#giorgio pezzin
frc-ambaradan · 5 months
A long time ago in a... well... galaxy full of ducks and mice
Hello there!
How should we celebrate Star Wars Day? Uhm... what about a ride along some italian Disney "parodies" of Star Wars? And I use quotation marks 'cause, it'll probably surprise you but, as of today, there is no real Disney parody of Star Wars.
There are, though, many stories that draw inspiration from some elements of Lucas' saga, starting from "Topolino e la spada di ghiaccio" (1984) amazing fantasy saga by Massimo de Vita that has nothing to do with Star Wars but gives us the first Disney character whose design's been heavily inspired by Darth Vader: the evil Prince of Mists!
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The nefarious Prince of Mists from "Topolino e la spada di ghiaccio".
Scattered throughout the years there are many other stories inspired by Star Wars from Silvia Ziche's Topokolossal (1997):
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Mickey Skyrunner weilds his legendary catalytic baguette as he faces off Pietro Galactus.
up to "Paperoga eroe dello spazio" (2013) a splendid, touching story by Roberto Gagnor and Claudio Sciarrone that culminates in one of the best plot twists ever on Topolino's pages (this story is the dream of any Galactic Empire fan ❤️).
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Easy, Gorgius "heir" to Behlpost's throne... who do you think you are? Luke Skywalker? (Spoiler: you're not).
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You may call it Behlpost, but that's Naboo royal palace for sure... with imperial guards as it seems 😁 (or are they forerunners of Operation Cinder sentinels? 🤔).
The only story (well, saga actually) that comes the most close to a real parody is Giorgio Pezzin's "Topolino e i signori della Galassia" (1991) which draws heavily inspiration from Star Wars expecially in the second episode.
The main character of this story is Goofy, who finds out to have inherited special powers from some old relative. Powers that make him the only one able to help the Galactic Confederation in their struggles against robots named "the Metals" led by general Titanio who seeks to eradicate every biological life form from the galaxy.
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Jeez, Titanio's soldiers may be robots but their aim is as bad as Stormtroopers'... 🤣🤣
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That's definitely the Battle of Hoth.
I know for sure there are also Star Wars inspired stories starring Josè Carioca out there, and McGreals' "May the farce be with you" (2005), but, unfortunately, I never had the chance to read them 'cause they've never been published in Italy.
But today's biggest obstacle to a Star Wars parody is Disney's auto-censorship. Yes, 'cause there's a strict rule at Disney that forbids authors to write parodies of other Disney franchises... so any parody of Star Wars (and Marvel) it's a very loud no-no. Sad :'(
We do know, though, that there are at least three finished legit parodies that never saw the light of day. One by Francesco Artibani that was supposed to be published on Topolino and two made-in-Egmont drawn by Cavazzano and Freccero.
Of the latter we can appreciate a beautiful illustration and a single page thanks to Freccero sharing them online a few years ago:
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Alas, unless Disney change their internal directives (and there's no way it's gonna happen anytime soon) we'll never get the chance to see these or any other Star Wars inspired story in the near future.
But we can sure appreciate the older ones and if you wanna indulge yourself in something different today... these are the stories you're looking for ;)
May the Force be with you!
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patemi-pk · 23 days
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Yesterday was Marco Gervasio's birthday, today is Giorgio Pezzin's. We celebrate them with their contributions to the Pik world. Gervasio debuted on Pkna in 2000, with "Crononaufragio", written by Alessandro Sisti, while Pezzin took care of the pilot of the series "Incubo sul fondo", with drawings by Corrado Mastantuono, which in the end was not published and saw the light only in the Pk - Il Mito series.
Today both are in great shape on the pages of Topolino: Gervasio takes care of the gripping adventures of Fantomius, the precursor of our diabolical Duck Avenger (in addition to having a successful cycle on the Duck Avenger himself), while Pezzin has returned to tell the adventures of sir Top de Tops, the adventurous ancestor of Mickey Mouse.
As it happens, both series are published in the Serie Imperdibili series.
