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adafine · 2 years ago
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Looking forward to giving this a spin later. #thesentinel #chrissarandon #cristinaraines #martinbalsam #johncarradine #joseferrer #avagardner #burgessmeredith #eliwallach #michaelwinner #dicksmith #jeffgoldblum #tomberenger #christopherwalken #gilmelle #waxworksrecords (at Eastpointe Apartments) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYScFFug6I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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projazznet · 6 years ago
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Gil Mellé – Waterbirds (Full Album)
Gilbert John “Gil” Mellé (31 December 1931 – 28 October 2004) was an American artist, jazz musician and film composer.
Tracklist: A1 Waterbirds (Pt. 1) A2 Waterbirds (Pt. 2) 7:33 A3 Walkin’ Down The Gloomy Streets…Alone…Broke…Depressed…Gonna Kill Myself Blues 14:09 B1 Little Big Horn 19:08 B2 The Love Song 28:29 B3 My Sweet Charlie 30:01 B4 Charlie Chaplin 36:20
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monk-tsujido · 5 years ago
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8/17(月) ・ 取り急ぎのご案内になりますが💦本日は13:00〜22:00で営業しております。ソーシャルディスタンスを保つため、店内は同時に9名様まで(ご予約状況により、変更の場合もございます)のご案内です。外に樽のテーブルもありますので、給水所がわりの1杯でも、しっかりお食事でもお気軽にご利用くださいませ🥂入口のドアは開け放し、店内の換気扇も全て回してますので、常に換気をしている状態です。入店の際のアルコール消毒、ご協力お願いいたします。 本日はこの暑さのなか、オープン直後からたくさんのお客様にご来店いただいてます☀️ありがとうございます🙇‍♂️ 夜の時間帯はお席にまだ空きがございます。 ・ 水牛モッツァレラとチェリートマト、フルーツのカプレーゼ。冷え冷えのスパークリング、ペティアン、白ワインと一緒にぜひ😊オススメのひと皿です🍽 ・ ナチュラルワイン、クラフトビールのボトル販売、量り売り、ご利用いただけます。 *ナチュラルワインボトル ¥3000〜 *ナチュラルワイン量り売り 100ml ¥600〜 *クラフトビール( @barbaric_works )量り売り 100ml ¥250 グラウラー、瓶などの容器をお持ちいただくか、お持ち帰り用の瓶(1つ¥100)もご用意しております👍 ワインのご購入も泡、白、赤、ロゼ、オレンジ、ご予算、産地などお気軽にご相談ください。 お飲みもの1杯でも、お酒やお野菜のお買い物だけでも、お気軽にお立ち寄りくださいませ♪ご予約、お問い合わせは0466-66-6409まで、お待ちしてます♬ ・ ・ ・ #monk #monktsujido #辻堂 #辻堂ランチ #辻堂アペロ #辻堂ディナー #vinnaturel #vinonaturale #naturalwine #craftbeer #finefood #caprese #gilmelle #patternsinjazz #お一人様歓迎 #お子様連れok #辻堂イタリアン #辻堂ワインバー #スナック跡地 (MONK Tsujido) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD-zxzjjapL/?igshid=wohjqhhe31mb
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velouria-records · 5 years ago
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Classic electronic jazz available for curbside pick up! $7.98 Comment to claim! #NowPlaying #Vinyl #GilMelle #Jazz #Experimental #Electronic #1960s #ShopLocal #BrickAndMortar #LoyalToLocal #NoFilter #EverydayIsRecordStoreDay #Visalia #WaxWars #VelouriaRecords (at Velouria Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB3ghdPpeer/?igshid=mmglrfdb0um5
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luddite · 6 years ago
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Michael Small - Klute (Warner Bros. WS - 1940); Gil Melle - The Andromeda Strain (Kapp cat. KRS 5513 (Hexagonal cover)); John Carpenter’s - They Live music composed and performed by John Carpenter and Alan Howarth (Enigma cat. 7 73367-1) and John Carpenter’s Escape From New York (Varese Sarbande cat. STV 81134) I LOVE soundtracks that are original music and especially those that are or seemed scored directly to the action. The music of Klute ranges from incidental to funky. If you have never heard it or seen the film you should. While watching the film you do "notice" the soundtrack and that is not a bad thing. It is a major asset to the storytelling and overall mood. Apparently an executive at Warner Bros., felt very passionate about it and pressed 500 copies using Warner Bros facilities. So the story goes and I believe. He even went as far as issuing it a WS catalog number. “I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass…and i’m all out of bubblegum.” They Live has always has been, and always will be one of my favorite movies. Not every John Carpenter soundtrack is great but they are always appropriate. I genuinely think this one is great. Which brings me to Escape from New York. Also a favorite movie which the soundtrack is as important as the images. Gil Melle’s music wether it is his early more traditional Jazz stuff or the progressive electronic stuff is amazing. This soundtrack is such a great combo of electronics and standard instrumentation. The track, “Desert Trip" off of this has always been a favorite. So good. Thank you @CollectorScum ! #primitivesoundsystem #vinylrules #vinyljunkie #vinyl45s #vinylLPs #RareRecords #recordcollection #recordcollector #OST #SoundtrackRecordings #Soundtrack #OriginalSoundtrackRecording #JohnCarpenter #TheyLive #RoddyPiper #ExcapeFromNewYork #KurtRussell #SnakePlisskin #GilMelle #AndromedaStrain #MichaelSmall #Klute https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFGzqEpkAt/?igshid=17h9ovoz2375f
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omgkarensgillan · 5 years ago
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3rdstreetjazz · 5 years ago
Throughout the history of Blue Note Records, this classic record label was known shelve various recording sessions only to release these sessions years after the artist has long passed away. Some of these classics have popped up as reissued vinyl recently in their Connoisseur, Tone Poet and Blue Note 80 Series. These sessions were recorded between the years of 1952 and 1972 and this is just a few (20 to be exact) that were released well after they were recorded. #BlueNoteRecords #tonepoetreissues #tonepoet #bluenote #hankmobley #gilmelle #paulchambers #kennydorham #loudonaldson #tinabrooks #charliemingus #dizzyreece #fredjackson #johnnycoles https://www.instagram.com/p/CDgP-SjHEds/?igshid=vomq2pa1jo2
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respectanimalrights · 5 years ago
Via @columbophile The ending of Death Lends a Hand is SO GOOD! Love that Kennicut doesn’t look up the exhaust pipe, preserving the mystery surrounding the #Columbo character. Also the music is world class! 👏🏼🥔 #ltcolumbo #peterfalk #raymilland #cigar #gilmelle #classictv #70s #1971 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3V6FyNI8yi/?igshid=txom5fmrmvfd
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broken-shutter · 8 years ago
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#MayVinylChallenge day 19: Die Cut Vinyl. I only own one, so here it is, the Andromeda Strain soundtrack reissue from this year's RSD. It's still in line to be listened to, I only opened it today to photograph for the challenge. Seriously though, what isn't fantastic about this packaging? #VinylCommunityChallenge #VinylCommunity #VinylAddict #VinylAddiction #VinylRecords #VinylMusic #Music #Vinyl #Records #Soundtrack #TheAndromedaStrain #GilMelle #Hexagon #DieCutVinyl
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neatneatneatrecords · 8 years ago
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Spinning the amazing Andromeda Strain Reissue on @blacklightradio tonight! Lovingly reissued by our friends at @jackpotrecords #andromedastrain #gilmelle #jackpotrecords #blacklightradio #HeyMomImOnTheRadio #wboi (at 89.1 WBOI)
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omgstephenamell · 6 years ago
Surprise || Gilmell
As soon as he received the text that she might be in Vancouver, Stephen had rushed to clean up his messy apartment. He had had a party the night before with the cast and crew to celebrate episode one wrapping and he’d been too tired to clean. Now, as he threw the last cup away, he heard the knock on the door and he rushed over, throwing it open to find the woman he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since their meetup in Berlin. “Well hey beautiful.” 
