#gilly x xavier
exmcrtis · 4 months
location: gilly's place
closed starter for: @ghostsbrokenbyfairytales (xavier)
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"it's been a long ass day, don't you think?" gilly's voice came out in almost a purr as she made her way through her apartment, a sly look on her face. having xavier all to herself always put gilly in a better mood, even she was about to be the most annoying person ever. approaching them now, the blonde lowered herself into their lap, one leg on either side of their hips as her arms draped around their neck. "at least for me it was. what about you? how was your day?"
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buckysdolls · 2 years
Chapter 1
Xavier Thorpe x O/C
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Joining Nevermore was never part of Alana's parent's plan… but here they were dropping her off at the Academy. Alana's mum Kate, a blubbering mess, was clinging to her daughter utterly distraught at the thought of her only daughter being away from home. Alana's father Gilly was constantly trying to make space between Kate and Alana so they could leave. The two parents had hoped the powers their family possessed would skip a generation but both of their children inherited their father's telekinesis.
Thankfully Principal Weems offered a tissue and guided Kate back to her car not before she was able to look up at her son Freddie who stood on his balcony peering down at his family. Kate blew him a kiss to which he smiled in response. Alana stood with her dad embracing him for the final time. She too made eye contact with her brother, they shared a devilish smile, a smile that spoke a thousand words… how happy they were to be reunited. Though Alana did quickly avert her gaze to two boys who stood on either side of Frankie who she recognised from conversations over facetime with her brother. One boy, Ajax, stood with his hands in his blazer pockets and a blue beanie covering all his snakes for hair. The other boy, Xavier was slouched leaning on the balcony, arms folded intently watching her with a smirk. She observed his sandy brown hair as he ran his fingers through it pushing it back, never once breaking eye contact. He stood up placing his hands in the pockets of his blue hoodie that he wore underneath his blazer. Alana had always seemed to be drawn to Xavier, she was attracted to him and she felt that in the times they had seen each other and communicated there were some unspoken words… he made her stomach flutter rapidly.
The colour blue seemed to be the schools favourite to her dismay…it represents sadness to her. Pastel colours were a palate Alana enjoyed or a simple black and grey combo worked well. Her staring was interrupted as Gilly pulled away from her and his comforting fatherly hands lay on her shoulders.
"Darling. If there is anything you need. We are a phone call away" one hand moved to her cheeks as he reassured her. Alana smiled, she was feeling confident and ready to begin her journey.
"I know dad, I have Freddie too… just take care of mum yeah?" Alana replied with her own hand resting on her fathers, she guided it away and closed their hands together into a fist before giving it a quick kiss and letting it go.
"Always darling" Gilly looked up the building of Nevermore finding his son grinning down at him, Gilly subtly nodded his head towards his son gesturing in acknowledgement. Freddie gave a three fingered quick salut and exchanged a smile with his father. Gilly turned his back on his children and returned to his car to give principal Weems one last handshake and leave the grounds of Nevermore Academy.
The clicks of principal Weems' heels averted Alana's attention to her as the principal towered of the seventeen year old.
"Wonderful people your parents" She gleamed, the red lipstick she wore popping against her stunningly white teeth.
"Indeed Principal Weems. However, I do feel lucky as I may have the potential freedom here to explore." Alana was excited to test her powers, train her strength and most importantly meet new people. Alana was average in height for a girl her age, with healthy and shiny black waist-length hair with side bangs. Her cherry clear lip gloss dazzled her full lips and her long eyelashes accentuated her already mesmerising clear blue ocean eyes. Her beauty was incredible, her pale skin was like that of a porcelain doll, and Alana looked delicate to the touch. Her opulence never fazed her as what mattered most to her was what was inside a person.
Alana was immediately approached by two girls and although they chatted as they made their way over their style made it seem as though they were complete opposites in life.
"You must be Alana? I'm Enid" The girl who was smiling from ear to ear as they approached spoke first. Enid wore a pink fluffy coat, which looked so soft Alana definitely wanted to borrow it.
"I've heard so many great things about you from Freddie, Enid. It's so great to finally meet everyone in person!" Alana replied, pulling Enid into a friendly squeeze. Alana looked over to the girl next to Enid still wearing a smile. The girl did not smile, blink or look away. She wore the school uniform but in a black version and long black braids draped over her shoulders.
"I'm Wednesday. I'm sure you'll find Nevermore just as enchanting as I do when finding dead rats in the library bookshelves. Also not a hugger."
Alana raised her eyebrows in surprise and giggly snorted amused by Wednesday's introduction.
"Noted. It's a pleasure to meet you, Wednesday."
Her room was spacious, without a roommate. Alana's attention was distracted from her colorful stained glass circular window that looked out onto the school quad to her door as the gold-plated handle was slowly turning, revealing Freddie behind the door. Like a gust of wind, Alana bolted over to her brother, engulfing him in a hug, and wrapping her arms around his chest. Freddie gripped back enjoying a quick hug before peeling her off him.
"They kicked you out too huh?" Freddie questioned Alana, her smile for the first time today dropped and let her eyes roll.
"Yes. But…" Alana was interrupted by her brother's stifled laugh.
"Hey! It's not funny…I had one moment of anger and I may… or may not have lost control and hurled the entire classroom's tables and chairs at another student. The first chair I did throw…the rest kinda followed along with my mind."
"Never change sis" Freddie patted her on the back as he walked past and began to look at his sister's belongings. A light wooden framed picture of their grandma and grandpops caught his attention.
"Gosh! They were amazing people weren't they?" Freddie gushed.
"Indeed. I miss them"
"Me too" Freddie set the photo on Alana's bedside table and perched himself on the edge of her bed. Freddie's expression changed from excitement to looking solemn.
"What's wrong?" Alana spoke softly, noticing her brother's shift in mood. Freddie looked up from the ground, Alana watched as her clothes exited her suitcase and hung and folded themselves neatly in the wardrobes and drawers. She wasn't doing it with her telekinesis so it must have been Freddie.
"There is some real trouble happening in Jericho…please don't get involved." Freddie stood up from the bed and began walking towards the door.
"What kind of trouble?"
"And no boys either! Especially my lot" Freddie avoided her previous question.
"Not fair!" Alana yelled out as her brother vanished.
After settling into her room at Nevermore Alana took the rest of the evening to try and familiarise herself with the building by wandering the halls and rooms. The rules of Nevermore were constricting. Boys and Girls couldn't mix after dark on site… trips to Jericho the town where Nevermore resides must be approved and considered a privilege. Alana found herself standing in front of a statue made of stone, holding a book, her fingertips traced the cold stone when a voice from beyond scared her, jolting her to turn around and come face to face with Xavier.
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mcmusing · 3 years
Now, for the ever controversial but inevitable reasoning as to why the Amazing Spider-Man 2012-2014 royally topples Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy.
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Upfront, I don't have anywhere near the level of disdain for the Raimi flicks that I have for the X-movies. They're disappointing, but not completely twisted and mental health harming.
I'll be nice and say what I like about the Spider trilogy first. Unlike the Punisher, Daredevil, and Elektra films, the trilogy has a solid supporting cast. James Franco as Harry Osbourne, Willem Dafoe as his father, Cliff Robertson as Uncle Ben, Dylan Baker as Curt Connors, Daniel Gillies as John Jameson, Bill Nun as Robbie Robertson, Elizabeth Banks as Betty Brant, and oh yeah, the ****irreplaceable**** JK Simmons! He is to J. Jonah Jameson what Patrick Stewart is to Charles Xavier. The great trend ends in sm3 with the casting choices for Gwen Stacy and Eddie Brock being, what must have been, the first two young-ish people the director saw after forgetting to hold auditions for those comic book important roles.
Most of fandom is pretty unanimous about the greatness of the sm villains. In that regard, I must agree. As stated previously, Willem Dafoe is so good as Norman, despite me not being a Green Goblin fan (Joker types grate on me real fast with their chaotic randomness). Alfred Molina was absolutely wonderful as Otto Octavius and still who I picture when I think about my dear Doc Ock. Thomas Haden Church did really well as Sandman. Too bad that performance wasn't enough to NOT leave me livid when Doc Ock and Norman died horribly but Sandman got the all-clear to continue his criminal activity- more on that later, believe me.
Of course, I know the other reasons fandom prefers the trilogy. Special effects up the wazoo and fight scenes on top of fight scenes. It really shocks me how much shade is thrown at Michael Bay for his testosterone driven directing style when superhero fans are so obsessed with the action elements that the actual protagonists are pretty irrelevant. The titular Fantastic Four were perfectly casted in 2005 and got across the heart of the comic characters wonderfully, but low action makes those movies horrendous?!
With that, let's talk about the sm trilogy protagonists, Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst. They were not so much poorly acted but terribly written and directed. They both also had such lackluster presences, carried entirely by the supporting players with who they shared scenes.   
After being introduced to and starting my sibling connection with the famous web slinger through Spider-Man the 90s Animated Series, Tobey was an unimpressive surprise in the live action version. He fit the tender, more vulnerable side of Peter Parker well. I figured we would see his nerdy high school self then watch him grow from there. Not only did that never happen, Peter seemed to emotionally backtrack with every film. After seeing all three, it's clear Tobey had no personal investment and just saw the iconic hero as a job.
Tobey's scenes with Norman, Harry, Doc Ock, Uncle Ben, and Jonah were great. Again, the other actors carried that. Unlike watching Ben Affleck or Thomas Jane, Tobey solo scenes are either depressing or dull. Then, there are his scenes with Kristen Dunst, which are awkward and repetitive. Tobey is nothing but a guy filling the suit. He brought nothing special to the role. None of Peter's amazing humor and charisma came across.