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Man you know what i would really want. Kind of like a site that could compare all duck media (or hell, all disney media would be cool too) and how much people like them. Like put the ducktales finale against a barks 10 pager and see which one people prefer, which one has a higher score. If the entire top 100 would be dominated by comics or if a few animated things would slip in too.
And you cant like compare imdb scores to inducks scores because 1 inducks has a weird rating system, and 2 the people voting are completely different audiences. It’s never gonna be a fair logical comparison. But imagine if there was like a site where they had both and where everyone was equally fan of everything and then they would fairly vote i just want to knowww.
Ratings are cool, but cross media ratings are even cooler. How does episode 3 of the this duckburg life podcast/audioplay compare to Paperino skipper from Giorgio Pezzin. I need to know. Has chapter 5 of totem decapitato a higher rating than the first ever episode of dt87? Do people like the ducktales lost lamp movie more than the solving mysteries and rewriting history book? Has the first story of PKNA more historical significance to the fans than Donalds first ever appearance in general? Will they go as far as rate Evroniani higher than The wise little hen?
These ridiculous questions about things that are impossible to compare but I just want to because it’s fun i need that. Because Duck Avenger: Shadow of venus is completely different from: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: mickey gets sick (or whatever i dont actually remember any episode titles) or Mickey Donald and Goofy go on a roadtrip (whatever that cartoon was with the trailer its a fun one) but they’re somehow also all the same ‘mickey and friends’ franchise. I just think it’s interesting and i will probably now not rest until these questions are answered oh help
How does the Scrooge McDuck and money cartoon compare to the kingdom hearts manga? Is Donald Duck going quackers better than episode 7 season 1 of darkwing duck? Is Donalds appearance in who framed roger rabbit better than his orange juice? Is the Toontown in Disneyland Epcot a better experience than The Dark Side from MMMM? Would you rather be stuck in a room for an hour with only a donald duck colouring book from the zeeman or disney crossy road? Do the fans like the donald duck clock more than an extremely goofy movie? Is the Scrooge McDuck boardgame a better experience than that Donald Duck’s birthday childrens book? Did people get more enjoyment out of Sora’s super smash bros ultimate trailer or the Daisy Duck lego brickhead?? IS THAT BOOTLEG DONALD DUCK UMBRELLA FROM CHINA I GOT AS A KID BETTER OR THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO I WATCHED YESTERDAY ABOUT MICKEY MOUSE COPYRIGHT??? (both those last two things did not happen to me im sorry)
going a bit far there but thats because the general idea without all of the insanity just seems so incredibly fun to me. Even the brickhead and trailer comparison. Yknow what who cares about unfair voting. Just compile all the normal unweighted inducks scores, all imdb and letterboxd and rotten tomatoes and whatever more exists ratings, amazon reviews, to videogame ratings that you always see on wikipedia and just put them all together and see what the result is and also implement the inducks ratings because its a very easy and handy rating system and let people rate on the site on too of that.
Okay no dont do that that would be stupid but like all the cartoons and comics and audio things and games and boardgames and books and maybe not boardgames but everything that is a story and see which stories people like the most i just think that would be so cool.
I dont think im making sense i think Im going to bed now lmfao.
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no-white-dress · 8 months
Winx comic artists masterpost
Here are the credits listed in each issue in my collection.
I will not be including the titles as I'm not familiar with their English translations and I don't want to cause any confusion.
"Pixies Tales" is the name of short comics featuring the Pixies as main characters, before the Pixie Mag was born.