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omgkarensgillan · 6 years ago
Berlin, I love You || Gilmell
Karen: Karen was shocked to say the least when she found out that Stephen was in Berlin and was wanting to stay with her too, she had no idea he would be in the area he had told her that he was going back to the States so for him to just show up in Berlin it was a treat for her. She smiled brightly at every text from him, the problem with staying away from her friends for so long was the struggle of missing them so much. Sure, she would make new friends but this was always a struggle. She knew that she didn't have very many friends growing up so to be a 'grown up' and having all these friends now it was a weird feeling but she loved it. Cleaning up her flat the empty boxes of food were spilling over the trash she decided to empty it and take the rest of it downstairs. Heading back up she showered quickly and tied her hair back in a messy bun, she opted for black leggings and an oversized long sleeve shirt when she was getting dressed. Hearing the door she headed over to let him in, she smiled seeing him "Steve!!" she said throwing her arms around him.
Stephen: Stephen had been needing an excuse to visit Berlin and he kept putting it off, always finding some reason not to go. But now, he figured he was close, and rather than return to his lonely apartment in LA, he would spend the weekend with his friend Karen. They had only just met but she was fun and sweet and the older male loved teasing her. The fact that she was beautiful wasn't lost on him either. After paying the cab driver and heading up to the apartment, he hesitated momentarily before knocking, wondering why exactly he'd decided now to visit. He would have time to think about that later as he raised his hand to knock softly. He was met with fiery red hair and a killer smile, causing him to smile himself. "Hey you." He said, rubbing her back. "How are you?"
Karen: She grinned and rested her head in the crook of his shoulder as he hugged her. The fact this man smelled amazing after a flight was impressive. She could feel him rubbing her back and it was relaxing. "I'm grand and yourself?"
Stephen laughed and shook his head. "And where does grand fit on the feel good scale? Above or below great?" He teased, finally breaking the hug. "You gonna invite me in or am I sleeping out here?" He laughed, shaking his head as he stepped inside the room. "Oh nice. Someone is stepping up in the world. This place is bigger than my apartment."
Karen: "Grand is good like higher than good"She smiled at his remark about the size of her place "It's not too shabby you know?" She said heading towards the kitchen " can I get you something to drink?"
Stephen "That's grand to know." He teased, giving her a wink before stepping into her apartment. He looked around and took in all the sights before making his way to the kitchen. He didn't want to presume that he had free reign around the place but given how accommodating the redhead was being, he immediately felt welcome. "I'll take whatever you have. A beer, soda, water. I'm not picky." He said, shedding his jacket and hanging it on the back of the chair.
Karen: She laughed and shook her head sending a wink his way "touche" she said walking into the kitchen and opening her fridge "bold of you to assume that a lady such as myself would drink beer" she said teasing him before opening the fridge and saying "I have tons of things to drink"
Stephen The banter and teasing between them felt easy and Stephen could see himself spending more time with her as their friendship grew. She was so funny and could definitely keep him on his toes, which is something he liked. "Are you kidding? Most women I know drink wine and those fruity drinks. I'm more impressed if you do drink beer." Grinning, he leaned over the counter and looked inside, pointing to the beer sitting on the shelf. "I'll take one of those, please and thank you."
Karen: She felt a true connection between the pair of them she smiled and blushed just a bit he was gorgeous and she was weird she got him the drink and opened it herself without a bottle opener "I was once a bartender in my wee years"
Stephen just stared when she opened the bottle with her bare hands. It wasn't a hard feat to accomplish but he was still impressed by the actress. He loved finding out new things about people that no one else got to know. "Well aren't you just a conundrum? I think I'm going to have fun getting to know you better. Should we start with a round of 20 questions?" He teased, taking a drink of the beer.
Karen: She rested her head on her chin and looked over at him "I'm down but let's go to the couch don't need you laughing so hard you land on your arse off that stool" she said walking back into the room and patting his shoulder "no need to frighten the people who live below me"
Stephen "Are you calling me fat, Karen? That's hurtful. Do I need to show you my abs again?" He smirked, grabbing the beer and following her to the couch. He sat down opposite her, shifting his weight so he was facing her, resting his elbows on the back of it. "Before we start, I should thank you for letting me stay here. It saves me a lot of trouble." He said, offering her a genuine smile. "Okay, you go. Ask me anything. One night only, no question is too much or too personal." He might regret it later but for now, he didn't care.
Karen: "no you are all muscles" she said "the fat one here is me and that nap I took before you came" she said sitting on the couch looking at him her wide eyes narrowing in on him "hmm might regret that "
Stephen "If you're fishing for compliments, then you used the right bait because you are anything but fat. I mean, come on. I watched Jumanji. You shut up with that negativity right now." He said, wiggling his finger at her. "Now, there is obviously some things I won't answer but I doubt we'll get to that level of questioning. I'm just saying that if we start listing off things we don't want to talk about, that list will get quite long and we won't talk at all. If you do happen to hit on one I don't want to answer, I'll say so and move on." He clarified, shrugging his shoulders. "Some things should stay personal. But other than that, we should be good to go." Stephen was usually an open book but even he had limits.
Karen joined the chat 10 days ago
Karen: She smiled and felt like an idiot at her comment "I was joking" she said before taking a simple sip of her drink and looking at him "sounds fair, mind you it's getting me to shut up rather than be quiet when it comes to personal things. Unless you're an interviewer then I'm like nope."
Stephen took a drink of his beer before setting it down on the table, folding a leg underneath him as he tried to think of a question to get them started off. "Interviewers and paparazzi are the worst. They have no sense of boundaries and only care about scandals most of the time." He explained, shaking his head. "With that being said, what's the worst question you've ever been asked during an interview?"
