upsetapplecart · 7 years
Cheers to @disintegrey for tagging me! (Even if I am more than a week late to the party.)
Rules: Repost this and tag ten mutuals you want to get to know better
Fave fictional character: Polly from Monstrous Regiment, because I recently re-read it and I remembered how much I adore her. Fave book: Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett!!! Fave video game: Bards Tale. But I am also having a ball with the Pokémon games at the moment. Fave sport: Um, AFL by process of being the only one I watch in real life. Last song I listened to: Wish you well by Bernard Fanning First language: English
Shall tag: @gryffindorgeek7777 @iamwhoremoans @abirdwholikesanime @daratsuki @ginkoko Ignore or not as you see fit! Have fun!
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poppymadness · 7 years
Rules: Using only one band, answer the following questions. Then, tag ten people
Tagged by @ginkoko  Thanks for tagging me in another thing yo.~ (I feel like some of these might end up not making sense rip)
Band: All Time Low 
What’s your gender?: That Girl 
Describe yourself: The Reckless and the Brave 
How do you feel?: Kicking & Screaming 
If you could go anywhere: Somewhere In Neverland 
Favorite mode of transportation: No Idea
If your life was a TV show: Young Renegades 
Relationship status: Forget About It
Greatest fear: Old Scars / Future Hearts
I tag: (of course, only if ya want!) @naturalpeaches  @sushiforatsushi  @alwaysdrowninginfeels
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
"If I Were..." tag
Tagged by @shajee1998 . Cheers! Thanks so much for the tag. 😁😁😁 Sorry this took me so damn long to get to. 😅
Right, I couldn't come up with anything much on my own so I asked my family to try instead. 😂
Here's what they said:
If I were a month: 
Dad: April or February
Twin brother: December
Older sister: February
Mum: August
If I were a day: 
Dad: Sunday
Twin: Monday
Sister: Monday- cause you just getting started but you dont want to???
Mum: Saturday/Wednesday
If I were a planet: 
Dad: Uranus (ha ha, dad, you're hilarious 😂) or Pluto
Twin: the sun or Venus
Sister: Saturn
Mum: Pluto cause you would want to be far as possible from other people
If I were a god or goddess: 
Dad: Aries?
Twin: Proythuse the one that gave fire to humans he's actually a Titan but no one will care
Sister: Janus, Roman God of Doorways
If I were a sea animal:
Dad: Platypus or octopus
Twin: Dolphin or horse or elephant
Sister: Sea otter- cause you only use the top bit. Or some sea bird cause you dont want anything to do with whats under you little birdy feet.
Mum: Sea horse
If I were a piece of furniture:
Dad: Rubbish bin (cause I'm trash?? 😂😂) or fridge (cause I'm cold inside?😂)
Twin: Table
Sister: Chair- people can take a load off on you??? Table was my second suggestion, put shit on you and leave it there 👌
Mum: Ha a poofter
If I were a gemstone: 
Dad: Sapphire
Brother: The blue one
Mum: Yellow Sapphire
If I were a flower: 
Dad: Rose (cause I'm full of thrones 😂) or a dandelion (because I'm a weed?😂😂😂)
Twin: A wild flower
Sister: Anemone / Gladiolus
Mum: The buttercup
If I were a weather: 
Dad: Hot and muggy
Twin: Sun shower
Sister: A sunny day- good for you but not always welcomed as it should be
Mum: Warm spring days.
If I were a color: 
Dad: Dark grey / light fluffy blue
Twin: Blue
Sister: Blue
Mum: Yellow
If I were an emotion: 
Dad: Anger
Twin: Justice
Sister: Indignation? On behalf of someone else
Mum: Empathy
If I were a fruit: 
Dad: Lemon or dragon fruit
Twin: Pineapple
Sister: Orange - useful fruit all round, just have to know how
If I were an element:
Dad: Silver / fire
Sister: Fire
Mum: You are iron so strong but make yourself into anything you need to be
If I were a place: 
Dad: Stuart highway / Aryes Rock / Litchfield National Park
Sister: 1st or last place (😂😂😂)
If I were a taste: 
Dad: Bitter (😂😂😂)
Sister: Banana smoothie
If I were a scent:
Dad: New car smell/ vanilla
If I were a body part:
Dad: Nose
Sister: Heart, cause you do the feeling the rest of us won't
If I were a pair of shoes: 
Dad: Riding boots
Sister: Classy well worn boots
Woot! 👍
Okay, tagging: @cass-act , @joestarry-eyed , @ginkoko , @carmine-brothers , @dnarielle , @tibuki , @necoconeko , @ttachibana , @killabin999 & @tapa-nyan .
