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Show Room / Gallery Shop / Alternative Space 原宿裏にあるギャラリースペース。 オーナーは1977RecordsのLodio氏。 スケルトン状態からの空間は究極にシンプルな中にも可変な要素を含め、新たな秩序をつくるために再構成した。 空間のキーとなる色は白でも黒でもなく、完全な中間のグレー。 その時々の光や空間構成物により多様なコントラストが生み出される。 Owner and General Supervision by Nobutada LODIO Yaita
内装施工:Tanaka interior
photo by RK
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Why Kids Scooters Make The Perfect Outdoor Gift_ What You Need To Know
Have you ever considered the impact of [keyword] on our daily lives kids scooters.
Why Kids Scooters Make The Perfect Outdoor Gift: What You Need To Know
Kids Scooters are an incredibly popular outdoor toy, as they offer a fun and safe way for children to explore the world around them. Not only are they fun, but they also provide a great way for kids to get out and get some exercise. Scooters are a great gift option for any occasion, and they can be enjoyed by children of any age.
Popular Types of Kids Scooters
There are several types of kids scooters available on the market. These include traditional kick scooters, electric scooters, and stunt scooters. Traditional kick scooters are a great option for younger children, as they are easy to control and provide a safe way for them to travel. Electric scooters are much faster and more powerful, and are great for older kids who want a more thrilling ride. Stunt scooters are designed for performing tricks and stunts, and are perfect for those who want to show off their skills.
Safety Considerations
When selecting a kids scooter, it's important to consider safety. Make sure that the scooter is the right size for the child and that it has features such as a sturdy frame, adjustable handlebars, and strong brakes. It's also important to ensure that the scooter has the right safety gear, such as a helmet and protective pads. Finally, make sure that the scooter is used in a safe environment, such as a park or bike path.
The Benefits of Kids Scooters
Kids scooters are a great way to encourage physical activity and exploration. They can help children develop their coordination and balance, and can even help them learn life skills such as responsibility and problem solving. Kids scooters are also a great way for parents to spend quality time with their children, as they can join them on their adventures.
Finding the Right Kids Scooter
When selecting a kids scooter, it's important to consider the age and skill level of the child. Make sure to select a scooter that is the right size and has the right features. It's also important to consider the budget and any safety features that may be needed. With all this in mind, finding the perfect scooter for your child should be a breeze.
Kids scooters are a great way to get kids out and active. They are a great gift idea and can provide hours of fun and exercise. With the right scooter and proper safety precautions, kids can enjoy the outdoors and explore the world around them in a safe and exciting way.
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✅How do you feel about abstraction? To constantly discover something new is an exciting process. ✅Как вы относитесь к абстракции? Постоянно открывать что то новое - захватывающий процесс. #abstractpainting #painting_forever_art #arte #artinthehome #artininteriør #artininterior #for_home_comfort_ #forhome_life #artindecor #modernhomedesign #paintingindecoration #беpегимечту #soxr4466 #подаркинаденьрождения #picturesforhome #giftforher #gift_ https://www.instagram.com/p/B2_9Ta0idBU/?igshid=6gjzxh66fnwz
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▷ ▷ ▷星の波に乗って宇宙飛行。夢の世界に包み込まれるような14曲の音の旅◁ ◁ ◁
sawako’s 6th album “Stella Epoca” will be released from Taylor Deupree’s 12k on Nov 4th 2022. This is her first solo album since 2014’s Nu.It. The ideas of sky maps and planetary frequencies were the inspirations behind Sawako’s dreamlike sounds . . . MORE INFO is here . . .
