#ginny & georgia season 2 quotes
dystopicbrain · 2 years
Life is a game. And if you’re not playing, chances are you’re the one getting played.
— Ginny & Georgia (2021)
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mynameismalin · 2 years
"I think your vulnerability might just be your superpower."
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Ginny & Georgia Season 2: Quotes
- “Ten minutes, or I’m taking away your phone. (Ellen Baker) - Good. We’re wasting our lives chained to these screens for our dopamine hits. Does it actually make us more fulfilled? No.” (Marcus - Episode 1)
- “Uh-uh. I’m just gonna smile and be pleasant. That’s what families do on holidays. Pretend to like each other, damn it.” (Ginny - Episode 1)
- “I don’t know, I don’t care, I’m numb. I’m generally numb.” (Episode 1)
- “So love you, mean it, hate you, kidding, bye.” (Maxine - Episode 1)
- “Ginny, life is a game. And if you’re not playing, chances are you’re the one getting played.” (Georgia - Episode 2) 
- “You’re just gonna stroll in after a week with an air of mystique and zero explanation?” (Georgia - Episode 2)
- “We’re gonna talk a lot about what you think and what you feel, because that’s gonna influence what you do.” (Therapist - Episode 2)
- “Why does everything have to be so terrible all the time, forever?” (Episode 2)
- “It’s the free will theory on a theological spectrum. And on the basis of Buddhism, we suffer so we know happiness. Also, people are dicks.” (Marcus - Episode 2)
- “At some point, you get tired of being played with. Trust is a funny thing. It’s so easily abused. And betrayal leaves a metallic taste.” (Ginny - Episode 3)
- “Hey, how high do I have to be to never think anything ever again?” (Episode 3)
- “It sucks when you’re with someone and you’re into them way more than they’re into you.” (Padma - Episode 3)
- “Why’d you do it, Mom? (Ginny) - Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.” (Georgia - Episode 3)
- *But you have to live for the future, ‘cause the past’ll eat you. There’s more to life than that hell.” (Episode 3)
- “You don’t get to be the decider of the moral high ground.” (Episode 4)
- “Do I remember a missing person’s case from over a decade ago?” (Episode 4)
- “I’m the one who’s mad, not you. (Max) - Oh, I’m sorry, Max. Did I disrupt the equilibrium of the universe by suggesting that something not be centered around you? You talk a lot, but it’s not all quality.” (Ginny - Episode 4)
- “Do you ever feel all this pressure to just fit in everywhere and act perfect all the time? (Ginny - Episode 4)
- “I call it glitter magic. Add a little sparkle to anything, and no one will see the ugly underneath.” (Georgia - Episode 6)
- “’cause he doesn’t know that you’re not Jesse, the third-grade teacher and that you’re actually a low-budget Keith Mars here to ruin my day.” (Georgia - reference to Veronica Mars - Episode 6)
- “You know, the enemy of happiness is wanting things.” (Marcus - Episode 6)
- “Sometimes, it’s better to apologize after than to ask for permission before.” (Episode 6)
- “Never let ‘em see you cry. Strong face, strong front. What they don’t know, they can’t use against you.” (Georgia - Episode 7)
- “G, I’ve changed. (Gil) - So you said. (Georgia) - You don’t believe people can change? (Gil) - Sure they can, just not for the better.” (Georgia) 
- “Yeah, but no one’s allowed to get over me. That’s the rule.” (Episode 7)
- “Okay. Where do you think we are, Euphoria? Let’s go.” (Maxine - Episode 7 - reference to Euphoria)
- “That’s the problem. No one person should be responsible for your happiness. That’s not fair. You shouldn’t be with me, but you shouldn’t be with her either. We both got something that we needed, and we wished it was with... someone else.” (Episode 8)
- “You know what? I hate promises because anyone who has ever made a promise to me has broken it because they’re liars.” (Ginny - Episode 8)
- “I don’t have room... for anyone else’s pain right now.” (Marcus - Episode 8)
- “But being loved takes work too. I don’t have it in me to be loved right now.” (Marcus - Episode 8)
- “You know, there’s nothing more dangerous than a beautiful girl. (Gil) - Sure there is. A violent man.” (Georgia - Episode 9) 
