#girl good luck building your studio but i will not be spending my free time on it
mirainawen · 10 days
studio owner: let's build your schedule!
me: cool, i have people interested in doing these things at these times
her: no, i don't want to add that
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Lover, Lover, Set Me Free...
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A/n: I hope you like this! It’s been a while since I’ve written something like this! (not fully edited only partially edited) also i totally did not pull an all nighter to finish this hahaha.......
Requested by: @hannie-squirrel00​ (thank you for requesting lovely! Sry it took a while! I wanted to do it right! <3)
Warnings: cussing, slightly 18+ themes, POV switching
Word Count: 13k
Summary: Jisung is one of the biggest players on campus. When Hyunjin bets him that he can’t get into the coldest girl on campus’s pants, Y/n gets unknowingly thrown into the ordeal. While doing his best, Jisung unconsciously starts to fall for this girl who means more to him that he is willing to admit to anyone- even himself. 
Genre: Romance, angst, fluff, college!au, fuckboy!jisung, badboy!jisung, non-idol au
When did university become a popularity contest? Wasn’t the whole point to come and learn? Instead, I’m fighting tooth and nail to get a spot in the costuming program with bitches who don’t even know how to sew on a damn zipper. My hard work is being looked over while girls making googly eyes at my professor get top priority in class.
“Y/n, if you aren’t careful you’re gonna sew your finger to your garment again.” My best friend, Felix, said next to me. I shook myself out of my trance and sighed, turning off my sewing machine and running a hand through my hair. 
“Sorry, my head is just somewhere else.” 
Felix scoffed next to me as he focused on hemming a lavender-colored slip. “I’d be spacy too if I hadn’t gotten laid in a year.” He nudged my shoulder making me laugh.
“I’m sorry that I don’t need to have an active sex drive to get work done. Besides, guys are a waste of time.”
“I strongly disagree with that last statement.”
Felix smirked and pulled his garment off the machine. Despite many girls pining after him, it was quite obvious Felix was into guys. Well...obvious to everyone except the girls who kept buying him vodka martinis when we went out to drink.
“Seungmin and I were gonna go out for drinks. You wanna come?” My best friend said packing up his stuff. I looked back at the dress I was sewing, then Felix. He was pulling his best puppy dog eyes on me. 
“I will go tonight if you help me put boning in two corsets tomorrow.”
Felix grimaced. But I knew he would rather have a drinking buddy than have Seungmin leave him at the bar shitfaced. “Fine. But the first drink is on you.” I smiled and packed up my stuff, taking the garment with me. I could work on it back in my dorm tomorrow.
Felix happily dragged me out of the theatre department building and to the most popular campus bar on a Friday night. Seungmin was already seated at the bar nursing a beer when we arrived. Several people greeted Felix as we pushed through the crowded pub. “If it isn’t the famous Arctic Bitch!” I scowled hearing the name. Apparently, I had given myself quite a reputation without even trying.
Seungmin didn’t mean any harm by saying it. He just liked to poke fun at me. I bought Felix his first drink and the three of us shouted at each other over the loud music and voices in the bar. “Why is it so crowded tonight?” I shouted, frowning as someone elbowed me. 
“Apparently, 3RACHA decided to show up a couple hours ago.”
“WHAT? I call dibs on Changbin!” Felix shouted, his eyes going wide. I rolled my eyes and stole a sip from Seungmin’s beer. I could honestly care less about those three bullheaded bone-driven music majors. I didn’t really see the appeal. So, instead, I steered the conversation away so I could in fact enjoy my night. 
Third POV
Han Jisung smirked as he watched the girl whose name he honestly couldn’t remember walk away back to her friends. He looked down at the number she had written on his wrist. He was in the middle of deciding whether or not he actually wanted to call her when a voice called to him.
“Han stop flirting with random girls and come actually spend time with your friends!” 
Chan motioned him over back to the booth that his three friends sat in. Hyunjin scoffed and took another drink from his gin and tonic.
“Do you really have to do that?” Changbin asked, downing the rest of his drink.
“Bone everything that moves.”
“Please. Han is not as good as he thinks he is.” Hyunjin said, slapping Jisung on the shoulder. Jisung glared at his friend. He and Hyunjin bickered, but Hyunjin didn’t usually bring out the big punches like that.
“Oh yeah? I can get any girl in this bar to sleep with me.”
“You really wanna do this?”
“Yes. Give me your best shot.”
Chan sighed, his hands covering his face. “Guys, don’t do this. I like this bar. Don’t kill the bar. I wanna come back here.” Changbin chuckled, enjoying the situation as he nursed his second cocktail. Jisung watched with a smirk as Hyunjin looked over all the girls in the bar. His grin stayed strong when Hyunjin turned back to him with a smile.
“You, sir, are in luck. Guess who I spotted at the bar?” Hyunjin quipped.
“Your mom.” Han held his hand up to Changbin for a high five, and the boy reluctantly complied.
“I challenge you to get Seoul University’s Arctic Bitch to sleep with you,” Hyunjin said pointing to the bar. Jisung followed Hyunijn’s direction and looked across the bar. His eyes fell on a girl with h/c hair and a stern expression on her face as she stole a sip from her friend’s beer. She wasn’t the hottest girl he had ever seen, but her ass wasn’t half bad. 
“Challenge accepted.” Han moved to get up from the booth, but Hyunjin stopped him once more. 
“Hold up big boy. You’ve gotta give me proof too.”
“What kind of proof?”
“I don’t know. Picture, video, something like that. I’ve gotta know it’s her and not one of the random sluts you usually hook up with.”
Han thought about it for a minute. He glanced over at Chan who shook his head solemnly. Of course, Chan would be against this. “Fine. What do I get if I win?” Jisung stated, shaking Hyunjin’s hand. Hyunjin thought for a minute.
“If you get her to sleep with you AND get proof- I’ll give you $1500.” 
The other boys’ eyes went wide. Fifteen hundred dollars? Han started daydreaming about the new monitors he could get for his computer and the new sound system for his home studio. Plus that could go to paying off some of his student debt because God knows his parents weren’t gonna pay for this expensive college. “Oh, you got a deal!” Jisung glanced back over at the girl by the bar. This would be a piece of cake.
“If you can’t get Y/n to sleep with you...you have to go to graduation dressed in full lingerie. And heels.” 
Chan and Changbin laughed, calling attention over to the boys for a moment. He had already agreed so there was no way he could back out of this. “Deal. I can’t wait to get my 1.5k!” Jisung smirked and poured himself another shot of soju before downing it like it was water. With a salute to his friends, the brunette haired boy crossed the bar to complete his challenge. 
No way he would need three months to complete this.
Y/n’s POV
We had been at the bar for only an hour and a half and Felix had already had three drinks, one of which was paid for by a very pretty- but not so observant- girl. It was kind of funny to watch him tipsily argue with Seungmin over who was the better role in our university’s musical, Chicago: Roxie or Velma.
“Fuck you, Min! Velma is a boss ass bitch in thigh highs! Whatcha gonna do about it, BRO?”
“Lix, drink some water,” I said, pushing my water towards my best friend. He pulled the drunk move and took the tiniest sip before turning back to his word assault against our other friend. Seungmin was only slightly more sober, but still argued with passion for his girl Roxie. Suddenly, there was a tap on my shoulder.
“Hey, you’re....Y/n, right? Lemme buy you a drink.”
My eyes raked over the boy in front of me. His brown hair brushed over the corner of his forehead and his eyes had a mischievous glint to them. A confident smirk played on his lips as his hand ghosted over my waist, before turning to the bar and back to me. 
“What’s your poison? Cosmopolitan, right?”
“Actually, I’ll take a Godfather.”
I stifled a laugh at the near microscopic flash of surprise on his face. He quickly regained his cocky composure and looked me up and down. “Whiskey. A girl after my own heart.” While he turned to the bartender and ordered my drink I took the opportunity to turn back to my friends and roll my eyes. But, to my surprise, Felix was standing slack-jawed behind me staring at the guy attempting to flirt with me, his argument with Seungmin forgotten.
“Sorry, who are you and why should I care you like whiskey?”
The shock was evident on his face as he turned back to me. He blinked a few times before looking around the bar in confusion. “You don’t know who I am?” He scoffed when I shook my head. The bartender handed me my drink as well as a jack and coke for the boy next to me. “This might be harder than I thought,” he muttered under his breath before taking a large sip from his drink. I was driving so this would probably be my one and only drink for the night. “I’m Han Jisung. I’m one of the rappers in 3RACHA.”
“Ah....that explains the air of entitlement.” 
He sighed and took another swig of his drink, leaning on the bar. I was starting to get frustrated; I came to have fun with my two friends, not get hit on by some cocky asshole. “Look Jinyoung-”
“Right. Whatever. I came to have fun with my friends. So, thanks for the drink. Why don’t you just call...Mina,” I said reading the name on his arm written in girly handwriting. “Cause she already seems interested in your deal. But, I’m not so.....bye!” 
Without another word, I turned around and returned to my friends, who were speechless. I couldn’t help but watch their eyes track Jisung’s form all the way back to the booth with the rest of his friends who could be heard laughing- most likely at him- from all the way across the bar.
“You just shot down the second hottest guy on campus.”
“Second hottest?”
“Yeah, have you seen his friend Chan? Boy’s got abs like a washboard.” 
I could practically see Felix’s mouth start to water. “Keep it in your pants, bud.” Seungmin laughed at my comment and threw an arm lazily around my shoulder. “Min, are you drunk already?” He just giggled and started poking my cheeks. I downed the rest of my drink and let Seungmin rest his head on my shoulder. 
“Come on, dummies. Let’s go home.” Felix followed me out of the bar as I carried Seungmin to my car. I was pretty sure I heard cheers behind me as I opened the door, when I turned I saw Felix twirling his shirt over his head and dancing with some random guy near the exit.
He whined as I dragged him away from the guy he was dancing with. “Noooooooooooo! He was so sweet!” I laughed and strapped my best friend into the car safely. Tonight was certainly not what I had expected.
A car horn blaring outside my window sent me shooting up in bed. My hair stuck up in ungodly directions. Yet another night of restless sleep. 
I rubbed my eyes and checked the time. About nine in the morning. No matter how early I went to bed I never seemed to get a good night’s rest.
Lazily I rolled out of bed and slipped on some shorts. My tired body shuffled into the dorm living room. I laughed seeing Seungmin half falling off my couch, asleep; it wasn’t uncommon for him to crash at my dorm after having a few drinks. My roommate didn’t really mind seeing as she had quite the little crush on him.
Speaking of, the sound of her door opening caught my attention. “Morning Lia,” I whispered. She started to speak but covered her mouth when she saw Seungmin passed out on the couch. “You want some tea?” I asked, setting a kettle on one of the burners. She nodded, sitting down and crossing her long legs on one of the kitchen stools.
Lia was maybe a year older than me and also a theatre major with a focus in performance. She had landed the lead in many of our university productions including our current musical, Chicago. 
“So, Seungmin was in quite the heated argument last night.” My dormmate’s eyes widened at the mention of the boy’s name. “He was quite adamant on making Lix understand that Roxie was the greatest lead in the show.” A dark tint rose to her cheeks as she glanced at the sleeping hungover boy on our couch. Lia was playing Roxie in our production this year.
“He probably just likes the character.”
I rose a brow and handed her a mug of tea, before sipping on my own. “Sure, he does. Because our techie Seungmin just adores the motivations of a starstruck murderess.” Somehow her cheeks grew even darker. 
“I have to go work in the Shop today, could you watch him while I’m gone?” She nodded with a small smile. The Shop was what we called the costume and scene shop. Basically, the backstage tech work area was the Shop. 
After finishing our tea, we parted ways and got ready for the day. I slipped on my favorite sweatpants and threw on a semi-clean crop top. Feeling a little chilly, I threw on the matching grey jacket hanging on my desk chair. After fighting with my hair for ten minutes I gave up and started packing my backpack with things I needed for the day.
I groaned looking over at the corner of my room; I’d forgotten to take four rolls of rather expensive and custom fabric to the workroom yesterday, so I had to do it today. Gathering the fabric up in my arms, I headed out.
The sidewalks were practically empty as I crossed campus on my way to the Arts part of the university. My knee pushed up a slipping fabric roll before I continued my walk, pace quickening as I saw the auditorium building up ahead. Finally, I would be able to set these down soon.
My foot caught on a crack on the sidewalk and fabric unrolled and went flying through the air. I scraped my hands against the pavement bracing my fall. Slowly I sat up and looked at my palms. They were red, some of the scrapes breaking the skin. 
“Fuck. Really?” 
With a groan, I reached for the nearest roll and checked the material. Thankfully the black silk was still intact and not ruined. Carefully I started the process of re-rolling it, wincing at the rawness on my hands.
“Need any help?” A voice spoke beside me. Before I could respond, the person knelt down and started rolling up another length of red material. I scoffed seeing who the voice belonged to. It was Jisung, from the bar last night.
“I’ve got it.”
“I just saw you hardcore face plant. I don’t think you’ve ‘got it’.” 
He laughed at my scowl and continued to help pick up the fabric I had dropped. As I began standing up, he grabbed my hand. “What the hell dude?” I said, pulling away from his grasp.
“Woah. Chill! You scraped your hand. I’m just trying to help.”
He tucked the rolls under his arm and unzipped a pocket in his backpack, bringing out bandaids and some antiseptic spray. I eyed him warily, but let him take my hand again. He glanced up at my eyes, gauging my expression before continuing to uncap the spray.
“This will sting a little.”
“Tsk. I’ve sewed through my finger, I think I can handle- AHHH OW! FUCK!”
He laughed, his eyes turning into happy crescent moons. I had to admit he had a nice smile. Then again, how many times had that smile gotten him into the pants of half the female student body?
I watched as he opened up two bandaids, gently laid them over my palm, and covered the scrapes. When they were secure, he looked back up at me with that cocky smirk. 
“Want me to kiss it better?” 
I rolled my eyes and yanked my hand away. “Anyway, Jiwon-”
His brows furrowed in frustration but he quickly plastered on a more than fake smile. It was honestly kind of fun messing with him; he was so used to being treated like some kind of sex god it seemed he had forgotten what it was like to be a normal human being like the rest of us. “Thanks for the help. I’m gonna go now.”
“Hey! Wait! That’s not how you thank someone.” Jisung said, grabbing back the two rolls of fabric in his arms as I tried to take them. 
“Oh? And how do you propose I thank you?”
He smirked and looked me up and down. His hand ran through his brown locks as his tongue ghosted over his lips. “Well, I mean...” He shrugged as if the thought was just occurring to him. “I can think of a few ways you could return the favor.”
“Your genitals don’t come with a built-in bulletproof shield, so you better watch yourself, fuckboy.”
Jisung visibly gulped and slowly shifted the fabric rolls in front of his waist. I almost smirked seeing the brief look of fear for his manhood; he shivered under my stare and then regained his composure. “Man, they don’t call you the Arctic Bitch for nothing.”
My face fell and I ran a hand through my hair. “Look, I’ve got work to do, corsets to make, and I have to figure out how to sew rhinestones onto a lavalier.” Jisung seemed to take notice of my change in demeanor. 
“Hey, I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“Well, you’d be pretty offended if I called you a man whore. Same shit.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” He scuffed his shoe on the sidewalk and played with the edge of one of the rolls. Just because I would rather get through my insane credit hours than suck up to some bitch who’d probably drop out in a year doesn’t mean I deserve to have this hurtful nickname. 
“Where are you going? I’ll help you carry these.” Jisung interjected, breaking the very awkward silence. I shook my head and once again tried to take back my fabric. 
“I’m fine. You can go back to class or whatever.”
“I was actually headed to the studio to record with Changbin, but I’ve got time.”
I sighed. This man was persistent and not in a good way. There was no way I was going to get rid of him. “Fine. But if you fuck up that fabric I’m making you pay for it.” He smiled and tucked the fabric under his arm, following me to the back of the auditorium building. 
I watched Jisung take in everything in the hallway and on the walls as we made our way to the costume shop. “What? Have you never seen the backstage of a theater before?”
“Nah. I’ve only done small venues. Nothing with a stage like this.” 
I had almost forgotten Jisung was a rapper. As we came upon the workroom door, I adjusted the fabric in my hand and then pushed the door open with my foot. Jisung followed after I motioned for him to enter the room.
“Y/n! Do we really have to bone corsets? Like can’t we just cheat and put in a plastic lining?” Felix called out not looking up from his workstation. He sounded hungover. “Lia is tiny. Why does she need a fucking corset anyway--heyyyy there’s Jisung......Y/n why is he here?”
I dumped the fabric on a work table and Jisung did the same. “I picked up a stray. Thought you might like a pet.” Jisung rolled his eyes when I pointed behind me. When I turned around, Jisung still stood with his hands in his pockets. “You can go now.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“Yeah, what if he doesn’t want to, Y/n?” Felix said in a teasing tone. A quick but deadly glare sent his way quickly shut him up and caused him to turn around back to his workstation. Jisung sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. 
“Look. I’m meeting a couple friends at the bar tonight. Why don’t you come by?”
“Hard pass.”
“What if I want to go?” Felix chimed in.
“Yeah, what if he wants to go!” Jisung said with a smirk.
“Felix, shut up for like two seconds.”
Felix scoffed and returned to putting boning in a red lingerie corset. “We both know that’s not gonna happen.” He muttered under his breath. I heard Jisung let out a laugh at the little exchange.
“Whether I go to the bar or not tonight has nothing to do with you. It is probably reliant on the fact that I have no control over my best friend.” Felix chuckled behind me. Jisung shrugged and looked around the room before backing away.
“Hey, Jisung! Put in a good word for me with Changbin?” Felix called out, leaning over his chair. Jisung let out a lighthearted laugh as he opened the door. Felix had a hopeful look on his face that made me want to vomit.
“Sure, why not.”
Then we were left in silence. I quickly began working, but I felt Felix’s stare on my profile. I knew he couldn’t stay silent for long. Felix couldn’t go four minutes and eighteen seconds without immediately spewing out his opinion. Seungmin and I had timed it once; exactly four minutes later, he erupted.
“Did you see me go home with him last night?”
“No....you went home with Seungmin--OH MY GOD ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH SEUNGMIN?!”
“What? No! Ew!” I said tossing an empty pin cushion at him. “Never in a million years.” Felix let out a hefty sigh of relief. My fingers quickly worked through sewing up a finished section of a corset. 
Another silence followed as Felix turned back to our work. It was so obvious his thoughts were festering, just waiting to once again pop out. “So... how did Mr. Balls-for-Brains wind up helping you carry costume fabric?” 
I shrugged, putting in another piece of spiral steel and lining it up in a corset panel. “He helped me when I tripped. Apparently, the music department recording studios are near here.” 
“Uh....no they're not. The studios are on the other side of the Arts campus.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m pretty sure he was just hanging around the theatre buildings until he saw you.” Felix laughed as I shuddered. I took a quick breath as the needle pricked my finger. This conversation was seriously distracting me. “So....we are going out tonight though. Right?” 
“I’m not going out dressed like this.”
“Just grab something from the racks. Mr. Jung won’t mind.”
“If we are going out, I’m drinking.”
“No argument from me. Then we get fun Y/n.” I threw another pin cushion at him, hearing a high pitched yelp beside me. The two of us worked for the next 6 hours until the sun started to set outside the Shop window. I let Felix dress me up from stuff on the racks and we called Lia and Seungmin to meet us at the bar.
When we arrived, it was certainly less packed than the night before. I pulled at the tight skirt Felix had put me in, wishing it to cover more of my thighs than its length allowed. Seungmin whistled as I sat down next to him at the bar. He turned my barstool to face him and Lia, who smiled and clapped at my appearance. 
“Is this global warming because the Arctic is hot tonight!”
I slapped his shoulder and turned back to the bartender to order my drink. “I would recognize this anywhere. This is the work of the Great Felix Stylist extraordinaire.” Lia exclaimed, letting Felix take a bow. The bartender slid over my drink and I rested my feet against the bar stool. They were sore from the heels Felix had put me in; only once every so often would I let him play dress up on me.
The night rolled on and I even danced with Lia after a couple more drinks. We came back off the dance floor to see Jisung talking with Felix and Seungmin, his arm leaning against the bar. “Jackass alert,” I whispered to Lia as we approached. 
Jisung’s eyes widened when he saw our approach. He seemed to drink in my entire body, not letting any part of me go unseen. “Hey, gorgeous.” He said with a smirk, his eyes dragging over me once again as he sipped his drink. “Can I talk to you?” 
“Sure, I said standing next to Felix and stealing a sip from his gin martini. I was really thirsty after dancing so much with Lia. He glanced from me back to my friends who were watching us expectantly. 
“I meant alone.” 
With a nod, the rest of my friends started moving towards an open booth. I stopped Felix, a hand on his martini glass. “Leave it. I’m going to need more alcohol for this.” With a sigh and longing look at his drink, he left it in my hands.
“Are you drunk?”
“Not nearly enough.” I plainly stated before drinking some more of Felix’s martini. My face soured. I forgot he liked gin. Jisung laughed as I put the drink on the bartop. 
“Look. I think you and I should go out.”
“And I think you should jump off a cliff. Preferably one the size of your ego.”
“Ouch.” He said with an unaffected smile.  His eyes darted to a girl walking by us, but he quickly diverted his attention back to me. I tried not visibly throw up in my mouth at the action. “Let’s hang out this week.”
“Sorry; not into late-night booty calls since...well...ever.”
He sighed and ran a hand through his brown hair, a habit of his I had picked up on. I couldn’t decide if it was out of frustration or nerves. “Come on. I’m not that bad.” 
“Your reputation says otherwise.” 
“I could say the same about you.”
He smirked when I fell silent. My fingers played with the rim of the martini glass. I hated that he totally won that argument. 
“I’ll make you a deal,” His words made me look up and quirk an eyebrow. “For the next two months, you get dinner with me twice a week and we text once a day.” 
“I’m not going on a dinner date with you. I have zero time. I have to bring home my costume work as it is.”
“I never said it was a date. I just want to get to know you, Y/n.” Jisung chuckled and adjusted the clasp of my necklace, making me freeze. “We don’t have to go out to eat. I’m sure it’s hard to focus on work with a theatre major as a roommate. You can come over and I’ll order take out.” I had to admit that the offer sounded tempting. I loved Lia but she could be loud as fuck when prepping for a show. 
“Still low key sounds like a date.” 
“I swear I will not touch you unless you ask me to.” He winked and I rolled my eyes. “And you will ask me to. Eventually.” A heavy and anger filled sigh left my lips and Jisung leaned away. I honestly hadn’t noticed he had gotten closer.
“Lia is going to think something is up. Felix is for sure going to think I’m sleeping with you. And Seungmin...”
“You aren’t dating Seungmin are you?” 
He smiled when I shook my head no. “Anyway, there is no way I’m telling my friends I am hanging out with you.” He shrugged and sipped more on his drink. I was starting to feel a little bit of the alcohol’s effect. 
“I’m chill with that. So, you bring over your costume...stuff...on Monday and we can order in and get to know each other.” I shrugged and gave him a small nod. Jisung smiled in victory. 
“You do know I’m not going to let you walk away from this conversation looking that happy.”
“And how do you propose you fix that?” 
“I was thinking either a slap or a drink.” Jisung laughed and downed the rest of his drink, I assumed Jack and Coke, like the night before. He motioned with his fingers and tapped his chest. 
“Give me your best shot, gorgeous.” His willingness made me laugh, genuinely. “Although, I would prefer not to have a huge red mark on my cheek.” 
I nodded sarcastically. “Oh. Of course. We can’t damage the precious merchandise.” He groaned when I pinched his cheek. To be honest, I could not believe I was having a nice casual conversation with Han Jisung, 3RACHA’s legendary fuckboy.
“Well then, I’ll see you on Monday. I’ll be at the Shop.”
“I’ll see you then, gorgeous.” 
I rolled my eyes and picked up Felix’s martini. “ASSHOLE!” I yelled before tossing the drink in Jisung’s face. “Wow, that was really fun,” I whispered with a smile before walking away to my friends. 
“Y/N THAT WAS MY DRINK!! NO! MY ALCOHOL!” Felix said, fake crying.
Jisung’s POV
The gin stung my eyes and Y/n was kind of blurry as she walked away, but I could hear the smile in her voice. This was ironically the first time I had let a girl toss a drink in my face. AND FUCK I WOULD NEVER LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN. 
I wiped my face and stumbled away from the bar, trying not to get even more liquor in my eye as I followed the laughter of my supposed ‘friends’ in our usual booth. 
“And the King has struck out yet again,” Changbin said as I sat down. Chan laughed but handed me a napkin to wipe my stinging face. A couple strands of my hair fell wet in front of my eyes. “What is this? The third time you been denied by Y/n?” Bin laughed and drank from his (probably) fifth beer of the night. 
“Han, I hate to say it. But I am so looking forward to seeing you in lingerie accepting your diploma.”
“I wouldn’t get ahead of yourself, Hyunjin.” All eyes turned to me as I blinked wildly. My vision was just starting to come back. I looked over to Y/n and her friends. Felix was chiding her about destroying his drink and Lia was high fiving her for throwing it. 
“...But she threw a martini in your face. I think that qualifies failure in every book I’ve ever read.” Hyunjin scoffed. Little did he know I had Y/n exactly where I wanted her. Soon she would be eating out of my hands. She would be begging for me to sleep with her before she even knew it herself.
Y/n’s POV
Three weeks had passed and I had been drowning in work. Though I hated to admit it...Jisung was the only thing keeping me sane. He had been a really good friend to me for the past few weeks. Lia was the only one who knew about my little dinner rendezvouses with Jisung. And I was correct in the fact that I had been subject to her relentless teasing. 
“Are you sure you guys aren’t dating?”
“We are not dating. We are just getting dinner twice a week, getting to know each other, not seeing other people casually, and maybe some.....flirting-- AND OH MY GOD HE TRICKED ME. WE’RE DATING.”
Lia laughed at my realization. I threw down the dress I was working on for Lia’s finale scene. The sound of beads hitting the floor rung throughout the dorm. “What are you gonna do about it?” Lia questioned, adjusting herself on the couch.
“I’m going to go over there and question the shit out of his ass.”
“Hell yeah! Text me!” She cheered as I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. 
I slammed my car door and stomped up the stairs of Jisung’s apartment building. A million angry thoughts ran through my mind as I stormed down the hall to his apartment. Without another thought, I burst through the front door, which was oddly...unlocked. 
I froze taking in the scene in front of me. Jisung stood wide-eyed shirtless and holding a bottle of water, sweat dripping off his forehead. Another boy, who I recognized as Chan from 3RACHA, dressed in a tank top and sweats was seated on the couch, his face full of surprise at my entrance.
“Oh- uh.....sorry...I’ll just come back when you have...clothes.”
“No, it’s fine! I was just leaving anyway. Thanks for going to the gym with me Han.” Chan grabbed his jacket and exited in the most polite power walk he could manage. Though not without giving Jisung a thumbs up and then shutting the door.
“So how long did you think you were gonna get away with this?” He smirked and opened the water bottle. I was struggling to look anywhere but his tan chest. He obviously noticed. “Oh my god. Would you please put a shirt on!” He chuckled and came closer to me.
“What? Do I make you nervous?” He looked me up and down with dark eyes. My heart pounded in my chest. “Look, I know you’re mad. But, you can’t tell me that you didn’t have fun hanging out with me. Can you?”
“And you can’t say that you aren’t at least the tiniest bit attracted to me. Right?”
“I’m not...not attracted to you...”
Jisung smirked and slid his hand around my waist, pulling me so our chests brushed against each other. “That’s not a straight answer.” He smiled at my lack of response. Jisung was clearly enjoying this.
“Well- you’re...not a... straight answer.”
Jisung laughed and let go of me. “But, seriously Y/n. I don’t know about you, but I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you these past few weeks and I really like you.” He took my hand in his and laughed, making his eyes turn into crescents. “So, why don’t we make it official? Y/n, let’s date.”
I blinked a few times before turning away from him. This was not normal. My hands came up to my temple, a sharp pain suddenly emitting from there. “You can’t be serious,” I said, turning back to Jisung. “There’s no way you like me. You like girls for one night stands. I’m not like that. So there is no-”
Jisung’s lips crashed against mine, his hands gripping my wrists gently. He’s kissing me. What do I do? As if reading my thoughts he pulled away just enough to look into my eyes and smile. “Y/n, don’t overthink it. Just let go for once. You’re with me.”
His hand slid down to my waist and his fingers tangled in my belt loops, pulling me closer. My brain was in overdrive. I hadn’t been kissed in so long. Maybe what I said to Felix wasn’t totally the truth. Maybe I had just been depressing my long starved sex drive. Jisung was really nice and I really liked him. What would be the harm in letting myself have fun with someone I actually like for once?
“Okay...so maybe I like you a little bit.” Jisung smiled and brushed away a piece of hair near my face, grazing my cheek. My hands slowly came up to rest on his chest, his warm skin radiating off heat. 
“So are we on the same page? You’re mine now?”
“Fine. I guess so,” I said with a laugh. Jisung smiled and kissed me again. His fingers dug into my hips and he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. 
Kissing Jisung made my head spin in the best way possible. Needing air for more than one reason, I pushed against his chest. “Hey, why don’t you go shower. I’m sure you need one after working out with Chan.” He smirked, his hands slowly moving lower than my waist. “No, I’m not showering with you.”
“Damn. Worth a shot. You wanna stay? I’ll order pizza.”
“Sounds good to me.” After kissing my cheek, Jisung turned and made his way to his bathroom. When the door closed I leaned against the couch for support. Keep it cool, Y/n. I have to remember to keep my guard up. Jisung can’t possibly just change overnight. While I want to trust him...something is holding me back. 
Hopefully, I’m just paranoid.
I rolled over in bed, not wanting to wake up. My hand brushed up against something cold. Opening my eyes, I saw my phone under my hand. The screen was still lit up and displayed a caller ID and call time of almost five hours. I smiled seeing Jisung’s name scrolling across the top. Did we really fall asleep on the phone? 
Picking up the phone, I heard the sounds of his small breaths and soft snores. “Jisung,” Another soft snore made me smile. We had only been dating officially about a week, but I was really enjoying my time with him. “Jisung?” 
“Mmph...I’m up...what’s happening?” He mumbled into the phone. Jisung must have fallen asleep on top of the phone. I laughed and sat up in bed, running a hand through my messy hair.
“I think we fell asleep on the phone, Ji.” His laugh could be heard over the phone.
“That’s the first time you’ve called me something other than my name or an asshole.” I blushed and rolled out of bed. “Y/n L/n are you starting to like me?” Jisung asked, his voice rough from just waking up.  The gravely low tone sent a chill down my spine. 
“Well, we are dating. That’s what two people do when they like each other, dummy.” I leafed through my closet, tucking the phone between my ear and shoulder. He let out what sounded like a forced laugh. Maybe it was just my imagination. It was my brain searching for things to make me not trust him.
“You want to drop by the studio later? I should be working all day but it would be kinda cool to see you.” My ears picked up on the sound of his fingers racing across a keyboard. What could he be working on this early? 
No, Y/n. Don’t go there. I have to at least try and trust him. I can’t be nosy and wondering about everything in his life when we’ve only been going out a short time. 
“Uh, I can probably drop by around three. I have an exam today I can’t miss.”
“Okay. I’ll text you the studio number. See you later, gorgeous.” With that, he hung up the phone. I tossed the device on my bed and finished getting dressed. A ding notified me of a text. Glancing at it, I saw Jisung sent me the number of the studio number he would be working in and a heart. 
It almost set me a little on edge. I knew his personality. I even knew a few of the girls who had the unfortunate experience of falling into bed with him. It just seemed a little weird to me how doting he was with me when he was never like that with other girls. 
Maybe he really was trying to make a change? That couldn’t be impossible. Could it? People change. Most often in fairytales and movies, but it happens like 1% of the time, right? These thoughts swarmed through my head as I walked into my lecture hall. 
I sat in my usual seat, arriving about five minutes before class was set to begin. Looking up, I saw several sets of eyes staring at me; all belonging to different girls. Some had looked of pity, some disgust, but all looked slightly confused. Ignoring them, I pulled out my notes for a few more moments of study time.
“You’re the girl whose dating Han, am I right?”
I looked up to find a very pretty girl with blonde hair and big doe-like eyes. “Umm...yeah. Is there a problem or something?” She shook her head and sat down next to me with a smile. 
“Oh! No, not at all. I just had to see for myself that’s all. My name’s Momo. I’m a dance major. I have a mutual friend of Han’s, Hyunjin.”
I nodded, glancing from her to my paper. I wasn’t really used to this much attention during class. Usually, I just focused on the lecture or project and didn’t talk much. “Yeah, I know they are friends, but I don’t really know Hyunjin myself.”
She nodded and twirled a pen between her fingers. I started to wonder what her relationship was with the boys. She was obviously gorgeous and she seemed just like Jisung’s type. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had slept together before.”I’ve just heard so much about you. All those rumors are totally bogus by the way. I would love if we could be friends.”
She took my hand in hers with a bright and blindingly white perfect smile. Did she not know what personal space was? “Uh....sure. I guess that would be cool. I’m usually pretty busy with making costumes for the university’s musical.”
“Here! Take my number! We can go get coffee sometime. I’d love to hear all the juicy tea about the girl who finally got the famous Han Jisung to stop sleeping around.” Momo ripped a piece of paper from her perfectly organized agenda and wrote her number on it. The professor started speaking as she handed it to me. Holy shit it was scented! 
This day was just getting more and more confusing for me.
Jisung’s POV
The studio was freezing as per usual. Even bundled up in a beanie and hoodie I was cold, pulling the sleeves further down my hands. I watched the monitor carefully and adjusted the headphones over my ears. 
“Okay, Bin! You’re good.” Chan called to the boy in the booth after I gave him a thumbs up. “So, I take it things with Y/n are...good,” Chan asked hesitantly. The topic of Y/n was a sore subject for him so I was surprised he brought it up. 
“Oooooo We talking about the Snow Queen?” Changbin said plopping down on the couch near the wall. I turned in my chair to roll my eyes at him. “I’m taking that as a sign you haven’t gotten in her pants yet?”
“She’s honestly kind of a prude....well. Not a prude. But you know what I mean.” Chan shook his head at my words.  
Changbin threw a ball of paper at my head, making me send another glare his way. “Isn’t this the longest dry spell you’ve had. How long has it been?” I sighed pulling the headphones down around my neck.
“One month, five days, twelve hours, and twenty-two minutes.”
“You know it’s gross that you keep track like that,” Chan said taking a swig from his water bottle. “Y/n seems like a nice girl. It’s kind of sick you and Hyunjin using her like this.” I shrugged, not really caring.
“I mean, I guess. But, I would rather be $1,500 richer.”
“Just remember Y/n has feelings too.”
I nodded and turned back to the monitor looking at the track we just recorded. As if on cue, the door opened and Y/n’s voice could be heard greeting the other boys. 
“Hi!- Oh! Sorry, I didn’t expect anyone else. I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.”
Turning, I saw her shaking hands with Changbin and Chan. “Y/n that’s Bin, and you’ve met Chan,” I said pointing to the boys. “Now you’ve met all of 3RACHA.” I pulled her hand, dragging her closer to my chair. Chan rolled his eyes when I pulled her down and kissed her cheek. The smile on her face did not go unnoticed by the boys.
“How was your exam?” I asked, playing with her fingers.