I'm left to wonder why people consider the trilogy to be the corny, lighthearted Spider-Man series. I ask this a lot, but did we watch the same movies?! The first one was okay and Tobey even got to joke a few times. Despite the forced bittersweet ending between him and Mary Jane, it was a decent first installment. Then, help me, sm2. It had more engaging elements than the first one, but this flick couldn't have been more of a mood killer. Great Spider-Man fight scenes did not make up for the amount of misery heaped upon Peter Parker. At every turn, something awful happened to him. I know his bad luck is infamous in the comics, but it was taken to extremes here. He lives in a disgusting slum apartment, Aunt May loses her house/his childhood home, his relationship with Harry is strained, his 'relationship' with Mary Jane is supremely stupid, the older male he makes a connection with becomes a dangerous criminal and dies in the end (like Norman in the last one!), he has no one he can confide in, he's on the borderline of academic probation, and being Spider-Man is a guilt filled chore, NOT a calling. No, seriously. Except for a few kids admiring him, Spider-Man gets such bad press and it ruins every single thing in Peter's personal life. I can't see what pleasure he gets out of this chosen turmoil. Kids should want to emulate him because.... why? Sticking to walls and kicking super freaks?  Yes, that's sure the guy I connected with so many moons ago.
Did Raimi hate Kristen Dunst, Mary Jane Watson, or both? She is like the non-homicidal conglomeration of Erik Lehnsherr and Raven Xavier. None of her immoral deeds are ever properly addressed. With the exception of maybe Flash, she cheats on every single guy she dates. That undeserved iconic rain kiss is still referenced today. First, the upside down guy and right side up girl position looked uncomfortable and gross. Yes, what a romantic moment between two people betraying their boyfriend/best friend respectively. Since she has a phobia of being single, Mary Jane winds up engaged to astronaut John Jameson, despite being blatantly thirsty for Peter's standoffish self. After the amount of press that surrounded their engagement, it's supposed to be a 'happy' ending when she ditches John for Peter. On their wedding day. With all of John's friends and family present. Without formally breaking up with him first. John who had been nothing but kind to Mary Jane, even suggesting she invite Peter to the ceremony..... Is Tim Story the only Marvel movie director who showed up for Satisfying Conclusion Class?? Not to mention that course on How to Maintain Your Hero's Humanity.
Despite all of this, I eagerly looked forward to sm3. I thought with the bs drama finally out of the way, it would just be a fun adventure film with Peter and MJ in a secure relationship. Especially with the positive excited cast interviews. Alas, they're no semblance of Reed Richards and Susan Storm.
Sm3 started off promising. Peter finally found balance in his personal and Spider lives. He's also able to show up for Mary Jane's shows. She's fully aware of his crime fighting and that fact has made them cuddle, kissy close. Peter even woke Aunt May up in the middle of the night to tell her he plans to propose. Also, Harry got contrived amnesia and forgot about his blood vendetta thingy with Peter.
Of course, all of this falls apart. By a major new villain threat? Despite the number of villains this time around, no. Things come undone thanks to a series of romantic comedy cliches and baffling idiocy. Peter is genuinely happy being Spider-Man for once, which causes him insanity even before the symbiote attaches. He kisses Gwen Stacy for a publicity stunt, though he knew his potential wife is watching. Granted, Mary Jane's been cool with infidelity kisses in the past, but she got fired from her play and is currently mad at the world. She knows Peter's secret kept them apart, but she's not honest with him about her own issues. She dismisses any advice or reassurance he offers her as well. Mainly because she's envious of Spider-Man's long overdue recognition and popularity. It's nice that Mary Jane has her own life and concerns but boy, is the ginger snap petty.
Something else about her that warrants mentioning is that she's the full-blown manifestation of the damsel in-distress stereotype. Something I don't normally mind too much, but this trilogy abuses it to an absurd degree. After promising she would not get kidnapped again in sm3, Raimi didn't even have the spine to tell Kerstin he broke his word. I think that fueled a lot of her bitter portrayal of Mary Jane. Compare it to her child acting role like Jumanji, where Kerstin shows more energy and emotional range.
As for the rest of sm3, it was so long I fell asleep for like 20 minutes the first time I saw it. The villains were Venom, Sandman, and sorta Harry-Goblin. Harry realizes Peter didn't actually kill his father and suits up to join Spidey in battle. Their teaming up and affectionate quipping are the best part of the film and among the trilogy.... until Harry dies. Young grieving, misguided Harry dies. Young bitter, misguided Eddie Brock dies. Middle-aged murderer and active criminal Sandman not only lives but gets forgiven by Peter for killing Uncle Ben. He's let off the hook because he's commiting crimes for his sick daughter. So, the next inevitable manslaughter he commits, is entirely Peter's fault. Norman Osborne and Otto Octavius- two men Peter knew personally and who cared about him- suffered mental breakdowns and died brutally, but sound-minded  Sandman's sick kid just tugs at the heartstrings. But goody, Peter and Mary Jane reconciled until the next time their still active high school hormones get in the way.
This series owes a lot to the X-movies. Because without them, the sm trilogy would be the most morally bankrupt superhero franchise.
Side notes:
-Peter is still employed by Jonah?! After Mary Jane stomped all over the heart of his beloved son to get with his mildly tolerated freelance photographer?! WHAT?!!!!!
-I genuinely enjoyed the dance sequence. Yes, I dared to love the rare bit of levity and only time Peter Parker shows a trace of a backbone.
Finally, time to move on to the Amazing Spider-Man movies, which actually earn their title. They also prove that it takes a real Spider-Fan to portray Spider-Man.
When I read the magazine article about Andrew Garfield's reaction to being casted, my heart overflowed for him. A true once-in-a-lifetime dream made reality. And let me tell you, this guy did not disappoint.
Again, for fairness, I'll say what I didn't like about these movies first. I have never been so glad to see Uncle Ben die. Martin Sheen's version was an insufferable, obnoxious, self-righteous prick. He wouldn't stop busting Peter's chops at every turn. I can't believe he took Flash's side when Peter gave that antagonistic jerk a taste of his own medicine. Not to mention deliberately embarrassing him in front of Gwen just to be petty. And he died so idiotically! What unarmed civilian sees a gun wielding thief and chases after him as he runs from a store?? It's just money! He hadn't shot anyone until Ben tried to play cowboy like a daggon fool. Sm trilogy Uncle Ben was so patient, understanding, warm, and wise. It was easy to be angry at Peter for disrespecting him in their last conversation. I almost wanted Andrew Peter to punch his uncle. Thank God he thought about his deceased father later on more than big dumb Ben.
No JK Simmons or any J. Jonah Jameson at all. Additionally, while the plot was interesting, Rhys Ifans was such an underwhelming Curt Connors. Dylan Baker in the trilogy never even turned into the Lizard, but looked and acted exactly like Dr. Connors. Ifans' version looked absolutely nothing like him nor did he have his wife and son to add emotional weight.
Two things I didn't like in the sequel. One, the blatant foreshadowing of Gwen Stacy's death. I hated them breaking up, too because Gwen dying would have hit so much harder if they'd been in a strong relationship the entire time. Though it is nice that Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield have legit chemistry and those weird things known as morals.
All that aside, EEEEEEEE Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-Man! Fandom- especially fanboys- tend to reject him because he's 'too cool' to be a nerdy outsider like the fanboys identify as. Uh, guys, in case you didn't know, Peter Parker is NOT a perpetual, blubbering pansy a la Tobey, either. No, Amazing Peter doesn't check all of the outdated cliche boxes of nerdome. This is what drew me to him. Someone can be a smart, relatively good looking, quiet outsider loner without being totally spineless and pathetic. He still faced bullying and socialized very little. I love how he showed his inner hero by retaliating against Flash over that girl Flash was messing with for no reason. After this lesson in humility, Flash is compassionate towards Peter after Ben dies and even friendly with him by the end. I love this because Flash Thompson is such a major in-universe Spider-Fan.
Emma Stone played Gwen Stacy great and I have very few qualms about her direction and writing. She was actually smart and useful, not merely an idealized pretty face who is really boy obsessed. Peter unceremoniously revealing his identity to her almost had me falling out of my theater seat. No will they/won't they secret bs?! What?!!!! I also loved her as Peter's primary confidant. This gave them a unique connection physically, emotionally, and intellectually that Peter has with no one else. I melted over that kiss Peter planted on her on the graduation stage. I hated that her father, Captain Stacy, died. I spent the first film waiting in dread for Gwen to die, so her dad legitimately dropped my jaw. Their family just suffered too much back to back loss.
That's something else the Amazing movies had, true human depictions and moments. Peter was not made into another on-the-nose Christ figure, doomed to suffer for the good of mankind. The scene where he nonchalantly removes his mask to reassure a little boy that Peter is 'just a guy' displayed this best. Peter was not a glorified stuntman filling a suit. He went through various emotions without needing to voice them. He experienced pain, injury, and sickness because enhanced abilities or none, he's as mortal as the rest of us. He did not just lurk from rooftops. He walked among and interacted with ordinary people. The ones he saved were moved and inspired to follow his example of goodness. Great power and great responsibility without cramming that, now nauseating, phrase down our throats every second.
Not only was he realistically vulnerable, Peter possessed an enormous amount of strength. No matter what setbacks or tragedies, I had no doubt that he would come back from them without losing himself. He is the Peter Parker and Spider-Man that makes you feel like you matter, that you are not alone, that you have worth, and he offers the audience the same sense of safety he gives to his protectorate. I know he enjoyed being Spider-Man and I definitely know why.