- “Ready to see where they put the Curriculum 2 kids? Yeah, where the lighting’s bad and the standards are low.” (Abby - Episode 9)
- “No one else you purposely or accidentally unalived?” (Ginny - Episode 9)
- “I know you don’t like me. - It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I hate you.” (Episode 9)
- “You seek me out. You come to me at Christmas Eve, you flirt with me. I don’t know what you’re doing, Georgia, or why you’re doing it.” (Joe - Episode 9)
- “He’s a troubled kid, but he loves you. He’s just got his own demons. He recognizes that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him. Love isn’t enough though. I wish it was, but it isn’t always.” (Georgia - Episode 9)
- “I don’t want you guys to see that ugliness ever, but that ugliness exists, and I can’t always shield you from it. But we can get through anything if we stick together, right?” (Georgia - Episode 9)
- “You guys are fine, right? Not emotionally scarred beyond repair?” (Georgia - Episode 10)
- “But I kinda just started getting over you, and this kinda feels like a weird thing for you to do. Do you still have feelings for me? (Marcus) - I just thought it was real. Just because it ended doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.” (Ginny - Episode 10)
- “I don’t know, exes are annoying, in that they’re, like, still alive even after they break up with you.” (Episode 10)
- “It doesn’t always have to be fine, Abigail, okay? (Norah) - Yeah, boys are very pointless.” (Abigail - Episode 10)
- “I get why you did it. It’s noble... to let someone who loves you go if you’re only gonna hurt’em.” (Georgia - Episode 10)
- “Don’t you think I know this is what I’ve always wanted? I don’t belong here, okay? I’m a fraud. I’m a con artist. I’m a phony. I’m a damaged, unlovable, trailer-park teen mom murderer. I told ya, love isn’t enough. (Georgia) - Why don’t you think you deserve happiness? (Ginny) - I do not trust happiness. There’s a difference. He wouldn’t wanna marry me if he knew everything.” (Georgia - Episode 10)
- “You were there for me when I needed you, and then you weren’t there anymore, and I felt that. And then I heard you tell Max that you didn’t wanna be with me. You needed me to be there for you. (Ginny) - Okay, you hate me. I deserve it. Okay, I didn’t mean for things to get this far. It kind of just happened.” (Marcus - Episode 10)
- “Do I mind?” (Episode 10)  - “Yes, I mind. You’re a child. I’m not giving you substances.” (Joe - Episode 10)
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andreal831 · 7 months
Do you consider that during the period that Hayley was married, Jackson was a stepfather? I don't know, I don't see him like that, in my vision he always tried to turn Hayley against the Mikaelsons, sometimes I see it like that because I'm not a big fan of Jackson when it comes to them, so He was just a man whom Hayley got married to save her daughter
And what do you think it would be like if Hayley, Hope and Elijah had left when she said she wanted to build a life with them? Do you think Elijah would take on a fatherly role? Did I ask, making sense of my doubts?
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To me he was a stepfather but not a father, if that makes sense. Which is funny because people always get mad at him for trying to "take Klaus' place."
I will preface this by saying most of my opinions on this come from the lack of development the writers gave Jackson as well as the fact that the writers didn't want baby Hope, they just wanted teen/adult Hope.
When people get mad at me for how I view Jackson, they usually bring up quotes from the show but struggle to actually point to moments where Jackson is exhibiting those traits. Jackson is a classic mistake in writing of "show don't tell." Instead of showing us that he's a good father to Hope, they tell us and we are supposed to just take the character's word for it. The show essentially left a lot of their relationship up to our imaginations and I just never made headcanons with Jackson so it fell flat. But to me, he cared more about marrying Hayley than being a father to Hope.
