#gimme gimme fun school club activities
ecemichi · 2 years
Ring.A.Bell Chapter 12
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Mao: In the end, only Tenshouin-senpai was able to dodge confessing...
Eichi: But I only spoke the truth, you know. Now then, let's move onto current love lives. ♪ This is rather school trip-like, isn't it?
Fufu, how fun...♪ Keito, Keito, is there anyone you like?
Keito: Hmph. I won’t fall for that trick again. Since you can’t partake in this conversation, I find it quite unfair for me to answer.
Eichi: Boo, you bore. You're so cruel, depriving me of the chance to live vicariously through you all with your normal high school lives.
Leo: “Living vicariously through us”, says the idiot. You must be enjoyin' yourself sooooo much, aren'tcha?
Eichi: Did you hear that, Mao, Takamine-kun? He's throwing such horrible words at me. Aren't my classmates just the meanest?
If you feel any ounce of pity for me, won't you make me smile with stories of your own?
Midori: I’ve never felt so pressed under someone’s curiosity…
Mao: Sorry, but I'm done with dancing to your tune too~.
Besides... The fact of the matter is, I don't have anything like that going on right now anyway.
Mao: Between my work as an idol, club activities, and as a member of the Student Council... I've seriously got my hands full, y'know? Everyone here's the same way, aren't they?
Keito: Well, yeah. We might’ve graduated but… Now we have our hands full with individual jobs.
Eichi: Goodness, you're all bores. Very well, let's end our playtime here and get down to business; we've spent enough time avoiding it as-is.
Leo: Whazzut? You mean the homework Naru gave us?
Mao: Yeah, probably. I feel like if we mess up again, then Arashi'll definitely be pissed off...
Leo: Yeah~... Naru's terrifyin' when she's angry, too.
Mao: For sure. Anyway, first loves don't always end up with a marriage... I feel like a lot of 'em don’t end with confessions, either.
In fact, most of 'em just don't go anywhere at all.
Keito: True. They only end up as cute but clumsy memories. We’ll never get Narukami’s approval with those.
Leo: We've gotta get Naru to green-light ‘em! Hey hey, how come we haven’t tried singin’ yet? That'd be the easiest for me to get it done!
Mao: You know, I think that sorta proposal might just work. You could put together a song and surprise 'em.
Leo: Whoo! Alright then, get ready to sing! Gimme a sec and I'll whip up a song in a flash!
Midori: Uhh? Singing with everyone is a bit… I feel like I’ll get scolded…
So we’ll not just sing as the shuffle unit, but also for this promotion video? I don’t get it, everything’s so confusing…
Leo: That's right! Wahaha! ☆ I like it! I'll approve! ☆
Midori: Well, I don’t like it, so please don’t accept it so quickly…
Keito: …Hmm. Resolve, huh.
Mao: Huh? What about resolve?
Keito: Ah, that thing Narukami mentioned before. I think it was about having resolve.
Having the resolve to share your life with a significant other. Leaving the nest you were protected in and having the resolve to now protect your own home and family. That kind of thing.
Mao: Ah, putting it like that, that does make sense... I hadn't really thought about it that way~.
We really have been depending on our parents all this time, ever since we were kids...
It takes a lotta courage to start your own family, and to look after them the way yours did for you, huh... and there's no guarantee that you'll find happiness there, either.
Keito: Indeed. One would probably have fears and troubles about the future.
Midori: ——felt the same way…?
Mao: Huh? What's on your mind, Takamine...?
Midori: Ah, umm… I was wondering if my brother had the same thoughts…
Mao: You mean the one that's getting married soon?
Keito: Oh, is that so? That's great. Congratulations.
Eichi: Wow, really? Allow me to extend my congratulations as well.
Fufu. It sure is a strange coincidence that both of you are involved in marriage, huh?
Leo: Your big bro's gettin' married?! Congrats! And now his li'l bro's practicing to propose himself, huh? A congrats to you too!
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Midori: You don't have to put us on the same level. Mine is just for work, after all.
Uhh. Thanks everyone…?
Ugh… Why do people always convey their congratulations through me when it comes to this topic? I'm not the one getting married so I don't know how to react…
Mao: Ahaha. Well, it's nice to be congratulated by everyone anyway, isn't it? Makes you feel good.
Don'tcha think so?
Midori: Yeah. I thought it was selfish of my brother to leave us and got mad at that but…
After hearing what Narukami-senpai was talking about… My brother must've put a lot of thought into it before making up his mind. Then he finally prepared his resolve to leave, maybe, right…?
Mao: Yeah~. I'm not your brother, so I can't say for sure what might've been on his mind... but I think you're right on the money, Takamine.
That makes him pretty amazing though, y'know? He's not even that much older than us... but after hearing Arashi talk, I realized just how mature your brother was to take that step.
Midori: You're… right. I might've stayed mad at my brother, otherwise… Maybe I’ve been in the wrong all this time……
Mao: Then how about this? When you see that guy again, you give him the loudest congratulations you've got — and your blessing too.
Because even if he moves off, even if he gets married... You two've got an unbreakable bond, y'know? You'll always be family.
Midori: Yeah.
Mao Leo Eichi and Arashi tl: Peace
Midori and Keito tl: me
JP proof: Mika Enstars
ENG proof:ryuseipuka
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wildwoof · 11 months
From... either twin, maybe both, cast your dice. I want the K
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I want the K - 12: chest kiss | 9: jawline kiss
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Koga's rather accustomed to being around both of the twins at the same time by this point. Circle activities as well as club activities back during school when he was there. They'd been through a lot together, no surprise, and even considering things, he felt a sense of comfortability with them. Words not entirely necessary to allow this known.
But, he hadn't anticipated getting cornered in. This was a predicament his thoughts had yet to experience. Cornered by one without the other? Sure, that's one thing. Still, he's not about to allow himself to succumb readily by these cheeky redheads. One more cheeky than the other.
Instead, Koga lifts a hand to purposely push against the side of Yuuta's head as a sign to try to get one to back off, knowing the second born more likely to give him a run for his money than Hinata. Annoyingly enough so, Koga hooks his other arm around the slightly older of the two to tug them in closer.
"Ya both sure are pushin' ya luck here!" A roughness to his low vocals as narrowed eyelids dart between the both of them. "Be damn glad I'm in more of a better mood than I could be since ya decided it would be so much fun to try to mess with me at the same time, huh?! Well, ya won't get off easily." A snarkiness purposely behind the guitarist's words as his head leans in closer to Hinata.
Sharp stare careful to keep an eye on the expressions. Of course, his words certain to hardly bother the both of them, but still hardly halting him from throwing it out there. Ultimately, Koga catches his canines upon the jawline of Hinata. Small fangs graze against the skin until, at last, he pushes his lips against the skin in a kiss near their chin.
It's a bit wet on purpose before he releases his hold rather abruptly on them. It's then his hand drops down from Yuuta's face to grab a fistful of the collar of their shirt and pull them in. Koga keeps eye contact with the younger of the two in particular. As he pulls them in, his face catches against their chest. Silence at first until Koga makes his own executive decision to pucker up.
Lips place against the shirt over their chest with a small kiss. It's also rather short-lived than holding it extensively. Thus, grip lets go of the collar of shirt before head lifts. Which, this time around the wolf proceeds to push the two of them back from him a bit to give himself some additional space. "Just 'cause ya two find the time to get together, doesn't mean ya can just come at me. Gimme some damn space now. There's ya fun! Now, I'd like to get some practice in! Don't think just 'cause right now it's the three of us, Forehead might not show up."
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kaashortest · 6 years
i really want to do a stupid modern verse thread because i’m a sucker for mundane shenanigans... 👀
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x0401x · 2 years
Tsurune Movie PR Audios English Translation
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Minato: Hello! I’m a first year from Kazemai High School’s archery club, Narumiya Minato. From today until August 19th, we’ll be doing PR for the archery club every day. Please listen if you’d like. Eh? What was that, Seiya? “Be more assertive”?? Please look forward to it! “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” will be released on August 19th!
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Seiya: Hello. I’m the president of Kazemai High School’s archery club, Takehaya Seiya. The reason why I joined the archery club was to make Minato draw the bow. Because I think Minato’s shooting is the best. “He can actually say that with a normal face”, huh? I can hear you, Onogi. “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” will be released on August 19th.
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Ryouhei: I’m a first year from Kazemai High School’s archery club, Yamanouchi Ryouhei! About why I started practicing Japanese archery, it’s because I’d done it once during PE in middle school and people praised me for it, saying it was a good match for me. So when I got into high school, I thought of going for archery, but in Japanese archery, just hitting the target isn’t enough, and in order to become good at it, you also have to train your mind—eeeh?! I’m running out of time?! “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” will be released on August 19th.
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Nanao: Merhaaa! I’m a first year from Kazemai High School’s archery club, Kisaragi Nanao! If we’re talking about the apppeal of Japanese archery, it’s gotta be the hakama, am I right? Especially girls wearing hakama! They’re the best, yeah~? “Quit fooling around”? I’m not fooling around at all! Besides, Kacchan, the number of new recruits for the club just keeps going down ‘cause you scare them awa... Wai—Kacchan! Gimme back the mic!! “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” will be released on August 19th.
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Kaito: I’m the vice-president of Kazemai High School’s archery club, Onogi Kaito. Japanese archery is a martial art. It ain’t something so easy that you can do it with half-assed feelings. Those who aren’t prepared to draw the bow—Haah? My face looks scary? This is a voice-only thing, so my face’s got nothing to do with it. President, your smile is way scarie—ah. Nooo... *sharp inhale* it’s nothing. “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” will be released on August 19th.
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Masaki: I’m supposed to do this too? It’s your club activities, so you should do it yourselve—hey. Don’t make those faces! I’m the coach of Kazemai High School’s archery club, Takigawa Masaki. I usually work as a priest at Yata Shrine. Eh, my birthday? It’s on August 10th... If I want anything? Aaah, I’ve been thinking about replacing them for a while, so it’d be a big help if you have any... fluorescent lamps for our dojo. “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” will be released on August 19th.
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Shuu: I’m a first year from Kirisaki High School’s archery club, Fujiwara Shuu. I came here because Minato invited me. What should I talk about? “When is it fun to do archery”? “Fun”...? I’ve never thought about it until now. “Don’t think about it now”, you say? That’s hard. “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” will be released on August 19th.
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Minato: Hello! This is Narumiya Minato. Starting from tomorrow, we’ll be doing this as duos, so I’m going to announce the pairs! First, 200 grams of roast pork, one onion, one pack of ginger... hey, this is the shopping memo for dinner! I mistook it for the announcement notes! “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” will be released on August 19th. Please keep looking forward to it!
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Nanao: Kacchan! You know what day is tomorrow?
Kaito: Obviously! August 10th is our Masa-san’s birthday!
Nanao: Yup! Came up with any gifts?
Kaito: Yeah. The best present for Masa-san. Which is...
Nanao: “Which is”...?
Kaito: A kaichuu!
Nanao: “A kaichuu”? That hurdle’s too high! Also, it doesn’t feel birthday-like at all, don’t you think?
Kaito: Aaah?! I’m gonna start singing “happy birtday to yooooou~” after I get a kaichuu! Would make anyone cry, right?
Nanao: Archery nerds are terrifying!!
