hyperbolicgrinch · 7 years
"If I Were..." tag
Tagged by @shajee1998 . Cheers! Thanks so much for the tag. 😁😁😁 Sorry this took me so damn long to get to. 😅
Right, I couldn't come up with anything much on my own so I asked my family to try instead. 😂
Here's what they said:
If I were a month: 
Dad: April or February
Twin brother: December
Older sister: February
Mum: August
If I were a day: 
Dad: Sunday
Twin: Monday
Sister: Monday- cause you just getting started but you dont want to???
Mum: Saturday/Wednesday
If I were a planet: 
Dad: Uranus (ha ha, dad, you're hilarious 😂) or Pluto
Twin: the sun or Venus
Sister: Saturn
Mum: Pluto cause you would want to be far as possible from other people
If I were a god or goddess: 
Dad: Aries?
Twin: Proythuse the one that gave fire to humans he's actually a Titan but no one will care
Sister: Janus, Roman God of Doorways
If I were a sea animal:
Dad: Platypus or octopus
Twin: Dolphin or horse or elephant
Sister: Sea otter- cause you only use the top bit. Or some sea bird cause you dont want anything to do with whats under you little birdy feet.
Mum: Sea horse
If I were a piece of furniture:
Dad: Rubbish bin (cause I'm trash?? 😂😂) or fridge (cause I'm cold inside?😂)
Twin: Table
Sister: Chair- people can take a load off on you??? Table was my second suggestion, put shit on you and leave it there 👌
Mum: Ha a poofter
If I were a gemstone: 
Dad: Sapphire
Brother: The blue one
Mum: Yellow Sapphire
If I were a flower: 
Dad: Rose (cause I'm full of thrones 😂) or a dandelion (because I'm a weed?😂😂😂)
Twin: A wild flower
Sister: Anemone / Gladiolus
Mum: The buttercup
If I were a weather: 
Dad: Hot and muggy
Twin: Sun shower
Sister: A sunny day- good for you but not always welcomed as it should be
Mum: Warm spring days.
If I were a color: 
Dad: Dark grey / light fluffy blue
Twin: Blue
Sister: Blue
Mum: Yellow
If I were an emotion: 
Dad: Anger
Twin: Justice
Sister: Indignation? On behalf of someone else
Mum: Empathy
If I were a fruit: 
Dad: Lemon or dragon fruit
Twin: Pineapple
Sister: Orange - useful fruit all round, just have to know how
If I were an element:
Dad: Silver / fire
Sister: Fire
Mum: You are iron so strong but make yourself into anything you need to be
If I were a place: 
Dad: Stuart highway / Aryes Rock / Litchfield National Park
Sister: 1st or last place (😂😂😂)
If I were a taste: 
Dad: Bitter (😂😂😂)
Sister: Banana smoothie
If I were a scent:
Dad: New car smell/ vanilla
If I were a body part:
Dad: Nose
Sister: Heart, cause you do the feeling the rest of us won't
If I were a pair of shoes: 
Dad: Riding boots
Sister: Classy well worn boots
Woot! 👍
Okay, tagging: @cass-act , @joestarry-eyed , @ginkoko , @carmine-brothers , @dnarielle , @tibuki , @necoconeko , @ttachibana , @killabin999 & @tapa-nyan .
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kaltreen · 7 years
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@dnarielle //insert embarrassed noises here. YOU ARE TOO SWEET <3, I want to hug you! ꒰⌯͒•̩̩̩́ ᴗ •̩̩̩̀⌯͒꒱
I’m not very good at reacting to kindness, but know your words make me really happy, I’m so grateful! Thank you so, so much! (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥) 
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le-amewzing · 7 years
dnarielle reblogged your photo: “What the hell are you cryin’ for?!” (ch51)
                   OMGGGGGGGGGG 😍😍😍😍😍        
@dnarielle - omg, hon, your comment & tags are so sweet! XD tysm! (*゚∀゚*)
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ryujin-zanba · 4 years
True Identity
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inspired by one of many chats with @dnarielle bc we like to rub salt splash in the wounds 😅
Rating: Teen & Up Words: 1365 Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Loneliness, Crying, Established Friendship, Gender Neutral Reader Pairings: Reader x Reigen Summary: Reigen is reaping the repercussions of being revealed as a fraud, but even when it seems like everyone has abandoned him there’s one last person who sticks around~
Not a single happy birthday message on his page.