“It was okay. I passed for sure. A girl named Momo asked to get coffee with me. Apparently, she knows your friend Hyunjin.” My eyes went wide and I stood up, pulling her to my side with a nervous laugh. 
“Well, uh... I think we’ve all done enough work today. Y/n you wanna go get some boba or something. I’m hungry what about you? Bye guys!” Quickly I pushed her out the door and waved goodbye to the boys. 
I had my fingers crossed that Hyunjin was keeping his big mouth shut.
A month and a half. That’s how long I had left before I lost and was forced to be utterly humiliated in front of the entire university. Y/n and I had been dating for almost three weeks and hanging out for longer. I had to make a move tonight. 
My friend Minho had hooked me up with some tiny night vision camera that I had hidden all around my apartment. I knew Y/n was starting to trust me more, so this was the opportune time. She was coming over any minute now. I checked my reflection in the mirror and ran my hands through my hair. 
$1,500 here I come.
A knock bounced off the walls of my apartment. I checked the time. 8:30 pm. She was late by about forty-five minutes, which was not usual for her. What was it she always said? Early is on time and on time is late? Some weird theater shit like that. 
Something was up.
I rushed to the door and opened it to find Y/n standing at my doorstep. She gave me a tired smile and kissed my cheek in greeting. She looked like she felt awful. “Hi, Ji! Sorry, I’m late. Felix bailed on me so I had all this extra work to do for the musical and I have a semester project due this week-”
“Y/n what’s wrong?” She sighed and collapsed onto the couch. Sitting next to her I could see the concealer under her eyes attempting to hide the dark shadows. She never wore makeup unless she was going out. I was surprised even remembered that. “You can tell me anything, gorgeous.” She smiled when I took her hand. 
This might be better than I thought. Comfort her. Get the proof I need. Shove it in Hyunijn’s face. I could tell she was deciding whether or not to trust me. If it was something small she would tell me no problem.
But... maybe this was something bigger. 
“I’m just...really stressed.” She said, pushing her hair away from her face. I could see the wall she had slowly building itself back up. There was pain behind her eyes. She was hurting. Why did that make me sad?
“That’s not all this is.” I turned towards her fully, giving her my complete attention. She crossed her legs up on the couch and stared at her fingers. When I lifted her chin I saw tears on the brink of falling from her eyes.
“I just... feel like...- nevermind it’s stupid.” She shook her head and looked around my apartment. She tried to laugh it off but frowned when she saw my face. Y/n let out a shaky breath when I took her hands in mine, resting them in her lap. 
We sat in silence for a few minutes. Just sitting across from each other on the couch. She seemed to be working up the courage to tell me something.
“Nothing I ever do...seems to be...enough.” I looked at her, waiting for her to continue. “I work my ass off. All the time. But, it feels like I can’t do anything right lately. Not enough for my mom. Not enough for my teachers. Certainly not enough for Tech Recruiters. I just feel like I’m falling short on everything I do. And I’m tired. I just want to be enough for someone. But, who am I kidding? Nobody likes me. I’m Seoul University’s Arctic Bitch, right? I’m too coldhearted and selfish to get anywhere in life, let alone convince any theatre company to hire me so I can pay off my student loans. I’m just so fucking tired of feeling this way. Sorry for whining. I know you probably had other plans for tonight.” 
She wiped the tears from her cheeks and stared out the living room window. “Hey,” I said pulling her attention back to me. Surprisingly, she let me reach up and wipe a tear from her cheek. “Look at me,” Reluctantly Y/n met my eyes. “You are more than enough for me.” She looked down and smiled, wiping more tears on her sleeve.
“Really.” I ran my thumb over her knuckles and smiled at her. It took a lot for her to open up to me like that. “You have just been bottling this up haven’t you?” She nodded and wiped another tear, before looking back up at me. Her eyes were still beautiful even when she was crying. “I do that too. It’s a habit we should both fix. Could you talk to Lia? Or Felix?”
She shook her head and started playing with my fingers. I started to like the feeling of her smaller hands in mine. “Lia has her own stuff to worry about. Her dad keeps pressuring her to join an entertainment company. And Felix...well Felix means well, but...” I was relieved to see her smile again. Her laugh was contagious. 
“Yeah, I get it. Kind of like Changbin and Chan. They mean well, but they don’t understand sometimes.”
She nodded and played with one of the rings on my right hand. “Thank you for listening. It really means a lot that I can trust you like this.”
“You trust me?”
“I never thought I would say that but... I would never have told Felix that and he is my best friend.”She reached up a cupped my cheek. Her hands were warm and inviting. I stared into her eyes no longer seeing hurt behind her E/c orbs. 
“You’re beautiful. You know that?” I said without thinking. My eyes widened and I pulled away from her touch. I had never said anything like that. Usually, everything I said to Y/n had a purpose or plan behind it. But, I just spoke without thinking. 
Y/n smiled, her eyes turning even brighter. She leaned forward and kissed me. Something about this kiss felt different than the times I had kissed her before. My heart started to race and goosebumps crawled over my skin. I smiled when her hands pulled me closer to her, tangling her fingers through my hair.
A sigh escaped my chest when her teeth grazed over my lip. She pulled away only for a second to catch her breath before coming back to me. I pulled away when she threw her leg over my lap and straddled me. “What are you doing?” I asked as she kissed from my lips down to my jaw. It was exciting not to be in control for once. 
“Showing you how much you mean to me,” She whispered before kissing my lips again. Instinctively, my hands gripped her waist wanting for no space left between my body and hers. I felt close to Y/n in a different way. I feel like I had been in this exact position with other girls, but with her it was different. Something about kissing her like this felt intimate. Like it was just for us to share. 
Fuck. The cameras. They were still recording all over the apartment.
“Uh- Y/n...” I said pulling away from her, my hands planted firmly on her hips. “Are you sure you want to do this, gorgeous?” My eyes widened as she nodded and continued to drag her lips across mine. “Because we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” Please tell me to stop. If you don’t I don’t know what I’ll do with myself. 
“Ji, I want this. Do you?”
“You have no idea.”
“Good. Do you trust me?” Y/n asked with a mischievous smile. I nodded watching her eyes twinkle in the low light of my apartment. She dragged her fingers down my chest and pulled at the hem of my shirt. As soon as the fabric was over my head and flung somewhere in the living room she smashed her lips onto mine. 
My thoughts were running a mile a minute. How was I supposed to turn off all the cameras without her knowing? After seeing her in pain, I couldn’t hurt her like that. An idea popped in my head. Wrapping my arms around her waist I pulled her up and carried her, pushing her back against the nearest wall. 
Her legs tightened around my waist, holding herself up. She looked down at me with hooded eyes before kissing me again. With one hand I kept her steady while the other searched the bookshelf next to me for the camera I put in the living room. Feeling the metal and plastic, I quickly turned it around blocking its view. 
There should just be two more in my bedroom. “Ji,” Y/n moaned into my lips. She was driving me crazy. I was already more worked up from this than I had ever been with any other girl. She giggled when I carried her through the bedroom door and pressed her up against the wall. “You know...I haven’t done this in a pretty long time...” Her words were breathy and cut off when she joined her lips back to mine.
“You could have fooled me.”
My mind was kind of in a haze. All I could think about was Y/n. I couldn’t think straight with her hands all over me. Where did I put the second camera again? Her lips trailed down to my neck sending my brain and body into overdrive. Come on, Han. Focus. 
The desk! Then the third was by my nightstand. I moved us over slowly, hoping she wouldn’t notice. I wanted to touch her so badly. But, I couldn’t betray her trust after she opened up to me like that. Joining my lips with hers, I felt blindly around the table for the small device. After I found it, I tucked it behind the monitor. 
“Are you sure, gorgeous?” I asked one more time looking into her eyes.
“Jisung, stop asking or I swear I’m gonna-”
“You’re gonna what?”
“I don’t know. Just kiss me damn it.” She smiled when I smashed my lips onto hers. Her fingers pulled at my hair as I dragged my lips down her jaw. She joined our lips as I picked her up and carried her to the bed. The bed dipped as she laid on the mattress. Before I could reach for the nightstand she pulled me over, straddling me on the bed again. 
I tried to keep my brain clear as she attacked my neck and chest with her lips. Knowing she was distracted, I grabbed the camera and threw it across the room wanting this to be done. Her head turned at the sound, but I pulled her back to my lips. 
“You drive me crazy,” I whispered, reaching down and pulling at the hem of her shirt. My lips latched onto every bare piece of skin I could find, wanting to feel every part of her. I was ready to be with her, in more ways than I had thought.
Y/n’s POV
I lay in the dark, staring up at the ceiling. Jisung laid beside me his arm slung across my stomach and soft snores leaving his lips. I smiled seeing him next to me. I had slept for a few hours but like usual, I had woken up in the middle of the night unable to fall back asleep. 
Shifting onto my side, I looked at Jisung. He looked peaceful in his sleep. There was always something active about him when he was awake. Like he was never still. Seeing him in a state of calm was intriguing. My hand brushed the side of his cheek. A strand of his brown hair fell over his eyes, so I gently pushed it back and softly moved my hands through his locks.
Jisung let out a little hum in his sleep, making me smile. I started to pull away my fingers but Jisung’s hand shot up to keep it there, startling me. “What’s wrong, gorgeous?” Jisung mumbled, placing my hand back in his messy hair. 
“I can’t sleep. Don’t worry about me.” I said quietly going back to playing with his soft brown tresses. He shook his head, brows furrowing in the cutest way. His fingers latched themselves onto my wrist, rubbing his thumb against my skin. 
“I’m not sleeping unless you are,” He whispered, obviously half asleep. 
“Shhh. Ji, go back to sleep.” Instead of complying he tugged me into his bare chest and started tracing soothing patterns on my lower back. In all honestly just that alone was making me just a little sleepy. My eyes were starting to droop, just laying in his arms, but my brain was still wide awake. 
Suddenly, my ears picked up on the soft sound of Jisung singing. It was slow and gentle, his voice a little rough from sleep, but beautiful all the same. His voice was like honey, soothing my entire body. My fingers started to slow their movements as I tucked myself into Jisung’s chest. 
I finally fell into a deep sleep listening to Jisung softly sing to me.
Light streamed through the window, hitting me straight in the face. I groaned and tried to roll over. My brows furrowed when something stopped me. My tired eyes opened more to see Jisung still sounds asleep, holding onto me like a teddy bear. 
Sensing my movements, Jisung’s eyes cracked open and smiled. “Good morning, gorgeous,” His voice was scratchy and low, sending chills down my spine. Jisung pushed himself up on his elbow and hovered over me with a drowsy smile. 
“Morning, Ji,” 
He genuinely smiled down at me and leaned down pressing his lips against mine. I felt him smile when I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Do you have class this morning?” He asked against my lips, which were most likely swollen from last night. Jisung himself had several darkening marks on his neck and collarbone. 
“Not until tomorrow. Do you?” 
“I was supposed to go record with Chan and Bin.”
“Like hell, I am going to leave you looking this beautiful in my bed,” Jisung said pressing his lips down my neck. “You want a shower? I’m gonna call Chan and tell him I’m not coming.” I nodded and pulled him up to my lips one more time.
“Thank you for last night, Ji. For everything.” 
He smiled and kissed my cheek. “Feel free to borrow some of my clothes,” Jisung said with a smirk before rolling over and grabbing his phone on the nightstand. I grabbed a hoodie from his closet while he was distracted with his phone and headed to the bathroom.
Jisung’s  POV
“Chan, I’m in deep shit,” I whispered into the phone. I checked to make sure Y/n was out of the room. Chan scoffed over the line.
“Han. It is way too early for this. Did you accidentally email your professor a pornhub link again?” 
“What no!” Chan sighed. “Look, Y/n’s over here.” He started freaking out over the phone. I sighed letting his panic play out. 
“Oh no, no, no. You are not dragging me into this. Y/n is a nice girl. I want nothing to do with your and Hyunjin’s sick bet-”
“I think I’m starting to really like her. Like a lot.”
There was silence on the other side of the line. I decided that he was probably waiting for more information. Or he had passed out. Either was a probable response from Chris. “But, she’s at your apartment? Han, it’s like ten in the mornin-...You didn’t.” He took my silence as confirmation. “How could you? You said you like her!”
“I didn’t technically. I had these cameras set up, but I turned them off after she opened up to me and stuff started to happen.”
Chan screamed so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. Even then I could still hear him. “Did you hear the part where I said I turned them off. I have no proof....and honestly....I’m starting to question if I want any.”
“Wow. Good for you. You’ve had personal growth. Whoop-de-doo.” 
“Hey. I am asking for advice, not sarcasm.” I said with a sigh. I ran a hand through my hair, feeling it sticking up in weird places. “What should I do? Chan...I really like Y/n, but I’ve been lying to her up until now.”
“You’ve got to tell her the truth eventually.”
“But, what if she hates me. I don’t think I could handle hurting her.” Chan sighed again. I could practically see his face. The guy probably just woke up and I was putting all this stress on him. 
“I don’t know what to tell you,”
“I get it. Just don’t tell anyone about what we talked about, okay? At least until I figure out how to tell Y/n. I’m gonna stay here and think about it.” With that, I hung up the phone and laid back in bed. My fingers massaged my temple, feeling a sharp pain there. 
Did I really want to keep up this bet?
Y/n’s POV
A weel later Jisung and I were doing even better than we were before. We were actually going out on dates and also...staying in and doing...other things. Jisung had invited me to come and see 3RACHA perform tonight at a local club, so Felix was fussing over my outfit. 
“Felix, I am not fitting into that dress.”
“You can squeeze!”
“A Polly pocket couldn’t fit into that tiny ass thing!” 
“Come on, Y/n! Be my Barbie!” Felix said chasing me around the costume shop with a tiny piece of white fabric that barely passed the social standard of being a dress. Eventually, he tackled me and wrestled me into the tight-fitting dress. 
“I feel naked.”
“Oh, please. He’ll love it.” Felix said throwing a pair of heels at me. I looked longingly at my pair of old tennis shoes. “If you aren’t wearing pumps at least wear some boots. We are clubbing after all.”
“Lix, we aren’t clubbing. We are watching Han perform.” 
“Same difference.”
I sighed and slipped on the black heeled boots Lix threw on my workstation and grabbed the brightly colored graffiti jacket that Jisung ‘left’ at my dorm. He had been leaving more and more of his clothes lying around my room. I wasn’t complaining.  
I drove both of us to the club and covered my ears entering the loud establishment. 3RACHA were already up on stage and performing a song so we pushed our way to the front. All the boys looked a little tipsy and had beers up on stage with them. Jisung saw me in the crowd and blew a kiss in my direction sending the whole crowd into a frenzy.
The show was incredible, though after I couldn't seem to get anywhere near Jisung. All the boys were hounded with fans and the crowd around them was too big to get through. “This is ridiculous. I can’t even get to my own boyfrien-” My world stopped when I looked over in Jisung’s direction by the bar. I swear everything happened in slow motion.
A girl with long platinum blonde wavy hair was draped all over Jisung’s arm. He talked to her while drinking yet another beer. I watched as she leaned up and cupped his cheeks, bringing him down for a sloppy kiss. The crowd cheered and I began to feel dizzy. “Y/n,” I heard Felix say, grabbing onto my elbow.
“I’ve gotta get out of here.”
The bass was so loud I could feel it pounding against my brain as I pushed through the crowd of dancing bodies. I heard someone calling my name, but I didn’t really want to talk to anybody. I just needed air. I needed to think.
I finally broke through the crowd and made my way outside the club. Where was my car? Where the fuck did I park? I ran a hand through my hair and looked around me trying to find my car in the see of dimly lit vehicles. 
“Y/n!” A hand grabbed my arm and turned me around. Jisung stood before me, clearly drunk with lipstick all over his face. “Y/n, baby, it’s not what you think.” His voice, which had become my favorite sound,  was slurred and broken up.
“Not what I think? Tell me, then. What was it?”
“Mina, she was drunk. She kissed me, but it didn’t mean anything. You know I only have feelings for you.” Did I know that? There was always this little thought in the back of my mind no matter how much I trusted Jisung that told me I was just another number in his playbook.
“Yes, she did kiss you. But that is a fucking cop-out. Because there is a reason she felt like that was an option.” 
I tried to push away the tears that threatened to fall. Jisung broke looking at me. I wanted nothing more than for him to hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay, but I didn’t know if I could trust him right now. I could tell it hurt him when he reached out and I backed away, tears inevitably falling down my cheeks.
“Don’t cry. I die when you cry.”
“Jisung you can’t do that!” I said watching a tear drip down his cheek.
“You can’t make me love you when I’m supposed to hate you!” I said slapping his shoulder and letting the tears flow freely.  Not hesitating, he wrapped me up in his arms, even when I tried to push him away. He let me cry on his shoulder and beat on his chest until it physically hurt to breathe.
“You’re right. It is a cop-out.” His hand came up and rubbed my back like he had done every night he stayed with me. “Y/n, I’m so sorry I let it happen. I don’t know what I was thinking.” My knuckles turned white, gripping onto his shirt. 
“Jisung, I’m tired of being hurt.”
“You are my everything, gorgeous.” He said lifting up my chin. I hated crying and feeling like this. It just sucked not being able to trust him when I wanted to be with him so badly. 
“How do I know I’m not just another random hookup for you?” 
“Because...” My heart dropped when he couldn't say anything.
“That’s the answer I needed. Thanks.” 
I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back into his chest. Jisung smashed his lips on mine, desperation, and passion filling the kiss making my knees go weak.
“That’s how.” He said, pulling away.
I woke up the next morning, in Jisung’s bed light streaming through the window. I really should get him curtains. I smiled thinking back to last night. Jisung promised to show me that I wasn’t just another girl to him. And boy did he. I had never felt so loved than when I was with Jisung last night. 
I grabbed a big shirt of his that was lying around and slipped it over my head. My feet carried me out into his living room, where bright sunlight illuminated his only slightly messy apartment. A note on the coffee table caught my eyes.
Morning gorgeous,
Went out to get coffee and breakfast for us. 
I’ll be back soon, so sit tight. 
Ji <3
I smiled at his handwriting and the heart he left me. Lifting my legs up, I got comfortable on the couch and waited for Jisung to get back. The sound of a notification filled the room. Did I leave my phone in here? 
I searched for the device and found it face-up on the counter. It said I had one voicemail. Swiping on the notification the voicemail started playing. The voice of a boy I didn’t recognize filled the living room as I brought the phone back over to the couch. “Hey, it’s Hyunjin,” Oh. This must be Jisung’s phone. I was about to put it back until I heard the boy continue.
“Just reminding you, you’ve got two weeks to get into Y/n’s pants or you lose the bet. Your reputation as campus King is on the line, bro. Oh and don’t forget the cash prize.” 
I couldn't move.
Han  Jisung’s POV
The coffee line took forever, but I finally got my order and excited the shop. I was trying to balance the cup holder in one hand and hold the door open for another customer when something slammed into my shoulder. “Hey! Watch it!” 
I looked up to see Hyunjin with a sly grin on his handsome face. “Hyunjin?” He clapped me on the back and helped me hold the door. “What’s up, man?” I asked when we were both standing outside. 
“I actually just called you like twenty minutes ago.”
“Oh, sorry I think I left my phone at my apartment.” I shrugged, trying to move along the conversation. Hyunjin was the last person I wanted to see. Especially after what happened last night with Y/n. “What about?”
“Just to remind you that you’ve got two weeks until you officially lose our bet. Don’t worry, I left a message so you can’t forget.”
My heart dropped to my stomach. My phone was still in the apartment with Y/n. “Oh, shit,” I muttered, eyes going wide. Hyunjin seemed to pay my reaction no mind. He was still stuck in his own world like usual.
“Whose the other coffee for by the way?” 
Fuck. She was gonna hear the message. No. She can’t hear it from Hyunjin. That asshole is going to ruin any chance I have left with her. Dropping the coffee and take away bag, I started sprinting across campus back to my apartment.
I prayed that Y/n was still asleep. Maybe I could get there before she woke up, delete the message and just put this whole bet thing behind me. Doing Hyunjin’s punishment seemed like nothing compared to losing Y/n. I burst through the lobby doors and spotted my landlord already in his office. 
“Good lord! Mr. Han, what can I do for you?”
“Uh...my girlfriend- the uh woman I came back with last night. Has she left yet?” I said completely out of breath. He stared at me like I was insane. 
“Not to my knowledge. I didn’t even realize you were serious about someone.” 
Before he even finished his sentence, I was pushing myself off his doorframe and racing to the elevator. I slammed the button and watched the elevator come down but it was taking too long for me. “Fuck this.” Racing up the stairs my heart pounded in my chest. Would she even still be there? Or would she just leave and not give me a second chance?
“Y/n?” I called halfway down the hall. I could care less about my neighbors at this point. “Y/n?” I burst through the door, knowing I left it unlocked. I let out a sigh seeing Y/n seated on the couch. My face fell, when I saw the dried tears on her cheeks. Without looking at me, she reached in front of her and played a recording on my phone. Hyunjin’s voice filled the room. 
“Hey, it’s Hyunjin. Just reminding you, you’ve got two weeks to get into Y/n’s pants or you lose the bet. Your reputation as campus King is on the line, bro. Oh and don’t forget the cash prize.”
She stood up and kept her stare on the phone. She looked broken.
“Are you going to say something?” Her voice cracked like she was holding back tears.
All I could do was cross to her and take her in my arms. I held onto her, cradling her head against my chest, my heart still racing from the mild panic attack that was just now catching up to me. 
“Thank god you’re still here.” 
I felt a few tears fall from my cheek and into her hair. “Jisung...was that all I was to you? Some payout? A way to keep your title of Biggest Fuckboy on campus?” She pushed away from me and walked to the other side of the room. The distance felt like miles.
I could feel my heart breaking. “What-no. Maybe at the beginning, but it doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t matter? It doesn’t matter, Jisung? Yes. Yes, it does matter. You can’t keep lying to me and expect me to forgive you every time.” She yelled at me from across the room. I had never seen her this hurt or angry and it killed me.
“Y/n, please. Listen to me.”
“Listen to you? Your buddy Hyunjin just told me the whole fucking thing!”
“No! You have to hear it from me! What he said- it’s all turned around and screwed up. That’s why I wanted to be the one to tell you.” She backed away as I came closer. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me last night?”
“Because I was afraid! I was afraid none of this would be real and this feeling would go away; that the meaning would be lost.”
“The meaning of what, Jisung?”
I grabbed her hand in desperation, scared she might walk out the door at any moment. “This. Right here. Us. You and me.”
“Jisung, there is no you and me anymore.” She said pulling away and walking back towards the bedroom. I raced forward and blocked the doorway. “Jisung, move.” She said pushing against my chest.
“Jisung! I want out! I can’t love someone I can’t trust.” She pushed through me with as much force as she could manage. I watched as she picked up the dress she was wearing last night from the floor. She tore off my shirt that she was wearing and threw it in my face. Y/n struggled to put the white dress back on before grabbing her shoes and trying to walk past me. 
“Y/n! Don’t leave, please.”
“How much was I worth Jisung? How much money were you going to get for fucking me?”
“$1,500. But, I didn’t take it! I didn’t even tell them that I slept with you because I didn’t care about the bet anymore. Y/n, please believe me. I will get down on my knees if you want me to.” She just stared at me in the doorway. “I will do anything to get you to stay.” Another silence passed. I felt small under her gaze. She had every right to be furious at me. 
Quickly, I got down on my knees. I had never moved faster in my entire life. I looked up at her, sharing the same tear-stained cheeks. To my surprise, she got on her knees with me and wrapped her arms around my neck. 
“Please, don’t hurt me anymore, Ji.”
Nodding I wrapped my arms around her and pulled Y/n into my lap. “I’m so sorry...I’m so sorry. I love you, Y/n. I’m sorry.” I cried into her shoulder. We just sat on the floor of my bedroom, holding onto each other, waiting for what would happen next.
Y/n’s POV
The zipper on Jisung’s graduation gown was being a real pain in the ass. It had gotten stuck two inches from the top. They had already called my name and given me a diploma, so I came to sit with my boyfriend. He fidgeted while I sat in his lap.
“Man, this thing is tight.” 
“Well, keep in mind I didn’t make it for you. I made it for Lia. Also, do you know how many girls would love their waist to fit into this?” I said slapping his shoulder. 
“I think I’d rather be able to breathe.”
“Beauty is pain, Ji.” I said as I messed with his zipped. He nervously tapped on my thigh and waist as he listened to the Dean call out the names of students. “Damn this zipper.” My years of costume study were now being defeated by the zipper on my boyfriends graduation robe. “Ah-ha!” The zipper finally complied and moved up to the top of the robe.
“Han Jisung. Music Production Major.” The Dean called out over the speakers.
“Knock em dead, Ji,” I said kissing his cheek. Jisung smiled and walked up to the stage. Before the Dean could hand him his diploma Jisung unzipped his robe and the entire student body was filled with gasps and laughs. Jisung proudly presented himself wearing the red and black lingerie and corset I had made for Lia in the musical. It left nothing to the imagination, especially below the bodice. 
The look on the Dean’s face was priceless and Jisung twirled in front of him and laughed along with our graduating class. Jisung shook the Dean’s hand and took his diploma. Before he walked off the stage he turned around pushed his robe aside and slapped his own ass receiving many cheers and wolf whistles from the students. 
I laughed as he came back to his seat. He gave me a great big kiss and pulled me back onto his lap. “That was a piece of cake,” Jisung said, wrapping his arms around my stomach and resting his chin on my shoulder. I kissed his forehead with a big grin.
“I have never been so attracted to a man in lingerie.”
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darker-soft-starker · 4 years
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 Starker High School AU, Pt. 4 (Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.5)
The last bell of the day sounds and Peter doesn’t know if he’s thankful or reproachful.
On one hand, no more classes. 
On the other: giving up an afternoon of Robotics to spend time with the modern embodiment of the antichrist.
To add insult to injury, it had been one of those long, arduous days that never seemed to end. The hours stretched themselves into impossibly bloated milliseconds as he watched the clock - and it still wasn’t over.
Dread filled him in anticipation of the afternoon and before first period he accidentally smacked himself in the forehead trying to get his locker open. It hurt and he was sure it would bruise. But if he was looking for sympathy, there was none to be found. Bucky and Nat weren’t speaking and in result their friends seemed wary and divided amongst themselves. 
It made for a rather awkward day.
His efforts to be neutral ground and to bridge the gap were met with vexation and were brushed off, so he ate lunch alone again in the library Bucky and Nat were fiery and fiercely independent, so not unexpected, but it was in his nature to want to mend the rift.
Ben used to tell him not everything was up to Peter to fix.
Easy for him to say.
Nonetheless he does his best to keep that notion in mind as he goes through the day, but everything seems off kilter. No one is talking to each other, he was so busy and caught up with all of the internal discord and schoolwork that he hadn’t eaten since breakfast. 
And May was acting super weird this morning. 
Worry gnawed at him in a way that had him forgetting about eating, whether it was about May and Thursday’s match, about the giant pimple that bloomed on his chin overnight -- or whatever inevitable torment that Stark had cooked up for them this afternoon.
It’s still a few minutes before they’re due to meet but Peter isn’t dragging his feet.
He isn’t. 
Sure, the hallways are vacant of any other students. 
And maybe he is feeling just a little petty for the time Tony kept him waiting despite his own plea not to -- besides, he still has a couple of minutes before he’s due, he’s not going to turn up early for goodness sake, as much as the part of him that says if you’re not early you’re late begs him to quicken his footsteps. 
Maybe he does stretch it to the last minute just to see Tony looking frustrated by his vintage ‘69 Mustang, the line of his mouth unmistakably displeased as the cars in the lot around him gradually disperse.
He knows the moment that Tony notices him, leant against his car, sunglasses slipping down his nose to properly glower at him. 
“This is why you’re an asshole,” Tony points a finger at him as he arrives. “I should leave you here.”
“Sorry,” Peter apologises airily, “I was trying to be anywhere but here. I’m not late though, so?”
Tony rounds the car to the drivers side, still pointing at Peter. “Don’t push your luck, Parker. Get in.”
Snickering quietly to himself, Peter heads to the other side. 
The engine growls loudly, a deep rumbling that goes through Peter’s entire body. Buckling himself in quickly, he peers around curiously while Tony reverses out of the lot. He’s reluctantly surprised. For an old car that belongs to a teenager behind at least two school fires it’s in impeccable condition. 
“Nice car,” he says quietly, mostly to himself as his gaze roams the interior with interest. 
It’s difficult to associate Tony Stark with the words nice or neat even, but that’s exactly what the car is. The interior is unscuffed, squeaky clean, the leather seats are comfortable, not a sprinkle of cigarette ash to be seen.
It really is spectacular - when the engine roars and the seats vibrate under him, Peter gets a sense of wonder and curiosity, like that one time he fell in love with DeLoreans after watching Back To The Future with Ben.
Curious, he opens the glove compartment and finds a generous stash of snacks and chocolate bars inside.
“Don’t touch anything,” Tony scowls, smacking Peter’s hands from the dash. “That’s rule number one. The interior is original and my girl is sensitive to your residue.”
Residue, he scoffs, tempted to reach out and touch more just to be contrarian.
“You got a sweet tooth or somethin’?” Peter asks instead, gesturing to the glove compartment. 
“Can I have some?”
“Are you gonna say anything else to me on this trip?”
“No,” Tony smiles sardonically, turning up the radio louder until the riffs of Queen’s Somebody To Love drown them both out.
True to his word, Tony remains silent over the course of the drive. It suits Peter fine, it’s not a quiet that is uncomfortable or awkward, not with the radio playing loudly from an oldies station, the wind whistling through the windows and the echoes of traffic around them. 
He thought it might be a stiff and uncomfortable drive, however the longer nothing goes unsaid between them, the more Peter feels himself relax in his chair, warmed by the heater and his limbs loosening until they feel boneless after the day he’s had.
And to his credit, Tony doesn’t appear overly tense or uneasy in having Peter in his space - in fact, he looks as chilled out as Peter has ever seen him. 
The perpetual strain around his jaw and shoulders seems eased, his posture open and casual as he drives with one hand, shifting gears with the other, sometimes tapping out a tune on the steering wheel. And whenever a song he particularly likes comes on the radio he turns up the volume, and if Peter looks over at the right moment he sees him smile privately to himself, a pleased little quirk of his lips.
Sometimes Tony speeds and puts his fingers out the window to card them through the wind, and his smile grows.
Although the amicable vibe has little to do with him, it’s probably the first time that they’ve spent more than five minutes together without hurling insults at each other. 
It’s weird.
Too wary of shattering the peace, Peter doesn’t mention it.
By the time they’re on the Queensboro Bridge the Eurythmics are playing one of May’s favorite songs. Without realising he’s doing it, he’s bobbing his head along to the tune, whispering the words under his breath, suddenly reminded of dancing in the kitchen with her and Ben, nine years old, using wooden spoons as microphones.
He’s smiling before he can stop himself, head tilted back against the seat, eyes unfocused on the skyline. It smells like Tony’s cologne and engine oil, like being enveloped in an old memory. He can see Tony looking at him from the corner of his eye but neither of them say anything.
The volume is turned up.
They arrive at the realtor with just minutes to spare before their appointment is due to commence. 
The traffic had built incrementally during the drive to Long Island City, the roads becoming more congested as they went. The tension in Tony’s shoulders returned as the minutes ticked closer to four-thirty, his tapping on the steering wheel out of impatience rather than good-cheer. 
Peter actually does feel a little bad now. 
Not that the five minutes he could’ve spared would have made much of a difference, but still, guilt whispers vehemently. 
It’s for that reason that he politely doesn’t say anything that could be perceived as inflammatory when Tony pockets his sunglasses and buttons up his dress shirt, checking his reflection in the rear-view mirror. Even if he’s dying to tell him that he looks like a damn nerd.
Not that he can talk. 
Heeding Tony’s words, he’d dressed similarly in his okay-est pair of jeans, a clean shirt and a cardigan. In class, MJ laughed and told him he looked like Napoleon Dynamite.
They head in, a bell above the door signalling their arrival. It’s a chain realtor, not the one they rent their apartment through, but Peter thinks there is an office right near his building. Inside, a middle-aged woman at the front desk greets them.
“Uh... we have an appointment with Kate Price” Tony gestures between them. “Appointment for Tony Stark?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” the woman apologises in a heavily Welsh accent, “you should have gotten a notification, she’s unwell and taken the day off.” 
“Oh, um --”
“That’s okay though, I’m free, I can help you if you’d like.”
“Are you sure?” Peter queries, sharing a look with Tony who appears just as uncertain. “We’d really appreciate it.”
“Absolutely. It’s quiet anyhow. Come,” she beckons them down a narrow hallway to a set of cubicles and L-shaped desks. There doesn’t seem to be anybody else in the office, he notes, as the two are directed to sit before a desk while the woman types away at a computer. 
“I’m Miranda,” she introduces herself, holding out her hand for both of them to shake. “The appointment notes say you’re after a nearby rental?”
“Sort of, we’re just looking at some pricing. Nothing serious, we just need to take some notes, get a feel for it.”
Miranda’s glasses slide down her nose as she observes them.
“You’re a wee bit young to be moving out of home, aren’t you?”
“Oh! No,” Peter stutters, waving his hands, “we’re not actually --”
Miranda waves at him dismissively. 
“Not that I can judge. My husband and I were living together and married by nineteen, ‘course he’s dead now. We had a good run though. Anyway, good for you. Young love, it’s so sweet.”
“Young what,” Peter says.
Miranda, typing away cheerily at her computer, clearly didn’t get the memo about the school project like Kate must have.
Peter turns to Tony, who is just as wide-eyed as he is.
What the fuck, he mouths, slinking down in his chair.
I don’t know, Tony mouths back, stupefied.
“So, what are we thinking - a studio if it’s just the two of you? Something cozy?”
“Uh, well, we’re looking to grow,” Tony says, hand slapped over his mouth. He shares a bewildered, wide-eyed stare with Peter.
“Right, well, nothing wrong with knowing what you want. What’s the budget? Let me see what I can find for you.”
“Ah,” Peter shifts in his seat, trying to communicate wordlessly with Tony as their research angle quickly becomes derailed.
He tries to communicate the need for an urgent exit in a stare that he hopes is prolonged and meaningful, but is only met with equally panicked blinking from the other boy. There’s a moment spent blinking undecipherable messages at each other and before he knows it the silence has stretched on far too long.
“Well, we were thinking sixteen-hundred a month. Right... Tony?”
“Right,” he nods slowly, eyes darting between the two. “Single income, see. Parker - uh, Peter is still in school.”
“Oh, bless,” she says spiritedly, typing away at her keyboard. “It’s not easy, I know, been there. What do you do for work, young man?”
“Me?” Tony asks, gesturing to himself, shooting Peter a desperate look. “I’m... a mechanic...apprentice.”
Peter has to disguise his snort with a cough, the horse so far out of the gate there is no catching up to it.
“Good for you, darling,” she says distractedly as she busies herself with the monitor, missing the heated glare Tony sends him. “Let’s see, might be tight, but we may have something for you. One bed, one bath, a living room that can be converted to a second bedroom.”
“Great,” Peter nods hesitantly. “Where?”
“Across the street, actually,” she swivels the monitor on its stand to show them a set of blurry photos of a small apartment. “And it’s currently vacant - we can do an inspection right now, if you’d like?”
There’s a pregnant pause.
“One moment,” Tony smiles at her, holding up a finger.