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Minato: Masa-san, happy birthday!
Masaki: Ooh, thanks!
Minato: I have presents from everyone. Mine first. Long-life fluorescent lamps. I use these at home too.
Masaki: The ones at the front entrance have been blinking lately. Thank you!
Minato: This one’s from Ryouhei. PachiPachi Ramune.
Masaki: A traditional candy, huh? How nostalgic.
Minato: Nanao’s is canned coffee.
Masaki: As expected of Nanao! It’s the one I always drink.
Minato: Kaito sent you a message saying he’d achieve a kaichuu.
Masaki: Fired up as ever, that guy.
Minato: Last one is from Seiya. It’s wrapped up and I don’t know what’s inside...
Masaki: Is that a book?
Minato: Ah! It’s a novel that’s been trending lately.
Masaki: Eeeh~? What’s the story?
Minato: I think it was about a young man who used to be a kind of a slacker maturing as a mentor.
Masaki: Could it be... that he’s telling me to read this and learn how to be a proper mentor? *chuckles* I must be overthinking...
Minato: Uh? There’s a note on the backside of the wrap that says, “Submit a review of this within 2000 hours”.
Masaki: Seriously?
Minato: “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” will be released on August 19th!
Masaki: Everyone, we’re counting on you!
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Masaki: Seiya, thanks for the birthday present. Eeerm... what was the meaning of it...?
Seiya: Takigawa-san, I acknowledge your expertise as an archer, but I believe you have several problematic points on everything aside from that, so I presumed this could be reference material for your life.
Masaki: I get what you’re trying to say. But everyone has a flaw or two, yeah?
Seiya: “A flaw or two”? I have lost count of how many times you said that you had lost the dojo’s keys.
Masaki: Oooh! Seiya, you pay a lot of attention to me!
Seiya: Yes, I do. Observation is of essence for analyzing an enemy.
Masaki: *laughs*
Seiya: *laughs*
Masaki/Seiya: “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” will be released on August 19th.
Masaki: We’re so in-sync!
Seiya: Unfortunately!
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Minato: I’m Narumiya Minato.
Shuu: I’m Fujiwara Shuu from Kirisaki High.
Minato: Shuu, you helped out with Kazemai’s PR a while ago, right? Everyone was shocked at that. I wonder why.
Shuu: Who knows? I just tipped in because you asked me to help with something archery-related. By the way, Minato, can I ask you something?
Minato: What’s up?
Shuu: Why have we changed into our archery gear?
Minato: Because it’s PR for the archery club. Kazemai and Kirisaki have different archery gear, don’t they? I thought it’d be interesting for the people who don’t know that there are many kinds of archery equipment.
Shuu: Wasn’t this just audio?
Minato: *gasp*
Minato/Shuu: Only seven more days for the release of “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha”.
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Ryouhei: *crying*
Minato: What’s wrong, Ryouhei??
Ryouhei: Ah, Minato. Look at this. My arrow...
Minato: Aaah... it’s broken. You gotta buy a new one.
Ryouhei: No waaay! My allowance’s gonna run out!
Minato: Ryouhei... your bag’s bustling with snacks.
Ryouhei: *embarrassed noises*
Minato: Saving up for a haul after club activities?
Ryouhei: That’s also an important part of club activities!
Minato/Ryouhei: Six more days for the release of “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha”.
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Seiya: We’re intruding into Kirisaki High School today. Shuu, counting on you to show us around.
Shuu: I heard Minato was also coming, though...
Seiya: Hum, about that... he isn’t at the place where we were supposed to meet up.
Shuu: Couldn’t it be he went to the middle school?
Seiya: Indeed... there’s more than enough chance that he went to the middle school building following his memories from the past.
Shuu: Seiya. That bicycle rushing up at an incredible speed...
Seiya: It’s Minato! MINATOOO!
Shuu: He’s been stopped by a guard...
Seiya: No good! If this goes on, it’s gonna be bad in many ways for the Kazemai Archery Club! MINATOOOOOO!!!!!
Shuu: Five more days for the release of “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha”—*gasp* THAT’S THE STUDENT DORMITORY, MINATO!!
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Nanao: Merhaaa~! I’m Kisaragi Nanao!
Ryouhei: Merhaaa~! I’m Yamanouchi Ryouhei!
Nanao: Nice, Ryouhei. You’ve gotten the knack of this, huh~?
Ryouhei: Yay! By the way, Nanao, what does “merha” mean?
Nanao: I’ll explain! “Merhaba” means “hello” in Turkish and I shortened it into “merha~” so that it’d be catchy and easy to pronounce!
Ryouhei: Amazing~! Hey, hey! I’ve also come up with an original catchphrase!
Nanao: Oh! What is it, what is it?
Ryouhei: “Mountains include woods and forests too”!
Nanao: Oooh! When are you gonna use that?
Ryouhei: When someone says, “Isn’t the vegetation here all just mountains?”
Nanao: Wow! The use is pretty limited!
Ryouhei/Nanao: Four more days for the release of “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha”!
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Kaito: Hey, Takehaya. Is this stuff really working out as PR for the club?
Seiya: It is. Here’s the proof.
Kaito: *gasp* This upscaling graph is...?!
Seiya: They’re the results of your popularity rate, Onogi. Before we started posting these, your popularity was at 3%, yet yesterday’s results were 80%.
Kaito: Hold up, hold up! My popularity rate’s got nothing to do with the club!
Seiya: But it does. If you ask the students of Kazemai about the archery club, you’re the one that comes to their minds. In other words, Onogi, your rising popularity rate is intrinsically linked to the archery club’s image getting an upgrade!
Kaito/Seiya: Three more days for the release of “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha”.
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Minato: We’d like to look back on how everyone met.
Seiya: Starting from Minato and me. We’re childhood friends and our houses sit in front of each other.
Minato: Ryouhei joined us in grade school and the three of us played a lot together.
Seiya: Yep. That’s why I entered Kirisaki High’s archery club with Minato in middle school.
Minato: It was me, Seiya and Shuu together.
Seiya: That’s where I first met Shuu.
Minato: We reunited with Ryouhei at Kazemai High, then met Kaito and Nanao. Masa-san was there as our coach. I’ve had lots of first encounters, but Masa-san and Seiya’s are pretty big presences for me.
Seiya: Thank you, Minato. But well, Takigawa-san and I are unrelated.
Minato: Eh?!
Minato/Seiya: Two more days for the release of “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha”.
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Minato: Look, Masa-san! Our PR’s received a lot of feedback!
Masaki: Isn’t that amazing?
Minato: There are lots of messages for you too!
Masaki: There was even celebration for my birthday.
Minato: But there were many people asking if Coach Takigawa was a disappointing person...
Masaki: Eh??
Minato: Isn’t it best to say something?
Masaki: No need!
Minato: How come?
Masaki: Because anyone will know how awe-inspiring I am if they come to the archery club!
Minato: You’re usually a klutz, though, aren’t you?
Masaki: Hey.
Minato/Masaki: “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” finally comes out tomorrow!
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Minato: Hello. I’m Narumiya Minato. I’m still a very, very long way from being able to reproduce the tsurune I admire – the one I heard on that day. But no matter what happens from now on, I want to keep drawing the bow forever. I’ll be happy if my tsurune turns into the sound of a “beginning” for you. “Tsurune the Movie: Hajimari no Issha” is currently in theaters. Please support us!
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super-predictable98 · 3 years
Hello! This might be totally out of pocket and feel free to ignore it if so but I've read some of the time-line anomaly series and your burp kink scenes are amazing. I also saw you're into Yarichin... so any chance you'd write a burp kink fic with Yuri or Tamura and fem reader?
Yuri's Sweet Tooth (Yuri Ayato x Reader)
Fandom: Yarichin Bitch Club Word Count: 1,3k Warning: Strong language, sexual content, kink teasing a/n: I wasn't sure if I would be able to do this, but you were so nice, anon! I don't know a lot about this kink, all I know is from the research I’ve done for one of my OCs, so I really hope this is okay :3
Your boyfriend is weird. There was no beating around the bush, he is a character... Yuri Ayato is the perfect combination of beautiful and handsome, he is charming, his smile is dazzling, he is insanely smart (in his own way), but it can be hard to have a conversation with him. He can speak properly, of course, but with time you noticed it seemed like too much work for him and his constantly hyperactive brain. For Yuri, it was easier to express his emotions with single words, sounds, or screams.
That's why when you heard his incoherent babbling, your heart started to race. Another thing about your boyfriend... He is a sex machine. You thought you had a high sex drive until you met him, he can keep going all night long if that's what you want. His activities at the 'photography club' (which only became more popular after the school became co-ed) would leave any other guy drained and unable to do anything with his actual partner. Not Yuri though.
"Hey, sweetie! Come here, I have a surprise for you," you called from the bedroom where you were waiting with half a dozen cans of cherry soda, wearing a cute little lingerie set.
"Sexy surprise?" his voice grew louder as he approached the room. You chuckled watching his eyes roam your body hungrily, barely even noticing the other half of the gift, which for you was the most important part. "Tits! Soft titties, gimme! I want licky!"
"Yeah, those too, but I meant these," you pointed at the cans, but he was drooling already, as he often does, over you. "Are you thirsty, Yuri-chan?"
"Why?" he quickly got out of his clothes before jumping into bed with you and taking off his sunglasses.
"Because I was passing by the grocery store on my way back and thought of you."
"So many?"
"Because I love you and I know you have a sweet tooth," you took his hands and kissed his knuckles gently, imagining what color you should pick next time he asked you to paint his nails.
"Liar!" he tried to get a peek at your chest while mumbling words that didn't exist until he screeched something that made you blush. "Mating ritual!"
"Not a mating ritual, honey."
"Tell me! Or no cock!"
"I guess I can peg you today..."
"NO ASSHOLE FOR YOU!" he gasped, surprised by your cheeky side, which he had been helping cultivate. He folded his arms and huffed with the biggest pout.
How the hell did he know? Guess he really is smarter than you thought...
"I'm embarrassed of it, Yuri."
He didn't respond, simply threw himself on top of you with a soft cry, you knew he wanted to know. He was acting like a kid throwing a tantrum.
"You're just gonna laugh at me or stop wanting to have sex, I don't wanna say it out loud!"
"Noooo" he screamed and barked. Finally, he seemed to calm down and offered his pinky as a promise that he wouldn't do any of the stuff you listed.
"You won't tell anyone?" you bit your lip, scared that next morning all the members of the Yarichin Bitch Club would be gossiping about your peculiar tastes.
"Don't you trust me, sweetheart?" he asked in one of his rare moments of clarity, sometimes he almost sounded normal, it was really weird, but also really cute how his voice suddenly went deeper and calmer. "I will never tell anyone or make fun of you, I promise."
"Okay, fine... I- I have a burp kink."
"Burp?" he grimaced and there he was, back to his normal.
"See? I knew it! I knew how you'd react," you covered your reddening face, regretting ever telling him.
"You or Yuri?" he tilted his head like someone observing a tank full of colorful little fishes.
"You or Yuri?" he looked at the cans resting next to you, that's when you understood he was asking if you wanted to be the one drinking or if you wanted him to drink it.
