#girl we're all on tumblr it's never that serious
menlove · 3 months
so funny when on this site someone will make an innocuous observation abt their follower count going up or down and there's just like. a sea of people going
"WOW. you PAY ATTENTION to that????? could never be me bc i am so unbothered and unique"
or just the flood of posts just in general being so pretentious abt not noticing follower count like pleeeease
this is the website where we used to have follower milestone celebrations whoooo cares. who cares!
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missmonsters2 · 1 year
Mirror, Mirror | One
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Please do not copy, repost, or translate my work anywhere else.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: The thought of something more had never really crossed Wanda's mind when it came to you. Best friends for 10 years and there hasn't even been one instance of accidental sexual tension. You're her best friend, that's all—until someone points out that you obviously have a very specific type when it comes to dating.
Warnings: best friends to lovers. shenanigans. jealousy, jealousy. sexual tension. pining. yearning. sexual thoughts. spicy (tumblr's version). stupid steve. neurotic nat. brat & stinky. bug as in shutterbug.
*explicit version will only be available on Ao3 & will be posted there after series is completed*
Note: i'm back!!! Nothing like coming back and posting a mini series. Enjoy this superior trope. Updates will be on Tuesdays! As you can see, we're trying something new with explicit content lol 😬
Reminder there's no taglist but you can follow my library blog for notifications 💘
Series Masterlist || Library Blog || AO3
Count: ~4.1k
It's strange how sometimes a single sentence can change someone's entire life. 
Wanda's thought about what sentences could change her life—usually, they're morbid and depressing.
'You have cancer.'
'Someone you love has died horrifically in an accident.'
'Your cat actually finds living with you miserable and would prefer the dangers of living in the streets.'
Never in a million years would Wanda ever think it'd be, 'Hey, have you ever noticed how your best friend exclusively only dates girls who look like you?'
And don't get Wanda wrong. It wasn't a morbid or depressing change; it was just...a change. An irrevocable change because now, Wanda couldn't stop thinking about it or noticing it. 
This was all Steve's fault. 
Because if someone like Stupid Steve could notice something like that, it had to mean something, right? But as Wanda remembers about the past girls you've hooked up with and brought around, she doesn't know what to make of it.
A part of Wanda wishes she had never talked to Steve that night at the bar. 
"Where's Vis?" Steve asked, looking around.
"With Tony playing pool, I think," Wanda shrugged. She doesn't particularly keep track of where her on-and-off boyfriend goes. She thinks they might be on an off-period right now, anyway. 
"And where's—oh, nevermind, there she is," Steve started to say but cut off when they both saw you across the bar talking with the bartender, flirting over drinks—which were probably free if Wanda could guess. 
Wanda's slightly annoyed because it's been a long week without seeing you, and Wanda's been used to seeing you almost every day for the past several years of her life. But you've been gone on a work trip this week for a wedding shoot and only came home just a little after lunch and needed an immediate long nap before tonight's get-together. 
That meant Wanda was sorely missing out on best-friend time, and now you were off flirting shamelessly with the hot bartender. Wanda's rooting for you, make no mistake. The bartender is definitely easy on the eyes, luscious hair, and lips—something Wanda knows you're weak for. 
Plus, Wanda's worried you're not anywhere near getting close to settling down. She wants you to be in a happy, fulfilling relationship. But she supposes she's in no position to talk herself. 
Wanda loves Vision without a doubt, but their relationship is definitely chaotic, and Vision keeps pushing for something more serious now that they've been dating (sporadically) for a long time. She's been considering it in her downtime and thinks it might make sense as the next step.
Best friends do everything together, right? So, maybe if Wanda decided to take the next step in a serious relationship, you'd find someone to commit to seriously as well. 
Then, both of you could get married at the same time. Then, they could buy a house in the same neighborhood right next to each other. There'd be endless double dates and vacations together. Wanda wouldn't have to miss you.
But first, Wanda needed to regain lost best-friend time, one-on-one style.  
"Hey, you know what I just noticed?" Steve said, breaking Wanda's drifting thoughts. 
Wanda makes a face at your nickname. Granted, it was Wanda's fault you ended up with it back in your first year of university. You never let her forget it, especially now that you're a professional photographer.
"—over there has a very specific type she goes after for girls," Steve mused, sipping his whiskey before continuing. "I mean, they always have green eyes and brunette—wait, that's not true. She had two red-headed girlfriends in our last year of university. They still had green eyes, though." 
"Oh," Wanda said, unsure what to say since she's never paid attention to the girls you were dating. On average, they were a brief fling, and only a few lasted longer than half a year. "I guess so?"
Wanda distantly thinks about how she dyed her hair auburn in her last year of university because she was looking for a change that year and Natasha was insistent that she'd look amazing. Wanda recalls you were a fan of the look.
"Yeah," Steve nodded along. "Ironically, they always look like you in some way. Check out that bartender now—long, wavy-haired brunette with green eyes. She's got thick, long lips and even does that dark eye-shadow makeup thingy like you."
Steve just laughed it off, finishing his drink, thinking nothing more of it before he started talking about Bucky.
But it was like something clicked into place in Wanda's brain. A daunting realization that she was wholly unprepared for and not equipped to do anything about. 
Wanda watched as the bartender clocked off for the night and dragged you into a corner booth, drinks in hand. It gave Wanda the perfect view that the bartender wore many rings just like she did. 
In the poor privacy of the dimly lit corner booth, there was a staunch and needy kiss from the two of you, and Wanda swallowed roughly. 
From here, if you were none the wiser, Wanda could be easily mistaken for the girl in the booth with you. 
Sometimes, Wanda believes she's just being absolutely ridiculous. So what if you go after girls who share the same features as her? That didn't have to mean anything. You've always told Wanda she was beautiful, and it was perfect how you said it. 
It didn't feel insincere or creepy. It felt good to know her best friend thought she was absolutely gorgeous. But just because you thought she was beautiful doesn't mean you harbored secret feelings for her. 
You'd be insulted if you knew Wanda had ever thought that. She'd just be another one of those girls Wanda's seen you humble on multiple occasions when they found out you dated women, and they were worried you might have a crush on them. 
But then, Wanda couldn't stop thinking she actually might be one of those girls because then she'd think about if you didn't consider her like that, it wasn't about her looks but something about her personality that wasn't your type. 
And what could that be?
Wanda thought long and hard, trying to remember the girls you've introduced her to. 
Sometimes they were funny, and Wanda was funny. She made you laugh all the time. She specifically remembered one time in high school when she made you laugh so hard you peed your pants just a little. 
Sometimes they were intellectual, and while Wanda didn't have an IQ of 160, she did fairly well academically and was on the right track in her career. 
Sometimes they were charming, and Wanda was the type where she got more charming the more you got to know her. 
So, Wanda just doesn't understand. She's nowhere further with her thinking ever since this weird information has been bestowed upon her.
Maybe it all just means nothing. You just didn't feel that way about Wanda despite the type of girls you dated suggesting otherwise. You didn't need a reason for it, and maybe the fact you only felt friendship for her was the reason. 
"Wanna order pizza in tonight?"
Wanda turns her head from the tv and notices you've put your book down. "Hm, not really. We had pizza last week," Wanda shakes her head. 
"How about that Greek place that just opened up on Willington Ave?" You suggest. "Pretty sure I heard you grumbling about wanting Greek food earlier this week."
"I was not grumbling!" Wanda scoffs but smiles when you raise your eyebrow at her. "Okay, I was grumbling a little."
You snicker as you pull out your phone to order delivery. "Oh, sweet golden best friend of mine, whatever shall you do when you get married to Vis, who hates Greek food. Do I foresee a life of Greekless cuisine? Oh, the suffering you'll go through!"
"I don't need him to like it," Wanda slaps your arm, sticking her tongue out before she cuddles you. "I have you to eat it with."
You laugh unabashedly, a sound that Wanda's accustomed to hearing the joyful sound. "Better hope the person I marry also hates Greek cuisine. I don't know if I can live a life of eating double the Greek food. I love tzatziki sauce, but if I grow to hate it from eating it too much, I will make you suffer the consequences of that."
Your voice trails off as you focus on ordering food, unable to see the cogs in Wanda's head turning. 
It's all so easy. There's no tension, no electric vibes happening. Just best friends enjoying the banter and making plans to eat. 
It was all in Wanda's head, right? You're her best friend, so of course you'd know everything about her. 
The right type of friendship is fulfilling and soul-connecting, and that's what Wanda has with you. When you have a one-in-a-million connection like that, the line between friendship and romance is thin, isn't it?
Wanda hates Steve. She'd never think about this if it wasn't for Stupid Steve. She can hear his dumb laugh, blissfully ignorant about the observation bomb he dropped upon her. 
"Do you wanna get ice cream after?" You ask, throwing your phone to the side. "I'll even treat you to the gelato despite knowing I'm going to suffer through your crazy farts later."
"Oh my god, I'm going to trap you under the blanket with it just for that!" 
Within two months, Wanda forgets about it. Forgets, as in that she decides to drop it (let it linger in the deep depths of her brain that she refuses to acknowledge), and resolves that Steve has no brain cells and has no idea what he's saying. 
"Have you seen my strapless black top?" Wanda shouts from her room with the door open. "The one with the v-shaped front!"
"In your closet!" You yelled back from the living room, not taking your eyes off your phone. 
"I can't find it," Wanda whines, and she hears you sigh as you get up. The footsteps approach her room, and she finds you standing at the door with an unimpressed look.
"I don't want to hear it," Wanda sniffs. 
"Hear what, brat?" You say with a brow raised before you start rummaging through her closet. The nickname was a joke you started that Wanda was entirely a spoiled person, exhibiting bratty behavior at times. "That I'm not gonna be your roommate forever, so you need to learn to fold it yourself before putting it away?"
Wanda makes grumbling noises that are mostly nonsensical but smiles when you pull out the top she was looking for. 
"You are the apple of my eye, stinky," Wanda grabs the top from you before she runs into her washroom to briefly change into it. 
"A match made in heaven, yeah, yeah," you roll your eyes with good humor. "Hurry up, Natasha will kill us if we're late for Yelena's birthday. They're on an upwards mend in their relationship, so she's been so unbearably uptight lately to make sure nothing goes wrong."
"I know, I know," Wanda mutters, carefully pulling the top over her head to not ruin her makeup. 
"Alright, I'll hail us a cab, meet me outside."
"Wait, wait!" Wanda calls out. "I need help putting on my necklace."
You chuckle, walking back just as Wanda steps out of the bathroom with the delicate necklace she wants to wear. 
"Alright, alright, relax," you tell her. "Your accent gets really strong when you're stressed."
"You're stressing me out by rushing me," Wanda scrunches her nose even though you can't see it. "I'm also stressed knowing that you have to rush me, or I'll spend the party getting lectured by Natasha."
Wanda's voice comes out husked with the accent, something she's struggled between hating or loving, but mostly loving since you've expressed how lovely it is.
You grab the necklace from her hand, and Wanda moves her hair out of the way. The routine of it all starts to bleed the tension out of her shoulders. 
Then, that horrible Stupid Steve Sentence kicks into her brain. 
 It's only as you put your arms over, placing the necklace against Wanda's chest, and focusing on trying to get the clasp in. Wanda can feel your warm breath against her neck, summoning goosebumps along her arms. You're so close, and she can feel the heat of your body radiating onto her, your fingers just barely brushing against her.
The tension comes suddenly, squeezing inside her chest as her breathing slows and shakes. Her body warms in an unexpected way. 
"Ah, got it," you say, but Wanda can only focus on your voice and breath on the shell of her ear. "Cute necklace but the clasp is so annoying."
You pull away and start walking off. "C'mon, I bet if we tip our taxi driver an extra $20 bucks, they'll speed and we can pray we're on time."
Wanda's left standing there, knowing she probably sounds like she's fresh out of Sokovia with how stressed she is. Her right eye twitches.
Was that...Wanda gulps. Was that sexual tension?
And was she the only one who felt it?
She's going to kill Steve.
Natasha's absolutely neurotic when they arrive. It's just a simple backyard party, but it almost looks like a wedding venue with all the catering and flowers. 
Wanda's pretty sure Natasha's only being like this because she's overthinking about whether to cling to Yelena or give her sister some space to mingle with others. She seems to be sizing up Kate, who Yelena might be seeing, but it hasn't been confirmed. 
Yelena looks between exasperated with Natasha and secretly happy about the entire thing. Wanda can sympathize with her. After all, she's also a little sister, and Pietro can also be way too overprotective. Sometimes she's glad he's abroad in Europe for work while she remains in New York, but she misses him more often than she admits. 
"Alright, alright, Natasha," you groan, and Wanda's mind slips back into the conversation. "We're 3 minutes late, relax, will you? Damn, are you always gonna be like this until you and Yelena get back into whatever sibling bond you had before? Hope you're just like this with us because otherwise, you're gonna scare away all her friends, and she's going to hate you."
"Oh my god, do you think she'll really hate me?" Natasha bites her bottom lip in worry while looking around at all the people that they can only assume she's nagged about being late or whatever mishap. 
"Oh, man," you sigh, putting your hand on her shoulders before pushing her towards the bar. "You need some drinks and maybe some desserts in you."
Wanda's about to follow you when you turn around and nod your head in a different direction. She looks over and sees you're nodding toward Vision.
"You should go say hi to him," you tell her. "You've been complaining about not seeing him all last week, even though I don't know why you guys won't just FaceTime, but I digress. Come find me later, or I'll find you after."
You look over at Natasha, who's peering on her tippy toes to see if she can find Yelena.
"And, hopefully, I'll have ditched this nutjob," you whisper conspiratorially and laugh when Natasha turns around to smack your arm. 
"I heard that!"
Wanda chuckles as you walk off with Natasha while she turns and heads toward Vision. Despite how she was complaining about not seeing Vision last week because she did miss him, her expression was sour as she made her way toward him. 
Vision spots her immediately and waves at her with a warm smile. Wanda feels herself somewhat loosened at his expression. They'd also been friends a long time before they started on-and-off dating, so at the very least, she does miss his easy friendship. 
"Hey," Vision hugs her, slightly rubbing her back before he pulls away but keeps his arm around her. "It's been a while; you look lovely."
"Thanks," Wanda smiles with a shrug. She looks around and sees he's standing with Tony and Pepper. "How are you guys?"
"Could be better," Tony sighs dramatically. "Natasha won't let me do any of my cool party tricks as if I'm going to ruin her little sister's party. If anything, I could make it the party of the century!"
Pepper rolls her eyes good-naturedly. "We were just talking about how we're thinking of going to the Bahamas for vacation in December and escaping the cold. We've invited you and Vision along since it's been awhile since we've all gone together. Of course, we can also invite Bug and Natasha."
"Oh," Wanda says for a lack of anything else to say. She doesn't know how to feel about it, but she peers over at Vision, who's just smiling at her and looking eager about it. 
"I need another drink if I'm going to suffer through this party," Tony sighs. "Maybe I can convince Yelena instead!" He grins, dragging Pepper along, and they walk off together. 
"So, what do you think?" Vision asks when they're alone. "I didn't want to reply on your behalf since I wasn't sure, but I think it'd be good for us. I've missed you," Vision pauses as if he's about his next words but then says, "a lot."
"Yeah, me too," Wanda starts to say, but then her brain gets all haywire because it feels like a lie. She did miss him, but did she miss him a lot? "I think."
"You think?"