Karen: She laughed and said "Oh Lord there's been so many any sexist questions. How do you get your abs looking so good? "
Stephen laughed and shook his head. "Out of all of the questions, that's the first one you go with?" He teased, shaking his head again before speaking. "A lot of trips to the gym and exercising. It takes a lot of work to look like this."
Karen: She nodded her head and said "yes! I had to go with the worst question first" she said "I mean it's better in person"
Stephen He smirked, chuckling softly. "Why do they keep offering roles where your accent is hidden? Are they scared of the Scottish language?"
Karen: "I think so, I think they just want to make me more appealing to the general masses" she said "feck it right? "
Stephen "Well I love it so you know, stand up to then and start using your influence to make it happen. They made an animated movie with an actual Scottish princess, surely they can give you one role." He smirked, taking another sip of his beer. "Next question."
Karen: She smiled softly looking at him "Well thank you so much! I know I wanna be Merida but they won't do a live action of her. Hmm dream role you have? "
Stephen "You never know. If they keep on the path they are now, pretty soon every animated Disney movie will be live action so perhaps you'll get your chance." He said, resting his head in his hand. "I've been playing a hero for the past eight years and I'd really love to try my hand at a villain. It doesn't matter who but yeah, I think it would be fun."
Karen: "Nebula is so much fun to play with after being Amy for as long as I was being naughty is fun. But she's a hero now so not sure about that anymore. You'd be a delicious baddie. "
Stephen "You can still make her naughty as a good guy. I mean you did it pretty well in Guardians 2 and End Game. It's all about the delivery. She was still a badass, even if she is a good guy now." The Canadian complimented, rolling his eyes at her compliment. "Are you hungry? Because I'm not sure being a delicious baddie is what I want." He teased, a small laugh escaping him.
Karen: She laughed at his comments "no! Not hungry, " she said, shaking her head "I can have her go a bit wild"
Stephen "You definitely should. It'll make the next installment that much more enjoyable." He teased, crinkling his nose. "Who is your dream costar? And you can't tell me because that's cheating." He smirked, taking a swig of his beer.
Karen: "Damn it I wanted to say you! " She said pouting in his direction adorably so, "hmm I wanna work with Steve Martin"
Stephen "Us working together is no longer a pipe dream. With your writing skills and my friendship with you, you can write us something fun to star in." Her answer caused him to nod, a smile playing on his lips. "Same. I would love to work with him as well. As well as Tom Hanks and Morgan Freeman. It would literally be a dream come true."
Karen: "you're right, I think it would have to be a rom com of sorts " she said booping his nose " I worked with Tom he's great to work with!"
Stephen laughed and rolled his eyes. "A rom com? Really? How about an action movie with romantic undertones? I don't know if I'm made for romcoms." He teased, swatting her hand away playfully. "I'm insanely jealous of you right now. I mean it's just not fair." He smirked, shaking his head. "Your turn Kar."
Karen: She smiled and said " Yes you and your smile definitely can be a rom com " she said "top five actresses you wanna kiss"
Stephen "Perhaps one day. I'm not sure if it'll happen given that I'm reaching 40 but if you write it, I might star in it." He thought hard about the question, tapping his fingers on the back of the couch. "Halle Berry, Ann Hathaway, Charlize Theron, Gal Gadot, and... well I could say you but I feel like I could kiss you right now with your permission and I'm basing this on females I'll never get to kiss so my last one is going to be Jennifer Lawrence."
Karen: She looked at him "I can definitely see it" she said nodding her head slightly tipsy when he said he wanted to kiss her right now. "Is that your question to kiss me?"
Stephen wasn't drunk, he wasn't even tipsy yet but the appeal of the redhead across from him made him wish he was. It would have been easy for him to close the gap and just kiss her while his inhibitions were down but given that he was sober and would most likely ruin their friendship was giving him pause. "It was going to be one of them eventually. Perhaps later after dinner and when we were slightly more inebriated. Not that I don't want to kiss you sober but I'm just not sure it's what either of us really... needs right now." He wasn't making any sense, perhaps it was the hunger or how tired he was but as he made eye contact with her, he bit his lip. "I just don't want to regret anything tomorrow, you know?"
Karen: She looked at him and felt the weight of the question she could read his mind. He didn't want to kiss her just yet, but she wasn't going to let that hinder the fun they were having. She felt her own stomach growl "Perhaps food, food would be better .."
Stephen hoped that he hadn't hurt her feelings by his words. It wasn't like he didn't want to kiss her but he wanted to make sure it was something they both wanted and that the timing was right. Even if it wasn't tonight. "Yes food. I haven't eaten since that layover in New York. Lead the way beautiful." He said, offering her a warm smile.
Karen: She took his hand "Damn well we ought to get you fed then shouldn't we?" She said heading to the kitchen " take out tonight then I'll do my tourist gig for you deal? "
Stephen "Yes. Food is good. I'm starving." He teased, leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. "Order whatever you want for the two of us. I'm not picky." He said, standing up from his place on the couch. "I'm going to go get us some ice. Be right back."
Karen: "Ok, hope you like haggis" she said back to him she settled on a good restaurant she became fond of recently. Berlin while it had its own charm didn't fail when it came to food, the cuisine here was slowly becoming her favorite. Smiling she dialed the restaurant and ordered in broken German.
Stephen "I've never had it but uh, it sounds... interesting." He smirked before heading into the guest room. He quickly changed out of his travel clothes and put on something more comfortable and clean before heading back out to where Karen was. "Now I can get some ice. I had to get out of those clothes." He headed out the door and to the ice machine a few feet down, filling the bucket before heading back. "All set. Now we're just waiting on the food. Shall we continue with the questions?"
Karen: She chuckled when he came back in with the ice "Thanks for the ice, ice, baby" she said laughing before nodding her head "yes more questions your turn I believe?"
Stephen "Wow. You are such a nerd." He teased, shaking his head before grabbing the bottle of wine from the fridge. He brought the bucket and placed the bottle inside. "Hmm, do you believe in the supernatural?" The Canadian asked, looking over at her.
Karen: "I believe in some supernatural things, it's complicated I did interact with a ghost before and Matt can vouch for me."
Stephen "Okay I need to hear this story because I'm fascinated by ghost stories." He admitted, his face lighting up like an excited child. "I mean, if you don't mind sharing. I promise I won't say anything."
Karen: "Okay so we were living in the same flat building and he was dropping me off one night after set and we saw blood on my door and heard a noise that sounded like a ghoul and we both ran and slept at his flat that night."
Stephen "Oh wow, that's crazy. But it also makes me want to watch a scary movie." He laughed, his nose crinkling as he reached for his beer. "Did you know the place was haunted or was this a surprise?"
Karen: "I love scary movies! What is your favorite thing about them?" she said elated before shaking her head "it was in Cardiff where we were filming Who so I had no idea."
Stephen "Really? Okay so that solves what movie we're watching tonight." He said matter of factly as he reached for the remote. "I love the suspense. If you can keep me on the edge of my seat while also sending chills up my spine, you've done a good job." He answered, nodding his head. "Here's my question. Do you know the difference between a scary movie and a horror film?" He asked, nodding his head. "I would have researched after this happened to find out myself. I love that stuff."