"Are you really okay with that?" you asked hesitantly and he nodded frantically, he seemed to think it was fun. Little did you know that's probably the most vanilla of the kinks he ever tried. "Can you drink it, please?"
"Sweet! Sweet!" he clapped before grabbing one of the sodas.
Without another word, he cracked open the can and started drinking it, the slow movement of his adam's apple under his choker left you hypnotized. Once he lowered the can, your heart skipped a beat.
He smirked watching your reaction, with one of his long fingers he signed asking you to come closer. There was no way you could refuse, you sat between his legs (legs he promptly wrapped around you) and leaned against his chest.
"Kissy?" he asked, looking down at you. "Chu chu!"
"O-okay," you huffed a laugh before letting him capture you in a sloppy kiss. With your eyes closed, all you could focus on was the feeling of his cherry-flavored tongue and the soft rumbling rushing up his throat.
Yuri gently pulled away, a string of saliva still connecting your tongues. He stared at you with a distracted expression for a moment until he let out a lengthy, airy belch. It lasted for about five seconds and even though it wasn't too loud, it was quite impressive.
"Huh," he moaned softly in relief, sighing contently while giggling like a maniac.
"Feels good?" you managed to say even though you were beyond flustered and embarrassed despite how turned on you were.
"So good... Horny?" he asked expectantly before letting out a shorter but louder afterburp and laughing at how you jumped.
"You have no idea."
"Yes, please," you pressed your ear to his stomach to hear the cute noises it made as he drank, chugging the other half of his can. "You're surprisingly good at this."
"Tamura's fault," he mumbled, thumping his chest a couple of times, but nothing seemed to be coming up.
"Do you want help?" you offered, barely able to contain your excitement.
Yuri simply nodded and leaned against you, resting his chin on your shoulder as if waiting for you to burp him like a baby. He even whined to show his discomfort, squirming in your arms.
You didn't hesitate, eagerly and firmly patting his back while gently bouncing him up and down to get things moving. His satisfied purrs let you know it was working.
He was usually very vocal about stuff in his own way. When having sex he's so incredibly loud and scandalous, every neighbor knows what you two are up to. It wasn't different this time, anyone from outside of the room would think you were giving him a blowjob or something.
"Do you like this?" you chuckled.
In response, Yuri let out a mix between a belch and a relieved sigh, followed by another lengthy eruption that was dislodged after the first. You felt the faint vibration against your skin as he used your shoulder to muffle the sound towards the end, that was heaven.
"I'll take that as a yes..."
"Yeaaaah," he moaned, turning to lick your ear and place messy kisses on your neck. "Feels better."
You almost told him to stop because of how overwhelmed you felt, but it was also so good, you just couldn't. Yuri knew exactly what he was doing even if it looked like he didn't.
His hand slipped between your thighs and he grinned as he coated his fingers in your arousal, sucking on them right after, never breaking eye contact.
"Whaat? Slippy slippy!" he teased before pulling back to help you undress. "Next time you want me to do something, just let me know. And don't worry, I don't need soda for that. Now be good and spread your legs for me, okay?"
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jusvibbbin · 3 years
One Locker Down
Kenickie Murdoch x Reader
//Grease popped up in my playlist yesterday and my childhood crush reignited itself
Senior year was going okay. Your grades were stellar, your standing in debate club was unchallenged and your personal best was improving every time you swam. But you were missing one pivotal thing to be considered the ‘complete senior.’ A relationship. You became embarrassed simply at the thought. You were cute and nice, just a bit awkward. Your social skills couldn’t hold a candle to those of Patty Simcox or the Pink Ladies. You usually preferred to keep to yourself but as senior year drew closer, you longed for more than what you had. On the first day of school you considered your options as you walked.
Are there even any options? Can you think of one person outside of your activities that even knows your name?
You were a bit discouraged walking into school as you found your way towards your locker. With your mind lost in thought, you had no time to react before bumping into none other than Kenickie Murdoch. He turned towards you directly, mouth open to begin sending a barrage of insults your way before he saw you. His mouth hung open a moment and then shut quickly. You stood there like a deer in the headlights, still waiting for the attack that was never to come. Kenickie bent down and picked up your books as you brought yourself out of your state of shock.
“I am so sorry!” You said bending down to help him, only to bonk heads with him instead. Kenickie rubbed his head and pulled off his sunglasses.
“Jesus, babe! Are you trying to send me to the hospital?”
You felt yourself blushing at what he called you and you quickly shook your head ‘no.’ Kenickie handed you your books and you went around to the locker right next to his. 
“What’s your name?” Kenickie asked suddenly. 
You stuttered out your name and he grinned at you.
“I like it,” he said smoothly. He looked like he had more to say until someone down the hall shouted for him. He gave you a wink and strolled down the hallway. You felt your heart beat wildly in your chest until you realized what had happened.
Ohhhh no. Not him. Not Kenickie. He’s a playboy, a greaser, not to mention he’s trouble incarnate. 
But it was too late. You had it bad.
You didn’t see Kenickie until a week later. You were at your locker packing up for the day and when you closed the door, he was leaning against his locker. You stifled a scream and put a hand to your chest. Kenickie smirked at you.
“What’s the matter? Did I scare you?” he asked, pushing himself off the wall to face you.
“Just surprised me is all,” you tried to answer confidently, but it came out very unsure. Kenickie backed you into your locker and put his left hand next to your head, blocking you in on one side. You bit your bottom lip and stared up at him.
“How is it that I never noticed you before?” Kenickie eyed you up and down. “You’re hot stuff.” You thought you might die right then and there.
Kenickie thinks I’m hot? Is he feeling alright?
“Thank you,” you said shyly, keenly aware of how close he was to you and only wanting him to get closer. 
Suddenly Kenickie moved away from the lockers and started walking away, calling back to you, “See you around gorgeous!”
You resisted the urge to dance your soul right out of your body and you headed the opposite way.
Kenickie’s POV:
“Kenickie who is that?” Sonny gestured to (Y/N) standing at their locker.
“Yeah, we’ve seen you talkin’ to em a whole bunch lately,” Putzie added.
Kenickie rolled his eyes and looked at the other T-Birds. 
“What are you knuckleheads doing spying on me, huh?” He started to comb his hair, slick with grease, back.
“We just wanted to know what the plan was, boss,” Doody piped up. Kenickie looked at him confused.
“With the nerd! We were thinking you could leave em a note inviting them on a date, tell em to wear something real flashy, and then they show up and you ain’t there!” Doody exclaimed. At this, the T-Birds erupted into laughter, hooting and howling like animals. Kenickie shut them up with a quick smack to the back of their heads.
“Enough clownin’,” he said, putting an unlit cigarette in his mouth.
“Come on Nickie, it’ll be funny!” Sonny begged.
Kenickie thought about it for a moment or two before saying, “Gimme some paper.”
Your POV:
You stood at your locker, feeling flustered. You had found a note from Kenickie. You read it over again just to be sure. It said:
“Dollface, you’re lookin’ extra good today. I was thinking maybe you and me could meet up tonight. Wear something to show off your assets. See you at Frosty Palace, seven o’clock. -KM”
You didn’t know what to think. Sure Kenickie had been nice to you lately, but the T-Birds were known for pulling stunts to hurt people’s feelings. You thought about what you wanted to do the rest of the school day, through swim practice and on your walk home from school. 
Kenickie is probably just doing it to be mean. But he did say all those nice things to me… Then again it might’ve been a trick to ensure I’d come. But why go through all the effort just to stand me up? To make me look silly? 
You walked into your house, waving to your mother as you went upstairs. You laid on your bed and yelled frustrated, into your pillow. You stayed there for a few moments before you heard your door creak open. You sat up as you mother walked in and sat on your bed.
“What’s going on?” Your mother asked, running her hand through your hair.
“I like this boy, and he asked me out tonight but I don’t know if he’s just going to ditch me,” you sighed. Your mother looked thoughtfully for a moment as you waited patiently for her sage wisdom.
“I think you should go. What does it matter if he stands you up? Go because you want to. If he’s there, great and if not, you can find someone else to spend time with. You are a beautiful, smart and kind person. You can get anyone you want so show that boy that you don’t need him, but you’re willing to give him a chance.” 
You smiled and nodded at your mother and she helped you pick out a cute, but fairly modest, outfit for tonight. Then she helped you do your hair and by the time you were done, you looked great.
Kenickie, I hope you’re gonna be there. Cause I am gonna knock your socks off.
At six fifty your mother dropped you off just down the street from the Frosty Palace. You thanked her for everything and started walking. You hoped against hope that this wasn’t a trick. Your mother’s words had touched you, but you knew what you wanted, and you wanted him.
As you approached Frosty’s you scanned the parking lot, but saw no sign of him and your heart dropped into your stomach. You crossed the street and looked inside, but you still didn’t see him. You rounded the corner, intent on sitting on the bench so no one could see your tears, and there he was. Kenickie freaking Murdoch. He was leaning against the building, smoking a cigarette and as you walked up, he looked over at you.
“Whoa, look at you,” Kenickie smiled at you. “You look… amazing.”
You grinned at him and grabbed his hand, pulling him inside before he could even finish his cigarette. After a night of drinking milkshakes, eating burgers and playing songs on the jukebox, Kenickie drove you home. Once you got to your house, Kenickie parked and turned off the car.
“I had a lot of fun Nickie,” you said sweetly.
“Yeah, me too,” he said scooting closer towards you.
You leaned up and kissed his cheek. As you started to lean away, Kenickie caught your chin with his hand and kissed you hard on the lips. You kissed him back with intensity and wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands grabbed your waist, sliding them under your shirt and rubbing small circles into your skin. You squeaked in surprise and Kenickie took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You were enjoying the moment so much you could barely tear yourself away from him when he tried to lay you down.
“Kenickie,” you mumbled as he kissed your neck.
“I don’t think I’m ready for that yet,” you said gently as you pushed yourself back a bit. Kenickie begrudgingly pulled away, giving you one last kiss.
“Whenever you’re ready babe, I’ll be here,” he said, winking at you. You giggled and hugged him. He held you close, his hand running through a section of your hair. 
“See you next Friday?” You asked.
“You know it,” Kenickie smirked as you got out of the car. You waved goodbye to him and watched him speed down the road.
Oh yeah. I got it bad.
Part Two
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iersei · 3 years
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
12. name of your favorite playlist?
13. lanyard or key ring?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
18. ideal weather?
19. sleeping position?
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
21. obsession from childhood?
22. role model?
23. strange habits?
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
28. five songs to describe you?
29. best way to bond with you?
30. places that you find sacred?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
32. top five favorite vines?
33. most used phrase in your phone?
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
35. average time you fall asleep?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
41. last person you texted?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
47. favorite type of cheese?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
51. current stresses?
52. favorite font?
53. what is the current state of your hands?
54. what did you learn from your first job?
55. favorite fairy tale?
56. favorite tradition?
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
62. seven characters you relate to?
63. five songs that would play in your club?
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
66. favorite flower(s)?
67. good luck charms?
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
88. your greatest wish?
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
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arhvste · 4 years
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- summary - oikawa’s always believed in the 11:11 wish and he wants to make sure you do too - fluff
- an - first fic for olivia week!! this one is kinda long? but i had fun writing it and it made me hella soft :,)
olivia week masterlist
You first laughed even when you found out your boyfriend took the ‘11:11 wish’ urban myth seriously.
