#girl type ranma
nannichuan · 1 year
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The temptation to start this caption with "hey" was unbelievably strong. Anyway.
This is a redraw of a fiance smooch from 2015! This is one of my favorite little drawings I've done, but I wanted to see how much I've improved. In defense of myself, back in 2015 it was a popular move to make your backgrounds transparent
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gillotto · 2 years
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❤️ 💦 🖤
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skonksrus · 2 years
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Oh boyy not me in the ranma hell hole
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unstorm4455 · 1 year
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A redraw of one of the shots of the first opening of Ranma 1/2 !!!!!
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petz5 · 11 months
draw akane beefy pls and thanks she deserves it
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jolikmc-thoughts · 3 months
Ranma Saotome: Hey, you! Yeah, you! The idiot with the stupid hat! Leave that girl alone! [Ranma walks over] Ranma: Listen, buddy. I used to be like you… always treating girls like crap… But, ya know… Over the years, I've learned that girls deserve respect like everyone else. Some girls are pretty strong, too. I know a more than a few who'd kick your teeth in if they heard half the trash coming outta your mouth. [Ranma grabs some guy's iced tea and throws it in his own face, poofing into his female form. Ranma then flashes a wicked grin, the iced tea dripping down her face only adding to her unhinged look] Ranma (girl-type): And I'm one of 'em!!
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midwestscreamo · 6 months
I love that we’re shown Akane’s male-type through Dr. Tofu.
Dr. Tofu is sweet, soft spoken (except when he’s tweaking from Kasumi exposure), gentle, and knows a lot about martial arts. He even has longer hair tied back in a ponytail.
I think this is really important because when Ranma isn’t performing toxic masculinity and he’s allowed to be soft, you can see some of the things they have in common.
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dzhukhe · 3 months
Ranma ½ headcanons, in light of the upcoming new anime:
the thing about Ranma 1/2 as a manga is that each character mistakenly believes they are the protagonist of a different genre than the one they are in.
most of us recognize that Kunō believes he is the romantic protagonist of a jidaigeki or some other samurai drama, where those who oppose him are comic villains and he cuts a dashing figure, his morality defined by being the handsome samurai. In a cowboy movie, his character would have a white hat and teeth to match.
Kodachi, in turn, believes she is the heroine of a shojo manga, and will force this view on the world if she has to scatter the flowers herself.
those who have read far enough in the manga may recognize that Konatsu views herself (arguably justifiably) as the star of a Cinderella story.
perhaps less apparent is Ryōga's perspective on his life as a romantic tragedy. This is a young man who speaks of his own "heart of glass", whose fantasies are full of flowers and wide sparkling eyes. Estrogen would not fix him, but it couldn't hurt.
Mousse and Shampoo live as though they are the stars of more traditional romantic comedies; their uses of martial arts, poisons, magic, and other forms of violence are justified in the view of each one by their perspective that they are the Good Option.
I would argue that Shampoo even seems to see herself as her personal cultural equivalent to the "All-American Girl Next Door" character type; she works for a living but has conventionally beautiful features. If you were to compare them to Archie comics characters, Shampoo sees herself as the Betty; the only opponent she really seems to spend much time worrying about in the manga is Akane, who from Shampoo's perspective perhaps seems like a pampered daughter of wealth (look at the size of the Tendō property) who lacks traditionally feminine skills like cooking and murder.
Genma and Sōun are convinced they're in stories about filial piety, where they will be rewarded by their children being skillful, loyal, successful, and fitting ideals of masculinity and femininity while caring for them in their old age.
we don't see as much of Ukyō's perspective, but it's evident that she sees Ranma as a side character, the man she's going to marry in order to mind the home while she focuses on building her career as a cook.