Issue 10
Script by: Giorgio Pezzin
Pencils: Matteo Giachi
Ink and color: Studio Meditars
Cover: Michele Lilli, Francesco Morici, Tania Boccalini
Issue 19
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Maria Abagnale, Gianluca Cerritelli, Pierdomenico Sirianni, Giuseppe Manunta
Ink: Barbara Apostolico, Alessandro Battan
Color: Pamela Brughera, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Cover: Barbara Graziani (lineart), Pamela Brughera (coloring)
Issue 21 (courtesy of @/evdizav)
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Laura Carboni
Ink: Barbara Apostolico, Adriana Farina, Arianna Florean
Color: Pamela Brughera, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Cover: Barbara Graziani (lineart), Pamela Brughera (coloring)
Issue 22
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Adriana Farina
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Antonella Cossu
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Pamela Brughera (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 26
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Adriana Farina, Federico Panella, Maria Abagnale, Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Tommaso Renieri, Serena Paccagnini, Carlo Sandri
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 27
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Laura Carboni
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Tommaso Renieri, Serena Paccagnini, Carlo Sandri
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 28
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Pierdomenico Sirianni, Federico Panella
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Tommaso Renieri, Carlo Sandri
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Barbara Di Muzio
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 29
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Adriana Farina, Pierdomenico Sirianni, Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Tommaso Renieri, Carlo Sandri
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Daniele Magrelli
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 30
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Laura Carboni, Pierdomenico Sirianni, Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Tommaso Renieri, Carlo Sandri
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 31
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Laura Carboni, Adriana Farina, Pierdomenico Sirianni, Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Tommaso Renieri, Carlo Sandri
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 32
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Felix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Tommaso Renieri, Carlo Sandri
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 33
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Adriana Farina, Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Tommaso Renieri, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 34
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Felix Saborido, Arianna Rea
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Tommaso Renieri, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Matilde Scargiali
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 35
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Adriana Farina, Pierdomenico Sirianni, Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri,Tommaso Renieri, Fabio Piacentini
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Tommaso Renieri
Pencils: Tommaso Renieri
Ink: Tommaso Renieri
Color: Tommaso Renieri
What happened that month that he had to do it all on his own? Was everyone on leave? Did half the office come down with the flu? Sorry this is funny to me, just WHAT happened here?
Issue 36
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Anna Baldoso, Pierdomenico Sirianni, Arianna Rea
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Tommaso Renieri, Fabio Piacentini
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Antonella Cossu
Issue 37
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Felix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Tommaso Renieri, Fabio Piacentini
Cover: Tommaso Renieri
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Fabio Piacentini
Issue 38
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Adriana Farina, Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Tommaso Renieri, Fabio Piacentini
Cover: Tommaso Renieri
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Barbara Bargiggia
Issue 39
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Anna Baldoso, Matteo Giachi
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Tommaso Renieri, Fabio Piacentini
Cover: Laura Scarpa
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Martina Cecilia
Issue 40
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Felix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Tommaso Renieri, Fabio Piacentini
Cover: Tommaso Renieri
- Pixies Tales -
Script by: Laura Scarpa
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Martina Cecilia
Issue 41
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Adriana Farina
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Giovanna Niro, Fabio Piacentini
Cover: Tommaso Renieri
Issue 42
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni, Alessandro Battan, Fabio Piacentini
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Giovanna Niro, Fabio Piacentini
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (ink and coloring)
Issue 43
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni, Alessandro Battan, Fabio Piacentini
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Cover: Angela Mazzoni (lineart), Tommaso Renieri (ink and coloring)
From here until issue 59 they just stop listing who did the outside cover, for some reason. At first I thought it was because issues 44, 45 and 46 have Secret of the Lost Kingdom models as covers, but that wasn’t the case.
