vickapinto · 1 year
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northrnking · 5 years
plotted starter  .       FOR ELENA * /   @gilbaert​​
It is when the northern king exits his tent that he is surprised by the sight of his mother’s face . It had been weeks since he last saw the woman , so he graced her both with a smile and a quick embrace . After exchanging a few short words , Robb’s eyes meet with the knight who stood behind her . Her introduction was respectful , so he responded with a firm nod of his head . It is when his eyes lay upon the lady’s face – that Robb is truly taken by surprise . A beauty like hers was one he’d not forget -- a beauty he’d not commonly been accompanied with , especially since the war began ;  and it is EVIDENT in the gaze of bright baby blues that the man was struck by her elegance . 
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❛  My lady , you’ve ---  . ❜   He is clumsy with his words, wishing to compliment her on her growth since they’d last seen one another . ‘ You’ve changed ‘ He wanted to say , but it was in his best interest to be polite , especially in front of his mother ( who would be quick to scold him otherwise ) . The king spoke in a soft tone , a tone Catelyn took notice of and quickly became curious of his interest he’d so clearly taken in their guest .  ❛  --- I wasn’t expecting to see you , not now .  ❜  He exclaimed respectfully , though he spoke the truth . With his rebellion and the war at hand , he never imagined he’d be graced by her company on the field .  ❛   I do have to apologize , we’ve a battle to prepare for . So it may take some time to arrange you somewhere comfortable to sleep .   ❜   It’s with a raise of his hand that one of his men approached , to whom the wolf kindly relayed his orders .  ❛  Make sure Lady Elena has a suitable tent set up for her and is guarded past night fall .   ❜    As he spoke his command , Robb’s eyes do not pull from the marbles that gaze back at him . Catelyn placed a defeated hand upon his arm before turning from the two , her knight following , and he smiled .  ❛  How did you and my mother find one another --- ?   ❜
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asadfsfffdfd · 6 years
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he’s not supposed to be here.    he should turn around,   walk away and never look back.    he knows.    but a little voice told him to go anyway,   to make contact,   to connect.    after all,   she’s his first love.    memories of the past,   together with her,   it’s what kept him going.    he survived because of her.    and damn,   how much he longed for her.    how much he missed her.    days turning into weeks,   weeks turning into months,   and months turning into years.    not a single day has gone by without thinking of her.    the sweet nothing’s,   wild promises for the future,   meaningful touches,   he missed EVERYTHING about her.    and now he’s back.    just for her.    and desperately so.    knocks on wooden door,   loud and clear,   forest green eyes focused,   heart beating faster now.    negativity surrounds him,   insecurity attacking the mind like it had done never before.    what if she hates him?    or worse,   what if she’s in love with somebody else?    but then,   door opens,   moment passes by,   eyes falling down,   utter confusion overtaking him.    ❝    a kid?    ❞    words escapes him,   giving his head a little shake,   nervous chuckle rolling down his tongue.    ❝    c’mon kid,   tell me.   where’s your aunt?   you know,   brown long hair,   brown eyes,   very hot.   i’m looking for her.    ❞    still having no clue that this girl belongs to the woman he cares so much for.    but,   stupidly enough,   still no clue that this kid belongs to him,   too.    he’s too busy panicking,    the thought alone that she’d done something else entirely:   she found other love,   married,   completely settled down for another man.   this was all for nothing.
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archive-tobemoved · 6 years
starter for: @gilbaert
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          ‘  you know, i should probably give you a heads up about this line of work. ’      his efforts  to get elena to back out are going to be relentless.  he is convinced that, if he tries hard enough, he will find something that will make her change her mind about joining him.  life on the road is not easy, after all.  in a way, he’s not lying  ;  he may exaggerate, though.     ‘  i mean, apart from the inevitable danger you’ll be putting yourself into, there’s also the skeevy motels, the shitty diner food, the room sharing, the cold showers, the no showers, et cetera ...  you know, all the stuff that comes with living on the road  ...  ’ 
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genetictraitor-a · 6 years
spotify meme: 66!
