucked into a set. a cami top with matching flared pants and sunflowers ornamented the black fabric. 
“Oooh look at mumma, beautiful huh?” he asks Ava, extending one hand towards you, once you clasp your hands in his, he spins you letting his eyes sink in.
“Thank you both” you smile as Harry tugs you in for a swift kiss. 
You had picked out an angelic, ivory crochet set. The top you’re wearing shows off your midriff and the long, flowy skirt matches with beautiful lace detailing. 
You turn to Ava to give her a kiss on her cheek. “You look so handsome.” you tell Harry, letting your hand run through his hair. “And you look so adorable, you like your outfit?” taking her from Harry’s hands. 
“Yeah, I like the flowers–– Can I have some too?” she points to the plethora of makeup products spread over the bathroom counter. 
Looking over at Harry for his confirmation, he nods. You take the brush running it over the blush, before brushing it over her chubby cheeks and her nose.
“Tickles,” she laughs, pushing your hand away. 
“Are you ladies ready to go?” 
“Wow! Look the fires!” She points at the lines of tiki torches submerged into the sand, jumping as she sits on your hip. 
The layout is stunning. There’s a stage for the performance, round tables spread out everywhere across the beach, and a buffet in the back. 
Most of the tables are already filled, albeit the show was to start in like twenty minutes. 
“There they are, over there” Harry indicated, his hand waving back at a family of four. 
With Harry’s hand settled on your back, he weaved the three of you to the table. 
“Hey Shawn.” Harry greeted, their hands clasped together as they brought each other in, clapping each other on the back. 
Shawn was a tall man, a few inches taller than Harry, and very built. He had amazing brown skin, clear like a mirror, and was bald––which he pulled off effortlessly. 
“This is my wife, y/n and my daughter Ava” he smiled at the two of you, while you shook hands with Shawn and asked Ava to say a hello. Which she did, like bursting a ball of energy as put her hands out for a handshake like she watched her parents do. It caused a laugh out of everyone. She didn’t know why they were laughing at her, but she enjoyed the attention. 
“This is my wife Avni” you hugged, as close as you could, with a petite, expecting Indian woman. She was radiant as she smiled at you and Harry. “These are my kids Grey and Aster” you shook hands with them both. 
Grey looked about Ava’s age, bouncy coils moving as he bobbed up and down in his seat. His sister, who looked in her tweens, sported the same hair texture. Aster more silent of the two sent her greetings kindly. 
“And the third is still cooking in here” he laughed, setting his hands down on Avni’s early protruding belly. 
With that joke, you understand exactly how the two of them got to know each other, as Harry joined in with his laugh. The wives chuckled amongst themselves. 
“How far along are you?” you solicited.
“Three and a half months” Avni smiled proudly, rubbing both hands around her belly. 
You cooed, “It’s amazing, you’re literally glowing. You're making me miss being pregnant” you joke. 
“Okay! Enough of that. One little devil is enough.” Harry tickles your side, as a result you jab his side with your elbow gently, as he grins down at you. “We’re gonna go get some food,” he informs the couple.
Now everyone’s sitting around the table anticipating for the show to start. Conversation running pretty smoothly. The four of you were even able to make a few plans for the week you are here for. You had gotten a high chair for Ava to sit and eat in, but she wasn’t having it. Failing around while reaching for you.
 In result, she’s now sitting in your lap, bouncing side to side. Munching on her French fries, chicken, and sipping on her pineapple juice. 
“Taste good?” Harry asks his toddler. 
“Mhm” she hums, shoving her thumb into his face. 
“I can tell” he chuckles, extending a napkin to wipe her face clean. 
You tilt your head down closer to hers, to see sauce around her mouth, some of it on her cheek even. 
“Hm, baby?”
“Mimi would like this, he loves the chicken mommy gives me” 
“You give Mimi your chicken?”
You both laugh it off, not seeing the point in correcting her. 
“Who’s Mimi”
“Mimi is our dog, he's big and he can talk!” Ava answered, her voice ringing with excitement. 
“Dog’s can’t talk!” The high-pitched voice of Grey argued, eye brows pitched together. 
“That’s a fib, Mimi talks to me all the time!” she defended. 
Thankfully,  the show was beginning, two young women and four young men came out on stage. Dressed in their traditional Hula attire. 
You and Avni shared a grateful smile, knowing neither of you would know how to suppress their little spiff. 
The dance is mesmerizing and it was nice with the sun almost setting as a background. Light hues of orange shaded the sea as the night took over the rest.  Everyone watched in awh, clapping when it was appropriate. The women’s skirt flowed amongst the air like water.  
Harry’s arm propps on the back of your chair. During the performance you feel his fingers run against the back of your neck. 
You turn your head towards, trying not to disturb the entranced little girl on your lap. “What?” you mouth. 
“It’s beautiful” he whispers to you. 
“I know” you tell him, smiling when he rolls his eyes at you. 
At some point in the show, the original dancers plus a few more stepped off the stage. An array of Lei’s on their arms, watching as they put Leis around their chosen person’s neck. During this time a woman walks behind Harry, setting one around his neck. 
You laugh at the shocked look on his face and the way he fixes his posture. She places a grip onto his arm, making him stand up so she could guide her to the rest of the others. Avni gets chosen too. 
The smile on your face makes your face hurt as you watch Harry “dance” up there. The man definitely didn’t have the bet rhythm but he’s having fun and you loved that. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!...” Ava cheered on her father, clapping her hands. Harry looks towards her, waving. She gets even more excited chanting his title louder. 
She's Not interrupting anything, you’re surprised he heard her in the first place. But also not, she always knew how to project her voice when needed. 
A little over a minute goes by when Ava raises her hand and keeps it up there until you’re able to flag down someone for a lei, which you both get. The both of you walk up to Harry and you set Ava on the ground. 
A slight circle forms as you three hold hands together. Just swaying. Sometimes letting go because Harry wanted to spin the two of you. It’s a beautiful image, you're sure. All the glee you could hold in your body transpires in the way you danced with them. 
When you’re walking back to your hotel room, your arms are hooked with Harry’s and your head rests on his shoulder. An almost asleep Ava in his arm. He stops to bring his free hand around your neck, pulling you in for a kiss.
“Thank you for giving me this, I love you” he whispers against your lips. 
Last night, after the dinner and the Hula, Ava had facetimed Nana. To be honest, she had wanted to say a goodnight to Milo, but talking to her grandmother was always a plus. She was still dressed in her outfit, you and Harry getting ready for the night, so you could then focus on her. 
She sat up against the headboard, Your giant phone–– compared to her hands–– held in her tiny ones.  You were looking through her duffle bag for her pyjamas when you heard…
“Look Mimi, I saved you chicken”, her small teeth bared, holding up a piece of her chicken from dinner. Your phone is now being propped up against a pillow. 
You looked up to watch her pull a piece of chicken from her...pant pocket. 
That was the point you reavulated yourself as a parent and had to think about what kind of kid you and Harry were possibly raising. 
“Harry!” you called for him.
He walked out, an eyebrow quirked.
“Look.” you hiss, voice low.
‘God…’ Harry thinks. “Where’d she get that chicken from?” he asks, running his towel over his hair. 
“Her pocket! Why are you so casual about this?”
“Angel...you had a baby with me, what’d you expect?” he questions, seriously questions you this.
“You’re fixing it then, Mr. mini-me”
Presently, you’re all at the beach. Three towels and three umbrellas lay in/on the sand. You’ve rubbed sunscreen on Ava twice now and have had to remind Harry three times. After last time there was no way you’d be rubbing aloe vera on him all night. 
“Baby you’re dripping it.” You sigh, reaching over to wipe her chin of the chocolate ice cream she was eating, from a cup you might add. “Do you want me to feed it to you?”
“No, thank you” she replies, kicking her feet out. 
You’ve all swam a bit, but now are on a mini break from the water and saw they were selling ice cream close by. 
It’s pretty quiet between the three of you, too busy enjoying your treat. 
She gasps, “Daddy you’re a fibber” Ava says indifferently, slurping even more of her ice cream from her spoon.
He guffaws, caught off guard from her statement. He shifts towards the two of you. The way the wind blows his hair and the sun makes the green in his eyes even brighter catches you off guard–– the sight of his abs doesn’t hurt either. 
You also knew it wouldn’t be long until his hair gained some highlights and his freckles would be more prompt. You couldn’t wait.
“How’m I a fibber, messy?” squinting down at her.
“Look!”she points, “There’s a puppy right there” 
There is, you turn your eyes to where her fingers point to see a woman walking a black Dachshund.
Harry turns his head towards him, a sad look on his face. “You’re right baby. I’m a fibber. I’m sorry”
Ava hurls from her seat to latch her arms around his neck, “It’s okay daddy, now Mimi can come next time” she tells him.
If there’s one thing about Ava, it’s how much she hates sadness. Unless it’s from her. Then it’s perfectly okay. She hates sadness so much, she particularly had a dislike for the character from Inside out. Until you had to explain to her how sadness is something that is okay and needed from time to time, Like in the movie.
After her round of affection towards Harry, she emplaces herself into his lap.
“Daddy. Mommy.”
You both hum an answer. 
“It looks like a hot dog” she eyes the dog while it trots down the sand. 
“It does huh?” Harry answers, brushing her flyaways back. All while you laugh into your palm.
Your hands feel tingly when you wrap it around Harry’s neck, pulling him into you. His head lays against your shoulder. 
Definitely a vacation to remember and cherish.
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it <3
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howggswouldreact · 3 years
📏 The Only Tall Maknae | Wonyoung
Request: hii can i request an izone wonyoung jealous cuddles scenario with shorter fem!reader? thank uu Plot: Wonyong and the small idol Fem!Reader are in a relationship. During MAMA, Wonyoung gets jealous of her girlfriend. Words: 2,661 Genre: fluff Notes: tried to write it in a way that was closer to the thoughtless attitude of teenagers inexperienced in having a relationship as idols. there are spaces for prequels or part two, maybe. if you want, send me a plot and i will write more from this universe! hope you like it! have a nice week!
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Wonyoung was happy to be at MAMA again. What made her even happier, in addition to performing and receiving all the love from Wizones, was that you were there, with her. Not exactly with her, since the location of the tables was made so that her group and yours were somewhat distant, but you both were there, giving sneaky glances at each other and dancing excitedly during more animated performances by groups you liked. You had to control yourselves, trying to be discreet, even though almost all the idols in your circle of friends already knew your closeness was something more. There were cameras there and they weren't kind at all.
You met through friends and have been dating for almost a year. Staying with her took away all your tiredness, reinvigorated your energies and left you with a happiness never felt before. She was the most beautiful and adorable girl in the world. And you were lucky to be her girlfriend. Very lucky.
Your group had made the second comeback in a year and, for the first time, your schedules were proximate. You were doing your best and she was doing her best, and you were able to meet in the meantime.
You just didn't expect to be nominated for Best New Female Artist, but Wonyoung was rooting for you, and when it came time to announce the winning group, you focused on her again and sighed.
"You are just a silly in love.", Soojin's voice sounded low in your ear, clearly mocking your "heart eyes" towards Wonyoung.
You felt your cheeks getting hot. The pros and cons of being a maknae... even though you were spoiled in many moments, your group really liked to make jokes about how you lost the bossy pose when you were with your girlfriend. And also the difference between your height and hers. It was extremely evident! But you loved it, after all, you could hide your face on her neck while you hugged.
"I'm not silly!", you said, smiling.
You turned your face to the stage, where the MC's were about to read the name of the award-winning female group.
Your eyes met Wonyoung's for a moment, looking for strength in case your group didn't win, and you gave her a bigger smile, getting back the most beautiful smile in the world.
Until they announced the name of your group.
There was a round of applause and you were a little lost, in shock, looking at your group mates for answers. Did you imagine things or did you really win? Your expression was so shocked that, at the same time, several fans were already turning into a meme on the social media. Feeling goosebumps come and go through your entire body and a light tug from Soeun on your arm, you got up and went from your table to the stage.
After that, everything went very fast. The leader, Soojin, said gratitude words to the fans, the staffs, everyone who supported the group, promises to continue working hard to deliver a good message through music, etc...
Wonyoung was very proud of you and, as your group came down from the stage and went to a part on the side of it for pictures, Yujin made a joke that she couldn't understand, but it was about the two of you. She looked at Eunbi as if she was seeking approval to come to you, but Eunbi was in a conversation with Nako about the award.
"It was pretty obvious that they were going to win, they are the best!", Yena exclaimed, when a new presentation started.
"You guys make a couple of very powerful maknaes, despite the height difference!", Chaewon whispered, from Wonyoung's left side, making her smile.
A few minutes went by and Wonyoung wanted to be able to go directly to you to congratulate you, even if not in the warm way she would do backstage, with a very tight hug and soft kisses on your lips, calling you "my love". Looking for you at your table, Wonyoung frowned. Your whole group was there, even the prize was there with them, but where were you? Were you at the bathroom?