Karen: "I was in a horror film my character is crazy." she said winking at him "not so far from reality." she thought on the question "hmm good question and I'm blanking at the moment about the right answer"
Stephen "I remember that very well. It was very spooky. And that ending was insane." He stated, hearing a knock on the door. "That would be the food. Be right back." He got up and walked to the door, paying the courier and bringing the food back to the living room. "This smells amazing by the way." Grinning, he looked over at her and smiled. "It's simple really. Horror movies are typically monsters/psychopaths with a lot of blood. Scary movies are supernatural in nature. At least, that's my definition."
Karen: "So you have been keeping tabs on me before meeting me huh?" she said laughing as he went to the door and smiled at the gesture it was odd for her to have someone to get the door when the food arrived anywhere, she was used to getting it. So it was a change of pace. When she was with Christ Pratt they were always or sometimes on set and so the food would be provided there, but when it was after shoots and they were at each other home it was different. "Well hey, I mean it's not haggis I was just teasing you." she said nodding her head "I liked your definition."
Stephen "Not really. I mean, when you work with Arthur, and he speaks nothing but good things, well, it kind of makes me want to watch the things that person is in. It was terrifying but you looked amazing and did a great job." He said, bringing the food back over to the table. "I was teasing too. At this point, I'll eat anything." Stephen grinned, looking over at her. "Should we make a toast first?" He said, holding up his bottle of beer.
Karen: "He's the biggest softie I know! Minus RDJ." She said smiling at Steve the way he complimented her was so sweet she was never one to take a compliment well but with Steve, it was different. "Toast to what exactly?"
Stephen "And an amazing cuddler." He teased, before scratching his head. "Hmm, to our health, our future, and great friends." He stated, clinking his bottle against her wine glass. "Shall we eat?" He asked, grabbing a container from the bag and opening it.
Karen: "You have cuddled Thomas?" She said wide eyed "That's a cute mental image" she said smiling as he took out the container " it's Chinese I hope you don't mind?"
Stephen "I'm sure he'd deny it but yes. We snuggled once." He teased, grabbing his fork as he quickly took a bite. Dinner went by fast, very few words were spoken in the twenty minutes that it took. But now, it was over and Stephen was browsing through Netflix for a scary movie they had agreed on. Hitting play, he leaned up, lifting up his arm so that she could cuddle into him. She smelled good, her shampoo hitting his nose but he needed to focus on the movie and not the woman currently fitting perfectly into his side.
Karen: The way his heartbeat echoed in her chest made her feel all giddy "Oh my goodness I am so ready for this film, what about you?" She said looking up at him perks of cuddles she wasn't always the tall one.
Stephen looked down at her and laughed, nodding his head. "Let's do it. Don't laugh too hard if I scream though okay?" He teased, tearing his eyes away from her and to the screen. He didn't know why he was all of sudden nervous but he wasn't going to let that spoil his evening with her.
Karen: She got up to turn the lights off "some mood lighting for the spooky scenes" she said dashing over to him pulling up a blanket over the two of them "all good I scream during films too!"
Stephen laughed and nodded, holding her close once she was back in his arms. He knew he liked her company already but the fact that his palms were sweaty and his heart was racing meant that it went deeper than that. He had tried so hard not to get involved but it seemed that fate had other plans. Who wouldn't want to date her? She was amazing. He was the problem. He just had to restrain himself and get through the movie. "Well we can protect each other."
Karen: She liked how it feels to be held by him, she could have fallen asleep she was so comfortable with him. He was a great guy, awesome father and just amazing she was wondering why he would like spending so much time with her. No matter how baffling it was to her she wasn't going to complain. Taking his hand she said "deal"
Stephen offered her a warm smile, his fingers wrapping tighter around her arm, chin resting on the top of her head. "What should we do tomorrow? Or after the movie is over? The night is still young and I'm not ready for sleep yet."
Karen: She smiled at the way his chin rested on her head it was a comforting thing. She glanced at him "well there's a chocolate candy store on the outskirts of town and a great cafe plus some sightseeing, so anything else can be done tonight. What do you want to do the most? "
Stephen "Well I'm here for tonight and tomorrow. And could be persuaded to stay longer if you're your guiding is as good as you claim." He teased, fingers rubbing up and down her arms. "How about we just explore? No destination, no time limit. Just us in the middle of Berlin with a map and our imaginations."
Karen: She sighed at the feeling of his fingers trailing lazily on her arms, she tapped her nose for a moment pretending to think "well, I mean I'm always up for adventure!"
Stephen "Good. Then that's what we'll do." He watched a bit more of the film, his eyes trailing down go focus on the redhead every so often. He wondered if he should make a move, it was clear there was tension so as he looked down at her, she met his gaze. "Was that your invitation for me to make a move? Cause it was received." He smiled, leaning his head down to press his lips to her softly.
Karen: "Well two beats ago it was" she said smirking as she felt his lips on hers she closed her eyes and smiled as he kissed her softly. She sighed against his lips as she curved into his touch.
Stephen never liked to make assumptions where women were concerned and sometimes he read too much into signs and other times he did not read enough. But as he continued to kiss the redhead, he thought about all the signs she'd given him in the past and it made him chuckle against her lips. Pulling away, he looked into her eyes and smirked. "I guess I'm not as good at reading you as I thought." He teased, grabbing her arm to pull her into his lap, lips meeting hers again. He sat up straighter, arms resting on her back as he deepened the kiss, finally giving in to what he'd wanted since arriving.
Karen: She hadn't been kissed like this in a long while she wasn't used to it but did it feel like home, the way he held her was possessive but gentle and how he kissed her his lips were softer, warmer and sweeter than she had thought they would have tasted. She chuckled looking deep into his eyes at his remark and said "well you'll have plenty of time to understand the pages in my books that you'll be fluent in reading what I'm showing you" she said straddling him feeling his arms around her back. She closed her eyes tighter and breathed in his cologne "Stephen how long did you want to kiss me for?"
Stephen moaned softly into the kiss, his body reacting in ways it hadn't since his divorce. He had hooked up before but there was no intimacy, it was just meaningless sex and if he was being honest with himself, he was tired of it. He wasn't ready to commit either but he wanted it to mean something more. Maybe with Karen, if it led to that, could be the start of something new for him. Her question caught him off guard and he paused, teeth nipping at her neck as he growled at her. "Since I walked in the door." He confessed, kissing along her jawline as his fingers tangled in her hair.