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
Tagged by @joestarry-eyed the wonderful. 😊
Finally getting to this. 😅
Five things you'll find in my bag: I don't have one... 😂 😂
Five things you'll find in my bedroom: Squishy, unicorn lights 🦄✨, a giant arse bed, Me & a whole bunch of sentimental shit.
Five things I've always wanted to do: Play Polocross, travel, write my books, change the world 🌏👍& help people.
Five things that make me happy: My family and friends, my animals, good people, eating healthy & puns. 👌
Five things I'm currently into: Terry Pratchett's glorious stories, D&D 🎲, watching the sky, sitting quietly with my doggo & remembering the good things.
Five things on my to do list: Work on getting help, relisten to all the Discworld books on audiobook, finish playing the Gears of War series with @cass-act 💪🎮, find Spook a new home & finish my Mass Effect: Andromeda fanfic.
Tagging: @cass-act , @ginkoko , @carmine-brothers , @tibuki , @killabin999 & @dahdah-rigeru.
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
HOLY SHIT, okay. Let us gooooo! I am sorry in advance for how long and rambling this will be.
Tagged by the glorious @tapa-nyan~
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Water. 😉
2. Phone call: My beautiful dad on my sister’s phone cause she was driving.
3. Text message: My beautiful mum.
4. Song you listened to: Eye of the Tiger - Survivor. 🐯
5. Time you cried: On Friday night when the stupid game I was playing made me decide between some stupid, stupid, stupid choices!!! 🙈🙉🙊
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Nope!
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Also nope.
8. Been cheated on: No, sir. 
9. Lost someone special: Is this like someone passing away or??
10. Been depressed: Buddy, pal, mate... you know it~
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: No, I’m too busy making sure everyone’s hair is being held back while they do. 😌
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Yellow, blue, 👀👀💛💙😉 and… Red?
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Yes, I hope so. 😘
16. Fallen out of love: Hmmmm… If we mean with a person? No.
17. Laughed until you cried: Roger that. 😂😂😂
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Not that I can remember but they should be, I mean, I’m willing to join in that fantastic choice of conversation. 😎
19. Met someone who changed you: Possibly… (*ominous music plays* Just, uh just ignore that, it won’t turn off. 😂)
20. Found out who your friends are: If you mean the whole dramatic: “They were there for me when it mattered, unlike those other BASTARDS that never showed!!!”, ummm, maybe?? 😌
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Uh… All of them??
23. Do you have any pets: Just three ponies and a snosague dog, at the moment. 
24. Do you want to change your name: Nah, I’m good. *Jaz hands* 👐
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Hey, it was my 20th! 😂 I think some friends came over, we watched a bunch of different anime episodes, then I went and saw my mum and had some raw made cakes. Went back home and finished it off watching Big Windup! with my sister until we had to go pick my twin up from another party. Then we had Maccas and went home again. Bro was pretty smashed so I made him comfy on his couch and put Big Windup! back on and slept on his floor. 😂 Wild~, I know. 😅
26. What time did you wake up: About nine in the morningo. 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Trying to sleep! But the one before that, I was saving the next galaxy over! 💪 So… *Maui voice* ~you’re welcome~.
28. Name something you can’t wait for: To finish Mass Effect: Andromeda! (Small goals, small goals.)
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: I just went and saw her! On Saturday. 🤗
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Some of my choices. 
31. What are you listening to right now: Nothing currently but I just paused: ‘The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents’ (written by Terry Pratchett, narrated by Stephen Briggs). 🐈🐁🐀
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Tom? Tom… Tom… Yesss? YES! Actually! BWAHAHAHA! Feeling bad for forgetting, I’m sure there’s other toms I’ve communicated with using the sounds we call English but the one I remember is the guy I went to middle school with. Umm… Yeah, pretty sure he was a Tom… (Sorry, Tom! You were actually cool from what I can remember so I feel the guilt here).