Akane in the manga is maybe the most grounded in the reality of her world: she recognizes the martial arts anarchy around her, she calls out other characters on their delusions, and her big flaws in her self-image are less about genre and more of a conviction that she should be able to succeed at something just by trying really hard. If she's stuck in an idea, it's the notion that her life is an inspirational story of what you can achieve with raw effort alone...never mind things like following recipes or actually practicing sewing or swimming, Akane's ready to skip to the end of the training montage!
and Ranma?
what is Ranma's delusion about the nature of the story?
it's simple.
Ranma is convinced she's the male lead.
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0tacat · 8 months
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Girl-type Ranma | Done for Art Collab Friends
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Opinion on the comments in some of the the @ao3topshipsbracket polls: a wildly popular ship is not the same as one that had an actual impact on fandom history. Most popular ships have little to no impact outside their own fandom. Which isn’t to say that ships can’t have impact on their own fandom history, just that they don’t have much impact on general fandom history as a whole.
I understand that the polls aren’t actually measuring fandom history but this got me thinking about what has actually and I think these are the ones:
Spirk - origin of slash fandom shipping and laid the groundwork for fandom/shipping in general
MSR - responsible for the term ‘shipping’ and was the driving force behind the beginning of fandom/shipping on the internet and the creation of fanfiction.net
BTVS - (unfortunately) gave rise to the idea of being ‘anti’ something and ship wars
Harry Potter - most affected fandom on livejournal by the censorship which led to the creation of ao3
Thoughts? I couldn’t think of another fandom/ship that has huge impacts outside of their own fandom.
Strikethrough made people more eager for AO3, but the original inspiration was a for-profit fic archive made by venture capitalists.
The X-Files' big archive was Gossamer. Was MSR really influential in the creation of FFN? I don't remember that.
What ships have a big impact really depends on era and how you're looking at things. K/S and MSR are the obvious ones from long after the fact, yes.
Starsky/Hutch was what really split Media Fandom from literary SF fandom. Star Trek started the split, but it was people getting into a buddy cop show that made it clear that fanfic zine types weren't just about science fiction anymore, not even "mass media" SF in place of book SF.
Bodie/Doyle was the moment people stopped being media fans and started being Slash Fandom specifically. The US fandom had barely even seen the show: they were there for the slash zines.
Jim/Blair fandom gave us sentinel/guide AUs. The Sentinel as a canon sure as fuck didn't.
Ranma fandom set the pattern for every dumb "which girl will he end up with?" fight in anime fandom forever after.
IDK if we can blame 1x2 as opposed to Gundam Wing fandom for inspiring people to many other incomprehensible math equation ships in every anime fandom with dumb number names.
Popslash popped a bunch of prudes' RPF cherries, then LOTRiPS did, then J2 did, then hockey did, then BTS did.
Free! and then Yuri on Ice started the long slide from anime fandoms mostly refusing to leave FFN to newer anime fandoms being on AO3. YOI also lured a lot of people into anime for the first time.
Wangxian got a bunch of "Ewww, no anime ever! Western fandoms 5eva!" people into Asian fandoms at long last. (Whether this was a good thing is a matter of opinion. Hahaha.)
I really think it depends on frame of reference.
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finished re-reading the jewel arc & I have thoughts...
The plot is about Ranma making Shampoo "say she loves him," yet the climax says his heart is unwaveringly Akane's. Ahampoo shows interest? He pulls away. Akane's "interest" is way more intense, yet he pulls closer
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Notably, all the fiancées tell Ranma they love him in this arc, but only Akane's declaration gets to him. It reminds him that love is supposed to be something you feel and not a mindless challenge to win
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These two panels being only a couple of pages apart really spell things out. Look at Ranma being put off by just a "hot stare" vs instantly leaning in and ~staring~ at Akane after an intense love confession. Atrociously down bad.