Karen: She felt her breath catch in her throat as his lips and teeth explored her neck she groaned softly at his touch "Glad we have that in common" she said arching her back into his chest as he intertwined her locks in his fingers "I've been wanting to kiss you"
=Stephen "Then let's stop talking and give in to what we want." He whispered, lips hovering over her ear before he pressed his lips to the lobe, kissing back down with more vigor. He knew she would have to return to work so he shouldn't leave a mark on her but he wanted everyone to know so he found a spot that had gotten a response from her before and sucked hard, teeth pulling the skin into his mouth as he worked a hickey into the soft flesh. His hands left her hair to trail down her body, fingers tickling her as it ghosted over the pale skin.
Karen: She felt the need and the wanting for him growing in the pit of her stomach she felt herself growing further away from logic and more towards how much she wanted to wake up beside Stephen in the morning.
Stephen had thrown away all logic and reasoning the minute his lips met hers and he wasnt looking back. He had been wanting Karen for a while, their budding friendship had somehow turned into a lustful need to be with her. As he slid his tongue into her mouth, his hands worked their way inside the top she was wearing, his calloused but nimble fingers making easy work of her bra straps. Expertly lifting the shirt up and over her head, he tossed it to the side before pulling her flush against him, tongue running along the roof of her mouth as his hips worked into a rhythm against her covered core.
Karen: She groaned as he started to take off her clothes "Stephen" she said along his lips "my bedroom" she said nearly whimpering, she loved talking to him, hugging and just everything that she did with him. But the way that her chest felt against him was too much "too much clothes" she said lifting his shirt off of his head and kissing the center of his chest.
Stephen laughed, standing up off the couch, his many years of gym workouts allowed him to carry the woman to the bedroom with ease. Once they were there, he lifted his arms, eyes never leaving hers as she lifted his shirt off, his hands immediately wrapping around her again. Carrying her further into the room, he dropped her gently on the bed, his body covering hers as he met her lips again. "You're beautiful." He whispered, fingers floating along her sides before he kneaded her breasts in his hands. Teeth nipped at her neck, lips and tongue trailing kisses down her now naked torso. Her perfume enveloped his senses and he made quick work of her pants, pushing them down and away from her.
Karen: She looked up as he bridged over her "I could say the same to you" she said kissing him back after he called her beautiful "we don't have to rush...I know our urges are tell us that we must but I wanna take this slow with you, is that ok?" she said kissing his knuckles.
Stephen smiled down at her, tucking some hair out of her face before nodding as he crawled off of her and instead lay next to her, shifting onto his side and pulling her to him. "We can go as slow as you want babe." He whispered, kissing the tip of her nose. "I'm here for as long as you want me."
Karen: The way he was able to go from primal want to sweet and gentle was a good thing to Karen there were days in the past that men just kind of used her and forgot about her so to see that he was able to turn that portion of himself off was a plus to her. "I wanna have you around a long while.." she said kissing his neck "I have grown fond of you"
Stephen "Well that's good because I dont plan on going anywhere." He teased, kissing her forehead. "You have? Hmm, what should we do about that?" Stephen asked, tapping her nose. "I have a few ideas." He added, leaning in to kiss her again.
Karen: She watched as he leaned in to kiss her forehead he was so affectionate and it was astonishing to Karen. "Hmm what indeed" she said kissing him back.
Stephen "We can make out until our mouths are sore. I can give you a massage. Or we can finish our movie. Whatever you want babe." He said, hand resting on her hip as their lips met again.
Karen: "Oh! I like the first two options" she said kissing him deeper raking her nails down his back
Stephen "Which one do you like better because itll be hard for me to do them both at the same time." He asked, his nose crinkling as he dug his fingers into her hip.
Karen: "My lips are magnetized to yours right now" she said kissing his nose "hmm but those hands of yours"
Stephen:  "Well then, allow me to wow you babe." He said, leaning up and motioning for Karen to roll onto her stomach. His hands went to her shoulders, thumbs kneading the soft flesh in circles before he worked his way down her back.
Karen: She groaned at how he was good at nearly everything "do you feel those knots?"
Stephen "You're very tense. Relax and if I'm hurting you, just let me know and I'll stop." The Canadian said before kneading a bit harder on her problem areas.
Karen: "I'm alright the training and filming has my back a mess" she said reaching back to caress his thigh
Stephen "They dont have an on set masseuse to help you with sore or pulled muscles?" He asked, fingers going down to her lower back, fingers digging in harder. "I would have thought you did given the strenuous stunts you've been doing."
Karen: "They do but they aren't as good as you" she said smiling softly
Stephen "Oh well hopefully I can work out the kinks in time for your return to set. I'm only here for the weekend so use me as you will." He smirked, shaking his head before leaning down to kiss her shoulder. "Are you feeling any better? Any place you want me to get that you can't reach?"
Karen: "hmm come to think of it I don't think so but, I'll let you know for sure" she said turning back over to look up at him " I don't want you to leave when the weekend is over" she said cupping his cheek
Stephen stopped what he was doing, coming around to lay down so that he was facing her, a small smile crossing his face. "Convince me to stay." He whispered, his eyes boring into hers. He didn't have to be back in Vancouver for a couple of weeks and the only thing waiting on him in LA was an empty house so staying with Karen would be ideal but he didn't want to overstep his bounds either.
Karen: She wondered how she could get him to stay a few more days she curled into his body and kissed him passionately and slowly letting her tongue explore every inch of his mouth. Running her hands down his chest tantalizingly slow she traced each muscle until she got to his hips.
Stephen returned her kiss with fervor, the hunger inside of him was threatening to come out if she continued her minstrations much longer. He wasn't complaining by any means but they had said to take it slow but the way she was acting made him want to have her now. He moaned into the kiss, fingers tangling in her hair as his other hand trailed along her spine, his mind a mixed bag of emotions and lustful thoughts.
Karen: She groaned back as his hand slipped down her bare back , she hooked her leg around him and pressed herself closer to him her long legs revealed and her knickers the last item on her body. She knew this position fairly well and the fact that he was willing to wait was enough for her not to want to. "These" she said patting his jeans "they have to go"
Stephen let the woman take control, it was her decision to wait and from where he was laying, she had decided it might be time. Chuckling at her words, he pressed his lips to hers as he quickly unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them down his hips and kicking them off his legs. He moaned, there was just a thin layer of fabric separating from what he desperately craved. "Fuck Ren, you're so sexy right now." He confessed, watching her take control. It wouldn't last but for now, it was enough to cause his cock to twitch and harden.
Karen: She smirked at how he was reacting to her body she kissed him softly "You like that then?" she asked before kissing his neck
Stephen "I do. But in my defense, its been so long and you're smoking hot so can you blame me?" He teased, turning his head to the left so she could get better access. He trailed a finger along the hem of her panties, tickling the skin.
Karen: "It's been a long time since I have been with someone too, nearly a year." she said before she stopped talking at how he was tickling her skin "Stephen.." she said breathlessly
Stephen "What an interesting pair we make huh?" He teased, noticing the effect his current actions were having on her. The whispered mutter of his name caused a shiver to crawl up his spine as he looked up at her. "Yes?" He asked, continuing what he was doing, each pass pushed the fabric a little further down her hips.