Sally Field is the best ever Aunt May. While Rosemary Harris acted well in the trilogy, her Aunt May seemed more like an overly fragile great-great grandmother. Sally's Aunt May does so much more with less screentime. She's a good 20 years younger than normally depicted and she wordlessly emotes like a champ. After Peter's parents have to leave and Aunt May wraps those protective arms around little Peter, she is shamelessly possessive over him from that point on. Ben mentions that anyone who has anything bad to say about Peter better not do so in front of May. One quiet look from her cements this as fact. Instead of being utterly helpless after her husband's death, Aunt May is able to keep the house and becomes a nurse to pay for Peter's college tuition. They're not rolling in money, but they're far from the soup line. I love how annoyed Aunt May could get when Peter focused on his parents. Bonus points that she's his aunt by marriage yet insists Peter is only her boy. Wonderful of Peter to reiterate his love and appreciation towards her.
As for other human emotions, I actually liked Jamie Foxx as Electro. Electro is a traditionally masked villain and not too well known so it didn't feel like race-swapping. With a big name like Jamie Foxx he was likely just the most qualified to audition. His Max character comes off like the cliche nerd- actually surprised that fanboys didn't fall in love with his Tobey-ish essence- but because of how Jamie played him, I honestly felt for Max's loneliness and mistreatment. With how ignored and/or emotionally abused he was plus the electric powers affecting his mind, I found his sudden rage against Spider-Man believable.
Here's a real shocker. I enjoyed Dane DeHaan, who is the exact opposite of James Franco, as Harry Osbourne. I really did not expect to from the trailers. However, Dane's performance in the sequel had this unique quality to it. His stage presence was a mix of intriguing, ominous, and if I'm being honest, a bit sensually provacative. His Goblin was straight-up goofy and shoehorned in, but his Harry sold me. Felicia Hardy is introduced and he aligns with her. I love Felicia/Black Cat and hate that she was showed but not given a chance to develop. Funny enough, part of me always envisioned her with James' Harry. I'd have taken Dane's, too.
I will never be over the rest of the Amazing franchise being cancelled after all the improvements and promises they made. I was ecstatic when they finally greenlit a Sinister Six movie only to pull the plug. I liked the mystery going on in Amazing and wanted to see how it all concluded. It was great to see Peter trying to unwrap the mystery of his father. He's so angry at him for leaving/dying yet he can't help loving and yearning for him still.
That's something else I, or rather a certain flexibly fantastic older male, will likely have to remedy 😉
MSU marches on!
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graysonclarke96 · 2 years
Marvel: Young Avengers Protocol to Origins of Grayson Clarke.
Character to Actor:
The Clarke Family:
Grayson Clarke- Chris Wood
Zoey Clarke- Lily Collins
Sally Clarke- Kim Rhodes
Thomas Clarke- Christopher Cousins
The Stacy Family:
Gwen Stacy- Madison Iseman
Simon Stacy- Jacob Tremblay
Phillip and Howard Stacy- Freddie Highmore
Helen Stacy- Susanna Thompson
George Stacy- Mark Harmon
Jill Stacy- Emma Watson
Arthur Stacy- Sean Bean
Paul Stacy- Paul Walker
Miles Warren- Dave Annable
The Parker Family:
Ben Parker- Tom Cavanaugh
Richard Parker- Daniel Gillies
Mary Parker- Rachel Leigh Cook
The Morales Family:
Miles Morales- Jordan Fisher
Rio Morales- Danielle Nicolet
Jefferson Davis- Russell Richardson
Aaron Davis- Donald Glover
Young Avengers:
Rayshaun Lucas- Trevor Jackson
Kate Bishop- Hailee Steinfeld
Daisy Johnson- Shan Dodd
Bobbi Morse- Olivia Holt
The Fantastic Four:
Reed Richards- John Krasinksi
Susan Storm- Hilarie Burton
Johnny Storm- Zach Roerig
Ben Grimm- Conan Stevens
Luke Cage- Michael Jai White
Jessica Jones- Jessica De Gouw
Matt Murdock- Colin Donnell
Danny Rand- Josh Segarra
Marc Spector- Stephen Amell
Elektra Natchios- Julia Voth
Charles Xavier- Patrick Stewart
Logan- Hugh Jackman
Hank McCoy- Ewan McGregor
Ororo Munroe- Sonequa Martin-Green
Scott Summers- Sam Claflin
Jean Grey- Jane Levy
Kurt Wagner- Thomas Doherty
Bobby Drake- Brandon Flynn
Emma Frost- Josephine Langford
Piotr Rasputin- Daniel Cudmore
Warren Worthington- Alex Pettyfer
Alex Summers- Lucas Till
Sean Cassidy- Cameron Monaghan
Kitty Pryde- Danielle Rose Russell
Anna Marie- Elizabeth Gillies
Elizabeth Braddock- Michelle Keegan
Danielle Moonstar- Blu Hunt
Megan Gwynn- Natalie Dormer
Roberto De Costa- Froy Gutierrez
Illyana Rasputin- Anya Taylor-Joy
Tyrone Johnson- Roshon Fegan
Tandy Bowen- Virginia Gardner
Rahne Sinclair- Rose Leslie
Sam Guthrie- Charlie Heaton
(Various other students)
Brotherhood of Mutants:
Eric Lehnsherr- Dacre Montgomery
Raven Darkholme- Pauley Perrette
Cain Marko- Nathan Jones
Victor Creed- Liev Schrieber
Todd Tolenksy- Aramis Knight
Fred Dukes- William Berry
Dominic Petrakis- Toby Kebbell
Karl Lykos- Luke Evans
Jeanne-Marie Beaubier- Kaya Scodelario
Arkady Rossovich- Dolph Lundgren
Laynia Krylova- Tracy Spiridakos
(Various other Mutants)
Otto Octavius- Mark Sheppard
Sergei Kravinoff- Manu Bennett
Flint Marko- Dominic Purcell
Max Dillon- Aaron Paul
Curt Connors- Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Morgan Le Fay- Katie McGrath
Martin Li- Stephen Oyoung
Lana Baumgartner- Emily Wickersham
Victor Von Doom- Viggo Mortensen
Carl Creel- Brian Patrick Wade
Wendigo King
Aleksei Sytsevich- Andrey Ivchenko
Tony Masters- Jason Statham
Edward Whelan- Julian Bleach
Zebediah Killgrave- David Tennant
Benjamin Pointdexter- Edgar Ramirez
Melissa Gold- Maika Monroe
Morrie Bench- Ben Foster
Thundra- Rebecca Quin
Sinthea Schmidt- Phoebe Tonkin
Other Characters:
Tim Elwood- Drew Roy
Grace Elwood- Lauren Roy
Ava Ayala- Tristan Mays
Felicia Hardy- Marie Avgeropoulos
Morgan Tyler- Hartley Sawyer
Flash Thompson- Michael Provost
Elena Gold- Nicola Peltz
Riri Williams- Candice Patton
Kamala Khan- Iman Vellani
Dante Pertuz- Jake T. Austin
MJ Watson- Sophie Skelton
Harry Osborn- Liam Hall
Norman Osborn- James Redford
Mendel Stromm- David Dayan Fisher
Cletus Kasady- Jackie Earle Haley
Eddie Brock- Alan Ritchson
J. Jonah Jameson- J.K. Simmons
Jean De Wolfe- Sandra Bullock
Jennifer Walters- Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Yuri Watanabe- Tara Platt
Richard Rider- Liam McIntyre
Sam Alexander- Dylan O'Brien
Eileen Harsaw- Camilla Belle
Mikhail Uriokovitch Ursus- Olivier Richters
Rachel Van Helsing- Katheryn Winnick
Jacob Russoff- Kristofer Hivju
Eric Brooks- Duane Henry
Robbie Reyes- Tyler Posey
Kari Lyngley- Katherine McNamara
Jared Lyngley- Ross Lynch
Bruce Banner- Eric Bana (Re-cast)
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thewickedmerman · 4 years
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My fan-cast for the MCU version of the X-Men. I’m having my personal X-Men line-up be based on X-Men Evolution. Also, two things I must say. First of all, I realize I made some spelling errors with Storm and Kitty’s last names. Sorry! Second, do NOT tell me that any of the actors from the original movies should be cast because that isn’t likely to happen and I base my fan-casts on casting choices that could likely happen (With the exception of my choice for X-23 because she’s difficult to cast and the casting for her is perfect). But I will say that Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, and Ian McKellen were the absolute most perfect versions of Wolverine, Charles Xavier, and Magneto respectively. I also made sure to cast an Egyptian actor for Apocalypse because his backstory is very much tied into his Egyptian background. X-Men is my favorite of all superheroes, so this is something that means A LOT to me and I am super passionate about. Let me know what you think and be respectful. Enjoy! Ralph Fiennes as Professor Charles Xavier Robbie Amell as Cyclops/Scott Summers Bella Thorne as Jean Grey/Phoenix Yetide Badaki as Storm/Ororo Munroe Robert Carlyle as Magneto Elizabeth Gillies as Rogue Charlize Theron as Mystique Joel Edgerton as Wolverine RJ Mitte as Gambit Rowan Blanchard as Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat Robbie Kay as Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler Jeffrey Wright as Beast
Jennifer Morrison as Emma Frost Arden Cho as Psylocke Patrick Schwarzenegger as Iceman Dacre Montgomery as Angel Keenan Tracey as Havok/Alex Summers Madison Hu as Jubilee Sean Dapner as Colossus Dafne Keen as X-23 Ioan Gruffudd as Senator Robert Kelly
Lucy Liu as Lady Deathstrike Josh Hutcherson as Avalanche Moises Arias as Toad Ryan Hurst as Sabertooth Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as The Juggernaut Uma Thurman as Destiny/Irene Adler Liam Hemsworth as Pyro Jason Nott as The Blob Amr Waked as Apocalypse
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mayans-sauce · 4 years
Hanna’s Big Appreciation Post 💙
This is my appreciation for the content creators on Tumblr! Here I will link the creations of you lovely people that have decided to participate. If you would like to know how to take part in this please read ❕➡️THIS⬅️❕ post! I will also add my fellow mutuals and people that have reblogged the post and put their fellow creators on it.