There’s a screech as Tony pulls Peter’s chair across the linoleum with a single hand.
“This is getting out of hand,” Peter whisper-hisses, ducking his head.
“I know, I know, I know,” Tony squeezes his eyes shut, making placating motions with his hands that do little to appease Peter’s rising apprehension. “It’s alright, it’s under control. Listen, hear me out, we go to the inspection, have a look at the place --”
“You can’t be serious, dude, we’re sixteen.”
“We’re not going to actually fill out an application, numbnuts, listen; we go, we take some pictures, get some details about the property, add it to our report and bam, who needs a reference? Think about it! Who else is going to have this level of detail in their report?”
“I’m not exactly sure this is what Miss Ahn meant by field research.”
Tony pokes him in the forehead. 
“Think outside the box, precious. Rise above the urge to do the bare minimum and we might just get a good grade.”
Peter sneaks a glance at Miranda. “Fine,” he pokes Tony back in the chest. “But you do all the talking, smartass.”
“Fine with me.”
Tony turns back to Miranda and offers her a charming smile. 
“We’d love to. Lead the way.”
They door sticks when Miranda turns the key into the dead-lock.
She struggles with it momentarily, smiling assuredly at the two boys as she twists the doorknob back and forth, pressing her shoulder against the peeling wood, forcing it open with a bang.
“Here we are,” Miranda announces brightly.
The two follow her inside, sharing a reluctant look with each other as she leads them into what must be a living room, the click-clack of her heels echoing off the scuffed floorboards and bare walls.
The first thing that Peter notices is that the room, while void of furniture, seems impossibly small, even by New York standards.
With the three of them spread thinly throughout it, there are but a few inches of space between them. Barely any room for a couple of armchairs, let alone a full sofa or a coffee table.
At a glance, he takes stock of the cracks in the ceiling, the discoloured patches in the plaster and the splintered wood of the front door frame where it appears it has been forced open from the outside. The chain-lock is broken.
Tony is over by the far corner, wiping a finger through a layer of dust on the window sill. 
There’s a loud bang from upstairs.
“So, this is the living area,” Miranda says with a flourish of her wrists. “And if you follow me, this down here,” she leads them around the corner, “is the kitchen.”
The kitchen is comprised of a small formica bench, a stained backsplash and several cupboards missing their handles.
While Miranda continues to point out and inform them all of the ‘cosy’ and ‘quaint’ features, Tony slips his phone from his pocket and with a nod of acceptance, lingers back a few steps to take photographs of the apartment. 
While he’s doing so, Peter busies himself by inspecting the kitchen, toying with the dials of the oven and the two-burner stove top, testing the swing of the cupboard doors. 
Inside one of them is a dirty tea-cup and a dead cockroach.
“-- and as you can see, plenty of room for a dining table, maybe you might like to have friends over --”
He follows them into the bathroom, which is just as compact as the rest of the apartment. He tests the faucet, noting that the tiles are cracked, as is the bathtub. 
Most worryingly are the speckled spots of black spores along the higher walls and the ceiling. 
“-- it’s a big old tub, plenty of room,” she pats Tony on the stomach, “could fit two in a squeeze if you suck it in, aye? Now, this way please boys, let me show you the pièce de résistance --”
Tony guards his stomach with his hands, pouting as Miranda leads them to the adjacent room.
“This is the main bedroom,” she beams, flicking on the light. “Perfect, isn’t it?”
The two young men stall in the doorway, peering inside. 
The space, probably equipped to handle a solitary king-single and a drawer at best, isn’t particularly generous by any means. The flickering bright yellow globe seems to only highlight the blistering wallpaper and the suspiciously stained carpet.
It smells like weed and cat pee. 
“So as you can see, plenty of privacy for you two, the living room can be converted into a second bedroom if need be -- or if one of you needs to sleep on the couch,” she winks at them.
“Right,” Tony says slowly, nudging the other with his elbow. “What do you think...honey?”
“I don’t know, dear,” Peter says, elbowing him back. “What do you think?”
“I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.”
“Bless,” Miranda cuts in, leaning on the doorframe while she observes them. “You’re just adorable, you must be high-school sweethearts.”
There’s a beat of silence.
“...Y-Yes,” Tony says after a moment, voice croaky. His hand snakes out to awkwardly pat Peter on the shoulder. “...we are.”
“So, what do you think?”
“About him?” Tony points to Peter.
“About the apartment,” she laughs. “What do you think, do you like it?”
“Oh, um, I have a few questions actually,” Peter mentions, following them back into the kitchen area, ignoring the odd look that Tony sends him. “If that’s okay?”
What are you doing, Tony mouths, back turned to the realtor as he clears his throat. 
Peter holds a finger up to request a minute. There’s a struggle to each convey their message silently, however, Tony reluctantly concedes, spreading his hands wide in a theatrical approval to proceed.
He paces the room, shuffling at the bubbling linoleum that he’d narrowly tripped on coming in, bending down to inspect it.
“Do you know how long the apartment’s been vacant?” He directs his question to the realtor.
“Oh, not long,” she replies vaguely, flipping through her file. “Couple of days or weeks, I think. I’d have to check.”
Peter nods, glancing between the three, standing. 
“Umm, I noticed that the oven doesn’t heat up. I thought that maybe the gas was turned off but the stove works? Also, um, in the living room there’s a section of floorboard that’s rotting with because there’s a water leak from the ceiling?”
Miranda’s smile freezes. “Oh, is there? That must be new.”
Peter wrings his hands together, glancing at Tony, stomach swooping at his own boldness. “And, uh, I noticed that the windows stick; the water pressure is funny, too?”
“I can get that checked --”
“There’s black mold in some of the rooms. I think because there isn’t temperature control, the windows are west-facing, so it must get pretty humid in the summer.” 
Peter looks to the other boy in what he hopes seems heartfelt. “I don’t mind, I only mention it because Tony’s... well, he’s got asthma.”
Tony coughs, catching on. 
“Yes, that’s right.”
Miranda’s posture crumples at that, her professional veneer instantly wiped from her face. 
“You’re right, this place is a dump,” she admits, kicking at the floor, spreading her arms out wide. “Look at it, it’s vile. I wouldn’t let my wretched old mother-in-law live here, the old bag. I’m sorry, boys.”
“Well, actually,” Peter says, gesturing between himself and Tony, stepping closer to him. “We’d be happy to do all the repairs and look the other way about the safety violations if there’s any wriggle room on the rent?”
Miranda flicks through the papers she’s holding, adjusting her glasses as she reads through it. The adjacent neighbors can be heard yelling through the thin walls.
“We do have a margin to drop it from sixteen-fifty to... fifteen-hundred a month for the right tenants. Not going to lie, the landlord is pretty desperate. Would you like an application?”
Tony clamps his hand on Peter’s shoulder, squeezing it. “We’ll think about it. Could we get all of those terms in writing, pretty please?”
Peter grins.
“I can’t tell if that was genius or crazy,” Tony says after they’ve departed ways with Miranda, headed back towards the Mustang on the other side of the road. “Seriously can’t say I expected that.”
The pair jog across the road once there is a gap in traffic.
After Ben passed, Peter and May moved twice. As a young child Peter saw another apartment as just that - another place to set down his duffle of second-hand clothes and thrift store toys. But May was smart. Savvy. She calls it the Parker Discount. 
Peter shrugs when they reach the car.
“Well, just because our report is meant to focus on budget against costs, doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to save money and maximise it. Not when you consider insurance, bills, food. It all adds up.”
“I’m still trying to pick my jaw up from the floor. Didn’t know you had that in you, Parker.”
“Yeah well, you don’t know anything about me,” Peter says to the ground, kicking at the pavement, “so.”
He tries not to squirm under the weight of Tony’s considering gaze, like a vice tight on the back of his neck. He feels the moment something shifts, as if a pin pricks the wall between them, easier to breathe.
“Look, whatever you think about me, I don’t care, but you probably couldn’t find a better partner for this project. I know more about this than you do.”
“Alright, no need to crow about it, I just said I was impressed. Don’t let it get to your head.”
Peter’s stomach growls loudly over the evening traffic before he can respond. 
“Sorry,” he says, cursing the timing of his body, “haven’t had anything since breakfast.”
Tony nods to a diner across the road.
“You wanna?”
“Oh,” he objects, worried about his bone-dry bank balance, “I’m not --”
“C’mon, dickweed, my treat. Don’t leave a guy hanging, it’s not polite.”
Tony waits patiently, crossing his arms over his chest. He’s sure it’s a look that many have fallen for. A crooked, wry smile and a self-confident air that one might confuse between charm and indolence. 
He feels out of his depth for once, and isn’t sure if he likes it. But his stomach growls again and he’s got nothing to lose except for his appetite. 
“Okay,” he says, nodding. “Sure.”
It’s the most surreal experience he’s ever had.
He pinches himself to believe that it’s real, that he’s dining out on a Tuesday evening in the boroughs with Tony Stark. The same guy he thought might murder him just last week.
He’s still not so sure that’s out of the question, to be honest. It would be the most normal thing about this entire day.
The silence is definitely awkward this time, sat at a table outside under a weather-protective canvass while they wait for their meal. A woman with a large doberman sits nearby, giving them odd looks every so often as she speaks loudly on her phone.
Peter’s nursing a giant glass of cola. The only sounds between them since they ordered have been the clinking of ice cubes from his glass and the sound of bubbles as he blew through the straw for a lack of better things to do.
From the daggers he’s getting from Tony, he’d wage that he’s annoying him - hence the probable murder - but he’s spared by their waitress returning with their meals.
A truly monstrous pile of fries is placed before Tony, along with a burger, a sundae and a milkshake. He takes off his dress shirt to reveal a black undershirt, as if in preparation to sweat through the meal.
Big meal for a big mouth, Peter thinks, as his own BLT is set before him. 
It’s weird.
Tony is weird.
This whole damn thing is weird.
“Don’t you think this is weird?” he asks, idly picking a seed from his crust and nibbling on it.
“Yeah,” Tony sighs. 
“I don’t like it.”
“Me neither. What was I thinking?”
“Dunno,” Peter says.
It’s quiet again after that. And it’s weird. Sitting down with over a civil meal with Stark or any of his cohorts wasn’t particularly on his bucket list for junior year, but here he was, picking at his crusts, dying to pee.
Tony takes three fries from the pile and dips them into his sundae, then the milkshake before eating them.
“Dude, gross.”
Tony looks at him oddly. “Uh, no it’s not. Have you never dipped your fries in ice cream before?”
“Is that a metaphor for sex?”
“What? No, you weirdo,” Tony shakes his head. “Are you serious? You’ve never -- god, that explains everything,” he slides his fries across the table a few inches. “Though it truly nauseates me to share with you, I can’t let this stand. Try it.”
“Ew, not after you’ve touched them --”
Tony slides his milkshake closer.
“Try it, butthole. You won’t totally hate it, promise. Well, you might, but if you do it’s just gonna confirm that your taste is garbage, which is what I already think about you. Anyway. C’mon, try it.”
Peter, while staring at Tony, begrudgingly accepting a fry from the peak of the pile and scooping it in ice cream from Tony’s sundae.  
He waits for the moment the combination of textures will make his stomach turn while he hesitantly chews, but instead is pleasantly surprised that the sweet salty flavours compliment one another so well.
“Not the worst, is it?” Tony grins knowingly, placing another fry in his mouth in the same manner. “I’m right, aren’t I? It’s good. Say it. I’m right.”
“It’s alright,” Peter says, stealing another fry to make sure. “Don’t let it go to your already inflated cranium.”
The self-satisfied smirk on Tony’s lips tells him it already has.
Quiet fills the space between them again, more charged than before in a manner that Peter can’t really describe. Like as if there was a soft buzz in the air, like he would get be struck with static electricity were he to touch it. 
Not keen on getting stung, he continues eating his sandwich.
Tony on the other hand, has other ideas.
“So, Peter Parker, now that I know you’re not a total dumbass, tell me this,” he takes a deep breath, his expression grim, “ -- do you wear glasses for the aesthetic or what?”
Peter stares at him.
“C’mon. Are you aiming for nerd chic? You shouldn’t, it’s very 2012.”
“Dude, no. I know glasses are like a thing or whatever but I actually do need them to see. I’m like, blind as fuck.” 
“How blind is blind as fuck?”
“Pretty blind.”
He takes off his glasses and twirls a finger in the direction the smudge of colour that he assumes is Tony.
“Can’t see you, like at all,” he squints. “You’re just a blur. Which is the best you’ve ever looked.”
Tony takes the glasses from his outstretched hand, and he has a hysterical moment where he thinks that Tony might go so low as to steal them, but is quickly realizes he’s just trying them on. He whistles before handing them back to Peter.
“Yup, those are prescription alright. The fuck? Why don’t you wear contacts?”
Peter shrugs, slipping his glasses back on. Stark comes back in perfect clarity. 
“They’re super expensive,” he’s alright with admitting to Tony at this point. “I have some I use for matches, or for special occasions, but I dunno, I’m used to glasses.”
“Do you have to clean them all the time?”
In fact, there’s smudge from where Tony has inadvertently touched the lens.
“Have you ever stepped on your glasses accidentally?”
He’s done it more than once but he’ll never forget the first time, how upset he was in the moment or how he fruitlessly tried to hide his face from Ben and May so they wouldn’t see the cracks in the lenses. He cried when they found out. 
That first time was just weeks after his parents had died, and he’d already been laden with thoughts of being a bother and a financial burden on the couple. They never stopped trying to prove that he wasn’t a hardship to care for. Sometimes, on mornings like the one he had, he still can’t help but wonder how much better off they might have been without him.
They eat in contemplative silence afterwards. While he finishes his sandwich he watches as Tony surreptitiously feeds his fries to the doberman under the table, unbeknownst to the owner. He has to eat quickly to conceal the smile taking over his lips when the dog slowly shuffles closer to their table with purpose, looking at Tony with big, soulful eyes. 
Once he’s finished eating and there’s nothing left to hide his amusement, he resumes their conversation.
Clearing his throat, he points towards the Mustang once he has Tony’s attention. “Okay, your turn. What’s with the deal with the old girl?”
"My car?”
"Yeah. Explain the whole greaser vibe.”
The other boy is quiet for a moment, his gaze searching Petter contemplatively, a napkin being twisted between his hands.
“She was a hunk’a junk when I bought her, mostly scrap metal. I bought all the spare parts and got her up to scratch. I dunno, I just like cars, tinkering with them or whatever.”
“You restored her by yourself?” Peter asks, reluctantly impressed. 
He looks at the car again, trying to picture it.
It wasn’t hard to imagine Tony Stark getting his hands dirty, being the prized pig that he was, but having the wherewithal and competence to rebuild a vintage vehicle at sixteen? It would explain the whole Danny Zuko, T-Bird look, but with his bank balance, he could have easily bought a Mustang in mint condition without having to lift a finger. It would explain the streaks of oil from the other day.
Tony shrugs, twisting a napkin between his hands.
“Sorta. Anyway, quit your judging, four-eyes.”
“Not judging,” Peter holds his hands up in innocence. “I just didn’t expect that about you.”
“Yeah, well. I’m exceptional, I know.”
"That’s not the word I would use,” Peter allows. “But you’re not the worst.”
A flash of surprise briefly crosses the other boys face before it disappears. 
“High praise,” he says wryly, resting his chin on his hand. He looks Peter up and down slowly, his big, curious eyes made warm by the dying sunlight. 
“I’m as shocked as you are.”
“...You’re not the worst either, I guess,” Tony sighs like it pains him to admit it. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, we could never be friends -”
“Definitely not -”
“ - but you’re not completely intolerable. God, never thought I’d say that. Maybe I’m growing as a person.”
“Am I still a neanderthal?”
Sipping his milkshake through the straw, Tony raises his shoulders half-heartedly.
Peter kicks his foot from under the table, unwilling to take that for an answer, even if Tony kicks him back, his eyes flicking upwards briefly, his smile almost bashful. In the dying light of the sunset he almost looks soft; approachable.
“Probably shouldn’t have called you that, huh.”
“Probably not. Is that an apology?”
Tony rolls his eyes. “Don’t push it, Parker. I’m just saying you’re not completely abhorrent. Who knew.”
“I knew. I just don’t know why you’ve always hated me so much.”
He doesn’t mean for it to come out small and quiet, but he can’t take it back once the words have left his mouth.
It starts to rain.
“Sorry,” Peter says, louder to be heard over the droplets hitting the overhead umbrella heavily, immediately feeling stupid. “I shouldn’t have -- it’s not a big deal. I mean, I really don’t like you either.”
“Can I get you boys anything else?” 
Both boys turn towards the waitress who’s approached their table, lined-lips smiling down at them, a notepad in her hand.
Tony throws a fifty down on the table and stands and Peter follows suit.
“Nah,” he says, cocking his head to the door. “We’re good.”
“See you back at school?” Peter yells to be heard over the rain, back on the sidewalk.
“I’ll drive you back,” Tony yells back, wet hair clinging to his face.
“What?” Peter cups a hand over his ear.
“What?” Tony does the same. “I said I’ll give you a lift!”
“The station isn’t far,” he points. “I can walk!”
“Don’t make me look like an asshole! Get in, princess!”
With the rain pelting his thin shirt and thunder cracking angrily from above, he doesn’t spend his energy arguing. He gets in.
The short drive back is amicable, music muted, the pitter-patter of the easing rain filling the ever-growing comfortable silence between them.
With the heater going it doesn’t take long to dry off and restore the feeling back to his fingers. Heat beats from the vents beating pleasantly and along with being sated from the meal, Peter feels like he could nod off at any moment. He has to keep snapping his eyes open, although it’s difficult to adjust his focus as the sunset bleeds into a ruddy orange on the wet windshield, the lights from the cars blurring into bright long streaks of colour. 
"You’re not a total lost cause, Tony admits, slowing as they near his apartment block. It’s the first time either of them has spoken since starting the drive back. “Look, maybe it’s the fact that your face looks like a puckered asshole when you speak, I don’t know. There’s just something about you that really rubs me the wrong way."
Peter cringes as they come to a stop outside his building.
"I don't want to rub you in any way."
"And yep, here comes the mental image,” Tony’s nose scrunches, like an infant that just ate something sour. “Gross. Thanks, Parker.”
He unbuckles himself and opens the door, hesitating for a second while the moment settles between them. 
“Thanks for the grub and the ride, I guess. Text me when you get the paperwork from Miranda?”
“Aye, aye,” Tony mock salutes him. “Now get out of my car.”
Peter complies, giving him the finger by way of goodbye. 
Once the car merges and disappears into the traffic, he grins down at his hands, cheeks going warm.
It’s the thrall of finally feeling on equal-footing, he reasons, as he takes the step back up to his apartment. That’s what it is. His stomach is inexplicably still squirming as he enters ascends the floors, going over the day in his head until he arrives at his door.
It smells like tikka masala and too much ginger when he enters. He sets his backpack by the door, placing his keys on a nearby hook. 
May greets him with a sway of her spatula, sauce hitting the splashback with the motion.
“Hey bubby,” she says, gripping his shoulder as he nears and kissing his cheek.
Upon closer inspection, he finds that the kitchen is sparking clean. The floors have been mopped, the grout between the tiling is without a speck of dirt and there are faint notes of harsh disinfectant below the smell of spices.
“Oh wow,” Peter says, looking down at the chicken and bean assortment. The rice on the burner looks soggy and overcooked. “That looks great. How was work?”
She gestures vaguely but doesn’t meet his eyes.
“You hungry?”
It’s the same weird behaviour from this morning and he doesn’t have the heart to say that he’s already eaten.
Instead, he collects the cutlery and napkins, takes a stack of bowls and helps her plate up.
“Dancing With The Stars?” he asks, tilting his head towards the living room. He hip-checks her when she doesn’t reply. “C’mon, you’re not going to let me eat all alone, are ya? Tony says ‘hi’, by the way.”
He doesn’t know why he adds that last part, recalling the exchange rom the other day, but it’s worth it to see her smile.
“Alright,” she nods, scooping rice into the bowls. “How is Tony?”
Everything that happened that day bleeds away, unimportant, insignificant. 
“He’s alright, I guess.”
May falls asleep on the sofa hours later. 
He doesn’t want to move her, as exhausted as she is, so he covers her with an old blanket and removes the glasses from her face, placing them on the coffee table. He cleans up as quietly as he can and places her phone on charge in the living room.
On his way to bed he checks his phone for the time. Both Bucky and Tony have sent him text messages, the latter with the awaited paperwork.
Ben would be proud of him, he thinks, smiling as he reads through some of it, saving the rest of it until he’s more alert.
Maybe it wasn’t such a horrible end to the day after all.
tagging: @bylerboyfriends @ravens-starker-stuff, @starker-rays, @ironspiderstarker, @muse-of-gods, @notfor-temporaryuse, @tabbycat1220, @sugarfreecult, @rebel13lion39, @plueschpop, @spideravocados, @jellybbunny,  @booktrashme, @elfkido, @mycatislickingmybedsheets, @queerghostboyo, @disneyprincessdominatrix, @cherrygoldlove @starkerflowers @starkeristheendgame @thewolffearsher @starkersugar
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arhvste · 4 years
☼just until i win☼
an - the inspo for this chapter was : stay - post malone and a little bit of moral of the story - ashe
big thank you to my pretty and talented wife @totorosleaff​ for the end ;) ily wifey 💕💗💖💘💞✨
soz lol lmao haha
atsumu, bokuto and y/n made their way out of the training grounds and through to the back exit where a car was waiting to take them. the head coach had advised the three travel privately to avoid disruption from the public and causing an unneeded scene.
as usual, bokuto was his excitable self chatting to the pair about how excited he way to go into tokyo and get refitted for a new jersey. y/n found herself smiling and listening to the boy patiently, but this didn't stop her from noticing that atsumu had been strangely quiet since he’d come downstairs to meet the pair. usually he’d have comments and contribute to the conversation and usual banter they would usually have, but today he sat quietly and looked bothered by something.
after 15 minutes of talking y/n’s ear off, bokuto had busied himself looking out the window and taking countless photos of himself and the scenery they drove past to send to akaashi. y/n turned to face atsumu who was staring mindlessly in front of him.
“what’s up with you this morning?”
atsumu was brought out of his trance as he turned to face the concerned girl.
“nothin. just tired.”
blunt response. but that's what atsumu was known to be. he never felt the need to beat around the bush, he always got straight to the point and would give blunt answers with no mind of anyone else’s opinion on the matter.
you hummed and studied his face. maybe he was tired, you couldn't say for sure, but even when he genuinely had been in the past he had still managed to seem a bit more optimistic than what he was being today.
deciding to let it go, you pulled out your phone to check through your emails and messages from the PR team and message ICS, the company who provided and sponsored the team for uniform and such, that the three were on their way and would be in their company within the next hour if traffic wasn't heavy.
the three arrived at their destination after travelling what felt like hours, but in reality was only an hour and a half. sure, the training grounds were in tokyo but to get to the other side where ICS were based, traffic and routes extended the journey for longer than one would think. 
bokuto had ended up falling asleep, y/n had spent most of her time replying to emails and sending updates of training regimes and schedules back and fourth to iwaizumi and the head coach and atsumu had more a less sulked the whole journey.
“okay you two remember what i said, in and out. got it?”
the two nodded, bokuto showing a lot more energy than atsumu. the three were escorted out of the vehicle and into the back entrance of the ICS head offices. upon entering, the three were greeted by several workers who offered their hospitality and good luck for their upcoming games.
after checking in and being led to a waiting room, the trio let out a sigh of relief upon managing to arrive without any disturbance. 
bokuto insisted he needed to go to the toilet before they got called in to get fitted and was directed down the hall to the closest one. 
the silence between atsumu and y/n was tense and unsettling which was unusual. both obviously wanted to say something to desperately fill the deafening void of silence but neither knew what to say.
“so, oikawa will be back soon huh. guess we’re not going to see you for a bit.”
y/n’s eyes widened slightly. why wouldn't she be seeing her own team for a while just because oikawa was arriving back home.
“no. you’re my main priority right now. i’ll see more of him after the games, i’m a trainer for you not him.”
atsumu tilted his head and turned away for a moment.
you stared at the boy in utter confusion. he had been acting up lately and you hadn't a clue why. osamu’s message about his behaviour had been living rent free in your mind since the night he messaged you privately. the same night atsumu told the group he was making it his own responsibility to look out for y/n.
y/n smiled slightly at the memory. the two would bicker childishly with atsumu refusing to take y/n’s orders seriously and y/n growing tired of his endless teasing, but their friendship was good. they were both open and understanding towards each other just how y/n was with every other msby player on the team. sure, she had been polite to the new players when the 4 black jackals had been scouted to the national team, but y/n had a soft spot for the 4 boys she had been training before teaming up with iwaizumi to take on a national team.
atsumu wasn’t someone who hid his emotions well. he was expressive and didn't care who was around if he wanted to make a scene. he was open and honest and that was something y/n appreciated. she did notice that he’d often struggle to sympathise and comfort others though. he’d prefer not to show his vulnerability and put up a rather bland and tough front to break through at times. after atsumu had declared his views on the whole situation, y/n couldn't help but feel warm inside when atsumu showed he cared. it must've really meant something to him because he wasn’t the type to openly care about things especially not situations like you were currently in. it was nice to know he cared but you were bothered by the fact he felt affected. he shouldn't have to worry about such things when the situation didn't directly concern him.
“you know i’m proud of ya right?”
atsumu mumbled quietly his face still turned away.
“like, you've ‘ad to put up with alotta shit recently and ya still manage to show up and train us everyday and keep us motivated. we’ve never thanked ya for everythin you've done for us n’ no matter what i’m always gonna ‘ave yer back”
once again miya atsumu had left y/n speechless. 
y/n smiled at him as he slowly turned to face her again.
“thanks atsumu, it means a lot. i hope you know how proud i am of all of you individually though, that's why i want to do my best to make sure you can do yours too.”
he gave her a small smile before relaxing back into his chair.
the once heavy silence now lifted as the two of them sat there smiling waiting for the inevitable return of their ace.
the rest of the afternoon went by swiftly, none of them had realised they’d ended up spending most of the day in the offices as the process took a little longer than y/n had initially thought. both boys got remeasured and to their satisfaction they had indeed built up more muscle from their intense training causing their new jerseys having to be altered quite a bit from their last ones. after that, they were taken into a studio for updated shots to be taken of them for future reference for if they ever needed any more altercations done in the time to come, lunch was provided for them all as they took a break and another 2 hours was taken up discussing when the jerseys could be collected and y/n had gone to contact iwaizumi to check if any other players needed any extra uniform or anything else sent to them while she was there.
since y/n’s last conversation with atsumu, he’d seemed to have perked up more and was sharing the normal banter he usually would with both bokuto and yourself as they got measured and fitted.
with a final thanks to the team at ICS, the three team japan members were taken back to the car waiting out the back for them. 
despite the fact, all three had spent most of the day out, it hadn’t felt like long. y/n’s body said otherwise though as she found herself feeling slightly drowsy on the ride back to the dorms. atsumu and bokuto looked at each other as y/n leant against the window resting her eyes and tipping between the state of falling asleep and barely staying conscious. 
they had to get y/n back to her apartment for the party oikawa and the others had been planning for her for the past few weeks. 
“hey, you good?”
bokuto tapped y/n gently as he gave her a warm smile to which the girl returned.
“yeah, just a little worn out but i’ll rest a little later. thank you both for being so compliant with myself and the others today, you’re both stars.”
atsumu leant forward so he could look at the fitness trainer.
“could ya repeat that, record it and send it to the group chat, i don't think omi or samu would believe us if we told em you just said that.”
there was the atsumu y/n knew. he had snapped out of whatever mood he had been in recently and completely returned to her now.
she snickered softly and gently flicked his forehead.
“they're just gonna have to take your word for it tsumu.”
and just like that, y/n rested her head back against the window and allowed her eyes to shut for just a few moments. 
wasting no time, bokuto causally took out his phone and turned the brightness down in hopes not to catch y/n’s attention. opening his contacts he dropped a quick text to iwaizumi to let him know the three of them were on their way back and should be arriving within the next 45 minutes at the latest. 
5 minutes later iwaizumi responded thanking him for the update and letting him know more-a-less everything was ready for y/n to return to. they just needed to get her home back to her apartment without raising any suspicion from her. 
30 minutes had passed and the car was driving through the now familiar scenes of tokyo y/n, bokuto and atsumu were more used to. y/n had drifted off into a light sleep, bokuto updating Iwaizumi and akaashi every so often and atsumu had been gathering his thoughts while staring out the window. 
the familiar views of certain signs and buildings invaded atsumu’s view as he noted that they were almost back to y/n’s apartment. he nudged bokuto and signalled for him to wake y/n up gently as carrying her to the apartment building was not going to be an option.
“hey y/n, we’re almost back to your apartment.”
bokuto gently shook the peacefully sleeping girl as she began to stir in her sleep.
atsumu watched as y/n rubbed her eyes and gently smiled at the two boys. just seeing her like this made him anxious. y/n was anything but weak but seeing her so gentle and soft made atsumu feel like he had even more reason to make sure she was kept from harm both physically and emotionally. 
as the three grew closer to y/n and iwaizumi’s shared apartment atsmu’s nerves grew a little. y/n had announced she was dating the argentina player almost a year ago now and atsumu had yet to meet him. he had grown close to y/n with her being their athletics trainer for msby. he found himself respecting and trusting the girl as she grew along with the team and he found a comfort in her also announcing that she was going to be working alongside iwaizumi to train the national team he had been scouted for. 
having never met oikawa before, atsumu was skeptical. sure, he’d heard great things about the player from teammates, both athletic trainers and the media, but he needed his own opinion. y/n was someone atsumu cared for even though he wasn't always the most obvious with showing it, he was like that with a lot of people, sakusa included.
y/n was right in pointing out that atsumu was selfish but he always had good intention and she knew it. he was naturally protective and that was his way of showing he cared. sure, it could've been seen as selfish behaviour but to atsumu, his over protectiveness was just his way of showing others that he did in fact care and right now, y/n was the one he felt the need to protect.
he cared for the girl and even though he would never bring himself to admit it out loud, he would always be concerned for her and have her back if she ever needed him, the same way he would for bokuto, hinata and kiyoomi.
the car pulled up outside the apartment complex and y/n opened the door to get out. she leaned against the door frame as she attempted to bid both players a goodnight and one last thanks for their cooperation for the day. atsumu got out the car on the other side to which bokuto followed, confusing the girl who had just tried to say goodbye.
“come on y/n, let us take you.”
“are you gonna kidnap me or something?” y/n asked teasingly as bokuto gave her a grin.
“nah, just wanna do one last nice thing for ya tonight.”
y/n smiled and thanked the driver with the two boys following suit as the car drove off. 
“you’ll be good walking back to the dorms right?”
“yeah.” the two players said in unison.
the trio walked into the complex acknowledging the doorman and girl typing away at the front desk. 
taking the elevator up to the top floor to the lavish apartment both athletic trainers shared, the three shared casual banter as they approached the door.
“well, thanks you two, see you both tomorrow yeah?”
y/n went to open her door with neither boys moving. y/n just assumed they wanted to make sure she got in okay before taking their leave.
a little more playing with the keys in the door and y/n managed to swing the door open to her apartment left in darkness. the girl sighed and stepped inside as she went to flick the light switch.
before she could though the lights flashed on by themselves and y/n jumped back slightly.
before her were akaashi, kuroo, kenma and a few others from nekoma you recognised, daichi, sugawara and asahi, kiyoko and tanaka had also made an appearance, yahaba, kyotani, matsukawa, hanamaki, sakusa, hinata, osamu and iwaizumi. 
and then she saw him.
tears welled up in her eyes as there stood her boyfriend of over a year.
the man she’d fallen in love with during high school but never bothered confessing to.
the man that had waited until his high school days were over and waited until he was on track for his own goals to confess to her.
the man that had promised her he’d do everything to make their relationship work despite the impossible distance between the two of them.
the man that she’d managed to build a strong relationship with practically through calls and texts.
there stood oikawa tooru.
y/n wasted no time throwing herself into him as she sobbed into his shoulder.
he could only let out a laugh as he let a few of his own tears slip out as he wrapped his arms around her bringing her even closer than before.
“y-you its you -but how? w-when did you get here, why didn't you tell me? fuck tooru, it’s you”
“shhh yeah, i’m here, I've got you yeah? i’m here y/n.”
everyone watched as the couple embraced each other for the first time in months. 
bokuto bounded over to akaashi telling him what a good job he did even though akaashi corrected him saying how it was actually the old aoba johsai third years who planned and got everything together. paying no mind to him, bokuto proceeded to greet others dragging his best friend along with him.
atsumu leaned off the doorframe and made his way inside the spacious apartment nodding a thanks to the others.
osamu made his way over to his brother to greet him properly.
“fitting went well then?”
“must've taken a while ya didn't stop by.”
“nah we were there all day sorry.”
“don't apologise.”
osamu glanced at his brother who was observing oikawa and y/n.
“you... okay?” osamu cautiously asked his brother not wanting to step over any boundaries and cause a scene in front of everyone.
“still dunno if i can trust him.”
atsumu patted his brothers shoulder not giving him a chance to respond and gave him a small smirk.
“right, lets go greet everyone then, don't wanna seem rude.”
“you already come across rude.”
atsumu only snickered and ushered his brother out of view of the reunited couple and into the crowd of guests who were conversing in excitement.
osamu knew his brothers guard was still up but decided to drop it.
for tonight anyway.
the rest of the evening went smoothly with oikawa being able to properly reunite with former rivals and teammates. everyone was sharing past stories about highschool bringing laughter around the complex. 
music was going, lights were dimmed and everyone relaxed themselves and enjoyed the event as this was the first time in a while a gathering so big had happened. even sakusa looked like he was somewhat enjoying himself.
y/n hardly left tooru that night. he clung to her an equal amount. the two practically inseparable but that was to be expected after all. 
oikawa had his arm wrapped around y/n for majority of the evening and she found herself savouring the physical affection she’d been deprived of for months.
3 hours in and everyone had all caught up with each other for the most part. the party was still in full swing as everyone had a good time.
y/n and oikawa softly swaying to the sound of the music in the background as they let themselves fall into their own little world.
“i still can't believe you’re here.”
“i still can't believe it either.” oikawa sighed as he pressed a soft kiss to his girlfriends head.
“y/n look at me for a second.”
the girl looked up to look at her boyfriends now serious face.
“i know we won't get to spend too much time together, not until after the games anyway, but now that i’m here i hope you know i have every intention to give you all the affection you should've received over the months. i’ve missed you a stupid amount and i can't even tell you how happy i am right now.”
for the second time that night, tears pooled in y/n’s eyes as she threw her arms around her boyfriend.
“i love you tooru.” she whispered just loud enough for him to hear.
that was enough for the boy to throw his arms tightly around y/n’s shoulders and pull her into him.
nothing could've ruined the night.
in that moment everything was right in the world.
the peaceful sanctuary y/n had been craving lately had finally returned back into her arms and she couldn't be happier.
everything was finally falling into place.
but being in your own world will stop you from noticing your surroundings and whats anyone else is doing.
one mistake was all it took and y/n and oikawa were going to suffer at the hands of the people who they’d been doing their best to avoid for months on end.
the media.