Wanda wants to smack her forehead because she didn't mean to say that out loud. "I mean, I was complaining a lot that I haven't seen you in a while all last week."
"Yeah, work has just been overwhelming. I get so tired after work, I just can't keep up with the texting or calls."
But you can, Wanda thinks. Granted, you're her roommate, so it's easier. But even when you have to go on work trips, you regularly text her no matter what time and squeeze in a quick call, even if it's just to say goodnight. 
The entire thing makes Wanda bite her tongue because why was she even thinking about that? That was completely irrelevant to Vision. 
Then—because as if just thinking about you wasn't enough—her eyes trail across the room, and the scene before her makes Wanda even more confused about her feelings.
You're standing there with Natasha at the bar, but it looks like Natasha's calling someone over to introduce you to them.
Another brunette with long, wavy hair, like she just had a blowout done. Wanda's not 100% sure from this distance, but she has an inkling that the brunette also has green eyes. She's wearing a white halter top and wide-legged sage green pants. She wears a lot of rings, but her makeup is lighter and more summery compared to Wanda's darker, smokey eye makeup.
In short, this woman was the clean girl aesthetic version of Wanda. 
And you look interested. 
This was ridiculous, Wanda fumes, feeling her stomach sink and cheeks flare hot in anger. As quick as the anger came, it dissipated.
Why was she so angry?
She feels betrayed, and her thoughts are turning very ugly. Wanda is definitely not being a girl's girl right now with how much she's thinking she's better than the girl in front of you. 
But that just makes everything so much more confusing. 
Wanda turns her head back to Vision. He looks concerned, and even when his eyes trail toward what Wanda's staring at, there's no additional reaction. He's not upset that she's staring at you, and that has to mean something, right?
It must mean there was never a concern about how Wanda might've felt about you. Sure, there were a few things Wanda couldn't be without, and you were one of them, but nobody can't be without their best friend. 
No one had ever blinked twice about you and Wanda.
Except now.
And that person was Wanda herself. 
The more Wanda thought about the entire thing, the more she became curious. The idea of you dating people who looked like Wanda was intriguing. She wanted to ask questions but didn't know what to ask.
It might mean nothing, but it also might mean something. 
And if it does mean something, Wanda wants to know what exactly it is. 
Therefore, Wanda needs nothing in her way to find out the truth and exactly what she wants, regardless of the answer. 
This was insane, wasn't it? Wanda's always been ambivalent about dating women. She's never gone out of her way to try it since she had Vision. Never mind entertaining thoughts about dating her best (girl)friend. And now, she was giving everything up in the pursuit of finding out what it could mean that her best friend was dating her lookalikes—and why she cared.
Wanda doesn't even know what she'll want to do with that information. 
Wanda looks at Vision, peering at his features she's always found handsome. When she thinks back, she's not even sure why she complained to you about how she hasn't seen or heard from him lately. She hadn't even gone out of her own way to do something about it.
"I'm not going on the trip. I don't think I actually missed you like that."
The girl introduced to you was named Raye, Natasha's coworker that recently moved from Nashville. It was also confirmed she has green eyes, though they had specks of brown in them. She was a southern belle with a bold attitude, witty, and a wicked sense of humor. All in all, undeniably charismatic. 
At least, that's what you told her in private because all Wanda could feel was unrestricted aggravation with the other girl. The southern twang made Wanda's eye twitch, mostly because she knew you were head over heels for accents.  
"And then before I knew it, I was panicked and more lost than a blindfolded turkey on thanksgiving!"
You burst out laughing while Wanda's expression is stony, but when you look at Wanda, she forces a smile on her lips.
"Hahaha," Wanda dryly let out. "So funny."
But it wasn't. What the fuck did that even mean?
Raye continues to talk while you listen with rapt interest, and Wanda takes the time to observe your features in a way she's done many times before but with a different mindset. 
Your lips are curved in a smile, glistening from your chapstick. They're shapely, and they look soft. It rivals her favorite feature of yours, which is your eyes. They've always been so expressive with her, and Wanda's been around long enough that she knows what every expression means. She can tell when they glint with mischievousness or are soft with immense compassion and empathy. 
"So, what did you think of Raye?" You ask Wanda as you leave the party.
"She's cool, I guess," Wanda answers nonchalantly. 
The rest of the party was excruciating between Raye constantly hanging around you and Wanda also being too nervous to be alone with you. 
"Really cool," you sigh with a grin. "Glad I got her number. It's been a while since I've met someone so funny."
Was she funny, though? Wanda wonders.
"Funnier than me?" Wanda finds herself asking.
"No one could be funnier than you, brat," you smirk. "I almost peed myself laughing again when you almost knocked off Yelena's cake. I thought Natasha was about to enter into a coma." You snicker while Wanda rolls her eyes with a smile. 
"Glad I can always give you the biggest laughs, stinky."
Wanda glances over at your face, recognizing the excitement by the brightness in them. It's just another reminder that, as your best friend, she knows you like the back of her hand. 
But lately, when Wanda watches you pick up girls, she can tell when they're heady with desire. That look hasn't been directed at her, and Wanda wants to know what it'd be like if it were.
Wanda recalls the night you kissed the bartender and imagines if it had been her instead. She pictures your hand sliding across her jaw and cheek while your other pulls her closer at the waist. 
It's horrifying when a slow pit of arousal builds in Wanda's gut and...other regions. It feels utterly frightening and wrong like she's betraying the friendship for having and then reacting to such thoughts about you. 
But there's another part—the part that tells Wanda there's nobody in this world that she loves more than you. The mere idea of ever being apart from you was unfathomable. Wanda could and has endured so many things, and it would always be okay as long as she had you. 
So, knowing that Southern Belle Raye has the potential to be more than a one-night stand to you, Wanda realizes that she has a very small window to not only come to terms with her newfound feelings but also act on them as well. 
If this didn't go well, Wanda would definitely murder Steve.
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freaksnvans · 2 months
The time i publicly destroyed a TF2-playing bigot at school
TF2 fans are actually all around us, and I was unlucky enough to have a really unsavory interaction with a guy who hates fangirls. This might sound fake, but trust me, my life really is stranger than fiction.
Me and my friend in class were peacefully talking about our favourite ships (Her favourite was HeavyMedic and mine is SniperScout, as it should be) as well as who we main ingame. (She plays Spy and I played Heavy.)
Suddenly, a short guy came up to us. He looked really mad already, having heard that we're girls who play TF2.
Manlet: Uh, you REALLY play TF2? You know you have to be good to play Spy, right?
I raise my eyebrow at him, and my friend laughs a little bit.
Me: Uh, she really DOES main Spy. Who do you play?
Manlet: *beginning to shake a little, realizing that we're not kidding* Uh, I play Scout. I bet you're not even good at TF2.
My friend started chuckling, and then I giggled too. We were both thinking "of course this guy plays Scout, he's so annoying, he even looks a little bit like Scout!"
Manlet: What? What's so funny? What's wrong with being a Scout main?
Me and my friend shake our heads and insist that there's nothing wrong with playing Scout, because we can tell this guy is about to blow up on us.
Manlet: I bet you main Soldier, cunt!
By now, me and my friend can't help but giggle a little. He really was serious about this. But what he says next shocks us.
Manlet: I bet you're one of those fangirls who looks at gay TF2 fanfiction on Tumblr and Wattpad, you probably don't even play the game!
My friend: *laughing* What's wrong with reading fanfiction? And yes, we do read TF2 fanfic. I just finished a really good HeavyMedic fic the other day.
By now, more of the classroom had noticed that me, my friend, and the homophobic Scout main were in a fight. Multiple people turned to look at us.
Me: Right. Fanfiction is a perfectly acceptable way to engage with a video game you like. I bet your next line is going to be something along the lines of "the mercs aren't gay!"
Manlet: It's just weird! The TF2 guys aren't g- *He stuttered. He seemed absolutely shocked because I guessed his next line.*
Me: Typical homophobe, as expected. Anyways, I've got a SniperSpy fanfiction to read, if you would so kindly leave me and my friend alone. We're proud fangirls.
Suddenly, the teacher spoke up from the other side of the room. Our heads snapped to the side to look at her, it seemed like she'd been listening to our entire conversation like the rest of the classroom.
The teacher: I agree. It's never okay to make homophobic statements, and reading fanfiction is entirely okay! Don't bash people for their hobbies, [Manlet's real name]!
The manlet froze in place, jaw gaping. He didn't even say anything, just a couple squeaks came out of his mouth.
The teacher: Also... did I hear SniperSpy? I'm a fan of TF2 as well, I can't lie! What fic are you reading?
By now, there were tears rolling down the manlet's face. He covered his face with his hands and stormed out of the room crying.
And then, me and my friend went back to talking about TF2 ships in peace. Even the teacher joined in. It really is true that there are fangirls everywhere!
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Granted, tumblr’s search function may broken but I can’t find a post on your blog centered on Alya’s writing. As a person constantly on the look out for critical examination of Alya’s role in the narrative and the compromises on her principles, relationships and competences made to artificially engineer the episode’s story, I’d be very interested to see your thoughts
I use Alya's writing as an example of a character done dirty all the time, but I don't think I've ever done a sugar post focused on her and I totally should. Before we get into it, I will openly admit that her bad writing bothers me more than Marinette's or Adrien's because she is best girl and we stan her. What can I say, I'm a writer whose best friend is an artist with a diagnosed anxiety disorder. I like characters who are writers and with artsy, anxiety-ridden best friends. They are my people and that gives us a great starting point for this post.
Marinette is the unambiguous main character of the show, so it makes sense to design both her hero partner and her best friend around balancing her out, giving them strengths to fill out the spots where she is weak. It's how you make a strong cast. When Alya is allowed the shine, she fills that balance role wonderfully and I love it! Some of my favorite moments are when Marinette goes on one of her rants and cool-headed Alya drags her back down to Earth:
Marinette: We're gonna stroll over there real cool as if we just happened to be passing by. Alya: Then what? Marinette: Then? I'll invite him out for a fruit smoothie at the end of the photo shoot! Then, we'll get married! Live happily ever after in a beautiful house and have two kids? No, three. And a dog! Maybe a cat? Nah, forget the cat. A hamster! I love hamsters! Alya: Let's just start with just happen to be passing by and see if we can get to that smoothie.
This banter from Stormy Weather is fantastic. It's exactly the type of thing I want to see from these two as it gives Alya a very different flavor of supporting role from Adrien. While Alya and Adrien are both card holding members of the Marinette hype squad, Alya is more of a voice of reason while Adrien is there to validate Marinette and follow her crazy schemes without question.
This brings us to the first issue with Alya's writing: when the plot demands it, they make her a gullible tabloid journalist even though it goes against everything her character should stand for. The reasons I'm comfortable saying this are many. The first one is that Alya is very clearly supposed to be seen as a serious journalist. That's why you get scenes like this one from Feast:
Alya: Now you know back in the day sculptures were painted, right? Most of the paint vanished over time, but tiny microscopic pigments still remain. Thanks to this special app, witness how it originally looked. But here's the big thing. All these works of art have something in common. It's the same symbol! Look, everywhere. It's like some kind of secret society emblem. As if a kind of Order of the Guardians has been watching over the superheroes since the beginning of time!
This scene would not exist if Alya was supposed to be the kind of person who only cared about getting blog hits because this type of content isn't where the money is. But money and clout aren't what Alya cares about. She's just a passionate reporter (or fan girl) who wants to know everything she can and who is having fun sharing her obsession with the world. This is an extremely important aspect of her character because it brings us to reason two that she clearly wasn't meant to be a clout chaser: if she was a tabloid journalist who only cared about hits, then she should have never been given a miraculous.
I could go on a rant her about how poorly Alya's blog is used after she becomes Rena Rouge, but I'll spare you the word count and just say that, as soon as she joined the team, she should have stopped sharing secrets on the blog. It makes sense that a blog would initially fill her need to share the fine details of her obsession, but once she's on the team, the blog should have been replaced by her teammates. She could still have the blog, but it shouldn't have things like the freaking guide to how the miraculous work that we see in the season four episode Gabriel Agreste:
Alya: The Miraculous are magical jewels that give powers to superheroes, like Ladybug's earrings and Cat Noir's ring. But supervillain Shadow Moth also has two Miraculousbrooches in his possession, and they will give him his powers. We can figure out from this that the Miraculous can either make a superhero or a supervillain. It's all riding on who wears it, which is why these jewels can't fall into just anybody's hands.
Alya, you are supposed to be Marinette's sole confidante at this point. Why are you giving the world this information? The writers are doing you dirty, my dear, and I'm so sorry. The best I can do is to promise to never treat you like this in my stuff.
Now, to be fair, there is some nuance to this. Alya is a human being. She's allowed to have flaws, so I can absolutely forgive her for getting caught up in the moment and posting scoops to her blog without thinking (see: Oblivio). That's honestly a great weakness for her character to have as it makes perfect sense for a fan girl to fan girl. At the same time, if you want to have a fan girl character who becomes part of the things she's a fan of, then you usually need to give that character something that will tone them down and make full fan girl mode something other than the standard setting.
Making your fan girl a serious reporter is a great way to do that! It allows you to have that initial bust of fan girl hype that quickly switches into serious get-the-details mode. Without that kind of complexity, Alya would just be another Wayhem and one Wayhem is already one too many.
While I will give Alya some grace on this topic and even call it a good thing for her character, the same cannot be said for her writing because the writers fail to embrace her hype as an in-the-moment weakness and it ruins her character. To put it another way, a lapse in judgement about posting a photo is excusable as a photo is quickly acquired and posted. A lapse in judgement about a full interview with a total rando who is claiming to be Ladybug's best friend is not excusable (see: Volpina). It's a completely different flavor of poor judgement as - at a minimum - it requires Alya to stand there talking to a person for several minutes and never once question what that person is saying. Those are not the behaviors of a good journalist.
Of course, this brings us to the most glaring example of Alya's character assassination: the Lila thing. Almost everything about this arc paints Alya as a terrible friend, which is a massive missed opportunity as Lila is the perfect antagonist for Alya! Who better to take down a liar than a truth seeker? It's such an easy way to give Alya her own mission to focus on, especially if you make Lila more subtle. You don't even need to have Alya believe Marinette without question. Just have her be an investigative journalist who is like, "You know what, this new girl clearly bothers Marinette and I know Marinette can get caught up in her own head, but it doesn't usually last this long. I think something is up, so I'm going to use my skills to see if Lila is telling the truth that way I know if I'm supporting the right person here." Don't have your character claim that she checks her sources and does research if you're going to turn around and have her believe whatever she hears without checking any of it!
Even outside of the Lila thing, I wish we saw more of Alya's research skills! They were such a good thing to give Marinette's best friend as Marinette is great at focusing on a clear task, but research is the kind of thing that would overwhelm her, so it makes perfect sense to make her best friend a researcher as that lets the team have someone to help track down whatever Gabriel is calling himself this week. The writers even understood this to some extent as we saw in Mr. Pigeon 72:
Alya: Marinette, how long have you been working on this? Ladybug: I dunno, six-seven days, maybe ten. Now that we're on spring break, I finally have time to put my whole heart into it! Alya: When was the last time you worked on one of your own designs? Ladybug: I do loads of designing! Look! (pointing to the contraption at her door) I designed a security system so that nobody can enter my room when I'm not in it. And if I put on this hat (puts on modified hat) I hear everything that's going on in here, even when I'm out of the room. Alya: I'm gonna have to break it to you because I'm the only one who can. THIS IS TOTALLY INSANE! Girl, trust your BFF. When I'm researching something obsessively and I can't think of anything else, that's when my mind can get really blocked. You know what you need most right now? A break! Ladybug: No way! No breaks until I find out how to keep Shadow Moth from reakumatizing people!