Karen: "Right? Also how would our production companies feel about the DC and Marvel mash up?" she said trying to distance her thoughts from how he was removing her knickers "Mhm.."
Stephen laughed and crinkled his nose. "It would be amazing and long overdue. Not to mention epic as fuck." The older male stated, finally pushing them down and away from her body. He let his eyes roam her body, licking his lips as he wiggled a finger at her. "Come here." He whispered, pulling her down so he could kiss her again.
Karen: She loved how his nose crinkled "Language there" she said shaking her head and teasing him, once her knickers were gone she looked at him hoping he wasn't judging her or anything she looked at the way his tongue flicked across his lips and how he whispered to her. Feeling his lips against hers again sent a shiver up her spine.
Stephen "Oh you don't like when I say fuck? Well what are you going to do about it?" He teased, licking her lip playfully. Once she was completely naked and he had gotten a good look at her pale, but flawless, skin, he loved everything he saw. She was radiant and he loved that she was letting him see this side of her. Sliding his tongue inside her mouth, he scooted her body up his torso so he could quickly and effectively slide his boxers off, tossing them off the side of the bed.
Karen: "I was teasing and you know I could just slip my clothes back on" she said feeling the waistband of his boxers gone and it was flesh to flesh. "Did you think that we would end up here tonight?"
Stephen "You will do no such thing, you minx." He smirked, watching her face for any sign that she didn't want this, or that she was changing her mind about being with him. Her question caused him to shake his head before clarifying. "I mean, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about, or had ulterior motives for visiting, but I'm a gentleman so it's not just about the sex. I wanted to get to know you as well. I had hope that it would end with us in bed but I wasn't expecting anything."
Karen: "I get called that a lot" she said trying to make him jealous before she bit her lip "I like talking to you, and kissing, and I don't know.." she said sighing before cupping his face "I feel safe with you" she said softly and vulnerably
Stephen "By who?! I'll fight them. That's my name for you." Stephen laughed, running his hand up and down her hips. "I like doing that too. You're very kissable. And talkative." He teased, giving her a soft peck on her lips. "I'll always protect you. Its part of the job of knowing me. An unpaid protector and bodyguard."
Karen: "Well I'm not yours yet, so you don't really have a claim on me" she said "things that I get told a lot too" she said kissing closing her eyes and kissing him "I mean I can protect myself but it's a heart feeling"
Stephen "That's true. And I apologize for assuming. But you know, you could be." He smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Mine I mean. We can take it slow, go on a few dates, get a feel for one another, and then if we're still feeling like this after a few dates, we can label it." He confessed, biting his lip. He was being vulnerable and putting his cards on the table and it was up to her to decide if this is what she wanted. It would take him a while to get there but with her by his side, maybe he actually could.
Karen: "Do you still mind waiting until then for me?" she said even though they were naked and vulnerable with each other right now she was certain that they could be strong enough until at least that point.
Stephen "As long as you don't mind waiting for me. Its going to take me a while to break down the walls but I like spending time with you, I like what we're doing, and I think we could have fun together. No rules, no expectations. We just go with the flow and be ourselves." He added, nodding his head.
Karen: "It's always the best when I don't have to pretend to be anyone that I'm not. and that you like me for who I am is a good thing" she said kissing him
Stephen "I'm a divorced 38 year old father with commitment issues. If you can put up with me, you can literally handle anything." He replied, returning her kiss hungrily. They were still naked, he was still horny and he definitely wanted to get back to what they were doing before all the talking.
Karen: "I've never been married, but I've been used, forgotten and just left in the dust, and if you can handle that then that's great" she said kissing him deeply "don't stop.."
Stephen "Well that stops with me. I'm in this to the end, whatever that may be." He admitted, sliding his tongue into her mouth, grazing it along the roof of her mouth. "I won't babe." He whispered, grabbing her around the waist and flipping them over. It was his turn to be in control, to show her just what he could do. He was leaking already, his want for the redhead was evident by his hard cock resting against her wet core.
Karen: she felt a tear come down her face as he kissed her the words he just said running in her mind "Good' she said feeling her back hitting the mattress
Stephen 's lips left hers, trailing down her neck to suck another hickey into the soft flesh. She might not be his but he was going to let people think she was. "Your makeup artist is going to kill me when she sees these." He laughed softly before taking a pert nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the hardened nub.
Karen: She could have cared less about the make up crew she knew her fellow cast members would never stop teasing her if she came to work with hickeys but she didn't care about that either. "I don't care.." she said arching her back into his touch.
Stephen chuckled against her skin and nodded his head, his kisses trailing further and further down her body, his tongue sneaking through his lips to lick between her folds, sucking her clit into his mouth. This was just a teaser, a warm up but he wanted to lay it all out and show her what he could do and he wanted to hear those sounds coming from her.
Karen: She arched herself into him "Stephen.." she said gripping the sheets
Stephen His name leaving her lips sent chills up his back and he kept going, his tongue working faster as it entered her warm canyon, her juices hitting his taste buds as he rolled it back and forth.
Karen: She groaned running her hands throughout his hair, as he continued to tease her, she was growing to be lost in his touch "soso good"
Stephen hummed against her, his lips kissing her nether lips as he continued thrusting his tongue in and out of her. He wanted to bring her to the brink of orgasm but would deny her the pleasure until he was buried inside her tight walls. Fingers were holding her thighs apart as he thrust one more time, his face completely disappearing between her legs.
Karen: She bucked her hips against his face "Stephen..." she said shrieking
Stephen was loving this, he was learning so much about what she liked and it was going to make their sex life so much better because he was very attentive and if you kept her happy, it would always lead to good things. When he felt that she had had enough teasing, he pulled his face away, licking his lips before crawling back up her body, lips kissing lips as he grabbed his cock and lined it up at her entrance. Fingers tangled in her hair as he muffled her cries, pushing his hips forward as he entered her wet pussy.
Karen: She was about to lose it when he pulled away feeling his lips on hers again she sighed before she growled feeling him entering she gripped his back as he entangled himself in the mess of ginger locks
Stephen stilled his hips once his cock was inside her, giving the ginger haired woman time to adjust. He was bigger than most men, a blessing really, so he wasn't sure how well she would take him. When she started grinding her hips, he knew she was ready so he started moving again, slow at first but then picking up speed, his teeth nipping at any skin he could get too.
Karen: She took a moment to get used to him but then she began to grind her hips along his before she gripped his hips as he moved up and down and in and out of her "more.." she said her accent rich and her voice raspy
Stephen smirked against her skin, loving that she was craving him more and more. He was only going at half speed and when she asked for more, he leaned in, his voice low and deep. "Are you sure? I doubt you'll be able to walk later." He teased, grabbing the headboard. He pulled out of her completely before slamming his cock back inside, bottoming out immediately.