“  even  if  i  don’t  stay ,  everything  will  be  okay.  “
torture  was     inevitable      when  you  were  the  newly  made  soldier  of  manticore.   ripped  apart  from  everyone  you  loved ,     forced  to  forget     everything  you  ever  knew.   you’re  loyal ,  and  stoic ,  and  cold ,  and  you  can  feel  all  of  the  memories  slipping  away.    it  didn’t  matter.   they  didn’t  matter.   you  were  theirs  now.   you  were  made  to  be  a  force ,  and  they’d     ensure     that  you  were.
she  could  feel  the  restraints  on  her  wrists ,  digging     tight    into  her  skin.   they’d  leave  marks ,  but  that  wasn’t  really  their  concern.  their  well  being  never  was.   she  remembers  pulling  on  them ,  shaking  and  screaming  and  doing  whatever  she  can  to  get  them  away.   she  knows  it’s  useless  at  this  point  –  they  had  her.      she  was  theirs.  
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marine  hues  look  up  at  the  ceiling ,  and  she  can  feel  the  tears  that  waste  no  time  falling  from  her  eyes.   she  can’t  hold  it  back ,  and  she’s  flooded  with  reminders  that  she’s     never     going  to  have  the  life  she  wanted.   she  lets  her  mind  wander  to  apollo ,  and  she  chokes  back  a  sob  that     threatened     to  come  from  her  mouth.   she  couldn’t  think  about  him.  she  couldn’t  think  about  him ,  think  about  how  her  heart  would     break     if  they  found  him  again.   she  can’t  think  about  him  because  the  memories  they  had  together  would  be  used  against  her.      he  would  be  used  against  her.     she  can  feel  her  heart  race ,  and  she  shakes  her  head ,  knowing  she’s  on  the  verge  of  a  panic  attack.   it’s  not  stopping ,  and  she  wonders  if  this  was  the  point.   to  get  her  to     feel  so  deeply     and  feel  so  much  to  the  point  where  she’d  feel  so  exhausted ,  she’d  comply  to     anything.
it  wasn’t  the  case ,  because  she  no  longer  feels  the  weight  of  the  restraints.   instead ,  she  feels  like  she’s  on  the      outside  looking  in ,     and  she  can  see  him.   she  feels  herself  smile ,    and  she  starts  walking  closer  to  him.   she  stops  abruptly ,  trying  to  push  through  an  unknown  barrier  and  failing.    he’s  seated ,  and  he’s  looking  up  —-  at  what ?    her  gaze  shifts ,  and  she  sees  a  gun ,  pressed  against  his  forehead.  her  heart     sinks     as  she  slams  into  the  barrier ,  hitting  it ,  doing     whatever     she could  to  gain  a  reaction.   when  the  trigger  is  pulled ,  she  can  hear  his  body  fall  over ,  and  she  screams  out ,  her  voice     cracking     as  she  starts  sobbing.  
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“  please  !    please  ,  don’t  hurt  him.   i’ll  do  anything.   i’ll  be  yours.  i’ll  submit.   please ,   just    don’t    hurt  him.   please  —-  “
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ofinsecuritiies · 6 years
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ft. @gilbaert
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mieczyslawtm · 6 years
☇ @gilbaert
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    𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐡𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐭. His whole knee follows the movement, one hand fisted on his thigh. Thumbnail of the other hand is wedged between his front teeth, worrying the bleeding nail bed. ❝ You’re sure you’re okay? ‘Cause I don’t mind ditching math. I fuckin’ hate that class anyway. ❞
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blaeptein · 6 years
@gilbaert​  !    ♦ ◊ ♦    with ELENA.
                             tens  of  paintings  of  the  queen's  face     ___     the  KING’S  PRIDE     &     JOY,  they  had  said  upon  putting  the  work  of  arts  on  the  walls  of  the  castle,  before  the  accident     &     the  baby  that  never  came.     tens  of  paintings  and  yet,  none  that  really  succeeded  in  capturing  the  undetectable  beauty  hidden  behind  perfect  features.     the  queen's  RADIANCE,  méabh  has  learned,  is  beyond  flawless  smiles  &  bright  hues.     oh,  they  help  for  sure     ____     pale     &     soft     &     pure.  it  is  difficult  to  keep  your  eyes  off  her  once  she  enters  a  room.