Remember who ultimately figures out how to keep Shadow Moth from reakumatizing people in this episode? Alya! Because her creative style is all about researching and looking at the evidence. You know, the classic skill set of a reporter?
I really do mean it when I say that the show has a fantastic setup for telling a good story. Alya's character should have been a perfect addition to Marinette's team. My favorite lineup is the line up from season two with Kagami and Luka in non-love-interest bonus roles that I won't get into here since it's a little too deviant from canon to make sense without explanation. Instead, I'll just give you the clear roles they perfectly set up and then squandered for the original miraculous five:
Ladybug: Battlefield commander
Rena Rouge: Big Picture Strategist (basically Marinette excels at reactive thinking/leading during a battle while Alya excels more at proactive thinking/long-term tactics)
Chat Noir: Peacekeeper/Heart/Hype Man
Carapace: Protector/Stop Button (much like Alya and Marinette, Nino and Adrien should have been two sides of the same coin with Adrien being focused on making everyone happy while Nino focuses on keeping everyone safe)
Queen Bee: Wild Card/Chaos Element (I love a good chaos element who is there to suggest the options that won't occur to people who have been raised to follow the rules.)
I'll also point out that this lineup would show that the characters weren't interchangeable and make the two main couples feel more unique and meant for each other. For example, Nino's tendency to encourage others to stay safe would pair terribly with Marinette's need to not get too caught up in her own thoughts. The second Nino second guesses one of her plans she'd fall apart, so she needs Adrien to be her Chat Noir. Similarly, Alya's impulsivity weakness would make her a terrible match for go, go, go Hype Noir! She needs a partner who makes her take two seconds to second guess herself. There was so much potential here you guys! So much potential! It could have been beautiful! Instead, we got canon...
There you go, my broad love letter to Alya. I could keep going, but you didn't request a specific topic, so I'm just going to end it there. Feel free to ask for more, but please do it in another ask as this is already super long and - out of kindness to my followers- I try to avoid essay after essay on the same post unless they really need to be connected.
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My AO3 acount
My Masterlist on Tumblr
Yellow Sun: Lena had never been more comfortable in her entire life
It's Cold Outside: 6 times Lena feels cold and 1 time Kara promises to keep her warm
Good Luck Kisses: There's a new trend around
You marked more than just my skin: Kara gets a tattoo and Lena is an tattoo artist
Dino gear: Kara’s main goal is to make Lena happy
You look perfect: Lena can't stop staring
I'm slowly dying (with or without you): Lena has a panic attack, Kara’s there
Old friends: Sam attends Alex's wedding.
Baby Driver: Lena doesn't know how to drive and Kara offers to teach her so she can take her license, however, driving proves to be harder than Lena thought it would be.
Kara declaims short poems at Lena part 1
Kara declaims short poems at Lena part 2
Supercorp at Quarantine part 1
Fanart/Gif sets drabbles (inspired by fanarts or gif sets from other people)
Wives spending a cozy night at home
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Kara explaining her tattoos
Lena’s Birthday
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Slumber Party: Yelena wants to have a slumber party tonight.
That is not cutlery: Yelena keeps coming back and Kate just might end up wanting her to stay.
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I Wanna Believe (that we're a masterpiece): Natasha seems to be unable to take care of herself, so Carol decides she will be the one to do that.
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Pillow talk: Natasha is back from a mission and all she wants is to see Wanda. Wanda, however, is already enterteined with another activity.
Take Care: Everyone tries to warn Wanda what a bad idea it is to fall in love with the big, bad, scary spy.
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Drabble: Cute Rosalie and Charlie bonding moment.
Bella is high: Bella smokes weed.
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Sunday Plans: It's a lazy Sunday morning and Florence has an important question for you
Happy Together: A cute unplanned date night with your girlfriend, Florence.
Black widow: Cooking With Flo is back and you make an accidental cameo that get the entire world to know about you relationship with Florence.
Kiss me more: This is the first time your friends are meeting your girlfriend and you're excited about it.
Sunrise in the East: Reader is very happy having one-night stands or having friends with benefits, avoiding any serious relationship for a while now. However, things change and she suddenly starts to think that dating wouldn't be all that bad.
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Mrs Hollywood: It's not always easy to date a Hollywood star.
Make up your mind: You ask Scarlett out on a date.
Mayores: Someone sends you flowers and your girlfriend isn't happy about it.
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Marry you: During an interview, someone asks you to marry them and your girlfriend isn't happy about it.
Marry you (part 2): Your girlfriend proposed, your friends are happy for you, and you still have work to do.
Marry you (part 3): It's time for the world to know about your relationship.
Cool kids: Elizabeth meets your son.
Love me harder: You are having a nice day out with Elizabeth when a paparazzi stumble over you.
Happier than ever: Your last relationship was toxic and you're still coping with that.
Only girl: You and Elizabeth enjoy a quiet night at home.
She's so lovely: Elizabeth introduces you to the world.
Lay all your love (on me): You get hired to be Elizabeth’s love interest in her new movie and nothing could prepare you to how your life would change upon meeting her.
Skin: *SMUT* There are times when you need Elizabeth to consume you.
Runnin' home to you: After months of trying, it’s time to tell your wife that you're pregnant.
Dog days are over: Elizabeth isn’t a dog person… but you are. After the puppy interview, you try to convince your girlfriend to take one of them home.
Tattooed heart: You have tattoos everywhere and your girlfriend suffers from severe anxiety. You learned to walk around with Sharpies to help her out.
Into you: A quiet day at home with the person that consumes your every breath.
| Last updated: Jan. 20th, 2024.
295 notes · View notes
vorrentis · 1 year
Jihyo x Mina - Much Needed~ (2/2)
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Even so, the kiss was a bit tentative at first from both sides, their lips just softly brushing together.
But then they gained a rush real quick, knowing that there was no real reluctance from either one, and they came together fully, lips and tongues meeting passionately.
Jihyo and Mina clung together like that for several minutes, exploring each other's mouths and luxuriating in the feel of two bodies pressed close.
With the amount of public time they have, Jihyo and Mina knew that they needed to savor these moments.
"Wow..." Mina smiled when they finally retreated to arm's length. "That was definitely worth waiting for."
"You're always worth waiting for Mina~" Jihyo smiled at her as Mina let out a soft chuckle.
"That was corny."
"Then let's not talk then~" Jihyo muttered as she leaned towards Mina's head and their lips connected.
Mina closed her eyes in relish at her girlfriend's tongue work as she made her way down to Mina's neck and suckled on it a bit
"Ah Jihyo, stop it..
"Do you really mean that~" Jihyo kept peppering Mina's neck with kisses as one of her hands went downward to Mina's butt and gave it a squeeze as Mina's lust rose. "Hmm~ Do you want me to stop~" jihyo's voice was husky and full of lust as she kissed the right side of Mina's neck, sucking on it tenderly as Mina moaned.
"J-Jihyo," Mina had to strain to make out the words. "We can't do this here...
"Hmm~ But it's so naughty~ We've never done it here~"
Their bare skin rubbing and brushing against each other felt electrifying and when Jihyo fondled Mina's breast through her shirt as Mina's breathing had become haggard at Jihyo's touch and teased her flesh, she all but whined.
"Jihyo...s-seriously...we can't..."
Jihyo reached behind the squirming girl and grasped her left ass cheek before running her fingers in circles around her nipple through her shirt.
The sensation was overwhelming and all Mina could do to curb her excitement was grasp
Jihyo's hair and moan through gritted teeth.
Jihyo glanced up again and gave Mina a wet kiss; their tongues intermingling and dancing like snakes, that is until Mina pulled away.
"Jihyo, I'm serious, we can't. Gomen, but not here...
"Mhm..." Jihyo stopped her fondling, pulled away from Mina, turned to her left, and pouted like an angry kid.
Mina couldn't lie, she was now feeling it and she cursed herself for letting it get carried away.
"Why must we be so responsible?" Jihyo asked as Mina rolled her eyes but not of annoyance, "sigh, oh well, that was convincing enough...but when we get home," she gave a small smile, "you better be ready for me~"
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Mina felt her lower region quiver as Jihyo turned in place.
Oh, she was excited alright.
"Alright, go ahead and start." She said pointing at the camera and then the screen, sitting down near the front this time as Mina took a few seconds to register that into her mind.
Jihyo wasn't mad at Mina, she was right that they had to work, but Jihy was beyond horny and Mina was her need to relish the quench.
That small act only drove Jihyo to a lust-minded fantasy as Mina turned around and presented her butt once more as Jihyo licked her lips.
'God, makes me want her even more.'
Jihyo was heated at her core and upon getting back into their place, Jihyo hoped that Mina was ready for what her.
Jihyo unlocked the door to their home as they stepped inside and took of their shoes.
The door closed behind them as they walked more inside.
"Hello?" Jihyo called out, but no answer was heard as the girls made their way behind the couch and dropped their belongings on the cushions. "Anyone home?" Jihyo called again.
She smirked.
"Alright, well, guess we're the only ones here."
"I guess we are~" Jihyo and Mina smiled at one another.
=======================SMUT START=======================
Jihyo stepped closer and placed her hands on her girlfriend's hips and around her back, "we have the whole room to ourselves, heck the whole house, we can do it anywhere we want~"
Jihyo's hand that fondled Mina's perfect butt, glided around in front of Mina's perfect body, through her tights and panties, and began to press against her slit.
Mina sensually closed her eyes and even gave a smile as she felt the lust emanating from Jihyo.
Rhythmically, Jihyo rubbed circles around Mina's clit, making the girl moan and pant.
As if answering her pleas, Jihyo dipped her finger gently into her wet hot folds as Mina quivered as small mewls escaped her mouth.
"Ah Jihyo~" She moaned while Jihyo rubbed
Mina's pulsating clit with her thumb and pressed deeper into the girl's pussy. She slid another finger into her and began thrusting.
Mina's toes curled and she moaned so loud she was glad that no one can disturb them or make them quiet.
Jihyo demanded Mina look at her and kissed her deeply when she did; moaning into her sweet mouth as she pumped her fingers into Mina's cunt.
"You're so beautiful," Jihyo cooed between heavy breaths and pressing her lips on Mina's mouth, "you like this Mina? Tell me you do~"
Mina nodded furiously as she felt a tingling sensation build in her belly, "yes, yes! Please, keep going Jihyo. Don't stop!"
Jihyo thrust faster and played with Mina's breasts as she felt the girl tighten around her fingers.
Mina couldn't take it anymore.
She felt the heat rush through her pussy and body, up to her tits, and wetness flow from her pussy.
A part of her aroused body didn't want it to end but Jihyo captured the younger member's gaze and lips again, licking for entrance as Mina was helpless and allowed Jihyo to insert her tongue inside Mina's mouth, ravaging and dominating her mouth as Jihyo pulled back.
"Hmm~ You taste so sweet Mina, but now," she smirked, "I want to suck on another pair of lips-" she whispered as Mina felt her pussy contract at the notion.
Jihyo stroked a finger on Mina's slit and Mina gulped as her legs felt weakened at the notion.
"Would you like that Mina? Do you want me to eat your pretty little pussy~"
"P-please..." She responded as Jihyo smirked and licked Mina's left earlobe as Mina closed her eyes.
"Please what~ As much as I want to stick my tongue in you, I want to hear you say it" Jihyo's hot breath invaded Mina's eardrum.
"Please Jihyo...1-I need you." Mina finished and groaned as Jihyo gently inserted a finger into
Mina's pussy as Mina gulped.
"I know you do~ but I want you to say what you want me to do~"
"J-Jihyo... please eat my pussy."
"Hmm~ Good girl-" Jihyo slipped off the bench and knelt between Mina's legs, her knees on the hard tile, but it didn't matter.
In one motion, Jihyo grabbed both sides of her tights and panties as she pulled down to reveal her desire.
Now her gaze was drawn into Mina's crotch, already gleaming with moisture. Above it, Jihyo could see that delicate patch of fine obsidian hair.
Jihyo let her hands move down to caress
Mina's thigh, then ran lightly over the bottom swells of her ass. Mina sighed again, which Jihyo took as her cue to move further still.
She licked ever so lightly at the skin of Mina's left thigh, just inches from her quivering quim.
The scent of her arousal filled her head as
Jihyo continued to tease her.
Mina was trembling now, clearly in need of some satisfaction, which Jihyo was not about to give, not yet anyway as Jihyo pulled away, just a bit, to assess the physical effects Jihyo was having on her.
Jihyo gazed at her cunt, so close now to her eyes and her lips.
It looked incredible, so good, and so ready for the attention that it was hard to ignore.
Mina was clearly aroused, and it showed in the overheated maw between her legs - beautiful, engorged petals of pink, meaty flesh, the inner lips protruding boldly and wetly through the over-challenged sheath of the outer ones.
Her cunt was a succulent, dew-covered delicacy, always the most scrumptious-looking tidbit of flesh Jihyo had seen.
Nonetheless, Jihyo did ignore it, continuing to focus her lips on her inner thighs, while her fingertips traced delicate circles over the flat expanse of her mid-drift, barely making contact with her skin, trying to drive her crazy.
Mina stood there and watched her leader go down on her, craving for Jihyo's tongue as it flicked out to taste Mina's flushed skin dangerously close to the left side of her vagina.
It seemed to be working, based on the delightful whimpering noises Mina was making and the tremors Jihyo could feel coursing through her body.
Jihyo had to smile to herself, she could tell Mina wanted it badly, needed it badly and Jihyo wanted it badly as well.
Wasting no more time, Jihyo started with a soft, delicate kiss right at the center of her open cleft, producing a wonderful little gasp from her. Jihyo pulled away slightly and licked all around the little crevice, teasing the surface of her lips, sometimes venturing inside a little to savor the warm nectar that was now flowing freely.
"Hmmm~" Mina closed her eyes and hummed softly as Jihyo worked her magic.
Then Jihyo settled into a long series of easy tongue-strokes, licking her there like a contented puppy, with the tip of her tongue just barely inside her.
Jihyo looked up from her place there, up over the flat expanse of her abdomen, past the perfect mounds of her breasts, to Mina's entranced expression by the touch of her leader slaving there between her sweet thighs, telling Mina with her moans how good she tasted, how wonderful her warm, sticky flesh felt as it grabbed at her invading tongue.
Mina's hips continued to move easily up and down in response to the wet little muscle exploring inside her.
"Mmmmmm," she murmured.
"Jihyo...nnnghh~" Mina whimpered as Jihyo kept her onslaught on Mina's pussy.
Mina's body was delicious, and being between her legs, Jihyo found it absolutely divine.
In her current state of arousal, Jihyo was even more determined to give her the best head she'd ever had each time.
Her licking became more intense now, stronger strokes all over her genital area.
Jihyo traveled up to the base of her clit, lapping firmly at the underside of her inflamed button, feeling Mina rise up and shimmy against her as Jihyo did it.
From the sounds and motions of her body, Jihyo knew Mina was enjoying her attention and as Mina's rear end pushed down on Jihyo, the leader of Twice reached under her to cup her creamy, soft buns in both hands, then closed her eyes and gobbled her up, concentrating totally on her own enjoyment of her body.