Again, part of this is due to the fact that we hardly see anyone in season 3 interact with Hope. I get that it's hard to have a baby on set, but when you launch a whole spinoff around a magical baby, it helps to have a baby. I definitely think Jackson loves Hope, but not necessarily as his own. I feel like he held the Mikaelsons against her a little bit. If he and Hayley would have (could have) had their own kid, they definitely always would have fought over Jackson saying "our kids" versus "your kid." I also think that if Hayley would have been willing to leave Hope with Klaus and start a family with Jackson, I don't think he would have been upset by that. Anything to get away from the Mikaelsons.
I don't blame Jackson for not wanting to associate with the Mikaelsons after Klaus cursed them all. Although, ironically he was the one making side deals with Klaus in season 1 and 2. However, he had no right to give Hayley an ultimatum, especially where Hope is concerned. Of course, if you love someone, you don't want them to be around toxic people. But you don't get to make that decision for anyone else. People have to be allowed to make their own decisions. You can only set boundaries for yourself, and he does. He gives her an ultimatum and when she picks the option he doesn't like, he leaves. This is where I have a hard time with him as a father. It reminds me of Ginny and Georgia (*spoilers*) when Paul finds out the truth about Georgia and he initially leaves but then he can't stay away because he loves the kids so much. It takes him less than 24 hours to decide to help Georgia to protect the kids. (*end of G&G spoilers*) Jackson leaves and doesn't even reach out to Hayley for an entire month while he knows they have enemies in town. Yes, he had every right to do that, but I can't help but hold that against him as a father and husband. Just like I hold Klaus not reaching out to Hayley while he has to stay away with the Hollow against Klaus. We can headcanon that Mary is updating him but again, the show doesn't bother telling us anything.
I personally hate the scene when Jackson walks out. I know he is mad that she went to help the Mikaelsons, but Rebekah was actively kidnapped and drowning at the bottom of the ocean. He then makes her feel guilty because he had to put Hope down and she cried for a long time. A husband/father shouldn't make his wife feel guilty because he had to put the baby down. And, a husband should never make a mother feel guilty that her baby was crying. That detail was unnecessary. Yes, he was mad at her reasoning and mad that he made Thanksgiving dinner and she missed it, but there was other ways to say it. He weaponized Hope against her. It just made him sound like he resented having to play stay-at-home father, but what else was he doing? Neither of them worked.
I also think Jackson had this idealized idea of what his life with 'Andrea' was going to look like and it didn't include a magical child she had with another man. Even when she was living with the bayou, she didn't feel supported by him. She tells Eve that she's on her own with the baby. He does build her a crib but then after she 'looses' the baby, he doesn't even reach out. Compare this to Cami who is in tears, running to Klaus when she heard to see if it was true. Also, compare the reactions to Cami meeting Hope and Jackson meeting her. The writers are also a bit sexist and focused more on building Cami up as a stepmother and didn't focus too much on Jackson as a stepfather.
I don't like to always compare Jackson and Elijah because I don't think it is super helpful to the discussion. We should be able to analyze one without the other. However, since you asked, I do think Elijah plays more a parental figure to Hope. He also has the advantage of being biologically related to Hope. No matter what was going on between him and Hayley, he was always going to be in Hope's life.
Although, I do think that it wouldn't have mattered to Elijah if Hayley had a baby with someone else. I think he still would have taken on a parental role because he loves to be a parent. We know from the past that he was willing to be with Tatia and be a father to her child, so I don't see a difference with Hope.
I don't think Elijah would have ever left town without Klaus to start a life with just Hope and Hayley. The only way he would is if there was no way to protect Hope and Hayley while saving Klaus. Even then, he would go back for Klaus. Elijah was always very careful to not overstep his role with Hope. He knew Klaus' fears and also knew how Klaus tended to behave when he felt insecure. For everyone's sake, Elijah would keep a respectable distance as an uncle. Although, Elijah always just kind of acts as the parental figure of the group, so that wouldn't change too much. I can definitely see him taking on the more strict disciplinarian role while Klaus just spoils Hope.