"Where...", Wonyoung's question died in it's beginning. A few tables on the left, there were you. Holding another girl's hands. And that was enough for Wonyoung to feel her cheeks flush with jealousy and her heart sinking into her chest.
"I can't wait to take several selfies with it! It's so beautiful!", whispered Yein beside you, thinking about the award that was in Soojin's hands.
You nodded as you went up the stairs, until you felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning aroung, shoulders and a smile that formed an enlarged heart were the first things that took over your vision, indicating that the person who called you was tall. You focused your gaze on the face, raising your head, and realized that the owner of the smile was Yeeun, as known as J, a member of StayC. And your friend and classmate.
"Hey!", she greeted you, still smiling, and held your hands. "You rocked up there! I only got time to listen to your group's album yesterday, but it's really good! Congratulations on the award!"
"Oh, thank you so much!", you came a little closer to her to allow the girls to go up the narrow stairs. "I'm in love with your album too. ASAP always manages to make me very happy, even on days when my mood is not... good."
You were not praising each other for no reason, you had known each other long enough to not need formal praises.
"I know how hard you and your group worked for it and it was really deserved.", she had a caring glow in her eyes. "I know I haven't been on this idol journey for a long time but if you need anything, I'm here. I know there may be some difficulties but we will get through them together!"
"You can count on me too, Yeeun. This is not easy at all, but we are managing to achieve our dream almost together! Can you believe it?", you said, smiling excitedly.
Until you felt the lighting of the place get a little darker.
Yeeun's eyes landed on a spot above your head. You turned around to see the reason why there was a shadow on you, and there she was. Your girlfriend.
Yeeun greeted Wonyoung, bowing, while she was standing there, beautiful and in that black outfit full of sparkles that left you mesmerized since the beginning of her presentation.
"Hello, bab-sun-babe-nim!", you stuttered, impacted by the beauty of your girlfriend.
Almost calling her "babe", you tried to fix it by calling her (actually trying to call her) sunbaenim. Even though Yeeun knew about your relationship (you had already told her since you were friends), you didn't want any strangers to know. And that place was full of cameras and ears everywhere. It was risky. But your correction to the soft nickname you used to call her only made Wonyoung raise an eyebrow. There was something in her eyes and you knew it wasn't because of the makeup.
Yeeun greeted her and Wonyoung used a polite education towards the girl of almost the same height, differentiating by a few centimeters almost imperceptible, but that, with you between them, made you look much younger than them, even though the three of us had almost the same age.
Wonyoung praised StayC's performance and Yeeun thanked her before saying bye to you both and heading to the table where her group was at.
You raised your hand to Wonyoung's but the tall girl crossed her arms.
"Hey, what's up?", you asked.
"Nothing.", her tone was harsh and you felt a small pain your in your chest, but she had a smile on her face. A fake smile. "I wanted to be the first to congratulate you, but someone has already done that.", The smile was still on her face, for the cameras, but the tone of voice was still kinda rude towards you. "I can't even hold your hands without hear you saying that some people might be surprised by it, but apparently it's just with me. But, congratulations on the award, Y/N. It was well deserved. The girls and I congratulate your group.", she turned and started walking in towards Izone's table.
"Hey, what's up, Wonnie?", you asked, hurrying to catch up with her, but keeping an expression of false happiness on your face.
"Nothing.", her tone of voice cut into your heart, she hadn't even bothered to turn around.
"Hey, you know I can't keep up with your stride, that's not fair."
She stopped on the stairs, in the corridor that led to where her group's table was, turning to you and you almost ran into her, taking a few steps back.
"Just don't!", her gaze on you was as hard as her voice, but the smile was wide open on her face, it was petrified there.
You stopped as you watched your girlfriend move on without looking back.
"I can really do whatever tomorrow morning, I don't care, I just need to get this sorted out as soon as possible."
"I just think it's too late for you to go there...", Soojin had some concern in her voice.
"Have you texted her yet?", Jiyoon asked, stretched out on the living room floor.
"Several times and she doesn't answer nor even reply my texts since yesterday.", you paced back and forth in front of the television.
"If you keep walking like this, we'll find petroleum," said Soeun.
You sat on the floor next to Jiyoon.
"None of the girls answer you?", asked Seojeong, stretching.
"Hyewon replied that she is in a bad mood and locked herself in the room after dinner."
"What did you do, huh?", Yein asked.
"I don't know!", you almost shout, hiding your face in your hands.
"Oh, go on then because one in a bad mood is one thing but two in bad mood in different groups is a punishment! Go, go!", Soojin pulled you by the arm to get up and started pushing you towards the door .
"But what about the manager..."
"We'll find a way to cover you up, don't worry!", Seojeong said and Soojin closed the door.
You went down the stairs, calling an uber.
"Do you know how late it is?", asked Hyewon, rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"I know you don't usually sleep early, Hyewon. But it's a life-and-death situation!", you replied while removing your shoes in the lobby, only your socks on your feet.
"Death for whom? Only if it is for us, right? The sour mood she was in... I asked if she wanted salad and she almost killed me with her eyes!", with a tone of indignation, Sakura started to speak. "What did you do, huh?"
"I don't know!", you were about to cry. "Can I go and talk to her?"
The two girls nodded and you crossed the room to the hall like a bullet. When you opened the door, the room was dark and you already knew the way to Wonyoung's bed because you visited her sometimes. But instead of lying down, you knelt beside the bed, even in the dark, and whispered her name. You wanted to hold her hand but you were afraid. If she was upset with you, she probably wouldn't want you even there.
"Wonyoung?", you called again, this time in a louder tone.
"I can't believe you came here even after I treated you like that."
You didn't understand what the phrase meant.
"Can I lie down?", you asked, receiving in response Wonyoung moving her body to give you some space.
You embraced her in a hug, hoping she wouldn't reject it, even with her back to you. Again, her answer did not come in words. She held your arm around her.
"What did I do? Tell me so I won't repeat it.", your face was on her back.
"I'm feeling ashamed."
"Of me?"
"No! Of you??? Never! I'm ashamed of myself. I can't even look at you...", she confessed.
You were still confused, but you hugged her tighter. You wanted her to feel you there.
"You don't have to. You didn't do anything wrong, Wonnie..."
You heard a loudest sigh and she turned to you, resting her hand on your neck and touching your foreheads.
"I... I was an idiot. You, your group, had just won one of the most important awards of the night! I myself know how it feels to win it, I know how rewarding it is and... at the moment I-I didn't support you because I was... jealous.", you knew you shouldn't interrupt her, she was venting out. "I wish I could've hugged you and praised you... I feel so proud of you and everyting that you have achieved... but I saw you with that girl and she was holding your hands and she was smiling with such affection, I don't know what I was feeling other than jealousy.", her voice showed a little bit of anger and fragility but she kept her hand on your neck, caressing it. "I was wondering if she was special enough to show affection like that in front of so many cameras... if you liked tall maknaes and...", at that moment you laughed. "Hey, don't laugh! This is not funny at all!", she slapped you lightly on the shoulder.
"No, babe, what's funny is that you think I could have eyes for anyone but you."
"Yeah, you go ahead and think it's funny! And if it were me with, I don't know, a short maknae like you, holding her hands, wouldn't you be jealous when you saw it from a distance, without having an idea of ​​what's going on? Would it be funny?"
"Yah! I get it! Don't even make me think of you with someone else.", you took her wrist and stroked it. "Yeeun is just a friend from school and she was congratulating me. There was nothing else. There would never be. She knows about us and gives the greatest support! I just didn't get to introduce you decently because there is never enough time. I want you to see that you don't have to feel jealous because you are the only tall maknae I love. I love you. "
"I'm sorry for ruining everything and making you come here almost at the dawn. You shouldn't have come so late!", she pulled you into a tight hug. "But at the same time I'm so glad and relieved you came.", she whispered that last sentence.
"I would come at anytime.", you whispered back, kissing her cheek.
"It's too late for you to leave. What are you going to do? We can arrange everything for you to stay.", you were going to talk but Wonyoung wouldn't let you. "We can really work it out, make up a very good lie for the managers, take you back to the dorm quickly tomorrow very early. I imagine you have a lot of commitments now that you've won the award but... it's so late... and I want you to stay with me."
"Okay, I'll stay.", you replied, without thinking. "But I need some clothes to sleep."
"Okay, you can borrow Nako's pajamas."
"I'm kidding!", Wonyoung laughed. "You can borrow one of mine. It'll be huge on you, but you look beautiful anyway."
Embarrassed, you hid your face on her neck and felt her presence for a while, a warm embrace full of a young love that was blooming beautifully. The next day, you would have to deal with your manager scolding you a lot, knowing he would be right, but for now, you would enjoy your time with Wonyoung. Whatever happened next, it wouldn't matter. What mattered now was to be with the only tall maknae that you loved with all your heart.
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Head Start
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This is for my darling @buckyownsmylife and her 2k breeding kink challenge! Eyre, you're a gift. Thank you for your friendship.
My character is Steve Rogers and my AU prompt was Roommate.
Warnings: breeding kink, obviously, so smut (vague of course and this is really soft) - my blogs are 18+ spaces always. I do not give permission to translate or repost my work on other sites.
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Steve Rogers was the best roommate.
Yes, even when he woke up at 5am every day to go for a run. Sure, sometimes the activity in the apartment would wake you up, but the coffee was always hot and ready for you when you woke up.
Steve was always doing little thoughtful things like that for you. Buying two kinds of milk so you always had your favorite in the fridge. Carrying your laundry bags down to the machine in the basement so you didn't have to. He had to have a sixth sense for it because he always knew when you needed a movie night, junk food and cuddles. Steve was better than all of your previous boyfriends combined...but he was only your roommate.
Unless...maybe he wasn't only your roommate.
"Yeah, sweetheart?" He angled his head to catch your eye, as you looked up from where you were snuggled against his chest.
"Do you think it's weird that we always cuddle when we watch tv?"
Steve frowned, cute little lines digging into his forehead and you wanted to smooth them out with your finger. "No...why, do you not like it?"
"No, no, I do," you reassured him, "but when you get a girlfriend...or I get a boyfriend," the frown lines grew deeper, "they may not like it."
"Well, that's unacceptable. I'm always going to need cuddles from my best girl."
His best girl. How long had it been since Steve had brought someone home? He had that girlfriend when you'd moved in, and that hadn't lasted long. You'd been single since you moved in.
Why would you look for a man when you had Steve Rogers making you coffee in the morning and cuddling you on the couch in front of the TV at night?
Steve's watching some documentary about choosing the right preschools, and you're bored out of your mind. "Why are we watching this?"
Steve shrugs. "I thought it was interesting."
"It's only interesting if you have kids."
"I'm gonna have kids some day!"
"Yeah but you have to get out of here and find the woman to have the kids with first!"
Your voice was joking, but the deafening silence in the room choked off your air. You're almost too nervous to lift your head from his chest and look at his face, but you do and it's just as bad as you thought.
Steve is looking down at you like he got his hand stuck in the cookie jar. It's all over his face - he hasn't been having a hard time finding a girl, he's been deliberately not looking.
It's all you can think to say. It's a surprise but also there's a big part of you that's been unconsciously doing the same thing - not wanting to find someone to interrupt you playing house with Steve Rogers.
Steve Rogers, who is now staring at you like he's afraid you're going to get up and run away. But you don't.
You climb into his lap and kiss him, hard.
He's stunned for a moment until his hands find your waist, pulling you closer against him as you open up to him, letting him find what he's been seeking. You kiss until you're out of breath and then you pull away, your eyes opening slowly to find his staring back at you.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was trying to figure out how..."
You try to shush him, kissing him again quickly. "It's okay, Steve."
"You're asking me why I'm not out trying to find a girl, and it's because I had the perfect one here with me at home."
Your heart melts down in your chest, reforged into a shape that belongs to Steve only. Grabbing his shoulders and pulling him closer, you kiss the breath from him and whisper, "take me to bed, Steve."
He almost chokes on air. "Are - are you sure?"
"Yes. Please. I want to be yours," you look into his eyes, "your best girl."
Steve stands up from the couch, carrying you to his room. "My best girl," he echos you, "mine."
"Yes," you answer breathlessly, and he lays you down carefully on his bed.
You've seen Steve without his shirt countless times, wandering around the apartment in just sweatpants. Sometimes, in just a towel fresh from the shower. He's seen you in your tiny bathrobe and your little sleep shorts, tank tops with no bra on underneath. Still, this is first time you've taken off everything and you're both moving slowly and admiring, and in Steve's case he's practically worshipping. Greeting all of your newly exposed skin with soft kisses and sweet praises and you've never felt so adored.
"Are you sure?" He asks you, hovering above you, poised to cross this boundary forever.
"Yes," you answer, feeling him hard at your entrance. "I'm yours."