Jihyo thrust her tongue way up inside Mina, as deep as it would go, worming around, enjoying the delicious heat that surrounded it, then swirled around the edges of her hole and back up to her clit.
To Jihyo, Mina tasted sweet, probably to the juice dripping from her aroused cunt enhanced the taste.
Figuring it was enough torture, Jihyo's placed both hands on either side of Mina's pussy now, spreading it open but not touching her inner lips.
Jihyo ran her tongue around the V shape that Mina's lower pussy made and she spread her legs wider. The older member knew Mina's clit must have been aching; it was hard and even more swollen than it had before, but she tasted so good that Jihyo didn't want it to end.
Mina's right hand settled on Jihyo's head and she seemed to be trying vainly to gather enough strength to pull Jihyo inwards as her left went to the couch behind her, her head leaning back against nothing.
Mina shook her head as the sensation of having her pussy eaten by her leader threatened to overwhelm her.
"Uhhh... Oh, hmph...ahh~ J...Jihyo I...oh god.....ahh!"
The known so quiet Mina had turned into a scream of pleasure as Jihyo took one side of her outer lip in her mouth, and reveled in how slick she was with nearly tasteless yet delicious, sex juices.
Her tongue traced Mina's inner lip as she took her outer lip gently between her teeth. She ran her mouth up to her pussy this way, and when she approached Mina's clit she licked her way back down without touching it.
Jihyo moaned as she felt as though she was aching as much as her victim was.
She pressed her hand into Mina's pubic bone, and took the other outer lip in her mouth, and did the same thing; ran her tongue up the girl's soft inner lip as her mouth caressed the outer lip.
She blew a warm breath against the sensitive skin.
When she approached Mina's swollen clit she ran her tongue around just under it, without touching it, then back down to the sensitive V at the bottom of her pussy.
Jihyo ran her tongue around this spot until Mina was shaking and grinding against her. 
All the while, Jihyo was fucking herself with two fingers, careful not to touch her own pussy until she was finished feasting on Mina.
She was very wet and very horny and her fingers could only do so much, but she'll wait for Mina's tongue.
Jihyo looked up at the quivering girl and saw Mina's hand originally on the wall began to squeeze Jihyo's head, even as the other pressed Jihyo closer to her throbbing core.
She pressed her tongue just under her button and moved it in tiny circles.
Mina held her head limply as she tried to keep still, but her whole body was on fire under the cool rain of the shower, her toes arched inwards as her breathing heaved in and out like she was running a marathon.
Jihyo moved her tongue up next to the now extremely swollen nub, pressing it into the side of her clit.
Mina moaned and her head shook from side to side.
Jihyo groaned in Mina.
She tasted so fucking amazing each time.
As her tongue stroked the side of Mina's clit, she did the same thing to her own clit with one finger, moving her finger up and down her own swollen clit. 
She knew she was dripping onto the panties and tights she was kneeling on, she'd better put them in the wash quick.
At that point, Jihyo was very aroused and really went to work eating Mina out. Her tongue worked eagerly over the edges of her lips and then deep inside her, where her sweet cream flowed in abundance.
Jihyo pulled a little glob into her mouth and took it down, thinking to herself, how sweet Mina tasted.
Jihyo squeezed her thighs together, got a little jolt, and licked some more, swirling her tongue all around inside the delicious heat of Mina's cunt.
Mina's eyes were closed now and her legs spread wide, almost completely out, and she was in another world, moaning loudly, a deep, rhythmic growl that switched to a high-pitched shriek when Jihyo washed over her clit.
Her baby-fine pussy hair tickled Jihyo's nose as she took her open cunt in her mouth and sucked.
The warm, delicate flesh slid into her mouth, rushing against her tongue, bathing it with another thick coat of fluid.
Looking up, Jihyo could see Mina straining for her orgasm.
Her head tilted back, her mouth open and slack, her back arched up, and her firm tits pointed upward, as her arms reached out to feverishly grip whatever she could get her hands on and in this case, Jihyo's hair.
Sensing she was close, Jihyo shimmied her head back and forth and hummed a large growl over her clit, finally setting her off.
Guttural, animal sounds filled the room, punctuated with a series of "Yeahs" and rapid-fire "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
FUCKKKKKK!" Mina's whole body jerked hard several times, about two seconds apart, her hips jutting up at Jihyo as even more juice poured into Jihyo's mouth.
She licked it up and kept going, keeping Mina floating in that oblivion of passion as Jihyo licked softly at her folds until she felt her relaxation completely.
"Ohhhh ... god.." she moaned. "Hmm~..."
Both girls recoiled, thinking the sudden noise was the doorbell, but it was Jihyo's phone that rang.
"Jesus that scared me." Jihyo commented as Mina looked over to her left and noticed their manager's name on the phone.
"It's Unnie." Mina was calming from her orgasm still.
Jihyo got up on her feet and reached towards the cushion to get her phone and answered while being near Mina still who had her tights still around her ankles and her bare pussy on glistening pussy on show.
"Ah Unnie?" Jihyo used her hand to wipe Mina's juice off her lips, "yeah, we're at home, I thought I texted you, sorry...yeah, we just came a few seconds ago." Jihyo winked at Mina as she rolled her eyes, "yeah we already gave the footage to the staff, got home and we're gonna clean up, it was quite a workout." Jihyo looked at Mina and smirked, "an hour?" Mina smiled as well, "oh yeah, we'll be fine... okay bye." Jihyo hung up.
"Well guess we have an hour before the others come back," Mina nodded, "which means we have plenty of time-" Jihyo stepped closer to Mina and brought her hand down to rub Mina's slit as Mina's thighs closed just slight,
"now th-Hmm~"
Mina herself leaned forward as Jihyo's beautiful, luscious lips moved from her smile to a full-sized pucker and her eyes closed in lust.
Mina leaned against Jihyo's body, melting against the idol's gorgeous curves before finally closing her eyes and pressing her lips against her leader. She was so impossibly soft.
Mina didn't go farther than a small, cautious kiss at first, but the two of them stayed there for an eternity.
Mina had no desire to end this kiss for the rest of her life, and given that Jihyo had not pulled back, she began to feel the feelings be reciprocated.
When they finally parted their lips, it was slowly. Hesitantly. Both of them opened their eyes, still lost in the moment but looking for any sort of reaction from the other.
They both grinned toothy smiles simultaneously before crashing back together quickly. 
They released each other's hands in order to use them in more adventurous ways.
Jihyo moved one hand up into Mina's hair and rested on the back of her head while the other went down to the small of her back, pulling her in close.
Mina let her take the lead and raised both arms to lightly hold each side of Jihyo's face, raising just slightly onto her tiptoes to stay on even level with her. 
As Jihyo gripped her tightly and pulled her closer, Mina felt a rush of heat splash between her legs.
She let out a small moan into Jihyo's mouth and felt her chest grow more sensitive.
She became very conscious of Jihyo's breasts pressing against her through the incredibly low-cut top and raised her arms to wrap them around Jihyo's neck in order to press her own modest chest against her new partner.
Jihyo continued to move her lips against Mina while her arm on Mina's back began to move up and down.
It was incredibly soothing and made Mina feel totally safe. 
With that safety came a hunger is driven by the passion emanating from her lower core.
She felt herself getting wet and pressed harder against Jihyo, driving her backward, almost falling onto the couch.
Jihyo released an intoxicating moan that drove Mina mad, causing her to run both of her hands up through the shining flowing hair.
Mina's lust brewed into an assault on Jihyo's lips, even slipping her tongue past them.
Jihyo seemed to be spurred on as well, her dominant hand on Mina's back sliding down to her ass, grabbing a greedy handful.
Mina's breath finally gave out in absolute ecstasy as she pulled away from Jihyo's lips and breathed out a long moan. 
She opened her eyes to see Jihyo staring intently at her, her pupils dilated and her mouth slightly agape.
Once she knew Mina could see it, Jihyo bared her teeth at her in a snarl of hunger. She embodied the very essence of a tiger about to pounce, and Mina could feel herself shrink into timid prey.
Mina closed her mouth and just gave Jihyo a short nod of consent.
In a flash, Jihyo pressed her lips against Mina's with unbridled passion and let out a long exhale through her nose. 
Mina let out a noise that was half-moan, half-whimper as she bared herself to Jihyo, allowing the idol to have her way with her.
Jihyo did not stay at her lips long, soon breaking off to kiss Mina's cheek, then her jaw, then trailing down to her neck.
Mina began to moan louder, her chest growing warmer, her pussy getting wetter.
"Ohhh god Jihyo~" she whispered as Jihyo alternated between kissing and lightly gnawing on her collar. Jihyo moaned against her and reciprocated between the kisses and nibbles.
"You're gonna be saying that much more-"
She moaned, not letting up. Mina let out a low, sultry whine as she placed both of her hands on Jihyo's temples.
Eventually, she lifted Jihyo's head up until they were once again staring each other in the eye, both out of breath.
"Bedroom?" Mina asked.
Jihyo nodded and Mina leaned down to put her sweats and panties to her thighs, holding them with one hand only as Jihyo quickly snatched Mina's arm as they both giggled and turned up the stairs, finally turning into their room and both of them fall onto Jihyo's bed with Mina falling on her back due to Jihyo shoving her as Jihyo hovered over her.
"God I want to fuck you so bad~" Jihyo groaned as she shifted to a bent-over position with her feet still on the floor with Mina wrapping her legs upward around Jihyo's waist and began to slowly grind against her, desperate to satiate her needs.
Jihyo matched her movements and in the midst of moving her lips back against Mina's, quickly slipping her own tongue into the mix with Mina flinging her arms around Jihyo's head once again, not breaking the kiss and lashing back at her tongue-work with some of her own.
Mina moaned into Jihyo's mouth, drowning in pleasure until she felt Jihyo's hand slide underneath the hem of her top and up along the side of her torso. Mina responded by sliding her arm down Jihyo's back to her ass and gripping it firmly, egging her on.
The hand continued to slide up Mina's body, dragging the top along with it until it caught on Mina's chest.
Impatiently, Mina sat herself up, moving Jihyo back into a kneeling position in front of her as Jihyo removed Mina's tights that were still around her ankles quickly, but she didn't look down as she watched Mina greedily as her lover grabbed the hem of her top and slowly raised it above her chest and over her head, not breaking eye contact with Jihyo as she tossed it aside.
She sat on the edge of the bed in a black and white dotted lace bra and took Jihyo's hand, leading her forward.
Jihyo climbed up to straddle Mina's lap, once again diving into a deep, passionate kiss.
Mina brought Jihyo's hand to her breast before returning her own hand to Jihyo's head.
Jihyo palmed Mina's bra cup, gently kneading her as Mina moved her hands to Jihyo's shoulders and grabbed the base of the two white tops and lifting it up Jihyo's naval.
Jihyo broke the kiss and lifted her two tops off over her head, and as she did her hot pink lace bra was quickly dispatched as well as Mina got an eyeful of Jihyo's large, succulent, imposing breasts falling from their loose confinement.
Feeling loose now made Jihyo smile devilishly and place a hand on the back of Mina's head, pulling her forward into the cleavage.
Mina drank in Jihyo's scent, her rapid breathing, her ecstatic heartbeat before bringing her hands up to grope both mounds.
Mina began to pepper the tops of them with kisses as Jihyo ran her other hand through her hair and let out a loud moan of pleasure.
She ground her hips against Mina's as the slightly taller Twice member continued to give loving squeezes to her magnificent boobs.
Mina gave up on the pecks along Jihyo's chest and rested her face against her cleavage, letting out a deep sigh.
"Jihyo...please...I need you so badly." Mina panted.
Almost as if that was a trigger phrase, Jihyo pushed Mina backward onto the bed and stepped back onto the ground.
Mina lay there with her arms sprawled above her head, still in her black and white dotted bra only as Jihyo towered over her with a wild look in her eves.
She crossed her arms above her head and lightly bit her bottom lip, trying anything she could to fuel Jihyo's pleasure and sense of dominance. Jihyo's lips parted with a hungry gasp and slowly, her arms reached down to her own tights.
She undid them and slowly worked them down her hips, swaying her frame back and forth as she did.
Her marvelous tits jiggled with each movement until eventually she was fully bent forward, the tights around her ankles.
She stood back up and put her hands on her hips imposingly, letting Mina take the view in.
Jihyo now stood in only a hot pink thong that had barely enough fabric to cover up her slit.
Mina could see it was moist as well, driving her to soak her own pussy in more arousal.
Mina took her time drinking in the stunning beauty of a girlfriend before meeting her eyes once again. As she stared Jihyo down with her best needy look, she slowly brought one hand down over her own crotch and began to rub herself.
Jihyo stepped out of her garments and bent over Mina, her hands landing on either side of Mina's head and her breasts heaving. Her face was inches from Mina as she looked deep into her eyes.
She placed one firm kiss on Mina's lips and asked.
"Does my Minari want me to please her again~" Mina could barely put a cognisant thought together and nodded vehemently as she continued to pleasure herself.
"Mmhmm~" Mina squeaked, not daring to look away from Jihyo's eyes when suddenly Jihyo gripped the arm that was driving Mina's pleasure and held it still.
"Say it~"
"Please Jihyo, pleasure me."
"Good girl~ Let mama Jihyo take of you~"
Jihyo whispered as she brought Mina's arm back up above her head. She slid her arms under Mina's back and swiftly unhooked her bra.
Pulling back up, Jihyo grabbed the bra and moved it up over Mina's head, off her arms, and let it fall off the opposite end of the bed.
Mina's breasts jiggled at the movement, but it excited her a bit. Her breasts were average-sized but very perky.
Even laying on her back, there was some nice curvature to them, culminating in her aroused nipples.
Mina scooted backward so that they could both properly lay on the bed fully, leaving Jihyo room to crawl onto the bed on all fours towards Mina. 
Jihyo came and laid beside her, both women with barely a cloth between them, and began to kiss her again.
Mina returned the kiss eagerly, pressing her breasts against Jihyo's and throwing her arm around her shoulder. 
Jihyo moved her hand over Mina's breast and cupped it, softly applying some pressure as Mina moaned into her mouth.
Mina was discovering she was much more of a moaner during sex than she thought she was, but something about Jihyo kept drawing them out of her.
Jihyo's touch was magical, and her physicality just made Mina feel so safe.
She was wholeheartedly ready to surrender total control to this goddess of a woman and just be hers forever.
Jihyo's hand focused on the peak of Mina's breast and lightly rolled her stiff nipple between two fingers. At this, Mina broke the kiss to throw her head back and audibly moan.
"Hmm Jihyo~" She cried. "That feels so incredible~"
"I'm glad," Jihyo whispered in her ear, "you're so fucking beautiful Mina, it turns me on so much to bring you to this point of pleasure." Mina was so deep into the chasm of lust but the kind words were not lost on her.
She returned her gaze to Jihyo's loving eyes, brought her hand up to underneath the golden mane, and pulled her in for a deep kiss on the mouth. After having her fill with Jihyo's lips, Mina pulled back with a request.
"Will you... touch me more?" She asked, her eyes trailing down her own body slightly on the last word.
"Oh~ Do you want me to take care of your little pussy again~"
Jihyo smirked and slowly moved her hand down as she restarted the kiss. Her hand made its way onto Mina's stomach, down over her hip, and finally between her legs.