Karen: "I'm not sure you would be able to resist me if you tried" she said wrapping her legs around his waist moaned and writhing beneath him as he went faster
Stephen "Who says I would try? If you want sex, I'm ready. Always." He retorted, hips burning as he pounded harder into her, his dick hitting that sweet spot inside her.
Karen: "I'll keep that in mind" she said unable to resist and hold back from the sounds coming out of her mouth as he kept going
Stephen "Good. Now kiss me while I finish seducing you." He teased, his lips connecting to hers once again as he continued thrusting his hips. His legs and hips were burning, his hiatus body wasn't liking the strenuous activity he was currently doing but Stephen didn't care. He could tell she was close, her body squirming underneath him as he kept slamming into her gspot.
Karen: "Yes sir' she said kissing him deeply she was nearly there they were nearly there she could tell that he was tired and that the headboard was nearly about to fall off if he gripped it more "baby, flip us I'll go ontop I don't wanna exhaust you"
Stephen shivered when she called him sir, a hidden kink of his that no one knew about, which caused him to moan into the kiss. Shaky legs kept pace, his body growing weaker as he worked his cock in and out of her. When she told him to flip, he nodded, letting go of the headboard and wrapping his arms around her as he flipped over, eyes opening to look up at the redhead currently straddling him.
Karen: She rocked on her hips and laced their hands together going faster than he was before she kept bouncing up and down taking him in completely each time "I'll try not to break your wrist"
Stephen watched the redhead ride his cock, her hips thrusting fast and her perfect breasts bouncing. He squeezed her hand, his toes curling as he met her thrusts, shoving himself deeper and farther inside. He knew he was close, his cock aching for release as he moaned loudly, grabbing her head to pull her down as he kissed her fiercely.
Karen: She constricted around him and tightening and letting go as his lips met hers she groaned loudly and unashamed into his mouth "Mm baby" she said breathlessly
Stephen felt her walls loosen as she came and he moaned loudly, his own release coming out fast and deep inside her. Rope after rope of his spunk spilled inside her and he rested his forehead against hers as they both came down from the high they were riding. "God baby that was so good. You're so good." He whispered, cupping her cheeks as he kissed her again.
Karen: She was sweaty and satisfied and feeling loved "best I've ever had" she said "I like it when you call me baby" she said pulling away from his kiss and untangling her legs from his waist she wrapped her arms around him
Stephen "Now I know you're lying." He teased, kissing the tip of her nose as he cuddled her close. "And I like it when you call me sir." He smirked, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck. "You were the best for me too, you know?"
Karen: "I was just being sarcastic when I called you that" she said laughing hoarsely "Can I be brave and bold with you for a moment?"
Stephen "Uh huh sure you were." He teased, his nose crinkling as he kissed her neck sweetly, nodding it when she asked her question. "Always babe."
Karen: "okay, here it goes" she said softly "I could see myself falling for you and that scares the hell out of me"
Stephen listened to her confession, a small smile playing at his lips, his fingers coming up to run through her sweat drenched hair. "I'm scared too because I can see it too. You're sweet, funny, sexy, and I enjoy talking to you. You're honest and I feel like I can be myself around you and you won't judge me. That's rare in our profession, you know?"
Karen: Had she not been so tired she would have had him a second time but looking at him she wanted to wait. Properly this time. "I feel the same way about you too, I hope you know that" she said nudging his nose with hers.
Stephen smiled, as he often found himself doing with Karen, and nodded. "Good. Now that that is out of the way, we should probably sleep. I want to take you out on a date tomorrow and I'll need time to prepare." He grinned, leaning in to kiss, letting in linger as he wrapped his arms around her. He could fall in love with her and while it scared him, he wasn't going to ru. Not this time.
Karen: She loved how his eyes slightly crinkled when he smiled too big "A proper date? I don't think I can sleep now knowing that I get to go on a date with THE Stephen Amell" she said before kissing him deeply and softly " If we fall we'll be brave enough together"
Stephen "I'm no one compared to the Karen Gillan. Fiery redhead with a great ass and an even better personality." He teased, leaning over her as the kiss deepened. "Its not an if baby. It's when we fall." He corrected, reaching over to flip off the lamp.
Karen: "You mention of all things my hair and my arse?" She said quizzically "it's usually my legs" she said " When we fall , which is feeling sooner rather than later"
Stephen laughed and crinkled his nose. "Well I figured naming off everything would take too much time. Let's just say I like it all. Legs included." He smirked, shaking his head. "I'll remember them wrapped around my head for weeks afterward." He listened to her words, and nodded. He was definitely feeling a sensation similar to love already and knew that the longer they spent time together, the easier it would be to day. "Tey to sleep or I'll give you another orgasm and you'll have no choice."
Karen: She smiled and curled into him "Hmm well I wouldn't mind falling asleep to everything you adore about me" she said smirking at him "As will I" she said winking at him in the now darkened room "well that's not a threat to me at all."
Stephen "Well then in that case..." he said, his eyes narrowing mischievously. He kissed her lips, then her chin, left a few more marks on her neck as he trailed down her body. He breathed in her scent, a soft moan falling from his lips as he finally reached his destination. Lifting the covers, he buried his head between her legs and without warning, stuck his tongue between her folds and started cleaning her up.
Karen: She chuckled as she watched the man she was falling in love with disappear under the covers "Mhm" she said humming as he lapped at her folds "just like that.."
Stephen loved the taste of her and as he continued lapping at her folds, he thought about yesterday. How he'd boarded a plane to fly to her, with no intentions of sleeping with her, and now they were going on a date and he felt like things were finally going to work out for him. He was falling hard and fast and that terrified him but Karen was perfect and he wanted to make her happy. "Yeah?" He whispered, nose nuzzling into her clit before sucking it into his mouth, two fingers disappearing into her still stretched pussy.
Karen: She had no idea that this treasure of a man and her would click as well as they did but here they were clicking in the most intimate of ways. She writhed under his touch still sensitive from before "Youyou're so good to me" she said bucking her hips.
Stephen used his other hand to pin her hips down, the strength from all those years of the Salmon Ladder making it easy to overpower her. He continued sucking on her clit as his fingers slid in and out of her. He added a third, scissoring them apart as he stretched her further. She was intoxicating and he knew he could stay in and have sex with her all weekend...or at least for the night.
Karen: She was panting at how vigorously he was moving his fingers in and out of her she was dripping but not letting go yet, she rolled her back into his touch each time, his strong hand pinning her to mattress had her gasping "Baby..." she said growling as he sucked on her sensitive nub more and more. "Don't stop.."
Stephen "I'm not baby. Don't worry. Im going to make you feel so good." He teased, before diving right back in. His tongue joined his fingers, tastebuds noticing the salty taste of his own cum mixed with her juices. He could get used to this and didnt want it to stop, especially if she was going to keep.making those sounds. He curled his tongue, a hidden talent no one knew about, and swirled his tongue in circles inside her. ,
Karen: "Shit.." she said rolling her hips at his last dive into her she wrapped her legs around his head and pressed closer ripping the sheet off the bed at his movements "babe.."