Thanks for the ask! I hope I answered it all <3
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bethaven · 9 months
#21 Ginny and Georgia
Plot: Georgia is a young mother with a dark, secret past who moves into a small town in Massachusetts with her two children; Virginia "Ginny" aged 15 and Austin aged 9. She's looking forward to finally settling down and escaping her past. But keeping dark secrets is not as easy as it seems, and finally things are starting to catch up on her. And that includes her children finding what they were never supposed to know.
Years: 2021-
Seasons: 2 (renewed for season 3 and 4 with season 3 arriving in 2024)
My story: I ended up watching Ginny and Georgia because some people promoted it as "A version of Gilmore Girls". I realized shortly into watching that it was not really true, the only things they have in common are a young mother and a small town. But the story in Ginny and Georgia is much darker and deeper. I also realized that I really liked that, and I really like the deeper and more diverse story of the teenagers' life that is portrayed in Ginny and Georgia.
Teachable moments: Georgia have done some truly terrible things in her life, but somehow we tend not to judge her. It's an interesting thought-experiment with yourself to reflect on why. Why do we feel that it's moraly ok?
Best character: This is a really hard one, because all the characters are complex and interesting in their own way. Someone I really look forward to getting to know better is Joe, the kind and timid café owner who is very much in love with Georgia. They also have a past, which they are fully aware of but don't talk about. I think there's so many more layers to peel of there.
Best episode: "Hark! Darkness Descends!" (S2E8). A lot is going on and going down in this episode and it's done in an amazing way. But I love this episode particulary because of Marcus's mental health story and how they show depression in a way that I've never seen before.
Best quote: "There are two things you can get from sex with a man, passion or power. But you better make sure you’re gettin something. Otherwise you’re just getting screwed." (Georgia)
Fun fact: Raymond Ablack, who plays Joe, and Rebecca Ablack, who plays Marcus's friend and former friend with benefits, Padma, are siblings in real life.
If you like this you might also like: Queen Charlotte, Gossip Girl, XO Kitty and Gilmore Girls.
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lexiklecksi · 2 years
“What’s more dangerous than a pretty woman? A violent man.”
- quote from Ginny & Georgia (season 2, episode 8)
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quellstak · 3 years
tagged by @pilarsalazr
fave genre? R&B and neo soul
fave artist? Beyoncé, Megan, Chloe x Halle, Ari Lennox, Ariana Grande, Little Mix, Lil Kim, 2Pac
fave song? favorite part by Ariana and Mac Miller
most listened song recently? Whine Up by Kat Deluna
song currently stuck in your head? what's it gonna by Janet Jackson and Busta Rhymes
5 fave lyrics? 1) I'll take you to the afterlife boy if you ain't acting right
2) You're not popping you're just on the remix
3) Release your inhibition feel the rain on your skin
4) thinking that he future imma leave him in the past sense
5) so let me get this straight, wait i'm the rookie but my features and my shows ten times your pay
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? young adult, fantasy, horror
fav writer? R. L. Stine
fav book? Daughter of smoke and bones
fav book series? Percy Jackson and the Olympians
comfort book? Bad case of rainbow stripes
perfect book to read on a rainy day? Children of blood and bone
fave characters? Inej Ghafa, Thalia Grace
5 quotes from your fave book that you know by heart? Can't say that I have any
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | REREADING or reading just once
fave tv/movie genre? Comedies for TV and teen movies
fave movie? The lion king
movie you watch every year? Lion King,
fave tv show? Julie and the phantoms, new girl, the umbrella academy, altered carbon, Nancy Drew, all american
comfort tv show? ginny and georgia, letterkenny, Eric Andre show, Archer, the office
most rewatched tv show? Letterkenny
ultimate otp? Brucas
5 fave characters? Josie McCoy, Quellcrist Falconer, Layla Keating, Ginny Miller, Allison Hargreeves
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
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1. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off? Chilling, watching Netflix, playing my guitar and singing.