As Jihyo pressed into her, Mina became very aware of how soaked she was. Too busy to care, Mina closed her eyes as Jihyo slid her fingers along Mina's crotch, eventually using two fingers to apply pressure to the wet panties and leaving the butt of her palm resting where Mina could grind her clit against it, which she happily began to do.
"Please..." she begged. "Please, Jihyo, take me." Jihyo gave a confident smirk at the somewhat cheesy line, but to Mina's delight, she leaned into it.
"I plan to." Jihyo responded, locking her lips against Mina's, shoving her tongue into her mouth, and dragging her fingers along Mina's wet slit.
Mina let out a sound that was closer to a scream than a moan as she instinctively tried to grind on Jihyo's hand again, but Jihyo pulled away.
"Ah ah ah." Jihyo scolded "Let me treat you, savor it." she cooed.
Mina wasn't sure she had the willpower, but she stopped her grinding, laid flat on her back, and let Jihyo continue.
Her fingers danced along Mina's outer folds, stroking areas Mina didn't even know she was sensitive in. Mina continued to labor through heavy breathing, occasionally letting out a timid moan until Jihyo made her move.
Almost simultaneously, Jihyo slipped two fingers into Mina's wet interior and planted her open lips on Mina's breast, suckling her nipple.
Mina let out a shriek that she had never heard herself make before and lost the will to control herself.
She bucked her hips in rhythm with Jihyo's thrusts into her and placed one hand on Jihyo's head, holding her against her breast.
She brought her other hand up to her free breast and began to fondle herself to add to the pleasure.
"Jihyo! Jihyo...Jihyo! Jihyo!" Mina screamed, feeling her end approaching.
"Mmhmm." Jihyo grunted, not removing herself from Mina's boob but encouraging her on. With the nipple still suctioned in her mouth, she began to flick it with her tongue, leading Mina to let out an exasperated growl of pleasure.
Jihyo's fingers increased their pace, now staying fully inside Mina's pussy, but curling and rubbing rapidly against her g-spot. Mina felt like her spirit was about to leave her body from all the pleasure bursting at her seams when Jihyo finally detached from her tit.
"Oh no, not like this. I got a better idea~" Jihyo hopped off and quickly disposed of her hot pink thong, now revealing her nude body to Mina, but Mina didn't sightsee as much as Jihyo shifted forward, pushed Mina's right leg to the right and Mina's left leg upward and parted slightly to have Mina's pussy open.
Mina knew what she had planned.
Jihyo hovered her left leg over Mina's right leg and angled herself nice and wide to have them both in a scissor position.
Jihyo then started grinding their steamy little cunts together.
They both let out long, interrupted moans as both girls' clits were so stiff and swollen that they were flicking against one another, sending shivers throughout each other's bodies and sending them into a haze of indulgence.
"Oh fuck.." Jihyo cursed.
"Hmph~ Hmph!" Mina groaned.
Their sticky juices mixed together, and both of their pussies were so unbelievably wet and slippery that their fucking made audible squishing sounds as they slammed their dripping little mounds together as Jihyo held Mina's left leg up by her thighs and started to grind in random spurts.
"Oh god, yesyesyesyes!" Jihyo panted.
"Ohhh~ ohhh~...oh you're gonna make me cum Jihyo!" Mina rose her voice more.
The girls rubbed their cunts against one another in long, sliding motions, as well as little bursts of bashing clit against clit and Jihyo grinned at Mina's tits bouncing up and down, her nipples hypnotizing her she followed their cute little movements.
"That's it sweetie," Jihyo huskily moaned, one hand curling around Mina's thigh as her other moved up to her breast.
Pulling on the pebbled nipple, Mina gasped at the glazed expression on Jihyo's face, "how good is my pussy on yours huh~ God we're so wet for each other~" Jihyo chanted, her fingers digging into Mina's back.
Mina knew she was close to another mind-blowing orgasm, all she needed was Jihyo to push harder into her pussy, "So close Jihyo.....make me cum Jihyo...I need it...I need to cum, make me cum!"
Jihyo growled, "Cum on me Mina, cream your hot little snatch all over my pussy. Let go, show me how fucking hard you cum for me!" Jihyo hissed, her face turning red as she felt her release screaming towards her, "God your pussy is so good~...oh shit, oh fuck!"
Slamming her hips against Mina's, Jihyo gripped the other woman's breast hard as her body erupted. 
Her building cries filled the loft, Mina's own orgasmic groans nearly smothered by the older woman.
"Cum Mina...cum baby," Jihyo whimpered, the bed rocking sharply with the two women's movements.
The sex in the air was palpable - both girls were moaning and sobbing in pleasure and frustration, and soon enough, Mina began tightening all of her muscles. Her eyes clamped shut and her mouth formed an 'O' shape.
"AH! Ahh Jihyo! I-I'm-Ahh~"
"M-me too...oh fuck...oh~ ahahahah~
Feeling Jihyo's lava hot core against her own, her dark eyes glazed in complete orgasmic bliss tipped Mina over her own summit.
Neither woman knew how long they humped into the other, each riding the waves of their orgasms, before Jihyo's scream cracked off into a heavy sigh.
Feeling her leader grow limp, Mina pulled
Jihyo against her as she lay back.
"Fuck," Jihyo gasped, her breaths leaving goosebumps across Mina's skin, "That was sooo good..." Jihyo managed to look at Mina as she was staring at the roof, "You're so cute with your orgasm face." She teased.
Mina was still seeing stars but was cognizant enough to lightly pat Jihyo in the arm.
"So...I'm not cute otherwise then?" She joked, not able to keep a small giggle from coming out.
Even though she was past her climax, she still felt as if she was drifting along on a cloud. Her bedsheets felt unusually soft and comforting as she turned to face Jihyo, who still had a grin on her face.
"Hehe, you know you're always cute Mina." Jihyo answered incredulously, leaning in for another kiss.
The two ladies enjoyed each other's lips in this brief minute respite before Mina broke it off.
She slid herself on top of Jihyo and slipped her head to the side of Jihyo's face, leaving her mouth right by her ear, nearly buried in the wave of hair.
"Now then~ I think it's my turn to take care of you Jihyo-" Mina whispered, before giving a small bite to Jihyo's earlobe. Jihyo let out a long exhale of relief, settling in to enjoy herself.
"And you better make it good-"
Mina released Jihyo's earlobe and continued in a low, sultry voice. "Oh don't worry, I'll make it just as great as mine~" Mina delighted in feeling a small shiver go down Jihyo's body before kissing her on the spot where she bit her, then to her cheek, down over her jaw, and to her neck.
And with that, Mina latched herself onto Jihyo's collarbone and seized one of Jihyo's voluptuous breasts as she began to suck.
Jihyo let out an exhale that ended in a moan as she bucked her hips once at the sudden sensation.
Mina focused on kneading Jihyo's breast in pleasurable ways, as her mouth did not need much direction to just keep its latch.
Mina worked over the pillowy mound, gradually moving closer and closer to the peak. As her fingers came together around the tip, Mina released her suction and began to flick the bruised area with her tongue, simultaneously rolling Jihyo's nipple between her fingers.
Jihyo let out a small yelp of pleasure as she placed a hand on the back of Mina's head, keeping her from withdrawing from her task.
Mina allowed Jihyo to keep her there for a few more moments before sliding out under the arm and working her way to the chest.
Still woman handling one of Jihyo's boobs, she brought her other arm up to grope its twin and resumed her kissing from earlier in the passionate make out session. She began to massage the breasts in tandem, moving them up and down like the flow of the ocean.
*Hmm~ you are so sexy, Jihyo." Mina cooed. "I have no doubt you could get up, pin me down, and do with me as you please, so l'm just grateful that you let me pleasure you like this."
She was definitely still playing into the submissive role a little, but she grinned internally as she continued to lay the bait for her trap
"And yet, with all of these toned muscles, your body has all these stunning curves for me to play with." Mina lay a gentle kiss on one of Jihyo's nipples, eliciting a stiff groan of pleasure and pent-up frustration
'Good, 'Mina thought to herself, 'the more worked up she is, the better the payoff will be. 'Mina continued to lightly kiss Jihyo's stiff crests, alternating between the two and occasionally dragging the tip of her tongue slowly around the areola.
Jihyo's groans turned into grunts as her hips continued to grind against Mina's slender form.
Jihyo brought her arms around Mina's body for better leverage and control, which Mina allowed her to think she had.
She continued her teasing of Jihyo's incredible tits, feeling herself getting hot once again, eventually taking one of the nipples into her mouth and sucking on it.
Jihyo had a very strong reaction to this, her mouth gaping open in a pleasure that was very strong but also very calm.
She gently placed a hand on the back of Mina's head as if she was nursing her and whimpered as Mina continued to take long drawn-out suckles.
Once Mina was certain she had Jihyo in a stupor strong enough that she wouldn't be as attentive, she set her plan in motion.
She released Jihyo's tit from her mouth with one last long suck and crawled downward and before she positioned herself between her legs, this gave Mina a real chance to admire Jihyo's body.
Her hair cascaded in every direction while she laid on the bed.
Her big, bright eyes and thick lips were comparable to those of airbrushed models in fashion magazines, despite being completely natural.
The raw power displayed by her toned, muscular arms was only matched by the pure sexiness of her soft, bouncing natural breasts.
Her tight stomach trailed down her navel, drawing down to the tight "V' the muscles formed, ending in her cute patch of dark hair crowning her tight, beautiful pussy.
Finally, her legs, one pointed up in the air mid-stretch, quite literally made Mina drool with their perfect blend of length, muscle, and sex appeal. 
Jihyo turned her head and caught Mina appraising her, shooting her a smile in response.
"Go ahead...feast on me Mina~"
Mina had a hand on the inner side of both of Jihyo's thighs and was gazing down at her said feast; Jihyo's pussy looked so tantalizing, her wet folds spread open with a small patch of trimmed dark hair atop them.
A tiny drip of arousal was actually seeping out near the bottom, and Mina didn't intend to waste any of it.
She dove her face in between her leader's legs without a second thought and took a long lick from base to clit, savoring Jihyo's tangy taste.
Jihyo, still coming out of the haze Mina had sent her through with the tit-sucking, let out a primal howl as her entire slit was lavished by Mina's nimble tongue.
"OHHHH FUCK, MinaAAAA!!!" Jihyo shrieked, instinctively placing both of her hands deep into Mina's sleek raven hair and thrusting her hips upward.
Mina did not let up, bringing her tongue once around Jihyo's outer lips, then around her inner folds, then back out again. Jihyo continued her rapid breathing, a soft moan escaping her lips now and then, but she had finally frozen and surrendered total control to Mina.
After a few laps with her tongue, Mina shifted to firm kisses up Jihyo's inner thighs, occasionally leaving a faint bite mark in her path.
While she did that, she brought two fingers up to Jihyo's clit and slowly rubbed in a circular motion, just enough to not let Jihyo's arousal drop but also not enough to send her further down the path.
Mina was giving her a breather, but she was far from done with the muscular beauty. Jihyo, meanwhile, had let go of Mina's head and was gently caressing her breasts with both arms.
"Mmmmm Jihyo, you taste so delicious, I think I want more." Mina faux-whined as she brought herself back down to Jihyo's center and took one labia in her mouth.
She gave it a couple of light sucks and a lick before centering herself with the drenched pussy in front of her.
She pressed her mouth against it in a deep kiss and moaned, the light vibration from her voice sending a tingle through Jihyo's core.
Then, same as she had done several times already with Jihyo's upper lips, she slid her tongue deep inside the hole behind them.
Jihyo let out a sound reminiscent of a ghost leaving a possessed soul as she gripped her own chest tighter and clenched her pelvic muscles.
Mina began to move her tongue deep within Jihyo, a talent she had discovered she possessed in the early years of their relationship.
Jihyo had no such distaste and audibly made that crystal clear to Mina as the latter continued to worship the former with her tongue. 
As she ramped her performance up, Mina slid her arms under Jihyo's legs and wrapped her arms around Jihyo's thick, muscled thighs. She used the leverage to push herself even further, if only slightly, inside Jihyo.
"Ohhh Mina, fuck me with that tongue of yours." Jihyo pleaded. "Your tongue is so fucking good and I want you to own my pussy with it!" Mina was spurred on by Jihyo's words, actually starting to hump the bed while servicing her partner.
She began to bob her head in small motions, literally fucking Jihyo's pussy as if her tongue were a dildo
She also reached across the toned torso with one of her hands, arm still wrapped around the mammoth thigh, and managed to just barely reach Jihyo's clit to start rubbing, more intensely this time. Mina took a brief stop from her oral assault as she spoke.
"Are you going to cum for me, Jihyo? Do you want to cum right on my face and douse me in your juices?" She purred, not letting up with her fingers.
"Yes..." Jihyo nodded. "But I need you to sit on my face!" Mina blinked, surprised by Jihyo's generosity. "I can tell you are getting there again, and I wanna taste you so badly." Jihyo exhaled hard on those last two words to emphasize her pleading.
'I want us to coat each other's faces as we climax together." Mina actually began to blush, both out of embarrassment that Jihyo cared so much about getting her off and out of arousal for how hot that sounded.
She bit her bottom lip again and crawled up to Jihyo, planting a long kiss on her lips. 
"You're so horny-" She crooned. "But that sounds absolutely wonderful." Jihyo nodded and Mina gave her one more long kiss before crawling in a circle until she had done a 180, positioning her legs so that they were on either side of Jihyo's head.
She looked down and gave a wink before laying forward to Jihyo's crotch. As she extended her tongue forward along Jihyo's slit once more, she felt a rough, muscled tongue press against her own clit, completing the 69.
Mina grunted loudly out of pleasure and went back to work lavishing Jihyo's now-quivering labia.
Both women began to moan loudly as they serviced each other with their mouths, melting into each other and becoming one being of pure lust.
Mina continued to dip her tongue as deep as she could into Jihyo's warm core, occasionally flicking the clit with light licks as well.
Jihyo was hungrily devouring Mina's outer folds, using her voluptuous lips more than her tongue. 
Feeling herself growing closer to another orgasm, Mina increased her assault in an attempt to give Jihyo a simultaneous climax.
She brought her hand forward, extending two fingers into Jihyo's pussy as she began to suck on the swollen clit. 
She heard Jihyo grunt emphatically in reaction and double her enthusiasm.
"Two can play at that game, Mina." 
Mina heard her growl and in turn, released a howl of pleasure as Jihyo inserted two fingers of her into Mina's pussy, sending shocks of pleasure throughout her core while simultaneously massaging her clit. 
Mina had enough cognitive ability to direct her pleasure-fueled energy into returning her face between Jihyo's legs.
Within just a few moments Jihyo could feel rivers of cum flowing out of her pussy and over her face.
Each time Mina's tongue touch Jihyo's clit she shuddered and more of her love juices flowed.
Even her nose touching her engorged folds caused her to shiver.
When she slid her tongue into Mina's pussy Jihyo knew the younger woman was ready to cum for her again.
The moisture was sweet and musty, and Jihyo drove her tongue as far inside Mina's womanhood as she could.
She began to squirm almost immediately and within seconds Mina was bucking her hips against Jihyo's face as the woman's tongue plunged deeper and deeper into the warm tightness of Mina's love.
"Ahhh! A...Jihyo...You...you're making me...Ohhh! ohhh! Ohhh!"
She moaned with pleasure she felt the tip of her nail rasp against the walls of Mina's tight sheath.
Mina gasped at the feel of her lover testing her body's limits. She squirmed above her as she approached her next climax.