You're home. You're with him, completely, soft words and kisses between you as he makes you his. You're watching how he's holding himself back, how the veins are popping out in his neck and along his arms as he holds his body up over yours. And then you remember - "you want to give me a baby, Steve?"
His eyes widen. "Sweetheart, what are you saying?"
"That's what you want, right?" You coo, running your hands over his arms and massaging his shoulders. "You want to see me all round with your baby - tell everyone that I'm yours and full of you, that we made something beautiful together."
"Oh honey," he closes his eyes a moment, his hips stuttering against yours, "yeah, yeah that's what I want."
"Then do it, Steve," your voice is low but steady, the pleading edge creeping in the closer you get to your own peak. "Take me, own me...breed me."
It's like something snaps - Steve lowers himself so he's only held up by his elbows, pressing to you more urgently everywhere. His mouth to yours, his skin to yours and especially the way he's finally let go so passionately for you, pushing inside you with purpose and making every inch of your body sing for him. You finish first, with a cry of his name, and he follows soon after with a shout, emptying himself inside you.
You're both wrapped around each other completely, reluctant to move. Steve presses his forehead to yours, holding you tightly in his arms. "I want to build our life together."
"Well, we've had a great head start."
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
A Sky Full of Stars
Pairing: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) x Fem!Reader
Words: 11340 (I know I say this all the time but this really was supposed to be a short one-shot but it got away from me because I just loved this idea so so much. Sorry not sorry.)
Warning: Nothing but fluff. Some kissing that turns into a heated make-out session that turns into a cuddling session.
Inspired by this tiktok by the lovely ameliagonzales who was gracious enough to allow me to use her idea and write this.
A/N: It's been a while since I wrote something that's fluffy slightly angsty and dialogue-centered. I'm not going to lie, this took longer than usual because of the lovely anon that decided to tell me my characterization of Din is hella off and I realized I don't care if it is because it's my writing and I get to do whatever I want with it. Let me know how I'm doing in the comments and reblogs are always always appreciated. You can add yourself to the taglist here. This is not beta'd btw.
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“No silly this isn’t green, it’s blue.” The little girl put her toy away and brought out a new one, giggling at your faux pout as she shoves the new object in your hand and asks you what color you thought it was. You turn it around in your hands, trying your hardest to hide the hurt growing in your chest at not knowing what color it is. You think it’s closer to the first toy she gave you but you’re not sure. You’re never sure. You look at the girl and smile at her before setting the toy aside and wiggling your hands at her. She immediately stands up and screams as you run after her, laughing along with her giggles as you chase her around and watch as more kids join in and run away from you.
You’re not sure how long you’re chasing the little ones and you hear some of them gasp and ‘oooh’ when your young friend runs into a solid figure. You stand up and watch as the girl tears up as she apologizes to the man she just ran into. You’re immediately hugging her and assuring her that everything is okay, turning to the side and narrowing your eyes at the man that scared her half to death.
“Shame on you Mando,” you pretend to smack his shoulder three times and watch as the child in your arms sniffles between laughs when the Mandalorian tries to hide away from you.
“I’m sorry little flower, I didn’t mean to scare you.” You watch as the man reaches for a small bottle in his pocket and slowly hands it to the girl. “Here you go, a token of my apology.”
“It’s okay sweetheart, he’s a nice man...even though he doesn’t look it.” You wink at Boba Fett and giggle along with her when he sighs heavily and pushes the flask into her hand. She takes it and shakes it around, her eyes lighting up when the bottle shimmers at her ministrations and illuminates her hands.
“It’s so pretty! How did you know orange is my favorite color?” The girl slides down your arms and quickly hugs the hunter in front of you before running away and showing her friends. You look at her with longing in your eyes, wishing with all your heart that you saw the gift the same way she saw it.
“Still no color princess?” Fett questions and you shrug your shoulders as you make your way towards Slave I and sit on the ramp.
“Yup, same old same old. Who knows if I’ll ever see color.” There is a hint of hurt in your tone but Fett says nothing as he approaches you and stands to the side. He pats your shoulder once as he takes his helmet off and softly wipes at the visor to clean it.
“Don’t give up, kid. You’re still young...you’ve got all the time in the galaxy and you travel everywhere. You’ll meet them when you least expect it.”
“In this line of work? Yeah, I don’t think so Fett. But at least one of us didn’t lose the positive attitude. If I’m being honest, I was hoping to see color before the next supply run. The chances that I’ll live to go to Pasaana during another Festival of the Ancestors are practically non-existent. I heard they wear so many variations of the same color...maker, it would have been nice to experience that.” You pick up a rock and throw it away as you nervously ring your fingers and brush the conversation aside, not wanting to start the journey with a sour mood.
“Well, lucky for us, we have extra help on this run so it should be quicker. Maybe you’ll see color before you go?” Fett looks up and you follow his line of sight as another ship slowly lands just behind Slave I. You stand up and walk behind your old friend, looking back at the crates to ensure they’re still there before you approach the landing ship.
“Oh no, what poor soul did you manage to rope in this time?” You eye the ship and swear there is something familiar about it but you pay it no mind as Fett puts his helmet back on.
“Hey, I don’t always bend people to my will you know. He volunteered actually...he knows his way around the Narvath Sector and he might even tag along with us to the Forbidden Valley. So, be nice and don’t flirt with him.” Fett warns and you throw your hands up in defeat, failing to hide your smile as you respond with feigned offense.
“I’m not going to flirt with him.” You raise an eyebrow when Fett snorts at your high-pitched voice as he makes his way to the landing ship, and mutters something beneath his breath. The ship powers down after a couple of moments and you take a deep breath when the doors to the docking ramp slide and a figure appears at the corner.
“There he is...took you longer to land this time.” Fett yells to the other Mandalorian, not noticing how you take a few steps back as the man walks down towards the two of you.
“Oh well things just got a little more interesting now.” You break the silence and cringe when the Mandalorian struts past your friend and takes out his blaster. You hold your hands up when he points the weapon at your head and you watch as Fett strides to the two of you and stands in between your body and his brother’s weapon.
“You?” The Mandalorian growls and he tries to step aside and Fett holds his chest and pushes him back.
“Me!” You smile nervously and gulp when Fett turns around and looks at you. You swear you can almost see the look he’s giving you but you say nothing and hope that he can handle this situation for you.
“Oh.” You would have laughed at Fett’s response if there wasn’t a bounty hunter standing not five feet away from you and killing you a thousand different ways.
“You two know each other?” Fett breaks the silence and continues to stand between the two of you, knowing his friend’s short temper and your dumb comments might escalate this situation.
“I wouldn’t say we know each other. I’d say we met very briefly on-” You try to explain what happened the last time you saw the Mandalorian but he cuts you off. He pushes his blaster into its holster and you sigh heavily but keep your hands raised, afraid he'll change his mind any second and try to shoot you again.
“You almost blew up my ship!” The Mandalorian yells and you jump at his exclamation. His irritation seeps into your skin and you narrow your eyes at him as you walk around Fett and begin to nudge at the beskar armor with one finger. Your anger at his unfairness outgrows your fear of what he can do to you and you continue to push on his chest plate as you talk back at him and ignore Fett’s whispers to let it go.
“I did no such thing. I merely tried to fix your shitty cooling radiator panels but you scared the fuck out of me when you came up behind me and suggested I switch the parts, hence why I dropped the cauterizer and burned through the wires. So technically, you almost blew up your ship.” You’re breathing heavily and you’re sure your nose is flaring from how annoyed you are by the man in front of you. A few seconds pass between the two of you and it’s not until the Mandalorian tilts his head that you realize what you’ve just said and done. You take your hands away and swallow the growing lump in your throat as you step back and apologize a few times before you walk to the crates.
The Mandalorian stands there in silence, never once looking away from you retreating form, even when Boba Fett comes and stands him.
He’s missed this, and more than he preferred to admit.
“Little princess is fiery today.” Fett comments and notices when his friend turns and stares at him through the visor. The Mandalorian says nothing as he walks away from Fett and follows you. You’re in the middle of counting the supplies in the crates when you hear the crunching of footsteps approaching you. Thinking it’s Fett that’s come to help you move the supplies, you roll up your sleeves and ask him to take the opposite side.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell at your brother. I was just annoyed because I was only trying to help and he scared me.” When you look up and see that it was the Mandalorian and not your friend, you drop the crate and stare at him. He says nothing as he picks up his end of the large box and waits for you to mirror his actions before he begins to walk back to his ship. Neither of you say anything as you go back and forth until all the crates are on his ship. You walk out and stand next to Fett, waiting for his instructions to see whether you were going to go with him or with the new member of the crew.
“So what’s the plan?” You avoid the Mandalorian standing next to you and turn your body towards Fett, hoping that he’d say that you were tagging along with him.
“You’re going to go with him.” You cease to breathe at his command and clench your fists when you recognize his tone. He’s not leaving room for negotiation.
“W-why?” The Mandalorian walks back to his ship at your question and you pout when you realize that he may have misunderstood your inquiry. Not that it mattered whether or not he misunderstood...
“Fennec...we’ll meet you at Iktotchon.” You look to the ground and shuffle your feet against the sand, turning back to him and nodding quietly as you follow behind the Mandalorian.
“And princess!” Fett calls for you and you glance at him when you reach the top of the ramp.
“Try not to get into too much trouble.” You look at him with annoyance and shake your head when you realize he’s just teasing you. Standing at the large doors of the ship, you glimpse one last time at Mos Eisley before you make your way into the heart of the ship. A few moments later, the ship powers up and you watch as the barrier raises and locks just as light filters through the area. You’re not sure what you’re supposed to do or where you’re allowed to go so you remain standing where you are. Not a minute later, you jump when a voice breaks the silence and booms through the ship.
“Come up to the cockpit.”
You take a deep, calming breath as you set your things to the side and ascend the ladder to the cockpit. You come face to face with a door and you’re about to knock when it slides open and reveals the Mandalorian sitting in the pilot chair.
“Sit down and buckle up.” He says as he flicks on buttons across the board. He turns his head towards you to make sure that you’re buckled in before he raises the throttle levers and begins to take off. You hold back from saying something snarky as the turbulence gets worse, only shutting your eyes when it gets to be too much. You’re not sure how long you’re sitting there with your hands clasping the leather of the chair but it’s only when you hear the seat in front of you turning that you realize you were already in space.
You frown when you open your eyes and see the Mandalorian already looking at you, the tilt of his helmet letting you know that he was silently mocking you.
“What?” You break the silence and watch as he rights himself before he turns around and pushes the auto-pilot button.
“You’re a supply dealer who hates flying.” It’s more of a question than a comment and you can’t help but narrow your eyes when he stands up and continues to stare at you.
“Not a good quality of life.” If you’re surprised by his response, you try not to show it as you stand up and face him defensively like before.
“Says the man who wears beskar armor every minute of the day.” It’s a low blow and you know you have no right involving his religion. But you’re fed up with his passive aggressiveness and you want to make sure he knows that he can’t talk down to you.
The Mandalorian turns away and looks at the passing stars of the galaxy, softly whispering for you to follow him as he exits the cockpit. You want to apologize for what you said but you hold back instead, following him down the ladder and standing to the side when you see him moving things around.
“This is my cot, and that right there is yours.” He points to two doors across from each other at the end of the hallway and waits for your confirmation before he walks past them and shows you the refresher.
“Help yourself to any of the rations. We’ll arrive at Iktotchon in four sleeping cycles so there should be enough food for the two of us until we get there.” You’re not sure what makes you reach for his wrist when he turns around to walk away. He stands still and looks down at the hand grasping his beskar before he looks at you.
“S-sorry...I- umm, are you coming to Pasaana?” You ring your fingers nervously as you look at yourself in his visor, taking two steps back when he straightens up and looks down at your hands.
“You’re going to the Festival of the Ancestors.”
“Yes. Well, it’s me, Mando, and Fennec. So I was just wondering, you know, if there was...if you had anything lined up after this supply run. Because if not, you can tag along...it only happens every-”
“42 years. I know.” He cuts you off and you’re not sure if his body-language seems more open or not but within a few seconds of chatting with him, he’s suddenly relaxing and leaning back against the metal wall. He’s silent for longer than you prefer so you force a smile and rub the back of your neck awkwardly as you prepare to tell him to forget that you asked since he probably has more important matters to handle.
“Ok.” It’s a simple response yet you feel your skin heat up as he nods at you and walks to his quarters. He hesitates at the door for a moment before he pushes the button and steps into the privacy of his room.
You let out a deep breath and stand in your spot for a few minutes before you slip back to the docking space to bring your belongings to the room. The ship is surprisingly more quiet than others you’ve been on and you remember what he told you about it the last time you saw him. A faint memory of how he defended the size of his ship makes you giggle. Then again, you’ve heard from Peli about the piece of junk he had before this and knew that it was barely considered as machinery.