sawakoの6枚目のアルバム「Stella Epoca」が12kより2022年11月4日リリース。8年ぶりの新作です。
京都での⻘木隼人による冬至の夜明けの演奏、アルゼンチンでのFederico Durandの皆既日食の瞬間のフィールドレコーディング、 満月や新月の夜に各地��録音されたsawakoの声といったサイトスペシフィックな録音に、コンピュータによる手仕事が施されて、 万華鏡のように聴くたびに新しい物語が紡がれていきます。
haruka nakamura、荒木真、Federico Durand、gift_、早川幸子、⻘木隼人などをゲストに迎え、ささやかな日々の輝きがドビュッシーの水彩画のように織り込まれた作品です。オーガニックな質感のジャケットアートはcreative coder のkyndによるもの。新進気鋭アーティストBIWAが手掛けた儚い光あふれるMVも、フレッシュな輝きを添えています。
・雨と休日(八王子/オンライン). . .「穏やかな音楽を集める」CDストア。日々の暮らしが豊かになるような、ゆったりした時の流れと音楽のある風景。こちらのお店がきっかけで荒木真さんと出会いました。
・CENTER(鹿沼). . .2022年夏にオープン。旅や地域のZINEなどを扱っている「模索する多目的スペース+宿泊」センター長は即興演奏家の河野円さん。即興〜実験映像好きの方からお子様とのひと時にも。
・gift_lab(清澄白河). . .「stella epoca」にも参加しているデザインユニットgift_さんのスタジオ・ショップ・ギャラリー。新潟県十日町市ではカフェ&ドミトリー山ノ家を運営。店内蔵書も要チェック。
・Lykkelig(金沢/オンライン). . .幸せな気持ちになる雑貨と音楽のお店。こけし、天球儀、星や結晶鉱石、ストームグラス、チェコの絵本、リトルプレスなど胸がときめく物ばかり。sawakoで検索するとレアコンピが。
・ヒト族レコード(京都). . .DJ/即興演奏家/アンチボ主催のToshio Bing Kajiwaraさんが店主のコズミックワンダーランド。オブスキュアーでヘンテコ素敵なものがぎっしりな木屋町の異次元ポケット。
・LINUS RECORDS(オンライン). . .エレクトロニカ、ポストロック、アンビエントなどを中心に「こんな音楽があったんだ!」という出会いとワクワクを感じるオンラインショップ。
・more records(大宮/オンライン). . . ジャンルを問わず良質な音楽に出会えるCDセレクトショップ。選盤お任せの「オススメパック」も。「ストリーミングでしか音楽聴かないよ」という人にこそ行ってみてほしい空間です。
・tempo(オンライン). . . 20年以上に渡って日本の電子音楽シーンを支えてきたp*disさんのストア。「Sold Out」になっている時はwish listでリクエストしていただけたら◎
・sawako store(オンライン). . . ご希望の方にはsawako手書きメッセージ付けます&キラキラ鉱石限定販売中◎
・Norman Records(UK/海外)
・12k Store(USA/海外) . . . レーベルのBANDCAMPページ
・Tower Records Japan . . . オンライン、店舗取り置きサービスあり。発送まで時間がかかることがあります。
▷お問い合わせは info (at) troncolon (dot) com まで
“Eclipse Dawn” | VISUAL by BIWA
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_Mother’s Day Gift_
#Original Work#art#nofilter#painting#rainbow#clouds#gift#mother's day#color#my stuff#mq#project#first#love
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菓茶 Casa https://www.instagram.com/casa.casa_chidoricho/
物件を決定するアドバイスをするところから協業は始まった。出店希望のエリアは東急池上線沿い。候補地の中から業態に合いそうな条件を絞っていった。 開業をするにあたり、既に市場ができている競争エリアではなく、一歩ずれた場所で街のインフラとして求められる可能性を選び、千鳥町駅から程近い物件に決定した。
店名は依頼主のなかで既に形になっていた。 当て字に近いが業態を表象している2つの漢字「菓茶」を、家のような居心地を老若男女問わず広く提供したいという思いを込めた言葉「CASA」と同音で読ませるというもので、独特な表記と意図のシンプルさが共存しており、これが空間の方向性を体現するための導きとなった。
空間デザイン・家具コーディネイト:gift_ 施工:DEMAIN INC. ロゴデザイン:CHIKAKO OGUMA Photo:Yoichi Sakai / HIGHLAND
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@overcoatundercover replied to your post “Recen_t_ly I have acquired a gun_. Don_’t_ really wan_t_ it_. But_ I...”
(if you don't want it, i'll add it to my strife portfolio???)
oh sure, if you’d like t_o t_ake it_, be my guest_! I was given_ it_ as a gift_ but_ I do not_ use gun_s.
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The Aspects to Guide You in Going for the Best Gift Basket Delivery Services
Gifts that you present to people will be a sign to show that you appreciate them or something that they have achieved. Gifts will be sent to people on different occasions. You will have those who send gifts for Christmas, birthdays, graduations and more. You, however, need to ensure that you think of the best gift to offer. When you think of the best gift, you will need to consider the gift basket delivery services. They will design, theme, and deliver the gifts for you. You thus should evaluate the aspects below when choosing for the best gift basket delivery services.
One of the factors to consider when going for the gift basket delivery services will be the theme of the basket. For the gift basket delivery services, they will have different themes that they can make. You thus will need to make sure that you know the preference of the person to whom you need the gift to be delivered. The theme for a basket meant for the children will not be the same as the theme for the basket that will be meant for adults. Some of the people will need to theme the basket in some traditional gifts. Get more facts about gifts at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gift_(disambiguation).