 He’d expected it, but he hadn’t been prepared for how much it would hurt his feelings to actually experience it. 
 Reigen has never been one to struggle at connecting with others. He’s used to being liked. After all, charisma is the cornerstone of being a successful conman. But that’s all come crumbling down since his little ‘performance’.
 He’s about to close the tab, deciding that staring blankly at the screen isn’t going to yield any last minute well wishes, but as he’s browsing the list of people online the little green dot catches his eye under a name he hasn’t heard in years. Your name.  
 Though not an intimate friend, you’ve always been a constant in his life; tied by the friendship of your families and the comfort you found in one another at gatherings where you could escape from nagging aunts and screaming kids and share a drink in private.
 It’s been a couple of years since you last saw each other — since you last had to endure the scrutiny of acquaintances with high expectations — but you’d always been on his side when he was probed for the promise of a greater career.
 The memory that springs to mind now isn’t of how you’d protect him from his great grandmother or how you’d laugh at his corny jokes though. It’s of you being unfathomably kind to him in your childhood when some older kids had beaten him up and left him sniffling in the dirt.
 Expecting you to remember that, or to hold the same kindness in your heart all these years later is probably far too much... but Reigen has never felt so alone before, and that warm, cherished memory is enough to have him typing out a message before he even realises it. 
 If, like everyone else in the world, you’ve seen his embarrassing exposure on TV, then he expects that light will disappear in an instant.
 You probably just didn’t even realise you were still friends on here, he thinks. 
 It’s a minute or two, and he’s losing hope already, but then, rather than a block, he gets a chat bubble as you begin to type. 
 He’d kept his message simple. If by some slim chance you aren’t aware of what’s happened to him, he’ll take every opportunity not to bring it up.
 ‘Hey, happy birthday!’ is the reply.
 It’s something. Enough to bring a smile to his face anyway. 
 He stares at the response before pressing send, sure that even in this pitiful state he could do better.
 He’s about to add to it, deliberating over if he should mention that it isn’t a very happy birthday at all, but then the chat bubble pops up again, so he scrubs the message entirely and waits eagerly for your next line.
 ‘How are you celebrating?’
 Jumping at the opportunity to admit to some level of need, he starts to type back.
 ‘I’m not really. It’s been a lonely one. Haha.’
 There’s no chat bubble for a while then. Your replies had been fairly quick, and each second passing only fills Reigen with dread that he said the wrong thing and chased away the last person he could reach out to. 
 Then he starts getting a call.
 “Shit!” he hisses, scrambling to click the answer button while making himself look presentable, only to realise he’s not actually visible.
 “Hey,” you say warmly.
 “H-hey!” he replies, nervousness evident in his voice.
 “That’s better,” you chuckle, “I much prefer being able to hear you.”
 “Yeah, it’s been too long!”
 “Hah, I guess it has,” Reigen huffs a weak laugh.
 “So how’s it going? You’re not having a good birthday?” you sympathise. 
 “Uh... no, not— not really, no...”
 “No one to celebrate with?” you assume, sounding disappointed on his behalf.
 The reminder that he really doesn’t have anyone in the world to even just go for a drink with right now hits him hard, and a lump rises in his throat.
 “No... I’m... I’m all alone,” he admits, his voice breaking, heavy with hurt that he can’t hide anymore. 
 “Oh, sweetheart, no-no-no, it’s okay,” you tut, “it’s okay, you’re not alone, I... I mean I can come over if you want?”