Issue 44
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Matteo Giachi
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Adriana Farina (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini, Martina Cecilia
Issue 45
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Adriana Farina (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini, Giovanna Niro
Issue 46
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Adriana Farina
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Inside cover: Adriana Farina (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini, Giovanna Niro
Issue 47
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Adriana Farina (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini, Giovanna Niro
Issue 48
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Matteo Giachi
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Inside cover: Adriana Farina (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini, Giovanna Niro
Issue 49
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini, Giovanna Niro
Issue 50
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini
Issue 51
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato
Pencils: Adriana Farina
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Inside cover: Adriana Farina (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini
Issue 52
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Adriana Farina (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini
Issue 53
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Matteo Giachi, Adriana Farina
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean, Adriana Farina
Inside cover: Adriana Farina (pencils and ink), Tommaso Renieri (coloring)
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Issue 54
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Adriana Farina (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Issue 55
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Arianna Florean, Alessandro Battan
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Issue 56
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Arianna Florean (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Issue 57
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Adriana Farina (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Fabio Piacentini
Issue 58
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Adriana Farina
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Inside cover: Adriana Farina (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Issue 59
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Arianna Florean
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Arianna Florean (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Color: Fabio Piacentini
Outside cover: Laura Scarpa (pencils), Tommaso Renieri (ink, coloring)
Issue 60
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Laura Scarpa (pencils), Tommaso Renieri (ink, coloring)
Issue 61
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Arianna Florean
Color: Fabio Piacentini
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Laura Scarpa (pencils), Tommaso Renieri (ink, coloring)
Issue 62
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Laura Scarpa (pencils), Tommaso Renieri (ink, coloring)
Issue 63
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Luca Bonessi
Ink: Mauro Masi, Fabio Piacentini, Alessandro Battan
Color: Fabio Piacentini
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Arianna Florean (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Laura Scarpa (pencils), Tommaso Renieri (ink, coloring)
Issue 64
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Arianna Florean (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Laura Scarpa (pencils), Tommaso Renieri (ink, coloring)
Issue 65
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Fabio Piacentini
Inside cover: Arianna Florean (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Laura Scarpa (pencils), Luciano Ruben (ink, coloring)
Issue 66
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 67
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Fabio Piacentini
Inside cover: Arianna Florean (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 68
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Arianna Florean
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 69
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Luca Bonessi
Ink: Arianna Florean, Alessandro Battan
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 70
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Rosa La Barbera
Ink: Arianna Florean, Alessandro Battan
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 71
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Arianna Florean (pencils and ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 72
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Arianna Florean, Doris Messina, Alessandro Battan, Luca Cicchitto
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri, Fabio Piacentini
Inside cover: Rosa La Barbera (pencils), Arianna Florean (ink), Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 73
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 74
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Rosa La Barbera, Lucia Balletti
Ink: Arianna Florean, Luca Cicchitti, Raffaella Seccia, Paolo Ferrante
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Rosa La Barbera (pencils), Paolo Ferrante (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 75
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Luca Bonessi, Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Luca Cicchitti
Color: Fabio Piacentini
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 76
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Paolo Ferrante
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 77
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Paolo Ferrante, Luca Cicchitti, Raffaella Seccia, Maria Abagnale
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Licia Bordi
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Maria Abagnale (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 78
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Rosa La Barbera, Pierdomenico Sirianni, Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Paolo Ferrante, Luca Cicchitti, Raffaella Seccia, Maria Abagnale
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Maria Abagnale (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Tridimensional s.r.l, Pamela Guadagnini