He was adamant.
“Call me silly y/n-chan but it really does work!”
“Yeah? I’m sure it does Tooru.”
No matter what, Oikawa never failed to make his 11:11 wish every night and he always shot you a text a couple minutes before trying to convince you to do the same. You’d always laugh and send the same ‘not happening’ text back to him before he’d whine and tell you that you were the one missing out.
Iwaizumi was the other victim of Oikawa’s relentless preachings of the ‘pointless’ ritual before he threatened to block his best friend if he didn’t relax.
You joked that your boyfriend was manifestation motivated and all the good things in his life such as him being made captain of the Aoba Johsai team and featuring in several monthly volleyball articles, spreads and interviews were all because he’d simply manifested them. Another thing was to tease him about how his good looks had come from him using subliminals to which Oikawa adamantly denied and claimed he was “all natural” even though use of subliminals wasn’t technically artificial.
No matter how ridiculous you thought your boyfriend was being, you still couldn't help but think how ridiculously cute he was wittering on about the alignment of stars and how wishes do come true if you believe it enough.
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It was a typical Thursday night for you after dragging yourself home from a long day of school. Between being a third year with final exams to worry about, having your own club activities and dating the star boy on the famous boys volleyball team, exhaustion was an understatement of how you felt.
You dropped your bag to your ankles and flopped face first onto your bed, savouring the feeling of the plush cushions and mattress beneath you.
It was already 6PM and you’d only just got in from school. Staying behind with Matsukawa and Hanamakki to ensure they were prepared for their mock exams in the week to come had drained out the last bit of energy you had left.
You felt your phone softly vibrate against the pillow causing you to hum and look up to grab it.
kawa <3 : 5 hours until you need to make your wish !
Softly sighing you unlocked your phone to type out a reply to your wishful boyfriend
y/n-chan : whatever you say tooru <3
Softly smiling to yourself, you stared at the little contact photo above Oikawa’s messages. This boy never failed to make you smile even when he wasn't trying.
Forgetting about your phone, you went about your evening as usual, going through modules you knew would be coming up in the mock exam which were fast approaching, eating dinner and taking a long, warm shower allowing all the stress and weight of the day to cascade off of you and down the drain before hopping online with Kunimi for a few hours just to listen to him vent about how annoying his classmates were and how he couldn't bear to sit through another hour surrounded with bothersome people.
By the time you’d completed all your usual tasks for the night the time was hanging around the 10:46PM mark so you went to check your phone.
No text message from Oikawa to tell you to look out the window at the stars to make your wish. Maybe he was busy at the moment.
You left it and went downstairs to grab a glass of water and a sweater you’d left on the sofa.
By the time you’d returned and bid your family a good night, it was 11:01PM and still no message from Oikawa.
You knew you’d always brush off his attempts to convince you to make a wish but had he actually decided to stop sending you reminders? Even though you didn't take them seriously, they still made you smile whenever he’d drop the text you’d become so familiar with.  
Frowning at the phone you sighed and dropped it down on your mattress as you sat by your window staring up at the twinkling stars above the town's sky. No wonder Oikawa liked looking up at them so much. The sky was clear and a million twinkling stars were scattered across the sky emitting a soft glowing light from each one. Lost in the beauty the stars held, the sound of something hitting your window brought you out of your trance and made your heart jump. Ready to shout at a rebellious neighbourhood kid, you opened the window only to find your boyfriend in a big hoodie and sweatpants smiling up at you.
“I knew you’d give in eventually, were you about to make your wish?” he offered a warm smile with a teasing tone lingering in his soft voice.
“Ha, you wish!” you teased back grabbing your phone off the bed to check the time.
“Actually, tonight I wish for you to come down and let me take you somewhere, you’re gonna need to be quick though.”
“Okay, gimme a sec!” You gently shut the window and hastily slipped on some shoes by your bedroom door and grabbed the sweater that actually belonged to Oikawa and throwing it on before quickly slipping down the stairs and through the hall to your front door. Gently shutting the door you turned to immediately be faced with the setter who only smiled and grabbed your hand before pulling you off into the peaceful streets of miyagi.
“Sorry y/n, I’m only rushing you cause we’ve only got a couple minutes left!” The boy tugged at you as you tried to keep up with his long strides as the two of you ran through the grassy patches until you reached the small hill you’d play on back when you were the tender age of 7 years old.
Oikawa pulled you along with him until you reached the top, the two of you huffing and catching your breath before Oikawa pulled out his phone, the screen being the only other light besides the sky above you had.
“Perfect.” Oikawa sighed before quickly sitting down on the soft grass and pulling you down into his lap. Arms snaked around your waist and you felt your boyfriend rest his chin upon your shoulder as you smiled back at him.
“Go on, make your wish y/n.” He softly whispered looking up at the glimmering stars dusted across the dark night sky.
“Tooru,” you tilted your head up slightly to look up into his glittering eyes as the tiny specks of stars reflected back into his usual honey pooled eyes only making him look a thousand times more ethereal. “Do you know why I don’t usually make an 11:11 wish?”
He hummed and looked down at you with confusion and amusement written across his face. “No, I always just thought it was because you just didn't believe in such myths.”
You shook your head softly before looking back up at the stars only to look back at him.
“It’s because I have everything I’ve ever wanted and I never had to wish for it.”
Oikawa’s eyes gleamed as he lifted your body with ease to turn you to straddle his lap as he faced you.
“Yeah? And just what is everything you’ve ever wanted?”
With a soft sigh, you smiled earnestly at the boy.
At that moment, the world was put to a halt. It was just you, Oikawa and the shining stars painted overhead.
Oikawa could feel his cheeks warm, contrasting against the cool temperature the night carried. His heart, full of love for you and thoughts consisting of nothing but you. You’d be the death of him he swore.
Letting his actions talk instead of his words, Oikawa moved his hand against the warm skin of your cheeks, delicately ghosting the pads of his fingers of your cheekbones before moving his face close to yours. Kissing was nothing new to the pair of you, but this kiss was new. Oikawa made sure to pour every ounce of love and adoration he had for you as he softly kissed you, bringing you in closer and wrapping his hand to hold the base of your neck as the other laced his fingers into your own. He could only hope you could feel exactly how he was feeling through the kiss. He never hesitated in telling you just how much he loved you regularly, but Oikawa was a strong believer in the preaching that actions speak louder than words and he was never one to just throw thoughtless words out with all bark and no bite.
He pulled away catching his breath and watched as you caught your own too as you tried to form the right words to say only for him to beat you to it.
“God, I’m so in love with you.” He spoke so softly as if those words were for your ears and your ears only.
You giggled and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before looking back at his loving expression. “You wanna know another reason I don’t need the 11:11 stars to make any wishes?”
He hummed and wrapped his arms securely around you again waiting for you to answer.
“Because you’re my favourite star, and every wish I make, you’re the one who makes it come true.”
As if Oikawa Tooru couldn’t love you anymore than he already did. He had never felt raw and pure emotion for anyone before. You brought out the best in him and loved him for all his good and bad, never holding him against his own flaws and showing him nothing but patience and time, something Oikawa needed to open up to someone. You were someone who had brought out an emotion stronger than love, he couldn't even find the words to describe just how much he loved you. If anyone was the star here it was you.
He sighed and rested his forehead on your shoulder tightening his grip around you even more if that was possible. You exhaled and basked in the warmth he emitted.
“I know you’re not meant to tell anyone what you wished for but, since I have what I’ve wished for, what's the harm in telling you.” Your boyfriend raised his head up to look deep into your eyes which he swore he could stare at forever.
“I’ve wished for you to feel happy when you’re with me, I’ve wished for you to know and feel just how in love I am with you.”
A warm laughter bubbled up in your throat as you flashed Oikawa a bright smile.
“I’ve always wished to get the chance to know what it’s like to be so stupidly and hopelessly in love with someone, you gave me that chance.”
It was true.
The two of you were stupidly and hopelessly in love with each other and Oikawa couldn’t wait to fall in even deeper under the soft night sky as you rested against him, soft mumbles of professions of love exchanged between the two of you just like Oikawa had wished for countless times.
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @atsunakaashi @peteunderoos @tsukishimagizzard @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff
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6, 15, 42, 45, 57, 88, 89, 100
6. What is your favorite season? Why?
Summer! Duh! The season where I don’t have school or homework is AUTOMATICALLY the best.
15. Which do you prefer: a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
The forest. Who knows what kinds of magical/supernatural/paranormal things one could find there?
Library is a close second.
42. Ever had detention?
45. What was the last book you read?
Blackbird House by Alice Hoffman. Okay, I didn’t read all of it, I’ve been doing this one like a few chapters at a time.
57. What would your dream house be like?
Oh, MAN. Okay, I could never decide on one aesthetic for it, whether old-castle/mansion-ish or regular-house-ish or regular-house-with-extra-like-ball-pits-and-swings-ish or cabin-in-the-woods-ish or WHAT, so I think it would be a weird mixture of everything, with different rooms having different styles. I know it would ideally be by a forest that could be full of magical/supernatural/paranormal stuff. Also, there would have to be window nooks, and staircases with railings I could slide down, and I also do like balconies and porches. I want secret passageways too ‘cause those are awesomesaucetastic! There’d have to be a library room, obviously. Maybe also a room that’s basically just one big sensory gym. And a room that’s just a giant McDonalds Playplace. I’d have to splash colorful fun painted designs on the walls in at least SOME of the rooms, definitely including my own. There could be a cozy attic space that would be one of the more cabin-in-the-woods style rooms. Some of the rooms would have to be still small and cozy, but there’d have to be some with plenty more space too, like the living room would have to be at least big enough for a dance party. Maybe there could be slides going between floors as well. Fence around the front yard painted in a rainbow and sprinkled with glitter. 
May add onto this later.
88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
I don’t remember. Probably something about the dream I had. First thought unrelated to that was most likely a sentence of a broppy fic. Yes, that’s how bad it’s gotten.
89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week)
I don’t even know if I CAN think of that many places I’d want to travel to honestly. Assuming we’re keeping it to this world and I can’t just say Fairyland or Neverland or any other (supposedly) fictional other world I could magically transport to.
But Gravity Falls is definitely a big one! That place could really exist in our world for all we know. It’s supposed to be somewhere in Oregon. Gimme that paranormal weirdness bro.
Apart from that, I might want to visit Greece again. Also haven’t visited family in California in a long, LONG time. And my family hasn’t been to Massachussets since my brother graduated college there but I did like going there. Also I saw a tumblr post once about a city somewhere I forget where they have these fun murals and other kinds of arts on the ground that only shows up when it’s wet, like when it rains, and I’d totally want to see that.
That’s only 5 but I can’t think of any others.
100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities?
Honestly? Probably not. Actually, almost definitely not. I would be absolutely terrified. 
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sleeping-platinum · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @carlatsukinamistolemyhamsandwich !! 
Rules: Answer the questions and tag anyone else you wish to see participate~ Also tag me ( @vampiretsuki) if you do this because I would love to read your answers~!
 1.- Who would you rather take to a night club, Carla or Azusa? 