 “Oh, god,” he tries to laugh at himself, “no I— I wouldn’t want to put you out like that.”
 “It’s okay, I don’t mind at all. It’d be nice to see you. I’ll even bring some drinks,” you bargain, insistent on making sure the poor man isn’t left like this on his birthday.
 “... Would you?” Reigen sniffles after a brief pause, genuinely taken aback by the offer. 
 “Of course! What’s your address?”
 “Um... you’re really gunna’ come all this way— are you sure y—?”
 “I’m already getting in the car, Reigen. Just gimme’ a clue where to find you,” you say with a smile in your voice.
 “Okay, okay, just gimme’ a minute to tidy up,” he implores, laughing through the tears.
 He does his best to make the place look mildly presentable, but he knows you’re not the type to care either way.
 You’d given him an extra few minutes though by stopping off to grab drinks, and he’s already looking out for you by the time you pull up to the complex.
 His heart is in his mouth; watching you getting out of the car and walking swiftly to the steps leading up to his apartment. He wipes the sweat off his hands and takes a deep breath, too nervous and too excited all at once to even consider waiting a moment before answering the door when he hears you outside.
 “H-hi,” he huffs, wearing a watery smile as he opens up before your knuckles even graze the wood. “I wasn’t uh— I mean I was waiting, sorry, I hope that’s not creepy, I just uh... geez...”
 “It’s okay,” you laugh, reassuring him that he’s still charming enough to pull off that kind of desperation. 
 “I can’t believe you’re actually... you actually came all this way,” he murmurs, eyes getting dewy as he attempts to lift his humble gaze to glance at you. But he is humbled, and his gratitude is overwhelming. He starts to cry. 
 “I’m sorry... I really... I really can’t tell you how much it means to not be alone right now,” he hiccups. 
 “Honey, you’re not alone,” you soothe as you wrap your arms around his neck.
 He starts to sob openly, no idea how much he needed to be held until he’s actually in someone’s arms, but you keep on hugging him as you shuffle inside and lightly kick the door shut behind you. 
 “Thank you,” he manages to say; voice high and strained as he burrows into the join of your neck and shoulder.
 “Of course,” you hush, cradling the back of his head tenderly. “Call anytime. Anytime you need someone. Anytime you feel like this.”
 He nods and sniffles, slowly regaining his composure, but he feels worlds better after letting all that out. More so for being able to do it in the arms of someone he trusts. 
 After wiping away his tears, Reigen extends a slightly more official invite for you to come in beyond the entryway, and you break into the drinks as soon as you’re sat down.
 In an attempt to be hospitable he tries to make something of a snack buffet, but the more you drink the less any of that matters. Just to be in each other’s company and to laugh is enough, and you keep at it until the early hours.
 Reigen insists on taking the couch and letting you have his bed when it becomes apparent that you’re staying the night, but you refuse to sleep at all unless you can have him in your arms.
 He doesn’t argue nearly as much as he thinks he should, and he’s glad.
 Despite how badly his day had started, this ended up being a better birthday than most, and maybe things still won’t have gone back to normal in the morning, but just for right now, everything feels okay again… and it’s all thanks to you.
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joestarry-eyed · 6 years
Pass the happy! 💖 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 💖 :3c
Here are 5 things that make me happy in no particular order (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
1. @awesome-possum-stuff2. @jazthespazz3. @captaindeadpoet4. @ebumimasaru5. @dnarielle
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agodnamedhome · 7 years
Get to know you tag.