2. What type of music are you into? Classic rock, funk, gospel, jazz, bossa-nova, blues etc
3. What was the best vacation you ever took and why? Florida. It was the nicest place I’ve been to so far.
4. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why? I want to go to Greece. It looks so dreamy.
5, .What are your hobbies, and how did you get into them? Playing the guitar, singing, drawing etc I loved doing them ever since I was little.
6. What was your favorite age growing up? I think 12-13
7. Was the last thing you read? I don’t remember the last time I read a whole book.
8. Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert? Introvert
9. What's your favorite ice cream topping? Cut up fruits
10. What was the last TV show you binge-watched? Ginny and Georgia
11. Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music? Music
12. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not? Yes, christmas. I love being with my family and having fun and playing games and doing secret Santa.
13. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Burger
14. Do you like going to the movies or prefer watching at home? Going to the movies
15. What’s your favorite sleeping position? Belly down
16. What’s your go-to guilty pleasure? Chocolate
17. In the summer, would you rather go to the beach or go camping? Camping
18. What’s your favorite quote from a TV show/movie/book? “That’s what she said” - Michael Scott, The Office
19. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it? I was probably like 13 and it was Zayn Malik
20. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better? Laughing with family and friends
21. Do you have any pet peeves? Yes, when people come too close to me
22. Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner? Lunch
23. What song always gets you out on the dance floor? Chá chá slide
24. When you were a kid, did you eat the crusts on your sandwich or not? Yes
25. What activity instantly calms you? Singing
26. Ideally, how would you spend your birthday? Going somewhere to eat with my family and friends
27. What do you do on your commute to/from work? I talk to my mom and text my bf
28. Do you have a favorite type of exercise? Yes, I like weights and doing leg
29. What's your favorite season and why? Spring. It’s not that hot and it’s not cold either
30. What's the best joke you've ever heard? I don’t remember any lol
31. What's the phone app you use most? Instagram
32. Would you rather cook or order in? Cook
33. Have your ever disliked something and then changed your mind? Yes lol
34. What's your favorite board game? Monopoly
35. How do you take your coffee? Black with 3 sugar or with milk and 2 sugar
36 What's your most prized possession and why? My family. They are my everything.
37. Is there any product that you couldn't live without? Makeup
38. Do you sleep with a top sheet? Why or why not? Yes I do. It’s more comfortable
39. If you could have any exotic animal as a pet, which would it be? A tiger
40. What would be the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery? I would buy my parents a house
41. What’s your favorite thing about your current job? The friendship I have with my coworkers and my boss
42. What annoys you most? People coming too close to me, or calling me all the time.
43. What’s the career highlight you’re most proud of? Growing into my position in my company
44. Do you think you’ll stay in your current gig awhile? Why or why not? Yes. Because I love my coworkers and boss
45. What type of role do you want to take on after this one? I would like to be a wife and a mother
46. Are you more of a "work to live" or a "live to work" type of person? Work to live
47. Does your job make you feel happy and fulfilled? Why or why not? Yes most of the time.
48. How would your 10-year-old self react to what you do now? Probably think it’s disgusting 😂
49. What do you remember most about your first job? I used to do a lot of physical work and my back would hurt lol
50. How old were you when you started working? I started babysitting and teaching h.w to kids when I was like 15 and my first job in a place was when I was 20 I believe.
51. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? My old job because I would have to be standing the whole day
52. What originally got you interested in your current field of work? The salary
53. Have you ever had a side hustle or considered having one? No I never did. Yes, I have.
54. What’s your favorite part of the workday? The morning time when I am here in peace and quiet and I can organize the office.
55. What’s the best career decision you’ve ever made? To quit my old job and come to the one I am currently in.
56. What’s the worst career decision you’ve ever made? I don’t think I ever made a bad decision. It was what I needed in that moment.