- In all honesty, neither would appeal to me! Characters and the setting. Carla would make me nervous even if we don’t stay long because my anxious mind would constantly mistake him for being angry and a night club?? Too many sounds would send me into a panic attack and I will search for the easiest most available way out possible. For these reasons, I believe Azusa might be the easier choice for my anxiety since I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t confuse his voice for anger. I would still think he’d be upset for some reason; however, a much calmer voice probably wouldn’t spook me as easily.
2.- In a Science test would you copy Yuma’s test or Ayato’s test? 
- I would be too nervous to copy, especially from these two, but for this one maybe Yuma? Admittedly, I’m not entirely sure just how smart these two are, but I mean, I failed chemistry in high school because of formulas so there’s that~
3.- Would you rather have Kino and Azusa or Shin and Laito, as your Butlers?
 - I think Azusa would be more fit to try and fill the role, but since I have not touched Kino’s route at all yet (I’m so sorry), I would have to go with Shin and Laito. Whether they’ll actually do the job is the real question…
4.- Go on a date with Reiji at a Aquarium or go on a date with Subaru at a Cafe instead?
- I would most definitely choose the Aquarium! Not only have I never been to one, but the fish and sights would definitely help distract me from any nerves I would have! A café isn’t bad either, but there would be little to nothing (unless it’s a dog or cat café then it would be interesting especially with Subaru) to distract me if I get too nervous or anxious. But I’ve always wanted to go to an Aquarium so that one wins!
5.- Would you rather go support/see Kou at one of his Concerts or go support/see Shu at one of his Violin Performances? 
- Shu’s Violin Performance! I’ve sort of been to a concert before and the noise and close proximity to others makes me uncomfortable. I think I would feel more peaceful at Shu’s performance than Kou’s.
6.- In a Math Project would you team up with Ruki and Shin or with Reiji and Yuma? 
- Regardless of which one I ultimately pick; I would literally be the dead weight of the group and that fact alone is enough to have me avoid this scenario at all costs. I’m not ready to be ridiculed for my lack of knowledge, I’d rather help Carla clean the mansion… I’ll go with Reiji and Yuma. Perhaps the need to complete the project would keep them (or just Reiji) from actively commenting on my mistakes ;;w;;
7.- Who would you put your bets on, Kanato eating the most chocolates or Ayato eating the most Takoyakis? 
- Kanato. Chocolate comes in all sorts of sizes, but even with equal consistency, it always seems like he’s constantly eating them anyway.
8.- Sleep in Carla’s room, Subaru’s room or in Shu’s room?  (You have the room to yourself, they aren’t there) Would you peek on their stuff?
- Listen okay, this is an odd detail to point out but it’s relevant for this question. I am literally a smaller, simpler version of Shu (minus the libido), my url has “sleeping” for a solid reason and that is because I love to sleep. The only one I’d eliminate from the choices is Subaru, because I’ll question the comfort of the coffin. It look tiny to me~
 Immediately, I’ll pick Carla’s. The room doesn’t seem so massive and the bed looks comfortable, a nice quiet place to rest indeed. If the boys would be in the room, it would be Shu since at the very least if I’m kicked out of the bed, I can sleep on the odd-looking couch. As strange as it is, I observe potential spots that look good for a nap (because my anxious mind has to imagine worst case scenarios). I’m not one to look into things when I’m in a new place. If I can have a place to sleep, draw or play a game, I’m fine.
9.- You’re a princess of the Victorian era! Your father has ordered that you have a bodyguard.. who would you choose as your personal bodyguard, Laito or Kou?
- They both look like they lack commitment, so that concerns me. I’ll choose Laito. I think I’m slightly more scared of Kou in all honesty.
10.- Would you prefer to have Kino in his bat form as your pet or Shin in his wolf form as your pet instead? 
- Shin. Wolf. Gimme.
11.- Break a fight between Kou and Ayato or between Laito and Kanato? 
- Laito and Kanato I guess? Maybe candy will work, cake or something to at least distract Kanato. I’m more likely to run from the fuss and hide in some place quiet though.
12.- Who would you kiss on the cheek, who would you kiss on the forehead and who would you kiss on the eyelids? Options: Ruki, Subaru, Azusa.
- Cheek, Subaru. Forehead, Ruki. Eyelids, Azusa.
13.- Take care of Shu and Reiji in their Chibi form or take care of Subaru and Kino in their Chibi form? 
- I Will lose Kino. Shu and Reiji.
14.- Sing/Perform in public Laito’s Q.E.D Song or Reiji’s Mr.ButterflyMask song? 
- I had to look these up, I don’t own any of the song CDs~ But oh my goodness, I certainly did not expect that from Reiji! I pick Laito! I like the lyrics from his more (but I’d rather die than sing in public).
15.- Would you rather wear Ruki’s casual outfit or Yuma’s casual outfit? 
- Ruki.
16.- Go on a Vacation trip with Shu, Kino and Ayato at a Amusement park or go with Shin, Azusa and Subaru at a Water Amusement Park?
- I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep in the water and drown or possibly get left behind and lost and I have terrible issues with that. But you know what, the combination of Kino and Ayato is enough for me to have an adventure out of the comfort zone, I’d much rather drown than go on any potentially extreme rides. I’ll be in the kiddy pool thank you very much.
17.- Would you rather get lost in a forest with Reiji, Kino and Kou or with Ruki, Carla and Kanato? 
- Carla!! And Ruki and Kanato.
18.- Who would you cook breakfast for? Who would you make a scarf for? and Who would you do a drawing for? Options: Kou, Azusa, Shu. 
- Cook for Azusa since I feel he’d be less likely to mock me for my lack of cooking skills… Draw something for Kou and Try to knit a scarf for Shu.
19.- Participate in a Circus as Carla’s Knife thrower assistant or go to a Casino with Shin and be offered as a bet/reward by him in the Roulette Wheel game? (So if Shin looses you’ll be taken away by whomever won) 
- Welp. See you all in the hospital if I survive, better than being given to a stranger.
20.- Who would you rather catch by accident taking a shower, Yuma or Kanato? 
- Yuma. I don’t think he’d scream as loud or at all.
Thanks again for the tag, these are always fun to do! Sorry my answers aren’t all that interesting though! And I don’t think I have any other friends in this fandom?? ;;w;; So I can’t exactly pass this game on...
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spectraspecs-writes · 5 years
Multiples of 3 for that ask meme~
Ooh golly gimme a bit uhhh
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Cotton candy. I don’t chew gum bc it dries my throat out and I am always ready for a song.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Sportswear ideally, except in the cold weather where I guess it’s more tomboy??
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Memories of smells are weak, I don’t really have one? Although, I do love the smell of Banana Boat.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
I end up listening to my Revanasi playlist more than I write fic. Beyond that it’s my Adam Sings Playlist (every single i have where Adam Young sings) or A Green Panicky Owl (Green Dag, Owl City, Panic! At The Disco)
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Jane Eyre.
21. obsession from childhood?
Does it count if I’m still obsessed? It’s dogs.
24. favorite crystal?
I’d love to be able to pull out some fancy carbon compound but I’m not that kind of nerd. Where’s Sam when I need her?
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Cloak myself in a blanket and be dramatic.
30. Places that you find sacred?
My faith doesn’t work like that
33. most used phrase in your phone?
Probably “I mean”
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Odds are it was dat boi or “one does not simply walk into Mordor.”
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Depends what I’m holding. Pants pockets usually work out best for me.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Sci fi
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I don’t know what this is supposed to mean or tell anyone. I have not ascribed any qualities t fruit that remotely mirror my own.
51. current stresses?
That time will speed up and I will have accomplished nothing over the years prior.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
How to have a job in the first place.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
I don’t think of things like that, I don’t know. It’s not a struggle, it’s a problem that once solved does not require dwelling on any further.
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
I don’t watch anime.
63. five songs that would play in your club?
It would be all Owl City all the time fam.
66. favorite flower(s)?
Me w flowers
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69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
None come to mind
71. least favorite pattern? Oh wait you didn’t ask me that one
72. worst subject?
You’re going to hate me but I’m good at all them.
75. when did you lose your first tooth
Age 6 or 7.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
I don’t eat fish. Coffee.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Haha, u think I have an attention span, that’s cute
87. your greatest fear?
That my ceiling fan will fall on me, keep spinning, and decapitate Zoey
90. luckiest mistake?
I don’t know.
93. nicknames?
96. desktop background?
Van Goghs Starry Night but with a TARDIS
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mmkyung-blog · 5 years
hello it’s a brand new world, and i have brought you the oldest man of all, professor han kyung (because we have 2 professor hans ((including professor han saetbyeol)) so, this is the dumb tall one) i’m sky, but yall maybe know me, because i write for @mmjaeho, and @mmjungmi. basically, i’m the one who’s always out here flooding the dash and also the one who writes all of the oldies 😔 ( ps. pls read his about and stats page on his blog if possible bc that’s where his actual character information is beyond: *well, in summary, as u can see here on this graph, is he an idiot*. ok thank you have a nice day! ily tyts )
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some stuff
31 years of age ( this makes him basically ancient RIP ) of the han family (canon: han a), a professor of yosul teaching charms at the moment. he is the house master of house hyeon mu, and the staff advisor for the student council because he has no life.
lives on campus and is also really active with his students, from both club activities, and just always around and known for being reachable and generally well liked. he is an exceptionally ~ popular ~ teacher, both because of his good looks and literally dangerous charm ( accredited to his heritage, and gumiho charm ), but also just because he’s honestly a helpful, caring teacher tbh.
dad jokes, dork energy, soft smiles, ‘no cussin in my house’ ( no like seriously, he doesn’t ever use bad language catch him out here like ‘what in the heck, what the nimbus 3000 are you kids doing???’ ), sunshine or savage there isn’t much in between. this teacher took the anti-favoritism pledge ( and will never cut you a break or look at you more fondly than other students ) and you will not convince him to be otherwise ( but you’re welcome to try )
you can call upon him any time you need to through his classroom; he has this charmed crystal ball that sits on his desk, similar to something you’d see used in archaic divination or just for decoration, picking it up alerts him through a bracelet charm he wears at all times. if he isn’t busy he’ll usually just pop in nearby shortly after.
infamous for like, weird, out of the box teaching styles that are anti-introvert with lots of group activities and front of the class things😔 he remembers students names too so you can’t get away with shit.
a straight up mama’s boy. develops no strong opinions on anyone else though… he doesn’t fold into the blood purists/elitists lot, and he is the type to have 2000 friends but only like 1 out of that 2000 knows anything about him that isn’t just surface level.
he stays on campus like all professors. has a this shabby, angry looking ruddy maine coon cat named root beer float, he swears the cat is harmless but… there’s rumors. sometimes the cat accompanies him to class btw unless you have cat allergies so be prepared for that.
because he is head of his house ( hyeon mu ) he is response for all hyeon mu 1 - 3 years whereabouts, safety, and concerns. he directly deals with them, papa han out here.
he’s got a little bit of a fan club at school because of his good looks and charm, and there’s also always rumors about him, his whereabouts and who he’s dating. he cannot escape them and doesn’t even try, also doesn’t address them directly because that’s like fuel to the fire.
plots bunnies or things to expand on in dms
favorite teacher ( he is your favorite sexy brain nerd man )
least favorite teacher ( like who does this man think he is fr )
giving you extra lessons for charms because you’re failing and need #help ( pls professor if i fail this class i just have to take it again & do you really wanna see me next block????? )
his is a very close friend of your parents and/or family personally and man this is awkward, because you specifically remember the way he almost started a food fight at last years seotdal geumeum right in front of you, god and all y’alls ancestors
he will help you find your dream ( probably )
gimme more family friend and that weird uncle energy plots pls
fake fight with him in the hallway the exact way a teacher shouldn’t be doing, so he can use a spell to turn your hair green and give you a permanent mustache for the day bc ur a brat and he’s not afraid of u, u punk
you’re talking to him about the fact that you got sorted by the gat into this weird house and really you wonder if this is where you belong and he just gives you an I-Feel-That-Lil-Homie look. deep discussions ensue.
he’s basically your hyung/oppa away from hyung/opa or the hyung/oppa you never had. he basically just spoils and takes care of you well ( he is an only child and will absolutely free of charge treat you like the sibling he never had )
you’re interested in charms, a charms mentor or going into teaching/charms as a profession.
oh, you’re house hyeon mu, that’s just a plot in itself tbh, he knows all of yall youngins and probably teases you relentlessly
pls just cultivate more platonic, character developing threads with me. he is a good guy who will have lots of fun with you.