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Similar to Tsubasa calling him ugly, Shampoo's rejection is framed as an attack, not just on his ego, but on his self-worth (this time also tied to public judgment). He reacts to both as if it were a challenge, his fighting aura visible... but the differences are interesting
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The challenge against Tsubasa is clearly about looks, but with Shampoo at its core is more about likability. She doesn't attack his looks, she says he's a scum (and so should be hated). Even if he's like "am I no longer irresistible?" he's focusing on love, not attraction
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When he's looking for validation with Ukyo, he doesn't ask "am I attractive to you?" (which is what you would associate with "being irresistible") but "do you love me?" (am I the type of guy girls fall in love with? ... that's what he connects with "irresistible")
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Much to say about Ranma being emotionally stunted but this is the kind of stuff showing that at his core, he's a soft, romantic guy, jerk-ness notwithstanding. Classmates might say it's about desire (because THEY're horny lol) but he never goes there. Freaks out at the suggestion even
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You can see the contrast with the classmates from the beginning (horny talk) while Ranma is focused on Akane's smile... his fantasies with girls are always something romantic with Akane, and it's hundreds of chapters before his interest in seeing Akane naked is brought up.
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Ranma's personal space is invaded with frequency, which affects him, but all interest for him is tied to romance. There's a certain distance in challenges and playing characters, but I don't think he's comfortable with being desired from up close... unless he's in love (Akane)
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And even then it's difficult for him. You can see how much he's about romance when he does not react at all to Shampoo's bridal fit (the cutest she has ever looked mind you... and yet) and with Akane just the sigh gets a big reaction
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I think it makes sense to be a soft romantic at heart and struggle with being disliked. Wanting space from someone who annoys you doesn't mean you want/can take actual hostility from them. Being "dumped" is also a form of "losing" and Ranma must win absolutely everything.
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Every step of the way he frames this as a challenge, a matter of reputation, armor, strategy, etc... without ever processing there are real, actual feelings at play (love is a battle, a simple challenge, instead of.... you know, love... he's not associating any of it with feelings! ... until Akane "confesses"). Other characters misjudge him for the bit, but Kasumi/Nabiki as a duo usually get it right
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Akane can get angry because of misunderstandings/insecurities, but sometimes she's angry because she's being more perceptive and mature than Ranma and simply sees he's being an insensitive dumbass. (Ranma telling her not to be jealous also indicates he's not processing/seeing this as wanting someone else)
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Sidenotes: it hits me that Shampoo is really a cat lol only truly dangerous when she feels (emotionally) cornered but otherwise she's just fucking around. “She hates me fr” says the melodramatic guy whose examples of "cold" and "hatred" are juvenile annoyance
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Shampoo's abilities are plot devices more than anything else. If you take it seriously the speed with which Ranma defeats her is frankly disrespectful lol only the boys get Serious Fights. The tone with the female fighters is just different, no point in fixating on abilities or the like with them
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(says something interesting about sexism in-world though. Cologne ya girl is getting washed, stand up! alas, she's only interested in future husband as she's ensured Shampoo's survival in her village. Could speculate the same happens to Akane, where she's trained just enough to be able to defend herself in her peaceful world, but then is left alone as the future of the dojo is expected to fall in the hands of a strong husband) (Mostly is the shonen of it all, as we're expected to believe none of the female martial artists have a sustained interest in improving/becoming stronger like the boys have. I suspend my belief here because there's still plenty to like about these characters, how the female fighters can be used, and because it's funny. What can I say. A bitch is being entertained)
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daiyanerd · 9 months
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Girl-type Ranma is still celebrating!
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gillotto · 2 years
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A redraw of some official art of Ranma in a very cute outfit I just had to recreate 💖
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utimatepicgamer · 1 month
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girl type ranma never gets fanart with their og manga hair color </3
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boringkate · 4 months
Was Ranma a trans awakening for you
Never watched or read it.
I was more of a "crossdressing brother on The Drew Cary Show" or "dead tranny on CSI" type of kid.
Though I wouldn't call either of those an awakening. 4chan trap porn and tumblr diaries are what made me the dick girl that I am today.
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makelikesprinkles · 16 days
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Girl-type Ranma meets Cure Black
Really just a fun exercise combining the two animes I’m watching right now
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