It will be necessary to evaluate for the time that will be needed by the company to have the gift basket delivered. People send gifts to people on different occasions. The gifts will be sent during birthdays, Christmas, graduations parties, and more. You hence should make sure that you evaluate for the gift basket delivery services that will ensure that they keep time. The gist basket should get to the recipient while there is still time so that the gift will not be irrelevant. You hence should consider the gift basket delivery company that will have the best means to transport the gifts. Make sure to learn more here!
The other factor that you will need to consider when choosing for the best traditional hawaiian gifts basket delivery services will be the cost. You will need to have the cash that will cater to the services by the gift basket delivery services. You will have services such as theming and designing of the gift basket. You will also need the gift basket to be delivered. In this case, the amount that the company will ask for should be fair. You can compare the costs from the different companies, and that will help you in choosing for the best.
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isekai cheat magician taichi and rin
⭐ ⏩⏩⏩️ DOWNLOAD MOD - LINK 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 The Summer Anime Preview Guide - Isekai Cheat Magician. What is this? Taichi Nishimura is your everyday, unspectacular teenager – he isn't even interested. Chord Gitar Rie Takahashi "Chiisana Omoi" - OST Isekai Cheat Magician (Rin Aizuma). Anime Isekai Cheat Magician dengan Ost Ending Rie Takahashi - Chiisana Omoi. Isekai-cheat-magician-taichi-rin-anime-gift_ pesos $ en 6x pesos con 85 centavos$ Ver los medios de pago. Rin es una chica activa e inteligente, de la misma edad de Taichi (y si dudamos de los «15 años» de Taichi, no hay forma de que lo creamos con. Taichi Nishimura (西村太一, Nishimura Taichi) es un hechicero y el personaje principal de la serie. Taichi tiene unos ojos color gris metálico y el cabello. Compra «Isekai Cheat Magician - Taichi & Rin Anime Gift» de zee en un/a Póster. Taichi Nishimura es un estudiante de preparatoria/instituto de lo más normal, mientras que Rin Azuma es una preciosa joven con el cuerpo de una modelo y. Isekai Cheat Magician (異世界チート魔術師, Isekai Chīto Majutsushi) es una serie de novelas Ella se convierte en la mentora de Taichi y Rin después de descubrir sus. Descarga de Isekai Cheat Magician - Taichi Nishimura y Rin Azuma fondos de pantalla, dibujos animados ,animado ,Manga ,serie ,mago tramposo ,rin azuma.
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— Baca tulisan ini jadi flashback 7 tahun lalu pasca mbahkung dipanggil sma Allah. Yang ga lama setelah itu Allah takdirkan eyang putri juga pulang menyusul mbahkung. Yap, menurut pandngan sempit saya, cintanya mereka kalo sampai akhir hayat tuh yang dibutuhkan juga *kesetiaan* bagaimana eyang putri menemani keseharian mbahkung yang qadarullah sakit selama 10 tahun jatuh bangun eyang putri buat selalu stay sama mbahkung saling kuatkan dsb, padahal usia saya terbilang masih sangat picik wkwkw untuk ukuran anak kecil waktu itu.
Melihat fenomena yang makin kesini sedikit membuat kesimpulan, bahwa hubungan rumahtangga itu _bukan dibangun atas modal cinta apalagi take and gift_, sebagaimana halnya Allah telah mengatakan dalam kalamNya," liyaskunu ilaha" agar menjadi sebuah rumah membangun ketersalingan diantara keduanya.
Ketersalingan di sini juga bisa dikatakan sahabat atau pendeknya sama sama menjaga, menghargai dan saling support sama lain serta belajar bersama agar terhindar dari hal² yg tidak diinginkan.
Satu hal lagi yang kadang kita lupa, Ketika siap menerima, kita siap melepas. Kalau pernah suatu saat kamu merasa sangat bahagia, jangan lupa sisakan tempat di hati untuk berlapang dada.
Yang pada mau segera menikah dan berumahtangga sama² banyak belajar ttg parenting dan pra — pasca nikah itu sendiri. Bagi yang belum ada orientasi kesana (saya contohnya) fokus sama apa yg ada di dpn mata sekarng sembari mengimbangi dngn keistiqomahan akhiratnya.
Padahal yg nulis ajaa masih blm jelas hilalnya apalgi sampaj kesana omongannyaa. Hehe
SEMANGAT ya goisss dan terimakasih sudah mau membaca sampai akhir heheh🫶🏻💙🤘🏻
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