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antonixfawley · 5 years
About: Antoni Fawley
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“ I’ll keep all my plans close to my chest . . . ”
name: Antoni Fabian Fawley also known as: Toni age: 23 birthday:  January 30 astrological sign:  Aquarius species:  Human gender:  Male pronouns:  He/Him orientation: Queer
Early life: Antonio was raised by two loving parents, Peter and Lena Fawley. His father’s family came from a long line of pureblood, members of the sacred twenty-eight in fact. Though his family did keep their bloodline pure, they only did so out of tradition, and not because they really put much stock into blood purity. The Fawley’s were a long line of Hufflepuffs, with nearly every member being sorted into the badger house, aside from those who married into the family, such as Antoni’s mother. So of course he was raised on values of loyalty and hard work, kindness and gratitude, all the makings of another fine Hufflepuff student. Antoni never really clicked with those things, though. He wasn’t as interested in family activities as he was in reading alone in his room, he found making in depth maps of the land surrounding his family home much more engaging than playing silly games or doing chores on those lands. He had difficultly finding time alone growing up, as his father insisted he stay out and spend time with his siblings as well as aunts, uncles and cousins who were always at the estate for one reason or another. From fancy dinner parties to family game night to simply having tea, the Fawley’s adore entertaining guests. Antoni’s mother understood though, the polish witch being a bit introverted herself, she knew her oldest son was a bit more like her than his fathers side of the family. She would let Antoni leave dinner a bit early some days, or skip out on tea to have some alone time. She let him stay up later so he could read a few more pages of whatever book he was on at the time, when his siblings had to go to bed early. Growing up in a household with such high expectations for their children to be a certain way, Antoni became quite calculated in his behavior. He chose when to sneak away and when to be present with family, quickly learning when the right time to speak was, and when he should hold his tongue. He kept most of his thoughts to himself, already being so distant from his siblings and family, he didn’t want to further alienate himself by making any wrong moves. Hogwarts: When Antoni went off to Hogwarts, his whole family was ecstatic to see the eldest son find a place in the line of Hufflepuff legacies, but when the sorting hat touched his head, it had no hesitation before shouting out “Ravenclaw!” to the hall. Most children would be mortified of not being placed in their family’s house, but all of a sudden he saw a sea of blue rise up and welcome him in, a sea of people just like him. He felt like all his years of running off to find a quiet spot, staying up late in secret to read or write were validated now, he wasn’t the odd one out anymore. Antoni’s family, of course, were supportive anyways. After all, what kind of Hufflepuff wouldn’t support their family? There was always teasing though, and his siblings and countless Hufflepuff cousins never let him forget that he was different, he was odd, but he didn’t mind what they said. He knew who he was and he didn’t care what anyone else thought. Toni’s years at Hogwarts gave him time to grow and branch out, finding interest in astronomy, arithmatic, potions, and history the most, though he excelled in all his courses. He continued his hobbie of map making, working tirelessly to document every part of the castle that he could, drawing extensive separate maps of each floor and the grounds. He found many friends in ravenclaw, as well as some outside his house, though he always preferred to be alone when given the chance. He didn’t really find much interest in dating for the first few years of school, but around fifth year, his friends around him began to couple up he knew he needed to blend in with the behavior and found himself beginning to flirt and be more outgoing with other students. His family credits these years as when he started to blossom, as he began to stop secluding himself and interacted much more with others. He enjoyed these little flirtations he found, and some even blossomed into relationships, though they never lasted long. He wasn’t very focused on actually finding love or romance, he was just having fun with what he found to be a challenge. He wanted to see how easily he could get someone to trust him and fall for him, often playing mind games with the people he dated. Antoni grew into an extremely intelligent, calculating, and focused individual, crafting a reputation for himself as a charming, friendly young man with a bit of a heartbreaker streak. Current life: After leaving Hogwarts, Antoni ventures into various places of employment, testing out office jobs, interning at various places, including the Daily Prophet for a spell, though it didn’t last long. None really ever did since he was easily bored and would just quit, getting a new job whenever he wanted. Due to the high marks he reached on both his OWL and NEWT exams, pretty much any job was available to him. Then, Antoni had found an interest in Ministry work, and law had always been eye catching to him as well. Currently, he has been working as an intern for the Auror department at the ministry of magic. He found a place with the Death Eaters not long after graduation, his intellect and moral ambiguity being good qualities for him to apply to the group. He had never grown up being taught about blood purity, but he of course learned of it in school and was quickly swayed. After all, he was a Fawley, a member of the Sacred Twenty-eight. In his mind, he deserved a spot at that table, and he was going to get what he was owed.
personality: charming, calculated, friendly, intelligent, and self-serving label:  The Facade positive traits:  clever, passionate, level-headed negative traits: self-serving, two-faced, easily bored alignment: True Neutral goals/desires:  find something that interest him and holds his interest, gain power in society fears:  being bored, not finding anything engaging that can intellectually challenge him hobbies:  map making, reading, writing, calligraphy. habits: zoning out, over explaining things, lying
Face claim:  Thomas Doherty height: 6ft eye color: Blue hair description: * color: Dark Brown * highlights: none * length: medium * worn: shaved on the sides, long on top, usually messy and tousled or styled up scars:  none piercings:  none tattoos: drawing of the golden ratio with a shell and an outline of Poland on his right forearm. A quill on the back of his neck, if you look closely the ink is actually dark blue, not black. clothing style: Clean, often a t shirts and jeans with a flamboyant statement jacket. For work he wears a suit, often dark blue. usual expression: Neutral, basically has RBF distinguishing characteristics: speaks polish sometimes. health physical ailments:  none neurological conditions: insomnia allergies:  none sleeping habits:  bad he doesn’t sleep enough eating habits:  also bad he isn’t starving tho exercise habits: decent he likes to keep in shape emotional stability: he isnt very emotional and doesn’t get worked up by much sociability: he’s quite sociable only because he forces himself to be to make himself look good, he would rather not be social. body temperature: cold addictions:  coffee/tea/energy drinks(caffeine) drug use: social alcohol use: moderate-high
father:  Peter Fawley, distant, he doesn’t really understand his son but still has a civil and kind relationship. mother:  Lena Fawley, positive, his mother is supportive of him and they are close siblings:  distant, less positive, since his siblings don’t like how much he distances himself from them. relatives: Most- neutral, distant, he doesn’t associate with most of his relatives. Jasper Travers (cousin), positive, friendly. family line of work:  Ministry work, quidditch players, politicians.   best friends:  open!!! cohorts:  Scorpius Malfoy, Marcelina Bloem, Daisy Dursley, Doe Creevy, Dominique Weasley, Dylan Parkinson idk there’s a lot significant other: none atm gimme crush: open exes: open!! Pls hmu for this connection I’m sure he has loads followers: plots frenemies: plots enemies: gimme plots
school:  Hogwarts house:  Ravenclaw best core class:  Astronomy, potions, charms, defense against the dark arts worst core class:  Care of Magical Creatures quidditch:  no extra-curricular: astronomy club idk probably others I can’t think rn
wand: * length: 10 3/4 inch * flexibility: unyielding flexibility * wood: Elder * core: Unicorn Hair pets:  none boggart:  boredom animagus/patronus:  Wild Rabbit amortentia: old books, grass, firewood
theme song:  wait for it- Hamilton food: toast drink:  coffee/tea color:  navy blue animal:  mouse flower:  lavender season: fall
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ruinmylifc · 5 years
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[ MUSE 82 ] ●● is that TOM HOLLAND? no, that’s just troy sinclair, the 20 year old cismale who is a 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐄 𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐎𝐑. some say they’re entitled & sly, but their family and friends will swear they’re enterprising & nonchalant. when i think of them, i think of heated make out sessions, sleeping out under the stars, seductive smirks, fake ids, spontaneous road trips, beat drops, quickies in club bathrooms, flying first class. i wonder if HIS family knows that 𝐇𝐄’𝐒 𝐀 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐔𝐓𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐒. ●●
yeah yeah i did another thing bc i am the literal worst™ and couldn’t help myself. i’m done i promise but find out about this lil shit below. also !! find this dickheads pinterest ( here ). enjoy !
FULL NAME: troy shane powell. NICKNAME: troy boy. AGE: twenty years old. DOB: 13th june, 1999. ZODIAC SIGN: gemini. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: biromantic. EDUCATION: high school diploma ; currently studying a bachelor of athletic training at boston university. OCCUPATION: part time team member at the yacht and country club gym.
the first thing i want to say is that troy is the epitome of a spoiled, entitled rich boy. the only time you will ever catch him in a target, walmart or tj maxx is to fuck shit up with mates. target sells clothes? he wouldn’t know bc he doesn’t care. you’re going to make him ride in a toyota? no, absolutely not. you’ve knocked into him down the street? expect to hear an earful. 
also this bitch is a gemini ok i hate that, i do, don’t come at me just love me. but deep down he’s a good guy. he’s just done bad things.
he may think that the world revolves around him at times and believes he deserves special treatments bc of his family’s reputation and wealth, but he will literally talk to anyone. like, he can talk that’s for sure and is one of those people that comes across as being “friends” with everyone.
toddler!troy was a very active, boisterous troy. he was always doing something and would put his all into it. whether that be imaginative play, puzzles, hands on crafts, dancing along to whatever was playing, he was a ball of energy. too much so actually, lmao. nap time was almost non-existent.
everyone knows troy for being the guy that doesn’t let things worry him, the guy that is easy going. what they don’t know, however, is from birth to kindergarten, troy had big separation anxiety which only worsened when ariana/byrson left. he was the 2 year old screaming his lungs out, banging on the glass window watching mummy and daddy leave him at daycare. definitely would lay awake in bed late at night screaming and wailing for mum to come home when she left. he most definitely clung to dad for dear life in those young years, fearing he was going to leave too. luckily, for everyone’s sake, he managed to grow out of this.
touching on not letting things worry him, it is very hard to stress troy out or upset him. school work is getting hard? oh well. i just broke up with my girlfriend? meh. dad’s got another partner? what else is new? thoughts for the future? i’ll get there. he is very much a believer in things are meant to happen for a reason and doesn’t tend to take life too seriously ( except for when it comes to prized possessions ). with that being said though, when opportunity arises or he finds something that he wants he will take it and won’t stop until he gets what he wants. 