Tumblr media
just until i win
oikawa tooru x reader
part 15 - lets go to tokyo!
part 16 - suprise
part 17 - aftermath
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jaehyunsuh · 5 years
nct 127 reaction to: being interested in idol!reader
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please go to the ask box to send your requests or questions♡ you can interact as much as you want !
author's note: i tried to make this as a mix for a reaction and scenario so i hope it's okay, i'm sorry if it isn't that good
you just debuted and going into your 3rd debut stage, you are excited because you are meeting idols you have always admired and they have been all so nice. Today nct 127 is doing promotions as well, while taeil is in the living room he notices this really pretty girl, dressed in cute clothes while all she does is drink water. He is surprised because he was never seen here before. "hey, who is that new girl? Is she a backup dancer? She looks really well dressed for a backup dance." He tells haechan trying that no one listens to him. "hyung really? She is a new idol, she just debuted 2 days ago. Why? Do you like her?" He asks playfully while teasing his older member. "i don't know, I was just asking." Taeil says trying not to show his noticeable interest in you.
he just keeps staring and looking away when your about to look. You go on stage to practice and he is mesmerized by your beautiful voice, he even searches for you while you are on stage. After you are both done rehearsing taeil and some of the members go to some of the rooms looking for the staff, they enter one of the rooms and decide to sit in the couches there, for his surpsrise he finds you are there staring at yor phone. "I'm so sorry, i didn't notice you. Hello I'm y/n, nice to meet you." You say trying to be polite, the 127 members tell you not worry and say hi back to you while sitting.
you decide to put your headphones on and listen to some music, since taeil is focused on you by mistake he looks at your phone. "Wow, i really like that song." He says on accident realizing he was looking at your phone. "I'm sorry, i wasn't looking at your phone, it just was in my front view." He says panicking. "It's okay, i appreciate your good taste anyway." You say laughing. "Do you want to listen too?" You tell him while offering him one of your earphones. "Oh, yes, thank you." He says shy yet happy. He starts talking about how much you both like this artist, his music, lyrics and singing. He becomes really talkative and comfortable with those kind of topics. You exchange numbers and agree to recommend music to each other.
being one of the most popular and few english idols out there, you are offered to mc-ing a new youtube channel with nct's johnny. You were really excited with whole idea, for the first episode it was just going to be johnny and you answering some fans questions but for the next episodes you were going to interview more idols.
johnny enters the studio where you are recording, you are already sitting and waiting excited to start the show. Johnny is mesmerized by your beauty and the sweet way you talk to everyone in the room. "Hi, my name is johnny, I'm a really big fan of you. I'm glad we can work together." He says smiling confidently. "Oh, hi I'm y/n, thank you. I'm excited to work with you too." You began the show and answer the fans questions comfortably, even tho this was the first time you met each other you were always laughing and joking with each other.
you are finished recording and picking your stuff to leave, when johnny grabs your wrist. "Hey i want to show you something." You follow him in agreement. You both end up in the rooftop of the building. It was dark already and you could see the beautiful lights of the city of Seoul. "Wow this is beautiful, how did you knew about this." You say smiling while looking at the beautiful landscape. "I've worked here before recording some stuff and i found out about it once." He says smiling.
"And why did you decided to take me here, we just met." You say facing him. "I don't know, you are a really nice and pretty girl so i felt like we could come here and talk, get to know each other better." He says flirty getting close to you. "Okay, great. So this is were you take all the 'nice and pretty girls', now i feel special?" You say say smiling while being sarcastic. "Look babe, i haven't been interested in someone for a long time, don't worry I'm not a player, but i needed a way to spend some time alone just the two of us." He says being direct and getting closer. You smile knowing you want to go out with this guy as soon as possible. "Don't you think we are going a little bit fast?" You say taking a step closer to him. "If you are okay with this I'm okay with it too. So are you gonna let me take you on a date tomorrow." He says staring right into your eyes putting a piece of your hair behind your ear. "Okay, pick me up at 6." You say flirty biting your bottom lip and leaving just making him wanting you even more.
you are excited that even tho you just started your idol career you are already having your own radio show, you are able to express yourself, interview some idols and also share music that you like.
today you are having taeyong from nct to come to you show since he has his solo debut. Taeyong enters the studio and when looks at you he immediately blushes and becomes shy, he greets you being polite and nice and you give him a comforting smile. You start the show by asking him some questions about how he feels about his solo album, the writing and producing process, the concept and what inspires him. You chat comfortably and even laugh a lot, everyone is surprised that taeyong is being so open even tho he just met you. Taeyong couldn't stop smiling since the beginning of the interview because you totally got his heart.
the show ends and you greet all of the staff while taeyong does too. You get out of the recording room and go to the rest area, in there taeyong approaches to you. "Hi." He says giving a cute smile. You say hi back smiling too. "I wanted to tell you that you were amazing at the show and i really enjoyed it." He tells you while he keeps smiling. "Thank you, i had fun too in this interview." You tell him. "Uhm, i wanted to know... do you come up with this questions or the staff gives them to you." He asks while being curious. "Oh, i make them myself. Sometimes i write them down or i just come with them on the spot, it depends on the artist and on how the interview is going." You say smiling. "Since you seemed so happy taking about your music it was really easy and comfortable to make this interview."
Hearing you say all of that completely caught taeyong's heart, it was like he had heart eyes forming, he was nervous and didn't even knew how to react. "Well if you don't mind, i really liked talking to you, maybe we can talk just the two us, without the public listening and grab some coffee after you are free?" He says nervous yet with a sweet smile. "Yes !! I would to listen more about you and get to know you better to." You say playfully. At this point taeyong was over the moon, really happy and proud of himself.
there is a new football (soccer for some of you) variety show you are being part of. This is the first time you are part of the official cast for a variety program, you just have been as a guest but never as part of the cast. There some many talented and popular mc's, actors and idols as part of your team so you are really excited to learn from them.
yuta arrives to the football camp were the show is being recorded, he feels happy that he can connect something so special to him with his idol side as well. He gets dressed in his sports clothes and stretches since this shows involves some physical activity. He is introduced to the rest of the cast and he greets everyone with his big and bright smile, he reaches into you and goes surprised since he has never met you before, also there is only two girls in the cast but the other one is a well known actress so he feels curious about you.
He tries not to stare so much at you but he finds your excitement and energy really adorable. You start recording and you are divided in duos, by luck yuta was your partner and you were excited since he was experienced with it. "Oh no, I'm doomed." He says playfully while laughing. You pout and make puppy eyes making him feel a little bit bad about his joke. "Hey i was just kidding, i will help you to be good." He says in a low voice really close to your face, which makes you blush but you nod your hair in agreement.
you are supposed to do basic stuff, like passing the ball to your partner, kicking it through some cones and then doing some penalties. You were doing pretty bad what made you feel bad and embarrased for yuta since he was your partner. You are taking a break and he approaches to you. "Y/n, you are doing really well don't worry". He says giving a warming smile. "I'm terrible and you know it, but i appreciate your effort in making me feel better." You tell him while looking at the floor.
"I mean it, if we don't win this time we will do it next time. Listen, you are an idol not a freaking football player, you just have to have fun." He says calmly with a comforting vibe. "Not everyone is good in many areas as i am". He says playful with a big smile in his face. "Thank you, that didn't made feel even useless in football." You say laughing. "Well, if you don't mind we can go and practice on the weekend, i know a good place where there's no many people so you don't hurt anyone while kicking the ball." He says while laughing and you punch his arm. "But no really we can go there and maybe eat something later." He says now with a serious face and flirty vibe. "Okay it sounds nice, i will accept your help then." You tell him smiling as well. Yuta felt weird since his normal self is really competitive and would have been slightly annoyed by you, but you captivated him as soon as he saw you, so him helping you was a great opportunity to approach to you.
you are really excited because sm entertainment has sent you TVXQ tickets. You debuted just a year ago and you are excited that you are already being included in such cool things, even if it's just going to a concert. You were curious thinking about what idols were going to be there since so many idols end up going to their concerts.
doyoung enters the arena and his manager leads him to his seat, as the other invited artists he is sitting in vip seats. He goes closer to his designated seat at it's surprised but finding out he is sitting next to a girl he doesn't know. "Hi, excuse me, I'm doyoung from nct, nice to meet you." He says while shaking tour head slightly bowing to you. "I hope it's olay if i seat next to you, are you okay with that?" He says giving a shy smile looking nervous. "Oh, it's totally okay, i actually didn't wanted to seat by myself so I'm glad you are my partner." You say giving a big smile which warmed his heart.
the concert starts and doyoung stares at you, you have been singing and moving your lightstick since the concert started, reacting happily at every single stage, song and even the effects. He was glad he was with someone who was so genuine and not hiding her expressions at all, since some idols don't even react being at a concert. You react and laugh, sharing your thoughts with doyoung while he just nods his head laughing and smiling at you. He couldn't believe how nice you were. He wished this concert lasts forever.
The last song was performed and the duo waves saying goodbye to the fans. You are waiting for people to leave so you can leave as well. "Uhm, i know this might be unexpected but i have two tickets that the company gave for exo's concert. Since you enjoyed this so much i was wondering if you would like to go?" He says with a shy smile. "Oh my god yes! I love them so much, you are so nice, thank you." You tell him excited. "But the thing is that you have to go with me again." He says firm with a confident smile. "I would love too, i like seeing you smile while i was saying nonsense stuff, it was so sweet. You say while feeling touched. "Oh no no, i love hearing you talk, that's why i want to see you again." He says giving a warm smile. "Okay, see you next week then." You say to him while winking and leaving with your manager. After you left doyoung gasped letting out all the nervousness you made him feel while he smiles at himself.
since he is experienced with idols being around him all the time, talking to him and trying to get his attention, it was new to him to find out about this new idol y/n, she just debuted but has been training for years and it's already so professional and talented. He saw you for the first time at a little event where other idols were, he saw your mv and heard your album before and thought you were stunning and talented, but didn't had the opportunity to approach to you.
then he turns on tv and he watches your debut stage, he is shooked by the you dance, how stable you are and your mesmerizing stage presence. He knew that he definitely had to meet you.
there was a festival were nct 127 and you were both performing, as soon as he arrives the arena you cross paths with you, the staff introduces you to the 127 members and obviously, to jaehyun. His vibe is different and kinda intimidating, it just leaves you intrigued. You are left alone and he starts chatting with you comfortably, he asks about music taste, debut and whose friends you have in common, during the whole conversation he has really nice and friendly trying to hide his flirty side. He asks for your number and tells you to hang out when you have time.
suddenly your new friend bambam invites you to a little party at his house so you can meet new people and make friends, since you are new you accept. And there he was, jung jaehyun at the end of the living room. He immediately goes to you and starts talking, now he is being more teasing and flirty that before, he is being really straightforward and you can't deny you like that.
"So tell me more about you, how has the whole idol life been for you? Is it all new?" He asks curious. "Yes, everything it's so different. Everyone is always watching my steps, expecting something from me, fake people try to be my friends and famous guys thinking i want to date all of them." You say annoyed. "I totally understand, everyone is always expecting me to have the 'prince charming' image and sometimes is exhausting having to behave certain way, also it makes some girls expect me to fall for them and be really romantic." He says open up to you, which surprises you since, for what you know, he doesn't open up easily. "But right now I'm interested in just one girl that I've met for a while now. She seems to be down to earth, i feel like she is gonna accept the real me." He says taking sip of his drink and staring at you playfully. "Oh really?" You say teasing as well.
"Tell me more about her." You say while smiling. "Well, she is beautiful, kind, friendly and she never ever! Cares about what anyone says. She is so real and smart, i can't wait to take her out. Oh also! She is really really hot." He says giving a flirty and teasing smile. "Wow, she seems like a really nice girl, i hope you get her." You say playing along with him. "So do you wanna go out to take dinner tomorrow? I will take care of you, i promise." He asks without hesitation whispering at your ear which makes your body become weak. "Yes, i would love to." You answer rally close to his lips, teasing him as well.
in the last few months lots of clothing brands have been offering you modeling contracts to promote them, that has made magazines gain a lot of interest in you as well.
winwin has been really into modeling lately, brands and magazines from korean and china all want to have him in their team. A really big and important project came to him which made him really excited, it was a photoshoot with vogue korea! At the meeting he was told they were doing this with the purpose of promoting a clothing brand but also making a really aesthetically beautiful photoshoot, he is also told that that in this project he will be collaborating with a female idol who is getting popular in the modeling business as well. He was excited with the whole idea and curious to know who his partner was.
the day of the photoshoot finally comes, he enters the makeup and hair room and sees a really cute girl getting done while talking excited and smiling to the staff members, he immediately smiles feeling moved by the girl's excitement. He sits next to her and wonders if she if his partner for the photoshoot. He is getting done and constantly looking at the mirror to see the pretty girl sitting next him. He feels shy and nervous about her and doesn't even knows why.
the staff enters the room and introduces the two of you. You give winwin and kind and warming smile, he feels captivated by you and is curious to get to know you better. You both put your outfits on and are called to finally start the photoshoot. The concept and scenario were really artistic, romantic and beautiful, you felt like you were in a movie. You are told what type of poses and vibes you should do and you proceed to follow the instructions. "I need you two to come closer, like if you were in love. Winwin hold y/n's hip in a romantic way." The photographer says. Winwin proceeds to hold your hip asking you for permission. "It's okay." You tell him with a warm smile.
you have already been two hours taking pictures, making poses, changing clothes, makeup and scenarios and now you are finally done. During the whole photoshoot you both started to create a close bond between the two of you, feeling even more and more comfortable with each other. You head to the makeup and hair room one more time to finally take you makeup off and hange into comfy clothes. You are both wearing a jean and t-shirt looking at your phones, the stylists and makeup artists left the room so it was just the two of you there.
"Hey, i really liked working with you today, you are really talented." Winwin says with a kind smile. "I really liked working with you too! You are really talented as well and you also made feel really comfortable. Thank you for that." You say giving him a smile back. "I know this might sound straightforward and daring but... do you want to have dinner tonight? I had a lot of fun with you and i want to know you better." He says shy. "I would love too, to be honest you have been my favorite coworker so far." You smile. "So wait...is this a date?" You say shy. "If you want it to be one, i would like it." He says now with a flirty vibe. "Okay, let's go on a date then". You say while biting your bottom lip.
jungwoo has been a fan y/n since debut, he really likes your style, music, concept, dancing and everything that has to do with you. He is always wishing you go to the same events, have the same friends, go to the same hair shop or promote at the same time but none of those things came true.
you are having your first mini tour starting in seoul, since it was announced jungwoo was really excited about and he was expecting not to have any schedule so he could go. Finally he tells some of the members and they agree to go with him. He entered the arena and was so smiley and happy, the members found his excitement really adorable and the proceed to go to their seats.
the concert starts and you began to perform. "Hello Seoul, i hope you have fun tonight, please take of me. I will make sure you have a good time tonight." You say waving and smiling to the public. During the show you would have small talks and even do some aegyo to the public, all of these things just make jungwoo's love grow for you. Since nct are idols they get special seats so in the middle of the show the cameras film them so you can see the idols that came to your concert. "Hi, we have mark, johnny, haechan and jungwoo from nct here tonight." You say smiling while the nct members smile and wave to the camera as well. "Did you have fun? Have you like the show so far". You ask them, and they make thumbs up and smiling affirming. "Thank you a lot for coming, maybe you should go backstage later so i can get to know you since a big fan." The camera focus haechan who is nodding his head really hard making you and the public laugh. When you said that jungwoo's heart was about to get out of his chest, he know couldn't wait until the show was over.
the concert ends and you quickly change your clothes so you can receive you guests. Nct walks the hallway and find you standing giving them a warm welcome with a big smile. "Hi, nice to meet you all I'm y/n." You say smiling and bowing at them. They all introduce each other and shake hands with you, after jungwoo had to shake your hand he was speechless, he was all red, smiley and shy, the cutest boy ever.
You talk for a while and you all notice that jungwoo hasn't been really talkative. "Hey, actually i wanted to tell you something. My friend here is a big fan of yours, he actually invited us to come with him since he was really excited." Haechan says while hugging jungwoo. "Oh wow, really? That's such a honor!" You say smiling and patting jungwoo's shoulder. "Uhm, y-yes, I've like your music since debut, it really suits my style." Jungwoo says nervous. The members slowly leave the two of you alone so you can talk comfortably which, at the beginning makes jungwoo nervous but he manages to gain confidence since you are really nice and immersed in the conversation.
"Well, as you know I'm a big fan of yours, I've wanted to meet you before but we never had the opportunity to meet you. "Since we have become comfortable with each other would like to be my friend? I mean we can hang out and eat with the members too so you don't feel weird". He says doubtful but with a sweet smile. "Yes, i really would like to be friends. It's okay we can eat something just two to of use, I'm okay with it." You say smiling.
it's been already 4 months since your debut and you can't wait to have your 1st comeback !! Your company told you that for this 1st mini album the wanted to include some collabs, a vocal one and a rap one. You were really excited with this idea, even tho you didn't knew who the collabs were going to be with. You wrote and co-wrote a lot of songs for this album so you were curious if one of the collaborators were going to be into writing their own parts for their songs, you love writing so someone adding their own lyrics and feelings to your songs was just amazing for you.
mark has been said he is collaborating with idol y/n who is in the making of her new album, he is also said that y/n said he could write his own lyrics for his rap and verses and eve tho he didn't know her yet he was really excited and thankful with that idea.
he enters your company and leads into the studio. Your managers introduce you to each other and then they just leave you with your writer and producer. Since he entered the studio he noticed youe excitment for making music, how involved you were in it and how you wanted to know about everything. You talk a lot about music which makes him feel like he is talking to one of his best friends.
"this is the song we are doing together." You tell him showing a piece of paper. "I know you already listened to the demo but i wanted to know if there's something i should change. I'm a big fan of your work so i would like to have your opinion." His eyes became brighter and he flashed the biggest smile, he was happy you were reaching into him for help and also complimenting him. He reads the lyrics while nodding his head, he just marks a few verses and proposes you lines that could go better. "You really did a great job with this one, you are a good writer." He says while smiling. Then he begins to play the song on his guitar while singing the whole song, you join as well and he smiles and becomes shy but keeps singing.
After that you have a good time jamming with his guitar and talking about the same interests. He finally records his part of the song, you were really happy and pleased with it. "Wow, you are so amazing. Only your rap is better than my whole song." You tell him while laughing. "Oh no no, thank you but your song is amazing, I'm glad i can be part of it." He says while giving you a warm smile. "I was thinking if you would like to go to the han river with me? It's a nice place to play the guitar and we can also sing and see if we come up with any lyrics." He says looking a little but nervous buy adorable. "Yes, i totally want to see if we can come with another collab soon." You tell him grabbing you bag so you can go to the han river.
as a rookie idol you are invited to do a collab stage with some idols who are close to your age and that includes nct's haechan. As soon as the news are told to haechan he becomes really hype and excited about it, he has liked you since the beginning and he really likes you.
you enter the practice room at sm entertaiment which is were you are rehearsing for your collab stage. As soon as you walk into the room haechan becomes flustered and nervous, he was wondering what was happening to him since he isn't like that, he is always confident and cheerful with everyone, why were you making him so nervous?
"hello, I'm sorry I'm the last one to arrive." You say really embarrased because you arrived a little bit later. "It's okay, the choreographer hasn't come yet so we are fine." Han jisung says, who is also part of the collab stage. After everyone being weird and in silence the choreographer comes and the practice begin. "Haechan, y/n, you are having a dance break together at min 5:20 so you better work together, you need to practice together as much as you can. You both stare shyly at each other and nod to the choreographer. He teaches you the dance break amd haechan and you have to be on synch and really close also.
the rehearsal is finished and haechan finally gains to courage to approach to you properly. "Hi, i think i haven't introduced myself." He says smiling. "Im haechan, i really like you and your music." You smile back at him. "Hi, I'm y/n, I'm glad you like me. I'm happy that we get to do this together." You say being shy. "Yes, i think we should practice. Do you want to come over tomorrow so just the two of us can practice our part? " He says with a kind smile. "Yes, i will come, thanks for the invitation." You tell him while smiling. "Also you seem really nice. Do you mind if i treat you dinner afterwards? He says confident with a flirty look. "Okay, i will really like that." You say smiling at him while leaving the practice room. After you leave he smiles at himself knowing that he succeed.
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purplekiwis · 4 years
“From the Dining Table” - Chapter II
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Hey guys! I can’t thank you enough for the support my fic has gotten, I still can’t believe so many of you guys have been enjoying it so far. I really hope you like this next chapter and the next one is coming out very soon! (Also, I’m still wondering if I’m going to add another chapter, just ‘cause I’ve been writing a lot more than I was planning on). Anyway, I hope you like it! ❤️ Word Count: 8K  Warnings: Angst, Cursing, Sexual References Summary: Friends to Lovers; Y/N is a graphic designer working at a small studio in London. She lives a pretty ordinary life, considering she also happens to be friends with an internationally known musician. Which is fine... Until she finds herself having to face the feelings she developed for her friend, who's the last person she expected to fall in love with. You can read Chapter I here You can read Chapter III here
Chapter II - The Hickey
The last thing you wanted to do was go to Harry’s house, but there was no way around it because you needed your car to go to work the next day.  
You ended up hanging out with Alexa for the rest of the morning, cleaning around the house while she contested, stating that she had hired a company to clean and that if you kept going, by the time they got there, there would be nothing left to do. But you couldn’t help yourself because you were too anxious to just sit and stay quiet.          
When the cleaning team arrived, you decided there was no point in posponing the inevitable so you finally called a cab, said goodbye to Alexa and went to Harry’s.              
When you got there you rang the bell, hoping that he was already up, which he was, but most importantly, you hoped he didn’t have company over.  
It took you about five minutes to walk from the gate to his building because you were practically dragging yourself, trying to figure out how you were going to act normal in front of him. As you got inside the elevator, you were still mumbling to yourself but when you hit the third floor you decided it was time to get it together.            
He was waiting for you by the door, wearing a fluffy bath robe and it looked like he had just gotten out of bed. If you weren’t so nervous, your body would be aching with desire to jump his bones, since he looked rather appetizing… You wondered if he was wearing anything else under that robe, but judging by the tightness of the knot around his waist you figured he probably wasn’t. “Where did you sleep last night?” He looked you up and down as he realized you were still wearing the same clothes from the night before.  
You couldn’t believe that you had completely forgotten that maybe it would’ve been a good idea to go home, take a shower and change before coming over if you were trying to keep up the whole I went home early alibi. “What do you mean?” You replied as rushed inside his apartment, quickly walking past him and making your way through the familiar hallway before he could analyze you any further.“Can I use your restroom? Thanks.” You asked, walking in and pressing the door shut before he could even get a chance of answering the question.    
Your makeup was all smudged, your hair looked too good for it to be believable that you had slept and your eyebags were definitely making an appearance. “God, I’m such a dumb cunt!” You spoke to yourself as you tried to wash last night’s residues from your face.              When you were done, you walked around the house looking for Harry. He was standing in the kitchen, leaning against the balcony. As you walked into view, his eyes immediately shifted from the orange he was eating and examined you again. “What?” You asked, rolling your eyes when met with his inquiring, yet silent demeanor.
“Oh, nothing...” He shook his head, smiling to himself. “If you don’t want to tell what you were up to last night I’m not going to insist...” “I have nothing to tell.” You replied easily. “Fine…” He shoved the rest of the orange in his mouth and made his way out of the kitchen into his large living room. Laying over his back on the couch You followed after him, sitting down on one of the edges. “What about you?” You elbowed his leg, trying to seem interested. “I saw you with your guy friend...” You pried, secretly wishing he wouldn’t spare you many details.
“We just made out for a while and then I left.”
“You didn’t have sex with him?” Your eyes widened in disbelief when he shook his head no. “Not even a cheeky blowie?”
“No.” Harry asserted, laying his head on your lap. “My head is killing me...” 
You read in between the lines and began to trace your fingers around his forehead and temples. He closed his eyes, focusing on your hand motions. “Should’ve held it back a little with the Tequila, right?” He replied with a grumble, turning around and burying his face on your lap, what surprisingly was getting you a little aroused. 
“Are you cold or something?” Harry asked, sensing the trembling of your body once a shiver ran through it.
“No, I’m fine!” You pressed as you buried your hands in his hairline and scratched lightly.“I’m still finding it hard to believe that you didn’t have sex last night…” You persisted, just trying to pull his attention away from your shaky legs.
“I couldn’t get it up even if I wanted to. I was so hammered that I could barely feel my legs, let alone my dick.”
“Oh! That makes a lot more sense.” “What do you mean it makes a lot more sense?” He rolled around, lifting up his head to look at you for a moment.
“I mean that it’s a plausible justification... Otherwise, why wouldn’t you?”
“Well, I wasn’t looking for anything to happen in the first place, it just kinda did.” “Are you looking forward to seeing him again?” “Hum… No, I don’t think so...” “Why not?” “You sure do ask a lot of questions for someone who isn’t even willing to tell where she spent the night at.” He remarked, opening his eyes again and looking right into yours with a smirk.
“I have nothing exciting to tell, I promise.” “So, what you’re saying is that you spent the night with someone and they did an awful job, is that it?” “What I’m trying to say that I didn’t get with anyone last night.” “You’re full of shit, I don’t believe you.” Harry made sure to remark, squinting his eyes and smirking devilishly. “Was it someone I know?”
“No! I told you already, nothing happened last night.” “But you didn’t spend the night alone though?” “Well, technically no…” “So it was just a bit of snogging, was it?” “If you really must know, I spent the whole night just talking to someone.” “Come on... quit the bullshit and just tell me who you fucked already, you know I’ll end up figuring it out anyway...” “Fine! Good luck figuring out something that never happened...”
“What was all that talking about then?” “You know… just girl stuff.” Technically it wasn’t a lie.
“Girl on girl stuff?” “Don’t be nasty!” You chastised, slapping his torso.
“You’re nasty!” The boy uttered, rubbing his ribs where you’d hit him.
While playing with his hair, you couldn’t help but to go back to the memory of the boy gripping it while he kissed him, and even though it made you feel better to know it was just a casual hookup, you knew it was only a matter of time until he found someone that really peaked his interest. If you really want something, you gotta go and get it. Otherwise someone else is gonna get it for you. Those exact words had been spoken by Alexa the night prior, and were still echoing around your mind.   You knew she was right. Ever since you and Harry met you had been building your life around him... Only bothering to look for a partner when he was taken, always waiting for him to notice your feelings... But somehow he never did. And you were unable to find a way to just tell him. Deep in you heart you knew that you had to come clean, but it was just so hard to find a good opportunity to do so, and now that the conversation faded and there was nothing to distract you from your own thoughts, it was becoming harder to hold them in.
“Are you okay?” Your friend asked, noticing your sullen expression.
“Yeah, yeah... I’m just a bit tired, that’s all. I should probably go home and get some rest.” Harry looked a bit disappointed that you were leaving, but he knew you should be tired so he didn’t insist for you to stay longer. “Are you busy tomorrow?” He asked, as you shuffled in the couch, preparing to get up.
“I’m working until 5PM.” “I have a radio thing in the morning and a couple of interviews in the afternoon but we could hang out after work, yeah?” “I can’t promise anything yet, but if I’m free I’ll let you know.” You suddenly playing hard to get seemed to have caught him by surprise and he frowned. “Sure! You’re probably really busy with work, right?”
“Hm, not really, no...” You got up from the couch, letting his head fall back into the pillow. You were enjoying his eagerness for your company, so you kept up with the little game.
“You know it’s okay if you don’t want to… you can just tell me.” “Don’t be silly Harry.” You waved off his worries. “Have you seen my blouse? I don’t remember where I left it.” “On the chair, by the closet.” “I’m taking your shirt so I can wash and iron it, but I promise I’ll give it back.” “Oh, yeah, about that... you can keep it. Take it as a late birthday gift.” “What?” “It looks great on you. And just this time, I’ll admit that you’ll probably wear it more than I ever will.” “You know I can’t say “yes” to that,” “Then just say “thank you”. That works just fine…” “Are you actually serious?” “Dead serious.” He said, smiling widely once you excitedly jumped over the couch and held his body in a tight hug to thank him for his random gift before leaving. Once you were already on your way out, Harry insisted on accompaning you to the garage... giving you one last hug goodbye before you got inside your car. As you made your way home, you rolled the windows down and reveled on the way the air flew around the sleeves of your new shirt, you could still smell traces of him in it. That had just become your favorite shirt. Not only because it was a great shirt, but because it was his. **
As the next day came, your boring weekly routine started again. However, in this specific day you were particularly commited in making sure not to stay afterhours... Giving up your lunch break and choosing to eat by your computer instead, so you could finish work earlier. When you finished your rushed lunch, you decided it would be a good time to text Harry, letting him know you were free to hang out after all (as if you hadn’t been planning your day around it all along).
The hours passed and still he hadn’t texted back, so when you finally left work you decided it was best to just call him. And so you did, but he never picked up, not then and not for the next four hours you tried to reach him.
You couldn’t help but to feel overwhelmingly sad with the fact that he had made plans with you and left you hanging for no apparent reason... You were also somewhat worried that something bad might have happened, but mostly, you felt angry at yourself for making the same mistake you always made when it came to Harry. Building your hopes up, only to be left disappointed and hurt in the aftermath.
You finally broke down when you got home that day. And it was bad. It was as if all the emotions you had been bottling up for the past years and, mostly the last two days had finally let loose. It was like a storm had settled inside you, and you were drowning in it. The walls of your heart had caved in to make room for the feelings that came down in buckets like rain, that leaked down your face in the shape of tears, snot and slobber. When you woke up the next day, you still felt awful... Yet somehow, it seemed that something inside of your head had finally clicked in place… It was the Harry switch. You had just decided to turn it off for undetermined time. As you went about your day, the stubborn little switch still insisted on turning itself on sometimes, but you were deep-seated and refusing to give in. That’s why you had purposely been avoiding checking your phone during morning, but as lunch time was getting closer and you didn’t have much work left to entertain yourself with, you decided to check it out of boredom and as expected, there it was… a text from the traitor himself.
Y/N battled with herself over if she should open it or not. Having picked up and dropped her phone nearly ten times trying to ignore the notification sign... but she knew she couldn’t just leave it there forever, so she (alongside her soft, silly heart) decided it would be best to just get the deal over with.
H.S: I’m really sorry about yesterday. Something unexpected came up and I couldn’t make it. Can I compensate by offering lunch today?”
You smiled at that. No matter how hard you tried to hide it, your heart was too soft for your own good. You couldn’t stay mad at people for too long, you hated arguments and you were absolutely terrified of confrontation. In fact, that was probably the main reason why you hadn’t confessed your feelings to Harry yet.
And still, you managed to go the rest of the day successfully ignoring his text... What made you feel quite proud of yourself, but as you got in bed that night and checked your phone one last time before sleeping, you couldn’t help but to feel disappointed he hadn’t tried harder...
“He must not feel so sorry after all since he gave up on it so fast…” You talked out loud beyond your knowledge. “Pfft... And he says something came up. I wonder what it was… Probably another one of his little hookups, and I bet they weren’t even that nice or interesting… God, what am I doing?” You grumbled, caughing up to the fact you had been talking to yourself out loud again with your cat watching from the edge of the bed. Probably wishing that their owner would just shut up and go to sleep already so that they could cuddle your belly. “Help me Tilly...” You called for the creature. “What do you think I should do?” It blankly stared at you for a second, before starting to lick at her private bits. “Thanks a lot... I know you’re just a cat but at least you could try…! ...Or seem a little more interested, or at least consider me as an option… After all, why not me? What’s so wrong with me? What did I ever do to give him the impression that I just wanted to be friends? Is it the fact that I try not to beg for his attention all the time? Is it because I don’t flirt much? ...And yet, perhaps it’s just that he really doesn’t see me that way…”
The next day came and you kept up the silence treatment. At this point, you had no idea of how long you were going to keep with it, but you were far too commited to just give in now, and since he didn’t seem too bothered by your absence, you thought that you might as well just ignore him for a couple more days...
To your surprise, he texted you again.
H.S: Hello, it’s me again. I realized that you are probably upset so I thought I should invite you for lunch again (I know, genius!!!) But this time I won’t take silence for an answer so please just text me back already. What are you going to if I don’t text you anyway? You thought to yourself, deciding you would reply to his text... but only after lunch just so you could keep him suffering for a little longer.
As lunch time finally arrived, the usual fuss began as people started to get up from their desks for a well deserved food break. Albeit that day, that time, there seemed to be a particularly bigger fuss coming all the way from the studio’s front. Where clients usually came in and costumer service was provided. Y/N opted to think nothing of it, figuring it would probably just be some heated, sports related discussion between coworkers…
Until she heard a familiar laugh over the music playing in her earphones.
The sound grabbed her attention, making her pause Spotify and pull off one of the spongey plugs covering her ears to have a better listen. It happened again, and this time the laugh really left no room for doubt... 
Being the brave little spirit she was, Y/N decided she was just not going deal with the situation making her far more uncomfortable than she could ever imagine.You figured your only chance to escape would be to hide in the storage room for a while, so that maybe people would assume you had already left. Unfortunately, as you sneakely attempted to get up from your desk, a head popped inside the work room. “Y/N... Harry guy from One Direction is at our service desk. Says he’s looking for you.” Your co-worker Jonas spoke in an amazed tone, as if he couldn’t believe his own words. He disappeared behind the door the next second, and knowing him, you were already assuming he was off to tell the rest of the building.
“Why me?” You groaned internally, picked up your belongings and dragged your feet on your way to the studio’s front, absentmindedly hiding your face from the pairs of curious eyes staring from the different rooms.
At least his outfit was discreet. Consisting of a black printed sweatshirt, black jeans and sneakers. He was wearing his hood up and underneath it, resting over his forehead, was a pair of white sunglasses. You were glad that he was trying to lay low, because the last thing you wanted was to show up in the background of his magazine pictures with your face stuffed with food, like it happened once before. Luckily, that time you managed to pass out as just an occasional passenger, since you weren’t that close to him when the wave of blinding flashes came, and left the second after.  Harry had gotten a little pissed at the time though, mostly because it was completely unexpected and it lead to everyone making fun of his overly casual attire. Is a crime for a man to walk down the street in ugg boots at midnight to pick up a snack from the convenience store? Harry had asked when he saw the tweets. Y/N had decided to keep to herself that she thought it to be legitimate that the topic of whether a crime against fashion had been committed or not that night would be up for discussion She cringed the memory away, focusing on present Harry and the way he was shaking hands with all of her co-workers and introducing himself with a smile. “Hi, I’m Harry! I believe we’ve already met.” He addressed your boss.
“I’m sorry, I’m finding it a bit hard to remember…” The artsy looking man looked mildly confused by Harry’s statement, but decided to shake his hand nonetheless.
“I believe we met at BBC a couple of years ago... I was there with my band at the time, and you and Y/N were putting up this big mural on one of the walls...”
“Oh, right! You’re the hickey guy!”
Harry buried his face in his palm at the man’s bluntness, displaying a shameful smile underneath it. “Yeah, I’m... that guy.” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you...” Your boss apologized a little sheepishly. “I guess I was still picturing you with the long hair.” “No it’s okay, I get that a lot…” Everyone in the room seemed a little curious to find what the story behind the embarrassing hickey was… And you couldn't help but to reminisce that almost forgotten memory as well.
Y/N had just began working at the design studio as an intern. And due to her lack of experience, her superiors had clearly been avoiding giving her creative work. Awarding her with the boring tasks instead, like heat printing endless boxes of merchandise, cutting and applying vinyl on practically every type of surface there was, watching over the company’s e-mail and social media, and her personal favorite: Putting up amazing panel installations that she so desperately wished she’d helped design.