Tagged by the lovely @tapa-nyan rules: tag 10 of your followers you want to get to know better Name: Madison or Kammrin Nicknames: Fucking rice milk, Dolce De leche, Fun sized Kammrin, Kammi, Kammmmrinnnnnnn, Mads, my full name-I’ll kill you if you called me Mady. Gender: Trans-male Star Sign: Aquarius Height: 5'6 ft and three quarters. Sexuality: Pansexual Favorite animal: Bison (it used to be panda) Average hours of sleep: maybe 4 to 6 Current time: 12:23pm Dog or cat person: Dog, but I guess both because I have 2 cats and 2 dogs Dream trip: Japan or the U.K. Dream Job: Being a CEO of a world famous resort, story and character designer When I made this blog: June 2016 Followers: 47 porn blog has 18 Why I made Tumblr: Artists I’ve been following on DA that transferred, encouraged to show off my work, and co-owned a blog with a person I was interested in at the time. @pinkamyuniverse , @you-cant-stop-me-try-it-waffle , @local-gay-witch , @badou-rammstainer, @gabbiethegrey , @kiimino , @cosmiclatina , @dnarielle , @sheith-is-beautiful , @ebumimasaru
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cass-act · 7 years
Tagged by the awesome @jazthespazz
Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire music library to shuffle and report the first ten tracks that pop up! Then choose ten additional victims! 
 1. Remember - Flow 
2. Nancy Mulligan - Ed Sheeran 
3. Rainbow - Spyair 
4. I see fire - Ed Sheeran 
5. Pony - William Singe 
6. Watch Me Walk - Jay Watts 
7. N.O - BTS 
8. Tip Toe - Imagine Dragons 
9. Have a Nice Day - Bon Jovi 
10. Burning Bridges (acoustic) - One Republic 
PFftttt so this basically outs how influenced I am by anime/movie/tv show soundtracks😌😌😌And then there’s the songs I’ve been forced to listen to while trapped in Ems car😒😒
 Tagging: @piningfornothing, @abirdwholikesanime, @taotaochan, @thathilomgirl, @littleacecutie, @joestarry-eyed, @dnarielle, @nxmikaze
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kaltreen · 7 years
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Aaaah! @dnarielle THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH! <333 Also, thank you so much for the lovely tags! I really, really appreciate sweet comments like all those, they make my day!
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kofukii · 7 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. Then send to the last five people in your notifications anonymously
incidentally the things that make me happy are the people I’m going to send this to u3u
@esidisi 💖@mogipeach 💗@daratsuki 💞@geeky-afakasi 💕@dnarielle 💝
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le-amewzing · 7 years
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@ebumimasaru & @dnarielle & @toomanyrandomstories -- tysm for the sweet comments and tags on my latest ao!! art. :D
#omgggg adorable 💗🙌 #this was flawless 😭👌 #i love them~
@ryujin-zanba -- your tags on my goshoha fic are so cute. X3
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snepdragon · 7 years
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@dnarielle we shall se when i actually get around making the comic :'D thank u ♡
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joestarry-eyed · 7 years
Shuffle Tag
Rules: we’re snooping upon your playlist. Set your entire playlist on shuffle and report the first 10 tracks that pop up and then choose 10 friends.
Tagged by the wife @thecuriouscrusader ✌️😘
1. So much to me- fkj
2. warm-joey pecoraro
3. Plz don't go-cashmere cat
4. Pay my rent-dnce
5. III-foster the people
6. The river- ladyhawke
7. Rearview- bad suns
8. Borderline- solange
9. Bet she looks like you- Nick hakim
10. Outlaws-alessia cara
Tagging these baby angels: @kaibagirl007 , @dnarielle , @tapa-nyan , @jazthespazz , @captaindeadpoet , @ebumimasaru , @geeky-afakasi , @daratsuki , @kronezus , @yoeko 💗
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sadspiders · 7 years
much love to @jazthespazz for tagging me to do ten facts/things about myself.
1. I have a younger sister. she’s three and a half years younger than me but still one of the coolest people I’ve ever met.
2. I have two tattoos and that number will be jumping up to four ( or possibly more) within the next two weeks.
3. my favorite dog breed is Bernese Mountain dogs and as soon as I can, I’m getting one. (might call him Ace bc unashamed one piece nerd but who knows.)