“Maker, how am I going to make it four days on this ship with him?” You shake your head as you prepare to go to bed. The twin suns were just setting on Tatooine when you were leaving and you knew it was better to get as much sleep in as possible considering how quickly things sometimes escalated on these kinds of runs.
Surprisingly, things weren’t too bad when you left your sleeping cot the following day. The Mandalorian was already awake and cleaning his weapons. You bid him a quick good morning as you moved past him and looked for some snacks. He didn’t seem like he wanted to converse with you so you opted to stay in your room for the remainder of your waking hours. A voice in your head told you to keep the door open in case he did want to chat eventually but as you thought, he never once disturbed you.
The second day on the ship was perhaps slightly more eventful. Although he continued to pass his time in silence, he did manage to ask you to help him fix something in the cockpit. You were shocked he requested your services with ease and said nothing as he stood aside and watched you tinker away with the radar display screen. He thanked you twice when you finished and told you that he’d let you know if he needed your help with anything else.
The third day, however, made you wish you could open the docking doors and throw yourself out in space. You hadn’t seen him all morning long and you thought it was probably because he wanted some privacy in the cockpit. By the middle of the day, you jumped out of your cot and grabbed some spare clothes as you headed to the refresher, wanting to shower once before you landed on the sand-filled planet the following. As you walked to the door and pushed the button, you were met with a heavy fog escaping the room. When the fog cleared, you dropped your clothes and slammed your hands on your eyes, immediately backing away from the room as the Mandalorian scrambled to wrap something around his waist. You weren’t sure how many times you apologized in the span of one minute but when you heard the familiar sound of a blaster turning on, you stood in silence and waited for him to say something.
“Pfassk, do you have no kriffing regard for privacy?” He growled through the vocoder and you shook your head to try and explain to him that you saw nothing but his back.
“I- maker, I’m so sorry. I swear on my life I didn’t see anything except your back. I didn’t know you were in there...I really didn’t or else I wouldn't have gone in.” You sigh in relief when you hear him murmur to himself as he sets down the blaster and shuffles around in search of his clothes.
“What do you mean you didn’t know I was in there? The red light was on, which usually means someone is in the fucking refresher using it.” Hearing him swear shouldn’t make you shiver and yet you do. When you notice that he’s gone still, you assume it’s safe to look at him again. Taking a deep breath, you turn around and lower your hands as you muster up the courage to try and explain to him why you couldn’t see the red light.
And boy was that a mistake. You regret removing your hands from your eyes as soon as you take a good look at him. Turns out, the beskar armor only made him look more intimidating. The man was large, made to be a hunter. He was broad-shouldered, muscular in all the right places and soft in others. You unintentionally frown when you see his bronze skin littered with scars of all shapes and sizes. Maker, the life he led was worse than you thought.
“I- uhh, I don’t...I couldn’t see it.” You hated how much your voice broke when you tried to explain yourself. As much as you wanted to blame it on being afraid of him, you knew it was less about the danger he exuded and more about the fact that you could see more of his skin than you thought you ever would.
“Excuse me?”
“I didn’t know it was red.” You knew none of what you were saying was making sense but this wasn’t exactly a situation that you thought you’d find yourself having to deal with, and with the Mandalorian of all people.
“Are you fucking with me?” He was less hostile than earlier but his words were still spoken aggressively. You couldn’t blame him really, especially when you knew how strict his religion was.
“N-no. I- my species doesn’t see color until- well, it doesn’t matter. My species doesn’t see color. We just see grays. I’m sorry...I should have asked before if there was anything I needed to learn about the ship that required me seeing colors. It escaped me. I’ll try to pay more attention...I promise you I saw nothing.” You take one last glance at the heaving, glistening body in front of you before you turn around and walk in your room. You shut the door behind you this time, knowing that he probably wanted some of his privacy back and that he would need to limit himself should you keep it open.
It’s not until a few hours later that you sit up when you hear a soft knock on your door. You stand up and push open the barrier, finding the Mandalorian standing in front of you with his helmet looking straight at your reluctant expression. You wait for him to say something and when he doesn’t, you raise your eyebrows and silently ask him if he needs anything.
“I didn’t know about your...I didn’t know. And I didn’t mean to scare you with the blaster either, it’s a reflex to- umm.” You nod at him and look down to see what he’s holding in his hands. “You left your clothes lying on the floor.” He pushes the fabric towards you and averts his eyes when he sees your undergarments peaking through the shirt. You thank him as you set them down on your bag and look into his visor again.
“I’m sorry.” The whispered exclamation does little to calm your nerves and you’re not sure what to say to him so you nod and awkwardly smile into the shiny beskar helmet. The Mandalorian murmurs a quick ‘good night’ before he makes his way to the cockpit, leaving you as confused as ever.
You don’t get an ounce of sleep that night, the image of him in nothing but a helmet and some flimsy pants making you wish he had shot you with his blaster instead. You refuse to admit the rising emotions you’re beginning to feel towards him, mostly because it didn’t matter whether or not he reciprocated them.
You still couldn’t see color.
He wasn’t your soulmate.
You’re afraid to leave the room the next morning, not sure which version of the Mandalorian you were going to have to deal with. It turns out, there was nothing to worry about because not surprisingly, you got the quiet, slightly shy man chatting with you. He pretends nothing happened the previous day and you go along with it. You’re just about to enter the atmosphere of Iktotchon when you receive a hologram from Fett telling the two of you of the sandstorm passing through the meeting point.
As you buckle into the seat behind the Mandalorian, he takes a moment to turn around and call for you.
“There’s going to be turbulence.”
“I- I know.” You barely hold back from furrowing your eyebrows at his comment but then he turns around to face you completely and you narrow your eyes at him with suspicion.
“I’ve landed on worse planets.” It takes you a few extra seconds to realize what he’s attempting to do and you can’t help but laugh and break the moment. You quiet down when he turns around and begins to descend to the planet.
“Are you worried about little old me Mandalorian?” You try to distract yourself from the sudden, harsh shaking of the ship but the teasing does little to calm your nerves when you realize that the sandstorm was as bad as Fett made it sound. You shut your eyes and try to picture the calm nights you’re so used to on Tatooine.
“You know, you can just call me Mando.” His voice breaks you out of your haze and you growl in response when you hear a few sounds go off above you.
“No, I- I can’t call you that. I reserved it for the other guy already!”
“You mean the Mandalorian who already told you his name?” He claps back and chuckles when you sigh in irritation at his question.
“Fine okay you’re right. How about this? Can you land this fucking ship without killing the two of us Mando?” You’re screaming at the top of your lungs and grasp the belt around your torso harder when you don’t hear back from him.
“You mean the ship I already landed ad’ika?” Your eyes shoot wide open and you look around frantically, only to see that most of the turbulence you experienced was due to the sand and gravel hitting the metal of the ship.
“Oh...that was- not as bad as I thought it would be.”
“Anything beats Maldo Kreis.” Mando says as he stands there across from you and the slight tilt of his helmet at your confused expression makes you realize he may not have meant to say that out loud.
“We need to go. The storm will only get worse if we wait until night.” You nod in agreement and follow him out of the cockpit to the docking station. Mando instantly regrets lowering the docking ramp when he sees gravel quickly entering the ship. You run to your room to grab the helmet you brought with you and lock it in as you return to help him with the crates.
It’s a difficult few hours on the planet, and you grow more irritated when the Ikotchi threatens you with less supply exchanges. When his demeanor suddenly changes and he asks you to take the crates and leave, you thank him and quickly take the crates up the ramp with Fennec before he changes his mind. You never once notice both Mandalorians as they subtly push their blasters back into their holsters.
You’re leaving Iktotchon later than you prefer, mostly because both bounty hunters find themselves in a heated argument that Fennec has to end not-so-gently. You don’t bother asking Mando what the issue was when you see him strutting into the cockpit, quickly strapping yourself in when he glances at you to make sure you’re safe.
It’s a rough take off for both his ship and Slave I, but you say nothing of it, knowing that he might not appreciate any light teasing at the moment. Once you’re out of the planet’s atmosphere, Mando puts in the coordinates for Pasaana and sends a hologram to Fett, letting him know that you would be reaching the planet in less than a day.
You want to ask him if you could help in any way but you decide against it and leave him to his thoughts. You want nothing more than to take a long, hot shower to rid yourself of all the sand that managed to seep into your clothes. But then you notice the state of the docking area and before you can talk yourself out of it, you look around for anything that resembles a sweeper and clean as much of the floor as you can. You’re thankful that Mando doesn’t leave the cockpit and when you’re done, you go back into your room to grab a change of clothes so you could use the refresher.
You think you hear Mando passing by your room but you say nothing and make your way to the refresher, halting in your steps when you look at the light and find it turned off.
“Mando? Are you in there?” You’re not sure if he can hear you or not so you try to ask him again a little louder.
“Mando!? Are you i-”
“No.” You jump as soon as you hear him respond from behind you. Turning around, you clutch at your chest when you see him standing in front of his door without the beskar armor.
“I- uhh, t-there’s no light. And I wasn’t sure what that meant really.” You’re ringing your fingers again, and hope that he doesn’t notice just how nervous you are in his presence.
“Well I- I rewired the electrical circuits of the refresher so you know when it’s occupied and when it isn’t. If the light is on, it means I’m in there, and if it isn’t, then it’s free for use. No more colores.”
You look at him as if he took off his helmet, trying to wrap your mind around the fact that he went out of his way to accommodate you when you’re only on his ship for another few days.
“Thank you,” is all you manage to say before you push the door and scramble in. Mando looks at the door for another few minutes before he remembers that he hasn’t eaten in a while. He cooks up a meal for two quickly and eats his share before you finish your shower. When he hears you walking out, he sits in his usual corner and brings out his weapons to polish them.
You smell food as soon as you walk out of the refresher and you throw your clothes on your cot before you make your way to the large space across the hallway. You’re about to ask Mando about the food situation when you see a plate opposite of him on the table.
“It’s yours.” Mando breaks the silence as he wipes in between the crevasses of his blaster, nodding towards the space in front of him to let you know that you could join him,
“Thank you Mando.”
Neither of you say anything as you inhale your dinner and it’s not until you’ve washed your plates and set them aside that Mando decides to break the silence.
“Can I ask you something?”
“S-sure.” You think he’s going to ask you what it’s like to not see colors and to only see gradations of gray but his question catches you off guard.
“When can your species see color?” If you were uncomfortable by his question, you did a good job hiding it from him. Mando watches as you push off the wall and return to sit in front of him, lazily pushing around the towel he was holding as you answer him.
“This might sound stupid and I’m usually told that it’s not real but I’ve seen those of my kind experience the second they could see color so I know it’s not just a fable we’re told when we’re young. Basically, we see color when we meet our soulmates.” Mando’s heart breaks when you throw him a forced smile, one he’s seen a million times looking back at him in the mirror.
“Your soulmate?”
“Yup, the person I’m destined to be with. My other half. The one that will belong to me and I to him.” Mando nods along with you as he stands up and hangs up his weapons one by one.
“I know what you’re thinking. What’s someone like me going to do at the Festival of the Ancestors? Honestly, I think it’ll be fun to attend it whether or not I can see the colors. It’s a rich culture so I’m sure I’ll enjoy it either way.”
“I can always walk around with you and describe to you the colors, t-the patterns even. If...if you want.” His suggestion throws you off guard and as earlier, you gape at him as you try to figure out what he was playing at. You think he’s pulling your leg and will laugh at you at any moment, but when he doesn’t, you realize that he’s being dead serious.
“That would be nice Mando. I might not see the colors but I could always imagine what they look like next to each other.”
And just like that, the conversation is over as quickly as it begins.
“Good night mesh’la.” Mando murmurs as he makes his way to his quarters, leaving you more hopeful than you’ve felt in a long while.
It’s a weird thing to admit but for the first time in years, you don’t go to sleep wishing you could wake up and see colors. No. You doze off wondering what it would feel like to hold his hand and maybe, just maybe, kiss it. You think of how soft his untouched skin must feel like and how calloused his scarred muscles would look.
When you dream that night, you see faint images of his lips caressing yours and his firm arms bringing you into his embrace.
And you wake up with a lazy smile etched on your face because those dreams, those sweet, lovely memories your brain conjured up during the night, felt as good as seeing color.
You can’t look at him for the duration of the morning, constantly pretending that you’re doing something or other so he doesn’t think you’re avoiding him because the last thing you wanted was to make him think you didn’t want to talk to him. But you just can’t find it in yourself to look into his visor. Every time you so much as glance at the beskar helmet, you remember what your subconscious conjured up and you stutter out a response to whatever he says.
Not surprisingly, Mando notices the shift in your behavior and he waits until you finish fixing the crates’ locks, which were clearly not broken, before he approaches you.