She resumed sucking on Jihyo's clit and fingering her as rapidly as she could.
Jihyo kept her vibrating fingers around the upper parts of Mina's folds and her clit while she resumed making out with the lower parts.
Both women began to let out moans, ruthlessly pushing each other towards the climax. Mina could taste more and more of Jihyo's cum as it soaked out onto her lips and fingers.
Savoring the sweet taste, Mina released Jihyo's clit from her suction and immediately began flicking it relentlessly with her tongue.
She was already falling into the delirium of another impending orgasm and tried her best to let Jihyo know by moaning louder in between deep, severe breaths.
"Mmmm..... Mmmmmmmm... Mmmmmmmm m..... MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!" Mina practically shouted into the mound above Jihyo's pussy as she clenched the head between her thighs tightly. 
The only part of her body still working properly was her tongue, determined to drag Jihyo to her own peak.
Jihyo did not have increasingly loud moans as Mina did, but after a few seconds of Mina's cum-induced tongue lashing on her clit, Jihyo's entire body went stiff as a board as she gripped both of Mina's ass cheeks and rode her own orgasm to fruition.
Both of the beautiful women bathed in the ecstasy of their own highs before slowly floating back down to earth.
Once their moans had fully been replaced by heavy breathing, Mina dragged her body around to lay next to Jihyo properly, resting her head in some of the dark mane splayed all over the bed.
She reached one of her arms over the washboard abs, nestled right under her glorious mounds, and pulled her in for a hug before giving her a kiss on the cheek.
Jihyo rested her hand on Mina's arm and turned to return the kiss, planting it on Mina's lips.
"That was...incredible," Mina said, snuggling up to her lover. Jihyo smiled.
"It sure was," Jihyo responded. "But we're farfrom done." She said, shaking her finger straight up in the air, grinning sheepishly, Mina already came four times, but she was pent up for this goddess of a woman.
Mina laughed, the joy coming deep from her belly, washing her in utter contentment.
She gives Jihyo's soft right boob a sweet kiss on the nipple.
"Well, what are we waiting for~" Mina smirked as Jihyo grinned.
"You know, it's been a while since we did it in the shower~ Plus we do need to wash up. You in?"
"Let's do it~"
Jihyo and Mina, like downstairs, giggled as they slowly made their way standing with Jihyo pulling Mina by hand towards the door, both nude as they walked out to the hall and quickly into the bathroom as Mina closed the door behind.
The shower itself was a two sliding door and more than enough room for three girls to fit there so having both wasn't a problem, plus they have done this before too.
Jihyo asserted the temperature of the water as it rained down onto the tiles and after ten seconds, found it to be the perfect temperature to share with her love.
"Alright." Jihyo walked in and her shoulders hunched a bit as the water cascaded down her body with Mina following inside, but not under the water yet as she stared at Jihyo getting wet, this time not of her fault.
The sight in front of her had to was out of a wet dream of some kind; Jihyo's voluptuous body, water rushing over it and dripping off and flowing into her great breasts and down her tight stomach.
Jihyo's arms reaching up to throw her hair back, showing off her flexed biceps and powerful frame. 
Mina half considered if Jihyo was intentionally posing for her at times, which was certainly possible.
She reached her hands up to Jihyo's powerful shoulders and began to give her a tender backrub. 
Jihyo moaned appreciatively and tilted her head forward, letting the water jets join Mina's hands in soothing her sore muscles.
Mina began to move her hands slowly, giving thorough rubs, gropes, and kneads as she went down and back up Jihyo's back.
When Mina reached the base of her spine after a few laps, her hands spread outward around Jihyo's hips and pulled her in close for a warm embrace.
Jihyo's hands folded over Mina's in front of her and the younger idol laid her head on her leader's back, letting the water cascade onto her hair.
Jihyo began to slowly sway back and forth as if dancing with the partner behind her, and Mina let her body move with Jihyo's. Even though Mina was doing the embracing, the grasp of her hands and the gentle rocking made her feel so comforted.
There was a tenderness and even love to the motion if only a love between longtime friends instead of true romantic love.
Eventually, Jihyo turned around and enveloped Mina in an embrace of her own.
Mina appreciated the gesture of caring but also couldn't help but get turned on by Jihyo's dripping breasts being pressed against hers.
Jihyo gave Mina a firm hug before pulling back and as the water cascaded over both of them, Jihyo pulled Mina in for another kiss.
The kiss started slow and sensual, but gradually turned more passionate.
Mina slid her thigh between Jihyo's legs as they kissed and felt her start to grind on her and Mina could feel her boiling pussy sliding up and down on her wet thigh. 
Both girls continued to grind for a few minutes, but Jihyo didn't want her to cum like this so she withdrew her leg and Mina whimpered.
"Last one, the old-fashioned way."
Mina felt her pussy being groped as Jihyo's hand went to stroke it and Mina understood what Jihyo wanted.
Reaching with her hand, Mina went to grope Jihyo's pussy as well and with the lubricant of the water, both girls had two fingers into each other's partner's snatches.
"Uhh~" both moaned, not caring to keep her voice down.
Jihyo and Mina continued to finger each of their partner's wet slits; pumping in and out rhythmically, at just the right tempo.
Their fingers felt so perfectly hugged by their girlfriend's pussy, helped along by the generous amount of nectar and the water flowing within.
As soon as they began to feel the silken inner muscles begin to contract around their working digits, Jihyo extended her forefinger, beginning to rub Mina's sensitive clit in time with her pumping.
"Oh yes, mmmm, ah Jihyo-"
Both faces were about an inch apart from each other, heaving their hot breaths, their lust-filled eyes clenching, and their love for one other pouring through their fingers.
Jihyo took the charge and pushed Mina forward, causing her to hit the shower wall with her back as Jihyo lunged her lips at Mina, both still fingering one another as Mina returned the sloppy kiss back.
Jihyo brought her other hand up to Mina's right side of her neck and tugged her towards her as Mina took her hand and squeezed Jihyo's ass cheek.
Legs, hands, breasts, and lips were pressed onto each other as both squished themselves more onto one another, the water not even hitting Mina and just grazing Jihyo's back dropping onto the tiled floor as the two's love intensified.
However, their inner walls clenched around their exploring fingers as an orgasm was ready to erupt to their very core.
Jihyo let the kiss drop, but she pressed her forehead against Mina's, the only thing she saw was Jihyo's alluring eyes.
"I'm going to cum Mina," Jihyo muttered, clearly out of breath
Mina saw Jihyo watching her avidly and Mina nodded quickly.
"I'm going to cum too Jihyo..." Mina breathed out.
They stared into each other's eyes as the moment washed over each of them. Both Mina and Jihyo felt their pussy clench and suck greedily at their fingers, and pushed deep to send them over the edge.
They maintained eye contact as each shuddered with the incredible moment at their orgasms released onto their fingers; knowing it was their partner's cum and not the shower as they were away from the showerhead.
The two idols held each other close as they slowly came down from their orgasms; each of them giving into the overwhelming sensations their lovemaking had awakened in their throbbing pussies.
Jihyo was still thrusting a bit, keeping up the pace until the cries of passion subsided and she pushed off of Mina, completely out of breath.
The fingers she had been fucking Mina with slipped out of her pussy, but they were concentrating solely on each other now.
Their pussy juices trickled out of well-fucked cunts and washed down the drain, yet they made no effort move.
For several minutes, they stood panting in each other's arms, basking together, recovering from their intense orgasms.
================SMUT END================
"Well...now that was quite the workout..."
Jihyo muttered as Mina chuckled.
"Hehe~ yes it was..."
Jihyo brought her hand up to Mina's hair and combed it to the side as she smiled at her.
"You're so beautiful Mina...everything about is beautiful."
Mina smiled back, knowing that the horny Jihyo was gone and the compassionate one came back.
"You as well Jihyo...you don't realize how happy I am being with you," Mina muttered as
Jihyo nodded.
"And me with you Mina...I hope this, us goes on forever."
"You mean that?" Jihyo nodded as Mina's eyes lightened, "so do I Jihyo, so do I. I love you Jihyo. I really do."
Jihyo gingerly smiled.
"And I love you, Mina."
Jihyo pressed forward and this was a loving kiss for both as no lust was involved, just their pure affections for one another.
When it was over, they took turns bathing each other, slowly washing away the evidence of their lovemaking and actually showering this time.
About four minutes passed and the two girls finished with Jihyo having towels wrapped around her body and hair as she waited for Mina to tie hers up.
"Okay, I'm good," Mina said as she turned to Jihyo, but she saw her leader approaching her and leaning into her lips as she gave Mina a peck on the lips. "Today was wonderful, a much-needed one as well."
Mina smiled and nodded back.
"Yeah, it really was...a shiteru yo Jihyo."
Jihyo smiled.
"I love you too Mina." Jihyo grabbed Mina's hand, opened the bathroom door and lead-
"Oh ohiyo Jihyo!" "Wow~ you did it in there?" "Better than our room," 
Both girls widened their eyes and Mina stepped back into the bathroom as Jihyo turned to spot Sana, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Momo standing there. 
Grins and smiles on their faces as Jihyo's heart dropped.
"It's okay, unnie isn't here." Jeongyeon quickly spoke up as Mina's face inched to the doorway, her eyes the only thing visible, hiding her embarrassment from the girls.
"Hi Mina~" Nayeon waved as Mina didn't respond.
"Shower huh? Very hot~" Sana smirked as Mina retreated into the bathroom.
Jihyo's eyes almost tore out of her socket as she stood frozen.
"Oh and you might want to shut your door or pick up your panties next time. Looks like a porno was filmed~" Nayeon grinned as Jihyo gulped.
"W-what are you doing here?!" Jihyo asked.
"Well we do live here so..." Momo pointed at their bedroom.
"No! I-I meant you were supposed to come an hour later."
"Uh, that was for the maknae line, we got out early. Unnie is with them." Jeongyeon explained as Jihyo sighed.
"Great.. and you all just happen to be standing there!" Jihyo pointed at them with the other hand holding her towel up.
"Well, I was heading to our room," Nayeon pointed at her room.
"I was getting a snack," Momo pointed downstairs.
"I was going to watch TV with her," Jeongyeon pointed at Momo.
"I was gonna sneak a peek~" Sana grinned.
Jihyo glared at her.
"Just kidding Jihyo, you need to relax, but I guess Mina has that covered-" Sana smirked as the other three stifled their laughs as Jihyo rolled her eyes.
"Aish...can you four please just give us some minutes..."
She pointed at their room as the four smiled at her.
"Hehe~ okay Jihyo, and just to let you know, we all have our headphones so feel to continue if you want~" Nayeon winked as Jihyo stepped forward and the four laughed and ran into JeongMo's room, shutting it as Jihyo shook her head.
"Wait, did you do it in our-"
"NAYEON!" Jihyo growled as...
Nayeon's laughter was the last thing Jihyo heard as she huffed.
"Kids, they're all kids." She turned around to see Mina staring at her, embarrassment evident on her face as Jihyo smiled at her.
"Hey it's okay, they're just jealous of us."
Mina nodded slowly as she stepped forward and held Jihyo's hand again.
"I know..." Mina muttered as Jihyo smiled at her girlfriend.
Seeing that made Mina calm instantly as Jihyo's smile seemed to cure anything and everything.
"Well, I'd say once we get dry, let's cuddle up and watch a movie huh?" Jihyo requested as Mina nodded.
"I'd like that."
And with that, Jihyo pulled Mina towards their room, ready to enjoy a warm and resting afternoon together.
A deleted F x F smut I had and brought back.
I should/need to write more f/f fics.
ALSO how was the coming out portion of the story? 
I'm not very good with confessions or anything of the sort so I hope I did okay during that. If you thought I could do better, please tell me so that I can fix it.
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this and hope you have a nice day/ night!
Love you guys!
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We know you enjoy fucked up characters. But which HP and Twilight characters do you actually like/consider decent at least as people, not characters? I'd love a reasoning, if you have time for it, but if you don't, just a list would do, thank you!
In the traditional sense that tumblr would readily accept? Alright, I'll try listing things off and see what we get.
(As for my actually 'liking' that's a different story, as you note, I do genuinely like the fucked up characters who I claim are abominable. They're interesting to me, anon.)
Harry Potter
I'm only going to bother listing off the at least somewhat present characters. We're not going to talk about shop keepers who have two lines one time or someone who just gets mentioned offscreen.
Neville Longbottom
Neville's a good kid and kind of the Charlie Brown of the series. Just, god, this kid puts up with so much shit even from those who are supposed to kind of be his friends.
However, I can never remember him ever being remotely awful even in a normal teenage way. He's just a really nice kid who has shitty teenage friends.
Luna Lovegood
Luna's a bit strange but also suffers from the seeming to be a good kid with shitty friends syndrome. Especially when those friends are worse to her than they are to Neville (quite the accomplishment). Luna should have blown her lid years ago but takes it all in stride even when Ron, Harry, and Hermione are actively making fun of her to her face.
God, Luna, I'm so sorry.
Fleur Delacour
Fleur is standoffish to Harry at first, but it's reasonable given the position she's in, her age at the time, and that it looks like Hogwarts favoritism. However, to me she generally acts nice and like a very decent person, even when the Weasleys are giving her constant hell for daring to date Bill.
Viktor Krum
Viktor seems like a nice enough guy. We don't see too much of him but he's friendly, approachable, he and Hermione have a great time at the dance and brief romance and every bad thing he ever did turned out to be him getting imperiused.
Charlie Swan
Charlie has some serious flaws and some issues when it comes to seeing Jacob clearly/disregarding his daughter but he does genuinely seem to try his best and have her best interests at heart.
Billy Black
Billy, you poor man. In every instant Billy is trying to do right by his son, his people, his friends, or Bella and he comes off a superstitious madman, an old man who has no idea what he's talking about and the Cullens are amazing, or someone who doesn't understand.
Jessica Stanley
Jessica's a gossip and a teenage girl but she goes out of her way to do right by all of her friends. We don't see too much with the other girls, as Bella... cares about Bella, but she goes above and beyond for Bella when none of her other friends are there for her.
She nopes out (as she should have when hanging around Bella became dangerous for her) but she hangs out with Bella later when Bella's... stabilized and never brings up what happened.
Beautifully repaid for this by Edward and Bella both thinking she's The Worst.
Mike Newton
Mike's not a bad kid, he's just a teenage boy. He's about what I'd expect from any teenage boy in any high school. He's very interested in girls, yes, but he also reacts in ways normal people should like say when Bella looks like she's going to pass out in Biology over the blood testing and he's freaking out over it.
Sam Uley
I may get flack for this but the man does try. A lot. He tries to do right by all the people in the pack, tries to do right by Bella, tries to do right by Leah and Emily (even when imprinty shifty nonsense happens), and is forced into making very hard decisions. However he seems to be a very honorable and standup guy just in the worst circumstances.
Emily Young
Emily's another that tries to do right by everyone and is just caught in an awful mess. She tries to do right by Leah, by Sam, then keep her tribe together when these teenage boys keep imprinting on everything.
Leah Clearwater
Leah's full of anger but again always tries to do the right thing and is very levelheaded considering her circumstances. She doesn't want to hate Sam or Emily for what happened to her and actively tries to move on from her own hurt.
Seth Clearwater
Seth seems like a good, earnest, kid. His flaws are actually in his naivite and willingness to see the good in everybody when, yeah, Seth, maybe the Cullens are in fact dangerous and you shouldn't be buddy buddy with them. I've got nothing against Seth.