Stephen ignored her whispered words, his mind focusing on getting her off before he fuckrd her again. He knew she would mind back to back orgasms because what woman did? Her legs wrapping around his head pushed his tongue further into her, the tip barely hitting that sweet spot inside her. Hearing a loud moan from her spurred him on as he kept hitting it, harder and faster.
Karen: She came undone in his arms she wasn't sure she could have held on much when he found that spot and hit it a few times "mhm baby, mhmm shh..." she said incoherently
Stephen: "Be loud for me love." He said, wanting to hear how good she sounded. He lapped up the juices she gave him, licking his lips as he crawled back up her body and pressed his lips to hers. He slid his tongue easily through her lips as his cock quickly entered her moist cavern.
Karen: She growled before tasting his lips on hers "Damn." She said gripping his hips "I don't wanna break your eardrums.." she said kissing his neck before biting his flesh softly.
Stephen "That wouldn't be good at all." He whispered, thrusting his hips into her again, his hard cock immediately hitting that spot inside her. "But you dont have to muffle yourself either. I love hearing the woman I'm with being vocal. It's an ego boost babe." He added, a playful smirk in his lips before he kissed her again.
Karen: She smirked and then stared at him blankly "Um I'm sorry run that by me again"
Stephen "Which part? The part about where I love you being loud or the part about how its an ego boost?" He smirked, a mischievous grin crossing his lips.
Karen: "The part about you being with me"
Stephen "Oh. Well, I love hearing the woman I'm with being vocal. Whether that is just sexually or more personal." He teased, kissing the tip of her nose.
Karen: She groaned both out of pleasure and frustration. "why are you this way?"
Stephen "What was is that? Crazy about you or just me in general?" He smirked, thrusting his hips as he bottomed out inside her once again.
Karen: "Both" she said blushing deeply before whimpering
Stephen "You can thank my mom. Its all because of her." He whispered, sucking her earlobe into his mouth as he let her whimpers fill the room. He took his time this time, slowly rotating his hips inside her.
Karen: "Really don't want to talk about your parents in this position" she said whimpering more before shrieking
Stephen "You asked though babe." He laughed and nodded, moving from her ear to her lips, his tongue easily sliding into her mouth as he sped up his movements, her moans muffled but still turning him on. "I could get used to hearing this." He whispered, his head spinning as he joined in, their moans matching perfectly in the huge room.
Karen: She groaned and lost it with him "so close love, soso very close"
Stephen "Then come with me, Ren." He whispered, hips thrusting deeper into her as his cock hit that spot inside her. He kept hitting it, her moans getting louder and faster, his body sore and mind blown as he released deep inside her womb, teeth nipping at her neck as she let go at the same time. "Fuck baby."
Karen: She loved being called Ren, everything about him made her feel like she could be herself completely with him and she just met him "So close" she said as she felt him that spot again, and again, before seeing stars and her legs trembling under him "shit.." she said before shrieking losing it completely
Stephen felt her release coating his dick and he moaned, his voice matching hers as she came harder than any previous orgasm. They were panting, their bodies covered in sweat, and he still found her the most beautiful woman in the world. "God you're literally perfect." He smirked, kissing her lips. "If I wasn't so tired, I'd clean you out again but fuck baby, you wore me out."
Karen: "Funny I was thinking the same thing about you" she said kissing him deeply "I won't be able to walk I don't think.." she said "you will have to be my uber."
Stephen "Oh yeah? At least we know we're sexually compatible." He teased, kissing her lips again before chuckling softly. "I will gladly be your Uber. I told you you wouldn't be able to walk and I meant it. It's only fair I be your driver."
Karen: "Yeah I mean did you think we wouldn't be?" she said tracing his lips with her fingertips "I didn't think it was possible but here we are"
Stephen laughed and shook his head. "Well no. But most of my sexcapades end at one time. We did it twice." He said, kissing her neck. "I'm glad I was able to prove you wrong. You better get used to it too. If your legs aren't jelly by the morning, then I'm not doing my job as a lover."
Karen: "Is that what you were auditioning for here? To be my lover?" she said wrapping her arms around him
Stephen chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "I'll take whatever you're ready to give. If that's just a lover, well, I'm cool with that. I said no rush and I meant it." He explained, pulling out of her softly and collapsing next to her.
Karen: She smiled over at him "You know I wouldn't mind in the future this becoming...this becoming something that is great.." she said afraid to say the word relationship when it came to someone, she cared about Steve a lot and didn't want to jinx them. Looking over at the man beside her she kissed his chest and said "goodnight lover." before she closed her eyes and said "I'm in so much trouble with this one..."
Stephen "I wouldn't either. I think we need some time to really gauge what this is between us but for now, let's just have fun with one another." He retorted, his fingers running through her hair as she kissed his chest. "Goodnight Ren." He whispered, shifting so that he could wrap his arms around the redhead. The last words she spoke had him smiling as he stayed quiet, nuzzling into her neck before letting his eyes fall closed.
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blue-note-lp · 5 years ago
bluenoterecords: Hear saxophonist & composer #GilMelle's tune "October" from his debut 10" LP "New Faces — New Sounds" (1953) on the new edition of #TheBlueNoteMonthly: https://t.co/LqOyLaDAkP FUN FACT: Gil Melle designed the cover artwork himself! https://t.co/s5EZCoF1Fb http://twitter.com/BlueNoteVinyl/status/1179412830140940288 BlueNoteVinyl
bluenoterecords: Hear saxophonist & composer #GilMelle's tune "October" from his debut 10" LP "New Faces — New Sounds" (1953) on the new edition of #TheBlueNoteMonthly: https://t.co/LqOyLaDAkP FUN FACT: Gil Melle designed the cover artwork himself! pic.twitter.com/s5EZCoF1Fb
— Blue Note Collector (@BlueNoteVinyl) October 2, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/BlueNoteVinyl October 02, 2019 at 11:08AM via IFTTT
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blue-note-lp · 6 years ago
bluenoterecords: #TheBlueNoteMonthly has classic cuts from legends like Art Blakey & Freddie Hubbard, more recent tracks from Jason Moran & Joel Ross, & hidden gems from our catalog like "Weird Valley" from saxophonist #GilMelle's little-known 1956 album… https://t.co/X4rmHinu5B http://twitter.com/BlueNoteVinyl/status/1151509684664360978 BlueNoteVinyl
bluenoterecords: #TheBlueNoteMonthly has classic cuts from legends like Art Blakey & Freddie Hubbard, more recent tracks from Jason Moran & Joel Ross, & hidden gems from our catalog like "Weird Valley" from saxophonist #GilMelle's little-known 1956 album… pic.twitter.com/X4rmHinu5B
— Blue Note Collector (@BlueNoteVinyl) July 17, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/BlueNoteVinyl July 17, 2019 at 11:11AM via IFTTT
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