61. When will you know you've "made it"? When I have a husband, a baby and a house of my own and my parents have a house of their own and they can rest
62. Are you looking forward to retiring, or do you plan to work as long as possible? I plan to work as long as possible but I would like to retire when I get to a certain age.
63. Have you ever had "imposter syndrome"? No
64. What do you think about workaholics? I don’t think about tem lol
65. What qualities do you look for in a boss? Someone that will be beside you and a friend, someone that is kind and understanding.
66. Do you have a professional mentor? If not, do you want one? No I don’t have one and never thought about it.
67. Do you have a work best friend? Yes I do
68. Are you into after-work happy hours? No
69. How do you motivate yourself in your career? I just think of the money I will get
70. What's the best career advice you've ever heard? Be a good worker but never break your back giving more than you are valued for.
71. What's the worst career advice you've ever received? Never did
72. When you started your current job, what most surprised you? That I barely had to do an interview to get in.
73. How do you pick yourself back up after making a mistake at work? I just fix it as soon as I can and I apologize if I have to
74. How do you deal with work stress? I listen to music, talk to my coworker and I breathe and I pray
75. What energizes you about your career? Being able to buy things I couldn’t before.
76. What's one work-related thing you want to accomplish in the next year? I want to be more organized with some paperwork I need to do
77. Who has had the biggest impact on your career choice? My ex
78. What does your family think of your career? They think it’s a good job
79. What's the best thing you've learned in your current position? Communication
80. If you could do it all over again, would you pursue the same career? Why or why not? Yes I would. It’s a good career
81. How much time do you spend with your family? Not as much as I’d like to but as much as I can.
82. Who do you most like spending time with and why? My family and friends because I love them
83. Were you close with your family growing up? Yes
84. How do you define your family now? Amazing
85. What traits are most important to you in your family members? They are funnt, kind and smart
86. Who are you the closest to and why? My mother and sister. Not sure why lol I just am..
87. Do you want a family of your own? Yes
88. What’s your favorite family tradition? Waiting for the clock to be midnight when it’s someone’s bday and we will go to the person and give them a group hug singing happy bday
89. If you could change your relationship with a family member, would you? If so, with whom? No. I have a great relationship with them all
90. What was it like growing up as the youngest/oldest/middle/only child? It was a little hard because my parents were just recently became Christians so everything to them was wrong and I would get in trouble for stupid things. They didn’t know better
91. Does your family ever take trips together? Yes
92. What’s your favorite family memory? Going to florida def and camping
93. What TV family most reminds you of your own? A show in Brazil called a grande familia
94. Do you ever wish you were raised differently? No
95. What’s the best piece of advice a family member has given you? Stop letting people treat me less than what I deserve
96. Do you wish you had more siblings? If so, why? No. I have plenty lol
97. Did you ever hide anything from or lie to your parents? Yes
98. If you had a family business, what would it be? A movie place or gaming place
99. Do you and your family have any nicknames for each other? Yes
100. What's your favorite way to spend time with your family? Watching movies and eating
101. How do you show your family you love them? I do things for tem, I make them laugh and I hug them
102. Have you ever been to a family reunion? Yes
103. What's the most important holiday you spend with your family and why? Christmas. I love being with them and having fun
104. Who in your family would you describe as a "character"? My sister
105. How do you feel about family events? I love them
106. What's something your family would be surprised to learn about you? That I have sex with my bf
107. Which family member do you confide in most? My sister
108. How do you deal with arguments between family members? We just cool off and then say sorry
109. If you have children, how do you want to raise them? Like my parents raised me
110. What's more important: family or friends? Family
111. Do you have any friends you would consider family? Yes
112. Has your family ever pressured you to act a certain way? Yes
113. Did you ever get to meet your great-grandparents? Yes
114. What personality traits do you share with your relatives? I could be very impatient sometimes, very playful and I am kind