Issue 79
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Maria Abagnale
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Tridimensional s.r.l., Pamela Guadagnini
Issue 80
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Paolo Ferrante, Luca Cicchitti, Maria Abagnale, Raffaella Seccia
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Tridimensional s.r.l, Pamela Guadagnini
Issue 81
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Luca Bonessi, Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Raffaella Seccia, Luca Cicchitti, Paolo Ferrante
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 82
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Paolo Ferrante, Raffaella Seccia
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Maria Abagnale (pencils and ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 83
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis, Valentina Cambi
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Raffaella Seccia
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Licia Bordi
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 84
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis, Valentina Cambi
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Raffaella Seccia
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 85
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis, Valentina Cambi
Pencils: Luca Bonessi
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Raffaella Seccia
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Licia Bordi, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Fabio Piacentini and Licia Bordi (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 86
Script by: Rainbow/Manuela Marinato Pezzin
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis, Valentina Cambi
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Raffaella Seccia
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 87
Script by: Rainbow/Nicola Venanzetti
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis, Valentina Cambi
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Raffaella Seccia
Color: Fabio Piacentini, Licia Bordi, Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 88
Script by: Rainbow/Nicola Venanzetti
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis, Valentina Cambi
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Raffaella Seccia
Color: Michele Bizzi, Carlo Sandri
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Michele Bizzi and Carlo Sandri (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 89
Script by: Rainbow/Nicola Venanzetti
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis, Valentina Cambi
Pencils: Maria Abagnale
Ink: Alessandro Battan, Raffaella Seccia
Color: Licia Bordi
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Licia Bordi (coloring)
Outside cover: Luciano Ruben (pencils and ink), Federico Fieni (coloring)
Issue 90
Script by: Rainbow/Nicola Venanzetti
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis, Valentina Cambi
Pencils: Luca Bonessi, Pierdomenico Sirianni, Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Licia Bordi, Fabio Piacentini
Inside cover: Pierdomenico Sirianni (pencils), Alessandro Battan (ink), Licia Bordi (coloring)
Outside cover: Paolo Maria Frattesi (pencils and ink), Alice Rossi (coloring)
Issue 91
Script by: Rainbow/Maurizio De Angelis
Pencils and ink: Red Whale/Federico Franzò
Color: Red Whale/Giorgia Arena
Outside cover: Red Whale/Federico Franzò (pencils and ink), Red Whale/Giorgia Arena (coloring)
Issue 92
Script by: Rainbow/Maurizio De Angelis
Pencils and ink: Red Whale/Alessia Martusciello
Color: Red Whale/Alberto Pizzetti
Outside cover: Alessia Martusciello (pencils and ink), Alberto Pizzetti (coloring)
Issue 93
Script by: Rainbow/Nicola Venanzetti
Script supervision: Rainbow/Maurizio De Angelis
Pencils: Red Whale/Giorgio Pontrelli, Roberta Tedeschi
Ink: Red Whale/Michela Frare
Color: Red Whale/Edwyn Nori
Outside cover: Red Whale/Roberta Tedeschi (pencils), Red Whale/Michela Frare (ink), Red Whale/Edwyn Nori (coloring)
Issue 94
Script by: Rainbow/Alessandro Bilotta
Pencils: Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Licia Bordi, Arianna Florean
Outside cover: Red Whale/Roberta Tedeschi (pencils), Red Whale/Sonia Matrone (ink), Red Whale/Edwyn Nori (coloring)
Issue 95
Script by: Rainbow/Nicola Venanzetti
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Arianna Florean, Azzurra Florean, Doris Messina, Eleonora Carlini
Outside cover: Roberta Tedeschi (pencils), Sonia Matrone (ink), Edwyn Nori (coloring)
Issue 96
Script by: Rainbow/Alessandro Bilotta
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis
Pencils: Félix Saborido
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Arianna Florean, Azzurra Florean, Doris Messina, Eleonora Carlini
Outside cover: Roberta Tedeschi (pencils), Sonia Matrone (ink), Edwyn Nori (coloring)
Issue 97
Script by: Rainbow/Nicola Venanzetti
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis
Pencils: Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Arianna Florean, Azzurra Florean, Doris Messina, Eleonora Carlini
Outside cover: Roberta Tedeschi (pencils), Michela Frare (ink), Edwyn Nori (coloring)
Issue 98
Script by: Rainbow/Vincenzo Perrone
Script support: Maurizio De Angelis
Pencils: Lucia Balletti, Pierdomenico Sirianni
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Arianna Florean, Azzurra Florean, Doris Messina, Eleonora Carlini
Outside cover: Red Whale/Marcello DeMartino, Roberta Tedeschi (pencils), Red Whale/Sonia Matrone (ink), Red Whale/Alessandra Bracaglia (coloring)
Issue 99
Script by: Rainbow/Alessandro Bilotta
Script support: Fabrizio Vecchi
Pencils: Laura Carboni, Lucia Balletti
Ink: Alessandro Battan
Color: Arianna Florean, Azzurra Florean, Doris Messina, Eleonora Carlini
Outside cover: Red Whale/Rosa La Barbera (pencils and ink), Red Whale/Edwyn Nori (coloring)
Issue 100
Script by: Rainbow/Maurizio De Angelis
Pencils and ink: Red Whale/Marcello De Marino, Rosa La Barbera
Color: Red Whale/Edwyn Nori
Outside cover: Red Whale/Marcello De Marino, Rosa La Barbera (pencils and ink), Red Whale/Edwyn Nori (coloring)
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corrierino · 9 months
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Prigionieri volentieri Giorgio Pezzin e Giorgio Cavazzano Tratto dal Giornalino nº 8 del 21 febbraio 1982. Oggi sul blog.
