#gilgeori toast
video-recipes · 1 year
Gilgeori Toast — stellanspice
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amokshiv · 8 months
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briwates · 10 months
Observations from ep 3 and 4 (not doing these in any order, just noting things downs as I rewatch some eps from time to time)
gaon picks at the lock of the basement door with yohan's german-made scissors
when yohan meets cha gyeonghui in a parking lot (the 1st time), he makes allusion to K's father committing suicide due to false allegations of corruption; however I'm quite sure that later on in the series it's stated that he died due to false SA charges. Retconned point in K's backstory ?
cha gyeonghui talks loud as hell on the phone 😭 sunah's reaction after the call made me giggle
there's a metronome in yohan's childhood room, and a cd player (musically inclined yohan ? or is one of isaac's old things)
there's also something that ressembles a small bath/sink ? like there's the white sink where he probably washed his face and hands, a bathtub separated from the room with a wooden door, and another rectangular sink that looks just big enough to bathe a baby
middle school yohan's backpack is purple/indigo blue. cute detail
while gaon walks around the house, he's wearing the shirt yohan put on with the suspenders in ep 15
still about clothes, the suit yohan gets out of the drawers for gaon in ep 4 before the gala is dark blue, but the one he ends up wearing is black ? either it's the light of the dressing that made it look like that or they changed the suit last minute.
gaon and yohan both get into the parking lot with mussed hair ? girl was there wind down the stairs or something. and then when they arrive to the gala their hair is perfect again. maybe they combed it again in the car
yohan wears his outside shoes in the house and on the carpets, in the study, in the guest room, in the kitchen AND in his own damn bedroom 😭 it's probably because the house is so big or a detail they didn't bother with on set while filming but either way.......
also gaon walks around the house barefoot and then goes back to bed. granted, yohan didnt give him slippers.
ms ji has roombas to help her with the floor cleaning,
gaon made toast for elijah before he cooked breakfast for the whole family. that means he 1) went through the pantry and the fridge 2) looked into the cupboards to find the ustensils, pans, pots, and that little container where he put the toast, all without asking yohan. free real estate
gaon being able to make gilgeori toast means there is fresh produce in the house, despite Ms Ji not being allowed to cook. Yohan probably knows how to cook something, he just doesn't have time
Yohan gets surprised at Elijah having the same tastes as him (the premade beef and rice)....does that mean they disconnected so much that he doesnt know her favourites anymore ? 😭
this shot was in the preview of ep 3 but wasn't used in ep 4 during the gala scene. either way.......i am looking
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wordsvomit101 · 6 months
11. Lilac
(1 year after the death of Mr and Mrs Lee)
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In the cozy confines of their home, Minhyeok busied himself in the kitchen, preparing gilgeori toasts for himself and Raon as the light from the outside windows slowly darkened. The warm glow of the stovetop illuminated his face as his hands danced across the bowl, deftly combining the vibrant hues of cabbage, carrot, and green onion with a symphony of seasonings
The air fills with the tantalizing aroma of sizzling butter as he transforms slices of bread into golden brown, their crisp edges whispering a promise of delight. With practiced hands, he makes the cabbage mixture, coaxing it into a firm rectangle from his spatula's touch, and dividing it into two perfect squares. As they sizzle and turn an enticing golden, their edges sing a chorus of readiness.
Meanwhile, Raon, who was sitting at the kitchen counter doing her homework, looked up and noticed the growing darkness. She quickly got up and walked over to the right wall, where she flicked on the light switch. The kitchen was suddenly bathed in a warm, inviting light, casting a golden glow on everything in its path. The smell of freshly toasted bread filled the air, mingling with the faint scent of mugunghwa from the windowsill. The wind rustled through the leaves of the trees outside, creating a soft, soothing sound that seemed to harmonize with the gentle hum of the refrigerator.
"Geez, you sure worked hard in that cultural workshop last summer", Raon said as she walked over beside him, her face now brightened with the promise of good food.