                            but  the  queen's  radiance,  méabh  knows,  is  beyond  what  is     ____     it  resides  in  what  COULD  BE,  if  only  one  was  brave  enough.     the  cherry  stained  cheeks  every  time  she  is  complimented,  the  quick  wit  when  she  feels  challenged.     the  way  hips  sway,  unconscious  gesture  that  méabh  is  drawn  to  every  time  she  leaves  the  room.     no  need  to  FEIGN  interest  in  the  crown,  when  the  head  wearing  it  is  beyond  lovely.
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                            it  should  be  a  problem,  of  course.     warnings  signs  should  pop  up  everywhere  ;     but  time  passes  quickly  in  good  company     &     urgent  thoughts  do  not  easily  find  their  way  between  two  flirtations.     ❛     you  should  wear  this  dress  for  the  banquet.     ❜     hands  grip  the  soft  fabric  as  it  is  held  high  so  that  the  queen  can  admire  her  own  gown.     pink  lips  lift  in  a  delightful  smile  as  she  adds,  a  bit  too  late  to  be  anything  but  VOLUNTARY  :  ❛     no  one  will  be  able  to  keep  their  eyes  off  you.     i  know  i  won't.     ❜  
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markedkiller · 6 years
@gilbaert​​     ----     “I wondered when you were going to wake up. You almost didn’t survive.”
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         HIS VOICE IS foreign, unknown.     but his face…     his face she feels like she knows.     her head is pouting, aching as if thousand hammers were being hit against it.     and yet, she manages a smile.     you almost didn’t survive.     elena has learnt by now that she is a survivor, no matter what.     so, for some reason, this man telling her she might not have?     it makes her chuckle.     she uses her hands to support her own weight and try and sit up on the bed.     she doesn’t exactly succeed, but she’s at least not laying flat anymore.      ❛     how long have you been wondering for?     ❜     it’s a question for him, but she also needs an answer to know just how long she’s been in the hospital.     she doesn’t remember much.     it all comes back in little flashes; painful and truly unwanted.    she broke down, scarred by all the loss in her life.     scarred by the horrifying realization that the place she once called home was no longer that.     no one of her relatives lived there any more, just her.     and there were too many memories within the walls for her to walk the halls by herself.     so she did it.     she burnt her house to the ground.
    SHE GOES BACK to look at the man.     it clicks finally.     she now remembers where she knows him from.       ❛     you saved me.      you     you carried me out of the house.     ❜     her voice is still weak.    she’s still weak.     but the smile on her lips is as genuine as she can physically make it right now.      ❛     thank you.   ❜
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          ❝   a few days.     ❞          all in all,  it hadn’t been very long at all.  he’s stopped by the hospital after each shift,  made sure all the nurses there had his number to call in case she woke up  ----  because,  well,  he knows what it’s like to not have any family.  to be left alone in the world.  no mother,  no father,  no .  .  .  anyone to call,  dean picked it up natural and easy.  he thinks,  if it had been him,  he’d have wanted at least  someone  to be there when he woke.  someone that wasn’t a doctor to explain the situation,  and since he’d been at the scene,  well.  it’s no trouble. 
when she smiles,  he’s kind of blown away.  as if the terrible experience,  a family home gone up in smoke,  wasn’t enough to steal away her kindness.  she thanks him,  and he smiles back,  concerned for a moment that she doesn’t remember it all.  that can come later though,  there’s no rush.  from where he sits at her bedside,  dean reaches to the table,  the water left by a nurse for her,  just in case.          ❝   you’re welcome.  gave me quite a scare for a while though,  thought the nurses would never call me with the good news.  do you  .  .  .  remember much  ??      ❞
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uniewazout-blog · 6 years
happy birthday boo!! may you have the best day ever, filled with love and smiles and happiness! ur amazing and deserve nothing but the best, much love xxx
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@gilbaert  :     send me DARKNESS! for a starter where all the electricity goes out in the middle of the night.