Quil Atera IV
Quil seems like a decent kid who got stuck imprinting on a toddler and is desperately trying to make the best of it in the only way he can: just being her baby sitter one time a week. Before the imprint he seemed like a decent enough guy.
I'm not going to list off all the pack but most of them seem like decent people trying to do the right thing if a little teenage boy-ish (which can sometimes make them assholes).
Carlisle Cullen
The man has some serious flaws and issues but I think he is a decent person at heart who does strive to live by his principles and do the right thing. (Also, you guys knew this one was coming).
Esme Cullen
Esme's bizarre, but she's a very sweet and caring person who I think is quite genuine in her compassion towards others. She may not be entirely there, but she does mean what she says and genuinely mean well for her family and for others. She just... says things sometimes, or doesn't realize that telling Edward it's okay to eat the girl means Edward would be... eating a teenage girl...
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chainsawctopus · 2 years
What do u think of yoshiden
Oh boy. If you're here on my account then you probably already know who I am and how absolutely insane I am for them, but I'm gonna ramble anyway LOL thanks for giving me the opportunity to show people on Tumblr how insane I am ‼✌😁 If people who don't know me from twitter find this, hi I'm TK! I may be a little deranged for Yoshiden, just a tiny bit y'know- Yoshiden means a lot to me for various reasons but I'll just put down all my insane ramblings down belowwww [CSM Spoilers if anime onlys/new readers find this post somehow] [Serious Section] -Denji's distrust/disliking for men/straight up internalized homophobia is most likely because of his past abusers being male (the mafia and his father), so if he starts to trust Yoshida throughout the course of part 2 and they end up forming an actual bond, whether it's romantic or platonic, it kind of helps Denji get over his distrust and help him cope with that trauma knowing that hey not all dudes are that bad actually, this guy's pretty nice. (You could say that Beam already did that and they had a good bond too but Beam is... y'know... *finger across neck* bleh... and Denji still emphasizes he wouldn't let a dude sit on him in 104 so...)
-Surprise surprise, I'm in on the bi Denji agenda because I'm bisexual and all my favs have to be bi 😁😁/hj But seriously, bi Denji is a pretty good concept cause aside from getting rid of his internalized homophobia, it also helps him get over/cope with his trauma as I said above. Part 1 was all about Denji learning about different kinds of love (familial love from the Hayakawa family, romantic love from Reze, and the mess that is sexual->maternal->abusive love from Makima, etc etc), so exploring his sexuality in part 2 could be a nice little addition to that. (Bonus points for the new kind of familial love he has for Nayuta now that he's her older brother/father figure; bonus BONUS points if Yoshida's the other dad LOL) [Delusional Absolutely Normal Section] -Yoshida's canonically a pretty boy as stated by another guy, so maybe if Denji stares at him long enough he'll realize guys can be as pretty as girls too and think it's fine to find guys attractive LMAO
-We all agree Yoshida's gay or at least mspec mlm leaning/preference right? Right. -Anyway, I'M A TOTAL SUCKER FOR ONE-SIDED LOVE STORIES LOL I'd like to think Yoshida has coworkers who could've taken the job of watching over Denji but he deliberately asked to do the job because he found him cute back in part 1, though realistically he probably only got chosen for the job cause he knew about Denji's identity already and he's also in high school, but we're not here for realism, we're here for gay people. (Gay people being Hirofumi Yoshida.) (Did you see him at the table with Angel while Denji and Power were talking about barf and stuff? Dude was smiling while listening to them talk about random shit, he probably became interested in Denji then and there; hell, even the goddamn onigiri scene where Denji still eats it after it fell to the ground probably made him go 'woah this guy is sick in the head I'm in love') Back to the one sided thing, the idea of Yoshida being willing to die while protecting Denji is???? insane??? and I love it because it really shows how devoted he is not only to his job but to Denji in general. He's never truly lost his temper at Denji, even when he used his bare hands on the cake, even when he let himself get sat on by girls, and even how he only wants to reveal himself as Chainsaw Man just to get a girlfriend. Sure, he called him hopeless in the recent chapter, but he never raised his voice or fought back. He's always trying to be patient with him even when he's being completely ridiculous. Copypasting what I've said on twitter here: If someone started scooping and eating the cake I bought with their bare hands, I wouldn't just sit there and go "Aaaaaah!", I'd definitely get pissed. Yoshida has FEELINGS for this boy, I swear. He said NOTHING about it. NOTHING. No "Why the hell'd you do that?" or "Dude that's gross" OR ANYTHING, he immediately just goes back to talking about trying to prevent Denji from revealing his identity. If someone I liked, however, would eat cake with their bare hands, I'd just be embarrassed but also find it cute so I'd let it slide. (Tested and proven 👍)
If, miraculously, Yoshida canonically confesses to Denji, he'd probably still pine for him even if Denji turns him down, which he probably will. Yoshida realizes, after being his bodyguard for a while, that he really enjoys Denji and being around him; he'd get too attached to those feelings and still shower him with appreciation even if he knows it'll never be reciprocated. Just knowing that Denji's being given the love he deserves is enough for him, even if Denji doesn't want or care about that love. It's kinda selfish of Yoshida, but he doesn't care, all he cares about is that he likes Denji and he's willing to keep that up until he dies. -Anywayyyyy, even though they're both good in battle they're both absolute fucking losers LOL Yoshida getting thrown out the window is and will always be my favorite scene from him. Denji got called a loser by Asa, so maybe if Denji just turned his head 90 degrees after that rejection, he would've seen another loser and they could've been the most pathetic loser4loser couple in existence, it's great, c'mon Denji just accept you can like men already
-I kinda maybe kin Yoshida soooo- 💀 I mostly started kinning him for his appearance and how he's visibly deranged in part 1 LOL, but seeing his attitude towards Denji in part 2 really made me like wow he just like me fr‼ I'm sick in the head for this cute guy who is also kinda sick in the head‼ So yeah that really added to my appreciation for yoshiden LMAOSKJSDKF Ok that's all it's almost 6am and my brain is empty, maybe I'll add to this later, hopefully that answers your question anon 😁👍‼‼‼💥💥💥 I dunno if you expected an essay but BOOM, I hope I get a good score LOL
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drabbles-mc · 3 months
I do not know if you are still during the dirty headcannons (or when they even started because I just ran across the one you did for Gilly and completely blacked out) but I would love to see what your little gremlin brain can some up with for Y for Miguel or EZ. Whomever, really. I know I am not going to be ready, but I will welcome it either way. I love you.
the way that there is never really an end date to any ask game i reblog because i'll always reply no matter how late you send it 😂 plus let's be real @darqchilddaydreamz let that shit sit and collect some interest before she came bursting into my inbox with that so we're all on this journey together now lmao
thoughts under the cut for: Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?)
perhaps someone should take my laptop and entire tumblr account away from me because the actual first thing that popped into my head when i read this in regards to Miguel was that that man should be happy that i call him anything let alone something he prefers 😂😂 but that's a me problem. just because i deem him unfuckable doesn't mean that he is lmao
but! on a more serious note. i do think that Miguel is the kind of guy who is very into the whole "Sir" thing. he's on that power trip constantly and we both know that it won't end just because he's in the bedroom. and while in my head he doesn't use any petnames for his girl that are particularly out of the ordinary, i do think that the tone in which he says those pet names are really what sets the whole mood. i think that a majority of the time they aren't really said with affection as much as they are said like a taunt. that's the game he's looking to play. nine times out of ten he wants someone to stroke his ego and if you want to do that by calling him Sir then he won't say no.
howeverrrrr that one other time out of ten????? i think that the right woman would most definitely be able to flip that dynamic on its head. a man with a complex like the one he's got??? the second someone is able to get him into submission mode it is game over. you could taunt and coo and call him baby as patronizingly as you want but if you had him in the right headspace for it he'd still be falling over himself to do whatever it is that you want. as he should be. 😌
Ezekiel on the other hand??? look. we all know. we all know I'm a mess and I'm biased about this man and i simply cannot be stopped. we all know this. but. in terms of things that i haven't already written or blown your dms up about...i have had....a thought or two in my time...
thoughts like i knooow this man has slipped up and called his girl "mommy" without meaning to before. that man has all that trauma and all those repressed feelings. he is a posterchild for it. and the first time it happens he doesn't mean to but once he says it, it's not like he can just take it back. he doesn't mean to say it and he definitely doesn't expect it to be something that feels good after the initial three seconds of panic after he said it. but he did and it does and then it's something that he now knows about himself.
and it's never an accident after that. it's not a constant though either. it happens when he feels like everything is falling apart or out of control and he needs to feel like he's the one being taken care of for once instead of being the one taking care of people. and he's soft and he's needy and he's never really let go of control like that before.
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ANYWAY. if you ever find yourself wondering what's going on in the recesses of my little gremlin brain. there's a tiny little slice of it for you. 😂 we out here sleep-deprived and full of thots 😂😂
Dirty Headcanon Game
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22plus15 · 3 months
do you know where wosobronze has gone
i cant find her blog anywhere
not gonna speak on her behalf but while we're here i think it's a good time to remember that tumblr is just tumblr! and the people behind these accounts are real people and mostly young women. we're all here to support our girls and have fun. things don't need to get blown out of proportion, it's never that serious
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al-the-remix · 1 year
Years pass but people still remain gross about WAGs. And now they dress it up with “intellectual” terms like industrial complex and post-colonial supremacist whatchamacallit. Give me the messy puck bunny blogs at least they’re open about hating WAGs.
Yeah, I can't say I have many complex things to say on the topic, except that that dialogue has been in this fandom forever (all fandoms forever; tumblr, the birthplace of the 'not-like-other-girls-girl') but it's especially bad in rpf and I'm exhausted of reading the same tired iterations on "well, I could NEVER understand how another woman could live like that--" STOP. Just stop it, it's not your life, and it's likely never going to be your life, for all the aforementioned unfair reasons. You don't have to compare yourselves to them constantly. It doesn't make you lesser or them better for being (presumably) born into a more privileged circumstance and it doesn't make them lesser and you better for achieving some enlightened pearl of knowledge.
The puck bunny blogs irk me just as much, and if you find one better than the other I guess it's more a question of what rolls your stomach more: spite or smugness. But in my opinion, calling Kathy an ageing escort that Sid pitty dates is just as nauseating as talking down your nose about her like she's some ignorant waif that cant make her own decisions about her life or her relationship.
Yes, the NHL is an intrinsically racist, misogynistic, homophobic, capitalist, fatphobic--and all the other bad terrible things--nightmare creature whose ailment runs all the way up to the giant sucking malignancy attached to its heart that is Garry Bettman and Bill Dayley, and further, to the executives that they shill for, and even further back to the time period, tenets, and culture that the sport was founded on. Remember, this is the same organization whose administrative and players (retired and current) repeatedly spit in the face of their teammates who've suffered chronic and debilitating injuries, and continue to mock journalists and veterans who try to bring those issues to the forefront, stating that the injury is worth it to win -- (or that the possibility of injury is worth it, considering these comments so often come from players that are still relatively hale).
Hmmm, sounds incredibly familiar to the position the NHL takes on another rampant issue in the sport: sexual assault.
There's a reason why the NHL is falling behind in popularity (and in value) compared to other sports organisations and it's because they cling to their archaic values and methods and flat-out refuse to let them go -- and thus attract players and administrative and fans who find all that entails appealing. It's not everyone in the sport obviously but it's a large enough faction to keep things stagnant -- just go take a look at Ian Kenedy's twitter page and start scrolling through the replies to his tweets if you want a taste of what we're up against here.
If you want to do anything, ANYTHING AT ALL to help improve the hockey culture, there are multiple avenues to explore that might actually make a difference --first of all getting involved in your community not just the internet community-- in chipping away at who this game attracts, how they see themselves, how they see others, how they see hockey players, and how those hockey players see themselves and others. Those avenues do not include dunking on wags. I get it, they all look the same, haha. it's weird, their children and husbands can't tell them apart, hahaha. There, I said it too and now I never have to hear that fucking joke again. Move ON.
I understand that the lines between reality and fiction can blur easily when it comes to rpf, but making actually, completely serious judgements on other people's private emotional lives and relationships is completely out of the realm of reality. You can't know, you can never know completely. It can be difficult enough to identify these things when it comes to a friend or a family member how are you possibly going to make a pronouncement that someone's relationship is stale or without intimacy or connection when literally have no idea who they really are? I've been stalked and I've had people write fanfiction about me and I can 100% say that what they gleamed of who I was and what my life was like from the outside did not run true.
Analyzing those aspects and their intersexuality is worthwhile -- if anyone has an actual interest in these topics I suggest reading: Wille O'ree's biography, Bern Saunder's biography, Fred Sasakamoose's Call Me Indian, Black Ice: The Lost History of the Colored Hockey League of the Maritimes by Darril and George Frosy, On Account of Darkness by Ian Kennedy, Why I didn't say anything by Sheldon Kennedy, Crossing The Line by Laura Robinson, Major Misconduct by Jeremy Allingham, Finding Murph by Rick Westhead -- There are more than that if you're willing to dig for them ... but especially after the back to back Kyle Beach and Hockey Cannada lawsuits I've just had it to up to here with the takes about the ~uwu poor hockey men~~ and their repressed homosexual longings and lack of overall male intimacy and companionship --- who do you think is doing said repressing?? THE HORRIBLE UWU MEN. (Said in exaggeration and jest but also not fucking really.) They are victims unto themselves. 99% refuse to speak up or do anything about the inequality, harassment, and overall intrinsic issues in the sport, the ones who bravely do are shunned by the others who refuse to help themselves or others. They don't see themselves as emotionally underdeveloped manchildren stranded on the frigid island of masculine solitude and arrested development. They like their lives, they don't care about what kind of impact that lifestyle has on other people (or on the environment or on the economy). They like their cookie-cutter world, conservative sandbox and comfortable wealthy liberalism... and most of all they like their hot blond skinny wives and they don't care what sort of social constructs have led to them pursuing a very specific type of woman. The vast majority of them have zero interest in having their eyes opened to a more complex and diverse worldview and it's not the fault of anyone but themselves, least of all the women who get pulled along in their wake.
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zaxxusu · 4 months
Happy Mother's Day
(a monologue, a kind of letters - originally published in 2014 on my old RP account that has been deleted by Tumblr, reposting here in modified a bit)
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𝟣𝟧 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝑔𝑜
Mom, you scare me! No ghost under my bed, I know it! Okay, okay, I'll go sleep. Mom? You still there? Well, I have a dream... I wanna be a hero I'm gonna save the world! Hey, don't laugh! I mean it. I wanna make you smile and proud. Mhh... love you too, Mom. Good night.
𝟣0 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝑔𝑜
Sorry, Mom, but I must go. I wanna achieve my dream, and it can't be attained only in this small village. I wanna see the world. I wanna make many friends around Gaia! Bet you'd be all worried. Just pray for me and I'll do my best to make the goals. ...Wait! What's that? Come back with my wife? Hey, hey... I'm just 13! I'm back after I'm success. I promise... See me!