That day happened to be panel installation day.
Therefore you were already feeling quite sulky... and then, to make it even worse, you had been assigned the task of carrying around the printed plaques from the van to the TV Center all morning by yourself... And you were starting to feel like you were also going to be putting them up without any help...
That morning your boss had volunteered to accompany you in your quest, what was rather odd, given the fact that he never wanted to leave his office chair, unless he was bound to by extreme higher forces. He had also insisted that two people were enough to put up the panel. However, he was too busy catching up with his mate, that happened to work there, to realize that you could actually use his help.
That explains why he wanted to come in the first place, You figured, side-eyeing the chatty pair with one of your hands rested on your hip. Which means I should probably get started if I don’t plan on spending all day at this goddamn place. You concluded as you observed the gigantic empty wall in front of you for a moment, before finally settling on climbing the unsteady ladder with fearful legs, to start hammering the plaques to the wall.
You had already finished the first row and were about to start hammering the first plaque on the second row when a group of people came running inside the room, laughing and jumping at each other’s backs. Accidentaly, one of them kicked the ladder on his way in, making you lose your balance and drop the hammer over your toes. It hurt like a bitch, and for the first time in a long time, you just lost it. Turning around and shouted at them without any hesitation: “How about paying attention to where you’re going next time?” Your body froze when you recognized 4 faces out of the 7 that perplexedly stared back at your complaint. You felt a rush of shame consuming your entire body and for a split second you thought you were about to die out of embarassment. “I’m so sorry, I- I don’t know what came over me.” You stuttered a bit, hoping that they still weren't enoughly used to star-treatment to believe that pressing aggression charges on a moody internee was something suitable to do.
“No, we should be apologizing. We shouldn’t have ran in like that... It could’ve seriously hurt you.” The long haired guy awkwardly approached you, as the others stood watching the scene unfold, looking a bit cautious of what your reaction would be. “I’m Harry, by the way.” He held out his hand and you shook it, still in shock that you had just accidentally yelled at one of the most famous boybands in the world.
He bent down and grabbed your hammer from the floor, playing around with it in his hands for a moment. “That’s a strong hammer you got there...” He handed it back with a grin. “Better watch out for you while we’re here.” You took it from his hand, attempting to thank him but ending up just mouthing something incomprehensible instead.
Once they left and closed the door behind them, you couldn’t help but to cover your face with your hands, still in disbelief over your inopportuneness. Instead of offering a word of kindness, your boss just shook his head at you and continued his conversation. Thirty minutes later the door opened again and the group re-entered the room, you kept your eyes stuck to the wall, still feeling shameful of your previous actions. One of the BBC employees announced that they were going to take a break before filming, inviting everyone to join them for coffee and tea. Your boss hopped right along, but you politely declined... Not wanting to embarrass yourself any further. And so they left, leaving you in alone the room.
Not long after, you felt someone’s presence and peeking behind you, you saw Harry standing there, observing the panel that was already starting to take form. He was acting a bit strange, lurking around the room as if he was up to something, but you figured it was best to just keep pretending you didn’t see him.
After a few minutes, you glanced behind you again and noticed he had left. You briefely shrugged at the oddity of his behavior, turning you attention back to the panel, suddently noticing a tall figure standing right beside you.
“Jesus Christ! Are you trying to kill me?” You gasped, taking a hand to your chest to calm your startled heart.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I just… need help with something.” He was looking up at you in the ladder, hands behind his back and eyes full of wist. His body language screamed that he was about to invite you to prom, what weirded you out a little bit.
“Oh, I don’t actually work here.”  You promptly answered. “You should probably ask someone else.” 
“Can you do makeup?” He questioned.
“Huh… I mean, I’m not an expert or anything.” You were confused by his question, but still got down from the ladder and wiped your sweaty palms in your jeans, predisposed to try to help anyway. “Don’t they usually have makeup artists on TV stations?”
"Yeah, but apparently the make-up artist got in labor today and since we’re all guys, they figured it wouldn’t be much of a problem to not have one around."  You frowned at his observation, reckoning how insecure he must be to care about something that minor when clearly there was nothing wrong with his face, quite the opposite, actually. “I’m sorry but I don’t have anything with me... and even if I did, I doubt it wouldn’t match you anyway.”
“They have a makeup room, we could just go there and borrow some.” “I don’t know if that’s a good idea… I mean, you don’t need the makeup, trust me! You’re fine.”
“The problem isn’t my face, I know it looks great.” You wheezed at his self-compliment, now guessing that he must be quite conceited. “The problem is this.” He pointed out, moving his locks to the side, revealing one of the largest, darkest, sloppiest hickeys you had ever seen.
“Oh.” You exclaimed at the sight of it. “Now that’s a little…different.”
You knew helping him wasn’t wise. He was essentially asking you to stop what you were doing and help him steal makeup from the company you were working for... What was obviously highly unprofessional. Unethical even. And since your boss could be back any time soon, it would be pretty reckless to just randomnly vanish without an explanation... Plus, you didn’t exactly pity him for having the interesting sex life you could only dream with. And yet, the way he was looking at you with those puppy eyes made it impossible for you to deny his request. Besides, you had to admit that this would make quite a story to tell your grandchildren one day.
Apparently Harry had already figured out where the makeup room was... What significantly helped your situation, since you might be searching the building for hours, had that not been the case.  He opened the door and got inside, keeping the lights off to avoid drawing any attention. “Maybe it’s best if one of us stays behind and watches the door.” You suggested, stopping near the doorway.
“Alright then.” He turned and began walking back towards the door, but you crossed your arms and stared at him, waiting for him to get the clue. He did. Stopping in his tracks with a “Oh.” Followed by: “You want me to go get the stuff, don’t you?”
“Well, it was your idea wasn’t it?” You inquired, prompting him into turning back around with a snort. He walked towards one of the vanities, hastily opening the drawers and grabbing random items, inspecting them in his hands and trying to read the labels under the dim light that came solely from the hallway where you stood.
“Do you even know what you’re looking for?” You asked, noticing his struggle.
“Do I strike you as a makeup knowing person?”
His honesty had you giving up on watching the door, guessing that you had a far better chance of not getting caught if you saved both of you some time and helped him search. You quickly found what you were looking for, some concealer, foundation and a brush. “Give me your hand.” You commanded, struggling to match his color from distance.
“Jeez… trying to hold hands with me already…”
You felt glad for the room’s poor ilumination, preventing him to see how  flustered you got at his cheeky comment as you grabbed his hand and squeezed a tiny drop of product in it, blending around with your finger. After a few tries and using your phone’s flashlight as a light source, you were almost certain you had a decent match. “Okay, I think I’ve got it! But we should probably go somewhere else to apply it if we don’t want to get caught red handed.”
“I think there’s a toilet down the hallway… I know it’s not the best, but given the circunstances…”
“That’ll do just fine!” You said, hurrying him down the hallway and inside said toilet, It smelled a bit funky, but it definitely wasn’t the worst you’d seen.
“I have a problem.” The boy started once you closed the door behind you. “I kind of really need to wee. I didn’t want to before, but the ambience... it’s getting to me.” He hissed, getting a little impatient.
“Can’t you hold it for like, three minutes?” “I’ll try... but if I piss my pants, you’ll have to loan me yours.” He whined, resting his bottom against on the sink. His eyes were fixed on the ceiling to keep his neck extended while you tried to cover the giant purple mark on his neck. You were practically grinding on him, due to the lack of space in the toilet, but for some reason it didn’t feel awkward at all, until you started to think about it. You gave a step back, attempting to increase the distance between the both of you. “Getting shy?”
“A little, yeah” Your honesty caught him by surprise. “Don’t. It’s fine, we’re just two makeup pals doing their thing.”
“I’m sure your girlfriend wouldn’t be very pleased with it either way…”
“What girlfriend?” “Oh, sorry. I just assumed due to the...” You pointed out the hickey with the brush in your hand. “...you know.”
He coughed at laugh at that. “Well... Single life can get quite lonely and a man has his needs…” He explained himself, although he knew he didn’t have to. “What about you hammer girl? Is there an hammer boy that would care that you’re grinding on a stranger inside a toilet?”
“Hammer boy is a girl, actually.” “Oh, that’s cool. I mean… It’s normal, right?” “I would hope so, since it’s 2015. Can you turn this way a little bit so I c-”
Your question got cut off by the toilet door bursting open. A group of people, included Harry’s managers, your boss, his friend, and a bunch of BBC employees, were standing in the hallway, incredually staring at the two of you. “God damn it Styles! Can’t you keep it in your pants for two fucking minutes?”
“I swear this is not what it seems!” You and Harry said in unison.
“What in the bloody hell do you think you’re doing? Everyone has been looking around for the two of you for the past 20 minutes. You better have a good explanation to give or I swear to god Styles, I’ll make you explain it on camera so that everyone  gets to see how much of a pain in my ass the lot of you are.”
Both of you explained the situation the best you could, what naturally didn’t go very well. But even though Harry’s managers were angry, they seemed quite glad that he had kept his pants on this time... It made you wonder how often they actually found him mid-shag with strangers inside toilets, but you opted not to the debate much on the topic. Your boss on the other hand, wasn’t so glad that you kept your pants on, matter of fact, he probably would’ve preferred the shagging over the make-up stealing, since he scolded you in front of everyone, calling you out on your lack of professionalism and personal values. Leaving you bawling your eyes out for the rest of the time you were there.
Your crying made Harry feel really bad, since it had been his idea, so he tried to offer you VIP tickets for a One Direction concert, but his manager denied his request out of spite. You didn’t really mind it, since you had never been much of a 1D fan and you assured him that you were fine, but he insisted that you gave him your number so that you could meet after the concert for a drink. Somewhere along the years that followed your first encounter, he admitted that he only invited you to be kind and that he was planning on making an excuse and leave you hanging, but then he ended up having an ugly argument with someone on the concert day and could use a distraction and a couple of drinks, so he texted you.
Long story short, you ended up getting smashed on a shitty London pub, puking in a gutter together and spending the whole night having drunken conversations on a street bench. It’s safe to say that that night was a pretty good introduction for the friendship that followed.
Part of you wanted to kill Harry for showing up at your work knowing how important it was for you to keep your work life and your personal life separate. But you had to admit that you were happy that he was putting in the effort. “Ah, there you are!” He smiled as he spotted your familiar face. “Are you ready to go?”
“I suppose.” “Oh, by the way...” He adressed your boss directly. “Is it too much of an inconvinience if Y/N arrives a little late to work today? The place we’re going can get quite busy sometimes...”
You widened your eyes at Harry’s outrage and opened your mouth to apologize in his behalf and assure your boss that you would be there in time, but he had a unexpected reaction. “Oh, it’s fine! You can keep her for the rest of the day. I always tell her that she works too much and that she should take more days off. Excuse my curiosity, is this some sort of anniversary situation?”
“Oh no! We’re not… We’re just friends!” You quickly informed.
“Are we? I was under the impression that we were marrying next spring.” Harry’s comment inevitably made the heat rush to your cheeks.
“Can we just go already?” “Always so moody… Well then, goodbye everyone, it was nice meeting all of y-” He started, but you pushed him out of the door before he could speak another word. “Have you completely lost it? What were you thinking in showing up at my work like that?” You asked when you felt you were finally out of sight from any prying eyes.
“Well, you wouldn’t text me back so I decided I should come by. Besides, what’s the big deal? You work for musicians all the time, you’re the one making it sound weird.” “Yeah but they don’t usually just walk through the door, do they? Let alone ask for their friends…” “God woman, you’re a nightmare!” “Excuse me? What’s that supposed to mean?” “A nice young fella trying to take you out for lunch and all you do is complain…” “Well…If he’s so nice then why did he leave me hanging and didn’t even bother to explain himself properly?”
Harry went on explaining the terrible day he had. From waking up late for his appointment, to having spent the whole afternoon on a super important meeting that he had completely forgotten about. Since he didn’t prepare for it, it didn’t go very well, what triggered a nervous breakdown and so, to help him relax, Mitch shared some weed with him, but it didn’t hit him well and he ended up throwing up all over the studio’s rooftop.  
You obviously forgave him right away... Feeling rather sorry about the way you had handled the situation in the first place. You ended up having a lovely lunch at a cute little cafe that Harry liked for it’s discreetness and delicious “somewhat healthy” as he called it, food. He made sure to tell you he had a meeting at the studio with the band to work on some stuff for his upcoming album, what was originally meant to be a justification why he couldn’t hang out with you for the rest of the day, but ended up turning into a invitation to come along. Since he knew you always enjoyed to watch him play, even if it meant you didn’t get much of his attention while he was there. “Oh, I almost forgot!” He exclaimed mid conversation. “On the day of my meeting I ran into Alexa and she asked for your number… Apparently she’s throwing another party and wanted to personally invite you. She was acting weird, like the two of you were bezzies. I dunno, she has always been a little cuckoo, but I have a feeling that it’s all finally starting to take a toll on her.” He rambled as you made your way past the music studio’s reception. His words made your heart race, you knew how inconvenient Alexa could be and you worried that she might have spilt the beans on your conversation. “Did you give it to her?”
“Of course not, I told her I needed to ask you first... And then she flipped me off and went about her day.”
“Was that it? Did she say anything else?” “No, chill out. Why are you suddenly so concerned about what she says?” “I’m not. Oh, and you can give her my number by the way.” “Huh, excuse me, what?” “I guess you were right. She’s not so bad after all.” Harry physically paused, still trying to proccess the words you’d spoken as you practically danced around the hallway, observing the art that decorated the walls. He shook off his head, massaged his eyelids. “I’m starting to think that maybe I’m the one who’s going cuckoo after all...” He mumbled.
The studio session ended up taking a lot longer than expected. It was already nighttime and you were almost sure you were the only ones left there, but everyone was having fun, so you didn’t mind it at all. However, you were starting to feel a little sleepy, so you curled up on the sofa and closed your eyes. The music sounded so peaceful in your ears, that you could almost feel like you were already dreaming to the sound of it... Until, completely out of the blue came a loud noise. Followed by screaming. You sat up in a jump, and so did everyone else. You all confusedly stared at each other and then, towards the door. Two different voices could be heard. One of them was rather pitchy, sounding almost scared. The other in comparison, felt angrier, and demanding. You could also still hear objects being thrown around, some of them clearly getting smashed on the floor.
Being the curious cats you were, you ran towards the door and put your ears against it, in hopes to figure out what was going on in the hallway. “Is that Alexa? It sounds a lot like her…” Sarah commented, cupping her mouth in shock.
Harry stretched his neck, trying to peek out the window. “I think you’re right… but who the fuck’s that guy?” You pulled him down by his belt before he could see, noticing his head was fully on display.
“Should we do something? I know she’s crazy but I have a bad feeling…” Sarah questioned, seeming genuinly worried.
“I think that if we don’t they might kill each-other out there.” Mitch joked, noticeably being the calmest in the group.  
“Alright, I’m gonna go see what’s going on…” Harry puffed his cheeks, already rolling up his sleeves
“No, you’re staying right where you are.” You grabbed his wrist and pulled him down again. “I just know you’ll end up getting yourself hurt.” 
“So? You think I can’t take a punch?” “That’s not the point, Harry! I was hoping we could intervine without having to resort to... more violence.” “Do you have any genius ideas?” “Actually, I was thinking I could try to talk them down.” “Absolutely not!” He scoffed.
“Let me give it a try and then if it doesn’t work, we phone the authorities. How does that sound?” You rationalized.
“Step away.” He insisted, ignoring your argument.
“You know what mate... To be fair, I don’t think it’s very good marketing for you to be associated with the trashing of a studio.”  Mitch intervened in your favor. “Especially in the middle your solo transgression. Even though your intentions are good, I think you... especially, would be best staying out of it.”
You could almost make up the engines working in Harry’s head before he spoke again. “If I’m staying out of it, we’re all staying out of it…” He grunted.
“Why don’t we just call the police and sit here quietly until they show up?” Claire suggested.
“What about Alexa? I don’t want her to get in trouble…” As you finished your sentence, a set of expensive looking headphones came flying against one of the room’s windows, luckily not breaking the glass. “I think it might be a little late for that…” At the sound of Mitch’s words you got up and jumped out the door. Your friends still tried to drag you back inside by your ankles, what ended up only making you stumble a bit on your way out, before you quicked their hands off and closed the door on them.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You challenged the fighting duo, crossing your arms in a silly attempt to look somewhat threatning.
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” Alexa asked, clearly distressed. Her makeup was all smuged and you could see fight marks all over her chest and arms.
“I came looking for my friends, but they’re not back from dinner yet. Next thing I know there’s screaming and equipment flying everywhere…” “How long have you been in there?” “Long enough…” “You should probably go, this is none of your business.” The guy finally adressed your presence. You figured him to be Alexa’s ex, you also figured him not to be sober by the way he dragged out his words.
“I’m not going anywhere and if anyone here is going home it’s you, you woman beater piece of shit.” You were shocked by your own boldness. The guy was huge and frankly quite intimidating.
“Listen here you snippy little bitch, who the fuck do you think you are? I said it’s time to go home and you’re gonna do as I say before I slap the shit out of you as well, do you hear me?” He didn’t make a move towards you, what helped fuel your conviction that he was just trying to scare you away.
“Y/N please... just do as he says. I’ll be fine, I promise.” Alexa begged you, practically sobbing at that point.
“I’m sorry but I’m not going to do that. It’s just a matter of time until our friends get here and find us… They’ll call the police then, and it’s all going be fine for us… I mean, two girls versus a big bad guy… you know who’s side they’re going to believe in.” Alexa’s face went white, you could tell she was mortified by the claims you were making. “Are you threatning me? You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into you stupid little” You stood by your stance, disregarding his threat. “And yet, perhaps we can all just go home and forget this situation ever happened! Wouldn’t that be good? I’m sure we could tell eveyone that it was just a robbery… All it would take would be for you to just piss off and leave Alexa alone for good… I mean, If you ask me I think it’s a pretty easy choice to make…”
The guy stared at you for what seemed like an eternity, but when he spoke, he said exactly what you hoped he would. “Whatever, that whore isn’t even worth my time anyway.” 
He turned around and made his way to the exit, making sure to punch through the canvas that decorated the wall to your left as he walked past you, in a pathetic attempt to assert his dominance. When you heard the door shutting, Alexa ran into your arms and you hugged her tightly, she was a complete mess.
In the middle of her crying, you heard a door knob rotating and Harry, Mitch, Sarah and Claire rushed out of the door, falling all over eachother in the proccess. “Wait, what are you guys doing here?” Alexa stared at them with confusion all over her face. “You said they were out having dinner, I-”
“I figured that if I told him that we had people on the way he would get scared and just leave, you know... since I’m not much of a threat.” “I suppose it worked.” Mitch congratulated, high-fiving you. “Great move.”
“Who the hell was that guy anyway?” Sarah asked, making everyone shift their attention to Alexa again, waiting for an answer.
“He’s my stupid ex-boyfriend.” She granted, not giving it nearly as much importance as she should. “Look, I really appreciate the help but I don’t want you guys to worry, I can deal with him myself.” “Alexa, I know you feel like you don’t need anyone, and trust me, I’ve been there too and all I can say is that, even if you don’t realize it at first, it’s always important to have a friend there. Someone who listens, who cares, who talks you down from doing stupid shit... That lifts you up when you need them most, and forces you to be kind to yourself, that stays and doesn’t leave even if when you push them away... Everyone needs people like that. We can be that for you, because we’re your friends...” Her frown lit up into a delicate smile before she pulled you in for a hug. “You girls are going to make me cry!” Sarah chuckled, wiping away a forming tear.
“That was real cute but I’m still trying to process that that just happened.” Mitch added, clearly baffled by the events.
“Me too… that was crazy.” You admited.
“To be fair I don’t know who got it worst… You should’ve seen what we went through to keep Harry from storming out of the room and go after you.”
Due to Harry’s silence, you’d almost forgotten he was there. You turned around to check on him, only to find him still sitting on the floor, looking rather weary. You kneeled by him and brushed the hair off his face, handing him a hand to help him get up as everyone silently took the time to fully examine the damage that had been done.
“We’re so fucked… What are we going to do now?” Mitch wondered.
Chapter III here
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space-blue · 4 years
On the Fire Escape
My second competition win, to my dismay, since it's a romance where no one dies or bleeds out!
Most evenings after work Hatori Sonzai can be found sitting just outside his lounge's window, on the fire escape that hugs the side of his building, watching over the city as the sky is set ablaze by the setting sun, before it fades and darkens like a bruise blooming under cold skin. The best are the short minutes before the terminator comes rushing over the land, when both electric and natural light cohabit, giving a warm, scattered glow to the relentless streets. Day after day and as the seasons change, Hatori drinks this view like precious mead. Sometimes staying minutes under the rain or snow, sometimes long hours into a cool summer night. He has turned this moment of silent contemplation into a personal ritual that helps centre himself and shake off his clients' turmoils that often parasite him long hours after work. The other reason Hatori has gained in the last months to cultivate this habit is coming down the fire escape's metal stairs with beers in her hands.
"Sorry I'm late Ha-san! How are you?"
"That's alright, I'm okay. You?"
"Just okay? Well same here, but look, this should sort us out!"
Hatori needs no invite to take a look. Though it's the bottles she's showing off, it's Jean's curly blond hair, her easy smile and warm manners that captivate him, how they're so at odds with his own straight jet black hair, his dour face and formal attitude, shaped both by work and the reverential distance people often keep augures like him at. She sits by him, folding her legs neatly on a little flat cushion she brings out with her when the weather permits, and proceeds to tell him about her day, how she found one of her students being bullied in the alley behind the studio, how she fought the bullies off, walked the student home and thus discovered the micro-brewery whose hipster product they are enjoying. Though he listens intently, Hatori struggles with the emotions inside him. The way Jean's curls tumble as she tilts her head, how she calls him Ha-san with just enough irony to be perfectly adorable, her quiet, self assured attitude as she shows off her scratched knuckles in the last rays of slanting light, it's all there somewhere, what he loves about his neighbour–but overshadowed by a feeling of loss and yearning for someone else. A betrayal made all the more terrible that it is for a someone he cannot remember. He hates it, how being an augure and helping others can come at the expense of his own private life.
"Whoa, Ha-san? Hatori?"
"Are you alright? You seem dazed."
"Sorry, you were saying?"
"Well, I was asking you how was Open Day, but now I assume it wasn't so good?"
"That's right, today's lot was rough. I'm having a hard time going back to my usual self, sorry."
"Oh." Jean's eyes widen a bit, her beer stopped mid swig. "Shit. Want to talk about it, or..?"
Hatori shrugs. It's often the same stories, Open Day is just a bit more desperate. People come to augures with their most pressing questions, to ask the Gods and receive their omens. Booking an augure costs a lot, but regular "Open Days" give anyone who can't afford the usual fee the opportunity to win a free reading; allowing Hatori and his colleagues the chance to confirm that human misery knows no social bounds.
"I first had a man who wanted to know if a late change in career would benefit him. A teacher who'd always dreamt of baking."
Hatori smiles, remembering the gentle mannered man, his soft brown eyes lost behind silver spectacles; tidy, well worn corduroy clothes almost screaming his profession, and only a slight paunch to hint at a love for baked goods.
"I only had to cast the cords for him."
Hatori's beautifully woven strings had fallen down in patterns only meaningful to him, and their message had been rather favourable. "Follow your heart, the omen is good but the Gods bid you know it will be hard work." That's the other side of the job, more counsellor than divine spokesman.
"The second one had a husband who wouldn't give her a penny to spend on getting news of their estranged son. She wanted to know if he was well."
"Was he?"
Cords are for questions about oneself. Asking about others requires deeper connection between augure and client. Hatori had taken the woman's frail hand, put his forehead and nose to hers, and so invited her feelings and memories to flood him. She had asked and the Gods had whispered their answer. Each time, it feels like waking from a dream, saddened by the loss of someone you couldn't remember, yet had loved deeply till you woke.
"I told her he needed her and she had to make a hard choice." Not a very good omen. "Then came the real hard one."
Jean twirls her bottle, patiently waiting for him, and even through the numbness of his heart, he feels warmth for the woman who understands so well.
"She wanted to know if her daughter was still alive."
A poor mother whose child had disappeared without a trace, leaving nothing behind but harrowing doubts and a criminal investigation file covered in dust by years without clues. Hatori had not cared to know how many times the woman had applied to Open Days before getting the audience to ask the question she almost didn't want an answer to. Uncertainty left room for hope. In the States, where an omen is word of law, Hatori's verdict would seal the case.
"From the long face I take it she was dead?"
"Yes. And long dead, at that."
Hatori had performed the connection, heard the question, and felt the crushing wave of years of motherly love engulfing him, followed by the crippling cold tide of loss, like a great current had swept him under polar ice and pinned him there, trapped in time even as agonizing months ticked by, the face of a daughter he'd never had unchanging before his ageing eyes. It had punched a hole in his heart in the shape of a little girl, and through it had poured the Gods' ill omen. Long dead.
"At least she can grieve now," Jean says, rubbing his shoulder.
"Then I had a last lady for the cords," Hatori says, shaking himself up. "Jealous, like so often... Left John and Wu to share my last two people."
Being the head augure of his western-style shrine had to come with some sort of benefit. In the cases where the clients enquires after someone they hate, the augure is often left pointlessly angry and irritated. Many augures of his standing had long stopped doing Open Days, so Hatori figured he could at least cut himself some well needed slack.
"Too bad," Jean sighs, looking back over the city, "I thought maybe I'd ask you for an omen tonight."
Hatori gapes at her, stunned. An omen for Jean, who makes a bigger deal of his having a car to borrow than the Gods' words to share? Who hasn't even asked for a word of luck or a forecast in all the months since she moved in and joined him on the fire escape? He cannot tell if it's terror or excitement he's feeling, if he wants to please her or dreads the sort of question that would be important enough for her to ask.
He looks at her, smiling at him and waiting. He knows she'd leave him be if he asked, but curiosity burns too deep.
"What kind of omen were you after?"
"I wanted to know–" Her hand falls on his.
Her body twists, propelling her too close, too fast to avoid collision. Her forehead bumps into his, and her voice explodes through his skull–"If the man I love loves me back."
The vision rushes in, and Hatori feels his heart swell, anxious–her feelings, not his. Jean, shy and timid? He has no time to wonder. There is a man she loves, and he sees him through her eyes–his dark hair he lets her pleat, the way his M shaped mouth curls and brightens his serious face when he smiles just for her, his quiet regard and attentions, and the kindness that flows not from what he says but the way she sees him lead his life...
It takes the longest time for him to realise–Hatori has never seen himself in a vision.
But the instant her question makes sense, the silence in his mind becomes loud, resounding! There is no voice whispering the truth to him, no push from the Gods. He needs none. In that moment, Hatori is a God, who knows the answer, who can speak for himself.
"Yes, he does."
Their noses bump, she kisses him, and laughs, and wipes his cheeks.
"I do, I do," he says against her lips, "I love you too!"
~~ April 2017 – Theme : Omens P.s: Sonzai means "being" in Japanese. Bit of a silly personal joke.
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lordofassgard · 6 years
Requested: | yes | no |
scenario where yoongi takes you for granted and you’ve had enough so you take agree to go on a world tour with your idol group and yoongi doesn’t realize how much he needs you until you’re gone and goes with the boys to your concert to win you back. fluff ending please!
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: after feeling that you were taken for granted by your boyfriend, you leave to go on a world tour. when yoongi realizes what he’s done, he tries to get you back.
Genre: angst, fluff
Warnings: cursing, angst
Word Count: 6.3k+
A/N: so here it is. thank you @ the anon who requested this, i hope you like it and i’m sorry it took me so long to do it. i tried to make this as gender neutral as i could, like i didn’t specify if the reader was in a boy or girl band leaving it up to the reader to decide.
also. me? updating twice in two weeks? it’s more likely than you think but i’m working through my requests as fast as i can and hopefully soon i’ll open them again
masterlist in bio
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gif credits to jjeongukks
Note: The song used in this scenario is Habit by Seventeen such a great song the translation may not be 100% accurate so please bear with me
It was late when you arrived at the dorms with takeout bags in your hands. The moon was high in the sky and the lights in other buildings were already off. After a tired Jimin opened the door with a smile, you went to Yoongi’s studio where he was working on new music for Bangtan’s comeback. It hadn’t even been announced to the public but it took months to prepare a new album. You knew that struggle yourself since you were also an idol but you just wanted to spend some time with your boyfriend even if that meant that you had to quietly sit next to him while he worked, his presence was enough.
You inserted the passcode and the door to Yoongi’s studio opened. The air felt heavier in there like the door hadn’t been opened in a while to let fresh air in. Before you spotted Yoongi, you noticed the empty cups of coffee scattered across the floor, couch and desk and frowned. Yoongi didn’t even realize that you were there since he was wearing headphones and his eyes were closed as he moved his head along with the beat he was hearing. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes and sighed, clearly frustrated with his work.
“Hey.” You greeted softly.
He spun around in his chair, surprised by your presence before turning back around not even bothering to greet you.
“I brought food.” You held up the bag and set it on a free space in his desk.
“I’m not hungry.” He mumbled.
Okay, he was having a bad day. Still, you wanted to put him in a better mood since tomorrow would be your last day together, at least for a while. You were going on tour for a few months and you wanted to spend as much time as you could with your boyfriend.
“Okay…” You trailed off “Maybe you should take a break, it seems like you’ve been working on that for a while.”
You started picking up the empty cups of coffee, making his studio look a little cleaner although you still wanted to open the door and let some air in, even with the air conditioner on, you felt suffocated and Yoongi’s bad mood wasn’t helping. After picking up all the cups, you glanced at your boyfriend, noticing that he hadn’t moved from his spot.
“Yoongi!” You called, a sterner tone in your voice.
“Yoongi!” You snapped and he finally turned around.
“What?” He huffed.
“Can you please take a break? I brought food.” You gestured towards the plastic bag on the table.
“I told you I’m not hungry.” He was about to turn around but you grabbed the back of his office chair preventing him from doing so.
“You need to eat. You can’t live off iced coffee.”
Yoongi shut his eyes like you were getting on his nerves. While he did that, you took a good look at him. There were bags under his eyes, his skin looked dry probably from the lack of care and hydration, he was paler than usual, his hair was a mess probably from running his hands through it too many times due to stress. You wondered when was the last time he had gotten proper sleep but you decided not to ask since it’d make him grumpier than he already was. When he opened his eyes again, he snatched the bag and took his food, turning to his computer again as he dug into his ramen like he hadn’t eaten in three days. For someone who wasn’t hungry, he was eating way too fast. You decided to sit on the couch as you ate, you had been standing for too long and honestly even if you left, Yoongi wouldn’t notice it.
“Do you know what day is tomorrow?” It was well past midnight, so in less than a day you’d leave to go on tour.
“Thursday.” He replied with his mouth full.
“And…” You urged him on.
“And what?” He grunted.
“You...you don't remember?”
“Is there anything I need to remember? (Y/N) just get to the point.” He finally turned around and looked at you like your presence in his studio was bothering him.
“I’m leaving tomorrow. I won’t be home for the next eight months.”
“Oh…” He turned back to his desk and kept working on his song “Have a safe flight.”
“What?” You asked in disbelief “Are you fucking serious right now? I, your s/o, tell you that I’m going on tour and all I get is have a safe flight?”
“What else do you want me to say?” He shrugged.
“You’re unbelievable Yoongi. You’re a fucking selfish dick.” You grabbed your bag and stormed off his studio leaving your unfinished ramen behind. Maybe he’d get hungry and choke on it.
On your way out, you bumped into Hoseok who smiled brightly at you, despite the evident lack of sleep. The comeback was being rough on everyone yet they were all nice and polite at you, except your own boyfriend.
“Ah (Y/N), you’re leaving soon right?” He asked.
“I am.” You nodded.
At least someone remembered.
“Good luck!” His hand squeezed your shoulder affectionately “Are you doing anything with Yoongi later today?”
“I-I don’t think Yoongi wants me here.” You shook your head while looking down at your feet.
“Yeah, when I finally got his attention I told him I was leaving tomorrow and he told me to have a safe flight.”
Hoseok frowned at your words, you felt bad for rambling, he probably had a lot on his mind already. He didn’t need to deal with your relationship’s problems. That was if you still had one. You couldn’t say it was a proper fight because a fight required at least two people and you pretty much did all the talking while Yoongi half listened.
“Do you want me to talk to him?” Hoseok offered.
“No, thank you.” You forced yourself to smile, the sweet gesture from the boy in front of you warmed your heart “Good luck with your comeback. And please try to get as much rest as you can.”
You bid farewell to him and left the Bangtan dorms.
The next day, you stood at the airport with your bandmates at an ungodly hour to catch a 7 am flight. You kept looking back to see if Yoongi would show up, at least to say goodbye. When you weren’t looking through the crowded airport, your eyes were glued to your phone. Maybe he’d text or call to apologize and say goodbye. Yet when your flight was called, you didn’t have any notifications and no one showed up.
You stood back while your bandmates and the staff walked towards the gate. A hand on your shoulder made you jump.
“I’m sorry, he’s not coming.” Your bandmate comforted you.
“I-I know, I just…” You sighed “Nothing, let’s go.” You interlocked your arm with theirs and the two of you joined everyone else.
You slept throughout most of your flight, it was better that way. At least you could keep your mind off Yoongi.
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Hoseok smiled when he saw Yoongi walk through the front door early in the morning. He knew that idols would usually take early flights so he thought Yoongi drove to the airport to say goodbye to you and hopefully apologize.
“How was (Y/N)?” He asked.
“What?” Yoongi stared at him with empty eyes and genuinely confused.
“(Y/N)...their flight was today…” Hoseok trailed off as a frown started appearing on his usually happy features.
Yoongi didn’t move for a few seconds, then his eyes widened and panic flashed across his features.
“Fuck…” The rapper mumbled “What did I do?”
“Took you long enough.” Hoseok rolled his eyes at his best friend.
He loved Yoongi like a brother, he did. But sometimes he could be so fucking dumb that it got on his nerves. That was one of those moments.
“What do I do?” He started pacing back and forth in the hallway mumbling something that Hoseok couldn’t understand.
Yoongi pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed your number. When that didn’t work, he tried to call some of your bandmates but no one picked up. He desperately looked up at Hoseok, wide eyes and filled with tears like the younger man was magically going to come up with a solution.
“What have I done?”
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Your tour went by slowly, but at the same time quickly. In those eight months, you hadn’t talked to Yoongi once. He tried to call, text, leave you voicemails but you didn’t pick up the phone and deleted his texts before reading them. You still talked to the other Bangtan boys, they were your friends but you rarely talked about Yoongi. The only one who kept insisting was Jimin, he kept telling you how Yoongi missed you and how miserable he was without you.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t affected by that. Despite the fact that he took you for granted and didn’t even bother to come to the airport to say goodbye, you still missed him, you still loved him. You didn’t know where your relationship stood, you’d worry about that once you got home. The shows were enough to keep your mind busy, but you still found yourself thinking about him from time to time.
At night in your hotel room, you’d write lyrics mostly about him. When you read them it was hard to believe that you wrote them. They didn't fit your personality, but they described exactly how you felt about the entire situation with Yoongi. You thought it was petty writing songs about your ex but it was crucial to help you live without him. After a while, you wouldn't call it living, you'd call it surviving.