“Yes Mando?” You’re still not looking at him and Mando starts to genuinely believe that he’s done something wrong. When you try to walk past him to place the tool back in your room, Mando reaches out and takes hold of your wrist before you’re out of reach. You look at his gloved hand wrapped around your skin before you meet his eyes past his visor and Mando holds his breath because for a moment, he thinks you can see straight through him.
“You’re angry with me.”
You never realize until this moment that Mando tends to ask most of his questions in the form of a statement and it’s strange. It’s strange because it never occurred to you that he’s the type to perhaps jump to conclusions when he can’t read the situation. Setting the tool box down, you stand up and fix your shirt as you muster up the courage to respond to him.
“I’m not. I’m not angry with you. I’m- it’s...difficult to explain.” His hold loosens but he’s standing in your space and you think it’s because he’s not totally convinced by your answer and won’t let it go until you give him a proper explanation for the sudden change in your treatment.
“It’s difficult to explain why you’re not angry with me.”
There it goes again, that weird phrasing of his inner thoughts. You huff in irritation and Mando misunderstands your annoyed expression so he steps away and turns to look everywhere else but you.
“No, Mando...maker- yes it’s difficult to explain because you’re- no, not you. It’s not your fault it’s mine. I’m just not used to- gods why is this so hard?” You’re visibly stressed and it must be a sight because Mando comes back to stand in front of you and he rests one hand on your shoulder, waiting until you turn to look at him before he tries to break the anxiety-inducing silence.
“You don’t have to say anything if you don’t want to. I- I shouldn’t have offered to walk through the festival with you. I should have thought of how uncomfortable you’d feel before I selfishly asked t-” You perk up at his choice in words and you’re about to ask him what he meant by what he said but he doesn’t give you a chance. “Please believe me when I tell you I only wanted to...I thought it might help.”
“You see, this is exactly why I’m avoiding you.” You’re not sure who’s more surprised by your little outburst but when his hold tightens around your shoulder, you think maybe it’s him.
“So you are avoiding me.”
“Yes okay? I am, I’m avoiding you because the last few days felt like a whiplash of emotions and I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. One minute you’re angry and quiet and it’s as if I’m not in the same space as you, and the next thing I know, you’re rewiring your damn ship so I know how to use it and then offering to pretty much waste your time during one of the most beautiful festivals in the galaxy just to make sure I’m enjoying myself. And...and it’s difficult because I feel myself falling but I don’t want to because I’m afraid...I’m afraid you won’t be there to catch me...because you don’t have to. Because why would you when-”
You’re not sure how you got to this moment but all you know is that you're’ suddenly surrounded by Mando and the cold beskar armor and his natural musk and this unique woodsy scent and it’s-
It’s breathtaking.
“Cyar’ika, I didn’t know...I didn’t know I was causing you this much distress. It’s difficult for me to- to speak my he- to speak at times. I wasn’t thinking of how I’m coming off and I was so busy trying to figure out my- my own feelings...that I didn’t stop and think of what you must be going through.” His voice is low and you think perhaps that it’s breaking with every word he whispers through the vocoder, so you do the only thing you think of at the moment. Reluctantly, you wrap as much of your arms around him as physically possible, hoping he’d understand that you were listening to him and no longer trying to ignore him.
“I- I volunteered for this supply run.” You’re not sure how this relates to this current affair but you sink further into his embrace, hoping that he wouldn’t shy away from explaining why he’s bringing this up now.
“I know. Fett told me.”
“Did he tell you why?” Mando replies instantly and you furrow your eyebrows even though you know he can’t see you.
“I- I couldn’t stop thinking of you. Ever since the last time I saw you, I’ve been at war with myself, with what I was allowing to happen. I knew you weren’t to blame with the cauterizer but I couldn’t accept my heart letting you...maker, I can see why you said this is difficult.” He chuckles nervously and you hold your breath in anticipation because he isn’t, he can’t be admitting what you think he is.
“W-what’re you saying Mando?”
“I’m saying I need you cyar’ika. I’m saying, I’ve been dreaming of you for the past 53 sleeping cycles. I’m saying, I can’t bear the thought of not seeing you after Pasaana.” You don’t realize how long you’ve been holding your breath until you exhale against him and Mando pulls away, keeping his helmet aimed to the floor as he continues. “And if- if you can give me a chance, I’d like to- I’d like to...well, I’m not exactly sure what you enjoy doing but I’d like to do it with you. You don't have to give me an answer now. I know I’m being selfish and I know that I- I don’t belong with you because you haven't seen color yet. But please, please consider this. Consider me.” His voice is much more reserved, lower even, than before and you realize it’s because he was probably considering not telling you up until now.
Your heart breaks at his last words because this was never something you thought you’d have to deal with. But looking back at the last few days, no matter how confusing or strange they were, you can’t help but admit how alive you’ve felt.
You know he doesn’t expect you to answer him right away and you know you should take some time to think over what he’s asking of you.
So when you lay both of your hands on his chest and ask him to look at you, Mando thinks you’re going to reject him and you feel his muscles tense when you step closer to him.
“I do...I- I am considering this Mando, I have been for the past few nights if I’m being honest...it’s actually part of the reason why I couldn’t look at you today. I woke up with this unusual thought, well, unusual to me. It’s been so long since I stopped thinking about seeing color and directed all of my attention to something, or rather, someone else.” You smile up into the visor and slowly reach to rest your hand on the space between his helmet and his cowl. The mere touch of your skin shakes him to his core and Mando has to clench his fists so he doesn’t lose control over himself.
“Today was the first time I woke up not caring if I hadn’t seen color because- because being with you, and- and talking with you and staying on this ship with you felt like I’ve already seen color. I don’t know what’s going to happen when I do...if I do, but I know that I’d like to give this, us, a shot.”
“You...you do mesh’la?” He almost sounds like a young child asking his parents for permission to have something and when you nod at him, Mando can’t hold back anymore. He wraps his arms around you once more, and carries you off the ground, smiling to himself when he hears you giggling at his dramatic display of affection.
He pulls away and you think he’s about to say something but a message comes through to the ship and Mando apologizes quickly before he ascends to the cockpit. You stay planted in your spot for what feels like hours before you hear Mando telling you that you’re nearing Pasaana. When you get to the cockpit and take your usual seat, Mando rises from his chair and approaches you, kneeling down at your feet to buckle your belt easier and ensure that you’re safe. It’s a small gesture but you know he’s conveying a thousand emotions in that little tap to make sure that you’re buckled in properly and when you smile at him, he reaches over and pushes a stray hair behind your ears before he returns to his pilot chair.
You don’t feel the turbulence once, mostly because you’re too busy replaying the brief moment over and over again in your mind until you’re sure you’ve committed it to memory.
Mando has to tap on your shoulder twice once he lands, and you nod in affirmation when he asks if you were feeling alright. The two of you make your way out of the ship just as Slave I lands. When you glance at Mando to ask him about the argument between him and Fett, you find him already staring at you. You smile at him and watch as he looks away apologetically. Maybe he really was as nervous as you.
“You’re coming along then?” Fett says to Mando as you make your way towards the desert and you pretend to focus on the dozens of kites flying in the air, unsure whether you were meant to be a part of this conversation or not.
Mando replies in Mando’a and you look to Fennec to ask her something about the kites to try and ignore the two men who may or may not have been talking about you. You’re about to ask Fennec about the colors of the flying toys when Mando steps in between the two of you and takes hold of your upper arm, pushing you ahead of the others so he could get a private moment with you.
“Is- are you okay?”
“Fine. He’s being difficult.” His curt answer lets you know that he wasn’t going to reveal what that whole ordeal was about so you nod and try to fall in step with him. You’re about to ask him about the colors of the kites when Mando leans over and whispers in your ears.
“Those two over there are red, like the color of the twin suns on Tatooine when they’re just setting. And, that one over there, the large one flying higher than the rest, it’s a dark blue...like the night sky.” You try to not let the proximity of his body affect you but the more he tells you of the colors, the closer you want him to get to you.
“That smaller one is light green, like many of the plants on Felucia.”
“I’ve never been to Felucia.” You admit to him as you keep your gaze on the kites, trying to differentiate between the colors but barely noticing a difference between the grays.
“I can take you there.” He offers with ease and you look into the visor and smile at him. “I’d like that.”
You can vaguely feel their eyes on you but you don’t bother to pay attention to them, wanting to spend as much time with Mando as you could. Once you reach the edge of the festival, you thank the Aki-Aki that approach you and wrap a necklace of flowers around you. You laugh when they reluctantly look at Mando and he sighs heavily at your death stare before he leans down and allows one of them to place a necklace around his cowl as well.
“Hey Mando?”
“Do the necklaces look the same?” Mando turns around and sees Fett and Fennec look away from the two of you. He waits until they walk the opposite direction before he looks at you and takes hold of your necklace.
“Yours have lighter colors...yellow, orange, white, pink and a few light greens here and there. Mine is darker. This is purple, and these are blue...and all of these are dark red and brown.” He points to each of the flowers and tells you its color, never once noticing the way you’re looking at him and hanging onto every single word he says.
When you hear the sound of distant music playing, you take Mando’s hand and make your way through the crowd, telling him that you want to see what they’re doing on the other side of the festival. Mando says nothing as you pull him through, only responding when you directly ask him about the color of the caravan fabrics and laughing when you joke about how he technically blends into the surroundings. And when you come across a large crate that you can vaguely see some designs on, Mando offers to make room for it on his ship so you can get it. It’s a long argument between the two of you but he wins in the end, telling you that he genuinely wanted to gift you something that you can remember him with and might enjoy some day. You almost cry at the unspoken implications of his words but when he shrugs his shoulders and hands over the credits, you quietly thank him and let the seller know that you’ll be taking it before you leave.
Over the next few hours, Mando never leaves your side once, even when you tell him that he should enjoy his time as well. You notice how he changes the subject every time you ask him to explore by himself and giggle when he responds with an opinion on some of the color combinations. It’s quite comical to be in the presence of such an intimidating individual who’s complaining about how ‘that blue doesn’t go too well with this red.’
As you’re making your way through the different caravans, you notice a table displaying a dozen large cloaks. Turning to Mando, you see that he’s busy asking one of the sellers if they have similar shirts but in darker colors. You walk to the table on the other side and look through the capes to try and differentiate between them. When you realize that it’s of no use, you hold one up and call for him to ask if he should buy a new one.
“Hey Mando, maybe you should get this instead of-”
The question dies in your throat when Mando glances away from the vendor and holds your gaze. Your brain refuses to catch up with what your eyes are seeing for what feels like an eternity and your hand flies to your chest and clench it tightly as your heart skips a beat at the sight in front of you. It takes a few seconds for you to inhale deeply when you realize that you aren’t breathing and you feel your heart skip a beat when you watch Mando strut towards you. He drops what he’s holding in his hands and takes a few strides in your way, not caring to hold back as he wraps one arm around your waist while the other rests on your neck and tilts your head so he could take a better look at you. You still can’t wrap your mind around what just happened and you’re not sure what he’s saying until he lightly shakes you in his arms and raises his voice to grab your attention.
Maker, his voice was unlike anything you’ve ever heard. It was hoarse yet calming, the kind of calming that one could only dream of feeling.
“Mesh’la, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” His voice shakes you to your core and your eyes shift down to his lips, tilting your head to the side when you follow the scruff peppering his handsome features and memorize the different colors of his hair. Gods, you couldn’t put a name to any of them but you knew you liked the combination of the light and dark outlining his sharp jaw.
“I- I don’t...maker. You’re...you’re-” You’re unable to form a coherent thought and as you reach out to touch his cheeks, Mando clenches his jaw but doesn’t dare to move a muscle. He realizes that this is the first time you see him without his helmet and he finds himself praying that you find him, at the very least, okay to look at. His hold on you eases when he feels the palm of your hand caress the side of his face before you push his hair aside. Mando nuzzles into your touch and he shuts his eyes to commit this moment to memory. The last time someone was this gentle with him broke his heart, but he found himself longing for a similar feeling with you. Only if it was you.
“N-no...please. Look at me.” Your whispered request drowns out the music of the festival and Mando’s eyes flutter open immediately. He looks down at you and can’t help but shift his focus to your parted lips as you try to speak again.
“Mando? What...what color are your eyes?” You hold your breath as Mando’s gaze softens when he meets your eyes again. He doesn’t know why you’re asking but he answers you anyway.
“Brown.” His voice breaks but then you’re smiling up at him as you reach for his cheek with your other hand and rest it on his heated skin. He’s not sure what brought about any of this but he can’t care less, not when you were here, in his arms, touching him so gently and looking at him like he was the only one that mattered across the galaxy.
“Hmm...they’re a beautiful color.” The admission sends a shiver down his spine and he doesn’t register the meaning behind your words until he sees your expression change to one of panicked shock.
“You can see color?” Mando doesn’t intend to sound so accusative but his tone must have been harsh because you nod and snatch your hands away from him as if he’s burned you. You don’t dare look anywhere else as the reality of the situation settles in your mind.