when he is hurt, however, he will bottle it and not say a single word. very closed off and tends to keep people at a distance or lie to them about his feelings when he’s down. 
he loves his family, even if they annoy the fuck out of him sometimes. he isn’t overly protective over his siblings bc he knows they can take care of themselves, but will step in when need be like a good big bro. 
troy thrives on fun and adventure and every weekend ( when not earning that lil bit of extra cash ) is a chance to travel. he would very much prefer to be off traveling, exploring, putting his curiosity to good use by discovering new things or partying than sitting at home being lazy. he is renowned for getting into clubs and it’s very much his playing field. clubs are his stomping ground basically.
this doesn’t like to be single, not really anyway. there are underlying commitment issues when it comes to relationships that are more than likely the root of the problem along with the fact mama left and papa has had various partners over the years. 
troy doesn’t need to be the center of attention as he already knows he’s the best, but he expects attention. he works hard on physique and appearance, putting his self-worth on the constant attention he receives. negative attention isn’t ideal, though he knows that only the best have their haters. being in a relationship is a validation to him that he is worth it, that his looks and who he is is worthy. it’s not healthy.
being single for too long gives him doubt, sends him down a downhill spiral of harsh criticism and he feels as though he is nothing without someone.
not only that, but troy actually enjoys the beginning of relationships. the charming smiles, flirting, the chase, going on those first few dates and being showered in compliments ( and giving them, ofc ). he likes getting to know people, likes the process of being strangers to being together, and he enjoys sleeping with new people also. the first touches, the way he can make someone’s heart race and how they can do the same to him. it’s enticing, addicting like drugs. all the way to the honeymoon phase. 
he knows it isn’t love, not matter what his lover at the time says. he has never said it, and probably never will ( we’ll see ). troy is in love with the idea of loves, and it’s sad. 
the boy’s relationships tend to last a couple of months at the very most. when that honeymoon phase starts to wear off, when he’s had the sex he needs and feels as though that partner is not doing anything for him anymore... he’s out. any work that needs to be put into a relationship to make it work or when a solid, deep and emotional connection is meant to start forming, he’s done. 
break ups are not easy for most people, but for troy it’s nothing. it’s as easy as getting dressed in the morning. douchebag i know fuck me dead.
best friend / bromance ( 0/1 ): this is someone that troy has known for years, possibly from high school or even the start of college. ppl joke that these two are together, and at times they run along with it for shits and giggles but they’re just very close.
friends with benefits ( 0/2 ): these are two people that he “sees” in between relationships ; they get along outside of the bedroom, but they never cross the line ( maybe ). booty calls, not talking for two months and then randomly showing up again.
enemies ( 0/x ): this bitch has to have enemies, whether that’s bc of his family or he’s done something to hurt them, he has them. gimme !
fellow college kids ( 0/x ): this goes out to anyone that goes to college at boston uni/harvard. i’m sure they’ve all partied by now lmao. 
exes ( 0/x ): this i need pls and thank you! troy is bisexual so he’s been many good looking guys and gals. these would range from when he was in high school ( 15ish ) to now. i am totally up for brainstorming everything about this connection.
current partner ( 0/1 ): i have in mind that this is completely new, very much in the stages of getting to know one another, flirting, eager texting, all that stuff. chemistry is key and depending on what happens, this may only last a lil while pls and thank !  
squad ( 0/4-5 ): this would include the best friend, but gimme that clique that fucks around doing the most random and strangest shit. envision them doing this whilst waiting for take off to their weekend get away. lots of pranks being played on one another, go to the gym together, pulling fire alarms in hotels, all that jazz !
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anaxgardner · 6 years
Couple #2: Jayce and Axel
Jayce Malcom Kennedy
Jayce is a young surgical intern who was wants to specialise in paediatric and neonatal cardiothoracic surgery and specifically focus his career on helping infants with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS); a condition he himself had as an infant. At the time he was born the standard surgery for this birth defect, the Norwood procedure, was still pioneering and a doctor took a chance on him. He had three surgeries before the age of three and finally a heart transplant at the age of 12. His experiences as a child and the gratitude he has towards that doctor that saved his life drove him to do the same for others. He has an identical twin brother (who was unaffected by his condition), an older sister and a younger brother. His parents divorced when he was 11 and he stayed with his mother into his adolescence, struggling in college initially he worked hard; he started medical school but through diligence graduated at the top of his class and got residency on a paediatric ward, after applying late. He has a confident, tenacious personality with strong aspirations that his determined to reach. Though he’s incredibly work focussed he ensures he makes time for personal affairs and gives his husband the love and attention he deserves (even if Alex can be a brat and demand more).
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Nationality: American.
Height: 5ft 10in.
Eye Color: Green.
Hair Color: Blond.
Tattoos/Piercings: None.
Kinks: He’s pretty vanilla in the bedroom, though Axel helped encourage him to explore his more kinky side through out their relationship. This made Jayce realised he preferred a more dominant role in, both in and outside of the bedroom, and enjoys the softer side of BDSM; this isn’t to say he doesn’t indulge Axel in some of his more hardcore fetishes, but he himself leans more towards the tame side, though he enjoys both.  He also prefers watching Axel in most Omorashi scenarios but also partakes from time to time, especially when Axel is in a mood. He didn’t realise his Omo kink until after seeing Axel have an accident one night...
Bladder stuff: Jayce is definitely on the strong side when it comes to bladder capacity: being a doctor he s expected to be able a go time without breaks and theres definitely no time for a potty break on a paediatric ward. Though he’s been pushed to the brink a few times he’s generally able to cope without a bathroom break all day remarkably well. He also has no qualms in social situations excuse himself due to his confident nature, though he finds it difficult to admit his true needs as he tends to be over confident about his holding ability and sees it as a sign of weakness in some case; I.e. he’d have no issue excusing himself during a gathering once he’s seen others do so (sometimes multiple time) but he’d never be the one to do so first.
He can often recall one time on a road trip with friends he’d forgotten t use the restroom upon waking up that morning but because he didn’t want to inconvenience anyone or admit he needed a break he sat there in agony the entire drive. He didn’t even allow himself to go when another friend asked several times, since that friend was teased relentlessly about having a small bladder, he had too much pride to do that. He’s now a lot more cautious about using the bathroom when he gets the chance (as long as he’s sure other people won’t notice or comment).
Favourite beverage (alcoholic and non-alcoholic): As a doctor he runs on coffee but also ensures he remains healthy by drinking lots of water, it’s no problem since he has a big, strong bladder right..? Anyway, he has a rather high tolerance to alcohol as usually sticks to beer during social events (when he’s not the designated driver, which is rare) but prefers stronger spirits such as scotch when he has the time to indulge himself.
How he met his partner:  Between long hours at school, then even longer hours at work, Jayce was no stranger to the small coffee shop he passed walking back and forth every day.  The small shop had quite a few regulars, and even though he was on the heels of a horrible break-up, one of the regulars in particular caught Jayce’s eye, but he could never bring himself to say anything.  Lucky for him, he didn’t have to.  Although the regular barista in the coffee shop knew him very well, he thought it was odd when he walked in and she already had his drink ready, sliding it across the counter to him.  When he picked it up, he noticed unfamiliar scribbling on the side of the cup.  The unfamiliar scribbling was a phone number, and when he asked the barista who the writing belonged to, she pointed across the room to a very familiar face, and finally, Jayce was finally able to put a name with the face: Axel.
Jacob Axel Warren
Jacob, who goes by Axel and won’t acknowledge being called anything else “Jacob’s not as cool and I’m cool so shut up!” Axel grew up an only child to a single mother and remains close to her even now he’s grown up and married. He left high school at 18, having been a big part in the schools theatre club and decided against going into college, knowing the strain financially that would put on his mom. Instead he took a new path. He has always loved being on stage, being able to dress up and take on another persona. He himself growing up as a rather reserved, quiet child acting had given him the opportunity to forget his shyness and adorn the mask of someone else; taking on an active role in drama at school helped him come out of his shell and become more comfortable in himself.
By the time he left school he found himself in a large group of friends ranging from all different backgrounds, one friend in particular was very into the gay scene in New York. This friend introduced him to so many larger than life people, taking Axel to nightclubs and drag shows, when one night Axel realised what he wanted to do next. Stripping. The lights, the music, the movements, he became enamoured with it all- and don’t even get him started on the wardrobe.
Growing up he never went without, his mom made sure of that, but the weren’t made of money. When he asked for a name brand of something, he’d get the item he wanted but an off-brand. He would never resent his mom for that if anything he appreciates she went through the effort to get him something similar, but that hadn’t helped with the teasing he already got at school. Compared to everything he’d known in his short lie so far, everything about the strip club seems so glamorous to him and fun and the money was as good as you made it- he wanted in. His friends introduced him to the staff and they took him on as a bartender at barneys (which is what his mom still thinks he does for a living, though she’d be supportive it’s a rather awkward conversation to have..at this point she probably knows already but out of mutual respect they both continue with the bartender schtick). During off hour he was allowed to practise on the pole and it didn’t take long for his talents to be realised and he was taken on full time at the club becoming their headline performer.
Age: 24.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Nationality: Italian-American.
Eye color: Blue.
Hair color: Dark.
Height: 5ft 7in.
Tattoos/Piercings: No tattoos but he did get his ear pierced at 14 behind his moms back, meaning he had to continuously take it in and out. This lead to it getting infected and having to be removed at the hospital. After the hefty bill, looks of disapproval and traumatic ER experience, Axel decided against anymore piercings.
Kinks: Axel likes a lot of things. A lot. Of things. He’ll try anything ones and has tried most things. But he enjoys things that he and his partner can both do together and like equally- making Omorashi his favourite. As a natural sub he likes seeing the other persons enjoyment as much as he enjoys it himself and Omo is one of those things.
Bladder stuff: Axel’s bladder in on the smaller side, much to his annoyance. He hates having to take breaks from what he’s doing to tend to it and has an aversion to public restrooms and especially having to answer natures call while actually out in nature. He also is rather shy when admitting he needs to use the bathroom again so instead tries to wait until someone else says they have to go. All of these things contribute to him being caught short very often, much to Jayce’s delight. Both in and out of the bedroom Axel’s rather prone to accidents- even if it is just due to his stubbornness.
Favourite beverage (alcoholic and non-alcoholic): Axel has a sweet tooth so any kind of sugary drink is his favourite. He like sweet alcohol too such as fruity cocktails and mixed drinks; an unfortunate (or fortunate for some people) a side effect from the lack of that alcoholic afterburn is he’s likely to down them quickly one after another before he feels the full effect from them. Meaning they all hit him at once. And his bladder. When they’re out in public its usually a struggle;
Jayce: “I think that’s enough for now-“
Axel: “You don’t tell me what to do Mr. Man!”
Jayce: “Well, actually I do but I’d rather not have to spank you in front of all these people so lets slow down shall we?”
Axel: “Shhhsuushsuhhhhh I’m fiiiiiiine.”
Jayce: “Ax-“
Axel: “I said I’m fine! Gimme back my sweet juice it tastes good I’m fine!”