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: The possible choices in a certain video game and certain crappy pre-made pancake mixes.
34. Most visited Website: Probably tumblr… Although cause I mostly use my phone for it that means I use the app which means that it technically isn’t my most viewed website, actually??? *sweats*
35. Mole/s: Check mate. No little earth digging creatures though. 😂
36. Mark/s: Are we taking like scars? Or stretch marks or just any marks in general? Why are these question things always so wide open? ...Probably so you can answer any of the ones I just asked… Wow, Jaz... keep up, darling. 
37. Childhood dream: Gonna be a horse. 🐴 
38. Haircolor: Please tell me! I don’t know! Probably like a dirty blond or mousey brown???
39. Long or short hair: Loooooonggg~
40. Do you have a crush on someone: 👀👀👀 Do you? 🙆
41. What do you like about yourself: Someone please answer this for me, all I’m coming up with is ERROR: UNKNOWN. 😌 Okay, ummm… Sometimes I’m kinda okay as a person… Maybe?
42. Piercings: None to speak of. 
43. Bloodtype: A? AB? Nana told me once but I forget. (Starts cackling about that post.)
44. Nickname: Anything fun you can do with a name like Jaz.
45. Relationship status: A what? Oh… Attempting to get an attractive turian to notice me (don’t judge me, play Mass Effect!!).
46. Zodiac: Aquarius~ *drinks water*.
47. Pronouns: She/her/that one over there no don’t run dammit come back
48. Favorite TV Show: Not a clue!! I dunnoooo.
49. Tattoos: 0, mate. 
50. Right or left hand: Right handed 👀👀👀 Am I right??? 😏
51. Surgery: To clean out a wound I got from broken firewood flying into my face. 😗
52. Hair dyed in different color: Nooooo~
53. Sport: When I was a youngest (LMFAO, I just said that… Or typed it, whatever! *says “youngest” out loud* There, I actually said it for real 😂😂😂) I played AFL (Aussie Rules) but I do horse riding now (when I actually do do it).
54. (question wasn’t here)
55. Vacation: I wanna take my dad to all the places that he hasn’t got to yet.
56. Pair of trainers: What is even happening with this question?? Have I missed some social cue again???
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Yes, tis a thing I do… I enjoy it. Especially creating it!
58. Drinking: Water, and healthy juices that my fam avoid. 
59. I’m about to: Possibly make pancakes from scratch. 
62. Want: To finish Mass Effect: Andromeda and read the books waiting on my shelf. 
63. Get married: Is this an order? ✋
64. Career: Down the drain?… Wait, hold up, positiveness!… Ummm, just getting started… When… I… Actually start one.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Come over here and we’ll find out. 😂
66. Lips or eyes: Eye don’t know… 😅
67. Shorter or taller: Shortaller... pppffftt.
68. Older or younger: Am I creating a perfect creature that ticks all my preferences, like, what’s with the 👀👀👀 92 questions? 😂😂😂
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Thighs. 😚
71. Sensitive or loud: Mix them together and throw some interesting stuff in, then we’ll talk.
72. Hook up or relationship: Is this where I request one?
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Not diggin’ always having only two options… 😓 (giving me flashbacks to Friday night when my dumb arse game ONLY gave me TWO OPTIONS that were seriously DUMB, and why did we EVEN need to go there narratively???! Like, SERIOUSLY!!! I could’ve done BOTH! You don’t need to torture me LIKE THIS, I didn’t ASK for THIS pain!!!! You go and make it fun and then DESTROY it!!! How am I meant to FEEL ANY accomplishment for finishing another PLOT MISSION when I just feel HELLA DEPRESSED because YOUR writers had the DONKEY BALLS to trap MY CHOICES into ONLY TWO options that I would NEVER pick over the other???! I AM THE DAMN HUMAN PATHFINDER, YOU ARSEHOLES 👊👊STAND DOWN, AND WATCH ME DO BOTH!!! YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW ME!!!! 😳😳😳). *takes deep breath*
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: That’s a negative. 