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afnews7 · 5 months
Smalto e Jonny (Vol. 1) di Giorgio Pezzin e Giorgio Cavazzano
Giorgio Pezzin e Giorgio Cavazzano realizzarono per la rivista Il Mago la breve serie dei due imbranati truffatori Smalto & Jonny, presentata integralmente in questo albo. A completare il tutto altre due storie “libere” disegnate da Cavazzano e scritte da Rudy Salvagnini e un ricco apparato redazionale… Il libro è qui: https://amzn.to/3QgitbA
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calisotadreamin · 5 years
The Electronic House (scanlation)
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I did another scanlation.
Read it here on Imgur.
Paperino e la casa elettronica 
Inducks code: I TL 1503-C 
Script:Giorgio Pezzin
Art: Massimo De Vita
The plot is that Donald wins a house in a lottery. The house is the first “electronic house” and it is run by a computer, which does everything from opening doors to cooking food. It is paradise for Fethry and Donald who move in, but of course eventually goes wrong, with catastrophic results.
Translator’s notes
This is a fun, if not particularly deep story. Although you could read it as a warning against relying too much on technology. It is actually somewhat of a stock script, but it is executed with a lot more imagination than usual. The main attraction is the house itself and it is a cool sci-fi contraption of the kind that scriptwriter Giorgio Pezzin is so fond of writing about. I especially like the concept of the automatic kitchen that gives precisely the food you should eat in order to achieve your ideal weight. It’s both a tempting and terrifying idea.
And Massimo De Vita’s art is quite nice. The splash panels of the sun room is especially impressive. In all, a good and enjoyable story: But I admit that while translating it, I realized it is not as great as I remembered it being from my childhood. The translation is as usual derived both from the Swedish and German publications. The scans are from a 2004 German printing.
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avid-adoxography · 3 years
Shout out to these couple pages for making me think about drawing Sturm in the Topolino style.
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Topolino 3453 [IP-3453-1] - art by Davide Cesarello, story by Giorgio Pezzin.
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spettriedemoni · 5 years
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Decenni fa su Topolino 1538 una storia scritta da Giorgio Pezzin e disegnata da Massimo De Vita introduceva il concetto di Personal Computer.
“Zio Paperone e la rivoluzione tecnologica”, una storia che analizzava costi e benefici della rivoluzione informatica in modo talmente articolato da avere bisogno di essere divisa in due puntate.
La storia fu pubblicata a metà del 1983.
Per capire quanto gli Autori fossero “avanti”, il primo Macintosh di Apple uscì nel 1984, un anno dopo la pubblicazione di questa storia.
Pezzin nel 1983 aveva previsto il personal computer in ogni casa, la rete che ci interconnetterà tutti, l’utilizzo fraudolento dei dati personali, l’abitudine a rinchiudersi in casa senza interagire col mondo virtuale, aveva ipotizzato persino il telelavoro e gli imprenditori che lo incentivano.
Giorgio Pezzin all’epoca era un ingegnere, aveva un approccio logico alla tecnologia e sapeva prevedere gli effetti sociali di essa.
E c’è ancora chi indica Topolino come fosse “robetta”.
Invece era (ed è) uno strumento di Cultura.
A guardarli oggi, dopo 35 anni, anche i disegni di Massimo De Vita erano attualissimi, artisticamente perfetti, così come l’argomento trattato era “avanti” di decenni, proiettato verso il futuro, e analizzava il modus per applicare le potenzialità della tecnologia e anche le varie implicazioni e controindicazioni che oggi conosciamo bene.
Questa è cultura , divulgazione, stimolo intellettuale.
Quantomeno un tipo di cultura, ma sempre di quella si tratta.
Andrea Cascioli.