It’s him. It’s been him all along.
“I- I can see color.”
Mando watches as you blink in confusion before you look to the side. You do a double-take when you see the vibrant colors of the festival and Mando steps away as you walk around him and approach a caravan hanging clothing of all color gradations. You ignore everything else as you softly trace the different colors and patterns on the garments before you walk over to the next little cart and stare at the vibrant jewelry. There’s so much to take in and you forget for a moment where you are. When you look away and turn your eyes to the sky, you can’t help but smile at seeing the kites gliding through the air. You don’t know which one you want to focus on because they’re all so pretty so you stand in there for a few moments to take it all in.
It’s not until you feel a presence next to you that you remember how you came to see this new world. When you begin to ring your fingers anxiously, Mando takes a step towards you and takes your hands in his palms.
“Cyar’ika, do you need anything?” He doesn’t know what to say and your lungs refuse to expand when you finally look at him again.
You spent years conjuring up different scenarios in your head to try and anticipate what to expect when you finally meet your soulmate. But standing here, in front of Mando, in the middle of the Festival of the Ancestors, you realize that this compares to nothing.
“I- I don’t…”
“If you want me to go-”
“No! N-no, please. Stay here with me. Stay here with...me.” Y
ou tighten your hold around his hands to prevent him from leaving. Mando nods and turns back to the caravan he was standing by to grab his helmet. You say nothing as he carries it and looks at you, but your eyes must give you away because Mando throws you a quick smile as he keeps it on his side and leads you through the festival.
Neither of you discuss the new development but you don’t ignore it either. You continue to steal glances from each other every now and then, especially when Mando leans over and tells you about each of the colors. Except this time, he doesn’t tell you so you could imagine what they look like. He tells you so you could memorize what each pigment is and begin to recognize them on your own. It’s almost as if nothing changed with how often Mando describes to you the gradations and patterns, but you know that this was far from the truth. And with the way Mando breathes softly against your forehead when he leans down to talk to you, you sense that he knows this as well.
He’s much more forward with his touches now, perhaps even a little shameless too. Hours ago, he would apologize if he pushed you by accident or shifted closer to you. But now, he was walking with you with one hand on your lower back and he would stand longer behind you as you asked about a new color shade.
As the sun slowly sets across the sky, you turn to Mando and wait for him to finish his drink before you ask him about the others.
“Do you mind if we don’t tell the others just yet?” You watch as Mando’s expression falls and you shake your head immediately so he doesn’t misunderstand the reason behind your request.
“Not because I don’t want them to know about us, I- maker, it’s just that I’ve experienced so many changes in the span of a few days and I want to make sense of things without...without someone asking me too many questions about what I’m feeling. I want to let this sink in? And- and I’d like it if it’s just you and me. Please.” Mando is quiet for a while and you think that maybe it was the wrong thing to say to him.
You can’t hold back your laughter at the soft question and you almost fall over from how hard you’re giggling at him.
“That’s what you took away from everything I just said?” You sigh in relief when he mirrors you and chuckles in return.
“I’m sorry cyar’ika, I- of course. Whatever you need from me.” He’s a man of few words but he somehow knows what to say to calm your nerves.
“Thank you Mando.” You say as you turn your attention back to the setting sun to watch the colors change across the sky.
“Din Djarin.” He whispers to you after a long while, and you meet his eyes briefly, your furrowed eyebrows silently asking him what he was referring to.
“My name is Din Djarin.” His gaze is piercing and you find it much more intense now that you know for a fact that they’re your favorite color. “So you can start calling the other guy Mando again.” Your heart skips a beat when you see dimples appear on his cheeks as he grins at his own joke, and nudges your shoulder so you could relax into him again. You say nothing and lean against his shoulder, resting your head on his beskar armor and enjoying the cold sensation against your heated skin.
You’re not sure how long the two of you sit there in your bubble and watch the festival as it continues on for, but you’re interrupted when Fett approaches you and clears his throat to catch your attention.
“We’re leaving.” The Mandalorian says as he watches you closely. You think you’re being subtle studying his armor but Fett notices how you continue to look between him and Din’s and he tilts his head to the side as he turns to his friend and barely holds back from smirking at him.
Din nods and lets them know that you would be returning with him back to Mos Eisley. Fennec is about to ask why the two of you are acting differently when Fett shakes his head as he looks at you.
“Until next time princess,” Din’s posture straightens when he hears the nickname and narrows his eyes at the man trying to get a rise out of him.
“Usenye.” You snap out of your haze when you hear Din growl at his brother and wave goodbye to him and Fennec as they walk away from you.
“Is everything okay between the two of you?”
“Yes sweet girl, don’t worry about it.” You flush at the pet name and Din notices how you shiver at his touch when he raises your chin to take a better look at you. He slowly leans towards you, never once breaking eye contact as he grows closer to your lips. “Is- is this okay?” He asks and refuses to move a muscle until you respond to him. You’re already breathless and he has barely touched you but you muster up the courage to answer him.
He smirks when your hoarse voice fans over his cheeks and as much as you wish for him to take whatever he wants, you’re thankful that he’s being patient with you and ensuring that you’re comfortable.
“Sweet girl,” Din whispers as he finally captures your lips in a chaste kiss. It’s at this precise moment that the festivities begin to pick up but you don’t notice the fireworks filling the skies or the music growing louder. You shut your eyes and hold onto Din’s wrists as he moves against you and deepens the kiss. When you gasp at his ministrations, Din’s hold on your neck tightens and he pushes you back until you lay on the blanket he set down for you. You moan as he slips his tongue past your lips and swirls his tongue across yours. Fisting your hands into his cowl, you try to pull him closer but cry out in pain when the beskar armor digs into your hips.
“I’m- I’m sorry mesh’la. I didn’t mean to-”
“No no it’s...it’s just your armor. I promise, I- I liked this.” You gulp nervously when you see an amused expression take over his handsome features.
“Is that so?” You don’t have time to react to his question, squealing in surprise when he suddenly stands up and pulls you along with him.
“What- where are we going?” You ask him as he pulls you through the multitude of visitors and Aki-Aki. He stops abruptly and speaks to one of the natives before he pushes you into the caravan standing behind him.
“Din, we can’t just-”
“I asked for his permission. Don’t you know, all of these are for visitors who want to stay the night.” You’re about to ask him why you’re staying the night out here instead of his ship but you can’t seem to form the question because you see Din taking his armor off.
It’s mesmerizing watching him take each beskar piece apart but when he’s down to just his clothes, it occurs to you that this night might be going somewhere else. Your nervousness must show on your face because Din walks towards you slowly and takes your hands in his. He kisses your wrists before leans over and rests his forehead against yours.
“Don’t worry cyar’ika, I’m not… I won’t- we’re not here to do anything other than talk. I didn’t feel comfortable taking my beskar off out there so-”
“I trust you Din.” You interrupt his word-vomit and lead him to one of the corners of the tent so you could lay down next to each other. When you rest your head on the pillow and finally look up, you’re met with a small opening in the ceiling of the caravan that gives you a perfect view of the blue night sky lighting up with fireworks.
When Din finally seats himself next to you, you whine in irritation and pull him down until he’s on his back next to you. Din never once lets go of your hand and he occasionally raises the palm of your hand to his lips to kiss across the skin.
“Can I ask you something?” You don’t look away from the fireworks when you speak, not wanting to miss seeing any of the vibrant shades of reds and yellows as they broke through the clouds.
“Anything sweet girl.”
“Why did you take off your helmet? I thought your Creed prevented you from showing your face.” You hope the question isn’t too insensitive or private, and when Din takes longer than you like to respond, you finally turn to him to apologize. But Din cuts you off before you can even say anything, keeping his focus on your wrist to distract him long enough so he could respond.
“I had a son once, well, he wasn’t mine physically but, he was mine. He was a foundling by Creed and I was tasked with bringing him back to his kind. It’s a long story that I could tell you another time but...when I had to give him up, I couldn’t bear the thought of him never seeing me without the helmet. I needed him to see me, to know what I willingly gave up and what I had to do to ensure his safety. I’d taken off my helmet once before and even thought it was my choice, I didn’t want to. But in that moment, before I watched him go, I decided that he was more important than my Creed. He was...he was everything to me. And it took a long time to realize that personal connections and relationships weren’t a weakness, they were a strength. My strength.” You’re not sure when you turned to your side and nuzzled into his embrace. But you couldn’t focus on anything else but him and the way his eyes twinkled in sadness when he mentioned his kid. It was a shocking admission and you never once thought of him in such a role but looking back at the last few days, you didn’t find it impossible. He was kind, quiet, sweet, adn patient.
“I keep my helmet on almost all the time but I only take it off around people I trust. I’m telling you this because- because I trust you. I trust you cyar’ika. I took it off earlier today because I wanted you to see me...and also because I was trying to pick out a gift for you. I figured if I didn’t preface it with anything that it would be less dramatic but- little did I know.” The indirect mention of the not-so-little change you experienced earlier today makes you smile.
“If I knew you needed to look into my eyes for you to see color, I would have taken off the helmet the first time I saw you.” He trails his nose across your cheek before he kisses your eyes and your forehead, smiling down at you when he sees how relaxed you feel in his arms.
“It wouldn’t have mattered.” Your response surprises him and he pulls away and looks at you quizzically.
“I- I saw you before my eyes saw you, Din. My heart chose you before my soul did. I...I think I knew when I saw you again…I think a part of me knew that you were it for me and that it didn’t matter if I didn’t see color with you because- because you were...you’re perfect.” You feel a weight lift off of your chest when you finally confess to him what you’ve been feeling for the past few days and you shift impossibly closer to him to let him know that you were telling the truth.
“I’m not perfect mesh’la.” His laugh is self-deprecating and he only stops when he feels your hand slip around his back and hold onto his shirt like your life depended on it.
“You are to me.” It’s perhaps too forward for him and Din doesn’t know how to react or respond to your confession so he nods at you and nuzzles into your neck to avoid any more of your intense emotions.
“You haven’t told me yet what your favorite color is.” He tries to change the topic, not expecting your response to shoot through his chest and into his heart like a blaster.
“Brown obviously.” You answer instantly and without hesitation.
“Why ‘obviously’?”
“Well, it’s-it’s your eye-color Din. What other color could be my favorite?”
His heart ceases to beat at your adamant reply and he pulls away again to look into your eyes to see if you were teasing him. Instead, he finds something swimming in your eyes that would have terrified his soul had he met you years ago.
“Ner kar’ta,” Din moans into your ear as he rests up on his elbow before molding his lips with yours again. You don't know what any of the Mando’a means but you have a pretty good idea of what he’s trying to convey in that moment and you wrap your arms around his neck and bring him closer to you. When he lays back down and pulls you into his side, you can’t help but take one last look at the night sky, finding the stars shimmering behind the multitude of fireworks. You watch the different colors blend with each other, and you almost cry when you see the yellows and greens and blues mixing so beautifully together to create new gradients across the galaxy.
But none of them compared to the color of Din’s eyes. And you go to sleep dreaming of the moment those kind, dark, brown orbs captured your soul and whispered affections into your heart.
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Mesh’la - beautiful Cyar’ika - beloved/darling Ad’ika - little one Usenye - go away Ner kar’ta - my heart
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Pedro Pascal (and any of his characters):
@pastel-0-princess @feelmyroarrrr @libbymouse @its--fandom--darling @spideysimpossiblegirl @princess76179 @cheekygeek05 @miraclesoflove @purple-mango @freeshavocadoooo @metalarmsandmanbuns @acthenerd @greeneyedblondie44 @cannedsoupsucks @purplepascal042 @talesfromtheguild @f0rever15elf @vibin-hippie @onesmokinbabe @leaiorganas @words-way-of-life @kideyz @lovesickmadsadpoet @niall7inches @rosiefridayrogersunday @tati-adventures @sleep-tight1 @itsfreeekinbats @cybergroupie @vibin-hippie @marsplsstop @mouthymandalorian @diogodxlot @janebby @juletheghoul
Din Djarin: @a--1--1--3 @tanzthompson
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bakugohoex · 4 years
Not neccesarily a request, but Porco would be the absolute blast to spend a quarantine lock down with. He would always find something creative to do with you and I stand by the headcannon that be can cook EXCEPTIONALLY well. Ya'll would be eating well. On top of it all, I mean look at him!? He's like a walking sex god. You guys could surely find something entertaining to do. If you get my gist.
“another lockdown with me, baby”
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pairing: porco galliard x female reader
cw: modern au, nsfw (shower sex), aftercare
word count: 1200+
a/n: sorry i made this into a headcanon cause i loved the idea sm
summary: in which you and porco spend another national lockdown together
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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You remember last lockdown, being confined for 6 months just going on with work on team meetings and having girls night at home.
Yeah, well last time you had Porco with you and it was horrific.