75. Drank hard liquor: How do we tell if it’s hard? *snigger* I am not up with any drink slang. 
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Would be incredibly impressive of me if I did cause I don’t own either. I got sunglasses though and, yeah, I’ve probably lost a few pairs of them but, wait, actually I don’t really use them so I don’t really have a pair either, so… 
77. Turned someone down: Like a stereo? Pfft, joking… Umm… No? Don’t think so??
78. Sex on the first date: You do realize the joke I could make here, right? Just leaving that right open on purpose or? Pffft, anyway, let’s just start with getting a date first, aye?
79. Broken someone’s heart: Oh no, I store them very safely… Bwahaha! Okay, ummm, seriously... no, I don’t believe so.
80. Had your heart broken: Pets dying does that.
81. Been arrested: No, officer. I wasn’t there and didn’t see anything.
82. Cried when someone died: I just shut down. But, yes, I’m sure I have a little.
83. Fallen for a friend: Hmmmm… No, never fallen.
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: Working on it, but I know I can do things if I commit so that’s a start.
85. Miracles: Miracles can be both good and bad so I suppose I don’t really.
86. Love at first sight: I’m gonna walk by again… 🚶
87. Santa Claus: In my heart.
88. Kiss on the first date: Oh, the first date business is back… 👋🏃 Bye.
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: All my friends are the best so: 😉
91. Eyecolor: Some blue/grey/green bullshit. 
92. Favorite movie: Don’t do faves really, but I’m very fond of Mulan, Lilo & Stitch, and Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron.
Wow, okay, that’s done...!!!
Tagging: @ryujin-zanba, @dnarielle, @cass-act, @dahdah-rigeru, @ginkoko, @ttachibana & @abirdwholikesanime.
Only do this if you want, omfg.
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
Eight for Eight: Answer 8 questions then tag eight people
Thank you very muchly to @temistheranger for tagging me in this! Sorry it took me so long to get to. 😌
Righto, I didn’t know if I was meant to answer these eight questions or make my own so I just answered these ones. My bad if that’s not the way it is meant to go. 😂
1. Last movie I watched: Possibly ‘The Good Dinosaur’. 😌
2. Last song I listened to: The Sound of Silence - Disturbed. 👌
3. Last book I read: Volume 5 of My Hero Academia. But if we’re talking book books then it was a picture book called ‘The Red Book’ and it’s damn hilarious. 😂
4. Last thing I ate: Brown rice and something else my sister concocted for our dinner. Cheers, sis! 😁
5. Where would you like to time travel to: End of 2013. Or the future but I don’t know exactly where.
6. Fictional character I would hang out with for a day: Gaaaah! I can’t decide, just make a lucky dip and I’ll pull one out. 😂
7. If I could be anywhere right now, where would I be: Somewhere I could help people in need, or living in a little house in the middle of nowhere with just the things and people that are special to me. 🤗
8. Current fandom obsession: Mass Effect, Discworld, & All Out!! 😏
Gonna taaaaggg: @moonpath, @tapa-nyan, @cass-act, @ryujin-zanba, @ginkoko, @dahdah-rigeru, @winter-fandoms, @ttachibana, @shajee1998 & @thatfujoshi! 
Enjoy, and only do it if you want to~ 😊
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
Many thanks to @mrflint-astic for tagging me~ :3
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire music library to shuffle and report the first ten tracks that pop up! Then choose ten additional victims!
No Attention - Soundgarden
That Lucky Old Sun (Just Rolls Around Heaven All Day) - Johnny Cash
Truckstop on the Moon - The Presidents of the United States 
Shambala - Three Dog Night
What If - Coldplay
Never Again - Kelly Clarkson
Shut Up and Dance - WALK THE MOON
Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
Always - Panic! At The Disco
Better Not Wake the Baby - The Decemberists
So, I thought this was going to be a Complete Disaster because I have so much wank in my music library. Like, seriously, I haven’t listened to half of the shit in there. I don’t even know half the shit in there! But it actually went okay, I at least know these ones. 😂
Righto, tagging these wonderful creatures: @tibuki, @ryujin-zanba, @tapa-nyan, @cass-act, @ginkoko, @dahdah-rigeru, @abirdwholikesanime, @randomanimeart, @winter-fandoms & @moonpath :D
As always, only do it if you want to! *thumbs up* ;)
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
Tagged by the marvelous: @grungeshojo and @ryujin-zanba!