She wasn't wrong, Minhyeok fondly recalls his lively experience at the cultural workshop during summer camp, where he immersed himself in the vibrant traditional cooking of different countries. His skills improved and he also got to take home some of his and other people's creations. One of his favorites is the mango gelatin salad from a dessert enthusiast, the girl, and most others, was very kind to let him have a bite in each of her dishes, thankfully she seems to also take a liking to his meals like their peers.
"I'm stoked you're so eager for this quick snack that you totally spaced on your homework. But, hey, heads up, it's due tomorrow in the second period, you know?", with a teasing chuckle, he glanced back at Raon noting her annoyed and tired frown at him, daring him to remind her of her procrastination.
"Ugh, seriously? Let me relax my brain for a bit, won't you? Don't worry, I'll get it done. Thanks for the reminder, Mr. Killjoy."
He let out a short laugh at her and with a flourish, he stacks these patties upon a slice of toast, sprinkling a bit of sugar upon them without much thought. The skillet beckons once more, its heat embracing slices of ham, their sizzle a welcome addition to the symphony of flavors. He thought about her recent late-night research again when he saw it on her laptop while helping her clean her bedroom again, which surprisingly was not about fiction novels or comics, but hair dye and eye lenses.
"While I was being your personal room cleaner, I noticed your laptop was all about hair dye and eye lenses. You're not plotting a secret identity change, are you? Or are you planning to join a punk rock band?", this got him a slap to the back, not enough to hurt due to the lighthearted nature but enough to sting a bit.
"Can't I have a little privacy around here? Seriously, you're worse than a NIS agent!", she walked back to her seat and answered his questions with a huffy voice as he placed a crown of melted cheddar cheese glistens with an irresistible glow atop the ham. He then placed it upon the cabbage patties, overtop with a drizzle of ketchup and mayonnaise, and the final slice of toast as a final touch.
"Okay, okay, sorry for snooping around. I also didn't mean to tease you about it. So what's the story behind the hair dye and eye lenses then?", as he sliced two toasts in half, he could feel the reluctant from the girl behind him. She signed out a bit before admitting.
"You know how it is at school, right? Everyone's always staring and whispering about my hair and eyes, if it wasn't for Ahjussi and Ahjumma, the principal would still think I'm looking for trouble. I'm on a mission now to get some black hair dye and brown lenses to blend in and stop all the fuss", she explained and took a half toast from the plate he put on the counter, a glint of shock from her eyes as she looks at the toast before taking a bigger bite. He better snatched at least one before she took it all.
"But why the sudden urge to change things up now? I mean, we've been in middle school for months, and you've been fine all this time. What's changed?", this got a flinch out of her and he narrowed his eyes at the movement. He doesn't have a good feeling about it.
After a moment of uncomfortable silence, she finally spoke up, her voice tinged with unease, "Yeah, um... It's because of my new friends at the book club. They, uh, they don't really into the whole pink-purple combo I've got going on, you know?"
Minhyeok couldn't help but feel that those people had pretty bad taste, though he wisely kept that thought to himself. He knew that saying it out loud might put the girl on the defensive, especially since these were her first experiences with friends outside of their circle. After a moment of contemplation, he carefully chose his words.
"You're my friend, and I'll help you talk about it with my parents if that's your choice, Eomma does know a lot of good hair salons", this got Raon perked up but deflates at his next words, "However, if you started to dye your hair for a long time, it might mess it up, and eye lenses? Isn't that a bit much if your eyes are fine?"
She munched slowly on her second toast before sheepishly asking him, "Then... what do I do then?", he really doesn't like how she look lost and sad like this trying to please people who probably wouldn't care less about this topic a month later.
"You already look good without having to change. Not just me, a lot of people will think that", he's not lying, Raon never looks bad, her unique traits make it easy to find her even in the crowd of people, and the pink-purple of her hair and eyes have a calming feel about them. Like the lilacs he once admired from Mr Lee's garden.