2 months into your relationship you both ended up moving in with each other.
It was Porco’s idea as the idea of not seeing you every day broke him into pieces.
Imagine his little face for a week asking you to move in for hours on end, baby just wants to spend time with his fave girl.
Last lockdown, you both were a fresh new couple. This time, after a year together, it was a lot different. Your dynamic had been made and you both had a routine; he was still the same cocky bastard though.
He’d give such a smug look after hearing another national lockdown was happening, gleaming out a “another lockdown with me, baby”.
Lie ins, lie ins, lie ins, you both worked from home now and had daily meetings after midday. This boy will hold onto you for dear life and will never let you go.
Makes breakfast for you every day, he’s actually a decent cook because he loves food more than he loves you (he’d never tell you that though).
Will give you back massages from the strain of hunching your back in meetings. 
Boys a sweetie.
I know this man would see your bag on any online store and just buy it, he watched how easily you bought stuff last lockdown and now he’s the one buying it for you. Will add other clothes he likes, especially lingerie that he wants you to wear.
Workout who? The most you two do is go on a daily walk after dinner but that is literally it.
Movie nights and just cuddling in general, adorable boys just like you in their arms.
You both have separate nights a week where you have some wine/beer with your friends, he’ll stay in the living room and you in the bedroom, catching up with your own friends.
Definitely have a group call with your mutual friends and play drinking games to let loose.
With spare time, there's one thing that increases with both your alone time.
Sex everywhere, early morning kisses down your neck to the top of your underwear. Shower sex, bending you over whilst you make breakfast for him, before work calls, he’d fuck you and after work calls, he’d have these grabby hands to grab your tits.
This man just missed not seeing them for the two hour call you were both on, will put his head under your shirt and suck on them whilst he takes your jeans off. 
Late night sex, before dinner, just as you’re getting into bed. This man will wake you up at 3am after having a wet dream about you and want to fuck you.
His favourite was shower sex, he’d find himself joining you in the shower. He’d act like he came to wash your hair and body, but one slip of his finger and he began to rub against your clit.
Another rough hand against your mouth and his cock just happened to become hard and rub against your ass.
He will push you into the cold tiles and fuck you senseless, boy loves hearing the moans and soft whimpers you give. The water falling onto your back as his mouth goes to your breasts. Sucking as he slides back and forth with his cock pushing you to your limits.
Hearing you moan his name makes this man go wild, he just loves the sound of his name from your tongue. Will thrust even harder trying to hit every spot in you, this leads to you easily gushing onto his cock. 
Cum on sight, at seeing you cum he will cum back and you become dirtier than you did before you entered the shower. Baby will help you wash up though he may be horny, but he is a sweetie.
“We should do this every day.” He had just finished cleaning the cum from your body, the sweat that had etched onto your skin and the burning sensation away from your cunt. His smooth hands ran across your bare wet body, admiring you like a piece of artwork.
You leant against his body, giving a tired murmur back, “everyday, yeah…”
He laughed at how dull and tired your eyes looked, quickly grabbing the towel and helping you out. His own around his hips loosely, one action and he’d be free to you again, he helped to bring you out of the shower, holding your sore body with a gentle hand. “Couple more steps baby.” 
He left soft kisses against your shoulder as he directed you to the bedroom, he knew you'd be tired to dry your hair and your skin routine. Deciding to let you sit on the bed, he smiled at how you looked dazed almost high, perfect for him. “This one or this one.” He takes out clothes for you to sleep in, but you give a mumble of a third option.
“Your stuff.” He happily obliged grabbing his shirt and your underwear to put on you, you happily lifted your arms letting him put the shirt on before he softly lifted your legs. Small kisses going against your thighs, he was always so tender afterwards, so careful to not hurt you. 
“Let’s dry your hair and put some cream on and then we can cuddle, okay?”
“Okay baby.” You gleamed out watching as he got the hairdryer and easily moved along the bed to dry each part, he had worn some joggers having given you the shirt he was going to wear. His bare back hitting your back as he shuffled around you, he hummed a soft song that you could barely recognise but it soothed you.
“Sleep.” You whined out wanting to feel Porco’s arms around you as you watched some film you could fall asleep too.
“One more step, I know you’re tired, baby.” He put the hairdryer away, grabbing the moisturiser he knew you used. Taking some in his fingers he massages your face giving you a giggle.
You smiled as he rubbed the cream across your face, “my turn.” You pouted, he gave a soft smile, his blonde hair moving to both sides of his head. He passed the cream as you took some in your fingers putting it on his nose. You giggled at the white spots around his face before circling your fingers through it. 
“My skin better be glowing tomorrow.” He joked out as you chuckled at him, you moved backwards, finally reaching to the pillows as you felt it against your head.
Porco smiled seeing how you got under the covers in an instant. He quickly put some random show on, wanting background noise as he joined you in bed. “Come ‘ere.” He beckoned, making you lie beside him, his hand moving to your waist and others moving to cup your chest. 
“I love you.” You spoke slowly under the covers, he looked down to meet your small figure. The way you gave soft mewls at his action of massaging your right boob with his large hand.
“I love you too, baby.” He kissed the top of your head softly, watching how his love fell asleep.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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hi hi! I hope this message isn’t too late or anything, since I only just seen the one you send me this morning! Also I accidentally deleted your messages while trying to reply 🤦‍♀️
But if it’s still alright, may I request an Armin Arlert x slightly thicker/chubby reader? just something soft and simple! maybe he’s noticed that the reader doesn’t eat very much anymore, and is skipping meals, and he confronts her about it, because he doesn’t want her getting sick or something happening. She obviously gets a little upset about it, and like, tells him she’s been having a hard week and has been super insecure lately. She just doesn’t like the way she looks, and Armin comforts her and stuff! All the love and cuddles! 🥰 I’m in need for this rn honestly 😭
I hope i did it right!! Things are more internalized due to my own self indulgence, i hope you like it!!
Tw: self harm(starving) 
Another day passed, and you hated being in the corps more and more, with the men objectifying you and the women with their fake smiles and judgemental looks, aside from Mikasa that is. You felt her hand on your shoulder, staring right back at them as you passed.
She was the only girl-friend you’ve ever had, which makes your bond with each other especially strong, she called you her therapy stuffed animal( in a good way) with how loving and kind you were when she came home to eren’s house. You were always there, you gave her her first jacket, you bear-hugged her when she was at her worst and missed her parents, you stood by her and never faltered. Even going as far as telling off Eren for being tactless to her feelings, poor boy has no social cues.
Eren loved you for how truly different you really are, despite being an only child, you were his sister, as much as a pain in the ass you are. But this called for you being apart of his and Mika’s friend group with no doubt. Being part of erens tight knit group of friends means you were automatically loved by eren, mika…. And armin.
You always had a fondness for the shy blonde, his all bark and no bite nature stole your heart. You met at a young age but only connected through Eren, he always tells you to thank him for that introduction despite your efforts to play off your crush being in vain. You loved how… pure he looked, how in a world full of death and violence, he could always bring light into your day with a smile or a story. No matter what you could count on his smile,you could count on him.
That’s why you hated today with a passion.
“We have extra food, which one of you dumbasses didn’t eat all your shit?” You sighed, walking away from the situation you caused. It wasn’t a good day, their comments bugged you today for some reason, and Armin wasn’t there to perk up the atmosphere of this gloomy day. Making it unreasonably difficult for you to focus on your own health today, this isn’t even the first time this has happened. It’s been a week of irregular meals, constant moving, and titan stress. It wasn’t like you were trying to starve, you just didn’t have the time.
And you didn’t notice till today.
“Lookin’ thinner, bunny… are you eating well?” You ignore eren’s concerned comment, pressing forward with the group in disturbed silence. This was the fifth comment today about your looks that you’ve gotten. You weren’t a small person, you had extra meat, and you had curves, paired with your adorable tiger stripes, but you know for a fact that starving this little would not affect your appearance that much. It irritated you, and you vowed to tell off the next person who said anything.
“Y/n can-“ “Oh my GOD, are you SERIOUS? I’ve been eating! I havent lost that much weight and i don’t want to hear your Perverted FUCKING Mouth say anything! It’s idiotic for you to continue to act like a jealous schoolgirl and make your ‘sly’ comments! So just Shut up!”
You finally open your eyes from your rant, regretful as your irises meet two bright blue eyes on a horrified face. “I was just going to ask if you can slow down and walk with me-“ Guilt floods your mind as you ear him squeak out his words. You lower your gaze and nod, moving to the back of the group with the boy. It didn’t matter how long this would be, you knew Levi would make you set up for camp soon.
“ ‘m sorry armin, you didn’t deserve that, I’m just-“ “Don’t apologize, you didn’t mean it to me but it was still valid. But never mind that, are you ok? Yes you haven’t been eating but you’ve been…. Cold lately..” You wanted to tell him, just say, ‘ I’m so in love with you that even a few days without your voice makes me angry as shit’ but you knew it wasn’t the right time…. And besides, would he even accept a girl like you?
“I’m fine, just stressed, tired, and overwhelmed…. It’s a lot you know?” Armin nods walking closer to you and letting your answer settle before your group sets up for camp and your pace continues to slow.
“You’re beautiful no matter what, I’ve read articles that said starving is actually terrible for your body, unintentional or not, it won’t end up good. If i have to,” He flushes, continuing to look ahead,” I’ll stay with you all day to make sure you’re eating and drinking water.” You freeze, feeling flushed as you watch him walk away and realize that he just offered to be around you all day just for you to be healthy.
You shake it off, keeping his words at the forefront of your mind before you get ready to retire for the night. You find a note on your blanket, asking you to meet armin at his tent with water and a blanket. Curious as to what it means you do as the note says, waiting at armin’s tent before he opens the zipper with a happy smile, welcoming you inside.
“You got the water?” You lift up the container, making him nod and turn away to a covered pile in his room. He takes the cover off, revealing the food he gathered for you two. “You didn’t eat again, so I didn’t either. And before you say anything, i got some of everything  so you have to eat SOMETHING! I told you all day didn’t I?” You look at him with teary eyes, your emotions of the week spilling out at his gesture.
Sobs wrack your body before he pulls you into his form, engulfing you in a warm hug. You feel him draw soothing circles on your back, rocking you and letting out slow shushes in attempts to calm your mind. You feel him kiss the top of your head and rubbing your back more before he pulls away and guides you to the setup of food.
He grabs you a plate of everything, making you sit and eat with him. You nibble at your food, uninterested in grossing out the guy you like by eating in front of him. But that only made him take your fork and feed you himself, he was determined for you to take care of yourself and love yourself as he loves you. You notice him watch you eat with admiration, happy to see you finally giving yourself some nourishment. You hear him sigh and hesitate, but you leave it untouched before he breaks the silence.
“You know…. I’ve loved you for years, ever since you punched out that kid who threatened me for speaking up, and how you always listened to me talk about the books I’ve read and things I’ve heard-“ “i know, i love you too armin.” “No not like that, I’m IN love with you, like i want to hold your hands, kiss you everywhere, curl into you at night, i want to love you.” You stop mid chew, maintaining eye contact as you swallow and stare at him.
“Are you serious?” “Yes.” “Like you’re not-“ “Y/n L/n I am completely and utterly in love with you.” You push the food aside, crawling between his legs and curling up onto his chest and wrapping your arms around his torso. “I love you so much it hurts armin. It hurt me so badly when you wouldn’t talk to me, i don’t know what i did but i was so mad that i pushed you away.”
Armin tilted your chin up, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before he grabbed onto your soft form with a passion. “I’ll never do that again, I’m so sorry beautiful.” You hold onto him tighter pressing your ear to his chest to hear his heartbeat. “You really think I’m beautiful?”
He pulls away, reaching over you to grab your blanket…. Man he really plans things out, before he wraps it around you both and presses a kiss to your temple. He lets his hands sink into your skin, loving how your soft skin feels on his fingertips. His lips pepper kisses on your neck, pulling slightly back to press a kiss onto your hairline. You loved how gentle he was with you, you already knew the answer to to your question before he even opened his mouth.
“More then you can ever know, my love.”
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hops-hunny · 3 years
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Black!Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Request: N/A
Summary: Neville and (Y/n) get high together often.
Warnings: drugs( weed lmao), swearing, making out
A/N: This was based on the specific lyric below from Hello? by Clairo ft Reji Snow. Pothead confident Neville is my favorite headcanon dfregfefe. I also felt like writing for Neville bc after reading a lot of @lxngbottom​‘s fics I was DEEPLY inspired.
“Are you into me, like I'm into you?
Do you wanna do the things I wanna do with you?