This big appreciation post will be updated with people’s work when they decide to take part❤️
If there is a mistake, something you want me to change/add or you don’t want to be on this list just let me know😊
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Writes for Mayans MC (Angel Reyes, EZ Reyes, Gilly Lopez, Bishop Losa, Taza Romero, Coco Cruz, Michael Ariza, Hank Loza, Neron Vargas)
Writes for The Punisher (Billy Russo)
Some works:
- Shot - Creeper Vargas x Reader
- First Date - Hank Loza x Reader
- Gone - Billy Russo x Reader
- Stood Up - Billy Russo x Reader
- Missed You - Billy Russo x Reader
Writes for Marvel (Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Quentin Beck, Clint Barton, Pietro Maximoff, Wade Wilson, Logan Howlett, Victor Creed, Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Alex Summers, Remy Lebeau, Frank Castle, James Wesley)
Writes for DC (Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent)
Writes for Star Wars (Han Solo, Poe Dameron)
Some works:
- Cry, baby - Steve Rogers x Reader x Tony Stark
- I Wanna Be with You - Poe Dameron x Reader x Finn
Writes for Star Wars universe (Din Djarin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Poe Dameron, Cassian Andor, Anakin Skywalker)
Some works:
- The Mandalorian NSFW Alphabet - Din Djarin x Female Reader
- The Sun On Both Sides - Cassian Andor x Female Reader
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samdeancass · 4 years
Fandom List
These are the fandoms and characters that I write for. Fandoms and characters with a line through means I am currently watching the show or movie and I will be writing for them shortly.
I will be adding to this list overtime so it will get bigger as I watch more shows and movies.
If you want to make a request, please write the full name as some fandoms have characters with similar names.
Prompt List
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Jack Kline
Benny LaFitte
Adam Milligan
Kevin Tran
Arthur Ketch
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Misha Collins
Alexander Calvert
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Lorenzo St.John
Kai Parker
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Paul Wesley
Iam Sommerhalder
Michael Malarkey 
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall-Kenner
Joseph Morgan
Daniel Gillies
Alaric Saltzman
Hope Mikaelson
Landon Kirby
Lizzie Saltzman
Josie Saltzman
Teen Wolf
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Liam Dunbar
Theo Raeken
Jackson Whittemore
Jordan Parrish
Lydia Martin
Peter Hale
Allison Argent
Malia Tate
Tyler Posey
Dylan O’Brian
Tyler Hoechlin
Holland Roden
Crystal Reed
Daniel Sharman
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Carl Grimes
Marvel /MCU
Tony Stark/ Iron Man
Steve Rogers/ Captain America
Clint Barton/ Hawkeye
Thor Odinson
Bruce Banner/ The Hulk
Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow
Bucky Barnes/ The Winter Soldier
Loki Laufeyson
Stephen Strange/ Doctor Strange
T’Challa/ Black Panther
Peter Parker/ Spider-Man
Peter Quill/ Star Lord
Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver
Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch
Sam Wilson/ Falcon
Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel
Scott Lang/ Ant-Man
Robert Downey. Jr
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Jeremy Renner
Scarlett Johansson
Tom Hiddleston
Tom Holland
Sebastian Stan
X-Men Universe
Charles Xavier (Younger)/ Professor X
Erik Lensherr (Younger)/ Magneto
Jean Grey/ Phoenix
Scott Summers/ Cyclops
Logan/ Wolverine
DC Cinematic
Clark Kent
Bruce Wayne
Arthur Curry
Harley Quinn
Oliver Queen
Tommy Merlyn
John Diggle
Roy Harper
Felicity Smoake
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Sirius Black
Hermione Granger
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Joe Keery
Archie Andrews
Jughead Jones
Elizabeth Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Once Upon A Time
Prince Charming
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Lucifer Morningstar
Brooklyn 99
Jake Peralta
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Phil Coulson
Leo Fitz
Grant Ward
Deke Shaw
Melinda May
Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Cordell Walker
Liam Walker
Pretty Little Liars
Caleb Rivers
Toby Cavanaugh
Ezra Fitz
Mike Montgomery
F. R. I. E. N. D. S
Joey Tribbiani
Chandler Bing
Ross Geller
Friday Night Dinner
Adam Goodman
Johnathan Goodman
Ben 10
Ben Tennyson
Kevin Levin
Gwen Tennyson
The Maze Runner
Fantastic Four
Johnny Storm
Reed Richards
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Luke Castellan
Edward Cullen
Jacob Black
Emmett Cullen
Jasper Hale
Eggsy Unwin
One Direction
Harry Styles
Liam Payne
Louis Tomlinson
Niall Horan
Zayn Malik
Wanda Maximoff
Falcon and The Winter Soldier
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Baron Zemo
Loki Laufeyson
Black Widow
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Cobra Kai
Daniel LaRusso
Johnny Lawrence
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Love And Monsters
Joel Dawson
Fast and Furious 
Dominic Toretto
Brian O’Connor
Deckard Shaw
Luke Hobbs
Han Lue
Roman Pearce
Tej Parker
That 70′s Show
Eric Forman
Jackie Burkhart
Michael Kelso
Steven Hyde
Donna Pinciotti 
Sherlock Holmes (Movies)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Scream (TV Series)
Emma Duval
Brooke Maddox
Audrey Jensen
Kieran Wilcox
Noah Foster
Free Guy
Walter ‘Keys’ McKeys
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
William Turner
The Flash
Barry Allen
Iris West-Allen
Caitlyn Snow
Cisco Ramone
HR Wells
Wally West
Harry Wells
Ralph Dibney
Harrison ‘Nash’ Wells
Chester P. Runk
The Boys
Billy Butcher
Hughie Campbell
55 notes · View notes
daddyxleroy · 5 years
тнe мa ғaмιly
jason momoa - leroy ma ( the father )
michael b jordan - roman ma in a relationship with xo | ( blood related to trey ) 
tyler posey - gabe ma in a relationship with riley pembroke
jake t austin - levi ma ( triplet with bailey & hailey ) 
kaylee bryant - bailey ma ( triplet with levi & hailey )
sara waisglass - hailey ma ( triplet with levi & bailey )
mya montoya - deanna ma soon to be in a relationship with xavier 
myka montoya - dani ma soon to be in a relationship with ej
kim nahyun - shazlyn ma
bae joohyun - viola ma 
park chorong - sofia ma 
kim sihyeon - colby ma
hwang yeji - raquel ma
park sooyoung - anjelite ma
Yara Shahidi as Faith
Vannesa Morgan as Amariah
Zendaya as Harmony “Bree” 
Diggy Simmons as Trey (blood related to roman) 
Tina Woods as Hazel
Danielle Rose Russell as Ivy 
Sarah Shahi as Trinity ( the mother) 
тнe peмвroĸe ғaмιly
chris evans - david pembroke ( the father )
alex fizalan - kyler pembroke
hailee steinfeld - valerie pembroke
lili reinhart - kaila pembroke flirting with trey ma
greta from all american - brooklyn pembroke in a relationship with kingston hofferman
nick robinson - dustin pembroke flirting with ivy ma 
timothee chalamet - connor pembroke
oh hayoung - bethany pembroke
Brittany O’ Grady as Liliana
Crystal Reed as Riley (girlfreind to gabe mahelona alverz) 
Brenton Thwaites as Jeremy 
Christian Yu as James
margot robbie as Luciana (the mother)
тнe parĸer ғaмιly
jessica alba - laura parker ( the mother )
carter jenkins - anthony parker
yoon bomi - sierra parker 
noah centineo - mateo parker 
vanessa merrell - jane parker 
jung yerin - kelsey parker 
kim jongin - jacob parker
hwang eunbi - lena parker 
Elizabeth Gillies as Avery
Kaya Scodelario as Mia 
Tom Holland as Daniel
Ryan Destiny as Jorydan 
Henry Cavill as Nathaniel “Nate” (the father)
camila mendes - brinley parker
тнe oc'ѕ
Lindsey Morgan as Ximena “Xo” Santiago (girlfriend of Roman Mahelona-Alverez )
Charles Melton as Kingston “King” Hofferman ( boyfriend to Brooklyn Pembroke)
Michael Evans Behling as Elijah “EJ” Turnner ( “boyfriend” to Dani)
 Zayn as Xavier “X” Romero (boyfriend to denna)
Gal Gadot as TBN
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fallencrackships · 5 years
List Update
Alexis Bledel as Rory and Tom Holland as Peter Parker (siblings) - mystic-scripture
Amanda Seyfried and Jared Padalecki - Anon
Ana De Armas and Danneel Ackles - Anon