On your last show, back home in Seoul, your band introduced a new song, one of the ones you wrote. You didn’t practice a choreography since it was a slower song, so it was just you and your band members on stage singing.
“This song…” You spoke into the microphone slightly out of breath from all the dancing and jumping around “Is called Habit. It’s a new song and I hope you guys like it.” The crowd roared and although the bright lights blinded you enough to not be able to see the faces of the people attending the show, you smiled at them. They were there for you and your bandmates, they took time out of their lives to be there and that never ceased to amaze you.
The lights dimmed down and you took your spot, letting the music flow through you. Once it was done you smiled through tears and waved to the crowd before going backstage. Later that night, you scrolled through twitter seeing everyone’s reactions to your new song.
@ jinsepihany: "I rather wish that you were having a rougher time I want you to think of me
Because it’s hard
I want to be okay too" (Y/N) CRIED SINGING THIS
@ ynsunflower: I think I want to forget
Your name that I’m calling again even now
You sighed and turned off your phone. Everyone was talking about it and everyone was confused. You didn’t blame them, your band dropped a new song and besides everyone in there saw you cry as you sang. Yet, you kept thinking if Yoongi saw the tweets and heard the song. Did he even care that you cried over him in front of thousands of people? It was pathetic, honestly but you couldn’t help it.
Even after eight months of not knowing what he was up to, despite the occasional selfies he uploaded on the band’s twitter account, you still missed him and every second you wished you would’ve stayed at the dorms that day and worked things out. A break up wouldn’t have been so bad for you, but at least you knew you broke up. In those eight months you were trapped in a confusing zone where you didn’t talk anymore but the words “we’re done” never left your lips.
Those desperate phone calls and texts from Yoongi stopped after the first month of you being gone. He gave up on trying to reach you since you always ignored him and that hurt. Part of you wanted him to keep trying, to show that he still cared. But he didn’t. You left him and after a while, he stopped chasing you like the stolen kisses, the gentle touches, the 4 am talks and laughs meant nothing. Relationships die even when love doesn’t and you had to accept it.
“(Y/N)!” Your bandmate knocked on your bedroom door.
You walked over to the door and opened it, flinching at your bandmates’ excitement and yells. Even if you tried, you couldn’t for the life of you understand what they were saying.
“Calm down!” You pulled them into your room and closed the door “You’ll wake everyone up.”
“Have you checked your email?” They jumped on your bed smiling.
“No, my phone is off.”
After the words left your mouth, another phone was shoved in your face making you take a step back in order to read it.
“Wait, we’re performing at Mnet?” Your voice got a few octaves higher as you looked at your bandmate and mirrored their smile.
“Yeah, they want us to sing Habit.”
Your face fell as you read the part of the email sent by your manager that said that Mnet wanted you to sing Habit since it was trending worldwide and it was your most recent song.
“I can’t do that…” You shook your head “We can’t sing Habit.”
“Why not?”
“Why not? BTS are gonna be there, which means Yoongi will be there!”
“Oh…” They paused “I don’t think we have a choice.”
“I know.” You sighed.
Once they left, you sat on your bed with a weird feeling in your chest. After eight months you’d finally see Yoongi. You didn’t know if you should feel happy or sad about it.
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When the day of your performance finally arrived, you were on edge. Every sound, every touch made you jump. Anxiety had made itself comfortable in your body and it had no intentions to leave, at least until the awards were over.
During the red carpet, there was a smile permanently etched on your face, a fake one, obviously as your eyes searched around looking for a familiar black hair. Your eyes spotted Taehyung’s bright jacket and you panicked. So you turned our back to them, facing your bandmates as you tried to calm your erratic heartbeat.
“(Y/N)!” A deep voice called behind you.
Slowly you turned around seeing Taehyung walking your way, his boxy smile showing how happy he was to see you.
“Tae…” You smiled at him.
As he wrapped his arms around you, you realized how much you missed them. Not only Yoongi but everyone else. They were your friends too and you pushed them away because you were heartbroken. You felt guilty because they knew why you pushed them away and yet still accepted you.
“How was tour?” He asked once you pulled away.
“It was amazing. But there’s no place like home.” He nodded agreeing with you.
“How have you been?”
They always asked you that on the phone. You’d shrug it off and say you were fine and they knew you were lying but they didn’t push it. But once you stood face to face with Taehyung, you knew that if you lied he’d be able to see right through you.
“I’m just...living one day at a time.” Your answer was vague, it wasn’t a yes but it wasn’t a no either.
To be honest with yourself, you didn’t know how you were holding up either. It felt like you were just duct-taping pieces of you back together that formed a very fragile structure that at any moment could fall apart. And you knew it’d fall apart that night, whether you wanted or not, you’d fall apart as soon as you set your eyes on Yoongi. You just didn’t expect it to happen so early.
“Taehyung!” You froze.
Eight months. Eight months without hearing that voice. Eight months you spent trying to keep your shit together. And it took him eight seconds to make everything fall apart. It was scary how much power he still had over you. He just spoke and it wasn’t even your name and you were already shaking and dreading to turn around.
But you turned around and faced him, catching him off guard. His eyes widened once they landed on yours and he gulped before he tried to compose himself. Too late, you saw everything and he knew it.
“Jin hyung is looking for you.”
“Tell him I’ll be right there.” Taehyung shrugged him off.
“Now!” There was some urgency in his voice.
While he spoke, his eyes never left yours. Even if you wanted to look away, you couldn’t. It was like the world stopped around you and it was just the two of you. And in that moment you felt painfully alive, it was like your heart had started beating for the first time since you left but it hurt, it hurt so bad. The pain, you figured, was from the cold reality hitting you like a ton of bricks. He wasn’t yours, not anymore.
You snapped your gaze away from his when Taehyung spoke again, complaining about Jin being no fun or whatever. He wished you good luck with your performance and walked towards Yoongi. You watched him walk away and then you looked at Yoongi one last time finding that his eyes never left you. Before he turned his back with Taehyung by his side, he acknowledged your presence with a nod that you retributed. Once they left, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
Your bandmates found your designated seats and called you to take yours. You tried to engage in their conversation in order to distract yourself from what happened a few minutes earlier. Yoongi was right there in the flesh and all he gave you was a head nod as if you were a mere acquaintance.
“Stop thinking about him…” One of your bandmates whispered in your ear.
You looked at them and looked ahead of you again, your eyes widening at what you saw. Namjoon was passing in front of you followed by Jin, Hoseok, the maknae line and finally Yoongi. You looked up at him and before he noticed you, you took your time to look at him properly. His hair was parted showing his forehead, his skin looked like porcelain and his eyeshadow made his gaze sharper. A frown was visible and for a second you wished to kiss away the wrinkle that was forming in between his eyebrows. Despite the amount of time and effort his stylists put into concealing how tired and miserable he looked, it was still noticeable. At least to you. His black suit accentuated his body in all the right places. He looked breathtaking.
Sensing your gaze, he looked at you, his posture straightening up as his eyes empty of emotion looked into yours for the second time that night. He quickly looked away and decided to keep his head down and stare at his feet until he bumped into Jungkook’s back. You stopped watching him after that, you had other things to focus on, including your performance.
Your band was nominated for an award but lost to Seventeen. Yet, you didn’t really care, they deserved it and you didn’t have enough energy to do so. Even though you were sitting down, being in Yoongi’s presence was quickly draining the little amount of energy you had left. You just wanted to talk things out and go home, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, probably too scared of the outcome.
You congratulated each Seventeen member once they left the stage and went backstage to get ready for your performance. Your heart was beating loud against your ribcage to the point where you thought it’d actually burst out of your chest. Maybe it was better that way, maybe it’d be less painful.
The MC’s announced your band and you stepped on stage with a smile you had forced backstage. You stood on your spot and looked to the crowd in front of you and there he was. When the first chords of the song played you cursed whoever was responsible for assigning seats, there was so much space to sit and they had to put him right in front of you. You sang your heart out, you sang like you were alone in your studio, you sang like he was the only one listening. In the end, you closed your eyes to avoid the tears. Eight months was a long time but not enough to heal certain wounds, not enough to heal a broken heart.
The crowd erupted into cheers as you counted the seconds until you could leave the stage without seeming rude. Yoongi was staring off into space while the rest of his band was standing up clapping. Namjoon elbowed Yoongi who seemed to come back to reality and finally stood up and clapped. The two of you made eye contact again but this time no one broke it off.
After leaving the stage, you told your bandmates that you had to go to the bathroom but in reality, you just wanted to be alone. You had no idea where the bathroom was, but an empty hidden hallway near the dressing rooms seemed like the best place for some alone time.
Footsteps echoed behind you but you paid no mind, whoever it was, they were probably going somewhere else.
“Is it true?” You stopped dead in your tracks but didn’t turn around “Is that song about me?”
“Yes.” Your voice came out weaker than you intended it to.
“Why did you leave?”
You turned around with a scoff and stared at him in disbelief feeling anger coursing through your veins.
“Are you fucking serious? I almost had to schedule a fucking date with you! When I tried to take care of you, you pushed me away and treated me like shit. You made no time for me when I cleared my schedule so many times to be with you. I’d sit there for hours staring at the back of your head while you worked and never once you heard me complain. And when I ask you to spend one day with me before I go on tour, you forget and treat me like shit!” You were slightly out of breath after rambling “Isn’t this enough for me to leave? You put your job before me so I did the same.”
“I tried to call you so many fucking times, I texted you and you never picked up the fucking phone!”
“Do you think an apology over the phone when I’m halfway across the world is enough Yoongi? Please.” You scoffed again.
You didn’t know where all the anger was coming from, you thought you’d do a better job at restraining it but after keeping it in for so long you were finally releasing it, luckily, on the one who caused it in the first place.
Your words wrung heavily in his ears as he stared at you in shock. He had never seen you so angry, and he never thought that the first time he’d see you that way was because of him. You took his silence for lack of interest in your fight or whatever that it was that the two of you were doing, so you turned your back on him once again and rubbed your temples.
“Please Yoongi, just...just leave me alone. I’ve had enough.” You spit venomously at him hoping he’d just go away before you’d start crying.
Tears prickled at the corners of your eyes and your head was pounding as if someone had hit it hard.
You turned around ready to tell him off but you found him too close to you, your chests practically touching as he stood in your personal space. It didn’t bother you as much as it should but it caught you off guard. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating and his warm breath fanned your face. It took every fiber in your body to resist the urge of closing your eyes and lean against him.
The look on his face was something similar to determination although he also seemed like he was ready to stop before even he started whatever it was that he was going to do if you looked at him the wrong way.
“I am fucking selfish idiot and I don’t deserve you, you’re right. I’m a shitty boyfriend that took you, the best thing that ever happened to me, for granted. I deserve every insult that you throw at me and probably more. Sometimes I just spend so much time alone my studio and things don’t work out the way I want them to so I start to think I can’t do it and I get angry. I know this is no excuse for what I did but I...I just needed you to know that. And damn if I don’t fucking love you with all my heart and in my own fucked up way. But it wasn’t enough because we’re here having this conversation in a smelly hallway where anyone could walk by at any moment.” He took a deep breath and your scent, that he tried so desperately to rub off his clothes, brought him back so many memories that his voice came out shaky next “And I’m so fucking sorry that I took you for granted. I-I should’ve never done that. You deserve so much more, you deserve someone that can appreciate how much you care for them and show it to you. You deserve someone that can make time for you, that’d drop anything for you if you asked. You deserve someone that notices the cute little things you do, like when you scrunch up your nose when your coffee is too bitter or how your tongue pokes out in between your lips when you’re focused on something or how you look beautiful at 4 am when all the lights are off and the moonlight shines over your face. And I’m sorry that it took me so long to realize that.”
His voice although determined sounded desperate like you were the air in his lungs and he had been holding his breath for too long. You didn’t even realize you were crying until Yoongi wiped your tears with his thumb as his other hand rubbed your back comfortingly.
“No no, please don't cry over me. I don't deserve it.” You shook your head.
“I'm sorry too. I-I…”
“You have nothing to apologize for, love.” Yoongi interrupted you.
“I do. I'm sorry that I didn't talk it out and let things get to that point. I should've said something before.”
“It's okay, it's okay.” He reassured you and pulled you into his chest.
The two of you stood there for a few moments, just holding each other. After eight months of drifting away, you finally found your way back home. Yoongi was your home and you were his, even if it took him so long to understand it. And this time, he wasn’t going to let you go.
Yoongi pulled away from you enough to look at your face. His warm breath hit your face and his hands dropped from your shoulders to your waist. You looked at him, your gaze flickering between his eyes and his lips before it finally set on your lips. Yoongi’s tongue swiped across his bottom lip before he brought his face closer to yours, so close that his forehead leaned against yours. His movements were delicate allowing you to back off if you wanted to. Your heart was thumping almost hard enough to make you dizzy, or maybe it was just Yoongi’s presence, so close to you that made you feel that way. When his lips finally touched yours, you kissed back instantly like it was something you were used to doing all the time. It was like muscle memory that didn’t fade even though the two of you had been apart for so long. His lips were as soft as you remembered and his grip on your waist tightened causing you to gasp and moan, allowing him to slip your tongue in your mouth. Your hands desperately clutched his shoulders as if you were scared that he’d slip away from your fingers once again.
When he pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours once again, heavy breaths coming from his parted lips, you were too scared to open your eyes, too scared of that moment being nothing but an illusion created by your brain. Your hands still clung onto him too afraid to let go as every single nerve in your body tingled, maybe with excitement, maybe with anxiety.
“I love you.” He whispered like it was a secret that the hallway would echo making his words louder than they were like he was scared that someone else but you and the walls would hear.
You finally opened your eyes and smiled, the first real smile for the first time in a long time. He loved you. He was yours. He never stopped being yours.
“I lo…”
“Hyung!” Startled, you stepped away from Yoongi although his hands never left your waist even when your hands dropped from his shoulders.
Jungkook peeked into the hallway, so focused on Yoongi that he didn’t even notice you.
“Hyung, our category will be announced next. We have to go back.”
When you turned to face him, Jungkook’s face went pale and then a blush started appearing from the tip of his ears all the way to his cheeks.
“Uh, hi (Y/N).” He greeted you as his eyes looked at everything but you.
“Hi Jungkook.” You couldn’t suppress your giggle by seeing him so flustered.
“I’ll be right there.” Jungkook nodded before quickly walking away, probably too excited to tell everyone what he had witnessed.
“I have to go.” Yoongi pulled you close again “But I’ll come over tomorrow okay?” He grabbed one of your hands and gently kissed the back of it.
You nodded as he kissed your temple as a goodbye before turning around. You stood there watching his back as he walked away to go back to the show.
“I love you too.” You said loud enough for him to hear.
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, flashing you his gummy smile before he left. You waited until you couldn’t hear his footsteps in the silent hallway before you decided to head back. It felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest and that the pain you had felt for months was gone. You were so used to that pain that it felt weird not to have it.
When you returned to your seat, your bandmates raised their eyebrows at the change in your attitude. There was a smile on your lips and the frown that they grew accustomed to was gone. Yet, no one said anything since it wasn’t hard to understand what happened. You glanced over at Yoongi and he looked as happy as you, he smiled at you from his table and you blushed and smiled back. Things were going to be okay.
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・
In the next morning, Yoongi showed up at your dorm early. You were still in your pajamas and your hair looked like a mess. On his right arm, he carried a huge bouquet of flowers that almost covered his face while the other held a bag from your favorite bakery.
You closed the door behind him and took the flowers from his hands. He greeted you with a small good morning and a kiss on the corner of your mouth that you knew it wasn’t accidental. After putting the flowers in a vase, you met him in the kitchen where he had taken everything out of the bag he brought and placed it on the table. You noticed how underdressed you were compared to him, your kumamon onesie and the traces of previous night’s makeup were making you insecure compared to his ripped skinny jeans and oversized hoodie.
“I’ll be right back.” You mumbled.
“Where are you going? Your coffee is gonna get cold, I brought your favorite.”
“I’m gonna change.”
“Why are you going out?” You noticed disappointment in his voice.
“No, but…” You looked down at your outfit and then back at him, nervously chewing on your bottom lip.
He understood and his frown quickly disappeared.
“You look adorable, sit down this is gonna get cool.”
He looked down at his food but you noticed the tips of his ears turn pink and smiled before taking a seat in front of him. The two of you ate mostly in silence, but it wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable, it felt nice. The dorm was silent too, probably everyone was out except the two of you. Once you finished your meal, you cleaned up the table and he insisted he’d help.
“(Y/N)” Yoongi called making you lift your head up at him.
He took a deep breath, his hands were slightly shaking and this time it wasn’t from the excess of caffeine. Yoongi was nervous. Somehow, the fact that he was nervous made you nervous. Why would he be nervous? Was there something wrong? Before you could overthink the situation, he spoke.
“I meant what I said last night. I don’t deserve you.” He shook his head, his eyes never leaving yours “But you’re wrong if you think I’m going to give up on you. I’m gonna work my ass off to be able to spend more time with you. And when I say that it’s not just the two of us in my studio as I work on my music, it’s just you and me doing something even if it is taking a nap. I lost you once and I’m not going to do it again. These months without you have been hell. Everything reminds me of you and every time I think of you I think about how badly I fucked up to the point of you leaving. I don…” You cut him off with a kiss.
His lips tasted like bitter coffee but you didn’t care. Up until that moment you never realized how much you loved bitter coffee, it tasted like Yoongi, it tasted like home. He immediately kissed back, one of his hands buried in your hair to deepen the kiss while the other rested on your hip. When you pulled away, lips swollen and lungs burning from the lack of air, you smiled.
“You won’t lose me again.” You reassured.
☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆ .。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・
Later that day, the two of you were cuddling in your bed, his head buried in the crook of your neck and an arm draped over your waist as you played with his hair talking about random moments that happened in your lives during those eight months apart. Yoongi was half asleep, too comfortable in your embrace but he fought to keep his eyes open, wanting to spend as much time with you as he could.
“This is nice.” He mumbled against your skin “It feels...normal.” You hummed in agreement.
He pulled away, propping himself up on his elbow to be able to look at you as he spoke.
“You know, before you…” He hesitated for a bit “Left...when we uh were looking for an apartment just for the two of us.” He paused “I always wondered what it’d be like to live with you. And this...having breakfast together and cleaning up the kitchen it felt...domestic. It felt right.”
“Do you want to get an apartment?” You mirrored his position, giving him your undivided attention.
“I-I do. Fuck I want nothing more than to live with you for the rest of my life but I think we should take things slow. What if you get tired of me and…” He rambled
“I won’t.” You cut him off.
“I won’t.” You paused “Yoongi, I love you, there’s no way I’ll ever get tired of you.”
He smiled and pulled you into his chest. His heartbeat and his voice lulled you to sleep. For the first time in months, you had fallen asleep in Yoongi’s arms with a smile on your lips. For the first time in months, things were okay. There was a lot that you still had to do to recover your relationship, it wasn’t going to happen overnight. Yet, it felt like a habit, like something you were made for. You were made for loving Yoongi. And as Yoongi looked down at you sleeping on his chest while one of your hands clutched his hoodie he knew it was worth it. After all, he was made to love you too.
feedback is appreciated :) i’d link my ask box but tumblr is a dick
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taeheyhey · 6 years
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(Requested - Please enjoy anon!) 
Jhope x f! Reader - Angst/Fluff 5.2K words
Your leg jiggled nervously as the subway made it’s way closer and closer to your destination. It had been seven months since you had started dating Hoseok. You knew it was hardly accurate to call it dating, considering that you had only actually met in person four times, such was the difficulty he faced attempting to maintain a relationship while in the public eye, and each time you had met you felt as nervous as you had the first time.
It was oftentimes still so surreal to you, the fact that he had chosen you. You would pinch yourself when no one was looking, sometimes literally.
You were mostly only able to communicate with each other on the phone. There was the very occasional video call, and the odd flurry of exchanged text messages, but for the most part, it was stolen phone conversations usually just before bedtime (his not yours).
Your conversations mostly started in pretty much the same way: him apologising for how long you’d not spoken for and you telling him sincerely that you understood and not to worry about it; him saying he wished he could see you in person and you fervently agreeing.
They tended to very much end in the same way too: with you trying your hardest not to tell him you loved him.
As each call ended you would congratulate yourself on resisting, laughing at yourself – embarrassed – once the urge had passed. You knew his life was complicated enough without starting to throw the l-word around willy-nilly, it was almost miraculous that the two of you had forged a relationship of any kind given the circumstances. To push your luck at this point would just be foolish.
You did though. Love him. And that was why you found yourself navigating the Seoul Metro towards his dorm unaccompanied for the first time, having made the decision to try and make the most of your time together by arriving two days early to surprise him.
Shortly after you arrived at the building, the concierge had eyed you with suspicion as he spoke on the phone to notify the dorm's occupants of their unexpected visitor, not really believing you were there for legitimate purposes until Hoseok had strode across the vast marble floor of the lobby, offering him a small bow before dragging you towards the lifts.
As the doors slid shut he pulled you in to a brief but tight hug. “What are you doing here?” He asked in to the top of your hair.
“Surprise!” You managed to squeak out weakly before you were, as was almost customary at this point, overwhelmed by his proximity.
He released his hold on you, dropping a quick but tender kiss to your forehead before lacing his fingers through yours. “I wasn’t expecting you until Saturday night, I’m not going to have very much free time.” His tone was apologetic but you knew you had run that risk when you’d decided to surprise him with an early arrival.
“That’s okay,” you assured him genuinely. “I just wanted to have a little more time with you. I understand how busy you are.”
He squoze his fingers around yours but his jaw remained set tight. “They’ve got us filming some stuff for our next comeback special next week, I’ll be rehearsing all day,” he explained. “I won’t be able to get away from the practice room very much at all until Sunday.”
He was speaking as though it would be unbearable to spend the day watching him in the dance studio, when the truth was you loved to watch him practice. The camera could never quite capture every minute detail he expressed when he danced, and you loved witnessing the passion and intricacy of his movements with your own eyes.
You had attempted to convince him of this to no avail later that evening, and he continued to insist you would have a far better time if you entertained yourself for the next day and a half, despite your protests. Still, you were absolutely beside yourself that he had managed to fit a hastily arranged dinner in to his schedule, even if alcohol was an absolute no-no and he had a strict self-imposed curfew of 9.30pm.
Your eyes dragged down the menu. “Well, if you’re not having beer surely you can have a little fried chicken,” you suggested, wiggling your eyebrows at him. You hated how harsh he was on himself when they had any sort of event or comeback approaching.
Hoseok lowered his menu and smiled humourlessly without meeting your eyes. “You know I have to be careful y/n, I’ve been really lax while we’ve been on break. I’m all puffy and I’m getting out of breath a lot quicker now. A ‘little fried chicken’ isn’t going to do me any good at all.” His brow furrowed as he continued to examine his options.
You rolled your eyes affectionately but decided not to press the issue. You knew that more often than not when his mood was poor it was usually due to him feeling nervous about something, and he had said many times how much pressure they were all feeling to live up to the success of their last comeback. You knew not to take it personally and tried to keep the conversation light and unchallenging for the rest of the meal in an attempt to ease his apprehension.
Once the meal was finished you headed through the kitchen to exit through the rear door of the building where you knew a car would be waiting for you both. The usual, well-practised arrangement was that he would climb in to the car first and, once you were sure the coast was clear, you would follow.
As soon as Hoseok was ensconced in the back seat of the car, you stepped out in to the alley behind the restaurant. You were about to walk around the back of the car to get in to the front seat (another precautionary measure to make it easy to pass you off as staff if you happened to be spotted), until you heard shrill voices from one end of the alley.
“Oh my god, was that him?”
The shrieking stopped you in your tracks, and you saw the small group of girls begin to run towards the car excitedly. You panicked and stepped back in to the doorway out of view, gesturing emphatically to the chauffeur to drive away, wincing at the screeching of the tires and the smoke from the exhaust as he complied and made his hasty escape.
Confident that you hadn’t been spotted, and that your boyfriend was safely on his way home, you walked back through the restaurant and out through the front door to flag down a cab.
Lowering yourself in to the back seat of the taxi, you pulled out your phone and called Hoseok.
“Well that was an interesting end to the meal,” you announced jovially as he answered the call. You were well aware that typical dates didn’t usually end with a choreographed departure or any other kind of security precaution, but you didn’t mind.
For you, it provided an insight in to his world, a world that you had thus far been protected from due to the clandestine nature of your relationship. It may not be the most romantic of endings, but it somehow made you feel closer to him, the fact that you had to partake in some prescribed strategy in order to simply be out in public with the man you love.
He exhaled heavily, the breath leaving his lips causing distortion through the mic. “Are you okay, y/n? I hated having to leave you like that.”
He sounded tense, and your heart went out to him. It was stressful enough for you having to check around every corner and avoid any potential candid photo mishaps, and you had only had to deal with it for a few months. You couldn’t imagine how exhausting it must be for him and his band-mates having experienced that level of security for such a long time.
“Please don’t worry about me, I’m totally fine,” you assured him. “I think we got away with it too!” You were excited, the encounter sending a small dose of adrenaline through your system, and you knew it was blatant in your tone. “So, how do you want to celebrate? I’ve got a cab on it’s way to your dorm as we speak!”
There was a short pause before line became distorted again as another weary sigh left him. “I’m just a bit tired tonight, y/n. Do you think we could leave it until tomorrow now?”
Reluctant to cause any guilt, you tried to hide the disappointment in your voice as you agreed that yes, that was probably a good idea, and promised to bring him breakfast to the practice room tomorrow.
You knew that any pressure and difficulty you faced in your day-to-day life was relatively small in comparison to his. If you made mistakes you ran the risk of disappointing a handful of people at most; if Hoseok messed up in any way there was often considerably more at stake.
Swallowing your disappointment, you resolved to get an early night so you might look and feel your best the next day. You had waited months to be in his arms again, you supposed it couldn’t hurt to wait one more night.
You marvelled at the way his body moved. It never ceased to amaze you, the completely fluid yet somehow entirely precise movement of him. It was one of the many things found endlessly compelling – and occasionally intimidating – about Hoseok.
“Ah seriously, why can’t I get it right?”
His patience had blatantly been eroding with each backwards flip and, after ten minutes of attempting to perfect the same manoeuvre, it was clear to you how irritated he was becoming with himself. He strode to the wall of mirrors and lifted a small towel from the floor, still unfathomably graceful even with such an innocuous action.
He lifted the towel to dab at the perspiration at his temples and top lip before patting at the back of his neck, his chest heaving with exertion.
“You’re being too hard on yourself, Hoseok-ah,” a member of staff that you couldn’t place responded from across the dance studio. “Take five minutes and come back to it.”
It would have been near impossible for you to remember all the names of the various managers and choreographers assistants, there were just so many of them now. There were a few stylists you had grown close with over the months you and Hoseok had been together, but they tended to stay away from the rehearsal space unless there were cameras present for whatever reason.
He flopped down to sit on the floor beside you, and you passed his water bottle to him with an encouraging grin. “What is it you aren’t happy with? It seriously looked amazing,” you told him honestly.
He patted the top of your knee as he passed the now empty bottle back to you, returning your smile even though you noticed it didn’t quite meet his eyes. “Thanks y/n,” he replied dispassionately before standing and returning to his previous position in the centre of the room.
He bent forward and touched his fingertips to the floor, stretching out his muscles and folding his body over double before standing upright and pulling his arms across the front of his body in turn to limber up even more before turning to face you.
“Do you think you could go and get me a refill, y/n?”
You felt your blood rush to your cheeks, he had caught you staring again. You still gripped the empty bottle he had handed you between your fingers as you had became completely entranced and distracted by the strip of golden skin that became visible above the waistband of his tracksuit bottoms as he stretched his fingers up towards the ceiling.
“Uh, yes, of course,” you lifted yourself clumsily off the floor and struggled to correct your gait as you moved haphazardly closer to the door. “Sorry,” you muttered as you pulled it open.
You heard him sigh as the door clicked shut behind you. You made your way down the short corridor to the kitchen area and grabbed a fresh bottle of water out of the small refrigerator.
You didn’t really know how to handle Hoseok when he was so critical of himself. In all the time you had been together you seemed to spend an awful lot of your time simply being in awe of him, so much so it was almost exhausting at times. It was an entirely foreign concept to you how he could look at himself and see anything other than perfection.
You wished he could see himself the way you saw him. You adored everything about him. He was kind and clever and creative and charismatic and a million other incredible traits; yet he was always somehow convinced that he should go just a little bit further: write catchier songs; dance a little bit harder; sing a little better.
The problem was that, as much as you wanted to be able to help him, you knew that it was usually only the other members who could manage to talk him down when he was in that mood, and you were relieved to hear Jimin’s voice though the door of the practice room as you leant against it to push it open.
“That’s not really her fault though, is it hyung,” you heard Jimin say, causing you to stop in your tracks, leaving the door open just a crack so as not to alert them to your presence.
“I know that Jiminie, it’s just,” something about the way Hoseok sighed then caused an uneasy thrum begin in your chest. “I don’t know. Isn’t it much easier for you dating another idol, someone who actually understands the pressure we can be put under? Someone who gets that they can’t just show up unannounced and expect it to be okay?” You heard him sigh again, but his face was unreadable. “I just wish I had that sometimes.”
You didn’t hear Jimin’s response as the thrumming became a sinking feeling, and you blinked rapidly to prevent the tears that were threatening to build behind your eyes. As carefully and quietly as you were able, you placed the bottle of water just inside the room and fled to the elevator, desperate to escape should you hear other hurtful words that were not meant for your ears.
Hoseok had never said or done anything to make you feel like he was out of your league, and in all honesty you never truly thought that way either. You had always thought the two of you were in a secure and loving relationship and – despite his fame being a stark contrast to your own comparatively mundane existence – you had never been intimidated by the girls the group would often find themselves surrounded by or questioned your validity as his girlfriend.
Until that moment.
He had been going over the same part of the choreography over and over again. Wasn’t practice supposed to make perfect? He could feel his frustration bubbling to the surface as his muscles began to ache in protest.
Come on Hoseok-ah, you can’t stop until it’s perfect. Just do it right and you can go home.
Why did you have to choose that weekend to turn up early? Why did you decide to turn up at the dorm more or less unannounced just days before they filmed their segments for their comeback show?
Of course, there was no way of you knowing that when you arranged it, and it wasn’t exactly easy for you to get to Gangnam, your own commitments preventing you from doing so as often as either of you would like.
And now here you were. One of your few precious weekends together and you were sat cross-legged on the floor of a sweaty dance studio, watching him repeatedly fail miserably, when he should have been taking you out to nice restaurants and treating you in the way you deserve.
Not to mention his behaviour at dinner last night. He had been short with you and then he had left you in an alleyway while he fled in his fancy car. How could you possibly be fulfilled being with him when you had to adhere to so many rules and procedures? He felt sure that it must seem more like a job to you than a relationship. Aside from all that he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had acted like a jerk, and he wasn’t entirely sure that he would be able to suitably make it up to you given the amount of time he would need to dedicate to rehearsals over the coming days.
The feeling of impotence at the situation and his embarrassment at not being able to give you his full attention only compounded his frustration at his inability to perfect the back handspring, and as he patted away his perspiration with a towel he could barely look you in the eye.
He was grateful therefore, some minutes later when Jimin popped his head around the door to ask how his practice was going.
“Not great,” he replied. “And now y/n is here, and I’m just embarrassing myself in front of her and wasting what little time we have together. She’s probably wishing she had stayed at home.”
Jimin smiled warmly at him, strolling over and resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Don’t be silly hyung, you know she won’t be thinking anything like that. We all know how excited she gets when she visits, she practically bounces about the dorm,” he smiled again, removing his baseball cap and chucking it to the ground in order to help Hoseok with his practice. “It’s honestly tiring watching you together sometimes,” he complained good-naturedly.
Hoseok pushed him away jocularly and tutted, beginning the act of limbering up once more. “I know she doesn’t seem to get bothered by all this, she says that she knows it’s just part of it all. But,” he sighed and ran his fingers backwards through his hair to push it out of his eyes. “I just can’t help but feel like soon she’ll realise that the kind of relationship she can have with me just isn’t what she deserves. She just doesn’t have any idea how much pressure we can be under sometimes.”
“That’s not really her fault though, is it hyung,” Jimin reasoned in response.
Hoseok was always grateful for the advice of his friend and roommate, and the younger man’s sage advice often belied his youth. In fact, he had already discussed his intention to confess the depth of his feelings for you on your next visit with him, a conversation which resulted in his dongsaeng very enthusiastically telling him to go for it. Hoseok was well aware it was a rare thing indeed that the two of you shared, and he often thanked whichever gods were listening that you had appeared in his life, however unconventional your courtship may have been.
Conversely, Jimin had been in a covert relationship with another idol for quite some time now, and the level of empathy between them – due to their shared career and the perks and drawbacks that were part and parcel to it – usually lent itself well to both of them knowing instinctually when the other party needed encouragement; and when they needed space.
Hoseok knew it was ludicrous to compare your level of appreciation for his circumstances with that of a fellow idol, especially when the majority of the time he considered it a blessing. You were his escape from the madness that was his life, his calming sanctuary amidst the endlessly fatiguing stream of shows and music videos and practicing. He couldn’t remember ever hearing Jimin and his girlfriend talking about anything other than a broadcast they had done or a concert they had coming up, and on the few rare occasions that he and his band mates were “off the clock”, those were among the last things he wanted to talk about, and more often than not he felt a little sorry for them.
In his weaker moments however he craved that level of understanding.
The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt your feelings in any way, and if he'd have known you were standing close enough to hear him voice his concerns to Jimin, he would never have mentioned anything about it.
As it was you had heard him, and you were making your way back to your hotel room as quickly as you were able to pack up your things and leave Hoseok free to pursue the kind of relationship you believed he wanted.
And he had no idea.
The more time that passed the harder you berated yourself for your naivety. You had always thought that Hoseok was happy that you led a relatively normal life and you couldn’t believe you could have been so wrong.
You rubbed at your eyes with the heel of your hand and sat down heavily on the edge of the bed, surrounded by the small selection of outfits you had excitedly unpacked before surprising Hoseok at his building.
You rummaged around for your phone underneath the pile of clothes to check how long you had to get to the station, the bright display blurry through your unshed tears. You felt your eyebrows knit together as you tried to focus on the screen.
He was trying to call you.
You inhaled deeply to steady your breathing before answering. The greeting that left you was croaky and weak despite your efforts, and you were in danger of bursting in to loud sobs when you heard the concern in his voice.
“Where did you go, y/n?” Hoseok seemed genuinely perplexed by your disappearance, and – if you didn’t now know a little bit better – you would swear he sounded upset about it.
“I’m at the hotel,” you managed to mutter between shaky breaths.
“Did something happen?”
Yeah, you broke my heart.
You wouldn’t do that to him though. You knew he had a lot to contend with in the coming weeks and you refused to make things any more stressful for him than you already had.
“I’m just gonna go home, okay? I just,” your voice fell quiet. “I really need to be at home.”
“I’m coming to you now, don’t go anywhere.”
“Hoseok, you don’t –”
“I swear to god, y/n if you leave before I get over there I am going to be so upset with you.”
You couldn’t honestly say how much time had passed between the end of the phone call and the hurried pounding on the hotel room door. All you knew was that your confusion had increased at least three-fold in that period and you had remained motionless still cradling your phone in your hands.
You finally made your way gingerly to the door and opened it a fraction, just enough to see him standing in the corridor out of breath and with a frantic look in his eyes.