8 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝑔𝑜
How's Gongaga? Pops still alive and kicking? Is he seeing mushrooms from below already? Sorry for writing only now. I meant to write earlier but work stuffs here really extreme. Either you do nothing at all, or you do too much. But let's face it, there's never too much for me, anyway! Nah, I'm SOLDIER now. Already 2nd Class and gonna make it 1st soon! Which should be easy, hehe. I met a few great people. The great Hero Sephiroth gives me few trainings. Have you ever heard his name? He's the Hero of Wutai war! Soon, I'll be dispatched there and be a great hero too! But Angeal is my mentor, he's 1st Class too like Sephiroth! And I'll always be remembering his words, that if I wanted to be a hero, I have to embrace my dream and honor. He's on vacation right now. He said hi to you, Mom. And Kunsel! He's my friggin' stalker... but in a positive way! I mean... we're best friends! Well, he knows what he does, and I have a feeling he purposively remains in 2nd Class to have an eye on all that happens inside Shin-Ra. So yeah, I get along great with everyone. How's Sotetsu by the way? Tell him I don't forget him.
6 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝑔𝑜
Mom? There are so many things happened, I wanna help my friend. But I'm not strong enough to do. It is complicated... Though, not gonna give up and it'll be alright. Just like Pops always says: "If it's not alright, then it's not the end yet!" This one, Mom, praise your son! Well, I met a girl... at the church in the city slum. She's like an angel. Her hobby is tending flowers--bet you'd love her! I bought a pink ribbon for her, for a memento. She said she'll always treasure it. Then we went on a date! My first date! I also met another country boy! He's from Nibelheim and a Chocobo. ...No! I'm not talking to animal, not anymore! >////< His name is Cloud and his hair looks like Chocobo--all spiky and messy. He should try my shampoo or visit you, letting you mingle with his hair. Afterall, it's you who make me look the way I do haha.
5 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝑔𝑜
It's been a while, Mom. New season, new responsibility. I made 1st Class, but somehow, I'm not happy with it. I command an army now, rookies, so I can't let it make me down. And Sephiroth is my partner now, he trusts me. In short, I'm doing my best as SOLDIER--just as Angeal taught me, embrace my dreams and protect my honor. He's gone, Mom, but he's always in my heart. By the way, remember the girl I met in the church? It's a next level. I'm serious with her, Mom. Her name is Aerith. Well, she is... A bit spoiled, picky, clumsy ...and also can't cook. But I love her! Pretty is just a standard and normal is overrated--I love her with all of her quirks and flaws. She matches my energy. Whenever I spend my time with her, I feel respite. So, I can always keep up straight thanks to her. Will pick her to meet you, but not in the near future, I guess. Still working hard, saving money, building flowers wagon--she and I start this business. You must laugh but I'm selling flowers as a side job. We have a dream to fill Midgar with flowers. This city is opposite of Gongaga. I miss the greens, water, fresh air. So yeah, gonna make everyone here happy with the flowers!
𝐹𝑒𝓌 𝓂𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒽𝓈 𝒶𝑔𝑜
Dear, Mom. How many seasons have passed? I wish I could knock your door, see your face right now, and apologize for everything. Sorry for not being a good enough son for you. Ha! A bit melancholy suddenly? I'm not homesick or so! Home is... where the heart is, isn't it? Just so you know, I still have my friend, Cloud. I won't abandon him whatever happened. I'll be fine, don't worry. Because if I wasn't, then how could he? I'm still in the road to be a hero. I'm not giving up in this rough and dire. I finally find a meaning and purpose. I think it's because of you and pops raising me--and my late mentor, honor to him. So, thank you, Mom. Pops, too. Say hi to him. PS: Oh, and... I dunno what Cissnei--that girl in the black suit--told you, but she isn't my fiancee! I still have my heart for my flower girl. And I'm on the road to fulfill her 23 wishes. Just to make that sure.
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messinwitheddie · 1 year
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Kimber "There's a lady bug?! Aw! She's so stylish. Is she's one of Zim's reinforcements too?"
Dib "No, she hates Zim. They operate seperately, but she is another invader."
Kimber "That's counterproductive. They should hug it out and team up"
Dipper "Probably better for us in the long run if they don't."
Dib "I've been able to translate some data about Irken biology, their language and their homeworld from Tak-er- Tak's ship, but she's not very cooperative to put it politely."
Mabel "Well, a girl's body and downloaded personality interface is her own dominion."
Kimber "That's right, baby doll."
Eben "I spent many a night UFO watching when I was but a lad, but I've never seen a ship quite like a--?"
Dipper "Voot Runner."
Dib "That's the name of Zim's ship. I don't know the name of Tak's ship model to be honest. She has her schematics hidden behind a BITCH of a security wall. It took months to get her airborne after she crashed."
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Eben "And she's parked in your old man's garage?"
Dib "I'll let you look at the ship up close when you visit on spring break next year."
Dipper "Dude, I can't wait."
Eben "I would have given my left nut to try to hack into an alien ship at your age."
Kimber "Eben!"
Eben "It's the truth, babe. These two, never would have happened. If you boys feel ambitious, capture the recon bot."
Dipper "The SIR unit?"
Mabel "He has a name... I forgot it."
Dib "Gir."
Eben "Yeah, Gir; capture Gir and bring to me. We'll reverse engineer him, collect all the useful data he has stored. Then I'll drill four chambers in his head and turn him into a hookah."
Dipper "Dad, come on. This is serious."
Dib "Zim would HATE that. We're totally doing that. We would have to sanatize Gir though; that thing is a garbage disposal."
Dipper "Okay, the more I think about it, the more awesome that sounds."
Eben "It would make a handsome father's day gift, that's all I'm saying. When you all graduate high school, we'll all take a toke together."
Kimber "Don't you dare hurt Zim's little recon buddy."
Eben "He's a robot! I'm not going to hurt him, just modify him."
Mabel "What if he doesn't want to be a hookah? And what if stealing his data makes him feel like a failure because he let Zim down?"
Kimber "You didn't think of that, did you?"
Dipper "He's a robot, you can't hurt him or his feelings."
Mabel "But he's an advanced alien ai bot. And he's cute."
Dib "Advanced is a generous word for Gir."
Kimber "Don't be mean to Zim or his robot. He'll go back to his home planet and tell everyone what horrible people we are."
Eben "He's probably done that already."
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(Conversation starts to sound like distant static)
Dipper "Dib?... Hey man, are you okay?"
[A continuation of this post.
This is the point where this whole flashback starts to take a turn for the angst--
When Dib realizes his best friend's dad shows far more interest and support for his paranormal studies than his own dad ever has or will.]
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calliesinn · 9 days
One of the best sex toys there is and you didn't know about it?! Oh you innocent child haha I've always wanted one so when I finally met someone who is into overstimulation to use on them, that or a Hitachi wand. I do want both but I really want the sybian.
I've considered telling my best friend about you but I'm not sure if we are just having some playful banter and I'm getting into my head or this is one of those few moments on tumblr where it brings people together. I overthink things a lot. It's one reason why I love water polo I can overthink all about it and have all the different options I need to overcome most things in the water. I tell the kids I coach that having options is a great thing and you just have to be aware of them.
But with people, you , overthinking just makes it hard because I know what I would want but people are never on the same page let alone the same hemisphere as I am. I really enjoy talking with you and it's helping me get out of my shell that I've self-imposed on myself. I won't lie it would hurt if this is just for fun, not that I don't like fun but if I wanted fun I'd be playing water polo. I've always been a bit too serious when it comes to relationships.
I want to be the only reason you grind on that pillow. I want to be that thought that creeps into your head when you slowly begin to touch yourself. Thinking of my words and if I'm pleasuring myself to the thought of you as well. And trust me the only person I have fantasized about in the last three weeks has been you.
And if you were just a sweet innocent girl putting up a show on here to explore yourself. Oh I would have the most fun in the world corrupting you into my perfect toy. Breaking you down just to build you to my exact specifications so I'd never need to bother with anyone else again. That would be the dream.
call me an innocent child again and i will melt, sir.
clearly there's a connection, and i care for you as a person absolutely. i also am a hopeless romantic who so often romanticizes every little thing so first and foremost, know that i completely understand where you're coming from. with that said, that has gotten me absolutely torn tf apart. i have no doubt that it has also caused you a lot of pain as well. i agree with your sentiment of while yes there is more pain being this way, there is so much more love, too. with that said, while we have shared some vulnerable tidbits, that i'm forever grateful for, i don't know you as a person enough to classify this as anything more than two people who have a connection - a beautiful, sexy, playful, fun connection. i think that having options and knowing your options is a wonderful thing, and this thing we're doing has lots of options and i like it that way.
here's a little fun fact for you. i got my very first sex toy last year and it was actually gifted to me by a tumblr follower from the original callie sinn blog - the sweetest little cuck who has actually become very near and dear to me who i still talk to to this very day. (i only say this to show you that while tumblr is a rather unserious and just for fun platform for the most part, i have forged real connections through this app and i'm open to those if that's how we mesh) but yes, i actually don't touch myself because that's for disgusting, filthy little whores. those are forbidden parts that i'm not allowed to touch. even with the toy, i honestly rarely use it and when i do, i really just grind my little clit against it. after looking at the sybian that makes me so excited. i really get off on the stimulation and that looks like the perfect toy for me. i want one now sooo desperately. i think if i did get one though, i would end up running it out within a month. i'd use it constantly, too much. i work from home and i just could so easily me getting frustrated at work and bringing it down to put on my office chair.... fuck, i really need one...
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
I'm going to share with you one of my bedtime scenarios ☁️✨ (this isn't like a request or anything, I'm just sharing my fantasies because we're all besties here)
but basically the main girl (it's not even based on moi or anyone really which is weird I know) is basically like awkward but not in that annoying quirky way. basically just someone who's not very good at being social unless comfortable. she's bland and pretty much like the other girls. sounds rude but I'm getting somewhere with this lol she's self aware and she knows that she's a bit boring and it would be okay if she was happy with it but she feels like her life is a bit boring and there's something missing. she's not a good girl but she's also not slutty - again she's bland. she has had like one or two serious relationships and although she has done stuff, she has never let any man fuck her. and she's not necessarily waiting for the right guy or something like that, she just doesn't want to regret it. and men are pigs so y'know. she's also not too worried about it simply because society makes such a big deal out of it that I want my girl to not care. and also because her past experiences weren't bad but they also weren't great. she didn't experience that bliss that everyone seems to experience which made her sort of not care too much about sex (I just love the whole "Matty just does it better than every other guy" so much lol) after stumbling upon a particular filthy post on Tumblr or Twitter, she becomes interested in bdsm and all that (nothing too hardcore).
blah blah blah
after researching for months she finally decides to stop being a coward and go to one of those private sex clubs (and this may or may not be based on a particular irl club lmao don't judge me). and basically they give you a bracelet with a specific colours and beads and they have meanings. her bracelet was white because it was her first time there (like karate 😭). her bracelet beads code for: virgin (no one's obligated to disclose that information, of course, but they encourage you to do it because (a) it's a sex club, no one's allowed to judge and (b) it's supposed to provide a layer of safety but what actually happens is that it attracts a lot of creeps and people only make the mistake of adding this bead to their bracelet once), inexperienced (when it comes to bdsm and that environment in general), switch (she's a sub but she is still in that "idkkk" phase) and open to meet people (some people are like "claimed" by someone else, only do scenes with one person, want to pursue instead of being pursued, or they just don't feel like socializing or whatever).
while she's taking care of the bracelet and all that with the front desk people, Matty is ordering a drink and he's been a regular for a while now so there is a level of familiarity with the bartender. Matty is 34 here and he just doesn't see the fun in this anymore. not even in a "I wanna settle down" type of way. he's had relationships and if they are into it, okay. if they aren't into it, also okay. he never had commitment issues, just hasn't met the right person I guess. anyway he just misses having a connection with someone. the bartender knows it and they talk for a while (how's the audience aka me supposed to know if they don't talk lmao) and then one of the girls Matty does some scenes with sometimes shows up and they go somewhere.
later, the main gal goes to the bar and orders like a soda or something without alcohol. doesn't matter. the bartender is super nice, you can tell that he enjoys his job and talking to people. so he immediately notices that she's getting attention because of her bracelet and tells her it was a mistake. it's not a lot of attention but it's starting to overwhelm her and making her feel weird. she's not the kind of girl people usually notice. so she leaves that area and tries to find a quiet place.
while she's roaming around the place she finds this area with normal hotel-like rooms but the walls are glass and you can see everything that's happening inside the rooms and that's the whole point - it's for people to watch. and again it's a bit overwhelming because there's too much going on at the same time: not only the people inside the rooms having not so vanilla sex but also the people outside. so she sort of takes a step back and she notices one room in particular: the room where Matty and the other girl were in. in my head, Matty isn't the kind of guy to like fuck the girls he plays with especially during a scene that involves voyeurism. I think unless he has an established/consistent connection with someone, he sticks to playing with the girls he casually does scenes with and he enjoys seeing them enjoying themselves so yeah. but idk, depends a bit on my mood tbh. the thing is that basically what the main girl sees is this really hot guy focusing on the girl (rare sadly) and as always more guys tend to go to these places than girls so the audience consists mostly of guys who are focusing on the girl and even the girls there are focused on the girl because Matty's doing stuff to her so makes sense. but she can't take her eyes off of him and he's good at what he does so he's just focusing on the girl and not on what's happening outside the room but when they are done he turns around and sees the girl looking at him with a bit of a dumb look on her face and he's intrigued because she looks so shy and surprised but how can she be when she dragged herself to that place. it's a bit paradoxical and I'm gonna shut up now lol goodnight
HELLO??? this was a whole ass blurb like there was characterization there were scenes there was exposition for the audience (you)😭 i love it why was it literally a bedtime story To Me. kicking my feet while i’m reading
so what happens next anon😁😁
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officialbillhader · 11 months
When i was 13/14 i made the most basic ass tumblr feminist post that ended up getting 400k notes (if you were on tumblr in 2014 or so you probably saw it lmao) and obviously it wasnt nuanced in any way like i made the surface level claim that women can wear makeup if they want bc they are doing it for themselves and thats not to say they cant wear it if they want its to say its impossible in our society to wear makeup for yourself. I only bring the makeup part up bc 1. My views have changed obviously and 2. I remember as this post was going around someone anonymous sent me an ask and said she was starting to interview for jobs/going into the workforce and she didnt want to wear makeup but was scared of how thatd affect her. All i could say at the time was, im just barely a teenager ive had no job so i cant say anything then some blanket advice i think. But now im 22 ive had multiple jobs and i want to take her by the shoulders and yell to the thin air that if shes up for a job that socially (or even forcebly, like soriorities do) requires her to wear makeup, IT ISNT WORTH IT. Itll never be worth it! Being forced to wear makeup, a bra, nice feminine clothes, always have plucked eyebrows, never a hair on your legs WILL NEVER BE WORTH IT. Ive got an office job right now where i can roll out of bed and throw on a hoodie and jeans and i love it. I wouldnt give it up for a $10k/annual raise and im being so serious. Im not a doll to be looked at. Im not a dress up toy. Im a girl who didnt have any clothes that truly, fully fit her to wear to the literal interview. They were bordering business formal at best. And im HAPPY.
Makeup is a farce. Whenever i see girls who have it CAKED on their face to the point i cant see their skin anymore i get so sad. Makeup can be fun, it can be cool and pretty on special occasions, its great for costumes, but lets face it, when you feel like you have to wear it everyday (no matter how little or subtle), youve never once put it on for yourself. The minute you let your bare face show enough that you get used to it, youll find yourself so so so much prettier than you ever did, and if youre anything like me, will start to despise how you look in heavy makeup (anything more than mascara and eyeshadow, if we're being honest). No job is ever worth losing yourself enough to forget how you actually look.
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