Ana De Armas and Chris Evans - anacelia88
Ana De Armas and Sebastian Stan - Anon
Ana De Armas and Ryan Gosling as Holland March (The Nice Guys) - Anon
Adelaide Kane as Mary (Lyah) and Bradley James as Arthur - lyah-malik
Adelaide Kane and Jodie Comer as girlfriends - dreamingaboutyousworld
Adelaide Kane and Joel Kinnaman - Anon
Adelaide Kane and Summer Fontana with Jacob Tremblay - hope-andrea-marhall
Amber Heard and James McAvoy - Anon
Amber Heard (30 Days to Kill or Drive Angry) x James McAvoy (Wanted) - Anon
Amber Heard and Luke Evans- Anon
Anna Diop and Eddie Cibrian - Anon
Blanca Suárez as Alba Romero (Cable Girls) and Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders) - Anon
Brie Larson as Carol Danvers and Odette Anable - clary--jackson
Brit Marling and Pablo Schreiber - curlykoalas
Bella Thorne and Scarlett Byrne - Anon
Behati Prinsloo and Xavier Samuel in black and white - strawbeerry-fields
Behati Prinsloo and Xavier Samuel - johibrustia
Cody Christian and Colin O'Donoghue - Anon
Courtney Eaton and Dylan O'Brien - Anon
Chelsey Reist and Robbie Amell - Anon
Cara Delevinge (long hair) and Matthew Daddario - Anon
Crystal Reed and Charlie Rowe (older) as Partners - Anon
Camila Mendes as Veronica Lodge and Benjamin Wadsworth as Marcus Lopez Arguello - multixxfandomxx
Chloe Bennet as daisy Johnson x Justin H. Min as ben hargreeves - Anon
Chloe Bennet and Mark Rufflo as spouses - Anon
Chandler Riggs as Billy Kaplan/Wiccan and Issac Hempstead as Tommy Shepard/Speed, the sons of Wanda Maximoff. - Anon
Claire Holt and Sasha Pieterse - Anon
Danielle Campbell and Claire Holt as friends - iamgamidova
Danielle Rose Russell as a SHIELD Agent - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Dylan O'Brien - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Ksenia Solo as sisters - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Chris Pratt and Angela Sarafyan - lxvelikelegends
Danielle Rose Russell and Marvels Cloak and Dagger cast - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Isaac Hempstead Wright - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and The Guardians of the Galaxy - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Erika Linder - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell and Herman Tommeraas - iamgamidova
Danielle Rose Russell and Hero Fiennes-Tiffen - Anon
Danielle Rose Russell as the daughter of Piper Halliwell and Leo Wyatt - Anon
Dianna Agron and Avan Jogia - Anon
Dove Cameron as Ruby Hale and Tom Holland as Peter Parker - Anon
Emmy Rossum and Stephen James - littlemisshiddleston
Emmy Rossum as Bilba Baggins (female Bilbo) and Richard Armitage as Thorin - Anon
Emilia Clarke as Dany and Luke Goss as Nuada - Anon
Emeraude Toubia and James McAvoy - Anon
Emeraude Toubia and Jake Gyllenhal - Anon
Emma Watson and Joe Mazzello - Anon
Eliza Taylor as Clarke and Keith Allan as Murphy - Anon
Gender bent - Ellen Hollman (Saxa) as Hercules and either Ben Barnes or Avan Jogia as Meg - Anon
Ellie Bamber and Mark McKenna - Anon
Elizabeth Gillies (undercover) and Eric Dane (stalker) - Anon
Elizabeth Gillies and Skeet Ulrich- Anon
Elizabeth Gillies and Tyler Hoechlin - Anon
Freya Mavor and Alfred Enoch - Anon
Felicity Jones and Jeremy Sumpter (Adult) - justcalldibs
Gabrielle Wilde as Constance and Santiago Cabrera as Aramis - atinkerbellstuff
Gal Gadot and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau - Anon
Giorgia Whigham and Callum Turner - Anon
Gemma Arterton and Jonathan Rhys Meyers (Dracula or modern) - Anon
Halsey and Andre Hamann - happyhostforsymbiotes
Hayden Panettiere and Jude Law - Anon
Holland Roden and Hunter Parrish - themaravismari
Imogen Poots and Jake Gyllenhal - danielcvmbell
Jaimie Alexander and Rosario Dawson married - Anon
Jaimie Alexander as Jane and Norman Reedus as Daryl - Anon
Jessica Stroup and True Detective season 1 cast - Anon
Jenny Boyd (blonde) as the daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts - Anon
Jenny Boyd as Lizzie and Tom Holland as Peter Parker - scrumptiousponyghostpeach
Jenny Boyd (Vikings Quest) and Aaron Jakubenko (Roman Empire or Shannara Chronicles) - elenacarinandherfandoms
Jenna Coleman and Chris Wood - Anon
Kat Denning and Matt Bomer with Colin Ford as their son - Anon
Kiernan Shipka (Sabrina) and Jessica Lange (AHS Coven) - Anon
Kristen Stewart and Lee Pace - Anon
Kaylee Bryant as the daughter of Chris Wood - the-selfless-bash
Katie McGrath and Tom Hiddleston (medieval) - lady-crowned-with-stars
Katie McGrath and Grant Gustin with Bruce and Selina from Gotham as their twin children - Anon
Katie McGrath and Michael Fassbender? 1940-50s era (He was a soldier). - lady-crowned-with-stars
Letitia Wright as Shuri and Tom Holland as Peter Parker, best friends au - Anon
Lily Collins as Clary Fray and Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy - Anon
Lily Collins and Grant Gustin - Either lovers or stalker au - Anon
Lily Collins and Charles Melton - meaniebeaniecrackshipper
Lily James and Jessica Chastain - Anon
Lily James and Jessica Chastain - thesound-of-myvoice
Lili Reinhart and Daniel Sharman - Anon
Lili Reinhart and Tyler Posey - Anon
Lyndsy Fonseca and Keanu Reeves as John Wick - katrena7
Lyndsy Fonseca and criminal minds cast finding out she's Spencers sister not including Derek - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Luke Mitchell - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Harry Shum Jr as Magnus Bane - lyah-malek
Lyndsy Fonseca and Emilie Ullerup - lyah-malik
Lyndsy Fonseca and Katherine McNamara as Clary Fray - lyah-malik
Madelaine Petsch and Aaron Taylor Johnson - bambifatale
Madelaine Petsch as Cheryl Blossom and Kat Barrell as Nicole Haught as sisters - cherylishaught
Maria Avgeropoulos and Harry Treadaway - novaleecarter
Margot Robbie as Annie and Ryan Gosling as K - Anon
Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling as a couple - Anon
Maisie Richardson Sellers as Charlie and Paul Wesley - wicked-laugh
Maisie Richardson Sellers and Jesse Lee Soffer - wicked-laugh
Marina Laswick and Brenton Thwaites - Anon
Melissa Benoist and Keanu Reeves - Anon
Melissa O'Neil as Lucy Chen and Samuel Caleb Hunt as Mouse - Anon
Melissa O'Neil from Dark Matters and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes - Anon
Melisa Asil Pamuk and Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson - Anon
Natalie Dormer and Richard Armitage - Anon
Nina Dobrev as Rose Hathaway and Blair Redford as Dimitri Belikov - posterofamyth
Hugh Dancy and Olivia Wilde - Anon
Olivia Wilde and True Detective season 1 cast - Anon
Odette Annable and Joseph Morgan as Klaus Mikaelson - alexwit1325
Phoebe Tonkin and Tom Ellis - beforewewerehopeless
Phoebe Tonkin and Keanu Reeves as Constantine - katrena7
Phoebe Tonkin as Hayley Marshal and Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock - Anon
Rachel Weiss (The Mummy movies) and Tom Hiddleston - Anon
Sasha Pieterse and Rachel Taylor - Anon
Scarlett Johansson (blonde) and Eric Dane - Anon
Shelley Hennig and Richard Armitage - Anon
Sophie Turner and Gavin leatherwood as Nicholas scratch - Anon
Sophie Turner and Hayden Christensen - feniah-394
Teresa Palmer as Six and Tyler Hoechlin as Derek Hale - Anon
Taron Egerton and Jesse Lee Soffer as lovers - Anon
Current list 😁😁
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exmcrtis · 5 months
location: i think we know where
closed starter for: @ghostsbrokenbyfairytales (xavier)
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gilly's instant attachment to xavier made her feel giddy in a way that she never had before, and it both confused and excited her. she had never expected to meet someone in huntsville of all places, always satisfied with random or recurring hookups that never involved feelings. but there she was, coming up behind them to wrap her arms around their waist, standing on her toes to press a kiss to their shoulder intimately. this wasn't like her, but with xavier, gilly felt like she could be different. be better. "just the person i wanted to see," she muttered against his shoulder, her grin hidden by the fabric of his shirt. "i've been looking for you everywhere."