“Are you going to tell me what happened or –,” he stopped in his tracks as he made out the puffiness of your eyes barely visible through the crack between the door and frame. His voice softened. “Y/N, let me in.”
“You don’t need to do this Hoseok,” you began, closing the door a little more to reduce how much of your distress you were showing to him, both for his sake and for the sake of your dignity. “It’s easier if we just leave it.”
“Leave it?!” His voice went two octaves higher than usual and he looked surprised at his volume only for a moment before pressing his hand to the door and pushing gently. “What are you talking about?” He stumbled in to the room, caught off balance as you stepped back from the entry way.
Again you considered how unfair it was of him to still be so attractive even while clumsily trying to regain his equilibrium, and you heaved out a deep sigh as you steeled yourself against the hurt beginning to sit heavy on your chest as you already began to feel the loss of him.
“I shouldn’t have come here, you’re already dealing with so much without me just turning up and complicating things even more.” You made you way over to the bed and began folding your clothes and shoving them in to your bag, grateful for any action that may distract Hoseok from seeing the hurt in your eyes.
“Am I supposed to know where this is coming from, or are you going to fill me in?” He appeared to be genuinely bewildered, and you paused to better take in his expression.
You wondered why he was playing dumb when it seemed obvious to you that he didn’t want you around. “Are you joking?”
“Are you?”
You stood in silence for a few moments, you with your arms folded across your chest and he with his hands on his hips. His incredulity seemed sincere and, as you piled the final remnants of your clothes in to your holdall and zipped up the bag, you thought for a moment that there may have been a glassiness to his eyes accompanying his bewildered tone.
He took a deep breath. “All I know is, one minute you’ve gone to get water and the next you’ve vanished! Me and Jimin looked all over for you.”
Your patience was beginning to wear thin. Why was he making you drag this out? If he didn’t want you there, why wouldn’t he just let you leave? “I’m surprised either of you bothered trying to find me after your little chat. Why didn’t you just have Jimin’s girlfriend call one of her band mates for you instead?”
There was a pause as realisation began to dawn, the gradual comprehension clear on his face. “You heard us talking?” It was somehow a question and a statement all at once.
“I heard you talking,” you confirmed, lifting the large carrier on to your shoulder.
He looked lost. “Y/N, I...”
“Don’t bother, okay. Don’t try and sugar coat it or soften the blow or anything like that.” You couldn’t bear to hear his excuses or even any apologies, it would hurt too much to hear him explain your relationship away.
“Are you crazy?” He spoke so softly that he was barely audible.
“I guess I must have been. Don’t worry Hoseok, you won’t hear from me again. I’m truly sorry for any upset I caused you.” At that, you strode past him, summoning every ounce of strength you had to push down on the handle of the door.
You felt slender fingers close around the wrist of your free hand. “It’s not how it sounded, y/n, I don’t know exactly what you heard but...” His words didn’t slow you down or give you pause, and his frustration was evident as he pulled back on your arm. “I love you, you idiot!”
“Don’t...what?” You suddenly felt as though you were under water, and everything appeared to be happening in slow motion as you relinquished your hold on the door handle.
“Ah you’re so stupid, y/n.” His voice was filled with so much warmth and he looked so scared that it was near impossible not to succumb to the urge to hurl yourself in to his arms.
“You might want to stop calling me stupid if you want me to put the bag down,” you managed after regaining your composure.
He walked towards you and took the bag from your grasp, placing it on the floor while simultaneously pushing the door closed over your shoulder. He gripped the top of your arms and rubbed soothing circles with his thumbs, moving his face close to yours to meet your eyes. “Y/N, I promise you I don’t want anybody else. I’ve been second-guessing everything. If you feel the same; if you’d be happier with someone else with a less...unusual job.” He spread his hands out in front of him, and you could see how helpless he looked. It was so bizarre for you to see someone as breath-taking as Hoseok seem so unsure of himself. “I should have just been concentrating on showing you that I love you.”
“You love me?” You asked the question even though the moment that he told you you believed him wholeheartedly.
“I’ve been so scared to tell you, I know we haven’t really spent that much time together but – why are you laughing?”
“I guess I’m not the only idiot here,” you said by way of explanation, although it only served to make Hoseok look more confused. In an effort to clarify your words, you stretched up on your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck, placing a sweet kiss to his lips. “I love you, too.”
His eyes widened for a moment before a broad smile graced his features, and he cradled your face in his hands and suddenly pressed his lips to yours. The force of the kiss sent you both stumbling towards the door until your back was pressed to it and Hoseok’s firm body was flush to yours, the feel of him causing a soft moan to leave you, muffled against his lips.
He smiled in to the kiss before breaking it, gazing in to your eyes before putting on his famous aegyo voice. “Ah, you love me! Y/N loves Hobi!”
You knew he was teasing you, and you laughed despite the abrupt and unwelcome shift in mood. “Shut up and kiss me again,” you practically panted as you pushed him back towards the bed before climbing to sit on his lap, your legs either side of his toned thighs. You slanted your mouth over his, delighting in the sensation of his fingers gripping in to the soft flesh at your hips before he dragged them upwards, pulling your top from the waistband of your jeans as he did so and pressing the warmth of his palms to stroke up your back up to drag you closer to him. You grasped the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head, not bothering to conceal how the sight of his toned chest made your mouth water.
You felt yourself weaken in his arms as he licked in to your mouth to stroke his tongue along yours, and he easily manoeuvred your bodies so he was hovering above you, allowing him to take control of the situation as he continued to kiss you deeply.
Suddenly, he broke the kiss as though he had been electrocuted and looked down at you apologetically before leaping backwards off the bed and pulling his shirt back on.
Your heart clenched as you presumed he must be regretting his confession, and you sat up to lean on your elbows, steeling yourself in an attempt prepare for whatever he would say next. Maybe he had just been trying to soften the blow after all. “It’s okay Hoseok, I know it’s complicated right now – ”
He pulled you to sit upright, meeting your eyes fiercely when he spotted your concerned expression. “I love you y/n, please believe me.”
You waited a moment to take in the sincerity on his face, before you nodded and smiled as he pressed his forehead against yours. “I believe you.”
“Good,” he replied, kissing you firmly once more. “But right now I need to go. I’ve left Jimin in the car.”
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Just a Flicker of Hope-Chapter 1-The Heart Break
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***** in this story we encounter a rather sad Harry!! He’s just endured a rather upsetting heartbreak and thinks all is lost until he meets y/n! Please let us know if you have any notes or requests on what you would like to happen in the series!!!*******
It was a week till Christmas, and Harry was overjoyed. He had always loved the holidays. This time of year always brought his family and friends closer, and he lived for that. He knew that this Christmas, however, was going to be a very special one.
Harry had been in a relationship with his girlfriend for a little over three years now. He was deeply in love with her and wanted to give her the world. Courtney was his absolute best friend and the love of his life. He couldn’t picture his life without her.
Working very closely with a private jeweler, he had spent months designing the perfect engagement ring. He wanted to make sure every detail was perfect. He would accept nothing less, for his future bride.
Harry had never felt this way about someone before. He knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his live with her. He wanted to grow old together, and he wanted to watch their children and grandchildren grow and perspire.
It was Saturday, just before Christmas. Courtney believed that he was at the studio, finishing up on a new holiday jam. However, he was actually picking up the ring and buying a huge bouquet of roses.
He was now on the way home to pop the big question to his love. He was beyond nervous, but also giddy with excitement. He had a big goofy smile on his face the entire drive home.
He was way to excited to see her face that he paid no attention to the strange car in his driveway. Pulling in he quickly put his car into park and shut off the engine. Taking a deep breath, he looked at himself in the mirror.
‘You can do this!’ He said to himself. 'There’s no backing out now!’
Taking one final breath, he opened the car door and made his way up the drive. There was a small path that led to his front door. Without Hesitation, he unlocked the front door and let himself in.
“Honey, I’m home!” He said with a smirk. He had always been a fan of romantic comedies and loved the way the man would greet his love upon coming home.
He was met with silence, which he found to be odd. Courtney would always come running up to greet him, when he’d come home. She had always made him feel extraordinary, by the way she would light up whenever he was around. He could never quite get over how someone like her would fall for someone like him.
He’d always been a bit on the insecure side. He struggled with no feeling good enough and would often dwell on it. He had never thought of himself as good-looking and there were a million things he wish he could change. Not many people knew of his insecurities, and throughout the years he tried his best to overcome them. With the help of his beloved Courtney, he was slowly moving past them.
Looking around, he looked for anything out of the ordinary. Setting his keys and phone on the kitchen counter, he quickly removed his jacket. Sliding the ring box into his jean pockets, he went in search of her.
He searched all throughout the first floor of the house, with no luck. He was halfway up the staircase, when he started hearing strange noises. Slowly he made his way up the final steps. The master bedroom was located at the end of the hallway.
For some reason, the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He felt a strange chill go through his body. Just outside of his bedroom, he froze with his hand on the doorknob. He listened intently. His mood went from extremely happy and excited to overwhelming fury in a matter of seconds.
From the other side of the door he could hear Courtney’s soft moans and cries of pleasure. He had known those sounds all to well. What made him see red, however, was the deeper more throaty moan and grunts he heard.
Bursting into the room, Harry was met with his greatest fear. Sprawled out on the bed, completely naked was Courtney. She was entangled with a man Harry had met on a few separate occasions.
His name was Mark. Him and Courtney worked together and had always been close friends. Harry had never cared for Mark, and he could never be sure as to why. He didn’t trust the guy, and now he knew that his gut feeling had been spot on.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” Harry screamed, not being able to control his temper. Throwing the roses, he barely heard them crash against the wall.
The naked couple looked at him in horror. Not being able to contain himself, he rushed to the bed. Pulling Mark off of his so called girlfriend, he punched him hard in the jaw. Rearing back he hit him again in the stomach. Mark let out a gust of air, as he fell to the floor.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing you bastard?!” He yelled.
“Harry! Stop it!” Courtney cried from behind him. To no avail, she tried to grab Harry’s arm to stop his attack.
Turning to her, his eyes were filled with pure rage. “And you! How the hell could you do this!!”
“I’m sorry!” she cried, tears rolling down her face. “It’s not what you think!”
“Ohh so you weren’t just fucking cheating on me with this stupid fuck here? Then, please, do tell me what in the hell you were doing! Enlighten me.”
“Harry, I’m so sorry!” she cried again.
“Right,” he said with pure disgust.
“Well what the hell do you expect! We’ve been together for three fucking years now, and we’re still right where we started. Every time I bring up furthering our relationship you blow me off. I got sick of waiting around for you to want to marry me!!! What the hell am I suppose to do when you act like you don’t want a future with me?!” She screamed out, anger bubbling inside.
Harry laughed, without humor. “I didn’t want to marry you?! Then what in the FUCK is this?!” he asked producing the box from his pocket and showing her.
Her eyes grew wide, as realization hit her. “You were going to propose?” She whispered.
“Well I guess the fucking joke is on me then huh?” He said bitterly, stuffing the box back in his pocket. He would be damned if she was getting it now.
“Wait, Harry! I’m sorry okay! We can make it through this! We can work things out! I’ll do whatever you want me to, I swear! I love you so very much!” She pleaded.
“You know what I want?” He asked stepping a foot closer to her. He towered over her small frame.
“Name it, I’ll do anything to make this right.”
“I want you to get your shit out of my house, by tomorrow.”
Her eyes grew wide, once more. “Harry! Please don’t do this! I love you! We can fix this!” She begged.
“If you loved me, you wouldn’t have even thought about cheating.” He said utterly defeated.
“If you’re not out by this time tomorrow, I will have my security throw you out.” He said turning his back.
“HARRY!” She screamed. “You can’t do this! Don’t turn your back on me! I have no other place to go, and I don’t want us to end like this.”
“Maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to throw away everything we’ve spent these last three years building.
Taking once last look at her broken form, Harry turned his back on her and everything they had once shared. Ignoring her pleas, he quickly made his way out of the room. Rushing through the house, before he could change his mind, he ran to his car. Waiting until the house was far out of view, he finally gave into the pain.
Pulling into an abandoned parking lot, Harry lost himself. Slamming his fists into his steering wheel, he screamed as loud as he could. Tears ran endlessly down his cheeks, as he fought to control himself.
No one person had ever made him feel this way before. He felt like all hope was lost. He was planning on marrying this girl and spending the rest of his life with her. How had everything gone so terribly wrong in a matter of minutes.
He couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him. Why had he not been enough for her. All of his insecurities had come rushing back to him. This was everything he had ever feared except it was a million times worse.
Leaning over the wheel, he let everything out. He was gasping for air, by the time he could muster any form of self control. His heart felt like it was breaking into a thousand tiny pieces, and he felt as if there were a hole forming in his chest. Desperately, he held his chest as tight as he possibly could trying to piece it back together.
Finally, the tears stop flooding out. He felt empty, broken beyond repair. He was unsure of what to do next. All he knew was that he wanted to forget. He wanted to forget about the millions of memories the two of them had once shared. He wanted to forget how much he loved and cared for her still. Most of all he wanted to forget the imagine that kept repeating over and over again in his mind of her and Mark in bed together.
Waiting until his emotions were in check, he put the car into drive once more. His face was now blank, free from all emotions. Pulling up outside of his favorite bar, he parked once more.
It had been a while since he found himself in desperate need of a drink, but now he wanted to drown all of his sorrows. The small bar was mostly empty. It had always been secluded and that’s what he loved most about it. He didn’t like for people to see this part of him.
Picking a booth in the back corner, he sat down. He ordered a bottle of his favorite whiskey and set about trying to erase her from his memory.
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yoongislight · 6 years
BTS reaction: their s/o locking themselves in the bathroom after a fight.
Requested by @whyiseveryonecrying, hope you like it!!💓
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What started as a stupid argument has now became an actual fight. You boyfriend is busy with work and has missed the dinner you agreed to have. You understood his situation but this wasn't the first time and you were honestly done already.
“If you paid more attention to what I say maybe you wouldn't always miss our dates!” you shout at him angrily. He frowns and looks at you with fire starting to build in his eyes. You know you have hurt him, he is the most attentive and thoughtful boyfriend ever, but at this point you don't care.
“If you weren't so controlling maybe I would make it to those dates” he fires back, his voice full of venom.
Your eyes open wide as you feel tears gather in the corner of your eyes. As Jin sees your hurt expression his anger and fury turns into regret and guilt. He tries to grab your arm but you are faster and lock yourself in the bathroom. You start sobbing against the door while Jin knocks softly.
“Y/N, open up please, I'm sorry” he pleads leaning against the door.
“Leave me alone, Jin” you reject.
“Baby, I love you more than anything and I'm sorry for everythin I've said. I didn't mean you are controlling, I don't even know why I said that but it surely isn't true. I'm dumb and I shouldn't have said that. Open up so I can apologize, I hate seeing you cry” he says softly.
His forehead is pressed against the door so when you open and throw yourself in his arms he stumbles a bit but manages to stand still and hold you tight in his arms.
“It's ok Jin, I love you more than anything. You are not dumb, you are the best boyfriend in the world and you shouldn't forget it”
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“You spend every single day in the studio until late at night and whenever you happen to be at home you don't leave your laptop or headphones. Can you stop ignoring me?!” you say exasperated looking at Yoongi angrily.
“Y/N, you know our new album is coming up and I have to spend more time working on it” he mutters with his eyes still fixated on his laptop screen.
You are done with this already. You are done with his passive attitude towards you and your relationship. It's not the upcoming album, this has been a thing for several months now and all you want is some attention.
“You know what Min Yoongi? I don't know why I moved in with you if you are going to ignore my existence” you say loudly. Finally he faces you and he frowns annoyed. He is hurt by your words; since he is involved in the music industry you know he has had to work non stop to get to where he is now and you probably shouldn't reproach him all his work but you have reached your limit.
“Then why the fuck did you agreed on coming? You know damn well that music is my priority and if you can't accept that then you should have thought twice about it” his expression is cold and calm but his voice is poisonous.
You open your mouth trying to find words to fire back but instead a sob comes out. You feel a single tear coming down your cheek but you won't let him see you cry, not right now. You lock yourself in the bathroom and let the tears stream down sitting on the toilet.
Five minutes later the door opens slowly and you feel two arms around you holding you tightly. You place your head on the crook of his neck and try to calm down while he caresses your hair. He places his thumb on your chin and lift your head up, getting the tears in your cheeks with his finger.
“I'm the worst boyfriend ever and I don't deserve a woman like you. Ever since you came in my life you are my first priority and I have lost myself too much in the music. Please forgive me for being so ignorant and dumb. It kills me to see you cry and even more being the reason of your tears”.
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You blink twice not believing right in front of your eyes. Your boyfriend is sitting with a girl you've never seen before in the table you just left for the bathroom minutes ago. “Don't jump into conlcusions”, you say to yourself “It's probably just a friend he just met”.
You smile and walk to approach them when suddenly the girl leans in towards Hoseok. You open your eyes and cover your mouth as you feel the warmth of tears in your eyes. Your boyfriend's eyes meet yours but you run before you give him time to get to you you lock yourself in the bathroom.
Hoseok, your little ray of sunshine, your happiness, just cheated on you with some random girl. Tears now cover your cheeks as the scene of that woman kissing your man plays non stop in your head.
“Baby, it's not what you think. It was some random, crazy fan that invaded my privacy. Please let me explain things, I hate it when you cry” Hoseok's sweet voice sounds through the door, pleading for your understanding.
“But she kissed you...” you mutter loud enough for him to hear you. Despite that, you open up and Hoseok hugs you tight. He pulls away and holds your face between his hands smiling.
“How could I look for girls outside when I already have the most beautiful woman at home?”
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You turn to your boyfriend angrily but mostly betrayed. Namjoon has been hiding your relationship from the other members for months now and you would like to finally introduce yourself to them as his girlfriend.
“It's been months Namjoon. If you are ashamed of me, why don't you say it?!” you shout at him.
“You know I'm not ashamed of this but maybe I'm tired of your fucking tantrums for absolutely everything!” he fires back.
His words hurt you like fire but you won't let him see your pain. Namjoon expression softens as he sees hurt in your eyes and he tries to grab your hand but you let go off his grip and disappear behind the bathroom door. Soon Namjoon is knocking pleading for you to open up but you won't give in so easily.
“Go away Namjoon, leave me alone!” you tell him.
“I really didn't mean what I said, I don't even think it's true. You are the most perfect girlfriend someone could have and I'm a fool for not wanting to show my brothers but I was scared they wouldn't think as high of you as I do. Now I'm sure that they will see how amazing you are” his words makes you smile and open the door throwing yourself to his arms and he hugs you tightly, not wanting to ever let go.
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Once again, you lean to see what Jimin is typing on his phone but, once again, he pulls it away from you. It has been like this for weeks now and you have come to think he is hiding something from you. You don't want to jump into conclusions because despite all the secrecy you know Jimin would never cheat on you. But you can't help but wonder... what if?
“Jimin I'm done with all this hiding, what the fuck is wrong?” you finally ask, not managing to shut your mouth.
“It's nothing, you don't have to see it” he says on the defensive not wanting to look in your eyes. That is all the confirmation you need.
“I knew I wasn't enough for you. I should have known that whenever you found another woman you'd run to her” you say going to the first door you spot near you: the bathroom.
You are probably exaggerating but you have always been very insecure and Jimin being an international icon with millions of girls wanting him doesn't make you feel better. For shit like this you always tend to think you don't deserve such a perfect boyfriend like Jimin. That's why, when suddenly his musical voice sounds in the other side of the closed door singing a ballad you don't recognize, tears start building in your eyes.
You listen carefully at the lyrics and realize they talk about you and your relationship with Jimin. His words are beautiful and you open the door slowly revealing your precious boyfriend singing to you with all his heart.
“I have been writing this song for weeks, wanting it to describe our relationship perfectly. I didn't want you to see it or hear it until it was perfectly finished but I guess now was a good moment. How could I be with another woman when I love you this much?” he looks at you with pure love in his eyes and hugs you, putting all his heart in the embrace.
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“Taehyung you are always spending a shameful amount of money in stuff we dn't need! You should think twice before buying shit like a five hundred dollar Supreme statue” you nag him with annoyance.
“Why do you care so much of what I spend my money in?” he spats with a frown.
“Well maybe because we live together and your money is also mine. If you are going to act like a kid and buy stupid shit I will have to be the adult in this relationship” you say crossing your arms and looking angrily at him.
“I don't think it's your money when I'm the one paying the bills here” he spits venomously.
You squint your eyes and look at him furiously before walking away and going straight into the bathroom hoping Taehyung leaves you alone.
But there is no luck.
The door opens and your boyfriend appears with remorse painted on his face. He puts his arms around you trying to make you look at him.
“I'm sorry baby, you know that's not true. I know how hard you are working in university and I'm more than glad to live with you and support you until you finish your degree. I know I should control how I spend my money so please feel free to boss me around as you please”.
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“Jeon Jungkook, stop fooling around with your Xbox and start helping me with the chores around the house. I have told you seven million times to clear your studio and I still see your shit all over the table!” you shout absolutely exasperated.
You have had this conversation too many times to count and you are done with it. If he is not drawing he is playing videogames or watching gameplays on YouTube. At the moment he is hooked with Fortnite and can't stop playing it. You have let him procrastinate for a while now but you have reach your breaking point
“See if you keep ignoring me now” you say turning off his console.
“What the fuck Y/N?! I was about to be first!” he complains angrily standing up.
“Whenever you stop acting like a little kid and do your chores I will stop” you say frowning.
“Why don't you stop acting like my fucking mom and be a nice girlfriend instead? All you do is boss me around like a controlling woman!” he confronts you moving his arms.
You open your eyes hurt by his words and Jungkook's anger is soon turnt into guilt and sadness. Before he can grab you you hide behind the bathroom door. You almost manage to lock it but your boyfriend is faster and opens the door hugging you as soon as he is in.
“I'm the dumbest and most ungrateful boyfriend to ever exist. You know how childish I am with videogames and I'm sorry for procrastinating but I can't help it. Thank you for not letting me be too  shitty. I love you and I hope you can control me more years from now”.
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yoonia · 7 years
petals 009#: diaper trouble
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#009 - When Daddy forgot the diapers
➽ Character/Genre/words: Min Yoongi x occasional OC | Parenthood!au, Fluff |  2,250 words
➽ a/n: based on my Baby Min headcanons
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"Did you get everything? You're writing them down, aren't you?"
Yoongi hums as he writes down the list that his wife had just given him by the phone on one of the papers he had found on his desk. "I have them, I'm writing them down now. Is there anything else you need?"
"No, I don't think so," she answers after contemplating for a while. "Is it really okay though? I know you're busy today, I can just go out with the baby or leave the baby at my parents if it's going to take some time."
Yoongi listens to his wife speaking on the phone while he compiled the scattered notes which he had been working on in his studio, placing the scribbled down shopping list his wife had just given on the top right after he is done with it. "It's okay, really. I will pass by the supermarket on my way there anyway, so I can grab the things you need quickly before the meeting. I won't be finished until later, so as long as you're okay waiting for me to return then it's going to be fine."
He listens to his wife repeating the instructions, adding another reminder of, "Don't forget the diapers," before they bid goodbyes. Of course, also not forgetting to say "I love you" while blowing air kisses on the phone―which Yoongi returns secretly without caring that his cheeks might be blushing as he is doing it since he is perfectly hidden inside his studio anyway―right before ending the phone call. Someone comes knocking on the door just as he puts his phone away with his manager's voice calling for him to quickly make his leave. So Yoongi immediately puts the papers and notes into his bag in a rush and runs out to head out to his production meeting right away.
It's around an hour drive to where the meeting is held, and he doesn't forget to make the quick stop at the supermarket just like he promised. The only problem he is having right now is finding the shopping list.
"Where the fuck is it?" he curses while he rummages the contents of his bag, flipping through the papers and notes yet the shopping list seems nowhere to be found. He spends the next five minutes or more to try and find them, only giving up when he realizes that he would be wasting his time doing so, and he can't be late for the meeting. He tries to recall the list in his head when he steps out of the car, repeating everything by whispering them out to himself as he makes his way into the supermarket. The thought of calling his wife to ask her to repeat all the list again comes into mind as he walks through the alleyways, yet he also remembers that the reason why she couldn't go and do this herself is that both she and the baby are still recovering from being sick the past week.
"Nah, I got this," he tells himself when he is sure that he remembers everything, refusing to disturb his wife when he can tell that she is probably resting with the baby already, and starts on his way to find everything he needs.
He goes for the food supplies first, grabbing some oatmeals and cereals before heading to the daily care station. He takes his time grabbing some of the basic needs for him and his wife before he finally makes his way to the baby station. Yoongi feels proud of himself by this moment, knowing that he has managed to get most of the things he knows his wife wanted him to get.
Until he finds the baby supplies corridor, and that's when he feels lost. "Baby oil and talc, right?" he asks himself, reaching for the said items to add to his cart before pushing it forward. "Okay, what else?" he looks around, finding some other stuff he knows his baby needs, but there is something missing in the back of his mind.
Yoongi reaches into his pocket to pull out his phone to make a quick call to his wife to make sure, just in time for it to ring for an incoming call. "Namjoon? What is it?" he speaks to his device moments after he receives the call.
"Where are you? Are you here yet?"
"No, I'm making a quick stop. Why? Is everyone there already?" he asks his buddy while he keeps on walking with his shopping cart and his eyes scanning the racks.
"Not yet, but the new producer called and told me that he is almost here. How much longer will you get here?"
Yoongi curses as he looks down at his watch, realizing by now how much time have passed since he got here. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Wait for me," he says in a rush, putting his phone away after ending the call. He glances around one last time before deciding that he has gotten everything he needs, reaching to grab a small box of baby snacks before he makes his way to the cashier.
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"Are you on your way home yet?"
Yoongi gives out a quick wave at his friends and the producers he just had a meeting with while he walks out of the building, making his way to his car with his phone placed on his ear. "The meeting just ended, I'm heading straight home now," he answers to the phone while sliding his free hand into his coat pocket to retrieve his keys.
"Oh, good," he hears his wife letting out a relieved sigh. "I miscalculated the diapers we have at home. I thought we still have at least one, but it turns out that I had used the last one today. Which means we might be needing the new one soon. You don't have to rush, though. The baby is still asleep so we don't have to worry about changing yet. You have the diapers, don't you?"
Yoongi stands still beside his car, his hand that is holding the key stops mid-air when his wife's words struck him. He can feel the blood in his body running chill when it dawns him.
The diapers.
"Uh, yes― of course, I got them, don't worry," he chuckles, clearing his throat immediately to hold his voice from cracking. "I'm on my way now, wait for me at home, okay?"
He jumps into his car immediately as the phone call is cut off, rushing to the grocery bags and starts rummaging its contents. He can feel his skin growing paler when he can't find the item he needs.
He had forgotten the diapers.
"She is going to fucking kill me," he curses, hitting his head on the steering wheel. He goes silent for a brief moment before an idea comes into his head.
Yoongi sits straight in the driver's seat as he makes another phone call, his eyes are locked on the time showing on his watch as he waits for the call to come through. The other end of the call only answers at the fourth dial tone.
"Jin? I need your help."
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Jin is already standing in his doorway when Yoongi parks his car in the driveway of his home. His toddler daughter is standing next to him, clinging to his long legs while holding her storybook on her side and with a huge smile on her face as she spots her favourite uncle coming.
"Uncle Yoongi!!" she calls out to him as he steps out of the car, earning both men to smile fondly at the small girl.
"Somi, why are you still awake?" Yoongi greets the child first, messing up her hair before looking at her father who is staring at him with squinted eyes.
"I was reading her a story when you called," he said while placing his hand on the child's shoulder. "She's been bugging her baby brother so I had to get her away from him to let him sleep."
Yoongi lets out a chuckle. "Well, sorry to interrupt your story time," he said.
"It’s alright," Jin only shrugs as he hands a pack of diapers to Yoongi. "The pack is already opened but it's actually a fresh one. My wife only took one for an emergency we had this morning. We still have some supplies so you don't have to worry about anything."
"Thanks, Jin," Yoongi sighs, taking the diapers in his hand with relief. "Sorry for troubling you this late at night."
"No problem," Jin smiles at him, before giving him a teasing wink. "Good luck on dodging your wife."
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"Oh, right on time," Yoongi's wife greets the man as he walks past the front door. "The baby just woke up and I think it's time to change the diaper," she grins before giving her husband a soft kiss to welcome him home.
"Hmmm―" Yoongi leans down to return the affection he is missing so much, deepening the kiss with a soft sigh escaping him and a smile creeping on his lips. "How are you feeling?" he asks her as he pulls away.
"I'm feeling good, actually. Still a bit lethargic but I think that's what I get from sleeping all day," she chuckles. "Where is it? Let me put the groceries and change the baby's diaper so you can rest."
"Actually―" he stops her from reaching into the grocery bags in his hands. "Why don't you just sit tight and let me do all the work. I'll put away the groceries and change the diapers for you."
He watches his wife pouting her lips and nearly feels guilty for lying to her. "But I'm bored," she complains at him. "I have been doing nothing but resting and playing with the dumpling all day. Besides, aren't you tired?"
Yoongi shakes his head and kisses his wife's temple to convince her to let him go. "I am, but I miss the baby too. Let me do it, please?"
She finally nods after a moment and gives another offer. "Then I'll prepare some food and beer for you while you tend the baby, okay?"
"Sure," he sighs, trying to hold back from showing how relieved he is for being able to get away. He makes his way straight into the bedroom where the baby is after leaving the bags filled with food and other supplies in the living room, making sure that he is carrying the bag containing the baby supplies and the diaper―yes, the one he got from Jin earlier―with him, and away from his wife's sight.
The baby is wide awake when he enters the room, cooing lightly with their eyes staring at the hanging toys circling above them and their hands waving around. 
"Hey there, Min dumpling," he greets the baby softly, as he looks over at the crib. Now that he has a better look at his baby, he can see the frown appearing on his baby, quite possibly a result of wearing a dirty diaper for too long. Thankfully, only moments later, their face lights up at the sight of their father, allowing a huge smile to take over Yoongi's face immediately out of relief. He reaches for the baby and carries them to the changing pad, while softly humming at the angel in his hands, "Are we ready to change? Looks like someone has filled up the nasty diaper, huh?"
The baby only laughs at him, of course, their eyes seem to widen at their father's deep voice, enjoying the soft hum as if he is cooing them to sleep. He lays the baby on the pad as he reaches for the diaper, glancing out the doorway to make sure that he won't get caught of grabbing an already opened pack of diaper by his wife before turning back to face the baby. Yet for some reason, he still feels like getting caught by the way his little child is now staring at him with squinted eyes.
"What? Don't judge me," he scoffs lightly. "Daddy is a busy man, okay? He forgets things sometimes."
He acts as if the baby understands him, and with the way the child mumbles with a deep frown on their face as if they are responding to him, scolding him for lying to their mother, he feels like he is being judged by his little one. "I'm sorry, I'll make sure to get you a new one first thing in the morning. Meanwhile, we'll just use what your uncle Jin gave us, okay?"
Yoongi starts changing his baby's diaper, tending the child gently as if he is already well-trained on the task. The child keeps mumbling as he does the task, earning the man to continue cooing with assuring words until the child's face grows brighter.
"There you go," he says as he is done changing them into their fresh new diaper. "Feeling better and refreshed already, aren't we?"
He chuckles when the child starts giggling in glee as he lifts them into his hold. "Promise me one thing, okay?" he asks his child before they head back to their mother in the kitchen, "Please don't tell Mom."
The baby goes still for a brief moment, glancing back at their father before letting out a loud giggle as if they are agreeing to his plea.
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Disclaimer: All works are written by myself. Any copyright infringement, reposting on any other social media or website, and any act of plagiarism will be dealt with legal action
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damnjooon · 7 years
Don't reject me|1
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Genre: Fluff|Angst- ManagerAu
Word count: 2281
Part: 1
Time had really flashed past you like the movie marathons you proudly took part of when you weren't fulled with layered schedules. It felt like just yesterday, you had just landed in a foreign country where you would spend most your youth in, South Korea.
Lately, you've been brutally busy with work. Bighit, the company you worked at, was gaining more attention and success, well the group that is under BigHit, BTS. You were lucky enough to be a manager for the seven members. But due to risk of starting rumors, your employment was kept undercover, people mistaking you as a make up artist (though you weren't so good). 
You were excited for the upcoming months, Bang Pd announced that there would be another world tour two months ago, and the day had finally arrived. You were prepping for transportation and where the boys would be accommodated at in the multiple countries that you would also adventure through. You finished earlier than expected so you packed all the necessary equipment that is vital for traveling: monthly protection, your laptop, various types of clothing and your nikon d3400 camera. You fell asleep really early, as it was your turn to drive the members to the airport.
9:15PM BANG P.D: Just a reminder that it is your responsibility to pick up the members. They depart at 10:00AM. If possible, could you be at the airport by 7:50? Our last flight was delayed due to paparazzi.
9:16PM Y/n: Of course. Ill make sure they get there safely as well. Sejin, Hyunsoo, Hobeom, Jigaemae and I have it all undercover. Don't worry too much.
9:17PM Bang P.D: Thank you y/n. Enjoy yourself for me yes? Once you return, you'll wish you would've...
9:17PM Y/n: :) I will, thank you Bang P.D enjoy your free time as well...
You slept peacefully in your studio apartment. Though you were still, you felt that you could explode, overwhelmed by the events that would take place. Imagining all the famous landmarks and traditional foods you would experience, you dozed off to La la land...
The song, 'Fireflies' by Owl City (a childhood song) greeted you awake. It was currently 3:00AM and it took you an hour to drive to work then pick up the boys. You only had an hour to reorganize yourself so that you would arrive at the airport on time. As much time as it sounded like, you were still in a hurry, fearing you would disappoint your boss. You threw your luggage inside your car, remembering to grab everything, then dashed to the building to transfer cars in order to pick up the boys.
As expected, you were at the members apartment 1 hour earlier than you intended. You rang Jin knowing he would be awake. After two rings the call was answered...
Y/n: "Hey Jin, are the others all up?"
Jin: "No, "Hi Jin did you sleep well?""
Y/n: "Ohh gosh I am sorry my lord, did thy lord sleep peacefully?"
Jin: "Yess~ I did"
Y/n: "You're such a dork... Are they?"
Jin: "Yeah we're all awake, Jungkook woke us up. Are you here yet?"
Y/n: "Wow Jungkook did? And yeah"
Jin: "Cause it's you (mumbling), I mean were on our way"
Y/n: "K see you then, peace out~"
It didn't take them long to arrive at the car. You exchanged greetings with each and every member but Jungkook. He shrugged your greetings away merely giving any attention. Jungkook gave you mixed emotions, as if he was still a stuck up teen. Somedays he can be very bubbly and cheeky, enjoyable to be around with (though you both didn't talk to each other much). Somedays he would be overly bitchy, his famous stone cold eyes plastered onto his face. Unfortunately, it was one of "those" days.
Y/n: "We're pretty early and I didn't eat breakfast, down for some burgers?"- eyes observing the empty roads.
HS: "Who the hell eats burgers for breakfast?"
Y/n: "Me, unless you have a healthier decision"
NJ: "Let's just go to a Café"
Y/n: "Fine~ what you all want"
TH: "Hot chocolate please"
JM: "Iced Green tea"
HS: "Coffe for me, large i didn't get much sleep. Hixtape..."