115. What physical traits do you share with your relatives? Big thighs, butt, fair skin
116. What stories did your family members tell you growing up? Many lol
117. How did your parents (and/or grandparents) meet? My mom was friends with my dads sister in school.
118. What makes you proud of your family? The way we are United
119. Who's the newest member of your family? My little sister
120. What can always bring your family together? A movie and food
121. What’s a relationship deal breaker for you? Cheating
122. If you had only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you want? Sight
123. What is your definition of success? Being happy with a healthy family traveling
124. What makes you feel at peace? Music
125. What are you most proud of in the last year? Deciding to leave my last relationship
126. What makes you feel most accomplished? My way of thinking
127. Who do you admire most in the world? Compassion
128. Would you rather make more money doing a job you hate or less doing one you love? More money doing a job I hate
129. Which of your personality traits are you most proud of? My sense of humor
130. What’s the first thing you look for in a partner and/or friend? Sense of humor
131. How has your perspective on the world changed over time? It’s crazy how people are “cancelling” people and people get so butt hurt about everything
132. Do you live by any piece of advice or motto? No
133. How can someone earn your trust? By their actions
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dystopicbrain · 2 years
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i don’t wanna be here
— Ginny & Georgia (2021)
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dystopicbrain · 2 years
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that voice knows something you don’t
— Ginny & Georgia (2021)
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dystopicbrain · 2 years
Life’s not fair. It’s hard, and so you gotta be hard right back.
— Ginny & Georgia (2021)
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dystopicbrain · 2 years
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what is happiness?
— Ginny & Georgia (2021)
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dystopicbrain · 2 years
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when i’m not in it, i don’t remember it
— Ginny & Georgia (2021)
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dystopicbrain · 2 years
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people change
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bethaven · 9 months
#23 XO Kitty
Plot: Kitty have been in a long distance relationship with Dae for a while when she´s finally accepted into KISS, his boarding school in Seoul, Korea. After she convinced her father and stepmother to let her go she's on her way to surprise Dae. But things don't turn out the way she imagined, turns out there are things Dae haven't told her, her roomate is horrible and the school is not what she expected. To complicate things further, Dae might not be the only one who wants to catch her attention. On top of that, she's starting to find out things about her departed mother, who used to attend the school.
Years: 2023-
Seasons: 1 (renewed for a season 2)
My story: I came into this series from sort of a strange angle, since I haven't seen the To all the boys-films (where Kitty originates from) yet. When it poped up in my suggestions-list at Netflix I thought the idea of a young person moving to a land far away for love sounded thrilling, so I started to watch it. I like the characters and their backstories and I look forward to knowing more about all of them in the next season(s?). I often wish I was as bold as Kitty.
Teachable moments: Kitty's quite impulsive and emotionally driven, it's sometimes her strength but maybe even more it complicates things for her. Is it worth it? Probably.
Best character: Yuri's caught between a rock and a hard place, in life in general but with love in particular. Her frustration about her loved one being taken away from her is heartbreaking and shows us how queer love is still not fully accepted. I love how her realtionship with Kitty develops from frenemies to BFF's, and if you ask Kitty - something more. Her standing up against her parents and following her heart is inspiring.
Best episode: "TIL" (S1E7). It's intriguing, exciting and gut wrenching when Kitty and Yuri tries to unravel secrets. But are they ready to deal with the truth?
Best quote: "Did I just let my youngest daughter go to Korea to have sex with her boyfriend?" (Dan Covey, Kitty's father)
Fun fact: Same as her character, actor Anna Cathcart who plays Kitty, was moving away from home for the first time when she was in Korea filming XO Kitty. According to herself, it helped her in her role as Kitty.
If you like this you might also like: XO Kitty is a spinoff from To all the boys-films, where Kitty is lead roll Lara Jean's little sister. Others you might like are Never have I ever, Ginny and Georgia, Emily in Paris and Angus, thongs and perfect snogging.
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