Puoi farla con i paperi o con il teatro, puoi farla disegnando topi o con il cinema, puoi farla con i cani o con la musica, dipingendo gatti o con l’insegnamento, ma se c’è una scintilla, un’analisi, una stimolazione intellettuale, se anche 35 anni dopo ti sembra attuale, è quella cosa bellissima, che non ti lascia mai solo, mai disarmato, che risplende di Arte e che si chiama Cultura.
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darrencrissaddicted · 5 years
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nunopds · 7 years
Para o dia 3 de outubro, está planeada a distribuição da revista Tio Patinhas 3 nos pontos de venda de periódicos. Como a capa, da autoria de Stefano Intini, deixa antever, neste número é publicada uma banda desenhada da série A História de Arte do Mickey, desta vez protagonizada pelo Tio Patinhas.
A Fábrica de Andy Duckhol é dedicada a Andy Warhol, o mais célebre expoente da Pop Art. Escrita por Roberto Gagnor e desenhada por Stefano Zanchi, o leitor irá encontrar inúmeras referências à obra de Warhol, entre as quais a própria Fábrica do título (Warhol denominou assim o seu primeiro estúdio em Manhattan) – que realmente chegou a ter as suas paredes forradas a papel de alumínio e verniz prateado -, os balões prateados, a lata de sopa de tomate, a serigrafia e as cópias em série, as capas de discos, a utilização do v��deo e, obviamente, os seus retratos de pessoas e personagens famosos (desde a Rainha Elisabete II a Marilyn Monroe, de Mao Zedong a John Lennon, do próprio Warhol a Michael Jackson, sem esquecer o Mickey).
A segunda BD protagonizada pelo Tio Patinhas chega da Dinamarca. Questão de Segurança tem argumento de Terry LaBan e desenhos de Romano Scarpa.
O Prof. Pardal tem direito a uma BD curta e muda da autoria de Enrico Faccini, com o Peninha a contribuir para os momentos hilariantes da mesma. Por seu lado, o Professor Terror é apresentado aos leitores nacionais numa história dupla do Superpato, que poderá ser lida na íntegra nesta edição.
Numa revista repleta de patos, o convidado é o Mickey com uma BD muito especial. Tendo sido realizado o concurso “TopoMistery”, a sugestão vencedora para uma BD foi ganha por Enrica Mannari, cabendo a Tito Faraci convertê-la no argumento da BD O Mistério da Unicolor.
Clique nas imagens para as visualizar em toda a sua extensão:
Tio Patinhas #3 Autores: Comicup Studio, Enrico Faccini, Giorgio Pezzin, Roberto Gagnor, Romano Scarpa, Salvatore Deiana, Stefano Zanchi, Terry LaBan, Tito Faraci Editora: Goody Páginas: 132 PVP: 1,90€
nota: imagens cedidas pela editora.
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Tio Patinhas 3 #disney #bandasdesenhadas Para o dia 3 de outubro, está planeada a distribuição da revista Tio Patinhas 3 nos pontos de venda de periódicos.
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frc-ambaradan · 2 years
So, about Lusky...
In the latest Topolino issue there's a little exchange between Lusky and Rockerduck that I've found interesting:
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John: Here's another one! John: The Old Miser's vans are infesting the city! Lusky: While our shops, on the other hand, are struggling!
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John: We must counterattack! How's our Rocksells.duck coming along? Chief technician: Almost done, boss! We also have our AI! Zio Paperone e la P.A.I.: Paper Artificial Intelligence (2022)
Lusky refers to RK businesses as "our shops"... and John doesn't correct him.
Lusky's not new in taking these liberties, but Rockerduck would usually slam him back in his place, expecially in front of other people, yet he doesn't. Interesting 🤔. I mean, it's pretty obvious he says "our shops" 'cause he identify himself with the company, but its not like Rockerduck to let it slide.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it made me think.
In fact, I often wonder if Lusky has some menagerial role in the Rockerduck Industries... I'm entering fan speculations here, 'cause there's no evidence of this in the stories, only hints. First one that comes to my mind comes from "Paperino, Zio Paperone e una questione di piume" when it's Lusky who takes helm of the Rockerduck Industries while John's being held hostage by the Beagle Boys.