YG: "Americano"
NJ: "Yeah me too"
Jin: "mmm I want juice"
Y/n: "Guys i aint gonna remember anything just text me it, im driving here."
You looked for the closest Café in sight, finding one a few stores down the road. As concentrated as you were, you felt a set of eyes burning behind your head. You knew it was Jungkook. Jungkook stop looking at me. Moments later you parked up the car and headed into the Café to order what they desired to snack on whilst also buying you something to eat. You returned to the van, passing out the drinks to all the members.
Y/n: "Man the lady was giving me hella attitude. She was like "Is that just for you, it seems like too much". Even if it was mine, why would it matter to her, I'm the one that pays for her pay check".
After taking small nibbles from your sandwich, you continued your destination towards the airport. Traffic was slowly building up, so you took the shortest route possible. Out of pure instinct, you looked up at the rear mirror, there he was again. Jungkook's eyes dark and mysteriously scrutinized on your eyes. As tempting as he looked, you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Stop looking at me! It was as if you said those words aloud because all the members were looking at you, than back to Jungkook in a rather awkward and confused expression.
After 45 minutes you parked up the van in it's designated location, a smile across your simple features. Remembering that you were a girl, you slipped your phone out of your pocket dialling Sejin's number into your phone.
Y/n: "Hey Sejin, I'm here."
SJ: "You are? Wow your early it's only 7. Im gonna be running a little late... Girlfriend, but I'll text Jigaemae, he'll escort them inside."
Y/n: "Hah I can't relate. How long will he take?"
SJ : "mmm approximately half an hour?? 40 minutes no later."
Y/n: "Then what do I do?... Gosh, sometimes I wish I was a man so I could just walk with them casually."
SJ: "Yeah, sadly it will cause false rumors. I have no clue just, I don't know make sure they have everything I guess?"
Y/n: "For 30 minutes?"
SJ: "Just do something... I have to go, see you there."
Y/n: "Suppose so, catch ya later".
You hung the phone up and banged your head against the head rest out of irritation and boredom. The vibration of your phone grabbed your attention which you opened, surprised by a notification by Jungkook.
7:16AM Jungkook: Why are you banging your head like that...
7:16AM Y/n: U do realize were in the same car, breathing the same air...
7:17AM Jungkook: It's more private.
You left him on read as Jigaemae also sent you a message.
7:18AM Jigsaw: Why me?? Out of all the manager's. Sejin chooses me. Does he know how small I am!?! ILL GET CRUSHED
You sniggered at his cry for help, grabbing Jungkooks attention
7:19AM y/n: Too bad :p Im a girl. I can just imagine you getting squeezed between the paparazzi and a bodyguard. How fascinating ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
7:19AM Jigsaw: Im on my wayy ㅠㅠ By the time we get in the plane. Im gonna b in pieces.
7:19AM y/n: Hey at least we r travelling!! Plus we get paid too so win win!
7:20AM Jigsaw: For u! U can just walk in without a mob tackling ㅠㅡㅠ u!! Wish me luck, im gonna need it
7:20AM y/n: 후후후후 화이팅 Good luck shorty!
You locked the screen, satisfied with both the conversation and the reoccurring thought of Jigaemae crammed between a bodyguard and a metal pole. Jungkook however, was completely the opposite to how you felt. He oozed Jealousy and bleeded rage, he hated that anything he did never caught your attention. He wanted you, he didn't want the thousands and hundreds of girls that loved and worshiped him, or the most prettiest, smartest, open-minded women on earth, he wanted you. Honestly, you didn't have any features that made you stand out from the crowd, but to him you glowed everything he couldn't find in other people.
You asked the members if they had everything and if they wanted anything from the airport before you went.
Jk: "Can I come with you, please?"
Y/n: "I would say yes Jungkook but its too risky of a move".
Jk: "I have my mask?"
Y/n: "But your build. Every fan knows how well maintained and sculptured it is. Its just too risky".
Nj: "Cut him some slack man y/n. Just let him it'll be more interesting".
Y/n: "Okay~"
You were partially frustrated with Jungkook, he always asked if he could accompany you. Sometimes you just needed air away from work.
Jk: "So who was that you were texting? Boyfriend?"
Y/n: "Jungkook, you know im as lonely as your chilly pepper. Just like youse, I'm too busy working."
Jk: "Haha chilly pepper..."
The weather was cold and wet, it had started to pour, hitting the roads and uncovered pavements. The rain always made you feel at ease, melting your worries and stress with one drop of water.
Jungkook scanned your features, watching you admire the scenery. Why are you so...y/n. He was crazy for you. Whenever you entered the building wearing skirts or business shirts he would imagine himself ripping them off you and pounding into you until you basically scream his name. He couldn't help himself, he was a man after all. He really wished you would show some interest in him or at least reply to his cheesy flirting skills.
You and Jungkook strolled around the airport hoping to kill time. The mini journey was silent, none of you dared to ruin the comfortable atmosphere. As you were on your way back to the van, You spotted Jigaemae and Hyunsoo a few cars before the van.
Y/n: "Jigaemae, Hyunsoo!" - waving your hands, recklessly.
Jg: "Y/n! Jungkook!"
Hy: "Hello."
After exchanging each others presence, you strolled back to the van blabbing about business. From the corner of your eye, Jungkook was bulging his tongue from inside his cheeks, eyes focus on nothing but your small steps.
15 Minutes past, the boys were supervised by both their managers and the bulky thick men, muscles filling in every space between the boys. You couldn't control yourself and chuckle at the scene that unraveled before your eyes: the flashing of lights and bodies touching each and every person thirsty for a glimpse of the kpop sensation. Meeting up with your coworkers, you finalized any trips, hotels and management needed for the upcoming "vacation". Though one of your colleagues were gossiping about another colleague, you heard another discussion take place that interested you more.
Yb: "Someone told me that Jungkook likes someone in the company..."
Lp: "Yeah I heard about it too!" - whispering
Yb: "Who do you think it is? My eyes are on the new intern, she's always coming back with hickey's on her neck these days".
Lp: "I doubt it, I reckon he's into noonas that are dominant, you know?"
Yb: "Who like y/n?"
Your ears flinched with the sound of your name, intrigued that people thought you were 1) that sort of person 2) stimulating enough for a worldwide idol to see you in such light.
Lp: "Exactly yeah, just like her. I've seen the way he looks at her. When she's busy talking to another guy, he does that tongue thing. We all know what that means."
Yb: "Actually I've seen it too. I wish he liked me. I mean she isn't that pretty, I actually look more decent than her, V told me so."
Stop being so full of yourself. He only said you look pretty not better than my sexy body. You thought to yourself. The buzzing of your phone indicated that they were in the waiting room, ready for department. You informed everyone that it was time to go, effortlessly treading towards the room that held the seven members.
Y/n: "Is that everyone? Okay so we are all lucky enough to ride business class due to Bang pdnim so In favor for the big boss, let's enjoy ourselves and work hard as well!"
You all entered the airplane pleased that you wouldn't be spending 12 hours with a knot in your neck and sweaty arms colliding into each other. As you were Jungkooks personal manager, you were given the chair closest to the window, next to Jungkook. A big fat bunny grin planted on his face. Jungkook took this opportunity to know you better.
After the plane took off into the air you unbuckled yourself, snatching your camera from your bag. You snapped numerous photos of Seoul, watching the city minimize as the airplane flew higher into the air. Jungkook did not hesitate to appreciate your piquant side profile repetitively reminding himself why he fell for you in the first place. After your satisfied approval to yourself, you placed the camera back into your bag and sat back, letting the sofa chair massage your tense muscles.
Jk: "So, how's life?"
Without realising, your eyelids gradually grew heavier, which you cowardly admitted defeat. Jungkook was head over heels for you, even though you were snoring and drool dripped from your chin he couldn't help but think that one day he would wake up to this you...
Jk: "Hey, I like you. Please don't reject me."
A/N: It is I, the author. I am planning on doing a series for this.. Since it's the holidays nxt week. Ill do regular updates just simply comment if you want me to so I know I'm not doing this for nothing you know?
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ellie-bee242 · 7 years
If You’re Lucky-Part 1
Howdy! Here’s the first official chapter for you!
Side-note, I could watch pointe ballet forever and never get bored, it’s so fucking pretty omg, so expect a lot of ballet gifs.
Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Chapter 1: Should Fate Be Kind
Song rec: ****
Word count: 1,570 words.
Story summary: Human/normal/non supernatural universe wherein Stiles is half way through college when, one night after passing a particularly hard midterm, he meets a cute girl while celebrating by himself at a bar. They share a passion filled night of fun, but she’s gone by the morning. In an effort to find her, he goes back to the bar but finds an old high school flame instead.
Seven years, a failed marriage, and a child later, Stiles finds himself taking his daughter to her first ballet class and who should the teacher be but Cinderella Girl?
Warnings: Some serious shade being thrown, A verbal beat down of a typical Suburban Mom™, (honestly just a fucking straight up murder)(not really tho).
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“Yes, Lydia, we’re sitting in the car right outside the place, right now. I’ll bring her over after okay?” Stiles promised, watching as the little red haired girl sip on her water from the rear view mirror.
“Fine... Just make sure the other kids are nice to her, okay? And don’t call her Ronnie in there, they’ll tease her.” She fretted over the phone.
“I won’t.” He promised. “Is it okay if I go now, we’re gonna be late.” He told her.
“Oh, yeah, sorry. Jordan says to tell her good luck.” She said before hanging up.
“You ready honey?” Stiles asked turning back to look at her as he pocketed his phone.
“Yes daddy.” She smiled as she unbuckled her seat-belt and went for the door. Stiles cut the car’s engine and got out to help her out of the car and took her hand to keep her from running off as he got her ballet bag out of the back.
“Alright, let’s go. Mommy and Jordan both wish you good luck today.” He told her.
“What about you daddy?” She asked.
“Of course I wish you good luck too, but I know you won’t need it because you’ll do well no matter what.” He assured her, watching as she hopped up onto the sidewalk just outside the building.
He grabbed the door for her and let her walk in ahead of him. Once inside he took her hand again and led her towards the group gathering near the door that led to the studio room.
“... So while the first lesson today is technically free, there will be a hundred dollar charge for each child to continue. Additionally you are expected to pay for the outfits, the shoes, and the costumes for the recital at the end of the year.” The black haired woman who stood in the middle of the group was saying as the door slammed behind Stiles and his daughter.
“And I expect you to be on time.” She added tersely.
“Sorry, I know. I had trouble getting Ro-Veronica’s hair up.” He said as everyone looked at him. The group parted as the dark haired girl stepped forward and Stiles eyes widened.
“Single dad?” She guessed after looking at the haphazard ponytail.
“Cinderella girl?” He blurted. She looked at him like he had three heads.
“It’s.... Evie actually.” She frowned.
“She doesn’t look like Cinderella, she looks more like Snow White.” Veronica corrected.
“Thank you sweetie.” Evie smiled down at her. “Why don’t you go join the other kids in the changing room, you can pick a locker and write your name on it with chalk after you change into your ballet shoes.” She pointed to a doorway and the little girl looked up at her dad for permission.
“Go ahead honey.” He nodded, letting go of her hand. She took her bag from him and skipped into the other room. “Uh-”
“Did you hear my speech about the payment for the class?” She asked.
“Yeah, oh, I read on your website about it, I’ve got a check.” He offered, digging his hands into his pockets.
“You have until next week to pay it.” She said, putting her hands up to stop him.
“But I figured I’ll get it out of the way now.” He shrugged.
“But there are no refunds, and if your daughter decides she doesn’t like ballet then you’re out a hundred dollars.” She warned.
“She’s not going to dislike this class, she’s been begging her mom and I to let her take ballet for two years now.” He promised. Evie sighed.
“I won’t accept that check today.” She decided. “Just wait and see if she actually likes ballet, or if this was just a pipe dream.” She insisted when it looked like he was going to argue.
He huffed out a breath and pouted at her, causing her to smile triumphantly before turning back to the rest of the parents.
“Okay, you all can stay in this room, or if you have to leave for something class ends after an hour.” She informed them. “Street shoes aren’t allowed in the studio so if you have concerns or questions you’ll have to wave me down.” She warned before she stepped into the changing room.
“Alright kids, let’s begin. I’d like you all to follow me into the studio and line up along the barre at the back of the room.” She requested, stepping aside to let the mass of small boys and girls make their way into the dance studio.
Stiles watched as Evie walked in after the kids and closed the door behind herself. She strode over to stand in the middle of the room in front of the wall of mirrors and faced the kids who were lined up along the back wall.
“So today I’m going to teach you basic things like how we’ll stretch throughout the year, how you’ll position your feet, plies, and releves.” She told them.
“Why only that stuff?” One of the little girls asked. Evie smiled.
“Those are the foundation of learning ballet. You need to know the correct positions.” She said.
“But that stuff sounds boring.” Another girl piped up.
And this is why the first class is free. Weeds out the impatient princesses. Evie thought even though she plastered on a patient smile.
“It can be. But without the foundation of those basic, boring things, you won’t be able to learn things like this.” She got up on pointe and spun in a fast circle on her toes before kicking a leg out behind her as she positioned her arms and spun on one foot the second time.
The class let out a collective whoa under their breath and she smiled as she came to a stop and dropped back to stand flat.
“Why can’t we just learn that?” The same girl as before asked.
“Do you know what position my feet started in?” Evie fired back.
“No...” She frowned.
“You need to learn positions. The move wouldn’t have been half as pretty if I hadn’t started in first position.” She moved so her heels were touching and her toes were pointed out to the sides. “I started in this position and went into a releve,” she stood back up on the toes of her pointe shoes, “And then I spun into my pirouette.” She spun on both feet again before lifting a leg behind her and spinning on the toes of one foot.
“But when are we gonna learn the spinning stuff?” The girl demanded.
“Oh shut up already. We’ll learn it when we’re ready to!” A red-headed little girl huffed, fed up with the whining. Evie watched her flick her ponytail back over her shoulder and had to bite her lips together to hold back her grin at the child’s sass.
“Thank you...” She paused, wanting her name.
“Veronica, but my daddy calls me Ronnie.” She told her.
“Ronnie is a boy’s name.” The same snotty child sneered. A couple of other kids giggled and Veronica shrunk down a little.
“And what’s your name?” Evie asked, silencing the room.
“Jessica.” She said haughtily.
“Well, Jessica. I do not tolerate any rude behavior. For the remainder of the class you’ll be sitting against that wall. Participation is a privilege.” She said sternly, pointing off to the side.
When she realized that Evie was serious the child huffed and stomped her way over to the wall.
“Those who laughed will apologize to Veronica or they can join Jessica.” She warned. A handful of mumbled apologies later and Veronica was smiling again. “Alright. Now we can-...” Waving from the window caught her eye and she sighed before going to the door.
“Why the hell is my daughter sitting against the wall?” An uppity mother demanded.
“She was rude to myself and one of her fellow students. I do not tolerate rude behavior-”
“Listen here miss Prima Ballerina wannabe, you’re going to let her participate.”
“No.” Evie said calmly.
“Do you have any idea who I am?”
“You mean besides you being a sad little housewife with a bad dye job in desperate need of an Altoid?” Evie fired off.
“How dare you-”
“You think you can come into my business, tell me what I can and cannot do, when you refuse to mother your own child?” The raven haired woman snapped, cutting her off. “How dare you spend more time worrying about your manicure than taking care of the being that you created. I’d say you need to grow a pair of ovaries and teach your daughter to respect those around her but you need to learn how to do it first before you can teach it.” She snarled lowly. “Take your child and leave, I’ll not be intimidated in my own place of business.”
The mother before her spluttered and Evie turned to look at Jessica.
“Grab your things honey. Your mother is taking you home.” She told her calmly. Jessica glared daggers at the teacher as she stomped passed and stormed into the changing room to grab her bag. Evie closed the door to the dance studio and walked back to the center of the room.
“Let’s begin stretching.” She smiled at the remaining kids.
Stiles stood, start-struck along with all the other parents on the opposite side of the viewing window, speechless at how expertly she’d handled that terrible mother.
Tagged: @amethystmerm4id
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AN: I’m so glad you liked the Intern fic! I love your idea, but I’m going to make it slightly more different or else this is just going to be the intern again, but it’s going to be a mini series since I was thinking of actually doing a sequel of the intern, but this idea is much better!
Summary: The shy but determined intern at BigHit catches Taehyung’s eye. 
Genre: RomCom angst. 
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You had been interning with BigHit entertainment for just a little over a week and a half now. To your luck, you were mostly stuck in the Public Relations department which meant you were holed up away from everyone else in a little office reviewing press releases. The job suited you just fine, and it was something you were actually interested in. You found the stories the press came up with funny and loved drafting strict letters from the company back to media outlets. The PR team seemed to take a nice liking to you as well, since you were working in one of the most ‘unpopular’ departments.
On your first day you remembered a girl screaming in your ear she had gotten placed with the styling team, which only meant one thing: she would have direct contact with BigHit’s pride and joy- BTS. You were actually relieved when all interns were told what departments they would be working in. You dreaded something that would involve actually having to face them. Of course, that was something pretty rare. Most interns weren’t girls, there were only about a few who had managed to convince HR they weren’t fans in disguise.
That girl that screamed in your ear certainly did a good job.
“Y/N, how’d you feel about moving departments, something a bit more challenging? The people at PA certainly seem to like you from what they’ve heard.”  Your supervisor Mr. Kyung said.
You had no clue what PA was, but you didn’t want to sound stupid. You were also pretty chuffed you were seen as a good intern. Compliments from Mr. Kyung were rare from your knowledge.
“I love challenges. Count me in.” You said smiling. Really, you knew you should have asked what the PA department was but you didn’t speak out much and didn’t want to feel like you were confused about the company.
“Excellent. Report to them after lunch.” Mr. Kyung said, passing you a slip with details of a room number.
You went back to your desk before you opened the slip.
Floor 2.
You gulped. Floor 2 was where BTS had their practice room, out of home studios, staff…it was basically ‘their’ floor out of the entire building. You had to have specific access to go in there, and the little slip given to you had the details you’d need.
Shit, you should have said no.
What exactly was PA then?
After a nerve wracking lunch break where all you could put in your mouth was a couple of apple bites, you made your way down to floor 2. You mentally cursed yourself, why couldn’t you speak up and ask what PA was before accepting?
Entering the access code, you entered the floor. It was quite, more quiet than other departments. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, the band could be on tour for all you possibly knew.
“Yeah, I understand but I really need my PA-” You shot your head towards the deep voice, freezing at the sight of Kim Taehyung and an older woman in conversation as they walked down the corridor towards you.
It was surreal.
“Ah, this must be the PA intern!” They had no reached you, and the women gave  bright smile. Ah, PA- Personal assistant. Gosh you were stupid, who couldn’t tell PA would mean personal assistant?
You managed to let out a small smile, avoiding his stare and focusing on the woman.
“I’m Ms. Ryeri. I’m also known as Taehyung’s PA, but I’m going to be out of the city for a few weeks for a family wedding. I’ve been told you’ve been excelling up in PR, and I wanted the best intern to be Taehyung’s PA whilst I was away. Up for the challenge?”
You wanted to crawl in a hole and die.
Preferably with a box of cheetos.
“Yes Ms. Ryeri.” You said, which earned a beaming smile from her. Of course it would, you were going to be relieving her of her duties.
“Great, I’ll spend today telling you what to do. From tomorrow you’re on your own.”
“Hello.” Taehyung’s deep voice said, making you dizzy inside.
You slowly looked towards him. “Hi.”
Ms. Ryeri told you to walk with her and you made sure to walk next to her and not Kim Taehyung, who had smiled at you. You weren’t ready for his smile.
His smile was breathtaking.
“Taehyung’s going to go and meet the others for practice, but you’re going to come with me and I’ll explain everything that you’re going to be doing the next few weeks.” She said, letting Taehyung enter the dance practice room you had reached and turning on her heels to a small room just outside.
You had expected to be told about managing his schedule, making sure he wasn’t late and that sort of stuff. You also didn’t expect to be told you’d need your passport ready for next week.
“They’re going on a short visit to Japan. You’ll of course be going.” Ms Ryeri had said, and you tried to object but her reasoning was it was a free trip, paid and you’d get a couple of hours of free time.
“B-but, i have a dog to feed.” You said, trying your last excuse.
“Send him to a dog sitter. Namjoon has one, I’ll get the number from you.” She said, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
(A/N- I’m overlapping my stories here can you tell).
“Gosh, some young ladies would jump at the opportunity. They weren’t kidding when they said you really weren’t like the rest.”
You were slightly offended.
“That’s a good thing, darling.”
You couldn’t try to get out of the trip to Japan. You were going to be following Taehyung in a foreign country. You hoped you would be able to formulate sentences properly to him by then.
Ms. Ryeri went over everything you would need to know to be a good PA to Taehyung. You hadn’t expect her to spill out his quirks, likes and dislikes. You diligently made a note of everything, and before the day was over she had gven you her ipad that had quote ‘one of the biggest bands in the worlds individual schedules, bank details and passport information. Lose it and you’re going to be in a lot of trouble.”
You were looking forward to going home after that day of explaining, and as you exited floor 2 successfully without seeing anyone from the band you were stopped in your tracks on your journey out by the intern that screamed in your ear.
J-e-Jess, was that her name?
“I HEARD YOU’RE GOING TO JAPAN WITH THEM!” Ouch, your eardrum had probably popped.
“You wanna take my place?” You muttered, but instantly regretted because that girl on a plane with them would end in someone hurt.
“No, wait-” You were cut off by a tight embrace and another scream.
“You’d transfer with me?!”
Ouch. Your ears wanted to bleed.
“Actually, I can’t. My visa’s been approved already. I have to go- bye!” You said, quickening your steps away from her.
“You don’t need a vi-” Yes, you knew you wouldn’t need a visa to go to Japan but that didn’t stop you walking away from her. Your ears needed an ice pack.
Quickening your steps, you were getting closer to freedom. Closer from the depths of the white panels the building was covered in, the glossy marble floor and the attractive face of K-
Your head hit something hard.
Kim Taehyung.
“Are you okay?” He said, and you were mortified. He gripped your shoulders steadying you, your knees felt wobbly.
“Please just leave me alone.” You whispered.  He raised his eyes at you, confused. You on the other hand, were mortified even more. You weren’t supposed to say that. Where had your careful verbal filter gone, the one that you had since you learned how to talk?
Immediately he took his hands of your shoulders, but the look of confusion of his face was still there.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry.” You said back, bowing. That was the response that should have come out of your mouth first.
You hated the screaming girl, but at the moment you loved her. You figured she probably couldn’t control herself anymore, and you heard footsteps charge towards you. She was going to leap on him.
It was your perfect chance to escape, and you bolted.
“HEY!” Taehyung yelled in outrage of you just leaving him there. You couldn’t face him again, but as soon as you reached the reception you told security an intern was about to jump on Taehyung.
Safe to say, you certainly noted you didn’t get off to a good start with who you’d be assisting.
End of Part 1
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amylillian22 · 7 years
The Girl on Set – Cody Christian Imagine
Requested by Anon: May you do a Cody imagine where you are a fan of tw and you win the contest to visit the set in the final season and you're so happy because you're gonna met the cast but mostly exited because you're gonna meet Cody cause Theo is your favorite character, And when you meet him gets an interest on you and take advantage of every break or every moment to go to talk to you and sprayberry can see you caught him so deep and tell him to ask you out or something?? 
Word Count: 2,430
Warnings: None
Pairing: Cody Chrisitan x Reader
Other Characters in this imagine: Holland Roden, Tyler Posey, and Dylan Sprayberry
Author’s Note: I’m not sure if this is the ending you wanted, but I still gave you the same concept you asked for. I hope you like it and feedback is greatly appreciated :)
[My Teen Wolf Master List]
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"Who is that?" Cody asked as he approached Holland and Dylan Sprayberry sitting on their chairs.
Holland looked up and noticed Cody nodded towards the girl by the craft table with Tyler Posey, who were talking and laughing as they put food on their plates. Holland looked back at Cody with a smile, "that's Y/N. She's the one who won the contest to visit the set."
"We met her earlier in the make-up trailer. She's really nice," Sprayberry said after looking up from his phone.
Cody looked back and couldn't help but admire the girl. Her hair was down with long waves that reached just above her butt. She had dark skinny jeans, which showed off her hips and great butt. She wore a black tank top underneath a red plaid shirt, with a pair of matching red Converse. She was too far to notice the small details on her face like her make-up or if she had freckles. However, he knew one thing for sure, she was beautiful. 
"Do you need a bucket?" Sprayberry's question snapped Cody out of his trance. He gave him a puzzled look, wondering why he would ask such a thing. As if reading his mind, Sprayberry answered, "for all the drooling."
Holland giggled. "Someone has a crush."
"I don't even know her to have a crush on her," Cody defended himself, but Holland and Sprayberry knew he was lying.
Holland rolled her eyes at Cody. "Fine, an infatuation," she corrected herself.
"Shh, she's coming!" Cody whisper yelled, which caused Sprayberry to chuckle and shake his head. 
"Hey guys, have you met our contest winner, Y/N?" Posey asked when he walked up to his costars.
"Yes," Holland smiled at Y/N. "We talked about her amazing taste in fashion."
"And we talked about playing guitars," Sprayberry smirked. He loved music, and he liked that Y/N knew how to play. "We have a jam session play date at my trailer later on."
A small wave of jealousy washed over Cody at Sprayberry's words. He hadn't even met the girl officially and he already hated she was going to spend more time with Sprayberry after he's done filming for the day.
"Have you met Cody?" Holland asked with a smile.
Y/N shook her head, completely speechless that she's standing in front of her all time favorite Teen Wolf character. It's not that she didn’t loved the other characters, because she did, but she loved Theo more. He was a sneaky bad guy, who got what he deserved, but he knew what he did was wrong and tried to better himself from the mistakes he made. He really did have an amazing redemption storyline and that's what drew her in. The good looks and the amazing body were just a bonus. 
Y/N opened her mouth to say something but couldn't form any words. She closed her jaw and mentally slapped herself for looking like a complete idiot in front of Cody. This had never happened before. When she first arrived on set and met Posey, she had no problem talking to him. In fact, they hit it off. Then, when she met Holland and Sprayberry, the same thing happened. Yet, standing in front of Cody was a different story. Not only was she star struck, but also her stomach was doing this weird flipping thing she had never experienced before.
Cody on the other hand was trying to keep it together but she made his knees go weak. Up close, where he could see the gold flecks in her eyes, the small scar just above her right eyebrow, the light eye shadow with a thin line of black eyeliner, and her glossy lips due to wearing chapstick, she was more beautiful than from a distance. He knew right then and there Holland was right. He was crushing on this girl hard, but deep down he had a feeling this could be something more than just a crush.
"Hi," Cody chuckled nervously, questioning why she’s having trouble talking to him. He was beginning to think she didn't like him or had a booger on his face. "I'm Cody. Nice to meet you."
"I like you," Y/N bluntly said as she nervously shook Cody's hand. Her eyes widened when her words registered and quickly tried to save face. "I mean I don't like you- not that there's nothing to like about you. I'm sure you're a likeable person," she rambled quickly in one breath. She inhaled and exhaled deeply. "I'm sorry. I'm never like this rambling, nervous wreck. I'm shutting up now.”
Everyone laughed but Cody. He was completely in awe of her. He thought she was cute all nervous and flustered. He noticed the small hint of pink in her cheeks and couldn’t help but smile knowing he’s the reason why she’s blushing.
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you nervous?" Cody asked.
Y/N could see the curiosity in his eyes. He really wasn't making fun of her or thought she was stupid for being such a hot mess. He genuinely wanted to know and have a conversation with her.
"Because you're Theo," she answered honestly as she fiddled with the hem of her plaid shirt. "He's my favorite character."
"Really?" Cody's lips formed a huge smile. Y/N nodded, giving him a sheepish smile in return. "Why is he your favorite?" 
"Cody! We need you!" The director called out just before Y/N was about to answer.
"I'm sorry. I have to go," he apologized. "But I do hope we can finish this conversation before you leave."
"Of course," she smiled at him before he walked away and got back to work.
"And cut!" The director yelled before he looked at Cody. "Cody, you can go ahead and take your break. We'll call you for your next scene."
Cody bolted off the set the second the director told him he was free to go. While he was shooting with Shelley, he could not stop thinking about Y/N. In fact, he messed up his lines a couple of times. Everyone was wondering what was wrong with him as Cody was always prepared and hardly messed up during takes, but he just couldn't stop thinking about her. 
"Whoa!" Posey said as Cody nearly knocked him down while speed walking. "Where's the fire?"
Completely ignoring his question, Cody asked, "Have you seen Y/N?"
Posey couldn't help but smile. "She's with Holland, but I don't know where exactly."
Before Posey could say anything else, Cody rushed off. He went to the make-up trailer, in hopes to find her, but had no such luck. He walked to Holland's trailer, which was just a couple of trailers away from the make-up trailer, only to find it empty. When he turned around, he heard a guitar strumming. As Cody walked towards Sprayberry's trailer, he hoped he wouldn’t find Y/N on her "date" with Sprayberry.
He knocked on the door and heard a 'come in'. Cody noticed no one was in Sprayberry's trailer but him.
"What's up, bro?" Sprayberry nodded at Cody before his fingers began to pick at the strings again.
"Hey, have you seen Y/N by any chance?" Cody asked. 
"Looking for your girlfriend?" Sprayberry teased with a smirk. 
"She's not my girlfriend."
"No, but you want her to be."
Cody rolled his eyes, annoyed. "Have you seen her or not?"
Sprayberry chuckled. "No, but I know she's with Holland."
"Great," he mumbled under his breath before he spoke out loud. "I guess I'll keep looking."
"I'll help you," Sprayberry said as he put his guitar away.
They walked around the trailers and the lot for a few minutes until they saw Holland and Y/N leave the wardrobe building.
"We should have know they'd be in there," Sprayberry said. He stopped when he noticed Cody stopped in his tracks. He was just looking at her. Sprayberry didn't find it creepy because Cody had that awestruck look in his eyes. He genuinely liked the girl. 
"She's cute, right?" Sprayberry asked.
Cody shook his head. "She's beautiful," he almost said with a sigh.
"If you don't ask her out, I will." Cody looked at Sprayberry like he didn't believe him. Sprayberry bit his bottom lip and nodded, almost as if he was saying ‘you don’t believe me?’ When Cody said or did nothing, Sprayberry took a couple of steps towards the girls. "Hey, Y/N!"
The girls turned around to see Sprayberry and Cody walking towards them. Y/N couldn't help but notice Cody was trying to walk in front of Sprayberry, almost as if he's speed walking to get to the girls first. 
"Hey guys," Holland smiled. "We're on our way back to set. Wanna join us?" 
"Actually-" Sprayberry started but Cody interrupted before he could ask Y/N out like he said he would.
"Y/N, would you like to get some ice cream?" Cody quickly asked. 
Y/N smiled wide. "I'd like that."
"I think that's a great idea. I could really use-" Sprayberry immediately shook his head and interrupted Holland from inviting herself on their little date. "Actually, Holland I need your advice about girls," Sprayberry quickly and gently grabbed her arm and walked away from the two. 
Y/N gave Cody a confused look, unsure what exactly was going on. Cody couldn't help but give her a sheepish smile. "Would you like to finish that conversation we had earlier as we walk?"
"Sure," Y/N smiled as she walked by Cody's side across the studio lot.
"So...." Cody trailed nervously as he shoved his hands in his jean pockets, which he didn't understand why. He never had trouble talking to girls he liked, but Y/N somehow made him nervous. “Are you enjoying your visit on set?” He decided to ask instead of picking up where they left off as an excuse to talk to her even longer. 
“It’s a little bit overwhelming,” she said honestly. Cody tilted his head, unsure why she would feel this way. “I’m excited. I mean, I’m freaking out yet beaming with joy, all while trying so hard not to fangirl about everything,” she said with a smile, which then quickly faltered with the next words she said. “But then, I’m struggling to fight back the tears as I watch you guys film because then I remember how all of this is ending and the show that changed my life forever will be over for good. It’s too many emotions all at once. It’s overwhelming.”
“I get it. I completely get it,” Cody nodded, as he understood. “I haven’t been here since the beginning like some of these guys. I’m one of the last few characters that were added to the show, but it still changed my life. I learned so much from this show and from the people who worked on the show. It’s hard to let it go.” 
“Different perspective, but same concept,” she smiled.
“Exactly,” Cody smiled as he opened the door and gestured Y/N to go in first. She immediately saw a long table with every food item possible. This was different from the first craft table she saw earlier with just a few snacks on set. This room, more like a lounge, had meals of all kinds, surrounded by even more snacks, and a huge ice cream machine at the end of the table.
Cody handed her a small paper cup and walked over to the ice cream machine. “What flavor would you like? Vanilla, chocolate, swirl, or strawberry?” He pointed out each flavor as he spoke.
Cody filled his cup with what she wanted and exchanged the cup for the empty one in her hands. He filled the cup with chocolate ice cream for himself. They took a few steps to the side and added some nuts and sprinkles. Y/N saw some gummy bears and added some. Cody gave her a genuine smile.
“What?” She asked with a nervous smile.
“I like my ice cream with gummy bears too.” Cody noticed Y/N’s cheeks hinting a small shade of pink as his smile widened.
They had the entire lounge to themselves. So Y/N walked over to the closest table near them before Cody had pulled out a chair for her. “Thank you,” she smiled as she sat down.
“You’re welcome,” he smiled at her as he sat down in the chair next to hers. He took a scoop of his ice cream before he spoke again. “So, why is Theo your favorite character? Please don’t take this the wrong way, but is it because of the shirtless scenes? That’s usually the answer I always get when I ask a fan why Theo is their favorite character.”
Y/N giggled at the thought of some fans loving Theo for his amazing body. She completely understood where they were coming from, but that wasn’t the reason why. She shook her head and swallowed her spoonful of ice cream before she spoke. “Honestly, that’s not it, nor is it the moment I fell in love with Theo.”
 Cody’s eyebrow arched up. “What was your moment?”
 “When he was trapped in hell with his sister.”
 “Really?” He asked completely surprised.
 “Yeah,” she nodded her head. “It showed me a side of Theo we hadn't seen before. Although he's an asshole, he's still a real person with feelings. While he was in hell, he never planned on giving his sister hell. Instead, he accepted it was his hell and let his sister torture him repeatedly because he believed he deserved it. Deep down, I think he did love his sister and he did feel guilty for being selfish when it came to killing her for his own personal gain.”
 Cody was completely surprised and in awe. No one had ever spoken about his character the way she did. Regardless of the role, Cody always took his role seriously and worked very hard on his craft. When he got the role of Theo, he was excited because it was something completely different from his pervious roles. He had never played the villain. Although he was excited to be the bad guy for a change, he was also scared people would hate him for his character and the havoc Theo would cause towards the fans’ favorite characters.
Cody looked at Y/N in awe, which had her suddenly self-conscious. “What?” She asked nervously. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” he whispered, still in awe. “Y/N….” he trailed as he put his cup of ice cream on the table and reached for her hand. A small gasp left her parted lips. It was so soft, Cody didn’t hear it, but he felt the same electric shock she felt when Cody’s hand touched hers. He looked back into her beautiful, big eyes and smiled. “Would you like to go out some time? Like on a real date and not just getting some ice cream on set,” he chuckled.
Y/N’s lips formed a huge smile and nodded. “I’d love that.”
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