neosunbrella · 1 year
At long last, Gilded Cages, my Leshley slow-burn fic, has been updated!
⚜️ 🖤 ⚜️
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neosunbrella · 1 year
This is the chapter I am about to do a second round of edits on (and hopefully fucking post but?!?)......😑🙄😪
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why am i like this
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neosunbrella · 1 year
ok twitter was obviously dead so i am here instead to give you silly little updates
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neosunbrella · 1 year
Eventful day in Gilded Cages land 🤠 I made a new banner which i'll debut with the next chapter. Got the skeleton of the scenes down on paper, so based on Chapter 5, I'd say we're ~2 weeks out from Chapter 6? You know me and estimates (I'm bad at them) so who knows, but progress is happening folks!
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neosunbrella · 1 year
me: oh great i'm pretty much done writing now I just gotta edit!!
me, while editing: *writes 2k more words*
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neosunbrella · 1 year
woof y'all thesis is realllllllly picking up speed and I'm definitely going to need to start paying attention to it more soon 😒
I think (and hope and pray) that I'll be able to get out Chapter 6 soon, but then we honestly may be in a dry spell for a bit while I focus on school 🥲
as ashley would say: "this sucks 😩"
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neosunbrella · 1 year
Writing alternating POVs is so interesting because right when I'm like "Ashley's POV is so fun I wish I could write her next chapter right now" I spend 15 minutes writing Leon again and remember how fun it is to write him lol
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neosunbrella · 1 year
it's fucking happening tonight y'all!! I am so close to finishing this chapter for real this time 🤠 Stay tuned!
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neosunbrella · 1 year
Had a friend staying at my place this weekend so GC progress has been slow but hoping to pick back up this morning.
Grad school is starting again this week ;-; so bear that in mind but Chapter 5 is so close to being done I have to post it soon 😅
Appreciate y'all's patience with me heh 🫠
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neosunbrella · 1 year
About halfway through editing Gilded Cages Chapter 5! I realized I have a little bit of a scene to finish up, but my hope remains to post the update this week — either tomorrow or Friday seems likely! 🤞
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neosunbrella · 1 year
Did a ton of writing tonight and boy did this chapter not go where I was planning! I finally got into a groove tonight and I think we're finally realllllly close to publishing Chapter 5. I think it just needs one more round of editing and it will hit ao3!
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neosunbrella · 1 year
I finished my final y'all 😭😮‍💨
Looking forward to getting some writing done this weekend...I might even finish chapter 5!!
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neosunbrella · 1 year
This work/school week has been sooooo exhausting ugh. I've made some progress on chapter 5, but it's slow. 🙄
good news is my final for this semester is due tomorrow and if all goes well I hope to finish tonight so! I'll have way more free time and energy in the evenings until fall semester starts (in two weeks lol)
Maybe I'll even be able to crank out chapter 6 and 7 before fall semester starts! 👀
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neosunbrella · 1 year
Made some good progress tonight! 650 more words and finally have two of the five(ish) scenes in this chapter finished! Definitely have some editing to do but chipping away at it 🪨⛏️
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neosunbrella · 1 year
To write or play Stardew Valley 👀 Writing may win tonight
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neosunbrella · 1 year
Getting some writing in tonight - I anticipate getting this chapter out hopefully by next Sunday. I know the progress is slow but it is happening!
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