5. I feel 100% more comfortable in a dress than I do while wearing pants.
6. my worst rugby injury was probably in a bad tackle where a girl’s knee went into the side of my leg at an angle that it seperated my calf muscle from my shin bone. I still finished the game.
7. I’m wicked bad at taking no for an answer if it’s not accompanied by a reason.
8. I am very into true crime. ask me about serial killers and I won’t shut up.
9. I have a scar on the back of my leg from when I got a bike pedal stuck in my calf. my dad was too drunk to take me to the hospital, so he put a piece of duct tape on it.
10. I actually eat a relatively strict paleo diet but often throw it out the window on rugby days.
tag, you’re it: @dnarielle, @ryujin-zanba, @ttachibana, @katherine-ciejek
only if ya’ll wanna tho.  ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ
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detritovorous · 7 years
rules: tag nine people you want to get to know better  (I almost forgot to do this, im so sorry that its late)
tagged by: @disintegrey and @daratsuki
relationship status: single
favourite colour: idk anymore probably all of them
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick
last song you listened to: aoa- miniskirt
last movie you watched: donnie darko, my class had to watch that for the media unit in english class
top 3 characters: sunao osaka, noodle (gorrilaz), peridot (su)
top 3 ships: miyuiwagion, kagehina, kaour/dai (mabinogi) 
books and manga you are currently reading: All out!!, haikyuu,
robot x laserbeam 
top 5 musicals: uhh idk
tagged these lovely people @tapa-nyan @animhe @dnarielle @jazthespazz @uh-watchamacalit @unluckyduckies @thinkanamelater @miki-east @annoyedlord
do this if you want to, you dont have to do this if you already did :>
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etsugo666 · 7 years
tagged by @dnarielle  (i cant tag you for some reason?? ;a;)
thnx for tagging me! ヽ( ・∀・)ノ
1- Always post these rules 2- Answer the new questions given by the previous person 3- Write 11 new questions 4- Tag 11 people
DNArielle’s Questions:
1. Cat person or dog person?
Cat person!!
2. Read any books lately?
I don’t really read books books anymore orz,
3. Would you prefer relaxing in front of a fire place on a cold winter’s night, or sit around a camp fire on a warm summer’s night?
I prefer winters, but i can’t pass up a nice camp fire. vry cozy~
4. What is your opinion on crocs?
‘`( ꒪Д꒪),、
5. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
BURGERS i cant live w/o meat and burgers have everything lol
6. Do you know your birthstone?
yellow topaz! im a scorpio lol
7. Heels, flats, or other?
other: platform shoes to make myself feel tall lmao
8. Worst movie you’ve ever seen?
i dont watch movies often either orzzzzz so i currently can’t think of one i didnt like on the top my head ;-;
9. Who has positively influenced your life?
im cheeeesy so i’d have to say my favorite band b1a4, like they’re my inspo for everything
10. Dragons or Unicorns?
dragons :o
11. Would you skydive or bungee jump without any incentive?
prob not to both, im so spooked by vast areas, being that high up and seeing so much space id freak ヽ( ³⌓³)
im srry, i cant think of any questions or who to tag orz
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blueberryclouds · 8 years
Was tagged by @snowytequila to this is weird ironic 10 things about yourself 1. I'm the gayest kid on earth (duh) 2. I'm not even legally a kid anymore wtf 3. I'm the typo queen👑 4. I always cheat at board games 5. I sleep with a big fluffy pink alpaca plushie named Mika 6. I'm a hufflepuff but everyone thinks i'm a slytherin 7. I'm an airhead 8. I accidentally cut my thumb this morning and the bleeding wouldn't stop. I decided to shove soap on it (bad idea) 9. I changed my hair color about 6 times 10. I once got stuck in a mosh pit and had to be rescued by a cute girl I randomly tag @dnarielle @icyghostllama and @mysecretivedream because im done with this and none of you actually have to do it i just wanted to tag people
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