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THUNDERSTORMS,   ALL  APART  OF  MOTHER  NATURE,  raphael  loves  them  but he’s  far  from  HOME,    far,   far,  from  summer  lake.  somehow  she’d  convinced  him  to  travel  with  her,   live  with  her   -----  he  hasn’t  regretted  it  until..........   this  moment,   lightning  flashes  but  that  is  not  what  initially  scares  him,    no,    it’s  the  fact  that  everything  just  shuts  off.  INHUMAN  YELP  permeates  from  his  lips,  echoes  throughout  her  home,   he’s  up,   scrambling  under  the  closest  table.    he  feels  so  CHILDLIKE,    feels  kind  of  ridiculous  that  this  was  the  reaction  produced.   everything  was  just  so  foreign,    the  world  so  different  than  how  it’d  been,   how  he  knew  of  it  excluding  the  facility.
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asadfsfffdfd · 6 years
do u ship stelena or steroline more 👀 like i mean canon-wise, who do you like with stefan more?
STEFAN AND CAROLINE. always.    in fact,   if we’re talking about canon,   i truly..   dislike stelena..   more than anything.    again,   we’re talking about canon,   right?    so..   what i saw was a man who had fallen madly in love with a woman who always   (   secretly but not so secretly anymore lol   )   had a connection with his brother,   too.    season 1 – 3 are the best seasons for me,   pretty much because of stelena.    they were in love,   it was real and i truly believed they would’ve done anything for each other.    they were willing to go far for their love.    but..   if i’m honest,   the connection elena had with damon,   it was so obvious that delena was going to happen at some point.    the beginning of the second season,   i was determined that it wasn’t going to happen.    elena promised stefan it was always going to be him – something she told damon,   too.    several times i believe.    it was so clear that she appreciated stefan,   that she loved him more than anything & anyone else,   and that she wanted to spend the rest of her life together with him,   no matter what.    yes,   the second season was a good one.    third season?   again this girl was willing to go far.    but lbr soooo much angst happened in s3,   it was understandable that she needed someone.    a shoulder to cry to.    and,   of course,   that was going to be damon.    they grew closer,   and i think that was just it for stelena.    stefan put her through so much pain,   basically pushed her right into his brother’s arms.    i get it,   she needed damon.    a friend.    someone who understood her pain,   the loss of stefan.    what i don’t get,   and what made me ‘hate’ stelena,   is the fourth season.   they broke up,   painfully so,   and two-three days later she ended up in damon’s bed.    it made me question everything stelena had.    the whole ‘that kind of love never dies’ and the ‘we’re soulmates’ made me just…… wanted to… puke bc YOU DON’T DO THAT TO SOMEONE you love.    especially not when he’s your soulmate.    so no yikes i will never go with stelena.    steroline owns me because there’s this beam of light who just…   wanted to help & comfort him.    at all times.    even when he was still together with elena,   caroline was always there.    season six is my fave bc is was such a caroline season and so great for steroline.    i just wanted stefan to move on as well,   to experience love,   real love.    and she gave that to him.    closure,   and so much more.    i’m sad though that we never got to see more of steroline,   season 7 & 8 was just… utter… shit but hey,   they got married and it’s a good endgame for me.    the only endgame i agree with tbH.    i don’t really hate stelena,   in fact ahh i live for season 1-3 stelena but…   when i remind myself of what happened in s4,   and what both she and damon did to stefan   (   after everything he did bc let me remind u he left town and turned it all off to protect his brother, and elena too   )   i just….   can’t…   say   stelena. 
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archive-tobemoved · 6 years
hi i rlly like skeletonword's caroline and yours threads.
i bet u do
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honeybeed · 6 years
hi elena’s gf
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hi  rosie’s  gf
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ofinsecuritiies · 6 years
i’m crying i love them sm
SEND ME ♔♔ FOR A PHOTOSET/EDIT/GIFSET OF OUR MUSESnot accepting. ♔ @gilbaert
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mieczyslawtm · 6 years
gilbaert replied to your post: okay i lied one more thing: s.tiles dies young in...
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