You're so close, and yet so far
I wonder how you look when you're in the dark”
The Weasley siblings all found themselves in absolute bliss when their parents told them they were going on a getaway. Apparently Arthur had learned about muggle spas and thought it’d be a lovely idea to take his wife to one for a much needed vacation after many years she had been caring for her children (and sometimes their guess) without barely any breaks. The gaggle of gingers all found it to be quite a wonderful idea too, but for other reasons. Although they had varying reasons of why they were excited for their parents to leave the house, Ron’s being wanting to invite over the other ⅔ members of the Golden Trio, Ginny wanting to wear that skirt that her mum always told her was ‘just a tad too short, dear’, and lastly Fred & George wanting to try out new and exciting inventions there was that one thing that tied them all together: wanting to get blazed out of their fucking minds. 
However, as quickly as that mischievous glint formed in all their eyes, their mother said something they all dreaded.
“Oh and by the way, we’re leaving Percy in charge!”
A collective groan was shared as the boy in question held a proud and cocky smirk that once again, he was the most trusted out of his siblings. However as per usual, Fred and George were not giving up that easily.
“What are we going to do?! You know Percy will rat on us!” Ron whispered yelled at the other three through gritted teeth. They all sat around the quaint little living room, distressed at what to do. Ron had already sent a text (is that what they were called? He wasn’t used to the muggle technology (Y/n) had got them all to use) to both Hermione and Harry telling them to pack their bags. He’d never live it down!
“Oh relax dear brother of mine! Me and Freddie here suspected something like this would happen so we came prepared. Right Fred?” George said with a smirk as he looked to his twin to the right of him. George nodded before pulling out an envelope.
“Exhibit A also known as ‘Blackmail dear Percival Into Leaving the House for the Summer.” he grin grew wider as he opened the envelope pulling out the photos. In the photos, Percy was shirtless during a party in the gryffindor common room. He had a half drunk bottle of fire whiskey in one hand and a blunt in his other which was held to his lips. “Wouldn’t it be a shame if dear ol’ mum and pop anonymously got pictures of their golden boy doing such awful acts?” he cooed, feigning a voice of disappointment.
“While you two idiots may not be helpful for jack shit else, leave it up to you to have a plan to get into trouble.” Ginny said rolling her eyes, a small smile forming on her face. “Well I guess that’s settled then. I’ll hit up (Y/n), Ron you hit up Nev and tell him to bring the loud. Lots of it too!”
That’s how they all ended up where they are currently. ‘Exhibit A’ was more than enough to get Percy packing his bags and leaving for a friends house after their parents had left. And of course, Hermione, Harry, (Y/n), and Neville had all shown up at the Burrow bright and as happy as ever. 
Although many people dealt around Hogwarts, Neville’s weed was always the best. He grew custom strains which were infused with other magical plants that had all sorts of properties. You wanted it to taste and smell like cheesecake? Done. Something odorless that packed a mean punch? Also done. He took good care of his product and went through the precautions to make sure it was not only safe but also that he didn’t get caught. He wasn’t always an avid weed smoker though. Originally, a friend had suggested it to him to help with his anxiety which had increased over the years but eventually it became less of an anxiety reducer and more of a favorite pastime. And hell, it left him with a pretty fucking nice amount of galleons in his pocket. It was also how he had met her.
He looked up at her form as she sat across the shed, looking as radiant as ever. She was laughing at something but he didn't know what over the sound of the music. One of his favorite things about her was how beautiful the whiteness of her smile was in comparison to her rich brown skin. It drove him absolutely nuts. It had only been a few weeks since he last saw her but as usual there was something new about her appearance.
He let his eyes wander over the work of art that was (Y/n). Her hair was different, her usual shoulder length black box braids had been swapped our for a beautiful set of honey blonde faux locs that stopped at her waist. In addition to her septum, she now had a nose ring on the left side of her nose and- was that a smiley piercing? Her skin was glowing vibrantly under the different hues of gold of LED lights that corresponded with the music. His eyes shifted down to her chest. 'Hm, she finally got the other one pierced' he noted due to the fact that her crochet bikini top left only the best bits of her breast to the imagination. And then he got to his favorite part. Her legs. Her supple, plush, smooth as glass legs. This wasn’t the first time he had stared at them longer than needed. He couldn’t help it, they were so fucking thick. And, were those his shorts? She must've stolen them from him last smoke sesh. He didn't mind though, she pulled off those denim shorts well and they hugged her in all the right fucking places.
“Bloody hell Nev, what’s taking you so long to roll the joint? Are you already that gone?” Ron groaned as he threw his head back. Neville looked down at the half rolled blunt in his hands, continuing to lick and roll it skillfully.
“Shut up Ron, just hit the fucking bong and leave Neville alone. Ol’ dramatic ass.” there was that honeysuckle voice he loved. God he could listen to her talk for fucking hours. I mean he had before. Her voice was sweet in the center and rough around the edges, a thick american accent still prominent in her voice. He smiled at that, looking up at her to find her already looking at him. As he continued to roll, he licked a fat strip on the wrap before shooting her a wink. 
“Thank you, petal.” he murmured quietly knowing she hadn’t heard as he looked back down at his hands finishing up. He grabbed the same lighter that he carried with him everywhere before lighting the end. As he was about to take a hit, a certain pair of gloss coated lips leaned over his shoulders taking a hit as she wrapped her arms around his upper half. 
Ron groaned again in irritation. “I hate it when you get the first hit! You always leave that damn sticky shit all over the blunt.” as he glared at the girl. She giggled before crawling off the wraparound couch taking her place next to brunette ruffling his long shaggy hair. He had been growing it out recently for no particular reason (definitely not the girl to his right).
“Ron you always buggin on something, nigga shut the fuck up! That’s why when you hit the blunt you leave it wet. Ol’ soppy mouth nigga I swear to god. Share with Mione.” she retorted as she leaned into Neville’s side looking up at him. He smiled down at her before wrapping his arm around her bringing her impossibly close. They both loved each other's touch when they were high. Whenever he’d touch her in one spot, (Y/n) always felt it in another- especially between her legs. She leaned up, kissing his freckled cheek with a smile. “Hey sir, how’s my favorite doing today?” she questioned as he bent down, placing a kiss right below her ear. 
“You know I’m always content when you’re next to me, flower. You don’t even have to question it.” he whispered in her ear before pulling back. She felt her face heat up as she rolled her eyes shoving him lightly. She crawled in his lap, straddling him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He instinctively moved one to her waist, stroking the smooth exposed sepia skin that was there for his enjoyment.
“You always talking some mess, Nev. Why don’t you do something bout it?” she said, motioning for him to hold the blunt up to her lips. He ignored her, looking into her eyes as he took a fat rip. He removed his hand from her waist, gripping her cheeks with it, rings digging into her skin. He leaned impossibly close as he shot gunned the smoke into her mouth. His lips hovered impossibly close to hers. ‘Finally’ she found herself thinking as she closed her eyes. However, the feeling of his soft pink lips never hit hers and she opened her eyes to find him smirking at her.
“And ruin this little game we have? Never.” He said, finally passing the blunt to her. If he had to be honest with himself, he was scared shitless. He was afraid if he actually did make that final move, jumped that final obstacle that she would be gone from his life. Sure, they made out all the time. It was normal for the two of them to get quite handsy with each other during smoke sessions but he found not even that being enough. He didn’t just wanna have his hands on her when he was high or wasted out of his fucking mind, he wanted her all the time. He wanted to sneak into each other's dorms and cuddle till wee hours of the morning. To carry her things to class for her. He wanted to live, breathe, and sleep (Y/n). But, is that what she wanted? He never knew. 
She sighed softly to herself, contemplating. It was very apparent to her that Neville wanted her just as badly as he wanted her. So, why had he never jumped the gun? Did he not want more? Was he really content with this little cat and mouse game they had? He couldn’t be, she knew who he was at heart which was a romantic just as she was. She was pulled from her thoughts as she heard the familiar beat of Hello? by Clairo ft Reji Snow. She smirked at him, leaning her forehead against his as she began to grind softly on his lap.
“Are you into me? Like I’m into you. Do you wanna do the things I wanna do with you?” she sung to him softly, her (e/c) eyes meeting his hazel ones. He moved his hands up and down her body as she continued to grind her hips down on his. He let his hands travel to her ass, gripping it firmly. She leaned back slightly as she hit the blunt before returning the favor he had earlier. “You’re so close, and yet so far. I wonder how you look when you’re in the dark.” (Y/n)  continued singing as kissed up his neck, nibbling at the junction of his jaw and neck. He took one of the hands from her ass, moving some of the locs that had fallen into her face. He quickly tossed the blunt out of her hand into the ashtray in the table in front of them before leaning in and kissing her with such strong intensity.
The honey blonde haired girl moaned softly, already putty in the boy’s hands. Neville always knew exactly what to do with his hands. Where to kiss, where to tug, where to bite. Anything but actually dealing with the problem between her legs. She tangled her hands into the back of his hair, matching his lip movement. As he continued holding her ass with one hand, he used his other to stroke her cheek gently. A stark contrast to the kiss they were in which was wet, rough, and fast. He trailed his tongue over her lip which she gladly accepted. Their tongues danced together lazily as sweat began to build up on both of them. She pulled away partly, a trail of spit connecting them.
“Take this dumb ass jacket off. It’s the middle of July.” She grumbled as she began to unzip it, leaving him in some muggle band shirt she had gotten him one year from the states. She leaned back in, continuing to move her hips to the beat of the song. Neville began to move his hips up to match her movements. “Oh? So you got moves now huh? Who taught you those?”
“Don’t play dumb petal, you know you did.” He responded before gripping at her neck with his ringed hand. She gasped softly, looking into his blood shot blown out eyes. The music, the lighting, his touch? It was all much too much to handle. Her senses were overloaded by pleasure, the jane in her system. He tightened his hand some, leaning in closer. “You’re driving me absolutely mad, darling. Do you know that? I’d do anything you asked me to.” the movement of her hips had stilled but he kept going. She could feel the imprint of his member through his pants. Suddenly it was the only thing (Y/n) could focus on.
“Them Ravenclaw girls weren’t lying then, huh? You packin like that Nev?” she said suddenly. She knew he had asked her something a second ago, but the weed was really starting to hit. Her brain was foggy and hazed, the only thing she could think about now was him. She took one of her manicured hands, trailing it down his shirt till she reached his crotch. She gripped it in her hands, eyes widening slightly. He chuckled softly, catching her attention.
“Don’t act so surprised. You know I used to get around quite a bit.” He said, moving so his tent was resting against her inner thigh.
“Used to?” she questioned, laying her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed. She took in his scent sighing softly. Neville always smelled like a mix of lavenders, cologne, and that loud. She knew it from anywhere, especially when she smelled it in the amortentia they brewed during potions that one time.
“Yeah I don’t really pipe girls like I used to.” He moved his hands up, embracing her close as he kissed the top of her head. “Ever since a certain pesky little American girl started making their way into my life, she’s all I could think about.” she rolled her eyes some, punching him on the arm as he began to laugh.
“Don’t fuck around like that, that shit aint even funny.” she grumbled, pouting as she crossed her arms. “I thought you had an actual answer!”
“On god that was my actual answer, (Y/n)! You asked why and I told you why. Absolutely anyone could tell I’m mad for you.” Neville said as he uncrossed her arms, holding her small delicate hands in his large ones. He intertwined their hands, her sharp acrylic nails digging into his hands slightly. “Did you know when Keaton Willis asked you to Hogsmeade, I was so mad that I wouldn’t sell to him for 3 months?!”
“But I didn’t even go with him! Me and you went together to go get ice cream, remember?”
“So?! He still fucking asked you. I’m getting heated just thinkin’ about it.” He mumbled as he looked away from her. He pulled her closer, resting his head on the top of hers. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you dating such a loser. He’s not even a good guy and he’s always fucking short with his galleons when he buys. I have to practically hound the guy for my money. Yknow what? Fuck it.” he looked up at the brown skinned girl before holding her face in both his hands. He took in her features. Her plump lips, edges laid to perfection, face ‘beat to the gods’ as she would say. “Go out with me. Be my girl, petal. I can’t bear you not being mine for another second.” he said. She pretended to ponder for a bit before she looked back at him.
“Depends, will I get free weed? I expect free weed from dating the weed man, you know.” she said with a giggle. He rolled his eyes shaking his head.
“You already get free weed! Don’t pretend you don’t.” he said loudly, catching the others’ attention.
“What? Nev that’s not fair! You always make me pay and we’re mates! What happened to bros befo-”
“Ron you finish that and you ain’t leavin this shed with an eye, I can promise you that boy.” she whipped her head around quickly, glaring at the boy. Ron quickly shut his mouth knowing first hand that her promises were never empty. He gulped slightly before nodding, turning back to Hermione who handed him the bong muttering something about how he looked like he needed it.
“But to answer your question, Nev baby, I’d love to be your girl. Nothing would bring me greater pleasure than doing so.” (Y/n) leaned forward, leaving a lip gloss print on his cheek. 
“Well I’m glad you said yes because it would’ve been very awkward explaining to everyone tomorrow where that hickey on your neck came from.”
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