Thanks so much, you guys! I haven’t done this in years! Really had fun reading your answers, and you both came up with such great questions! I’ll just answer both sets here to save time.
1- Always post these rules 2- Answer the new questions given by the previous person 3- Write 11 new questions 4- Tag 11 people
grungeshojo’s questions:
1. Have you been out of your country? Nope! Not yet. 
2. What is your current obsession? Well, it’s footy season over here so… AFL! Besides that… Probably still All Out!! 😂
3. Do you like sushi? Mate, mate, maaaateee, I love it. Had never tried it before so thought I wouldn’t but then I did and haven’t looked back since.
4. How would you describe your fashion style? Me? Fashion? Style? Pffft, I suppose pjs and that just woke up look. Though I’m normally throwing on a fave pun shirt and some jeans if forced to head out so, casual????
5. What was the last thing you googled? ‘all out manga’ (ayyyyyeee)
6. What’s your favorite vine? Don’t think I’ve got one, never really watched them much unless they came up on my dash but I eat a lot of avocado so I always hear that ‘welcome to my kitchen’ one every damn time I eat it now.
7. Favorite holiday? Uhhhh, I don’t think I really have one??
8. Favorite superhero movie? Uuumm… None??? Not yet, anyway…
9. Favorite thing about summer? Don’t really have summer so I couldn’t say! All my experience comes from Phineas and Ferb. 😂
10. Famous person (alive or dead) you would like to meet? Hmmmm… Can’t think of anyone! But if we’ve got the ability to meet people that have passed on, I’d like to talk to my granddad again!
11. Last song you listened to? The Moana soundtrack. Fell asleep during it though so don’t know which one was the last I heard.
ryujin-zanba’s questions:
1. Favorite animal? Horse!!!! 😂 Those precious neighs stole my heart! 🙏
2. Favorite names? Oooooh, uhhhh: Ollie??? Evan??? I don’t even know actually (it’s a great name, I know, I know 😂).
3. Favorite movie? Shit. Ummm… Mulan?? Lilo & Stitch?? Spirit!???
4. Rosegold or seafoam green? Probably seafoam green. Had to google these… 😂
5. Cherry or watermelon? Watermelon, I think!
6. Glitter or goo? Glitter Goo! 😂
7. Favorite drink? Whhhaaa? Ummm… Water??? Or an organic juice!
8. Favorite landmark? The giant boxing crocodile statue in front of my post office. It’s the one I see the most so, yeah.
9. Forest or beach? Guuhh, the beach is fun to ride on but I love trail riding through the “forest”, which is actually probably more “bush” in my case so I’ll go beach, I suppose. 
10. Fairy lights or candles? Both! But sometimes my doggo is scared of candles so fairy lights it is! Not too many though cause sometimes they give me anxiety??? *shrugs*
11. Paperback or hardback? Probably paperback! Although I don’t really mind, but I just find it easier to read big books if they are paperbacks.
12. Favorite planet? This is super duper hard!!! But seeing as I’ve never been to any others, I’m gonna go with Earth. 😉
Aaaaaand, here are the boring-ass questions I managed to come up with... Enjoy!:
Any chance you’ve got a fave type of dinosaur?
What’s a glorious pun you’ve made?
What’s a sport you dig?
Tell me about your oldest teddy bear?
Is there someone that just makes you smile/laugh?
Do you listen to any podcasts?
A meal you always enjoy?
Is there a particular moment in your life when you were really proud of yourself?
A magazine you read?
Ever made something cool at school/university/work?
Have any special goals in mind for this year?
Ignore this if you’ve already been tagged or just don’t wanna, and feel free to say I tagged you if you want to get in on this!
@tibuki, @moonpath, @winter-fandoms, @cass-act, @ginkoko, @temistheranger, @killabin999, @master-burglar, @necoconeko, @sammyswolf, @randomanimeart, @saya-aensland & @disintegrey!