In the story he basically takes that role upon himself during five minutes of delusions of omnipotence (XDDD), but he wouldn't have done that if he has not the right to do it. He gives the press conference and the journalists present have no problem in inquiring him about Rockerduck's kidnapping and what the company's next moves would be: pretty weird if you consider Lusky to be just the secretary 🤨
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Lusky: Alas! Poor Mr. Rockerduck! Journalist 1: You fear there're gonna be serious consequences? Lusky: I'm afraid yes! That's why I announced this press conference with such short notice! Journalist 2: You wanna launch an appeal?
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Lusky: Better! I intend to announce that as Mr. Rockerduck's closest collaborator I'm gonna take his place as the leader of his empire, starting from today! Paperino, Zio Paperone e una questione di piume (2010)
While Quackmore's role as Scrooge's butler is well established, Lusky's role is a bit cloudy. He is officially Rockerduck's secretary, but he takes up so many positions and tasks that makes it difficult to call him a simple secretary. He actually has a say in the Rockerduck Industries' management being John's closest collaborator and friend and the only one he listens to... and he's universally considered Rockerduck's projection: if John's not available you talk to Lusky.
I don't know... it makes me think Lusky might actually be Rockerduck Industries' COO or executive vicepresident, whatever it's called in the US.
What do you think? Do you remember other stories where it is hinted that Lusky may have a much bigger role in RK Industries?
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patemi-pk · 1 year
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Nuovo episodio delle Altre $aghe, questa volta dedicato al mondo dei Topi.
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geekbroll · 6 years
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LTB 234 - Walt Disney's Funny Paperback 234 (Lustiges Taschenbuch) - The Hunt for the Swamp Monster (Die Jagd nach Dem Sumpfmonster) - 1997 Egmont 1) The Duck Avenger (Phantomias) - Secret in danger! (Geheimnis in Gefahr!) - 43 pages - by Giorgio Figus and Paolo Mottura 2) Mickey and Goofy - The Golden Monastery (Das goldene Kloster) - 41 pages - by Giorgio Pezzin and Alessia Martusciello 3) Donald Duck - The Dread-Cure (Die Schreckens-Kur) - 29 pages - by Tito Faraci and Anna Marabelli 4) Magica De Spell - The Wrong Witch (Die falsche Hexe) - 33 pages - by Bruno Concina and Fabio Celoni 5) Donald Duck - Silly Symphonies - Comic Strips from 1941 - 16 pages 6) Fethry Duck (“Dussel” Iger) - Holiday Fun 4 (Ferienspaß 4) - 1 page - by Enrico Faccini 7) Mickey and Goofy - Visit from the planet Dingdong (Besuch vom Planeten Dingdong) - 41 pages - by John Blair Moore and Antoni Bancell's Pujadas 8) Donald Duck and Gladstone Gander - The Hunt for the Swamp Monster (Die Jagd auf das Sumpfmonster) - 30 pages - by Carlo Panaro and Fabio Celoni 9) Goofy - Realistic Painting (Realistische Malerei) - 5 pages - by Moreno Chistè 10) Donald Duck and Gyro Gearloose - The Pirate from the Bottle Ship (Der Pirat aus dem Buddelschiff) - 26 pages - by Silvano Mezzavilla and Lara Molinari #fethryduck #donaldduckcomics #donaldduck #mickeymouse #goofy #ltb #ltb234 #unclescrooge #hueydeweylouie #magicadespell #minniemouse #daisyduck #disneycomics #germancomics #comics #egmont #lustigestaschenbuch #dusseliger #peninha #thedepthsofcousinfethry #ducktales #ducktalesreboot #ducktales2017 #disney #waltdisneycharacters #waltdisney (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqQaHP9hm7q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wlygxgx371vc
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ankkalinna · 7 years
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Story: Giorgio Pezzin Art: Massimo De Vita
Zio Paperone e i trasporti sottomarini -1989
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corrierino · 1 month
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Il tesoro di Mulligan Giorgio Pezzin e Giorgio Cavazzano Tratto dal Giornalino nº 11 del 13 marzo 1983. Oggi sul blog.
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