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timcbombs · 5 years
✕ — wasn’t that tabitha smith wandering the streets of new york, 1973? civilians know them as boom-boom and see them as a hero. as far as i know, the twenty-four year old stands with x-force, x-factor, & new mutants, and are rumoured to be pretty self-assured & recalcitrant. ( liz gillies / transfemale / she/her ) 
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{ trigger warnings : emotional, physical, and sexual assault, alcohol, homophobia, transphobia  }
hey guys, sophia’s at it again lmao!!  here’s more about my second baby aka my trash!baby under the cut  
tabby doesnt really have any appearances outside of the mceu except for a handful of cartoon appearances 
so this rendition of her is gonna be entirely comic based
okay so. tabby was an only child, raised in a trailer park in roanoke. her mom was never really in the picture and her dad was an abusive alcoholic nut job. tabby never got an actual education. she was emotionally neglected & abused, as well as physically abused for her entire childhood. 
the abuse only got worse when tabby’s mutation (and gender & sexuality, see below) came into question. her father beat tabby so hard that she ran away at around 13-14. 
she started a long ass journey trying to figure out how the fuck to live in a world where she couldn’t really read & understand, but somehow make it to xaviers school for the gifted (someone in the trailer park had mentioned it to her and she decided it’d become her salvation) 
a train she was taking en route to washington dc was attacked by the beyonder. the beyonder ended up considering tabby its only friend and felt bad for this young, frightened, abused girl and brought her to xavier’s. however because the beyonder is a powerful cosmic entity the x-men attacked it on spot and tabby, frightened and bewildered, left with the beyonder back to its home planet. she stayed there with him for a little while before realizing it was an evil entity hellbent on the destruction of worlds, and demanded she be returned to the xmen. she led the beyonder into an ambush and the beyonder, heartbroken about the loss of its only friend, willingly surrendered 
that was tabby’s introduction to the x-men. because of how it all went down, she left the x-men for a little while and moved to LA. she joined a gang called the fallen angels where she learnt how to steal (amongst other things). she began to be sexually harassed and was sexually taken advantage of during her time with this gang, particularly by the gang’s male mutant leader, who’d enlisted her, and so she told the x-factor about the gangs presence 
tabitha then witnessed the children of the x-factor being kidnapped by soldiers of The Right and stowed away on the ship to save them — where she befriended Rictor
the ship crashed when apocalypse was defeated and she lived on apocalypse’s ship for a while 
when the x-men found her, tabby was forced to attend phillips academy in new hamsphire, where she was bullied by the other kids for being a mutant. she allied with the other mutants at the school and formed a group called the x-terminators, where she got hella involved with a bunch of demon & limbo & illyana bullshit when some of the mutants were kidanpped and being used as a portal into limbo 
even though tabby had helped save the world, her school expelled her for being involved in the entire ordeal, and she then joined the new mutants, accidentally summoned a giant sea monster (like an idiot) and went to live wth some dwarves on asgard 
she then joined x-force and changed her alias to boomer 
she joined an underground paramilitary group and was bombed by a vibranium bomb, but survived. my trash queen 
she was then invited by Cable, as meltdown, to join his group Underground to investigate the new weapon x program 
she then joined next wave, as boom-boom, where she learned she’s immune to mind control 
she was then kidnapped by anti-mutant extremists and personally held hostage by the leper queen. the leper queen decided to take her wrath out towards the x-men on tabby and shot her in the head (consequently she was then saved by otherwise certain death by one laura kinney)
she then teams up w/ domino to infiltrate sword because fuck the government, i guess
she went to live on utopia and stayed after it was destroyed, before finally settling at the xavier school and becoming a full-fledged x-man.  
she’s literally a disaster gay. that’s about it. she’s a chaotic babe who loves to throw herself into stupid situations. she loves to party, get smashed, has a ton of super famous hollywood friends who invite her out to parties all the time. she gets shitfaced with them and gets in a lot of trouble with them
i also write tabby as transfemale. and i imagine that was also a big contributing factor to the strain between herself and her parents, as well as a motivating factor to joining the gang she did. she needed money for the transition and for hormones. 
shes super dumb bookwise but very streetsmart. it’d be dumb to underestimate her because she perceives things in such a unique way and it always ends up int he benefit of the team
that said she can be a lazy shit sometimes, motivation is not her forte
shes got a ton of trauma she’s never willing to address ever (and more she never talks about from her party days)
shes the kind of girl though who’ll blast music at 4am — despite everyone else being asleep. she’s got absolutely no manners, and has a long history of playing pranks on the x-men (via literally bombing them with her powers) if they don’t listen to her/undermine her/ neglect her. basically. don’t get on her bad side.
she just wants to be that fun friend everyone can go to for a good time, she doesn’t like to drag people down with her own issues. anyways shes a chaotic bisexual with the mouth of a trucker who deserves the world & u can’t change my mind
— so thats about it for my trash baby!! shes been involved with a hella lot of teams and is always open for all the connections! pls luv her! <3 
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jeezperseus · 6 years
like for a msg !
perseus hayden alexander xavier lehnsherr.
— adopted son of charles xavier & erik lehnsherr. nineteen. pansexual. accidentally married. regenerative healing & healing touch. fc: nick robinson. generation why by canon gray.
split knuckles, impulse tattoos, red solo cups, the copper taste of blood, post-ripped jeans, a story told in two parts, peals of laughter strong as vodka, shaking hands shoved in pockets, greasy fast food, low flying planes, cuffed shoes, the soft notes of a piano, a baseball bat in the back seat.
barbara “bobbi” morse.
— former agent 19. thirties. bisexual. divorced. enhanced. fc: jessica alba. emotionless by drake.
gentle hands, biting remarks, unknown skill, non-disclosure agreements, hidden stashes of cash, studyblr accounts, handmade bullets, a tongue taught to deceive, coffee-mug rims, set shoulders, precise results, minimalism, lilting accent, a broken mirror, clean test tubes, red-painted nails around the hand of a gun.
andromeda rosalie isley-quinzel.
 — adopted daughter of pamela isley & harleen quinzel. twenty-one. pansexual. single ( see below ). precognition. fc: lana condor. finest hour by cash cash.
whispers from a voice both soft and powerful, sloppily cut hair, pointe shoes, paint stains on every article of clothing, cassandra foretelling the trojan war, dirt under your fingernails, a love a week, the gold tinsel of a crown, unexplainable dreams, bundles of flowers, the soft rustling of worn cards.
roman darkhölme.
— son of raven darkhölme. twenty-four. pansexual. enchanted. persuasion & power absorption. fc: miles heizer. lost boy by ruth b.
the unexpected answer, washing your hands, casual disinterest, stacks of cash, little clear baggies, practiced ease, a silver tongue, whispers of the past, old cobblestone streets, bad decisions in the best way, sweaters and flannel, the burning of flowers, white lab coat, fear of the unknown.
— the god of mischief. 1000s. fluid. open marriage. fc: daniel gillies & katie mcgrath. wild things by alessia cara.
dark skies, a long steel dagger, fog coming in, green & gold banners held high, the twisted around truth, stories told from a thousand tongues, crooked grin, a crown just out of reach, salt in wounds, ourborous, contrary to a point, blood superiority, loneliness as something else, eyes in the back of your head.
winona falcone.
— daughter of sofia falcone. twenty-six. bisexual. single. darkness manipulation. fc: shay mitchell. take me to church by hozier.
expensive fur, champagne glasses, hands covered in blood, instagram perfect, beautiful but deadly, the rich kids of gotham, sharp edges for a reason, dark hair in waves, a product of a situation, cherry stems tied with your tongue, heels on a hardwood floor, the many shades of red.
skylar helix mccoy.
— daughter of hank mccoy. twenty-two. lesbian. single ( see below ). genetic atavism & genius intelligence. fc: jennie kim. 400 lux by lorde.
a field of vibrant yellow flowers, the yipping of a small dog, fangs bared, constellations of words, no apologies, thousands of discarded ‘what ifs,’ the call of the wild, a small crescent moon necklace, pride without arrogance, false confidence, spitting blood, intelligence without direction.
perseus hayden alexander.
a former foster care sibling.
it’s been a while, but he’s a pretty memorable kid / hasn’t changed much at all. until age 5 / 2004, percy was in foster care + went through a bunch of homes. this is someone who was in one of them! probs knows stuff abt him that even he doesn’t/doesn’t rem. the possibilities! 
first relationship / current enemy. TAG
basically, it was percy’s first relationship back in his teens !! cute lil puppy love except he’s awful so not puppies more like … squirrels. like his first everything !! and then they broke up n it didn't go great !!! since then it has evolved and gotten much much worse - they’re now totally and completely against each other, hate each other, and will fuck w each other when given half a chance. 
first relationship / current enemy.
basically, it was percy’s first relationship back in his teens !! cute lil puppy love except he’s awful so not puppies more like … squirrels. like his first everything !! and then they broke up n it didn't go great !!! since then it has evolved and gotten much much worse - they’re now totally and completely against each other, hate each other, and will fuck w each other when given half a chance.
barbara “bobbi” morse.
old mission target.
bobbi worked with shield for a very long time! she went on various missions, undercover and classified and the like. on this particular mission, this is someone she was targetting. what for is up to you, but the options are rather open to interpretation. just generally something that would have set them against shield’s desires.
bobbi being widely competitive when it comes to just about anything (science, training, lecturing) is bound to attract some friendly competition. they’re constantly versing each other, even in the simplest things, like giving out test results or getting ready.
ex that ended on bad terms.
it’s a common story. girl meets person, girl dates person, girl and person breaks up, girl literally hopes person dies in a fire. for whatever the reason, they didn't part ways peacefully. and you bet your sweet ass she plays the part of scorned ex great.
andromeda rosalie isley-quinzel.
poly ship. ( 0 / 2 ) TAG
andy has baggage, certainly. she’s a past weapon x detainee, unbeknownst to her, adopted from a broken family, and had her heart broken by the first person she dated. she’s serial dated for years. but these people, they made her stop & start to appreciate love for what it is again. this connect can be filled by someone of any gender.
ex. TAG
andy was younger and very awfully naive. she’s never really gotten over it. for whatever reason, they broke up— it could have to do with her slightly overbearing personality, or general attitude, or whatever, totally up to you, but it was the other muse’s decision to break up, leaving andromeda heartbroken and now seeking out love in places it’s not.
former prediction.
andy PREDICTED something about this muse, in the past. how long ago and what is up to you. it was something SERIOUS, though, and most likely bad. it could be as wild as death, or marriage, or a death in the family, or a regret, etc. it’s rly up to u !!
roman darkhölme.
childhood love.