"Thanks, you're too nice... But, let's be real. My hair's all over the place, and these eyes? They're just... odd. I don't get why you think they're anything special... they're never as beautiful as my Eomma's", she said in a somber tone, with a hint of wetness in her voice, and she averted her eyes from his.
Not willing to handle the silence in the closed space, she takes the third toast before standing up to walk out to the house's backyard to sit on the patio chair to watch the sunset.
He also followed along and sat down beside her, letting the quiet between them ease her heart, and observed her as the sun cast an ethereal glow on her. The warm, golden light enveloped her in a halo of luminosity. Her delicate features, bathed in the soft glow, seemed to come alive, the curves of her face and the vibrant hues of her pink-purple hair and eyes taking on a new dimension.
He could almost see the aureole around her, bathed in the golden embrace of the setting sun, her beauty was beyond lovely and there was yet a time his breath was not stolen from looking at her.
"You know", he started, his heart beating loudly in his ribcage, his words catching her attention, "Believe me this time, you stand out in the best way possible. Like a lilac in a field of wildflowers"
End notes:
Gilgeori toasts are a popular street food in South Korea. The term "gilgeori" translates to "street corner," indicating that these toasts are often sold at street food stalls or food trucks. Gilgeori toasts consist of toasted sandwich bread filled with various ingredients such as scrambled eggs, ham or bacon, cheese, vegetables like cabbage or lettuce, and sometimes sauces like ketchup or mayonnaise. They are typically grilled or toasted until the bread is crispy and the fillings are warm and melty. Gilgeori toasts are enjoyed as a quick and satisfying snack or meal on the go.
"Eomma" is a Korean term that translates to "mom" or "mother" in English. It's a loving and affectionate term used to address one's own mother or to refer to someone else's mother respectfully.
An NIS agent typically refers to an agent of the National Intelligence Service (NIS), the primary intelligence agency of South Korea. The NIS is responsible for gathering and analyzing intelligence relevant to national security, counterterrorism, and foreign affairs. NIS agents undergo rigorous training and may be involved in various operations, including espionage, counterintelligence, and protecting the country's interests both domestically and abroad. They play a crucial role in safeguarding South Korea's security and interests in an increasingly complex global landscape.
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vibinwiththefrogs · 5 months
I made Korean street toast (길거리 토스트) a while back, and I really liked it, but I don't have bread on hand that often. Now I kinda just make eggs with those ingredients (with a little variation) all the time because I happen to have cabbage, carrot, and onion on hand a lot. And I wonder what I should call it? Because it's not a normal omelette. Korean omelette doesn't seem right. Gilgeori omelette perhaps. Maybe it's already something with a name and I don't know
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jindallaebe · 4 months
MIDNIGHT SNACK 조진달래 → 조민들레
although his sleeping patterns have been more consistent lately, there'll be at least one or two nights per week where jindallae simply can't rest. in the past, he'd try and force himself to—digging his limbs into his mattress in sheer desperation, while constantly fighting with his own mind; screaming at it to shut off for once. now, instead of being so stubborn, he chooses to give in; relenting by pulling himself out of bed and busying himself until he feels more tired. some nights, he kills time by doing an extra hundred push-ups, others he leaves the warmth of his home to go for a walk around the block. tonight, he's in the kitchen with his stomach roaring at him for sustenance.
he's not doing the most efficient job, but he's spent the last half an hour lazily slapping together the most monstrous gilgeori toast sandwich he's probably ever made. it's full to the brim with all the works, smashed between perfectly toasted pieces of bread, and cut diagonally in half; its filling remaining intact based on how he prepared it. jindallae admires it for a few seconds, and right when he's about to pick it up and inhale it, he looks up and sees his brother enter the kitchen; confused.