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
Tagged by the wonderful @joestarry-eyed! Thaaaaanksss!! XD
10 favorite villains/antiheroes from 10 different fandoms:
This was majorly HAAARRRD, but I struggled through!! So, here we go!!
1. Team Rocket - Pokémon
2. Dr. Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb
3. Azula - Avatar: the last airbender
4. Basically all of them from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett
5. Django - One Piece
6. Crowley - Supernatural
7. Lunatic - Tiger & Bunny
8. Saren - Mass Effect
9. Barbossa - Pirates of the Caribbean
10. Yzma - Emperor’s New Groove
Tag, you’re it: @ginkoko, @cass-act, @tapa-nyan, @dahdah-rigeru, @tibuki, @intimidating-curls & @thatfujoshi!! ;) Of course, only do it if you’re up for it! :3
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
These two wonderful peeps: @tapa-nyan and @mursnurph tagged me to share 10 facts/things about myself. Cheers! Let’s do this!
1. I have a twin. I call him Giggles and he’s the actual best.
2. I’ve been riding horses since I can remember and currently have three: Rocket, Jamie, and Spook.
3. I have a miniature dachshund called Dougal.
4. I once dislocated my right pinky finger by catching a ball wrong while I was pretending to be a kung fu chicken at some family party.
5. I write fanfic but never post it (and hardly ever finish it). I’ve also got about five, going on six, original stories in the works. But at the moment they aren’t going anywhere cause I’ve actually got to get back to writing them… (send help!)
6. I use to play Aussie Rules (AFL) and my team is the West Coast Eagles! (I’m super obsessed. Come ask me about it. 100% will nerd at you.)
7. I once dislocated my shoulder and broke my collarbone at the same time by running into a clothesline at night.
8. I live in a double-decker bus!
9. I’ve got two scars on the right side of my face. One near my mouth from a dog biting me when I was very young. The other is near my eye from when I jumped on a branch to break it for firewood and some of it flung back up and hit me in the face (I had to have an operation to remove them. Good times, good times).
10. I love cooking sweets and that but one of my most favorite things to do is eat healthy.
Yeeeah, these are super boring but I can never think of anything interesting to share about myself.
Tag, you’re it: @ginkoko, @abirdwholikesanime, @dahdah-rigeru, @ttachibana, @hebi-kyun, @cass-act, @tibuki, @ryujin-zanba, @intimidating-curls, @moonpath, @winter-fandoms, @killabin999, @carmine-brothers and @disintegrey!
You guys know the drill, only do it if you want! :3
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
Tagged by the incredibly amazing darlings: @tapa-nyan and @mursnurph! Thank you so much, I’m sorry I took forever to answer though. XD
Rules: Post 1 favorite character from 10 fandoms, then tag 10 people!
Wow, so this is always so hard. Hmmmm… Gonna try and name ones I haven’t before. Right, let’s go!
1. Bodhi Rook (Rogue One)
2. Neji (Naruto)
3. Bobby & Benny (Supernatural)
4. Miranda (D.Gray-man)
5. Black Panther
6. Aveline (Dragon Age 2)
7. Clank (Ratchet & Clank)
8. Vivi & like everyone else (One Piece)
9. Cayde-6 (Destiny)
10. Selim (Deliah Dirk)
Tagging these beautiful peeps: @ginkoko, @cass-act, @winter-fandoms, @tibuki, @moonpath, @swingbigdaddy, @insidemymind-ly, @disintegrey, @lizzozzil, @hetablu, @thissideofdangerous & @temistheranger.
Enjoy, guys! And remember, only do it if you feel the need. :3
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
Rules: Tell me your favorite character from 10 fictional works (Movies, books, TV shows, etc.) and tag 10 people!
Tagged by @mursnurph. Cheers! And, congratulations on being awesome, btw. :D
1. Shay (or Pidge): Voltron: Legendary Defender
2. Armin Arlert: Attack on Titan
3. Mother: Matthew Reilly’s Scarecrow series
4. Sugawara Koushi: Haikyuu!!
5. Mihashi Ren: Big Windup!
6. Hyosu Shinosuke (or Ise Natsuki): All Out!!
7. Piper: Storm Hawks
8. Captain Ray Holt: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
9. Balin (or Dwalin): The Hobbit
10. Aziraphale: Good Omens
I should not have struggled with this as much as I did, but I just couldn’t think of anyone! Haha! Oh well, I managed!