this is honestly rly cute. they were lil lil kids when they were friends and were super cute n close. they got fake “married” once or something. they were just best friends who grew apart. now roman is hella dif. he’s manipulative and a total fiend and it’s like “where’s that cute lil kid who promised to fight off all the bad guys in my life??” like … cute n sad.
they see him for what he is: a manipulator. they either have past experience with him or are just adept ( VERY adept; he’s good at hiding ) at noticing him. they don’t enjoy him. not his view of the world, his actions, or his drug dealing. roman doesn’t like them for a point. he doesn’t like being exposed.
the darkhölme-mccoy drug dealing business is going great, actually. paragon is full of just the type. and with roman’s skill of persuasion, they haven’t gotten caught yet. this is someone that roman knows from that particular side of his work. he sells them drugs.
someone he had a kid with.
the other side of the story. not someone he fathered/mothered, but rather someone he had a child w. can be any gender for obvs reasons. how old the child is is up to u!!!
someone he pretended to be someone else with, extendedly.
for them, he pretended to be a different person… for a very extended period of time. it’s a trick he played often, but for them it was honestly excessive. the nature of their relationship is up to you, but upon coming to paragon this person finds out that loki is LOKI ! god of mischief, stories, lies, what have u. they’re probs pissed lmao 
while most midgardians known them as the god of mischief / alien asshole, this character knows a side of loki outside of the lore. they’ve met their kids & can even remember little loki, just around causing mischief, not trying to overthrow odin & what else. they have a better understanding.
winona falcone.
older sibling.
the oldest falcone ! mwahaha. so it’s this whole big thing that WINONA IS THE HEIR, but she wasn’t always. she has an older sibling who was disinherited from the family & cast out. a big ole family disgrace that none of them like to talk about. the reason behind this is up to you ! but it can range from being a MUTANT to a DEGENERATE to being SOFT to whatever. sofia is a pretty uptight gal.
best friend.
she’s not trying to replace raph. she didn’t think she would actually ever be given the chance, and for good reason. i mean, look at what happened to the last guy who took the spot. but they’re friends, for whatever reason ( and, damn, do the people commenting on her instagram posts speculate ).
she’s always been the exception that proves the rule. her sexuality is no different in that she’s not hte most comfortable with it. it’s just another thing she never told sofia about, lest her position as heir was to be threatened. that makes her exes an interesting story, especially considering she won’t acknowledge some of them.
skylar helix mccoy.
hateship to ship.
open to fem aligning nb & girls / both have reputations that proceed themselves ! sky obvs bc she had one inherently n bc of what happened & the other for w/e reason. pref an xkid. they knew each other when sky was younger but they didnt get along & when they reconnect , they dont get along right either. theyre a PLAYER really. like new girl on their arm every month. sky becomes one of the girls, rly. and sparks fly. and shes mad abt it. they have this antagonistic hatefuck relationship. and she finds herself starting to rly like them, falling in lov w them, unbeknownst to their own feelings (that shes the ONE). and like that
girl is, in fact, a genius, though people of many have expressed their disbelief at such a fact. she literally didn’t have education for eleven whole years of her development and is still ahead of her peers. she tutors in her free time. while totally organized, studyblr style, her teaching style leaves something to be desired in her paraphrasing of many a thing. ( vicki vc king george iii did what? sky vc fucked half of england )
someone who knew her before.
she was a prodigy child. famous beyond her years. even now, she’s on vogue lists, has millions of instagram followers, the whole thing — but for different reasons. this person knew her before she got taken, and are likely a child of the xmen or someone who was at xaviers. they remember the fearless child, ready to dive into anything, the kid who was always the top of her class. brash and happy, but kind, in a way she no longer is.
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brokenbloodlinesrp · 6 years
Dianna A. Boleyn + Joseph Sutton = Nathalie Sutton | Vampiro | 19 | Liana Liberato
¿? + Katherine Pierce:  Nadia Petrova de 20 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Lucy Hale.
Amadeus Mills x Cecily Byrne :  Zander Byrne de 21 años. Brujo con el rostro de   Ezra Miller.
Alois Leroux x Lorna Leschere:  Orión Leschere de 20 años. Brujo con el rostro de Daniel Radcliffe.
Brimstone Ramussen x Margaery Snyder: Sierra Ramussen de 16 años.Brujaytiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Maisie Williams.
Brimstone Ramussen x Margaery Snyder: Serena Ramussen de 18 años.Bruja y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Danna Paola.
Cary Wilner x Liv Parker:  Luke Wilner de 18 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo) con el rostro de  Jake Abel.
Cary Wilner x Liv Parker:  Brandon Wilner de 18 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo)con el rostro de  William Moseley.
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce:  Kristen Salvatore de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Adelaide Kane.
Damon Salvatore x Katherine Pierce: Zachariah Salvatore  de 21 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Gregg Sulkin.
Dante Cassano x  Rebekah Mikaelson: Kelly Cassano de 16 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Alexandra Daddario.
Dante Cassano x  Rebekah Mikaelson: Angelo Cassano de 18 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Amadeus Serafini .  
Darek Kiselev x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir + Declan O’Connell: James Kiselev de 20 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Avan Jogia.
Darek Kiselev x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir + Declan O’Connell: Tasha Kiselev de 18 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Alexis Bledel.
Declan O’Connell x Mazikeen Ragnarsdóttir +  Darek Kiselev: Sven O’Connell de 19 años.  Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Hunter Parrish .
Devon Crawley x  Elena Gilbert: Kalea Crawley de 19 años. Posibilidad a vampirocon el rostro de  Ivana Baquero.
Joseph Sutton +  Dianna A. Boleyn:  Nathalie Sutton de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de  Liana Liberato.
Dominic Tomford x Hannah Golden:  Allison Tomford de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Kaya Scodelario.
Dominic Tomford x Hannah Golden: Luther Tomford de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Brenton Thwaites.
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall:  Charlotte Mikaelson de 18 años. Licántropo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Crystal Reed .
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall:  Henrik Mikaelson de 19 años. Híbrido (Licántropo/Vampiro) con el rostro de Nico Tortorella .
Elijah Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall + Jack Clearwater + Sally Evans:Louis Clearwater de 19 años. Tiene gen licántropo con el rostro de Noah Centineo.
Enzo St. John x Bonnie Bennett:  Jules St. John de 18 años. Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Keiynan Lonsdale.
Enzo St. John x Bonnie Bennett:   Riley St. John de 19 años. Bruja  y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Vanessa Morgan.
Finn Mikaelson x Elizabeth Thompson: Finn Mikaelson Jr. de 16 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Troye Sivan.
Finn Mikaelson x Elizabeth Thompson: Mason Mikaelson de 17 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Tyler Young.
Francis Schuyler x Isabelle Walton:  Bartholomew “Bart” Schuyler Walton  de 17 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Nick Robinson.
Francis Schuyler x Isabelle Walton:  Cornelia Schuyler  de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de
Alexandra Park.
Ivar Ramsay x Ryder Langer:   Cordelia Ramsay-Langer de 17 años. Bruja con el rostro de Bella Thorne.
Ivar Ramsay x Aurora de Martel + Ryder Langer:  Saige Ramsay de 20 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Madelaine Petsch.
Josh Rozsa x  Aiden Nardell + Davina Claire: James Nardell Rozsa de 18 años.Brujo y tiene gen licántropo con el rostro de Shawn Mendes.
Josh Rozsa x  Aiden Nardell + Davina Claire:   Melanie Nardell Rozsa de 18 años.Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro con el rostro de Maia Mitchell.
Kai Parker x  Carol Quaine:  Kendra Parker de 21 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro )con el rostro de Margaret Qualley.
Kai Parker x  Carol Quaine: Kayden Parker de 21 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro )con el rostro de Asa Butterfield.
Keelin Moix x Freya Mikaelson + Vincent Griffit:  Farah Moix-Mikaelsonde 16 años.Bruja con gen licántropo con el rostro de Zoe Kravitz.
Klaus Mikaelson x Camille:   Einer Mikaelson de 17 años. Híbrido (Vampiro/Licántropo) con el rostro de Bill Skarsgard.
Klaus Mikaelson x Camille:  Florence Mikaelson de 17 años . Gen licántropo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de Ginny Gardner.
Klaus Mikaelson x Hayley Marshall: Hope Mikaelson de 21 años. Tribrido(Vampiro/ Licántropo/Bruja) con el rostro de Danielle Russell.
Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire: Niall Mikaelson de 16 años. Brujo y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de  Freddie Highmore.
Kol Mikaelson x Davina Claire: Blair Mikaelson de 18 años. Bruja y tiene sangre de Vampiro en su sistema con el rostro de  Elizabeth Olsen.
Kol Mikaelson x Sofya Voronova:   Milena Mikaelson de 19 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Emma Dumont.
Lucien Castle x Rebekah Mikaelson: Liam Castle de 20 años. Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Dacre Montgomery.
Lucien Castle x Aurora de Martel: Sophie Castle de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Holland Roden.
Lucien Castle x Aurora de Martel: Jerome Castle de 19 años. Vampiro. Expulsado.  
Lyanna O’Leary: Bree O’Leary de 18 años. Bruja con el rostro de Emma Mackey.
Matt Donovan x Lexi Branson: Victor Donovan de 19 años. Posibilidad a vampirocon el rostro de Ansel Elgort.
Marcel Gerard x Elena Gilbert : Fallon Gerard de 17 años. Posibilidad a vampirocon el rostro de Victoria Justice .
Marcel Gerard x Elena Gilbert : Noah Gerard de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro deMilo Ventimiglia.
Nathan Roth x Nadja Haelfiger:  Sirius Roth de 19 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo)con el rostro de Aaron Taylor Johnson.