              *ten minutes later*
Axel: “HHRRBBBBLEEEEUGH- I’m sorry I’m sorry I should’ve listened to you I- BRRRRHEAUGH!”
Jayce: “Shh, it’s okay baby let it happen”
Axel: “I’m never drinking again- HUURRK!”
              *the next day*
Jayce: “Afternoon, Sunshine!”
Axel: *Grumbles*
Jayce: “How you feeling, love?”
Axel: “Awful something must’ve been wrong with the food, the chicken was a little pink-“
Jayce: “You’re serious?”
Axel: “What?”
Jayce: “’I’m never drinking again?’”
Axel: “Well yeah, I- Well barbeque and long island ice tea doesn’t’ taste great together and-“
Axel: “I- Oh, shut up!”
Jayce: “Do you want bacon?”
Axel: “Yes, I want bacon!”
Jayce: “Okay, sweetheart.”
Axel: “And waffles!”
Jayce: “How could I forget?”
Axel: “With a metric-fuckton of syrup! And turn the lights off they’re too loud!”
Jayce: “Anything you want my hungover little prince.”
Axel: *Grumbles*
Jayce: “What was that baby?”
Axel: *Grumbles louder*
Jayce: “One more time honey?
Jayce: “I love you too, I take it I need to change the sheets, hm?”
Axel: *Intense whiny, grumbles*
How did they meet their partner: Axel had watched for weeks as the tall blonde came in and out of the coffee shop, too nervous to speak up and say anything, but too intrigued by him to let it go.  He’d watch as he came by in the mornings wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and occasionally he would be there at night when the guy came by in slacks and a button-up.  Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore.  He got up especially early one morning and pulled the barista, Tiffany, aside before she got too busy.  As he asked for her help, her eyes lit up, and she quickly agreed to his plan.  She handed him an empty coffee cup, and he wrote his name and number on the side.  The waves in the writing showed how much his hand was shaking while he was doing it.  Now all there was to do was sit back and wait.  Axel’s heart started to race as he finally noticed the blonde walking towards the door.  His hand started to shake and his breathing picked up, but when he noticed the number on the cup, and Tiffany pointed in Axel’s direction, their eyes locked, and it felt as if his heart had stopped completely.
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BDRP Resolutions
in which this is long 
Write your RPer Resolutions for 2018!
-Plot with more members, definitely! I try to expand of course and rp threads with everyone but I think I could do better and could def do bigger plots with more people.
-Complete more tasks tbh. This one is gonna be hard for me to do but idk if I could do at least one task every other month that would be an improvement over last year haha.
-Continue to work on scenery and detail etc. My weaknesses. I hope that rping more detail-oriented characters, like Charlie or even Mowgli, or exploring the lake with Andrina or the forest with Prince/Merida will help with this. Though also just being more aware of it in the day to day
-Dream Journal for Charlie/More music stuff for radio
Write at least one resolution, or “goal,” that you have as an RPer for your character(s)
Mel: This was on last year’s so that tells u something but I think it’s gonna happen-- explore her feelings for Howl! Also would love for her to do some more seedy things and i see want an apprentice!!
Ber: Explore Berlioz’s mental health more. Whether I do this through tasks/one-shots or something, Ber is kinda in this weird place where he’s blurring the line between reality/fantasy and I think that’s interesting. A lot of it has to do with things he isn’t dealing with (trauma from Taka and going down into hell). Also very specifically I want him to rp with Marie more bc Berrie is kinda underdeveloped both on my part as an rper and his part as like a mediocre brother lmao. I also like him as a supporting role in other people’s plots and I hope I can keep pushing him in those directions. And of course I’m very interested to see him and Simba repair and grow their relationship hopefully stronger than ever. <3 OH and g row a backbone tbh stand up for himself more do it ber
Kiara: Figure out her school life!! I still want to have her shadow someone sooo I think I could see her shadowing Minnie or even Jiminy since she’s sort of into health and social work. Also explore her envy of her friends with magic bc she had powers in Star wars and lowkey she still wants powers (opportunity for Feys Gold Antics here-- also feel liek there could be something interesting in Kiara v. Jake if Jake really does start getting more elitist)
Hades: BOARD STUFF. Im really excited to play Hades as a politician and like-- authority figure in town. Though he’s gotta save his own soul first lol. Also supporting Belle in hopefully going back to school. Alsoooo there are loose threads in hell that I have and would like 2 look into…
Milo: Talk with Jane about what comes next after pride u because his grant is almost up! Plot with BIANCA/BERNARD hopefully about the rescue aid society.
Nala: ONE NIGHT STAND SERIOUSLY. Let loose. Date someone bc if she fell in love work wouldnt be her focus and she’d grow a lot. Uh repair relationship with Simba?
Kiki: bring back jiji lmfao i suck. Finish her apprenticeship and unlock the trU nature of her powers and stuff mhm. Also kiss someone lol
Anita: Bring her fam in town and explore like, this clash between her old life and the new life now that she has grown so much.
Prince: ACCEPT UR FEELINGS FOR ELLA. Embrace them! Continue to train Bambi/find the fucker who shot u/be a Dad and do Dad things like idk a parent teacher conference??? Thats hilarious. Somehow I want him to become like a guest lecturer at Pride U but I’m not sure how yet. I also feel like idk Akela could draw him into becoming slightly darker after this shooting and that might be interesting so who knows, maybe he should join Akela’s morally gray magic club,
Paul: GO TO PRIDE U PLZ. Deal with the paulina plot lol. Contend with his inferiority issues that stem from the financial inequality between him and Perdy. Just rly go into their relationship and figure it out post-break up post-make up u know
Andrina: Explore the lake. Get into seedy stuff with Ursula maybe??? Continue to sleep with people thats very fun for me. FIND OUT WHO RAVEN IS. Get a cat.
Merida: I need her to make more friends bc I want her to fuck up and then ruin all those friendships ahaha. Want to have a showdown with some powerful magicks, gimme Akela and Max, all the shapeshifters!!!
Mowgli: Meet the Bonfamilles (lmao). Uhhh would lvoe to rp more with Akela i need to brainstorm how. I’d also like him to become more extreme tbh? Maybe start having night terrors or something bc of all his suppressed guilt wow just got a good idea ahha. Alsoooo maybe get a mentoooor…
Charlie: HAVE A PROPHECY ABOUT SOMEONE PPL HIT ME UP. I wanna start him on the research train when I get that in place and also maybe abuse hospital equipment (aka scan his own brain ehhe)  but also maybe save someone’s life would be cool, ok, yeah. Also hopefully grow his relationships with all hospital personnel and patients, and maybe get a  mentorship with Tibbs and/or Sweet. In fact it’d be really cooool if he could eventually help Sweet with his research like as an intern or assistant or something. And also i want to get him to an event but i need him to get a friend for that so!!! A texting buddy friend, that is a specific goal.
Write at least one resolution IN CHARACTER for your characters. What do THEY want to accomplish or change in the New Year? 
Mel: “Do something impossible.”
Ber: “Be a better brother and friend and boyfriend… be less crazy lol ahah”
Kiara: “figure out my LIFE lmao”
Hades: “Make real change in Swynlake.”
Milo: “Apply for a grant to study Atlantis...again.”
Nala: “Be my oWN love of my life. I’m a single independent woman and that’s amazing, I’m AMAZING.”
Kiki: “Restore Jiji D:”
Anita: “Direct a play again! That would be very fun. Oh, and paint more, I really do need to paint.”
Prince: “Be a good father to Bambi… make the forest a safe place again.”
Paul: “Be a good father, a good partner-- find better ways to support my kids.”
Andrina: “lol i dont DO goals bye.”
Merida: “Shoot Mor’du. Become a Prince.”
Mowgli: “... don’t make any trouble.”
Charlie: Bitch has a list.
Get phlebotomist license!!
Renew certs: CPR/AED/First Aid/Wilderness First Aid/BLS
Give up gluten! Again!
Go to a Swynlake Event! It will be fine no one will die!!! (!!!)
Plotting Exercise! Pick one of the resolutions/goals in #2 and plan a rough guideline to how you could accomplish it.
Mowgli explores his powers/grief
PARA 1: Has a  nightmare and accidentally sets something on fire (Akela)
PARA 2: Frightened, Mowgli confides in someone about his powers (Peach/Will)
PARA 3: Seeks help from either Howl or Ursula--depending on which one, it could litERally change the direction of the entire plot.
List of Characters I want to RP with:
I went through character by character but I would love to do more than this I am sure ahah.
Mel: Mateo, Ursula, Sophie (bc duh Howl), Akela
Ber: Irma, Sophie because they should be better friends, more Peg, JENNy bc they play piano ok!!, ANNETTE bc they totally know each other!!, tbh daisy and ber could do something with anxiety, Rita for sure, more Simon somehow i swear it
Hades: Sally, more stuff with Miguel, Jack, Shock/Samara, Al, Cruella, Simba, Oogie, maybe Dipper
Kiara: more stuff with Jake, Jiminy, Minnie/Rama maybe, Isa, Wilbur, Penny, Ollie, Jenny. Also lowkey Ursula.
Milo: more stuff with Kida, Bianca, Elena, also Goliath and Thomas (teachers!!)
Nala: MAUI. sorry look i just want maui its been a year. Also maybe some board members and stuff since she’ll be politically active? So Al, Cruella, Soleil for that (and Simba, but I rp with simba allll the time). Also Arthur, Adam.
Kiki: Mateo as well!! More young-ish people: Dipper, Maui (she’s a #bigfan), Callie.   
Anita: more stuff with Perdita. Also other artists: Pascal, Jane, Namine, Violet, maybe Art if he does art??, Peach, Peri, Duchess etc!! Hit me up please.
Prince: all the forest politics okay: Alasdair, Akela, Goliath, Shere, why are these men. Also just big Magicks in general: Ursula, Namine maybe. More fairies so Peri and Terence. Also very specifically: Theo and Thomas O’Malley. Maybe Jake tbh if he starts like patrolling the forest?
Paul: Goliath bc he’s a lit professor! Thomas bc they are bros now!!!! Maybe some other mersisters-- Aqua, Alana, Arista. Peach bc writing? Lmao. Also some lowkey shady people like Roscoe or Lock would be really great. Possibly Oogie bc he owns a casino and gambling~
Andrina: URSULA ok sorry i just want the sea witch. TBH Hiro or Tombo could be cool bc she’s into STEM stuff. Ken because I want to rp with Ken and I don’t think anyone else would get along? Ahah. Arista, Aqua and Alana. Herculessss.
Merida: Bambi bc scottish and also lowkey was involved in mother’s death!!! Maximus bc she should shoot him!! More Shere! Follow-up with Goliath tbh in class lmao would be funny. CORNY bc thye r destined to be friends. Callie!!! Oo, also more Eric.
Mowgli: Howl, Ursula, Mateo, more Peach, Jenny, Wilbur, Theo, Bambi Penny (yay orphans). Maybe a professor: Thomas, Goliath, Shere?
Charlie: so many ok. Ellie, Sweet, Shock, Jack, SALLY thats in caps bc I need it, Dipper, Boo, tbh could do some drug stuff with Roscoe, Lock and Theo. Rita bc she can be his mom, Oogie, anyone with trauma who wants charlie to relive it with them: eric, thomas, shere, lou the list can go on-- annnnd belle and callie also
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