"fuck, did i wake you up?" he asks, immediately feeling bad. "m'sorry, man... i guess i didn't realize i was being that noisy." with that, he interrupts himself with a yawn, then uses one of his forearms to rub at his eyes. "want half a sandwich? i was gonna make myself some plum tea, too... i can double-up, just say the word. it's the least i can do for getting you outta bed." before mindeulle even answers him, he's ambling over to the fridge to grab his favorite plum concentrate.
swiftly, he pours up to glassfuls of their iced beverage; setting one in front of his brother at the table before joining him with his. "there—we're all set now." once he's back to where he started, he picks up his portion of food and takes a massive bite of it; cheeks overstuffed with deliciousness while he chews, gesturing his head toward his brother, non-verbally asking him if he thinks it's good.
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fairyjiu · 11 months
tagged by @jikyu <3
last song: one more night by pentagon
last movie: ginger snaps
currently reading: i went to the library just yesterday so i have not started anything new yet.
currently watching: the third part of Lupin. technically worst of evil too, but i am quite behind.
current obsession: this one recipe for gilgeori toast, walking on the crunchy leaves outside and my lil dreamvader plush.
tagging @moonsua, @pumpkunspiced, @haramie & @moonprismmp3
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canesugary · 2 months
Gilgeori Toast | Provecho
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cookingincollege · 2 months
NYT Cooking: Gilgeori Toast (Korean Street Toast With Cabbage and Egg)
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drinky · 3 months
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Goru Verde, Monastrell, Jumilla 2020. With Gilgeori toast and tots.
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xasha777 · 4 months
Korean Street Toast, known as "Gilgeori Toast" in Korea, is a popular street food that offers a unique twist on the classic breakfast sandwich. It's a savory and slightly sweet dish, making it a perfect on-the-go meal for busy mornings.
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sagi-cooks · 1 year
Gilgeori Toast (길거리 토스트) 🥪 Korean Street Toast is a popular nostalgic Ko...
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ironvitriol · 1 year
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blackjack-ohare · 1 year
Get to Know the Muse
🌈 — name(s) & pronouns
Blackjack O-Hare (He/Him/His)
🎈 — gender and/or sexuality
Male, Demisexual, Demiromantic
🎂 — age and/or birthday
Uncertain beyond being an adult mentally and physically
💕 — single or taken?
❓ — three adjectives that describe them
Capricious, Emotional, Resourceful 
❤️ — what are some of their best qualities?
Professional to a point, little to no fear of the unknown, capable and independent
💔 — what are some of their worst qualities?
Flighty, argumentative, can’t be pragmatic for anything
✨ — what would they change about themself, if anything?
Being able to get over the need to run. When things get too stable, too dangerous, or too anything really Blackjack tends to run from it. He would like to maybe stay put just a little longer.
💘 — what and/or who do they consider near and dear to them?
He definitely loves money and material goods a great deal. Any attempts to get close to an actual person has ended in heartache so he is hesitant to have someone.
🚗 — what vehicle(s) do they drive?
A capable pilot of anything that hasn’t been modified too much with a preference for quick crafts with a lot of firepower. 
💍 — any piercings?
🖊 — any tattoos?
A series of numbers and letters with scarring that makes them difficult to make out
🔏 — want any (more) tattoos?
🎄 — favorite holiday(s)?
When he had a crew of mercenaries under his wing they had a celebration they did together of gifting one another weapons and equipment and ignoring rank before getting very wasted. It wasn’t exactly a holiday but it’s the closest thing to one he’s participated in. 
🍝 — favorite food(s)?
He’s almost entirely vegetarian so not a lot of meat with a leaning towards strong flavors and crisp textures. Steamed buns stuffed with bok choy and mushrooms. Gilgeori toast with extra jam. Bhel puri. 
🍦 — favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
Cinnamon-basil for the warmth.
🍰 — favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)?
Honey and lilac posset, blueberry and nettle cheesecake. Fresh fruits combined with herbs are a favorite flavor pairing for sweets.
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Watch "Korean Street Toast (Gilgeori-toast: 길거리토스트)" on YouTube
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foodies-channel · 1 year
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🍥 (Homemade) Gilgeori toast
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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