Noel Levesque x Freya Mikaelson:  Giselle Levesque de 20 años. Híbrida (Bruja/Licántropo) con el rostro de Eliza Taylor.
Noel Levesque x Freya Mikaelson:  Mikael Levesque de 17 años. Híbrida (Bruja/Licántropo) con el rostro de Ross Lynch.
Nora Hildegard x Mary Louise:  Ryu Hildegard de 18 años. Licántropo con el rostro de Manny Jacinto.
Nora Hildegard x Mary Louise + Kai Parker: Maddy Hildegard de 19 años. Híbrido (Sifón / Vampiro ) con el rostro de Elizabeth Gillies .
Richard Gansey Sargent x Blue Fenwick : Lena Sarafine Sargent de 19 años. Brujacon el rostro de Kristen Froseth.
Richard  Gansey Sargent x Dolunay Mahmoody: Cornelius Sargent Mahmoodyde18 años. Brujo con el rostro de Xavier Dolan .
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes: Danae Salvatore-Forbes de 18 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Saoirse Ronan.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes: Alexandra Salvatore-Forbes de 16 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Dove Cameron.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes + Josette Laughlin + Alaric Saltzman : Josie Salvatore-Forbes de 19 años. Sifón con el rostro de Kaylee Bryant.
Stefan Salvatore x Caroline Forbes + Josette Laughlin + Alaric Saltzman : Lizzie Salvatore-Forbes de 19 años. Sifón con el rostro de Jenny Boyd.
Tarik Wayne x Nick Nardell + Nasim : Amunet Wayne-Nardell de 20 años.Vampirocon el rostro de Naomi Scott.
Tarik Wayne x Nick Nardell + Nasim : Callum Wayne-Nardell de 18 años. Vampirocon el rostro de Daviz Mazouz.
Tyler Lockwood x Liv Parker:  Mason Lockwood–Parker de 19 años. Híbrido (Brujo/Licántropo) con el rostro de Nat Wolff.
Tristan de Martel x Annalyse Rhee:  Pearl de Martel–Rhee  de 18 años. Vampiro con el rostro de Merritt Patterson.
Tristan de Martel x Annalyse Rhee: Vladimir de Martel–Rhee  de 21 años.Posibilidad a vampiro con el rostro de Timothée Chalamet.
Vincent Griffit x Cecily Byrne:  Africa Griffith de 19 años. Brujo con el rostro de   Zendaya C.
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pencilscratchins · 7 years
hi! 1st of all: your art is lovely. 2nd of all: do u have any fancasts for the x-men? i want to make a thread on twitter and i trust your input
Aw firstly thank you so much!!!! ️:D
Totally feel free to ignore this, obviously haha!! These are just all my personal headcanons, or the people I generally pull up references of!!
(in alphabetical order, bolded for the ones I’m VERY into!)
Raven Darkholme- Priyanka Chopra
Bobby Drake - Billy Vandendooren
Jean Grey - Chantal Stafford Abbott
Remy LeBeau - Maamri Farouk
Jubilation Lee - Li Jun Li
Anna Marie (Rogue) - Dani Evans
Ororo Monroe - Ajak Deng
Kitty Pryde - Tashi Rodriguez
Illyana Rasputin - Julia Stegner (only with bangs!!)
Piotr Rasputin - Spyros Christopoulos
Scott Summers - Gordon Bothe
Kurt Wagner - Godfrey Gao
Warren Worthington III - either Dae Na or Nicolas Gillis
Charles Xavier - sincerely young Hugh Grant (wish this was a goof)
these are just a few I can think of off the top of my head!!! If you want any more, just hmu haha! I’d love to see who you end up chosing!!!! 
:EDIT: oh! And Oscar Issac as Logan, obviously!! How could I forget!
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Edits & imagine masterlist
Buy me a tea? http://ko-fi.com/fiddlesticksimagines
Fantastic beasts and where to find them
Newt Scamander
 Newt Taking gilly weed so he can see the mermaids
Newt really wants to chat with the mermaids
I bet his coat smells like tea and earth
He's got two left feet
Keep him warm
Pickett the personal stylist
Mummy's here 
Aragog's origins
Tina Goldstein
 Singing with Tina and Queenie 
She may be but little, but she is fierce
Queenie Goldstein
 love is the greatest magic of all
Credence Barebone
He's just a boy
 Harry Potter
It takes someone strong to be a mother
It's not flesh and blood
Harry Potter
Harry, Hagrid, and the baby horntail
 Ginny works out
Rubeus Hagrid 
Hagrid's school pet
How Newt and Hagrid Became best buds
Luna Lovegood
Luna's hat is amazing
Fred & George Weasley
 Don't encourage them
Birthday wishes
Sirius Black
Sad Sirius wonderings
Remus Lupin
Birthday wishes
 people are like tea bags, you never know how strong they'll be until they're in hot water
Peter Maximoff
 Holidays with the Maximoffs
Perfect gift
Silly dad
He's a sweetie
Mischievous monkeys
Trick or treat
Do not encourage him
He might let you win
He believes
Kurt Wagner
 Christmas elf
Body pop
Needle and thread 
Bat buddies
Dancing shoes
Halloween pals
Yoga instructor
It takes a circus
He's a talented young man
Scaredy cats
The perfect evening
Autumn/fall fun
Have courage and be kind
Chasing his tail
Charles Xavier
 The perfect date
Lazy mornings
Best dad
Alex Summers
Hot water bottle
Lightning bugs
Road trip
 a dogs love
Dog Tag smooch
Warren Worthington iii
Meet cute
 Hank McCoy
Saving his specs
Restless leg
 Have a great day and be safe
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thepeterssite · 7 years
James McAvoy Net Worth
Who is James McAvoy?
Aged 38, James McAvoy is a Scottish actor who is famous for playing the role of Dan Foster in BBC One’s television series State of Play and Sci Fi Channel’s miniseries Frank Herbert’s Children of Dune. Besides, the actor has appeared in various films like Regeneration (1997), Bright Young Things (2003), The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005), and so on. Moreover, the actor is also recognized for playing Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men film series.
James McAvoy was born on 21st April, 1979 in Glasgow. Her mother, Elizabeth was a psychiatric nurse, and her father, James McAvoy, Sr., a builder. The actor’s parents divorced when he was of seven years old. The actor has two siblings, an older sister, Joy and a younger half-brother, Donald. McAvoy completed his education from St Thomas Aquinas Secondary situated at Jordanhill, Glasgow.
Career Debut
James McAvoy made his movie debut as Kevin Savage in film The Near Room in the year 1995. Two years later, the actor appeared as Anthony Balfour in Gillies MacKinnon’s film Regeneration. Besides, he played the role of Gavin Donald in The Bill’s episode “Rent” in the same year. Later in year 2001, James did the portrayal of Mike in film Swimming Pool. Further, he had small roles in television series Band of Brothers and Murder in Mind. He also appeared as Sergeant Bloxham in a TV film Lorna Doone.
In the year 2002, James played the role of Josh Malfen for 2 episodes in Channel 4’s miniseries White Teeth. The following year, the actor appeared as The Earl of Balcairn and Jay in films Bright Young Things and Bollywood Queen respectively. Besides, he acted as Leto II Atreides for 3 episodes in Frank Herbert’s Children of Dune. Further, he appeared as Dan Foster for 6 episodes in State of Play and Liam for 4 episodes in Early Doors in the same year. McAvoy earned good amount of money through these works which helped him to raise her net worth.
James McAvoy then appeared as Carl Colt and Rory O’Shea in films Wimbledon and Inside I’m Dancing respectively in year 2004. Further, he voiced Hal Tara in film Strings. Besides, he played the role of Steve McBride from 2004 to 2005. In year 2005, he appeared as Mr. Tumnus in film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Eventually, the actor worked in various films like The Last King of Scotland (2006), Becoming Jane (2007), Penelope (2007), Wanted (2008), The Last Station (2009), and so on. These works too contributed in his net worth.
Works from 2011 to Present
Subsequently, James worked as a voice actor and voiced Gnomes and Arthur in films Gnomes and Juliet and Arthur Christmas in year 2011. Besides, the actor appeared as Frederick Aiken and Charles Xavier / Professor X in films The Conspirator and X-Men: First Class the same year. Later in 2013, McAvoy worked in three films; Welcome to the Punch, Trance, and Filth. The following year, James McAvoy played in films Muppets Most Wanted and The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby. Besides, he reprised the role of Charles Xavier / Professor X in the sequel of X-Men, X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Eventually, James McAvoy appeared in films like Victor Frankenstein (2015), X-Men: Apocalypse (2016), Atomic Blonde (2017), etc. The actor will be voicing Gnomes in Sherlock Gnomes in 2018. Besides, he will be portraying Charles Xavier / Professor X in X-Men: Dark Phoenix in 2018. Moreover, he will also be playing the role of Kevin Wendell Crumb / The Horde in Glass in year 2019. We hope these new films will be increasing his net worth.
Net Worth
James McAvoy is famous for playing Charles Xavier / Professor X in X-Men film series. Besides, he has also worked in many other films which have helped him to earn the net worth of $24 million U.S. dollars. Besides, he lives in a luxurious house and also drives Audi RS3 and Nissan Micra.
Must Know  Facts about James McAvoy
Real Name: James McAvoy Date of Birth: 21st April, 1979 Profession: Actor Height: 5′ 7″ Wife: Anne-Marie Duff (m. 2006; div.2016) Instagram: 1.1M Followers in Instagram Net Worth: $24 Million
The post James McAvoy Net Worth appeared first on etcNepal.com.
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