NOW, tagging!! Let’s go with: @ginkoko, @abirdwholikesanime, @ryujin-zanba, @dahdah-rigeru, @toomanyrandomstories, @master-burglar, @moonpath, @shajee1998, @iamwhoremoans, @jessthemess22 & @moxxdraws.
Of course, don’t do it if you don’t want to! 
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hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
Rules: Using only one band, answer the following questions. Then, tag ten people.
Tagged by the fantastic @tapa-nyan! Thank you! Your answers had me cackling like an idiot. :P
Band: Shinedown
What’s your gender?: If Only You Knew
Describe yourself: Asking For It
How do you feel?: Sound Of Madness
If you could go anywhere: Beyond The Sun
Favorite mode of transportation: Black Cadillac
If your life was a TV show: Lost in the Crowd
Relationship status: Some Day
Greatest fear: No More Love
Tagging the amazing peeps: @tibuki, @killabin999, @carmine-brothers, @ginkoko, @moonpath, @upsetapplecart, @master-burglar and @cass-act!!
Of course, only do it if you wish to!!! XD
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hyperbolicgrinch · 4 years
Tagged once more by that epic being known as @king-layney to answer these questions~
Soooo, let's go~ 😎
Yes! But I usually am anyways so it's not cause of the pandemic or anything. 😅
My family! Well, my brother, his girlfriend, and my dad (sometimes). Technically others too but they're not in the same house, just on the same property.
I will be honest, somehow I didn't actually know the actual definition of homebody till right now... 🌠THE MORE YOU KNOW🌠 but uhhhhhhh yeah? I'd probably have to say I am? Extremely so nowdays. Although I do love to go out, it's just Hard, you know? 😩
Ummm... The AFL season? Does that count? If that counts then yeah, missing the footy but it's technically postponed, not cancelled, so maybe we'll still get it eventually. 🤞
Oh! The last three have been Shazam, Onwards and The Half Of It, which were all pretty enjoyable in their own way.
Ummm... There's so many I want to be watching!!!! but sadly the only ones I am actually watching are 2gether and My Engineer, although I'm doing that half-heartedly now tbh. 😅
BTS (bts) BTS (bts) BTS (bts)... 🤷‍♀️ (Don't look at me, I'm a BTS menace. 🙃)
NOTHING I SHOULD BE/WANT TO BE 😭 I pretty much haven't read anything in months and months and I hate that. 😩😩😩 Although I have been editing some stories for my sister so maybe that could count if you squint and do a backflip while tilting your head to an impossible angle... 🥴
Right... Flinging this at so many lovely folks, I'm sorry
@unexpected-nightview @bl-archer @necoconeko @love-to-dre4m @xgoldentempest @miokuchiki @deansbaby-1967 @probable-goblin @hinigoria @joestarry-eyed @gradienta @master-burglar @temistheranger @marshmallowshaman @pancakes40 @dahdah-rigeru @theoldgaylion @ginkoko @tibuki @abirdwholikesanime @ensign-whats-his-face @sensitiveangell @tapa-nyan @dnarielle @killabin999
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poppymadness · 7 years
Rules: Tell me your favorite character from 10 fictional works (Movies, books, TV shows, etc.) and tag 10 people!
Tagged by @ginkoko it’s been a little while since I’ve done one of these so thank you! ^-^ 
1. Kiyoshi Teppei (Kuroko no Basuke)
2. Kuroo Tetsurou (Haikyuu!!)
3. Ebumi Masaru (All Out!!)
4. Magiano (The Young Elites - book series)
5. Bellamy Blake (The 100 - tv show)
6. Jyugo (Nanbaka)
7. Twelve (Zankyou no Terror)
8. Gareki (Karneval)
9. Doug (Gangsta.)
10. Daniel Jae Ho Bae (The Sun Is Also A Star - book) 
10 people ?? Who knows 10 people lol, just gonna tag the crew
@naturalpeaches @sushiforatsushi @alwaysdrowninginfeels  ofc only if you want to !!
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